yukioujo · 1 year
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i know i have been ultra super extra quiet but that is because there has been some new developments / shake ups at work aaaand i just spend this weekend at a convention and i am so soo Exhausted omgoodess 😭 but i did get to see the english VAs for v.enti , x.iao , k.lee , and d.iluc tho !  that was fun ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨
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shefatalesarch · 2 years
OOC. you know the only reason i will watch this fl.ash t.rash is every moment of keaton!batman.
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honorhearted · 2 years
motor for modern or honeymoon for postwar! (can’t decide so i’m making you pick :P)
@laviexenrose | t.rash meme (x) Motor - Our muses having s.ex in a car
This was wrong -- risky, and completely against what Isabelle usually suggested. Throughout their relationship, she had been the more reserved of the two, opting for privacy with their intimacy, so whenever she suddenly crawled over the console and swung her leg over his lap, straddling him with a needful look to her bright eyes, Ben was momentarily struck dumb. Gripping at her waist, his head knocked back against the seat as Isabelle began to nudge her hips into his, each roll and grind causing him to groan softly.
“Okay,” Ben weakly agreed, “I…I’ll just…” The words died in his throat and a soft, strangled cry formed in its place. He could feel her cupping him between her fingers, his teeth gritting as her hand cautiously slid beneath the waistband of his slacks. Despite his reservations, he found himself grinding into her open palm, his hands clumsily moving to rest against the car door and his console. Breathless and flushed, Ben pressed his forehead into hers and groaned, using the door as leverage as he began to jerk and roll into the unyielding pressure of her hand. She was so warm and perfect against him, and Ben arched and swore while their lips met in a messy, open-mouthed kiss, all teeth and tongue as he fumblingly grasped her wrist to turn her hand in just the way he liked. 
“Fuck,” he panted. With his cheek pressing into hers, he shuddered and managed a husky chuckle. “I’m pretty sure we’re violating at least six different laws right now,” he murmured, feeling drugged as he dragged his mouth over her pulse in a slow, heated path. Darting his tongue out against her skin, he growled out, “If you don’t start riding me in a few seconds, I’m going to...uh...” She unfastened his pants for easier access, and dizzy, Ben fumbled for the seat adjuster, yanking on the handle a bit too hard, and thus, sent them sprawling backwards with an unsteady jerk.
Pink-cheeked and chuckling, Ben smoothed his hands beneath Isabelle’s skirt and dragged his palms up over her backside, his c.ock throbbing as he rutted helplessly into her warmth. “You’d better hurry up,” he whispered. “Despite this being a bad idea, I’m still inclined to keep going... Though I’m not sure how long that’ll last.”
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angered-box · 8 days
read o.mniscient reader, t.rash of the counts family. and like. all my other book recommendations. my final message.
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serveandblog · 4 years
haikyuu ships as girl in red songs
girls: kiyoyachi
watch you sleep: kiyoyachi
say anything: kiyoyachi
we fell in love in october: kiyoyachi
something new: kiyoyachi
rue: kiyoyachi
bad idea: alisae
i wanna be your girlfriend: kiyoyachi
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isosduke · 8 years
All Heroes Fall - Christmas Special!
I’m soo, soo late but if you’ve followed my blog, with good reason!  So, with being a month late, here is the Christmas Special, I hope you enjoy!
The snow was falling quietly that night, as it had for many nights before then.  The peace and  quiet, however, was ruined by the sound of clanging metal off in the distance.  The darkness of night did nothing to hide the location of the racket, but rather made it stand out far more for the small shack-like house was lit up like a multi-colored spotlight.  Inside the small house was a familiar criminal duo, relaxed as usually and even a bit cheerful, well at least one of them was.
Junkrat sat on the dirtied carpet as he face a fire that was roaring in the fireplace before him.  He was humming a tune, one common to Americans during the holiday season but it was hard to really figure out what song it was with how offkey and tone deaf the singed man was.  Every so often though, he would seem to recall some of the words, though his singing was even worse than his humming.  “Ruddy the red-nosed reindeer, bugger had a shiny nose~”
There was a loud ‘thump’ noise from behind the male, though he seemed to pay little attention to that or the hate-filled glare he was getting from his usually silent partner.  “Jamison,” the low voice rumbled threateningly, “enough.”
