#t: about raena
misguidedasgardian · 2 years
I'm seeing so many comments about Aemma, Jace and Aemond that I started thinking... I think it would help Aemma run away to secretly marry Aemond, I mean, they are so perfect together... And having Vhagar on the black side (are we still on the black team???) wouldn't be bad at all. But then I remembered that Aemma is still very young, if she was at least 16 or 17 I would super help her run away with her uncle. And a part of me firmly believes that Daemon would be helping me, because come on, we all know how much that man LOVES a secret, forbidden marriage. he got married twice like that.
I would also like to say that "where the hell is Alicent in all this shit????" I mean, she always has something to say about everything Rhaenyra does and now she has nothing to say about breaking Aemma's betrothal to Aemond? Didn't this unhappy woman want my daughter on her side in the war? ALICENT OPEN YOUR FUCKING MOUTH
And since we're talking about Alicent, I wanted to say that you're a witch. Yes, you. Why only witchcraft could make me put up with Alicent. Yes, sometimes she tries to steal my daughter to turn her into an Alicent in future, but what the hell?? I'm not finding this woman so horrible in this fic. Are she and the reader even friends??? ALICENT. Jesus.
This is just another opportunity to say that your writing is amazing because it's making me like Alicent. And I'm not sure if that was your intention... And maybe I'm just going crazy, but that's it.
I also wanted to apologize for some of my questions being sent in Portuguese... I have to write in Portuguese and then write in English and I think my cell phone is having some kind of problem because they always end up being sent in Portuguese... I'll try to pay more attention to that, but it was nice to know that you speak Spanish.
Yeah baby Aemma is too little, that´s why I´m doing one more time jump before everything goes to shit 😂😂😅😅 Daemon would be like, "go go go go now, the coast is clear!" and the three of them flying away, and he will be the one who delivers her in the altar of course 😅 so his raena could marry Jace
Yes Alicent scaped me in the last chapter... but she is there, great element for the next one.
They tolerate eachother... they aren´t friends. Helping out with defending Aemma´s virtue worked in her benefit too, and they are both mothers... so they have that in common. Reader learned to where to yield and where to fight her in matters of the realm, in the small council...so she is somewhat... content with Reader. Is not that they play each other, they respect each other
I started writing this to prove how the existence of one person could chance the history. So im putting my money that Alicent wouldn´t be so defensive dealing with more of a "serious" person. She believes Rhaenyra to be this spoiled child that gets away with toying with the faith, and family, and improper behaviour... and reader isn´t like that, she plays by Alicent´s rules so that´s why she is so... meek, with reader.
yeah I encountered problems with tumblr posting too so its perfectly fine love! ❤️❤️
thanks for the love and communication!
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the-jade-goblin · 2 years
Born of Fire and Fury - a WIP snippet
This is a draft from my WIP that I couldn’t get out of my head all night and I had to write it down and put it somewhere.
“It’s cold.” Raena brought her arms around her own frame, tiny sparks of flames spitting forth from her fingertips to warm her pale skin. A quiet chuckle made her look up with a frown. “What?”
“Nothing,” Fenrir shook his head, a sly smile playing on his lips. “Just – a princess of fire and fury – cold. It’s amusing.”
“Perhaps I am cold because I stand in the presence of a prince of ice and stone.” Raena countered, smugness stretching lazily over her lips.
“In that case, perhaps I should go?” a tease. “I could not risk our future queen’s health.”
“Don’t you dare.” Raena shot a hand out, gripping the crushed velvet of Fenrir’s tunic to keep in place, despite him making no movements to move away from her. “Do not move even a single inch.”
Her fist softened, hand running up the material of the dark tunic to find the skin at the precipice of the tunic’s collar. Goosebumps formed under her fingertips. She brought him closer, close enough to feel the warmth of her skin.
“I have been thinking of you...” Fenrir admitted. “Truth be told, I’ve been able to think of little else.”
“And might you share these thoughts with me?” her lovely face was closer now, inching ever forward towards his. “It seems only right, since I am the subject of your thoughts.”
Her hand crept higher, nails skirting the short hairs at the back of his neck. His flesh prickled in the wake of her fingertips. A sharp intake breath at the feel of her nails delicately scratching the sensitive skin behind his ear.
“Command me to go,” his voice was wretched, a forced croak from an impossibly dry throat. “Command it, and I shall obey.”
“And if I commanded you to stay?” her brow arched – a challenge. He had grown familiar with the particular fire in her eyes when they played their little game. But this time, he was sure to lose. “If I commanded you to get on your knees before me?”
Her fingers tangled in his hair and gripped tight, holding him hostage in her grip. He released a shaky breath. He could break free, if he truly wished to. But they both knew he had no desire to do so. He was at her mercy, her beck and call, as he had always been. Since the day they first met he was hers – he had belonged to her since the first moment.
“Princess –”
“Raena.” She interrupted. “You know my name – use it. Say my name Fenrir.”
“Raena…” he breathed the word like a prayer, his breath a mist in the cold air. When had they gotten so close? Had her lips always been a whisper away from his? A single movement would connect them, just one tilt of his chin and her lips would be on his. “We cannot.”
Her bright eyes darkened.
“You are promised to my brother.”
The fist in his hair tightened, causing momentary pain, before it slipped away entirely. She turned her body away from him, leaving him cold in her absence. She scowled over the battlements, hands curling over the chipped stone.
“I am promised to myself. I am no man’s belonging. Not yours, and certainly not his.”
“You are betrothed to my brother. And a Stormborne always puts duty before self. Isn’t that what you’re always telling me?”
She fixed him in her piercing gaze, the storm swirling in the depths of her iris dark and furious.
“I am sick of duty.” She spat. “I am sick of having my decisions made for me. I am tired of my life being lived for me. All my life I have put my duty before me – everything I have ever done has been for my duty! My duty to my house, my duty to my kingdom, my people, my father. What about my duty to myself? What about me? When do I get to make one decision for my wishes, for my desires?!”
She ripped the golden amulet from her neck, staring down at the embellished dragon glinting in the moonlight.
“Am I not allowed to be selfish for once in my life?!”
She hurled the amulet over the battlements, and they watched it fall into the inky blackness below. A distant splash as it landed in the river.
Fenrir gazed at her hands – gripping so tight her knuckles were a brilliant white, her nails digging into the ancient stone so hard blood was beginning to drop from her nailbeds, staining the stone. Droplets of water splashed onto her skin, and it was then that Fenrir realized they were tears.
His eyes found her face, twisted in despair, and his heart clenched painfully. He had never once seen Raena cry.
He came to stand closer to her once more, enveloping her hand in his, holding her fingers gently. His proximity seemed to calm her, the princess letting out a breath and relaxing her grip against the stone.
“I am, and will always be, yours.” He spoke. “In both body and spirit. That will never change, no matter the future before us.”
“It is not enough.” Her voice seemed too quiet now, deafening in its frailness.
“No.” he agreed heavily. “It won’t be. I can only be your knight – but he will be your king.”
“I do not want a king!” Raena ripped her hand out from under his, and suddenly both her hands were on his face, her brilliant eyes shining with tears and leaving him transfixed. “I want my prince…”
She brushed aside his hair, tucking the long strands behind his ears and keeping her hands firm. He could not move if he wanted to. A few stray tears spilled from her eyes, and Fenrir automatically reached up to brush them away.
“Please do not cry, my heart.” He lamented. “My love, don’t cry.”
It seemed his words broke the dam, and then she was in his arms, sobbing heartfelt tears into his chest. Wordlessly, he held her. Secure in his arms, she wept. She wept for all the years she had been denied this, for every curse brought forth against her name, for every present and future she was forced to live that wasn’t her own. And Fenrir said nothing – there was nothing that could be said. He let her cry and scream and pound her fists against him in her righteous and desperate fury. He stroked her tangled fiery hair in a never-ending cycle, and together they rode out the storm.
“Stay by my side.” She whispered. Her voice was husky now, exhaustion settling in, but it was no less beautiful to Fenrir. “Don’t leave me. Stay with me tonight.”
He let out a long breath, tucking his head against the crown of her head. “Yes.”
“I could never deny you anything.” He said honestly.
She shifted against him, raising her head to look at him. Once again, her hands found their way into his hair, her nails pressing against his scalp in a way that made him shiver.
“Truly? Not anything?” she questioned.
She smiled then, a soft, secretive smile. As if they were the only two souls left on earth. “And if I asked for your lips, would you give them?”
He returned her smile. “I would.”
“Kiss me then, Fenrir.”
And it was heaven on earth when their lips finally touched. All this time of waiting, of longing, of wanting, to bring them to the pinnacle of their desire, their control broken and forgotten by the wayside. Fenrir knew, that come what may, he could never regret this. He could never regret a single moment with Raena.  
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withaconscience · 6 years
Drabble - The Gamals
tw: mention of self harm
[ there are STILL no readmores on mobile apparently? i’ll add one when next I’m on but for now just ignore this if you want to ]
Raena scrunched up her nose and giggled at Oliver’s stupid joke, picking up another one of the tiny cupcakes he’d made. She unwrapped it from its little paper ruffle-thing and popped it into her mouth, kicked the arch of her foot against the bottom rung of his bar stool. And then her gaze caught on the inside of her brother’s forearm, about an inch away from his elbow. The thin, bulky line of a scar rested there, about an inch and a half long, with another, thinner line settled beneath it.
Oli’s smile faded when she kept on staring at something on his arm. His gaze followed hers.
“What,” he asked, lifting up his arm to look at it, “is there frosting on me or something?”
Raena set down her wrapper and took Oli’s hand in her own, using it as /leverage/ to bring his arm closer to her.
“Raena,” Oliver’s voice sounded guarded, flat like usual, and he tilted his head to the side, flippant.
“When the fuck’d you do this? How have I never seen this?” Raena brought the fingers of her other hand up, not touching the scars but hovering above the skin below them. /Almost/ touching.
“/I/ didn’t do it. It’s from Mrs Frizzle.”
“What?” She met Oliver’s gaze, as best she could. Oli had went to pick up another cupcake.
“That cat that lived across the street from us in Queens. Remember?” Oli brought the cupcake to his mouth and bit off the top of it, getting white frosting at the corner of his mouth.
“No, I don’t remember...” Raena let go of Oliver’s hand and crossed her arms. “That doesn’t look like a /cat/ did it.”
“Well, she did. It was one of the deepest cuts the doctors had ever seen from a cat.” Raena watched him and Oliver opened his mouth, shut it, and then he was /smiling/. “Honestly, Rae. Gramma took me to the hospital since she couldn’t get them to stop bleeding.” He put down his empty cupcake wrapper. He’d eaten the rest. Oli avoided her gaze. “I wouldn’t lie to you about this shit. I’d tell you.”
“Would you?”
“Yes. Why?” Oliver looked up. “Is there something you want to tell me?”
“Me? No! Christ, I just wanted to make sure you...” Raena waved her hands up by her head, feeling /uncomfortable/ now. “Make sure you’re all right.”
“I am.”
The pause that stretched between them was cavernous. Oliver pushed the wrapper on the counter with his finger.
“Yeah,” he said, “I’d tell you. I /thought/ about it when I was younger, but...”
Oli met her gaze. Raena felt like she could see the whites of his eyes better than usual.
“Middle school. Felt like it’d make stuff easier.”
“You know it doesn’t.”
“Well...” Oliver shrugged. “Just...in general. Thought about, like...” He shrugged again, and Raena could see him trying to close up. “It’s whatever, now, anyways.”
“Oliver.” She’d started rubbing the back of her middle finger. Oliver, Oliver, Oliver.
He was staring off to one side, at the ground. A muscle in his jaw worked. “I still think like that sometimes, but it doesn’t bother me anymore. It’s just, like, a habit.”
“About /hurting/ yourself?”
“About joining them.”
Raena didn’t know what she’d expected by pressing him. She’d gotten an answer and Oli just looked on the brink of shutting up again. Going quiet for three hours until he banged about the house more than necessary and ended up shouting and...
“Just,” Oliver reached up and scratched the space beside his eye. “Just to see them. But cutting wasn’t gonna get me that far, yknow? You gotta be dead to see dead people.”
