#swiss gets his attention and he stands
ghoulphantom · 1 year
so with higher quality photos available and knowing that phantom (new) ghouls horns aren't like mountains, but I know a lot of people have grown fond of the idea:
while getting to meet everyone phantom makes a comment about liking the way mountains horns look and mountain makes little horn caps/tips for him
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ratsummer · 3 months
I think Phantom was fending for himself for years in the pit, running the circles from just about the age a ghoul can probably survive on their own. He was born into a small but loving pack, so he learned how to be a good ghoul kit, but once he was on his own, he didn't have anyone to socialize him as a young adult ghoul. Sure, he'd tag along with the odd band of ghouls here and there when the opportunity arose, but those alliances were born out of necessity and always quite brief.
All this to say, between his lack of guidance from adult ghouls, his trauma, and the neurodivergencies he was born with, Phantom has held on to a lot of ghoul kit behaviors.
When he's first summoned and meeting his new pack, everyone is on edge. He's small for a quint, and has a confusing blend of kit and adult behaviors. Once the infirmary ghouls have confirmed he is in fact an adult ghoul who chose of his own volition to respond to the summon, and not in fact a large kit they've accidentally abducted, everyone relaxes a bit.
At first, as they're learning about how Phantom was living for years prior to his summoning, emotions run high. They all hide it well from him, not wanting to frighten or burden him. Even so, there are many late nights in the den spent whispering and weeping as they process the things they learn of Phantom's past.
As time passes though, and Phantom settles in and gets comfier with all of them, the sadness and anger pass. They learn to interpret Phantom's unusual blend of behaviors, and they love him all the more. No one pressures Phantom to change, or tells him that he's doing something wrong. They accept him for who he is, and as long as he's not uncomfortable, embarrassed, or inadvertently harming himself, they're happy.
And oh, how they love their baby bat.
It took a while for Phantom to relax enough around anyone to purr at all, but now it's almost nonstop. Almost anything will set it off, too. Swiss walks into the same room as him? Purring. Mountain puts a hand on his shoulder to keep him still while he reaches over him for something in the kitchen? Purring. Dewdrop says good morning? Purring. When everyone gets together after a long day to cuddle in the den, Phantom's purrs stand out from the rest. He hasn't quite switched from the cooing, nasally purr of a kit into the rumbling, chest purr of an adult. He's slowly working into his chest purr, especially as he spends time cuddling on Mountain, Aether, and Swiss. Their purrs are deepest and most obviously resonating from their chests, making it easier for Phantom to imitate. Regardless of how he sounds, though, a purring Phantom is a happy Phantom is a Phantom getting many kisses.
Phantom is also working on scenting. The first person Phantom ever tried scenting was Dew, and boy was the fire ghoul confused at first. They were cuddled up on the couch, watching Cumulus teach Swiss some new crocheting techniques, when Phantom started headbutting him. To be fair, it was a gentle headbutting, really more bumping his face into Dew's jaw and nuzzling into him each time. Even so, it caught Dew off guard. Luckily, Rain was sitting on the opposite end of the couch and caught Dew's attention before he could react poorly. Dew, unlike Rain, had never really spent much time around ghoul kits, so failed to recognize Phantom's kit-like attempts at scenting. Rain mimed at him frantically until he got the memo and started scenting Phantom back. "Oh, Phantom," Rain chimed in soon after, "You're being such a lovebug for Dew. He likes gentler scenting though, sweetheart, do you want me to show you? Come here, it's my turn!" And of course, Rain instantly had a lapful of cooing, cuddly ghoul to coach, leaving Dew to roll around and be embarrassed over how in love with Phantom he is.
Phantom also kneads a lot more than most adult ghouls. While the others might do a little kneading here and there when they're feeling deeply sleepy and relaxed, Phantom seems to knead whether he's feeling calm or stressed. His most frequent victims are Cumulus, Swiss, Cirrus, and Mountain, and he kneads on whatever body part is closest. Tummies, thighs, arms, Cumulus even lets him get away with kneading on her boobs. He zones out hard when he starts kneading, almost slipping into a trance. They've all had to do a little correcting for Phantom with this behavior, just to show him how to keep his claws from hurting soft skin and to make sure he doesn't squeeze too hard. Sometimes, when he's having trouble being gentle, they'll pass him a stuffie or a pillow to work instead. He seems to knead the most during mass, Papa's chanting and the choral accompaniment relaxing him. Usually it's Mountain who will grab him when he starts getting glassy-eyed, holding him in his lap and letting him knead away at his arm.
Aether and Cirrus have spent a lot of time helping Phantom with his emotional regulation. Once he's feeling safe and secure with his new pack, that no one is going to hurt him if they notice him, he gets a bit too reactive when his emotions run high. When he messes up the same section of a song for the sixth time, he starts yelling and crying. When he slept poorly, he hisses and growls. When he trips down the last couple stairs in front of some siblings, he hides and mopes for hours, crying and skipping meals. Aether and Cirrus help him learn to identify how is body is reacting in a situation, and what emotion goes with it. They help him respond more calmly, so he doesn't hurt or frighten anyone. They teach him coping skills, like deep breathing, or leaving a room, or asking someone for a hug. It's not always easy, but Phantom is diligent and attentive, and with guidance he quickly finds techniques that work for him.
Yeah, idk. Just. I could go on and on. Phantom being a little different from what his new pack is used to and it's okay. It's not his fault. He's so full of love, and he finally gets to share it. He's so full of love, and his pack is thrilled that he shows them in his own way. Ugh. Nobody look at me.
