#t’pol is a bitch and i love her
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nepobabyjimkirk · 5 years ago
Vulcans are straight up the biggest bitches in the galaxy and I love them so much
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giffingthingsss · 2 years ago
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This dramatic slut falls in love with every strong female that crosses his path. RIP season five where Shran becomes a regular on the ship. Trip and Tpol are cooling it in the wake of it all. After T’Pol pulls some power move on some mission, Shran falls head over heels and tries to woo her in ever increasingly hilarious ways. 
At first she has no idea what’s going on. He’ll do things like jump to the front of an away mission, do the most dangerous things even more dramatically than usual. Make a show of lifting something super heavy. And she just walks right by because Andorians be ridiculous and dramatic like that and how is she supposed to know these are power displays directed at her. 
This goes on a few episodes, and T’Pol finally has to take him aside and confess that she’s in love with someone else. Shran immediately assumes Archer (because Shran would), cuts her off, nods sagely, and is like, ‘yeah I get it, Archer is *extols virtues here*’ and T’Pol’s like, ‘no, no, it’s commander tucker’ and Shran is like
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(I don’t remember if Shran ever knew about them but let’s say he doesn’t.) But after hearing their story he becomes super sympathetic. T'Pol's like, yeah it's super complicated and idk wtf I'm doing and it's pretty much been a disaster from start to finish, and shran is like, 'never fear. Shran is here.'
Meanwhile, over the next ep or so, Trip is watching them actually talk to each other now and spend time together and he’s like, ‘crap.’ He spills his guts to Malcolm. Like, ‘I was giving her space to heal and it looks like that was exactly the wrong move and now it’s all over but it’s fine, I just want her to be happy.’ All martyry. And Malcolm’s like, ‘oh brother wtf is my life. i just wanted to make things go pew pew.’
Meanwhile, Shran is surreptitiously trying to get them get back together. Even tho he just keeps like sideyeing Trip. ‘This puny thing really?’ says the puny blue guy. Because he’s actually such a dramatic romantic bitch. But some of the advice he gives T'Pol is just Andorian enough to make for some hilarious misunderstandings. He’ll say things like, ‘when someone gives someone a chestnut that means you care about them.’ And so T’Pol one day very nervously just hands Tucker a chestnut and leaves the room and he’s just standing there like ?????
I'm thinking Archer finally figures out what's happening and is like, 'let's cut the crap. You're together, that's an order.' Altho I kinda wanna throw Hoshi in there somewhere.
Oh, and there’s a big war brewing. Probably breaks out near the end of the season. Slight footnote.
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washed-up-wurmcoil · 3 years ago
t’pol is a bitch and i love her
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qwertyfingers · 4 years ago
we know that bobby only watched ds9 and dean watched the tos movies for sure which implies he's seen tos as well (plus he calls jack spock). so what do you think everyone's favorite trek is? sam is without a doubt a tng fan first and foremost. i think out of all tos movies cas prefers the wrath of khan because he Feels Things when kirk and spock do the ta'al through the glass. charlie has definitely seen some trek (we've seen her llap), do you think she's into tos first and foremost? anyway let's talk about star trek nights in the bunker.
like. like of COURSE bobby only likes ds9 of course he does i could have told you this without the show becuase like. bobby is That Bitch. i think rufus will have watched TOS at least because leonard nimoy worked hard on linking jewish faith and practices into the vulcan lore and i think that would mean something to him. bobby will catch rufus smiling at him sometimes while they’re watching ds9 and ask him what all gruffly and rufus will smirk at him and say something about sisko with jake and bobby with dean and bobby will just cough and take a swig of whiskey and rufus will raise his eyebrows but let it slide. rufus definitely makes a comment once about dean&cas being like jake&nog that totally flies over dean’s head but bobby is all knowing eyebrow raise about.
i think cas and jack would really like discovery. while it has some issues with inconsistency, pacing, being a little dark, it also does better than the other TV treks at utilising the nature of film as a medium to instill a sense of wonder, at space and the world, and that’s something they’d really appreciate. i have my own issues with disco, but an obol for charon is as close to the central core of trek that disco ever gets. cas and jack also like that one in particular because they like listening to all the different languages being spoken. they all love michael (everyone loves michael). cas’ faves are stamets and reno because they’re mean and gay, jack’s fave is tilly because she’s excitable and bright and he latches onto that. dean likes reno because she’s got spunk. sam’s fave is airiam and he will never forgive them for killing her off. sam, cas and dean all feel an uncomfortable kinship with both ash and culber - they’ve both been the one with monster teeming under the surface, controleld by something not themself, but they’ve also all spent that time in hell/purgatory, separated from everyone they love.
thinking about episodes that would really get to them all, darmok is. THE ONE. i have a whole unfinished essay about darmok as the platonic ideal of star trek; the perfect distillation of everything trek is SUPPOSED to be about. it doens’t always get there but by god it tries! that speech michael gives in the disco s2 finale - “There's a whole galaxy of people out there who will reach for you. You have to let them. Find that person who seems farthest from you and reach for them.” - that’s what darmok is about!!! it’s all about a situation where real communication seems impossible, where everything we know about talking and learning has broken down. and picard says, okay, i will find another way. i can’t relate to you, you can’t relate to me, but by god i’m going to try. we all meet people we have trouble communicating with in our lives, and often, those people will not care about changing their own ways to accommodate us. for people with autism, adhd, psychosis, the list goes on, this is a very common occurrence. it’s exhausting and frustrating and alienating. darmok is all about crossing that barrier. about reaching for someone through a world of difficulty and learning how to talk. learning how to share something with someone who seems out of our reach. it’s beautiful, it’s heartwrenching, it means more to me than i can easily put into words! 
anyway i think the bunker fam would experience a lot of emotions watching it together. there’s defintiely a lot of hugging eachother, sam cries a lot and won’t look at anyone until after the episode ends. jack just asks a lot of questions and talks about his progress learning sign language with cas. dean snakes his hand into cas’ halfway through and doesn’t let go. doesn’t show the emotion on his face, but he clutches harder at the emotional beats. cas runs his fingers through jack’s hair and thinks a lot, and decides not to say anything unless dean talks first. its just a Lot for everyone. 
dean def makes them marathon all the TOS and TNG movies. it’s an experience everyone needs at least once. i think you’re right about cas and TWOK with the ta’al through the glass, but also ‘this simple feeling’ and the hand hold would make him feel crazy. bones being the one that spock entrusts with his katra DEF makes dean feel some type of way because as much as destiel is kirkspock-coded, dean IS bones, and seeing spock trust bones so completely despite how at odds they were when they first knew eachother would dig deep into dean’s psyche and make him more than a little bit nutso. the movies are way too long for jack so he mostly sits and plays animal crossing while they watch and looks at the screen when everyone else gasps or when something exciting is happening that holds his attention for a while. sam’s fave is nemesis precisely because it’s terrible and he loves how camp it is.