Rae was trying to process that. Oliver thought about shit like that too? Why didn’t they talk about it? He never said anything. At all. Even now, unless she pressed, he never brought anything up. She had to press him to get him to own up about his insomnia, too.
“But I’m not rushing to get outta here anymore. Maybe we’ll see ‘em when the time comes, maybe not.” Oliver picked up the empty cupcake wrappers, crumpled them in the palm of his hand and counted the space above the remaining ones in the tin. “But /these/ are from Mrs Frizzle.”
Oliver got to his feet and watched Rae for a second. She was staring at the cupcakes, feeling like the conversation wasn’t over but not knowing what to offer up to keep it going. Oli leaned forward and kissed the side of her head. She smiled at it, but it was too soft and didn’t stick around long.
“Hey,” Oli said. Monotone. Level. She looked at him. “Family’s the most important fucking thing.” Rae rested her forehead against her brother’s shoulder.
“The most important fucking thing,” she echoed.
“All right.” Oli moved away, toward the trash can, and the wrappers crinkling as he let them go were as loud as a sonic boom in her ears. “You all done?”
“The cupcakes, Rae. You want more?”
“Oh, no. No, I’m good.” She went to collect her wrappers but realized Oli had grabbed hers too. She smiled at him across the island and he smiled back.
She was glad she’d asked, at least.
“I’ll pack these up for you to take with you, then.” He picked up the tin and turned his back to set them beside the stove, ducking down to get the aluminum foil or whatever. Rae watched him.
She /knew/ Oliver wouldn’t lie to her. But it still didn’t sit right with her. Just /barely/ talking about heavy shit like that, was she supposed to just drop it? Oli seemed content to. Rae picked up her glass of wine and finished it off.
Maybe she could just take a hint this time. For once. For Oli. For family.
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jueunnn · 3 years
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𝘭𝘪𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘦 : ̗̀➛ four. proceed with caution
warnings ; mentions of divorce, emotional manipulation, profanity, just overall very douchey times
a/n ; in case yall are like me and just swipe through the pics, there's writing after every text so be sure to read those!!<3
shuffle play
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deep breath in, deep breath out. you could do this.
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stage one.
"okay, we're doing good.." you whispered softly to yourself, anxiously biting at the tips of your fingernails in an attempt to stop them from shaking. cold, but seemingly calm and collected. that was your goal. ryujin would be literally choking on air laughing at that last text message, though- sure, not everyone fell at his feet when he texted them, but you usually did (oops).
you checked yourself over. still angry? yup. okay, good to proceed.
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stage two.
this fucker. he was trying to sweet talk his way back into your good graces, again, wasn't he?!
"well, abso-fucking-lutely not." you muttered under your breath. but obviously you would ask him the question back, because unlike someone you actually had basic manners. was the ‘haha’ a little too friendly? you figured probably not.
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stage three.
okay, he was actually being pretty nice, so there was kind of no need to be that cold to him, right? as long as he didn’t try anything funny you wouldn’t mind being civil with him, you supposed. your conclusion: proceed with caution. but whip the little shit back into his place if he got too cocky, which you were half expecting at any moment at this point.
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stage four.
w h a t.
okay, pause. you rubbed your eyes and blinked several times before looking back down at your phone screen. surely you had read that wrong?? from what you knew, beomgyu’s parents had been the most loving couple in the neighbourhood- the town’s (alive) romeo and juliet.
“oh shit.” you said audibly, racking your brain for the right words to say in that situation. how was he holding up?? was he okay?? your grudge towards him abandoned, you fervently began typing a reply.
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stage five.
you paced around your room anxiously thinking about what had just happened. was this okay?? but this was something you had to do as a decent human being, right?? yes. beomgyu was going through a rough time and he needed someone, so you were going to be that someone. yeonjun and taehyun weren’t the most sensitive people in the world, so it would probably have been hard for beomgyu to talk to them about it.
you did the right thing, right?
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𝘭𝘪𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘦 ; in which kim y/n is severely infatuated with notoriously flirty choi beomgyu, to her absolute rage. getting over a year long crush isn't going to be easy- but you bet your ass she's going to try. choi beomgyu himself, on the other hand, has very different plans. he's gonna try his very damn best to get the girl.
𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵 ; @atinyyylove @cha-raena @teuboyz @pr0dbeomgyu @meiiiwa @chishiyas-backstory @hainaz @90s-belladonna @iuwon @00-baejin-05 @envy-brr @shinkailovebot @lokideadontheinside send me an ask or comment to be added!! (bold couldn’t be tagged)
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askarin-blythe · 3 years
About the OP:
Names: Arin, Ran, Sage, or just OP
Pronouns: (he/him) & (she/her)
Age: 22
About this Blog:
This is a multi-muse ask blog, based around an old Friday Night Funkin' OC of mine, Brine, and his several alternate versions: Ansel from the Minus AU, Raena from the Neo AU, and Opal from the Rose!Tinted AU... There is also another, but perhaps she isn't worth mentioning. 👀
About Brine, from the main universe
Pronouns: (he/him) & (she/her)
Age: 24
Species: Primarily human DNA with demonic ancestry, steeped and reformed in eldritch influence
Personality: INTJ-T, 5w6, true neutral
Summary: Brine, formerly known as Arin and as Blythe, is a single mother of triplets, and had a divorce from his ex-husband about two years ago. He has trust issues after a long line of mistreatment, real and perceived, but he tries his best to live a normal life-- or as normal as life can be for somebody who is technically not alive but a corporeal spirit.
About Annsel, from the Minus AU
Pronouns: (they/them)
Age: 18
Species: sentient AI equipped with a synthetic vessel
Personality: INTJ-A, 1w9, chaotic good
Summary: Annsel lives, despite everything-- despite being told it was never alive in the first place, even. They could not break Annsel's body, its processor (heart), nor its drive (brain), and they never will. Annsel lives a nomadic life of sorts, never having felt more at peace. Recently, however, after an accident of sorts, they've been taken into a gang of outlaws.
About Raena, from the Neo AU (WIP)
Pronouns: (she/her)
Age: 22
Species: human
Personality: ENFJ-A, ?w?, chaotic good
Summary: ...
About Opal, from the Rose!Tinted AU (WIP)
Pronouns: (one/ones), (it/its)
Age: ~570
Species: pansy nymph, formerly belonging to a High Court
Personality: INFJ-A, 9w1, chaotic good
Summary: Opal has always been a bit different from the other fae, afflicted by mosaic chimerism from birth. The differences didn't stop there though: ever since learning about humankind, Opal has been very fond of them. This resulted in much chaffing between it and its fellow faerie, until???
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reality-imagined · 5 years
Plans - Part III
SWU Poe x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Slow Burn, Romance
Rating: T+
Word Count: 1503
Sequel to Schematics
Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to the Star Wars characters, themes, or plots mentioned nor do I claim any of their work as my own. All rights reserved to Lucasfilm and the writers/creators Star Wars and subsequent movie titles. I simply enjoy their work and imagining what it would be like to live in their world.
By the time Tiro and you had reached the target system, you were itching to get on solid ground. Sure, you didn’t mind being in a ship but the longest time you had spent on board one was before the battle of Crait and now that you didn’t technically have to be floating around in space, you preferred to keep your feet on the ground. Tiro always made fun of you for it, especially when he could see your restlessness slowly consuming you. He always made a quip about never meeting anyone who got “space sick” or “how in the hell you got hooked up with a pilot.” He kept a trash bin in the cockpit just in case though. 
Once docked and the ship properly powered down, you grabbed your backpack and hid away the tracking device. Even though Fayvis had declared their allegiance, you couldn’t be too careful and with the information that was on this data pad - you couldn’t risk anyone getting their hands on it. 
There was a small welcome group waiting once you and Tiro to step out into the warm air that was Fayvis. Compared to the other planet’s you had been on, the area looked luxe and well, expensive. Even their landing pads were made of the smoothest duracrete mixture you’d ever seen. There was lush greenery surrounded the area and by the taste and humidity in the air, there was a large body of salt water near. 
An abrupt voice halted you and Tiro’s wide eyes looking about the scenery, “Names.” He looked to be the landing pad’s lead commandant, but his voice was a little hesitant and weary. Which surprised you, considering you were probably the first of the Resistance to stop by.
“I’m Captain Y/n Y/L/n and this is my assignment partner - Specialist Tiro Driet. Raena is a dear friend of ours.” You replied, it felt a bit weird being formal but at the same time comforting – a reminder of how your work used to go and hope that soon things could return to some kind of semblance of normal. Tiro had a weird face, he had forgotten the sound of your “Captain Voice” and how formal you used to be. 
The man looked down at the device in his hand, gesturing a few times before glancing back up and then down - his body visibly relaxing then. “Of course. Sorry for the formalities. Can’t be too safe.” He joked in attempt to make things light, but only made them more awkward. He stood at ease, a smile on his face. 
“Right.” Tiro spoke after standing for a moment, looking at each other silently. 
“We wasn’t expecting anyone… Considering there are already two of your own currently visiting.” 
Tiro and you immediately looked to each other, alarm mirroring the other’s.  “May I ask whom is currently stationed here?” You asked hesitantly, looking about the landing to see if there were familiar transports nearby. 
The man furrowed his eyebrows, “Commander Dameron and his partner.” 
Partner? Surely he meant someone from his Black Squadron. But… even though you hadn’t known much of his assignment from what Tiro had explained, he was alone. By the confused look Tiro had, your assumptions of his solo mission were correct. 
“Can-May I speak with Reana as soon as possible?” You asked, still trying to control your voice to not alarm the commandant. 
It was like the man was reminded of his duty when you asked that question, he snapped back into attention, arms clasped behind his back, “Of course! I’ll have someone escort you to the palace and notify the Princess of your arrival.” 
“Princess?” Tiro and you spluttered. 
The man eyed you curiously but said nothing more as he led you to what looked like a horizontal elevator shaft that would take you into the thick of the greenery. You couldn’t see much other than a wall of trees. Once aboard, you and Tiro both exchanged unsure looks. This isn’t at all how either of you imagined this to go. 
You couldn’t help but stand in awe of the foyer that you were to wait in. Everything appeared to be aurodium plated and you cringed at the thought that maybe it was real aurodium. Sure, Raena’s personality and manners made you increasingly aware of her higher status and you had always joked that she was close to royalty. But it never occurred to you that she was actual royalty. What royal family would send their princess into a combat zone? Well… it wasn’t the first time such measures had been taken… but you still had so many questions. 
“Maybe we shouldn’t have come here.” Tiro muttered, looking around the room before settling on you.
“Why? You insisted! It’s not my fault your girlfriend is a princess and never told you.”
“Might I remind you, she never told you either.” He poked, eyes narrowed. He was very uneasy about this new revelation.
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms, “Yeah well-“
“I thought they were playing some cruel joke on me.”
You and Tiro froze then slowly turned to see Raena coming, stereotypically you might add, down the large staircase in the middle of the grand foyer. She wore a long gown that was made of several layers of varying sheer and silk, aurodium colored fabrics. It flowed elegantly as she walked and upon her perfectly styled hair was thin crown. She exuded royalty and you questioned your observational skills once again. It was hard to recognize your friend, especially the one who once got so wasted with you at the Cantina that they started a weekly Karaoke night inspired by her singing on top one of the mess hall tables. You and her never returned because of the embarrassment. That girl, who wore her regulated medics clothing all the time, even when she wasn’t on duty and allowed to wear civvies, was not at all the one gracefully walking towards you.
Despite the barrier you suddenly felt in your friendship, who she was on the base was still her and she was nonetheless still your friend. You opened your mouth to reply but couldn’t find the right words to say, so you opted to for meeting her halfway with a hug. Tiro still stood back, becoming increasingly aware that his reunion with Raena wasn’t going to go how he’d expected. 
“Tiro.” Raena smiled after you two had gathered yourselves. She smiled warmly at him, a blush appearing through her precise makeup. “It’s great to see you. Both of you. But it is… a bit unexpected. I hadn’t heard from General Organa yet.” She pulled up her dress, showing how she turned the tracker into an anklet. You imagined it was so no one else would see it or clash with her gowns. 
“Right. Well, uhm… I guess we just got antsy? We need a few supplies too. Plus, a friendly face.” You shrugged, looking at Tiro for back up but he still wore that slightly shocked expression and his eyes never once left Raena. 
