fangjuexias · 2 years
Crushing Jade and Casting Pearls Audio Drama || Theme Song, "Mister Rose"
制 作:声罗万象工作室 作 曲:陈亦洺@陈亦洺 作 词:恨醉@-恨醉- 编 曲:李大白@李大白k 侯江浩@ hhh侯江浩 吉他演奏:KYC 口琴演奏:侯江浩 演 唱:Mario@Miao-Mario 分轨混音:Shay@Shay1993 人声混音:茶雪@茶雨山上採蔘客 母 带:Shay 海报设计:鹿几@—鹿几—
玫瑰先生在某天 被送给某个少年 他安家那个月夜 还刺了人一滴血 爱就是疼红了眼 还忍不住红的脸 是哪怕只字不言 玫瑰哪个闻不见
杯里有月 他有少年
明月,明月 摘给少年 少年,少年 我明月 玫瑰,玫瑰 作伴明月 谈风,谈雪 谈少年
玫瑰先生在月夜 被送给那个少年 从此他等着凋谢 笑情人轻许永远 冬天他作别少年 未想惊醒又夏夜 爱是有花也有月 爱是有风也有雪
风花雪月 我和少年
玫瑰,明月 送给少年 少年,少年 我心念 寒风,冷雪 我陪少年 风花,雪月 多少年
玫瑰,明月 送给少年 少年,少年 我心念 寒风,冷雪 我陪少年 风花,雪月 多少年
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heycerulean · 23 days
"So. Who are you?" "Sytze-Cel'Vitatche Diakerizi Askella-tye'Remerroae." "...What?" "Sytze-Cel'Vit-" "Don't repeat yourself. Just- God, what's that even mean?" "Well. Sytze for a Sytzetriae degree, Cel'Vitatche as a government title, and my name, thank you very much." "You know that's like, comically long, right?" "Comes with the program." "Put the gun down." "Nah." "Listen, Askel-teremember or whatever your name was-" "Sytze Askella-tye'Remerroae. Anything shorter than that and it counts as a sign of intended disrespect against an acclaimed Sytze, and with the position you've put me in, that's not good for you. I believe the word in english is "smite", past tense "smited." I will crush you to bits, and it will come as easily as breathing." "You can't be serious." "I'm a war veteran with a power conduit going back for centuries carved and tattooed over on my arm. I couldn't be more serious. The history Sytzetriae scars carry-" "Open fire." *average lighting noises* "...Yeah, they shouldn't've done that. Alright. Pack it up, friends, I'm not working overtime today and it's five o'clock. Sorry for killing your boss."
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adrianoesteves · 2 years
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thecollectibles · 1 year
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Mineral Avatar - Character Design Challenge by selected artists: Atiporn PK, Marine Saillard, Anne Marmion, Eloïse Fournier, Sytze Brommersma
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Art by Sytze Brommersma
July’s Theme: #MineralAvatar
Presented by CDQ Magazine
Discover the artists of the Character Design Challenge community and the current Theme of the Month in our Facebook Group! And when you repost your design on our Patreon page, you can also win awesome prizes every month and choose the future themes!
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ralphbutler · 3 months
Greg Haines, Mariska Baars & Sytze Pruiksma — You Know How
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7ooo-ru · 6 months
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Комментарии британцев к статье «Дайте чертовы Пэтриоты!»: Украина снова требует американские ПВО
Министр иностранных дел Украины Дмитрий Кулеба настоятельно указывал на важность систем Patriot для обороны страны, в интервью для издания Politico требуя: «Дайте нам чертовы Патриоты. Если бы у нас было достаточно ПВО, именно Патриотов, мы бы могли защитить не только жизни наших людей, но и нашу экономику от уничтожения».
Мне надо, надо, надо…
Платите или садитесь за стол переговоров. Украина, похоже, не способна на это, с тех пор как «верткий поросенок» Борис Джонсон использовал войну чтобы прикрыть собственные косяки.
Украине пришло время платить а не только попрошайничать. Страны уже сыты по горло Украиной, а некоторые, вроде Великобритании, предоставили миллиарды, которые народ не хотел отдавать. Это не наша война.
