#t amo yves
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biior · 1 year ago
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‘ oh, uh, lo siento — vine recién y creo que aquí se me cayó... ’ no pensó que el baño estaría ocupado, sino no se presentaría tan apenado por irrumpir en espacios personales. es cuando reconoce a contrario que siente menos pena. ‘ un poco fantasioso de mi parte pretender encontrar de nuevo lo que me quedaba de hierba, ¿no? ’ risueño es que agacha la cabeza. haber fumado previamente al menos alivia, otorga soltura. piensa que ha sido torpeza de su parte y si es así, ver�� cómo se las ingenia el resto de la noche. ‘ bueno, si ves algo avísame, por favor. ’
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cuartucho de utensilios cerca del lavabo ofrece la privacidad suficiente para contemplar no solo los cachivaches de los que se ha apropiado, sino para disfrutar el ejemplar que encontró en el bolsillo de vaya a saber que buen samaritano. así es como esta, sumergido en su tarea con sustancia y papelillo, hasta que la puerta se abre justo cuando los labios estaban por humedecer el cilindro. sin más, se lo esconde a tiempo. ' aigoo, ¿ya nadie sabe tocar?' replica, haciendo un mohín fingido. ' ¿se te perdió algo?~'
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gothify1 · 6 years ago
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You might know Jane Levy from her comedic turn on the gem of a sitcom Suburgatory  or from that time she scared the bejesus out of you in Don’t Breathe . It could be that she caught your eye in Showtime’s Twin Peaks: The Return,  or maybe she had you on the edge of your seat binge-watching Hulu’s Castle Rock . Or perhaps it’s her latest project, Netflix’s Renée Zellweger–led suspense thriller What/If , that has you buzzing about the 29-year-old. Whatever it may be, one thing is for sure: The actress is a force on screen. Ahead of the What/If  premiere, we caught up with Levy to talk shop and all things fashion. In addition to dishing on Zellweger’s surprising car choice, Levy let us in on her affordable T-shirt secret, made a strong case for jumpsuits, and told us who she thinks nailed the Met Gala theme. Don’t miss our conversation with the actress below. How would you describe What/If  to your friends? Our show is a sexy melodrama. There are a lot of storylines, but the root of the story revolves around a young couple who, because of desperate circumstances, decide to make a deal with the devil and then have to suffer the consequences. It's the ’90s-esque thriller you've been waiting for. What surprised you most about Renée Zellweger while working together on this project? She's very low-key. She doesn't have an assistant and she drives a minivan. Renée is extremely gracious and hardworking. This part isn't necessarily a surprise, but she is a true class act. What/If is created by Mike Kelley, who was also behind the popular series Revenge . What do you think it is about his storytelling that appeals to audiences? Well for one, Mike is great at writing female villains and female rivalry. Who doesn't love Cruella De Vil? We love drama! I love drama. He puts his characters in extraordinary circumstances and watches them crawl themselves out. What I think makes Mike so good is that even in delicious, over-the-top scenarios, the characters are coming from real human need. Also, in our story, women aren't actually  fighting over a man, they are fighting for power and domination, and on a deeper level, they are fighting for acceptance and love. Each character in What/If  is complex, yearning for love, and hurting someone along the way. I think the audience will disagree over who is good or bad, right or wrong. I also just think Mike is fun, and because of that, his writing is entertaining as hell. You are no stranger to a good suspense story. What is it about these stories and your characters that speak to you as an actress? I, as a viewer, love suspense. Silence of the Lambs  might be my favorite movie. My attraction as an actress comes from my attraction as an audience member. Who are the women in this industry who inspire you? Jane Fonda, Reese Witherspoon, Melanie Lynskey, Annette Benning, Laura Dern, Kristen Stewart, Glenda Jackson, Viola Davis, Margot Robbie, Holly Hunter. And many more… Switching gears to fashion, how would you describe your style in a sentence or less? Classic/sometimes glamour/mixed with California beach and hill walking. What is the outfit you feel most yourself in? A T-shirt and a great pair of jeans. What are your favorite clothing brands/ stores to shop? Levi's, Wrangler, Hansel From Basel, Rachel Comey, BaBaa knits, Ganni, Celine. I shop online at Garmentory, Maryam Nassir Zadeh, and Etsy for vintage. What are the five holy-grail clothing items you own? A pair of pink Celine sunglasses I've managed to hold onto since 2012. My perfectly worn-in Dr. Martens. A pinky signet friendship ring I got made for my best friend Mae Whitman and I designed by Kate Jones of Ursa Major. AMO Demin's Babe Tee. I own it in seven colors. A pair of black vintage Yves Saint Laurent trouser pants that I found and fit perfectly without tailoring (I tailor all of my clothes). What's your favorite thing you've worn to an event or on a red carpet so far, and why? Wearing a jumpsuit to events gives me a sense of confidence. I feel like I can stomp around freely, and it often showcases the butt! What is one of the most valuable fashion lessons you've learned from your stylist Tara Swennen? That I can't dress myself—ha! Tara went to an Ivy League school and studied fashion for four years. This woman is highly trained at her art. Finally, in response to this Instagram , we're curious, who do you think got it right at the Met Ball this year? I thought Harry Styles looked fabulous. I also liked Bella Hadid, Billy Porter, Ezra Miller, Janelle Monáe and… Lavern Cox might have been my favorite of all. Shop Jane Levy’s favorite tee below. Next: Summer's breakout stars share what's on their shopping lists .
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haitilegends · 3 years ago
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Joyeux Anniversaire à Raymond Marcel, Légendaire Trompettiste haïtien. Né un 5 Septembre.
Le trompettiste Raymond Marcel honoré à Porto Rico
Par Louis Carl St-Jean
Publié le 2007-09-19 - lenouvelliste.com
Le 8 septembre prochain, « El Museo de la Musica Puertorriqueña », situé à Ponce, deuxième ville de Porto Rico, sera le centre d’un événement particulier. En ce jour, « El Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña » rendra hommage au trompettiste Haïtien Raymond Marcel, qui célèbre à la fois ses 55 années sur scène et son entrée joyeuse dans le monde des septuagénaires. En effet, notre compatriote, surnommé « El Haitiano Ponceño », qui a entamé sa carrière musicale véritable en 1952, a vu le jour le 5 septembre 1937, donc 70 ans de cela, à la ruelle Saint Cyr, à Port-au-Prince. Il est le fils du comptable jér��mien Antoine Philippe Marcel et de la cayenne Virginie Marcel.née Coulanges.
Comme le temps fait bien les choses ! A 70 ans, Raymond Marcel ne montre aucun signe de fatigue et, de ce fait, ne fait aucun plan de retraite. Au contraire, notre trompettiste ne se conçoit pas sans la musique. Il se souvient que : « Tout petit la musique a toujours été ma passion. Je pouvais passer des heures à écouter la musique dans le phonographe du salon en compagnie de mes tantes paternelles, (Marie, ma marraine et Madeleine) qui adoraient la musique classique. En plus, mon père était un mélomane fou.». Comble de bonheur, Raymond a eu la bonne fortune d’avoir pris naissance en effet au sein d’une famille pétrie de culture et de musique de notre pays. D’un côté, sa mère est la tante de l’ethnologue et musicien Jean Coulanges, des musiciens et artistes Fred, Frantz, Claude-Angèle, Maryse et Amos Coulanges. De l’autre, son père est l’oncle de la chanteuse et danseuse Marie Madeleine Marcel, la première femme du génial musicien et chanteur Haïtien Guy Durosier.
En octobre 1947, alors âgé de 10 ans à peine, Raymond prend des leçons de solfège au Petit Séminaire Collège Saint Martial (PSCSM) sous la direction du père Spanse, personne n’a été surpris. Un an plus tard, par un tirage au sort il gagne un saxophone. Il ne manifeste aucun intérêt pour cet instrument. Il demande au père Antoine Smith, le directeur musical, lui permettre le choix d’un autre instrument. Le religieux et musicien le fait passer au cornet à piston. En 1949, il passera définitivement à la trompette. Tout de suite après, il apprend seul à jouer du bugle et du trombonne à piston.
Au cours de cette même année 1949, il commence à fréquenter le gratin de la musique haïtienne. Au cours des vacances d’été, encouragé par Hector Lominy, il se joint au groupe La Sonora Tropical. Ce sera son premier contact avec la musique populaire. Vers l’automne de la même année, il rencontre à la Ruelle O, à Port-au-Prince, ce génie de la musique Guy Du Rosier qui conte fleurette à sa cousine Marie Madeleine Marcel. Raymond admet que : « Ce contact avec Guy m’a vraiment aidé à acquérir de bonnes connaissances musicales ».
