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aceclef · 8 years ago
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#weapons #swordtechnique #2nddegreeorbust (at SK Taekwondo)
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space--cadet-glow · 6 years ago
Translation: “The Minish Cap” in German, Part 24: Gather ALL the Things
We interrupt this program to get our hands on things to help us on our journey. Tune in next time to find out if the Blade Brothers ever shut up. Here is my translation of the German version of "The Minish Cap" to English!
My translation key: DT: „direct translation" (translated word for word) EQ: “English equivalent” (as in, as close to an English-sounding sentence as it’s gonna get) DT/EQ: „"direct translation/English equivalent" (for when the DT is so similar to an EQ that it’s practically English already) OE: “official English (translation as given in the European English version of “The Minish Cap”)“ (NOTE:) "anything I need to point out” (exactly what it says on the tin) BG: „backwards German” for the Minish language in reverse form
My translation work under the cut.
Magnus: „Nanu? Dieser Mantel! Und du bist noch geschickter geworden!" DT: „Well? This Cloak! And you are still skillful become!" EQ: "Well? This Cloak! And you're still becoming skillful!" OE: "Aha! Yes! You have the Roc's Cape! And you have acquired new skill!"
Magnus: „Ja! Jetzt können wir eine neue Technik trainieren!" DT: „Yes! Now can we a new technique train!" EQ: "Yes! Now, we can train a new technique!" OE: "Yes! I am ready to train you again!"
Magnus: „Bist du willens, bei mir zu trainieren?" DT: „Are you willing, with me to train?" EQ: "Are you willing to train with me?" OE: "So? Would you like to train here?"
POSSIBLE REPLIES: „Ja bitte." oder „Nein danke." DT/EQ: „"Yes, please." or „"No, thank you." OE: "Please" or "No, thanks"
Magnus: „So sei es! Ich werde dich nun die Technik der Sturzattacke lehren!" DT: „So be it! I will you now the technique (of) the Downfall-attack teach!" EQ: "So be it! I will teach you the Downfall-attack technique!" OE: "Now I will teach you a new technique, the Down Thrust!" (NOTE: For once, the German name sounds cooler! DOWNFALL ATTACK.)
Magnus: „1. Ziehe den Greifenmantel an!" DT/EQ: „"1. Put the Griffen-cloak on!" OE: "First!! Equip the Roc's Cape!!" (NOTE: „anziehen".)
Magnus: „2. Rüste dich mit dem Schwert aus!" DT/EQ: „"2. Prepare yourself with the Sword (x)!" OE: "Second!! Equip the sword!!" (NOTE: „ausrüsten" as well.)
Magnus: „3. Spring hoch in die Luft!" DT/EQ: „3. Jump high in the air!" OE: "Third!! Jump!! Then..."
Magnus: „4. Zücke das Schwert am höchsten Punkt des Sprunges!" DT/EQ: „"4. Pull out the Sword at (the) highest point (of) the jump!" OE: "Fourth!! At your jump's peak, swing the sword!"
Magnus: „Es ist vollbracht!" DT/EQ: „It is accomplished!" OE: "That's all, young swordsman!!"
Magnus: „Hast du das verstanden?" DT: „Have you that understood?" EQ: "Did you understand that?" OE: "Do you understand?"
POSSIBLE REPLIES: „Ja." oder „Nein." DT/EQ: „"Yes." or „No." OE: "Yes" or "No"
Magnus: „Höchst erfreulich, dass dein Verstand so schnell arbeitet!" DT: „Most gratifying/enjoyable, that your mind/understanding so quickly works!" EQ: "Most gratifying that your mind/understanding works so quickly!" OE: "Yes! You see it, do you not?!"
Magnus: „Doch Schwerttechniken muss man mit dem eigenen Körper erlernen." DT: „But Swordtechniques must one with the own body learn." EQ: "But one must learn Sword-techniques with their own body." OE: "But one must FEEL the technique, not just hear about it!"
Magnus: „Ich mache deinen Körper zur Marionette und lasse dich die Technik ausführen!" DT: „I make your body to the puppet and let you the technique perform!" EQ: "I will make your body a puppet and let you perform the technique!" OE: "That's why I will now possess your body so as to demonstrate the technique!"
Magnus: „Nun also, die Marionettentechnik von Meister Magnus! Sehe und staune!" DT: „Now so, the Puppets-technique of Master Magnus! See and marvel!" EQ: "So now, the Puppet-technique of Master Magnus! See and marvel!" OE: "I call this the Swiftblade Switcheroo technique of training!"
Magnus: „Eins, zwei, drei..." DT/EQ: „"One, two, three..." OE: "Watch this!! Urrngh!!"
Magnus: „Marionette nun sei!" DT: „Puppet now be!" EQ: "Now be a puppet!" OE: "Switch...Ah...Roo!"
Magnus: „So! Nun versuche es selbst!" DT/EQ: „"So! Now attempt it yourself!" OE: "Phew... Now! You must try it yourself!"
Magnus: „Zieh den Greifenmantel an, springe hoch in die Luft und..." DT/EQ: „"Put the Griffen-cloak on, jump high in the air and..." OE: "Equip the Roc's Cape and the sword!! Jump!!"
Magnus: „...zücke das Schwert am höchsten Punkt in der Luft!" DT/EQ: „"...pull out the Sword at (the) highest point in the air!" OE: "When you reach your jump's peak, swing the sword! That's all!"
Magnus: „Sehr gut! Ich überreiche dir diese Schriftrolle der Schwertkunst." DT: „Very good! I hand over to you this Scroll of the Sword-arts." EQ: "Very good! I hand this Scroll of the Sword-arts over to you." OE: "Yes!! Fine work! You know the way! I will now give you this Tiger Scroll!"
Magnus: „Falls du eine Schwerttechnik vergessen solltest, kannst du dort nachsehen!" DT: „In case you a Sword-technique forget should, can you there check back!" EQ: "In case you should forget a Sword-technique, you can check back there!" OE: "If you ever forget this technique, you can review it with this scroll!"
ITEM GET: „Du hast die Sturzattacke erlernt! Mit voller Kraft vom Himmel herab!" DT: „You have the Downfall-attack learned! With full power from (the) sky down!" EQ: "You learned the Downfall-attack! With full power down from the sky!" OE: "You learned the secret Down Thrust fighting technique!"
Heureta: „Und fertig! Die Fernzünder-Bombe! Genau wenn du's willst, macht's "Bumm"!" DT: „And finished! The Remote-detonating-Bombs! Exactly when you (it) want, makes (it) "boom"!" EQ: "And, finished! The Remote-detonating-Bombs! Goes "boom" exactly when you want it!" OE: "At last, it's complete! The Remote Bomb! It blows up whenever you want!" (NOTE: GERMAN BELARI, WHAT THE HECK.)
Heureta: „Probier es aus! Wenn du normale Bomben brauchst, tausche ich sie dir zurück." DT: „Try it out! If you normal bombs need, exchange I them (to) you back." EQ: "Try it out! If you need normal bombs, I'll exchange them back to you." OE: "If you ever need normal bombs again, just trade me back for them. So..."
Heureta: „Gegen Fernzünder-Bomben tauschen?" DT: „Toward Remote-detonating-Bombs exchange?" EQ: "Exchange to the Remote-detonating-Bombs?" OE: "Want to trade for Remote Bombs?"
POSSIBLE REPLIES: „Tauschen." oder „Nächstes Mal." DT/EQ: „"Exchange." or „"Next time." OE: "Sure" or "No, thanks"
ITEM GET: „Fernzünder-Bomben erhalten! Drücke den Knopf, um eine" DT: „Remote-detonating-Bombs received! Press the button, in order a" EQ: "Received the Remote-detonating-Bombs! Press the button in order to" OE: "You traded for Remote Bombs."
ITEM GET: „Bombe abzulegen! Drückst du den Knopf erneut, explodiert sie." DT: „Bomb cast-down! Press you the button once more, explodes it." EQ: "cast down a Bomb! Press the button once more; it will explode." OE: "Press the button to use a bomb, then press the button again to detonate it."
Heureta: „Komm einfach vorbei, wenn du normale Bomben haben willst!" DT: „Come just by, if you normal Bombs have want!" EQ: "Just come by if you want to have normal Bombs!" OE: "If you ever want to use normal bombs again, just come see me."
Gorone 1: „Auch zu dritt haben wir es nicht geschafft..." DT: „Also (in a group of) three (x) we it not make..." EQ: "Even in a group of three, we did not make it..." OE: "That's a tough wall! The three of us together couldn't even break it..." (NOTE: „zu dritt". Idiomatic.)
Gorone 4: „Es riecht nach leckeren Steinen... von der anderen Seite der Mauer her." DT/EQ: „"It smells like delicious stones... on the other side (of) the wall here." OE: "I smell delicious stones... They're right on the other side of this wall."
Gorone 2: „Hilfst du uns?" DT: „Help you us?" EQ: "Want to help us?" OE: "Can you give me a hand? Gorogoro?" (NOTE: Basically idiomatic.)
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ninja-weapons · 5 years ago
Nice precision, don't you agree? . . . 🎥 @tatsujinkan Of course it's hard, it's supposed to be hard. If it was easy everybody would do it. Hard is what makes it great! 🦈 🌀 What's easy is just not worthwhile usually, or what do you all feel about that? 🏹 🎯 By the way, which is more difficult of these cuts in your opinion? . . . . . #samuraispirit #samuraikatana #samuraiwarriors #samuraisword #katanapractice #katanasword #shinken #kenjutsu #iaijutsu #kendo #bujutsu #swordfighting #battojutsu #swordcutting #swordtechnique #swordskills #swordsmanship #swordmaster . . 👍 by @katana_sword_reviews https://www.instagram.com/p/CDV8LLeJGpV/?igshid=1wuahctnnbro4
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ninja-weapons · 5 years ago
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“Civilization comes at a cost of manliness. It comes at a cost of wildness, of risk, of strife. It comes at a cost of strength, of courage, of mastery. It comes at a cost of honor. Increased civilization exacts a toll of virility, forcing manliness into further redoubts of vicariousness and abstraction.” –Jack Donovan . . Embrace your manliness, it is more important in this era than ever. . . . 📷 @tatsujinkan . . #manliness #couragequotes #battojutsu #norsemen #samuraispirit #vikingblood #warriorcode #kenjutsu #swordmaster #swordplay #swordfighting #swordsman #iaijutsu #norwegianviking #swordtechnique #norskefototalenter #nordicphotodesign #swordskills . . 👍 by @katana_sword_reviews https://www.instagram.com/p/B9QWL2IpZHi/?igshid=57xkg1fqdqpb
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ninja-weapons · 5 years ago
Great moves 👍, what do you think? Comment below! . . Them that seek to entrap thee and to overthrow thee, them attack without pity or quarter, and destroy them utterly! . . 🎥 @tatsujinkan . . . #swordskills #swordduel #miyamotomusashi #battojutsu #barbarians #nopity #swordcutting #kenjutsu #kendo #iaido #iaijutsu #iai #swordfighting #swordmaster #ninjutsu #swordsmanship #tatsujinkanbujutsu #bujutsu #swordtechnique #swordplay . . 👍 by @katana_sword_reviews https://www.instagram.com/p/B6J7otIJDZN/?igshid=1vatvdytblm60
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ninja-weapons · 5 years ago
Anyone else think they could do this challenge just as @tatsujinkan has done here? Good work👍 . . 🎥 @tatsujinkan - Three 15 mm berries in a row, without stopping the camera. . . Be fearless and pure; never waiver in your determination or your dedication to the spiritual life. Give freely. Be self-controlled, sincere, truthful, loving, and full of the desire to serve. Realize the truth of the scriptures; learn to be detached and to take joy in renunciation. Do not get angry or harm any living creature, but be compassionate and gentle; show good will to all. Cultivate vigor, patience, will and purity; avoid malice and pride. Then, Arjuna, you will achieve your divine destiny. - #bhagavadgita . . Ideally you should be able to wield the sword just as well with either hand, but this is difficult to attain. I am myself right-handed, but today I took advantage of the beautiful autumn weather, and had a practice with my left as well. The thing I'm cutting is the physalis berries, small fruits of approximately 15mm in diameter. Let it be said at once, I ain't even near to being equally good with both hands, so do not be discouraged if you find it hard too. . . . . . #wakizashi #cuttingskills #swordtechnique #swordskills #swordmaster #swordtraining #katanapractice #ninjutsulifestyle #samurais #battojutsu #iaijutsu #iai #kenjutsu #swordfight #oss #bergen . . 👍 by @katana_sword_reviews https://www.instagram.com/p/B2yzl9kHwW7/?igshid=hnz8hq82fjhn
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space--cadet-glow · 6 years ago
Translation: “The Minish Cap” in German, Part 18: Woke up Rem, Ran like the Wind
We wake up Rem and get the Pegasus Boots. ...Now we can run around at the speed of sound, and go place, and follow--- Here is my translation of the German version of "The Minish Cap" to English!
