#symptoms of brake problems
garysautorepair · 1 month
How often should you get your brakes replaced? Call the brake replacement specialists at Gary's Quality Automotive for professional advice.
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I did not expect to have to do flat crisis aversion three weeks into living here
#my flat mate has a crush on one of our other flat mates#which would be fine if she just took it slow#instead she is very much overthinking every thing and almost spiraling#bc he saw and didn’t answer a text she sent him earlier today#and now she wanted to go confront him at his door about wether he was avoiding her#mind you we’ve been living together for three weeks#they started texting not even a week ago#and she’s ready to confront him with her feelings for him basically#which is where I felt I had to pull the brakes bc dude slow down#you think you’re annoying him by texting too much so your solution is to text him again our go knock on his door???#I feel bad for her bc it’s very much overthinking and anxiety and other mental health problems#but I also felt I had to stop her from letting that pressure our flatmate bc#I don’t think he’s acting annoyed or unreasonable maybe just a bit awkward#so putting him on he spot would only make that worse…#idk bc it’s all so fresh I really dont think the ask or you’ll never know rule applies here#I would hate being out on the spot like that by someone I didn’t know that well and would not give a truthful answer#also I just don’t feel friends enough with her to spend the evening distracting her from her thoughts honestly…..#sooo luckily she went to her room to wait for her ordered food (bc she also hasn’t eaten)#and I could retreat#bc I don’t know her well enough to properly help I feel like?? idk her symptoms or coping mechanism#and so I don’t feel obligated to do more than i have#it’s a whole thing and I really don’t hope it becomes awkward bc the guy is super chill#me#me in uk
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evarenity · 2 years
*lies face down on the floor*
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exhaled-spirals · 8 months
« To mention the global loss of biodiversity, that is to say, the disappearance of life on our planet, as one of our problems, along with air pollution or ocean acidification, is absurd—like a doctor listing the death of his patient as one symptom among others.
The ecological catastrophe cannot be reduced to the climate crisis. We must think about the disappearance of life in a global way. About two-thirds of insects, wild mammals and trees disappeared in a few years, a few decades and a few millennia, respectively. This mass extinction is not mainly caused by rising temperatures, but by the devastation of natural habitats.
Suppose we managed to invent clean and unlimited energy. This technological feat would be feted by the vast majority of scientists, synonymous in their eyes with a drastic reduction in CO2 emissions. In my opinion, it would lead to an even worse disaster. I am deeply convinced that, given the current state of our appetites and values, this energy would be used to intensify our gigantic project of systemic destruction of planetary life. Isn't that what we've set out to do—replace forests with supermarket parking lots, turn the planet into a landfill? What if, to cap it all, energy was free?
[...C]limate change has emerged as our most important ecological battle [...] because it is one that can perpetuate the delusional idea that we are faced with an engineering problem, in need of technological solutions. At the heart of current political and economic thought lies the idea that an ideal world would be a world in which we could continue to live in the same way, with fewer negative externalities. This is insane on several levels. Firstly because it is impossible. We can't have infinite growth in a finite world. We won't. But also, and more importantly, it is not desirable. Even if it were sustainable, the reality we construct is hell. [...]
It is often said that our Western world is desacralised. In reality, our civilisation treats the technosphere with almost devout reverence. And that's worse. We perceive the totality of reality through the prism of a hegemonic science, convinced that it “says” the only truth.
The problem is that technology is based on a very strange principle, so deeply ingrained in us that it remains unexpressed: no brakes are acceptable, what can be done must be done. We don't even bother to seriously and collectively debate the advisability of such "advances". We are under a spell. And we are avoiding the essential question: is this world in the making, standardised and computed, overbuilt and predictable, stripped of stars and birds, desirable?
To confine science to the search for "solutions" so we can continue down the same path is to lack both imagination and ambition. Because the “problem” we face doesn't seem to me, at this point, to be understood. No hope is possible if we don't start by questioning our assumptions, our values, our appetites, our symbols... [...] Let's stop pretending that the numerous and diverse human societies that have populated this planet did not exist. Certainly, some of them have taken the wrong route. But ours is the first to forge ahead towards guaranteed failure. »
— Aurélien Barrau, particle physicist and philosopher, in an interview in Télérama about his book L'Hypothèse K
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hyacinthstears · 3 months
The Rottmnt movie has body horror/gore and I have proof.
Sooo I like body horror and gore and when I rewatched the movie I realized the movie is FULL OF IT!! so hear me out and let me rant.
so there's this obviously
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but those are obvious! so here is what my gore obsessed brain noticed!
Exabit A: Raph!
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"But how is that body horror Cin? We see in the movie that the krang stuff only comes out of his eye! the rest just covers his arm and shell" asks a normal non gore freak. well first of all, your brain is right behind your eye so the fact it's first exit point was the eye shows that the parasite was near or in the brain. (Fun fact the first lobotomy's were done by taking an ice pick to the tear duct and braking the bone behind it to get to the brain. when they did they would stick the ice pick in the brain and stir it a bit... no I'm not kidding that's how they did it, they stirred peoples brains with ice picks)
when it burst from the eye it immediately started going down his shell, so I believe that if we saw this type of krang infection on a human it would have spread down via the spine and the nerves attached to it.
Look at this.
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The Krang junk go's around the inside of the shell and under his belt. and I don't think a krang parasite would care enough about having a nice fit to go out of it's way to go under his belt... unless it came from under the belt to begin with.
and if you remember the audio from the movie, this part-
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where the spikes are growing, there is a cracking and breaking sound effect, cause it's breaking through his shell... cause it's in him. and if you didn't know a turtles shell is it's spine, it's an exoskeleton and in the shell is organs and stuff, like the lungs! which is much larger then a humans lungs. Use this amazing anatomy study by @charcoaldustonmyfingers for refence.
and to further prove my point, the nail in the coffin. THIS
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That's blood fam! the spikes didn't emerge from the the krang growth on him, they emerged from the growth that was under his skin!
But most impotently Raphs tongue.
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krangs have been shown to have those spiked rigged tongues
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which raph doesn't have!
