nerdwelt · 1 year
Die NASA bereitet sich auf ihre zweite rein private Mission zur ISS vor
Die NASA trifft in Zusammenarbeit mit Axiom Space und SpaceX die letzten Vorbereitungen für die zweite rein private Mission zur Internationalen Raumstation (ISS). Die vier Ax-2-Besatzungsmitglieder werden an Bord einer SpaceX Crew Dragon-Kapsel, die von einer Falcon 9-Rakete vom Kennedy Space Center in Florida gestartet wird, zur Station reisen. Missionsplaner planen derzeit den Start der…
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orengejoshi · 26 days
Love you art. My favorite thing is definitely your coloring. Flug does give t boy swag. Hope to see more of your drawing soon. Out of curiosity what do you hope for season 2?
Thank youu🥺💜
I know what you meant but just the entire term "T boy swag" reminded me of my fav rapper who just goes by "T" and since I wanted to do that for a while anyway (his songtexts would resonate with Flug so much) I used this as an excuse to redraw one of his album covers, so I love that, I'm gonna steal that heheh
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(relatively unrelated for everyone except me lol but I always throw in some art when replying to asks)
umm yeah so... we're not even done with the first season, so idk. from S1-B I predict more of what we've had so far; more or less episodic comedy, slowly easing us into a connected plot. 6th episode already kinda introduced that.
it's gonna be one of those cartoons like TOH who start off silly and episodic in the first season and develop into a melodramatic serialized show from 2nd season onwards.
this is going to be an unpopular opinion but I actually do not 100% vibe with that, I prefer episodic cartoons like SpongeBob or South Park without overarching plot; comedy over drama. but it was always obvious that Villainous is gonna have a fuck ton of lore so I'm not disappointed.
my criticism rn is that I feel it's already way too many characters I'm sorry. it's getting pretty convoluted. I'm just not a fan of that but again pretty subjective. I can't bring myself to care for absolutely any character that we haven't seen animated yet. it's been too long for me to throw too many new characters in the mix, I've been nonstop hyperfixated since 7 years so I'm skeptical about changes.
as for the plot, I have no idea. we're in so early that I can't even imagine where this is gonna go.
for the end I wish that no ship with the main 3 becomes canon. it's just going to create fandom wars, just leave it open
I just want to see Flug happy...
I'll always just hope to get as much information about Flug as possible
definitely hope they explore Miss Heed's character too, as long as she doesn't end up with Flug l'm interested in her. I would like to see her getting worse (maybe switching sides?) before finally healing and learning to love herself
I want to know more about Goldheart and consequently about Flug's past
I wish for Demencia to snap out of her brainwash some day and learn about her past. I need Flug and Demencia to become real good friends and escape together with 505. I do NOT want them to become heroes but in order to find true happiness and peace they'll have to leave this place imo
but I think most of that is WAY in the future, this won't all happen in the 2nd season. but idk how long this series is gonna be, I doubt the crew even knows, so ye!
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paper-gold-theories · 4 months
Wanted to share this with you
Cuz how do you look at this and not think Papergold???
Doesn't matter if Flug can't dance cuz Goldheart would definitely lead him around and manipulate this body like this
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Credit to mistahfishu on tiktok
Context: It's an animation of two people ballroom dancing that gives Hero x Villain vibes
I can totally see this PaperGold headcanon 😂
GoldHeart whisking Flug away in a dance with a cocky smirk and kisses him on the hand. Enjoying his adorable reactions.
Flug gets flustered during the dance but eventually starts to enjoy it but tries to hide it at the end, but GoldHeart knows. 👀
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cartoonsforlife · 9 days
Black Hat X Reader
The evil boss's new employee
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Includes: Black Hat X Reader,
Warnings: Slightly spicy content
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It seemed like over a fucking hour since you arrived at Hat Manor, sitting on a red velvet baroque armchair across from the desk, in the company of the great and infamous Villain: Lord Black Hat.
Indeed, after several unsuccessful attempts to find a job, you had found a card on your door with the phone number and emblem of the Black Hat Organization. At first, you were hesitant. You had already heard about this organization and what it consisted of. You had even watched several of their videos on YouTube to learn more. You are an ordinary human being, you have never committed a criminal act and the idea of ​​working for the most feared and dangerous being in the Universe makes you shiver with fear. However, you had no other options. It was an unexpected chance. You had grabbed your cell phone with a trembling hand and dialed the number that was written on the card. It had only taken 5 seconds to pick up. To your relief, it was not Black Hat on the other end of the line but his faithful right-hand man and scientist Dr. Flug. You had explained your situation to the doctor and he had granted you a job interview with the boss of the Organization in a few days. You were both relieved and anxious. If you make a good impression on Black Hat, maybe he will accept that you work for him. But one wrong step and it will be over for you. Forever.
In the end, the job interview went pretty well, to your surprise. You were nervous when you entered the office and stood in front of Lord Black Hat. Even though he was intimidating at first, he was strangely patient and professional with you. He asked you questions about yourself, your motivations, your knowledge of his company, and you had to explain to him why he should hire you. This last question destabilized you a little but you had managed to find the right words to convince him.
A mischievous smile appears on the evil being's face and makes a contract and a fountain pen appear in front of you in a cloud of black smoke.
You slowly reach out to the pen and carefully read the contract on the desk. Your heartbeat accelerates and you don't know if it's because of excitement or anxiety. You knew that once you signed that contract you would literally lose your soul and there would be no turning back but on the other hand you would finally be free from that fucking unemployed status.
Black Hat taps his gloved fingers impatiently on the wood of his desk, his eyes fixed on you, disturbing you in the process. You grab the pen without wasting another second and sign your name at the bottom of the contract.
The entity displays a satisfied smile and begins to chuckle. He makes the pen and the signed contract disappear in a green flame.
"Perfect! Welcome to the Black Hat Organization, Miss (Y/n)! You will start your work tomorrow! On your first day, Dr. Flug will guide you and explain your tasks to be performed!"
"T-Thank you, sir! I will not disappoint you, I promise!"
As you were about to get up from your chair and leave the room, your boss calls out to you.
"One more thing!"
"Yes, sir?"
Black Hat stares at you again. His gaze is neutral this time. An uneasy feeling invades you. You have always hated when someone looks at you like that. It makes you feel like a frightened prey that risks being eaten by a hungry predator every time when someone looks at you like that.
To break the awkward silence that reigns, a little too long for your liking, in this room, you ask him why he wants to keep you after the interview. Could it be that he has changed his mind?
Black Hat smiles at the worry on your face and stands up from his throne to walk over to you.
You lean back in your chair when he is only a few inches away from you.
"Tell me, my dear? Has anyone ever told you that you have beautiful eyes?"
That left you speechless. You didn't expect that kind of question at all, especially coming from him! Since he kind of complimented you.
"I… I beg your pardon?"
He leans over and reaches his gloved hand towards your head to slowly caress your cheek. His touch sends a small shiver down your spine and you feel the red burning in your face.
"They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul, right? In yours, I see that you had gone through many difficult trials to achieve your goal. You were determined despite the many failures that upset you. No one encouraged you and supported you, not even your family… You could always do it on your own. Oh, poor little thing…”
The being mocks. The image of you curled up on yourself, desperate to be stuck in a vicious circle forever, alone, without having someone to support you and help you get through this overwhelming ordeal makes him tear a smirk. What an asshole.
You were speechless. Everything he said was true. How could he have guessed all this just by looking at your eyes? You were about to ask him when Black Hat brought his face closer to yours. His cold breath made you shiver again. Your heart was pounding in your chest that you were convinced would burst any second. You gasped involuntarily when you felt the evil entity's hand slide from your face to your neck. He ran a clawed finger over the curve of your neck to trace a thin, scarlet line. A hiss of pain came out of your mouth. You felt a drop of warm, wet pearl slide from your neck to your collarbone. Alarmed, you mechanically grabbed Black Hat's wrist to push his clawed hand away from your now bloodied neck, but his superhuman strength didn't allow it.
