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horrorbanget · 1 month ago
laki-laki kesepian yang mencari rumah untuk pulang. Kakinya lemas saat pisau menancap ke tubuh seorang gadis dia sebut Isyana. Gadis itu dia bunuh dengan tangan dinginnya.
Malam mencekam kilat menyambar Arga berhasil melancarkan aksinya. Keluar dari apartemen yang dia sewa Arga memakai masker agar tidak ketahuan. “Sebaiknya gue pergi!”
Masuk ke dalam mobil, dia senang berhasil melukai gadis itu. Tapi tangisnya semakin kencang. Tertawa sepertu orang gila.
Di hari berikutnya dia bertemu Isyana. Dia seorang mahasiswi pintar, cuma punya satu teman Ilona. Dan Isyana benci sekali sama laki-laki makanya dia ilfeel mendekati laki-laki manapun.
Sampai Arga meminta nomornya. “Gue mau nomor lo?” “Gak akan gue kasih anjir, lo orang gila.” “Sejak kapan gue gila? Bisa kasih penjelassan?” “Dari sorot mata lo ada sesuatu? Gue ngeliat lo itu seiko.” “Cih stress lo, di baikkin salah.” Arganta tidak peduli pada stetment gadis itu. Ia mendekati Kimberly mangsanya ini cukup empuk, dia badgirl broken-home.
“Lo laper gak ke kantin bareng yuk?” Mereka sekarang ada di kantin Nusa Pelita kampus dengan ukuran kantin cukup luas, ada westafel fasilitas makanan bersih, sehat, dan juga bisa dipilih gorengan di sini aja minyaknya olive oil. Tidak ada yang seperti di pedagang gorengan.
Duduk di deretan bangku paling depan keduanya belum mengobrol sampai di mana Arganta mengemgam tangannya. “Gue mau lo ngedate sama gue?” Secepat itu. Deru napas Kim kian menggebu.
Mereka resmi jadian setelah sering jalan bareng. Bahkan orangtua Kim mengenal Arganta. Malam itu keduanya pergi ke rumah Arga ini permainan pertamanya di rumah. Di dalam tidak siapa-siapa pembantu sudah pulang. “Elo mau ngapain?” “Gue mau bikinin lo surprise!” Arganta mengambil sirup, menyalahkan televisi besar menonton film death note. Tidak lama jari-jari Kim terasa lemas.
Airmatanya perlahan jatuh saat Arganta membawa pisau dan juga karung. Ini sudah kelewatan berusaha berlari pintu terkunci. Semuanya biar pintu belakang juga tidak ada akses.
Kim merasakan sakit saat sayatan mengenai leher kemudian kulitnya. Jika takdirnya mati sekarang dia siap. Arganta berhasil melakukan memasukkan ke dalam karung. Mengubur di sebelah rumah.
Setahun kemudian… Tidak terasa Arganta sudah membunuh 150 gadis. Bukan hal mudah melakukan hanya dengan pedekate semua siap. Hanya ada satu murid kampus susah dilumpuhkan dia Isyana Mirabella.
Tangannya mengetik pesan ajakan pulang Isyana menolak. “Pulang sama aku yuk!” “Gue gak bisa!” Padahal Arganta sudah berbicara formal, tetap saja di tolak.
Malam itu Arganta ke dukun dia melancarkan aksinya meminta jimat agar gadis itu mau dekat dengannya. Setiap hari Arganta menusukkan sesuatu ke boneka miliknya. Ia membiarkan Isyana takluk.
Buku bergambar Isyana jatuh dan Arganta menangkapnya. Mereka saling berpandangan satu sama lain semua memperhatikan Isyana.
“Nanti siang aku antar pulang ya, rumah kita seerah.” “Iya aku mau Arganta.” ucap Isyana tersenyum.
Sebuah keberuntungan mereka pulang bersama. Bahkan sebelum itu mampir makan di Kelapa Gading. Lalu di sana Isyana mencari buku untuk tugas ekonomi. Arganta sabar menemani gadis itu yang terus menempel padanya. Layaknya orang pacaran.