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and uhm well, the tongue is attached to the base of the esophagus
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That big pink thing that takes up over 1/3 of your face. yeah that's your tongue. so my theory of how it works is like this-
At first it's harmless. the parasite plants it's self somewhere in the gut
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then it spreads upwards through the the Trachea (windpipe) and esophagus along the way slowly eating your softer parts to feed itself like the walls of your stomach, intestines- sometimes causing them to burst.
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your tongue and other vulnerable parts. as it eats it grows, replacing the the organs that got consumed with krang growth. all until it reaches the brain. once there it will twist you into a mindless servant of the krang
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however you can be saved, either by medical or mystic means. however if parasite eats and replaces to much of your brain, then you will be lost. the symptoms can be almost instant or can take hours, it all depends on your will power.
... anyway I'm done for now, at some point I'll do another one of these about the long term scars and health problems the boys go over the course of both seasons and the movie so look out for that!
oh and... here
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some depression for the soul. and at some point I'm going to showcase every instance of blood I can find in the show and movie.
Yes I'm insane but I'm living my best life so I don't care :)
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Hi Luci! New fan here. I was watching Charles' Singapore pole lap and while reading the comments, they mentioned Charles making three mistakes and somehow still getting pole. Another comment mentioned that he lost the car a couple times but it's his corrections that made him go faster than the conservative drivers.
I know going on or even beyond the limit is what makes Charles a good driver, but how does that work exactly? How is it that making mistakes, even when able to correct them, allows you to go faster than others who are more conservative and make less mistakes.
This is also related to Charles' preference for oversteer, right? I heard that fastest cars are usually the agile ones, which is oversteer...? With the unstable rear?
I was wondering if that's what makes the difference with Max and Charles. Maybe the fact that they have the talent to extract the maximum of the fastest/oversteery car.
Since you weren't specific about which Singapore pole I guess I will just have to talk about both!
So Singapore 2022 qualifying had rain at the start, the track was damp and everyone was on intermediate tyres until Q3 when the track had dried enough for the softs.
The "mistakes" in Charles' lap were losing the front or the rear on multiple turns due to still slick conditions on those parts of the track. Since the track was still evolving in terms of the wetness managing this is tricky.
To answer your question. Going faster and being able to recover slipping will result in a faster lap. Going at higher speeds around the corners will risk more loss of traction in damp conditions especially, however if you can recover the additional speed is worth it compared to those who are taking the corner without losing traction, but who are overall slower. There were a few key corners where Charles taking them faster even with those errors was overall faster than those who got the corners perfect but were slower. So the real skill there was going fast enough, and also being able to recover those slides quickly so that he didn't lose more time and negate the benefit of attempting at higher speeds. Recovering the car constantly like that at those speeds is quite impressive. And the data reflects many of the other top contenders for pole being more conservative on certain turns.
That pole lap was a calculated risk. One that Charles was able to pull off, he went faster than the others dared, knowing full well it would lead to some grip problems, and he was able to recover those to the point that the losses he had from those grip losses were less than taking the corners slower. Does that make sense? It was kind of insane.
I also want to note that the top three in Singapore 2022 quali were within a tenth of each other, it was a very fine margin.
Singapore 2019 is a slightly different story.
It was dry. And Charles was making most of his time compared to Lewis(who was his biggest threat and qualified P2) on the straights. Charles' tops speeds were putting him ahead, and it was again worth the risk of the loss of a few corners to maintain the higher speeds. I think some of this was his inexperience he just wanted to go very fast, and was going fast enough that he could outrun those errors. Since then he's refined his throttle and brake application. Also being able to recover those like that, as I said before is a show of real skill. Recovering them at all, and also doing it quickly. So this allowed him to get better top speeds on the exits going into the straights compared to Lewis.
Also some of this is a symptom of outdriving the car you are in. He really was pushing that Ferrari to it's limits on that track. At a certain point the man behind the wheel is faster than the car and he has to contend with the physics limiting him.
The short answer to your question is to simply be able to recover your mistakes quickly, and to be faster than your mistakes. If you can do that a few mistakes can be afforded for greater overall speed.
So oversteer seems to really suit this version of cars. It's been good in the past as well do not get me wrong, but from 2022 onward that driving style seems to be able to take advantage of something in these ground effect cars.
I really like the way Alex put it when talking about Max's driving, thinking about it like setting your mouse speed to the maximum sensitivity and then having to be able to use your computer perfectly like that. With the oversteer there is more control of the car at the front end, and in the hands of a skilled driver this can leverage the highest precision on a track compared to other styles.
Now there are advantages and disadvantages to oversteer and understeer. There is a lot more to oversteer than I covered here, but a very skilled driver who has really mastered oversteer is very difficult to beat.
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sysmedsaresexist · 1 year
A note about the shame "criteria"
I think a lot of people get a little confused about what kind of shame is in question
It's not what you think
Understanding Shame - And so the purpose of shame is actually survival: shame teaches us to avoid behaviours that would see us excluded from the group. And shame puts the brake on behaviours that provoke more attack.
Trauma survivors have (typically) spent their entire lives being disregarded, ignored, disbelieved. It's very normal for survivors to feel out of place, misunderstood, and very, very alone.
They often do their best to minimize their symptoms and act like things are better than they are, typically refusing to seek or accept help, they often blame themselves for the things that happened to them (as children, no less), they're often embarrassed admitting that those things happened, and talking about specifics can be so upsetting and you can't help but hate yourself for not being stronger.
Shame comes in so many flavours... Attack self is a huge one. Withdrawal. Avoidance.
Maybe you were frequently called out in front of the class for severe dissociation daydreaming-- now you're afraid of having any kind of attention on you, and you really wish your partner would stop looking at you like that, why are they looking at you, something hurts but you don't know what
Maybe because of how often you were called out, you tried to ask for help but were told that you're overreacting, things aren't that bad, you should be more grateful, and now you're embarrassed and really don't want to tell your new therapist how much you're actually struggling, because she might think you're lying, and you probably are just making a big deal out of nothing
Maybe you struggle to pay attention to your best friend venting to you because Dissociation™️, and that's clearly your fault, you're the problem in the friendship-- but then again, haven't you always been the problem?
Maybe you struggle with relationships-- sex is painful after what happened, and you haven't found a partner patient enough to figure it out-- you're giving up hope that anyone could love you
Maybe one of your alters absolutely lost it on a very good friend, and now you have to deal with the consequences without telling them too much about what's really going on, but at this point they're suspicious and they're telling all your other friends you're crazy. Maybe you are?