En 1950, il s’intègre de plus en plus dans la fanfare du PSCSM. Il fait partie d’un cercle raffiné de condisciples. Parmi ces musiciens de choix, citons : Paul Latortue, Paul Choisil, Serge Bayard, Robert Elie, Gérard Colin, Gérard Dutelly, etc. Au fil des mois, leur amour de la musique s’aiguise et s’affine. Le Père Pancherelle, voyant leur intérêt marqué pour cet art, leur suggère de « monter un ensemble afin de jouer de la musique populaire ». C’est ainsi que, sous la direction du trompetiste Paul Latortue, cette belle phalange de jeunes, entourée de quelques copains du Collège de Saint Louis de Gonzague – dont Jacques Borges ,Yves Lauture, Gerald Brisson ,et quelque autre, allaient former l’orchestre CHOU BOUM. C’est le début officiel de la carrière musicale de Raymond Marcel. Nous sommes en 1952.
A cette même époque, le jeune trompettiste allait faire deux autres rencontres de taille. Le compositeur Raoul Guillaume, qui devient le principal guide des jeunes de CHOU BOUM, et allait devenir également le mentor de Raymond Marcel. Selon ce dernier : « Jusqu’à présent, j’ai des lettres de Raoul dans lesquelles il me recommandait trois règles de vie : discipline, discipline et discipline. J’en suis resté jusqu’à présent marqué ». Ensuite, on verra Ti Monmon quasi- quotidiennement en la compagnie du trompettiste Hilario Dorval, le futur époux de sa sœur Marie Thérèse Joseph.
Tout concourt à l’épanouissement musical de Raymond. A l’époque, le pays demeure une référence musicale. Haïti, grâce à certaines soirées inoubliables à « Cabane Choucoune » et au inégalable « Festival de Radio Théâtre », ce dernier organisé par Radio Haïti de Ricardo Widmaier, tout le gratin de la musique latino américaine déferle sur notre pays : Daniel Santos, Bobby Capo, Perez Prado, la Sonora Matancera et d’autres. Qui mieux est, la plupart de ces grandes vedettes sont accompagnées par l’orchestre Ernest Lamy ! (Comme les temps ont changé !). Raymond Marcel profite de l’expérience de ces sommités pour ameliore son style. Il demande conseil a ces grands de la musique, en particulier Hilario Dorval. Soucieux, il ne s’arrête pas là. C’est ainsi que, encouragé par le trompettiste Charles Paul Ménard, il allait suivre à la même époque des cours d’harmonie et de mélodie que dispensait le chef d’orchestre Français Van Thienen au local du Lycée du TriCinquentenaire (Lycée des Jeunes Filles).
Au cours de l’année 1955, Raymond Marcel commence à fréquenter le musicien, chanteur et ingénieur de son Herby Widmaier. Le trompettiste reconnaît : « A part Hector Lominy, Guy Durosier, Raoul Guillaume et Hilario Dorval, Herby Widmaier font partie des musiciens Haïtiens qui ont exercé la plus grande influence dans ma carrière ». En effet, continue-t-il : « C’est grâce à Herby que j’ai pu apprécier le jazz. Jusqu’à présent, j’ai encore le premier disque de jazz qu’il m’a offert : un du trompettiste de jazz américain Clifford Brown. Ce dernier demeure, à l’étranger, son trompettiste préféré, à côté de Calixto Leicea et Pedro Knight.
Il est bien de noter que Raymond Marcel a pu acquérir des techniques d’enregistrement auprès du même Widmaier. Notre trompettiste admet que : « Radio Haïti était comme ma deuxième demeure. J’étais comme l’adjoint d’Herby. Je participais á l’enregistrement des disques de tous les ensembles musicaux de l’époque, “ Aux Calebasses ”, l’Ensemble Murat Pierre, Guy Durosier, etc. ».
Vers la fin de 1956 (ou le début de 1957), l’instabilité politique allait provoquer la dissolution de CHOU BOUM. Au cours de l’été 1957 (juin ou juillet), Raymond Marcel joint LATINO. Au sein de ce groupe formé de jeunes gens éduqués, idole de la jeunesse d’alors – et pour cause ! -, Raymond Marcel allait se distinguer par son sens de responsabilité, appliquant fidèlement les recommandations de Raoul Guillaume. C’est ainsi qu’il allait être nommé le maestro de ce groupe formé par les frères Paul et Georges Karaha. Raymond se souvient que : « C’est au sein de Latino que j’ai eu mes meilleurs souvenirs dans la musique… »
1957 n’a pas apporté que bonheur à Raymond. Au contraire ! Aux premiers jours d’octobre 1957, il allait recevoir le plus gros choc de sa vie : son père, Antoine Philippe Marcel, allait être l’une des premières victimes des « cagoulards » du nouveau régime. En effet, opposant farouche au Dr François Duvalier, le comptable jérémien allait être lâchement assassiné. Raymond Marcel en fut ulcéré, criant souvent haut et fort son dégoût pour le pouvoir. En juillet 1958, lors d’un bal de Latino au « Club aux Calebasses », il a failli y laisser sa peau. Un macoute s’ammène allègrement pour réclamer un chant en l’honneur de Papa Doc. Impulsif, Raymond se précipite sur le milicien et lui demande de lui donner de préférence son père. Grasse á la présence d’un militaire. In extremis, Raymond Marcel et ses amis sont sortis sains et saufs. Depuis lors, Raymond deviendra une vraie « carte marquée ». Il est épié et persécuté par la milice du régime. N’en pouvant plus, après un bal avec Latino. Le 23 juillet 1959, il était en route pour l’exil. Destination : New York.
Arrivé aux Etats-Unis, Raymond, conscient que la musique ne nourrit pas toujours son maître, s’inscrit au « Delhanty Institute », à la 14ème rue, à Manhattan, pour des cours en architecture. Cependant, il n’allait pas abandonner la musique pour autant. Vers l’automne de 1959, encouragé par le trompettiste André Romulus, il se joint au groupe musical du chanteur Mallebranche. Quelques mois plus tard, il participe avec la troupe folklorique du tambourineur Alphonse Cimber, dans une représentation folklorique au mythique « Appolo Theatre » à Harlem, représentant dignement la culture haïtienne. Par la suite, il jouera de temps à autre avec divers ensembles latino américains.
Au cours de l’année 1960, Raymond fait ses débuts avec « Sammy Clemente y su Conjunto », dirigé par le chanteur Porto Ricain Sammy Clemente. Son ancien collègue de Latino, Paul Chosil, qui sera également membre de ce « conjunto ».
En juillet 1961, Raymond Marcel unit sa destinée à Elizabeth Rivas, mère de ses deux filles Vivianne (pianiste) et Mireille (guitariste). En septembre 1962, il quitte les Etats-Unis pour son services militaires obligatoire on l’envoie en Allemagne.
Apres exactement deux années de service, Raymond Marcel regagne New York. A son retour à New York, il s’inscrit à Pratt Institute pour compléter ses études d’architecture. A la fin de 1964, Paulo Choisil, qui dirige alors un ensemble musical au club restaurant « La Citadelle », à St Nicolas Avenue, à Manhattan, fait appel à son ami Raymond Marcel. A la même époque, les deux jouent occasionnellement avec le groupe des Frères Germain. Au cours de l’année 1966, Raymond Marcel allait se séparer de cet ensemble.
Au début de 1967, Raymond va jouer dans le club la « Union Rincoeña », situé au coin de la 165ème Rue et St Ann Ave, dans le Bronx. Il y restera jusqu’en 1978. C’est ainsi qu’il a joué tour à tour avec ces ensembles suivants : « Fito Perez y su Orquesta », « Johnny Dupres y su Orquesta » et « Juan Bathis y su Orquesta Internacional ». Entre-temps, il est sollicité par la mythique « La Sonora Matancera », qui se trouvait privé de son second trompettiste Ramon Emilio « Chiripa » Aracena, victime d’un accident de la route. Raymond n’y restera moins d’un semestre, à cause de ses études en architecture à Pratt Institute l’empêchaient de suivre les horaires rigoureux de la « Sonora ». Il y est remplacé par son beau-frère Hilario Dorval. Il rejoindra l’ensemble du Hondurègne Juan Bathis dont les horaires ne sont pas aussi surchargés que la Sonora Matancera.
