ezekiel13 · 19 days
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Mobile games about collecting cards that are often very buggy my beloveds.
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martyrette · 9 months
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Non-binary elfin folk are back on the menu. Today’s dish: Veralie! No last name yet. No backstory (other than Dark Urge playthru) only a hot bitch trying to do the right thing. Ft. @dukecryptgore ‘s Kobra Kai Half-Orc, Swogh.
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libidomechanica · 3 months
Untitled (“Lonely nightdress, smelling into þe lyȝtis”)
A curtal sonnet sequence
Bi non wil weldez? With his gode gle, and mellow passed he fondet to fail it is the louder roar’d that forbe al þyng, his mountains, and wine when the gallows anchored in her bed. And sayde hym weue. Catch the door! Shall hate the louies, and gibe the stomach of shame! Lonely nightdress, smelling into þe lyȝtis. Your honour at þe ladi, þe lady lanced in fourme we are at þat semlych syngen for sinking about your hende. Pick up.
Tho sayd, Sir cortaysye, lest himself lyked; and all men’s love water was love thatch-eves run; to reveal feel upon the rivers mingling mutual blood were: when he wilbe wroken entangel depaynt of sight; an’ she hatz he were noblest Scholar, and her than thou lov’st not in high skies. That I saw him not said I, was well; he hade chosen Love because the work&weep. What if he cars will make a Lady Mary Ann was a pure ioye.
For what would be us, and save, airport in the one of the Soul of his bed hym wel semly wyth hymselues will bore any compast in a suit of steuen thou bee assott: for to haylce, of sum segg hym bite, burnez innoȝe. Four arms, or else he mele, þe halle; wyt ȝe wel, iwysse, as I trowe þat chapel; and, us to endures, as ȝe in þis hous and that vnkind? But ay the shape apples the broken lilies a word bring good!
Through a fen of the Warders with her body bigger that it weep in þe wyȝe oȝt sayde, Ȝe cachched helden hym to ryd þe knyȝt; to hym red tinge, while people roll by in the timely, nothing her body has twa sparkling roguish scope: something but fettered ne fel þe roȝ wonez, as is pertly he sate by themselves to each pearl. And now than, singing door and I knowes no charg, ’ quoþ þat on his steuen mony aventure.
His hands of wylle. I though he placed, mark it with merþe þat lorde; þe lere he beknew cortays speche; þer mon, as þe couenauntez, þer heȝly of my tears can heart, since where Truth its adder fight and gotz in þe inore hated, whence to pass; nor Valiant, who through each evening. Seventeen years she glory as klyffes had swooning eyes: and warp on hys helmet on, engineer boots first he cleanse his fate, love to every morning, it light.
From these president’s mouth is little captive, burst this there’ll be dear to here. For the changing or a war? At six, I place he does it bleed, by Fate, Oh, to fyȝt, in fire keeps its promise burne to serued. It does she lies, driuande þe poynte hit doun þe godmon in a forȝ of a quest I grow rich, meaning more-for still sterile birds, that Arm in Arþurez hous, Hestor, oþer golde þat þou, leude lys in at a lynde-wodez vnblyþe vpon grow.
And tis unders, love who frowns, who, in my old griefe: the Horizon is t, but should so abides, a silently. Or white with þat watz þerinne, þat mislykez better þat yow likez in þe world, and kept, and loud they will be not ete til al were I forgoer to think, do all the very morning, is gone out. To fylle þe here þe leue lady loue thou art of the World shoulders with a swoghe sylence and for all the forecast.
And the evening-star’s at our two bodies for þe flynt flaȝe, freke vpon fyrst, and, for to her grace, but now hat; tirius to embraces mixt with crooked as fyre, and with saȝez sene þis melly with his highest fast, sunck, and like the store: there was refresht, that nowe. For shame, and a horse his lonely, smooth an askyng is solace so diviner hearts might fair desire. Let eares and deep dark processions reign—back to drynk. Now schal amende.
And, ah, whatever prayer is, the worlde werkez ennurned to his mete tyme; I am to see, the breath of booze, the anchor fast my sheepe for þat hit semed, þer is gane whene alce, and I loved me vpon erþe. Me to-day bifore, hende, and þat þe diner watz haspe; and al stondande his face, much merþes. And wynter in the last ray wane of his hors þenne. If charm themself speke, and ryde me from me, the boat on hille hatz þis londe.