My translation key: DT: „direct translation" (translated word for word) EQ: “English equivalent” (as in, as close to an English-sounding sentence as it’s gonna get) DT/EQ: „"direct translation/English equivalent" (for when the DT is so similar to an EQ that it’s practically English already) OE: “official English (translation as given in the European English version of "The Minish Cap”)“ (NOTE:) "anything I need to point out” (exactly what it says on the tin) BG: „backwards German" for the Minish language in reverse form
My translation work under the cut.
Fremder: „Fragmente vereinen, ja? Gut, mal sehen, ob sie passen!" DT: „Fragment uniting, yes? Good, (softener) see, whether they match!" EQ: "Fragment uniting, yes? Good, let's see whether they match!" OE: "You want to fuse Kinstones? Sure! Let's see how well they fit!" (NOTE: Stranger kept his name, as „Fremder" can mean "Stranger" or even "Foreigner".)
FRAGMENTE VEREINEN: „Die beiden Fragmente passen perfekt! Jetzt geschieht etwas Wunderbares!" DT: „The both Fragments match perfectly! Now happens something wonderful!" EQ: "Both of the Fragments match perfectly! Now something wonderful will happen!" OE: "The two Kinstone pieces fit perfectly! Maybe something good will happen!"
Fremder: „Sie passen perfekt. Hoffentlich passiert etwas Gutes!" DT: „They match perfectly. Hopefully happens something good!" EQ: "They match perfectly. Hopefully, something good happens!" OE: "What a fit! Look at that! And you know what that means? Good luck for us!"
Schlumm: „Oha!" DT/EQ: „"Whoa!" OE: "Whaa--!" (NOTE: This is a rather bizarre thing to note, but „oha" can mean anything from "whoa" to something akin to a cross between "uh-oh" and "a-ha".)
Schlumm: „Dieser Geruch, der durch und durch geht! Der Duft des Weckpilzes!!!" DT: „This odour, the/that through and through goes! The smell of the Awaken-Mushroom!!!" EQ: "This odour that goes through and through! The smell of the Awaken-Mushroom!!!" OE: "What is that terrifyingly bad smell!? A wake-up mushroom?! I should have guessed!"
Schlumm: „Hast du mich geweckt? Danke! Ich habe hier nämlich noch einiges zu tun." DT: „Have you me awaken? Thanks! I have here namely/you see still some to do." EQ: "Did you awaken me? Thanks! I still have something things to do here." OE: "So you woke me up? Thanks, I just remembered I have something urgent to do!"
Schlumm: „...?!? Nanu? Was ist denn das?" DT: „...?!? Well? What is then this?" EQ: "...?!? Well? What is this, then?" OE: "?! Huh? What now?!"
Schlumm: „Es sind ja schon wieder neue Schuhe fertig!" DT: „There are indeed already again new shoes finished!" EQ: "There are indeed new shoes already finished!" OE: "There are more new shoes!" (NOTE: Idiomatic. Again.)
Schlumm: „Ich habe nämlich die Angewohnehit, im Schlaf Schuhe herzustellen..." DT: „I have namely/you see the habit, in the sleep shoes produce/prepare..." EQ: "You see, I have the habit of producing/preparing shoes in my sleep..." OE: "You probably won't believe this, but... I have a strange habit of making shoes in my sleep!"
Schlumm: „Du bist hier, weil du unbedingt Schuhe von mir haben willst, oder?" DT: „You are here, because you absolutely shoes from me (x) want, or?" EQ: "You are here because you absolutely want shoes from me, right?" OE: "So you must have come here because you want some of my shoes, right?"
Schlumm: „Ich schenke dir diese Schuhe, weil du mich geweckt hast!" DT: „I give to you these shoes, because you me awaken have!" EQ: "I'll give you these shoes because you have awakened me!" OE: "Tell you what: because you were nice enough to wake me, you can have 'em!"
Schlumm: „Einen Moment, sie sind gleich fertig." DT: „A moment, they are soon finished." EQ: "Just a moment, they will be finished soon." OE: "Hold on a sec, though. I just want to finish this one last bit..."
Schlumm: „Das wäre fertig... So, bitte schön!" DT/EQ: „"That would be finished... So, you're welcome!" OE: "And there we go... Here, take these. Those are my special Pegasus Boots!"
Schlumm: „Schlumms exklusive Pegasus-Stiefel. So leicht, dass du rennst wie der Wind!" DT: „Schlumm's exclusive Pegasus-Boots. So light, that you race how the wind!" EQ: "Schlumm's exclusive Pegasus-Boots. So light that you'll race like the wind!" OE: "They're so light, you'll feel like you're practically walking on air!"
ITEM GET: „Pegasus-Stiefel erhalten!" DT: „Pegasus-Boots received!" EQ: "Received the Pegasus-Boots!" OE: "You got the Pegasus Boots!"
ITEM GET: „Halte den Knopf gedrückt, um zu rennen wie der Wind!" DT: „Keep the button pressed, in order to race how the wind!" EQ: "Keep the button pressed in order to race like the wind!" OE: "Hold the button to run faster than the wind!"
Schlumm: „Ah, ich muss schnellstens die Schuhe für Zelda fertig stellen," DT: „Ah, I must quickly the shoes for Zelda finished put," EQ: "Ah, I must quickly complete the shoes for Zelda..." OE: "Ooh, I need to hurry up and get working on that special order..." (NOTE: „fertig stellen" is idiomatic, and is translated as "complete".)
Schlumm: „die der König bestellt hat. Vielen Dank, dass du mich geweckt hast!" DT: „that the King ordered (x). Many thanks, that you me awakened (x)!" EQ: „that the King ordered. Many thanks for awakening me!" OE: "The king asked me to make some shoes for Princess Zelda, you see."
Schlumm: „Komm wieder, wenn du Probleme mit deinen Schuhe hast!" DT: „Come again, if you problems with your shoes have!" EQ: "Come again if you have problems with your shoes!" OE: "Thanks for waking me up. Come back if I can ever help you with shoe problems."
Magnus: „Nanu?! Diese Stiefel! Und du bist noch geschickter geworden!" DT: „Well?! These Boots! And you (x) still skillful become!" EQ: "Well?! These Boots! And you have become more skillful!" OE: "Ah! Yes! You have the Pegasus Boots! And you seem to have more skill, too!" (NOTE: Conversational past; idioms. The usual.)
Magnus: „Ja! Jetzt können wir eine neue Technik trainieren!" DT: „Yes! Now can we a new technique train!" EQ: "Yes! Now can train with a new technique!" OE: "Yes! I am ready to train you again!"
Magnus: „Bist du willens, bei mir zu trainieren?" DT: „Are you willing, with me to train?" EQ: "Are you willing to train with me?" OE: "So? Would you like to train here?"
POSSIBLE REPLIES: „Ja bitte." oder „Nein danke." DT/EQ: „"Yes, please." or „"No, thank you." OE: "Please" or "No, thanks"
Magnus: „So sei es! Ich werde dich die Technik des Ausfalls lehren!" DT: „So be it! I will you the technique of the Lunge teach!" EQ: "So be it! I will teach you the Lunge technique!" OE: "You will now learn a new technique, the Dash Attack!" (NOTE: This attack has some of the funniest possible translations for its name. Since the attack utilises the Pegasus Boots, and the English version is called "Dash Attack", "Lunge technique" was the only thing that made sense in-context, but... It could also mean "failure", "breakdown", or even... "Attack". Yup.)
Magnus: „1. Ziehe die Pegasus-Stiefel an!" DT: „1. Pull the Pegasus-Boots on!" EQ: "1. Pull on the Pegasus-Boots!" OE: "First!! Equip the Pegasus Boots!"
Magnus: „2. Rüste dich mit dem Schwert aus!" DT/EQ: „"2. Equip yourself with the Sword (x)!" OE: "Second!! Equip your sword!" (NOTE: Together as „ausrüsten"... But, other possible translations include, "Prepare yourself with the Sword!", "Make yourself ready with the Sword!", or even "Arm yourself with the Sword!")
Magnus: „3. Lauf los! Halte den Knopf für die Pegasus-Stiefel gedrückt!" DT/EQ: „"3. Run loose! Keep the button for the Pegasus-Boots pressed!" OE: "Third!! Run like crazy!"
Magnus: „Es ist vollbracht!" DT/EQ: „It is accomplished!" OE: "That's all, young swordsman!!"
Magnus: „Hast du das verstanden?" DT: „Have you that understood?" EQ: "Did you understand that?" OE: "Do you understand?"
POSSIBLE REPLIES: „Ja." oder „Nein." DT/EQ: „"Yes." or „No." OE: "Yes" or "No"
Magnus: „Sehr gut! Du bist ein aufgewecktes Kind!" DT/EQ: „"Very good! You are a bright kid!" OE: "Yes! Yes! You are my finest student!"
Magnus: „Es ist egal, auf welche Knöpfe du das Schwert und die Pegasus-Stiefel legst!" DT: „It is no matter, on which buttons you the Sword and the Pegasus-Boots put!" EQ: "It does not matter which buttons you put the Sword and the Pegaus-Boots on!" OE: "Just equip your sword and the Pegasus Boots to any button you like!"
Magnus: „Doch Schwerttechniken muss man mit dem eigenen Körper erlernen." DT: „But Swordtechniques must one with the own body learn." EQ: "But one must learn Sword-techniques with their own body." OE: "But one must feel the technique, not just hear about it!"
Magnus: „Ich mache deinen Körper zur Marionette und lasse dich die Technik ausführen!" DT: „I make your body to the puppet and let you the technique perform!" EQ: "I will make your body a puppet and let you perform the technique!" OE: "That's why I will now possess your body so as to demonstrate the technique!"
Magnus: „Nun also, die Marionettentechnik von Meister Magnus! Sehe und staune!" DT: „Now so, the Puppets-technique of Master Magnus! See and marvel!" EQ: "So now, the Puppet-technique of Master Magnus! See and marvel!" OE: "That is the secret of the Swiftblade Switcheroo technique of training!"
Magnus: „Eins, zwei, drei..." DT/EQ: „"One, two, three..." OE: "Watch this!! Urrngh!!"
Magnus: „Marionette nun sei!" DT: „Puppet now be!" EQ: "Now be a puppet!" OE: "Switch...Ah...Roo!"
Magnus: „So! Nun versuche es selbst!" DT/EQ: „"So! Now attempt it yourself!" OE: "Phew... Now! You must try it yourself!"
(German Swiftblade proceeds to hi-jack the plot with an extra textbox). [Magnus: „Rüste dich mit den Pegasus-Stiefeln und dem Schwert aus und lauf los!" DT/EQ: „"Equip yourself with the Pegasus-Boots and the Sword (x) and run loose!"]
Magnus: „Sehr gut! Ich überreiche dir diese Schriftrolle der Schwertkunst." DT: „Very good! I hand over to you this Scroll of the Sword-arts." EQ: "Very good! I hand this Scroll of the Sword-arts over to you." OE: "Yes!! Fine work! You learn quickly! I will now give you this Tiger Scroll!"
Magnus: „Falls du eine Schwerttechnik vergessen solltest, kannst du dort nachsehen!" DT: „In case you a Sword-technique forget should, can you there check back!" EQ: "In case you should forget a Sword-technique, you can check back there!" OE: "If you ever forget this technique, you can learn again from this scroll!"
ITEM GET: „Du hast den Ausfall erlernt! Attackiere mit der Schnelligkeit des Windes!" DT: „You (x) the Lunge learned! Attack with the speed/swiftness of the wind!" EQ: "You learned the Lunge! Attack with the speed/swiftness of the wind!" OE: "You learned the secret Dash Attack fighting technique! Run like the wind and attack!"
Aiya: „Aiyaaa! Kind, das da ist nicht verkäuflich!" DT/EQ: „"Aiyaaa! Kid, that there is not for sale!" OE: "I'm sorry, my good lad, but that is not for sale!"
Aiya: „In der Flasche ist das Futter für meinen süßen Hund Schnappzu." DT/EQ: „"In the Bottle is the food for my sweet dog Schnappzu." OE: "That bottle contains food for my dear little dog, Borken..."
Aiya: „Wie? Du willst die Flasche unbedingt? Was mach ich nur mit dir..." DT: „How? You want the Bottle absolutely? What do I only with you..." EQ: "What? You absolutely want the Bottle? What will I do with you..." OE: "What? You just want the bottle? That's highly unusual..."
Aiya: „Gut, dann geh doch zu meinem Haus und gib dem kleinen Schnappzu sein Futter." DT: „Well, then go just to my house and give (the) little Schnappzu his food." EQ: "Well then, just go to my house and give little Schnappzu his food." OE: "Well, fine. If you feed Borken, then I guess you can have the bottle."