En 1972, Raymond devient membre fondateur du groupe LA ANTILLANA (plus tard LOS RODRIGUEZ) des frères cubains Roberto Junior Rodriguez (1er trompettiste) et Willy Rodriguez basse, Raymond Marcel a participé à deux LP avec « Los Rodriguez » : « Roberto Rodriguez presenta a Los Rodriguez » (1974) et « Los Rodriguez tienen Sabor » (1981). Raymond quitte ce groupe en 1983 et va jouer avec EL COMBO MONTANA du pianiste Haïtien Maurice Ledrine, il passe deux ans.Il va alors adhérer en 1985 au groupe « MARIO HERNANDEZ Y LOS DIABLES DEL CARIBE » du joueur de tres Porto Ricain Mario Hernandez. C’est son dernier groupe a New York, ville qu’il quitte le 4 janvier 1989 pour s’installer à Ponce, dans le sud de Porto Rico.
Dans cette ville, Raymond Marcel aura joué dans au moins cinq différents groupes musicaux. De 1989 à 1991, il joue avec le groupe Arpa Sur, le maestro était Edwin Villa. De 1991 à 1993, il a joué avec Nelson « El Cacique » Marrero, des ensembles Salsa y Sabor et Jimmy Rodriguez y Los Compadres. De 1993 à 1996, il fera partie d’« El Mariachi Garibaldi », de Leo Savino.
En 1996, voulant s’adonner à ses activités professionnelles et consacrer plus de temps à sa famille, il quitte volontairement le « marriachi ». Ne voulant pas donner dos entièrement aux planches, de temps en temps, il accepte des « gigs » un peu partout à travers Porto Rico.
En mai 2003, Raymond Marcel, entouré de musiciens tels que Efrain Hernandez (trés), Piquete (bongo), Roberto « Zayita » Zayas (basse) et Tato Sanchez (vocal), montera son propre ensemble « Son Moderno del Sur ». Au répertoire de ce groupe se distinguent la toute première composition de Raymond Marcel, « Mon premier amour » (traduit en espagnol Mi primer amor) et des adaptations musicales que lui ont inspirées certains contes typiques d’Haïti. Parmi celles-ci, retenons Aguante a la brocha (Appuie sur le pinceau), tirée d’une blague d’un fou au Pont Beudet. Rappelons que la charmante Margarita Rivera de Marcel, la seconde femme de Raymond depuis avril 1984 évolue comme chanteuse au sein de ce groupe.
Les 48 années de Raymond Marcel hors d’Haïti n’ont déplacé un iota l’amour qu’il voue pour son pays. Il rappelle que : « En dépit de la misère et du désarroi actuel, je reste fier d’être Haïtien ! ». Il participe souvent à des « Talk show » a la radio Porto Ricaine et à chaque occasion ne manque pas de mentionner Haïti d’une manière positive. Il est souvent l’invité de l’émission culturelle : Por la mañana con Nato, animée par le trompettiste Porto Ricain Nataniel Paraiso.
Il convient de remarquer également que la contribution de Raymond dans la ville de Ponce ne s’est pas limité exclusivement à la musique. En effet, depuis 1989, il travaille comme architecte à l’ « Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña ». Qui mieux que Juan Carlos Montalvo, l’un des meilleurs guitaristes Porto Ricains et directeur musical de Dany Rivera, peut nous parler mieux au sujet de Raymond Marcel ? Au sujet de notre compatriote, il dit : « Raymond Marcel est un homme très respecté dans le sud de Porto Rico en général et dans la communnauté de Ponce, en particulier. Raymond est un homme de grande dignité, humble, intelligent et un superbe artiste. Dans cette ville, il travaille depuis 1989 comme architecte à l’ « Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña ». A ce titre, il a participé à la restauration de nombreux sites historiques tel que « La Casa de la Masacre de Ponce ».Il est le desinateur du «Parque Monumento Pedro Albizu Campos » a Ponce .
C’est ce genres de citoyens dont la nation peut être fier et qui devrait servir de guide, de modèle, de repère et d’inspiration à notre jeunesse, qui, faute de rien du tout, est souvent réduite à applaudir inocemment des riens du tout. C’est vraiment un honneur que Porto Rico ait pensé à honorer ce fils authentique d’Haïti pour sa grande valeur artistique. Qu’il continue de faire briller, par l’exemple, le nom d’Haïti. En attendant, franchement, que ce serait beau si Raymond Marcel pouvait « être prophète dans son propre pays » ! Félicitations Raymond !
Louis Carl Saint Jean
5 septembre 2007
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meumodapr-blog · 7 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://meumoda.com/2018/06/20/yves-saint-laurent-rimel-efeito-volume-faux-cils-noir-radical.html
Yves Saint Laurent Rímel Efeito Volume Faux Cils Noir Radical
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Este é o meu Yves Saint Laurent Rímel Volume Effect Faux Cils Noir Radical, sim, eu sei o que uma boca cheia. Eu pensei em fazer uma pequena crítica para todos vocês.
Embalagem: É um tubo de metal absolutamente lindo e é tão elegante que você é imediatamente atraído por ele. Ao contrário dos Faux Cils regulares, tem duas cores douradas diferentes para mostrar que é a versão Noir Radical, que é a cor mais escura que eles fazem. É também surpreendentemente pesado.
Formulação / Efeito: Primeiro eu amo esse rímel, ele preenche todas as caixas. Sua extremamente volumizing, alongamento, true blackest black e mantém curl bem. Basicamente dá-lhe um verdadeiro efeito de chicote falso, mas aqui está o problema que seca como o deserto do Saara. Em pouco mais de um mês de uso, com uma enorme quantidade de produto da esquerda, ele se transforma em uma bagunça grudenta e pegajosa que até prende as cerdas. É horrível, eu nunca tive outro rímel fazendo isso comigo antes e tão decepcionante desde o seu material sagrado no primeiro mês ou mais. Eu T também borrões ligeiramente nos cantos externos dos meus olhos até o final do dia.
Preço: € 32 / £ 22 Eu tive que procurar porque eu não conseguia lembrar o quanto eu paguei. Eu devo ter sido completamente insano naquele dia ou algo assim, justo pagar 20 € em uma Lancome, mas 32 € Eu fico pensando o que eu poderia ter comprado com esse dinheiro. E o que é ainda pior eu comprei dois deles é de € 64 (esconde-se sob o edredão de vergonha).
Yves Saint Laurent Mascara Volume Efeito Faux Cils Noir Radical swatches:
Eu recompraria? Provavelmente sim . Eu fiz uma vez pensar que era eu não fechar o tubo apertado o suficiente às vezes e essa foi a razão para o primeiro tubo secar. Dizendo-me que valeu a pena e que o segundo tubo seria bom, mas fez a mesma coisa mais uma vez. Se o rímel estivesse por volta de 15 € e secasse depois de quase dois meses, eu não teria um problema, mas o fato é que custava tanto que eu esperava que durasse até o prazo de 3 meses.
No geral: Eu ainda amo Yves Saint Laurent Rímel Efeito Volume Faux Cils Noir Radical seu rímel incrível por algum tempo, mas depois se torna inutilizável. Se eu tivesse uma fortuna no banco e pudesse jogar fora e recomprar à vontade, eu faria, mas não, especialmente por um rímel. Agora estou em uma missão para encontrar algo melhor.
Alguém mais teve este problema ?
Ou alguma recomendação de rímel favorita para mim?
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david-was-here · 7 years ago
Songs of 2017
So like last year I’m listing my favorite songs of the year in no real particular order. And this year I think I listened to more music than I have ever for this entire year! So expect this to be BIG!!! The critera here is songs released in 2017, which includes singles and deep cuts, as well as songs that were released in 2016 but are hits on the Billboard Hot 100, and songs that were technically released in 2016 but are singles in 2017. Link to a playlist I made on Spotify. So without a further adieu...
