#sws ptv world tour
kaysungshine · 3 months
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MDNI 18+/21+ | for the love of god please have your age in bio or pinned. I won't risk minors on my blog, and you will get blocked.
You can call me Kay! I'm 28. And I'm most definitely a baby stay as of the beginning of 2024.
In all my world of fic writing, I've never thought to make a tumblr account for it. I have three different wattpad accounts. And an AO3 account. I keep my writing for each fandom separate so for example; one wattpad account is where I used to write bandfics for what me and my friends call the "warped tour era". So for ATL, PTV, SWS, etc. that's where I'd upload those, but god I haven't logged in, in probably over 10 years. Another wattpad account and my ao3 account is for my Dramione fics, I'm a huge HP fan. No one will ever beat my dramione ship lol. I do have a third wattpad account under the same username as here, and I did intend to eventually upload fics on there, but idk. However, I like the community on tumblr better. In addition to writing for 14 years, I've had tumblr for 15 years. I've seen this damn website through thick and thin dammit.
My ask box and submissions are always open (and if I haven't answered you yet, it's because I'm still working on or haven't gotten to your story yet), and so are my dm's. I hope you'll welcome me ♡
CW banner cred - cafekitsune ♡
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age check; when i was 16 i snuck off to my first concert: the ptv/sws world tour
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new2fivesauce · 3 years
The Hell Tour - PTV/SWS
This is not a 5sos fanfic. This is Pierce the Veil/Sleeping with Sirens. Time period is during The World Tour. I had originally posted this on mibba? and I stopped writing it about seven chapters in, but I recently found it and it kinda inspired me to possibly finish. Anyway, here is the synopsis:
Kristi, currently a broke fine arts student, finally gets the break she needs by getting this HUGE much needed job. Only there's ONE MAJOR problem: His name starts with a K and he's in one of the biggest bands of this day and age.
One Way Ticket
Albuquerque II
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currentsconvulsivex · 6 years
my birthday is today and I turn nineteen but what’s more important is that four years ago yesterday I went to my first Pierce The Veil concert ever and got to meet those amazing mexicans and wow I miss them so much
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decemberthe7th · 4 years
SWS & PTV World Tour 2015.
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thegunnparty · 8 years
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ptv & sws world tour 
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astra-aether · 9 years
She makes dirty words sound pretty
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veronicalucillev · 9 years
Amazing Songs
My Mix on YouTube (check it out https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcl_vzfLOZCDI0xVuvyRZEcxkt2Ifs7uc)
Sleeping With Sirens- With Ears to See and Eyes to Hear (Acoustic)
Twenty One Pilots- Stressed Out 
Black Veil Brides- Knives and Pens
Sleeping With Sirens- A Trophy Father’s Son 
Pierce The Veil- King For a Day (feat. Kellin Quinn)
WALK THE MOON- Shut Up and Dance 
Sleeping With Sirens- If You Can’t Hang 
Panic! At The Disco- New Perspective 
Panic! At The Disco- Hallelujah 
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3nbyking · 9 years
One of the best fucking concerts I've been to!! Oh, and I caught a SWS drumstick.. Ish..
Issues, you were amazing. Sleeping With Sirens, you were amazing. Pierce The Veil, ohmygod you smashed it. Not that I’ve got a favourite or anything.. kryptonitebitches royalborn ♥
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arcticbubbles · 10 years
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new2fivesauce · 3 years
The Hell Tour - 1. One Way Ticket
Kristi caught her reflection in the mirror as she took slow, deep breaths. She looked down at her hands, her fingernails were bitten into nubs and her Fairy Plum purple nail polish was chipped on all of them. Her hands were still shaking, but not as bad as five minutes ago.
"God, you're such a wimp." she chastised herself. "You can do this."
She closed her eyes, this time giving herself a mini peptalk in her head before she opened them and stared hard at her reflection. She nodded at herself and turned around to face her bed.
Her bed wasn't made and there was an array of clothes laying on top, but even from across the room, Kristi's hazel-green eyes could see the manilla envelope sticking out like a sore thumb between her pillows and a stuffed Jack Skellington. She strode across her room in three easy steps and grabbed the envelope. She opened it for the millionth time and looked inside.