"What are… what are you doing?! Stop…!"
“Calm down, my dear.” He orders in a confident but firm voice. “I promise you that if you stay still, it will hurt less. Unless you would prefer to start your work day with your neck shredded?” The bastard laughs like crazy as if it were the best joke he has ever told. He grabs your hand that is still clinging to his wrist and squeezes it tightly in warning. If you rebel, you can be sure that he will break your bones with a single grip.
“No…! NOOO!” You answer in a voice mixed with panic and frustration, reluctantly accepting your defeat.
“Good!” He smiles as he releases your hand and you abruptly place it back on the armrest to hold yourself as if your life truly depended on it.
“Now…” He continues in a soft, husky voice. Relax and look closely at my eye, miss (Y/N). Focus on my voice and my eye."
You do exactly as he ordered. You notice that his visible yellowish eye changes color: rings of varying colors moved around his thin pupil. Your gaze remains fixed, captivated by his eye and you begin to enter a trance. You could only see colors dancing around you and only Black Hat's voice can be heard in your ears.
"Surrender to me, mi quérida. Surrender to your Lord and master!"
"Yes, my Lord." You answer in a whisper, now completely under Black Hat's spell.
"Very well. Now tilt your head back."
You obey.
He then brings his large mouth towards your abused neck and slides his reptilian and rough tongue on the bloody line he drew on you earlier.
A moan escapes your mouth at the contact of his tongue.
The villain smiles at your reaction. Without delay he sinks his sharp mint green fangs into your skin, making you tear out a cry of surprise. Tears flow from your cheeks as Black Hat sucks your blood. He lets out a muffled and animalistic moan when he feels the sweet taste of your life essence slip into his throat. Fuck! It had been an eternity since he drank human blood. Of course he doesn't need it to survive but he must admit its taste and smell are so intoxicating.
He unclenches his teeth from your neck and licks the drops of blood from your bite before straightening up. With a snap of his fingers, he releases you from your trance.
You whistle painfully and immediately bring your hand to your neck which is causing you martyrdom.
"What is it…? What did you do to me?" You ask disconcerted.
"Don't worry, my dear. My mark will disappear from you in a few hours…" He says reluctantly.
He would have preferred to keep his mark on you forever to make you understand that you belong to him. "It would be a shame to get into trouble on your first day." He adds mischievously.
You immediately understand who he is referring to: A certain green-haired lizard woman who will not hesitate to kill you if you approach her dear beloved boss.
"Now go! You have to get ready and go to sleep because tomorrow your first day will be intensive!"
"Yes, sir!"
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This writing idea came to me this morning at work during a discussion with one of my clients and inspired me for this story without knowing it! I thank her for that! 😊
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locaboa99 · 5 months
The Landlord PaperHat
The Hatsville Apartment Complex owned by Mr Blackhat are without a doubt, the best gated apartments with the luxury of a community pool and laundromat. Flug has been living here for 2 years already, and other than being terrified of the owner, he has never had a problem as it was always close to his university. Not until he started having money issues and was late on rent for the first time ever. As he was given a chance to bring forth the money before midnight, he soon discovered that BlackHat is more than just a landlord of some very nice apartments.
You're late on rent."
Cyan eyes stared up owleshly at the intimidating dark ashen skinned man. He watched as his landlord crossed his arms, which were bared for anyone to see. It's a sight so rare since he always wore a black trench coat and looked well put. Today, the heat must have beat him enough to lose it as he only wore his dark grey waistcoat, and his red dress shirt seemed to have two popped open buttons with sleeves folded up to his elbows. Top hat and monocle forever glued on him. On one hand, his landlord seems to hold a rolled up pile of paper, and wow, does he have some long dark nails.
"Uh.." he tried his best to swallow the fear that he gets every time he is close to his landlord before trying to speak again.
Just act cool.
"O-Oh, really?"
That one pearly black eye of his (is he blind on the other eye he wonders) glares down at him even harder if that was possible. "Mmhmm."
Hand fiddling with the door knob Flug tries to look anywhere, but at him.
"I-I can have the m-money for you t-tomor-,"
"Flug, it was due since last week."
Flug winced at the matter of fact tone used. God, he was really screwing this up, and he couldn't even look the man in the eye without stammering.
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redcruxsworld · 6 months
Keep Fighting me till the End. (PaperGold)
Little fanfic cuz I'm bored, and I want some angst between these two. Also, some factors of the fanfic are some of my headcanons.
Chapter 1: A Budding Friendship
Herbert then looked to his side and saw someone. He scowled and let out a 'Tsk.' sound. Flug raised an eyebrow and looked at the direction Herbert looked at. There, he saw a tall, long-haired man with forest green eyes. Out of curiosity, Flug asked, "Woah, who is that handsome devil? He looks like Jean De Morter.", Herbert looked at Flug clearly unimpressed by his reaction. "That's because that is Jean De Morter. But I'll tell you this once Kennings, he's a vile, narcissistic, posh bitch. Don't even bother talking to him.", Herbert said his voice laced with annoyance. Flug was a bit unnerved by Herbert's negative reaction to Jean,"I see....",  he muttered as he continued to follow Herbert to the inside of the dormitory. Though Herbert wouldn't say it out loud, Flug could feel that Herbert was pissed. He didn't know if it was him asking about Jean or Jean himself but he felt obliged to try and lift Herbert's mood up again, "Y-you know-w I think your q-quite handsome t-too. Well, not like Jean handsome but y-your own kind. Hehehe.....", Flug said, trying to hide his face, clearly embarrassed. Herbert's footsteps stopped, "Hahahah!...... you really think so? Do you really think I'm handsome too, Kenny?", he said as his face came close to Flug's face. Flug's face reddened like crazy and he nodded, "Y-yeah.... also scientifically, you're also very attractive. Sharp cheek bones, perfectly shape almond eyes, a-and if I took a meat cleaver down your face, it would result in matching halves.", Flug said, explaining Herbert's best facial features. Herbert's frown turned into a smile hearing those words of compliment. He hugged Flug tightly, "I see. Thank you, Kenny..... I never realised how.... attractive I was. Hehehehehhe.....", he said, smiling widely at Kennings. Flug smiled back adorably, "Glad to make you realise that, Herby!....."
Spring started as Flug entered the esteemed halls of P.E.A.C.E.'s academy. Looks like his forgery skills really benefited him much more than he expected. He looked around the assembly hall and saw a sea of new freshmen taking pictures, teasing each other, and talking to one another. This place really was like those scenes in the teen movies, but this time, it was in real time. It was like a dream and a nightmare for Flug, however, though. Not only was there thousands of soon to be heros here, he needed to watch what he says and not slip up or else he would be going to jail and he wouldn't be able to get his pilot licence. It would have been an absolute loss for him in this scenario. As he was looking at his notes while walking to the crowded, it was a very fatal mistake. He bumped into someone, knocking him backwards. He looked up and saw a good-looking and muscular man with brown chocolate hair. The man was clearly a jock like his old classmate Metauro. He covered his face as he saw that the man was raising his hand. He waited for the impact, but it never came. "Hey, hey, you didn't really expect me to hit you, now did you? Here, let me help you up.", a slightly deep yet sweet voice told him. He looked up and saw that the guy was trying to help him up by offering a hand, "S-sorry, I really didn't mean that..... are you OK?", he asked as the guy chuckled. He looked at the man who was clearly amused by his reaction, "Am I OK? What about you? I'm pretty sure I should be the one asking that since I am the much bigger person between the two of us.", he said as he wiped his happy tears away. Flug scratched the back of his  head 'Shit, he's right.... It looks like pure souls really come here to become beckons of light, huh?', he thought as he looked directly to the guy's hazelnut brown eyes. Then a finger snap brought him back to reality, "Wha-? Huh?", Flug said, startled, "Looks like you spaced out there, buddy. Are you a freshman?", the guy asked.