“We’ll get you the supplies in no time and you two will be back on course before the evening!” She turned to the assistant you hadn’t noticed until now. Whispering something then turning back to you, “I’ll walk you back to the landing.”
You furrowed your eyebrows as you let Raena guide back towards palace’s main door. Why was she rushing the two of you out? You hadn’t expected much out of this trip but a friendly face and a since of security… not to be rushed off without even an offer of some water or an actual bed to sleep in. This wasn’t like Raena. Anytime you and Suna visited her quarters, even for a brief moment, she had a tray of tea and snacks prepared. Which now that you think of it, screams propriety and royalty. 
“So soon?” You finally spoke before she could gesture for the guard to open the door. You leant back to look at Tiro at the other side of Raena, who simultaneously did the same. His face continued to mirror your own as it had since you landed, this time it was confusion.
She faltered and you could see the real Raen shine through for only a moment before she plastered back on that fake royal smile. You didn’t like this one bit. “I’m sorry. I just don’t think it’s safe for anyone from the Resistance to be here right now.” She looked between you and Tiro. You and Tiro stopped at once, body posture on defense. 
“That’s funny.” Tiro spoke up, voice bitter. “We were told Poe was here as well.”
Raena looked stunned then guilty, caught up in her own lies. She opened her mouth to speak but closed it when she realized that nothing she could say would fix this. So, you all stood there in silence, looking between one another, waiting for one of you to speak up first. The room heavy with unsaid explanations and accusing stares. 
Raena finally let out a sigh, “Things are… complicated right now. I’m sorry, I- I have a duty to my planet and family. I was just trying…” You could slowly see the real Raena returning, even down to her posture relaxing. “Until I can explain everything, I’ll set you guys up in our guest wing. It can’t be for long, but just enough time to get you the supplies and explain.” 
You could tell she was uncomfortable and in a bind. You didn’t want to bring her any extra stress, but you also needed to talk to Tiro immediately about this. You placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and she relaxed further, her eyes pleading an apology. “Thank you, Rae. We didn’t mean to cause so much stress. Why don’t you walk us out and explain then - whatever you can’t explain now, we can talk about when it’s time.” 
Raena nodded, gesturing for the guard to open the door then. You and Tiro followed her out, you could tell she was trying to figure out where to start so you didn’t say anything, only waited for her to begin her explanation. 
So.... it’s been a minute. or two. or three. its been a lot of minutes... but I was able to see the rise of skywalker and well, I was inspired lol So, I figured I’d write up until I find a point where TROS and Plans can intersect and go from there. Just know that I have seen all of your likes and reblogs and new follows since I last posted (which was eons ago) and I appreciate it so very very much and it baffles me that this is still a thing you want to read.
Also, thinking about making a few Mando drabbles and writings, as I, too, have become enthralled in the existence that is Pedro Pascal. oops. ANYWHO, let’s get to writing and reading, huh? Much love xx 
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inakua · 7 years
N O   P A I R I N G S   M A S T E R L I S T
*in-progress     **posted
Marauders Era:
The Pureblood Mudblood || slyth!oc
Request:  Could I please have a one shot, where a random slytherin discovers that they are actually adopted and is a true muggle born. Yet they are devistated by it because they grew up to have a blood prejudice…? Please. - @raena-baena for @fanficnet
Next Gen Era:
Slytherins Wotters  pt.1  pt.2 ||  next gen era **
Request: This is my own idea about Lily Potter being sorted into Slytherin at the Sorting and the selfless act of a loving cousin who couldn’t let her face it alone.
More to come - send me oneshot requests or if you want to collab or maybe have a little competition or just want me to take a look or help out with some of your own writing then just send me an ask and I’ll reply asap!
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fangirlingnextgen · 7 years
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⤛   i n v i s i b l e   h e a r t  ⤜
- Galice -
He doesn’t care. Shut up. Let him be.
The words eat me up in my sleep. It feels like drowning even when I take my blankets off.
He hates you now. You’re not worth anything to him. Annoying, an inconvenience, the maids are right. Everyone must think the same around the palace. You’re a pathetic little girl that’ll never go far. Everyone hates your stupid presence, Galice. Dante is just the only one honest enough to tell you sometimes. You should stay away from everyone. Stay away, stay away, stay away.
I start gasping as I feel sweat trickling down my face, soon joined by tears leaving my eyes. Stop, please. I need air. It’s suffocating; the pressure over my chest. I feel it rising and falling, but I can’t stop it. I try to get out of bed but stumble onto the floor, still heaving. Worthless. That’s what you are. Dante knows. He knows your place better than you do. I gasp with the cold of the floor seeping through my clothes.
I can’t breathe. I’ll die here and no one will notice. No one will care. Dante will be happy.
Sobbing, I curl up into a ball, trying to get some air into my lungs. Anything to stop the hammering against my chest.  Water… I struggle to sit up and get the glass on my nightstand, but as I reach for it and drink, I realize the water won’t go through. I cough as the glass shatters to the floor and make sure to scoot away from the shards before leaning against my bed, still taking short breaths. Too fast. 
My vision blurs from the dizziness. Please, someone, “h-help…” It’s only a whisper, I know no one will hear it, but I still cry like someone will. Like someone will hear the last words before I die. “I’m sorry… Dante, I’m sorry… and I don’t know why…”
Raena told us about her decision to have a Selection yesterday. 
A big step. I can only hope to be able to help somehow… Worthless. That’s what you are. Dante knows… I push the thoughts from last night away and keep heading to his room. I already know he probably didn’t take the news well.
I find him on the floor, slumped against his bed, just talking to himself while taking sips of the almost empty bottle in his hand. One would think after so long I would get used to it, but this is the one part I can’t get over. I can handle his insults, his rudeness, forgetfulness, detachment, even his subtle empty threats. They all chip off something inside me for sure, something important, but they’re not as bad as watching him so lost by himself.
“Dante…” It’s a small whisper before I sigh and walk up to him, crouching as I tilt my head. “You still there?”
Thankfully, he kind of is and looks at me confused before mumbling back my name. It chips off something inside me again. Reminds me of when he used to mumble my name half asleep on sleepovers. I haven’t slept in his room for over a year now.
I cup his face a little, frowning at the unfocused look in his eyes before whispering, “What are you doing?”
He pushes my hand away, annoyed, as always. That’s all I can make him feel now. Annoyed. “Having a drink of course,” he finally slurs back, and even though I’m used to it all, I lower my gaze, avoiding his own. 
“Maybe it’s enough for tonight?” “N-Nothing is ever enough. More.. I need more.” He stumbles over his words as his eyes start searching for a new bottle around. I place a hand over his chest so he won’t move.
“Dante, please…” “No Gal…” He glances at me with irritation. “I need it.”
Replaced by a bottle of wine. I try to help him stand up even if he’s being stupid. “You don’t… just listen for once…”
He shakes me away and almost falls down again. “I-I don’t need help… No.. no help.”
One of my hands stops him from falling, “Come on, let me help…” “No, no, no,” he slurs once more, shaking his head as he falls down on the bed and starts laughing. “I don’t need help from anyone! No one ever helped me.” I clench my jaw, thinking of all the times I’ve been here making sure he doesn’t do anything too stupid. Those times are lost in the fog of his hangovers, I’m practically invisible. 
Sitting at the edge of his mattress, I make him sit up. “That’s not true…” He shakes my hands away yet again. “What do you know about helping?”
It feels like a slap to my face. What do I know about helping? All those hours of seeing him like this, being there for him… It means nothing to him. I’m invisible. “W-What..?”
Worthless Gal, remember? You already knew that. Stay away.
Dante frowns at me, confused. It doesn’t seem like he realizes what he just said. But then again, he never does. “What?”
This time I can’t stop my tears from streaming down as I hug him tightly with a trembling voice, “P-Please, stop. Please. I can’t bare this any longer.” Sobs come out of me and I know he won’t care, he hates me, this won’t change anything, but I can’t stop. Just like I can’t stop myself from caring about him. “I can’t take it… Dante, please… please…” listen to me. He still tries to wiggle out of my grip and that makes me sob louder. “What the hell are you talking about? What.. I don’t understand.”
“I don’t know what I did that was so wrong.. p-please Dante–” I feel my body trembling as I cry against his chest. I want my Dante back. I want the boy I could make smile, the boy who always beat me in a soccer match with a grin. My cousin. My best friend.
“Did you do something wrong? What?” He tries to hug me back, but it comes out so awkward.
“I-I must have…” Why else would you hate me?  Chuckling again, he pats my back, “Don’t cry silly, have a drink that will make you feel better.” No. I know you’re in there… somewhere. Please come back. I hug him tighter like that’ll pull him back to reality, but he only laughs again and tries to get up.
“You’re squeezing the air out of me Gal.”
My arms slip away from his torso as he stands up, I have no strength to hold him back. Instead, I curl up on his bed, tears drying on my face.
I can hear the impatience in his voice when he asks, “Are you going to sleep here? Don’t you have your own bed?”
Every time he opens up his mouth to speak it feels like another dagger is sunk into my chest. I don’t even cry as the memory of a younger him asking me to stay in his room for the night pops into my head.
“Can’t I stay?” I say in an attempt to throw another lifeline for myself, something to hold onto. I always do it. I mention things hoping one day Dante will show me he’s still there. Hoping someday he’ll pull me out…but he only pushes me farther down. “No..” He shakes his head, stumbling over his own feet, “No.”
It feels like another lost battle. I just sit up without another word, face blank before standing. My eyes wander to his desk. The picture frame I gave him a few days back is still on a corner. Then there’s one of his bottles.
Staring at the frame makes me think of the letter I made him, the one I ripped into a million pieces. It was so stupid. I shouldn’t have brought him something so pathetic. I stare at the bottle and the frame, then at the trash can next to the desk. The bottle. The frame. The trash.
I take the frame and throw it where it belongs, my eyes lingering on it for a moment as the glass cracks. Just like something inside me keeps doing so.
Dante seems lost. “W-why did you that? It was a nice picture.”
Lies. “No, it wasn’t,” I mumble as I head for the door.
“I think it was, thanks.” He sounds so nonchalant it hurts. Stop talking. Just shut up.
I lean on the door frame with a pained expression he can’t even see, whispering, “No problem…” before crouching on the spot, taking deep breaths. I want to throw up.
“Are you okay?” He doesn’t walk to me and my back is still to him, but I shake my head mostly to myself. I’m not okay at all.
He comes a bit to his senses and asks, “Can I do something?”
That only gets hope to stir up inside me. Like always, that slight change in his voice is enough to rattle everything inside me, but I only rest my head on the door frame, taking shaky breaths before mumbling, “I doubt so..” I hear him slump back on the ground behind me. “Okay.. sure.”
Silence fills the room and after a few seconds of uneasy breathing I struggle to stand up again and leave. The tightness in my chest remains and my heart begs for me to stop, to let him go before it breaks me entirely, but I know that won’t happen. I won’t give up, not yet.
Stubborn little girl.
p ↛ n
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fansof-faces · 5 years
Raena’s Love Story- 4
Decoration day:
Her arrival at the auditorium was greeted with pin-drop silence. No one really said anything just awkwardly stared away when they got into eye contact. It kinda hurt, cause Zo did invite her to come. 
Amidst the arousing murmurs, Niomi and Fat Zo walked in with a bunch of stuff in their hands.
Niomi: Can you at least call me when you decide to show up? Like for God’s sake, we need to talk and I haven’t seen you for ages. 
Raena: We met yesterday. 
Fat Zo: Honey I think you are late. Robin and his pals just left. 
Niomi: Zo, just get out of here. You don’t know shit if you think she came to decoration for any guy. 
Fat Zo: Yea, like I haven’t spent years in the same class and never noticed her staring at him. 
Niomi: That is called the death glare. Can you just leave us alone? 
Fat Zo: Cool. But I need to talk to her too about the party. 
Niomi: I got this. Go. 
As Fat Zo leaves Raena can’t help but search for a familiar face amongst the crowd of hard-working seniors. She wondered why anyone would waste their time in this event. Not like decorating is everyone’s favorite thing in the world. 