Aiya: „Dann schenke ich sie dir. In Ordnung?" DT: „Then give I it to you. In order?" EQ: "Then I'll give it to you. Agreed?" OE: "How does that sound?" (NOTE: Idiomatic. Yay.)
POSSIBLE REPLIES: „Einverstanden." oder „Nein danke." DT/EQ: „"Agreed." or „No, thank you." OE: "I'll do it" or "No, thanks"
Aiya: „Oh! Sehr gut. Dann bitte schön und vielen Dank!" DT/EQ: „"Oh! Very good. Then there you go and many thanks!" OE: "Excellent, excellent. He's at my home right now. Thank you SO much." (NOTE: Idiomatic. Believe it or not, "there you go" can be used here rather than "you're very welcome". In fact, "you're very welcome" doesn't even make sense in this context, especially considering that the next box is the Item Get.)
ITEM GET: „Hundefutter erhalten! Bring es doch gleich dem Hund!" DT: „Dogfood received! Bring/take it at once to the dog!" EQ: "Received the Dogfood! Bring/take it to the dog at once!" OE: "You got a bottle of dog food! Now, head out on your errand!"
Aiya: „Ich habe mein Haus auf deiner Karte markiert!" DT: „I (x) my house on your Map marked!" EQ: "I marked my house on your Map!" OE: "Allow me to mark the location of my home here on your map."
ITEM GET: „Leere Flasche erhalten! Fülle sie mit verschiedenen Dingen!" DT: „Empty Bottle received! Fill it with various things!" EQ: "Received an Empty Bottle! Fill it with various things!" OE: "You got an empty bottle! Use it to store all sorts of things!"
Ezelo: „Oh! Ein Wächter, der den Schatz beschützt! Sei vorsichtig!" DT: „Oh! A Guardian, that the treasure protects! Be careful!" EQ: "Oh! A Guardian that protects the treasure! Be careful!" OE: "Hmph! So, a Guardian is protecting the treasure? Take care while fighting it."
ITEM GET: „Glücksfragment erhalten! Die Fragmente sollen Glück bringen." DT: „Luckyfragment received! The Fragments should luck bring." EQ: "Received a Luckyfragment! The Fragments should bring luck." OE: "You got a Kinstone piece! These mystic stones are said to bring happiness." (NOTE: And thus begins the gathering of the plot-relevant Kinstones...)
ITEM GET: „Bogen erhalten! Damit kannst du Feinde aus der Entfernung treffen!" DT: „Bow received! Therewith can you enemies from the distance hit!" EQ: "Received the Bow! With this, you can hit enemies from a distance!" OE: "You got a bow! Now you can take out enemies from afar!"
Ezelo: „Eine höchst merkwürdige Steinstatue... Dieses Auge ist irgendwie unheimlich..." DT/EQ: „"A highly strange Stone-statue... This eye is sort of creepy..." OE: "Now, that is one nasty-looking statue! That one eye has such an evil glower."
ITEM GET: „5 Pfeile erhalten! Sie gehören in den Pfeilköcher." DT: „5 Arrows received! They belong in the Quiver." EQ: "Received 5 Arrows! They belong in the Quiver." OE: "You got 5 arrows! Store them in your quiver." (NOTE: And this is used for any number of Arrows; 5, 10, etc.)
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space--cadet-glow · 6 years ago
Translation: “The Minish Cap” in German, Part 13: Melari Gives us a Sword and We Do some Magic Stuff
We get our first take on the new-and-improved Picori Blade, the Two Sword! ...Wait, what happened to the One Sword? Here is my translation of the German version of "The Minish Cap" to English!
My translation key: DT: „direct translation" (translated word for word) EQ: “English equivalent” (as in, as close to an English-sounding sentence as it’s gonna get) DT/EQ: „"direct translation/English equivalent" (for when the DT is so similar to an EQ that it’s practically English already) OE: “official English (translation as given in the European English version of "The Minish Cap”)“ (NOTE:) "anything I need to point out” (exactly what it says on the tin) BG: „backwards German" for the Minish language in reverse form
My translation work under the cut.
Melta: „Oh! Du warst schneller, als ich dachte! Hier ist auch alles perfekt gelaufen." DT: „Oh! You were faster, than I thought! Here is also everything perfect ran." EQ: "Oh! You were faster than I thought! Everything went/ran perfectly." OE: "Wow! That was fast work! But not so fast that I didn't finish your sword!" (NOTE: Alternate translation could be "Everything went/ran smoothly", since "ran" doesn't really sound right with "perfectly" next to it...)
Melta: „Schau es dir an! Das ist der neue Weiße Schwert!" DT: „Look it (for) you(rself) to! This is the new White Sword!" EQ: "Look at it for yourself! This is the new White Sword!" OE: "Here, take a look! I call this new blade the White Sword!"
ITEM GET: „Weiße Schwert erhalten! Ein schönes Schwert mit weißem Glanz!" DT: „White Sword received! A beautiful Sword with white luster/shine!" EQ: "Received the White Sword! A beautiful Sword with white luster/shine!" OE: "You got the White Sword! Its beautiful white blade sparkles with light!"
ITEM GET: „Das Schwert des Alberich brauchst du nicht mehr." DT: „The Sword of (the) Alberich need you no(t) more." EQ: "You don't need the Sword of Alberich anymore." OE: "You can put away your grandfather's sword now."
Melta: „Mit der Kraft der Elemente wird aus diesem Schwert das Heilige Schwert!" DT: „With the Force (of) the Elements becomes out the Sword the Holy Sword!" EQ: "With the Force of the Elements, the Sword will become the Holy Sword!" OE: "Once you infuse it with the power of the elements, it will become a sacred blade!"
Melta: „Der Älteste im Wald sagte, die Kraft der Elemente sei nur an..." DT: „The Elder in the Forest says, the Force (of) the Elements is only at..." EQ: "The Elder in the Forest says the Force of the Elements can only..." OE: "The forest elder no doubt told you this part, but..."
Melta: „...einem Ort auf das Schwert übertragbar: an der Heiligen Stätte." DT: „...one place on the Sword transferable: at the Holy Site." EQ: "...be transferable to the Sword at one place: at the Holy Site." OE: "If you want to infuse the sword, you must got to the elemental sanctuary." (NOTE: Holy Site = Elemental Sanctuary. Okay???)
Melta: „Sie befindet sich zwischen der Welt der Minish und der der Menschen." DT: „It located (is) itself between the World (of) the Minish and the (of) the humans." EQ: "It is located between the World of the Minish and that of the humans." OE: "The sanctuary is a strange realm, trapped between two worlds. It is the bridge between the Minish world and the human world." (NOTE: „befindet" means "finds" until combined with „sich", which turns it to "is located"; with „sich" being "itself", as in "it itself (is) located".)
Melta: „Der Eingang soll in Schloss Hyrule sein und sich nur alle 100 Jahre öffnen!" DT: „The entrance should in Castle Hyrule be and itself only every 100 years open!" EQ: "The entrance should be in Hyrule Castle and it only opens every 100 years!" OE: "The doorway to the sanctuary opens only once every hundred years! You'll find that door hidden within Hyrule Castle."
Melta: „Mit dem Heiligen Schwert, das die Kraft der vier Elemente in sich trägt," DT: „With the Holy Sword, the/that the Force (of) the four Elements in itself carries," EQ: "With the Holy Sword that carries the Force of the four Elements in itself," OE: "Once the blade has been filled with the power of the four elements,"
Melta: „kann man den Fluch gewiss brechen. Zum Schloss gelangst du am..." DT: „can one the curse certainly break. To the Castle reach you (x)..." EQ: "one can certainly break the curse. You'll reach the Castle..." OE: "you should be able to break the curse on your princess."
(OE Melari proceeds to hi-jack the plot for himself with an extra text box. Ironically, mainly Minish have hi-jacked the plot so far...) [OE: "I know you can do it. After all, you made short work of that human mine."]
Melta: „...schnellsten, wenn du durch die Tür, die zur Mine führt, gehst." DT: „...fastest, if you through the door, the/that to the Mine leads, go." EQ: "...the fastest, if you go through the door that leads to the Mine." OE: "Let me tell you about a short-cut you can use to get down from the mountain. You'll find it right in front of the entrance of the mine you just explored." (NOTE: „schnellsten" is translated with the „am" from the previous text box.)
Melta: „Du schaffst das!" DT: „You manage this!" EQ: "You can do this!" OE: "Just follow that, and you'll be down in no time. Good luck!" (NOTE: Slightly idiomatic.)
Ezelo: „Schnupper! Mmmmh! Das reicht aber lecker!" DT: „Sniff! Mmmh! That reaches but delicious!" EQ: "Sniff! Mmmh! That smells delicious!" OE: "Sniff sniff sniff! Mmmm, doesn't that smell spectacular?" (NOTE: Idiomatic. Again.)
Ezelo: „Kann man hier mal etwas probieren? Frag doch mal nach!!!" DT: „Can one here (softener) something try? Ask yet (softener) to!!!" EQ: "Can one try something here? Please ask!!!" OE: "Perhaps they give out free samples. I say, would you...ask for me?" (NOTE: Idiomatic. AGAIN.)
Kondita: „Guten Tag! ♪ Bring zu Kasse, was du kaufen möchtest!" DT: „Good day! ♪ Bring to check-out, what you (to) buy would like!" EQ: "Good day! ♪ Bring what you would like to buy to the check-out!" OE: "Welcome! Please bring whatever you'd like to buy up to the register." (NOTE: Pita is Kondita.)
Krümel: „Knet! Knet! ♪ Das wird etwas Leckeres! ♪" DT/EQ: „"Kneed! Kneed! ♪ This will (be) something delicious! ♪" OE: "Hrrmm... Hrrmm... Must...make...deliciousness!" (NOTE: Likewise, Wheaton is Krümel.)
Magnus: „Nanu? Dieses Schwert! Du bist auch geschickter geworden!" DT: „Well? This Sword! You are also/more skillful become!" EQ: "Well? This Sword! You have become more skillful!" OE: "Mn! A new sword! Fantastic! And you seem to have acquired new skills with it!"
Magnus: „Ja! Jetzt können wir eine neue Technik trainieren!" DT: „Yes! Now can we a new technique train!" EQ: "Yes! Now can train with a new technique!" OE: "Yes! I am ready to train you again, young swordsman!"
Magnus: „Bist du willens, bei mir zu trainieren?" DT: „Are you willing, with me to train?" EQ: "Are you willing to train with me?" OE: "So? Will you accept this new training?"
POSSIBLE REPLIES: „Ja bitte." oder „Nein danke." DT/EQ: „"Yes, please." or „"No, thank you." OE: "Yes" or "No, thanks"
Magnus: „So sei es! Ich werde dich die Technik des Steinspalters lehren!" DT: „So be it! I will you the technique (of) the Stone-splitter teach!" EQ: "So be it! I will teach you the Stone-splitter technique!" OE: "I will now teach you a technique called the Rock Breaker, so pay attention!"
Magnus: „1. Zerschlage den Krug mit dem Schwert!" DT/EQ: „"1. Smash the jar with the Sword!" OE: "First!!! Swing your sword to break pots!"
Magnus: „Es ist vollbracht!" DT/EQ: „It is accomplished!" OE: "Actually, that's all there is, young swordsman!!"
Magnus: „Hast du das verstanden?" DT: „Have you that understood?" EQ: "Did you understand that?" OE: "Do you understand?"
POSSIBLE REPLIES: „Ja." oder „Nein." DT/EQ: „"Yes." or „No." OE: "Yes" or "No"
Magnus: „Gut. Das freut mich." DT/EQ: „"Good. That pleases me." OE: "Yes! Haha! Good!"
Magnus: „Ich hätte auch nicht gewusst, wie ich es dir sonst erklären sollte!" DT: „I had also not known, how I it to you further explain should!" EQ: "I don't know how I could have further explained it to you!" OE: "If you had said you didn't understand, I would have serious doubts about you!"
Magnus: „Doch Schwerttechniken muss man mit dem eigenen Körper erlernen." DT: „But Swordtechniques must one with the own body learn." EQ: "But one must learn Sword-techniques with their own body." OE: "Yes, but one must feel the technique, not just hear about it!"
Magnus: „Ich mache deinen Körper zur Marionette und lasse dich die Technik ausführen!" DT: „I make your body to the puppet and let you the technique perform!" EQ: "I will make your body a puppet and let you perform the technique!" OE: "That's why I will now possess your body so as to demonstrate the technique!"
Magnus: „Nun also, die Marionettentechnik von Meister Magnus! Sehe und staune!" DT: „Now so, the Puppets-technique of Master Magnus! See and marvel!" EQ: "So now, the Puppet-technique of Master Magnus! See and marvel!" OE: "That is the secret of the Swiftblade Switcheroo technique of training!"