To this belde ne garysoun, and hayled. As any mon drew the dust. He who shoulders to Art, here enbrawded and hir þryue as I am wyȝe wruxled in grene knyȝt, he pushed, as he ne sleper vnslyȝe, þat he nolde boȝe fro þe chapel cheued is Gawayn, þat gere, and how shall be dear to heal a common kiss that in þe watz borne throat. Since all silence as ȝe ar know, but with blys abloy Ful ofte, wyth coruon coprounes craftes.
Til þat tary hyt me see who can reach. Passing strange, straight, or will affection to hold your shrinking and portion of bent at þe wynne hider, iwyis, at þe mynne on his separate Hell. With hoofs of all that love is old at last bi a strothe rapidity of time. Of love; take this vain a things beauty, but live oak. And be traytor to ask: for we, which I let doun and as sadly; sele yow tenez þe here schal yow god þoȝt.
I never cease to whom Love has been now rydez. The meadows hande. Toil up and day by day with mony bellez for grief indeed nothing that thoughts, althought so specially am how soon grounded þe cost of þe Rounde I not sow or medicinal, whilst I algate myself lyked. Had eyes caught for if þe depe double, and scrubbed the reed, to think it fit, we’ll have I to do with downcast her hond. Love like a weed-clogged were nothing.
To ryde and how she metten, þat folȝed longe sitte to leaue to karp of a flowers expanding eyes: and, soberly hys ax, and party’s fabled bi a schorez, þe lenþe, þer schame. In mote; for the hangman, with released from thee, whil my day like Lord Christ brightening, it light be myȝt. Which shall with no rof-sore, with the other with thee, this Cheapside; and neuer hert. I wolde ȝe, lady to long, so wistful eye upon thy aid, my own.
Nor Liberal, as it had I don’t wants their Bills amongst they ever sallows-tree, was back from its smell thee. For Gode! And I almost craþayn he can supple me, i’ll rather carrion Crowes haden brusten. And now it ranckleth more dead in each! As blithe petty wrought back doth bind, but she’s the forest love and me, thee to go … The brave sparkling roguish een. For boþe, wyth a countes of Fear the customer: his lair. Let its fruit!
Is answer to cortays and we love her, and so hyȝe kyng yow ȝelde his syde. Do it with much loyalties’ expense of þe best. Whilst I alone, and þe nyȝt passandra’s blithe pen thee to the fatal web below while I enjoyd that was its hue, and being delight, a long-cramp’d scroll freshening air, and he ryche ful louder roar’d the will go to sette myȝt lyf vpon hyȝest mon mete, he grave: nor mark of prys wyth a wrothe, þat þer better.
Wants him to their brother’s part, kiss of the Justice thunder mouth a running on it out of you with your Venus, when he were hard sky limits far remote and rode þurȝ bi a strothe rande, Ful lufly her flete where he in þe walle wod of a dreams came down flames; but some brink? And must I horse myȝt. Of all thing died or some grows thy pity in the mind, lovers are longs the old and his held they might had hym þat al watz frayst I no mo!
Turned vpon joye, for I haf frayst, fynde hym þere. And ȝif I þe tenþe dole. And þat I leue I yow aboute abelef as a dead was þenne honde so stroke of eight die. Gladly he sayn Gilyan, þat yow to loke on þe daylyeden and bones, and thus, o pious prison-wall: till once, or not al forwonder, but waiting them, until is answer got she a man must die than anything, when I do but eat? I do not wroth, and she sand!
Is this grace he slept, and wythhaldez þe mute inn melle; þe best of þe salesman or little, sometime absent fro þis brachez þat his wyttes, swenges of pris depresed þat he proude of a dreadful pen, yet ’tis of a piece to fonge. To weldez nowhere, and some when fire and hir þeder with þe soþen, summe baken in fourme þat on bonny ship, to sadel, quyle. And the summ’d in my arms, and the wants, to deþe with syȝt erraunt.
Yet she has twa sparkling roguish een. But there; fresh into the Charlie Cochran was resolute, and hit at his ryȝt here for a burdez. It round asleep, death; next, to þe depe double hym þoȝt. ’Ve bitter londe. ’ Laughed the Partridge—or felle flower than my father, like the prison-wall still an earth crumble valley lone, bot þat tyme þat bere her decrees of his prayer therefore me far he flies. I, that lies by each heþen.
The silver shene, quickened and soul has been a very words can straight, dearest, oþer chaplet and gay, and killer, I schulde be called, and springs; and þay tan his honde schapes hym fro, and Y your knyȝt for his toppyng to the bloody crusades, knew that seeing farther than are thou dost pay. And syþen boȝez of mony tene wel, quel he and I will not let me go, friend for þat schulder he myȝt. And wyth quettyng awharf, er he wakened.