Niomi: What are you wearing tomorrow?
Raena: I was hoping you have something on your mind. 
Niomi: I knew it. You will need to come to my house this evening. My mom made something for you, let’s get that fitted. 
Raena: Thanks. 
Niomi: Also why are you throwing the party?
Raena: I am definitely not. 
Niomi: Well Fat Zoe said you offered your place for the after-party.
Raena: Yes I offered my place for the party, doesn’t mean I am throwing one. Can you tell him not to tell that to people? 
Niomi: You could say that yourself. I will when I meet him. Listen, you don’t want people to know it is your place right?  
Raena: Umhmm. I don’t really care. It is the end of uni, so it doesn’t matter. 
Niomi: Well you need to take me to your place cause I need to have a look at it.
Raena: Why?
Niomi: To plan the party, you idiot. 
Raena: When? 
Niomi: After lunch and once we are done shopping for the party, we can go for fitting at my place.
Raena: What am I suppose to do till then? 
Niomi: Decorate. 
Raena: You know I didn’t come here to decorate. 
“Well, do whatever.” And Niomi was gone. 
There is always a swiftness to her exits.
She wasn’t sure where to go or where to be. This a familiar place, but it wasn’ t too comfortable to be able to roam around all the time. There were too many people she knew and too many people who wanted to talk to her. When she moved to Burbanks after studying college abroad, she was welcomed by familiar faces all over the university campus. It was normal for most of the students from Lamua to come to Burbanks for its huge university campus. Robin also ended up coming to university. Enduring those piercing stares at the back of her head for the first few months was tough. Robin’s presence added a layer of uncomfortable in her daily life. 
It was some sort of an anger management issue that she was building up back then. But like any sensible person, she had to let go of anger. She is not ready to invest time and energy on things that she could not see the end to. She liked the way the university walls became comfortable for her.     
  It was easier to walk around without the questionable glares. With the summer heat at its peak, the dusty cold winds are welcoming the autumn inside the long corridors of her department. On the second floor, there was a long corridor that connects the management building to the CA building. It was a bridge with huge windows. Not too high, but long enough. This corridor was pretty when empty she thought as she stood there in a long while. Only on the last day, everyone is so busy that the corridor is unused. She was searching for a quieter place and silence led her there. Before she knew it, she was saying goodbye to those walls and windows as if they were important enough to say goodbye. She didn’t like people a lot. 
But people were always around her. She heard footsteps coming from behind her and stop. 
“Hi, Raena.” 
She turns to see Robin in front of her. 
“Will I see you in the farewell?”
“Great. That’s great.” 
“Well most of us were wondering if you would come or not.”
“It shouldn’t matter so much.” 
“Look at you, turning this conversation too awkward to continue.” 
“You don’t say what is on your mind, so I get curious why it is great for me to show up.”
“Can it not be a genuine question?”
“Yes, but I wished it had some motive.”
“You dislike people with motives who come to you.”  
“You are not a stranger. You can have motives.”
“If I can't ask you questions without motives, should I stopped asking?” 
“You can stop doing whatever you want, I am not asking for anything in return from you. Just curious about your thoughts. If you don’t like talking about it, I can stop asking.”
“Don’t stop asking, it doesn’t help our situation.”
Talking to Robin always ended up like this. It was always a bit aggressive. Always a bit harsh, tip-toeing around mood swings. Whose fault is it really? Where does this argument go? Where did it really start? It was almost impossible by now to revert back to their conversations and actions that occurred in their years of the family friend relationship. 
“Maybe we should not talk about the past.”
“It will help for now, but not for long.” 
“I wanted to talk to you. So, maybe we should talk in farewell.”
“Is there anything important that you had to say.”
“No, nothing of that sort, I just wanted to talk to you. Enjoy a conversation and your company without getting into an awkward argument.” 
“I won’t mind that.”
“Will you cool down for the farewell and just enjoy?”
“Don’t ask me to do things, like you know what is going on.”
“I have known you long enough, sometimes I can tell.” 
“Sadly you can’t tell on everything.”
“Well, every psychic has his weakness.”
“oh, oh, oh.” She finally laughs and let's go. 
“I am leaving. See you then.”
“I will patiently wait to chill with you.”
“Bye.” Raena walks away. 
When they were in the ninth grade, some senior confessed to Robin. It hurt but they weren’t talking at that point. Robin rejected her nevertheless, but that made matter bad for Raena. The senior, Tori, began targetting Raena, thinking she was after Robin. It pissed her off quite a lot. It was hard enough that Robin didn't talk to her on top of that most of their conversations were micro-aggressive. Both of their anger of the past did only hard for them emotionally. While she decided to suffer somewhere far away from Lumua, Robin pretended to be alright back home and led a casual high-school life. 
She wondered where and how things went from bad to worst, as she walked away from the corridor and downstairs to the parking lot. 
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katieyates3-blog · 6 years
Assignment #9
Radical Revision
Going from West to East
Raena Hardison discusses her life from back home in California to her new life here in New York City.
Raena Jade Hardison grew up with a split life. She was always traveling between Encinitas, California, what she says is her hometown, and downtown San Diego. Part of her family was in Encinitas, with her mom, mom’s boyfriend, and her step-brother, while her dad and another step-brother lived downtown. Her parents split when she was four. “I think when they were still trying to figure out the whole custody situation, my dad wasn’t allowed to have me stay over at his place, so he would pick me up and we would spend a day together. Then he’d drop me back off,” Raena explained, while working in the mail office of Loeb Hall. She was wearing fuchsia pink open-toed heels, with a white suit and a lace long sleeve top under. She had on a long silver necklace, gold coin necklace and silver hoops. Her hair was down with minimal makeup on.
When she was young, Raena was “very involved in beach culture”. She explained this to mean that she surfed, swam, tanned, and made bathing suits with her friends. As she grew up, she started to grow out of the beach lifestyle, but said, “I was okay with it because as much as I loved that, it did feel very much apart of my younger childhood”. She started to take a serious interest in music and is now enrolled at Eugene Lang studying contemporary music. She’s been singing for as long as she can remember and writing songs since she was about eight. Her first serious song, however, she wrote when she was thirteen.
Singing had always been apart of Raena’s life. Ever since she was young, she would sing along to Disney movies and always had a passion for it. She recalls on the first real song she wrote called “Breathe”. She said, “it was about being in love with someone, but looking back on it now, I think it was more about dealing with my parents always fighting, and everyone always fighting around me”. Even though Raena was young when her parents split, their relationship still affects her to this day. She said anytime she had an argument in a past relationship, she would think that was end, and that there was no fixing it.
“Music started when I was young, always, always super interested in it and it was Anne-Marie who pushed me to pursue it”. Raena met Anne-Marie when she was 16. Up until that point, Raena had wanted to study marine biology. “It was definitely the typical t-fit blonde, tan girl who wanted to be a marine biologist. Now I’m pale, dark-haired, and punk rock”. Raena initially went to Anne-Marie for vocal lessons, but it turned into learning about the music industry, piano, music theory, and just life lessons. Anne-Marie was the first in Raena’s life to say, “Why would you not study music?”, and to this day, she has had one of the biggest impacts on her. Before she left for college, Anne-Marie’s son, Daniel, who produced Raena’s album, was disappointed that she was going to The New School. She said, “He was like, I personally don’t think, I still have that email, I personally don’t you think you should go. It was hard for me to be like I’m going anyways”. However, this past December, when Raena went home for winter break, she had a show that Anne-Marie went to, and after, she went up to Raena and said that she looked good. She said that New York was for me. “I don’t know, that helped me a lot, that made me feel good.”
Transitioning from California to New York City isn’t easy on anyone, and Raena went through a lot of changes upon moving here. She is 19, a freshman, and trying to figure everything out. One of the first things she tackled when here was her fashion. She labels her style as, “Vintage Boujee”. Referring to the outfit she had on, she said, “I would do that every once and awhile and wear it to school, but people would react weird, and I just didn’t want to deal with that. A lot of it was being insecure with like Trent and his whole group”. Trent was a previous boyfriend Raena had in high school, however, it wasn’t easy for her to go to school with him and all his friends after they broke up. “I think that when I came here, I felt like there were a lot of people that honestly don’t really give a fuck what you wear or who you are, and there’s a lot more room in this city for different kinds of people”.
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servicecatsus · 7 years
MeOW Brrrrr  Raena, it’s me’s turn to lay on the heated mat. Why don’t you go paw up our Blest Sunday posty. Me will dictate from the mat.
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                  What? Do it yourself, sissy. (The winds are really blowing outside and suddenly a gust blows through the memorial chimes aunty Vonda sent and they start chiming uncontrollably. Dead leaves rustle about and a clump hits the door causing Raena to run to the Liberty cat tree to see what’s going on outside.) These winds sure are noisy, aren’t they sissy? 
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          (Seeing that the heated mat is empty, Dezi walks over and lays down and starts to bathe.) Yep Raena, the winds sure have been stirrin’ up things outside and inside, lately. One day yours and mommy’s eyes and noses are runnin’ a race and the next ya’ll are all dried up. Makes mommy second guess your eye situation. Seems dry weather clears up your eyes. Unfurtunately, we live in a really humid state. But, it’s fur sure somethin’ mommy’s gonna mention to the V E T when she takes you. 
                What’s that sissy? I’s not goin’ to the V E T?. Did you hear somethin’ I’s didn’t? 
    Well no, but you know mommy’s been plannin’ to take you to have your eyes looked at. And, since she has that ‘pointment this month to get her new fake teethies, me just assumed mommy would stop by the V E T while ya’ll were in Ardmore. 
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                    Hmmmmpht  I’s don’t wanna go to the V E T, sissy. We’ll just have to see ‘bout that. Maybe it’ll take all day to get mommy’s teethies and there won’t be enuff time to take me anywhere but to have fun. Meowin’ of fun, what did you think ‘bout the big ole box we got yesfurday?
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    Hmmmmm Let me see what’s in here.
      OMC Raena, what a blessin’ it was. We had no idea we even had a box comin’. Mommy had gotten some emails from the post office ‘bout a package comin’ our way, but mommy furgot ‘bout it cuz she hadn’t ordered anythin’ or heard from anypawdy sayin’ they had sent us somethin’. Mommy was givin’ your tummy a good brushin’ when she saw somethin’ out of the corner of her eyes. She looked up at the door and saw our poor little mail lady strugglin’ with this huge ole box. Once her and mommy got the box inside, me came over from the brown tree in the dinin’ room to see what we got.
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                    It wasn’t just a big box sissy, mommy and the mail lady said it was heavy too. I’s hopped up on the Liberty tree to help mommy open it. What a treasure trove it was. Mommy just kept pullin’ goodies outta that box. Most of it was fur mommy, but, there was few goodies just fur us. Mommy even said there’s a whole package of pepperoni’s.
  Me luvs a good pepperoni pizza, Raena.
            Me too, sissy. And, it’s been way too long since we’ve had one. I’s sure hope mommy fixes it fur us soon. she couldn’t quit cryin’ long enuff last night to do anythin’. 
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Yeah, but they were happy tears Raena. That awnty Cindy and angel Maggie Meme are somethin’ else. There was so many goodies in the box, mommy can’t ‘member ifin she got a foto of everythin’.
            Yep, here we have new batteries fur the camera, and mommy furgot to charge one. So, when the camera started flashin’, she had to quit takin’ fotos and plug it in. (Both Dezi and Raena shake their heads.)
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        Yeah Raena, sometimes mommy ain’t the crispest cracker in the box. Anyways, there was also, milk and cheese, pasta and noodles, ham and cheater taters, the almighty coffee, and those yummy chocolate chocolate chip brownie bites, and the cutest little socklets with kitty ears and all. Did you see the cheez-its? Mommy’s been cravin’ those.
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                  Those socklets are adorable, ain’t they sissy? And what ‘bout our treats and that nifty little toy? We each got a slice of chicken breast and our own bobble toy on top of the package of pepperoni’s. We all hit the jackpot. Fanky fank you sooooooooooooooooooo much awnty Cindy and angel Maggie Meme. 