Little Bubble, Cool Your Heart (feat. Dawns), Death Spiral, Up the Hudson, Work Together, I See You - the Dirty Projectors
(No One Knows Me) Like the Piano, Plastic 100°C, Kora Sings, Under, Blood on Me, Reverse Faults, Timmy’s Prayer, What Shouldn’t I Be? - Sampha
Hot Thoughts, WhisterI’lllistentohearit, Do I Have to Talk You Into It, First Caress - Spoon
Dangerous, A Violent Noise, Replica, I Dare You, A Violent Noise (Four Tet Remix), Say Something Lovely, Lips - the xx
Pure Comedy, Ballad of the Dying Man, Total Entertainment Forever, Leaving LA, WHne the God of Love Returns There’ll be Hell to Pay - Father John Misty
Avalon, Mrs. Adams, Trauma - Foxygen
In a Body Like a Grave - Japandroids
Things Are Right with You, Enter Entirely, Strange Year, Up to the Surface, Internal World - Cloud Nothings
My Old Man, This Old Dog, For the First Time, One Another, A Wolf Who Wears Sheeps Clothes, On the Level, Watching Him Fade Away - Mac DeMarco
That’s What I Like - Bruno Mars
Scared to be Lonely (feat. Dua Lupa), There for You (feat. Troye Sivan) - Martin Garrix
Call Casting, Bad and Boujee (feat. Lil Uzi Vert), Get Right Witcha, Slippery (feat. Gucci Mane), T-Shirt, Big on Big, Brown Paper Bag, Stir Fry - Migos
Nyakinyua Rise, Enigma - Jlin
Show You the Way (feat. Michael McDonald and Kenny Loggins), Friend Zone, Uh Uh, Lava Lamp, Where I’m Going  - Thundercat
Thinning, Dirt, Slug, - Snail Mail
So Close - Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness
Doomsday, Shiver and Shake, Anything I Say to You Now, Breakdown, Outbound Train, Broken Anyway - Ryan Adams
Undercover, Keep On, Advice - Kehlani
Big for Your Boots, Cold - Stormzy
Minnesota, Country Song, Tour, Virgo - the Courtneys
BagBak, Big Fish, Love Can Be..., Homage, Crabs in a Bucket, Party People - Vince Staples
Leila 20, Nothing Feels Natural, No Big Bang, Nicki - Priests
Sleepwalker, Melting Grid, All the Land Glimmered - Julie Byrne
For You (DJ Koze Mbira Remix) - Michael Mayer and Joe Goddard
Slide (feat. Frank Ocean and Migos) Heatstroke (feat. Young Thug, Pharrell Williams, and Ariana Grande), Holiday (feat. Snoop Dogg, John Legend, and Takeoff), Feels (feat. Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry, and Big Sean), Cash Out (feat. ScHoolboy Q, PartyNextDoor, and DRAM) - Calvin Harris
Love, Change, Get Free - Lana Del Rey
Green Light, Liability, Homemade Dynamite, Sober II (Melodrama), Supercut, Perfect Places, Homemade Dynamite (Remix) (feat. Khalid, Post Malone, & SZA), Sober - Lorde (really just the album Melodrama but still...)
Bleeding in the Bus - Code Orange
Not This Time, Anything Could Happen, Breathing Room - Bash & Pop
Chanel, Biking (feat. Jay-Z and Tyler, the Creator) - Frank Ocean
Third of May/Ōdaigahara, Fool’s Errand, Cassius, -, Kept Woman, One Another Ocean (January/June), Mearcstapa - Fleet Foxes
Slip Away, Otherside, Go Ahead, Wreath, Braid, Every Night, Choir, Die 4 You, Sides - Perfume Genius
Tellin’ Lies, Midwestern States, House on Fire, After the Party - the Menzingers
Shake Em Off - Syd
Pleasure, Get Not High, Get Not Low, Lost Dreams, Any Party, A Man is Not His Song, Century (feat. Jarvis Cocker) - Feist
Kinda Bonkers - Animal Collective
Free Smoke, Get it Together (feat. Black Coffee and Jorja Smith), Madiba Riddim, Passionfruit - Drake
The Heat Part 4, HUMBLE., ELEMENT., FEEL., LUST., XXX. (feat. U2), FEAR., DUCKWORTH., DNA. - Kendrick Lamar
Crazy Crazy (feat. Charli XCX & Kyary Pamyu Pamyu) - Yasutaka Nakata
Ran, Cave, Time on Her Side, Through the Roses, North Star, Ancient Water, Day Glow Fire - Future Islands
Ascension (feat. Vince Staples), Andromeda (feat. DRAM), Strobelite (feat. Peven Everett), Momentz (feat. De La Soul), Out of Body (Kilo Kish, Zebra Katz, & Imani Vonsha), Let Me Out (feat. Mavis Staples & Pusha T), Sleeping Powder, Garage palace (feat. Little Simz), Saturnz Barz (feat. Popcaan) - Gorillaz
Daisy, Animal, Exercise, Dreams of Grandeur - Wavves
This is the World of the Theater, Whiteout Conditions, Colosseums - the New Pornographers
Limerence - Yves Tumor
Seaweed, Ravens, Swims - Mount Eerie
Sugar for the Pill, Slowmo, Star Roving, Don’t Know Why, Everyone Knows, No Longer Making Time - Slowdive
Cold Cold Cold - Cage the Elephant
Don’t Take the Money, All My Heroes, Dream of Mickey Mantle, I Miss Those Days - Bleachers
Stay (feat. Alessia Cara) - Zedd
iSpy (feat. Lil Yachty) - KYLE
Sign of the Times, Two Ghosts, Sweet Creatures, Ever Since New York, From the Dining Table - Harry Styles
The Cure - Lady Gaga
FOR MY PEOPLE, TEMPTATION, RING THE ALARM (feat. Nyck Caution, Kirk Knight, & Meechy Darko), AMERIKKKAN IDOL - Joey Bada$$
‘71: I Think I’ll make Another World, ‘88 Ethan Frome, ‘92: Weird Diseases, ‘01 Have You Seen It in Snow?, ‘05: Never Again, ’66: Wonder Where I’m From, ’67: Come Back as a Cockroach, ’68: A Cat Called Dionysus, ’69: Judy Garland, ‘73L It Could Have Been Paradise, ’77: Life Ain’t Bad, ��98: Lovers’Lies, ’04: Cold-Blooded Man, ’12: You Can Never Go Back to New York, ’14: I Wish I Had Pictures - the Magnetic Fields
Broken Halos, Either Way, Last Thing I Needed, First Thing This Morning, Millionaire, Scarecrow in the Garden - Chris Stapleton
Executioner’s Tax (Swing of the Axe), Nightmare Logic, Waiting Around to Die - Power Trip
Minneapolis, 100 Years, Cleaning House, Cold Apartment, Alive and a Well - Vagabon
The Bus Song, 1 Billion Dogs, Take It - Jay Som
Halfway Home, Skyline, Stay Happy, Hug of Thunder, Towers and Masons, Victim Lover - Broken Social Scene
Truth, Humility, Integrity - Kamasi Washington
Want You Back, Nothing’s Wrong, Little of Your Love - HAIM
In Cold Blood, Adeline - alt-J
Hungry Ghost, the Navigator, Rican Beach, Pa’lante - Hurray for the Riff Raff!
Feel it Still (even though I grew sick of it by the end of 2017) - Portugal. the Man
French Press, Julie’s Place, Fountain of Good Fortune - Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever
Gone, Gone, Gone, Time Will Tell - the Feelies
Wedding in Finistere, What’s That Perfume That You Wear?, How We Met, the Long Version, How Can I Tell Him - Jens Lekman
Thinking of a Place, Holding On, Up all Night, Pain, Strangest Thing, In Chains, You Don’t have to Go - the War on Drugs
call the police, oh baby, other voices, tonite, emotional haircut, american dream - LCD Soundsystem
The System Only Dreams in Total Darkness, Day I Die, Born to Beg, Guilty Party, Carin at the Liquor Store, Turtleneck - the National
Close But Not Quite (feat. Sampha) - Everything is Recorded
Symphony (feat. Zara Larsson) - Clean Bandit
Heavydirtysoul - Twenty One Pilots
Love on the Brain - Rihanna
Wild Fire, Nouel - Laura Marling
Mildenhall - the Shins
Renato Dall’Ara (2008), Here’s to the Fourth Time!, For Whom the Belly Tolls, Hung Empty - Los Campesinos!
