#szilveszter p. szabó
giuliettacapuleti · 14 days
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Left: Tybalt from Romeo and Juliet, illustrated by Savva Brodsky
Right: Tybalt portrayed by Szilveszter P. Szabó (Szabó P. Szilveszter) in the Hungarian musical version of Romeo and Juliet
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kdreader02 · 9 months
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imyselfamstrange · 2 years
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Zsuszi Vágó and Szabó P. Szilveszter in Rebecca
Ok can we just talk about how emotionally repressed Szilveszter plays Maxim - like that man has never been hugged in his LIFE
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dailymercutio · 1 month
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25 double-casting ~ @mercutiosometimes
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saltavenegar · 1 year
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Hi me again. Realized I never shared this to tumblr dot com. It’s a redraw with a fav silly moment between BZ and SZpSZ
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hyacinth-tea-party · 5 months
Elisabeth das Musical Textposts pt. 3
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Der Tod: Uwe Kröger, Kronprinz Rudolf: Andreas Bieber (1992)
Kronprinz Rudolf: Dolhai Attila, Der Tod: Szabó P. Szilveszter (2004)
Kronprinz Rudolf: Andreas Bieber (1992)
Kaiserin Elisabeth: Annemieke van Dam, Der Tod: Mark Seibert (2012)
Der Tod: Uwe Kröger, Kronprinz Rudolf: Andreas Bieber (1992)
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starboymp3 · 6 months
i feel so terribly sorry for everyone who has never seen/doesnt even know about the iconic wonder that is rómeó és júlia musical 2005 starring dolhai attila and szinetár dóra and bereczki zoltán and szabó p szilveszter 💔
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aliesafenlock · 1 year
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For the lovely @neednottoneed, with thanks for all the work they have done for our European musical fandom. Nagyon szépen köszönöm!
Images from Budapesti Operettszínház's 2002 production of Cabaret, starring Szilveszter Szabó as the Emcee, Edit Balázsovits as Sally Bowles, and Zoltán Bereczki as Cliff Bradshaw.
This was a fantastic production with lots of queer overtones, directed by openly-gay Hungarian theatre legend Róbert Alföldi. Having seen both in person, I found it comparable to the concurrently running Broadway production at the Roundabout Theatre.
English text of the advertising flyer pictured at the top and bottom:
"The setting is 1930, in Germany. (It is three years before Hitler assumed power: at this point, the Führer-to-be has used resounding National Socialist slogans, written Mein Kampf as a Bible for his movement, and organized the SA, his party's paramilitary force.) The people of Berlin have been asleep since the Treaty of Versailles or barely beginning to stir at dawn. Based on 'isolated incidents,' Berliners are starting to sense that something is happening: why are these National Socialists so wild? After all, their slogans are so promising and attractive. Why isn't Herr Schultz, a small-business owner, considered German if he is Jewish? At the moment the answer is a shrug: these lads are still young; if they are a bit rough around the edges, life will straighten them out. Only Cliff, a young American writer notices - perhaps because as an outsider and the son of a nation woven of immigrants, he is more difficult to fanatize - that, poetically speaking, the sleeping Venus has conceived and is about to give birth to a monster. The unique merit of 'Cabaret', reaching well beyond its own meaning - and possibly the reason for its worldwide success - is that it presents this monster as a cub. Like all young animals, this cub snaps occasionally, but that's only natural - it is merely sharpening its teeth."
@cooter-n-tooter the Hungarian Cabaret production!
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musical-trash-goblin · 6 months
Somebody needs to draw Tycutio like this i'm begging y'all
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I took some screenshots too lol
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giuliettacapuleti · 1 year
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szaboszili · 1 year
I am OUTRAGED. As some of you might know, a change of director at Operettszínház is due in February 2024. The current director Kiss-B. Attila was accused of sexual and verbal harrasment by multiple current employees of Operettszínház. Szente Vajk is a sympathize lf the current government. In the final round three candidates were in race for the presidential seat: the current Kiss-B, Szente Vajk and our beloved Szilveszter. On the last public voting Szente got 37%, SZPSZ 35%, and the current douchebag got 28%. Coincidence? I think not.
One of the criteria was to give in documentation, that you have 5 years of experience working in theaters. You had to also hand in documentations of this 5 years. Two days ago they suddenly invalidated Szilveszter's application, saying he handed in these documents after the deadline. They never even notified him that something was wrong with his documents.
They REMOVED HIM from the candidates, because the JÁSZAI MARI-AWARD WINNER ACTOR didn't prove he has 5 years of theater experience "in Time".
It was revealed today, that Kiss-B. will continue his job leading Operettszínház from 1st February. And it makes me disgusted. I hate to be part of a country, where a sexual predator can stay the director of the most prestigious musical theatre, just because he kisses ass.
Until a change occurs, I refuse to support them in any way, and I encourage all of you to do the same.
I stand with SZPSZ.
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aldemochizuki · 11 months
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I try to imitate the style of J.C.Leyedecker...obviously failed. But it is still my satisfying work and I love it!
Szilveszter you beautiful charming witching...
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major-knighton · 9 months
In honor is his birthday, have a collection of Szabo P. Szilveszter showing us that an actor's proper place is on the floor, rolling in misery
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tybaltsjuliet · 2 years
i see you going "let's make ebenezer scrooge the next tumblr sexyman" and i raise you szabó p. szilveszter as jacob marley in the budapesti operettszínház production
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absurdly lean and tall goth? check. kinky chains? check. potential for a highly questionable fandom-led redemption and, dare i say, woobification? motherfucking check.
and he sings, too!
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saltavenegar · 6 months
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Art imitating life or whatever (below: the life)
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