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keemeekaal · 5 months ago
● ASFY #012 ★ ¿ dónde estás yolanda ? by Pink Martini & @lelapinphilosophe
♥︎ je voulais vous le dire + @free-style-dreams & @miisd
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entre-image-blog · 6 months ago
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Ink is my Blood, volumes 1.2.3. Apollonia Saintclair, éditions Encre Sympathique, superbe série d'Artbooks qui présente le magnifique travail de Apollonia, renversant!
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iyamifucker · 11 months ago
Anyway, in my beautiful mind Iyami is genderfluid and has always known it but he doesn’t really know how to call it in modern terms because he’s in his 50s. I think he’d describe it as something like “I have an androgynous kind of beauty about moi so it’d be a total waste to NOT dress like a cute girl sometimes. Besides, it’s the latest rage in France!”
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clementagencement · 10 months ago
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emiliemaria · 1 year ago
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jade-curtiss · 2 years ago
L'affaire avec les dérivés c'est que ça sent pas tout le temps plaisant, comme oui j'vien de checker c'était quoi finalement pis yep, en contexte c'est aussi ça l'affaire: les épileptiques leur médicaments...souvent quand y disent qui ont une "prescription" c'est probablement legit, mais, l'odeur. Comme ceux qui pensent que ça sent pas, contraire, c'est super envahissant. C'est super envahissant mais en même temps c'est comme...la seule chose qui marche so. Mais comme les petites genses de la sosyété y trippent trop pas quand y sentent cette odeur pis y croient souvent que c'est du gros drogue du gros danger watch out les bling bling. Mais finalement, c'est juste quelqu'un qui cope sjdkdkdkskskskckc
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keemeekaal · 1 year ago
❤️ 100 % COTTON ;)
(my love affair with a t-shirt!)
100 % C #048 ★ ¿dónde estás yolanda? by Pink Martini & @daodag
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entre-image-blog · 2 years ago
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Trilogie Ink is my Blood, Apollonia Saintclair, disponible sur entre-image.com
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iyamifucker · 11 months ago
Iyami strikes me as the kind of guy who would embody the very unfortunate combination of having physical touch as a love language and no concept of personal space whatsoever. Like the world’s largest, clingiest cat.
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papiersparterre · 2 years ago
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kino51 · 2 years ago
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The Ultimate Warrior  1975
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literaryvein-reblogs · 1 month ago
Some English Grammar Vocabulary
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A verb, construction, situation, etc. which does not express an inherent end point or goal.
Examples: "It is raining"; "The children are watching TV"
A verb that can form a chain with one or more subsequent verbs
Examples: "want to go"; "hate to tell you"
False Friend
Also called false cognate and faux ami.
A word that has the same or a similar form in two (or more) languages, but different meanings in each.
This term is used in contrastive analysis and foreign language teaching.
Example: The French adjective sympathique (like Italian simpatico) often means ‘nice’, ‘pleasant’, or ‘likeable’ and is therefore a false friend to English sympathetic.
In the same way French actuel means ‘present’, not ‘actual’.
God’s Truth
An extreme view of grammar which assumes that the ‘rules’ of grammar have an objective existence in the language, and that all good grammarians will therefore discover the same facts and propound the same descriptions.
Invented by Fred W. Householder (1913–1994) in 1952.
Greengrocer’s Apostrophe
Use of an apostrophe in an ordinary plural, where it is incorrect.
Example: "Potato’s 75p per kilo."
Hesitation Noise
A sound (or sounds) not classified as a word, but used by speakers to keep conversation going.
Hesitation noises are somewhat inadequately indicated by such items as er, erm, uh, um, etc.
(Designating) a pet form of a *word; (that is or has the nature of) a pet name
Example: Auntie.
Of a verb, form, etc.: expressing unreality, non-factuality, extreme unlikelihood, potentiality, etc.
Examples: counterfactual conditional clauses, which contain a past tense form (e.g. If I lived to be a hundred . . . ), and
so-called subjunctive moods (e.g. If I were you . . . ) describe what is extremely unlikely or totally impossible.
A word that is not recorded or not established.
This may be interchangeable with nonce word, but tends to be restricted to inventions that could be unintentional errors rather than deliberate coinages:
1963 PUNCH. The aesthetically displeasing non-word ‘annoyment’.
A string of letters (or sounds) that is not an English word.
The use of more words than are needed to convey a particular meaning.
Examples: "see with one’s eyes"; "at this moment in time."
A word that has multiple meanings.
Many English words have several meanings which are all uses of the same word that have grown apart over time
Draw - ‘cause to move in a certain direction’, ‘produce a picture’, ‘finish a game with an equal score’
Flat - ‘apartment’, ‘note lowered by a semitone’, ‘piece of stage scenery’
Psychological Verb
A verb that expresses a psychological state.
Also called experiencer verb, mental verb, psychological predicate, psych verb; and verb of psychological state.
There are 2 types of psychological verb: those that have an experiencer as subject and a stimulus as object (e.g. I felt the cold);
those that have a stimulus as subject and experiencer as object (e.g. The cold overpowered me).