Flug nodded akwardly, "I see.... no wonder you lost. Well, you're in luck! I'm actually a senior year for the hero program. I'll tour you. Oh, right?  I haven't told you my name yet. Nice to meet you, I'm Herbert Leth. You are?", the guy said with a huge smile. Flug gulped and shook the guy's hand,"Kennings Flugslys.... Nice to meet you too, Herbert....", he said as he quickly released Herbert's hand. Herbert then casually put his arms around Flug's shoulders, "Kennings, huh? Nice name! Unlike mine...", he grumbled, "Anyways! Come on, Kenny. I'll give you a tour of the place. I'll also give you some advice about some academy secrets that people here don't really talk about, too.", he said as he winked at Flug. Flug blushed since this has been the first time he was shown this type of attention before, at first meet too. Herbert also seemed to have guessed his nickname. Flug was then dragged by Herbert everywhere. From the assembly hall to the school gym to every classroom. Flug panted, Herbert sure had a lot of stamina. They had been walking nonstop for an hour now! Herbert looked at Flug and chuckled, "Looks like someone need to work on their cardio.", he said while patting Flug's back. Flug also chuckled at his comment, "Big talk for a trained hero who can most likely throw a whole building at someone.", he said as he stood up and they continued to walk to the boy's dormitories.
The two began there classes over the next few days. Flug was taking his time to study properly and thoroughly for his pilot licence. One day at the canteen, while he was sitting eating, he felt a pat on his back. It was Herbert! "Hey Herbert! How's things going on the hero program?", he asked as Herbert sat down with him clearly exhausted. Herbert placed his head on the table, "Exhausting. They weren't kidding when they said they were gonna push us past our limits.", he said as he showed the red rope lines on his arms. Flug was startled, "What?! What type of training is this?!..... Feels like their torturing you guys...", the smaller male said as he searched his bag for an anti-inflammatory cream. He then rubbed the cream on the red lines on Herbert's skin. Herbert smiled, "Thanks... but it is for the best. So that we can be great heroes. Also, can I ask you a favour, Kenny?", he said as his brown eyes looked at Flug's. Flug titled his head, "Yeah, sure, what is it?",  he said concerned for his new friend. With a smirk and a desire, this would be the start of a very messy friendship that will shape both men's future.
To be continued.....
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noelle-tea · 28 days
wait holy scallop i never posted my f/o list did i.
-Michael Distortion (The Magnus Archives)
-Medikua Gutermuth (A Masochists Tango)
-Edgar (Electric Dreams)
-Rick Shades (Epithet Erased)
-Eddie Dear (Welcome Home)
-Dr. Flug (Villainous)
-Sasha (Animal Crossing)
-Whisper (Sonic The Hedgehog)
-Shadow (Sonic The Hedgehog)
-Randy Jade (Dialtown)
-Spamton (Deltarune)
-Billy Lenz (Black Christmas 1974)
-Sundrop (FNAF)
-Asmodeus (Obey Me)
-Monika (DDLC)
-Dr Two brains (Wordgirl)
-Brigh T. Howtlook (Sparklecare)
-Dr. Party (Sparklecare)
-Hobie Brown (Spiderverse)
-Moss Mann (Monster Camp)
-Jane Prentiss (The Magnus Archives)
-Oliver Banks (The Magnus Archives)
-Computer (Courage The Cowardly Dog)
-Sockhead (Freaked!)
-Peri (Fairly Odd Parents: A New Wish)
-Purple Guy/Vincent (FNAF)
-Phone Guy (FNAF)
-Lucero Flores (Celestial Science/OC)
-Jeff (FNAF: into the pit)
-Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
-Sasha James (The Magnus Archives)
-Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives)
-Gummigoo (TADC)
-Laois (Dungeon Meshi)
-Winona Roll [QPR] (Sparklecare Darkermatters AU)
-Kitsunami [brother] (Sonic The Hedgehog)
-Chem Mick Ill [sibling] (Sparklecare Cometcare AU)
-Cream Ed Cornelius [sister] (Sparklecare Cometcare AU)
-Asriel Dreemurr [brother] (Undertale)
-Mars [sibling] (Laika's Comet)
-Angel Gabby [mom] (Angel Hare)
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goodomensfangirl72 · 2 months
𓆩⚝𓆪 NSFW alphabet for Dr. Flug 𓆩⚝𓆪
Minors DNI
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
I feel like he would be pretty big on giving you aftercare. He'd clean you up, get you snacks, water, basically everything you can think of. Plus, he absolutely loves to pamper you and make you feel cherished.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves his hands. He makes all his gizmos with them, how could he not love them? Another reason he loves them is because it's his favorite thing in the world to run his hands up and down your body. On you, he loves your thighs. Like me and everyone with common sense, Dr. Flug appreciates some good ol' thunder thighs. Who wouldn't like to grab onto a thick pair of thighs while their having sex?
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
I like to think he doesn't really want kids, so he'll wear a condom and cum inside of that.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He doesn't have one. He feels comfortable enough to tell you all of his fantasies.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I'm sorry, but he gives me massive virgin vibes😭 he's probably the most inexperienced man in all of Hatsville.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary would probably be his favorite, though he would like doggy style every once in a while.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He's a bit of a mix, though he does tend to be more serious. He's not against cracking a joke or two, however.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He keeps it trimmed but not completely shaves off. I like zomibom's Flug, so the hair is brown is like his hair.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He's pretty fucking romantic during it. He won't do the whole champagne and rose petals, but he wanted to let you know how much he loves and cherishes you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He doesn't really jerk off that much, but when he does, it's most likely when he's horny and is too shy to ask you for sex.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
PRAISE. I can not say this enough, praise would totally be his number one kink. It is literally said in the wiki that Black Hat will never praise him and will tell him it's his job to do it perfectly, so praise him and he'll literally start crying.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He likes his privacy, so the bedroom is his go-to option.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Help him build one of his inventions and he will want to fuck you right then and there.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He won't ever hurt you or degrade you. You're his partner, why would he want to say rude things to you and make you feel pain?
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He definitely prefers giving you oral. Remember how I said he's a thigh guy? Wrap you thighs around his head while he's eating you out and he'll be in absolute heaven.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He's cool with whatever you want to do, but he will definitely like doing it slow and gentle. It makes him feel like it more intimate, y'know.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He doesn't like them but he'll do it if he's in a hurry and horny.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He's up for trying new things but he likes doing it the way it currently is.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can go two-three rounds, but after that he gets tired.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn't have any. He thinks their unnecessary and it makes him feel a little insecure about his skills if you ask him to use toys. He'll try and play it off but eventually asks if he's not pleasing you without toys.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He'll only lightly tease you, most likely as a form of foreplay.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He groans, maybe sometimes grunting, but if he's on bottom, he'll whine the entire time.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He'd love to cuddle after being intimate. He just likes to hold you and tell you how much he loves you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Seven inches. Not much to say about it.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It's not that high but maybe once or twice a week?
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He only falls asleep after making sure all of your needs are tended to.
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gigi-the-writer · 2 months
Hold on…
Dr Flug x Reader
Notes: suicidal ideation, self harm, suicide attempt, angst/comfort.
Word count: over 1,500
Flug felt the cold night air biting through his lab coat as he glanced nervously at the clock on the wall. It was well past midnight, and the moon cast an eerie light across the empty streets of the city. The Black Hat Organization’s headquarters was eerily quiet, save for the occasional hum of the machinery and the muffled sounds of distant villains plotting their schemes. For once, Dr. Flug wasn’t occupied with his usual tasks or inventions; instead, he was focused on the person sitting beside him, staring blankly at the darkness outside the window.
The anguish he saw in their eyes was almost more painful than any failure he had ever encountered in his career. His hands trembled slightly as he tried to offer comfort, but the weight of the situation made it difficult for him to find the right words.
"Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?" he asked softly, though he already knew the answer. They had been like this for days—withdrawn and distant, burdened by a heaviness that neither he nor their closest friends could understand. Flug had hoped that their silence was a temporary phase, but now, after seeing the blood-stained letter on the floor, seeing them lying down, a bloodied razor in their limp hand, he realized the situation was far more serious than he had imagined.