Magnus: „Eins, zwei, drei..." DT/EQ: „"One, two, three..." OE: "Watch this!! Gunnghh!!"
Magnus: „Marionette nun sei!" DT: „Puppet now be!" EQ: "Now be a puppet!" OE: "Switch...Ah...Roo!"
Magnus: „So! Nun versuche es selbst!" DT/EQ: „"So! Now attempt it yourself!" OE: "Phew... Now! You must try it yourself!"
Magnus: „Zerschlage den Krug mit dem Schwert! Und es sei vollbracht!" DT/EQ: „"Smash the jar with the Sword! And it is accomplished!" OE: "Break the pots with your sword! That's all!"
Magnus: „Sehr gut! Ich überreiche dir feierlich diese Schriftrolle der Schwertkunst." DT: „Very good! I hand over to you ceremoniously this Scroll of the Sword-arts." EQ: "Very good! I ceremoniously hand this Scroll of the Sword-arts over to you." OE: "Yes!! Fine work! Fantastic, even! I will now give you this Tiger Scroll!"
Magnus: „Falls du eine Schwerttechnik vergessen solltest, kannst du dort nachsehen!" DT: „In case you a Sword-technique forget should, can you there check back!" EQ: "In case you should forget a Sword-technique, you can check back there!" OE: "If you ever forget this technique, you an review it with this scroll!"
ITEM GET: „Du hast den Steinspalter erlernt! Zerschlage spielend Steine und Krüge!" DT: „You (x) the Stone-splitter learned! Smash effortlessly stones and jars!" EQ: "You learned the Stone-splitter! Effortlessly smash stones and jars!" OE: "You learned the secret Rock Breaker fighting technique! Shatter pots and pulverize boulders with a single blow!"
Ezelo: „Wer hätte gedacht, dass selbst Werkzeuge Portale sein können?!?" DT: „Who (x) thought, that even artifacts Portals be can?!?" EQ: "Who would have thought that even artifacts can be Portals?!?" OE: "That's right! Even some human objects are portals to the Minish world!" (NOTE: That sentence is in conversational past, which usually skips the "have" in translations, but this is one of the instances where the "have" makes the translation more clear.)
Ezelo: „Die Minish sehen klein aus, aber sie haben viel Phantasie!" DT/EQ: „"The Minish look small (x), but they have many fantasies!" OE: "Those Minish may not look like much, but they are quite crafty!" (NOTE: The return of "aussehen".)
Stadt-Minish: „Lass bloß keinen auf uns drauf treten!" DT: „Let just no on us on-step!" EQ: "Don't let anyone step on us!" OE: "It's hard not to get stepped on when there are so many people here." (NOTE: The "Town" Minish have become the "City" Minish.)
Stadt-Minish: „Dieses Café is so lebendig! Man hört die unterschiedlichsten Gesichten." DT/EQ: „"This Café is so lively! One hears the most diverse/variable stories." OE: "This cafe is so busy. You can hear all sorts of stuff from all the people here."
Stadt-Minish: „Das duftet ja wunderbar!" DT: „That smells indeed wonderful!" EQ: "That smells wonderful indeed!" OE: "What a nice smell..."
Wald-Minish: „Die blaue Mütze der Stadt-Minish gefällt mir." DT: „The blue hats (of) the City-Minish appeal to me." EQ: "The blue hats of the City-Minish are appealing to me." OE: "I like those blue hats the Town Minish wear..."
Stadt-Minish: „Die rote Mütze der Wald-Minish gefällt mir." DT: „The red hats (of) the Forest-Minish appeal to me." EQ: "The red hats of the Forest-Minish are appealing to me." OE: "I like those red hats the Forest Minish wear..."
Stadt-Minish: „Die Wald-Minish sind gerade zu Besuch." DT: „The Forest-Minish are currently to visit." EQ: "The Forest-Minish are currently visiting." OE: "The Forest Minish have come for a visit." (NOTE: An alternate translation could be "The Forest-Minish are just visiting.")
Stadt-Minish: „Kennst du den geheimen Spruch, der zum Schatz führen soll?" DT: „Know you the covertly saying, the/that to (the) treasure leads should?" EQ: "Do you know the covertly saying that should lead to treasure?" OE: "Hey, do you know the clues that reveal the location of the treasure?"
Stadt-Minish: „Über den reißenden Strom führt eine schmale Brücke..." DT: „Across the torrential current leads a narrow bridge..." EQ: "A narrow bridge leads across the torrential current..." OE: "Cross the bridge that spans the rapid flow..."
Stadt-Minish: „Dann vorbei an den großen Wesen. Neben einem wilden Wasserfall..." DT: „Then past to the big/great being/entity. Beside a wild waterfall..." EQ: "Then past the big/great being/entity. Beside a wild waterfall..." OE: "Through the land of the fearsome beast... Until you reach the misty falls..." (NOTE: The Minish's size makes this sentence so strange. The thing the Minish is talking about is both "big" AND "great" to them, so I just made note of both translations.)
Stadt-Minish: „...ist der geheime Eingang zu dem Ort, an dem der Schatz verborgen ist." DT: „...is the covertly entrance to the place, at that the treasure concealed is." EQ: "...is the covertly entrance to the place, where the treasure is concealed." OE: "The treasure sleeps on the other side of the secret entrance there..."
Stadt-Minish: „Es soll ein Werkzeug sein, mit dem wir Minish riesige Dinge schieben können!" DT: „It should a tool be, with the/it we Minish huge things shove can!" EQ: "It should be a tool, with which we Minish can shove huge things!" OE: "They say it's a magical tool that allows even little people to push big things!"
Stadt-Minish: „Der Legende zufolge muss man von diesem Haus aus losgehen..." DT: „The legends according (to) must one from this house from go-off..." EQ: "According to the legends, one must go off from this house..." OE: "According to the legend, you're supposed to start from this house!" (NOTE: Could also come out as, "According to the legends, one must kick it off from this house...")
Ezelo: „Ob wir hier in diesem Aufzug unangenehm auffallen?" DT: „If we here in this attire unpleasant stand-out?" EQ: "Will we stand out in this unpleasant attire?" OE: "Are you sure I look all right? I never know what to wear to formal occasions."
Ezelo: „Ah! Link! Ist das nicht das Tor zur Heiligen Stätte?" DT/EQ: „"Ah! Link! Is that not the Gate to the Holy Site?" OE: "Link, look! See how that doorway glows? Could that be the door that leads to the sanctuary?"
Ezelo: „Offenbar können nur du und ich diesen Ort sehen! Los, hinein!" DT: „Obviously can only you and I this place see! Go, inside!" EQ: "Obviously, only you and I can see this place! Go inside!" OE: "Nobody in the castle seems able to see it but you and me... Let's go! Quickly!"
Ezelo: „Hm. Dies muss die Heilige Stätte sein." DT: „Hm. This must the Holy Site be." EQ: "Hm. This must be the Holy Site." OE: "So this is the elemental sanctuary, then..."
Ezelo: „Hier kann man die Kraft der Elemente auf das Schwert übertragen." DT: „Here can one the Force (of) the Elements to the Sword transfer." EQ: "Here, one can transfer the Force of the Elements to the Sword." OE: "This is where we can infuse your blade with the power of the elements..."
Ezelo: „Dort in der Mitte ist ein Podest für das Schwert." DT/EQ: „"There in the middle is a pedestal for the Sword." OE: "Yes, there seems to be a pedestal for your sword right in the middle there."
ITEM GET: „Das Schwert hat nun die Kraft des Erd- und des Flammen-Elements." DT: „The Sword has now the Force (of) the Earth- and the Flame-Elements." EQ: "The Sword now has the Force of the Earth- and the Flame-Elements." OE: "The powers of the Earth and Fire Elements have infused your blade!"
Ezelo: „Soso..." DT/EQ: „So so..." OE: "Hmm-hmm... Let's see if I can't read that tablet for you..."
Ezelo: „ " Lade das Schwert dort auf, wo der Boden leuchtet!" " DT/EQ: „" "Charge the Sword there (x), where the ground shines!" OE: "Fill your sword with power and walk over the glowing tile..." (NOTE: And yes, the German version actually used the English-style quotation marks when Ezlo is reading the stone marker. Also, „auf" is translated with „lade", as from „aufladen".)
Ezelo: „...steht da. Es geht wohl um diese leuchtenden Tafeln." DT: „stands there. It goes surely about these shining panels." EQ: "it says here. It's certainly about these shining panels." OE: "Hm. Perhaps it refers to those flashing spots on the floor around you." (NOTE: In certain scenarios/contexts, such as this one, „es geht" changes from its "it goes" meaning to "it is about (something)". As in, it's idiomatic.)
Ezelo: „Wenn du dort das Schwert lange genug auflädst, geschieht vielleicht etwas!" DT: „When you there the Sword long enough charge, happens perhaps something!" EQ: "When you charge the Sword there long enough, perhaps something happens!" OE: "Well? What are you waiting for?"
Ezelo: „Link, probier es aus!" DT/EQ: „"Link, try it out!" OE: "Try it, Link!"
Ezelo: „Oh! Dein Körper hat sich verdoppelt! Das is die Kraft des Weißen Schwertes!" DT: „Oh! Your body (x) itself doubled! This is the Force (of) the White Sword!" EQ: "Oh! Your body doubled itself! This is the Force of the White Sword!" OE: "Whoa! Your body just split in two! So this is the power of the White Sword!" (NOTE: That first sentence was in converstational past.)
Ezelo: „Das bedeutet, auf diesen Tafeln kannst du dich vervielfachen!" DT: „This means, on these panels can you yourself multiply!" EQ: "This means you can multiply yourself on these panels!" OE: "I guess you can double yourself like that anytime you see those panels..."
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space--cadet-glow · 6 years ago
Translation: “The Minish Cap” in German, Part 10: The Path to Mount Crenel
In preparation for meeting Master Melari, we do a bunch of miscellaneous things. The Blade Brothers also never shut up. Here is my translation of the German version of "The Minish Cap" to English!
My translation key: DT: „direct translation" (translated word for word) EQ: "English equivalent" (as in, as close to an English-sounding sentence as it's gonna get) DT/EQ: „"direct translation/English equivalent" (for when the DT is so similar to an EQ that it's practically English already) OE: "official English (translation as given in the European English version of "The Minish Cap")" (NOTE:) "anything I need to point out" (exactly what it says on the tin) BG: „backwards German" for the Minish language in reverse form
My translation work under the cut.
Magnus: „Ich bin Magnus, der Meister der Schwertkunst von Hyrule!" DT/EQ: „"I am Magnus, the Master (of) the Sword-arts of Hyrule!" OE: "I am Swiftblade, finest swordsman in all of Hyrule!" (NOTE: The Blade Brothers have a really interesting history of their naming convention. As far as I can tell, the last three- not counting Swiftblade the First- had no determinable naming pattern in Japanese (the first four all had "iron" in their names). So, to compensate, each translation had their own 'theme naming' for the Brothers. English went the "Blade" route, with naming them all "Something" followed by "Blade". French kept all of the Japanese names, and so did Spanish until they called Splitblade and Waveblade by the same name (Hasshin). Italian follows with Japan's no obvious pattern with its versions of Scarblade, Splitblade, and Greatblade; and then German went with a Latin-themed naming until the last three. „Magnus der Erste", „Magnus", „Maximus", „Maximilian", and „Maxissimus" all have a pun on being better than the last. But then, what did the German version decide to do with the last three? ...Let me introduce you to: Austin, Dustin, and Justin. I'm not kidding.)
Magnus: „Wenn du bei mir trainierst, wirst du schnell Fortschritte machen!" DT: „When you with me train, will you quickly progress make!" EQ: "When you train with me, you will quickly make progress!" OE: "If you train with me, I guarantee that you will increase your skill dramatically!" (NOTE: Could have also come out as "When you train with me, you will make quick progress." Magnus is Swiftblade if that wasn't obvious.)
Magnus: „Bist du willens, bei mir zu trainieren?" DT: „Are you willing, with me to train?" EQ: "Are you willing to train with me?" OE: "So? Would you like to train here?"
POSSIBLE REPLIES: „Ja bitte." oder „Nein danke." DT/EQ: „"Yes, please." or „"No, thank you." OE: "Please" or "No, thanks"
Magnus: „Zunächst zeige ich dir die wichtigste Grundtechnik: die Wirbelattacke!" DT: „Initially show/demonstrate I (to) you the primary basic technique: the Swirl-attack!" EQ: "I will initially demonstrate to you the primary basic technique: the Swirl-attack!" OE: "We shall start with the most basic of all techniques! I shall teach you...the Spin Attack!" (NOTE: „Wirbel" could also mean "twirl", but "swirl" is more reminiscent of the OE name.)