Royal We
The use of we by a king or queen to mean ‘I’.
Example: Queen Victoria’s ‘We are not amused’.
The style is now restricted to formal documents.
The separation of the parts of a word by an intervening element or elements.
This is not a very productive operation in English, and is largely confined to the insertion of swear words for greater emphasis, as in: "I can’t find it any-blooming-where."
The phenomenon is now usually described by using the term infix.
Source ⚜ More: Notes & References ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs
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winterdaphne2 · 7 months ago
Gay Easter Eggs in BBC Sherlock
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(I trust the above requires no explanation.)
Perhaps someone has done this before, but I wanted to put together a compilation of gay easter eggs in the show that I’ve seen other people point out and/or have thoughts on myself. So here it is!
When I say “easter eggs,” I’m thinking of small clues that the show creators included in the set designs, music choices, and other details of the show to reference that Sherlock and John are in love. I’m thinking of things you could miss at first, especially little clues that often require a bit of extra information or require observations across episodes to understand.
Of course, there’s also lots of subtext woven into the show, moments where interpreting the dialogue or visuals in a certain way tells us something about Sherlock, John, and/or the state of their feelings for one another. I’m not sure if I can clearly define “subtext” versus “easter eggs” and explain what distinguishes them, but at least to me, several of the things I’ve listed here seem a bit different from what people often refer to as subtext. Maybe subtext is about uncovering the layers to a piece of dialogue or an action that takes place in plain sight and seeing how that impacts our interpretation of the story, but easter eggs are about spotting smaller, hidden details. I’m not trained in literary or film studies, though, and I’m not trying to be doctrinaire about this at all! This list is just for fun, anyway. (The above image might not actually count as an easter egg, but I couldn’t resist including it here. Indulge me.)
The more I read about this show and the harder I look, the more I think that hardly anything is there on accident. All these easter eggs must have been included on purpose. The creators knew they were telling a love story all along.
I’ve linked to the posts where I initially saw people point these out or to other good sources, and for some of these I’ve added my own commentary/observations/interpretations. I’m sure there are many other easter eggs that I’ve missed! What have you spotted?
John’s PIN in TBB – When John tries to pay for his groceries at the beginning of the episode, we see that his PIN is 743. In ASIB, Irene’s code to unlock her phone is SHER, which would be 7437 on a phone keypad. So, John’s PIN is a clue that he is or will be in love with Sherlock. Source: @loudest-subtext-in-tv, here.
Shaftesbury Avenue, 20m from Piccadilly Circus in TBB – While investigating in Chinatown, Sherlock and John bump into each other at what used to be a cruising spot for gay men in London. Source: @the-signs-of-two, here.
Archer the American in ASIB – In the scene where the American CIA agents try to get Sherlock to open Irene’s safe, the head CIA agent pressures Sherlock by threatening to have one of his men shoot John. The agent says: “Mr. Archer, on the count of three, shoot Dr. Watson.” Ordering someone named “Archer” to shoot John could be a reference to Arthur Conan Doyle’s poem “The Blind Archer,” which is about Cupid and describes Cupid shooting two men who sound an awful lot like Sherlock and John. Source: couldntpossiblycomment, here.
“¿Dónde Estás, Yolanda?” in TEH – The song that plays during the scene with John and Sherlock’s disastrous reunion at the Landmark restaurant is a cover of the song “¿Dónde Estás, Yolanda?” performed by the band Pink Martini. The Spanish lyrics to this song are about searching for a long-lost lover, which is fitting for the scene where John sees Sherlock again for the first time since his fall. Notably, the creators didn’t use the first of the two versions of this song that Pink Martini has released. The band’s first version appears on their 1997 studio album Sympathique and features a man singing about a woman. Instead of using that version, the creators used the version from Pink Martini’s 2011 compilation album A Retrospective, in which China Forbes performs most of the vocals. So, the creators deliberately chose a remade version of the song in which a woman sings about a woman. They chose a gay song about searching for a long-lost lover for Sherlock and John’s reunion. abrae (@tea-and-liminality on tumblr) has a meta with more to say about the use of this song here.
John’s “oscillation on the pavement” in TEH – In TSOT, John observes a potential client standing outside 221B and trying to make up her mind as to whether to come in. Sherlock tells John “I’ve seen those symptoms before. Oscillation on the pavement always means there’s a love affair.” In the previous episode, John came to visit Sherlock at 221B but hesitated on the pavement outside, staring at the door and trying to decide whether to go in. Sherlock’s comment, “I’ve seen those symptoms before,” is a hint that we, the audience, have also seen those symptoms before—with John in the previous episode. Source: @bidoctor, here. (I saw someone else point out that last part about Sherlock’s hint to the audience, but I can’t find that post, sorry!)
Lilac dresses in TSOT – While planning John and Mary’s wedding, Sherlock chooses lilac-colored dresses for the bridesmaids. When John tells Sherlock that he likes the bridesmaids in purple, Sherlock pointedly corrects him by stating that the dresses are lilac. Apparently, “In Victorian times, giving a lilac meant that the giver is trying to remind the receiver of a first love.” So by dressing the bridesmaids in lilac, Sherlock is trying to remind John of his first love: himself, Sherlock. My heart breaks. Source: @asherlockstudy, here.
