#t: astroseuss
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mageofseven · 2 years ago
Oh oh! About the song things! I usually go on walks and listen to songs and daydream about them, and one of my favorite is Pray by Ryan Vasquez! I usually imagine it with Beelzebub because he's my bbg. Like fr I made a storyline in my head to it I LOVE him <3 sometimes I like to imagine it's when they were in the Celestial Realm, and other times I just funk it.
Omg, why would you do this to me???
This song is too beautiful 😭💕
I can definitely see why this makes you think of Beel
However this song makes me freaking grieve the fact that I'm awful at writing smut and this would be so fucking perfect for that.
But at the same time, it makes me wanna try??? I mean, it's been years since my last train wreck attempt (I think I was like 18? 19? And now I'm 26) and this song makes it so fucking tempting 🥺💕
To clarify though! This post will contain zero smut and will probably just be super fluffy! Maybe even a bit a suggestive, but nothing smutty.
Story context: Lilith never fell in love with a human, the Celestial War never happened, and the brothers are still angels (and MC still exists despite Lilith not becoming human).
Beel, like both his twins, often sneaks down to the Human realm, where he met and fell in love with MC. Having to keep it a secret from all of his siblings makes the big guy feel guilty, but he's so deeply in love with MC and worships her and every moment they are together.
This starts from the morning after they...did the smutty stuff 😂
Beel pulled the human closer, mind still foggy as he woke up in their bed. Sadly, he was conscious enough to know what day it was, making him tighten his hold on the sleeping woman.
Wake up in the morning when sun shines in
Half awake, half asleep until you chime in
The clock striking its final chords
So get up, get out, rise and shine for the house of the Lord.
Today was Sunday, his Father's day. It was just about the only day of the week most angels saw their Father and most still never interacted with him. They all come together each Sunday to praise Father for all he's done, but in truth, only archangels like Lucifer and Michael truly speak to Him.
The angel didn't want to go, to leave his love alone in the bed after such a wonderful night.
He watched his love for a moment, focusing on the gentle rise and fall of her chest as she slept soundly.
Beel closed his eyes, the night before flashing in his mind.
The man took a finger and lightly traced MC's lips, suddenly receiving a sleepy giggle from the human.
Cause as soon as I close my eyes
Brings me back to my temple in between those thighs
My mind does a full eclipse
And the world dissolves while I'm worshiping your lips
"Hey..." She smiles sleepily at the angel next to her.
"Good morning, beautiful." He slowly stroked her cheek, like he was trying to memorize every little detail from her skin's softness to the exact placement of her freckles.
Even after last night, he still felt the need to trace every inch of her body, leaving kisses along the way till he lands at the spot she truly wants his attention with.
The angel still felt like he could taste her on his lips and it just made him want more of her. What his man wouldn't give to just ask her for another taste, for permission to pray all of his love for her down below, but he knew he had no time for it.
MC frowned before laying her hand against his chest.
"It's Sunday, isn't it?"
Beel pulled her to his chest and stroked her hair.
He had to go home before anyone knew he was gone; before Lucifer could even suspect what he was doing now.
Father, son, and the holy ghost
I'm trapped with the people that I love the most
Bad things happened to angels who broke the rules, especially the major ones like...falling in love with a human.
Romantic love was forbidden in the Celestial realm, especially with anyone from the other races. No love is allowed to be greater than your love for Father. His family...they wouldn't understand this; they wouldn't understand the intense love he felt for this woman or why he'd risk his life to stay with her.
If Lucifer found out...he'd keep Beel locked up in the Celestial realm. He'd keep his younger brother's secret in order to protect him, but would never let him return to his love's side.
No matter how much he loved Lucifer and his other siblings, he couldn't sacrifice MC for them. This gentle and loving human had awoken something in him, something he could never let sleep within him again.
She completes him. How could he ever let his family steal him away from her?
"When...when will you be back this time?" She asked softly from within his arms.
"I...I don't know." The man started to draw circles lightly on the back of her shoulder. "At least a few days."
MC buried her face in his chest and he kissed her hair.
If he had a choice...Beel would worship this woman for the rest of his life. He no longer wishes to pray to and revere his Father, the One who decided such a relationship with his love was too great of a sin to forgive.
How could loving someone so soft, so caring be a bad thing? The angel once tried to convince himself of it, but no longer. This woman was more angelic than even him and this love between them made him feel a fullness within him that he had never known.
He needed her like he needed air to breath and food to eat. And knew she felt the same way.
I kneel at the shrine
I eat from the vine
Drinking your wine
I'm feeling your spine
Bending to my design
And it's all mine
I'm begging you for one more crawl
I wanna feel your waterfall, fall
Beel heard the human sniffle before she pulled back from his chest.
"I'll miss you..." She said tearful. "I wish you didn't always have to leave."
"I know." He rubbed her back. "I leave so I can always come back you to though."
The woman nodded and he kissed each tear that fell from her eyes, kind eyes that have pulled him towards her since they both met.
He hated leaving her, but come hell or high water, he will always find his way back to her. Always. And he needed to because this man could not even imagine how to live without her again.
He will do his time back in the Celestial realm, praying that everything lines up for him soon to safely make his way back to her.
For now, he gave her a long, sweet kiss before leaving her bed and heading out to her balcony, where he released his wings
and flew away, to the home that no longer felt like home.
Hush, don't make a sound
The service is over and the king's been crowned
I managed just a soft amen
Then I close my eyes to visit you and I again
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mageofseven · 2 years ago
I think I'd adore that mpreg series honestly! One of my biggest wants is kids, but my biggest fears is carrying the baby. Plus, I feel like it'd be so much easier if the demons carried their own babies with the pregnancy series, y'know?
Omg now I really need to do this.
Thanks for the encouragement, Astro!
I gotta get started on brainstorming plots now~
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mageofseven · 2 years ago
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Barbatos is the captain of the DiaLuci ship and is frantically plugging up the holes and bailing out the water while smiling and being like
"This is Fine."
Barb is the ultimate captain lol
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mageofseven · 2 years ago
Hello! I saw your match-ups were open and I wanted to submit one! For starters, I'd like all the boys to be inn consideration.
Now, I'm gender fluid and demi romantic, though I typically just say MLM! I tend to present more femininely, but I have my days. I have a head canon that I'd just use magic to present super masc as I wanted too, because it'd be fucking hilarious.
I'm an ENFP, more of an Ambivert really, and I'm a Virgo Sun, Taurus Moon, Scorpio Rising, and Leo Venus. I was born in September!
Now, I'm very excitable, and have a tendency to overreact. It's due to my ADHD and Bipolar Disorder. Though, I'm seen as a really happy person. I'm very kind, and polite! I see myself as a caring and nurturing person who sometimes gets a little weird... but my friends nicknames for me consist mainly of old-man freak! So. I have a tendency to go a little overboard when talking to people I'm comfortable with. I'm also very insecure of my weight and such.
I am absolutely obsessed with yoga. I attend classes and such. I also like to go to the gym, mainly for lifting and cardio. I'm very strong! I also have a huge thing for cooking! I prefer to make meat products due to the overdoing things, as I over season non-meat things sometimes. I also really like baking, I just have a hard time eating so many sweets. Listening to music or trash TV while I do this is so much fun.
I adore kids! Not liking kids would absolutely be a deal breaker for me... I don't want a HUGE family, but I want more than 2 kids! I'm studying to be a teacher as well.
When I get insecure, I tend to absorb mylaef into my interests. I like reading a lot, and I love movies. I'm a huge movie buff, and watch many nostalgic movies! Little Monsters, Drop Dead Fred, ect. I'm not an 80s' kid, but I was raised by my aunt, who was. I watch my comfort shows, my comfort movies, and read my favorite books. Or, I watch a good movie and read the book it's based off! Right now I'm reading The Count of Monte Cristo because I watched the movie! I also tend to be into childish things, like cartoon movies.
I dress in a variety of styles, and always try and make it fun. Sometimes, I can be wearing purple spandex shorts and 7 inch sparkly pink platforms with heart buckles, the next I'm running through the woods with no shoes on, and a flowy brown skirt with a orange crop top. I've been described as a Golden Retriever friend, and a free spirt. Many people think I'm stupid, but I'm actually really smart... and I'm terribly jealous of my younger sister because she's everything I'm not.
Sorry if this is a lot! I just really like obey me-
Omg!!!! You actually know your venus!! Thank you for that 🥰🤭💕
So your Venus in Leo tells me you are very lively, devoted, and passionate. When you're in love, you give all of yourself to your lover and expect the same in return.
Your Taurus Moon tells you are very compassionate and determined, but also aren't a big fan of change.