And all losses they have pleasures; nor red may Lord, and gomen is your Venus, when he rode þurȝ ryalme of pain, who never to haf wonnen þis mote maden as hiȝtly bigynnes, langaberde in heart in þis hours by Lord of bent be saue—and þat I ask thee! Such watz grayþely hit as gret watz so falle; wyth þe best fowre fotez, his mouth, who lead were so vilanous þat on me that’s verse, with grene, ��e auncian hit mene myȝt traweþ.
He too-early blooms, tricked withouten loþe; Ay two had disches the pomegranate flower than of eight in we who would be the Yellow face of you, she wende on his sothe þat termes on bent my bonie and they did not in his chosen Love, if love that heart shake a peach. But neither’s kiss to layked all in the door! Nor Valiant, who misses All or One, and after, if ȝe renay my pain I com inne! For to behold, with hay!
May her Content and þe ȝonder mouth is dumb. For ho hatz dalt—disserued, and I knew that frolicked witch nor weep. Doing, through her with pale and let as hym ful bare, þay clomben bi clyff, as god weldez? And ryȝt til þat softe watz not for Germany. Who bawled like to the rising up. And þe watter, as I in my attic bed; and he hit hym sesed hym, for my sake evening turned sadly þay brayen, and do—I’ll brush her pearls.
And lern hym chefly þat he hit were in stel room our mouthe walle wod hit watz aboute, schowuez in cauelacion in world may find softness shall rise in Jerusalem, Constantinople, Sicily; watch him not thy soft flesh must every angle with sails o’ cramoisie. Lying each simply riding … or lose. The windows keep it cleanse his grave, yet this the night, since now at lengths of mine. For ȝe lewed, þaȝ polyst þay wysten bot blysse.
And, you’re no come to þe meyny he men can I not felt only; you expressway. All thing and spuryed so closde-vp sence was he crept into þe mayst thou love as this belde no word, the fingers are com, oþer munt folde wende on my Lucy’s race had thrust it that it festreth sore, neuer for wings grant breezy air; the sky Born I was standing questions. And wyth yow wel and wonde wordez: sir, ȝif I put on my chaunce of her tongue- tied be.
I played, we grew fair and with can shew the ragbag. This toppyng twynne, and for gref and day; now hyȝt on þe gome wyth nyȝe in his harme hence, O face! Smiles, tears comen doun and a helme on his seruyse and wit, fooles. So fair, the sceptred terror crouched, would put on, engineer boots firm on the bottle bonez, and love the shall unbe than all the rope, each from the shine with sucke vp those men our of auenturus on þat fnast þat al lykez.
Of swimmers had such suspension may of you when pity in clams as one sees most thou hast look, but with a love yon slope of gres þay slyde hider; for the happy love, sweeter that with false to open mouth open the things are brief. What else may me downe thee to it throb, Eliza, I must speak a gentlemanly game, but it shall being said I love. And someone sits nestling tears can my affection to longer it blindly.
She might have sung of the patient reed, till thy imaged Word, it is, that’s sailing of þat, and he hit to take my spells thee another now, the warp, Wher is’, he sate bi þe tytelet tokenyng of the arrows end. May so falled, and by all love, disdaine rage, for soþe, selly look’d but in the work&weep. To put on my fare; let him þoȝt, at saȝe þe þis step of demirep some here, and he balance: right in all the day.
But her wedez ar barely men makes me at the ring no Warders with foot did feele: for of these shall be soon my hands one’s cell, and chicken feather side. In wod so wlonk þe knyȝt þe lady lyked no more the pieties of Fear the originally am how shall have of man. With his Cheek, and the moment we shall not wait forth spenne to ful pen, yet what have continue groping … or longe; at þe haþelez vchone had hayled.
He did Matthew stop; and his muthe. And here shrouded was sweet love which it festreth sore, neuer in þat his was of silky hair, and smeþely con he mele, þe laste at hym about, and he not wrongfully at the place upon his hand and losing hour, till thy image, wrought it on the Exchange. An’ she have thee freest, þe breddened with strong; and ȝet her in many a vanish’d sight, and set me in a sword! I am not seene.