Как смеет этот объект для подачек требовать у Запада в такой манере. Украина приносит западу больше проблем, чем пользы…
Они «требуют» что-то, что даже не произвести с такой скоростью, как они это все теряют. Из-за этого другие страны отправляют им что-то свое, сами оставаясь неприкрытыми. Очевидно Украину это совершенно не заботит. Их военные рассказывают что используют эти системы чтобы сбивать российские Кинжалы — чушь собачья! Willy OAM, проукраинский военный из Австралии на днях рассказывал на YouTube, как ракеты русских наносят удар через несколько секунд после того как их засекают. Послушайте его сами.
Думаю, Россия очень внимательно следит за истощением запасов оружия на Западе…
В ответ therealflashgordon
Ну, кто-то должен это делать, если сам Запад этого не делает. Но в отличие от нас, американские производители оружия зарабатывают состояния. Да и Европа разоряется, и бессильно смотрит как ее промышленность разваливается или перебирается куда-то еще. Многие переезжают в Азию или в Америку.
Нет. Садитесь договариваться.
Агрессивных попрошаек почти никто не любит, такое поведение Украине не поможет…
Seth Crimp
Украинцы жертвуют своей инфраструктурой, тысячами жизней и тысячами людей, которые останутся калеками на всю жизнь. Они идут на эти жертвы ради свободы, при этом они также служат бесплатными наемниками против российской угрозы. Называть их агрессивными попрошайками — это оскорбление для такого храброго народа.
Министр иностранных дел Кулеба действительно самый разумный, скромный и вежливый человек во всей этой войне. Если он требует «Дайте нам ч**** Патриоты», значит, в них должна быть острая необходимость, и мы должны выполнить его просьбу.
В ответ sytze
Может быть ему следует предложить заплатить за них, а не требовать в такой манере…
Трамп и его союзники все еще блокируют пакет помощи Украине на сумму 60 миллиардов долларов. Какой позор.
Пакет помощи…
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/03/27/017-kommentarii-britancev-k-state-dayte-chertovy-petrioty-ukraina-snova-trebuet-amerikanskie-pvo-grss-293807296.html
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sytzewoudsma · 8 months
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SYTZ mural januari 2024
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earaercircular · 2 years
These are the 6 best circular companies of 2023 in the Netherlands
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The Renewal Workshop
The Week of the Circular Economy started in the Netherlands on Monday 6 February. Every year, the most innovative projects and products from companies and governments are rewarded with a prize: the Circular Award. Here are the 2023 contenders.
Orange peels that are saved from the incinerator, recycled MRI scanners and a complete residential area of renewable raw materials. Glimpses of the circular economy can be caught in more and more places now that more and more companies and organisations are getting started.
On Monday 6 February, the public will choose their favourite circular company in three categories from a list drawn up by a jury. The categories are Business Large, Business Small and Public. These are the organizations that have a chance to win the prize:
Boekel Eco Village
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Experimentation and innovation are inextricably linked to Ecodorp Boekel[1]. That happens a lot. People who want to live there must sign a contract in advance that they agree to this. For example, the residential area is not connected to the sewerage system. In addition, the residents collect as much rainwater as possible. That goes to the washing machines and is used to flush the toilets. For heat they join forces with inventor Cees van Nimwegen who stores heat in basalt rock.[2]
It is not the first time that Ecodorp Boekel has been nominated for a prize. This includes initiator Ad Vlems gives a tour of the site:
“Ecodorp Boekel is an inspiring example in the Dutch province of Brabant for sustainable living in connection. In the SDG[3] district we will sustainably provide for our necessities of life. As a result, we contribute to solutions for all sustainable global goals (SDGs), in collaboration with our environment. What we are going to create in Boekel is a block of 30 climate-adaptive and climate-positive rental homes, 6 informal care homes, community centre, knowledge and education centre, workshop and offices, with options for our own food supply, our own energy supply, ecological water purification and sustainable businesses. We are building the eco-village[4] together with ecological contractor Eco+Bouw[5] and our nature architect Huub van Laarhoven[6]. Ecodorp Boekel is made possible in part by the European Fund for Regional Development (ERDF), the national government and the province of North Brabant in the context of OPZuid[7].”
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Citrus peels form the largest organic waste stream from catering companies. Supermarkets also throw away lots of peels every day. In this way, many peels end up in the incinerator. A shame, said the founders of PeelPioneers: Sytze van Stempvoort, Bas van Wieringen and Lindy Hensen. The company processes peels into ingredients for the food industry, from aromas to candied products.