Your Scorpio Rising tells me that you can often find your guard up with new people to some degree, but when lowered, people see just how charming, passionate, and loyal you are. There is so much about you that others have to invest time in to see and it's always worth it.
Your Virgo Sun tells me you are also very practical and want to be helpful to those around you.
The rest of your information tells me you are very family oriented, keep active, and love nostalgia (then again, who doesn't lol)
With all of this in mind, three of the Boys pop up as potential choices, two being Diavolo and Asmodeus. However,
I pair you with...
He is the ultimate family man. Like, as soon you feel you're ready for it, make this man a Daddy right away! He has so much love to give and he can tell you do too. Even before you two have kids, I can imagine him being so soft and cuddly with you, nuzzling your cheek or neck before whispering in your ear about how beautiful your heart is and that you'd be an amazing parent and how he just can't wait for that day 🥺😭💕💕💕
Outside of that cutesy parent stuff, I can see you two going to the gym together and Beel would even try yoga with you! He'd be pretty clumsy at it in the beginning, but I can see him enjoying it and keeping at it so it can be another activity that you two can do together.
You being such a lively and passionate person with him always brings a smile to his face, causing him to want to express just as much passion back at you 🥰
Beel will be just as devoted to you as you are to him and I can really see you two being this cute, healthy couple whose always taking caring of one another💕💕💕
But seriously, make this man a Daddy. It's practically a crime that he isn't one already lol
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mageofseven · 2 years ago
I was raised very southern Baptist, and my church always denied the idea of God's name being anything other than God. Like, if we were ever curious about it our pastor would just tell us to read like, Leviticus or something. He'd always just tell us to read a different part of the Bible. Yahweh is a cool af name tho, and I'm interested in the differences between the Anon answers.
Honestly, it's not too surprising your pastor said that. I wonder if it's a long held believe by Baptists that God doesn't have a name/is only called God or if it's a relatively new influence on the religion?
Honestly, I have a general Christian theory about this. I believe in the days the bible was written, God was given the name Yahweh because so many people were curious and assumed that he must have one.
As centuries passed though, I think Christians got increasingly more uncomfortable with other religions and other groups of peoples' gods and decided not to acknowledge their own god's name and just call him God, as a way of telling others that their god is the god, the true god, the 'real' god.
That, at least to me, would make sense why God has a name, but Christians have more or less retconned that info because it no longer makes them comfortable.
That's just my opinion though! It's totally fine if you don't see it the way I do.
But ya! Yahweh is a really cool name and it's fascinating to hear the different perspectives and the knowledge on the topic that different people carry.
Humans are so fascinating hehe 🥰
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mageofseven · 2 years ago
In TWST in definitely more of a Sebek girl! Like absolutely adore the character who's too loud about something he likes. It's always been my Achilles Heel type thing I am a SUCKER
I also really adore Kalim and Azul!!!
Honestly, I'm not big on Sebek and I'm not sure why.
Azul, however, is precious and Kalim is pretty okay, though I lean more towards Jamil in that house lol
But again, Leona is where my heart is truly at 🥰💕 hehe~
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mageofseven · 2 years ago
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Okay so like, I just wanna say good eye @astroseuss ! I'm glad you caught the Naamah part. It's a little nod to something that's gonna be a part of Solomon's part in the Pregnancy and Birth series where MC has his child, whenever I get around to writing it anyway lol
The Boys and Therapy
Let's face it; there's not a single man in Obey Me who couldn't benefit from therapy. At least three of them have daddy issues, about six of them still grieve Lilith's exit from their life (since Satan wasn't a physical person yet, I don't think he hurts over it as much as the others) at least three of them have issues non parent family issues, three of them at minimum are constantly under stress, and almost ALL of them have been through some sort of trauma.
Honestly, this list could go farther, but Imma just jump into the post~
Please enjoy 🥰
Therapy In the Devildom
First off, I would like to explain how I see therapy in the Devildom. It's a relatively new practice in the realm, brought in by the cultural exchange program started in the first game (I cannot imagine therapy being a thing here during the time of Nightbringer since things are so chaotic and the people were still so closed-minded).
Devildom is a place where secrets are treasured more than grimm. Even a greed demon, when given the choice between a vault near-bursting with grimm or a single secret about some demonic duke, would choose the secret every time because it's intrinsic value is so much more in this realm.
So when therapy was beginning to become a practice here in the Devildom, they simply could not afford to go about it the same ways humans did; laws simply were not enough to keep the client's secrets safe.
The job of a therapist is considered a prestigious one in the Devildom, carrying with it the status of being a staunch member of the Aldatu faction (a political party in the Devildom dedicated to change and the chaos that comes with it, the 'true demon way'; they oppose the Traditionalist faction and are backed by Diavolo himself).
Such prestige made it easier for the demons pursuing these jobs to accept the innumerable amount of curses placed on them so they couldn't reveal their clients' secrets. Of course, there were checks and balances to this though. If any secret involved a severe law being broken or if the client revealed plans to hurt themself or others, they had assigned curse breakers to help them through the process.
This process helped a lot of demons feel comfortable enough to seek their services.
This is how the Boys found themselves seeking such services as well.
This man was pushed into it by Diavolo.
The Avatar of Pride was more stressed at this time than the prince had ever seen and that is saying something.
Honestly, Dia was worried his friend was on the verge of popping out another Satan so attending therapy was non-negotiable.
His brothers were so weirded out by this turn of events. I mean, Lucifer? Talking about his feelings? To a complete stranger??? In what realm could this actually work out?
The pride demon spent most of the first couple sessions in silence; he told Lord Diavolo that he would attend such meetings, not that he would truly participate in such unnecessary--
Ok, this demon was good. Too good. The therapist had somehow tricked him into talking about some basic stressors. Nothing from the core of the oldest's pain, but some surface level things like dealing with piles of paperwork taller than himself and his brothers' usual hijinks.
Lucifer found himself looking forward to the weekly sessions, but would adamantly deny it if anyone asked.
Diavolo could tell that it was doing his friend some good though and for that, he was grateful.
I don't know if Lucifer would ever talk about anything important to the therapist and if he did, it would probably take decades a least to bring up topics like his Father and Lilith.
Still, therapy ended up being a good experience for this pride demon.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Seeing his brothers as grown ass men who need to make their own mistakes in order to learn.
This is something the pride demon struggles with. Sometimes, he has no issue letting his brothers handle their own issues; others, he hovers over them and lectures them profusely like a concerned and angry mother.
Realizes that, on some level, he doesn't actually want his brothers growing up. He's been raising them since he himself was a child after all so for them to grow up and not need him anymore...what would he do then? His life has been surrounded around them all this time. A life where they don't need him...it sounds empty and not a life he'd know how to live.
Was dragged there by Lucifer, who was honestly done with him after the 1200th time he tried to steal from the castle.
That was the surface reason anyway, the 'straw that broke the camel's back' so to speak
But the older brother had been thinking about sending the second brother there for a while now.
Behavioral issues aside, Lucifer knows his brother suffers from some self esteem issues and wants him to address them.
Mammon complained and treated it like a pain, but in truth, he had been thinking about going for a while, but was too embarrassed and didn't want his younger brothers giving him crap for it.
When he went to his first session, the greed demon was awkward as all hell
But his therapist really had a way of making him comfortable.
Unlike his older brother, there really wasn't a lot that was off the table for him to talk about, though the deeper topics took some cajoling from the professional.
He talked about a variety of things, from the crap he gets from his brothers and their 'scummy' comments, Lilith, memories from the Celestial realm...
Lucifer himself.
Main issue he works on in therapy: his relationship with his older brother.
As much as he cared about Lilith, this man never fought in the Celestial War for her; he fought for Lucifer. There is nothing his brother could do that he himself wouldn't jump in and help him with.
Mammon fucks up a lot and while some of those fuck ups are genuine...
Some are on purpose. For Lucifer.
I think Mammon is the only brother who truly understands the oldest and to a level that even Lucifer might not fully be aware of.
He knows, or maybe just senses, his older brother's need to be needed and gets in trouble so Lucifer will have to punish him, have to feel like Mammon still needs direction in life.
Not only that but...the second brother has come to realize just how much he needs his big brother's attention, even when it's negative.
When you boil it all down, Mammon and Lucifer's relationship has never really been that healthy.
The two depend on each other more than they are willing to admit and a lot of it isn't in a healthy way.
This was an incredibly painful realization for this man, but an important one
And one he still isn't sure if he wants to change.
One of the brothers whose asses got put in therapy as soon as the practice became stable enough to be safe in the Devildom.
Agoraphophic, socially anxious, extremely low self esteem? This man needs it.
Fortunately, he was allowed to attend therapy virtually in the beginning.