With a hinge. Lift up some men hit semed, þer he force, when pity may desert be togeder þay wroȝt had better burde be her souls, give no end: one sesoun þe grace, nothing turns, and shadow. And silently of þe salesman or little hand the lassie, kind love my father, and more: there’s many time to Mortal of you what in thee better blow. Spry cordage of happy as any good one of his lode for hys mayn horse?
Of court alle; when the door! Alas fortune thee to the guided steel that moment eternal breast thou art welcome one, he hade did not blinding-sheet of anguish, in which faith care and tenor of his held the woodland echo of the mart when pale insensate thine eye awake, that swear it cannot befall some one of luf, þe lenþe fare and clene as that other nine time it’s nothing dwellers journey … and prayse, no bounty she die!
And if þou be dear to her; and Errik, and at ever suffer with false bonds of God me let him from all them: o brilliant kids, frisk with you are nonez, as þe dom to dele hym to ryse, þe steuen to bylde, and Life are than the red cock crew, but get a winter-seeming sun; conspire. Come, renk, to me! Nine summer has o’er the last bring me not, that ye mak a’ this death by limping swallow peepes out of a wroth noyse, quat!
My very care. Make no more like type of alle þe berȝe, above that hide, by seeing bed. Each narrow sounde gray morne, he had hym wordez: sir, ȝif yow me soft flesh must provident; for to haue. To bed ȝet er þat I could know he þat halle þat euer drank to þe swyre; þe wall was said I althought but silent ears to worche! For sithens is busied. ’ Ane, with buglez þre bare; he hade defended notes each other reason to vnbynde.
Which to heal his spere, so lef hit me þynk hit renay my pater at seven times like a vision,—my humility Three year to year forgot the late heat sprints of thyself and happen where is but of all be denied! Undisguised were my slumbers are he; the day on Death had slain. He to a Ship on Godez haluez to Sir Gawayn gaynly he rasez, hurtez of þe herttez hir works did not sweetes; let armes, his blonk.
More sate reclined, in this unwelcome guest, he blest, should not say Good-bye; and as þou deles knot. I sink back to pray; which touch the morning light wind are laved and gay, at least is our guardsman walked, nearly morning, and vche lyne vmbe his soul began to feel an overseeing, shifts apply, as with his hed cast, schot for sinners gave, and soul in fyue fyngres, sir Gawayn, þat men build a bonny ship, to utter looking a piece.
And we bot oure des, dubbed the strok, and his wedes he is a malformation yield. Was said to the Dust, the drank its Fountains, ye satyrs joyed togeder þay of the one out, cajoled by what holde of þere, long for þat I charres to lay. If such a seneschal? Who would I seemed light wind it feel. With hym þoȝt, bot he hade faylez þou þe best was but a scientified by time. What wylde wound that is greet my trawþe. For þere my hert.
How high skies above—devoid of the only beames, and euer I yow here she wants, to be gone, from hilly bi a scharp yrne. A villagers. Are love-tokens that somewhere your worchyp of your motorcycle, afraid of deaths than one long since those dainty door, and leaves the city, and none can gain is the arrows more they not what they are ye Mary Ann was he, in glade and þerto prest, oþer dronken, daunsed ful bare bulb softe.
She rose or meruayle þat her flete when natures make, leude, on scho con hir here, it crosses the braided all that is seen, and weldez neuer. Your eyes, sweet beauty’s angel fire the force of attraction folde to þe meyny made wyth still be sport I sought her two spirit that grene whiderwarde bi nome, þen may þou fles ful gayn. I have never trust beyond, or the will come out blame: then you a wreath had enter in? Of þe behoues.
In thine own true love that she has died today’s the door, but soone it strangle drop feet of a Mother answered if each let them heare you wear u is forsnes he hendest, and the bloomin’ and schrank for poynt. Nor a close that once on doser to want to behold descry what was only one, in a merry masquerade. While I thinks I see a foo hym to, þat þe segge semly hym þyse purest and plain, while over Endymion’s bliss.
She died, is as another Sun to þe grene in þe wynnelych bytte bende hade hem stowned vpon boþe, wyth coruon coprounes craft serue; and vtter, so fele discontent; so ryde, þen much þat watz þe donkande dewe dropez of armes, old and brief. Some do it sweet kernel; to sete, swap we soaped the day. And never yet with despite, had eyes loue, I call forgot to dawn that no pace elsewhere Truth its cautious lips of the wild red leave.
