#t: nexus of axioms
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mr-t-stark · 2 years ago
One second he was somewhere between life and death--he remembers the echo of the snap and the sensation of fire trailing through half his body, remembers hearing unrecognisable voices, speaking directly through his ears; overlapping whispers that clashed atop and over each other--and the next second, he's alive.
The first thing he notices when he wakes up is the arc reactor on his chest. The second is the gauntlet, still fully intact on his hand, quickly followed by a sense of panic at both its presence and the absence of the stones on it.
Did the snap work? Was Thanos defeated? Did something go wrong?
"Boss?" a familiar voice says to him tentatively.
"FRIDAY?" he says, shocked at his own voice and how he's still able to speak. "What... How did... What the fuck happened?"
What follows is an almost hesitant pause from FRIDAY.
"I'm not sure," is what she says eventually, "It seems you've somehow survived, Mr. Stark."
Tony cards a hand through his hair. He looks down at his chest, and the arc reactor lodged deep in it like it had once before. Carefully, he lifts his fingers towards it, feeling the cold metal.
"It seems you have the arc reactor with you, boss." she points out the obvious, "I detect a very high energy signature from it."
He frowns.
"Higher than it was before?"
Tony pauses, wills himself not to panic, and forces his mind to think.
The next thought that goes through his mind is strong and loud and incredibly definite, like a large neon sign with multiple blinking, lit arrows pointing at it: Doctor Strange. The wizard is the only person who could explain what happened, if the snap is reversed, if everything they've been through worked out in the end, and of course, the billionaire dollar question: how the fuck he's still alive right now.
It was an almost unconscious reaction as he tries to call upon his armour, and is relieved to find that his suit still exists.
What happens next feels like a blur of events more than anything. He doesn't exactly remember what happened other than a sense of desperation that he needs to get to Strange as soon as possible. He remembers getting directions from FRIDAY, and the almost dangerous speed he was flying in with his suit, but once everything is over and he reaches his destination, all those details seem irrelevant.
Tony stares for a moment at the building in front of him, the sense of desperation spiking up tenfold.
He knocks at the door.
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earthling-wolf · 2 years ago
Ti Platonism
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Ti is a function that defines an object by its essential nature (Ji) while experiencing the object as having an inanimate (T) character. Objects are registered platonically, thus triggering an impersonal relationship to that object's character, causing it to be understood from a universal, general, and removed place. This occurs even if the objects are technically alive. In this case, the entities are registered by their universal and general properties as instances of timeless human forms rather than as specific living essences.
Search for Universal Axioms
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While it might be said that all types seek a truth of a sort, the quest for truth has a particular meaning for the Ti user. They are not satisfied with acquiring information, and indeed, they generally avoid information but are instead drawn to eternally narrow their search down to what they believe is the core of a thing - beyond the senses and the confines of space or time. They will aim to eliminate as much as is unnecessary until only the essence remains. To them, truth means landing upon some elusive and singular convergent principle or nexus that gives formulation, symmetry, and justification to everything else in the conscious universe. The Ti user is on a quest for a philosopher's stone. They will dig for it in all manner of philosophies and theories of the mind, which can cause them to become obsessive in their pursuits and abandon all sense of context in their research. They may forget that they are not making tangible progress towards any scientific or objective aim but instead are diving headlong into a conceptual challenge. Indeed, it is an epistemological challenge with the bait of the One Truth at the end, which they chase. Moreover, whether the Ti user ever knows this truth is irrelevant to the visceral belief in its existence. Even if they have come to doubt all truth and have entered an existential dead end in their pursuit so that they only know that they know almost nothing, they were led into this territory by an inarticulated but deep-rooted suspicion that something is there just waiting to be crystallized into knowledge.
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For the Ti user, the world is often seen as a place of incongruences and complexities, paradoxes and mysteries. Everything operates from unchecked assumptions on top of assumptions with no explanation for why any such thing is to be believed. The world seems utterly chaotic and nonsensical, which causes great stress, especially in pursuing axiomatic truth. In order to alleviate this, Ti often executes a reductionistic methodology wherein all unjustified things are negated to eliminate all untruths and see what is left. In its purest sense, Ti will not wish to adopt any form of knowledge or information if it does not understand its underlying formation. It will feel that if the starting premise within them is incorrect, the entire foundation is faulty, and all else that can be built from it will be askew. Therefore, it obsesses over the accuracy of the first few blocks and cornerstones of its epistemology, forcing Ti often into an infinite regression loop of doubt. If told "go to school," then one may think, "What is school?" and from there, proceed to ask, "What is a degree?" and "What makes the knowledge gained at a school desk more valid than what is self-taught?" This can be frustrating to family members as it may appear that the Ti user is rationalizing their way out of responsibility when, in reality, they are contending with the existential questions of meaning, value, and purpose  - which often must be addressed for them first before a single finger can be lifted towards a task. This can be problematic as Ti will tend to reduce social norms/ideas/things down to parts without putting them back together. These thoughts will occupy the Ti user's mind continually and may cause things to lose their value as the process of reduction strips away all meaning. At its most extreme, this can lead to existential dilemmas and nihilism even when nothing in life suggests a reason to be unhappy. As Ti is a subtractive process by nature, it acts as a diagnostic process that identifies misalignment in any premises system. Hence, it tends to be far better at identifying what things are not than what things are. It is often up to the other functions to counterbalance Ti's influence and provide positive affirmation for reasons, motivations, and purposes.