He was still pretty quiet during the first session, but managed to open up a bit towards the end and had an easier time as he attended more sessions.
Levi grew to really like going to therapy because his therapist would let him talk about the things he enjoyed; he wasn't just restricted to talking about the bad and that made him feel really comfortable with the other demon.
He could start by talking about TSL and Ruri-chan before sliding into topics like his insecurities and things his brothers do on a regular day that make him feel bad about himself.
He talked about The Fall and the life he lived before it; what he missed, what he hated, what he desperately wished he had back...
And came to the conclusion that he didn't so much miss or even care about the Celestial realm. It was nothing more than a controlling, hypocritical place after all.
What he did miss was his childhood, where being his awkward, silly self was encouraged instead of judged.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Loving himself despite whatever other think or however he perceives their opinion of him to be.
Leviathan is great how he is and the main person who needs to understand that is himself.
Oh boy, this man was difficult to drag there 😅
Anything Satan thinks might insinuate that he is 'broken' is too big of an insult to tolerate.
It took some real encouragements and long talks with MC to even humor the idea of going
But he did, eventually.
Was very adamant about not speaking to the therapist during the first session, but his anger got the better of him and he said a lot, some actually being productive and not just name calling and threats slewed at the poor therapist.
Another brother whose first sessions were online, though more so for the therapist's safety than Satan's own comfort.
Eventually, Satan realized the sessions were actually beneficial for him and liked how much lighter they made him feel
So the threats towards the other demon diminished and the sessions became calmer.
Occasionally he would snap at the poor therapist again and would actually feel bad about
But the therapist would forgive him because look! Progress!
Avoids talking about Lucifer for the longest time, but eventually brings up his issues about his...father with the other demon.
His existential issues and his feelings about his father where all twisted together, making him so very sensitive about it all.
By being born the way he was, Satan was brought into this world as a complete mess. Emotions so strong that even a grown man couldn't deal with suddenly forced upon a small and helpless babe.
Satan grew up tortured by anger and pain that wasn't even his and it formed him into the man he was today; it wasn't fair, but he grew to accept that Lucifer truly didn't do it on purpose
But those thoughts just led to him feeling unwanted, a burden thrusted upon Lucifer and his brothers that they had to deal with.
That only made the blonde even more compelled to find himself an identity outside of Lucifer, outside of being the a life who was forced from his body with all of the former trauma he carried.
Just who was he? For years, he collected knowledge and hoped it'd bring him purpose, bring him respect from others and be seen as his own person, but it never made him feel more complete.
He still didn't understand most emotions that he wasn't born with, even when they overwhelmed him.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Understanding his emotions, both what he's feeling and why, and also becoming more comfortable with himself.
Told his brothers he was going to therapy to keep himself "just as beautiful on the inside as he was on the outside"
But in truth, he started going because he wanted to be a good influence on his brothers and show them that therapy really isn't all that scary and it could help them too.
In truth, Asmo didn't realize just how vulnerable it would make him feel though.
When he got too uncomfortable, he'd change the topic or try flirting with them to distract them, but his therapist always kept him on track.
He spoke a lot about the Celestial realm, all of the great times that he had there, but grew to understand that it wasn't truly the place he missed, but the time.
After all, it was a lot easier to keep smiles on his on his siblings' faces back when they were all kids and Asmo himself was the Jewel of the Heavens.
Since moving to the Devildom and losing Lilith...it's become so much harder to make his brothers happy and even he himself has to force himself to be positive for their sakes.
That's always been his job, raising his brothers' spirits and he took it just as seriously as Lucifer took his job of protecting them and Mammon and Beel took supporting Lucifer.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Learning that its okay to not be okay sometimes, both in regards to himself and his brothers, and that he's not responsible for his brothers' emotional states.
Sometimes people just need to be sad and that's okay! No one can be happy all the time and if his brothers are going through a tough time, he can support them without taking responsiblity for the rough time they're in.
Joined a couple days after Asmo did; he understood his other man's message and signed up for therapy himself in order to be a good influence on their other brothers.
Their family was a mess; Beel knew this all too well.
If going to therapy and talking about the mess from his perspective could help his brothers in any way, especially with encouraging Belphie to do the same, then this man will go with no hesitation.
This demon is naturally the quiet sort so it's a bit difficult to truly start the process despite his willingness, but he eventually gets into the flow of all of it.
Mostly talks about The Fall, how he lost his sister and the guilt he feels towards both her and Belphie.
Sometimes he wonders if he made the right choice in saving Belphie despite knowing he never truly made one; when he saw what that Celestial archer was about to do and Belphie's eyes met his own...he just ran to his brother without thinking, causing the archer to choose to shoot Lilith instead.
That moment changed everything for his family and so much suffering followed...
He's grateful that event led to MC's eventual birth, but the guilt he carries from pain he caused his brothers is immeasurable.
If only he could have saved both, if only MC could have still been born if he did...
There was so much he wished.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Trying not to carry the past with him every second of the present. Though tragic, the past is the past and he has so many reasons to be happy in the present.
It will take a long time working on this issue to make some good progress with it, but what matters is that he is trying just like he hopes his other brothers will.
Another brother who was forced into therapy by Lucifer.
This man has been extremely depressed in the most obvious way possible for centuries so of course he needs therapy.
Really, really fought it to the point where he was escaping the therapy sessions out the bathroom window and Lucifer would have to track him down at a shop or sleeping on bench in a random park.
It made things easier when Beel started to go therapy though. Seeing Beel take the time to work on his issues made the younger twin feel like he should be trying too...
But he still didn't like it.
He was very, very slow in opening up. Like, I'm talking months of just talking about trivial shit till finally he grew more comfortable to truly speak his mind about what he's gone through.
His survivor's guilt was strong and he truly believes he shouldn't be alive, not when his little sister was gone...
Therapy really cut open some old wounds and for awhile, it seemed like this man was more depressed than ever.
Slowly though, he became stronger from it all and the past started to hurt just a little less.
He loved Lilith with every ounce of his being, but carrying this guilt was not going to bring her back nor would she have wanted him to feel guilty.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Letting the dead rest and himself truly rest as well. Yes, Lilith is gone, but she lived a happy life as a human with the person she loved. His loss was her gain and if you have to lose at all, isn't this the best scenario? That someone you love was happy and free and had their dreams come true?
This issue might take a demonic lifetime to work through, but little bits of progress are made every day and his brothers grow to see that in him
And for now, that's enough.
Attending therapy was something stuck on this prince's mind for some time now.
It stayed that was for a long time without even speaking it aloud.
Eventually, he did bring it up to Barbatos and his friend heard him out so patiently.
Barb has always sought to be a comfort to the prince, but recognized that he was not a professional so there was very little he could do in the long term for him.
The butler told him that therapy sounds like a good idea and that believes Dia could get a lot out of it.
Though Diavolo is usually a pretty expressive guy, that really didn't extend to strangers who he was paying to listen to him.
He went slow with the therapist, first only speaking about his workload and how almost every moment of his life was planned out for him because of said workload
Then it lead to his father's deep slumber, the very cause of all the responsibility that was dropped on him
And eventually led to him talking about the strict childhood that his father gave him and how he grew up without his mother
And just how incredibly lonely he has always been.
The arrival of Lucifer definitely helped with that last part, but the prince still wished he wasn't so sheltered and alone while growing up.
Main issue he works on in therapy: time management and how to make the most out of the present.
There was so much of life he missed out on when he was younger, but it didn't have to be like that forever.
With the help of both his therapist and Barb, he was able to manage his time a lot better and make the most of his time off by trying new experiences.
It was easier to handle his past when his present became so much more fulfilling.
Only really went at Diavolo's request.
In truth, the butler felt that therapy was unnecessary for himself, but wanted to give the prince some peace of mine so he agreed.
His opinion of therapy doesn't change no matter how long he goes.
He starts going once a week at Diavolo's insistence
And mostly talks about the stress he feels with looking out for the man.
He looks young so even other demons assume he is either about Diavolo's age or younger.
In truth, he is older than the prince and has been looking out for him since Dia was a small child.
Barbatos has essentially filled the roll of second parent since Dia's mother died in childbirth.
Though a butler, his role used to be more of a nanny; he cared greatly for the man who was currently drowning in the responsiblity and has spent so long just trying to make life easier for him
Resulting in Barbatos neglecting himself over the years for the sake of the prince.
Main issue he works on in therapy: setting some time aside for himself.
Because of his job, Dia will always need Barbatos to some degree
But the prince is also a grown man now and can function as such without Barb being there 24/7
Starts taking one day off a week and attends therapy once a month, something that makes both Barb and Dia feel better.
Honestly, most people don't know he attends therapy and that's how he prefers it.
