maiios · 1 year
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woohoo doomed robot yuri!!!
designs by @lyss-butterscotch
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il3x · 4 months
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me @ Cetaganda. the entire planet of Cetaganda
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songsofbloodandwater · 10 months
The Mysteries of The Rose
"The rose reveals the portal that opens into the center of all things. This center is symbolized by the rose blossom." — Raven Grimassi in Grimoire of the Thorn-Blooded Witch.
The system I use in my personal practice is based not only on the dual concept of Blood and Water, but also on the pursuit of what I now shall call The Mysteries of The Rose. This system is informed by hereditary practices, ancestral veneration and the aid and perspectives of other practitioners.
One of the books that, much to my surprise, manages to match some of the beliefs that sum up this system, is Grimoire of the Thorn-Blooded Witch, where the author describes 'Five levels' of training in witchcraft, and acquiring mastery over each as 'gathering a thorn'. Personally, I view it slightly different. What I see are six, not five, skills that a successful practitioner should hone, and I see it less like levels (complete and perfect mastery being unachievable) and more like Doors that one crosses (into an ongoing process).
Then, the Doors to the Mysteries are sixfold, as six petals surrounding the center, and these doors are: herbalism and greencraft, magic, and stonecraft, mediumship, mysticism, and seership. Five of these match exactly the ones described by Grimassi, with the sixth being the addition of stonecraft. A skill, and a Door, to Spirits that are often misrepresented, or underrepresented, in witchcraft, if not forgotten and left aside completely.
These Doors are also divided in two sets of Threes. The First Set involves daily practices that define the present, tangible life of the witch, the Second Set involve Ties with the Other, with the Intangible, Spiritual world. Finally, a cross over the rose blossom represents, among other things, the Intersectedness of these skills. How none of them must be practiced in isolation, and instead, must be studied side by side, with each one supporting the others, to allow the practitioner a holistic view that connects past, present and future, and all manners of being: animal, vegetal and mineral.
The Crossed Rose then, symbolizes The Blood Of The Witch, in it's capacity to carry wisdom over generations, aswell as across different states of being. This is the Center of my practice.
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blorbodiaz · 1 year
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“it says so on my hat”
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altruistic-meme · 7 months
absolutely not, we are NOT doing this right now, you better knock that shit off >:(
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v-tired-queer · 11 months
Today is canceled, I'm going back to bed ✌️
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riuhere · 2 years
wait I didn't know you followed me 💀
I just found you and I really like your au, i also read a fic about your au idea lol
But Hello!
Become my mutual 🔫/jk
Hi! Lmaooo I've been following you for months' now (definitely, 💯 totally not fangirling rn )- you have really amazing writing skills btw.
And about becoming your mutual...👀
(I don't mind 🔫/jk unless-)
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abqbox · 2 years
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Hmm, a buck fifty for 16 minutes.
That's a whopping $5.63 an hour rate.
No thanks.
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thinkingnot · 2 years
stop mentioning my homeland 😭🫶 i get jumpscare 10 times brah
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I don’t think I’ll be launching my Patreon any time soon. I hear that they’ve laid off their entire security staff. Relatedly, they’ve even accused of not allowing staff to disable accounts that post inappropriate content involving minors.
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silverdori · 3 months
hyping myself up to submit an ask for a mutual only to set it to anon at the last second
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star-named-riddle · 6 months
Guess who has a gazillion things work related and residence related to do, hasn't had dinner when it's nearly 10 o'clock because the ER was being it's usual frisky monday-self, has just arrived home, and all she wants to do is write fanfiction?
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sonicthedestiel · 1 year
Soo I wrote a short Star Trek Voyager fanfic to help heal some parental trauma…
Tldr: Seska dies on voyager leaving her baby boy in Chakotay’s care. Tuvok gives him some advice on how to not be a shit parent. Around the season 2 finale/ s3ep1 where the kazon and seska take control of the ship but like RIGHT after that
Not bound, Nor Free
Previously on Star Trek Voyager
The doctor reaches down toward Seska’s neck to give her one last shot of cortohydresoline.
The room stills with baited breathe, literally for the doctor at least.
The system monitoring Seska’s life signs ring out a noxious alarm.
Kes warns, “her neural pathways are destabilizing.”
With just a glance the doctor guides his assistant Kes to step aside, allowing him to take control of the console and ferociously button mash- to no avail.
The alarms shout with compounding speed, until finally breaking pattern to a single stream.