dean has definitely seen all of trek. i refuse to believe someone who watches as much tv and films as dean wouldn’t sit and watch the whole shebang. i think he’s probably seen TOS and the TOS movies more than the others because its easier than sitting through 7 seasons, but i think rather than that being his favourite he’d just have really strong opinions about the best episodes of each one? like if you asked him what his favourite is he’d say you can’t answer that because they’re all so different from eachother
VOY - bride of chaotica, non seqitur, macrocosm for the favourite episodes. seven, janeway and tuvok would be his favourite characters. he think toms a bit of a knob but also feels a kinship with him for the similar brand of bab dad-ism but he wouldn’t be able to put that into words. he’s also a fierce defender of threshold being a good episode (he’s right for that)
DS9 - our man bashir it’s our man bashir. he doesn’t dislike ds9 but its very plot heavy and he didn’t care for it when he was younger. rewatching it after living through multiple supernatural wars he’d probably appreciate it more. i know for a fact he cries every time there’s an episode about sisko being a good dad. jadzia and garak are his faves
TNG - he LOVES q. he also absolutely will not be caught dead referencing how much loves q after cas comes into his life because sam will do the little brotherly knowing eyebrow raise at him and he will die of embarrassment. he regularly references ‘there are four lights’ because he’s a fucking nerd. he has made cas watch elementary my dear data and fistful of datas a half dozen times each at LEAST. cas KNEW how dean was going to be about the cowboy hat he’s defintiely got into full cowboy getup at home just for watching movies and in cas’ head star trek is fully to blame.
TOS - oh there are so many good TOS eps to choose from. obv he loves most of the series becuase TOS has MANY banger eps, his favourites are probably like. mirror mirror, amok time (baby dean defintiely had some kind of crisis watching it for the first time; i know the rituals are intricate). i know deep in my bones that dean watched the conscience of the king (introduction of the tarsus iv massacre) once and then spent his entire teenage years writing fic about that in his head, whether he posted it or not. dean related too much to those experiences of shared hunger. city on the edge of forever is one of everyone’s faves for a reason (and i’m STILL mad we never got a closer take on that episode in spn it could have been so fun). 
ENT - he definitely thinks enterprise is stupid and he’s not wrong but he has also definitely watched it and been very repressed about the whole thing. mans was like oh i feel a kinship with malcolm reed the obviously repressed queer man. i will never examine this feeling ever again thank you <3 he also makes fun of archer for being obsessed with, of all sports, water polo. shran is his favourite character because he’s a little shit and makes him laugh, and t’pol, because t’pol is a badass and he’d appreciate that. i can’t remember the title of a single episode off the top of my head though lol.
i can see what you’re saying about sam being a TNG stan. i’m conflicted though, I feel like TNG’s generally the favourite of 1) obnoxious nerds who think knowing trivia facts makes them smart, 2) men desperately trying to seem masculine and 3) people who’ve watched it three times and have extremely complex thoughts on the personhood and rights of robots. i could see sam fitting into the third group, but people who are in it for the robot feelings are a coin flip between voyager and tng being the fave, and i just have a feeling that voyager would be his favourite. i know kid sam is getting gender envy watching voyager in shitty motels while dad and dean are out, trying to find the words for it. his first semester at stanford he talks a friend into giving him the janeway haircut and rides that high for months. sam’s favourite characters are seven and EMH. 
sam and dean have definitely had dozens of long drawn out debates about philosophical topics in star trek. do the holograms deserve rights and if so which ones. are the romulans and vulcans still meaningfully the same people. was spock right for trying to foment reunification by going undercover on romulus. can the borg be redeemed. etc etc.
i haven’t seen any of picard at all so i can’t comment. i also think sam and dean probably read a lot of the trek books? they’re pretty common to find in secondhand bookstores and cheap, would have been even cheaper back in the day. sam probably doesn’t care for them much, dean has a few solid faves though. i’ve only read the disco books so i can’t comment anything specifically (besides the fact that i think dean read dead endless and cried like a baby), but some of the TOS and DS9 books are gay as hell and i know dean was eyes emoji-ing that shit. 
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t-rina · 4 years ago
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Star Trek Enterprise Rewatch:
3x11 Carpenter Street
First aired: 26 November 2003
Synopsis: T’Pol and Archer have to travel back to 2004 to stop the Xindi from destroying humanity much earlier than initially planned.
Ash’s rating: 6/7
that doesn’t look very much like the 2150s
beer and pizzaaaaa
it’s great that the subtitles give away the fact that the guy was talking to a Xindi…
hello nice ladies :)
awww no, she gonna die :/
why is it always the sex workers who get killed?
great, he chloroformed her
aaaaaand he’s injecting her with something
7:35 into the episode and it’s the first time we see Enterprise
he is getting cheese!
oh no, Daniels, what are you doing here?
history in the 30th century doesn’t mention a Human/Xindi conflict…
we see awfully lot of T’Pol in her pajamas
there are Xindi on Earth in the early 21st century
T’Pol and Archer are traveling to 2004 xD only Trip knows about it xD
Vulcan me this, T’Pol :)
they are stealing a car xD
or trying to
the radio went off xD Archer just pressing random buttons until it turns off xD
he can pilot a starship, but can he drive a car?
apparently he can
they are going to need money for gas xD
gaaaahhh they are adorable
so they want to kill the three Xindi?
I love the way T’Pol talks about 2004 Earth stuff xD
Loomis found another victim
T’Pol and Archer are following Loomis now
he thinks they are cops XD
he hit Loomis
the Xindi wanted people of all 8 blood types
this guy was selling people for 5000 bucks
drive through xD
i do not like Loomis
Archer is the new “victim”
they are taking his blood and he can’t flinch
lol T’Pol
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T’Pol does not like him smoking xD
the Xindi are working on some virus
Loomis has got a knife now :/
Archer is trying to destroy the temporal beacon of the Xindi so they can’t get back to the future
one Xindi down, two to go
she stunned that fucker
Xindi are climbing up the building
oh nooo, they want to release the virus/toxin/bio weapon!
they have the star wars-y green/red duality of the phasers
that did not look smart, Archer
THEY GOT HIM! yey :)
yeyyy, Archer saved humanity :)
rofl, on Enterprise only a few seconds passed
they apprehended Loomis back in 2004 :)
he sounds crazy :)
Notes: This was fun!!! having them in 2004, lots of Archer and T’Pol :) 
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ichayalovesyou · 4 years ago
Broken Bow parts 1 & 2 (Live Reaction):
Ah, so we’re kicking off with smarting up Archer’s prejudice against Vulcans that I know from all my Vulcantology research he grows out of. Neat.
Oh shit Klingon on earth?? Look at those glorious locks! Who are these weird squishy bendy dudes?? Oh that shiz EXPLODED. I’ve got my yeehaw phaser rifle and I kills a Klingon- fuck is THAT how the war started?! Whether or not that’s stupid remains to be seen.
Wowwwww this theme song... is... a lot. Star Trek, bruh, since when??? No. Just... no. Oh hey it’s Archer & Trip a lil’ light fantastic! Ngl Trip’s actually cute. Oh wow they really don’t know Klingons. Oh hey Phlox is here! I get where Archer is coming from about the plug pulling thing, even if Klingon culture is very “HONOR!!” and stuff. Even then, wouldn’t it be detrimental even to a warrior race for them to die when they can be healed?