The much smaller male still didn’t seem affected in the slightest.  “Ey, Roadie, wha-doya think of this?”  He asked as he half turned himself to show off his latest creation-in-the-works.  There were a few moments of silence before Mako sighed, holding the book he had been reading between his legs as he leaned forward in his worn chair to examine the thing.
Even with his usual hog-shaped mask removed, it was still impossible to read the man’s face.  Dull, bored eyes stared at the thing, and that was really all he could make out of it: a thing.  “What is it?”  He finally asked, his gaze falling to the blonde, who’s excitement seemed to extinguish slightly at the question.
He pursed his lips in annoyance as he pulled his current work back in front of him, he back to Roadhog once again.  “It’s a present, oooobviously,” he said, his tone clearly not holding back any annoyance.  Mako didn’t move for a little while after that as he watched the other go back to work, his offkey humming much quieter this time.  It wasn’t uncommon for Junkrat to do something like this, though his presents were usually handled in secret, the pattern was off for--
The larger man leaned back into his chair once again as he pulled up the book he had been reading, opening it again.  This was a special gift, it was for her, a small smirk graced the scared features of the usually emotionless man, missed by all as it hid behind a book and the only other person there was too busy to notice.
Not too far away was a larger house, much like the smaller shack it was tucked into the woods and was also glowing with Christmas light, though not quite as bright be seen from space.  Christmas music could be heard humming through the windows as the rest of the Overwatch team bustled about the house.  
In the living room, Jack was going through one of the bags of Christmas items they had purchased recently; as they were away from HQ, the team had decided they still wanted to do something and bought the festive decorations.  Lucio was decorating the Christmas tree with Lena’s assistance, she had been kicked out of the kitchen when one of her blink attempts led to cookie-component catastrophe.  Others were helping out in the living room or finishing up the lights outside while leaving Angela and Fareeha to deal with making cookies with Hana and Ana.  One would normally think that, such a situation wouldn’t be so bad, Ana is a mother so Hana should have been no problem.  That would have been the case if the older woman hadn’t taken up the notion of being the favorite Grandmother that loved to spoil her ‘Grandchildren’.  This had led to Hana eating way more cookie dough than she probably needed as well as the near destruction of the tree when the sugar kicked in worse than with any other child even Ana had ever seen.
So, with many of the Overwatch team re-decorating the tree, cleaning up other messes made during the sugar high, or just avoiding it all by taking care of the outdoor decoration, the night continued on with Ana not allowed to give sugar to the ‘Gremlin’ some, such as Jack were referring to the girl as after that episode.  After nearly an hour, the smell of sugar cookies began to fill the house.  Lucio, having finished with the tree made his way over and leaned on a clean edge of the kitchen counter.
“So, we going out to look at presents tomorrow?”  He asked the women as it had really been their (mainly Angela and Ana’s) idea in the first place.
“Absolutely,” it was Ana that had replied.  “We need a break after all the work we just went through.”  No one made it too obvious, but quite a few members tossed a glance to their Korean teammate whom had gotten herself into trouble and the group ended up having a couple of Australian criminals following them for some reason.
The excitement continued on for a little while until everyone decided to call it a night.
The group got up early the next morning, partly in hopes to avoiding a certain duo but it seemed like by the time the crew finished getting ready and had the two rented vehicles warmed up, Jamison and Mako just seemed to know that it was time to go.  Someone else thought it would be a good idea to stick those two, Hana, Lucio and Lena in Jack’s vehicle; the man clearly wasn’t impressed and the larger, silent and a bit more smelly male in the passenger seat wasn’t trying to calm him either as he sat silently, just watching.
If the initial excited chatter didn’t get to Jack, the explosion of excitement when they got to the city really did, though the only thing that kept him from acting out about it was the large silent man next to him.  Even before the car was shut off, Hana, Jamison and Lucio were out of the car and nearly vanished from sight.