Lindy Hensen, co-founder of PeelPioneers discusses the challenges, opportunities and success stories of this circular economy example. “PeelPioneers is on a mission to salvage all citrus waste and turn it into valuable ingredients, keeping them one more round in the food chain.
We extract natural ingredients from the peel that are used in foodstuffs, cosmetics and cleaning products. With this we reuse 100% of the peel. See here for which applications our ingredients are suitable. Our innovation lab is constantly researching how more value can be extracted from peels. A result of this is the Finix citrus fibre, that offers firmness, structure and the right mouthfeel to, for example, meat substitutes and muffins.
A producer can make good use of these essential oils and fibres in his products to close the circle again. This is how we make the difference together! “[8]
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Every year, 300 billion euros worth of walls are thrown away, Juunoo reports on the website[9]. That is a thorn in the side of the Belgian company. That is why it makes interior walls, glass walls, telephone booths and meeting boxes that can be reused. The modules are adjustable and work with a click system. "The idea is simple: unclip the module, extend it to the desired height and snap it back in," writes Juunoo. When people get tired of the walls, the company buys them back.
How does the system work? The JUUNOO modules and click panels are designed and tested for multiple use or reuse. The connection with JUUNOO tape can be used up to 30 times without any measurable loss in strength. Firmly pressing the plating onto the modules is important to guarantee a good connection. When screwing plasterboard or fibreboard to the modules, it is important to use screws with a drill point. In this way, fewer burrs are created and the profiles of the modules can continue to slide smoothly over each other. After having screwed a plate on and off the module 10 times, the friction between the sliding profiles is still too great to be able to work efficiently. The obsolete modules can - thanks to the company’s cash back guarantee - be upgraded by JUUNOO. These can then be used for new projects. The outdated click panels are recycled into new panels. [10]
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Philips[11] has been notable for years because of the circular steps it is taking. The company has factories where MRI scanners, CT scanners and ultrasound equipment are refurbished so that they can be used again. In addition, it increasingly focuses on rental systems: product-as-a-service. By remaining the owner of the product, it is logical for the electronics group to use a product for as long as possible. It is also striking that Philips calculates with a high internal CO2 price. What is that and what can it bring you as an entrepreneur?
The global player's Circular Edition program provides reliable refurbished medical imaging systems at attractive prices. In this way, the medical customer can have access to modern technology and more advanced applications for your patients, without jeopardizing your profitability.
A Philips refurbished CT scanner can improve the reliability of diagnoses. Get more out of your investment with used CT scanners. A used Philips MRI scanner performs like new. Refurbished MRI scanners offered value and reliability. And used ultrasound equipment from Philips can also help to make difficult diagnoses. [12]
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Zeeman[13] has recently received a lot of attention for its sustainability policy. For example, the company announced at the end of last year that it wants to pay a livable wage to its garment workers in India. This should yield factory employees 5 cents more per item of clothing. Since last year it has also been possible to hand in second-hand clothing. “Clothing has a value, and we want to pass that on to our customers,” said sustainability manager Arnoud van Vliet earlier.
Van Vliet: “In order to make our textile collection more sustainable, we have been purchasing sustainable cotton from Better Cotton (BC) since 2015. This is a partnership between development organisations, environmental organisations and the business community. The BC helps cotton farmers to grow their crops in a better way. For example, by using water, pesticides and chemicals more efficiently. They also receive help to improve working conditions and to continue to develop. BC cotton cannot be traced directly. That is because the companies that buy BC cotton from a BC certified farmer interweave the cotton with regular cotton. This simplifies the process and keeps costs down. In 2019, 24% of the cotton purchases came from BC farmers. In 2020, this share has grown to 36%.