Ilona sahabat dari Isyana yang memiliki awalan I senang mengetahui Isyana mau membuka hati untuk laki-laki. Tetapi kekhawatiran ada takut terjadi sesuatu apalagi dia misterius. Malam semakin larut jam menunjukkan pukul setengah sembilan telepon Ilona berdering. “Nasya hape kakak bunyi ambilin dong?” “Mager banget sih drakorku udah mau ending nih.” “Kiyowok, mulu belajar sana bilangin Mami nih…” “Nak apa Isyana ada sama kamu?” “Gak Tante emang kenapa?” “Isyana hilang belum pulang, Tante bingung mau cari ke mana.” Membulat tadi pagi sama Arganta sekarang malah hilang. Tuh kan dia laki-laki aneh misterius jangan-jangan rumor selama ini. Meminta data mahasiwa kampus di ruang tata usaha Jolie memberikannya kemudian segera ke rumah Arganta. Biar aman pake syall dan baju hangat.
Suasananya mistis mencekam di tambah minim penyerangan. Alisnya saling bertautan.
Hening ketika langkah kaki berdecit. Bersembunyi ia melihat beberapa mannequin di dalam berbentuk wanita. “Argh…” Suara aneh Arganta masuk.
Ilona penasaran hendak menyusul namun sayang. Jendelanya berpagarkan teralis susah untuk mencarinya. Ilona masuk ke depan karena pintu terbuka. Di dalam kepanikan ia terus berdoa. Kakinya begitu berat berjalan. Seseorang di dalam di bekap mulutnya terkunci.
Di cermin sosok menyeramkan keluar di balik kaca dia nenek tua dan gadis noni belanja.
“Arganta sudah menjadi pengikutku, dia psikopat sekaligus anak buahku.” “KALIAN SEMUA GILA?” Ilona pingsan di masukkan Arganta ke kamar, baru kali ini Arganta belum membunuh seorang gadis.
Berlari dari sana mencari bantuan pintu belakang terbuka, menaiki taksi Arganta kehilangan kesadaran setelah dipukul balok. Tiba di rumah menceritakan semuanya bahwa dia terkena pelet ajian. Zahlia ibunya memeluk erat putrinya. Menelpon polisi Arganta ditangkap atas kasus pembunuhan. Sedangkan Ilona mengalami depresi berat, untung masih bisa selamat.
“Gue gak mau Ilona terus-terus kayak gini!” “Hihihi, gue mati… hihihi… bersama mereka.” Tawanya cekikan di kamar isolasi rumah sakit jiwa saat Isyana menjenguk.
Dia disidang rumah itu sepi tidak ada pembeli mau mengambil. Harganya mahal dijual oleh orang, semakin tinggi mereka semakin penasaran. Vlogger konten mencoba uji nyali.
“Gue gak peduli, yang penting cuan.” Kata Ferdi memasuki tempat menyiapkan kamera video begitu gambar di geser bayangan dari belakang muncul sesosok nenek-nenek tusuk konde. Menusuk dari belakang darah mengucur. Tidak ada yang dapat menyelamatkan setelah Aksa temannya datang membawa dua gelas air mineral menjatuhkan langsung memeluk tubuh tidak bernyawa itu.
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Does it ever drive you crazy🎶...
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Just how fast the night...changes?💀
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refloats · 8 years ago
Music Tag
I was tagged by @serhein (thx ily)
Rules: use the song titles from only one artist to answer these questions and then tag 10 people.
