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radioactiveoreoshake · 7 months ago
Arya Stark
Fear cuts deeper than swords.
These were taught to Arya by her 'dance master' Syrio Forel. During the darkest time of my life I used to chant these words to myself and somehow I survived.
We take a lot many things for granted but I have realised the role that literature plays in our lives. These lines were read by me as a girl of 17 and at 20 these very lines helped me carry on. Was I afraid? Yes. But isn't that the only time you can be brave?
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it's as heavy as it needs to be
Throughout Arya's training, mostly with Syrio but also with the Faceless Man, she has these little litanies that she repeats to herself.
Swift as a deer. Quiet as a shadow. Fear cuts deeper than swords. Quick as a snake. Calm as still water. Fear cuts deeper than swords. Strong as a bear. Fierce as a wolverine. Fear cuts deeper than swords. The man who fears has already lost. Fear cuts deeper than swords. Fear cuts deeper than swords. Fear cuts deeper than swords. […] Never do what they expect. –a Game of Thrones, Arya IV
As I've been learning modern fencing (my needlework!), these come back to me now and again and I love them all.
Still as a stone. Swift as a deer. Strong as a bear. Quick as a snake. Light as a feather. Slippery as an eel. Calm as still water. Quiet as a shadow. Fierce as a wolverine. Smooth as summer silk. Look with your eyes. Listen with your ears. See with all your senses. Never do what they expect. Fear cuts deeper than swords. Where there is a way in there is a way out. The one who fears losing has already lost. A bruise is a lesson and each lesson makes us better.
Sometimes, when I'm starting a bout, I think "look with your eyes" or when I evade a thrust, "slippery as an eel".
And of course, when I've been holding my arm out too long and I think my sword is too heavy, Syrio's voice echos in my head,
It is heavy as it needs to be to make you strong, and for the balancing. A hollow inside is filled with lead, just so. One hand now is all that is needing.
or Jon's,
It's as heavy as it needs to be to stop a sword.
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fluorescencefuture · 3 months ago
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StarsEN Rainbow 🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣
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ministarfruit · 2 days ago
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I'm so endeared to this "I want it that way" mashup it sounds like they're all in a karaoke box jamming together it's awesome
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h4kka · 4 months ago
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holo texts
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currypanini · 10 months ago
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kabekoni · 1 year ago
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spooky tempus 👻
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valkyrie-illust · 2 months ago
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inwinterhell · 1 month ago
In Defense of Syrio Forel
(aka how Syrio respects Arya's agency in a way the faceless men don't)
Disclaimer: I know Syrio=Jaqen believers are few and far between, especially on here, but writing this gives me an excuse to talk about Syrio and Ayra so here have this anyway.
Syrio Forel has a distinct teaching/coaching style based on name-play and "true sight," both of which are skills Arya later builds upon in the House of Black and White. However, while the skills she learns are similar, the way Syrio interacts with Arya seeks to empower her while the faceless men seek to tear her down. Some of the main contrasts I see are:
Arya's gender identity
The faceless men make Arya's gender identity into a barrier as soon as they start genuinely training her:
 "It may be that the Many-Faced God has led you here to be His instrument, but when I look at you I see a child . . . and worse, a girl child. Many have served Him of Many Faces through the centuries, but only a few of His servants have been women. Women bring life into the world. We bring the gift of death. No one can do both (AFFC Arya II).
I question the validity of this concern, especially considering the Waif is right there, but regardless, they're giving her an extra hurdle to overcome. Her gender identity is one of many reasons they use to make her insecure about her place there and show how she isn't good enough.
Despite this, the Kindly Man never actually calls her a girl when she's pretending to be "no one." He calls her a girl when she is under an alias (Cat/Beth/The Ugly Little Girl), but otherwise, he uses the genderless "child:" *not 100% on this but a search of ice and fire backs me up lol*
"Do they frighten you, child?" asked the kindly man" (ADWD The Ugly Little Girl).
"Go to bed now, child," the kindly man said" (AFFC Cat of the Canals).
"Child," he said, "come sit with me. I have a tale to tell you" (AFFC Arya II).
He also specifically says her gender will not be hers if she joins them:
"He will take your hands, your feet, your arms and legs, your private parts (AFFC Arya II).
In contrast, Syrio's "Boy, girl...You are a sword" is nonchalant. I think it does serve several purposes, namely to tell her she won't get any special treatment and to make her pay attention to how others see her, but importantly, it also lets her know that she has nothing extra to prove. He was hired to train her as a sword, and he's going to train her like he would anyone else.
After this initial lesson, he also never calls her "boy" again. He sometimes uses "child" but for the most part calls her "girl:"
"So slow? Be quicker, girl. Your enemies will give you more than scratches (AGOT Arya III) 
"Just so. And now you are a dead girl" (AGOT Arya IV).
"Watching is not seeing, dead girl" (AGOT Arya IV).
Arya says she is a girl. Syrio respects that and calls her a girl.
2. Needle
When the Waif sees Arya training with Needle, that is the signal for Arya to get rid of her belongings:
One night the waif happened to be passing and saw Arya at her swordplay. The girl did not say a word, but the next day, the kindly man walked Arya back to her cell. "You need to rid yourself of all this," he said of her treasures.
Arya felt stricken. "They're mine" (AFFC Arya II)
The faceless men know what is important to Arya and want to strip her of it so she rids herself of her identity.
Syrio lets Arya use the name of her sword to help understand her training:
 You are not holding a battle-axe, you are holding a—"
"—needle," Arya finished for him, fiercely.
"Just so" (AGOT Arya II).
"Syrio Forel allowed himself a smile. "I am thinking that when we are reaching this Winterfell of yours, it will be time to put this needle in your hand" (AGOT Arya IV).
3. Her name!
The one and only time that Syrio ever name-drops "Arya" is when he is convincing her to run for her life:
"Arya child," he called out, never looking, never taking his eyes off the Lannisters, "we are done with dancing for the day. Best you are going now. Run to your father" (AGOT Arya IV).
Nine-year old Arya is standing there, with a stick sword in her hand, ready to fight a bunch of grown men with Syrio. He knows that she loves him--that she is loyal to him--and if he wanted to use that he could have run with her right then and there. But he doesn't. Instead he reminds her of her name and her father. His final words to her are telling her to remember who she is.
When Arya thinks of Syrio in the books following AGOT, she thinks of him as her friend, and she is right. Syrio cared about Arya, not about "no one." He's one of her memories in the House of Black and White, preventing her from letting go of Arya Stark, and that's where he belongs.
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koisines · 5 months ago
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stained glass [may 13, 2023]
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sofaisu · 1 year ago
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I love Holostars.
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tentokki · 1 year ago
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Compilation of Holostars EN fanart I've drawn
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fluorescencefuture · 4 months ago
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HOLOctober 25 Genderbend
Regina - Dezdemona - Alice - Venessa
Betsy - Flan - Haruka - Shinobu
Juralyn - Goldiglock - Octavia - Rune
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ministarfruit · 1 year ago
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tsb forever 🫂🫂🫂
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transmasc-makima · 5 months ago
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miiversian · 5 months ago
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fake ass hater your true emotions are betrayed by your glove cloak's body language
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