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babajeza · 6 months ago
Schatzsuche? - Treasure Hunt?
Zuerst kam ein Brief. Dann wurde mitten auf der Strasse ein pinkes Kreuz aufgesprüht. Danach begannen sie den Asphalt aufzubrechen und ein viereckiges Loch zu buddeln. Dazwischen wurde der Plan angeschaut und besprochen. Was ums Himmels willen passiert da vor meinem Haus? Noch ist die Wunde im neuen Belag – vor zwei Jahren erst eingebracht – relativ klein. There something like a treasure hunt…
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cebozcom · 9 months ago
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Swisscom erhält Recht vor Bundesgericht im Fall von 2008 | www.ceboz.com
Das Bundesgericht hat der Swisscom in einem Fall aus dem Jahr 2008 Recht gegeben, nachdem Sunrise dem Unternehmen vorgeworfen hatte, seine marktbeherrschende Stellung bei einem Post-Auftrag ausgenutzt zu haben.
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greenbagjosh · 2 years ago
24 July 1998 - funny hat day in Zürich near Central, a ride on the roller slide and I need a new camera :(
 An essay I wrote about 24th July 1998, originally on 24th July 2019.  
Hi everyone How is summer going so far?  The last couple of days the temperature dropped to the low 90's and a nice northern wind.  For this time of year, that is good.
It has been 21 (gasp!) years since I made the weekend tour of Munich-Zurich-Chiasso (TI)-Milan-Bolzano-Munich.  The 24th July 1998 in particular is that day I made the selfie at the ETH Zürich just outside the Clausiusbar Restaurant on the Tannenstrasse across from the university hospital building (https://www.google.com/.../data=!3m6!1e1!3m4...)(my camera was on a minitripod on a concrete ledge next to the stairs to the “TAN” building 1, noted with the blue “1” sign.  I was wearing my floppy cloth red-white-green striped top-hat).  
Today I am not going to exactly tell you what I did twenty years ago, as that is not the purpose of this post, or the ones for Thursday and Friday.  It is more of an epilogue as to what has happened since the actual events that took place.
Some thoughts I had from that time, include how much Europe has changed since that weekend, especially since many nations switched to the Euro but Switzerland and Liechtenstein (and also Campione near Lugano) did not.  One thing that has changed or is in the process of changing, is the speed at which trains will travel between Munich and Lindau on Lake Constance.  Prior to June 2019, the section between Geltendorf and Lindau Hbf, was unelectrified, and as such, was limited to diesel traction and around 100 mph.  Deutsche Bahn has strived to improve travel between Munich and Zürich, with "ABS 48" (ABS:  Ausbaustrecke - extension section), particularly in the Ostallgäu, the region kind of between Munich, Ulm and Lindau just north of the Bavarian Alps.  Basically it is setting up the 15 kV / 16.7 Hz catenary between Geltendorf and Lindau Hbf, plus upgrading the tracks between Buchloe and Hergatz.  More about it at www.abs48.com, you may need to use a translator as there is no known English page within that site.  Maybe at some point, there could be another extension from Buchloe/Memmingen to Kaufbeueren and Füssen - you might know the latter town as the home of the Neuschwanstein Castle.  Anyway, the works should be completed by December 2020, and travel between Munich and Lindau should be cut by at least a half hour, and Munich to Zürich no more than 3 3/4 hours including the direction change at Lindau.  Switzerland is part of the Schengen area, so stops at St. Margarethen (SG), border with Austria, would be relatively short, if only to drop off and pick up any essential rail staff, maybe there would be a random passport check.  
I may have told you about my journey on the S-10 from Zürich HB to Üetliberg via Triemli.  This was after I visited the Swiss National Museum, the ETH Zürich selfie moment and side trip to Stettbach to see the "banale" design of that station.  I could not do the same journey today, exactly as I did in 1998, owing to the fact that from Zürich HB to Selnau, the underground section between those two stations on both tracks, is under refurbishment until the end of August of this year.  Both stations are 30 years old this year, and the former ground-level Selnau station that I remember from the mid-1970s, has long since been demolished.  The new Selnau station has sort of a distinction, that it was constructed below the base of the River Sihl.  Every time I look at the north exit at Sihlstrasse, it never ceases to amaze me, that the escalator goes very deep underground, even deeper than the Sihl itself.  What else is around the Selnau station?   Immediately at Selnau there is "Museum Haus Konstruktiv", which contains artwork similar to what you might see at the Helmhaus towards Bellevueplatz and Stadelhofen station, as well as at the former arsenal at Rapperswil (SG), mainly modern art.   Next door is a public natatorium (indoor swimming pool), and at the south end is the stock exchange - you cannot miss it, as it has a big "BÖRSE" lettering on the side of the building.  However for many years I was unable to find it, until December 2016.  I guess I did not know in earlier visits, to look for the southern exit of Selnau station.
