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cravingpepsimax · 23 hours ago
transfem sylvan 💖
heh... that's exactly where i was going. B) (tho i do think i'll have her egg crack pre-fic)
i've been thinking of names. i was originally gonna just go w sylvia -- not bc i'm lazy but bc i could absolutely see her going w a feminine form of her deadname, just cuz. her parents gave her her name. that's important to her. but also sylvia's a lot less... stan-ish? one of the reasons i chose sylvan was bc it might not be shortened to stan it still matched the s- beginning -an ending thing. and sylvia... well, the name begins with s,
i'd also consider stella but @obsessioncest already has a white-haired stancest daughter named stella so. no. i'm not taking her swag djkfldsjf
i do like stanza but it feels like there's not enough to justify it beyond "begins with stan". she'd hate poetry she's autistic and dyslexic
constance would be a fun shoutout + it has a good meaning for her but also Difficult To Search due to . fem!stan. there are variants tho (constantia, constantina, constancia, etc). the real question is would her dyslexic ass decide to go by a longer name
outside of that there's also stacy & variants + the million names that mean star (which still feels like stealing stella's swag but i don't have a lot to work with)
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cravingpepsimax · 3 months ago
lord do i feel you there WJAJSJS i went over multiple iterations of sylvan before falling on Strange Stoic Deer Boy — in part because i was afraid of making him too mary sue-ish. it’s funny you mentioned the heterochromia — that was one of my favorite details! heterochromia is recessive. stan and ford are identical twins, ergo, if one of them has the heterochromia gene, the other also likely has it. thus, their biological offspring would have a higher chance of heterochromia !!
had that same conflict with giving sylvan a twin, too LMAO. i felt like — given the story i have planned for him — you’d end up with way too many cooks in the kitchen. it also just messed with his backstory + conflicted with his character themes too much
so, when it comes to dipper and mabel’s father, or hadley’s brother, my question is this: would their presence benefit the story you want to tell? either their story as a whole, or their character backstory. and, yes, i know the pines twins need a father, but in theory you could just handwave it and go “they divorced” or something
tl;dr writing characters is Hard. especially if they are Incest Babies
Okay since some of you want to know about my Stancest fankid, I will rant about her!
First thing, I have like a billion different AUs within this AU, but I’ll probably only share two of them with y’all.
So, without further ado;
Her name is Hadley Celia Pines, her birth year depending on The AU, but for my original timelines, she’s born February 18, 1973, about 4-5 months after Stan gets kicked out. There’s no conclusive date of when Stan was kicked out, but I’m pretty sure the year was 1972 and given how most college admissions happen in the first semester, I'm putting Stan being kicked out in September/October of ‘72, when they’re 17. And yes, this is an mpreg kind of scenario. I haven’t decided whether this is ABO, trans!Stan, or a “men can get pregnant” kind of universe. But either way, she is the product of both Stan and Ford. Since Stan was only about 3 months or so months when he got kicked out, he didn’t know, being naturally a little chubby and all. It was only after a couple months on the street, he made it to New York, when his belly firmed up that he figured it out.
He was so terrified, scared of giving birth on the streets and dying, from his baby getting taken away from him, from everything that could happen to his baby. Thankfully, he was taken in by a kind older woman, a retired midwife named Celia. Stan stayed with her for two years before he and Hadley left, Celia’s apartment was too expensive and she was moving in with a nephew of hers. She offered for Stan and Hadley to come with her, but Stan declined, feeling a combination of insecure, pride, and the want to prove himself to his father. Of course Stan still stays in contact with Celia, his and Hadley visit her every year for the Holidays and Harley’s birthday
Of course since he’s been a father since he was kicked out, he never got into too much trouble like in canon. He still had to chew his way out of a car and still had bad dealings with some drug lords, but he never went to jail or South America.
Ford still sends him a post card when things with Bill got too much to handle, and Stan still goes, but he’s more cautious with Hadley in toe. Ford’s more cautious too, seeing a little girl glaring at him from behind Stan threw him for a loop. Stan’s much less likely to fight Ford with their daughter-Ford unknowing-present, so he just pushes and pushes until Ford explains everything.
So Stan sticks around to help Ford, and eventually Fiddleford, defeat Bill, subverting Weirdmaggedon. Stan and Ford grow close again over that period, and Stan tells Ford he’s Hadley’s other dad and cue family bonding.
Now in one AU, the portal fight still happens and Fors goes through the portal for 30 years. In this one, Hadley, once Stan lets her, helps with the portal, but she also uses the lab for her own personal projects, like a prosthetic for when a lab explosion causes Stan to lose a leg. Dark I know but meh. And instead of Dipper and Mabel being Shermie’s grandkids, they’re Hadley’s kids, Ford and Stan’s grandkids, so they grew up knowing all the weirdness of the town and about Ford.