Yup, that airplane ticket was real. And yup, it had her name on it. She shut her eyes quickly and threw the envelope back on her bed. How was this even possible? Who put her up to this? Who sent her photography to this guy? Who told him about her? The only person she could think of with these sort of connections was her dad, but she didn't think his connections were THAT good. She bit her lip and ran her teeth across it gently as she pulled her phone from her pocket.
She had to toughen up and just do it now. He had to know. There was no way she was going to do this without his knowledge first. She didn't know why she felt that she needed his approval anyway, but they were never... well, in nice terms, sociable.
Since they were children, he always made her feel like an outsider even in their family. He had rejected in every way and this was something that she desperately wanted and needed to do. She needed the income. She needed the experience. She wanted this life.
Her thumb hung over her phone's touchscreen, waiting. Her brain kept stopping her. With another deep breath and with shut eyes, she pressed his name and put the phone to her ear.
She held her breath, cheeks puffed out, as the phone rang. It rang once, twice, three times. She didn't know if he had her number. Her dad always, for emergency reasons, gave her his number every time he changed it. She didn't know why Dad bothered with it, but in this instance she was kind of glad she had it.
"Hello?" his tenor voice finally answered the phone. Kristi swallowed hard, her voice stuck in her throat. There was a lot of background noise: loud music, beers clinking, rowdy voices. She assumed he was at a bar or just hanging with his friends. "Hello?" His voice came through again and Kristi snapped out her thoughts.
She had to say something quick and something he would recognize instantly. She was sure at this point that he didn't know who was calling.
"Hey, Bostwick." She found herself saying. Her hand flew to her mouth wanting to stop her words but it was too late.
There was a loud crash on his end.
"Kristi?" He replied, this time in a hushed tone. The phone suddenly sounded muffled and she heard him say that he was stepping outside. WIthin seconds, the connection was clear again and there was no more noise. It was silent on the line for a moment before he spoke again. "Kris, is this you?" he asked.
Kristi sighed into the phone. "Yeah... It's me."
"I- uh- what- Shit..." He cursed. "What do you want?" His surprised voice changed to harsh and mean. This was the tone she had become accustomed to. This was the Kellin she knew.
"I'm sorry, Kellin." She apologized quickly unknowingly. "Umm... Dad gave me your number and uhh..." she struggled to find the words. She began to pace the length of her room.
"Spit it out." he growled into the phone. Kristi winced at his voice. It'd been far too long since she'd talked to him. She had almost forgotten what he sounded like. The way he talked to her was very unlike the way he sang and talked to his fans.
"I got this new job and I was calling to tell you about it because--"
"What do I care if you have a new job or not?" He interrupted her. "I have better things to do than hear about this, so if you don't mind…"
"I GOT A JOB AS A PHOTOGRAPHER ON THE WORLD TOUR!" She quickly blurted out, cutting him short. There was another silent pause and Kristi could only imagine smoke coming out of his ears or him clenching his fists and gritting his teeth like she knew he did when he got angry.
"What?!" he exclaimed. "How is that-- What the fuck–! Explain."
"I-I don't know. Someone sent in my photographs to the tour managers and next thing I know is I'm getting this phone call about offering my services and I'd be getting paid. I thought it was a hoax, but then I went to a couple of meetings for the tour and met the other photographers. Today I got a plane ticket in the mail and an information packet. I didn't know what the World Tour was until I looked it up and well... yeah. I'm sorry, Kellin. I can decline though. I have two days to give them my final answer."
Kellin didn't respond. Kristi took this opportunity to keep talking.
"Look, this job will help me out a lot. I promise I'd stay out of your hair. I won't even mention what we are to each other. I don't even have to ride a tour bus. I can take my own car. All I'll be there to do is snap some pics of each band at each date and then it's over. But if you really don't want me there--"
"Do whatever the fuck you want." Kellin mumbled into the phone and then there was pure silence.
He had hung up on her.
She pulled the phone away from her ear and stared at it blankly for a few moments. What just happened? She scratched her head and debated calling him back, but didn't. His final words kept ringing in her ears.