“HEY!  DON’T WANDER OFF!”  Jack yelled through the window, something snapping at how they bolted like toddlers in a toy store.  There was a low rumble of a laugh from inside the vehicle that caused the man to freeze, looking back inside, there was only one person left, Mako.  The white haired male blinked at the impossible to read male (even without his mask); had he really laughed?
A pair of slender arms slid into the window as a much cuter giggle broke through the awkward stares.  “We don’t want to get left behind Jack,” Angela smiled at the man before turning to Jesse.  “Could you corral them back?”  There was a look in Jesse’s eyes, something questioning and not really wanting to do the task but he said nothing before tipping his hat and running off.
Several hours later, the group had been walking around for quite sometime.  The “kids” didn’t seem to tire and of course, Ana and Reinhardt were loving having them around and seemed to take over watching them, much to Jesse’s pleasure.
“Oh!  Look at that!”  Hana announced before dipping through the crowd to a store front.  Partly surprising the group, it wasn’t anything gaming related that drew the girl’s attention, but rather it was clothing.  Bags in hand, the group looked at the window, the women moving closer as the men kept their distance.  Jamison watched, confused more than anything.  His eyes fell to the brunette, her hair starting to grow out since she cut it after they had met.  While she still had the clothing he and Mako had gotten her, her usual suit was found its place back in her mech suit.
“They really have a lot of energy to keep going this late,” a chipper voice came from beside him.  Looking down towards the source, the much taller male spotted Lucio, one of the people in Overwatch that didn’t seem to push he and Mako away and was always up for fun.  He didn’t respond right away, though the confusion still written on his face made the other laugh and earned him a slap on the back.  “Them,” he said gesturing towards the girls that were chatting and pointing at various things in the window.  “We’ve been out for hours and they could probably go on for another few days.”  With another laugh he shook his head before opening one of the bags he carried.  “Hana should be excited about this,” he said showing the box to the other male.
Jamison recognized the headset; it had been something Hana had been eyeing for awhile but since they had been busy with work, she hadn’t had time for gaming let alone buying stuff for it.  A perplexed look crossed the male’s face for a moment before his emotions seemed to shut down, leaving a grumpy Jamison for the others to see.  She would like it.  His gaze fell to the others, what did they get her?  He thought about what he had been working on her back home, looked back at Lucio’s bag and suddenly felt his gift inferior.  Why would she like his more than that headset she had been wanting, or whatever everyone else got her?
Someone was tugging on his arm a moment later, blinking a few times, his gaze locked on the brunette in question, her smile beaming up at him.  “Come oooon Jamison, they’re going to light the tree!”  She moved her hand from his arm to his hand and was soon pulling the lankier male through the crowd, whether he wanted to go or not.
Even with dragging someone else behind her, Hana was good at navigating through the growing crowds in the street.  Before them was a massive tree that towered high above them, though unlike the rest of the lit street, in its current state, it looked dull and boring.  There was feedback through the speakers that surrounded the crowd, silencing them instantly before a voice came over saying, “From our family to yours, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!”  The tree before them then burst into an array of multi colored lights that illuminated the carefully place ornaments on its boughs.
Hana’s arm flew up, pointing at the lights in excitement as she turned to look at Jamison to make sure he was watching.  He was, just not what she was watching.  He chuckled at the smaller woman, she was cute and showing a far less aggressive side than her usual self.  He also chuckled at himself for worrying about what she would think of his gift.  Letting go of her hand, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back to his chest as he slouched, allowing him to rest his chin on the top of her head watching the tree together.  Oh, how that confidence would so soon be gone within a few days.
It was Christmas and the house that the Overwatch team was using was bustling with excitement.  The group was exchanging presents and watching Hana react to the gifts the others had gotten her, Jamison took his haphazardly wrapped gift and tucked it behind him.  The way her face lit up to the headset, not to mention the embrace Lucio got.  She got other gaming items from some of the other guys, some clothes and jewelry from the girls.  He had noticed a couple of things though, first she was surprised when others were giving her stuff and also, she hadn’t passed any gifts out which seemed odd for the holiday.