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puckinghischier · 6 months
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nico hischier x fem!reader, jack hughes x platonic!reader, luke hughes x platonic!reader
summary: reader gets dragged to the bar by jack to meet all of his teammates, but finds herself drawn to a certain swiss captain
notes: part 2 to locksmith!! probably some inaccuracies about various player’s personalities, but all in the name of entertainment, right? i didn’t proofread either, oops. don’t know if i’m happy with how this turned out but here it is nonetheless. hope you enjoy!! 🫶🏼
part 1, part 3, part 4
The bar that Jack picked is surprisingly busy for a week night. It’s not overcrowded, but it’s busy enough to where you’re having to hold on to the back of his shirt so you don’t lose him. He leads the two of you over to a set of tables tucked away at the back of the bar. Jack is greeted with shouts and hugs as you drop your grip on him and simply stand back, letting him have his moment. You recognize a few of the faces, no names coming to mind, but most of the faces you’ve never seen before. You should know the names and faces of who you’re assuming are Jack’s teammates, but the truth is, despite your relationship with the Hughes family, you’ve never been one to follow hockey very closely. You don’t come from an area where hockey is a big deal, and though you understand the logistics of the game and you’ve traveled to watch all three brothers in some of their biggest games pre-NHL, your knowledge of the league’s players pretty much begins and ends with Jack, Luke, and Quinn.
“Long time no see, hallway sleeper,” you’re pulled from your thoughts at the sound of a voice in your ear. You turn to see Nico, no hat this time, soft, brown hair on full display. He was still wearing a white t-shirt, only his sweats have been swapped for jeans this time.
“Long time no see, locksmith.”
Nico laughs, and for the second time today you allow yourself to think about how lovely the sound is. “You know, all in a day’s work.”
“Sounds like someone really should have a conversation with the big heads at the NHL. Their poor players work so hard, only to have to pick up second jobs on their off days in order to pay the bills. Shame on them,” you joke.
“I know! Maybe it’s time I go on strike, put my full attention to helping pretty girls break into their apartments full time,” he responds, a small blush forming on your cheeks.
“Well I don’t know about all that, I need my own personal locksmith on call at all times. You can’t abandon me in my time of need!”
“Wouldn’t ever dream of it,” Nico places his hand over his chest, feigning offense. You glance over his shoulder, eyeing the bar, thinking about the vodka cranberry that’s calling your name. He turns and follows your eyes. “Did you want to go get something to drink-“
“Neeks!! What’s up man! We missed you today!” Jack cuts Nico off as he turns around, sticking a hand out in-between himself and his captain. “The kids were asking where you were, you totally have to come with us next time!”
“Yeah, man. Next time, for sure. Just needed a rest day, y’know?” Nico responds, slapping Jack’s outstretched hand.
The two begin their own conversation about the charity skate while you stand in the background. You know Jack isn’t ignoring you on purpose, but you’re getting a little tired of just standing around, deciding that you need that drink sooner than later to loosen yourself up a bit and prepare yourself for the endless stream of socializing you know is about to come your way.
“Hey, J, I’m gonna get a drink, okay? I’ll be right back,” you interrupt the conversation, knowing Jack would be worried if he looked up and you were nowhere to be found.
“Oh shit, Y/N I’m so sorry, I totally forgot to introduce you to everyone. Neeks, this is Y/N, Y/N, Nico.”
“Yeah, we met earlier. When you decided to lock the door on your way out this morning and Nico seems to be the only person with a spare key to the place,” you deadpan, watching a confused look glaze over Jack’s features.
“I left the door unlocked, I swear! I even double checked as I was leaving, because Lu-“ Jack suddenly pauses. “Luke must have locked it when he went to grab his beanie he forgot. I’m so sorry, Bouy,” Jack apologizes, letting the nickname he gave you when you were kids slip out of his mouth.
“Bouy?” you hear Nico’s confusion, looking between the two of you, clearly confused.
“We’re not even going there right now, just a stupid nickname from one summer as a kid, not even important. What is important is that I get a drink, ASAP,” you say, once again trying to make your way to the bar.
You walk away from the two men, sights set on an empty spot near the end of the bar. Admittedly, getting a drink seemed way easier in theory than in execution, because no matter how hard you tried, you cannot get the attention of the bartender. You’ve tried waving, yelling, and following her as she makes her way down the line of patrons, but to no avail. You give up with a huff, turning around and leaning your back against the bar, trying to brainstorm how to get a drink in your hand sooner rather than later. “What if I just go take someone’s drink, what would they do then?” you speak aloud to no one other than yourself.
“I would advise against that. Who knows what concoctions some of these people are drinking.”
You whip your head around to find no other than Nico himself standing to your left. You begin to think him sneaking up on people is a habit of his, seeing as this is the second time he’s both surprised you and caught you talking to yourself today.
“You’ve got to stop sneaking up on me, Jesus.”
“Sorry. You just seemed so lost in that head of yours. I’d ask you what you’re thinking, but I’ve learned if I stand here long enough you’ll just say it out loud,” Nico jabs, amusement once again present in his brown eyes. It seems that’s a common occurrence whenever you’re in his presence.
“If you think I speak my mind now, just wait until I actually get a few drinks in me. You’ll be begging me to shut up,” you joke, turning slightly to see if the bartender is anywhere near your area.
“How about we test the theory. Need help?” he asks, challenging your words.
“I mean, be my guest, but I’ve been trying for what seems like forever,” you grumble, moving over slightly to make room for him at the bar.
You watch him stick his hand out, the bartender almost immediately looking over and nodding, signaling she’ll be right over. Your jaw drops. You were a little pissed, honestly. How in the hell did he just do that? You turn your head to look at him, eyes narrowed.
“How in the hell did you just do that?” your mouth mirrors your thoughts.
“Oh y’know, I have my ways,” he says, eyes twinkling, smirk on his lips.
“No, I demand to know. There’s no way I’ve been standing up here for the better part of fifteen minutes with not even a glance in my direction, yet all you have to do is stick your hand out two inches from your face and suddenly you’re next in line,” you spit out, your tone showing your frustration at the situation.
Nico opens his mouth to respond, but a voice from the other side of the bar sounds before he can get a word out.
“Hey, Neeks, what can I get for ya? Your usual?” the woman serving drinks asks, using the same nickname Jack calls Nico.
“Nah, just a Michelob for me tonight. Got morning skate tomorrow,” he tells her, seeming familiar with the woman. She turns to you, giving you the opportunity to really look at the girl. She was short, but not shorter than yourself. She had platinum blonde hair that was tied back into a high ponytail, a pen stuck right through the middle of it. She was wearing a bright green cropped tank top with black leggings. Her make-up was the perfect combination of natural, yet bold. She was….really fucking pretty. Like, intimidatingly pretty. The kind of girl that would make even the most confident of women feel slightly insecure, to no fault of her own.