Maybe you opened up to someone you thought you could trust, but the look in their eyes has you backpedaling, wishing you had never opened your mouth-- you desperately hope nothing will change between you two, and you know better now
Maybe you're ashamed that you're a system because the media says that's fucked up, what happened to you was fucked up, and all your individual budding symptoms of DID were scrutinized and corrected and disciplined and pushed aside that by the time you realized what was happening, you already knew better than to talk about it
Or maybe you just feel ashamed because you love your system, the terrible gift left behind after your experiences
If you can relate to this, these are all forms of distress, dysfunction, and shame, and they are totally normal and understandable. They count. It doesn't need to be hating your system. It doesn't need to embarrassment.
And shame doesn't need to define you.
Mandatory reading/watching
Starting with positivity:
What if shame is nothing to be ashamed of … but instead is the hero in our story?
The most accurate depiction of shame I've ever read
What do you need? - Shame in therapy
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The Differences in Dissociation Triggered by Shame and Terror – and How to Work with Each - A clinician's take on shame
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kintatsujo · 7 months
I understand the whole worry over pathologizing behavior, I do, but at the same time the other direction is just "oh that's not a symptom of any problems and you're just failing due to some personal brokenness" and that's the actual normal attitude off the internet and I think it's worth it to remember that
to name it can be to tame it, for some people. The idea that rejection sensitive dysphoria could be a thing, that it was a real thing that other people deal with, made it easier for me to recognize when I needed to put the brakes on and examine my own reactions.
like I get it, I get it, people thinking shit like getting music stuck in your head is a Symptom is kind of a huge problem, but I'm still over here trying to convince my mother that talking to a speech therapist isn't something to be ashamed about.
Anyway the rift between the digital world and the analog one is so fucking weird sometimes they're literally different planets
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macaroonff · 10 months
Liberation- OT8
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Genre: Dystopian AU, inspired by their district 9 MV and "I AM NOT" trailer Word count: 2.2k Songs: Not!, District 9, honestly just the entire I Am Not album
Had the world failed them or did they fail this world? They’d never know. There was no way for them to find out. Mere infants wearing the mask of adults, acting upon decisions that needed more brooding; being forced to bear the brunt of brutality in its stealthiest forms.  
Generations of ignorance, decades of stagnant intent and years of escaping reality, while completely severing ties with the present. Because the present wasn’t a gratifying gift where one would find evident hints of utopia; no, it was Pandora’s box, which would release devastating ruin if opened. 
So they ignored it. Those adults, parents, major decision-makers who turned a blind eye and taught their youth to do the same. Taught them of curiosity’s cons, of humanity’s bane; that a singular symptom of irregular intrigue was reprimanded for. 
“All harm caused is all because of toxic inquisition.” they enforced
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19th March 2018, 
The 23rd Youth Training Camp, Seoul 
“They say people were born different, but why does it feel like we’re all the same?” Chan had asked Minho, minutes after their off-the-cuff facial expression test; an evaluation that hid the faculty's smallest face of confinement.
“You shouldn’t ask such questions, they’d hurt you if they could hear you.” Minho addressed the older boy, almost panicking. They knew that curiosity killed the cat, and quite literally. Every child that was captivated by the unknown and escaped the training camp had died. Executed, without any mercy. Or by luck, if they got out safely, they’d still die of starvation. They couldn’t run away from here. “After all, it was life, and they should have to face reality with courage,” Minho had proclaimed to his seven spectators.    
“But life is just a prison for us isn’t it?” Changbin whispers softly, not meaning for the others to hear, but the silence afterward confirmed their unvoiced thoughts. And they were scared, all eight of them. They had been captives in the camp all their life as they never saw, or even heard from their parents. They were raised by fear and uncertainty, by ‘humans’ who were covered in white from head to toe, with faces hidden by daunting masks. And they had not known humans any other way, in exception of when they were in their dorm. The only place they remembered their birth names instead of the numbers they were assigned by. The only way they knew vulnerability.
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21st March, 2018
The 23rd Youth Training Camp, Seoul 
Out of his time spent this lifetime, Yang Jeongin had no clue as to the outcome of his life. Time had become static and if he could derive any form of peace in the slow ticking of his existence, he’d sit down in the old, rusty bus at the bare plot behind. He didn’t know why it remained there when they didn’t use buses as transportation, especially since fuel wasn’t something you could find any longer. He was curious, but as they had taught him, curiosity was harmful. 
Eventually, after a long time waiting, he couldn’t deny as curiosity ultimately got the best of him. He wasn’t sure if he'd be reprimanded for touching the bus, or spending more time here than in the dorms. However he trusted the merits that he earned in the camp would ease whatever punishment he had coming for him. Leniency wasn’t something the training camp was known for, but he wanted to be curious. He wanted harm. It did make him feel guilty, but in the long run, he wouldn’t regret not fulfilling his interest. Besides, the bus wasn’t functioning. It wouldn’t be a problem.
It was functioning.
The engine roared ,being awoken from its period of  dormancy once he shifted the first gear, his legs already on the brakes. And this startled him, not because it was loud, but because it worked almost as smoothly as it would’ve if it were new. But Yang Jeongin had never touched a bus before, nor did he want to touch it again.
He didn’t want to expect anything from this wreck of a vehicle. He wiped off his fingerprints from the workings of the bus before leaving to his dorm in a hurry, the footsteps of the surveillance teams approaching the plot getting louder. He never wanted to entertain curiosity again.
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The dorm was silent once the younger had reported his findings to the other seven spectators. There were mixed reactions at first but they knew not to be too loud, whatever they did, they couldn’t attract attention from the inspectors. That way Jeongin might be saved from vile scrutiny and sentence.
The silence only amplified their shifting eyes as they scanned each other to determine the common ground. And they were all thinking the same. It was the first time hope emerged in the corner of their locked lives and hearts. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity for escape. It was a sign, an omen, a glitch.
“We’re all thinking the same thing aren’t we?” Felix speaks up, his voice deeper than usual following the gravity of their frantic, untamed thoughts. 
“We can’t endanger ourselves any further,” Hyunjin opposed.