Back in Munich, in particular the Schneider Bräuhaus branch of the Stadtsparkasse München, a five minute walk from Marienplatz and also five minutes from the original Hofbräuhaus, was that in the 1990s, some ATMs would dispense Swiss Francs and Austrian Schilling.  The Austrian ATM would give 100 and 500 Schilling ($8 and $40, respectively) notes and the Swiss ATM would give 50 Francs.  In 1997 and 1998 this was very convenient.  This all changed by January 1999, when the Euro was pegged to the Deutsche Mark at about 1 EUR = 1.95583 Mark.  When I returned on Thursday 7th September 2000 to try to withdraw Swiss Francs as I would be staying a few days later at Lausanne, Zürich and Lugano, I found that the Swiss ATM had been converted to an ATM that gave out Spanish Pesetas.  But since January 2002, the foreign currency ATMs at that branch have disappeared, and even then, the Swiss ATMs would have been obsolete anyway since many places in Switzerland will accept Euro notes, sometimes coins as well.
One thing that has not changed, is that Street Parade, held every year on the second Saturday of August, is the high-occupancy weekend during the summer.  The mauve-colored youth hostel on Mutschellenstrasse, in the Wollishofen district, south of Bahnhof Enge, books up solid by early June, so it is always wise to book ahead.  Otherwise you will have to budget rail travel time to and from wherever you manage to book a room for the Street Parade weekend.  Also, even if you do manage to book a room at the Zürich youth hostel, public transit can be a challenge from 11 AM to midnight of the Street Parade day.  Anything north of Tunnelstrasse will be blocked off, and the Line 7 tram that usually goes past Hauptbahnhof, will travel for part of the Line 8 tram by Selnau station, south end just right at the Stock Exchange front door.  So if you are for example going from HB or Central at the northern end of Niederdorferstrasse, to the hostel, you will have to likely find a way to the south exit of Selnau station and take the Line 7 from that tram stop past Bahnhof Enge.  From Enge to Wollishofen, the route is as normal but you will have to deal with increased ridership.  Most of the rest of the year, line 7 is not as crowded.
One other thing that has not changed, and I hope it will not, is that the day pass, is valid for a full 24 hours after purchase.  In general, the day pass costs only twice as much as a single fare, to get it at a vending machine, you would need to pick the single fare, and then hit the button with two arrows going in opposite directions, and that would be it.  Depending on the time, a nighttime supplement may be required.  The 24 hour validity is supposed to eliminate the need for an extra ticket in the morning.  In my case, the full 24 hours might not be used, as I would be there from 12 PM on the 24th to about 8:30 AM on the 25th, so maybe 20 1/2 hours in total.  Not too bad.    
And what is for tomorrow?  I can give kind of an overview of the difference between the old Gotthard rail tunnel and the new Base Tunnel that opened in December 2016, and kind of an insight as to why the Base Tunnel exists and why it is important to at least know of its existence.  The Ceneri tunnel between Giubiasco and Lugano is not quite complete, it is expected to open in December 2020, so between Bodio and Chiasso, there is no noticeable difference in travel time for now.  Likewise the time between Chiasso and Milan remains essentially the same between 1998 and 2019, barring any recent engineering works.
Hope you found these reflections interesting.  24th to 26th July 1998 still remains the most memorable weekend in my memory.  Hope you also have agreeable weather.
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camillewyss · 3 months ago
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Et le déni ne changera pas la réponse: on veut savoir d'où on vient!
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lucfrieden · 2 years ago
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mostlysignssomeportents · 8 months ago
This day in history
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For the rest of May, my bestselling solarpunk utopian novel THE LOST CAUSE (2023) is available as a $2.99, DRM-free ebook!