“Is that all or…?” she trailed off, looking at you expectantly.
“Can I just get a vodka cranberry? Double?” you asked, suddenly regretting your decision to not even wear make-up tonight.
You hear her scoff through a “Of course, coming right up,” before looking at Nico once again, then hurrying off to grab Nico’s beer and your cocktail.
“Is there something wrong with a vodka cran up here? Why the attitude?” you spit out, annoyed that she clearly found an issue with your choice of drink.
“You just have to ignore Jess, she’s a bit of an alcohol snob. Thinks everyone should drink top shelf or not even bother drinking at all,” Nico gives you the girl’s name.
You were going to respond to the fact that the two are on a first name basis, but your drinks arrived before you had the chance. You looked up to thank the girl, Jess as you now know, but shut your mouth when you saw the exchange happening before you.
“Just add it to my tab, Jess. Both of them,” Nico tells her, grabbing the bottle of Michelob sitting in front of him.
“Sure thing, Neeks. If you need anything else just give me a shout. You know where to find me,” Jess lets her hand linger, briefly brushing against Nico’s. You look up to her face, seeing the sultry look in her eyes, her chin slightly dropped. She’s looking at Nico like he’s a meal and she hasn’t eaten in days. Glancing over at the man standing next to you, you notice his entire face is flushed red, up to the tips of his ears.
Your brows shoot up in both surprise and understanding. These two have slept together! Her actions a dead giveaway, albeit subtle. Girls recognize girls, you know? It surely explains why he was so quick to get her attention when you couldn’t even get so much as a glance. You’re fighting against every single muscle in your face to not break out into laughter, finding this amusing for some reason.
“Yeah, gotcha. Thanks, Jess,” Nico replies to the girl, stepping back a few inches from the bar.
You turn and follow him in the direction of the tables from earlier, trying your hardest to not get lost in the crowd of bodies you’re having to weave through.
“So, you didn’t tell me that all I had to do to get the bartender’s attention was sleep with her,” you said, stopping Nico in his tracks.
He turns to look at you, eyes wide and face red, seeming a little embarrassed. You worry you’ve already stuck your foot in your mouth much too early into the night.
“How did you- What makes you think-“ he fumbles over his words.
“I’m a girl, silly. I know when another girl is giving a man the ‘you gave me one of the best nights of my life and I want to do you again’ eyes. Nothing to be ashamed of, she’s gorgeous,” you interrupt, amused at his embarrassment.
You actually think its kind of sweet he seems embarrassed. You half expected him to meet your comments with a smirk and puff his chest out a bit, proud that he’d scored such a beautiful woman, but he’s not. You’ve met plenty of Jack’s previous teammates over the years, most of them cocky assholes that care about nothing more than who they can sleep with next. Never missing the chance to boast to all of his buddies about the blonde chick he managed to sneak into his room last night.
Nico’s response was the complete opposite of that. He almost recoiled at your words, looking like he wanted to crawl under the nearest table he could find and hide there until the end of the night. It’s a refreshing contrast to what you’re used to. You start to feel a little bad for even bringing it up.
Nico stands still, staring at you like he’d rather be anywhere else at the moment, beer forgotten in his hand. You can see the wheels turning in his head on how he’s going to get out of this situation. “Hey, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. It’s none of my business. I didn’t mean anything by it, I’m just used to Jack’s other friends that never shut up about who they sleep with. My filter has a few holes in it I need to patch up I guess. I haven’t even had a drink and I’m already sticking my foot in my mouth-“
“I haven’t slept with her.”
Your mouth snaps shut mid-sentence. You stare at the man in front of you, noticing how he keeps fidgeting, clearly uncomfortable. He keeps shifting his weight from foot to foot, switching his beer from left to right to run whichever hand is free through his hair. His eyes keep darting anywhere but your face, clearly uncomfortable with the topic.
“Well if you haven’t then she sure wants to,” you try to backtrack a bit, hoping you can humor your way out of the mess you walked yourself into.
“Yeah, I’m sure she does. Just like she wants to sleep with the rest of the team,” he scoffs out. “Don’t get me wrong, Jess is nice and all, but she hits on all of us. It’s worked on a few of the guys. I’ve seen her drop a few of them off at practice in the mornings, but she never lets it go farther than that. Some of the guys prefer…arrangements like that, but it’s not really my style,” Nico replies, shocking you with his sudden honesty.
“I find it hard to believe that beautiful blondes aren’t your type, but I’ll let it slide for now,” you narrow your eyes, not sure how else to respond to his unexpected candor.
“It seems that my type is talkative strangers, but I’ll let you know if it changes,” Nico tells you with a smirk, his shift in personality giving you whiplash as he walks off without another word.
“So, where exactly are you from, Y/N?” you get asked for the fourth time in about 5 minutes from the man sitting to your right. You can’t exactly remember his name, only that he’s drank about 4 beers in the time you’ve been sitting here. Considering Jack went down the line and literally rapid fired names at you once you returned to the tables, you forgive yourself for not remembering.
“Dawson, she already told you three times, dude. She’s from Tennessee!” the man to your left shouts across you a little too loudly. You flinch a bit at just how loud these guys can be, having been shuffled around from conversation to conversation for the past hour, each man reaching a volume you didn’t know was humanly possible.
Jack will come by whatever table you’re currently at about every 30 minutes and tug you in whatever direction he sees fit, going on and on about how you just HAVE to meet so and so because they’ll love you. You love that he’s trying to include you and integrate you into the group dynamic the team has going on, but you really wish he would just let you mingle on your own.
His teammates have been nothing but welcoming and kind, but most of them are more than a few drinks deep and have been talking about whatever upcoming game they have and what strategies they need to improve on, leaving you left out and unable to add anything to the conversation.
“Virginia, actually. But close! I lived right on the border of Tennessee and Virginia, so it’s almost like I’m from both,” you shout back, explaining your origin…again.
“Wait, Virginia and Tennessee border each other?” Mr. four beers questions, Dawson you’ve just learned.
“Mercer you idiot, of course they border each other. Have you ever even looked at a fucking map?” the man to your left responds, reaching behind you and slapping Dawson on the back of the head.