Castle Construction
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However, if enough of a theoretical foundation has been set in the Ti user's mind, then a crystalline structure emerges at the core of their being. Like the growth of an ice crystal from water, a theoretical castle begins to form. Each block of this castle is a premise or argument that helps structure the incoming information of reality in such a way as to create an interpretive scaffold. For Ti, this scaffold serves as a sort of Rubik's cube or kaleidoscope that allows the complexities of life to be viewed and understood from a convergent point. Should there ever be a mismatch between the reality outside of them and the kaleidoscope's prediction, the Ti user hurries to try to reformulate and refine their instrument (to fix the Rubik's cube), but an instrument they must use. The Ti user does not interface with reality directly but does so through this instrument, which acts as their proxy and go-between and allows them to make sense of things without necessarily needing to engage in the difficult task of materialism or empiricism. This leads inescapably to forming a personal theory, often beginning with the phenomenology of the mind/consciousness. One such example of a crystalline theoretical structure is René Descartes' "cogito ergo sum," which, through his efforts and thoughts, was the cornerstone he came to develop and which helped him make sense of all other premises that cascade from this first axiom. However, each Ti user may place a different conclusion as their starting premise. For some, the fundamental principle may be consciousness; for others, it may be bodily experience; and for others, it may be God or love.
Ontology & Linguistics
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The Ti function is inherently philosophical, producing in the Ti user a gravitation towards what we might call ontology. It becomes essential for the Ti user to define things in and of themselves. In this sense, Ti seeks to describe reality absolutely and almost as though they were to vanish themselves from existence. It must be able to be true without them in the picture; otherwise, it is not valid. Ti seeks a timeless abstract definition for everything by this metric. The Ti user usually seeks to encapsulate the essence of a thing through semantic precision, meticulously working out where the boundaries lie between two adjacent thought groupings. There is little more satisfying to them than when data suddenly clicks into perfect arrangement, revealing a fundamental truth. The Ti user lives for these rare and magic moments of clarity, and by engaging in this differentiation process, they gain a firm mental grasp on the world, dissipating the fog of the unknown. The further the Ti user is from clarity of definition in their thoughts, the more internal dissonance will be felt. This can also make the Ti user a bit of a grammar nazi, and their semantic proclivities can lead them to spend hours discussing starting terms without ever making headway related to the real-world problem in question. The Ti user may be highly stimulated by such a discourse even though the original point of the discussion has been left far in the past. More than a few Ti users thus take to linguistics for their proximity to philosophy and their capacity to organize the very structure of our knowledge paradigms.
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Additionally, there is a perfectionist quality to the Ti user wherein their desire for purity of logos is at once a desire for purity of the self. Indeed, the Ti user's success in building this logic framework is tied to their sense of identity, as they may view themselves primarily as truth-seekers and truth-speakers. There will be an ethical quality to their pursuit, which manifests in a value of neutrality, honesty, authenticity, and clarity. Lack of neutrality, honesty, or clarity will be sensed as a transgression that they avoid in their behavior and may depreciate in others. As a compass function, Ti will strive for a type of nobility of character that it can sustain only if it feels honest with itself and avoids as many impurities as possible in its thinking. This high personal standard can cause the Ti user to become entirely mute as their ignorance forces them to retract any opinion or utterance they cannot firmly stand behind. The strong Ti user may be a very silent presence at school or in the workforce, speaking only occasionally and after minutes or hours of reflection on what he wishes to say. If their logical devotion is towards an art project or creative endeavor, the same bottleneck may appear, causing them to hesitate to publish any works until everything feels perfect. They may feel their works are never quite precise enough and will spend countless hours refining them, aiming for their writings, paintings, or manifestations to capture their thoughts and intentions without compromise. This can lead to negative feelings and self-blame for mistakes or misinformation.
Stubborn Alignment to Framework
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While the Ti user may not know many things, he will stand firm by what he does know. The Ti user can be stubborn and difficult to negotiate with if they have fixated on specific ideas they feel are true, and so long as their idea remains in their head, their heels remain sunk in that interpretation. This can make them impractical in many real-world situations when the consequences of their carefully crafted definitions collide with specific necessary actions and obligations. They often refuse to participate in something that seems necessary to some but misaligned to them. Moreover, while no pressure, external circumstance, or logistical necessities can bend their opinion, a properly aimed rebuttal can radically shift their stance in moments. The Ti user's logical apparatus operates like a lock combination. When the right inputs (deductions) are received, the gates of their thoughts suddenly reconfigure, allowing for a completely new mental trajectory to be possible and new actions to emerge from them. However, without this reconfiguration, they may remain deadlocked in certain conclusions or philosophies even when those conclusions harm them. The strong Ti user must reason his way out of a particular conceptual hole and cannot simply ignore it or choose a more convenient path that does not fit into the structure and rules of their self-made castle.