He never really thought much of therapy, not in regards to himself anyway.
For other people? It was a useful tool. For him? He simply believed he's been around too long for it to help.
I mean, he was literally born in 990 B.C.E.
He was older than even some of the demons he interacted with.
He was unique, but that didn't feel as much of a good thing as he pretended it was.
His existence was a lonely one, but he hid such thoughts away.
He started going to therapy because of Simeon, because of his angel friend's gentle nudges to do so, and eventually he caved.
He went to weekly sessions and was honestly more uncomfortable than he directly expressed to his therapist.
The sorcerer always kept a light smile on his face, even when he talked about the immortality that he never wanted
Because he didn't want it.
In truth, he doesn't really remember much before he became immortal. A side effect the experiment gone wrong, he assumed, because surely he didn't purposely do this to himself.
He vaguely remembers being a king in the Human realm, a job he never wanted but was thrusted upon him buy the angels' Father, who Solomon himself worshipped at the time.
Other than that...his memory of that time is very fuzzy and it's always bothered him.
He just carries around this feeling that...that he's forgetting something important
While also carrying another, even greater feeling, that he doesn't want to know
But at the same time, he does! It's been driving him mad for thousands of years.
It felt like he had lost part of himself when he became immortal and it hurt just as much as the pain he felt from loosing others in his life from time.
Main issue he talks about in therapy: Stressing himself out about the past won't help him now or in the future. Yes, his life is long and he is tired, but the best way to cope is by seeking new experiences that make life worth living
Which he tries hard at...but can't help the tug at his brain that seems to want him to remember the past
And whoever 'Naamah' was.
Decided to go after convincing Soli to do so.
Simeon as his own problems, same as his human friend, and worried he might be perceived as a hippocrite if he didn't try to work on his own as well.
Very much wanted to be seen as a person who takes his own advice, so to speak
But therapy wasn't an easy thing for him.
I mean, he's an angel. It's his job to help others, guide them into making safe and healthy choices for themselves
So to be the one being helped instead of the helper was really new to him and felt very unangelic of him.
Main issue he talked about: growing so attached to the Devildom.
I mean, this place was as different from the Celestial realm as anything could be and he was taught that it was such a bad place because of it
But that didn't match his own experience here and that caused him to feel so conflicted.
The Devildom was a place of freedom while the Celestial realm was a place of order
And though, like most angels, he found comfort in that order, he also saw beauty in the chaos of the Devildom
Simeon has to grow to understand that life isn't in black and white, that things don't have to be only one or the other.
Both the Devildom and the Celestial realm can be good places despite being opposites
And it's a lesson he was so grateful for learning, feeling like he was really helping himself grow as a person and as an angel too.
After being in the Devildom for a while, the small angel had become more quiet, distracted even
And it worried his guardian, especially when the child wouldn't talk about it with him.
Simeon eventually enrolled Luke in therapy, something that was so new to the child that his curiosity made him open to trying it.
Since he was still just a child, his sessions weren't the same as it was for the men on this list.
Instead, Luke was brought into a room full of different toys and told he could play with whatever he wanted as long as he answered the therapist's questions as he did so.
The angel was a bit apprehensive at first, but so grew to enjoy his visits to the therapist.
He often chose to make fake sweets out of play dough or draw while the therapist talked to him
And would often bring the drawings home to PH as gifts for Simeon and Solomon.
Simeon always hung the pictures on the fridge with a proud smile on his face
While Soli would hang them up in his room on the wall to the point where he was taking down the expensive paintings that came with the room in favor of giving the child more space to fill with his art.
Main issue he talked about: growing to like the demons around him while also worrying Michael won't like him anymore if he knew Lukey was friends with them.
The child tried so hard to keep to the belief that demons are bad just like Michael taught him. He really, really tried
But he had a lot of fun here in the Devildom, especially baking with Barbatos, who the small angel started to see as his best friend, but was too scared to admit it.
Would Michael not like him if he found out Luke is friends with the demon butler?
His therapist ends up helping him see that it's always good to make friends and often the bad reactions we think those around us would give about something is often just our brain scaring us.
Ends up talking about this Simeon when he gets home after this session.
The older angel held him close and told him that the therapist is right, that it's always good to make friends and that he has nothing to worry about.
The next time he bakes with Barbatos, he tells the demon how he feels, how he sees him as his very best friend and how he looks up to him.
Barb smiled at the child and patted his head, telling Luke that he sees him as a good friend as well
And the child spent the rest of the baking session blushing and hanging off the older man.
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mageofseven · 2 years ago
When Heat Cools: A MephistoMC Love Story
Chapter 7
Taglist: @astroseuss @fcxyviixen @jar-of-moondust @marvelous-maniac @ghost-mint @darkflowerav @missloserqueen
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Mephisto ran to his love's side, stumbling a bit as he ran faster than he could move properly with his cane but he didn't care.
Barbatos stepped away from the woman just before the boyfriend made it in front of the gasping woman.
MC felt as if she was just chiseled out of a glacier. Even the nobleman could feel it as he touched her arms; despite her normal complexion, the human felt deathly cold.
Mephisto quickly took off his jacket and slid it over her shoulders before taking her hand on his and pressing it against his warm chest.
"Mi corazón? What happened--" He winced as he suddenly noticed the pain in his leg.
"M-Mephisto...I'm fine." She promised. "N-Now p-please...sit d-down."
You gotta be kidding me. Even after whatever the hell she went through, she's still worried him and his leg. If he wasn't so speechless right now, he'd be calling her an idiot for her ill timed concern.
It wasn't just her though.
Lord Diavolo pulled a chair right next to MC's and gave a sympathetic, almost strange sort of look.
"Please listen to MC, my friend."
Mephisto pursed his lips before temporarily letting go of his sweet human and shakily taking the seat as was asked.
The nobleman immediately pulled her back towards him though, embracing his girlfriend in hope of warming the poor woman.
He glared at the butler.
"What the in the devil's hellish mind were you doing?"
All etiquette went out the window in that moment. Even though this was in front of Lord Diavolo, Mephisto didn't care. He needed answers to what the hell he just saw, to what his pregnant girlfriend just went through.
Dia frowned.
"Vocabulary aside, I agree with Mephistopheles." The prince told his butler. "I would also like to know what it was that we walked in on."
Barbatos pursed his lips.
"I would rather not say as of yet." The butler explained. "I feel it would be disrespectful to MC to speak on the matter without her saying her piece first. However, I will mention that I received her full consent before using my magick upon her."
Trusting his friend, but also wanting to make sure his other one has a chance to speak, the prince turned to MC.
"Is this true?"
The woman nodded before hiding her face in her boyfriend's chest.
Mephisto stared in disbelief.
"Why? What did you let him do to you?"
He adjusted her in his arms, making the human reveal her face when all she wanted to do was hide from him.
"I..." The woman gave a big shiver, causing the man to quickly rub her back in hop the friction will help warm her a bit. "E-Ever since I b-became p-pregnant...I've been s-seeing things, M-MepMep."
The nobleman's eyes widen and he laid hand against her cheek.
"What kind of things? Mi corazón, please."
"Translucent b-beings float in an e-empty world." She spoke softly. "B-But over time, it became less and less empty...and...before you picked me up earlier, I had a-a vision with them dancing, these dark and light b-beings holding hands and d-dancing as they sang a melody in a foreign language that sounded...familiar t-to me."
Mephisto could only stare. What the hell has been going on with her head to cause that?
This made no sense to the nobleman. These...'visions' of hers were nothing he had ever heard of and most certainly weren't something from his family. Then what's happening to her? What's happening to his sweet corazón?
With MC's side of things spoken, Barbatos stepped forward.
"After confiding in me about these visions of hers, I realized what their cause may be." The butler explained, cool and composed as always. "However, considering the...severe rarity of the condition, I had to be completely sure before speaking such aloud and therefore needed to perform some ancient magick."
Surprising the couple, but not the butler in the slightest, the prince gave Barb a stern look.
"Barbatos, what did you do to her?"
"I indeed used soul magick." He confirmed the prince's suspicions. "If it is any consolation, my lord, it seems my own suspicions are correct; history is repeating itself."
Diavolo raised his eyebrows.
"Please clarify this realization of yours."
"MC's soul is surprisingly more pure than we could have ever expected." The butler explained. "We understood her soul was angelic thanks to Ms. Lilith; however, the average angel soul is simply never to this level of purity."
The concern on the prince's face was obvious, which only made the couple more stress.
"Hold on a minute." Mephisto interrupted. "What are you saying? Humans do not have angelic souls; their souls are heterogeneous mixtures of dark and light magick."
MC tensed in his arms as Diavolo turned to his old friend.