Some things that stay consistent through the billions of AUs
-Hadley has partial heterochromia, central to be exact.
-Stan and Hadley both sometimes go by Lee
-Because they’re both “Lee”, they made their own language, “Leenglish” where it’s just the “Lee” pronounced with different tones and lengths
-Hadley takes after both Stan and Ford a lot, Ford’s intelligence (times like 10) and Stan’s penchant for showmanship and conman abilities.
-she graduated high school and college (think kind of like Spencer Reid), getting multiple degrees as kind of a “Fuck you” to Ford, proving that he’s not the smartest man in the world as he likes to think (her thoughts) many of these degrees being physics degrees to help with the portal
-At first, she honestly kind of hates Ford, hates how he hurt her dad, hates how he abandoned them him, and most importantly, she hates how similar she is to him. How she knows that sometimes Stan looks at her and just sees Ford, even though he’s never once compared them (he does not, Stan’s just always amazed at his wonderful daughter, these are Hadley’s issues taking front). Oh yeah, she has a lot of internalized self hatred issues that she projects onto Ford for the longest time. She also has his anger issues and ability to hold a grudge for the longest time. None of these are my personal feelings towards Ford, I love his character, but I tried to draw upon my own personal feelings on feeling abandoned by a parent
-Surpisingly chill with her dads being Incest Twins, but telling them to not be too affectionate and mushy in front of her because ew, those are her dads and also ew they’re old.
Sorry for the rambling post! I just tried to fit in as much as I could in a small enough post! Please let me know if you want to hear more about her and the multiple AUs I have of her!
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cravingpepsimax · 3 months ago
would you like to hear about by stancest fankid bc she's gnawing on the bars of her enclosure right now and i can tell you're in a mood. jk im telling you anyways because i dont have a stancest sideblog
her name is stella pines and TECHNICALLY she's not related to either of them. and fords technically her stepdad. she ran away from home and was a feral forest child until stan was able to lure her into the mystery shack with beef jerkey. she also got Ghost Cursed but she doesn't talk about that :) Ghost Curse makes her basically albino but she just rolls with it. she's goth now. hell yeah. (Ghost Curse does more shit but that would be a whole other essay that im too tired to write rn. tldr; shes a lot more animalistic and feral and morally dubious than most people. ford has almost an aneurysm when he meets her bc Ghost Curse.)
stan found her when she was 9, around 10 years before the events of Gravity Falls. he Does Not Know where she came from and she Will Not Share. he named her stella because she didnt tell him what her name was prior to The Forest and so he went down a list of baby names until he found one she didn't bite him over. he's still not sure if it was her name or not (it wasnt)
stan explained her to gravity falls by just saying that he hooked up with a lady in vegas on a trip a while back and now the kids staying with him. This Is My Daughter. Put That DNA Test Away.
she figured out stan was lying about something pretty quick and by the time she was 11, she knew (basically) everything. she really really wanted to help but stan shooed her out every time she tried because "it's dangerous" and "you could get hurt" and "it's a lot of math, you'll probably get bored" and stellas just like "dad. i have disemboweled and devoured something thing that i'm only half sure was an animal using only my teeth when i was five years old. Let Me Into The Math Dungeons." and stans like "no"
she helps out in the mystery shack instead because SOMEBODY won't let her chew on wires in the basement. mabel thinks she's the shit. dipper is concerned.
when fords back shes just like "HEY uncle ford ive heard SO MUCH about you" *winkwink nudgenudge KISS HIM DAD*. when stan and ford tell her theyre dating shes like "about fucking time. do you wanna be pops or something or are you still uncle ford. youre pops now actually ive decided. anyways im crashing at wendys for the night i sure do hope you dont get this large house all to yourselves for the night with nobody to bother you when you do stuff. would be a real shame."
she has bingo nights with the gnomes every other tuesday. They Let Her Use Their Tunnels. this comes in handy.
one of the names for sylvan i considered was actually stellan WKAKSKSMSM
she means everything to me already . a DUBIOUS little creature getting up to MISCHIEF this is no good …
i feel like sylvan would have such a siblinglike relationship with her. they are bickering constantly but they are besties. somethin’ to do with them being feral and morally dubious. they would totally be gravity falls newest cryptids.
stella: oh, yeah, forgot to tell you: i’ve got a ghoooost cuurse *wiggles her fingers spookily* that’s where i get my white hair from!
sylvan: wish i had powers from my albinism. i’m just blind and can’t go out in the sun
stella, nodding: like a vampire.
sylvan: *raises a brow*
stella: ‘cause, you know, the sun… and��� bats…
sylvan: not only are bats not blind, their eyesight is great.
stella: *rolls her eyes* ugh. remind me to never try to cheer you up again.