I choose: Selena Gomez
Gender: Me & My Girls Describe yourself: Survivors How do you feel: We Own The Night If you could go anywhere, where would it be: Undercover Favourite mode of transportation: Magic Your best friend: Perfect / I Got U If your life was a TV show what would it be called: My Dilemma 2.0 What is life to you: Live Like There’s No Tomorrow Relationship status: The Heart Wants What It Wants Your fear: Falling Down I’m tagging: @syalle @amazely @cuddlinqs @eviance @stuphid @nitroxed @sensihs @cxcti @fluhters @voquecity
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lukasalexanders · 6 years ago
seeing an og character in 2019 doesnt feel real i cant believe this
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eleanorcaldit · 7 years ago
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eleanorj92: 🐻
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beepbeepbitchin-blog · 7 years ago
um so I just achieved 40+ followers and I just wanna say, you can message me anytime or ask anonymous questions.
a.k.a i need friends
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rantingcrocodile · 3 years ago
what do you think of jokes about really tragic events? I'm talking 9/11, auschwitz, native American genocide, witch trials kind of events. Idk what to feel about them. People who joke about them typically get pissed off and claim whoever objects is a fragile snowflake, but also what kind of psychopath do you have to be to make a joke, something that is supposed to bring humor, about something so dark and horrible?
This is a very tricky subject because it relies heavily on both context and (more importantly) intent.
The thing about humour is that, aside from the light kinds of jokes and plays-on-words, humour also exists to take the sting out of the darkness. To laugh about something is to remove the pain of it, to pull it out of the darkness and into the light, exposing the truth for what it is.
That's one thing that I enjoy about British humour. For example, there was an incredibly popular British comedy series called Goodness Gracious Me, and they had sketches like this:
As British Asians, they created the "Cooper" (actually Kapoor) and "Robinson" (actually Rabindranath) couples (as an example above), to poke fun at the desperation to be assimilated as English. In those sketches, the writers (also two of the actors) went to extreme lengths to show how ridiculous it was for those characters to attempt to be seen as white British.
If you were to look at it coldly without the context, the idea of poking fun at that clear racism, at the trauma of forced assimilation, then that should, in theory, be a taboo. Instead, it's genuinely funny. Meera Syall and Sanjeev Bhaskar are hilarious writers, and the above really does take the pain and the experiences that they and their communities have to take the sting out of it, along with the underlying message of don't feel like you have to be like this, be yourself and screw the racists.
But that brings us back to intent. There is absolutely no malice in the above. The victims of the sketch aren't British Asians in general. It's a mockery of individual characters as a vehicle to attack the issues behind what's being portrayed. That's a world away from a racist deciding to make jokes about British Asians because the racist hates them and wants to belittle them.
The darkest jokes are something else.
(Warning for a sketch about anti-black racism and the use of a racial slur.)
This is from Not The Nine O'Clock News, another British show from back in the 1980s.
For those that can't watch, it starts with Constable Savage being reprimanded by his superior for bringing up ridiculous charges. He's made arrests for "stepping on the cracks in the pavement." Hilarious! That police officer is absurd! Until his superior then says that those 100+ bogus charges are all against the same man. Cue more laughs! The harassed man is revealed to be a black man, and it's clear that the stupid Savage is an obsessed racist. His superior berates him for being racist and for making the police look bad. The superior states that Savage is not welcome in the police, and there's no option but...
To transfer Savage to the SPG, otherwise known as the Special Patrol Group, a London-based sub-section of the police that was notoriously violent and racist.
Is that a horrifically dark sketch? Yes. Did it include racism? Yes. But it was also a jab at how racist the police was, where racism was condemned in it, underlining the seriousness of racism and how untrustworthy the police was, even when the police claimed to care. That wasn't a deliberate attack against the black community, even though we can look back at it now, forty years later, and see that the terms used were wrong and the writing clumsy. It comes back down to intent, yet again.
It also depends on the audience.
Some people will use dark humour as a coping mechanism, telling dark jokes about themselves or their own group with other members of their own group or trusted friends and family members to take the sting out of their own oppression. Others would be triggered and damaged hearing those jokes.
If someone isn't comfortable with jokes like that, then whether they're a member of the same group or not, their wishes should always be paramount to make sure that they're protected and kept safe from harm.
The issue with humour, including dark jokes, is when it comes from people from a place of privilege, where those jokes are nothing but attacks and abuse towards others, especially the oppressed, who tell those jokes gleefully because they come from a place of bigotry and hatred.