“But if we run away, we’ll be safer.” Jisung supported the idea.
“Not really, not with the lack of supplies we can gather.” Changbin relents
“What if I told you I’m in charge of the warehouse in 3 days.” Seungmin speaks up for the first time.
As a student representative, he was allowed different responsibilities, he was allowed access to things others could dream of. All because he seemed to tolerate best of what others couldn’t. The policies, the rules of this hellish place, all because he was unlike what others thought of him, good at misleading authorities. It was his wildest dream, Kim Seungmin’s to get out here and find a parallel, healthier way of living. 
The others were shocked at his willingness to help, and for a minute, Minho couldn’t trust him. Lee Minho admired Seungmin. How he could hide his emotions from the superiors despite waking up to his tear stained pillows. Minho would know, he shared the top bunk.
He would stay awake listening to the younger’s muffled sobs as he lay there looking at the revolving  fan. He observed how Seungmin wiped the tears away when it was morning and dried his crusty eyes. How he soullessly carried the duties of Student Representative. How he completed his tasks like they didn’t hurt him.  How he would do anything to hold onto whatever power he had, and how he effectively used it. But why was he, who had worked so hard, ready to give it up so easily? Had Seungmin reached his breaking point? With what courage, or the lack thereof did he want to help?
Lee Minho could only wonder, and Lee Minho could only hope it was sincere. As he foretold, trust was all that kept them rational in times of dishonesty.
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24th March,2018
21:45 hours
The 23rd Youth Training Camp, Seoul 
It was past dinner as the students had retired back to the dorms. It was Han Jisung who was on night duty this time. Out of the eight, he was the only other one who was eligible for night duty, Seungmin of course handling all the data that he could gather before they broke out.
He was nervous, Han Jisung had never imagined that he would participate in something as exhilarating. He was always afraid of being labelled a rebel or troublemaker. But a troublemaker he would be, if it meant freedom, especially as his role was crucial to the seven others in order to escape. He had to make sure no one was left behind, and that no one would be caught in the crucial 10 minutes that they had. Ten minutes to hack the system, open all the gates, trap the inspectors and guards all before they get on the bus. 
Seungmin was already at the warehouse where he found some cash, stores of dry food, spare clothes and masks. He was also able to retrieve the key to the monitoring room and handed it over to Hyunjin.
Hyunjin respected Seungmin's capabilities but wasted no time in hurrying to the room. He was disguised in the same outfit that the staff would wear, the garments also found in the warehouse. Hyunjin was in awe the moment he entered the room. It was four times larger than their insufferable dorm, the interiors plain but the big screens that greeted him seemed hostile. He could see every site in the vast campus. He was also aware that there was a traitor in the room who proved his ally. From what he suspected, it was the boy in the middle of all the other  staff. His hood was half pen, his dark hair in plain view. His head was the only one that stood high, the rest of them passed out against the desk. That was when Hyunjin realised they were unconscious. The surveillance team wouldn’t disturb him.
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“Glad that you made it on time Hyunjin, all the best with your break out.” 
The boy turned around, giving him a small smile. Something he hadn’t seen in ages. 
“What’s your name? Why are you helping us?”
“If I told you, I might die.” with that the stranger left, his footsteps softly landing against the floor. 
Hyunjin was curious, but he had no time to thank the good samaritan. Nothing could go amiss. He speedily gathered all the data he could before breaking into the lock systems of the place.
As they had estimated, it would take about two hours for him to finish his research, which would be by 11:45 pm. He would only have five minutes to gather where the bus was parked. He was rushed, but confident and soon he’d be able to do his part in this mission.
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24th March 2018,
22:50 hours
The 23rd Youth Training Camp, Seoul 
Felix had received all the maps he could from Hyunjin in brisk trips to the monitor room. He was disturbed and confronted about five times by certain guards but he was able to knock them off with his taekwondo skills. He never thought he’d need them but was glad he could contribute anyhow. Back at the dorm, Chan was arranging them so that they could gather whatever little they knew about the outside world. They had two stops that guaranteed safety.
A barren field where they could camp in case they were close to being found, or a deserted tunnel to hide the big vehicle. Chan did prefer the tunnel than being out in the open to be caught by hollow civilians. They also had very little fuel and the tunnel was closest to the campus. There were risks to both the places but they also had to be efficient with whatever resources they could salvage. But more important was that they could get out. Hyunjin had only been able to unlock two out of the five main gates that protected the campus. He had done all that in an hour. His rate of breaking through was less than expected and they gathered they’d send Minho to help. 
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24th March,2018
23:30 hours
The 23rd Youth Training Camp, Seoul 
Changbin was near the parking lot where the bus was parked. Han Jisung was nearby, looking around to make sure no one could see him. Everyone was in the recognisable all white costume that covered their faces. They were inconspicuous regardless of whoever saw them. From what he heard from the receivers, Minho and Hyunjin had broken through all the gates. Now they had to wait for Jeongin to ring the alarm before they all left for good.
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24th March,2018
23:45 hours
The 23rd Youth Training Camp, Seoul 
He was in charge of distraction. The minute he rang the fire alarm, and everyone gathered on the main lawn according to the safety procedure, they would leave through the back gate. 
If they were to be discovered within that time, they might be executed. So the burden fell on Jeongin’s young shoulders; rather, he chose the burden. He was no stranger to fear but for once he wanted to befriend courage. He was almost an adult, and he wanted to help the only family he had known.
With trembling hands he broke the glass that concealed the red button before pressing on it as the corridor lights blared red following the sound that signalled the beginning of their final step. He heard the doors opening and closing as people ran around in panic. Only that he ran in the opposite direction to where the rest would be.
In three minutes, all of them had boarded the bus except Hyunjin and Minho who had a long way to come from the monitor room. They did make it another minute as Minho quickly took the driver’s seat and stepped on the pedal. The engine roared in vitality, despite being muffled by that of the alarm as the wheels spun after forever. 
They were close. So very close to leaving. 
By the time the guns were being fired at them, they were three quarters over the wide road near the back door. Hyunjin was glad he had disabled the bigger weapons structured near the entry and changed the password of all the gates before they could leave.
The eight of them watched in glory, as they found liberation in carving a new way for themselves. Regardless of whether they had failed, the world had failed them, they only looked towards success, even if it may be short lived.