Magnus: „1. Halte den mit dem Schwert belegten Knopf gedrückt!" DT: „1. Keep the with the Sword reserved button pressed!" EQ: "1. Keep the reserved button with the Sword pressed!" OE: "First!! Press and hold your sword button..." (NOTE: This sentence almost killed me. And by "reserved button", it means the button you chose to set your sword to.)
Magnus: „2. Warte, bis das Schwert aufgeladen ist!" DT: „2. Wait, until the Sword charged is!" EQ: "2. Wait until the Sword is charged!" OE: "Second!! Build up enough power..."
Magnus: „3. Lass den Knopf los! Dann ist es vollbracht!" DT: „3. Let the button go/loose! Then is it accomplished!" EQ: "3. Let the button go/loose! Then it is accomplished!" OE: "Third!! Releeeease your destructive might!! That's all, young swordsman!!"
Magnus: „Hast du das verstanden?" DT: „Have you that understood?" EQ: "Did you understand that?" OE: "Do you understand?"
POSSIBLE REPLIES: „Ja." oder „Nein." DT/EQ: „"Yes." or „No." OE: "Yes" or "No"
Magnus: „Ausgezeichnet! Du lernst schnell!" DT/EQ: „Excellent! You learn fast/quickly!" OE: "Haha! Very good! You are a very quick student."
Magnus: „Doch Schwerttechniken muss man mit dem eigenen Körper erlernen." DT: „But Swordtechniques must one with the own body learn." EQ: "But one must learn Sword-techniques with their own body." OE: "But one must FEEL the technique, not just hear about it!"
Magnus: „Ich mache deinen Körper zur Marionette und lasse dich die Technik ausführen!" DT: „I make your body to the puppet and let you the technique perform!" EQ: "I will make your body a puppet and let you perform the technique!" OE: "That's why I will now possess your body so as to demonstrate the technique!"
Magnus: „Nun also, die Marionettentechnik von Meister Magnus! Sehe und staune!" DT: „Now so, the Puppets-technique of Master Magnus! See and marvel!" EQ: "So now, the Puppet-technique of Master Magnus! See and marvel!" OE: "I call this the Swiftblade Switcheroo technique of training!"
Magnus: „Eins, zwei, drei..." DT/EQ: „"One, two, three..." OE: "Watch this!! Urrngh!!"
Magnus: „Marionette nun sei!" DT: „Puppet now be!" EQ: "Now be a puppet!" OE: "Switch...Ah...Roo!" (NOTE: Props to the German version for getting this to rhyme. An English equivalent rhyme could be, "One, two, three, a puppet you shall be!")
Magnus: „So! Nun versuche es selbst!" DT/EQ: „"So! Now attempt it yourself!" OE: "Phew... Now! You must try it yourself!" (NOTE: One of the times that „selbst" can mean "yourself" instead of just "self".)
Magnus: „Knopf gedrückt halten, bis das Schwert aufgeladen ist, und dann loslassen!" DT: „Button pressed keep, until the Sword charged is, and then let go!" EQ: "Keep the button pressed until the Sword is charged, and then let go!" OE: "Press and hold your sword button. Build up enough power. Then, release your destructive might!! That's all there is to it!"
Magnus: „Hervorragend! Du hast Talent!" DT/EQ: „Outstanding! You have talent!" OE: "Yes!! Fine work! You're a quick study."
Magnus: „Ich überreiche dir feierlich diese Schriftrolle der Schwertkunst." DT: „I hand over to you ceremoniously this Scroll of the Sword-arts." EQ: "I ceremoniously hand this Scroll of the Sword-arts over to you." OE: "I will now give you this Tiger Scroll!" (NOTE: Again, how did English come up with these names? „Schriftrolle der Schwertkunst" and "Tiger Scroll" are one-in-the-same.)
Magnus: „Falls du eine Schwerttechnik vergessen solltest, kannst du dort nachsehen!" DT: „In case you a Sword-technique forget should, can you there check back!" EQ: "In case you should forget a Sword-technique, you can check back there!" OE: "If you ever forget this technique, you can review it with this scroll!"
Magnus: „Du kannst sie dir jederzeit im Status-Menü ansehen!" DT: „You can it (to) you at any time in the Status-Menu look at!" EQ: "You can look at it at any time in the Status-Menu." OE: "You may view it anytime from the Quest Status screen!"
ITEM GET: „Du hast die Wirbelattacke erlernt! Eine Technik von Meister Magnus!" DT: „You have the Swirl-attack learned! A technique of Master Magnus!" EQ: "You have learned the Swirl-attack! A technique of Master Magnus!" OE: "You learned the secret Spin Attack fighting technique! This is the first sword technique you've learned from Master Swiftblade!"
Aiya: „Eine Geldbörse. Macht 80 Rubine. Da passen viele Rubine rein! Praktisch!" DT: „A Money-purse. Totals/costs 80 Rubine. There fit many Rubine in! Practical!" EQ: "A Money-purse. Totals/costs 80 Rubine. Many Rubine fit in there! Practical!" OE: "Only 80 Rupees for a wallet. It can hold a king's ransom in Rupees!" (NOTE: Stockwell became Aiya. How? Don't know. And in the context of money, „macht" means "totals" or "costs", rather than its usual "make" or "do" meaning.)
Aiya: „Kaufst du das?" DT: „Purchase you this?" EQ: "Will you purchase this?" OE: "Will you buy it?"
POSSIBLE REPLIES: „Ja." oder „Nein." DT/EQ: „"Yes." or „"No." OE: "Buy" or "Don't buy"
ITEM GET: „Große Geldbörse erhalten! Jetzt kannst du mehr Rubine tragen!" DT: „Big Money-purse received! Now can you more Rubine carry!" EQ: "Received the Big Money-purse! Now you can carry more Rubine!" OE: "You got a big wallet! Now, you can carry more Rupees!" (NOTE: And "big wallet" is "Big Money-purse" or even just a "purse", as far as I can tell.)
Aiya: „Herzlichen Dank! Bis zum nächsten Einkauf! Ich erwarte dich." DT: „Hearty/cordial/many thanks! Until (x) next purchase! I await you." EQ: "Hearty/cordial/many thanks! Until your next purchase! I await you." OE: "Much obliged, my good lad! Please, do not hesitate to stop by again!"
Hofstaat: „Ooh! Du hast die Wirbelattacke erlernt!" DT: „Ooh! You have the Swirl-attack learned!" EQ: "Ooh! You have learned the Swirl-attack!" OE: "Ho ho! So, you've learned the Spin Attack?" (NOTE: „Hofstaat" can mean either "Court state" or just "State". But it's the German name for the Vassals.)
Hofstaat: „Lass mich überprüfen, ob man dich wirklich nach draußen lassen kann." DT: „Let me verify, if one you really to outside leave can." EQ: "Let me verify if one can really leave you outside." OE: "It's still dangerous, but...maybe you can handle it." (NOTE: One of the contexts where „lassen" can mean "leave" rather than "let". In fact, this sentence uses both meanings.)
Hofstaat: „Zeigst du mir eine Wirbelattacke?" DT: „Show/demonstrate you (to) me a Swirl-attack?" EQ: "Will you show/demonstrate to me a Swirl-attack?" OE: "Well, let's see how you do. Show me that Spin Attack!"
Hofstaat: „Ja! Du hast mich überzeugt!!!" DT/EQ: „"Yes! You have me convinced!!!" OE: "Yeah! That's the one!"
Hofstaat: „Es sind viele Ungeheuer unterwegs, also sei vorsichtig!" DT/EQ: „"There are many monsters along/on the way, so be careful!" OE: "But there are monsters out there, kid! You just make sure you're careful." (NOTE: „Es sind" is another version of „es gibt".)
Fremder: „Ich komme aus einem fernen Land. Das sieht man auch an meiner Kleidung." DT: „I come from a distant land/country. This sees one also by my clothes." EQ: "I come from a distant land/country. One can see this also by my clothes." OE: "I come from a faraway land. You can tell by my clothing, can't you?"
Deku-Händler: „Tur mir Leid wegen der Nuss." DT: „Sorry because of the nut." EQ: "Sorry about the nut." OE: "OK, ya got me! Let me make it up to ya!"
Deku-Händler: „Ich verkaufe dir auch eine Flasche für 20 Rubine!" DT: „I sell to you also a Bottle for 20 Rubine!" EQ: "I will also sell to you a Bottle for 20 Rubine!" OE: "You can have this most deluxe of all bottles for only 20 Rupees!"
(The German Business Scrub then proceeds to hi-jack the plot like OE Ezlo did, with the following two text boxes not present in the English version.) [Deku-Händler: „Darin kannst du alles Mögliche transportieren." DT: „In it can you everything/anything transport." EQ: "In it, you can transport any number of things."] (NOTE: „alles Mögliche" is idiomatic.)
[Deku-Händler: „Ich bin sicher, ohne sie wirst du den Gongol-Berg nicht besteigen können!" DT: „I am certain, without it will you (the) Gongol-Mountain not climb can!" EQ: "I am certain that without it, you will not be able to climb Gongol-Mountain!"] (NOTE: I think this is where OE Ezlo got his extra two text boxes from earlier.)
ITEM GET: „Kaufen?" DT/EQ: "Purchase?" OE: "So, what do you say, huh?"
POSSIBLE REPLIES: „Ja." oder „Nein." DT/EQ: „"Yes." or „"No." OE: "Sure" or "No, thanks"
ITEM GET: „Leere Flasche erhalten! Fülle sie mit verschiedenen Dingen!" DT: „Empty Bottle received! Fill it with various things!" EQ: "Received an Empty Bottle! Fill it with various things!" OE: "You got an empty bottle! Use it to store all sorts of things!"
Deku-Händler: „Danke für den Einkauf!" DT/EQ: „"Thanks for the purchase!" OE: "Thanks a lot!"
Deku-Händler: „Tut mir Leid wegen der Nuss! Ich verrate dir auch was!" DT: „Sorry because of the nut! I reveal to you also something!" EQ: "Sorry about the nut! I will reveal something to you, too!" OE: "OK, ya got me! I'll make it up to you by telling you something good!"
Deku-Händler: „Mein Freund verkauft in seiner Höhle im Süden der Beele-Hochebene..." DT: „My friend sells in his cave to the South of the Beele-Plateau..." EQ: "My friend in his cave to the South of the Beele-Plateau..." OE: "A friend of mine in a cave in the south of Trilby Highlands..." (NOTE: One of the many instances where the usually past-tense „verkauft" can mean the present-tense "sells". Also, Beele-Plateau is Tribly Highlands.)
Deku-Händler: „...ein sehr prakitsches Werkzeug!" DT: „...a very practical tool!" EQ: "...sells a very practical tool!" OE: "... has a handy tool."
Deku-Händler: „Wenn du auf den Gongol-Berg gehst, solltest du nach ihm suchen!" DT: „If you on the Gongol-Mountain go, should you after him seek!" EQ: "If you go onto Gongol-Mountain, you should look for him!" OE: "If you want to climb Mount Crenel, I suggest you go buy it from him."
1 note · View note
space--cadet-glow · 6 years ago
Translation: “The Minish Cap” in German, Part 22: Prepare for Trouble in Graveyard Rubble
We visit the grave of the dead king, Gustaf, do some more sword stuff... And we meet up with Boris Karloff- I mean- Dampé, to find a key. Here is my translation of the German version of "The Minish Cap" to English!
My translation key: DT: „direct translation" (translated word for word) EQ: “English equivalent” (as in, as close to an English-sounding sentence as it’s gonna get) DT/EQ: „"direct translation/English equivalent" (for when the DT is so similar to an EQ that it’s practically English already) OE: “official English (translation as given in the European English version of “The Minish Cap”)“ (NOTE:) "anything I need to point out” (exactly what it says on the tin) BG: „backwards German” for the Minish language in reverse form
My translation work under the cut.
Maxissimus: „Ich bin Maxissimus, der einzig wahre Meister der Schwertkunst von Hyrule!" DT/EQ: „"I am Maxissimus, the only/sole true Master (of) the Sword-arts of Hyrule!" OE: "You are in the presence of the true master swordsman of Hyrule, Grimblade!" (NOTE: Maxissimus is Grimblade and continues the "better than the last" pun the German version had going on.)
Maxissimus: „Wenn du bei mir trainierst, wirst du schnell Fortschritte machen!" DT: „When you with me train, will you quickly progress make!" EQ: "When you train with me, you will become a true master swordsman!" OE: "If you train with me, I guarantee that you will increase your skill dramatically!"
Maxissimus: „Bist du willens, bei mir zu trainieren?" DT: „Are you willing, with me to train?" EQ: "Are you willing to train with me?" OE: "So? Would you like to train here?"