Vulcans just love acting like everyone else is stupid don’t they? Wow everyone is racist at like, everybody (aliens wise) this definetly has established itself as pre-Federation. Ope! More new characters! Baby ensign dude (Travis!) and British ship’s engineer(?) oh hey it’s Hoshi Sato!! Oh look they’re acknowledging that aliens speak more than one language on their workds finally!! Behold T’Pol! She doesn’t sound like I thought she would? (Idk what that means lol but yeh)
Ohhhh man Trip, Vulcans don’t do haaands my dude, didn’t you get debriefed? But also would it have killed her to explain? Communicate damnit! Give us a speech elderly white boy! Yeehaw warp engines!! Cool speech call back or really it’s Kirk (& Picard and prob Pike soon) Doing the callback to Cochrane!
Oooh shady time travel aliens are back!! Phlox is here! I always got good/fun vibes from him, like, a lil’ creepy but in an entertaining way! Travis is adorable and I love him already, space station boyyyyy. THREE, THREE WHAT?? Travis’s generation are called Boomers?? LOL it makes sense that we’d have a baby boom after planetary colonization became possible but that’s practically a derogatory term now 😂
Time for a dinner chock full of microaggressions! Yup I was right, wowwwwwww everyone is being secret awful (T’Pol not so secret awful) but yeah I can see where all that VHS racism stuff comes from. Lol, oooooo Hoshi & T’Pol having a lil’ cat fight, Archer is such a dad lol. Poor Sato is so fucking stressed it’s okay gf! The ship is just not working and you’re learning Klingon and there’s an invisible alien aboard its FINE!! OH SHIT THAT KLINGON GOT KIDNAPPED!!!!!
Oh so the engineer’s name is Reed okay, oh this is the one with the Suliban. Wow T’Pol is kind of a bitch! She is just belittlement after belittlement, she’s like Spock but WORSE. Like, I’m definitely starting to understand Archer’s resentment toward them is coming from, not that it’s right, but it is understandable. Especially Vulcans have been having this sort of attitude toward humans (and other species) this whole time. Both races clearly have a LOT to learn.
Oh so this Suliban dude is a GMO, I actually freaking love Phlox. Good job Trip tryna bridge the gap between T’Pol and Archer but ooof still too salty. Oh wow! We’re going to Rigel for the first time okay?! Neat! Oof our Klingon boy out here getting interrogated oh shit! It wouldn’t be an earth 2000s scifi without a skanky bar and funky alien strippers. Uh oh Trip is about to make a mistake, oh thank god T’Pol stopped him *big exhale* everything is so new to us! It’s so interesting!
Ew creepy lady why u kiss him??? Oh it’s the “alien woman has to do (explicit/romantic action) to do (thing)” trope 🙄. Oh so there’s time travel shit going on??? Okay!!! What?! Okay! Man the GMO Suliban can do some seriously freaky shit! Okay I love Travis & Reed they’re cool, Reed is suave and Trav is adorable! OOp ARCHER GOT SHOT THE LEG! Close call close call!! Oh ffs T’Pol don’t take command, everything you’ve shown us so far is that you think humans are shit, hey maybe she’ll surprise me.
Ugh this is about to be- aaaaand it’s unnecessarily sexualizong T’Pol 🙄🙄🙄🤮🤮🤮. Trip can you please not call T’Pol out and be racist in the same sentence, I’d rather you just do the former please. OH YAY! T’Pol did surprise me! Good job T’Pol (and Trip... kinda... I guess). “One good turn deserves another” good line, but “doesn’t sound very Vulcan” is proof Archer really doesn’t understand Vulcans! Or at least not what they aspire to. Ohhhh Kay NOW we’re working together! Good! Good!!
I wonder who creepy time lord dude is. Sato THANK YOU why, WHY don’t starships have seat belts?!?! Makes no goddamn sense. Oh I was wrong earlier! Reed’s a pilot and Tucker’s the engineer, okay! I wonder what happened between this episode and Discovery (being the next closest in the timeline) that makes us enemies with the Klingons? Travis out here teaching Tucker how to drive I’m sure this will end well. I’m low key starting to get Bones-Spock energy from T’Pol & Archer. FURST PISTOLS WITH A STUN SETTINH HELL YEAH!
Alright alright, T’Pol is growing on me, awww Archer is soft! “U okay?” I can vibe with that! Hell yeah! I kinda wish I knew Klingon so I knew what this dude wa saying (but I’ve already got my hands full with Vulkansu). Archer why in the fuck are you wandering around?! Do you want to get caught/not found!??! Stay put dummy! Aaaand there’s the BBEG, oh, and he’s Suliban! Oh good thing that laser pistol is set to stun (oh and he dodged). Oooh scary transporter lmao.
Uh oh, was it al for nothing are these dudes gonna kill him anyway? Oh, no! Good so they just cussed Archer out lmfao. Thus the saga begins! Abandon yo grudges and pride Archer my dude, vouch for T’Pol hell yeah! Alright! I hope these two become friends hell yeah hell yeah! Time to boldly go say hi and introduce yourself to all these new aliens! Heck yeah!!
God I’m sure there were plenty of annoying ass Trekkies who were like “iT’s nOt rEaL sTaR tReK” like, how?? Because the costumes look different and they’re exploring a new time period and themes?? 🙄🙄🙄 gimme a BREAK with that shit, honestly. So far it’s been pretty interesting! Every Star Trek is Star Trek!
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butchniqabi · 5 years ago
!!! hello for a 3rd time!! thank you for answering my questions I’m so delighted :^)!! I too hate abrams and many of the choices made for the kelvin timeline. just so you know if you wrote a dissertation on bigotry in trek I would be so happy to read that. I saw you mentioned you only like 3 ent characters, me too!! which ones are yours? also, I’d love to know what you think of the voyager characters? (voy is my fave older trek :^)!) (I won’t be upset if you don’t respond, ik this is a lot)
jj abrams HATE gang!
im always like thiiiiiis close to writing essays on why i love/hate star trek and all the fucking bigotry and shit i have to see but adfggfd i never wanna do it for my own sanity because once i start thinking about klingons i go crazy.
hoshi, t’pol, and travis are the only people on that show i like. sometimes phlox is funny but whew. that show. that! SHOW! WHEW!
okay okay, so tuvok is and will always be That Bitch. he’s the best vulcan period. he’s respectful and wise while also willing to learn, plus he is just The best dad. also like....genuinely funny? what a guy, most of my voyager tag is just him lmao. i also really like kes and harry and seven. b’elanna too (i named my first car after her lol) and i do like the doctor he’s a bitch and i love him
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latetoeveryparty · 5 years ago
Listen, I’m having enterprise feelings and I can’t draw or edit video, but Trip and T’Pol deserved a happy ending and all I want are the adorable home videos:
Completely deadpan Trip eating cheerios straight from the box, probably at like 5 am when the kids woke up.
Trip sneakily filming T’Pol trying to explain the logic of wearing tie shoes to 5 year old someone.