As the party was winding down, Jamison stood up and looked to his larger partner, whom seemed quite content with the plate of cookies he had in one hand.  “Ey Roadie, let’s get outta here,” he said though the other didn’t seem like he was getting ready to go anywhere yet.  Even though Mako’s eyes were locked on the slender male’s face, Jamison could just feel him look at his arm tucked behind his back, hiding the gift he had been working on.
“What?”  Hana’s voice almost sounded panicked.  “You’re leaving already?!”
Lucio who had been sitting next to her chuckled and said, “What, you sad to see your boyfriend go already?”  The petite girl sent a swift punch to the male’s arm and though it didn’t hurt him, he was sure to at least act as if she had wounded him.  She then scrambled to her feet before stepping over some of the others that were seated on the ground before grabbing Jamison’s free hand and pulling him towards a darker hallway where the rooms were.
“Wait here,” she said letting go of his hand at the opening of the hallway before briefly returning from the darkness of one of the rooms.  There was a neatly wrapped gift in her hand that she offered out to him, with a simple, “Here.”
Her large eyes rolled up to watch him as he took the gift in his free hand.  He went to open it, but he was in a bit of a bind; the gift for Hana.  The confliction crossed across his face for a moment before he held the gift out to her.  Her eyes locked on it for a moment before a smile crossed her features as she asked, “Really?”
A moody Jamison gave a snappy, “If ya want it, take it.”  Though Hana didn’t even need that much before she took the gift.  The male looked down at the gift in his own hands before opening it and the box that shielded the item inside.  When he pulled it out, it was a smooth sphere, a sea-blue color and it seemed to glow and pulse.
“Aie, girl, what you givin’ him that for?!”  An annoyed, dwarven voice erupted from the group.  Tension had clearly gone up when the sphere emerged.  Hana looked more than pleased with herself as she still clutched the wrapped gift in her hands.
“It’s one of my old mech cores.  It will still blow up, just not as delicate as the newer ones,” she said, the tone in her voice clearly proud of her gift.  She then laughed before casting him a challenging look, “So you won’t have as big of an explosion as I do, but you can at least try to enter the running now.”
For the first time that night, Jamison let out a cackle of a laugh as he leaned in closer to the woman.  “Is that a challenge, mate?”
Hana narrowed her eyes before saying, “You better believe it.”  She then dropped her eyes to the gift she held before saying, “Now it’s my turn!”  The gift wasn’t all that big, but it was definitely heavy.  The wrapping was easy to get through and the weight was soon explained; wrapped within the poorly wrapped paper was a bunny, but not any bunny; it was a metal rabbit that had been made of some of the remains of the mech suit that they had worked on together when they first met.
“I LOVE IT!”  She exclaimed before throwing her arms around the hunched over male, nearly sending the blue orb to the ground, which stripped a few years off the lives of everyone else in the room.  Her lips fell against his and he froze for a moment as she pulled away, her face glowing.
“Not that I’m complainin’ but a simple ‘thank ya’ woulda’ worked too,” he said as he wrapped his free arm around her waist.
Hana rolled her eyes as she pointed up to a particular plant hanging above them.  “It’s mistletoe, Angela hung the stuff all over the place for some reason.”  When the group looked at the woman sidled up against Jack, she just seemed to not notice their glances as she smiled at the young couple before them, a pink hue gracing her cheeks as she leaned against the white haired male more.
A devious look came to Jamison’s face as he pulled the other woman closer.  “Well then, we can’t let the poor woman down, now can we,” he whispered teasingly before pressing his lips against hers, not in the chaste way her lips had fallen upon his, no, Jamison’s kiss was far more passionate.  Hana was quick to follow his lead, but of course it was short lasted as a box bounced off the male’s shoulder.
“Break it up you two,” an angry Soldier stood, glaring at the two; he had been opposed to the two new comers tagging along with them the whole time.  Angela placed a hand on his arm and while she wasn’t fond of criminals joining their ranks, she said,
“Relax Jack, it’s only the holidays.”  He looked down to the smaller woman before pointing a finger towards Jamison saying,
“Only the holidays.”  Before sitting with a slight huff as Angela tended to him.