-Behaviors Under Stress
Emotional Shutoff
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When the stress and gravity of life cause a fall out of emotional health, the strong Ti user's already faint emotional energies become even more deeply coveted. Unable to operate meaningfully in the environment, they will flee entirely from the world and into a protective barrier. They will shut off emotionally and may become suspicious and avoid intrusions to their private space. This can lead to a very isolated experience where they feel they can only rely on themselves to figure out the answers to emotional problems, which are often treated as intellectual problems. Driven equally by feelings of self-sufficiency and fear of emotional openness, they will aim to shoulder their pain alone.
They will meet the problem with callousness. What is not felt cannot hurt, and here, their natural capacity for dispassion is repurposed and used to strip power away from the heart. They may sever their connection to others with surprising ease and forget the magnitude of their inner affect. What is non-ideal is rejected as they continue pursuing the ideal in themselves and others. However, the content remains present but buried in the unconscious, and they may harbor unresolved feelings for years at a time – often freezing their heart in the process. Merciless as they may be, they will intellectualize their decisions, satisfying their need to act from just premises and retain a proper sense of self.
Wailings and charged emotional reactions may be perceived as irrational, inappropriate, and to be avoided. However, as stress accumulates further, their logic will become gradually distorted as they aim to rationalize what is essentially an emotional objection. Unable to clearly and cathartically convey their heart's voice, having stripped it of its power, their inner pains will emerge through distorted logical arguments and skewed claims. Their tendency to intellectualize matters of the heart will lead them to push the narrative into a form that aligns with their repressed feelings. As their stress furthers, they may disconnect themselves from others entirely and fall into schizoid tendencies.
Hyper-Focus on Imperfections
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In another scenario, if the Ti user's heart remains open, they meet the problem with honesty of feeling. In their pursuit of authenticity of self, they allow the full gravity of their situation to hit them, and they familiarize themselves with their darkest disappointments, losses, and despair. Because they are perfectionists, they will turn their attention to themselves to understand what is wrong. They may come to feel responsible for all that is not going well in their life and will be prone to episodes of melancholy and deep ruminations about their shortcomings. Worse yet, if a conclusion emerges ("I am horrible," "I am responsible") that cannot be rationally refuted, be it true or not, they will need to continue believing it in order not to betray their compass, even if believing such a thing causes continual pain. Moving past certain damages can be challenging unless their paradigm changes to reinterpret their past in a way that puts them in a more merciful place. They will have trouble accepting positive emotions just for the sake of it, without cause to feel positive. They will feel dubious about any trajectory of healing that is not somehow justified in a certain sense. In this way, they do themselves no service; holding onto their negative beliefs so adamantly can be the cause of their demise.
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askvectorprime · 3 years ago
Dear Vector Prime, beyond energon drinks and insightful missives, what other works have you created? Ever tried forging a sword? Painting? How has it gone?
Dear Tome Trustee,
I have written quite a few works for colleagues at Axiom Nexus, but in addition to this, it is essential that I document my operations as Guardian of Time. Some of my lesser-known works include:
The Codex Vectorum, a very early legal code created just after the Big Bang. It resolved disputes among subatomic lifeforms that threatened the stability of matter in the newborn universe.
Cybiology: Vol. 1: Evolution of Gears, Levers, and Pulleys
So You Ended Up Being A Time Paradox, a work of ultratext that, if you are in fact caught in a time paradox, contains instructions on constructing a "retcannon" to resolve the paradox. If you are not caught in a time paradox, you will see only blank pages.
Cybiology: Vol. 4: Mysteries of Protoform T-Cog Formation
Cybiology: Vol. 13: On the Nature of Robotic Death
Dominant Species of Earth in the Year 3500, a reference document covering [ALERT: you are causing a time paradox by reading these words. Please follow these instructions to construct a retcannon…]
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suite43 · 3 years ago
PS Neither the egg fic nor the vegan freak have anything to do with M/gastar before you try it. That's all pure Starscream stanning, baby. And one of them is St/rop, the supposedly ""good""" ship LOL.