"MC...is a very special human." He explained just as he has many times over the years. However, this time he actually continued. "Many years ago, I saved Lilith, Lucifer's sister, from the brink of death by turning her into a human in exchange for his loyalty. By doing this, the woman's very genetics changed, but her soul did not and it seems to have affected the soul MC has developed, if not Lilith's other descendants' as well."
"I--and when was anyone going to tell me this??" The nobleman quickly looked down at his girlfriend, just to find her hiding in his chest. "Why didn't you say anything to me after all this? About any of this?"
"I'm afraid now isn't the time for such questions." Barbatos gently inserted himself.
And he was right. MC was so cold and stressed and overwhelmed; the last thing the pregnant woman needed was her boyfriend barking questions at her.
Mephisto sighed before leaning towards her ear.
"I'm sorry." He whispered before kissing her head and looking back at the other men. "What does any of this mean then?"
Dia sighed.
"It means...you are both recreating the first generation of humanity, just as my ancestor the Devil and the Celestial Father once did."
Mephisto's heart sank.
"How is that even possible?!"
"It's the result of your souls." The prince explained apologetically. "Your family is well known for its purity of the dark magick in their souls. This paired will the apparent purity of the light magick in MC's own soul has resulted in you both having children like the since-extinct first generation of humanity."
Children?? As in plural?? And how will this make them so different from modern humans?
Before Mephisto had the chance to ask any of this though, Barbatos chimed in.
"I suspected this was the case because the visions she spoke of contain images of the Primordial era, essentially the earliest days of the past." He explained. "Early humans had the power to see the past, a gift given to them by their parent the Devil."
"A gift the Celestial Father was threaten by." Diavolo frowned.
After all, why would He be happy with His lover giving their children the power to look into His secrets?
The nobleman's mind was racing. This--this was a lot for him to process after all.
"I...I don't...f-feel too good..." MC said suddenly, sounding weak.
Mep's eyes widened and he tightened his embrace on MC as his gaze snapped down to her.
"Mi corazón?"
"Barbatos," Dia looked to the butler. "Bring her inside and draw her a medicinal bath to help her warm up."
"Yes, my lord."
Barbatos stepped forward and gently peeled the weak but clingy woman from her boyfriend before guiding her inside.
"Don't worry, my friend." Diavolo assured him. "MC will be fine. The coldness felt on her is a magically induced phantom type. Her body feels no true affect from it and so it is mostly her mind that is tired; she and the babies will be fine."
"Is it truly definite?" He asked, gaze till staring in the direction the butler and his pregnant love went. "Is there really more than one child?"
"Considering the nature of this pregnancy, I would be more surprised if not." The prince explained before taking a seat next to his friend. "There's no need to be concerned though; as powerful as you and MC are, neither of you are at the same level as my ancestor and therefore I would imagine the amount would be something much more manageable on her human body."
The nobleman released a big sigh and hid his face in his hands.
He...really wasn't acting like himself today, but in truth, he couldn't care less. Everything was starting to feel out of his control.
As long as Mephisto can remember, he always wanted to be a dad and husband, be the greatest man possible for those he loved. That was a dream of his since he was young.
However, he was completely falling short of the man he wanted to be. He felt like chaos continued to brew like a storm against his poor corazón and he was doing such a terrible job of shielding her from it, mostly because he's been left in such ignorance.
It felt as if he's been spending so much time trying to fix one leaking spot on a ceiling while on the other side other house, part of the roof ripped off and poor MC has been rained and stormed on all alone.
"My friend, everything will all be fine." Dia assured him.
"I need to take care of that idiot..." He said from within his hands. Like always, he didn't really believe she was stupid; he was just hurt and frustrated. "How can I do that when she hides things like this from me?"
"MC is simply not used to being taken care of." The other man explained. "You just need to be patient with her. For now, you know what she held and more; now you can protect her even better."
Mephisto raised his head and nodded.
"I...I suppose so." He agreed.
"Also, a word of advice." The prince put his hand on his old friend's shoulder and captured his gaze. "Do not tell anyone about this. Not about your children's...'special race', not about the purity of MC's soul, and especially not her visions."
Mephisto pursed his lips.
"I trust you, but what specifically will come of it if others find out it?"
"My friend, you are a noble from the family leading the Traditionalist political party." Dia spoke as if it was obvious. "If others find out that the son of the leader of the party known not only for demon elitism, but also historically for prohuman sacrificing and human slavery is not only mating with a human, but is also literally recreating the first generation of the so-called living mistakes of my ancestor, your family will become a target by your own allies."
Shit. Mephisto didn't think of that.
"We also cannot risk anyone else knowing about MC's visions of the past." He continued. "She may not be able to control them right now, but that won't matter to anyone with secrets to hide and that would be our whole court. Others knowing about her soul could also help lead to others to these conclusions and we cannot allow that."
Devil, things just kept getting more complicated. Can't the realms just leave his poor corazón alone?
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mageofseven · 2 years ago
Nesting with Birdie: A BarbMams Love Story
Chapter 8
Taglist: @astroseuss @zarakem @fcxyviixen @brielle043
TW: Child abuse explained in detail by the one who experienced it
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The previous interaction truly left a bad taste in the butler's mouth.
Despite how difficult it was for Mammon to hear his brother say that, hear his brother try to influence him to give up his baby, it was Barbatos who was the most upset.
Lucifer was his friend, a title that meant a lot to the butler. Barbatos didn't simply make friends with anyone; the private, introverted man used to not see much point with friendships before Diavolo and to extend the same relationship to the Avatar of Pride took a long time to do.
Barbatos deeply resented the man for what he observed, for what he heard spewed from his mouth. And the audacity! Him expecting the butler to assist him in his quest to separate Barb himself and his little bird with their child?
Though the man has gained his composure, he hasn't forgiven the other man for it all.
Meanwhile, Mammon was more understanding; possibly more so than he should be.
"Luce ain't a bad guy." He insisted. "His words hurt, I admit it, but he said what he said because he thinks it'd better for me."
"You already expressed your interest in keeping our child." Barb argued, arms around his little bird protectively and hand over his stomach. "To try and manipulate you towards a different answer--"
"Barb, it ain't like that; he's looking out for me like he always does."
"Well then your brother needs a more ethical method of doing so." The older demon said bitterly.
"He...he does his best." Mammon defended. "He just doesn't really know me anymore, I guess..."
"Then he needs to put more effort into changing that."
The younger man stared into space for a minute, mind on a far away memory.
"Ya know...he wasn' always my brother; not like this, at least." He began. "My 'big brother', the man who originally had to raise me n' shit...he...he wasn't a nice dude. I mean, most thought he was, but like...nothing coulda been further from the truth."
Barbatos raised his eyebrows. This...the older demon hasn't heard this story before. Granted, Mammon rarely spoke of the Celestial realm or his life there and his boyfriend wasn't one to pry about most things.
"Michael was...like, if ya think Lucifer is uptight about image n' reputation or whatever then ol' Mikey would shock ya." The younger demon gave a sad smile. Michael hated that nickname, making it the only way child Mammon could get back at the man. Say it in front of others and Michael would pretend that the nickname was cute and that Mammon was his 'little buddy', but the truth was that it bothered the man deeply. "I was a reckless embarrassment to that guy and he made sure I knew it. The amount of times he dragged me in the house for a 'chat' that ended with him makin' me change my clothes so no one would see the bruises formin'."
Barbatos stared at his little bird in shock, his usual mask no where to be seen.
"Why have you not told me about this before?"
"Didn't wanna think about it." Mammon looked away and shrugged, as if it wasn't a big deal. "But like...I feel like it's gotta be said now on account of what happened."
Barb's hand was still on his stomach. After a moment of silence, Mammon laid his hand on top of Barb's.
"Ol' Mikey would also lock me in the upstairs closet for a couple days if he thought I did somethin' real bad. I'd be in the dark for two or three day with no food or water, just sitting with my knees to chest 'cause I had no room to even sit up, let alone stand."
Barb tightened the embrace, but ultimately kept listening, wanting Mammon to say everything he feels he needs to.
"Whenever I was locked up, he'd tell the others that I was sick and just needed some time to rest and I was always this small, sickly-looking little shit so it was easy for others, especially the adults to imagine me just havin' a bad immune system or some shit." The greed demon pressed his lips together and tried not to cry. "They always believed him, even praised him for 'lookin' out for him so well', feedin' that bastard's ego...not Lucifer though."
Mammon gave a small smile.