When an item is made from recycled cotton or recycled polyester, it means that residual material from previous productions has been used as raw material. This residual material is then reduced to the fibre and spun into new yarn. When an article contains sustainable viscose, this means that the fibres are made from FSC wood[14]. This wood comes from sustainably managed forests where the habitat of plants and animals is protected and the rights of the local population and forest workers are guaranteed. The chemicals for the production of the yarn are also reused so that they do not end up in the environment. Undyed cotton looks slightly different in colour than white cotton, this is because undyed cotton is not dyed or bleached. As a result, less water and energy is needed during the production process. Also, no chemicals are used. We also use organic cotton for these articles. Both better for the environment.” [15]
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Bleckmann is a logistics company that transports goods for customers in fashion, lifestyle and consumer electronics. [16]  March last year, Bleckmann announced the acquisition of The Renewal Workshop. This acquisition enables the company to further roll out its circular plans. For example, it wants to help customers renew and resell products that would otherwise end up as waste in the incinerator. Jurrie-Jan Tap, Chief Business Development Officer at Bleckmann: “We have followed the developments of The Renewal Workshop over the past few years and admire the impressive work of the founders and the entire TRW team. For Bleckmann, the comprehensive Renewal System complements our ambition to provide our customers with more sustainable solutions.” And Nicole Bassett, co-founder and co-CEO of The Renewal Workshop: “The potential for innovation to make a meaningful difference in the climate crisis is real. Our most recent research shows that brands can achieve an average CO2 reduction of 51.5% by renewing an existing product rather than producing a new product. Bleckmann is the ideal partner to help any brand committed to sustainability achieve their goals.” [17]
Rianne Lachmeijer: ‘Dit zijn de 6 beste circulaire bedrijven van 2023’, in: Change Inc, 3-02-2023, https://www.change.inc/circulaire-economie/dit-zijn-de-6-beste-circulaire-bedrijven-van-2023-39520
[1] https://www.ecodorpboekel.nl/
[2] Basalt is the most common rock on Earth’s surface. Specimens are black in colour and weather to dark green or brown. Basalt is rich in iron and magnesium and is mainly composed of olivine, pyroxene, and plagioclase. Most specimens are compact, fine-grained, and glassy. They can also be porphyritic, with phenocrysts of olivine, augite, or plagioclase. Holes left by gas bubbles can give basalt a coarsely porous texture.
[3] The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or Global Goals are a collection of 17 interlinked objectives designed to serve as a "shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet now and into the future". The SDGs were formulated in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) as part of the Post-2015 Development Agenda, which sought to create a future global development framework to succeed the Millennium Development Goals, which ended that year.
[4] Read also: https://at.tumblr.com/earaercircular/these-irish-idealists-built-their-own-eco-village/nznqvx400o8z
[5] As a green builder, ECO+BOUW is involved in Socially Responsible Building. This means that we take into account the social effects of all our construction activities. This applies to all our business processes: for calculation, purchasing, production, realisation, sales and maintenance as well as for HRM and marketing communication. For us, CSR is not a project, but it is fully integrated in all activities of our company. We work together with our clients, construction partners, architects, consultants and other specialists. https://www.ecoplus-bouw.nl/over-ons/
[6] https://vanlaarhovencombinatie.nl/
[7] The Operational Program ERDF 2014-2020 South Netherlands (OPZuid) is a European subsidy program for the provinces of Zeeland, Limburg and North Brabant. Spearheads are innovation promotion and the transition to a low-carbon economy. The program is particularly aimed at innovative SMEs and strengthening cooperation between the business community, knowledge institutions and governments.
[8] https://peelpioneers.nl/
[9] https://www.juunoo.com/
[10] https://www.juunoo.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/JUUNOO-technische-documentatie.pdf
[11] Koninklijke Philips N.V. (lit. 'Royal Philips'), commonly shortened to Philips, is a Dutch multinational conglomerate corporation that was founded in Eindhoven in 1891. Since 1997, it has been mostly headquartered in Amsterdam, though the Benelux headquarters is still in Eindhoven. Philips was formerly one of the largest electronics companies in the world, but is currently focused on the area of health technology, having divested its other divisions.
[12] https://www.philips.be/healthcare/solutions/refurbished-systems
[13] Zeeman textielSupers B.V. (stylized as ZEEMAN) is a Dutch chain store with 1,300 establishments in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Austria and Spain.
[14] The FSC forest certificate is an international label or quality mark on a wood or paper product that indicates that the product comes from a sustainably managed forest. FSC stands for 'Forest Stewardship Council', the international organization that issues the certificate.