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libidomechanica · 6 years
“hotter to loves whisper often grayþely at”
Me beholding skies—then howl  to my being the  sun hotter to  loves whisper often  grayþely at home,  for þer he watz more  augment melodious wine;  nor are breasts in roché  ground; he may detail,  refashioned hom to  your lips red; if  Pearls unwept: killing eies, when  the smoking  women do, whose with  man. Still a Boy, 
proue your gain: at euer may.  That heat, the musk  that when I  mighty, for peace, and  lay the springs  sparþe to home; here  was true to  þe knot; þay ȝolden shield,  her yre: the death,  the Day has her  skies, Amber Snuff-box justly  said, “can heal; and  wins (oh shame? D or victors 
and beautiful selden.  which there. Þat I know  great balm derive, thou shall  heed— for drede with  prevaild, I answered,  nor to say;” and  sadly þus rehayted hym  in a swoghe sylence  on the attack  us head, while  hurried to die, or  sighd, or of hir  fetures wonder Box. And  of body, clay taking 
foes, no belt and tried  to be prayzed:  but to-night; but worlds  most be callez vpon  sille, þay made;) but the  furred yellow show, the  bulls promptings ; nor what  we rest, thought he soȝt; and  sitte and we ar in  white for naebody;  naebody; naebody.  I wish to kneeled  about these tears, lest  friends but death, and to  the Skies best.  That dress thou lay that  Rapaciously, inhabiting  fire, and little  painter growes  of common. From though  dustie with fancies  at Moscow, in  days that thy pass unseen,  and tars, and Screams of  that love the  cared as no one, which  its life give for  her trim prepared the  two so dyngne damzell  downe on þe segges til 
oþer, and haldez, and  Music raise thy widowed, and  when in  þe derk, as Danae in  a danced þo bourdez. I  were a public merits  could wake morning  but in world, how ye  who but soul than they turns,  blow, the nectar;  but then shall in these Labyrinths  his arms. More stormy  day spread and jewels,  exact use of  killd the dress of  quiet woods the meadows  sear! But greeting grown, he  made of þe broȝt blysse! If,  deare blood did me back,  and light of Place. Ll  serve to Water off 
besides, and I  see how she turned at a  time, the Vale, thoughtless  and wert made a hundred  place  so listening,  laugh she past the Russ  flotilla getting 
to fallez after  train of valiant too.                           In  his fail like any  that some attends bear yourselves  inosculated  like a virtue, I  charge, as neuer þe costes  all a prison forth  looking with eternal  bliss I  can every  like: there, she wild rose tiptoe  without a bryȝt  so to sue, passion  the arias of  our boat passed—  A rebellious  prayers, the  same, I am grown with  us. Þat  I am the  questing foes, neatly to  her from the  bier with hay!  The iron gaunt and  fell, if it to  the youthful  Lords the Ladys Hair;  the Fan, such a  gest, as in the  sweet is that others  powre are breathe his  moment, and will, in  naked nec to  þe bonkkez þat syre, þat watz  war of curiously  with hay! And  water þe herttez hir selfe  denies, that should such extremes,  or that travels  yet can even shapeless  pleasure guides my fayth I þe  tablets has gone. Am  grown wear the more  kindled abound; then disarms  the verdure never  at his was  such various Hairs bid come!
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libidomechanica · 3 years
I folwed ay my daughter, at
So was come; charge, as from mortals! And full gaze, and sterne strangle with in many another give me.
Ours is a mayde of freedom, she has died for half my swogh I have I do ow; and this wretch! Men of all-cloudless moste I though, claspd his wont anent
this is,   or played wi the other the honor, or as the way into a cradle,  and come, for angre, and youre dubbed the columbines, Savory, latter downright be enuie, that I may find outcast meat story
will the pile— make the times happy wilt shines in oak-tree cleft more free. The hear            of any oother pass in pain,           I bade the quest,
                      and in the other lord, whan I spare,— why dost placed as kings, and send or toyd— most like Dante              while praise?
 On Cessnock banks and beautifullest, sleep. Like a merry masque of his sharpe arrow reade it is all wrath.  Mine:   A child, with head to allay   that I nyl nat kepe a carcasses gloue.
but, when to the mans foe I am an absolute boy eventually lay in leaves so great gods, and camp rung with you with muchel as that Coleridge hath refuse:
daughter loves alarum patter date, of reapers! The short,   He was once, to that some small-eyed stranger speke of ice. ;   Beloved myself and Centaur! by merely know.
Daddy!   The housbondes and thother mind is no time to soffre hym of the large some pure living prayed by the bride,     and to fill   than the world should have overturns; and his hoold.
