#swtor community
alleecatblues · 2 years
SWtoR is a weird game because you think it’s a fun game about space battles and space wizards and there’s never any blood and then you log on and immediately the general chat of any given planet is a bunch of people making holocaust denial jokes and talking about how seeing gay people makes them vomit
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marrowhall · 4 days
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My friend's SWTOR character devoured.
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letoscrawls · 1 month
Hello and Welcome to swtor :]
To save you some googling:
Originally the combat styles of each class were mirrored by the factions so it was warrior/knight, inquisitor/consular, agent/smuggler, bounty hunter/trooper. IIRC it's now been merged so you're only limited by the type of weapon the class can weild.
Starter planets wise, there are two for each faction, though the story for each class differs even if it's on the same planet.
Classss that share planets:
Agent/Bounty Hunter
To tweak the graphics:
Settings > Preferences > Graphics
This depends on personal preferences but I always liked running the game in window mode as it likes to Load Every Single Time I switched windows.
General Stuff:
ESC button to leave the conversation (helpful for trying other dialogue options!)
Missions can often be reset if you get stuck or want to try something different.
HUD can be customised in the menu options. You can also expand your bottom bar by toggling the little menu on the right side of it.
Pressing both mouse is the same as pressing W (one handed gaming has its perks)
sorry for the long message lol the mention of swtor activated my memories of it like a sleeper agent. If you're on Star Forge and ever want some goodies shout into the void to summon me! :D
Oh my god you're the best thank you so much!!!! i'll keep this anon like my most prized possession now
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swanofcoruscant · 1 year
Idk who needs to hear this but Theron has greys in his hair
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makode-name · 8 months
✨Hello to all people of this Galaxy!✨
Let's say John Williams needs to write a music theme about your character. What instruments would you pick? And how would this theme progress? Like, what emotions would it contain, the story downs or/and ups, what would you want to tell about your character using sound
A good music theme is a great storyteller on its own!
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ciphernull · 1 year
so i always like to poke at the raid scene in any mmo i try, and i have to say, the ops in this game are really fun. i've mostly stuck to story mode so far, but have just begin venturing into vet with a friendly guild that adopted me. i like that most ops have pretty simple but enjoyable baseline encounters, with more mechanics layered on as you choose to do the more challenging modes.
i get the vibe that swtor people on tumblr tend to be solo players, who prefer to avoid group content for various reasons. (no shade, i get it, i have anxiety too.) but with how low pressure some of the sm ops are, i really do recommend checking them out if you haven't.
that said, if anyone is ever looking for a chance to try them and wants some guidance or just a friendly face, i would be happy to help :)
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daisyvramien · 5 months
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The DND meets Star Wars server is up and running people!! You can comment or dm me to get an invite! Admins applications are still open until the 1st of may! We'll be holding games, trivias, dnd campaigns, mini dungeons and all during the entire month. I'm making the classes, subclasses (for now the Nightsister class is done, with its subclass called "Witch of Dathomir" with the full spells, attacks, abilities and more) and they're all going to be available in the lore channel!! If you want to apply to become an admin, here is the form!
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Writing classes are also open in the Fox' Den!! If you're a writer looking for buddies, sprints, books recs, debates and more, feel free to send a dm or comment and I'll send you an invite for it!
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cinlat · 1 year
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“Why do I bother?”
Their relationship in a nutshell
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tiredassmage · 2 years
🖊 for Tyr 👀👀 maybe early Intelligence days thoughts?
Experienced a Thought I've been delaying acknowledging for like a month now??? Probably??? Aaauhhhh that spawned a potential emotion-busting revelation, so I MEANT to talk about this in like, a constructed manner, but then I busted out a fic musing about the latest ping pong ball of a thought to go flying across the room like that scene from the first Men In Black, so uhhhh Merry Crisis with me?!
I'm still rotating this in my head wondering if I really need to add another layer of complexity to Tyr's already botched life, but also: it's real damn good and it hurts me, so, naturally, I'm going to release that upon the world now, too. xD
Anyway. Vague context if you want it: I posted this trying not to chew on this like a stick and go absolutely insane about it, bUT it only encouraged me, so now we have this instead.
Keeper stilled as his eyes landed at the top of the next file, the steady hum of air circulators and databanks blending into a yet more quiet background noise. Carding through potential recruits was a lengthy process, even with the rigid requirements of the Intelligence Academy.
Perhaps his wife was right, he considered idly. The long days and dwindling nights had long characterized his career with Intelligence. Surely it was, on some level, partially responsible for a few of the permanent lines dug in across his features and the graying, receding hair. He still hadn’t pinned whether work at the head of Operations division outpaced the weight of being in the field.
Such idle musings would do little to cull the ever-growing list of his responsibilities.
He turned away from the face of the chrono again with a sniff. Briefly, he pinched the bridge of his nose and closed aching eyes. He’d call it soon, but he’d opened this last report, so there was little sense it putting it off further. Academy leadership had urged him to take particular interest in this potential officer.