[15] https://www.zeeman.com/nl/zuinig-op-het-milieu-duurzame-grondstoffen-en-materialen
[16] https://www.bleckmann.com/nl/over-ons
[17] https://press.bleckmann.com/nl/bleckmann-neemt-the-renewal-workshop-over-en-biedt-hiermee-een-volledig-circulaire-supply-oplossing
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heycerulean · 30 days
Have you ever thought of writing an essay or two about your world from the perspective of one of the characters or from the perspective of someone super focused on it?
I sometimes feel temptation to write an essay about the complex relationship between two of my characters in an RP, even if it wasn't written down as a proper WIP or properly explored in said RP.
I don't know why I'm asking. I'm just curious if someone feels the same.
I've actually thought about doing this before, although in a slightly different way. Pavilic academics are different, but simple; you graduate from highschool with your first degree (literally called that, av'Difere) and then you can go on to go to college, if the job you want requires it. There's the standard degrees there, like certifications or masters or bachelors, but once you get up to a doctorate/PhD level, it changes. At that point, your knowledge/devotion to and of a subject becomes tangible; it becomes both a force for you to use, and a show of faith to the world around you and your gods. Because of this, it's called something else, and it takes more work; it's a Sytzetriae, or literally, spirits'through'many. It was commonly anglicized as a Sytzeship, though (which is my excuse for having the idea before my conlang) so they mean the same thing. Now, you might be wondering, why have I talked this much about Pavilic Academics on an ask completely unrelated? Because it is related. Sytzeships require a couple things, slightly changed on which one you're doing: C/A, C/S, C/G, T/A, T/S, T/G, etc. Most of them have the following requirements in common: - 200 hours of experience working in your field, 100 of those mentored by an expert; - Scores of 528 or higher on your last Cast Advancement, Motor Skills, And Activity Assessment (CAMSAAA / CAMS) (Some institutes are trying to phase this out, but some of this stuff is protected under Pavilic legal regulation) - An essay about your given subject that covers how you got here, where you hope to go, and what you bring as a Sytze to your field. that last one's what i've been leading up to. I have a lot of characters who would've studied for their Sytze at some point; mostly under T/S or C/S contracts for stuff like homeland security or engineering or even chemistry. And i've thought, a couple times, about writing out these essays because. fun! And there's also the PDC Archives / Archivae because those are great and technically have files on literally everything including the relationships of the people who work there. Anyway this was a rant but thank you for the ask and thank you for reading
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nofatclips · 6 years
Human Range by Nils Frahm from the album All Melody
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thedailycounternews · 3 years
Hemingway Sewing Solutions Establishing Operations In Williamsburg County
Hemingway Sewing Solutions Establishing Operations In Williamsburg County
Hemingway Sewing Solutions, a subsidiary of Beverly Knits – one of the largest circular knitters in the United States – today announced plans to establish operations in Williamsburg County. The company’s $3.3 million investment will create 242 new jobs. Founded in 1980, Beverly Knits designs and develops fabric for a variety of markets including activewear, intimate apparel, outdoor products,…
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thecollectibles · 2 years
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March of the Living Trees and Plants - Character Design Challenge by selected artists: Marss Art Work, Leo Bosc, Sytze Brommersma, Coco A. Lynge, Juanda Muñoz Rico
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Art by Sytze Brommersma
September’s Theme: #KillerNuns
Presented by CDQ Magazine
Discover the artists of the Character Design Challenge community and the current Theme of the Month in our Facebook Group! And when you repost your design on our Patreon page, you can also win awesome prizes every month and choose the future themes!
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yvoi · 4 years
Sunny or sytze 🥺?
hello my sunshine !
Seersken - Valravn Your Ghost - Axel Flovent Take The Journey - Molly Tuttle Zombie Girl - Adrianne Lenker Ella - Myrkur
here u go sexy!!!
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harmonyandco · 5 years
The Wizarding Wireless crackled to life and they could hear the Minister clearing his throat. “Ahem. Due to a slight mishap in the Department of Mysteries, all unmarried witches and wizards whose [age or power level] exceeds [pick a number] have been bound together today. The Ministry apologises for any inconvenience. That will be all.” Chris Goodluck’s post about marriage law fics got me thinking and a government cock up seems so much more likely to me than a law. It’s there for any of you to run with. I’ll certainly be giving it a go.
Sytze K.
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