#t14 romantisch
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
eossa · 2 years ago
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Theme 14 by @eossa
Updated version of the revamped theme from 2022 - now supports Tumblr's new post format and types.
Please note that unlike the previous version, this one does not support infinite scroll, as it would keep breaking posts.
Please follow the source link or click here to access the previews and code for this theme.
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eossa · 2 years ago
Tumblr had addressed that gifs and images are suffering from quality loss if the theme applies a padding to the entire post rather than just to individual blocks (read about it here).
While there are themes of mine that apply a padding to the entire post, a lot of them do not. The following themes are safe to use:
T50: Thesis (here)
T49: Streamline (here)
T16R: Hanami (here)
T14R: Romantisch (here)
T48: Material (here)
T11R: Stadt (here)
T1R: Lover (here)
T26R: Edelweiß (here)
T46: Calliope (here)
T45: Fibonacci (here)
T43: Peri (here)
T42: Jaspis (here)
T41: Herbst (here)
T40: Stella (here)
T38: Grau (here)
T36: Periwinkle (here)
T10R: Homaranismo (here)
T30: Großdruck (here) *
T25: Nekozuki (here) *°
These themes are safe to use if you chage the lines like e.g. "padding: 1em;" from the CSS for article { … } (post selector; or from .text and .textkoerper) to "padding: 1em 0;" and adding p { padding: 0 1em; }:
T35: Karla (here)
T32: Moody (here)
T2R: Simple & Clean (here) *
T20: Spark Joy | Freude (here) *°
T14: Romantisch (here) *°
T11: Stadt (here) *°
T2: Simple & Clean (here) *°
Please note: Some of the themes presented here are on the older side and might not have the NPF image support installed (*). You can add this yourself by following the steps from the NPF image fix tutorial by @glenthemes (linked here).
° denotes themes that are free to use.
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eossa · 3 years ago
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Romantisch T14 Revamp
A responsive theme inspired by lovecore. This is the revamped version of the original release for Valentine’s Day 2019.
Key Features: Responsive layout. One, two, or three columns. Overlay navigation. Infinite scroll or pagination. Optional tags and captions. Search. Heart decor. [Read the guide for more information.]
Previews: One Column + Infinite Scroll | Two Columns + Pagination
Get the code: Buymeacoffee, Ko-fi, Payhip (€25)
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eossa · 6 years ago
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Romantisch Theme 14
A theme made for Valentine’s Day, with lots of love and many hearts.
Static Preview || Code: Pastebin | Github Repository
Full-page header.
Sidebar + responsive flexbox layout.
Lots of CSS hearts.
Lots of custom links.
You can access all of the features here.
Icon font “honeybee”, by @suiomi.
Adding “deactivated” to usernames tutorial, by @espoirthemes .
Flexible photosets, by @5ppi.
Custom lightbox tutorial, by @shythemes.
You can view all the used resources here.
Do not steal (parts of) the code.
Do not claim as your own.
Do not use as a base code.
Do not redistribute to other websites.
Do not delete or alter the credit.
Please like/reblog if using.
A detailed customization guide can be found here. 
If you need help, you can also send me a message via my ask box or via the official support blog, @silbrigsupport.
If you liked this theme or my content in general, a donation to my ko-fi account would be greatly appreciated.
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