The bottom line is to be kind and sensitive to others and their feelings. It isn't "oppressive" to say, "keep those jokes to yourself if you'd otherwise upset someone." The jokes are supposed to be funny, not hurtful.
As for the people that call others "snowflakes"? You can guarantee that they'd also be the same people who would get their pitchforks ready if you joked about something that offended them.
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yuemeizi1 · 6 years ago
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Feel your charm 😘Here comes the new dress 😃😃😁😁#Dress  #syalbatik#instaaccessories #instafashion#batik #syal #jualsyal #jualscarf#scarfcustom #syalleher#scarfimport #syalrajut#syalmotif #syalwool #syalwinter#syall #syalkorea#syalmusimdingin #syalimport#scarfmurah #resepnusantara#scarves #squarescarf#scarfstyles #scarfstyle #silkscarf#scarvesfordays #pemilu2019#scarve #scarfhijab #scarflovers https://www.instagram.com/p/BxC7XIfDkUn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1js6ytx1yi1a9
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small--crcle · 6 years ago
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seputarpapuacom · 3 years ago
Nasionalisme Iwan Gunawan, Pemuda Transmigrasi di Timika
Nasionalisme Iwan Gunawan, Pemuda Transmigrasi di Timika
Sore itu, Minggu (7/8/2022), pelangi hiasi langit Mimika, namun hujan rintik-rintik masih tetap menjadi klasik selama beberapa waktu ini. Seorang Pemuda mengenakan baju merah bertuliskan 77 Indonesia Bisa. Di lehernya terikat bendera yang dijadikan syall, berteriak keras melalui mic yang disambung ke Toa di Jalur 1, Kampung Mulia Kencana, SP7, Distrik Iwaka, Kabupaten Mimika, Provinsi Papua…
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dessyastri · 3 years ago
Aku mulai dr jaman2 senior high school yaaa😍😍uluuh² masa remaja yeekan bund... ingin ku kembali ke masa remaja serasa galih dan ratna aseeekkkkk Nostagila duluu yuuuk..👯‍♀️👯‍♀️
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Jadi ceritanya aku punya Bestie gitu. Kita bertujuh aku sebutin dari yg paling kanan yaa nama temen2 aku semasa putih abu²🤭🤭 ada Imah, Sari, Dyah, aku yg di tengah uwuwuuw, Septi, Estika, dan yg terakhir Dyan. Sorry guys aku g bisa tag satu2 krn aku gak ngerti apkah kalian punya tumblr atau gak hehehe.. kalau kalian baca ini jgn ketawa😂🤗 yaa aku cm pengin nitip kenangan ajaa di sinih hihii😘
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Jdi awalnya tuh Aku, Dyah, Sari, Dyan,Imah & Estika tu satu kelas waktu itu di tahun 2006 aku masuk salah satu SMA d daerah Ambarawa dan di sekolah ini aku di pertemukan dgn sahabat²ku. Entah dr mana awalnya tau² kita berenam tu jadi deket gitu, trus kemana2 bareng. Nah klo Septi ini kita emang beda kelas. Kita berenam di x8 & septi di x9. Dah amnesia deh knp tiba2 kita bisa bertujuh, awal²nya krn duduknya berdekatan dr situ mulai niih kebentuk chemistery gitu kita, dan akhirnya deket sering curhat sering main bareng² jugaa. Sampe kita tuh custom blazer sndiri,jdi bertuju smp pnya blazer kembaran yg satu warna biru dan satunya ungu gitu wkwkwk trus beki gelang juga kembaran ceritanye gelang persahabatan giti buuuk 🤣 kek anak panti yeekan. Trus jd kaya perhatian d sekolah gtu krn kemana2 selalu bareng smp d bilang geng gitu. Pdl nih actualy kita tuh tipe org yg terbuka kalian mau temenan sm kita yaa hayuuu hayyuuu aja kita g mbeda2in temen cm mgkin yg lain liatnya krn kemana2 uda srg bareng2 jdi di bilang geng gitu yaaak🤣😂🤗. Aku mau dikit cerita nih karakter2 sahabat abu2 ku.