Her eyes wandered to where she tossed the envelope on her bed. Her mind was made up. She tossed her phone next to the envelope and headed to her closet.
"See you on fuckin' tour, brother." she huffed as she pulled her luggage out the closet.
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trippymushroom · 10 years
I just missed two days of school to go to The World Tour and Disobedient Tour and now im already post concert depressed. 
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taylorrambophoto · 10 years
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Justin Hills of Sleeping With Sirens
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new2fivesauce · 2 years
The Hell Tour - 2. Fresno
Part 2 of the Hell Tour, Vic Fuentes fanfic. Remember this does take place during the World Tour that was PTV and SWS. Mike F, I know has had sexual allegations against him in recent years. Honestly, I don't know what the outcome of those allegations were, but I know that he is no longer in the band. I just wanted to warn that he will be a part of this story as he was a member of the band at that time, but I am rewriting/editing the chapters as I post, so there won't be as much of him in future chapters. That's all I got for now. Other warnings is there is some curse words, but that's about it.
Words: 2460

Kristi pulled into the back lot of the Woodward Amphitheater. It was quite a drive from Los Angeles. At least to her. Just the day before she as well as three other photographers had a two hour meeting about the do's and don'ts of tour life. She also got her all-access laminated pass that was now dangling around her rearview mirror. The bands' tour buses were already there and there were people scattered about the parking lot. Some people were just chilling outside of their buses while some were hustling around getting stuff ready for the show.
Kristi turned towards the passenger seat and gently shook the girl who was reclined back, sleeping.
"W-what?" A girl of 23 with the lightest of brown eyes, freckled cheeks and hair that was half white and half black, stuttered. Her eyes fluttered as she tried to make up the environment around her. "Are we here already?" She asked, stretching her arms and legs as much as she could in Kristi's Corolla and stiffed back a yawn.
"Yeah. Guess we should see if Zack and uh..." Kristi paused to think.
"Jake." The girl said. Kristi laughed.
"Yeah, Jake! We should see if they got here yet. Also, I think I need to charge up one of my cameras. I'm not sure I charged it last night."
The girl, whose name was Amanda, nodded and reached into the backseat of the car to get two camera luggage bags.
"Same here, let's go."
Kristi and Amanda wandered the grounds, snapping pictures of the roadies. Some stopped to pose and make silly faces whilst others just went on without even noticing the girls. They had eventually found the other photographers, exchanged a few words, and then went to prepare themselves for the start of the show. The guys were going to snap the two opening bands, Amanda was going to take care of Sleeping with Sirens and Kristi was going to close out the show with Pierce the Veil. It was part of their contract that since there were four bands and four photographers, only one could take a band each. They still had to leave room for local newspaper or blog photographers and other media. They had decided to alternate each night on who got which band and since Kristi was made the Head Photo, she got dibs on PTV tonight.
"Girl... I'm nervous as hell. I've done some band stuff before, but never anything like this." Amanda said as they stood around backstage during an intermission. SWS was about to go in 10 minutes and Kristi was feeling a little nerve wrecked herself. She hadn't spoken one word to Kellin since the night she had called him nor had she seen him wandering around the venue. She sure didn't want to run into him before his show and make him angry.
Actually, she didn’t want to run into him AT ALL.
"Hey, it's fine. You just stand right up there by security, take a few shots, do some backstage and some from above. It's not that hard. You don't even have to do the whole show. You just need enough." Kristi consoled Amanda. They had already gotten to know a bit during text prior to meeting in person for the first time the day before. The people who had selected them as the photographers had been pretty adamant about them getting to know one another and getting along.
“We expect there to be drama as it does come with being on a tour, especially one as big as this one, but we expect that the individuals in their group get along at almost all times.” The words from yesterday’s meeting rang through her head.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just don't know if I could do it with all the yelling and shit. Do you see those fangirls??" Amanda and Kristi looked towards the packed theater of people. Kristi shivered at the thought of going into that crowd.
"Don't let those kids make you nervous. You got this!" Kristi said with a sincere smile.
"Wish me luck." Amanda said as some guy running around backstage called out 2 minutes.