His heart raced as he recalled the words from the letter: “I can’t do this anymore. I’m tired of the pain, the emptiness. Goodbye.” It was as if those words had reached out and gripped him with icy fingers, paralyzing him with a blend of fear and helplessness.
His hands clenched into fists as he tried to steady his breathing. “We need to get you to the hospital,” he said, his voice trembling slightly.
Flug took a deep breath, trying to quell the storm of emotions inside him. “You’re going to be okay—“
He reached out and gently took their hand, his own shaking slightly as he did so. “Please,” he said, his voice almost pleading. “Please, PLEASE be okay..”
Dr. Flug’s heart ached as he picked them up and carried them to the door, his mind racing with a thousand thoughts and worries.
The drive to the hospital was quiet, filled only by the hum of the car’s engine and the occasional crackle of the radio. Dr. Flug kept glancing over at them, feeling their pulse every now and then, hoping, praying, that they would be alright. There was a stark contrast to the confident facade he usually wore while dealing with Black Hat’s schemes.
When they arrived at the hospital, Dr. Flug took a deep breath before opening the door. The sterile, brightly lit environment of the emergency room felt almost alien compared to the darkness of BlackHat’s manor. A nurse at the front desk looked up as they approached, her expression shifting to one of concern as she took in the situation.
“Hello,” Dr. Flug said, his voice steady despite the storm of emotions within him. “My partner needs help. They… they tried to kill themselves.”
The nurse’s eyes widened slightly, and she quickly motioned for them to follow her to a small examination room. Dr. Flug stayed close by their side, his heart pounding as he glanced around the room, taking in the stark white walls and the various medical instruments that seemed to symbolize the distance between them and the safety they sought.
The nurse asked a series of questions, her voice calm and professional as she gathered the necessary information. Dr. Flug tried to answer as best as he could, though he felt a pang of guilt for not recognizing the signs of their distress sooner.
As the nurse went to fetch a doctor, Dr. Flug sat down beside their partner, squeezing their hand gently. “I’m so sorry,” he said quietly. “I should have been more aware of what you were going through.”
No response, only the sound of the monitor beeping very slowly along with your heart.
Dr. Flug felt a lump form in his throat. “No one should have to handle this alone. We’re in this together.”
A few minutes later, a doctor entered the room, a kind and experienced woman with a gentle demeanor. She introduced herself and began to ask more detailed questions about what had happened. He stayed by their side, offering support and answering questions as best as he could.
The doctor listened carefully, her expression serious but compassionate. After a thorough examination, she assured them that they would receive the care they needed and that they were in a safe environment now.
“Let’s start by assessing their immediate needs and then we can discuss a treatment plan,” the doctor said. “It’s important that we address both the physical and emotional aspects of this situation.”
As the doctor took them for further evaluation, Dr. Flug was left alone in the waiting area. He sat in a chair, his fingers clutching the edge as he stared at the floor, feeling a profound sense of helplessness. He couldn’t shake the images from the letter, the words that had cut through him like a blade. He had always been able to face the most daunting challenges at Black Hat’s side, but this—this was different. This was personal.
As the hours ticked by, Dr. Flug tried to stay calm and positive, despite the gnawing worry in his chest. He paced the waiting room, his mind racing with a million thoughts and fears. What if things didn’t get better? What if they couldn’t find a way out of this darkness?
Just as the first light of dawn began to filter through the windows, the doctor returned to the waiting area. Dr. Flug stood up quickly, his eyes searching the doctor’s face for any sign of news.
“They’re stable,” the doctor said, her voice soothing. “We’ve begun the necessary treatments, and they’re responding well so far. We’ll need to keep them here for a while, but we’re hopeful that they’ll start to feel better with time and the right care.”
Dr. Flug let out a shaky breath, feeling a wave of relief wash over him. “Thank you,” he said, his voice choked with emotion. “Is there anything I can do right now?”
The doctor nodded. “You can spend some time with them if you’d like. It’s important for them to have support from loved ones during this time.”
Dr. Flug followed the doctor back to the room where his partner was resting. They looked pale but peaceful, the tension in their body having eased somewhat with the treatment. Dr. Flug sat by their bedside, taking their hand in his once more.
“I’m here,” he said softly. “I’m not going anywhere.”
As he watched them sleep, he couldn’t help but reflect on the journey that had led them to this point. The shadows of despair that had loomed over them were more than just a personal struggle; they were a reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of reaching out for help.
Dr. Flug vowed to be there for them, to support them through the darkness and to help them find the light again. He knew that the road to recovery would be long and difficult, but he was prepared to face it alongside them, no matter what challenges lay ahead.
In that quiet hospital room, as the first rays of sunlight began to filter through the window, Dr. Flug felt a glimmer of hope. It was a fragile hope, but it was there, and for now, that was enough.
He squeezed their hand gently, his heart filled with a mixture of sorrow and resolve. “We’ll get through this,” he whispered. “Together.”
As the days turned into weeks, the road to recovery was far from easy. There were moments of hope and moments of despair, but through it all, Dr. Flug remained steadfast. He was there for every therapy session, every check-up, and every step towards healing.
He learned to listen more, to understand the signs of distress, and to be a constant source of support for the person he loved. He became their advocate, their cheerleader, and their unwavering companion through the darkest times.
It wasn’t always easy, but with each passing day, there was progress. Their smiles began to return, their laughter slowly came back, and they started to find small joys in life again. It was a slow and arduous process, but Dr. Flug remained by their side, offering love and support through every twist and turn of their journey.
As time went on, the darkness that had once seemed all-consuming began to recede, replaced by the hope of a brighter future. Dr. Flug knew that the struggle was far from over, but he was ready to face it, together with the person he loved. In the end, it was that shared strength and unwavering support that would light the way forward.
And in that hospital room, amidst the quiet moments of recovery, Dr. Flug found a new resolve.
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violetsees · 1 year
The Carrds AU
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An AU, it's got Black Hat (Villainous), Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls), The Warden (Superjail), and The Onceler (The Lorax). The four work in Carrds Casino. A casino that attracts many from different timelines and periods.
The Spade (Black Hat) is a piece of sh*t. He's rude and cares little for others. He just wants their money, much like The Diamond. He's intimidating and easy to anger. And real creepy.
The Heart (Warden) is a loving, flirty, and affectionate individual. The literal definition of a lovesick puppy. Which patrons? Male, female, other? All. If you give affection back, good luck with him as he'll be your personal lapdog for the day. Keep giving affection? He's yours. Always hold onto the arm or waist of patrons. Kisses and flattery are common from him. He absolutely LOVES those patrons who are easily flustered.
The Clover (Bill Cipher) is just a crazy b****h. He causes trouble on purpose to annoy The Spade and The Ace. He likes to throw parties sometimes. Has two forms, his triangle, and human form.
The Diamond (Onceler) just cares for riches. Sure, you can get his attention… for a price. And that won't even be genuine. He'll just play along until he gets bored, which is often. People want him. For what reason? Who knows. Many a reason. Mostly romance and gold diggers. He doesn't care. He's always surrounded by admirers with extravagant gifts. He carries an actual gem, and he just holds it like it's nothing. The other Carrds look with confusion as Diamond is scrawny.
Extra Characters:
Alice (Superjail) is an entertainer singer, singing her way into hearts. Unsurprisingly, she had taken The Heart's, well, heart. She's one of the few who doesn't want The Heart's affection. But he keeps trying.
Jared (Superjail) is just an ordinary patron who keeps being coddled and loved by The Heart. Jared is super confused. The Heart is often seen walking around with Jared in his arms, and since Jared is short, his legs dangle, making him even more endearing to The Heart when Jared moves them to tell Heart he doesn't want to be held anymore. The Heart doesn't listen... Or care. Jared is annoyed now, holding his head with his hand as he gets carried around for the 100th time.