Trip, bursting through the door w/ giant grin: “I’M HOME!” T’Pol, on the couch with her paper work, barely has a chance to look up before he’s planting himself all over her lap. She sighs, long suffering, but offers him a Vulcan kiss and he grins at the camera again, very happy and very smug.
Trip, filming the millions of candles all around the house, murmuring: “goddamn house is going to burn down—”
Trip filming, T’Pol has wrapped herself in the blankets like a burrito, Trip has none atm, queue bitch face and slow pan to the clock that says 3:17
Visiting the lava fields with T’Pol and kids, T’Pol filming Trip, who loves the place, trying his best to hold on to all three children at once and looking stressed as hell, despite the fact that there’s plenty of handrails and none of the kids are even trying to move away from him.
A compilation of T’Pol quoting/referencing Frankenstein, and Trip’s exhausted expression each time.
Engineer shaming videos, where T’Pol takes the camera around the house to showcase the latest thing Trip is fixing (that will therefore be broken for the next week).
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entireoranges · 6 years ago
Trek fans are here and proud
An open letter to those who pitch thine fit and whine thine selves to sleep:
Do you wish to have some sharp cheddar with your whine? Perhaps some Camembert or a nice Brie? No? Alright. Thought I’d offer.
You are allowed to not like something. Thought it’d be best to get that out of the damn way. It’s 1,000% your right and I’m fine with it. That is your opinion and this is mine:
What I’m not fine with is the constant, unending, trite badmouthing. The moronic telling of outright lies, the instigation and insinuation that things are going to shit. You don’t know that. You are assuming.
Now, I might be talking about any old show in any old fandom, but no. This time I’m talking about Star Trek. Specifically the anger cast towards Discovery, and by association Picard.
Discovery didn’t have a good first year. I’ll freely admit to it. I thought it was damn clever, I liked the character arcs, I thought it was interesting. A little Klingon-heavy for my liking but all-in-all not too bad for a new show.
Before anyone says one word in the series the fandom at large on the internet doesn’t just REVOLT, they pepper their anger with acidic, hell acerbic remarks. Now recall these are mostly the same fans who haven’t had any Star Trek on TV since Enterprise left the air in the early 00’s. A show that in of itself had plenty of anger associated with it.
Burnham is a Mary-Sue or Tilly is annoying or that the show has nothing but politically correct SJW’s in it…hell…I’ve heard it all trust me. They were carrying on since second one. Was it because they made Micheal the adopted sister of Spock? Was it because the tone was too dark?
I don’t know what set them off but allow me to air some grievances:
1.) They’re all Politically Correct SJW’s: Well in a strictly Sci-Fi sense aren’t all members of Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets PC SJW’s? I mean think about it for a second. They are a society that values truth, honesty, even footing for everyone, it’s a culture of inclusion (example: Geordi with the VISOR is treated no differently than anyone else with normal sight), they are even a bit self-righteous sometimes (Captains Janeway, Sisko) but they operate within a society at large that is open and by and large inclusive to everyone as long as you aren’t a homicidal maniac hell bent on destroying the galaxy. Remember they tried to make friends with the Borg before they were forced to cede that they were unreachable. You make it sound like it’s a bad thing to have virtues that the characters of this series have always had. And you make it sound like it’s a bad thing. It’s not. It makes sense.
2.) Micheal Burnham is a Mary-Sue. Nope. She’s not. If you didn’t watch Season 2, go do that. Again the first season of any show is uneven at best and we saw growth in her character by the end but it was still very much in the awkward first season way. The second season she grows in all sorts of ways. The character comes alive. I for one loved Sonequa Martin-Green from moment one. She commands the scenes with substance and a sense of purpose.
3.) It’s not Star Trek. This is patently absurd. It is Star Trek. It might not be what you grew up with but it is Star Trek. I’m sure this is what the parents of TNG fans thought when that show began airing in 1987. Think about it. Did any of those sets look “correct” or in line with what had been established? It’s a generational gap. This is how the creators want it to look and feel. But it’s still Star Trek.
4.) It’s in an alternate reality/it’s not chronologically accurate: Nope. Prime timeline. Look…was I disappointed that the sets didn’t look like 1966? A little. A very tiny bit of me, sure. Did I realistically expect it? No. Is chronology ruined? Not at all. People forget that ships can change, tech can advance quite fast, and Starfleet loves to change uniforms, and interfaces on a whim. Did Enterprise look like it was 120 or so years before TOS? Nope. Did anyone bitch? Yep. Was it a bad idea to do a prequel? Not at all. But Discovery isn’t alternative timeline. It’s merely a cosmetic choice to have it look different. And they’ve been true to established canon too. The Cage happened before Discovery and TOS after it.
5.) I gotta PAY for it? I never PAID for it before! Physical media is dead. Streaming is king. From a business standpoint this makes sense. Discs are comically available for holdouts on Discovery Season 1. At $50 you are essentially paying for as many months as it would’ve cost you to buy the service and have access to a huge library of other content not just Discovery or all Star Trek TV Shows. Broadcast TV wasn’t going to take a risk on a prime time Star Trek TV show but much as UPN was anchored by Voyager when it began they surmised All Access would have similarities and it’d do good there. It has.
6.) Cut the female empowerment crap out it isn’t Star Trek: This one cracks me up. It isn’t? So characters like Uhura, Crusher, Janeway, Torres, Kira, Dax, and T’Pol aren’t all bad asses? They are. All of them. Strong, powerful women who excel at their jobs. What’s truly sad is I just mentioned about every series regular on all the shows and I didn’t even come up with enough for a bridge crew. I for one am happy to see the empowerment. Keep it up. It’s very Star Trek.
7.) Fine but I’m not treating this as canon: Fine sit in the corner and cry. This is stick in the mud to no end! Believe whatever you’d like, just realize that everyone who enjoys it realizes it is canon and you’re woefully behind because you’d rather believe your own headcanon rather than capitulate to what is on the screen.
8.) I’m going to derisively refer to the show as STD even though the official abbreviation is DIS and that fits in line with every one word Star Trek title since Voyager (VOY, ENT): Sure man whatever floats your boat or flies your starship. You do you. Does it annoy me? Absolutely. Will I probably assume you’re a troll if you use that abbreviation? Yup.
Fact is: I realize not every fan is going to like every show. I’m not honestly expecting them to. That’d just be foolish. But the amount of pure anger and vitriol hurled at Star Trek is insane.
When I was a kid, the show was nerdy, outcast, people didn’t watch it mainstream and it wasn’t cool at all. Star Wars was, but not Trek. Now? It’s trying to be cool. More space battles, epic panoramas, vistas, planets, exotic aliens…they want to create more. Do more. Be more. If you can’t appreciate that then I’m sorry.
There’s a lot more of this kind of Star Trek on the way. You won’t be seeing a return to TOS or TNG anytime soon so either buckle in for the ride or sit at home and rewatch those shows on your choice of discs or streaming services.
Gene Roddenberry created this franchise, Rick Berman and Brannon Braga changed it, and Alex Kurtzman changed it again. It’s just what it is. And at its core it still stays true to the original concept. Again I’m sorry if you can’t or won’t see that but that’s what’s happening.