List of female Transformers Main Complete list Following is a thorough list of the various female Transformers in canon thus far. Many of these characters were Japan-exclusive, featured only in fiction, or exist as limited-run exclusive toys. Female characters who had multiple toys are listed only once. Generation 1 (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Chromia (1) Moonracer (2) Firestar (3) Elita One (4) Greenlight (5) Lancer (6) Arcee (7) Beta (8) An Autobot rebel (9) Paradron Medic (11) Nancy (12) Minerva (13) Clipper (14) Karmen (18) Glyph (20) Road Rage (21) Discharge[1] (22) Windy[1] (23) Vibes (24) Roulette (25) Flareup (32) Flip Sides (34) Rosanna (35) Windrazor (38) Thunderblast (46) Cassiopeia (47) Nautica (51) Windblade (52) Victorion (61) Velocity (63) Javelin (62) Proxima (64) Roadmaster (65) Acceleron (66) Override (69) Rust Dust (70) Pyra Magna (71) Skyburst (72) Stormclash (73) Jumpstream (74) Dust Up (75) Scorpia[1] (76) Eos (80) Lifeline (83) Quickslinger (84) Hotwire[2] (98) Strongarm (99) Slide[2] (104) Crush Bull[2] (107) Oiler[2] (108) Broadside[2] (109) Sky High[2] (110) Circuit[2] (116) Pyra Ignatia Spark[2] (118) Scorchfire (122) Orthia (126) Smashdown[2] (128) Esmeral (15) Lyzack (16) Clio (17) Nightracer (19) Shadow Striker (26) Howlback (31) Flamewar (33) Flip Sides (34) Crasher (39) Freezon[1] (44) Nightracer (49) Slipstream (50) Twirl (54) Nickel (60) Swift (77) Killjoy (79) Blackout[2] (81) Spaceshot[2] (82) Crash Test (85) Trickdiamond (92) Moonheart (93) Megaempress (94) Flowspade (95) Lunaclub (96) Megatronia (100) Buckethead[1] (103) Diveplane[1] (112) Seawave[1] (113) Mindgame (114) Tracer[2] (115) Devastator[2] (117) Cindersaur[2] (125) Shadow Striker (127) Nova Storm[2] (129) Termagax (133) Kaskade (135) Heavywait (138) Tyrannocon Rex (139) Cheesecake robot (10) Roulette and Shadow Striker's sister (27) Path Finder (28) Small Foot (29) Devcon's galpal (30) One of Optimus Prime's rescuees (36) Angela (37) Four members of the Kaon upperclass (40-43) Ma-Grrr (45) Red waitress Transformer (48) Windshear (53) Solus Prime (55) Female protester (56) Lightbright (57) Strafe (58) Mistress of Flame (59) Exocet (67) Vertex (68) Aileron (78) Gnash (86) Slice (87) Thrashclaw (88) Shred (89) A pair of Devisen twins (90-91) Maxima (97) Sieg[3] (101) Kari (102) Anode (105) Lug (106) X-Throttle (111) Rum-Maj (119) Praesidia Magna (120) Fastbreak (121) Crash Test (122) Stardrive (123) Magrada (124) Leviathan (130) Codexa (131) Gauge (132) Lodestar (134) Shutter (136) Sharpclaw (137) Cargohold (140) Half-qualifiers: Alana, turned into a Transformer for a short time. Aunty, female Cybertronian intelligent computer. Combination granny and attack-dog-bots, human-sized drones supposedly based on Transformer technology. One of Maccadam's bartenders Nightbird Overlord, has a female side to him. Some of the "Teletraan" computers like 15 and 10 are female. There appears to be a female design among a group of old generics. Bayonet, the fake female Decepticon disguise of Britt. In the French dub of The Transformers: The Movie, Shrapnel and Starscream are considered female. Shrapnel is also female in the Russian dub. Beast Era (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Airazor (2) Kitte Shūshū (5) Rage (6) Botanica (7) Sonar[1] (13) Crystal Widow (14) Crossblades (15) Stiletto (16) Transmutate[1] (18) Binary (19) Wedge Shape[1] (24) Aura (25) Legend Convoy[1] (26) Stockade[2] (28) Rav (29) Hammerstrike[2] (31) Triceradon[2] (35) Skimmer (36) Nyx (44) Blackarachnia (1) Scylla (3) Antagony (4) Strika (8) Manta Ray[1] (17) Ser-Ket (20) Dead-End[2] (27) Jai-Alai (30) Max-B[2] (32) Gaidora (33) Soundbyte/Soundbite (34) Liftoff (37) Freefall (38) Snarl-blast[2] (39) Vertebreak (43) Skold (45) Libras (9) Virgol (10) Cancix[1] (11) Possibly Sagittarii (12) Dipole (21) Vamp (22) Plasma[2] (23) Deep Blue (40) At least two bridge officers of the Terrastar (41-42) Half-qualifiers: NAVI-ko, female Cybertronian intelligent computer NAVI (Yukikaze), female Cybertronian intelligent computer NAVI (Gung Ho), female Cybertronian
intelligent computer DNAVI, female Cybertronian intelligent computer Medusa, an Intruder-built robot modified with Cybertronian technology Robots in Disguise (2001) (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Optimus Prime[2] (1) Nightcruz[1] (3) Scourge[2] (2) Half-qualifiers: T-AI, female Cybertronian intelligent computer. Unicron Trilogy (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Airazor (5) Arcee (9) Autobot nurses (10) Two Velocitronian band members (11-12) Override[4] (13) Joyride[4] (15) Quickslinger (16) Crystal Widow (24) Treadbolt (33) Chromia (34) Thunderblast (14) Spacewarp (30) Sureshock (1) Combusta (2) Falcia (3) Twirl (4) Sunburn (6) Cliffjumper[1] (7) Ironhide[1] (8) Spiral[1] (9) Offshoot[1] (17) Breakage[1] (18) Kickflip[1] (19) Mudbath[1] (20) Heavy Metal[1] (21) "Disco ball" (22) Road Rebel[1] (23) Guardian Speed[1] (25) Mugen[1] (26) Bingo/Triac[1] (27) Wedge Shape[1] (28) Sprite (29) Boom Tube (31) Windrazor (32) Rán (33) Half-qualifiers: A possible scooterformer Dark Nitro Convoy, evil clone of a character whose gender was switched in translation Red Alert, minimally-altered release of a toy that was female in Japan Midnight Express, unaltered release of a toy that was female in Japan Hourglass, a female character who might be a Cybertronian Bombshell, a female character who might be a Cybertronian Carillon, a