The Ace (Dr. Flug from Villainous) is the Ace of Spades. He's a waiter. He hates The Clover as he keeps making messes by spilling drinks on purpose, and The Spade as he's ruthless. He'd not get into The Diamond. Too rude. The Heart makes him blush too much, so he avoids him as much as possible.
[Comments are highly encouraged! Art by me.]
Unshown Details:
The Spade: His suit is black and white. His tie is a dark blue. White gloves. Blue spade pin. Has long, black, slicked-back hair hidden under his black top hat.
The Heart: His suit is black and white. His bowtie is pink. White gloves. Red heart pin. Has fangs.
The Clover: (Human form) His suit is black, and his tie is green. Black gloves. Green Club Pin.
The Diamond: His suit is black and white. His tie is yellow. White gloves. Yellow diamond pin. Yellow feather boa. Black top hat. Covered in jewelry.
Without Text:
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idiotwithanipad · 5 months
A part 2 to the Angst/Fluff cause I didn't want it to end sad tbh✿
(TW: Fist fights, blood, childbirth, Incestuous relationship mentioned (I'm so sorry but that's just the canon, I'm sorry🫥 confirmed in s2Xe4 and s3Xe5)
Shul crawled back into the dug out chalk pit beneath the cliff he and his younger brother, Rogh, had been taking shelter in. The new home for their far away tribe. The night had been long, sorrowful. Rogh hadn't slept even for a minute, his hours were spent stoking the fire, fiddling with the wolf fur at his wrist, shuffling back and forth against the wall where he sat. He stared for hours at the entrance to the cave, pondering. Wondering what had became of his mate after he bid her farewell to go on this long voyage.
Shul squated down by the fire and dropped some snow onto the flames to extinguish them. The sharp hissing shook Rogh from his own head and he glanced up at Shul who gripped his spear and flug his leather satchel over his shoulder. Shul faced Rogh and held out the other spear.
"We leave now, find tribe and bring back here. They be home then". Shul seemed to have gained some urgency after last night; Rogh's concerns for their sister had ignited a nagging fear deep within his own heart too.
Rogh nodded and got to his feet, taking the spear from Shul's hand and gripping it in his own.
"Me walk ahead, you step in my tracks behind, then we no be followed by rival tribe. They think there only one and not come searching for fight". There was a deep rumble under Rogh's grunts and growls as he and his brother communicated in their native way.
Shul agreed with a nod, and the two men climbed through the entrance one after the other and out onto the vast expanse of deep, white snow, undisturbed by any man or creature. Rogh scanned the white surroundings and sniffed the frosty air for a moment before looking back over his shoulder at his older brother.
"Okay. It clear, we go" Rogh growled, as he took one drawn out step forward, the snow and ice beneath his wolf skin boot crunched and grinded as Shul waited for the opportunity that Rogh's boot print was exposed, allowing Shul to start behind him.
Rogh's plan went accordingly; Shul silently tracked behind, literally following in his little brother's swift footsteps for a change. A deep rooted determination seemed to drag Rogh through the hills and valleys, back towards the place where they had to leave their tribe. His nostrils flaring and his cheeks hollowing with each breath he took, his eyes focused on an invisible target and his brow arched and heavy.
Shul, at multiple points in their long treck, almost thought of begging Rogh to slow down; his mammoth skin boots soaking in the snow and his feet feeling like they'd shatter like thin ice if he hit them against a hidden rock. Rogh didn't slow down, thick snow and blistering wind pelted the men, and it didn't slow him down. He reached up every ten seconds, or so, to wipe the fresh, swiftly gathering snowflakes from his lashes, but he stared straight ahead through the mountains and trees.
"Rogh! Stop, now! It big cold! Sky big angry! We walk for whole two day with no stop! We find shelter, Rogh, now!" Shul reached his icy hand forward and gripped Rogh's shoulder, a thin layer of crusty snow matted into the once pristine furs. Rogh disregarded Shul's grunts and barks and kept moving forward, yanking his shoulder out of Shul's grip. Shul let out a yowl of fury and grabbed Rogh's spear, yanking it from his younger brother's hand.
"AY! Give back!" Rogh barked, spinning around to find the spear. Shul disregarded Rogh's demand and sheathed the spear down the back of his freezing furs. Rogh's jaw protruded forward and he let out an angry puff of hot air from deep within his chest.
"We make walk longer before! We do again! Riva been waiting for new home too long! Rest of tribe could be with Moonah, we no know! Need KEEP walk!" Rogh's anger boiled and spilled over at Shul's utter disregard for their innocent tribe left to suffer in the cold.
"You just want get back to puddle water, that all you think 'bout!" Shul spat, he practically curled his lip at Rogh who now turned a blind eye to the 'step in my tracks' plan. The crazed and delirious brothers began circling each other like caged animals, daring each other to make a move.
"You stay here if want! Go back and wait in new cave! Me go on! Get Riva and tribe back safe! Riva and baby deserves safe! Riva-!" Rogh almost finished his sentence, when he heard something from Shul that he never wanted to hear, and something he never thought he WOULD hear.
Rogh lunged at Shul, gripping his throat and tackling him down into the deep snow. His hands, pumping with fury and adrenaline, gripped at whatever they could latch onto. Shul's hands came up to rip at Rogh's wrists, but he was too cold and slow to avoid each stinging blow, each bone crunching punch that connected his bearded jaw with Rogh's fists.
The wind swirled and howled around them like an eyewitness begging them to fight harder, to fight for longer. Rogh roared and screamed at Shul, pounding his fists down into his stomach and chest. Shul kicked and clawed, he'd managed to grip Rogh's furs and throw him down into the snow a few times and attack, but that only seemed to add more flames to Rogh's fire.
Rogh was back on top of Shul, his teeth threatening to bite off his brother's ear if he clamped his iron jaw down any harder. Shul, in a tornado of fury, reached down to his leg and retrieved what he should've used minutes ago. A knife, crudely fashioned out of a Smilodon's tooth. He let out a furious roar and slashed at Rogh with the speed of Moonah's light.
Rogh yelped and fell back away from Shul, pushing himself back through the deep snow till it practically spilled over his shoulders and down his heaving chest. Shul rose back to his feet, rubbing his bloodied ear with his free hand, panting and staring his little brother down, daring him to get back up. Only for his demeanor to drastically change once he'd realised what he'd just done.
Rogh felt no pain, no cut, no blood, save for his nose and brow. His eyes flicked down to his left arm, where his furs should've been. What was left of them where tatters, the torn fur and loose hanging skin from the wolf it came from. He lifted his arm to inspect the damage to his furs. The pieces hung limp and lifeless at his side, and a breath got caught in his throat as his Adam's apple bobbed up and down like an empty egg shell in the river.
No. Shul wouldn't do that, would he? He couldn't. That's not how they were raised. Their father taught them that if two brothers had a disagreement, they'd settle it with fists and teeth, not knife and spear.
Rogh's face, empty of the previous rage he felt, looked back up at Shul who inched his way closer, the knife loosely clutched in his blue, trembling hand.
"Rogh?... Me not mean- me not- not make think good-" Shul didn't have the words, nor the ability to explain how sincerely disgraced and disgusted he felt with himself.
"You not mean for knife?... "Rogh finished, wiping his bloodied nose against his fur cuff.
"Not mean for knife, Shul just angry and tired. And cold. And really want palm full of puddle water... " Shul huffed, shoving the knife back down into his boot.
He lent out a icy hand towards his little brother, gathered in the snow and getting wetter and colder by the second. Rogh took his hand and heaved himself up with a pained groan.
"We both have palm full of puddle water. Once tribe home safe... " Rogh didn't smile, nor did he pat Shul on the shoulder as usual after settling a disagreement. His eyes remained empty and his jaw set like a steel cage. He turned on his heel and continued on through the snow and wind, quickly disappearing into the distance.
The tribe were home now, at their new home. The children already surrounding the fire and sleeping beneath their blankets of furs. The elders giving praise to Shul and Rogh for such a find; this had been an upgrade from their old cave, this one had a smaller entrance so no lions or bears could enter and pick anyone off like before. Completely hidden from rival tribes and out of sight, it was the safest place to raise their children.