“Sounds like we got permission,” Jamison said kissing Hana on the nose.  She smiled up at him and said,
“Merry Chirstmas Jamison.”  He smiled back at her, resting his forehead on hers,
“Merry Christmas Hana.”
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hashire · 2 years
It's nearing the anniversary of one of the worst nights of my life. I've noticed recently that the sight of raccoons doesn't make my heart pound or breath short anymore. I still say "good" when I see one dead on the road. I can't say how I'd react if I saw one close-up now. But time does weird things. Even though there's still trauma there, I no longer fear raccoons as much.
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rememberebonyjanice · 6 years
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Sometimes I look to Heaven and ask God, “Seriously, what were you thinking when you made these?” ... I’m very proud of Senator @kamalaharris blank stare at all of these seasons. The reality, however, is that despite how much we (this collective #community) can all agree that #Kavanaugh is T.Rash... a cishetWhiteSupremacist society (and #government) will still find a way to reward his mediocrity. #SupremeCourt #KamalaHarris ... Call your senators NOW: 202-224-3121 #TheFreePeopleProject https://www.instagram.com/p/BnkIYrUlbT-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lb3nz0lhd45u
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evcryopeneye · 4 years
the t.rash t.aste lads give me juniors vibes and i am here for it.
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anakinfruit · 6 years
T.Rask more like T.Rash
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rheagent · 9 years
send me one of these for texts!!
%: for a CURIOUS text.
[ text message to cupido 💘] ok listen i have a genuine question that desperately needs an answer[ text message to cupido  💘 ] wtf is a casserole?? bc istg one time i saw these white ladies back in bangalore and they literally carried them all around the city[ text message to cupido  💘 ] susan was not happy w mary’s recipe it was a wild exchange
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serveandblog · 4 years
please somebody ship alisae with me I’m desperate
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isosduke · 8 years
D.Va x Junkrat Christmas Special Teaser!
Ok, so crazy apologizes to those of you that follow me for my ‘All Heroes Fall Sometimes’ story >.<  I was running out of ideas for upcoming chapters among other things, but I do hope to continue the story along!
In the meantime, I’m working on a (late) Christmas story for this destructive duo!  Please forgive me as I share with you a bit of a teaser!
The snow was falling quietly that night, as it had for many nights before then.  The peace and  quiet, however, was ruined by the sound of clanging metal off in the distance.  The darkness of night did nothing to hide the location of the racket, but rather made it stand out far more for the small shack-like house was lit up like a multi-colored spotlight.  Inside the small house was a familiar criminal duo, relaxed as usually and even a bit cheerful, well at least one of them was.
Junkrat sat on the dirtied carpet as he face a fire that was roaring in the fireplace before him.  He was humming a tune, one common to Americans during the holiday season but it was hard to really figure out what song it was with how offkey and tone deaf the singed man was.  Every so often though, he would seem to recall some of the words, though his singing was even worse than his humming.  “Ruddy the red-nosed reindeer, bugger had a shiny nose~”
There was a loud ‘thump’ noise from behind the male, though he seemed to pay little attention to that or the hate-filled glare he was getting from his usually silent partner.  “Jamison,” the low voice rumbled threateningly, “enough.”
The much smaller male still didn’t seem affected in the slightest.  “Ey, Roadie, wha-doya think of this?”  He asked as he half turned himself to show off his latest creation-in-the-works.  There were a few moments of silence before Mako sighed, holding the book he had been reading between his legs as he leaned forward in his worn chair to examine the thing.
Even with his usual hog-shaped mask removed, it was still impossible to read the man’s face.  Dull, bored eyes stared at the thing, and that was really all he could make out of it: a thing.  “What is it?”  He finally asked, his gaze falling to the blonde, who’s excitement seemed to extinguish slightly at the question.
He pursed his lips in annoyance as he pulled his current work back in front of him, he back to Roadhog once again.  “It’s a present, oooobviously,” he said, his tone clearly not holding back any annoyance.  Mako didn’t move for a little while after that as he watched the other go back to work, his offkey humming much quieter this time.  It wasn’t uncommon for Junkrat to do something like this, though his presents were usually handled in secret, the pattern was off for--
The larger man leaned back into his chair once again as he pulled up the book he had been reading, opening it again.  This was a special gift, it was for her, a small smirk graced the scared features of the usually emotionless man, missed by all as it hid behind a book and the only other person there was too busy to notice.