If you’re looking for new TOS, check out Star Trek Continues on YouTube. Fantastic acting, storylines, etc. a virtual love letter to 60’s-era Trek.
As for Picard: You have seen one teaser trailer lasting under two minutes. Patrick Stewart is heavily involved in its production. It won’t be bad. Trust me on this.
If you’re looking for new Star Trek, sit down and get ready. There’s a whole lot of it coming soon!
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wifeofspock · 3 years ago
Their reactions:
Taurik: “While I appreciate your open mindedness, a trait admirable in humans, I am not interested in causing you harm. However, perhaps we can watch one of those ‘horror movies’ you enjoy instead?”
T’Pol: “That is inappropriate.” *side eyes you and drinks her tea*
Soval: *thinks about how he could kill a human with a single blow* “Absolutely not.”
Surak: “No. Let us now reflect on this conversation.”
Tuvok: “I have never struck my children, therefore, why would I strike you?”
Spock: *brow raised and silent judgmental stare*
Lorian: “In the words of my late father, ‘Hell no.’”
Sarek: “My wife, your tastes are intriguing and intoxicating, and while I will never say this to you out loud, I enjoy every expression upon your lovely face, and every sound you emit when my palm strikes your buttocks. I will now write several(encrypted) poems, describing how the red bloom upon your skin resembles the barren land of our home, Vulcan.”
Mirror!Spock: “You will gain no favor from me, no matter how much you use your body. However, I agree.” *he falls in love with you*
Solkar: “Yeah, okay.”
Mestral: “I will participate in this human tradition. And then we will have dinner and watch television.”
Kov: *non-stop talking about how he had heard about this human mating habit, and gets everything wrong, but is eager though nervous, and barely hits you*
Vorik: *faints*
Selar: *does not speak to you out loud during the entire thing. She is melded with you, wanting to feel what you feel, wanting to feel you shatter under her hand*
Solok: “Of course a human would desire such an *unpleasant* form of sexual activity.” *he likes it and keeps wanting to do it like the hypocritical bitch he is*
T’Pring: “Pathetic.” *canes you as not to soil her hands with your sweat*
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A meme
(Feel free to add on)
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starlitsea · 8 years ago
So I did a liveblog for Star Trek: Enterprise 4x17 Bound since that’s a thing I’ve been doing and, to NO ONE’S surprise, did a ridiculously long Trip x T’Pol analysis of the final scene. So, yes, I still love them a ridiculous amount. Cutting to spare you all. But if any of you like TnT, feel free to read! (Ilovethem.)
Ahahaha, dragons. Now, is T'Pol making a joke or not?
Don’t go aboard his ship, Archer! Oh good, you’ve learned your lesson.
Shit, spoke too soon.
At least he’s going with some MACOs and Malcolm.
Kelby is so maaaaad.
Trip is like: Why so mad, bro?
Kelby is PISSED.
T'Pol’s thinking I told you so but doesn’t say anything. Just offers to help out with the engine and Trip doesn’t hesitate because he knows she’s good at what she does. Total confidence here.
But she has to ask him about the “daydreams.” “They would involve me.” Just go for broke there, girl.
That pleased as pie smirk on his face. LOL. “You’re wondering if I’ve been having any daydreams about you?”
The face that could curdle milk at having to admit it. LOL. “Essentially.”
“Well, let me think.” Pretends to think. T'Pol’s hanging on his reply. “Noooo, nothing comes to mind.”
She’s just annoyed now. She’s sure she’s not just fantasizing about Trip because she’s missing him, but there’s ALWAYS THE CHANCE THAT SHE IS. “Forget I mentioned it.”
“Have you been having daydreams about me?” Like a dog with a bone, he cannot let this go. LOL. He is so pleased.
T'Pol: “It’s not important.” A non answer if I and Trip ever heard one.
“You gonna tell me what this is about?” We all know that he is LYING so he does also want to know what’s up with her line of questioning. But the fact that he’s not really concerned about the daydreams probably means that he does, in fact, daydream about her ALL THE TIME. OMG TRIP.
Welp, that killed his good mood right quick.
Dude, this Orion has a needle stuck through his face.
Welp, here come the dancing girls.
Jonathan and Malcolm, behave yourselves!
Archer, wipe that smirk off your face.
Please, let’s punch the Orion man in the face.
T'Pol wants to know what the catch is. Also, she’s wants to know why he is talking to her if he doesn’t want her advice and has also agreed to this whole mining enterprise (does he even have authority for this?).
Archer: Well, I might have done a thing.
T'Pol (just resigned, so resigned): What have you done, Captain?
Malcolm is talking all the ladies around the ship. Good self-control bisexual Malcolm.
T'Pol: The Orion women’s presence is becoming disruptive.
Archer: Yeaahhhhh, boy. Um.
T'Pol: Please let’s deal with this issue. Also they think they’re your slaves and slavery is a no-no.
Malcolm and Travis: Let’s put ourselves in as much pain as possible to stop being hormonal idjits.
Travis: We picked up some Deltans with engine trouble once when I was 15 and I had a sexual awakening that I repressed by weight training.
Orion woman busy seducing Kelby.
Hoshi: I have a headache.
Hoshi and Phlox’s friendship is so underrated.
Yikes, when the doctor needs a doctor.
Trip: That’s probably the issue … WTF are you doing flirting in engineering?! Please do your job and don’t give away secrets to aliens?
Kelby: I hate you, Dad! I do what I want.
Trip: Get out of engineering. You’re grounded!
Archer: Slavery is wrong and bad. You’re not my property.
Archer, you are so weak.
T'Pol with the cockblocking LOL. Orrrrr not.
T'Pol: Why did it take you so long to get to the Bridge? Are you OK?
Archer: Use phase cannons and destroy this other ship.
T'Pol: Let’s not. They will go away.
Archer: Malcolm, blow them up!
Malcolm: Not gonna blow up this random ship.
Archer: I’m gonna blow them up anyway!
Never mind, they left.
Kelby, OMG, just bitching about Trip. So much resentment. So whipped.
Trip is like: WTF, the engine made a weird noise. KELBY, WTF ARE YOU DOING?
Fist fight!
Kelby, you know why everyone thinks Trip is better than you? This. This right here.
Kelby is ranting. Archer is about to choke a bitch.
Trip is so confused by why everyone is acting bonkers.
Phlox is just stimulating himself to stay awake.
Trip and T'Pol are totally unaffected. Trip is so confused.
The Orion women are just chilling in the decon chamber. Archer is so messed up.
Orion women: Your intimidation game is weak.
Archer: I KNOW!
Orion women: These are not the droids you’re looking for.
T'Pol: You’re super weak-minded, aren’t you?
Archer: Go help Trip.
T'Pol: UGH, OKAY. (Yes, seeing the man you love while being at odds sucks, T'Pol. Just make up with him.)
Yay, Trip and T'Pol working together.
Random crew members brawling. Trip: STOP IT! That’s THREE times in the last hour. Glad I’m not totally off my rocker like everyone else. BTW, T'Pol, why am I immune?
T'pol spills the beans about the shared psychic bond.
Trip is all like, “We didn’t MATE.” (What we had was a night of passionate lovemaking, not rutting like animals.)