Rogh sat beside Riva, who's condition had worsened. She could barely hold her head up to look at him. Two elders in the tribe sat opposite them, partially hidden behind the 'adult' fire in the cave. Their sullen faces stared at the woman in concern and deep pity; to lose her life so young in such a way, it wasn't uncommon, but they'd prepared for the worst and hoped for the best.
Every now and then, she'd drop off into slumber, her head thumping against Rogh's arm as he searched for all the signs that she was still alive. His eyes set onto the flames, in a daze from the previous days events; the treck it took to find this place, the fear of not knowing if they'd see their tribe again, and never knowing if their sister had already had the baby, or if she survived the birth.
A long time passed. Almost everyone in the tribe had fallen asleep amongst each other. The fire had died down to a comfortable crackling ember mound, and Rogh could feel his eyelids grow heavier and his eyeballs get dryer, as though someone had just rubbed dirt into them. A scream echoed through their new cave. Men, women and children roused at the noise and huddled together for safety.
Rogh bolted back to reality and looked to his sister who writhed and squirmed against the earthy floor. Her hands gripped her stomach, which at this point, Rogh was surprised hadn't burst. Rogh began to go into a frenzy, alerting the elder woman of the tribe who had delivered many babies, even himself, and his parents.
The elder woman's wrinkled eyes widened and her slightly bristled chin dropped as she shuffled her way closer to the screaming woman. A patch of fresh liquid surrounded Riva, and the elder knew exactly what was going on. She turned to Rogh with an eerily calm expression.
"It time"
It was a drawn out time. Even the snow outside seemed to have fallen in slow motion. The other mothers in the tribe huddling their own children away from Riva and turned their heads away so that they wouldn't see. Rogh was given the task of holding up a blanket of mammoth pelt to use as a curtain, obscuring Riva and the older woman behind it so that they could have privacy. He looked over his shoulder at them every few second's to see if they had made any progress, expecting the worse but hoping for the best.
The birth took a shorter amount of time than Rogh would've thought, given how big his sister's stomach had gotten. Rogh grit his teeth and bolted his eyes shut when his sister's final blood freezing scream vibrated through the cave. Silence followed. A frightening silence; Rogh had actually feared he'd gone deaf. He risked a look over his shoulder, and once he did a double take and realised what he saw behind him, he absentmindedly let his arms drop down still holding the pelt.
The elder woman rose from her knees, it took her much effort but she managed just fine with the aid of her spear. Her stone face remained as solid as always, but a soft twinkle shone in her eyes as she approached Rogh.
"Girl is born. She breaths. She have two arm and two leg. She healthy. Keep her warm and she survive".
Rogh's eyes shifted from the elder woman to his still alive sister, her face red and soaked with sweat. She gazed down at a bundle of pelts in her arms, huffing softly and wiping gently at the pelt's contents. Her eyes lifted momentarily and her hand beckoned Rogh forward.
"Come meet daughter~"
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Hey again 😼 maybe another idea for you? Maybe Gorillaz members w a trans ftm s/o who’s insecure about being trans; like they don’t like that they still have feminine bits ig lol
Hope you’re having a slaytastic day
FTM S/O dealing with dysphoria from their appearance
WRITERS NOTES: Hey great to hear from ya again 🍜Anon. And Y E S i love this idea, i think your talking about body baised gender dysphoria, which i can relate to hugely- that shit sucks ass. I think I got outa had with Murdoc's hc, and I had more ideas for some then others. And with that I hope you slaytastic day yourself. And honestly no to sure how I would go about writing this, so if this isn't exactly what you wanted sorry. And sorry if they aren't as long as usual, but like I said I lacked Ideas for this sadly
[ANOTHER NOTE: eh... sorry this took awhile I won't be posting at my previous pase due to the fact a lot of life stuff has been happening recently, and I just don't have as much time as I would like, though I hopefully won't be this slow at writing but just working at a more comfortable pase.]
Edited: fuck no
All art in this post is mine
TW:Curssing, gender dysphoria, transphobia, Implied drug uses, Murdoc being drunk, T, Murdocs dad, Murdocs childhood, ahhh- theres probably more but I can't think of it- so tell me if ya think of anything
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What do you mean you don't like you body?
What is there to not like?
Huh- specific parts you say?
He still doesn't understand- I mean he understands that the fact that you are trans which means your body is not exactly your favorite part of yourself due to the lack of matching you identified gender but he does not understand the depth of upset-ness his boyfriend feels- but like I said he tries his best
So S/O would have to try and explain it 2D
And in the end 2D does understand more but he still doesn't fully grasp everything so 2D turns to google for answers
When 2D woke up at night again from his migraines and couldn't go back to sleep he decides this is the best time to do his research... at 2:00 AM, so 2D goes on insomnia fulled google spree
And my dear fucking lord satan does he go down a rabbit hole
2D can hardly process half the shit he reads
And by the end of it his head is spinning and he's so fucking exhausted
But at least he grasped some stuff and understands even more now, and he knows what he should do!
But first he needs a little nap he earned it
When he wakes up the the first thing he can remember it binders- so his scowers the internet and orders everyone he sees- good and bad quality, I mean its not like 2D's reading the reviews he's just ordering ever single one he stumbles upon
Then he goes to the store and buys even more
It's moments like this he's glad he remembers he's got a shit ton of money
And one day when S/O comes over to vist 2D- 2D tells his boyfriend to stand there for a second
"Hun- do'ya mind stand'en dere fer sec"
He giggles to himself as he runs in the other room, leaving S/O concerned and confused
Next thing you know- your on the floor after what feels like who knows how many binders have been flug/dumped on you
It takes a silent minute for 2D to process that you may be stuck
In which 2D freaks and digs S/O and explains to him that he was trying to my S/O feel better- which touched S/O that 2D cared this much about him
And then S/O had to explain that he didn't need this many binders
So the two of you spent the next two hours picking out what binders work best
S/O was modeling each one- and figured out which one fit best(because 2D didn't really check sizes either), and were as comfortable as possible
And the whole time 2D was praiseing and tell S/O he looked amazing
After S/O picked thw ones he liked, both decided to donate the remaining binders
Its was really sweet of of him
But either way 2D will in any way possible try and make S/O feel better about himself
2D is just as physically affectionate with his S/O in this as as he would be in any other
Though he can get a bit anxious about touching S/O since his dysphoria was body baised- and was scared of triggering a bad reaction
2D has a big thing for words of affirmation, but due to S/O's body baised gender dysphoria- he tends to praise his boyfriends body spisificly, and it's very obvious what he's trying to do when he says it
"Ya' know I' didn't tink I could be attracted to someones frame... iz... broad.... and manly..."
"Your face is soooo handsome-- oh!.... an' guy-ish..."
It's not like he's lieing he's just kinda shit at subtly tell his boyfriend about it
Either way- while he can be a bit ignorant at first he tried his damn best
"Why trans people need'a binder? Are they going to school?"
*S/O facepalming*
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Ok before we can start we need talk about transgender stuff in general and Murdoc did that make sense?
In the 2D x Male S/O x Murdoc, 2D x Male S/O, and Murdoc x Male S/O I had briefly mentioned Murdocs dad being homophobic- well that doesn't even scratch the surface of Sebastian's asshole-lery
Sebastian was a dick queer/LGBTQIA+ people, not like "FUCK THE GAYS- THEIR DELUSIONAL" more like "I talk a bit of shit about queer people behind peoples back, don't be like them son" -ish way
In which he instilled those trashy views on Murdoc as a kid, as when I said 'talk shit behind people I meant he "talked" about it to Hannibal and Murdoc, and randos he hung out with at the bar(I might do a separate thing in the future on how I think murdocs childhood went down, and what kind of person Sebastion was, cuz theres A LOT I could say)
And due to his fathers ways being imprinted in his head as a kid, Kid/Teen Mudz was not exactly found of queer/LGBTQIA+ people in general either
Well it's not like society liked them at that time either: Murdocs year of birth 1966, The year Britain legalized gay marriage 2014
So at that time no one was exactly fond of them
But either way Kid/Teen Murdoc fond of them either
And because of his wasn't fond of them- Murdoc Bullied/teased any one of the queer/LGBTQIA+ community... like a lot... yeah lets just say his sense of humor wasn't exactly nice..