“Time of death 1800 hours,” the Doctor recoils, gesturing to Kes to disable the system’s alarm.
As she does so, she can’t help but look to her side at Chakotay, head in his lap-hands on head. She swallows her concern for him and the baby to finish the proper procedures with the doctor…
This time on Star Trek Voyager
Leaning on the wall at a distance from the newly replicated cot, Chakotay is staring down at the infant with a face of disturbed shock, turning distrustful with each passing moment. Having just witnessed the death of the woman who betrayed not just him, but everyone and everything he stood for, he’s allowed some processing time.
The doctor and Kes, after having finished the last of their duties to prepare for seskas autopsy that the captain will undoubtedly order, slowly creep their way over towards them.
The doctor nods to the disheveled commander still half standing by the wall. Taking out his tricorder, the doctor starts scanning seskas infant, who definitely doesn’t have a name that I can’t remember, giving a sideways glance towards Kes and the captain.
Standing almost off screen, captain Janeway and Tuvok observe and assess the situation, awaiting news on the health of their new crew member.
Smiling with utter and yet restrained gusto, “everything appears to be normal, he’s as healthy as can be considering what the lad’s been through,” the Doctor chuckles to himself but also the captain. “I’ll of course want to run a few more tests just to be sure but,” he looks up from his tricordor at a lost Chakotay. His smile quickly falls with its usual stern velocity, “I’ll uh give you a moment alone,” gesturing for Kes to join him.
She hesitates, doubling back towards the commander, “You know you’re not in this alone, we’ll all pitch in and help however we can,” trying her best to assure him, offering a comforting compassionate smile.
He is unmoved, unswayed, still frozen; she relents and joins the doctor who’s calling for the captains attention as well.
Tuvok remains, just as still- just as disciplined as ever, hands together behind his back in contemplation. He raises an eyebrow, relaxing his stance upon the captains exit. With deep thought and breathful squint, he strides towards Chakotay and the baby.
“Not all children take after their parents,” the Vulcan cuts the tension with precision.
Still unmoved, a light in his eye slowly flickers his gears to turn out a manically exhaustive, “What?!?”
“You are concerned for this child’s future, which comes naturally to a parent. But you are also first officer to this ship,” chakotay’s eyes finally snap away meeting tuvok, “you are concerned for the further conflict that may arise due to the nature of his birth. I urge you to remain cautious in how you let this affect your relationship with him. This will not be an easy task, but I believe help from your crew mates will ease the tension. A Vulcan is not bound by his origins, nor is he free from them.”
Chakotay fights with his vocal cords, his lips mouthing words unspoken. Finally getting his grip he jumpstarts to paced stance, “What am I gonna do when he starts asking about her?!”
His voice cracks racing to just get a sentence out,“How am I gonna tell him that his mother is-” he gulps sounding almost hysterical, “I can’t I-”gripping his hair, haunted by images of his grandfather and his past with seska.
He wips his hand to smack the wall in frustration, halting just before making contact. His eyes dash to his son, screaming of sorrow for threatening to wake him. He lifts his hand in reaction, slowly closing it to a fist that gently rests with a silent tap on wall, head burrowing into the crease of his arm.
Tuvok takes another Vulcan breathe before slightly lifting his head to respond, “I don’t see the logic in absolving him of the memories of his mother.”
Outright annoyed by such unwarranted wisdom, his heart pounds motivated to lift his head, “what can I say that won’t crush his heart,” he turns carefully raising his voice stepping towards tuvok, “what precautions can I possibly take to avoid the risk that he’s gonna be just like her!?”
The distain in his eyes now evident, clear with resentment and rage, barely a pace away from Tuvok’s face.
“You keep looking at him like that and he will be,” Tuvok exits, fulfilled with the knowledge he’s done all he can for now.
As restless as these next few nights aboard Voyager were, Chakotay’s resistance surrendered the moment the boy started to wake. Reaching out with his teeny tiny wittle fingers to hold with tight grip the monstrous giant that is chakotays thumb, dangling lightly as he kneels beside him. “He is not bound by his origins, nor is he free from them,” he affirms, softly giggling with joyous wonder.
The end that’s it that’s my one contribution to the fanfic universe of Star Trek probably maybe
Ty for reading this shit <3
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evaldmark · 1 year
Well, how are we feelings, comrades?
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aristobun · 1 year
finally got smacked with the tumblr live feature so immediately snoozed the mf. not today satan.
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hearts1ckness · 1 year
saw spoilers for the blake audio
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