T'Pol: Uh huh. (Yeah, Vulcans mate for life. Didn’t think it would happen with a human. Surprised me too. Deal with it.)
Trip: So those daydreams. That I was totally lying about having. (So daydreamS. Plural.)
T'Pol’s A-HA, you were lying to me, moment.
But Trip is still confuzzled. If we’re bonded, then I’m immune, and you’re making me immune?
T'Pol: Uh-huh.
Trip: I don’t know whether to be relieved or … really worried. (Yeah, now you and T'Pol are joined at the hip, so to speak.)
That’s right, say the Orions, we’re totally attacking you.
More power to the thrusters! TnT on the case.
Yup, you are being towed.
That’s right, the men are the slaves.
The way TnT see exactly the same thing at the same time and know what to do. That doesn’t require a psychic bond. That’s just all them.
They’re so good at what they do.
The Orion women are out and about. They should have set a lock that only Trip or T'Pol had the code to release. Everyone is messed up.
Hoshi: You’re stupid. Don’t do it!
Archer: Malcolm, arrest T'Pol!
Malcolm: Okay.
Trip just shoots everybody. LOL. I forgot about this part and can’t stop laughing.
Ahaha, they’re trying to seduce Trip and failing so hard. THIS I remember. LOL.
“Save it. Archer is in charge of the ship.” Trip looks at T'Pol and tries to suppress the thought, ‘And T'Pol is in charge of me.’ In Trip’s mind, there’s no woman that can go up against T'Pol and win, lbr.
Archer: Well done, you two. You saved the ship, YET AGAIN.
Look, T'Pol is making a joke. I still think the dragon thing in the beginning was a joke that fell flat. But everyone picked up on the joke this time.
Trip is smiling so hard. He is so happy at her joke. She makes another one and he is basically over the moon. This cutie.
Archer’s all: You must be picking up Trip’s bad habits.
T'Pol looks so affronted because it’s TRUE. Trip can’t stop laughing. This is the best thing he’s ever heard.
Trip: “I guess we proved it again.” (It’s so good that he’s initiating the conversation!)
T'Pol: “Proved what?” (Trying not to seem too overly invested in what he has to say.)
Trip: “That you and I make a hell of a team.” (C'mon, you know that’s what I was talking about. We’re perfect together!)
T'Pol: “We do seem to work well together.” (Trying to agree smoothly.)
Trip: “Even more, now that we’re in each other’s heads.” (So yeah, about that psychic bond thing … You were saying we’re soulmates?)
T'Pol’s little inhalation as that hits her and she doesn’t know how to deal. Yeah, he’s her soulmate and he’s LEAVING. Why did he finally decide to be so nice?! OMG, feelings, NO, BAD, MUST REPRESS. She’s trying desperately to address it. “You’re returning to Columbia?”
Trip going all, Yup, I’m in high demand. Everyone wants me desperately. LOLOL.
T'Pol responding with, But stuff’s still broken HERE! Where I am! You know, in my general proximity and stuff! Look at her trying to tell him not to leave without saying it.
Trip’s not buying it. Kelby can handle it. (Look at the skeptical look T'Pol makes RIGHT as he says that.) He’s decent when he’s not trying to blow up the ship so your protests are falling on deaf ears, Commander.
Yeah, Kelby is OK but we all know he’s not as good as you-
Trip is just done now. So done. So so so so done. No more games. “Why don’t you just say it?”
T'Pol’s face is amazing. She knows what he’s driving at but she doesn’t want to admit it to him. She also doesn’t want to admit it to herself. “Say what?”
“That you want me to come back.” The way he says it … he needs to hear her say it. It’s not a plea. It’s not a demand. It’s not a request. It’s just a fact. He just needs to hear it from her.
T'Pol’s so uncomfortable and she’s doubling down. “I believe I did.”
Trip’s face as he looks away and knows he’s not gonna get what he needs. He can’t even listen to her bullshit right now. The disappointment is palpable. Nothing’s changed.
T'Pol knows this isn’t going to work but her defenses are up. It’s her pride that’s driving her now. How can she back down and admit the truth? “I believe your presence here would be extremely beneficial to our operations.”
Connor Trinneer’s acting in this scene is so good. Like, damn. Watch his face go from that, I can’t believe the bullshit I am hearing right now expression, to the cold, hard, 1000% done: No.
She makes this hurt face in response.
But Trip’s voice softens just a little bit and he gives her one more chance, because, dammit, he loves this woman more than life itself and he wants to make this thing work. She’s stubborn, and prideful, and dense, and stubborn, and reactive, and jealous, and did he mention stubborn as a mule? All WAY more emotions than he ever would have thought to ascribe to a Vulcan, but there we go. That’s T'Pol. And she’s developing a sense of humor. And she’s damn fine at helping him in engineering and smart as a whip and she always has his back and is his best friend and the one he can talk to about grief and loss in a way that he just can’t with Jonathan. And she just fascinates and surprises him. Everything about her is a constant puzzle that he wants to spend the rest of his life solving. They could be so good together if ever their timing was right and one of them wasn’t dead or married or in denial or what have you. But he just needs her to give him this. He needs her to let her guard down and tell him, so he asks, his voice gentling just that little imperceptible bit, but he knows her ears can hear it: “That you want me back.”
She slumps. Her whole body slumps, and she lets out a simmering breath. She’s seething a little bit because he’s putting her on the spot and she feels like he just wants to get one up on her. She knows that this is a point that they can’t turn back from. If she actually admits that she misses him, that she needs him, they will actually have to do something with this thing between them. She can’t hide behind excuses anymore. And so she says, steely and a little huffily, her eyes quivering, her lips pressed together repressively: “I don’t know what you mean.”
The way he looks away and the gravelly soft way the words come out.  “Well, my mistake.” This is a DEVASTATED man trying to hold his shit together. This is worse than when she took him home to meet mother and then married another man in front of him.
Then the soft and oh so gentle way he finishes with: “See you around.” This is his goodbye to her. He supposes this is all those four years amounted to in the end. A mistake. Have a good life, T'Pol. I hope you’re happy.
And this, this is the face of a woman who knows that she’s screwed up. Like, not a little bit. A MONUMENTAL screw up. The little furrow between her brows. She’s struggling with herself right now, but she finally wins over herself. Can she really let him go like this? Can she really let him go at all? What do you think?
“Wait, Trip!”
And the speed with which his head whips around like he has been hoping against hope to hear those words. The carefully neutral expression on his face that still can’t hide a hint of hopefulness, because he knows he’s got her now. She wouldn’t call out his name otherwise.
She takes a breath to prepare herself. Then: “I want you to come back.”
He takes it in, nodding a little, feeling a tad bit cocky, but there’s not enough in the way she says it to be what he needs. He could read so much into it, but he doesn’t want to do that to himself. He doesn’t want to keep hoping when there’s no hope. To keep deluding himself by thinking she will ever want him the way that he wants her. But even so, he can’t stop himself from hanging onto those words as a lifeline. He’s so in love with her that he’s drowning in his feelings and he is grabbing on hard. But he can’t let her get the upper hand now or everything will just revert back to the way it was. So he doesn’t quite meet her eyes and acts as aloof and cocksure as he can. “And I’ll think about it.” Then he turns to go.