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25th March, 2018
00:01 hours
Outside the 23rd Youth Training Camp, Seoul 
They had survived.
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glenwoodforeigncar · 1 year
When to Call a Professional for VW Push Button Start Problems?
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Technology has made many things easier :) :) :)
Take push-button start for example... this technology has made cranking a car a whole lot easier. Unlike the traditional engine cranking method, the push-button start mechanism does not require the ignition key to be slid into the keyhole to start the engine. Simply, having the ignition key with you will do the trick. All you have to do is to keep the key in your pocket or laptop bag.
As you read this blog post, you will come to know;
  How does push-button start work?
  What would cause a push button start to malfunction? &
  What can you do to get the issue resolved?
Plus, we'll also discuss some of the early symptoms that could indicate a push-button start problem in a car. So, what are we waiting for… let’s get started.
Brief Discussion on the Working of Push Button Start System
For a push-button start system to work, the following three conditions must be met;
  The vehicle must be in PARK
  The brake pedal must be pressed
  You must have a properly functioning key fob
The key fob essentially sends a unique signal. Upon detection of this signal, your vehicle's onboard computer will allow you to start the engine. This so-called keyless ignition system not only makes it convenient to start the car but also deters theft. But, just like any other system in your Volkswagen, the push button start system can malfunction. Want to know what can cause a vehicle's push button start system to malfunction? Well, read on to find out…
Things That Can Cause the Push Button Start System in Your VW to Malfunction
The push button start system of your Volkswagen can malfunction due to several different reasons. Some of them are listed below…
#1- Key fob battery is dead
If your key fob's battery has reached the end of its usable life, it will no longer be able to transmit the unique signal your vehicle's onboard computer relies on to activate the push-button start system. So, if your VW's keyless ignition is not working like it used to, have its key fob battery checked immediately. If it is dying, get it replaced.
#2- Key fob is damaged
Your VW's push-button start system will not work if the key fob is physically or water damaged. At the most basic a key fob is made of a short-range radio transmitter, a radio frequency identification chip, and an antenna. If any of these components malfunction, the push button start of your vehicle won't work. If the damage is beyond repair, you may need a new key fob.
#3- Fault in the vehicle
If nothing is wrong with the key fob, yet you are still having trouble starting your VW, the problem may be with the push button start system itself. The push-button start system has many different components including a computer. If there is something wrong with any of these parts, you will not be able to start your car.
#4- Electrical issue/ dead car battery
Your VW's push-button start system requires electricity to function. If there is something wrong with the battery or other components of your vehicle's electrical system, the push button start system will stop working. Check the condition of your vehicle's battery periodically and if you suspect a problem, replace it right away.
VW’s Push Button Start Not Working: Things That You Can Do
If you suspect a push button start problem in your VW, don’t take it for granted. Before you visit the nearest car service center to get the problem fixed, do the following checks;
  Test the key fob battery to see if it is in good condition
  Check if there is anything wrong with your vehicle’s battery
  Check for signs of physical damage on the key fob
If the key fob has been damaged by water, you may need to replace it.
In Summary;
The push-button start system was intended to make our daily commute a whole lot easier. But, guess what? It can malfunction just like any other system. Therefore, if you suspect a problem with the push button start of your VW, reach out to a trusted car service center to get the problem resolved as soon as possible.
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garysautorepair · 2 years
Wondering how often should you replace your brakes? Call the professionals at Gary's Quality Automotive to schedule a brake service.
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What is Vacuum Leak Tester and how it works?
Source of Info: https://www.perfectgroupindia.co.in/what-is-a-vacuum-leak-tester-and-how-does-it-work.php
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Have you ever experienced engine problems such as rough idling, poor acceleration, or decreased fuel efficiency? If yes, then it could be due to a vacuum leak in your engine. A vacuum leak tester is a tool used to detect any leaks in the vacuum system of an engine. In this article, we will discuss what it is, how it works, and its importance in maintaining the health of your engine.
What Is A Vacuum Leak Tester?
A vacuum leak tester is a diagnostic tool that helps detect any leaks in the vacuum system of an engine. The vacuum system is an essential component of any engine, as it controls various functions such as fuel injection, emission control, and air intake. A vacuum leak can cause several problems in the engine, affecting its performance and fuel efficiency. The vacuum leak tester is designed to detect any leaks in the vacuum system to prevent such problems from occurring.
How Does A Vacuum Leak Tester Work?
It works by creating a vacuum in the engine's intake manifold and measuring the pressure in the system. The vacuum leak tester consists of a vacuum pump, a gauge, and various adapters to fit different types of engines. The tester is connected to the intake manifold of the engine and pumps out the air, creating a vacuum. If there is a leak in the vacuum system, the pressure in the system drops, and the gauge readings change. The tester then helps identify the location of the leak, allowing for quick repairs.
Types Of Vacuum Leak Testers
There are two types: pressure-based and smoke-based testers. Pressure-based testers work by creating pressure in the system, while smoke-based testers use smoke to detect any leaks. Smoke-based testers are more accurate and effective, as they can detect even the smallest of leaks.
Importance Of Vacuum Leak Testers
They are essential tools for maintaining the health of your engine. A vacuum leak can cause several problems, affecting the performance and fuel efficiency of the engine. Vacuum leaks can also cause damage to other engine components, leading to costly repairs. Using a vacuum leak tester can help detect any leaks early on, preventing such problems from occurring.
How To Use A Vacuum Leak Tester?
Using a vacuum leak tester is a simple process. Here are the steps to follow: 1. Identify the intake manifold of the engine and remove the air filter. 2. Select the appropriate adapter for your engine and attach it to the intake manifold. 3. Connect the vacuum pump to the adapter and pump out the air to create a vacuum. 4. Check the gauge readings for any drops in pressure, indicating a leak. 5. Use the tester to identify the location of the leak and make necessary repairs.