“Ow! I’m from Canada, Johnny! How am I supposed to know? Do you know what Canadian states border one another?” Dawson fires back at the man to your left, Johnny.
“Canada has provinces, not states, Dawson,” Johnny says, a blank look on his face as he stares at Dawson.
“Fuck you. And your Harvard degree,” Dawson crosses his arms and puffs up like a kid. It’s amusing really, watching the two bicker like siblings.
As the two continue to go back and forth, you can’t help but let your eyes wander around the bar, searching for a pair of brown ones. You haven’t spoken to Nico since he walked away from you earlier, after he all but told you that you were his type. His words took you by surprise, having only known the man for a few hours. You can’t lie and say you didn’t find him attractive from the moment you saw him standing in his doorway this morning, but you can’t let yourself go there, can you? You’ve been in the city less than twenty-four hours. You haven’t even fully unpacked all of your clothes yet, and here you are, unable to get your best friend’s captain off of your mind.
Just as you try to shake the thoughts running through your head, a pair of eyes find yours, causing you to sit up a little straighter. He’s standing at a table with Jack and a man that you remember to be named Timo. He’s Swiss, too, you learned when Jack introduced the two of you. He told you that he and Nico played together before they both found themselves with the Devils, the pair having hockey history.
Nico glances away, only briefly, before finding your eyes again, noticing the two men arguing on either side of you. He raises his eyebrow, as if asking you if you need help, but you just shrug and give a little half smile, rolling your eyes as if to say ‘boys, right?’. He lets out a chuckle, his shoulders shaking slightly. You see him exchange a few words with Jack and Timo before stepping away from the table, walking in the direction of the table you’re sitting at.
Just as Nico is only a few steps away, you feel your phone buzzing from where its laying on your thigh. You look at the screen, your mother’s name flashing across the screen. Realizing you hadn’t called her since your plane landed earlier in the day, you decide you should probably take the call.
“Sorry, guys, I gotta take this call,” you slide out from in-between the two hockey players, still arguing away. They don’t even notice your departure, too lost in discussing geography.
You look over to see Nico stop in his tracks, a confused look on his face. You hold up your phone and point to the screen, mouthing the word ‘mom’ before walking over to a secluded corner of the bar for some quiet.
“Hey, mom. Sorry I forgot to call earlier. It’s been a long day,” you sigh, leaning against the cool brick wall.
“Oh, sweetie, it’s okay. I just wanted to see how you were settling in. See how the boys were,” she pauses. “Where are you? What’s all that noise in the background?” she questions, slight concern in her voice.
“You know Jack, he wanted to come out and ‘celebrate’ the fact that I live in Jersey now. Tried to get out of it, but Jack never misses a chance to go out. Still have a ton of unpacking to do. I hope to have it all done before too long, though.”
“I should’ve known Jack would be ready to party as soon as you got there. You were always his favorite tag along,” she chuckles, referencing all the time Jack would drag you to various outings and events during the summer.
“Yeah, well this tag along is ready to make her way to her bed for the night, but I have to drive Jack home, so I’ll probably still be here awhile.”
“Honey just tell him you’re ready to go home. I’m sure he’ll understand.”
“Nah, I can wait it out a little bit longer. He’s too busy introducing me to everyone. He was so excited for me to meet his teammates,” you quickly glance towards where Jack stands. “You’d think I was some local celebrity or something the way he’s been shuffling me from table to table for meet and greets,” you laugh into the phone.
“He’s just happy to have you around again, sweetheart. I know how much you missed him, I’m sure he missed you just as much. He’s just trying to make sure you’re included.”
“I know, I know. It’s sweet, really, I just wish he would’ve let me have a few days before throwing me into a group of drunk hockey players, as usual,” you tell your mom, trying not to sound ungrateful. You do appreciate how eager Jack is to have all his friends meet you, but you’re growing sleepier by the minute.
“Welcome to life with Rowdy…again,” your mom laughs, using Jack’s childhood nickname.
“At least it’s sure to be an interesting one,” you reply, causing her laugh to grow. “Alright, momma, I better go before Jack comes looking for me. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay? I love you,” you say, looking over towards Jack’s table, watching him look around, likely noticing your absence.
“Alright, honey. I love you!” she says, hanging up the phone.
You lean your head back against the wall, closing your eyes for a second and taking a deep breath before returning to the chaos of bodies across the room.
“Did Dawson and Johnny really make that bad of a first impression that you’re hiding in a dark corner?”
Yet again, you jump at the voice that seems to be following you around today. You raise your head up and open your eyes, Nico standing a few feet away from you. You simply close your eyes once again and lay your head back against the wall once more, needing another minute to collect yourself.
“You know, I think I’m going to buy you some of those shoes with squeakers in them, that way I can always know when you’re coming,” you tell him, enjoying the feeling of the cool concrete against your head.
All you hear in response is a laugh, which has you raising your head to look at Nico again. You admire the way he scrunches his nose when he laughs, already thinking about how you can coax the sound out of him again.
“Where’s the fun in that now…Bouy, was it?” he recalls your nickname from earlier, earning a glare from you.
“Don’t you even start,” you warn.
“You’re really not going to tell me why Jack called you that? I’ve been trying to get the story out of him for the past two hours. He won’t budge, saying only you can tell it.”
“Trust me, it’s not even worth your time. I don’t even understand why the nickname stuck. They’re all stupid, the lot of them,” you shut down the request.
“Don’t worry, I’ll pry it out of you one day. I’ll solve the Bouy mystery eventually,” Nico persists, not letting the subject drop that easily.
You remove yourself from the wall, sliding your phone into your back pocket. You run your hand through your hair with a huff, preparing yourself to join the others once again.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. My mom called, so I figured I’d better take it. A little tired, but I’m all good. Just hope Jack tires out sooner rather than later,” you shrug your shoulders.
“I can give him a ride home if you want to leave? I don’t mind, really. Not like it’s exactly out of the way,” Nico offers.
“No, I should stay. He was really excited for me to meet everyone tonight so I feel like I should at least stay a little bit longer. I don’t want to bail on him this soon.”
“Trust me, if it was up to Jack he wouldn’t leave until they kicked him out,” Nico states, nothing but seriousness in his tone.