Putting the horns on Mary and Janine in TSOT and HLV – In TSOT, there’s a shot where Mary gives Sherlock and John a thumbs up before they head out on a case. The way Mary is standing, the horns on Sherlock’s cow skull thing on the wall behind her are placed right over her head. (I always thought this shot looked pretty weird, but now I see that it must have been intentional!) In the HLV scene with Janine at 221B, there’s a moment when Janine steps in front of John in the frame to kiss Sherlock, and her movement positions the horns right over her head. “Putting the horns” on someone means cheating on them. So in both cases, placing the horns right above Mary’s and Janine’s heads indicates to the audience that Sherlock and John are the real relationship in this show. Source: this post from multiple users on the @sherlockmeta blog.
The architecture of Sherlock’s mind palace in HLV – In the mind palace scene after Mary shoots Sherlock, the architecture of Sherlock’s mind palace is based on locations from ASIP. Sherlock literally built his mind palace out of places from his first case with John, illustrating that his relationship with John is what grounds him and that it means everything to him. abrae has some very helpful screencaps of this here (and I would recommend that whole meta, btw!)
The glasshouse scene in TAB – In TAB, the Victorian John tries to ask Sherlock about his sexuality and sexual history while they’re sitting in a glasshouse. In Victorian Britain, “glasshouse” was another term for a military prison. So John, a military veteran, asks Sherlock about his sexuality in a setting that represents where he would have been sent if he had acted upon his homosexual desires at a time when homosexuality was criminalized. Source: @haffieliesel, here.
What do we say about coincidences? The universe is rarely so lazy.
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mamieishere · 1 year ago
disclaimer : cnc, protected sex, spooning, cockwarning, rough sex, no name mentioned, implied curvy reader
- "Baby... Baby wake up", he whispered in your ears that morning.
You were already mild awake but lazy enough to get up from the bed warmth. A little ray of sunshine had getting through the shutter and there were some birds singing. Yeah, there was absolutely no reason for you to get up. Bundled up in the sheets, you layed beautifully on your left side, one leg out, because too hot in the bed and too cold outside.
This moment was perfect. Until you left some weight on your back. One hand had passed the ourlet of your pajama and rested on your boob. This was unusual. Both of you were used to sleep back-to-back.
- "Y/N-nie I know you're not sleeping", haaa it was almost impossible to fool him. He told you "It's easy to know when you're sleeping, your breathing is a little heavier than usual. And now, you're making no noise."
He spooned you and oh! Oh okay, you get it. You felt against your thighs the pressing and obvious reason of all of this. His hand started to move gently and delicately rub your nipple between his digits.
- "Honey, be a good girl and grab some lube and a condom please.", you reached your drawer and pick the random needs. "I just want to be in you, don't move okay ?". Even if you wanted to speak, you were unable to form words. Was it the laziness? Or because you were still half sleeping?
A mumbling moan left your lips as he spreaded the cold lube on your very wet pussy. He liked it very messy so you left him doing it. He glued you and spreaded your thighs.
- "Fuck baby, you're so warm", he engulfed this throbbing covered cock between your walls. "Let's stay for a little while like this, hmm?", he said in a smiling voice.
Being the good girl you always were, you didn't move a inch, relaxed and if you wanted, you could go back to sleep. His nose in the little of your neck, his breathe on your skin made you tighten you up against his torso. Your mouvement made him touched this sensitive part and you moaned. You wanted more. You needed more. So, you started to roll yours hips, slowly. Each time the target was touched, a little spark crackled down your spine. You were living the time of your life. It was delicious.
- " So, my needy girl couldn't wait for me?", you froze. "You know what needy girl deserves, huh?"
He grabbed your hips with force and built a pace. It was rough, merciless and so good. Each trust made him go deeper until his length met the gummy spot of yours.
It was the end of you, mouth wide open, curling toes and your hands griping on his muscular arm.
A light, pretty, cute and colorful. You wanted to touch it. You've gotten closer. It was little, certainly but warm and welcoming. You curled up your body around it and finally pointed a finger to put it on. The light turned into black.
- "Let it go", you screamed. "Baby, hey hey, it's okay". Your boyfriend held you in his arms, whispering sweet nothings in your ears. "You did so well. It was a big one isn't it? Ooooh my baby did so well to me."
You progressively landed. Wet. Everything under you was absolutely nothing but drenched.
- "FUCK", you panicked but he prevented any movement.
- "You squirted baby and it was so hot...".
Okay, if that was the end of you. Pretty fucking please, you wanted it every time.
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shescreature · 10 months ago
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l'enfance est plus sympathique, l'enfance apporte le magique 🌸
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iyamifucker · 1 year ago
I think those “Imagine doing your F/O’s make up” imagines are INCREDIBLY sweet, especially as someone with a GNC (that could be very plausibly argued to canonically be some flavor of NB and/or transfeminine as well) F/O but it’s also particularly funny to me because Iyami is much, much better at putting on make up than I am.
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