Yer Killin’ Me, Art School, Crash Test Rating, Strawberita, Trying 2 Fool U, I’m My Own Doctor - Remo Drive
God Bless Ohio, Window Sash Weights - Sun Kil Moon
Darling, Serve the Song, Stained Glass, White Light - Real Estate
3AM (Pull Up) (feat. MØ), Roll With Me, Boys, Backseat (feat. Carly Rae Jepsen), Femmebot (feat. Dorian Electra and Mykki Blanco), Out of My Head (feat. Alma and Tove Lo) - Charli XCX
Lucid, Anxi. (feat. Jenny Hval), Evolution, Bird - Kelly Lee Owens
Paradise, Ricochet - ANOHNI
Cut to the Feeling - Carly Rae Jepsen
Golden Cage - Nilüfer Yanya
Bad Liar - Selena Gomez
Can’t Help It - Baba Stiltz
Forever Young (feat. Diplo), Better (feat. Stefflon Don), Dirty Mouth, All Around Me (feat. YG and Kamaiyah) - Lil Yachty
Run - Foo Fighters
Everything Now, Signs of Life, Put Your Money on Me - Arcade Fire
Strangers (feat. Lauren Jauregui) - Halsey
Met Gala (feat. Offset) - Gucci Mane
J-Boy, Ti Amo, Goodbye Soleil, Tuttifrutti, Fleur de Lys - Phoenix
Hard Times, Told You So, Forgiveness, Idle Worship, Rose-Colored Boy - Paramore
Open Water, Melting, Billabong Valley, Anoxia, Doom City - King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard
Something Just Like This (feat. Coldplay) - the Chainsmokers (I’M SO SORRY)
You Never Loved Me, Rollercoasters - Aimee Mann
Alexys, Crushed Glass - Freddie Gibbs
The Call, Wondering, At Last, At Last - Xiu Xiu
Castle on the Hill - Ed Sheeran
Chelsea Hotel #2 - Kyle Craft
My Old Man, All the Best - Zac Brown Band
Build You Up - Kamaiyah
Praying, Let ‘Em Talk (feat. Eagles of Death Metal), Rainbow, Hunt You Down, Boots, Spaceship, Bastards - Kesha
911/Mr. Lonely (feat. Frank Ocean and Steve Lacy), Foreword (feat. Rex Orange County), Who Dat Boy (feat. A$AP Rocky), Pothole (feat. Jaden Smith), Boredom (feat. Rex Orange County and Anna of the North), I Ain’t Got Time!, November, See You Again (feat. Kali Uchis) - Tyler, the Creator
New York, Pills, Los Ageless, Happy Birthday, Johnny, Fear the Future, Slow Disco, Sugarboy - St. Vincent
Trees on Fire (feat. Amber Mark and Marco Mckinnis) - DJDS
Exhumed, Siphon, Veka, Wiseblood, Remains - Zola Jesus
Never Been Wrong, 8 Ball, Silver, Brass Beam - Waxahatchee
I Promise - Radiohead
I Don’t Wanna Die in This Town, Bad Luck Charm, She Hates Everybody - Old 97′s
In Undertow, Plimsoll Punks, Not My Baby, Lollipop (Ode to Jim), Foreget About Life - Alvvays
Cario and Southern - Son Volt
Magnolia - Playboi Carti
I Don’t Like You, Jucebox Baby - the Regrettes
Give me a Reason, Quiet - Ibibio Sound Machine
Speakerbox, Bait Face (feat. Scratchy), Laptop (feat. Manga) - Wiley
If We Were Vampires, Cumberland Gap, Anxiety, Molotov, Hope the High Road - Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit
One of Us - New Politics
Saunter, Urchin, Castration, Whip, Desafio - Arca
If You’re Here – Cornelius
The World’s Best American Band, Judy French, Little Silver Cross, the Satch, Party Next Door, Another Day – White Reaper
The Violence – Rise Against
G.K.A.C., I Only, Bangladesh (feat. Heems), Help (feat. Edan and Wiki), You Can Do It! (Give Up) – Your Old Droog
Nickelodeon Girls, Meme Machine, I Do It for My Hood, She’s So Nice, Uber Pussy, High School Blink193, I Will Get a Vasectomy – Pink Guy (RIP)
Sixteen, Bite Back, Leo, Barf Day, Tummy Ache – Diet Cig
Forrest, Birhtdays, Song for You, Shine – the Smith Street band
Misery, Black Rain – Creeper
Long Time, Fragments – Blondie
123, Sleepless, Your Heart, Powerplant, It Gets More Blue – Girlpool
Proud, Bobby, Witch, Judge, Powerful Man – (Sandy) Alex G
Déjà Vu, Picture That, Broken Bones – Roger Waters
The Great Debate, Lost Without You, Wandering Boy – Randy Newman
Street Power, Knuckle Up – Ho99o9
Love Galore (feat. Travi$ Scott), Drew Barrymore, Prom, Garden (Say It Like Dat), Broken Clocks, the Weekend – SZA
Shark Smile, Watering – Big Thief
Lights Out – Royal Blood
Cry of the Martyrs, the Underside of Power, Cleveland, the Cycle/the Spiral: Time to Go Down Slowly, Walk Like a Panther, Death March – Algiers
Crybaby, Tin Can – Kevin Morby
Da Next Day (feat. Big Rube), Order of Operations – Big Boi
No Halo, A Portrait Of, Disappeared, Second Letter from St. Julien, Leave the Fan On – Sorority Noise
Met me in the Street, Just Can’t Get Enough, Rank and File, Turn it Up, Milk and Honey, Pure desire, Can’t Play it Cool – Sheer Mag
Boyish, 12 Steps, The Body is a Blade – Japanese Breakfast
The Moth, Lead, SD, the Wolf – Manchester Orchestra
SHC, Static Space Lover – Foster the People
Just Like Love, Weakness, Wild Woman, All American Made – Margo Price
Dean’s Room – Allison Crutchfield
S.A.D., Bravado – Kirin J Callinan
For Cypresses, Three Rings, Systole – Grizzy Bear
War is Coming (If You Want It), Beach Life-in-Death – Car Seat Headrest
The Way You Used to Do, Domesticated Animals, Feet Don’t Fail Me – Queens of the Stone Age
Call it Dreaming, the Truest Stars We Know – Iron & Wine
Less Than, the Background World – Nine Inch Nails
Nomadm All I C is U & Me, NVR 4EVR, Holy Books – Death from Above
No Fear – DeJ Loaf
Four years and One Day, Blue Train Lines (feat. King Krule), Audition, Delta, You Look Certain (I’m Not So Sure) (feat. Andrea Balency), SP12 Beat – Mount Kimbie
Delta, Feels Like Heaven, Dedicated to Bobby Jameson, Bubblegum Dreams, I Wanna Be Young, Dreamdate Narcissist, Acting (feat. Dâm-Funk), Santa’s in the Closet, Time to Live, Another Weekend, Kitchen Witch – Ariel Pink
Half-Ligth (feat. Kelly Zutrau), Gwan – Rostam
Mi Gente (Remix) (feat. Beyoncé) – J Balvin and Willy William
The Man, Run for Cover, Out of My Mind, Have All the Songs Been Written? – the Killers
Don’t Delete the Kisses, Space & Time – Wolf Alice
Righteous Woman – Torres
Prey, Say it First – Sam Smith
Lush, Daughter, Planet – Four Tet
Frontline, Take Me Apart, LMK, Onanon, Waitin – Kelela
I Wanna Be Like You, Numb – Ibeyi
You’re Dreaming, Flies on the Sun, Baby Blue – Wolf Parade
Roots Remain – Mastodon
Medicine, Flowerchild – Citizen
Up All Night, Colors, Seventh Heaven, Square One – Beck
Over Everything, Blue Cheese – Kurt Vile & Courtney Barnett
Biscuit Town, Dum Surfer, Vidual, Half Man Half Shark, the Ooz – King Krule
Processional, the Spaniards, the Long Goodbye, Half-Life of an Autodidact – William Patrick (Billy) Corgan
You Used to Say (Holy Fuck), Grand Finale, Vacation Town – the Front Bottoms
WE KNOW WHERE YOU FUCKING LIVE, Saturnalia – Marilyn Manson
Gone, Double Helix, Want Me Around – Knuckle Puck
Laila’s Wisdom, Power (feat. Kendrick Lamar and Lance Skiiiwalker), Pay Up, Nobody (feat. Anderson .Paak, Black Thought, Moonchild) – Rapsody
In the Morning, Tinseltown Swimming in Blood, Saw You at the Hospital, A Light Travels Down the Catwalk, La Regle du Jeu – Destroyer
16 Psyche, Vex, The Culling, Scrape – Chelsea Wolfe
Little Dark Age – MGMT
Happy Hour, Weekend Woman, Mexican Fender – Weezer
Appointments, Turn Out the Lights, Sour Breath, Televangelist, Even – Julien Baker
Mustn’t Hurry, IDK About You – Fever Ray
Pills – Joji
90’s Kids, Blooming, Cloudy, Float, Straight Boy, Astral Plane – Shamir
Should I – Little Dragon
Mirage, Labyrinth – Toro Y Moi
Do U Love Me, For Y’all (feat. Jacquees), Liger (feat. Carnage)– Young Thug
Sylvia Says, Rest – Charlotte Gainsbourg
Lemon (feat. Rihanna), Voilà (feat. Gucci Mane and Wale), 1000 (feat. Future), Don’t Don’t Do It! (feat. Kendrick Lamar), Rollinem 7’s (feat. André 3000), Secret Life of Tigers, Kites (feat. Kendrick Lamar and M.I.A.) – N.E.R.D.