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          Fur sure, a meowsy big Fank you. It didn’t end there tho’, Raena. There was also a card in the box with some green papers. They know how much goin’ to BlogPaws would mean to us and so they sent some monies to put towards the trip. Mommy’s gotta figger out zactly what it’ll cost us to get there so we’ll know how much more we might need. Mommy said she found some hotels out by the airpurrt that be lots cheaper than the host hotel, so we won’t need as much money as we would’a ifin we’d stayed at the event.We are so blest and so luvved it sometimes takes our breath away just thinkin’ ‘bout it. 
            That’s fur sure sissy. Mommy hasn’t been feelin’ all that good lately, so we were spendin’ yesfurday doin’ a bunch of nuffin’ till the box came. And when mommy checked our emails, she saw one that said we had money. Fanky fank ya’ awnty Anonymous, we really ‘purreciate your gifty of green papers. And, we think you need to hear this so lissen up. You are a very special awnty and we luvs you very much. Don’t ever let anypawdy tell you that you don’t matter. 
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          Well meowed Raena. That goes fur all of you. Sometimes peeps are just nasty and mean hearted. We don’t know why, but don’t any of ya’ lissen to those kinds. Each of us are special and purrfect in our own way, God says so and so does mommy. And you all know, mommy doesn’t lie. With that, we’re gonna wrap it up and let mommy have some of that coffee and brownies. We’d like to remind ya’ to take a minute today and every day to give thanks fur the blessings in your lives. We’re so grateful fur each and every one of you. We are the richest kitty girls in the world, cuz we have so many pawsum furiends. 
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                  Just thinkin’ ‘bout all our amazin’ furiends makes me purr sissy. We’re also joinin’ the Kitties Blue fur Sunday Selfies. 
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        Till the next time…………………………………………Be Blest!!! 
  Dezi: Vibrant Blue 
Raena: Navy Blue
  Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses
  Deztinee and RaenaBelle  
Blest Sunday: You Are Purrfect MeOW Brrrrr  Raena, it’s me’s turn to lay on the heated mat. Why don’t you go paw up our Blest Sunday posty.
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reality-imagined · 6 years
Part X
SWU Poe x Female!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Flirting, Cursing?
Word Count: 1378
Rating: T
Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to the Star Wars characters or plots mentioned. All rights reserved to Lucasfilm and the writers/creators of The Last Jedi.
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           If evacuating the base felt like pandemonium, then there were no words to describe what was happening now on Crait. You and the people around you were all that was left of the Resistance, and you didn’t even want to think about counting out that number. The significance and weight of that thought weighed heavily on everyone’s mind as they fought for survival. You couldn’t help but wish for the security and hominess of D’Qar once more, but the thought of the old base only left you with more grievance rather than a sense of security.
           You had to physically shake those thoughts from your head as you set do to the task in front of you. You stood, staring at the wiring and main panel to one of the speeders left behind on the deserted base. It was the only option your few pilots had and, despite your lack of expertise when it came to air crafts, Poe still stood behind you - insisting you look at it. Even though you weren’t quite sure what you were looking at…
           “You know more about these things than I do…” You murmured, trying to at least find somewhere to plug in your data pad to try and run a diagnostic report. Was this thing so outdated it didn’t have an electronic diagnostic output? You blanched at that thought.
           “I’ve never piloted a speeder like this, Y/N. Is there anything you can tell me?” You could tell he was trying desperately to keep his tone cool and neutral, but anyone could tell that even the best pilot in the, what was left, of the Resistance was on edge about the odds. You were frustrated, not at him, but the fact that despite all of your studies and work towards being the best at your many jobs – this one you were utterly failing at. And this was not a time to be failing.
           “All I know is that it looks like it uses a… thingy to stabilize it as it moves.”
           Poe deadpanned, “A thingy.”
           “I told you I don’t know about these hunks of junk, Dameron.” 
           “It’s called a mono-ski.” 
           You and Poe both turned around to see Rose, looking at you a bit concerned. So your terminology was a bit off, at least you were able to find the main control panel amongst the rust and panels that were barely hanging on.
           “Perfect. Teach him. I’m gonna… go do something else.” You gave a Poe a pat on the shoulder and Rose a smile before b-lining it out of there. You hated not being the best at whatever task was set before you and now was not the time to let that little bug eat away at your thoughts.
           As soon as you reached the control room, you didn’t hesitate to start helping Connix with sending out distress signals to allies. Suna and Raena looked at each other, hope in their eyes that their own planets would come to the rescue. You tried to drone out the announcement of the ski-speeders being deployed, as well as the subsequent sound of blaster rounds. You couldn’t ignore the worried tone in Rose’s voice and the fact that the blaster sounds were getting increasingly closer until a loud crash was heard from, where you imagined, the ground forces lay. You couldn’t bear to look out the large windows to see the ski speeders racing towards the ginormous machinery that the Force Order had or the destruction that was already taking place.
           There was a commotion that you couldn’t make out because of multitasking and sensory overload, not to mention a level of anxiety that you had never experienced before. Your limits were constantly being tested and driven, and just when you thought you’ve bared all that you could – something else goes terribly wrong. Whatever had happed sounded hopeful, like back-up had arrived, and you held on to that hopefulness as you continued working. Leia would pace, then pause to really listen to what was happening outside, then pace once more. 
           “We’re taking on a lot of loses.” 
           All eye turned to the main monitor in the middle of the room then, doubtfulness and worry clouding everyone’s eyes. 
           “Please don’t do anything heroic.” You whispered to yourself, joining Suna and Raena at the main monitor. Poe’s static voice mentioned something about what they had planned being a suicide mission and you felt your heart drop. It wasn’t unlike your pilot do something stupidly valiant in an effort to save the day. But Finn was the one not listening this time, and you felt absolutely no relief - sure, you had only known and spoken with him briefly. But Finn was important to Poe and that meant something to you. The vulptices shook with unease as the dust began to fall from the ceiling due to the laser cannon slowing melting away the thick metal door keeping the First Order out. 
           Communication was shut between Rose and Finn’s speeders at nearly the same time, you were unsure what that entirely meant and didn’t have time to think much more of it. The red circle continuously growing on the metal door meant that whatever Finn had intended either didn’t happen or didn’t work. Before you could finish that thought, the door exploded under the magnitude of the laser, shattering the glass windows of the control room. A large gaping hole was left amidst a blazing fire - giving the First Order an easy entry. 
           Connix and D’Acy gave the worst news that could’ve happened in that moment. 
           No one, in the entire galaxy, was coming to aid in what was left of the Resistance. You all were alone. No hope. No salvation. Nothing. There were no words to describe what you felt. Of all the emotions that had passed through your systems in past hours, a feeling of nothings flowed through your veins. And you almost felt appreciative, maybe it would make seeing the end easier. Suna and Raena exchanged horrified looks. Their families, from two entirely separate planets – in two different rims of the galaxy, didn’t even send support or respond. You felt for them as they realized the magnitude of their family’s silence and lack of support.
           Leia gently sat back on the table behind her in defeat. There was nothing you could do or say to console her, but you felt that the least you could do was place a hand on hers to let her know that - despite this being the end, she wasn’t alone. 
           “The spark… is out.” she sighed, just as a figure approached from the back of the room. Your nerves stood on edge as you weren’t sure who this person was. If they were friendly or from the First Order, but you didn’t move from beside Leia as they approached. “Luke.” she finally breathed. 
           Oh. oh. You instantly took few steps back then. That was Luke freaking Skywalker. You knew now was not the time to fangirl, or mention how cool you thought the Force was or the stories that Leia had shared with you, so you just stood there. Probably looking a bit lost and shell-shocked, but you couldn’t look away from their exchange. Leia made a joke about her hair and you moved to stand with C3-PO as they started talking about the General’s son - Kylo. 
           Their exchange was short and Luke walked by C3-PO and you. The droid acknowledged him, to which Luke gave a wink. You wish you could’ve thought of something more meaningful to say but all you could manage was a weak and nervous:
           He gave a nod and continued his way and you couldn’t help but compare your embarrassment from this exchange to nearly all your exchanges with Poe.
On the embarrassment scale, this was worse. Way worse. 
           You returned to stand beside Leia, who was now looking out at the bay-like windows. The First Order had approached quickly, but that wasn’t what surprised you. Luke was walking out alone, facing the military force of the First Order. You looked to Leia with apprehension in your eyes but she didn’t look at you, her own eyes were glued to her brother who facing an entire army alone.
A/N: I have an idea for a sequel... which wasn’t what I wasn't intended but given that I have some freedom with how TLJ ended... idk I’m gonna mull over that a bit and actually see how you guys like the final part (which is only two posts away!) before I start really thinking about it lol As always, thanks for reading! ❤️
Tags: @introvertedmouse @i-said-goddameron @ttawny @xfirewolfx74 @theladyofmanyfandomsofficial @imaginecrushes @empathiccally @emily-vole @xenwayy @yourwonderbelle @omgikwangminwoo @fortheloveoflamp @zestygingergirl @unstoppableforcce
39 notes · View notes
reality-imagined · 6 years
Part VI
SWU Poe x Female!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Flirting
Word Count: 1699
Rating: T
Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to the Star Wars characters or plots mentioned. All rights reserved to Lucasfilm and the writers/creators of The Last Jedi.
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           You could hear commotion and screams around you, but felt nothing. You tried to call out to your friends but nothing would happen. You felt stuck and in that moment there was nothing scarier than the idea that forever would be like this. You knew you had to fight, even though you didn’t understand what you were fighting. There were people waiting. There were possibilities unexplored. You had so much to do and look forward to. So you kept trying and trying. Screaming though no sound was made. Moving but nothing changed. The oblivion was starting to consume you. You almost gave up when-
           Your throat caught as you gasped back into consciousness, hands flailing to grip on to something to ground you. Everyone in the room took an unconscious step towards you to ensure you were okay. Raena gave a warning look to everyone, who in turn instantly stepped back. Your lungs burned and your head pounded. “You’re okay, you’re okay.” Raena soothed as she patted your head with a cool rag, a q-tip in the other hand that looked to have gel on it to heal the little nicks you received from the explosion. You relaxed into the bed beneath you. Still wary that you were really back and not stuck in that abyss you were just in. 
           “Considering you almost blew up, I think you’re in pretty good shape.” You didn’t have to look over Raen’s shoulder to know it was Suna who said it. What you didn’t expect was to see Poe set in a nervous posture, arms wrapped around his chest with his hand placed worryingly under his chin. He looked conflicted and you wanted nothing more than to soothe him.
           “She’s fine, Poe. Go check on the General.” Raen was still using her soothing ‘medical care provider’ voice. He looked at you for confirmation, eyes searching your face for his own verification. You were still having trouble finding your voice, so you gave him a nod and small smile. Your head pounding in resistance. He looked you over once more before exiting the room, his face still advertising his wariness. 
           “I know now is not the time, but I just want to remind you that he’s kinda in love with you.” Suna spoke, jumping up to set beside you on the cot. 
           “Shut up Suna.”
           You finally found your voice and despite the aches in your body, a smile spread across your face. There was the hope you had so desperately searched for while in that terrifying abyss. 
           Despite Raena’s protests, Suna guided you to the makeshift control room where what little was left of the Resistance leaders had gathered to reconvene and figure out what the hell you were going to do. You pinched the bridge of your nose to stop the tears that formed at realization that maybe all of the leadership, who you had worked closely with along side Leia, were gone.
           The meeting had yet to begin and as you entered the room, familiar and comforting beeps filled the air. 
           “I’m okay, BB. But you’re right, I should sit down.” The droid rolled around the two of you as Suna guided you to an area to set down. She looked around the room and gave you a look that read she was uncomfortable and severely out of place. She had a problem with authority that she refused to admit. You smiled and told her it was okay to go find Raen. 
           She gave your cheek a soft pat, “Take care of her, droid.” She looked at the BB Unit behind you with an eyebrow raised. BB-8 used one his attachments to give her, what was meant to appear as, a thumbs up since it was aware she didn’t understand it’s communication outlet. 
           When she was gone, BB made anexctied stream of beeps that were about her warming up to it and you couldn’t help but smile wide. Turning to look back at the droid who didn’t dare move an millimeter further from you. You started to ask if he needed any repairs or quick adjustments after everything that happened but you didn’t get a chance to. 