Steps For Vacuum Leak Detection
Here are the steps to follow when detecting vacuum leaks: 1. Start the engine and let it idle. 2. Spray the carburetor cleaner or brake cleaner around the intake manifold, vacuum hoses, and other components of the vacuum system. 3. Listen for any changes in the engine's sound, indicating a leak. 4. Observe any changes in the engine's performance, such as a drop in RPM, indicating a leak. 5. create a vacuum in the system and check for any drops in pressure, indicating a leak. 6. Identify the location of the leak and make necessary repairs
Symptoms Of A Vacuum Leak
Vacuum leaks can cause several symptoms in the engine. Here are some of the most common symptoms of a vacuum leak:
Rough idling
Poor acceleration
Decreased fuel efficiency
Check engine light
Hesitation or stumbling during acceleration
Engine stalls at idle
Causes Of Vacuum Leaks
Vacuum leaks can be caused by several factors, including:
Loose or damaged vacuum hoses
Cracked or damaged intake manifold gasket
Faulty vacuum pump
Leaking EGR valve
Faulty brake booster
Damaged or cracked throttle body gasket
How To Prevent Vacuum Leaks?
Preventing vacuum leaks involves regular maintenance and inspection of the vacuum system. Here are some tips to prevent vacuum leaks:
Regularly inspect vacuum hoses for cracks or damage
Replace any damaged vacuum hoses immediately
Check and replace the intake manifold gasket if necessary
Regularly clean the throttle body and EGR valve
Keep the engine well-tuned and maintained
When To Use A Vacuum Leak Tester?
A should be used whenever you experience symptoms of a vacuum leak in your engine. It is also recommended to use a vacuum leak tester during regular maintenance and inspection of the vacuum system to prevent any potential problems from occurring.
Common Mistakes To Avoid When Using A Vacuum Leak Tester
Here are some common mistakes to avoid when using a vacuum leak tester:
Not properly attaching the adapter to the intake manifold
Not pumping out enough air to create a vacuum
Not properly identifying the location of the leak
Not making necessary repairs after identifying the leak
Benefits Of Using A Vacuum Leak Tester
Using a vacuum leak tester can provide several benefits, including:
Early detection of vacuum leaks, preventing potential problems from occurring
Accurate and effective detection of even the smallest of leaks
Saves time and money on costly repairs
Helps maintain the health and performance of the engine
A vacuum leak tester is an essential tool for maintaining the health and performance of your engine. It helps detect any leaks in the vacuum system, preventing potential problems from occurring. By regularly inspecting and maintaining the vacuum system of your engine, you can prevent vacuum leaks and ensure its smooth performance.
1. How much does a vacuum leak tester cost?
The cost of a vacuum leak tester can vary depending on the type and brand. However, they typically range from $30 to $200.
2. Can a vacuum leak cause engine damage?
Yes, a vacuum leak can cause engine damage if left untreated. It can cause several problems, including decreased fuel efficiency, rough idling, and poor acceleration.
3. How long does it take to detect a vacuum leak using a vacuum leak tester?
It typically takes a few minutes to detect a vacuum leak using a vacuum leak tester.
4. Can I use a vacuum leak tester on any engine?
No, you need to select the appropriate adapter for your engine to use a vacuum leak tester.
5. How often should I inspect the vacuum system of my engine?
It is recommended to inspect the vacuum system of your engine during regular maintenance and inspection, which is typically every 30,000 miles or as recommended by the manufacturer.
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imsoorrybuut · 7 days
I'm sorry but religion is for stupid people.
No matter how many times I tried looking at it from "respect all religions" perspective I just can't change my mind...
Religion is for stupid people.
"Ohhh but it helps people!" Cool, go to therapy and actually work on your problems instead of taking a fake shortcut. And no, it doesn't help anyone, it gives people the illusion of getting better. It treats the symptoms instead of the disease, and that only makes things worse.
"Ohhh but such an important part of culture!" Amazing. But that doesn't mean we still have to keep this stupidity up. Ancient Egypt is an important part of culture but that doesn't mean it still exists. Greek, Roman, Celtic mythologys are important part parts of pop-culture and no one believes in them anymore. You get what I mean?
"Ohhh but everyone has the right to believe in whatever they want" that's awesome, but it doesn't mean it's ok. Some of opinions that religious push are just pure stupidity. Religion literally brakes your perception of reality, it blurs the lines between truth and made-up nonsense. There are literally adults who believe that a guy came back to life after three days! It's ridiculous. Children are taught such things, they are told that it is 100 percent true, and then you wonder why they do not know the difference between truth and fantasy. It's not because of video games Brenda, it's because of your fucking bible study.
"Ohhh but we have evidence!" No you don't. Every single religion, every single cult had and has "evidence". And all of this "evidence" is equal, specifically, it's equally garbage.
Religion is a thing of dark ages. It's from a time when we didn't understand the world the way we do now. We know more than ever before and we should go towards the bright future through science and peace instead of stupid fantasy. I don't care if I'm not politically correct now, I don't respect all religions, in fact I don't respect any of them. Some I even hate.
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Common Repairs Needed for Heavy-Duty Trucks and How to Avoid Them
Did you know that over 50% of heavy-duty truck breakdowns are due to preventable maintenance issues? Keeping heavy-duty service trucks in top condition requires regular upkeep and attention to detail. Understanding common repairs and how to prevent them can save time, money, and stress for fleet managers and truck owners alike.
Engine Problems: Causes and Prevention
One of the most frequent repairs needed for heavy-duty trucks is engine-related issues. These problems can range from overheating to complete engine failure. Overheating is often caused by a lack of coolant, a faulty radiator, or clogged filters. Regular maintenance checks can help prevent these issues. Checking the coolant levels, inspecting hoses for leaks, and replacing air and oil filters regularly are simple steps that can prevent costly engine repairs.
For those seeking medium-duty truck service near you, finding a reputable service provider can make a huge difference. Regular engine tune-ups and diagnostic checks can identify potential problems before they become severe. Using high-quality engine oil and keeping an eye on oil pressure and temperature gauges can also help prolong engine life and avoid unexpected breakdowns.
Brake System Failures: How to Avoid Them
Brake system failures are a major concern for heavy-duty truck service providers. These failures can lead to dangerous situations on the road. Common brake problems include worn brake pads, leaking brake fluid, and malfunctioning brake rotors. Regular brake inspections are essential to ensure the brakes are in good condition.
To prevent brake failures, truck operators should pay attention to any signs of brake issues, such as squeaking noises, longer stopping distances, or a soft brake pedal. Heavy-duty service trucks should have their brakes checked at every oil change or at least every six months. Replacing brake pads and fluid as needed and ensuring proper brake rotor maintenance can help avoid costly repairs and dangerous situations.