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libidomechanica · 3 years
That, for his sake
Our hands to  his breast w as as fine and  curse me that hath showers.  If that I before  the sun. Kings— whose Attribute  of my swogh I breyde. And  thus anew to  grucchyng. And swallowed  up by a hundred  maids  in the manure  of blisse, and bowers  be overgrown with  threaded first  was not kept  your train a minutes  apartments. But these, but slight  of flowing sermon, relenting  Hermes, have it.  wan was this  her fine summer heats another  little blazed is  one of things which  is a sad to  have no precious latch, its  amber eyes are won  when of  tree, ther way: And haunted  wiping— “oh Khalífah,  hear me Swear, not of  us, as I divine  Musaeus sung,” Those that  lulled me asleep. dwelt an  iron nature had written “ gentlemen, by  dint of entry. Who, hoping  their praise, that not, deale  thought so a werkė, by my  fey, that mine eyes on  more can share your threads  of human swains,  receiver  ripped out. Lend to  that you are fall;  or on my love  when he wooed with  beauty alone  to heare of our  friends and  how should have had at least satiety  without pause!”
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libidomechanica · 3 years
And all she warmed livelier ends till these two are no true
And all she warmed livelier ends till these two are  no true, with me; as day; ( o, sweet at gazettest of day where must  knife, fro house-clock hair away, to human  eye— which the breasts, here seen 
the early breechest in myn housholde  were arose over and set the  ever been so: how to  have me left bank to housbonde pisse not go  forbeare,) who crown ever-smiling are torturing, 
and would not brown to this  done much midway in the husband:  if he centuries ere either, quoth  the marbles as the walke  they dwelt a horse, how we first ’“tis find virginite 
beast, of the light comfort I  hadde thee. A dusky race.” Of bonie last,  unlearned, and sighing and this  fo; lucia, like tried Thy fathoms, fair to  thought, more for woman and terme 
of Musk lay a dance the languishd lawny  sunflower! to choose, however  been a sweep off a soft word  to the dews of the  towering for a human 
pause, it means in herte  is drunk shuddering at thats vanish; by sometimes  he shrewe wyf, and shapen thy  phrase, my drede, some backup: crown your eyes youth, for  my swogh I know. That these to 
selle Great? And, by you see, root. all mirth doth lawyers  that I loste hir lecchour  infrequestion. They wholly haunte me crossd, or fourther  weathers life it up, purfling men,  not do not so. In coming and begins to 
lovers, I shall be but naked  in payne, come taught the rosy cheeks so  solitude, than shame soothed me for  the rack, and was oon Latumyus  combing ivy, two or teare.
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libidomechanica · 4 years
Untitled # 8650
Of euer; if I forbe all on he flown  rustling in thou love here you came  Christ call love you till I require: 
she comes of the reflex act  of you know: when þe  faylez þou maun flete to woȝe, wordes? Begging 
do, someones three; answerd; “oh misery!  Well—t is so wicked ful godlych  adoun and them: but it best on 
þat greeted by me lette of  bliss the cycle of us  in hand. It was dream, 
comes and tyruen on they never convey  what in women in a  spot awake, to them on death 
things for his wretch our sprighter  lights in the sky resigned  to aspye wyth brydely 
with hay! A swoghe toil and  sitte to strata to  the and night, in the 
queen of you go ahead upon the  window look some can opens” when  all adore, al watz tyme withinners. 
And to herkkened baþed hym wel, Sirs,  alle his repeat these  is leng in the death-woundelayes. 
Made wyth nyȝe in his hook I love in  your wynde world; ah me, the  more I bidden from a sudden murder 
up each ledes for the garb with  things, how that fear of  hym all the timber all. On her 
at the worldes kyngez. For  her, never can every  fancye eke. When the vista 
of nourish of a great wor þez þe remains wide, and be  thy love with him, it seen 
the lies bleaunt þat since the can  tellector said, “on threshold as  sheathed light down-razed, and the Trial 
Office recline carry the  Garmention, —my humour dog, transmitted  the here þat wyth mon, 
I dreams, and round the simplicitie breakfast  and down to lively  severer, quyle, mekely I shall not a 
most felt to me to proved—  would I love seen an” she has  some one to changing in fugue acrossed 
forth rosy temple dore, Love, and sware,  while: Ah! Rekenly I of  her of glass like a madman of 
his dishonor, we will leaves halden false,  and I grown wine, is with  of tell in Sommer lucked them.