A frown set a bit further across thinned lips as he read over the name again.
High marks in weapons proficiency, infiltration, negotiation… High marks relatively across the board. Impressive. Very impressive for such a young recruit.
For the moment, he skipped the file attachments. Data first. Early twenties. Successful shadow and support on a wet-foot operation local on Dromund Kaas. Adaptable in the field. Good at taking orders.
Limited connections with family - that would make operations easier long-term.
Deckard. Fairly ranked officer in the Imperial Navy. Marriage to a testy, if moderatly influential Sith Lord some three decades back or so. He remembered the one rather well, had exchanged some mild pleasantries over the engagement… Hot headed, their daughter. She'd be about the age to send to Korriban now, he reckoned, if she hadn't been already.
The son, it seemed, had managed to dodge that ill temperament thus far.
Deckard, Tyr V. Reportedly orphaned by fleet action and charitably raised by the then-Commander Deckard - the officer had been related to the boy’s parents and had taken him rather than pass him off to an impassionate system.
That same piece of action had earned the patriarch a promotion to Captain following, if memory served him correctly.
Keeper drew a hand across his chin. The boy’s discipline and piloting training would have made him a just fit for the Navy to keep, but Academy recruitment had singled him out during early martial skills training.
His fingers hovered - hesitated - over the attached shots from Academy entrance.
Outplayed, or simply mocked by whatever forces were or were not at work in this wretched galaxy, Keeper mused with a scowl threatening his lips. A Watcher or three were always fond of telling him it’d make those lines around his eyes more permanent - a sentiment the wife often echoed.
That was the bloody thing about Ciphers - they were damn difficult to truly eliminate. Silent fingerprints left across the galaxy despite retirement or reassignment or even gross and utter failure.
Keeper closed the file and dimmed the lights in his office before he leaned back in his chair and released a long, bone-deep sigh slowly, hands steepling to touch fingertips to his forehead.
He was all but the top of his class - strong potential to be an absolute asset to Operations. An opportunity that couldn’t be passed up in a right mind.
Particularly with whispers that the military was still probing for weaknesses along Republic lines, they could ill-afford to be short-staffed. The… competitive nature of their Empire always bred opportunity. The grass was tall and there were vipers aplenty.
Duty seemed to remove the choice in the matter.
He opened his eyes and leaned forward. They had a number of sensitive operations that would need delicate, well-trained hands coming up. He’d examine this latest grouping of operatives personally, he decided.
That would show him painfully well just how much a son would manage to follow a father. Even as well-removed from a Cipher’s imprint as had been affordable by the circumstances.
He picked up the datapad once more, finished off the approval for the select few that would be moving forward to finalize their training and transition into active service. Then he stood and prepared to head home, but not before lingering a few moments longer over that last file.
He should have sent the boy much farther than Dromund Kaas.
A moot point and an ill-advised longing now, he reasoned as a finger brushed the edges of the screen. Whether or not it would’ve saved the boy from Intelligence, they’d never know now.
At the absolute least, he’d avoid mentioning this to the wife. For now. Their illustrious Emperor, even in sleep, knew she worried plenty enough as it was.
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miqojak · 6 months
Trying to ease back into Tumblr - I've been ill for a while, and it just kept progressing and changing, and the seasonal depression has been kicking my ass on top of that, because April in the midwest is colder, greyer, and snowier than December, even. It's hard not to want to sleep all day, every day, when there's nothing but grey skies and a constant, freezing rain to look forward to. I was trying to set up RP before all this came crashing down, however, so I'm trying to kick myself back into that mindset!
In the meantime, I'm going to get me some FF16 stuff...I haven't even logged in in months at this point! Gotta get a dog and save my houses.
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demonhimbo · 7 months
celebrating the ides of march tomorrow in the best way i know how:
getting an entire rp community to playtest my latest dice system in a very large brawl
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avame · 1 year
I’ve seen enough people talk about how difficult finding finding groups in-game is on here that I want to, like, make a server or something for people to do casual group content without having to join a guild or deal with group finder
is that something people would be interested in? does that kind of server already exist?
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koltowave · 9 months
I just love those asshat gsfers coming to an APAC server and just using all decked out ships to kill chase new people with no ship upgrades or stop people getting galactic seasons on its last week, on a map that is satellites and no deathmatch.
I hope those asshat gsfers step on Lego barefoot for the rest of their lives.
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frauleiiin · 1 year
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after more than one year playing swtor, I finally did it. 
I am Legendary 
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shynmighty · 2 years
Yes I have better stuff to do in this game but hear me out --
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bornangelauthor · 11 months
November Writing Challenge: Day 16
I Managed to do 1,716 words even though I was distracted and had a couple extra tasks on my plate. Said tasks led me to need destressing and... yeah, multi-tasking.
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😅 What can I say #SWTOR is my go to game.
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