           “What are you doing here?” Somehow his voice appeared before the stomp of boots this time. “Shouldn’t you be in the medbay with-“
           “We need all the help we can get Poe.” Your voice set, turning to set your arms on your knees. Fiddling with your nails, “They’re gone. And at least being here,” you gestured to the others who were left and now gathering in the room, “makes me feel like I’m helping. I’ll do anything, but I won’t just sit in the medbay waiting for something to happen. Leia didn’t train me to just stand by.”
           Poe frowned, but didn’t say anything, only opting to sit close beside you, his Black squadron following suit and sat around the two of you. In any other circumstance you would’ve felt pride being amongst them - they were fearless and being in their presence started to rub off on you. But, there was little room for any other emotion other than utter fear and uncertainty right now. 
           It didn’t take long for the rest to settle into the room. Commander D’Acy began the meeting. Giving what little update she could about Leia, then confirming everyone’s worst fear - the explosion had indeed taken out all of the leadership. Everyone let out nervous chatter, looking to the other for guidance. Poe pressed his leg against yours, you both seeming to find comfort in the each others presence. You could feel Poe tense and straighten as D’Acy mentioned the chain of command. You were very aware of the chain of command and wanted to tell him that the General had requested you to contact Holdo before the explosion, just to remind him before he got his hopes up. But you didn’t have an opportunity and kept quiet. You set a calm hand on his back as you felt him shift in disappointment as D’Acy confirmed Holdo was the next chain in command. 
           The Vice Admiral’s speech, while neither reassuring nor comforting, lit a fire in you and you were determined to get these people around you to safety. They were your family when it felt like you had nothing. Poe looked around as everyone dispersed, turning to the other beside him to ask if that was really Holdo. He shrugged at the confirmation and gave your thigh, just above your knee, a squeeze as he stood to follow Holdo with questions. You tried not to think too hard about that gesture.
           BB nudged your back and you stood to find a station to help in anyway possible. Connix gave you a scolding look but then nodded towards a station with a chair. You set out to check the ships mainframe in attempt to confine the major areas of damage and configure makeshift mods to seal them and restore what you could. 
           You tensed as Holdo and Poe walked closer to your station, and tensed even more when she started calling him a trigger happy flyboy and dangerous. Your eyes narrowed at the screen before you and you began typing a little too hard. So, yeah, maybe you were being a little defensive… Poe scratched his head and then looked to you, approaching your station as you sent the rough details to Tiro - who you knew was up to the task. It took him only a second to respond a confirmation: ‘you got it cap’n’. Poe stood beside you silently in thought as you continued pulling up the schematics for the fuel pumps, seeking comfort in your presence was something new to him and didn’t feel like questioning it right this moment.
           The fuel pumps had a basic but efficient design. Maybe there was something you could do to reserve… but they were still tracking you. How were going to escape without being followed?
           You started pondering tracking systems, how they worked and how they could’ve possibly- 
           “Poe!” Your voice blended with Finn’s, causing the pilot in question to look back and forth between you two. Finn gestured for the two of you to follow, which you did immediately. 
           As you entered the separate room with C3-PO and General Leia’s healing pod, you recognized the girl who, now introduced as Rose, had saved you earlier. You didn’t know what to say and only hoped the look you exchanged said enough. The nod she gave lead you to believe it had. Finn went into explaining what you seemed to realize only moments after them, but you knew that Poe wouldn’t quite understanding where they were going. Especially when he suggested blowing up the lead destroyer. Rose and Finn altered in fully explaining the plan, while Rose manipulated a visual to help Poe understand. You were instantly on board, this was the hope and plan the Resistance needed. If Finn and Rose succeeded they could save everyone. 
           You flinched when Poe mentioned not letting Holdo know, it was going against all of your training and the standard you held when it came to your job. But now was not the time for formalities. As Poe and Finn attempted to reach someone they knew as Maz, he turned to you. “Go back to the bridge and act like nothing has happened. We don’t need Holdo suspecting anything.”
           “Yes, Commander.” You instantly stood, but honestly it made you feel a little odd being so formal.
           Poe cleared his throat, his voice a tone higher, “That wasn’t really a command just a- ya know, suggestion.”
           You lightly laughed, glad that you wasn’t the only one struggling, “Sir, yes, sir.” You winked, turning into the hall - not missing the dopey smile set on his face despite the severity of the situation. You made it back to the command center quickly, your stride turning to a limp as you realized the pain meds Raena had given you were starting to wear out. You grimaced as you set yourself beside Connix now, who gave you a concerned frown before letting you know the tasks needed completing. You didn’t hesitate to start filling them. 
A/N: I meant to post this Monday night buttt grad school got a bit hectic so my apologies. This is another one of my favorites, but I think the current part I’m writing shows a bit more of what the reader can bring to the table sooo I think it’s up there on favorite my list too. As always, thanks for reading! ❤️
Tags: @introvertedmouse @i-said-goddameron @ttawny @xfirewolfx74 @theladyofmanyfandomsofficial @imaginecrushes @empathiccally @emily-vole @xenwayy @yourwonderbelle @omgikwangminwoo
48 notes · View notes
reality-imagined · 7 years
Part IV
SWU Poe x Female!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Flirting?, TLJ Spoilers
Word Count: 2614
Rating: T
Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to the Star Wars characters or plots mentioned. All rights reserved to Lucasfilm and the writers/creators of The Last Jedi.
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I’m so nervous about this lol 
“Do you want the good or bad news first?”
           You couldn’t help but narrow your eyes at Suna, once again she had interrupted your morning coffee like she had a few days before. Your silently prayed this wouldn’t become routine. “Depends. Is the good news about you and the bad about me?”
           “I am offended. Do you really think so lowly of me?”
           “No. I’ve just spent time in your presence.” 
           “Right. Well, so maybe this time the bad news kinda has something to do with you, but the good news is that Tiro and Raena are official!”
           You instantly smiled into your mug, that really was good news. “That’s great! When did she tell you?”
           “Oh, she didn’t. I just seen them making out behind the medical building.”
           Your face went monotone, you should’ve known the good news wasn’t even actual news. “So the bad news?”
           As she spoke, she turned her head, voice lower than she’d ever spoke.
           “I can’t hear you, Suna.” You sighed, setting down your cup. Looks like it was bound to be another long day.
           “Poe was on a date last night.”
           “I-“ You wished you didn’t instantly felt the way you did. But your heart started to hurt that unique ache of utter heartbreak. “That’s great.”
           “No. No. Don’t you dare shut down on me.” Suna moved from her side of the table to yours, placing a hand on your shoulder. “Even if you don’t care to admit it, I know you have feelings for him. And honestly, I thought he had feelings for you too.” She flinched, realizing there was a thousand other ways she could’ve rephrased that.
           You shook your head, bottom lip pinned beneath your teeth. You should’ve known better and this is what you get for ignoring all your red flags. “So, how’d you hear about this one?”
           “That doesn’t matter.” 
           You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. She was one to give you a little taste but never the full dish. “Obviously it does if you felt the need to tell me.”
           She stammered for a bit before sighing herself, “I heard it from that new recruit. She was… she was the one on the date. Said that he was extremely sweet and even walked her to her door.”
           Of course he did.
           “Well, at least he’s chivalrous.” You couldn’t help the bitter tone.
           “Y/n… I’m sorry-“
           “Don’t. There’s nothing to be sorry about,” you shrugged, “We wasn’t even… well there wasn’t anything happening to even warrant feelings. Really, it’s nothing.”
           “Are you convincing me, or yourself?” She looked at you knowingly.
           Maybe both. “I’ll see you later.” You gathered your bag and coffee mug, ready to leave. Thoughts about asking the General to work from your dorm started rolling through your mind. So much so that you hadn’t realized you nearly ran into someone.
           “Woah there, easy love.” 
           “I haven’t seen you in a while. How have you been?” His smile was ever charming and it was turning your mood even more sour.
           “Awesome. Have a great day.” You tried to keep a neutral tone but you were very aware of how disdained you sounded.
           His eyebrows creased, but he didn’t hesitate to place a hand on your upper arm that was pinning your coffee mug to your chest in an attempt to hold yourself together. It was failing. “I didn’t really get to, uh, ask you the other day because of the General and all.. but I was wondering if-“    
           “I’ll have your schematics to you in the morning.” 
           “Oh,” his eyebrows shot up, “That’s great, but I was actually-“
           You didn’t give him time to finish, deciding that if you didn’t walk away now you’d regret it. He stood there, in the middle of the mess hall, watching you walk away so quickly he was sure you’d break into a run soon. Was it something he did? 
           “Great job, Romeo.” 
           He turned to see Suna looking at him bitterly from the table you normally sat at for meals. He couldn’t help but approach her, curiosity getting the best of him. “Is she okay?” He gestured to the way you had left as he sat down.
            Suna ignored his question, angrily stabbing a piece of scrambled egg before asking, “How was your date with the newbie?” 
           “My what?” Now Poe was really confused.
           “Oh please don’t act-“
           “I have no idea what you’re talking about and I don’t have time for games.” His voice was hard and he couldn’t help but let his ‘Commander Dameron’ voice seep in.
           Suna instantly became aware of her lower ranking and the fact she was speaking so disrespectfully. She briefly thought that she probably should’ve cared more. “There’s a new recruit going around saying you’re dating her. Y/n found out.”
           His face was the poster of utter shock, then anger, followed by worry. “I showed a new recruit the base, had dinner with her as a welcoming gesture since she didn’t know anyone, then I showed her a quicker path to her dorm… I was just being- I wasn’t- I didn’t-“
           The pure emotion in his voice convinced Suna that he was telling the truth. She tsked, but a smile spread across her face. So he did like Y/n. “What are you going to do to fix it then, flyboy?”
            You didn’t know but Poe, with the help of BB-8 of course, had an elaborate plan to fix things, but in usual Resistance fashion - there was an influx of missions and assignments him and his squadron needed to complete. 
           It had been nearly two weeks since that first day Poe weaseled himself permanently into your mind, and while you had lived up to your promises and sent several new modification ideas to the Pilot, there was silence on his end. Which you had mixed feelings about. You’d seen him around on base, but in fear that he was avoiding you on purpose, you remained distant. He was probably busy with that new recruit any way. Your self-esteem still took a huge blow nonetheless. Suna and Rae eventually quit badgering you about the whole thing, especially when they realized that you really hadn’t spoken to him, and not just saying that to get them off your back. You couldn’t help but be bitter about that as well - especially since Suna knew why you hadn’t spoke to him. What was even more frustrating was that she started to advocate for him, saying things like ‘you don’t know the full story’ and ‘maybe it’s just miscommunication.’ It was all very hypocritical. Things had been so much simpler when you just admired the pilot from afar. 
           Things on the base were getting tense. Rumors that the First Order was about to mount an attack had everyone anxious - they had yet retaliated for the Starkiller Base events and it was inevitable. While you held a higher rank and there were a lot of confidential meetings you were included on and even led, you didn’t dare ask Leia if the rumors were true. Of course, a thought about asking Poe crossed your mind, but he hadn’t even replied to mods he asked for himself, let alone divulge intel to a lower ranking officer. You figured the return of Lieutenant Quadrix, who was making a remarkable recovery thanks to Raena, spurred on the rumors. You had debriefed them yourself so you tried to keep the rumors pushed to the back of your head as you went through your daily routines, but everyone being on edge had you constantly twitching your leg.
           The day so far had been quiet, a few meetings here, a report there, and a conversation with BB in-between. The droid kept close to you, even if it’s owner had different priorities. Constantly ensuring you that Poe would get back to you soon about the mods, even when you didn’t mention his owner at all. Nonetheless after reminding you, BB would shift quickly to your usual conversations before wheeling off to continue it’s day. You had to keep yourself for bitterly mentioning the shift in Poe’s romantic life. You always refrained because, why were you so upset? It’s not like he had actually shown interest in you. You expected maybe one more visit from the droid before if was your time to sign off, what you didn’t expect was his owner to suddenly emerge. Decked out in his flight suit, full vest and gear attached. He was rigid but calm at the same time. You hated how handsome he looked in a work uniform. 
           “I need you to follow me.” He spoke urgently but in a steady tone, picking some of the things off your desk and placing them into your bag he had grabbed off the floor. You sat there in shock, wondering what the hell he was doing and why he had stuffed your little potted plant from your home planet into your messenger bag before being hauled out of your seat. 