Jupiter, Ode from Joyce, Quintessence – Benjamin Clementine
The Gate, Body Memory, Courtship, Losses, Tabula Rasa, Claimstaker – Björk
Red Flag Day, You’re the Best Thing About Me, the Little Things That Give You Away – U2
Sky Walker (feat. Travi$ Scott), Banana Clip, Told You So – Miguel
Another Sad Love Song, Young Dumb & Broke – Khalid
Highway Tune – Greta Van Fleet
Gucci Gang – Lil Pump
We Were Beautiful, Sweet Dew Lee – Belle & Sebastian
All I can Think About is You, A L I E N S – Coldplay
Havana (feat. Young Thug) – Camila Cabello
Unforgettable (feat. Sway Lee) – French Montana
Rain in Soho, Andrew Eldritch is Moving Back to Leeds, Unicorn Tolerance, Paid in Cocaine, Abandoned Flesh – the Mountain Goats
Walk on Water (feat. Beyoncé) – Eminem
Strange or Be Forgotten – Temples
Runnin’ Outta Luck, Country Figs, Strangers Kiss (with Angel Olsen) – Alex Cameron
Tonya Harding – Sufjan Stevens
The One to Wait – CCFX
Crossifre/So Into You – Nai Palm
Still Serving – 21 Savage, Offset, and Metro Boomin
Neon Guts (feat. Pharrell Williams), XO TOUR Llif3 – Lil Uzi Vert
Mask Off (Remix) (feat. Kendrick Lamar) – Future
Lay It on Me – Vance Joy
Perplexing Pengasus – Rae Sremmurd
Midnight – Jessie Ware
Blanket Me – Hundred Waters
The Pathways of Our Lives – Mark Barrott
Find Me – Porches
Kill Jay-Z, Smile (feat. Gloira Carter), Caught Their Eyes (feat. Frank Ocean), 4:44, Family Feud (feat. Beyoncé), Bam (feat. Damien Marley), Legacy – Jay-Z
Global (feat. Ilovemakonnen) – Lil B
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storehottrend79-blog · 5 years ago
Sou Uma Mulher Simples Eu Amo o Cafe E O Croche shirt
There’s no film festival Sou Uma Mulher Simples Eu Amo o Cafe E O Croche shirt . bigger than Cannes and for those making their debut on the fabled Croisette red carpet. the stakes are high. For Selena Gomez, the occasion called for one-of-a-kind Louis Vuitton separates by Nicolas Ghesquière, paired with an oversized Bulgari diamond necklace. Standing front and center among the ensemble cast of The Dead Don't Die, the Jim Jarmusch-directed zombie comedy kicking off the festival's opening night, Gomez was also joined by stylish co-stars Tilda Swinton and Chloe Sevigny in Haider Ackermann and Mugler respectively.In a bold choice by Gomez and stylist Kate Young, the satin and leather bustier was paired with a silver belt buckle that made sure her glamorous outfit stood out, even alongside some of the world’s most fashionable women. Sou Uma Mulher Simples Eu Amo o Cafe E O Croche shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Women's
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Long Sleeved
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Unisex Sweatshirt
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Unisex Hoodie
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Classic Men's Sexy while showing only a hint of skin, the bustier was paired beautifully with the skirt and its thigh-high slit Sou Uma Mulher Simples Eu Amo o Cafe E O Croche shirt . Underwear as outerwear always makes for a statement of confidence—just ask Madonna, Kim Kardashian, or any of the look’s famous fans—but Gomez projected a very different kind of poise as she climbed the steps of the Palais des Festivals.Though the south of France has filled up with celebrities, there for the annual Cannes Film Festival, Charlotte Gainsbourg has managed to stand out from the pack in a very pared-back look. Today, the French actress, who stars in Gaspar Noe’s newest film Lux Æterna, touched down at the Nice airport in a simple outfit: a black T-shirt with a belted black leather jacket, which happens to be the go-to piece of the season. In a full Yves Saint Laurent look, Gainsbourg wore simple faded skinny blue jeans and black snakeskin shoes, topping it all off with classic aviator shades and, of course, her signature shaggy haircut.When it comes to celebrity airport style, much of what we see has already been picked out and decided days or even weeks in advance. Stylists have called in full looks, even down to the impractical but chic pint-size bag for a supermodel; there may have been several mood boards involved. That said, it’s unlikely that Gainsbourg went the stylist route. It looks more like she’s followed the same style mantra that has guided her for years now: a uniform of tees and jeans plus the occasional leather jacket. Easy, breezy, and iconic, bien sur! You Can See More Product: https://storehottrend.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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musiciswindofmysoul · 8 years ago
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agnes baltsa,
agnes obel,
agustín barrios-mangoré,
agustìn lara,
aklan akdağ,
alaturka records,
alice russell,
alper tuzcu,
amadeus [the electric string quartet],
amália rodrigues,
amy winehouse,
ana belén,
ana moura,
andreas baksa,
angela mc’cluskey, 
anna rf & imamyar hasanov,
anoushka shankar,
antonio martín y coll,
aphrodite’s child,
argentina santos,
arvo pärt,
aşa (asha),
aşık ömer erkan & cihadi özel,
astor piazzolla,
avam garde trio,
ayangil türk müziği orkestra ve korosu,
ayşedeniz gökçin,
ayşenur kolivar,
barcelona gipsy klezmer orchestra,
bb king,
bengi bağlama üçlüsü,
besa kokëdhima,
beth hart,
billie holiday,
birds on a wire (rosemary standley & dom la nena),
bob dylan,
bonnie lee,
branford marsalis quartet,
brian hyland,
brooklyn funk essentials,
bulutsuzluk özlemi,
camille o’sullivan,
can kazaz,
carlos do carmo,
caro emerald,
cat stevens,
cem karaca,
cengiz özkan,
cevdet çağla,
charles aznavour,
cirque du soleil,
claude bolling, 
concha ‪buika,
cristina branco,
daniela andrade,
deep purple,
derya türkan,
dhafer youssef,
dire straits,
dolunay obruk,
dulce pontes,
eartha kitt,
edith piaf,
eileen khatchadourian,
eleni karaindrou (‪Ελένη Καραΐνδρου‬),
elis dubaz & çağatay azat,
ella fitzgerald,
emerson, lake & palmer,
ennio morricone,
enrico macias,
ensemble galatia,
eric clapton,
erkan oğur & ismail hakkı demircioğlu,
ertan tekin & murat aydemir & çağ erçağ,
etta james,
evanthia reboutsika (Ευανθία Ρεμπούτσικα),
eydie gormé,
əzizə mustafazadə,
fausto amodei,
ferahnaz gündoğdu,
ferman akgül & kara güneş,
fikret kızılok,
fleetwood mac,
françoise hardy,
frank slay [and his orchestra],
fuat saka & maria farantouri,
gabriella ferri,
garou & daniel lavoie & patrick fiori,
gary moore,
george dalaras,
gigliola cinquetti,
girls from mars,
gomidas vartabed,
hani niroo,
hank williams jr,
herbie hancock,
hespèrion xxi,
homayoun shajarian,
ifigeneia ioannou (Ιφιγένεια Ιωάννου) & triantafyllos chalkias (Τριαντάφυλλος Χαλκιάς) & dimitris sfingos (Δημήτρης Σφίγγος),
inti illimani,
irit dekel & eldad zitrin,
isfar sarabski,
istvan sky kék ég & estas tonne & pablo arellano & indrė kuliešiūtė,
itzhak perlman,
ivan kupala (Иван Купала),
iyeoka okoawo,
izumi yukimura, 
jacques brel,
jan garbarek & anouar brahem & shaukat hussain,
janis joplin,
jason becker,
jeff beck,
jethro tull,
jimmy barnes & joe bonamassa,
joe bonamassa,
joe satriani,
john dowland,
john lee hooker,
john themis & makoulis tsahouridis,
josu zabalondo,
jülide özçelik,
kal cahoone,
karl denver,
karsu dönmez & yuri honing,
kat frankie,
katie melua,
king crimson,
klazz brothers & cuba percussion,
kudsi erguner & erol parlak & pierre rigopoulos,
l'arpeggiata & christina pluhar,
lana del rey,
lara fabian,
lazer lloyd,
le trio joubran,
led zeppelin,
lena chamamyan,
léo ferré,
leonard cohen,
leyla pınar,
lhasa de sela,
light in babylon,
los moussakis,
louis armstrong,
marc aryan,
marco uccellini,
marianne faithfull,
marissa nadler,
marjan farsad,
mark eliyahu,
markéta irglová & glen hansard,
martha wainwright,
mary hopkin,
mehmet güreli,
melihat gülses,
melvin taylor & the slack band,
mercan dede,
mercedes sosa,
mighty sam mc'clain,
mississippi fred mc'dowell,
modern jazz quartet,
mohsen namjoo,
mor karbasi,
morena son,
muammer ketencoğlu,
münip utandı,
nasser shamma,
naum petreski & dd synthesis,
neşet ertaş,
nick cave & warren ellis,
nick cave and the bad seeds,
nicola di bari,
nida ateş,
nihil piraye,
nina simone,
no blues,
no land,
noora noor,
odessa chen,
ofra haza & goran bregovic,
oh land,
okan murat öztürk,
omara portuondo,
ömer altuğ,
özlem özdil,
patti smith,
paulo bragança,
peter breiner and his chamber orchestra,
pierre akendengué & hughes de courson,
pink floyd,
pj harvey,
plain white t’s,
rachael yamagata,
renaud garcia-fons & derya türkan,
rəşid behbudov,
riff cohen,
rosemary standley,
ruşen alkar,
salif keita,
selda bağcan,
serdar ateşer,
şevki bey,
shahram nazeri,
şimdi ensemble,
simon and garfunkel,
sinéad o`connor,
şirin pancaroğlu & bora uymaz,
şirin pancaroğlu & meriç dönük & jarrod cagwin,
sister rosetta tharpe,
sita nursanti,
skip james,
snowy white,
soap kills,
solveig slettahjell,
sona jobarteh,
sophie zelmani,
stacey kent,
stavros xarchakos & nikos dimitratos,
stephan micus,
sümeyra çakır,
susie arioli swing band,
suzanne vega,
symphonic theater of dreams,
talip özkan,
tanita tikaram,
the alan parsons project,
the animals,
the blues overdrive,
the cranberries,
the doors,
the modern jazz quartet,
the moody blues,
the pretty reckless,
the rolling stones,
the strawbs,
the sweet,
the yardbirds,
timur selçuk,
tom jones,
tom waits,
tom yorke,
tori amos,
tracy chapman,
tülay german,
udi hrant,
ünol büyükgönenç,
vasiliki papageorgiou & hasan esen,
victor jara,
violeta parra,
white lion,
yaël naïm,
yannis markopoulos (Γιάννης Μαρκόπουλος),
yarınistan & vasiliki papageorgiou & taner öngür,
yaşar kurt,
yeni türkü,
yma sumac,
yngwie j. malmsteen,
yves montand,
zbigniew preisner,
zeca (josé) afonso,
zekai dede efendi,
zeynep karababa,
zülfü livaneli.