IMAH ini karakternya kocak koplak bikin ketawa pokoknya daah, trus dikit preman dikit loh ku bilang wkwkwk🤣 imuul klo baca tulisan ini ampuni akuuh🙏🙏🙏🤣. Knp aku blg gtu krn polahnya tuh adaa aja deh trus suka fashion yg agak nyleneh gitu pake syall pas cuaca panas, pake tali sepatu beda warna satu merah satu kuning gitu masih inget gak mul????hahahaa Daan pinter bgt ngeles dia mah klo d lombain Debat antar kelas dia plg unggul,di jadiin mak lambe turah juga lolos dah pokoknya 🤭😂😂😂😂
SARI nah bestie ku yg satu ini termasuk yg paling pinter di antara kita² dia juga tipe murid yg lurus² aja udah, gak mau d ajak bolos kelas pokoknya disiplin tertib dan lurusss aja udeeh. gak pnh yg namanya lupa ngerjain PR always number one. dia klo soal tugas sekolah paling gerceep & g suka nunda² ngerjain PR. Gak kaya eyke yeekan nggu dapet contekan😂 dan sari ini dia fair bgt tipe anak nya jd klo ujian yaudiin lu ngerjain sndiri gak usah contek2 gitu meskipun kita bestie ttp ujian yaa ujian waah saluut bgt deh aku sm bestie ku satu ini konsisten bgt klo d bilang murid Teladan Teladan bgt dia mah 💪💪💪😘
DYAH haiii dyah long time no see you guys actualy I really miss you ceman2. Dyah ini ultahnya selisih 10 harian sm akuu, jdi temen2 pasti tekor iuran deh klo abis kasih kejutan dyah abis tu kasih aku kado wkwkwk. Dyah ini postur badannya paling kecil dan yesss baby face bgt dia tuh lucu unyu², meski dia lbh tua 10hari dr aku tp dia cocok bgt klo jadi adek akuu wkwkk "haellaah 10 hari doang apaasiik 😂🤭... Dyah emg baby face bgt sih bahkan klo pake baju SMP pun dia masih cocok bgt sampe2 niih yaa byk cowok yg lebih muda naksir sm dia loh wkwkwk. Keuntungan punya wajah awet muda yee bund yg deket brendi brendi 😘🤣
Nah di samping kiri ku ada
SEPTI ulalalaa sahabatku yg satu ini primadona pada jaman nya woy gimana gak byk bgt loh yg naksir dia tuh.. aku aja pgen dapet cowo g dapet2 yeekan. Nah septi niih tgl piliih aja bund mau yg model apaa model low, medium, premium 😂😂 septi ini penggila pink💓 bgt dah pokoknya krn barang2 dia semua pink dari pensil, buku, jam tangan, gelang, tas emang dia tuh yg paling feminim d antara kita2 pinter dandan wah pokoknya klo cowo² liat dia tuh lgsung terpana dah kaya ada magnet nya kaliyaaa ahahahaa sumpah aku berasa throwback bener ngomongin kalian tuh gengs
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ESTIKA woyoooo tikaaa ini bestie aku yg paling santuy aseek woles aja udaah dia tuh gak spaneng2 bgt pokoknya. Klo sdikit ilangin stress nih udah join aja sama ni anak ngebrel ngalor ngidul sejam tu g akan ckup need more than 4 jam klo mau ngobrol sama dia krn emg seneng ngobrol gmn siib dan yg bikin aku masih ingeet bgt tu si dyah & estika tu prnah marahan cekcok d dalem angkot wkwkwk sampe ngata²in gitu mereka 🤣🤣🤣 masiih inget gak sist yg ini ngakak loh aku sumpeeh
DYAN big hug maak dah lamaa bgt aku tuh gak ketemu sama dyan entah terakhir taun kapan ketemu aku uda lupa krn saking lamanya. Dyan ini klo dr segi umur dia plg kecil d antara kita2 tp dia yg plg keibuan loh dan dewasa aku rasa selama temenan sm Dyan. Sepulang sekolah kita bertuju tuh suka bgt ngumpul d rumah dyan abis tu beli gorengan rame2 sama sambil nonton film pake DVD player wkwkk masih jamannya DVD yee kan bund say gak kek sekarang yeee bs streaming kapan ajaa🤭🤣. Dyan ini juga pinter anak nya pas kelas XII aku sekelas lagi sama dyan nah aku sebangku jg sama dia. Krn aku bodooo bgt soal matematika dyan ini srg ngebantuin aku klo dah mentok mintalah aku d contekin wkwkwk