“Well, we don’t call him Rowdy for nothing,” you joke. “Speaking of, we’ve been spotted,” you notice Jack making his way over to where the two of you stand.
“Hey, everything alright? I couldn’t find you and Timo said he saw you come over here awhile ago, then said he saw Nico come over here too. You okay?” Jack says as he approaches, glancing towards Nico before looking at you, concern in his tone and on his face.
“No, yeah, I’m fine. Mom called and I came over here so I could hear her better, then Nico came to check on me. We were about to come join everyone again, I was just enjoying the quiet for another minute,” you tell Jack, watching the worry fall from his face.
“Oh tell momma Y/L/N that her favorite surrogate son misses her,” Jack brightens at the mention of your mom, both of you viewing the other’s parents as a second set, just as close to them as you were your own.
“I will when she calls tomorrow,” you chuckle, knowing your mom will get a kick out of this conversation.
“I actually came over here to see if you were ready to go? We have morning skate tomorrow and Luke just texted me asking when we were coming home, which usually means he’s lonely and feeling left out, so we should probably get going,” Jack says, surprising you by granting your earlier wishes.
“Oh my god yes, please. I’m so tired,” you sigh, letting your shoulders slump, relieved that you’re only a few minutes away from climbing in your bed.
“I thought so, you looked like you were having a grand time with Dawson and Johnny,” Jack laughs, recalling your earlier position between the two geography enthusiasts.
“They were literally yelling at each other about the geography of the U.S. and Canada,” you told the two men standing with you, both of them breaking out into laughter.
“That’s nothing. Once they argued for a full two hours on if pterodactyl was spelled with a p or not,” Nico adds in, having been silent until now, causing you to be the one filled with laughter.
Jack looks over, seeming to just now remember Nico was also standing with the two of you.
“You need a ride home, cap?” Jack offers, looking over at you with suspicious eyes before looking back at Nico.
“Nah, I’ve only had two beers. I’m good to drive. Plus, I should probably make sure Dawson gets home and in bed. He’s going to regret all those tequila shots when we have to be on the ice at eight tomorrow morning.”
“Exactly why I’m tapping out now. Be careful, Neeks. See you at practice,” Jack tells his captain before turning to you. “You ready to blow this popsicle stand?”
“Like it’s a hot summer day.”
Jack smiles, the phrase becoming a trademark of yours over the years. You don’t even remember what started it, just that it’s become the signature end to many nights of fun for the two of you. He turns to walk away and you go to follow him before you realized you didn’t say goodbye to Nico. Not wanting to feel rude, you turn around to say your goodbyes to the captain.
“Goodnight, Nico. Have a good practice tomorrow.”
“Thanks. Goodnight, Bouy,” he responds, a shit-eating grin breaking out on his face.
Fuck you, Jack Hughes.
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spookyghostjelly · 1 year
Midnight Hunt - Swiss x f!reader)
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Warnings: MDNI 18+, 2,5k words, I'm back with more smut, and yes it's some more ghoul in heat, pnv sex, cnc, unprotected sex, creampie, breeding kink, a little predator/prey play, feral Swiss is a little possessive, public sex, oral sex, fingering, size kink, i think that's it?
You stifle a yawn as you make your way back to your room. It's terribly late and not a soul can be seen in the abbey's corridors, the silence a refreshing change to the usual hustle and bustle going on in the day. Finishing these translations so late was not your objective, but now that you were here, you took this time alone to relax and absorb the calmness emanating from the abbey's walls in the middle of the night. You let your stress from the day's work escape as you mindlessly walk the stone pathways. A sudden noise has you stopping in your tracks however. It was very faint but the silence allowed you to hear it clearly: a shuffle of feet on the stone floors, coming from somewhere behind you.
Who could still be up at this hour? You turn, only to find the space empty. Your head cocks slightly in confusion. Only Copia had the habit of wandering the halls near the library at night -and you obviously- but if it was indeed him, why would he not call out to you, and even disappear on you? Your mind must have played tricks on you, you guess, it was late and you were tired after all. Just as you turn to resume your walk however, you nearly jump out of your skin as a ghoul enters your sight, standing just a few feets away from you. You chuckled and breathed a sigh of relief, the ghouls weren't an unusual sight around here after all. The ghoul in front of you does not react however and as you look more attentively at him, you notice the way his chest is rising and falling heavily, and how his gaze on you does not hold the playful glint they usually did. No, his eyes are dark, fixed upon you, carefully eyeing your every movement. His body is taut, as if ready to jump at any moment.
"Swiss? Is everything ok?" You call out hesitantly to the ghoul.
No answer comes. Instead, his head cocks to the side as he takes a step towards you, and you instinctively take a step back, causing his eyes to narrow slightly. Suddenly the realization strikes you: the ghouls should be locked in their den right now, it was right around the time where they'd be getting into heat… how the hell did he manage to slip through? You silently curse as a spike of fear runs through you, your breath catching. His nostrils flare and his lips spread into a wide sinister smile, fangs glinting in the faint light of the wall sconces. He takes another step forward, and you backwards.
"Swiss, you shouldn't be here." You try to make your voice as firm as possible even though you know it's useless, he can smell the fear emanating from you.
"You should run little rabbit, fucking run while you can." 
His voice is so low, nearly a growl, and it sends shivers running through you. You know he's taunting you, running will only feed into his animalistic urge, but a spike of adrenaline has you instantly taking off running despite your brain knowing it was best not to. You curse the fact that you are still so far from your room and the sibling's dormitories. Running through the unending stone corridors towards the living quarters was pretty much your only option now; however, no way you could go through the main doors and lose him in the forest, he'd get to you in seconds. Your chances were already low as is… So you just focus on running towards your room, trying your best not to look back. You can hear him further behind you and you just know he's not going full speed. He's toying with you, that asshole. You take as many turns and secret passages as you can, trying to keep your frantic breath as silent as possible, even if you know he knows the abbey and its secrets just as well as you do, if not more. You feel like you've been running for hours, sweat beading at your temples and running down your cheeks, and for a moment, the silence around you makes you think you've actually managed to lose him somehow. But just as you're about to turn to look back, you feel a hand grab at your shirt's collar, claws tearing into the fabric. Despite your best efforts, it slows you down, throwing you off balance and of course he takes this advantage to jump towards you with a low growl. You somehow manage to dodge him however, both of you landing face first on the floor. You try to scramble back to your feet but a hand wraps around your ankle, pulling you back down with a loud cry. You curse loudly as you try to kick him off, but of course he easily manages to get you immobilized, face down under him. Swiss towers over you at the best of times so there was no way you could even try and fight him off, especially not with your muscles being this tired. He's currently sitting on you, a hand restraining both of yours in your back. You feel him leaning down, brushing your hair away as he presses his nose to the nape of your neck, inhaling deeply. He curses softly.