(Also, BTW) this light fixture looks like a heart? AHAHAHA.)
And T'Pol, T'Pol, T'Pol. I’m just shaking my head here. She CAN’T FUCKING HANDLE IT. She can’t. She just forced herself to admit that she wants Trip to come back and he’s JUST GOING TO THINK ABOUT IT? There is a definite element of panic going on here. She can’t lose him. She CAN’T.  And she’s also a little appalled. He STILL might walk away from her?! And then she just throws logic out the damned airlock. (Well, not quite. I’m pretty sure her brain weighed the pros and cons of losing Trip and went OH HELL NO, DO WHAT YOU GOTTA DO, GIRL.)
“TRIP!” She goes after him and he turns with a long suffering look and sigh, STILL UNABLE TO MEET HER EYES. OMG, Trip, you know that if you really look at her you will cave IMMEDIATELY, but TOO BAD, SON, T'Pol is DONE playing around. He clearly thinks that she is going to do some more talking at him, but, uh, no, that puzzle that is always surprising you? Here she goes.
She full on GRABS HIS FACE so he can’t get away and kisses him, caressing his neck (she does it to the non-injured side of his face too, very logical). And he LEANS IN and kisses her back. Fuck aloofness, that has never been his style. He’s not a Vulcan.
And here it is, his confirmation. She does want him. She needs him. Dare he dream, that she loves him too? But yes, T'Pol has given him the upper hand for once and he is going to milk this for everything it’s worth. BTW, his lips are pressed together and he’s licking them. The taste of her kiss. He is so smugly enjoying this, ahahaha. And then the thing he does with his thumb, tracing his bottom lip. Tracing the feel on her mouth on his, LOL, boy, T'Pol finds that so distractingly sexy and you know it.
And then he drops the bombshell with the air of a man making a confession. And look at how he looks at her with so much love as he says it. “Three days ago I told Captain Hernandez that I wanted to transfer back to Enterprise.” So really, HE WAS READY TO GIVE UP, BUT SOME PART OF HIM COULDN’T THROW AWAY THEIR RELATIONSHIP. HE WAS READY TO STAY BY HER SIDE AND BE HER COWORKER EVEN IF SHE DIDN’T LOVE HIM BECAUSE HE JUST COULDN’T STAY AWAY. THAT’S HOW FUCKING MUCH HE LOVES HER. Like, don’t get me wrong, he cares about the ship, and Jonathan, and Malcolm, Hoshi, Travis, Phlox, and even dumbass Kelby too, but he LEFT BECAUSE OF HER. She is LITERALLY the reason that he left because he could not keep his shit together around her. But he realized that being apart from her was EVEN WORSE than being platonic friends and fearing for her safety all the time. Like how much worse is it to be daydreaming and worrying about her when he’s NOT THERE TO MAKE SURE SHE’S OKAY?! And probably some part of him was thinking that they DID end up together in an alternate timeline, so she doesn’t HATE him. He knows that she cares about him on some level. He just doesn’t know how much or if she does reciprocate his feelings and he can’t make her love him. She either does or she doesn’t. But him? He’s gone.
But also, this means he totally was flat out lying to Kelby about his position, UNLESS he was going to come back any way he could, even if that meant not as the Chief Engineer. Damn, Trip, you do love her.
T'Pol’s FACE. Like WTF, TUCKER, YOU LITTLE SHIT. The deadpan way she says, “Three days ago” kills me EVERY TIME.
And Trip is just playing with her now. But he is looking her RIGHT IN THE EYES. “I realized this is where I was meant to be. And that this, um,” gestures back and forth between them, “thing between us? Inn’t that big of a deal.” He is playing this off so casually. The EXACT WAY THAT T'POL WANTED TO. But she failed. Like, they BOTH saw how HARD she failed to keep her cool. It is known.
And she has to give it to him, because now her pride is reasserting itself. Part of her is also sort of impressed by him. Equal parts impressed and infuriated probably. But tempered by overriding relief that he’s STAYING. All tamped down with Vulcan repression, though since this is T'Pol, it does leak through. “Agreed.”
His face as he looks her in the eyes is no longer that cold, bitter, reserved face he’s had on since coming back. It’s the old Trip face. The face of the man who loves her, the man she loves. A man secure in his position in her life and who knows that they have just overcome a VERY BIG HURDLE. This was the turning point and they are past it now. Now, they are in uncharted territory, but he is very much looking forward to the journey.
“Guess we got a lot of work to do.” He says it so cheerfully. He’s not talking about the ship repairs. He’s not talking about their duties. He is talking about “this thing between us.” This is a work in progress. This is something that is going to take a lot of time and work and effort. But they are a “hell of a team” and they are going to prove it again and again and again. They’re “in each other’s heads” and they’re a part of each other’s lives in a way that no one else can touch.
And T'Pol takes a moment to take it in. Really take it in. And understand his words and the meaning behind them. And Jolene is so good here. She goes from contemplative to a ‘that doesn’t sound bad at all’ face that I LOVE. And she’s not mad anymore. She’s okay with it. She’s looking forward to it.
And I’m sorry not sorry that this went from a quick liveblog to some goddamned wordy analysis of how much I love these idiots, BUT I CAN’T HELP MYSELF.
This is my OTP that got screwed over by the creators in such a way that I thought nothing else could ever be as bad again (then IchiRuki happened). But it has a happier ending in that EVERYONE WENT: The FINALE IS BULLSHIT. So the novel sequels are actually just a GIANT FIX IT 'FIC and I love that EVEN the publisher just noped the fuck out on the ending.
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allisonpregler · 8 years ago
As someone who hasn't seen enterprise but loves the hell out of your "A NIght IN SIckbay" review and considers it one of your finest works I gotta ask: Why is Archer X T'Pol creepy? I mean aside from the obvious "He's her superior officer and a bit older', "He is the king of douchebag island" and "Dog Funeral Sex Dream" issues, it feels like there's soemthing else about it that makes it creepy but i'm just not getting it.
It’s creepy because the show is super sexist. There’s this constant leering focus on T’Pol’s looks and showing off her body parts and that in itself is creepy, but also...
Archer’s character (through the first three seasons at least) has a grudge against the Vulcans because he feels like they held information back from his father, who died before he could see his dream realized, so he spends much of his time bitching about how Earth ways are the best ways and Vulcans suck. So he’s always bitching at T’Pol and doing stupid things, and she is just treated like a sexy lamp who should just take the racism and have him hit on her for being hot. He treats her like garbage basically. 
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poisonofchoice · 4 years ago
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via @kobe-wan-kebobi
you are 10000% correct!! its all these strong intelligent women in media that get labeled the ‘bitch’ by treating her character like they do t’pol that made me think of this cap. i LOVE all the women that get shoved into that bitch box bc they tried to make her unlikable but jokes on them i have brain cells!! i’m not done with ent myself but the entire time so far has been spent screwing t’pol’s character over imo, by putting the strong women in positions were the men talk over her and think they look more rational (all this when they aren’t blatantly sexualizing her)
watching enterprise, every single second t’pol is onscreen:
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1stofficerspock · 8 years ago
15 (spock aside! ;) ) 21 27
Star Trek Question Meme 
15. Top 3 favorite alien crewmembers?
You’re getting four. 