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#20yrsago SwissCom’s WiFi is crap; its executives are thin-skinned https://memex.craphound.com/2004/05/26/swisscoms-wifi-is-crap-its-executives-are-thin-skinned/
#15yrsago Canadian think-tank that spent tax-dollars plagiarizing US copyright lobby press-materials ignored its own expert’s conflicting research https://www.michaelgeist.ca/2009/05/conf-board-debeer-report/
#5yrsago The Chinese company that bought Grindr wasn’t supposed to let Chinese engineers access Americans’ data — but it did https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-china-grindr-exclusive/exclusive-behind-grindrs-doomed-hookup-in-china-a-data-misstep-and-scramble-to-make-up-idUSKCN1SS10H/
#5yrsago These corporations backed the politicians who will murder women by banning legal, safe abortions https://lifehacker.com/how-to-divest-from-the-corporations-funding-abortion-ba-1834980204
#5yrsago Remembering the pre-Netscape browsers https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2019/05/before-netscape-forgotten-web-browsers-of-the-early-1990s/
#1yrago How (and why) Biden should overcome the Supreme Court to end the debt showdown https://pluralistic.net/2023/05/26/mint-the-coin-etc-etc/#blitz-em
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tiaspettoaltrove · 10 months ago
Mi confesso: amo le cameriere.
Swisscom ha acquisito Vodafone Italia per otto miliardi di Euro. Ottomila milioni di Euro. E pensare che a me ne basterebbe probabilmente solo uno, per vivere tutta la vita senza eccessi ma al contempo senza dover più pensare al denaro. Che cosa detestabile, i soldi. Perfino uno come me, non interessato alle Ferrari, alle villone con la piscina, ai capi firmati, si ritrova in mezzo a questo ricatto universale che condiziona le nostre vite. Non miro all’accumulo insensato, ma alla mera sopravvivenza in un mondo divenuto volutamente troppo caro, in un mondo in cui il denaro è divenuto ahimé strumento inevitabile per un’esistenza dignitosa. Lavorare otto ore al giorno per acquistare l’automobile per andare al lavoro. È tutto così feroce e insensato, che pensarci mi fa impazzire. C’è sempre un’alternativa, dicono. E ovviamente c’è anche in questo caso. E qual è? Rifugiarsi in un eremo in un piccolo paesino di montagna? Sì, è vero, e sarebbe senza dubbio affascinante. Ma richiede coraggio, un grandissimo coraggio. E al momento, dannazione, non ce l’ho. Siamo criceti che girano intorno alla ruota, e per cosa? Intanto la vita scorre, eh. Poi figuriamoci, faccio questi discorsi a voi donne che siete generalmente attratte dai soldi (e dagli uomini coi soldi) come nessun altro. Diamo sempre lustro alle eccezioni, ché altrimenti questo mondo è uno schifo totale sempre, ovunque e comunque. Io non muoio di fame, ma mi faccio comunque il mazzo otto ore al giorno, quasi tutti i giorni della vita, con un lavoro per tanti motivi squallido. Eppure, eccomi qui, a riprendere fiato il Sabato mattina come un carcerato nella sua ora d’aria. Ho rispetto per tutte le professioni umili, dignitose, per tutte coloro che si alzano al mattino alle cinque per fare le pulizie (ad esempio). Non ne ho invece per chi crede di essersi messa la coscienza a posto aprendo un OnlyFans. Ma sono scelte, ragazze. Ognuno fa le sue, e i miei giudizi sono sempre generici e soggettivi. C’è chi preferisce far soldi prostituendosi, virtualmente o meno? È affar suo. Lasciatemi dire che però, almeno, le prostitute vere “si sporcano le mani”, devono mettersi in gioco totalmente, e non fare finta. Fanno quello che fanno senza aggirare, illudere, provocare. Sono pagate per fare sesso, e lo fanno. Chi apre un OnlyFans, sentendosi peraltro perfettamente in linea con la sua morale ed etica (ripeto: scelte personali, non mi ci soffermo), invece continua a vivere in un mondo di plastica. Un mondo fatto di seconde vite, magari nascoste a tutti gli amici e agli affetti più grandi. Il mio pensiero sugli iscritti (paganti) a OnlyFans? Il peggiore possibile. Ma, altresì, non rifugiamoci dietro alla deresponsabilizzazione. Assumiamoci la responsabilità, di quello che facciamo: sia per le cose belle, sia per quelle brutte. Pensate a quello che siete disposte ad arrivare a fare, per soldi. E cercate di capire se ne valga la pena. Il mio cuore, mi spiace, va alle donne delle pulizie, alle cameriere, alle badanti.