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august-alsina · 10 years
right now is such a horrible song.
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flvshbvcks · 12 years
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isosduke · 8 years
All Heroes Fall Sometimes - Ch 2
Chapter 1: http://isosduke.tumblr.com/post/146085581127/all-heroes-fall-sometimes-ch-1
Chapter 3: http://isosduke.tumblr.com/post/146325564882/all-heroes-fall-sometimes-ch-3
   A splitting pain ripped through her head, almost as though she felt like she were going to be torn in two.  D.Va’s hands quickly found their way to the top of her head, holding it tightly like her strength alone was the only thing holding herself together at that point.  A seething noise, like a hiss, came from between her teeth.  There was a clattering sound from not too far away that made the world fall into place all at once, almost like she had been somewhere far away and came whirling back to reality.
   Eyes wide, the woman quickly pushed herself to a half seated position as her eyes landed on a man sitting across from her, between them a fire.  He leaned with his elbows propped on his knees, one arm clearly mechanical rather than human.  Rather than a shirt, the male wore an sort of ammunition belt over his upper torso, canisters of some kind securely clipped to it; other than that, no other clothing covered the male’s slender, yet toned upper body.
   As her eyes focused more on his face, eyes the color of red hot embers and seemed to burn like them peered back at her, full of amusement and curiosity.  Blonde hair flared up like flames and even seemed to be smoldering themselves, though how, she wasn’t quite sure.  His exposed body seemed to have a permanent black singe to it.  It wasn’t until the man drug his peg leg towards himself that D.Va seemed to snap out of analyzing the male and she fully jumped back, though this action brought an amused cackle from the other, though he didn’t move from his spot.
   Sucking in a breath, the brunette’s hand instinctively moved to her hip where her light gun was kept, usually.  Her hand was met with the fabric of her suit; frantically patting down her side, D.Va finally tore her eyes from the male to see that the weapon was indeed gone, as well as all the material up to her upper thigh on her right leg.  Looking at her other leg, the fabric till just above her knee was torn off, though rather than exposed skin on either legs, there were bandages.
   Jumping up to her feet, the woman quickly regret the decision as her legs nearly gave out underneath her.
   “Aye, aye, might not wanna do that,” the man said, finally speaking, his accent thick and definitely not North American.  She shot the now standing man a dark glare, only to find her pistol hanging plain as day against the green tattered shorts he wore.
   “And why would I want to do what you say?”  She spat as her hands felt back for something to help support her.  Her gloves hit a cold hard surface, nothing really out of the ordinary seeing as they were in a cave, but as she used the surface to help support her as she turned, she saw that it wasn’t a rock, but her Meka that she had grabbed onto.
   The mech had seen better days; rather than being this sleek pink mech, there were dents and breaks in the body of it.  Hoses in the legs were snapped, puddles of various liquids pooling underneath it.  The legs themselves wouldn’t be able to support any weight as they had snapped at the knee area.  The lovely pink shade it usually was now sported gashes that revealed the tungsten steel color beneath.
   It was a practiced motion, her hand quickly reaching for the wrist area of her glove where her mech recall button was.  She pressed it.  Nothing.  She pressed it again and still nothing.  Her attention was so focused on trying to either get her clearly battered mech up that she didn’t notice that the man had moved closer to her until he spoke once again.
   “That ain’t goin’ anywhere darlin’.  It’s as good as dead,” he said, hands shoved into his pockets as he just stared at her, curious as to what she would try to do next.  Though, he already had an idea as to what she would do and he had guessed right.
D.Va took only a quick glance at the man before she turned again, abandoning the mech to make a break for it out of the cave.  Only, as she took her first few steps, she ran into something else, something large that sent her falling onto her backside, the man once again letting loose a wild cackle.