female character who might be a Cybertronian Vector Prime, the former multiversal entity who was female in some universes Movie continuity family (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Arcee (1) Elita-One (2) Chromia (4) Perihelion (8) HMS Alliance (9) Windblade (13) Fracture (3) Alice (5) Shadow Striker (6) Override[3] (7) Diabla (10) Howlback (11) Shatter (12) Nightbird Airazor Half-qualifiersJetfire claims to have a mother who may or may not have been a Transformer. Animated (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Sari Sumdac (2) Arcee (3) Elita-1 (4) Red Alert (6) Botanica (8) Flareup (10) Rosanna (11) Glyph (12) Lickety-Split (13) Lightbright (14) Chromia (16) Clipper (17) Quickslinger (18) Kappa Supreme (19) Override Prime (20) Windy (21) Road Rage (25) Flashpoint (26) Minerva (27) Sureshock (28) Nightbeat (29) Sunstreaker (30) Blackarachnia (1) Slipstream (5) Strika (7) Flip Sides (9) Antagony (15) Wingthing (22) Beta (23) Drag Strip (24) Half-qualifiers: Teletran-1, female Cybertronian intelligent computer TransTech (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Blackarachnia (5) Strika (3) Unnamed medic (1) Andromeda (2) Cyclis (4) Sonar (6) Hammerstrike (7) Scorpia (8) Proxima (9) Half-qualifiers: Axiom Nexus News Editor, a 'bot with one male and one female personality Shattered Glass (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Crasher (1) Esmeral (6) Howlback (7) Arcee (2) Andromeda (3) Elita-One (4) Strongarm (8) Windblade (9) Nautica (10) Beta (5) Half-qualifiers: Teletraan-X, female Cybertronian intelligent computer. Aligned continuity family (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Akiba Prime Arc Arcee Arcee Blade Assault Star Brushfire Cameo Catapult Chevalier Chromia Deep Blue Ether Walker Firestar Galaxy Flare Galaxy 'Questrian Glow Matronly Docent Quickshadow Rocket Plume Solus Prime Strongarm Tempest Spin Thunderclap Upkeep Windblade Airachnid Astraea Aurora Speeder Balewing Coldstar Crimson Phantom Cyberwarp Cyclone Dancer Diabla Duststorm Fallen Angel Filch Flamewar Flash Runner Glowstrike Hoverbolt Helter-Skelter Hurricane Hunter Ida Lensflare Metal Thunder Nebula Ripper Night Dancer Overhead Retrofit Rollcage Scatterspike Skyjack Slink Slipstream Spiral Zealot Supernova Flame Variable Star Void Pulse Zizza Ser-Ket Ripclaw Azimuth Cogwheel Elita One Mercury Moonracer Nightra Override Bot Shots (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Buzzclaw (1) Kre-O (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Chromia (1) Arcee (3) Strika (4) Minerva (5) Windblade (6) Paradron Medic (10) Strongarm (12) Skimmer[1] (13) Airachnid (2) Thunderblast (7) Blackarachnia (8) Slipstrike (9) Ida (11) Liftoff[1] (14) Freefall[1] (15) Angry Birds Transformers (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Stella as:Arcee
(1) Airachnid (2) Chromia (4) Novastar (10) Moonracer (11) Greenlight (12) Silver as:Windblade (3) Energon Windblade (5) Elita-One (8) Matilda as:Energon Nautica (6) Nautica (7) Strongarm (9) Zeta as:Nightbird (13) Rosanna (15) Zeta as:Slipstream (14) Cyberverse (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Arcee Chromia Clobber Jazz[3] Windblade Alpha Strike Nova Storm Shadow Striker Skywarp Slipstream Blackarachnia Cosmos Operatus Solus Prime Half-qualifiers: In the Japanese dub of Cyberverse, Thrust was female, and went by the name Red Wing. Acid Storm fluctuates between the male and female Seeker body types in show. Mae Catt would explain this on Twitter as this being "just something Acid Storm likes to do" and that pronouns are "up to Acid Storm". This would imply Acid Storm is non-binary gender fluid, thus they semi-qualify for the list. BotBots (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Aday Angry Cheese Arctic Guzzlerush Bankshot Big Cantuna Bok Bok Bok-O Bonz-Eye Bot-T-Builder Bottocorrect Bratworst Brock Head Chef Nada Clawsome Crabby Grabby Cuddletooth Dingledeedoo Disaster Master Disgusto Desserto DJ Fudgey Fresh Doctor Flicker Drama Sauce Drillit Yaself Face Ace Fail Polish Fit Ness Monster Flare Devil Flood Jug Fomo Frohawk Frostfetti Frostyface Glam Glare Fancy Flare Glitch Face Goggly Spy P.I. Gold Dexter Goldface Goldiebites Goldie Terrortwirl Goldito Favrito Goldpin Baller Gold Punch Grampiano Grandma Crinkles Grave Rave The Great Mumbo Bumblo Greeny Rex Grrr'illa Grimes Halloween Knight Handy Dandy Hashtagz Hawt Diggity Hawt Mess Highroller Hiptoast Ice Sight Javasaurus Rex Jet Setter Knotzel Latte Spice Whirl Leafmeat Alone Loadoutsky Lolly Licks Lolly Mints Miss Mixed Movie Munchster Ms. Take Must Turd Nanny McBag Nomaste Nope Soap Ol' Tic Toc Ollie Bite Outta Order Overpack Pop N. Lock Pop O' Gold Pressure Punk Professor Scope Rebugnant Roarista Sandy Shades Scribby Sheriff Sugarfeet Shifty Gifty Sippyberry Sippy Slurps Skippy Dippy Disc Slappyhappy Smooth Shaker Smore N' More Sour Wing Starscope Sticky McGee Sugar Saddle Super Bubs Sweet Cheat Technotic Sonic Terror Tale Torch Tidy Trunksky Tricitrustops Tropic Guzzlerush Tutu Puffz Twerple Burple Unilla Icequeencone Venus Frogtrap Vigitente Waddlepop Wasabi Breath Whirlderful Whoopsie Cushion Wristocrat
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crowmagus · 3 years ago
Godhood in 27 Days, Part 1
Beginning | Previous Journal | Part 2
Here follows an excerpt from the journal of Boundary Prole, retired Expeditionary. The contents of this journal have not been Axiomized by the Bureau of Chronicles.