These actions and old views still haunt him to this day
Russel's the only one who knows the full extent of his behavior as a kid because while drunk Murdoc confessed this to him, and 2D over heard a bit- but was swiftly bunbarded by Murdoc once he noticed 2D, Mudz begged them to not tell Noodle
And most of this shit is internalized so if you can't rip open Mudz chest with your love and affection- then good luck getting a straight answer from him
This guilt didn't bother him as much in earlier phases(before plastuc beach).... though thats not saying much
But when the later phases arrived he started drinking tiny bit less, which made memories resurface.... and my god he felt guilty
Ok Fuck- on to the actual hc now...
Wether its phase 1 or phase 7, Murdocs anxious as hell around his S/O, because of the fact they are trans- and this is true before they even started dating- if learned that info before dating
I mean it's nothing to do with his S/O and the fact he's trans- in the sence of his S/O's physically body he does not care you bits you have man- he can work with either...
But... he can't stop thinking about the way he treat trans people in the past- he feels soooo guilty(which he should, he acted like a dickwad)
And what worries Murdoc the most is... he's scared his new boyfriend that accepted him for his flaws and failures, and never looked at him like was worthless.... was gonna leave him because of how he acted when he was ignorant and young
One day when he's drinking alone in the Winnebago he's hit with a overwhelmed wave of guilt, that almost felt suffocating
*Phone call from ❤️Mudzy❤️*
You pick up the phone
All you hear is Murdocs indisputable sobs of apologies- while simultaneously saying something about his dad, Trans, he was young and dumb- wait did he say something about you breaking up with him?!? What the hell is he on about?
It was obvious to you he was absolutely fucked up... like even worse the usual?
You told him to sit tight and you'll be there as fast as he can
You arive and he is absolutely fucking all over the place
The Winnebago is more trashed then then usual and he's in the center of it alllll messed up
H looks like he wants to hug you but he pulls back like if he did you would hate him
To sum it up- you two spent the next 3 hours talking about his past and how you still love him, and he could not control how he was raised
Holy fuck uhhh nevermind... NOW on to the ACTUAL hc :b
He has a hard time understanding your insecurities about you body but he tries- he just thinks you too hot
So you have to like sit him down and try and make him understand- cuz otherwise he clueless- which would make worry cuz he doesn't like not knowing whats going on
So google this shit he will
Google leeds him to some interesting things... like he learns about T(testosterone hormones for transitioning)
And after siting on the idea for a bit, when he got drunk Murdy kept trying to order T, but he couldn't cuz you need a note from a doctor/therapist/psychologist to get that shit
And you found him throwing a tantrum- screaming at his computer. Fun fact this happens pretty often, because he's really bad with computers...well except for when it come to the sketchy part of the internet, Mudz knows a lot about that stuff. I swear he's on a FBI watch list
When S/O asks whats wrong murdoc spouts on about how he FUCKING can't get T for his wonderful boyfriend- *sniff* to make him feel better- *sob* make him feel better
Yes Murdoc starts to have another drunken break down
And again you have to sit him down and explain the complex process of getting stuff like that
"Well thats stupid... I've always been able to get prescription drugs without a a prescription- I used to know a guy actually, you could get anything for the right price-..." Murdoc mumbled to himself
But in then he understands a little more, and this time please explain what he can do to make you feel better about your dysphoria, cuz he will continue to do weird shit
Murdoc's no Shakespeare, he isn't great with words or with expressing shutters feeling, so he isn't the best at comforting but he tries his best
But something nice is, when Murdoc gets really high or reallyyyyyyy drunk he tends to be more touchy and more truthful, so he'll just randomly start praising S/O, even if its a the worst time- Like:
"...dove- your the most beautiful, handsome, and stunning thing ever... no one can say otherwise- your perfect from head to toe...."
"Thats nice and all but hun this really ain't the time..."
*Murdoc looks at S/O very confused then looks at the toilet he just was hurling his guts up into*
But don't worry he doesn't always dish out his best compliments in the loo
At the end of the day Murdoc really love his boyfriend no matter what they look like.
"....I Love you..."
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Probably understands the most out of the 4
Noodle is the youngest meaning- she's 'more with the times' I fucking cringed so hard writing that for some reason-
She will try to distract you in any way to get her boyfriend to feel better, and stop thinking about it
Noodle doesn't exactly a big fan of talking that much if she doesn't find the conversation meaningful, but if needed she will spend as long as her S/O needs siting there tell him how much she loves him- and his body doesn't make him any less of a man
"Don't let anyone else tell you- who you are, ok?"
"I don't know about what you think, but what I do know is that your my lovely boyfriend!"
Noodle LOVES clothes shopping- scratch that just shopping in general
So she loves takeing her S/O to shops that can get that clothing that can make him feel more comfortable in his body
She does a bit of googleing but not like a deep dive as the guys
Noodle will round house kick anyone who dares to be transphobic to S/O
Along with Noodle screaming every curse word she knows at them in every language she know
No one fucks with Noodle's boyfriend- or I swear to satan when Noodles done with that knob- they won't even be able to look you in the eyes in fear of evoking Noodles rage once more
If Noods notices her boyfriend going through a bout of of depression due to his body based gender dysphoria(fucking hell- I'm tired of typing this out if I will now refur to that as BBGD) and she will decide to plan a date for her and S/O
She does this often- but the kind of date varies based on S/O's preference
When Nood complements S/O and his body she's very blunt, abd it's very obvious what she's doing- and knows that just doesn't give a shit
"Did I ever tell you how handsome you are?"
I can't think of any more quotes sorry
She makes sure everyone gets S/O pro-nouns right, incase that makes S/O more inscure she back handed murdoc once become he misgender S/O once- on accident and 2D told you she lecturerd him later when you left, whether it was an accident or not he never did it again and Mudz shutters at the memory-
If S/O has a melt down/panic attack due to BBGD if S/O is ok with it, Noodle will hold him and juat let him get it all out, till he's ready to talk, and if S/O just wants to sit there then thats fine to
She once teasingly called you baby boy, take that for what you will
"Noodle- please calm down-!"
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Ok... he's probably the second best at understanding your sercumstance
But that does not make it any less awkward
Russel isn't exactly a conventionalist but he tries to priase/give words of affection/affirmation to his S/O to make him feel better
I wanna say S/O is the first transgender person Rus has dated- but thats not saying much as Russel was never that big in the dating world, so his knowledge on dating in general is not that vast
So like the other guy's he does research-
And was very thorough, and comes out pretty successful in his endeavor
And before Rus decides to make and drastic decisions like a shopping spree or or almost buying T *cough* 2D *cough* Murdoc
He communicates with his S/O about what they want
And the root of his insecurities, as Rus wan't S/O to know that your body does not define you and just a bunch of really sappy love crap
"Honey, your body is not what makes you- you, it's whats on the inside, you get what I mean?"
"There's nothing to be ashamed of, it's natural to feel this way, in this kind of situation."
"I would love no matter how you looked"
And then after talking about how S/O feels on this situation
Rus then will get really serious and ask S/O if he wan't to get medical procedures done and if he did Rus would him pay for the surgerys and crap
Or he may suggest seeking professional help with you BBGD
But if S/O says no- Rus is completely fine with that he just wants his S/O to know that he loves him
If S/O is going through a especially bad bout of dysphoria, Russel will make him their favorite comfort food
Like Rus isn't great with words and depending on where you are in the relationship physically affection can be a bit stiff with him- But one thing is he's a Great Fucking Cook
Ask for any comfort food it's yours
He's a big thing for acts of service- like Noodle oftenvdoes things to distract S/O from his unpleasant feelings
Russel's a big boi with major RBF so when he's around there is less likely someones gonna say/talk transphoic shit to/about S/O
And if they do... well I hope they like confrontation, becuase Rus will not yell at them but, his words will make just about anyone shit their pants
Like 2D, Rus complements S/O that could makes S/O feel better about his BBGD- but un-like 2D he's really good at being subtle about it.