"You wouldn't believe how long I've been waiting for this rabbit" he growls, his fangs brushing against your skin as he nuzzles your neck. "Now that I finally have you under me, no way I'm letting you go."
You absolutely hate the shivers that run through you at the low rumble of his voice, your own body betraying you. He chuckles darkly.
"Unleash me Swiss" you try to sound calm, nearly bored, anything to hide the fear. "You can't be doing this, you could be sent back to the pits." 
He hums as he inhales your scent once more.
"If it means I get to taste you, I'm ready to take the risk, love." 
You whimper loudly when he tears your shirt open the rest of the way, your bra along with it. He pushes the offending fabric aside and the tip of his nose trails along the expanse of your shoulders, his lips brushing so lightly, it sends shivers down your spine. Swiss purrs as his tongue suddenly licks a fiery trail up the column of your neck. His free hand then goes to grip your hair and he bucks into you harshly with a loud whine. The way his bulge presses against your ass makes your stomach clench with a sudden need that scares you. His lips make their way to your cheek, just at the corner of your lips.
"Fuck, I need you (y/n), I'm going to take you, make you mine." He mumbles against your skin as he bucks once more.
"Please Swiss", you plead and you're not even sure what for anymore. 
"Yes rabbit I'm here, I'll take real good care of you."
Before you can even comprehend his words, he flips you on your back, a surprised squeak leaving your lips. A wide feral grin is spread across his lips as he spreads your legs around him, his hands going to his pants, unzipping and pulling them down with his underwear in record time. You can't help but stare at his now freed length, Swiss was nearly dwarfing you in size but for some reason you did not expect him to be this big. A spike of fear courses through you at the sight, he can't possibly fit can he? You finally look up to see his dark eyes and the way they are glued to your face, drinking in every single one of your reactions. He goes to grab the hem of your skirt, lifting, but you then try to squirm out of his grasp, your hands grabbing his wrists in a vain attempt to push him away. 
"Swiss we can't do this here, we'll get caught-"
"Let them see, rabbit. You're mine now, let 'em see who exactly you belong to."
He then quickly leans down, sucking a nipple between his lips, fangs grazing just barely at the skin and you gasp loudly. You can't stop your hands from gripping at the back of his head harshly and he whines against your skin, taking this moment to lift your skirt the whole way up. His mouth latches to the other nipple and you yelp when he tears your panties away from you, his fingers quickly finding your folds. You barely notice the way his eyes roll at the back of his skull and he releases your abused nipple with a pop.
"Ah fuck, rabbit, you're dripping." 
You know you shouldn't be enjoying this, and part of you was still a little worried about the whole situation, but a bigger part was now calling out to him, like your body had been actually yearning for him this whole time. His mouth begins slowly traveling down your body, until it finally levels with your core. His gaze lands on yours as he licks a long, slow stripe along your folds. You can't stop the loud moan that escapes your throat as you throw your head back. He repeats the motion, purring at the way your body arches off the floor, and up into his mouth. He is languid and slow at first, but his own desperation quickly wins over as he eats you out like a starved man, his moans growing nearly as loud as yours. You feel the coil within your stomach winding tighter and tighter and when he suddenly shoves two fingers in you, it snaps harshly, a loud wail leaving your lips as you come harder than you've ever came before. You feel him growl against you as he laps hungrily at your juices. It takes a few moments for you to come down from your high, and all the while, he keeps pumping his fingers slowly in and out of you until your thighs are shaking from overstimulation.
"Such a good rabbit for me" he purrs.
You know you're a complete mess by now, but as you look back up at him, you notice he doesn't seem to be doing much better, panting harshly and palming at himself over you. His lips crash onto yours, his kiss desperate and terribly needy, barely leaving room for you to breathe in between. You're so focused on his tongue lapping against yours that you don't even notice how he has lined himself up with your entrance until he shoved himself inside you to the hilt, in one swift motion. He swallows the scream that leaves your lips as he tries his best to remain still at first. He's so big, it feels as though you're stretched beyond what you thought was possible. The way he presses up all the way to your cervix is slightly painful at first, but it thankfully subsides quickly, leaving you squirming under him. His jaw clenches as he tries to keep some amount of control over himself, but you see the way he is nearly shaking.
"S-Swiss, fuck-" you stutter and gasp, your mind unable to conjure more words.
"You're doing so good baby, you're taking me so well, 'm gonna stuff you so full, stuff you 'till you grow round with my kits" he's rambling half coherently.
You struggle to breathe correctly as your hands find his back, nails leaving harsh red trails behind and he starts moving. You feel absolutely overwhelmed but in the most blissful way, it felt as though nothing would ever measure up to how he feels inside you right at this moment. You can't contain the loud cries that leave you even if you tried and he leans down to kiss you again, all teeth and tongue. His lips trail down your neck and his pace quickens, now pounding so hard into you, your mind goes totally blank. His hands are digging in your hips and you know will leave bruises but you can't bring yourself to care. Not when he's fucking up into you like this, like he needs it more than he needs air to breathe. He keeps rambling and mumbling incoherently against your skin, nipping and kissing in between.
"Fuck that's it rabbit, cum around me please, I know you can give me another one." 
His panting and whining are nearly enough to make you come right then, but then his fingers are making their way to your clit, rubbing tight and precise circles which has you coming undone nearly immediately. You come with a loud sob as you clench like a vice around him, a litany of curses the only thing your brain manages to get out. He doesn't stop moving however, even when tears run down your cheek, he keeps pounding violently, his pace growing erratic. His name leaves your lips on repeat as you cling to him for dear life, your whole body shaking and spasming uncontrollably.