anon if you don’t make a stancest blog i am going to Attack you . with Hammers . i need to Communicate With You
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cravingpepsimax · 1 month ago
that's it that's the ask he's my favorite stancest the kid
i wanna infodump about his lore but even tho i know damn well i’m not writing that fic i’m like . what if. tge Mystery max u GOTTA consider the Mystery
however i will show u what reminded me of him. as a treat:
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^this is sylvan
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cravingpepsimax · 3 months ago
i wanna do more stuff with sylvan but my current plan is a longfic and . jesus christ. i can barely finish a one shot so i’m SUPER worried about that. and i’m still kinda wondering what the plot should be — i know the inciting incident, i know that i want the perspective character to be dipper but other than that, and i have vague ideas on certain plot beats but other than that? clueless. no idea wtf i’m doing.
with all that being said:
(do note that the 3rd one may result in some character spoilers but at the same time i feel like if you care enough about sylvan to figure out his backstory via one shots you deserve it WKAKSKSKS)
also note: the third option still means the longfic is happening it’s just on the side
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cravingpepsimax · 3 months ago
Wait, who birth Sylvan? Was there a birth or did he just “poof” via magic?
ford pines is two things:
a cartoon scientist
someone who extensive knowledge of the paranormal
being a cartoon scientist, i'd already have no doubt he'd be able to whip up a test tube baby -- cartoon scientists can do anything -- but the knowledge of the paranormal? oh, yeah, guy's definitely doing some kinda science-fantasy stuff.
(frankly, ford did consider making it possible to get one of them pregnant, but that came with a litany of issues. 1. pregnancy sucks and neither of them particularly wanted to have to deal with that, but, more importantly: 2. wayyyyy too many risks there. a cisgender man being pregnant isn't exactly common. let's not risk either of their bodies for this baby)
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cravingpepsimax · 3 months ago
What’s sylvan’s relationship like with Dipper and Mabel? Like does he tolerate them in the way cousins do or is he friendly (perhaps more than?) with them?
sylvan 1000% ends up developing a crush on dipper, though it's really love-hate at first. sylvan's a private, mysterious person, and dipper loves solving mysteries, no matter how seemingly benign they are (example: stan's tattoo.)
but sylvan ends up really admiring dipper's drive to know. dipper's intelligent, and sylvan likes having someone that can keep up with him that isn't his Super Ultra Megagenius of a dad.
i also think sylvan's naturally competitive. without delving too far into spoilers territory, sylvan has grown pretty... well, not conflict-averse, per se, but he generally tries to avoid it as much as possible, sneaking past anything that could cause conflict (unless he deems it necessary, for whatever reason). so it's kind of a surprise that he has this trait. but the reason he's so sneaky, generally trying to avoid conflict, is because of external circumstances. sylvan's competitiveness is natural, and it shines with dipper. and i don't think it's just because he views him as an intellectual equal -- it's also because he feels safe to fail around dipper. sylvan has a tendency to work himself up into thinking that everything is a life-or-death situation, but he ends up feeling genuinely comfortable around dipper, letting his natural competitive streak shine through.
he definitely ends up being good friends with mabel, but at first, he does not like her at all. she's the exact opposite of sylvan. sylvan wants to blend in, he's quiet, withdrawn. he keeps his cards close to his chest. mabel is a living lisa frank image. also, he's easily startled, and mabel is LOUD.
eventually, though, he grows to love mabel (platonically). initially, he's really resistant towards mabel's attempts to get him more of a social life (which i don't really blame him for, guy's got boundaries and he doesn't really care for mabel at all at this point). but then, when mabel stops doing this, he begins to enjoy her presence. kinda like with dipper, things that annoyed him become endearing. she's not annoying, she's fun. she's loud, but she's not scary -- in fact, he finds her loudness pretty endearing when they're at the shack. mabel's creative, and extroverted, and though she can be a bit selfish at times, she ultimately loves her family and friends. at some point mabel knits him a sweater and he keeps it for the rest of his life
also, sylvan is endlessly intrigued by mabel juice. what's going on there. what did she put in it. how could sylvan recreate this. how did this girl make liquid meth
++ since we're talking about sylvan crushing on dipper and sylvan's relationship w mabel i HAVE to bring this up: i don't plan on making an explicit romance in the main fic, but i've been thinking about the fact that sylvan's really stoic and mabel is THE shipper. and. like. i feel like sylvan's love language is gift-giving. so when he develops a crush on dipper his overall body language and how he talks to dipper doesn't really change but he DOES just start making gizmos for dipper and mabel's like ":0 OH MY GOD DIPPER HE TOTALLY HAS A CRUSH ON YOU" meanwhile dipper's like ????? bc he's just been assuming that sylvan was either flexing his intellectual prowess or just. being nice. WJSKALSJDKLSAJLK
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cravingpepsimax · 3 months ago
Did Stan teach him pick-pocketing like that one cut Wendy episode or was it something he picked up on his own?