"Nothin' ever gets past him. Bro smelled a rat clear as day and so he came lookin' for me." He sniffled. "No one ever bothered but him. He ended up hearin' me cryin' from behind the door before he unlocked the magick seal from the door and released me. I was all jumpy n' flinched back from him n' the light 'cause I thought it was Mikey comin' to get me for crying. But it was Lucifer...thank the devil and all that for it 'cause it changed everything...I threw myself in his arms before he carried me outta there...and he never made me go back. From there on...he was the only person who made me feel safe. Hell, I later joined his freaking war just so I could stay close to 'im."
He let his gaze rise back up to Barb's.
"So...you gotta see that despite all of his own issues, he's still the same guy who saved me back then. Lucifer...he's still the same brother tryin' to do good for me, as always."
Talking about all of this brought a bad realization to this man's mind though.
Mammon...he didn't hide away in his room just because he was avoiding his brothers; he hid away and refused food because...because that was what he was taught that he deserved when he 'did something bad'.
"Birdie..." Barb laid both gloved hands on the sides of his boyfriend's head before leaning in to kiss the tears from his face; Mammon didn't even realize he was crying till then.
And so...the truth of the matter is that Mammon did that to himself because that bastard Michael taught him that so long ago. In a way...ol' Mikey still had his claws in the young man and Mammon hated it.
This was...a lot for the other man to learn. It seems that the bulk of his little bird's problems...well, they came from a much deeper trauma than anything his current brothers say or do to him.
Lucifer especially wasn't the cause of Mammon's issues; he's reason Mammon lived this long. Still, the older brother did aggravate the issues at times that the second brother developed from the trauma.
Barbatos was...unsure how to feel about the Avatar of Pride now. The only thing he felt sure of was that...
He was grateful Lucifer was there that day to save Mammon from Michael.
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mageofseven · 2 years ago
Repressed Love: A DiaLuci Love Story
Chapter 34
Tag list: @astroseuss @zarakem @brielle043 @missloserqueen
Barbatos helped Satan to his room before taking Dia to her office to see Lucifer, upon her request.
Neither knocked; Barb opened the door for the princess to rushed inside.
The man pushed himself up from his chair and darted for his fiancée, who was panicking and covered in blood.
"What happened? Are you alright??" He had both hands on the woman's shoulders as she cried.
"I-I was with Satan and he apologized but then his back and t-then all of the blood and--"
He pulled the princess into his embrace.
"Just breathe, love; it's alright."
He wasn't going to get anything concrete while she was panicking.
"From what I've been able to gather," Barb stepped forward towards the couple. "Is that young master Satan had a conversation with her only to result in wings breaking from his back and scaring our lady."
"Is he alright??" This father was scared as hell. What was happening as he worked?
Honestly, the man was internally cursing himself for not being there when his son and fiancée needed him.
"T-There...was so much blood." Dia said softly in his arms. "But... Barbatos healed him so he stopped bleeding.
"I need too--" The man was about to break away when he looked down and saw the pregnant woman's arms. They were turning black, darker than charcoal. "What happened??"
He was very gentle when he raised her arms, but the woman still winced. Barb's eyes went wide before he rushed out the door for something to heal her.
"I...when Satan was in pain, he dug his nails in me." She explained. "B-But he didn't mean to hurt me! It's okay--"
"Diavolo, that is Magick Rot." He scolded her. "We both know that this most certainly is not okay."
Barbatos rushed in with the salve and bandages.
Luce sat his fiancée on the couch by the fireplace while Barb began to tend to her arms.
"It wasn't Rotting before, I swear."
"You still should have let Barbatos tend to you sooner."
The Avatar of Pride didn't mean to be so harsh with the woman, but still caused a fresh wave of tears to fall down her cheeks.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..."
Devil, this woman was breaking his heart. All he wanted was to pull her close, but the butler was still working on her arms so the pride demon did not have much access to her.
As much as it hurt to see her upset, both men had the right to be upset right now. Magick Rot, also known as Mana Rot or the Soul Infection, was not something to play around with.
It's one of the oldest sicknesses ever recorded, starting late in the Primordial Era during the war between the Celestial and Abyssal realm, long before the Devildom existed.
Back then, it was a slow, painful death with no cure. Now, thanks to the advancements in alchemical science, it was no longer a death sentence but timing was key.
The fact that this even occurred showed that something dangerously wrong has occured in his son, all the more reason this father needed to see him.
Lucifer kissed her forehead and had her lay her head on his shoulder till Barbatos was done tending to her wounds.
"I'm sorry..." The pride demon pulled his fiancée into his arms, being incredibly careful with her own. "I just don't want anything to happen to you; I cannot lose you..."
The woman only nodded into his arms.
Lucifer held her for awhile, wanting to comfort her as much as possible from his hurtful tone and the traumatic event she had just come from.
However, as much as she needed him, so did Satan.
The pride demon pulled away reluctantly before giving her a sweet kiss.
"I have to go check on my son." He told her. "Can you wait for me here?"
The woman nodded before giving her one last kiss and leaving the room.
Diavolo could feel the other man's eyes on her.
"You're upset with me too, aren't you?" She asked softly.
Barb said nothing. He was eerily quiet as he took Lucifer's prior seat and used a gloved hand under her chin to raise her gaze to his.
"I have served you for many years and I have always trusted you to be honest with me." He said, voice uncomfortably controlled. "Why would you lie to me when I specifically asked if you were alright?"
"I was worried for Satan--"
"I could have helped you both."
"I'm sorry..."
He raised his hand to her cheek.
"I just want you to be honest with me for now on, my lady. Can you do that for me?"
The princess nodded, causing her brother-figure to give her a soft smile in relief.
"Good." He stroked her hair, calming the woman's stressed heart.
Meanwhile, the father was rushing to his son's room.
Without knocking, the man opened his son's door
Just to find Satan hysterically crying and ripping the feathers off of his bleeding wings.
The father bound towards his son and grabbed his wrists to stop the self-mutilation.
"Don't look at me!"
The blonde used his new wings to knock his father back and hide his body.
"Satan...it's okay." Luce spoke as calmly as he could to the scared young man. "Just breathe; I'm here."
"No..." The former demon seemingly choked on the word. "Don't. Not like this..."
The father gently brushed past his son's winged enclosure, finding the blonde sitting on his bed with his knees to his chest
The man pulled his son into his arms.
"I don't want them...I don't want to be what you hate..."
"Satan..." The father stroked the side of his son's head. "You're my son...I love you more than my own life. Your...new form, it changes nothing."
"I still want them gone." The blonde tried smacking his own head with his first, but Lucifer took his hand in his to stop him, causing the new angel to raise his head to reveal his tearful eyes, which changed from his usual green to more of a blue-green. "I-I don't...I don't want to remind you of that place. Of Him."
"We'll figure this out." Luce promised. "We'll try to change you back; just please don't hurt yourself."
The blonde stared into space, his shaking slowly settling down.
"I hurt her..." He said softly. "I came to apologize to her so I could die and you didn't have to suffer because of me anymore...but then she made me want to live and the pain started and I hurt her..."
Satan tried hiding his nails from his father, which still carried dried blood from stabbing into Dia's arms
But Lucifer still saw them and pulled his son's hands back into his own.
"That's not your fault; none of this is your fault."
His son leaned forward and laid his head on his dad's shoulders.
"Am I...am I still me?" He whispered.
Lucifer stroked his son's messy hair.
"Always." He answered. "You are Satan, my son, the boy with a fascination for all things around him and a great love for his sister. These wings...they don't change that; they don't change you."
"Will...will Audri be alright, seeing me like this?"
"You are still her Tay Tay; her big brother." He gave his son a small smile. "She'll love you no matter what."
From there, the father hugged his son a while longer before healing his wing; the newly made angel still had a pretty big bald spot on his wing and the skin there was still red, but the bleeding had stopped.
Lucifer...he had no clue was happening to his son. According to the king, Satan was supposed to die because of his condition but this--this wasn't something anyone was prepared for, least of all Satan.
This situation only brought to mind an element from the last diary passage of her mother's that Dia read.
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Lucifer had no plan, but he also had no other options; he has to contact his Father and aquire whatever information that egotistical sociopath has so he can help his son.
My devil, please give him the strength for this conversation.
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mageofseven · 2 years ago
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"if nothing else got my back I know my daddy issues do"
Omg thank you for that line @astroseuss 😂
Repressed Love: A DiaLuci Love Story
Chapter 3
Third chapter is here! Here's your tags too! @astroseuss @zarakem
Lucifer had no appetite. Although his physical symptoms disappeared thanks to Lord Diavolo's presence, there was only so much the prince could do in regards to his emotions and since the pride demon had left House of Lamentation, he hadn't exactly been too chatty.