"Good luck!" Kristi said as her new friend disappeared to go down to the front of the stage. Kristi made a dash towards one of the dressing rooms to avoid Kellin. Once there, she sat on one of the soft ratty couches and watched as SWS performed on the small TV screen that was on top of the vanity. She had to admit, Kellin was good. He was a very good singer and she couldn't believe this side of him. All she ever knew was the Douchebag Side of him and not this Charismatic performing side that he showed on stage.
Close to the end of their time slot, a sweaty Amanda dashed into the dressing room.
"Fuckin' WOW!" she exclaimed as she removed her camera from around her neck. She began to look through her shots immediately and showed some to Kristi as she talked rapidly about how amazing the band was. "A-and then, Kellin! Just look! SEE! He looked right at the camera and SNAP!! Caught him in action!" Amanda squealed and pulled her camera into a hug. "I love my job."
"Same here, buddy." Kristi sighed just as a crewman stuck his head into the room.
"Pierce goes on at 8. Ready?" he asked. Kristi nodded at him and then he scurried away.
Kristi grabbed her camera from the camera bag and swung the camera strap around her neck. She stuck two different lenses into the pockets of her hoodie and gave Amanda a thumbs up before heading off to the stage.
"Have fun!" she heard Amanda call out to her.
Kristi made her way backstage, flashing her laminated badge at security and random bodies who asked to see it. She showed it one more time to one of the body guards that was in front of the stage. He nodded at her and let her pass by. The space between the stage and the fans was only about five feet wide and already there were four other local photographers occupying the space. She smiled and waved at them. She turned to face the crowd and they were going absolutely insane.
She took several pictures of some of the girls and boys in front of her. They looked like hell, sweating and tired from standing for hours, but the smiles on their faces were priceless. They started chanting PTV as their clock neared 8.
Finally, the lights dimmed and a heavy white sheet with the floating girl off PTV's third album fell to the ground showing off the now Pierce the Veil themed stage. Kristi prepared her camera just as the bassist, Jaime, came jumping onto the stage and the first notes of May These Noises Startle You.... began.
Tony joined him after a few seconds and then Mike went to sit behind his drum set. After a suspenseful minute, Vic Fuentes came onto the stage and Kristi almost went deaf from the screaming and crying behind her.
Kristi did her best to keep up with the band members as they played through their set. She was definitely working a sweat as she went from the front of the stage to the back of the crowd to the top of the venue and backstage and then back to the front of the stage. Of course, she sang along with the crowd. She was a big fan of the band and now she was going to be photographing them through an entire tour. It was most definitely a dream come true.
PTV was in the midst of Bulletproof Love when she went to stand directly in front of the stage. She aimed her camera up to get a floor shot of Vic and it was in that moment that he bent down to sing into her lens. She could smell his cologne and sweet sweat off him from his closeness and she admitted to fangirling internally as she took multiple shots of him singing directly into her camera. When she had enough, she lowered her camera and looked up into his face and everything stopped.
Vic looked at Kristi, his guitar dangling off his neck and his microphone at his mouth, but he had stopped playing and his throat closed up in the middle of a lyric as he stared deep into Kristi's eyes.
Kristi smiled shyly at him and then turned away to get back to the dressing room.
"VIC!" Jaime said, concern for his friend dripping heavily in his tone. He inched his way to the singer, but Vic held a hand up to stop him from continuing forward. "Whoa, are you okay?"
"Y-yeah" Vic stuttered. Kristi turned back to see that Vic had followed her with his eyes as she disappeared into the crowd at the side of the stage. "I think it's just the nerves." Vic broke his gaze as Kristi turned around a corner, but she could still hear him as he composed himself. "Alright, sorry about that folks... Now... WHERE WERE WE?"
Kristi and Amanda trudged slowly to Kristi's car after the show closed out and everyone was almost gone. Amanda was carrying five camera bags and Kristi was carrying five more.
"I can look these over in the morning on our way to the next city. I think I'm too tired tonight." Amanda croaked as they arrived at the car. Kristi unlocked the car and they tossed the bags into the backseat.