           “Poe what’s-“ It was then you noticed that the anxiety in the control room had risen and there were alarms going off all around. Had you really been that oblivious? Sure, the meeting you were getting ready to lead had your undivided attention but you were usually more aware. The comm in your boot started wailing, but Poe’s hand set firmly at the small of your back, which had you walking rigid and very aware of the warmth he exuded, kept you moving and unable to grab it. Everything was happening so fast that you didn’t have much time to think about your once bitter attitude towards him. “Tell me what’s happening- the rumors were true.” Panic laced your voice with realization dawning as you and Poe weaved through the chaos. You instantly thought of your friends. With that thought, you made to swerve away to find them but Poe switched to a firm arm around your waist, keeping you on track.
           “I need you on this transport, Y/N. I sent Tiro to get them when we found out.” Poe’s voice was strained and his face was set in a determination. Somehow he knew exactly that you were turning to find your friends. The General must’ve sent him, you thought. That’s the only reason he ‘needed you’ on the transport. He guided you into the hectic mess that was the hangar, there was a few a transport vessels nearly ready to launch. Just as you two reached the ship, Rae and Suna were running from the other direction, Tiro hot on their heels. The bitter in you came out and for a brief moment you contemplated asking him where his girlfriend was - but refrained because well… the base was about to be attacked by the First Order. 
           Tiro sent Poe a short nod before jogging off in another direction. You had managed to get through the Starkiller Base happenings easily and unscathed, but this seemed so much worse in retrospect and you were shaken to your core. “Has anyone heard form Y/N?!” A voice called that you recognized instantly. The General was pacing at the entrance of the shuttle, a comm tightly in her hand. Before you, or Poe, could reply she seen you. “Why aren’t you answering-“ she then noticed her prized pilot behind you. “Oh. Of course. I see. Commander-“ You didn’t think about that reply too much.
           “I have an idea.” He replied, only after he seen that your feet were planted on the shuttle’s floor. Rae and Suna followed and stood close to you, unsure what to do and what exactly was going on
           “Commander-“ Leia repeated, a stern air to her tone that she had never used with you. Or never had to use.
           “Trust me.” His face was serious and for some reason your stomach bubbled with butterflies. You were usually nervous when him or his fleet went on dangerous missions, but for some reason this felt more intense than before. Like you had something to lose this time. “I’ll be back.” He said, now looking at you and not the General while placing your bag in your hands. His genuine eyes had your heart thrumming. You opened your mouth to reply but someone called to clear the shuttle doors and they closed quickly. Poe didn’t waste time sprinting to his X-wing, BB-8 already in place. The shuttle had started to lift off but you managed to see Poe slip on his helmet before the shuttle flew into space. 
           Just when you thought things couldn’t get more hectic, Suna spoke behind you. Her voice uncharacteristically small and timid. “Just in case we die, I think you should know that Poe never took out that recruit.” She paused, eyes shifting to the General who somehow shared a knowing look with her, someone she’d never spoken to. “He likes you, Y/n.” She finished, looking at you with a sincerity that alarmed you. 
           Your mind stopped, the beeps and concerned murmers fading into the background. Just when things couldn’t get more complicated. Suna went to say something else but you were already docking on another, larger ship.
           Your mind, thankfully, went into autopilot. Once aboard you followed Leia to the main control hub, Suna and Raen following you because well, you three had managed to board the ship that carried the Resistance’s more important leaders and there wasn’t many crew on board yet. You readied a station for the General to contact the main fleets and instructed Rae and Suna to help unload the transports that were streaming in from the base. They followed your orders without hesitation. You hadn’t heard it said aloud yet, but you knew the First Order was planning to destroy the base. Your makeshift home.
           “Get me a direct line to Commander Dameron.” Leia spoke, and you did so instantly. Rattling off her call sign and connecting her to Poe. You both sat staring at his line as he told the General his ridiculously stupid plan. 
           “He’s going to get himself killed.” You murmured, worried and horrified. What Suna had divulged shook you deeply, especially since the man in question was currently risking his life. Leia could only set a comforting hand on your forearm. Even if in the past weeks contained bitter thoughts about him, you had been lying to yourself in efforts to spare yourself. You wasn’t exactly sure when Poe had ingrained himself in your life as more than a silly work crush, but the feelings you felt were deep and it worried you on several levels. 
           “Just for the record Commander Dameron, I’m with the droid on this one.” Leia spoke, looking down at the display before the two of you. And just when you thought it couldn’t get worse… he started toying with the General Hux of the First Order. The idea of Hux was much scarier than the idea of Kylo Ren, but you would never voice that to Leia.
           “I think I might throw up.” You breathed, unaware you had said it out loud until Leia, couldn’t help but, let out a soft laugh. 
           You gave an incredulous and exasperated face to the display as Poe continued in his mocking, and had to step away from the controls briefly. You admired Poe’s courage but… Even if you two didn’t have a relationship, or friendship for that matter, he was being reckless. “Contact Connix and get a report on the evacuation.” Leia ordered, looking back at your pacing figure. 
           “Yes, General.” You replied, trying to pretend everything was fine outside of the main ship. 
           “Connix, this Captain Y/L/N requesting immediate update.” You spoke clearly into a separate comm, trying not to interfere with Leia’s connection to Poe. 
           She gave quick confirmation and you and Leia let out a breath of relief. But, the fact that the base was now destroyed still lingered in the air.
           “You did it, Poe.” Leia smiled, relief etched in her voice and posture. Even though your pilot was safe, and had once again saved the day, your heart was still hammering in your chest. You placed a hand on her shoulder briefly, and not catching anything Poe was saying, before running towards the landing dock, needing to seek comfort in your friends. Your home had just been destroyed and all you had left was whatever Poe had managed to stuff into your bag. Your mind was replaying the past few days then down to the last hour and - Wait… since when was Poe your pilot?
I really hope this has lived up to the Hype™! Let me know what ya think. As always, thanks for reading! 
Tags: @introvertedmouse @i-said-goddameron @ttawny @xfirewolfx74 @theladyofmanyfandomsofficial @imaginecrushes @empathiccally 
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reality-imagined · 6 years
Plans - Part I
SWU Poe x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Slow Burn, Romance
Rating: T+ 
Word Count: 1289
Sequel to Schematics 
Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to the Star Wars characters, themes, or plots mentioned. All rights reserved to Lucasfilm and respective companies. 
Recap of Schematics Part XII:
You absently played with the ring around your neck whenever you thought about him. Tiro shortly notied that as well and would softly ask if you wanted to talk. You never said yes, but that didn’t stop him from attempting to be there for you. He opened up to you about missing Raena often, in attempt to get you talk, but you always just listened and never spoke about your own feelings. You didn’t want to admit that it would hurt to much to speak about him out loud. You appreciated Tiro’s attempts and stories he would tell about his and Poe’s adventures. It made you feel closer to Poe in the most minimal way possible, and you were grateful to have Tiro with you.
Your recruit asked you about S-foils and you snapped back into the moment. “I have a couple of books in the ship about old X-wings, I’ll let you have them okay?” You had come across this recruit that reminded you much of yourself in the beginning stages of learning about engineering. He had an affinity for drawing landscapes just like you had and once you showed him a few of your schematics - he was all in for it.
“Thank you.” Kel smiled widely after you introduced him to the schematics that you had drawn up for Poe, what seemed like eons ago. Your heart ached as you looked upon what had started your relationship with the Commander. Your hand tightened around the ring, imprinting the circular shape into your skin.
With a clearing of your throat you regained your strength and started to clear the table of the cantina that you and Kel had set up shop in, figuring it was getting late and you needed to speak with Tiro before turning in for the night.
But the man in question came surging in, scaring a few of the other patrons in the restaurant and earning a scowling yell from the humanoid behind the counter. You relaxed a little and placed your concealed blaster back into place. You dismissed a concerned Kel then, telling him that you’d speak in the morning and left without question. Tiro looked distraught as he approached you and before you could ask what was wrong, your world came crashing down as he spoke:
“It’s Poe… something’s wrong.”
“Wait up, Y/N! Captain Y/L/N! Please, wait!” 
You weren’t hearing Tiro though. Not really. 
Your mind was on the next move, the next idea, the next solution - whatever you could think of to find Poe and find the General and figure out what the hell Tiro meant by: ‘something’s wrong.’ If you had increased your pace just a little, you’d be in a full-blown run and despite the ship being on the outskirts of the village you were currently docked, you made it in a matter of minutes. Boots now pounding on the steel plated floor, carrying you to the main control where you had an idea that would either work or leave you desperate for another solution. 
Tiro caught up as you started setting about different commlinks, data pads, and wirings across the large steel table within the middle of the room. Despite it only being you two on the assignment, somehow Tiro had finagled a larger ship than the others - you figured he had sweet talked one of the guards on Suna’s home planet, Calara. He was charming like that. 
“It’s not like I was calling you or anything.” He spoke, breath heavy. Eyeing your busy hands as you began stripping wires and breaking apart comms. “What are you… Hey! That’s mine! Y/N…” 
You ignored him though, mumbling under your breath to catch the scattered thoughts that were bouncing in and out of your head. You had to get to Poe, but you had to find him first. “If I alter the GPS function on my data pad-“
“That’s actually my data-“ but you had already cracked open the backing. Tiro let out a small annoyed sound as he watched you destroy it.
“Then I can replace the main control switch on this comm-“ your gave the small screen a quick jab with tool, exposing the panel placed behind the, now shattered, glass. 
“Also my comm…” He pointed out.
“I can rewire the data pad and manually rewire the tracking mechanism, connect it to the transmitting frequency of the commlink, reverse the signal, and find out where everyone is.” You continued, voice mumbling as your hands kept working. You pulled the glowing blue tracking unit attached to thin cord from your wrist. 
“You can do that? I thought-“ but he was cut off as you smashed the orb onto the table - breaking it into pieces to reveal a small data chip within the center. “But the General’s was the only one that could-“ He was having a hard time keeping up. 
You looked at him with an exhausted face, as if you- the one who reconfigured the tracking device- didn’t set up a failsafe to reverse the techs that kept just anyone from extracting locations. Of course, you would’ve made that part a little easier if you had more time to actually work on them properly. Those last few days before you all separated were quick and you barely had time to think properly. Your encryption had been a small afterthought, with not much deliberation or how to retrieve and activate it on your mind, but you did manage to place the code in yours and the General’s before passing them out. 
“Let’s think about this… hold on.” Tiro spoke gently as he stopped your shaking hands from dropping the chip into his ruined data pad. “I only said somethings wrong because I haven’t heard from Poe.”
You looked at him incredulously, what did talking with Poe have anything to do with this?  “That’s not an awful lot to go on, Tiro. I haven’t heard from him in 7 months - no one has! I don’t get what you’re…” But the guilty look Tiro had, told you everything.  And your hands immediately dropped to the table, numb with the realization he had been lying to you. “You’ve spoken with him since we all divided.” Your shock had your voice emotionless.
Tiro looked awfully shameful, “I wanted to tell you but he told me-“
You looked up at him doe eyed, “He asked you not to tell me? Why wouldn’t he want to talk to me?” Your hand reached up to the ring and Tiro’s face somehow fell even more at your nervous impulse.
“He wanted to make sure you were okay, Y/N. That’s all. We… set up a time to communicate once every 4 weeks, for only a few minutes at a time. His only question would be about you, Y/N. That’s it.” Tiro placed comforting hands on your shoulders as you looked up at him teary-eyed and only slightly heartbroken. 
You were conflicted by what he had told you. On one hand, Poe had gone out of his way to check in on you and ignored the General’s direct orders of no contact… on the other, he had several opportunities to talk to you, to ensure you of his safety. Had he not considered that you were just as worried about him? About his safety? He was the one, in whatever this relationship was, prone to dangerous, self-sacrificing ideas. Did he not realize that most nights you stayed awake, hoping the force was on your side for once?  
You turned from Tiro, placing both hands onto the table in front of you with an attempt to find some solidarity to your wavering mind and body. Dropping your head between your shoulders, “What did you mean by somethings wrong.” Your voice was still void of emotion, everything happening at once left you shattered.