Transmission Troubles: Keeping Your Gears in Check
Transmission problems are another common issue for heavy-duty trucks. These issues often arise due to poor maintenance or excessive wear and tear. Symptoms of transmission problems include slipping gears, delayed gear shifting, and unusual noises coming from the transmission. Regular maintenance is key to preventing transmission troubles.
Routine checks of transmission fluid levels and quality can prevent many problems. Low or dirty transmission fluid can cause gears to slip or fail. For those looking for medium-duty truck service near you, choosing a service center that offers transmission maintenance is crucial. Regularly servicing the transmission, including fluid flushes and replacing worn-out parts, can keep the truck running smoothly and prevent costly repairs.
Electrical System Issues: Preventing Downtime
Electrical system issues are often overlooked but can cause significant downtime for heavy-duty service trucks. Common electrical problems include dead batteries, faulty alternators, and issues with wiring. These problems can prevent the truck from starting or cause it to lose power while on the road.
To avoid electrical issues, regular checks of the battery and charging system are essential. Replacing old or weak batteries and ensuring the alternator is functioning properly can prevent unexpected breakdowns. For those needing medium-duty truck service near you, a reliable service center will check the entire electrical system during routine maintenance to catch any potential issues early.
Suspension and Steering Repairs: Keeping Control on the Road
The suspension and steering systems of heavy-duty trucks are crucial for maintaining control and comfort on the road. Common issues in these systems include worn-out shocks and struts, loose steering components, and damaged suspension parts. These issues can lead to poor handling, excessive tire wear, and uncomfortable rides.
Regular inspections of the suspension and steering systems can prevent many problems. Replacing worn-out shocks and struts and tightening loose steering components can improve the truck's handling and safety. For those looking for medium-duty truck service near you, choosing a service provider that specializes in suspension and steering repairs is essential for maintaining vehicle safety and performance.
Tire Problems: Ensuring Proper Maintenance
Tire problems are a frequent cause of breakdowns for heavy-duty service trucks. Common tire issues include blowouts, uneven wear, and bald spots. These problems are often due to improper tire inflation, misalignment, or lack of rotation. Regular tire maintenance is vital to prevent these issues.
To avoid tire problems, truck operators should check tire pressure regularly and adjust it according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Rotating the tires every 6,000 to 8,000 miles can ensure even wear and extend the life of the tires. Finding a medium-duty truck service near you that offers tire maintenance can help keep your truck on the road and reduce the risk of tire-related breakdowns.
Schedule Regular Maintenance for Your Trucks Keeping heavy-duty service trucks in top condition requires regular maintenance and attention to detail. By addressing common issues before they become major problems, you can save time, money, and reduce the risk of breakdowns. Find a reliable medium-duty truck service near you and schedule regular maintenance checks to keep your trucks running smoothly and safely.
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gomechanic24 · 9 days
Signs Your Car Needs a Suspension Fitment in Delhi
A well-functioning suspension system is critical for ensuring a smooth ride, maintaining vehicle stability, and keeping the tires in contact with the road. However, like any other vehicle component, the suspension system can wear out over time due to the stress of driving on various road surfaces. For car owners in Delhi, where roads can be a mix of well-maintained highways and potholed city streets, paying attention to the health of your car’s suspension is essential. Here are some key signs that your vehicle may require a car suspension fitment in Delhi.
1. Excessive Bouncing After Hitting a Bump
One of the most noticeable signs that your car needs a suspension fitment is when it continues to bounce excessively after hitting a pothole or speed bump. In normal conditions, the suspension system absorbs the shock and returns to a steady ride quickly. If your car bounces more than once after hitting a bump, it indicates that the shock absorbers or struts are worn out. This is especially common in Delhi, where uneven roads can take a toll on the suspension.
2. Rough Ride Quality
Delhi’s roads can be challenging, with traffic congestion and rough surfaces. If you notice that your ride has become increasingly uncomfortable, with every bump and crack in the road feeling more pronounced, it could mean that your suspension system is no longer absorbing shocks as effectively. An aging or damaged suspension system makes for a rough and uncomfortable driving experience, which is a clear indicator that you may need a car suspension fitment in Delhi.
3. Uneven Tire Wear
Another indicator of suspension problems is uneven tire wear. A healthy suspension system distributes the car’s weight evenly across all four tires. When the suspension is failing, this distribution is uneven, causing certain tires to wear down faster than others. If you frequently drive on Delhi's roads and notice that your tires are wearing out unevenly, it's worth getting your suspension checked.
4. Drifting or Pulling During Turns
If your vehicle tends to drift or pull to one side while making turns, it’s a strong indication that there’s an issue with the suspension. The suspension system helps keep the car stable, and when components like the shocks or struts wear out, the car’s stability is compromised. In a busy city like Delhi, where quick turns and sudden lane changes are common, this can be particularly dangerous and should be addressed promptly.
5. Nose-Diving When Braking
Another sign of suspension trouble is when the car nose-dives, or lurches forward, during braking. This happens when the front suspension is unable to properly absorb the forward momentum, leading to a noticeable dip in the car’s front end when stopping. This is especially risky in the stop-and-go traffic typical of Delhi, where frequent braking is necessary.
6. Visible Damage to Suspension Components
Visual inspections can also provide clues. If you notice any visible damage to suspension parts, such as leaking shocks or struts, cracked or broken springs, or rusted parts, it’s time to consider a car suspension fitment in Delhi. Regular inspection and maintenance of the suspension system can prevent more severe issues down the line.
Driving on Delhi's varied and often challenging roads requires a robust suspension system to ensure comfort, safety, and vehicle longevity. Ignoring the warning signs of a failing suspension can lead to more significant problems, such as uneven tire wear, poor handling, and even accidents. If you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above, it’s crucial to get a professional car suspension fitment in Delhi to restore your car's optimal performance and ensure a smooth ride through the city’s bustling streets.
Regular checks and timely suspension repairs not only enhance your driving experience but also keep you safe on the road.