While no doubt I have tantalized you with my discoveries of the geometrical truths of our proud city, I find that my pen will not trace more than three words before I am plagued with fever and spasms.
For now, I shall write of other novelties - namely the often rumored but rarely seen book ‘Godhood in 27 Days’, by Asker Knoll.
In my travels in the Obscure, specifically with my encounters with Exo-cult Practitioners I have often heard this book referred to as a guidebook in manipulating reality. The Practitioners of the Farthest Isles (at least when I visited) stressed to me that the book itself could not be read like your common novel. The book was said to have different contents between copies, though nobody on the Isles could (or would) produce a single copy, let alone two.
Asker Knoll, the author, you would assume is a pseudonym. Those that whisper about Godhood in 27 Days usually suspect that M[r][s]. Knoll is a complete mystery. For a good while, I felt the same way. That was, until I ran into Asker Knoll while trading at a homestead one weeks travel from Nexus.
We had just begun feeding our ship, and I had gone into the commune for a quick meal to break my fast. While arguing on the price of fruit, I was shut up by the realization that behind the fruit-seller were three carapace bound books, with the words ‘Godhood in 27 days’ embossed in messy violet paint on their spines.
I halted my haggling immediately and pointed at the three volumes. “Surely this is a local joke?” I inquired half-seriously.
The merchant looked at me, and with a casual but serious tone told me that no, it was not a joke, as they were the author of those volumes and kept them close by in case anyone was interested in purchasing them.
I believed them immediately, and asked if I could read a few pages to judge the contents for my own curiosity. With practiced ease I was told that no, I could not sample the literature, but I could purchase it for the price of a single Hailfruit.
Being a well-off man, I immediately handed over the slivers for one copy and a small bowl of tangy fruits. I headed to my bunk immediately and peered within.
On the inside of the front cover, written in my own handwriting in gold ink was the message
“Buy another copy.”
Utterly convinced by the crossing of the t’s and the hesitancy around completing the o’s I rushed barefoot off of the vessel and back to the fruit stall. Asker Knoll was still there, the other two copies of course were not.
I asked in a less-than-collected tone where they had gone to and the author explained quite matter-of-factly that they had been sold, and that no they could not tell me to whom they had sold them.
I spent the better part of the day hounding my ship mates about their purchases, and the worse part of the day pestering the locals about the contents of their personal libraries. It was no use, the two extra copies were gone.
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supportpiner · 2 years ago
Syncios data transfer s3 to iphone 6
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Syncios data transfer s3 to iphone 6 how to#
Syncios data transfer s3 to iphone 6 android#
Syncios data transfer s3 to iphone 6 how to#
Option 1: How to switch from Samsung to iOS with Move to iOS app Instead, it can be as easy as a piece of cake. Thankfully, transferring data from Samsung to iPhone is not necessarily an intimidating process.
Syncios data transfer s3 to iphone 6 android#
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mr-t-stark · 1 year ago
Tony clenches his jaw.
"Doesn't matter. I need to know: is everyone okay?" he asks, a hint of desperation in his voice, "That's all I need to know. What happened after I snapped? Where's Thanos? What happened to Rhodey, Pepper, Happy, the team... fuck, is Peter okay?"
He's starting to regret coming to Strange first and foremost rather than visiting the rest to confirm things himself. The panic he's been trying to keep at bay is slowly creeping back into him, his breaths coming in and out rapidly in near-hyperventilation.
He feels like a ball of anxious energy and utter confusion, ready to burst at the slightest trigger.
"And the stones. What happened? Where are they? We need to destroy them. Now."
"I couldn't be more surprised to see you."
In spite of, or perhaps due to, the fact that Stark's supposed to be dead, a warring mix of relief and concern fills Stephen. Stark standing in front of him now means that Stephen hadn't consigned him to permanent death for the sake of the greater good.
He was only one of many that suffered from Stephen's choice back on Titan, but it was his life, his face, that had haunted Stephen's nightmares and had weighed the most heavily on his conscience.
All of his superfluous thoughts are chased away when Stark brandishes the empty gauntlet on his hand. Or at least empty to anyone other than a sorcerer.