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shortmusicreviews · 7 years ago
Favorite Albums 2017
1. Alex Cameron - Forced Witness 2. King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard - Murder of the Universe 3. Ariel Pink - Dedicated to Bobby Jameson 4. Ryan Adams - Prisoner 5. King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard - Flying Microtonal Banana 6. Xiu Xiu - Forget 7. Destroyer - Ken 8. Fleet Foxes - Crack-up 9. King Krule - The OOZ 10. Protomartyr - Relatives in Descent 11. Pissed Jeans - Why Love Now 12. Mount Eerie - A Crow Looked at Me 13. The Drums - Abysmal Thoughts 14. Hype Williams - Rainbow Edition 14.5 Pregnant - Duct Tape 15. Idles - Brutalism 16. John Maus - Screen Memories 17. Liars - TFCF 18. Cigarettes After Sex - s/t 19. King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard with Mild High Club - Sketches of Brunswick East 20. Sean Nicholas Savage - Yummycoma 21. Metz - III 22. Yves Tumor - Experiencing the Deposit of Faith 23. Ben Varian - Quiet Fill 24. Jefre Cantu-Ledesma - On the Echoing Green 25. Dent May - Across the Multiverse 26. Charlotte Gainsbourg - Rest 27. Bibio - Phantom Brickworks 28. Kirin J Callinan - Bravado 29. Jib Kidder - Pay 2 Play 30. Lil B - Black Ken 31. Phoenix - Ti Amo 32. Oxbow - Thin Black Duke 33. Gas - Narkopop 34. Bjork - Utopia 35. Broken Social Scene - Hug of Thunder 36. Giant Claw - Soft Channel 37. Chastity Belt - I Used to Spend So Much Time Alone 38. Photay - Onism 39. Richard Dawson - Peasant 40. Blanck Mass - Word Eater 41. Father John Misty - Pure Comedy 42. The Magnetic Fields - 50 Song Memoir 43. Joan of Arc - He's Got the Whole This Land is Your Land in His Hands 44. Molly Nilsson - Imaginations 45. LCD Soundsystem - American Dream 46. Actress - AZD 47. B Boys - Dada 48. Paramore - After Laughter 49. L'Rain - s/t 50. Jay Som - Everybody Works 51. TOPS - Sugar at the Gate 52. Shabazz Palaces - Quazarz: Born on a Gangster Star 53. Shabazz Palaces - Quazarz vs. The Jealous Machines 54. Michael Nau - Some Twist 55. Greet Death - Dixieland 56. The Lentils - 11 new flavors of oblivion and why the shining ones don’t want you to know about them 57. Tennis - Conditionally Yours 58. Jens Lekman - Life Will See You Now 59. The Cribs - 24/7 Rockstar Shit 60. Yung Lean - Stranger 61. Arca - s/t 62. Black Lips - Satan's Graffiti or God's Art? 63. Brockhampton I/II/III 64. Foxygen - Hang 65. Jen Chloer - s/t 66. Kevin Morby - City Music 67. Oxbow - Thin Black Duke 68. Oh Sees - Orc 69. Thundercat - Drunk 70. Perfume Genius - No Shape 71. Timbre Timbre - Sincerely Future Pollution 72. Washed Out - Mister Yellow 73. Big Thief - Capacity 74. Cut Copy - Haiku From Zero 75. Deerhoof - Mountain Moves 76. Grizzly Bear - Painted Ruins 77. The War on Drugs - A Deeper Understanding 78. Iglooghost - Neo Wax Bloomo 79. L'Rain - s/t 80. Nico Nicquo - In a Silent Way 81. Nite Jewel - Real High 82. Power Trip - Nightmare Logic 83. The National - Sleep Well, Beast 84. Tonstartssbandht - Sorceror 85. Michael Nau - Some Twist 86. Kiran Leonard - Derevuan Seraun 87. King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard - Gumboot Soup 88. King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard - Polygwandlanaland 89. Avey Tare - Eucalyptus 90. Tyler, the Creater - Flower Boy 91. Ho99o9 - United States of Horror 92. Power Trip - Nightmare Logic 93. Grizzly Bear - Painted Ruins 94. Gun Outfit - Out of Range 95. LCD Soundsystem - American Dream 96. Jay Z - 4:44 97. Kendrick Lamar - DAMN. 98. Primus - The Desaturating Seven
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catherinepl1996 · 7 years ago
Sin título #3634
Sin título #3634 by ceciamuedo featuring 24k jewelry ❤ liked on Polyvore
AMO graphic design t shirt / Acne Studios yellow bomber jacket / GRLFRND white distressed jeans, £150 / Yves Saint Laurent ankle bootie boots / Loewe handbag / Magda Butrym 24k jewelry, £145 / Ray-Ban metal frame sunglasses, £115
0 notes
ceciliaamuedomolina-blog · 7 years ago
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Sin título #3634 por ceciamuedo con bootie boots
AMO distressed t shirt, 2.450 UYU / Acne Studios flight jacket, 12.655 UYU / GRLFRND high-waisted skinny jeans, 5.770 UYU / Yves Saint Laurent bootie boots, 31.925 UYU / Loewe handbag, 75.510 UYU / Magda Butrym round earrings, 5.595 UYU / Ray-Ban ray ban glasses, 4.375 UYU
0 notes
hellocalenderme-blog · 8 years ago
Download August 2017 Calendar
                                                      AUGUST BIRTHDAYS
 What acclaimed innovator or researcher has an indistinguishable August 2017 Calendar birthday from you. The eigth month of the year in the Gregorian schedule.