#1 Phlox - I loved how curious he was about humans. Learning about Denobulan customs was so much fun, and he was flat out amazing. Everything about him was special. 
#2 Saavik - She touched my soul when I first saw her. The way she moved with Spock. Kirstie’s chemistry with Leonard was filled with love. I devoured every bit of secondary canon they did for her until they had her marry Spock–YUCK. He was her dad!
#3 T’Pol - Such a bitch. Arrogant. Stubborn. Know it all. She was all of Spock’s bad qualities with none of his humanity to make her part of the crew. Watching her learn, to become more acceptable with and to humans, was fascinating. 
#4 Jadzia Dax - All those memories and her being buddies with the Klingons was epic. I did not watch the final season of DS9 for years because I could not face the show without her. 
21. What kind of stories do you hope the new show does?
I want adventures and learning about alien cultures with a healthy dose of science. I do not want magic alien half-breeds or alien fight club, and dear god, no after school specials about how much better humans are than everyone else ala TNG. 
27. What do you wish they had handled differently?
After 5 series and over a dozen movies, my biggest complaint will always be Cumberbach being cast as Khan. He could have so easily been Garth of Izar, and they wouldn’t have had to change the story much at all. It wouldn’t have been a rehashing of WoK, and there’d be no stupid magic blood. 
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t-rina · 4 years ago
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Star Trek Enterprise Rewatch:
2x14 Stigma
First aired: 5 February 2003
The Enterprise makes its way to a planet hosting the Interspecies Medical Exchanges convention.
Synopsis by Ash: Vulcans being assholes when you don’t follow the doctrine. And Trip is hit on by a woman and is uncomfortable.
What’s wrong with T’Pol?
She’s sick…
Captain Starlog 🙈
We’re gonna meet one of Phlox’s wives!!!!!
Awwww i like her!!!
I LIKE the Denobulans!
I love how they talk :)
She likes Trip
Oh right, T’Pol has the Pa’nar syndrome 
And it’s only a part of a “subculture” and their ways are neither tolerated nor sanctioned…
Feezal is so hitting on Trip xD
He’s finally picking up on her flirting xD
T’Pol and Archer have a meal together :)
The Vulcan physicians want to talk to Phlox. And T’Pol.
Is she being interrogated???
Pa’nar is transmitted through mind-melds
Do you know any “melders”? XD
When did mind-melding become okay??
The syndrome will not be further investigated???? How irresponsible and arrogant!
T’Pol is suffering from the syndrome 😭
“She’s a bitch.” 😂
Do Denobulans like to gossip? Or is it normal?
Trip is uncomfortable 
Archer has been humiliated by Vulcans 😂
She has had it for a year😭
Title of episode in the episode!!!
Being able to mind-meld is something you are born with! Still it is considered unnatural...
She’s been attacked, indeed
And Archer pressured her to socialize with the “melder”
He’s concerned about the health of his first officer
What an asshole society the Vulcans can be… they don’t offer people with Pa’nar syndrome health care… SHE HAS BEEN FUCKING MIND RAPED
Pretty T’poooollll!!!! In Vulcan robes!!!!
Uuh, the youngest Vulcan doctor wants to meet T’Pol, alone
“There is more intolerance today than there has been a thousand years ago. It has to stop.”
A small percentage of the minority has this sickness.
She is supposed to tell them what happened to her…
Trip doesn’t want to be alone with Feezal xD
Hoshi and Feezal are hitting it off 😂
Trip is SO uncomfortable 
She SO checked out his ass when he walked away
Trip is worried what Phlox will say if he finds out that Feezal is interested in him… don’t you remember that the Denobulans are polyamorous?
They have improved the treatment for T’Pol :)
THEY WANT TO RECALL TPOL?????? Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
They want to force her to talk about the rape
She is MORE than fit for duty
Archer fights. But still has anger issues
Malcolm is injured 😂 sports injury 😂
Trip comes to Phlox to talk to him about Feezal xD
That damn human morality
T’Pol is packing her stuff 😭
They will have a hearing 
Poor T’Pol
Archer is making a good point with accepting people other than yourself, other than the norm
And now he’s outing her as being raped, not cool. YOU FUCKER
“Humans…” *snicker*
Rating: 5/7 (but infuriating)
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t-rina · 4 years ago
Star Trek Rewatch
Sooo, today was the day were @anotherfangirlingfangirl, @millec1 and I embarked on a great adventure: a complete Star Trek rewatch of all series and movies in chronological order, starting with Star Trek Enterprise. Our plan is to watch one episode the day.
My plan is to review all episodes here on my tumblr. Please note that I am only half vulcan and I never learned to suppress my human side, therefore all my reviews will have a strong emotional component. There will be swearing. Sometimes i might try to rationalize but we’ll see xD In the end of each post I will give a rating from 1-10, (1 being the worst, 10 the best), and maybe some overall thoughts.
I’m looking forward to share this journey with all of you :)
Tumblr media
While we were watching the Pilot “Broken Bow” I was listing all my reactions here on tumblr and when the episode was over the post was gone. Note to self: write long posts in an extra document, NOT directly on tumblr.
Anyways, here are some of my reactions that I remember (in no particular order):
T’Pol is such a stone cold bitch, I love it
oh, hello Michael - I mean Trip (sorry not sorry, but I am still a stargatelover)
aahhhh, Reed’s accent, the only thing i remembered about him
I like the NX-01! She looks good! Also the interior design is so cute, it looks so... old in terms of Star Trek but it fits the time, no integrated screens etc.
awww, she can go warp 4.5
isn’t T’Pol freezing on Rigel???
awwww no universal translator!!!
Hoshi looks so young??? But apparently she’s 32?
Ah yes, the Suliban. Makes sense that they speak English.
i love Phlox
what on earth made the writers think it’s a good idea to show a half naked woman covering herself in gel?
why the fuck is Trip putting gel on her ears???? she can do that herself!
also the strip club scene? just.... no
oh and when they overhear the rape of a woman and just walk away? wtf...
“Humans can’t refrain from drawing conclusions. You should learn to objectify other cultures, so you know when to interfere and when not to.” - > Thank you, T’Pol.
again: PORTHOS
T’Pol eating breadsticks and eventually succeeding cutting a piece without breaking it.
every time a vulcan says the word “illogical” my heart opens <3
Rating: 6/10
Overall I thought this episode was a bit boring. I’m not a huge fan of the Sulibans but it was fun to see the Klingons and also to see all the characters again for the first time :)
It makes me a bit sad that this show, following DS9 and Voyager, goes back to being a very white and male dominated show. Out of the 7 main characters only two are women, and two characters that aren’t white. And this show aired in 2001. Bit disappointing.
I am, however, really looking forward to see more of Phlox and Hoshi. And Porthos. Last time I watched this show (about a year ago) i was fixating very much on T’Pol :)
Next up:
Ent 1x03 “Fight or Flight”
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