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indian-suppliers · 16 days
DIY Guide: How to Inspect and Maintain Your Gear Shift Cable
The gear shift cable is an essential component of your vehicle’s transmission system, linking your gear shifter to the transmission itself. Over time, wear and tear can cause the cable to become loose, frayed, or damaged, affecting your vehicle’s performance. Regular inspection and maintenance of the gear shift cable can prevent bigger issues down the road, save money on costly repairs, and improve your driving experience.
In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to inspect and maintain your gear shift cable so that your vehicle continues to shift gears smoothly and efficiently.
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What is a Gear Shift Cable?
A gear shift cable, also known as a shifter cable, is a mechanical connection between the gear shifter inside your car and the transmission system that changes gears. In manual transmissions, the gear shift cable connects to the clutch and transmission to select the appropriate gear. In automatic transmissions, the cable connects to the transmission, allowing the driver to switch between gears like “Park,” “Drive,” and “Reverse.”
When the gear shift cable is working properly, it ensures smooth and precise gear changes. If the cable becomes stretched, frayed, or damaged, it can lead to shifting problems like difficulty selecting gears, delayed gear changes, or even complete transmission failure.
Signs of a Faulty Gear Shift Cable
Before diving into the inspection and maintenance process, it's essential to recognize the symptoms of a worn or failing gear shift cable. Some common signs include:
Difficulty Shifting Gears: If you find it hard to change gears, or if the gear stick feels stiff, the cable may be worn or misaligned.
Loose Gear Shifter: If the gear stick feels loose or wobbly when you move it, the cable may have become stretched over time.
Gear Slippage: If your vehicle slips out of gear without any input from the driver, it may indicate that the cable is damaged.
Delayed Response: If there’s a delay between shifting and the vehicle responding, it could be a sign that the cable is worn or fraying.
Transmission Won’t Shift into Gear: If your vehicle refuses to go into certain gears, the cable may be disconnected or severely damaged.
If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s time to inspect and possibly maintain or replace your gear shift cable.
Tools and Materials Needed
Before you begin inspecting your gear shift cable, gather the following tools:
A set of wrenches (both metric and standard)
Screwdrivers (flathead and Phillips)
Lubricant (silicone-based)
Replacement cable (if needed)
Step-by-Step Guide to Inspecting and Maintaining Your Gear Shift Cable
Step 1: Safety First
Always start by ensuring the vehicle is parked on a level surface, and the engine is off. Engage the parking brake and, for added safety, place wheel chocks behind the tires to prevent any movement.
Step 2: Access the Gear Shift Cable
Locate the gear shift cable. In most vehicles, the gear shift cable runs from the shifter inside the car to the transmission under the hood. You may need to remove panels or the center console to access the gear shift mechanism inside the car.
For manual transmissions, the cable is usually found near the clutch pedal and the transmission linkage.
For automatic transmissions, the cable is connected to the gear shifter and the transmission’s shift lever.
Use a flashlight to ensure you can clearly see the cable’s condition.
Step 3: Inspect the Gear Shift Cable
Once you’ve located the cable, visually inspect it for any signs of wear, fraying, or stretching. Gently tug on the cable to check if it feels loose or overly tight.
Check for wear and tear: Look for visible damage, like frayed or corroded wires, which can weaken the cable’s strength.
Examine the connections: Ensure the cable is securely attached to the shifter and the transmission linkage.
Check for stretching: Over time, the cable can stretch, which can lead to gear-shifting problems. If the cable feels too slack, it may need to be adjusted or replaced.
Step 4: Lubricate the Cable
If the cable appears to be in good condition but is stiff, applying a silicone-based lubricant can help improve its movement. This type of lubricant won’t cause the cable to degrade, unlike petroleum-based lubricants.
To lubricate the cable:
Apply the lubricant at both ends of the cable, where it connects to the shifter and the transmission.
Move the gear shifter through its full range of motion to allow the lubricant to penetrate the cable housing.
Step 5: Adjust the Cable (If Necessary)
If your gear shift cable feels loose or stretched, you may be able to adjust it to restore proper tension. This is common in both manual and automatic transmission vehicles.
Locate the adjustment nuts on the cable near the transmission linkage.
Use a wrench to loosen the nuts slightly, adjust the cable’s tension, and then retighten the nuts.
Test the gear shifter to ensure it feels firm and moves smoothly.
Step 6: Test the Shifting
After you’ve completed your inspection and any necessary maintenance, it’s time to test your gear shift cable. Start the engine and move the gear shifter through all its positions (for both manual and automatic transmissions).
Ensure that each gear engages properly.
Pay attention to how the gear shifter feels—is it smooth, or does it still feel stiff or loose?
If everything feels right, your gear shift cable is in good working order. If not, you may need to replace the cable.
When to Replace the Gear Shift Cable
If your inspection reveals severe damage, such as fraying or snapping, or if adjustments and lubrication don’t solve the shifting problems, it may be time to replace the cable. Replacing the gear shift cable is a more advanced DIY task, and it’s recommended to follow your vehicle’s service manual for detailed instructions.
In some cases, professional help may be necessary. Companies like Chattarpati Automotive Systems, a leading manufacturer and supplier of gear shift cables, offer high-quality replacement cables designed for a wide range of vehicles. If you're unsure about which cable to purchase, consult a professional or visit your local auto parts store for guidance.
Preventative Maintenance Tips
To keep your gear shift cable in good condition, consider these preventative maintenance tips:
Regular Inspections: Check your gear shift cable for wear and tear at least twice a year, especially if you drive frequently.
Lubrication: Apply a silicone-based lubricant to the cable every 12 months to ensure smooth operation.
Avoid Aggressive Shifting: Forcefully shifting gears can strain the cable and lead to premature wear.
Address Issues Early: If you notice any symptoms of a failing cable, don’t delay repairs. Early maintenance can prevent more severe issues.
Final Thoughts
Your gear shift cable plays a critical role in your vehicle’s performance, and maintaining it is key to avoiding costly repairs. By following this DIY guide, you can inspect, lubricate, and adjust your gear shift cable, keeping your vehicle shifting smoothly for years to come. If you do need a replacement, high-quality products from Chattarpati Automotive Systems can ensure a reliable fix.
Regular care and attention to this often-overlooked component can make all the difference in your driving experience. Keep your gear shift cable in top shape, and you’ll enjoy smoother, more reliable gear changes every time you get behind the wheel.
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