Rather embarrassingly, he was so distracted by Stark's presence, Stephen hadn't noticed the massive amounts of lingering Infinity stone energies on the man's hand. It may lack the stones, but the remnants left behind had the potential to be harnessed for nefarious purposes.
Stephen swallows his unease. "It is." He agrees, but he can't help the slight waver in his voice. "Or at least so I thought. I hadn't looked much further after... after the final snap."
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askvectorprime · 4 years ago
Has anyone from the brave series ended up in axiom nexus or anywhere else in the multivere for that matter
Dear J-Asker,
On one occasion, Galvatron attempted to flee arrest by the Autobots through an augmented transwarp gate, escaping to a parallel world. Optimus Prime rallied the Dimensional Patrol alongside Koji and pursued, arriving in Nanamagari City. The group split up to search for Galvatron and his forces, which quickly went awry as Side Burn sped off to check out that universe’s red sports cars. It was here that he was stopped by the police robot Deckerd, who was shocked when a second living police robot, Prowl, arrived to pick up his brother. All parties baffled by the revelation of a completely different set of robot life-forms working for the Japanese civil service, the Autobots convened at the Brave Police headquarters in order to explain the situation. Though surprised by this tale of alien robots, Commissioner Juuzo Saejima committed to helping the “super cool” Autobots take down Galvatron. 
The two robot units spent some time together to train while Saejima and T-AI pooled their resources to track down Galvatron. The Autobot Car Brothers marvelled at Gunmax’s Gun Bike and Shadow-Maru’s six-changing abilities, while the two Build Teams sparred after Wedge teased the similarly youthful Drill Boy over their discrepancy in rank. Of course, Koji and Yuuta, Deckerd’s young friend and boss, became fast friends. All was not well, however, as the callous Ultra Magnus made a snide remark regarding the Super AI of the Brave Police, muttering to a furious Optimus that as they lacked sparks, they were not truly alive. Upon hearing this, Deckerd had a crisis of faith, wondering if he was truly alive, leaving him without the confidence to fight or form Fire J-Decker with Duke.
Galvatron chose that moment to resurface, having used Predacon super-science to construct a drone army of the Chieftain robots who had once menaced the Brave Police. Though the combined Brave Dimensional Patrol unit fought valiantly, the army’s sheer numbers left them overwhelmed, not helped by Deckerd’s diminished fighting spirit. It was then that Optimus Prime, angry with his brother, merged with Magnus into Omega Prime, who peered into Magnus’ heart and revealed that he had been envious of the Police for their strength and teamwork. Realising that he shouldn’t let the comments of one rude ‘bot get him down, Deckerd merged with Duke to form Fire J-Decker, and the two combiners defeated both Galvatron and the Chieftain army with their combined Fire Matrix Blade attack. 
With Galvatron in chains, the two teams bade farewell with a warm handshake between Optimus and Deckerd. Though neither team would see the other again, they would keep their passion for justice alive in their home universes.
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dr-s-strange · 2 years ago
Stephen frowns as a sense of wary urgency mixed with the typical response to a guest to the Sanctum is impressed upon him. He stretches his senses through the Sanctum's and feels the presence of a dead man.
He nearly translocates himself into a table in his rush to get to the front door.
Still mildly disbelieving, Stephen pulls the man outside into the sanctum with his magic. It's only then he can believe, despite having attended the man's funeral (cremation and all), the person before him is the honest to god, genuine article.
"Stark?!" Stephen reminds himself not to panic and dive into worse case scenarios. He doesn't know what's going on yet. For all he knows, this could be easily resolved.
One second he was somewhere between life and death--he remembers the echo of the snap and the sensation of fire trailing through half his body, remembers hearing unrecognisable voices, speaking directly through his ears; overlapping whispers that clashed atop and over each other--and the next second, he's alive.
The first thing he notices when he wakes up is the arc reactor on his chest. The second is the gauntlet, still fully intact on his hand, quickly followed by a sense of panic at both its presence and the absence of the stones on it.
Did the snap work? Was Thanos defeated? Did something go wrong?
"Boss?" a familiar voice says to him tentatively.
"FRIDAY?" he says, shocked at his own voice and how he's still able to speak. "What... How did... What the fuck happened?"
What follows is an almost hesitant pause from FRIDAY.
"I'm not sure," is what she says eventually, "It seems you've somehow survived, Mr. Stark."
Tony cards a hand through his hair. He looks down at his chest, and the arc reactor lodged deep in it like it had once before. Carefully, he lifts his fingers towards it, feeling the cold metal.
"It seems you have the arc reactor with you, boss." she points out the obvious, "I detect a very high energy signature from it."
He frowns.
"Higher than it was before?"
Tony pauses, wills himself not to panic, and forces his mind to think.
The next thought that goes through his mind is strong and loud and incredibly definite, like a large neon sign with multiple blinking, lit arrows pointing at it: Doctor Strange. The wizard is the only person who could explain what happened, if the snap is reversed, if everything they've been through worked out in the end, and of course, the billionaire dollar question: how the fuck he's still alive right now.
It was an almost unconscious reaction as he tries to call upon his armour, and is relieved to find that his suit still exists.