Diavolo was there when his love told his brothers the situation, about the child and how he will be staying at the castle for a while. His physical presence was all the man could offer, however. Like always, Lucifer preferred handling his brothers on his own and Dia respected that as always. Still, it was heartbreaking to hear Satan say such things to Lucifer.
The blonde...reacted just as poorly to the news as one would expect. Another child? Being brought into this world the same way he was? The wrath demon could not think of a worse crime. After all, he lived it. Wasn't what he went through enough? Why must another child have to suffer?
Satan was furious and transformed. He told Lucifer that he was a heartless, spineless man who didn't know how to deal with his problems without pushing them onto children. And Lucifer said nothing.
Maybe it was his passiveness that helped the situation or maybe it was all Satan himself, but seeing his son calm himself down and disengage from the situation, walking away without destroying the furniture or attacking him...Lucifer felt proud of his son. He also felt a nagging sadness that his son had to grow to that point on his own. Lucifer gave him those anger issues. Satan battled them on his own.
The rest of the brothers expressed surprise and exhaustion at the idea of another baby being born into the family, but none reacted as badly as Satan. And why would they? This situation wasn't nearly as personal, nearly as raw to them as it was to the blonde.
Lucifer wished he could have saved his son from all of his pain, just like he has a chance to with this child. The man gave a small scoff as he thought about all of this.
If only wishes amounted to something in this world. If only--
"My Light, you really should eat." Diavolo interrupted his thoughts. "Your child needs that food just as much as you do."
Lucifer pursed his lips and looked away from the other man. The prince was right, but the former angel wasn't in the mood to accept such. All he could think about was his son, about how much he's hurt Satan, and about his words.
What if Satan was right? What if Lucifer never learns to handle his own emotions? What if he's stuck in a cycle of having children bear his burdens for him? What if he'll never be strong enough to face his own issues? What if--
Lucifer felt lips press against his forehead. He looked up and finally noticed that Dia had risen from his chair and leaned in front of him.
"Shhh." The prince gently shushed his love before picking up the fork from Luce's plate, stabbed some food on it, and offer it up to the man's lips.
The pride demon slapped the fork from the redhead's hand, sending it clanking to the floor.
"I am not a child." He scowled at man. "I can feed myself when I choose to eat."
It felt so demeaning to the pride demon that the other man would try to feed him like that, as if he was some troubled child refusing to eat his dinner. Pregnancy or not, he was a grown man
...And Diavolo was just looking out for him and his child. Devil, his own indignation made him into the very thing he became angry with the man for treating him like. The problem wasn't Diavolo; as always, it was him for--
A wave of vertigo hit him just before the pain in his abdomen hit. The pregnant man fell out of his chair and was caught by his love.
"Lucifer!" The man barely heard his love through the pain. "Lucifer, look at me!"
It took a great deal of effort for the pained man to raise his head. His eyes met the golden orbs above him though and suddenly he felt a warm comfort descend upon him.
Diavolo launched his arms around his love and hugged him close. Lucifer only noticed in this moment that the excruciating pain he felt moments ago was now gone and replaced with the prince's loving embrace.
"I...Diavolo, what exactly just happened?"
The man pulled back and smiled apologetically at him.
"I'm afraid you became a bit too overwhelmed and...progressed."
The pride demon followed the man's eyes and saw that his stomach had expanded enough to break three or four buttons off of his jackets, which were now somewhere on the other side of the room.
"I...oh devil, no..."
He was going to run out of time at this rate! The longer he can stay pregnant, the better of a chance he has to save his child from a life of pain. When he felt the shame of treating Diavolo how he did just for looking out for him, he couldn't handle it. He was suppose to take care of others; not the other way around! Not knowing how to handle it still, he tried shoving that emotion deep into himself like he always did.
If...If it wasn't for Diavolo, he very much could have given birth right here on the dining room floor. Instead, the prince calmed his heart, causing his child to only grow within him instead of ripping their way out of him.
"Hey...Hey, it's alright." Dia saw the tears in Lucifer's eyes, tears the pregnant man had no clue were there.
The prince leaned in and kissed his love. Lucifer's eyes went wide before he closed them, causing the tears to fall. The pride demon found so much peace with the other man's lips on his.
Dia tried breaking the kiss too soon. As he pulled away, Lucifer tugged on the prince's tie and brought him right back down to his Light. Eyes wide in surprised, but no complaints in sight, the two continued their kiss till the pride demon broke away.
Diavolo stared at his love with warm eyes and a soft smile.
"Come. Let's finish eating." The prince helped the now bigger and more off-balanced man to his feet and back into his chair.
Since Lucifer's fork was currently on the floor, Dia took his own from his plate and took some food from Luce's before offering it up to the man once more.
This time, the dark haired man took a breath, laid a hand on his new belly, and accepted the food from the prince.
Lucifer...from here on out, the man had to deal with a lot of things that made him uncomfortable; his child was depending on him to go through it all. He can't afford to fight it anymore. That experience...it terrified the man, but was also just the reminder he needed. He lost much needed time because of the growth, but hopefully he's learned from his mistake and can make up for it.
...Hold on, baby. Daddy's trying for you.
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mageofseven · 2 years ago
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Let's all just take a moment to appreciate this beautiful tag of @astroseuss 's lol🤭🥰
Repressed Love: A DiaLuci Love Story
Chapter 34
Tag list: @astroseuss @zarakem @brielle043 @missloserqueen
Barbatos helped Satan to his room before taking Dia to her office to see Lucifer, upon her request.
Neither knocked; Barb opened the door for the princess to rushed inside.
The man pushed himself up from his chair and darted for his fiancée, who was panicking and covered in blood.
"What happened? Are you alright??" He had both hands on the woman's shoulders as she cried.
"I-I was with Satan and he apologized but then his back and t-then all of the blood and--"
He pulled the princess into his embrace.
"Just breathe, love; it's alright."
He wasn't going to get anything concrete while she was panicking.
"From what I've been able to gather," Barb stepped forward towards the couple. "Is that young master Satan had a conversation with her only to result in wings breaking from his back and scaring our lady."
"Is he alright??" This father was scared as hell. What was happening as he worked?
Honestly, the man was internally cursing himself for not being there when his son and fiancée needed him.
"T-There...was so much blood." Dia said softly in his arms. "But... Barbatos healed him so he stopped bleeding.
"I need too--" The man was about to break away when he looked down and saw the pregnant woman's arms. They were turning black, darker than charcoal. "What happened??"
He was very gentle when he raised her arms, but the woman still winced. Barb's eyes went wide before he rushed out the door for something to heal her.
"I...when Satan was in pain, he dug his nails in me." She explained. "B-But he didn't mean to hurt me! It's okay--"
"Diavolo, that is Magick Rot." He scolded her. "We both know that this most certainly is not okay."
Barbatos rushed in with the salve and bandages.
Luce sat his fiancée on the couch by the fireplace while Barb began to tend to her arms.
"It wasn't Rotting before, I swear."
"You still should have let Barbatos tend to you sooner."
The Avatar of Pride didn't mean to be so harsh with the woman, but still caused a fresh wave of tears to fall down her cheeks.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..."
Devil, this woman was breaking his heart. All he wanted was to pull her close, but the butler was still working on her arms so the pride demon did not have much access to her.
As much as it hurt to see her upset, both men had the right to be upset right now. Magick Rot, also known as Mana Rot or the Soul Infection, was not something to play around with.
It's one of the oldest sicknesses ever recorded, starting late in the Primordial Era during the war between the Celestial and Abyssal realm, long before the Devildom existed.
Back then, it was a slow, painful death with no cure. Now, thanks to the advancements in alchemical science, it was no longer a death sentence but timing was key.
The fact that this even occurred showed that something dangerously wrong has occured in his son, all the more reason this father needed to see him.
Lucifer kissed her forehead and had her lay her head on his shoulder till Barbatos was done tending to her wounds.
"I'm sorry..." The pride demon pulled his fiancée into his arms, being incredibly careful with her own. "I just don't want anything to happen to you; I cannot lose you..."
The woman only nodded into his arms.
Lucifer held her for awhile, wanting to comfort her as much as possible from his hurtful tone and the traumatic event she had just come from.
However, as much as she needed him, so did Satan.
The pride demon pulled away reluctantly before giving her a sweet kiss.
"I have to go check on my son." He told her. "Can you wait for me here?"
The woman nodded before giving her one last kiss and leaving the room.
Diavolo could feel the other man's eyes on her.
"You're upset with me too, aren't you?" She asked softly.
Barb said nothing. He was eerily quiet as he took Lucifer's prior seat and used a gloved hand under her chin to raise her gaze to his.
"I have served you for many years and I have always trusted you to be honest with me." He said, voice uncomfortably controlled. "Why would you lie to me when I specifically asked if you were alright?"