"I'm gonna fill you up rabbit! Take it, take all of me, ah, fuck-" 
You feel his length twitch inside and just as he comes, his teeth sink in the soft flesh between your shoulder and neck. The sharp pain pulls another intense orgasm from you, a scream tearing itself from your throat, both from pain and pleasure. It takes a few moments for him to finally slow down before coming to a stop, his tongue now running soothingly across the wound he had created. You've never felt so full in your whole life, and at this point you wouldn't be surprised to find his cum leaking out of you for days following this. You both lay on the ground for a while, catching your breaths in silence, his hands running softly up and down your sides.
"Could you help me get back to my room please?" You ask after a while, your voice hoarse from all the screaming.
When he looks up at you, you notice his warm brown eyes have mostly gone back to normal, the darkness within them only faint now. He nods as he pulls out of you, making you wince.
"Let's go rabbit, let's put you to rest a bit before we go again"
You freeze as you look up at him, your wide eyes nearly horrified. What did he mean? 
"What? You think we were done? I told you rabbit, you're mine now and I'm not stopping 'till every single person in this abbey knows it." 
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Love the drabble idea!! Could you do “We’ve become the clingy couple that you used to complain about “ with our swiss boy Nico
Drabble Challenge Drabble Masterlist
"We've become the clingy couple that you used to complain about"
Nico has never been scared to show his emotions, in fact Twitter is constantly reminding him or the comments on his latest Instagram post about his "soft brown eyes." It was one of the things you liked about him first was how he wasn't afraid to show everyone in the world what he was feeling, including how he felt about you. He was in love with you, and he had this deep need to always be in some type of contact you. Especially since you've been friends since he moved to the United States and just became a couple at the end of last season. Somehow Nico convinced you to go home with him for the summer, or at least for however long you could without being fired form your job.
Somehow over those few weeks you became embedded with each-other. Nico was never more than an arm length away. None of his family or friends chirped you all, they found it enduring that Nico found someone he cared about so much. However it's been less than 24 hours since you've been home from Switzerland and not a single person from the team hasn't said something about the fact that you haven't left Nico's lap since you got to the bar.
"Hey Y/N you know you got a seat next to ya?' Jack asked giving you both a hard time.
"and your point being? Oh Jacky are you jealous cause I give my boyfriend attention and the last three girls you hit on in the hour we've been here rejected you?" you easily tease him back earning a face from him that says "fuck you" and laughs from around the table.
No one said anything else to you to the rest of the night, although you could tell that in the tiny bar stool Nico was getting uncomfortable with you sitting on him. Trying to make it better you shift your weight but then you felt uncomfortable and squashed. After a few more minutes you had to go to the bathroom anyway. Nico was busy talking to Jesper about something, so you tried slipping out of his grasp without much attention. But you failed when he stopped mid-sentence turning to gently asking "what's wrong lovie"
"nothin' just gotta go to the bathroom."
Without even thinking he excuses himself from Jesper and tells you he's coming with you. Usually when Nico acted like his you would make fun of him for being overprotective and make some sassy comment about how you are capable of peeing by yourself. Instead you felt your stomach irrupt in butterflies and your cheeks blush as you nodded your head yes.
After quickly using the bathroom you found Nico standing outside waiting for you. He quickly pulled you back into his embrace and instead of jokingly swatting him away you welcomed the embrace. That was when he realized your biggest nightmare came true. "You know Y/N we've become the clingy couple that you used to complain about." His toothy grin full on his face as he waited for your reaction.
All you did was lean up and steal a quick peak "yeah but it's not annoying when it's us." Taking his hand and pulling a laughing Nico back towards his teammates.
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bunnys-kisses · 16 days
hi bunny!! please may i order swiss roll with a side of tonic water and mocha coffee served by fernando? and please make it spicy!! 🤍
bakery menu
orders are still open! hit me up! i've been writing a lot more and i love creating these little pieces for you! thank you to all who have submitted, i am working tirelessly to get through all of them! so thank you! from this lovely anon, thank you! i love a good fernando alonso fic in my inbox, fans of his always have the most interesting orders, haha! especially with the swiss roll prompt! wow!
swiss roll ("everything you own, everything you wear i paid for. so i guess that means i own you.") + tonic water (age gap) + mocha coffee (breeding kink) served by fernando alonso (formula one)!!
cw: smut/pwp, breeding kink, age gap (20s/40s), sugar daddy-adjacent, mentions of children & pregnancy, alonso likes having power over you, slight baby trapping, sub/dom
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when your university friends told you getting involved a man almost double your age was a bad idea, you simply scoffed it off. in a bit of fairness you had little dollar signs in your eyes when fernando first started to spoil you. his praise was a fountain that kept you full.
but everything came with a price tag, pequeña paloma and after three years of messing around, fernando expected a return on investment.
"you know, you're getting up their in age, alonso." he heard over dinner. it made the man laugh against his wine glass with his other hand on your lower back. your shifted a little in your seat and kept your focus on the conversation.
the same member of the team added, "it's about time you had kids, no? you can't keep racing forever. if you start now you can have the kid in racing before you know it."
you looked away briefly and tried not to blush too hard. you had been out of university for a month for summer vacation and now they were talking about children? but your fernando just laughed and said, "well, i guess we aren't getting younger. right, dove?"
he pulled you a little closer to him and rubbed your shoulder, he looked at you. those dark eyes pulled you in as always. it made you rub your thighs together with a throb that he had trained you to feel whenever he was somewhat domineering.
you nodded and giggled a little, "well you aren't." then giggled when your much older boyfriend pulled you close. he kissed you on the head and you felt his warmth. he then turned back to the team member and flashed him a grin.
it was a return on investment. fernando alonso gets involved with a pretty young thing from a pretty little private university, spoils her and gives her the attention her daddy won't. then have her get all soft with his child and be a good mother to them.
and that was what happened when you got back to your room for the night. his broad hands on your shoulders as he bent you over to touch your toes. just as he trained you, stretched you out nice a good, in more ways than one. he admired you for a moment with his stiff cock nudging against your backside.