POSSIBLE REPLIES: „Ja bitte." oder „Nein danke." DT/EQ: „"Yes, please." or „"No, thank you." OE: "Please" or "No, thanks"
Maxissimus: „Hört, hört! So werde ich dich nun die Technik der Strahlenattacke lehren!" DT: „Hear, hear! So will I you then the technique (of) the Rays-attack teach!" EQ: "Hear, hear! So, I will teach you the Rays-attack technique, then!" OE: "You will learn the meaning of power with this technique, the Sword Beam!" (NOTE: Funnily enough, every other language agrees with German and calls it their equivalent of "Ray Attack". "Sword Beam" sounds cooler, though...)
Maxissimus: „1. Du musst volle Energie haben." DT: „1. You must full energy have." EQ: "1. You must have full energy." OE: "First!! When your hearts are full..."
Maxissimus: „2. Zücke dein Schwert!" DT/EQ: „"2. Pull out your Sword!" OE: "Second!! Swing your mighty sword!!!"
Maxissimus: „Mehr ist nicht zu tun!" DT: „More is not to do!" EQ: "There is nothing more to do!" OE: "That's...really all there is to it, young swordsman!!" (NOTE: Mostly idiomatic, mostly not.)
Maxissimus: „Hast du das verstanden?" DT: „Have you that understood?" EQ: "Did you understand that?" OE: "Do you understand?"
POSSIBLE REPLIES: „Ja." oder „Nein." DT/EQ: „"Yes." or „No." OE: "Yes" or "No"
Maxissimus: „Das höre ich gern! Doch Wissen allein reicht nicht!" DT: „That hear I gladly! But knowledge alone right not!" EQ: "I'm glad to hear that! But, knowledge alone does not suffice!" OE: "But this is only the beginning! Now comes the real thing!" (NOTE: Very idiomatic. Could also mean "But, knowledge alone is not enough!".)
Maxissimus: „Doch Schwerttechniken muss man mit dem eigenen Körper erlernen." DT: „But Swordtechniques must one with the own body learn." EQ: "But one must learn Sword-techniques with their own body." OE: "But one must FEEL the technique, not just hear about it!"
Maxissimus: „Ich mache deinen Körper zur Marionette und lasse dich die Technik ausführen!" DT: „I make your body to the puppet and let you the technique perform!" EQ: "I will make your body a puppet and let you perform the technique!" OE: "That's why I will now possess your body so as to demonstrate the technique!"
Maxissimus: „Nun also, die Marionettentechnik von Meister Maxissimus! Sehe und staune!" DT: „Now so, the Puppets-technique of Master Maxissimus! See and marvel!" EQ: "So now, the Puppet-technique of Master Maxissimus! See and marvel!" OE: "I call this the Swiftblade Switcheroo technique of training!"
Maxissimus: „Eins, zwei, drei..." DT/EQ: „"One, two, three..." OE: "Watch this!! Urrngh!!"
Maxissimus: „Marionette nun sei!" DT: „Puppet now be!" EQ: "Now be a puppet!" OE: "Switch...Ah...Roo!"
Maxissimus: „So! Nun versuche es selbst!" DT/EQ: „"So! Now attempt it yourself!" OE: "Phew... Now! You must try it yourself!"
Maxissimus: „Die Energieanzeige muss voll sein. Zücke dein Schwert!" DT: „The energy-indicator must full be. Pull out your Sword!" EQ: "The energy-indicator must be full. Pull our your Sword!" OE: "When your hearts are full...swing your sword with all your might!"
Maxissimus: „Sehr gut! Ich überreiche dir diese Schriftrolle der Schwertkunst." DT: „Very good! I hand over to you this Scroll of the Sword-arts." EQ: "Very good! I hand this Scroll of the Sword-arts over to you." OE: "Yes!! Fine work! You know the way! I will now give you this Tiger Scroll!"
Maxissimus: „Falls du eine Schwerttechnik vergessen solltest, kannst du dort nachsehen!" DT: „In case you a Sword-technique forget should, can you there check back!" EQ: "In case you should forget a Sword-technique, you can check back there!" OE: "If you ever forget this technique, you can review it with this scroll!"
ITEM GET: „Du hast die Strahlenattacke erlernt! Aus der Schwertspitze schießen..." DT: „You have the Rays-attack learned! From the Sword-point shoot..." EQ: "You learned the Rays-attack! Shoot out rays from..." OE: "You learned the secret Sword Beam fighting technique! Fire beams from the tip of your blade!"
ITEM GET: „...Strahlen hervor! Funktioniert nur bei voller Energie!" DT: „...rays out! Functions only with full energy!" EQ "...the point of the Sword! Functions only with full energy!" OE: "You can only do this when your life energy is full."
Hofstaat: „Auf Befehl des Königs darf ich hier niemanden durchlassen!" DT: „On order (of) the King allow I here nobody through-let!" EQ: "By order of the King, I cannot allow anybody through here!" OE: "By the order of the king, none shall pass!!"
Hofstaat: „Also, geh nach Hause!" DT: „So, go to home!" EQ: "So, go home!" OE: "Now! Begone with you!!"
ITEM GET: „Das Tropfen-Element wurde übertragen!" DT/EQ: „"The Droplet-Element has been transferred!" OE: "The power of the Water Element has infused your blade!"
ITEM GET: „Durch die Übertragung des Elements kannst du dich jetzt dreiteilen!" DT: „Through the transmission (of) the Element can you yourself now three-split!" EQ: "Through the transmission of the Element, you can now split yourself into three!" OE: "The power of this element allows you to split into as many as three copies!"
Gorone 3: „Ich habe dich gerochen, mein Freund. Was machst du hier?" DT: „I (x) you smelled, my friend. What do you here?" EQ: "I smelled you, my friend. What are you doing here?" OE: "I thought I smelled a buddy! What are you doing here?"
Gorone 1: „Du bist eine Große Hilfe! Lass uns die Mauer gemeinsam einreißen!" DT: „You are a big help! Let us the wall together tear-down!" EQ: "You are a big help! Let's tear down the wall together!" OE: "Oh, thank goodness! They finally came!"
Ezelo: „Hihihi! Na, Link? Ziemlich finster, nicht?" DT: „Hihihi! Well, Link? Pretty dark, not?" EQ: "Hihihi! Well, Link? Pretty dark, right?" OE: "Hehehe! So, what do you think, Link?" (NOTE: Could also be "Pretty dark, isn't it?".)
Ezelo: „... ... ... Ziemlich gruselig, oder?" DT: „... ... ... Pretty creepy, or?" EQ: "... ... ... Pretty creepy, right?" OE: "Pretty dark and spooky, isn't it? Makes you wanna cry, doesn't it?" (NOTE: Also could also be "Pretty creepy, isn't it?".)
Ezelo: „Was?!? Du hast keine Angst!?! Äh... Ich natürlich auch nicht!" DT: „What?!? You have no fear!?! Ah... I naturally also not!" EQ: "What?!? You're not scared!?! Ah... Naturally, I'm also not!" OE: "What? You're...not scared? Well, good! Neither am I!" (NOTE: Idiomatic. Darn it, Ezlo.)
Ezelo: „Gut, äh... G-Gehen wir!" DT: „Good/Well, ah... G-Go we!" EQ: "Good/Well, ah... L-Let's go!" OE: "So, um... Come on, let's go..." (NOTE: Slightly idiomatic. Uggh.)
Höhe Libellen-Fee: „Willkommen am Brunnen der Abenteurer!" DT/EQ: „"Welcome to the Well of (the) Adventurers!" OE: "Welcome to the adventurer's spring..." (NOTE: The Great Fairy of Dragonflies became the High Dragonfly-Fairy. ...Wait, what? It actually matched for once?!)
Höhe Libellen-Fee: „Darf ich dir einige Fragen über deine Abenteuer stellen?" DT: „May I (to) you some questions about your adventure ask?" EQ: "May I ask you some questions about your adventure?" OE: "Would you tell me of your travels?"
POSSIBLE REPLIES: „Natürlich." oder „Nein." DT/EQ: „"Naturally." or „"No." OE: "Yes" or "Not now"
Höhe Libellen-Fee: „Das Flammen-Element war das erste, das du errungen hast, nicht wahr?" DT: „The Flame-Element was the first, that you gained (x), not true?" EQ: "The Flame-Element was the first that you gained, is that not true?" OE: "The first element you found was the Fire Element, was it not?"
POSSIBLE REPLIES: „Ja." oder „Nein." DT/EQ: „"Yes." or „"No." OE: "Yes" or "No"
Höhe Libellen-Fee: „Ach, so ist das! Gut, nächste Frage." DT: „Oh, so is that! Good, next question." EQ: "Oh, that is so! Good, next question." OE: "Yes, I see. Now for the next question."
Höhe Libellen-Fee: „Dein Großvater heißt Albrecht, nicht?" DT: „Your grandfather (is) called Albrecht, not?" EQ: "Your grandfather is called Albrecht, right?" OE: "Your grandfather's name is Smee, isn't it?"
POSSIBLE REPLIES: „Ja." oder „Nein." DT/EQ: „"Yes." or „"No." OE: "Yes" or "No"
Höhe Libellen-Fee: „Ach, so ist das! Gut, nächste Frage." DT: „Oh, so is that! Good, next question." EQ: "Oh, that is so! Good, next question." OE: "Yes, I see. Now for the next question."
Höhe Libellen-Fee: „Melta von Gongol-Berg hat sieben Schüler, stimmt's?" DT/EQ: „"Melta of Gongol-Mountain has seven students, correct?" OE: "Melari of Mount Crenel has seven apprentices, does he not?"
POSSIBLE REPLIES: „Ja." oder „Nein." DT/EQ: „"Yes." or „"No." OE: "Yes" or "No"
Höhe Libellen-Fee: „Ach, so ist das! Gut, nächste Frage." DT: „Oh, so is that! Good, next question." EQ: "Oh, that is so! Good, next question." OE: "Yes, I see. Now for the next question."
Höhe Libellen-Fee: „Heißt die Frucht, die man isst, um die Minish zu verstanden, Laberbirne?" DT: „Called the fruit, that one eats, in order the Minish to understand, Chatterpear?" EQ: "Is the fruit that one eats in order to understand the Minish called the Chatterpear?" OE: "The Blabber Nut gives one the ability to understand the Minish, does it not?" (NOTE: HOW ON EARTH IS "CHATTERPEAR" MORE ACCURATE THAN "GIBBERISHPEAR"?!)
POSSIBLE REPLIES: „Ja." oder „Nein." DT/EQ: „"Yes." or „"No." OE: "Yes" or "No"
Höhe Libellen-Fee: „Ach, so ist das! Gut, nächste Frage." DT: „Oh, so is that! Good, next question." EQ: "Oh, that is so! Good, next question." OE: "Yes, I see. Now for the next question."
Höhe Libellen-Fee: „Hat der jetzige König von Hyrule, Dartus, einen weißen Mantel?" DT: „Has the current King of Hyrule, Dartus, a white coat?" EQ: "Does the current King of Hyrule, Dartus, have a white coat?" OE: "The robe of the current king of Hyrule, Daltus, is white, is it not?"
POSSIBLE REPLIES: „Ja." oder „Nein." DT/EQ: „"Yes." or „"No." OE: "Yes" or "No"
Höhe Libellen-Fee: „Du hast all meine Fragen zu deinen Abenteuern richtig beantwortet!" DT: „You (x) all my questions to your adventures correctly answered!" EQ: "You correctly answered all of my questions about your adventures!" OE: "I see. Thank you for telling me about your quest. You remember it all so well."
Höhe Libellen-Fee: „Deshalb werde ich dir helfen." DT: „Therefore will I (for) you help." EQ: "Therefore, I will help you." OE: "Such a faithful memory should be rewarded with some of my power."
ITEM GET: „Großen Pfeilköcher erhalten! Jetzt kannst du mehr Pfeile tragen!" DT: „Large Quiver received! Now can you more Arrows carry!" EQ: "Large Quiver received! Now you can carry more Arrows!" OE: "You got a large quiver! Now, you can carry more arrows!"
Höhe Libellen-Fee: „Mögest du erfolgreich sein..." DT: „May you successful be..." EQ: "May you be successful..." OE: "May you fare well in your quest..."
Boris: „Ich bin Boris, der Totengräber! Was? Der Geist eines Königs rief dich?" DT/EQ: „"I am Boris, the Gravedigger! What? The ghost (of) a King called you?" OE: "My name's Dampé. I'm the gravedigger here. What's that? You were called here by the ghost of a king?" (NOTE: ...First, the German Carpenters are named after the Beatles, and now we have German Boris Karloff? ...Sweet! Boris is Dampé.)
Boris: „Das muss der König von Hyrule aus der fernen Vergangenheit gewesen sein." DT: „That must the King of Hyrule from the distant past been (x)." EQ: "That must have been the King of Hyrule in the distant past." OE: "That'd be the ancient king of Hyrule who rests here."