i think stan unintentionally taught him how to do it. stan's protective of his family, and he doesn't want his kid messing with the wrong guy and getting his ass beat. but sylvan is observant, he's seen stan pickpocket people before, he can figure out how he's done it.
additionally, sylvan is just. Really Really Quiet. it's even hard to hear him walk. so being good at pickpocketing is just a natural extension of that LMAO
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cravingpepsimax · 1 day ago
thinking abt sylvan again. specifically i’m considering making him a girl
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cravingpepsimax · 3 months ago
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bored at work so i put him in the microwave
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cravingpepsimax · 1 month ago
I might regret asking, but who’s Slyvan?
he was my first stancest fankid and by far my favorite tbqh. u can see stuff abt him by searching on this blog!!!
i started working on a one shot for an anon back in november but i wanted to include cool math stuff cuz it was ddamd based and . i got sidetracked WJAJSNSMNS
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cravingpepsimax · 3 months ago
for the oc ask thing 7 13 15 20. Sylvan Pines. Let Him Out.
7. Describe them in three words. Now let them describe themself in three words.
my description: Stoic, smart, scared.
sylvan's description: Smart, withdrawn, coward.
13. Name one thing their parents taught them.
stan and ford taught sylvan a lot, but i think learning how to live on a boat and handle anomalies was one of the most important. of course, they weren't just... flinging an infant at the damn kraken, but it's kind of hard to live on the sow without encountering a few anomalies. plus, learning how to fish, how to scale them, and other survivalist things...
15. What would they consider a waste of time– other than school or work?
pfft! funnily enough, school and work are just about the only things sylvan doesn't consider a waste of time. he's extremely determined. when he has a goal in mind, he will dedicate 110% of his time to it, meaning everything else is a waste of time to him. sleep? food? interacting with other people??? he doesn't have time for that.
20. What do they like that nobody else does?
hm. is this as in "the average person doesn't enjoy", or as in "people in his life don't enjoy"? because those have different answers.
if it's the former, he loves math. absolutely adores it, can't get enough of it.
if it's the latter, sylvan LOVES grunge music. i've always associated grunge w sylvan LMAO
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cravingpepsimax · 3 months ago
For the character ask meme: #10: What is their main character arc in the story? And if I can ask a second one #13: Voice claim?
#10: What is their main character arc in the story?
sylvan's biggest arc is gonna be learning to trust and even -- gasp -- rely on others. sylvan is extremely independent and feels like others are a liability. it's one of the reasons he's a compulsive liar -- they don't need to know, information can be used against me!!! learnign to trust, rely on others, and love again is a major theme for him.
#13: Voice claim?
so, as it turns out, there aren't a lot of masculine, raspy, monotone voices with a lisp that sound like a whisper. however, the closest i've gotten to a sylvan voice claim has been rei from eva!
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cravingpepsimax · 3 months ago
i wanna rb those in-character oc ask memes so bad but then i remember ohhh wait sylvan is an extremely secretive and quiet compulsive liar. half of his responses are gonna be 3 words and also blatantly incorrect
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cravingpepsimax · 3 months ago
I’m curious, how old is sylvan in relation to dip and mabel? Sorry if you’ve stated this before, I miss posts occasionally rip.
no worries!!! you're all good i'm not gonna kill anyone for askin' sylvan questions regardless of whether or not they've been asked before. i mean i don't get upset when ppl ask a question i've already answered in the first place but w sylvan especially i am far too caught up in the euphoria of Yay That's My Little Guy to care
sylvan's the same age as the twins. well, technically, a little bit older, since he's a cancer (yes, i have thought about his zodiac sign before giving him an actual birthday. Shhh.) but he was also born in 1999
i know what you're thinking: hey. wait. what's going on with the timeline here. All Will Be Answered In Time (this isn't a cop-out i legitimately have thought a LOT about sylvan's backstory WJAALASJDKLS)
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cravingpepsimax · 3 months ago
WOOOOOOOO alright the third option won !!!
feel free to send in prompts! i’ve got the following restrictions:
nothing nsft
has to be when he’s 12 or older — i wanna save childhood stuff for the fic. (he’s the same age as dipper and mabel)
other than that? go crazy. if i feel like it’s too spoilery i’ll just not write it LMAO
i wanna do more stuff with sylvan but my current plan is a longfic and . jesus christ. i can barely finish a one shot so i’m SUPER worried about that. and i’m still kinda wondering what the plot should be — i know the inciting incident, i know that i want the perspective character to be dipper but other than that, and i have vague ideas on certain plot beats but other than that? clueless. no idea wtf i’m doing.
with all that being said:
(do note that the 3rd one may result in some character spoilers but at the same time i feel like if you care enough about sylvan to figure out his backstory via one shots you deserve it WKAKSKSKS)
also note: the third option still means the longfic is happening it’s just on the side
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