"Yeah. I'm gonna head directly to the shower as soon as we get to our hotel." Kristi stated as she opened up her car door.
"Fuck ye---"
"Kristi!" a loud voice hollered in their direction, startling Amanda in the midst of her sentence. Amanda darted her eyes between Kellin and Kristi, confusion written all over her face. Kristi mouthed an It’s okay, I got this.
Amanda quickly got into the passenger seat already inputting her headphones in her ears as Kellin jogged up to the car. Kristi stiffened up and held her breath a little before Kellin stopped two feet away from her. He was fuming. He was red in the face, she couldn't tell if from running to her or because he was so mad, but by the looks of his furrowed brows and sour face, he was pissed.
"What do you wa---"
"What the fuck was that?!" Kellin exclaimed without giving Kristi a chance to speak. She looked at him, confused.
"What?" she asked with a cock of her head. "What are you talking about?"
"You fucking him or something?!" Kellin suddenly accused. This made Kristi step back and hold herself against her car.
"Kellin, you need to calm down and tell me what the hell you're talking about." Kristi said as calmly as possible, but he wasn't having it.
"Vic! I'm talking about Vic!" he screamed, almost for the whole world to hear. His hand gestures were just as energetic as the ones he did on stage and Amanda wondered if he was just pulling her leg, but Kellin didn’t joke… at least, not with her.
"Vic? Why would I be sleeping with him? I don't even know the guy, asshole!" Kristi said, her voice suddenly high pitched from false accusation.
"You sure about that? Whatever the fuck just happened during their perfomance didn’t look like nothing."
Kristi laughed slowly, trying to refrain from cackling in her brother’s face. This only made Kellin angrier.
"God, you are so paranoid, aren't you, Kellin?" she asked. "Get over yourself. I don't know the damn guy and I don't know why he stopped... Didn’t you hear him? It was nerves." Kristi shrugged him off and put a leg into her car to get in.
"Fuck you, Kristi! Why are you such a bitch?" Kellin said, stopping her from putting her entire body in the car.
Kristi took a second to check on Amanda. She was looking lost and confused, oblivious to what was going on with her headphones on nearly full blast, no idea that Kellin was her brother. She gave Kristi a quick, sad smile and pretended to do something interesting on her phone. Kristi stepped out of her car and slammed the door to save Amanda from hearing anything that was about to be said in the case that she was able to hear through her music.
"I don't know what the fuck your problem is, Kellin, but honestly, I don't think you're mad at me. I think you're mad at Dad. So you need to stop being fucking childish and hunting me down and accusing me of fucking band members I don't even know and do your job! I'm here to do mine so you do yours." She yelled at him. Her body was hot with rage, sweat was starting to come down her forehead, and she felt like any more accusations might really make her take a jab at Kellin.
"You think you're so special, don't ya, Kristi?" Kellin started as he paced side to side, his fists clenching at his sides. "You're nothing but trouble."
"Oh! I'm trouble, aren't I?" Kristi asked. "No! You're just an asshole! I've done nothing but try to be nice to you, but ever since Dad told you about me, you've had it out for me and you've made my life fuckin' hell!
"I only wanted a sister and brother to love and hang out with. Kailee was okay with it. But not poor little Kellin! Because of you, I don't even know anyone on Dad's side of the family. Kailee was so nice to invite me to her wedding, even make me a bridesmaid, but once you got your chime in, I was disinvited. I wasn't invited to your gorgeous wedding on the beach. Kate was nice enough to send photos though and don’t even get me started on you keeping my niece from knowing me. You won't even let me see her not even once!
"Why? Because I'm Dad's bastard child? Get the fuck over it Kellin! We are in our 20's and it's been 15 damn years of nothing but hate! If your mom can accept it and accept me, then so can you!"
Kellin stayed silent and then suddenly turned his back to Kristi. It wasn't something she expected. She expected him to yell back at her, but he didn't. He only began walking away. Kristi watched him, but she was still hyped up from her rant. When he was still within earshot, she yelled out his name.
He turned around.
"Even if I did fuck Vic, I can fuck whomever I want!!" she called out, but he didn't say anything. Only kept walking.
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