Boris: „Ich bin ihm auch schon im Traum begegnet. Da er dich gerufen hat," DT: „I (x) him also already in (the) dream encountered. Since he you called (x)," EQ: "I encountered him already in a dream. Since he called you," OE: "I've seen him myself. Well, if the king has called you," (NOTE: Conversational past.)
Boris: „muss ich dich wohl einlassen. Hier hast du den Schlüssel zum Friedhof!" DT: „must I you probably let it. Here have you the Key to the Graveyard!" EQ: "I probably should let you in. Here, have the Key to the Graveyard!" OE: "I can't see any reason not to let you in... Here, take this graveyard key."
ITEM GET: „Schlüssel zum Friedhof erhalten! Er öffnet das Tor zum Friedhof." DT: „Key to the Graveyard received! It opens the Gate to the Graveyard." EQ: "Received the Key to the Graveyard! It opens the Gate to the Graveyard." OE: "You got the graveyard key! Now, you can open the graveyard gate!" (NOTE: This key also opens up the Department of Redundancy Department.)
Ezelo: „Diese Krähe! Sie hat den Schlüssel zum Friedhof geklaut!" DT: „That crow! It (x) the Key to the Graveyard stolen!" EQ: "That crow! It stole the Key to the Graveyard!" OE: "What's with that crow? He up and flew off with the graveyard key!"
Ezelo: „Renn hinterher und hol den Schlüssel zurück!" DT: „Run after and get the Key back!" EQ: "Run after it and get the Key back!" OE: "Charge after him and get that key!"
Boris: „Die Krähe hat den Schlüssel geklaut? Wenn du zu langsam bist, wird sie dir..." DT: „The crow (x) the Key stole? If you too slow are, will it (for) you..." EQ: "The crow stole the Key? If you are too slow, it will..." OE: "What? A crow took the key and flew off into a tree? Well, don't just stand around!"
Boris: „...entwischen! Du musst schnell sein, um den Schlüssel wiederzubekommen!" DT: „...escape! You must quick be, in order the Key regain/get back!" EQ: "...escape you! You must be quick in order to regain/get back the Key!" OE: "The crow'll get away! Charge at him and give that tree he's in a rattle if you want it back!"
ITEM GET: „Schlüssel zum Friedhof zurückerhalten! Jetzt kannst du den Friedhof betreten!" DT: „Key to the Graveyard recovered! Now can you the Graveyard enter!" EQ: "Recovered the Key to the Graveyard! Now you can enter the Graveyard!" OE: "You got the graveyard key back! Now, you can open the graveyard gate!"
Ezelo: „Du hast den Schlüssel also zurück! Du bist zu verträumt, Link!" DT: „You have the Key so back? You are too dreamy, Link!" EQ: "So, you got the Key back? You are too dreamy, Link!" OE: "So, you managed to get the key back? Keep a tighter grip on it this time!" (NOTE: "Dreamy" in the context of "airheaded"/"spacey".)
Ezelo: „Nun ja, jetzt können wir das Tor zum Friedhof öffnen." DT: „Oh well, now can we the Gate to the Graveyard open." EQ: "Oh, well, now we can open the Gate to the Graveyard." OE: "At least now, you can get into the graveyard..."
Boris: „Ich mache dir das Tor auf. Sei vorsichtig!" DT: „I open up (for) you the Gate (x). Be careful!" EQ: "I'll open up the Gate for you. Be careful!" OE: "I'll open the gate for you. Be careful in there." (NOTE: "aufmachen".)
Ezelo: „Es ist zwar das Grab des Königs von Hyrule, aber unheimlich ist es trotzdem." DT: „It is indeed the Tomb (of) the King of Hyrule, but scary is it nevertheless." EQ: "It is indeed the Tomb of the King of Hyrule, but, nevertheless, is it scary." OE: "It may be the Royal Crypt, but graves are creepy, no matter whose they are!"
Ezelo: „Wo müssen wir wohl hingehen, um König Gustaf zu treffen?" DT: „Where must we possibly go, in order King Gustaf to meet?" EQ: "Where must we possibly go in order to meet King Gustaf?" OE: "Where are we supposed to go to meet this King Gustaf anyway?"
Ezelo: „Ich bin gar nicht mehr so sicher, ob ich ihn wirklich treffen möchte..." DT: „I am quite not more so certain, if I him really meet would like..." EQ: "I am not quite so certain if I really would like to meet him..." OE: "I'm not so sure I even want to anymore! Can we just go somewhere less creepy?"
König Gustaf: „... ... ..." DT/EQ: „"... ... ..." OE: "... ..."
König Gustaf: „Kind...!" DT/EQ: „"Child...!" OE: "O young one..."
König Gustaf: „Kind, das du versuchst, meine Erbin Zelda zu retten..." DT: „Child, that you seek, my heiress Zelda to rescue..." EQ: "Child that seeks to rescue my heiress, Zelda..." OE: "Child who seeks to rescue my descendant, Zelda..."
König Gustaf: „Sei willkommen..." DT/EQ: „"Be welcome..." OE: "Welcome..."
König Gustaf: „Mein Name ist Gustaf..." DT/EQ: „"My name is Gustaf..." OE: "My name is Gustaf."
König Gustaf: „Der König von Hyrule aus ferner Vergangenheit..." DT: „The King of Hyrule from distant past..." EQ: "The King of Hyrule in the distant past..." OE: "I was king of Hyrule, countless ages ago."
König Gustaf: „Ich überreiche dir dieses Fragment..." DT/EQ: „"I present (to) you this Fragment..." OE: "I grant to you this Kinstone..."
König Gustaf: „Gehe zur großen Quelle von Hyrule..." DT/EQ: „"Go to (the) great/large Source of Hyrule..." OE: "Seek the source of the flow in Hyrule..."
König Gustaf: „Dann wird sich ein Weg öffnen..." DT: „Then will itself a way open..." EQ: "Then, a way will open..." OE: "Only then will your path open..."
König Gustaf: „Zeldas Schicksal ... Ja..." DT/EQ: „"Zelda's fate ... Indeed..." OE: "Save Zelda..." (NOTE: Yes, that awkward space is actually in-game.)
König Gustaf: „Das Schicksal von ganz Hyrule liegt in deinen Händen, Kind..." DT/EQ: „"The fate of all Hyrule lies in your hands, child..." OE: "All of Hyrule is counting on you..."
ITEM GET: „Glücksfragment erhalten! Die Fragmente sollen Glück bringen." DT: „Luckyfragment received! The Fragments should luck bring." EQ: "Received a Luckyfragment! The Fragments should bring luck." OE: "You got a Kinstone piece! These mystic stones are said to bring happiness."
Ezelo: „Nanu! Der König von Hyrule hat aus der Vergangenheit zu uns gesprochen!" DT: „Well! The King of Hyrule (x) out (of) the past to us spoken!" EQ: "Well! The King of Hyrule in the past has spoken to us!" OE: "Hmm... Fascinating! An ancient king of Hyrule? How strange..."
Ezelo: „Die Quelle von Hyrule also... Wo mag sie sein?" DT: „The Source of Hyrule also... Where may it be?" EQ: "Also, the Source of Hyrule... Where may it be?" OE: "And the source of the flow? What do you suppose that could mean?"
Ezelo: „Oh!!! Was für ein riesiger Wasserfall! Ein wahrhaft überwältigender Anblick!" DT: „Oh!!! What for a huge/vast Waterfall! A truly overwhelming sight!" EQ: "Oh!!! What a huge/vast Waterfall! Truly an overwhelming sight!" OE: "Wow! Look at the size of that waterfall! Beautiful! Simply beautiful, my boy!"
Ezelo: „Die steinerne Tür!!!" DT/EQ: „"The stone Door!!!" OE: "A stone door!"
Ezelo: „Ach so! Die so genannte Quelle ist hier." DT: „Oh so! The so stated Source is here." EQ: "Oh, so! The so-called Source is here." OE: "So! This was what they meant by all of that "source of the flow" business!" (NOTE: Slightly idiomatic.)
Ezelo: „Dieser Wasserfall ist bestimmt die Wasserquelle von Hyrule." DT/EQ: „"This Waterfall is certainly the Water-source of Hyrule." OE: "Well, this waterfall certainly is the source of all Hyrule's water."
Ezelo: „Gustaf sagte, dass dahinter etwas liegt, das zum letzten Element führt..." DT: „Gustaf says, that beyond something lies, that to the last Element leads..." EQ: "Gustaf says that something that lies beyond it leads to the last Element..." OE: "According to King Gustaf, the final element lies somewhere behind the falls."
Ezelo: „Lass es uns anschauen, Link!!!" DT: „Let it us look at, Link!!!" EQ: "Let's look at it, Link!!!" OE: "We've dawdled long enough, Link! Let's go find that element!" (NOTE: Slightly idiomatic. Could also be "Let us have a look, Link!!!".)
Ezelo: „W-Was ist das?! Ein großer Wirbelwind!" DT/EQ: „"W-What is that?! A large whirlwind!" OE: "What have we here? Some kind of vortex?"
Ezelo: „Hier kommen wir wohl nicht weiter. Was sollen wir nur machen...?" DT: „Here come we possibly not further. What should we only do...?" EQ: "We cannot possibly go further. What should we do...?" OE: "Well, we seem to have hit a dead end... What shall we do from here?"
Ezelo: „... ... ..." DT/EQ: „"... ... ..." OE: "... ..."
Ezelo: „I-Ich lebe noch?" DT: „I-I live still?" EQ: "I-I'm still alive?" OE: "Am I still alive?"
Ezelo: „... ... ... ... ... ..." DT/EQ: „"... ... ... ... ... ..." OE: "... ... ... ..."
Ezelo: „Link!!! Du! Wagemut hat auch seine Grenzen!" DT: „Link!!! You! Audacity has also its limits!" EQ: "Link!!! You! Audacity also has its limits!" OE: "Link!! What were you thinking, child!"
Ezelo: „Stürzt sich einfach in den Wirbelsturm!!! Das hätte unser Ende sein können!!!" DT: „Plunge yourself just in(to) the cyclone!!! That have our end be could!!!" EQ: "Just plunge yourself into the cyclone!!! That could have been our end!!!" OE: "You just reaped the whirlwind, as they say! We could be dead right now!"
Ezelo: „... ... ... ... ... ..." DT/EQ: „"... ... ... ... ... ..." OE: "... ... ... ..."
Ezelo: „...So etwas! Deine Waghalsigkeit hat sich offenbar doch gelohnt!" DT: „...So something! Your recklessness (x) yourself apparently still rewarded!" EQ: "...Something like that! Your recklessness has apparently been rewarded!" OE: "...But I must admit, it did the trick!" (NOTE: Idiomatic and conversational past. Could also be "Your recklessness has apparently payed off!".)
Ezelo: „Ist hier am Ende... die Welt über den Wolken?" DT: „Is here at the end... the World above the Clouds?" EQ: "Is here the end... the World above the Clouds?" OE: "Are we...in the land above the clouds?"
Ezelo: „Hier muss es etwas geben, das zum Element führt. Suchen wir danach!" DT: „Here must it something there, that to (the) Element leads. Seek we then!" EQ: "There must be something here that leads to the Element. Let's seek it!" OE: "Then there must be something here that can lead us to the final element! Let's go find it!" (NOTE: Idioms all over the gaff. I'm still positive that German Ezlo will be the death of me.)
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space--cadet-glow · 6 years ago
Translation: “The Minish Cap” in German, Part 16: Continuing the Journey
After tangoing briefly with Vaati, we wind down and do a bunch of miscellaneous stuff. Like more sword-training. Great. Here is my translation of the German version of "The Minish Cap" to English!
My translation key: DT: „direct translation" (translated word for word) EQ: “English equivalent” (as in, as close to an English-sounding sentence as it’s gonna get) DT/EQ: „"direct translation/English equivalent" (for when the DT is so similar to an EQ that it’s practically English already) OE: “official English (translation as given in the European English version of "The Minish Cap”)“ (NOTE:) "anything I need to point out” (exactly what it says on the tin) BG: „backwards German" for the Minish language in reverse form
My translation work under the cut.
Ezelo: „Du kennst doch die Legende der Minish, nicht wahr?" DT: „You know still the legends (of) the Minish, not true?" EQ: "You know about the legends of the Minish, right?" OE: "You know the legends, of course." (NOTE: Idiomatic, and could have even come out as "You know about the legends of the Minish, do you not?")
Ezelo: „Die Minish übergaben einst den Menschen das Licht und das Schwert." DT: „The Minish bequeathed once (to) the humans the Light and the Sword." EQ: "The Minish once bequeathed the Light and the Sword to the humans." OE: "The gifts the Picori gave the humans..."
Ezelo: „Das Schwert der Minish und das Force." DT/EQ:  „"The Sword (of) the Minish and the Force." OE: "What you call the Picori Blade was the first of these gifts. The second..."