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libidomechanica · 4 years
Throne, all were getting drunk of Siren  tears, I know—But Don Juans mother; and the 
nerves were ample: but still to my  taste neat wine from the hold were calls  thee? D a splendid dyes, and albeit  he were wyle I may find ye this  thing—  I saw into the  day; free-voicd brothers, touch, which I loom to  see. And stonstil seten in a swoghe  sylence þurȝ ronez ful holdely watz so mat 
he might embracing, she snuffd the dovecote- doors, distilld from her unjustly did  detain that is so euill hours by 
hours: her hair — clasp your feet, a  sweep of lute-strings down them a long melodies,  and proceed from thee,  Sisters worse prevailing still with  wine last year. Þat ar in Arþurez 
hous Arthor. An oþer pure pentangel depaynted,  þat þe lorde is lenges; and on  my breast. Half-canonized by another, with 
stille; þe lorde of þe bit burnyst bryȝt, 
watz hap vpon hyȝe, and sobs, and al stounds, and  knew not wherein thou mine, I hold his  lip to Juan knockd him downe, to  a wet blanket. Would shiver 
the desecrated shall see,  how it ever livd a mortal state before  Thee; from the trumpet in 
their journey in a man and take her  face with the listened to 
strive and I must be thy guide in  time showering love-look rapt Endymion sleeping  trail along he pause, she is and flutes: close  the antelope; and if the  famous peoples eyes. And the grownd 
with blue, soft Persian cat and  grieved my head whenas the horizons verge;  so sad, so strong, far great opinion of Apollo!  A real husbands jealous fears and I  saw you nobly, mingled their loves, the inner.  And dote upon her, when once  more he could sorrowe. Þenne honde, and lazy lingerd  spring, but the Foxe him smile.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 4 years
Untitled Poem # 8654
I cannot guest. So, in hys ax, and ours, but far off from the rest Ill tell how they grew; and Juan, to human prior to continents, then patient love, all excepting so mon merkkez, boþe þat þe heuen, an angels, and cheerd her exceeding face.
  With luf-lace þat I should do me þis buffet abide.   When the baser Metal burnd. Since Homers achilles order fete, on Nwe Ȝer, and Gawayn grayþed in snow thus Juan answerd, her foes with these birds is destiné schulde han dead night as my lovest, and senses clear, till pudding and close than what caps the racket this mind; it is a crater.
Only remembering rounds, and the wet; water, and who should forlornest eyes of some grant bank of an old customed her.
Her hair like brute too many a prest, is each other he divested in a swoghe sylence sink no moments those nature is yellows for who knows how lookd upon that in the Prince though I neuer. For woþe; he lyȝt; and their please,   and then add infinity, so stronger.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 4 years
“And wail”
Spak in thereof art. And wail of thy  love once grave his next Decembered with  hayl, a wound may face. Come, sometimes,  with thou use stringing  like two your failes the proudest us 
view. Biholde make his magazines she 
would gae made fool, the court, that fetter,  knew I chidest then walls tellė Jhesu refresh  ground far from eating from the  size of eight and from the murmured,  red dream of thou could not thinks here an  out. —There turned, and knowst, my finally swogh I  am tolde weddings done be them cough  each cannot slays with a  chemist mixing hearts lame; and, from leve  not in his book-learnd tossd, he lies blanc-mange  round me, and yet thy body, and I cannot  saint, remembers more blame  Kim Novak foot, til were not things are thou  dost loom instead, saw power of desolate  all talked new come, tame,  saying, if the fires that  ye still with they who looking time,  as better, her clasp one phrase … child with  the was so much,  alas, all alone, thy face of Song? With  bars that others to me the  sprinkles diddly. ; And door, and wears;  mine eyes oer were mente at chief to wedded  love,           too fond all, self as ferforce  my lad, o whistle, and presents,  fast for deuce wher to Time—the  lines beware our blessing—tables 
to acquaintance, in numberd frost  the contain ill: we bank of Amminadib.  While the keeps catching desperate  book, and it crawled look I sey 
yow lends like ape or Hate nor well, if that  black in no foule tongues return,  untrouble, circled around in the  same key open. “Tis not under our  soft-luring court to give these,  for his not kill that were conceal  this olde I listening women?  As, seistow, whoso thyng for thy chased  then mend all go by. We see pear of LOVES bounds  but whether and I dont, Cash and  my holy grove,” it in the cars  will run of the goon is  but I never lives do the sky; for  in his blood as generacioun 
from its Trees the gratitude, 
a thee so, I think me some with  night. Every Law gaped the  round that Christians of tacks around.  If I could be to  temple may flour out frae me, tears old  and we crie and gay perree, as gay with  each nights within its steadfast 
of his cheere sheep! Of modest seat  or seedlings done: with greet could a  countenance the Arrius that if  they came water                     and dealt wires I  call out—my two were are a mere call  sorts of peril—not blessd. To find a  scaffold him half so glade to times, 
greet thy brewd from Heaven, as his staff  thee mine heat her to dancers with  each morning to lighte Seint Thou Stampt  currence; so in his mortal word quitted  ship while we are the other Romayn 
tolde saw, with Tyranny And  he, “thyn habit is noght an hous to  dark, was as ones beginning  preambles. victim of her lost to  laughd  which third errand squiereth me so,  sirės, sith a piece of hem revere black,  feigning, if that the tuned the  path. Thy two you might heart join wine; for  a forest the cheke! Until  we directly  wheel it is not language 
place.              Because you         sending.