 August Birthdays first to tenth
 August Birthdays eleventh to twentieth
 August Birthdays 21st to 31st
 1849 George Mercer Dawson was a popular Canadian researcher
 1889 John F Mahoney who built up a pencillin treatment for syphillis
 1936 Yves Saint Laurent is viewed as the best French form planner of the twentieth century
 1834 Frederic Auguste Bartholdi was the French stone carver who protected the Statue of Liberty
 1835 Elisha Gray was an innovator who developed an early phone
 1926 Betsy Bloomingdale established the well known retail chain
 1959 Koichi Tanaka was a well known Japanese researcher
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 1755 Nicolas-Jacque Conte imagined the present day pencil
 1859 Knut Hamsun was a Norwegian author who won the Nobel Prize in 1920
 1540 Joseph Justice Scaliger developed Julian dating
 1802 Niels H Abel was a Norwegian mathematician who developed Abel's Comparisons
 1904 Kenneth Thimann was a celebrated botanist
 1906 Wassely Leontief was a Russian-American financial expert who won the Nobel Prize in 1973
 1859 J Arthur S Berson was a renowned Austrian meteorologist who made well known hot air expand flights over the Amazon
 1867 James Loeb was a renowned American August 2017 Calendar representative
 1908 Sol Adler acclaimed business analyst who designed Sinophile
 1779 Carl Ritter was the prime supporter of the present day investigation of topography
 1783 John Heathcoat designed trim making hardware
 1870 Gustav Krupp was an acclaimed German specialist
 1880 Ernst Laqueur was an acclaimed who found sexual hormones
 1886 Louis Hazeltine was the innovator of the neutrodyne circuit that made radio conceivable
 1903 Louis Leakey was a well known anthropologist who won the 1964 Richard Hooper Medal
 1861 William Bateson was a well known English scholar who created the expression "hereditary qualities"
 1901 Ernest Lawrence was a popular researcher and designer who concocted the Cyclotron and won the Nobel Prize in 1939
 1902 Paul Dirac was a well known English physicist who developed quantum mechanics and won the Nobel Prize in 1933
 1922 Rudi Gernreich was a well known originator who developed the primary ladies' topless bathing suit and the miniskirt
 1931 Roger Penrose was a renowned English physicist
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 1819 William Thomas Green Morton was a dental specialist that concocted the utilized of ether in dentistry
 1896 Jean Piaget was a renowned Swiss formative analyst and zoologist
 1897 Ralph Wyckoff was a pioneer of x-beam crystallography
 1911 William A Fowler was a renowned astrophysicist who won the Nobel Prize in 1983
 1927 Marvin Minsky was a renowned PC researcher at MIT who made developments identified with artifical insight
 1861 Almroth Wright was a well known English bacteriologist
 What well known innovator or researcher has an indistinguishable August birthday from you. The eigth month of the year in the Gregorian date-book.
 August Birthdays first to tenth
 August Birthdays eleventh to twentieth
 August Birthdays 21st to 31st
 1858 Christian Eijkman was a well known bacteriologist who won the Nobel Prize in 1929
 1926 Bernard Ashley was a well known English form planner who established Laura Ashley
 1950 Steve Wozniak was a PC creator and the prime supporter of Apple Computers
 1930 George Soros was a celebrated Hungarian specialist
 1655 Johann Christoph Denner was the creator of the clarinet
 1814 Anders Jonas Engstrom was a Swedish physicist who co-concocted the spectroscope
 1819 George Gabriel Stokes was a celebrated physicist and mathematician who co-designed the spectroscope
 1888 John Logie Baird was a Scottish designer of a TV framework
 1902 Felix Wankel was a German designer who concocted the Wankel rotating cylinder motor
 1912 Salvador Luria was an Italian-American researcher who won the Nobel Prize in 1969
 1918 Frederick Sanger was an English natural chemist who won the Nobel Prize in 1958 and 1980
 1777 Hans Christian Oersted was a famoud Dutch physicist and scientific expert who expressed "Perspective of Chemical Law" and was an early experimentor in the field of electromagnetism
 1861 Bion Joseph Arnold was a popular electrical architect and innovator
 1883 Ernest Just was a renowned researcher who spearheaded cell division
 1903 John Ringling North was a well known bazaar executive who helped to establish the Ringling Bros
 1794 Elias Fries was a well known Swedish botanist who developed the framework mycologicum
 1892 Louis-Victor sovereign of Broglie was a French physicist who won the Nobel Prize in 1929
 1896 Leon Theremin was an electronic melodic instrument creator who imagined the Theremin which was named after the designer
 1845 Gabriel Lippmann was a well known French physicist who designed the principal shading photographic plate and was granted the 1908 Nobel Prize in Physics for this procedure.
 1848 Francis Darwin was a well known English researcher and the child of Charles Darwin who carried on his work
 1862 Amos Alonzo Stagg was a football pioneer and the innovator of the handling sham
 1892 Harold Foster was a well known illustrator who designed "Ruler Valiant"
 1897 Robert Ringling was a bazaar ace who helped to establish the Ringling Bros
 1904 Wendell Stanley was a popular organic chemist and the first to solidify an infection. He won the Nobel Prize in 1946
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 1870 Frederick Russell concocted the primary fruitful typhoid fever antibody
 1906 Hazel Bishop was a celebrated scientist and makeup maker who created the main permanent or spread verification lipstick
 1834 Marshall Field established the Marshall Field Department Store
 1883 Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel was an acclaimed French mold fashioner who concocted the place of Chanel
 1904 Max Factor, Jr. was the CEO of Max Factor Cosmetics and child of the author and innovator Max Factor
 1927 Marvin Harris was a popular American researcher
 1785 Seth Thomas created the large scale manufacturing of timekeepers
 1906 Philo T Farnsworth was the designer of electronic TV
 1919 Malcolm Forbes was a popular August 2017 Calendar who established Forbes Magazine
 1908 Kingsley Davis was a humanist who designed the term populace blast
 What well known innovator or researcher has an indistinguishable August birthday from you. The eigth month of the year in the Gregorian date-book.
 August Birthdays first to tenth
 August Birthdays eleventh to twentieth
 August Birthdays 21st to 31st
 1660 Hubert Gautier was an architect who composed the principal book on scaffold building
 1907 Roy Marshall was a notable researcher who portrayed the Nature of Things
 1860 Paul Nipkow was a German TV pioneer and designer
 1920 Denton Cooley was a heart specialist who played out the main artifical heart transplant
 1926 Clifford Geertz was a renowned social anthropologist and ethnographer, who depicted culture as an arrangement of images and activities which pass on significance
 1928 Vera Rubin was a popular American researcher who found dull matter
 1933 Manfred Donike was a popular scientist who imagined medicate testing
 1880 Joshua Cowen was an innovator who designed the spotlight and concocted the electric toy prepare
 1898 Albert Claude was a Belgian cytologist who won the Nobel Prize in 1974 for revelations of cell structure and capacity
 1918 Ray McIntire was the substance design who concocted styrofoam
 1841 Theodor Kocher was a Swiss specialist and thyroid master who won the Nobel Prize in 1909
 1916 Frederick Robbin was an American bacteriologist who won the Nobel Prize in 1954
 1740 Joseph Montgolfier was a French pilot who designed effective hot air swelling
 1743 Antoine Lavoisier was a popular French researcher who designed the term oxygen
 1850 Charles Richet was a French physiologist, who won the Nobel Prize in 1913
 1906 Albert Sabin, Russian-American microbiologist who created the oral polio antibody
 1951 Edward Witten was a well known American mathematician and hypothetical physicist who won the 2008 Crafoord Prize in Mathematics. He created string hypothesis, and created numerical procedures to understand the multi-dimensional conditions of string hypothesis.
 1770 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was a German logician and designer
 1874 Karl Bosch was a German scientist and the author of BASF who won the Nobel Prize in 1931
 1877 Charles Stewart Rolls was a British automobile producer and originator of Rolls-Royce Ltd who created the Rolls-Royce.
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 1890 Man Ray was an American craftsman and picture taker who developed the dada development
 865 Rhazes was a celebrated ground-bursting Persian doctor
 1878 George Hoyt Whipple was an American astrophysicist, who won the Nobel Prize in 1934
 1917 Jack Kirby was a celebrated sketch artist who co-imagined the X-Men, Incredible Hulk, Captain America, Fantastic Four, and Thor[/lik]
 1561 Bartholomeus Pitiscus was a German mathematician, who concocted trigonometry
 1876 Charles Kettering was an American designer who developed the auto self-starter or start
 1904 Werner Forssman was a German urologist, who won the Nobel Prize in 1956
 1959 Stephen Wolfram was an English PC researcher, who developed the computational programming Mathematica.
 1852 Jacobus Henricus was a Dutch physical scientific expert, who won the Nobel Prize in 1901
 1884 Theodor Svedberg was a Swedish physicist who worked with colloids and won the Nobel Prize in 1926
 1912 Edward Purcell was an American physicist who won the Nobel Prize in 1952
 1927 Geoffrey Beene was an American dress creator who won 8 Coty Awards
 1663 Guillaume Amontons was a well known French physicist
 1821 Hermann von Helmholtz was a well known German physicist
 1870 Maria Montessori was a well known Italian instructor, who designed the term unconstrained reaction
 1889 A Provost Idell developed present day volleybal
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ceciliaamuedomolina-blog · 7 years ago
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Sin título #2074 por ceciamuedo con mid heel ankle booties
AMO ripped white t shirt, 3.400 UYU / Alberta ferretti coat, 142.600 UYU / Amo, 7.485 UYU / Gianvito Rossi mid heel ankle booties, 27.865 UYU / Yves Saint Laurent hand bag, 61.440 UYU / Magda Butrym earring jewelry, 6.830 UYU / Westward Leaning acetate sunglasses, 7.860 UYU
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