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dandysnob · 10 months ago
Hiii it's me again the German songs anon. Thank you for answering! 🙋🏼‍♀️How about Swiss-language songs?😆
(*>ω<)ゞ HI AGAIN! Oh boy... I'll be honest with you but I'm not very fond of Swiss songs! 😬 There are a couple I find catchy. They are even fun to sing along to. I only listen to them if they happen to be on the radio though. (ლ‸ლ)
"079" is a special song that has been our anthem for a long time! It divided the Swiss population between those who hated it and those who loved it. It also created a lot of discussion since many felt it was problematic/stalkerish. I, on the other hand, find it funny! At the end of the day, it's just a little song that tells a tragic-comical story. 😂 It's about a guy who wants a girl's number at all costs (079 is the prefix for the provider Swisscom) and tries every number combination there is, and when he's about to find hers... he is hit by a streetcar. (¬‿¬) 🚋 This song is stupid fun to sing along to.
P.s. I'm so sorry dear Anon for taking 300 years to reply! (;¬_ლ)
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netcrackertech · 10 days ago
Swisscom Deploys Netcracker’s Cloud-Native Intelligent Automation Solutions as the Foundation for a Modern Digital Architecture
Operator Utilizes Netcracker’s OSS and Orchestration to Support Improved Efficiencies and Advanced Digital Services
Netcracker Technology announced today that long-standing customer Swisscom will leverage Netcracker’s cloud-native OSS and operations solutions to support its strategy of adopting TM Forum’s Open Digital Architecture to achieve decoupling and autonomy of architectural domains.
Swisscom’s use of the Netcracker Digital OSS suite will allow the operator to quickly respond to future technical and market requirements across the business through a decoupled system that increases efficiencies and removes bottlenecks. This includes an accelerated rollout of Swisscom’s new wireline access network platform and the use of Netcracker’s cross-domain service orchestration for the provisioning of connectivity services. Active Resource Inventory will supply real-time information about the network to greatly facilitate planning for new services.
Read more about Swisscom’s journey with Netcracker here.
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leprivatebanker · 21 days ago
Swisscom revises down earnings outlook after Vodafone Italia acquisition complete
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alessandro54-plus · 22 days ago
Fastweb + Vodafone ufficiale.......
E’ ben gradito un’applauso!!! Grazie Giovedì 02 Gennaio 2025 Fastweb + Vodafone ufficiale: debutta in Italia il nuovo operatore di Swisscom articolo: https://www.hdblog.it/business/articoli/n604228/fastweb-vodafone-ufficiale-swisscom-cosa-cambia/ Vodafone Italia passa ufficialmente nelle mani di Swisscom: la chiusura dell’operazione annunciata a marzo dello scorso anno ed avvenuta formalmente…
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sbircialanotiziamagazine · 22 days ago
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tuttoinunclick · 22 days ago
Fastweb + Vodafone: Nasce il Gigante delle Telecomunicazioni in Italia
È ufficiale: Swisscom ha completato l’acquisizione di Vodafone Italia, dando vita a Fastweb + Vodafone, il nuovo leader nel mercato delle telecomunicazioni italiano. L’operazione, annunciata a marzo e finalizzata il 31 dicembre 2024, vede l’unione di due colossi del settore, con l’obiettivo di creare un operatore convergente in grado di offrire servizi innovativi e competitivi a famiglie, imprese…
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camillewyss · 1 month ago
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Mais actuellement je vais bien!
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financepulse · 22 days ago
$SCMWY: Swisscom completes Vodafone Italia acquisition, revises 2024 EBITDA outlook down to 4.3-4.4B CHF due to acquisition costs.
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third-new · 22 days ago
Swisscom revises down earnings outlook after Vodafone Italia acquisition completed Reuters
(Reuters) – Swisscom (SIXSI:) said on Thursday that it has completed the acquisition of rival Vodafone (NASDAQ:) Italia, and will now begin a merger with its Italian business Fastweb. The Swiss telecoms group said costs of up to 200 million euros ($207.20 million) would be reflected in its 2024 financial results due to the shutdown this year and revised its full-year profit outlook. The company…
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