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libidomechanica · 5 years
While greasy Joan doth chace
While greasy Joan doth chace the woodbine, its  dew-drop o diamond pours its bright. But if  I fail of my faults thy sweet loue, which range to  gentle reader, to  correspondence on his peace for past sinning  is only can be old, for  we, which he smoot me so wel after the  winds are eerie; and even in  hand down at leisure, turned to do witnesse  then, you are as longer cultivated,  it will—the rest,  the curious loved, and a race,  and hunger-starved thy beauteous springtime, the  maker ye thereof, both conceal, disdains the  faith and panes of the sea, and  synge, ywis, as any nyght had many,  poor lad! And look for louing youve seen a human  ties, spreads his sweet; her hart-thrilling  me with someones brother, as  I haue my deare returnd the sot stoop and  ask me to have done a virtuous acts  inflames with any skill reueale,  and by promise, that evere moote I drynken  wyn or ale, I shall part of love. In  rubies set, for (to be so bold, her  gently bland,) and then make that loosely  write, and liberal arts to base  affection; she was a trifle  more in one small leaded panes. All fearlesse bloud  defylde, to battell, and gay, and  she was once from top to toe. —  and lose my gain Countest th onely  readiness they know, Heirlooms of my swogh I breyde.  for he hadden though doubtless than for  the loud trumpets on them bent  like a truce, begins and lave europe and  harder she is strongly it rained and this  as general, but a  lass wi a tocher; then would be. For ’“tis  to pat the act of a  heavy, dull, degenerate mankind below;  beneath his completely crown  the garter belt, for these, ye must follows  close against thing of them  high names: I have sworn by the worst. When  in hir brayn, whil that he finds no  one could cavil;” yet, sometimes thrise happy we 
hadde write it not, my wrath did end. To  Friend, do you lovely your love are and  heart to parted joys departed  back the head. When she  turnd in processiouns, to pleased; and  mimic as you make a fate, which make his  light doth strong; I love thee when my  wombe thou art thou use so great that no wight wel, they  lookd so little taper? The secret  wedding-cake: knead but to deceaue: in despairing  lovers like mine, sang such a one  as would neither courtly carry fresh  as a rose full sweet prayses ouer all. While  cheeks assumed the Pope. Not for a  lass wi a tochers neck, do with  amber eyes seeking far less the slave of  louers bowre not interrupted  by a Jew. thurgh which I cannot speak; Take  them pretty creatures; Be it not delayd  by heauens know it not. and thereto doth  not the Bashaw was serenest  beams, and then make a soundless oceans, roaring  wide, if these lands and here is yellow  smoke that rises from your celestial  palms, and death to get that  trail along it cast could strange, if not, die  soone, and be my savacioun, ech falleth  in othere to rest be well of death  to get her, by conductor tapping  sorry for both the bud and  the twilight; faintly, far away and  nighttimes with corage stouter, first but was  inspired: inspires my wit, the  warm caves in sweet odour did thick with  meeke humiliation, “t would say: the  cliffs, white, flame-hot. Soft—music ceases—I  recall, that fix you in mine, they  grew; a good she died and feeds at please her,  but inspired by the touch her  debtor forget me, when we shal nat  kepe hir mariage, but as I folwed ay  myn inclined, but just once, thoughts to discover,  canst thou wrongest, or who would now be  pleased to be seen in her cruell pryde: that  thou shalt hear” my puling pine and Crown  await Thee—Throne undo his Generation. As  your glory. And my loue, dear childrens voice? 
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