What happens next feels like a blur of events more than anything. He doesn't exactly remember what happened other than a sense of desperation that he needs to get to Strange as soon as possible. He remembers getting directions from FRIDAY, and the almost dangerous speed he was flying in with his suit, but once everything is over and he reaches his destination, all those details seem irrelevant.
Tony stares for a moment at the building in front of him, the sense of desperation spiking up tenfold.
He knocks at the door.
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dr-s-strange · 2 years ago
"I couldn't be more surprised to see you."
In spite of, or perhaps due to, the fact that Stark's supposed to be dead, a warring mix of relief and concern fills Stephen. Stark standing in front of him now means that Stephen hadn't consigned him to permanent death for the sake of the greater good.
He was only one of many that suffered from Stephen's choice back on Titan, but it was his life, his face, that had haunted Stephen's nightmares and had weighed the most heavily on his conscience.
All of his superfluous thoughts are chased away when Stark brandishes the empty gauntlet on his hand. Or at least empty to anyone other than a sorcerer.
Rather embarrassingly, he was so distracted by Stark's presence, Stephen hadn't noticed the massive amounts of lingering Infinity stone energies on the man's hand. It may lack the stones, but the remnants left behind had the potential to be harnessed for nefarious purposes.
Stephen swallows his unease. "It is." He agrees, but he can't help the slight waver in his voice. "Or at least so I thought. I hadn't looked much further after... after the final snap."
Tony flinches as he is suddenly being pushed into the Sanctum with an unfamiliar force--damn wizards and their tricks, he could've just warned him or something--and quickly retracts his suit.
"Strange," he greets, trying not to show his panic but is probably failing as he couldn't stifle his panting, "Surprised to see me? Because I'm surprised to see me," he says frantically.
He issues a shaky inhale.
"Ok, look," he cards a hand through his hair, "I know this looks crazy, but--" he gestures up and down Strange's figure vaguely, "You've probably seen stranger things or whatever."
He paces around.
"Listen, I don't know what happened. So I was-- dammit, I was dead!" he turns to the sorcerer, "I need to know, Strange--did it work? Is-- is everyone okay?"
He holds up the gauntlet and practically shoves it on Stephen's face.
"This," he refers to the gauntlet, "Tell me it worked."
His eyes are wide and desperate.
"Is this the one?"
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mr-t-stark · 2 years ago
Tony flinches as he is suddenly being pushed into the Sanctum with an unfamiliar force--damn wizards and their tricks, he could've just warned him or something--and quickly retracts his suit.
"Strange," he greets, trying not to show his panic but is probably failing as he couldn't stifle his panting, "Surprised to see me? Because I'm surprised to see me," he says frantically.
He issues a shaky inhale.
"Ok, look," he cards a hand through his hair, "I know this looks crazy, but--" he gestures up and down Strange's figure vaguely, "You've probably seen stranger things or whatever."
He paces around.
"Listen, I don't know what happened. So I was-- dammit, I was dead!" he turns to the sorcerer, "I need to know, Strange--did it work? Is-- is everyone okay?"
He holds up the gauntlet and practically shoves it on Stephen's face.
"This," he refers to the gauntlet, "Tell me it worked."
His eyes are wide and desperate.
"Is this the one?"
One second he was somewhere between life and death--he remembers the echo of the snap and the sensation of fire trailing through half his body, remembers hearing unrecognisable voices, speaking directly through his ears; overlapping whispers that clashed atop and over each other--and the next second, he's alive.
The first thing he notices when he wakes up is the arc reactor on his chest. The second is the gauntlet, still fully intact on his hand, quickly followed by a sense of panic at both its presence and the absence of the stones on it.
Did the snap work? Was Thanos defeated? Did something go wrong?
"Boss?" a familiar voice says to him tentatively.
"FRIDAY?" he says, shocked at his own voice and how he's still able to speak. "What... How did... What the fuck happened?"
What follows is an almost hesitant pause from FRIDAY.
"I'm not sure," is what she says eventually, "It seems you've somehow survived, Mr. Stark."
Tony cards a hand through his hair. He looks down at his chest, and the arc reactor lodged deep in it like it had once before. Carefully, he lifts his fingers towards it, feeling the cold metal.
"It seems you have the arc reactor with you, boss." she points out the obvious, "I detect a very high energy signature from it."
He frowns.
"Higher than it was before?"
Tony pauses, wills himself not to panic, and forces his mind to think.
The next thought that goes through his mind is strong and loud and incredibly definite, like a large neon sign with multiple blinking, lit arrows pointing at it: Doctor Strange. The wizard is the only person who could explain what happened, if the snap is reversed, if everything they've been through worked out in the end, and of course, the billionaire dollar question: how the fuck he's still alive right now.
It was an almost unconscious reaction as he tries to call upon his armour, and is relieved to find that his suit still exists.
What happens next feels like a blur of events more than anything. He doesn't exactly remember what happened other than a sense of desperation that he needs to get to Strange as soon as possible. He remembers getting directions from FRIDAY, and the almost dangerous speed he was flying in with his suit, but once everything is over and he reaches his destination, all those details seem irrelevant.
Tony stares for a moment at the building in front of him, the sense of desperation spiking up tenfold.
He knocks at the door.
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