Berharap bgt kita bs meet up brg dan bbawa keluarga kecil kita masing2. Dan sejauh ini msih komunikasi juga sih krn kita bertuju juga ada group sendiri buat rumpik² manjaah. cm yaa kita tinggalnya uda berjauhan maklum udeeh emak2 semua heheee.. yaa Allah semoga awet2 temenan kita yaaa seneng pnh sekolah sebangku sm kalian semua shayang2kuh keep health n beauty yaa temen hits ku 2006-2021 🥰🥰 DS3
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refloats · 8 years ago
Thank you @stylized​ and @serhein​ for tagging me!
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
Name: Kaitlyn Middle Name: tmi lol Gender: female Star Sign: cancer Height: 5′1″ Hogwarts House: gryffindor Favourite Colour(s): purple is my favorite but i like pink and blue too Time rn: 7:48pm Hours of sleep: 7 and 9 if i’m lucky Lucky number(s): 3 and 5 Last thing I googled: the one by kodaline lyrics Favourite fictional character: maxon schreave from the selection by kiera cass Blankets I sleep with: 2 favourite artists: ed sheeran and taylor swift Dream trip: new york and paris Dream job: something related to media What I’m wearing rn: pink sweater and pj bottoms Posts: 45.241 What do I post about: anything i like but mainly fashion/indie/boho When did your blog reach it’s peak: last year i guess? Why did you make your blog: i’m not really sure, i think i was just curious about what it was and got addicted Do you get asks on a daily basis: it happens occasionally Why did you choose your url: i was tired of my old one and this one just popped into my head Countries you’ve lived in: usa Favourite fandom: teen wolf, the 100, and the vampire diaries Languages you speak: english and two other languages Favourite film: she’s the man Last article you read: probably something for history Last thing I bought online: my prom dress Last person I dreamt of: lol i’ve been having the strangest dreams all week but i can’t remember any of them specifically A recurring dream: car crash Phobias/fears: heights and being alone How would my friends describe me: sassy, funny, and sarcastic If I had $$$ to spend what would I buy first: a house Shuffle your song library and list the first 3 songs that play:
plans - oh wonder, hotel andrea - blackbear, be together - major lazer ft. wild belle
I tag: @syalle @artsyu-sea @rhogue @stuphid @cuddlinqs @amazely @aurorant @voquecity @nitroxed @excludeing @rehticent @coconuty
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waninekad · 5 years ago
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sugengwawa · 5 years ago
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Deskripsi Paket Bundling Rak Gantung - Rak Tas+Rak Jilbab+Rak Sepatu Harga tertera adalah harga untuk 1 set. WA 085108773739 HBO - Hanging Bag Organizer (rak gantung untuk tas) HSO - Hanging Shoe Organizer (rak gantung untuk sepatu) HJO - Hanging Jilbab Organizer (rak gantung untuk jilbab/syall) qualitas bahan dan jahitan di jamin bagus motif pink Hellokitty. hijau keropi. biru doraemon. biru frozen. merah mickey dan lain2.. Silahkan bertanya dulu sebelum membeli #sugengonline #sugengwawa (di Surabaya, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-MBHWRD0Dr/?igshid=p72yqtmbzf4t
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