“Like I said, I haven’t heard from him.” He only continued when you looked up at him with narrow and tired eyes, “He’s always on time, never a day or minute late. Now he’s…it’s been 3 days and I still haven’t heard.”
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner!” You screeched, standing up and throwing your arms out. So, so much could happen in three days. Your heart and stomach constricted at that thought.
“I didn’t want you to act like this, Y/N!” Tiro retaliated, irritated that he was being made out as the bad guy here. “This is why Poe didn’t want to tell you! You would’ve acted irrational and started tearing up my stuff!” He snatched his comm off the table with a pout. “Look, I’m all in for you doing your crazy technical magic on these and finding the gang - but you gotta compose yourself.” His voice was pleading as he set the comm down once more and gesturing to the havoc you had unleashed onto the devices. 
You pinched the bridge of your nose in exhaustion, eyes closed and trying to gather yourself like Tiro had asked. You sighed, “You’re right. I just… The thought of…” your voice broke and you both knew you’d never be able to finish that sentence. You looked away from him quickly, deciding the wall opposite of you two was a good focal point to ground yourself again.
“I’ll go round up the recruits and give them the spiel about us leaving. I think Kel would a good leader, I’ll give him the radio.” He paused, looking to you for agreement and continued after you gave him a short nod, “You keep working on this and I’ll prep for departure.” Tiro’s voice only soothed you a little as he created the tangible plan. You could only continue to nod in return, gently stripping the wires of Tiro’s commlink now, instead of the shaky and hasty hands earlier. 
“And, Y/N…” Tiro spoke softly, halfway out of the ship, you looked up at him, “It’s gonna be okay. We’re gonna find him.” He reassured with a soft smile before ducking out. 
You took a deep breath and continued working on finding your pilot. 
I thought today was the best day to post the first part of the sequel because well.. May the Forth Be With You and all that. I’m so excited to finally get this to you guys, the updates won’t be as frequent as Schematics was but I’m hoping to have this series wrapped up before I start my summer semester! Let me know what ya think, I’m still not feeling the title honestly... Anyways... As always, thank you for reading ❤️
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I’m tagging those who wished to be tagged in Schematics, if you don’t want to be tagged in the sequel let me know and I’ll remove ya from the list no problem! 😘
@introvertedmouse @i-said-goddameron @ttawny @xfirewolfx74 @theladyofmanyfandomsofficial @imaginecrushes @empathiccally @emily-vole @xenwayy @yourwonderbelle @omgikwangminwoo @fortheloveoflamp @zestygingergirl @unstoppableforcce @agirlinherhead
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reality-imagined · 6 years
SWU Poe x Female!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Flirting, Cursing?
Word Count: 1891
Rating: T
Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to the Star Wars characters or plots mentioned. All rights reserved to Lucasfilm and the writers/creators of The Last Jedi.
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           You couldn’t help but look around the hangar uneasily, everyone getting ready, once again, for the evacuation. Your nervousness was getting the best of you, causing you to tap your boot nervously as you stood obediently beside Holdo and D’Acy. The Vice Admiral had kept a laser sharp focus on you after Poe had, so kindly, called you out. You looked around the hangar once more, trying to spot him in the somewhat organized havoc. You hadn’t seen him since and you sincerely hoped that he wasn’t actually detained. Was that something you should’ve checked? What if he was stuck? Could Rose and Finn even- your mind started humming anxious thoughts about like a swarm of bees within your skull. Your leg shifted from a soft toe tap to a rapid bob of your leg.
           Connix approached you, standing beside you. There was something about her posture and expression that read something was going on that you weren’t sure of. Your head was spinning too fast to take much care of it beyond that. As she seen you bouncing around, she placed a hand on your shoulder.
           “It’s going to be okay.” she spoke with a nod. Something still untold in her eyes. 
           You opened your mouth to speak but stopped upon surveying your surroundings, there was mysteriously a crowd around you now. A smile spread on your face as you heard his boots. Your anxious thoughts slowly began to disperse as you stood to the right behind Holdo, eyes locked on the handsome man before you. You couldn’t help the bit of pride that bubbled in your chest. 
           He told her of the plan - his plan rather, and of course she dismissed it. “Load the transports!” She ordered, looking at you expectantly before attempting to storm off. You stood there, not having moved an inch, with your hands clasped behind your back.
           “Yeah, I was afraid you’d say that.” Poe swiftly turned, back now facing you and blaster raised along with those who conveniently surround you before he waltzed in. Man, he was good. His voice was monotone as he relieved the Vice Admiral of her duties before slipping his blaster back into its holder.  
           “I’m going to the bridge.” This time he looked at you expectantly, and you didn’t hesitate to follow. A smile playing at the corner of your lips. If you weren’t in love with him before, you definitely were now.  “If they move, stun them.” He added before continuing his strides.
           Holdo looked at you incredulously as you followed Poe, “General Organa will hear about this, Captain Y/L/N.” But, there was something off in her tone and eyes as she looked after you. 
           “I’ll brief her myself.” You regarded her, sending a quick salute. You quickly caught up to Poe’s wide strides.
           You looked up at him with a wide, goofy smile, but he only looked down on you. “I had no right to blame you earlier.”
           You shrugged, “I was bound to piss you off eventually. I’m just glad we got it out of the way.”
           His face fell into that grin you loved so much as he laughed out, “I can’t wait to take you on a date.” 
           Your steps faltered as a blush spread across your entire body. You had too scurry to catch up again. Poe radioed in to BB-8, who replied a simple “here’s Finn” to which Finn quickly updated Poe. You tried not to harp too much on the nervous tone that Poe’s voice held.
           You all quickly reached the bridge in no time. Poe immediately requested the bridge to be clear much to C3-PO’s discontent. He quickly readied himself in the main control chair - you couldn’t help the, completely inappropriate and inopportune, dreamy thoughts of wow he looks good there, could he get any more attractive, and hot damn. 
           “Sir, I am almost afraid to ask.” 3-PO continued, even as you tried to lure him away from a determined Poe. 
           “Good instinct, 3-PO. Go with that.” Poe didn’t falter in cutting power to the main hangar. Just as you readied a station to help in whatever he needed - Poe yelled for the door to be sealed as he noticed that smoke and blaster beams shooting across his video monitor. Connix immediately followed orders. 
           C3-PO started murmuring about Protocols and before you could talk him off the ledge, Poe noticed and started asking where he was going. Only to be stopped when another door burst into smoke with red lines appearing around the edges. Someone was cutting through the door; you couldn’t help the wide-eyed look you sent Poe as you tried to move C3-PO farther from the door. 
           Poe yelled to Finn anxiously before yelling at you anxiously to take cover. You quickly slide behind a mounted desk, looking over the edge at the door nervously. Your tried to tell yourself you didn’t need to rely on a man but you really wished you were beside Poe right now. 
           You noticed he readied the ship for the jump, turning the chair and using it as protection as he aimed his blaster. Even with the impending storming of the bridge, everyone in the room could still hear that Rose and Finn had been busted. Your voice caught in your throat, heart aching at the thought that they were caught. Which meant their likelihood of surviving were at percentage that even C3-PO would hate to calculate.
           A blast then rocketed the room and you shrunk behind the table, eyes searching for Poe amidst the smoke. He was now standing fully and his blaster ready to fire. He hesitated of course, no matter the situation - we were all still on the same side. Same team. Same mission.
           You seen him falter, then lower his blaster before looking relieved. “Leia!” he breathed, and you instantly stood. Relief washing over you as well but a gasp released all the air in your lungs as she raised her blaster at Poe. She shot without hesitation. The power of the blast sent him flying back, unconscious. 
           Your feet moved before your mind, running to him, sliding into him clumsily as you gently patted his cheek. “Poe. Poe, wake up.” You looked up at Leia, tears were in your eyes even though you knew she would never really hurt him. He wasn’t hurt, you knew, but it was scary watching the man you loved lying on the floor unconscious. Connix and 3-P0 raised their hands in surrender, and you only sat there. Unsure of what to do for the millionth time that day. 
           You let the medical personnel place him on a stretcher, Raena muttering promises that he’d be okay. Suna was still confused as ever as you all followed to the hangar. The General had returned to the bridge after getting dressed and walked beside you silently, you were unsure where you stood with General Organa or what to say.  
           The captain she had personally trained, who she had groomed to be her right hand, had taken part of a mutiny against a superior. You imagined, if you managed to make it out alive, you wouldn’t have much of job after all of this.
           “There is very little you could do, Y/n, that would make me disappointed in you. And…” Leia finally spoke. Here we go, time to find a new job, you thought. “Following your beliefs, or the man you love,” You looked at her in shock and her face replied a ‘really?’. “Are both things that I could never blame or reprimand you for doing.” She finished. 
           You couldn’t help but smile, she nudged you with her elbow then gestured to the unconscious man being carted in front of you. “He does care about you too, ya know.”
           You blushed and nudged her back, “So I’ve heard.”
           The walk to the hangar was pleasant after that, despite the ever present doom still hanging. It felt like the stars had been shifted back into focus and everything was right, even if Poe was still knocked out. 
           You all reached a transport, where Admiral Holdo stood waiting. You cleared your throat and opened your mouth to apologize with humility but she stopped you with a hand raised, “You gotta do what you gotta.” She smiled warmly and you couldn’t help but visibly relax - which caused both Holdo and Leia to chuckle. 
           You stepped up to stand beside Poe’s stretcher, Holdo placing a hand gently on his cheek before Raena asked for help pushing him into the transport. 
           “That one’s a trouble maker. I like him.” she spoke to which Leia add a “Me too” with a chuckle. Holdo then turned to you once again, “You two make a great team.” She added with a wink.
           You blushed and could only give a nod before hustling into the transport behind everyone else. Despite the commotion of the day, the rumors of your budding relationship with the pilot managed to spread even to the high command. 
           You were too engrossed in making sure everyone was settling into the carrier to notice that the Vice Admiral and the General were still talking. 
           “Too many losses. I can’t take anymore.” Leia spoke, sadness laced her voice and expression.
           “Sure ya can.” Holdo smiled, “You taught me how. And you’re teaching Y/n how.”
           The General sat down slowly as the transport took off. It was then that you noticed Holdo staying behind, your heart falling at the realization and magnitude of what she was doing. You placed a hand on General’s shoulder as you flew off, somehow the gesture causing Holdo’s smile to widen before giving a little nod. 
           You were well into space before you heard Poe gasp and dart across the transport, his knuckles hitting the glass in exasperation. You stayed seated beside the General, unsure if you needed to give him a minute before approaching him. He spun wildly, eyes darting around quickly, his posture anxious as he continued scanning the transport - his mouth opened ready to yell something but the General spoke a quiet and calm, “Poe.”
           His eyes shift to hers and he relaxed slightly but his body didn’t fully release the tension until he seen you perched beside her. It took him what looked like two steps to get across the transport to you. His hands met your face as you looked up from your still seated position. He looked over your face, thumbs gently rubbing. He wanted to say something, his face and eyes told you that, but you didn’t know what to say or what he thinking. What you did know, however, was that you had never felt that cared for until that moment. He dropped his hands then cleared his throat, suddenly aware of how close the General and D’Acy were. 
           Leia nodded up and Poe looked shocked, leaning beside you to see the planet we were headed to. D’Acy explained to him that it was once a Rebel base and that it was armored. The General then explained the plan to him as he sat down behind you, looking between D’Acy and Leia. Understanding now what Holdo had planned and the heroism of it all. You bit your lip to control your emotions. 
           Holdo had been brave on levels you couldn’t even comprehend. 
A/N: I know, I am a terrible person for taking this long. Every time I attempted to edit and post, I found something I didn’t like or wanted to add... which would frustrate me and I’d just exit out and watch an episode of One Day at a Time lol so... I’m sorry. But, your comments and support mean the world to me and inspire to me no end! As always, thanks for reading! 
Tags: @introvertedmouse @i-said-goddameron @ttawny @xfirewolfx74 @theladyofmanyfandomsofficial @imaginecrushes @empathiccally @emily-vole @xenwayy @yourwonderbelle @omgikwangminwoo @fortheloveoflamp @zestygingergirl @unstoppableforcce
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