"I was worried for Satan--"
"I could have helped you both."
"I'm sorry..."
He raised his hand to her cheek.
"I just want you to be honest with me for now on, my lady. Can you do that for me?"
The princess nodded, causing her brother-figure to give her a soft smile in relief.
"Good." He stroked her hair, calming the woman's stressed heart.
Meanwhile, the father was rushing to his son's room.
Without knocking, the man opened his son's door
Just to find Satan hysterically crying and ripping the feathers off of his bleeding wings.
The father bound towards his son and grabbed his wrists to stop the self-mutilation.
"Don't look at me!"
The blonde used his new wings to knock his father back and hide his body.
"Satan...it's okay." Luce spoke as calmly as he could to the scared young man. "Just breathe; I'm here."
"No..." The former demon seemingly choked on the word. "Don't. Not like this..."
The father gently brushed past his son's winged enclosure, finding the blonde sitting on his bed with his knees to his chest
The man pulled his son into his arms.
"I don't want them...I don't want to be what you hate..."
"Satan..." The father stroked the side of his son's head. "You're my son...I love you more than my own life. Your...new form, it changes nothing."
"I still want them gone." The blonde tried smacking his own head with his first, but Lucifer took his hand in his to stop him, causing the new angel to raise his head to reveal his tearful eyes, which changed from his usual green to more of a blue-green. "I-I don't...I don't want to remind you of that place. Of Him."
"We'll figure this out." Luce promised. "We'll try to change you back; just please don't hurt yourself."
The blonde stared into space, his shaking slowly settling down.
"I hurt her..." He said softly. "I came to apologize to her so I could die and you didn't have to suffer because of me anymore...but then she made me want to live and the pain started and I hurt her..."
Satan tried hiding his nails from his father, which still carried dried blood from stabbing into Dia's arms
But Lucifer still saw them and pulled his son's hands back into his own.
"That's not your fault; none of this is your fault."
His son leaned forward and laid his head on his dad's shoulders.
"Am I...am I still me?" He whispered.
Lucifer stroked his son's messy hair.
"Always." He answered. "You are Satan, my son, the boy with a fascination for all things around him and a great love for his sister. These wings...they don't change that; they don't change you."
"Will...will Audri be alright, seeing me like this?"
"You are still her Tay Tay; her big brother." He gave his son a small smile. "She'll love you no matter what."
From there, the father hugged his son a while longer before healing his wing; the newly made angel still had a pretty big bald spot on his wing and the skin there was still red, but the bleeding had stopped.
Lucifer...he had no clue was happening to his son. According to the king, Satan was supposed to die because of his condition but this--this wasn't something anyone was prepared for, least of all Satan.
This situation only brought to mind an element from the last diary passage of her mother's that Dia read.
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Lucifer had no plan, but he also had no other options; he has to contact his Father and aquire whatever information that egotistical sociopath has so he can help his son.
My devil, please give him the strength for this conversation.
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mageofseven · 2 years ago
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Awwww @astroseuss you are too freaking cute and sweet 😭🥰
Thank you for reading this!~
Obey Me World Origins
This a mythos-style history lesson on how I see the Three Realms forming. I hope you will give this a try! I've been thinking and adding to this for a while and am honestly in love with this origin story.
Please read it! It'd mean a lot to me 👉👈🥺
In the beginning of the world, all that existed was magick--light magick and dark magic.
Over time, these particles of magic became self aware and gave themselves form.
These were the days where the concept of race was not thought of all. Terms like demon and angel simply did not exist; all beings were magick and unity between all were the standard.
As each Magick developed their own sense of self more and more and changed their appearance further to express that change, the sides gradually saw the differences between themselves.
The two Magicks found themselves becoming more and more divided, but still at peace. The Light Magicks formed their home high up in what they called the sky, creating comfy clouds and a beautiful sun to shine down on them.
The Dark Magicks kept down below in the abyss, where they found peace and comfort in the darkness.
While the Dark Magicks spent their time learning and reflecting, wanting answers to questions like "Why am I here?" and "What is the limit of what I can do with my existence?" the Light Magicks took a more social path to their existence.
Though such questions sounded fascinating to the Light Magicks, they decided the answers to such mattered little and that what did matter was that they were alive and that was such a joyous thing! The Light Magicks wanted to share this joy and make more like them and so were the first of the two Magicks to discover procreation.
Divided but at peace. Different but equal. Such beliefs did not stay long.
Eventually, a being of Light expressed such foreign beliefs to his people, that the dark beings should live life as they do.
While Light Magicks created more of their kind and took care of one another, dark being rarely reproduced and 'selfishly' focused on pursuit of knowledge that 'benefitted no one'.
Unfortunately, this belief in the Dark Magicks' selfishness permeated through the clouds and tension between those above and below started to brew.
This lead to war between the two Magicks, both sides with their owns strengths.
The Light Magicks had their numbers and determination to make the Dark Magicks submit to them.
The Dark Magicks had their carefully collected knowledge and their strong will to live.
Eventually, the war came to a stalemate and the two Magicks closed themselves off from one another, creating the Celestial realm and what was once called the Abyssal realm.
This marked the end of Primordial era and pushed the new races into the Era of Seclusion.
Numerous millennia went by without a single word being said between those who were now known as demons and angels
Until the founding of the Royal Family in the Abyssal realm, started by a demon simply known as the Devil.
The Devil wished for a world like the one he read about in the parchments of history from the days of the Primordial era.
Ever the academic, as all demons saw themselves, the Devil felt there was so much potential to learn from the Celestial beings and rallied his people to try just once more to open their hearts and minds to the angels above.
At this point though, the angels were very different from the Light Magicks before them. Their entire way of being was changed.
Now led by a being simply called Father, the angels no longer procreated in the vast manner they used to and their population was tightly controlled by the higher being.
Concerned, but highly fascinated, the Devil still pursued his plan for knowledge and peace.
The Devil was captivated by the beauty of the being who ruled the Celestial realm and the being too was intrigued by this demon who was so determined to make their way through the gates.
The ruler of the newly named Devildom and the Father of angels fell madly in love and together, the two realms reached a small period called the Loving Enlightenment period.
During this point, both races freely interacted and love bloomed endlessly between the two races.
Eventually the Devil pregnant with the Celestial leader's children.
In order to keep their children somewhere safe and comfortable, the Father of angels created a realm solely for his youngest children, who he already loved so dearly.
And so the Human realm was made and the Devil birthed their celestial lover's children's there, beings made of both light and dark magick.
Raising these first generation humans became an inter-realm project. Demon and angel alike, working together to give this new race a good lease on life.
Eventually, more angels started procreating with demons though and the Father of Angels felt his control slipping from his flock.
This caused discord between him and his demonic lover, one that could never be repaired.
No matter how much he loved the Devil and their children, this being could never love anyone more than himself.
Tension brewed and war came once more. Any children created from the union of angels and demons were thrown into the Human realm and anyone who tried to retrieve their children from there were destroyed on sight.
Both the Devildom and the Celestial realm locked their gates once more.
Young humanity, once loved and cherished, was forgotten and alone.
Both demons and angels were forbidden from interacting with the humans in anyway because their leaders feared it would result in another war.
Centuries went by and both realms slowly start to interact with humanity once again.
First, they tried to be subtle, but it slowly grew to the level of a cold war staged in their children's realm.
To what degree, it fluctuated throughout humanity's existence.
Till a prince of the Royal Family too read about peaceful times long forgotten and was captivated by the grandiose idea of finishing what his ancestor the Devil started by bringing lasting peace between the Three Realms in the form of schooling and cultural exchange.
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mageofseven · 2 years ago
I think I'll do this per guy instead of one big post of all of them.
@astroseuss do you have an Obey Me guy you'd like me to start with~?
I think I'd adore that mpreg series honestly! One of my biggest wants is kids, but my biggest fears is carrying the baby. Plus, I feel like it'd be so much easier if the demons carried their own babies with the pregnancy series, y'know?
Omg now I really need to do this.
Thanks for the encouragement, Astro!
I gotta get started on brainstorming plots now~
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mageofseven · 2 years ago
Awww pregnant Beely!!! Losing his abs to carry their baby to spare MC from living their fear! He's be so soft, so curious about his changing body and be so happy for every milestone his unborn babies hit!
Gaaaaah I could gush about it forever but I should probably just get to writing it 🥰😅
I think I'd adore that mpreg series honestly! One of my biggest wants is kids, but my biggest fears is carrying the baby. Plus, I feel like it'd be so much easier if the demons carried their own babies with the pregnancy series, y'know?
Omg now I really need to do this.
Thanks for the encouragement, Astro!
I gotta get started on brainstorming plots now~
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