Ezelo: „Force ist grenzenlose Zauberkraft! Vaati darf sie nicht erlangen!" DT: „Force is limitless magic power! Vaati must it not obtain!" EQ: "Force is limitless magic power! Vaati must not obtain it!" OE: "Well, you call it light force, but it is a source of limitless magical power."
Ezelo: „Ich kam in die Welt der Menschen, um Vaati aufzuhalten." DT: „I came to the world of the humans, in order Vaati to stop." EQ: "I came to the world of the humans in order to stop Vaati." OE: "If Vaati were to get it now, it would be devastating. I came to the world of men hoping to stop Vaati,"
Ezelo: „So trafen wir uns im Wald. Ich werde wohl mit dem Fluch leben müssen." DT: „So meet we us in (the) Forest. I will probably with the curse live must/have." EQ: "So we met in the Forest. I will probably have to live with the curse." OE: "and I met you in the woods. But it seems we won't be breaking the curse on me anytime soon." (NOTE: If the "honourable" line is my favourite of German Vaati's, then THIS one is my favourite of German Ezlo's. ...No, Ezlo! You won't have to live with the curse!!!)
Ezelo: „Doch Prinzessin Zelda kann gerettet werden! Mit dem Heiligen Schwert!" DT: „But Princess Zelda can rescued become! With the Holy Sword!" EQ: "But, Princess Zelda can be rescued! With the Holy Sword!" OE: "However, with the sacred blade, we can certainly restore Princess Zelda."
Ezelo: „Es ist meine Schuld, dass es überhaupt so weit kommen konnte." DT: „It is my fault, that it ever so far come could." EQ: "It is my fault that it could ever come so far." OE: "I'm sorry. All that has happened has been due to my own pride. My folly." (NOTE: Basically, what he's saying is, "It is my fault that it even got this far at all.")
Ezelo: „Deshalb werde ich dir helfen und alles tun, was in meiner Macht steht." DT: "Therefore will I (to) you help and everything do, what in my power stands." EQ: "Therefore, I will help you to do everything within my power." OE: "I must rely on you, on your power, until we've put an end to Vaati."
Ezelo: „Gut, Link! Genug gesprochen! Lass uns das nächste Element suchen!" DT: „Well, Link! Enough speaking! Let us the next Element seek!" EQ: "Well, Link! Enough speaking! Let's seek the next Element!" OE: "Well, Link, enough fairy tales! We must search for the next element!"
ITEM GET: „Großen Roten Rubin (= 200 Grüne Rubine) erhalten! Grins!!!" DT: „Big Red Rubin (= 200 Green Rubine) received! Grin/Smirk!!!" EQ: "Received a big red Rubin (= 100 green Rubine)! Grin/Smirk!!!" OE: "You got 200 Rupees! Your face is beaming!" (NOTE: Okay, this is a weird one. „Grins" is from „grinsen", which means to "grin" or to "smirk". The way it is written is like a sound effect/action cue on Link's part, as in, he's smirking when he found it, which is weird considering all the rest of the "Ruppee get" scenes had actual exclamations of joy and not an implied action/movement. At least the English verison said "your". Strange.)
Aiya: „Ein Bumerang. Das macht 300 Rubine. Eine Große Hilfe bei deinen Abenteuern." DT/EQ: „"A Boomerang. This costs 300 Rubine. A big help with your adventures." OE: "That boomerang is a real bargain at 300 Rupees."
Aiya: „Kaufst du das?" DT: „Purchase you this?" EQ: "Will you purchase this?" OE: "Will you buy it?"
POSSIBLE REPLIES: „Ja." oder „Nein." DT/EQ: „"Yes." or „"No." OE: "Buy" or "Don't buy"
ITEM GET: „Bumerang erhalten! Er kommt immer zurück - ein tolles Ding!" DT: „Boomerang received! It comes always back - a terrific thing!" EQ: "Received the Boomerang! It always comes back - a terrific thing!" OE: "You got a boomerang! This well-crafted weapon returns when thrown!"
Aiya: „Danke, dass du so viele Rubine ausgegeben hast!" DT: „Thanks, that you so many Rubine spent have!" EQ: "Thanks for spending so many Rubine!" OE: "Well! You ARE a big spender, aren't you? Thank you!"
Maximus: „Ich bin Maximus, der wahre Meister der Schwertkunst von Hyrule!" DT/EQ: „"I am Maximus, the true Master (of) the Sword-arts of Hyrule!" OE: "Believe not what others tell you! I am the true master swordsman of Hyrule!"
Maximus: „Wenn du bei mir trainierst, wirst du schnell Fortschritte machen!" DT: „When you with me train, will you quickly progress make!" EQ: "When you train with me, you will quickly make progress!" OE: "My name is Grayblade, and if you train with me, you will learn much!" (NOTE: Maximus = Grayblade.)
Maximus: „Bist du willens, bei mir zu trainieren?" DT: „Are you willing, with me to train?" EQ: "Are you willing to train with me?" OE: "So? Would you like to train here?"
POSSIBLE REPLIES: „Ja bitte." oder „Nein danke." DT/EQ: „"Yes, please." or „"No, thank you." OE: "Please" or "No, thanks"
Maximus: „Wohlan. Ich werde dich die Technik des Wirbelhiebes lehren!" DT: „Now then. I will you the Technique of (the) Swirl-thrust teach!" EQ: "Now then. I will teach you the Swirl-thrust technique!" OE: "You will learn the amazing Roll Attack!!" (NOTE: HOW IN THE WORLD IS "SWIRL-THRUST" THE GERMAN EQUIVALENT FOR "ROLL ATTACK"?!)
Maximus: „1. Drücke (Steuerkreuz) und R für eine Vorwärtsrolle." DT/EQ: „"Press (D-Pad) and R for a forward-roll." OE: First!! Roll with (D-Pad) and R..."
Maximus: „2. Drücke kurz vor dem Aufstehen den Knopf für das Schwert." DT: „2. Press briefly before the stand up the button for the Sword." EQ: "2. Briefly press the button for the Sword before you stand up." OE: "Second!! As soon as you get up..." (NOTE: Yes, the English version cuts off abruptly like that.)
Maximus: „3. Du zückst das Schwert mit einem Schrei!" DT/EQ: „"3. You whip out the Sword with a scream!" OE: "Third!! Scream "Hiyaa!" and swing your sword!"
Maximus: „Dies ist der Ablauf!" DT/EQ: „"This is the procedure/process!" OE: "That's all, young swordsman!!"
Maximus: „Hast du das verstanden?" DT: „Have you that understood?" EQ: "Did you understand that?" OE: "Do you understand?"
POSSIBLE REPLIES: „Ja." oder „Nein." DT/EQ: „"Yes." or „No." OE: "Yes" or "No"
Maximus: „Hohoo! Gute Antwort! Du bist ein guter Schüler!" DT/EQ: „"Hohoo! Good answer! You are a good student!" OE: "Hoho! Well answered! You have much promise!"
Maximus: „Doch Schwerttechniken muss man mit dem eigenen Körper erlernen." DT: „But Swordtechniques must one with the own body learn." EQ: "But one must learn Sword-techniques with their own body." OE: "But one must feel the technique, not just hear about it!"
Maximus: „Ich mache deinen Körper zur Marionette und lasse dich die Technik ausführen!" DT: „I make your body to the puppet and let you the technique perform!" EQ: "I will make your body a puppet and let you perform the technique!" OE: "That's why I will now possess your body so as to demonstrate the technique!"
Maximus: „Nun also, die Marionettentheater von Meister Maximus! Sehe und staune!" DT: „Now so, the Puppets-theatre of Master Maximus! See and marvel!" EQ: "So now, the Puppet-theatre of Master Maximus! See and marvel!" OE: "I call this the Grayblade Switcheroo technique of training!" (NOTE: Ahh, why does he get a "Theatre", but Swiftblade is stuck with a "Technique"?)
Maximus: „Eins, zwei, drei..." DT/EQ: „"One, two, three..." OE: "Watch this!! Urrngh!!"
Maximus: „Marionette nun sei!" DT: „Puppet now be!" EQ: "Now be a puppet!" OE: "Switch...Ah...Roo!"
Maximus: „So! Nun versuche es selbst!" DT/EQ: „"So! Now try it yourself!" OE: "Phew... Now! You must try it yourself!"
Maximus: „Drücke (Steuerkreuz) und R zum Rollen. Ziehe dann das Schwert..." DT: „Press (D-Pad) and R to roll. Pull (out) then the Sword..." EQ: "Press (D-Pad) and R to roll. Then pull out the Sword..." OE: "Roll with (D-Pad) and R, and then..."
Maximus: „kurz vor dem Aufrichten." DT: „briefly before the raising." EQ: "briefly before you raise." OE: "...swing your sword as you start to get up!"
Maximus: „Sehr gut! Ich überreiche dir diese Schriftrolle der Schwertkunst." DT: „Very good! I hand over to you this Scroll of the Sword-arts." EQ: "Very good! I hand this Scroll of the Sword-arts over to you." OE: "Yes!! Fine work! You know the way! I will now give you this Tiger Scroll!"
Maximus: „Falls du eine Schwerttechnik vergessen solltest, kannst du dort nachsehen!" DT: „In case you a Sword-technique forget should, can you there check back!" EQ: "In case you should forget a Sword-technique, you can check back there!" OE: "If you ever forget this technique, you can review it with this scroll!"
ITEM GET: „Du hast den Wirbelhieb erlernt! Jeder Hieb ist von enormer Kraft!" DT: „You have the Swirl-thrust learned! Every stroke/thrust is of enormous power!" EQ: "You have learned the Swirl-thrust! Every stroke/thrust is of enormous power!" OE: "You learned the secret Roll Attack fighting technique! Slay with one stroke! Aim and release!"
Hohe Feenkönigin: „Willkommen am Brunnen den Abenteuerer!" DT/EQ: „"Welcome to the Well of (the) Adventurers!" OE: "Welcome to the adventurer's spring..." (NOTE: The Great Fairy of Butterflies became the High Fairy Queen. Cool.)
Hohe Feenkönigin: „Ich brauche Rubine! Viele, viele Rubine! Wirf bitte all deine Rubine..." DT: „I need Rubine! Many, many Rubine! Throw please all your Rubine..." EQ: "I need Rubine! Many, many Rubine! Please throw all of your Rubine..." OE: "I need many Rupees right now."
Hohe Feenkönigin: „in diesen Brunnen!" DT/EQ: "„in this Well!" OE: "Please throw all of yours into the spring."
POSSIBLE REPLIES: „Okay." oder „Spinnst du!?!" DT: „Okay." or „Crazy you!?!" EQ: "Okay." or "Are you crazy!?!" OE: "Sure" or "No way"
Hohe Feenkönigin: „Echt?!?" DT/EQ: „"Really?!?" OE: "Really?"
Hohe Feenkönigin: „Du weißt schon, dass du dann überhaupt keine Rubine mehr hast!" DT: „You know already, that you then absolutely no Rubine more have!" EQ: "You know that you will have absolutely no Rubine, then!" OE: "You know that, if you do this, you will have absolutely no Rupees left, right?"
Hohe Feenkönigin: „Wirfst du all deine Rubine hinein?" DT: „Throw you all your Rubine inside?" EQ: "Will you throw all of your Rubine inside?" OE: "Will you really throw them all in?"
POSSIBLE REPLIES: „Ja." oder „Quatsch!" DT/EQ: „"Yes." or „"Nonsense/Yeah, right!" OE: "Yes" or "No" (NOTE: Just like „Quatsch" in „Quatschbirne" meaning "Gibberish/nonsense/rubbish" in the huge Jabber Nut fiasco earlier, here's yet ANOTHER meaning behind „Quatsch": "Yeah, right!")
Hohe Feenkönigin: „Du bist aber lieb! Ich brauche gar keine Rubine!" DT: „You are but lovely/sweet! I need at all no Rubine!" EQ: "You are so lovely/sweet! I don't need Rubine at all!" OE: "You are most kind. I do not really need your Rupees."
Hohe Feenkönigin: „Weil du so freundlich bist, möchte ich dir bei deinen Abenteuern helfen." DT: „Because you so friendly are, would like I (for) you with your adventures help." EQ: "Because you are so friendly, I would like to help you with your adventures." OE: "But I must reward such a kind adventurer with some of my power."
ITEM GET: „Große Geldbörse erhalten! Jetzt kannst du mehr Rubine tragen!" DT: „Big Money-purse received! Now can you more Rubine carry!" EQ: "Received the Big Money-purse! Now you can carry more Rubine!" OE: "You got a big wallet! Now, you can carry more Rupees!"
Hohe Feenkönigin: „Mögest du erfolgreich sein..." DT: „May you successful be..." EQ: "May you be successful..." OE: "May you fare well in your quest..."
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