"I made you your favorite, *insert fav food*."
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A child I love
You spent your time with Murmur-san during the heartbreaker event. He was hoping for a non combat group, but that wasn't the case. You had found Goemon's team. At first, you were both fine watching the team, which basically took itself apart for you.
But you were concerned. Your usually positive and peppy child looked tired and more stressed than you had ever seen them before as he tried to calm down his juniors. Then you saw Murmur-san make a move. It was the wrong move to make.
It certainly increased discord with the group, but you saw that it had pushed your child too far. Goemon was about to have an evil cycle in front of his Kohai's. You quickly threw your cape over the two, covering their eyes. It was too late for you to close yours however.
The number one rule of the Gaap household. Never show your true face. It made more sense to you now as you stared at the boy in front of you. It wasn't a metaphor.
Underneath the lovely silver fur was a morphed and grotesque figure. Twisted and mauled in an unsettling way. It was honestly what you would compare to a living nightmare.
No... that couldn't be right. He was one of your babies. So full of energy and egar to try new things and meet new people. So, how could you possibly think that description matched that of the child you knew?
You tried opening your mouth, but nothing came from it. It was as if you had been silenced. You could only stare at the true face of your distressed child and do nothing. It was heartbreaking.
You couldn't move even as you knew Murmur-san had knocked your child out with his magic. You could one stare paralyzed by what you had seen. Everything soon became a blur.
You woke up in the med tent. You woke up hearing a panicked Goemon and a calm Murmur-san. You carefully got out of bed, making sure to keep your balance. Why was your baby upset? Why was Murmur being an ass and saying that he couldn't see you?
You flug the curtains open and punched the bastard in the jaw. "Leave my baby alone! Of course, he can see me, I don't care if I'm on my death bed. You don't dictate if they can or can't come in!"
Looking towards Goemon, he seemed to stiffen. He was crying and scared. Quickly, you wrapped your arms around your furry child. He squirmed and tried to push away.
That was odd he had never tried to avoid your affection before. "I'm sorry, so sorry. I shouldn't have, I didn't mean to, I-I" His hiccups sobs made you squeeze tighter.
He whined, but you held firm. "I think we need to have a little chat, dear." You proceeded to move him back towards the divider for a small sense of privacy. "I never wanted y-you to see, I just wanted them t-to stop fi-fighting." He wheezed out as you sat him on the bed.
A jumbled blurr of images past through your mind. That face in particular. Oh... realization hit you. You cupped his furry cheeks. "Goemon. I'm not scared, I'm right here, I'm not gonna run away or stop loving you."
"But how I acted was so shameful!" You let out an amused huff. "Baby, if you hadn't noticed. Nobody in this family is all prim and proper. We all have faults." You petted his fur.
"And so what if you got upset? You had every right to be. There you were with two unrelenting and disagreeing parties trying your best to prevent infighting, and they just ignored you completely."
You scowled remembering the two first years. You were going to have to scold the later. "You are one of my children, one of my boys! How you acted wasn't shameful."
His fur tickled your hands as he started to nestle into your touch. "You don't think I should give up?" He asked quietly. "Why should you give up on your goals? So you reached a bump in the road. It's okay, you can learn from this."
Resting your heads together, you sighed. "The truth is, not everyone can get along with each other. And it's not like you can agree with someone about everything. There will be times when you argue or times when you part ways on bad terms."
You watched him slump a bit before nudging him. "But that makes those you do stay with those you can past arguments and understand their differences all the more special. Cause you decided that they were worth understanding. And they thought you were worth it too."
He seemed to perk up at that. Their he was your positive child. "You- you think I'm worth staying for?" The amazement in his voice as he quickly threw his arms around you. You laughed.
"All my children are worth staying for. Even if they cause trouble everywhere they go." You teased. Ruffling up his fur. "Thank you." You didn't respond to that. You didn't need to. You had said enough.
That image still flashed in your mind from time to time. But despite the harsh features and the rather hideous appearance... it was still your son. They say there are some faces that not even a parent can love. Well, shame on them for missing out on great kids like Goemon! You would love that face if no one else would.
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HeroFlugAU (Groceries)
After Flug "moved in" GoldHeart notices Flug takes his villain work habits over with him when he became a hero.
And approaches Flug after work in his plane-house to talk to his overworked scientist.
GoldHeart: Flug, you need to learn how to relax and take a day off. Normally I want my teammates to work hard, but you're taking it way too far.
Flug: I'm fine GoldHeart, I know how to relax.
Flug, proudly: I take a five minute breakfast everyday and save 5 seconds every day of my scheduled lunch break for a whole year to watch the season finale of my favourite show so that I don't need to go on vacation and get off track of the work schedule.
...GoldHeart, deadpan and without another word, immediately proceeds to drag a confused Flug off to his room to teach him how to relax.
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Notes: Designed some outfits for Flug and GoldHeart. GoldHeart is wearing his merch t-shirt and boxers and Flug is wearing a pun t-shirt sweatpants, and socks as seen in Episode 1.
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chaos-tree-lol · 1 year
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Need I say more? :)
ALSO I HAD AN IDEA TOO (I watched the haunted mansion movie, can you tell?)
Flug moves into the mansion for free basically and Black Hat tries to spook him out, and Flug is just apathetic until Black Hat shows up and tries to scare him directly and Flug is like “not happening bro” and Black Hat is like “Why are you being so fucking stubborn” and Flug is like “Cause I’m broke and this place was like 3 dollars on eBay and I could’ve used those 3 dollars on chicken nuggies” and Black Hat is like “So you want to live in a haunted mansion…?” Flug is like “Well I haven’t tried to exorcise you have I?”
And a after a while of Flug enjoying Black Hat’s company and viceversa Black Hat just begins to ask Flug to kill himself, and Flug is like “stop asking me that” and Black Hat is like “please. This house F U C K I N G S U C K S. And if you kill your self we both get to be free, you from your misery and me from mine”
This just got dark
I actually want to write this fic now
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midnightfire830 · 1 year
HI very goofy questions but but abt Cuphead from your LN AU
Does he cover his head w a can or a bucket ??
also Does it have any signifigance or is it just a design choice to show hes Mono ?? (( SORRY BTW Ive watched LN 1 & 2 gameplays but the lore isnt sitting and staying- not in a ^ this sucks ^ way, more just the brain isnt comprehending, so Im behind on its lore- T^T
HYELLO! Wonderful question!
Mono (in this AU ig I refer to him as Mono rather than Cuphead) wears a tin can. Part of it is just character design to show he’s Mono and part of it kind of has some significance to him. I’m not too sure on the theories and what’s canon for Mono and Little Nightmares so I came up with my own thing!!! Yay!
So, originally he had a paper bag however overtime it got ripped and soggy to the point he couldn’t wear it anymore. Six felt bad for him so he poked holes in a can he found and gave it to him. (Plus if I gave him the paper bag it would look a LOT like Dr. Flug😂)
Mono specifically wears it to cover his face for two reasons 1. It’s a comfort item and 2. He’s pretty much ashamed of his head and face. In their world he doesn’t look like the other children you’d find. His head is just abnormal. Usually the only people in LN that have those kinds of “abnormalities” are the monsters and adults. (You know, the monsters and adults that relentlessly chase, hunt, and try to kill him?) So, in his mind he’s afraid that because his head is “abnormal” he might end up becoming like one of them.
He hasn’t seen anyone that looks like him, that he remembers. Which is why he sticks around with Six. Six also doesn’t really look like the other children, they both kinda bond over that.
I used this lil’ doodle so you can see the top of his can a little better! 👍
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