   “Aye, Roadie, ya got some good timin’,” he said as he fell back onto a tattered law chair, the massive man that had returned looking down at the much smaller girl.  A scream tore through the girl as she pushed herself away from the man with the pig-masked face.  He, however did not seem to approve of the noise as he grabbed the massive, deadly hook from his hip and slammed the top of it into the rock in front of her.
   D.Va froze, a look of terror on her face as she slowly sucked in a breath of air, the man before her looking as much like death as she figured it could look.  These two, they were really going to kill her, that was all there was to it.
   “So, whatcha find Roadie?”  The man asked, seeming to calm down from his earlier fits of laughter, his attention no longer on the girl.
   The massive man straightened up, leaving D.Va to stare into the eyes of a pig on his very round belly, but rather than being anything to laugh at, that pig seemed to be telling her she was going to die through his beady little eyes.  Something was tossed into her lap then, jumping she looked down to see a bag with something in it, bread scraps?  It was hard to tell, but whatever it was, it didn’t really look all that safe to eat.
   The disgusted look was clear on her face and the man before her let out an annoyed grunt before walking around her, taking a seat on another chair that had been modified to handle his weight and size.
   “Oi, what’cho get?”  The accented voice came as a near whisper over her shoulder causing her to nearly shriek and try to push away from the smaller man once again, though the fact he was dangling a similar bag near her face seemed to prevent that somehow.  “Looks like scraps again, eh?”  He then squatted, opening his bag to eat the contents.
   “You’re not really going to eat that, are you?”  The shock was clear in her voice, though surprisingly the blonde didn’t laugh this time and only looked at her like she were crazy.
   “Ya eat this, or ya go hungry,” he said as he shook the bag a big.  “Ain’t no bein’ picky out here.”
   She looked back down at her bag of bread scraps, conflict showing on her face.  They were feeding her?  Why?  Why feed someone they were going to kill?  The gears in her head started turning finally; her mech was there, her legs were bandaged.  If she had really looked herself over more, she would have noticed that while much of her suit had been ripped around (around her torso, arms and neck), she had been bandaged as well, even her head was carefully wrapped.  Why would her mech be there (let alone questioning how they moved the thing to begin with), why take care of her only to kill her?
   D.Va looked at the man who was now squatting next to her, shoving some mysterious piece of meat into his mouth.  He didn’t seem to pay any attention to her, even looking back at the much larger man, he was completely ignoring her as well.  If she really wanted, she could have tried to get away, it wasn’t like they were blocking the exit, seeing as she knew where it was if the larger man had just come in that way.  At the same time, she was curious, too curious for her own good.
   “Why?”  She asked, her brows furrowed as she watched the man perk up like a dog that someone had called, and looked at the brunette.
   “Why?”  He repeated.  “Ya don’t eat, ya die, makes perfect sense.”  D.Va shook her head, her fingers massaging her temple, brushing against bandages that were wrapped around her head.
   “Why feed me?  Why bring me here?  Why go through that trouble?”  The questions seemed to please the man as a large smile grew on his face and he took a couple, squatted steps towards her before thrusting his thumb in the direction of her mech as he said,
   “We found you and that thing under a pile a rubble, on top a bunch of omnics.  You takin’ those things out, we could use someone like ya.  That’s what we’re doing.”  He then paused for a second to shrug and roll his eyes.  “Well, kinda.  And you ain’t gonna be any good to us dead.  Now eat and we’ll try ta get ya up and runnin’ again.”  He nudged her with his free arm causing her to look down at the bag of food scraps; it was something at least.  Her stomach hurt, but not from nausea, no, it was past that, it was the hurt of being beyond hunger.  She wasn’t even sure how long she was out, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to know that either.
   “Name’s Junkrat,” the blonde spoke up again.  Thrusting a thumb back to the far more intimidating looking male he said, “And that’s Roadhog.”
   D.Va stared blankly at the man, confused as to why he was even telling her that.  He seemed amused by all of this as the smile on his face grew as he said,
   “If we’re gonna be workin’ together, best to know each other’s names.”
   “Oh, right,” she said shaking her head some before looking back at Junkrat.  “I’m D.Va”
   The man nodded before letting his legs fall out from under him so he sat on his backside next to the woman.  “Well, D.Va, welcome to the group!”
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