"he was right, pequeña paloma. i'm not getting any younger. about time i have a child. and who else would i pick, but you. you're almost done school and now my live-in girlfriend. i feel like a baby would make it a home." he leaned over you and placed his large hands on your middle, "it's only fair you give me what i want. everything you own, everything you wear i paid for. i own those, so i guess that means i own you."
you nodded, "yes." and you felt something to twist in your gut before fernando made you stand up right once more. his hands on your breasts, groping them between his strong hands. you whimpered a little bit from the pain.
"that's what i like to hear." he said before he pulled back a little to undo the zipper of your dress. he didn't know why he was taking it off so delicately, you weren't going to be able to wear this form fitting number in a few months.
but don't worry, he'll get you something to show off that growing middle. once he got you in your bra and panties, you turned to face him. you looked at him and started to undo the buttons of his shirt. his hands were on your hips are you did your duty to get him undressed.
the liked the sight of you, submissive. so cute.
once you undressed him, you led him to the bed. you got up on it and crossed one leg over the other. fernando soon crowded your space and got you on the bed. laid out to perfection for him.
you said to him, "we don't have to make a baby now."
he looked at you and responded, "we have to. anything could happen tomorrow. i need to make sure that your sweet cunt is taken care of. bred to perfection." he said softly, his words left you feeling tingly all over.
you looked good under him as his eyes raked your naked body. pretty little thing. fernando's little investment. have a good place to keep his cum for years to come, but right now he wanted you to end up with a baby at your hip.
"you know you can't deny me, my love." he said softly, "you know you can't. you let me do whatever i want to you. just like your apartment, your bed, your services. i own it all, and you have to start repaying." he licked his lips and got between your legs.
you squirmed a little and held onto the soft white covers under you. fernando's cock twitched at full attention and he shifted his hips a little before he grabbed you by the legs and got them over his shoulders.
he pressed into you further, putting your knees to your chest and fully trapping you underneath. he said in a low tone, "you know how to be good for me. right? you know how to stay under me and let the man who owns you do what he pleases." he got his cock into with ease and watched your back arch.
such a beautiful sight, there was a large period of time where they weren't women like you. so willing to please a man like fernando, do anything to keep your man happy. and he in turn made sure you didn't want for anything. if him bruising your cervix means your silly little tution was covered then so be it. you just hoped that you didn't get pregnant before you finished your program.
it felt weird to have your knees so close to you while he rocked against you. his hands on either side of you as he dragged his cock in and out of you. at one point he only had the tip in before he quickly pushed it back in to the base. you felt the force of that in your chest as his cock explored your insides. you knew his cock was a cervix kisser and it was getting very familiar with yours.
a man almost double your age hitting the back of your pussy with everything he had. he was a man on a mission to make sure your cute little cunt stayed around his cock. barely touched a man before he met you, now he was promising filthy things to the woman who was going to give him the family he wanted. you'd fill out so nicely with pregnancy, a little thickness to your hips would make his cock leaky every time he saw you. he knew that you'd be kept busy with a little alonso baby toddling after you.
he eventually eventually got your ankles over his shoulders, helplessly rested against the strength of them. he groped at your breasts as he continued to fuck you. he watched your cute curves bounce with each thrust.
you whimpered, "please, frenando." your back arched a little from the intensity of his movements. how hard he gripped onto you as the bullies his cock into your sweet pussy. your heart hammered in your chest as he continued to move against you. your much older boyfriend was breeding you, he was fucking you nice and deep to make sure it all took.
if he was going to get you pregnant then he was going to go all out for it. hips tilted so gravity could work its magic and flood your pretty, younger pussy full of come. promise of a future together. don't worry, fernando would be an attentive father and he wouldn't stick you with two or more children. well, until he retires at least. then you're going back to his country with a big piece of land. and you'll be the perfect alonso wife. plus the kids to keep you busy, there won't be any time
so maybe the degree was a bad investment, you won't be able to use it for raising the little brats that you were going to have. but, he'd happily pay for a master's program if it meant that your cunt would be stained with a sheen of his cum across it. sticky dna up against the furthest parts of you thanks to your lover.
he continued to rut against you. his mouth was full of filthy promises as he moved up against you. your heart was hammering in your chest as you tried reach your climax. happily taking what fernando gave. you tried to shift a little but he pressed into your further. he kept you trapped under him as he felt his cock with in your sweet cunt. he knew he was could he could feel the heighten feeling around him. the thump of his heart as he had every intention to breed your sweet little sex.
"please. honey"
"i know, i've got you. you just let yourself finish. i'm right here. just like when i first made you come. you love this feling don't you. you want me all the time. that's why you're letting me finish inside of you. you want me."
you took him by the face and pulled him closer once more. you came around his cock with a noise leaving your chest. you felt hot all over, like a splash of pleasure through your system. your lover took you by the face and moved yoou into a searing kiss as he own pace started to stagger.
"shh. i know, i know. i'm close." he really started to work your body was you laid there in a blessed out state. you looked beautiful even now, unaware of how quick fernando was fucking you. the bed squeaked under you two as the headboard rocked against the tacky wallpapered wall. a few more strokes and he finished inside of you with his hands on your hips. he had left pretty marks on your breasts and hips, a sign of his. as if the future child you'd carry wouldn't prove it.
you whimpered a little bit but fernando silenced you with a kiss. no need to be a whiny girl, you were supposed to behave for him. be on your plush behind and let him thrust up into you. watch those breasts bounce. but he didn't slow down once he came. instead he got you on your stomach and pressed his cock into you even further. the new angle had your toes curled.
his words were in you ears once more, it muddled your thoughts. all you could think about was your lover as you arched your back.
fernando alonso wasn't getting younger. so he was going to spend all his time making sure that you became the mother he knew you could be. <3
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hypnoneghoul · 2 months
aeon piercing anon here😈 i’m glad you like my thought cuz i keep thinking about it daily lol and it drives me insane
maybe if you are up for it, can we get maybe a fic, please? maybe when swiss saw it for the first time? only if you want to, ofc! if not, it’s totally okay🖤
im still so unwell about it, anon
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Swiss has suspected it for a while. Well, maybe not it, exactly, but there was obviously something unusual going on down there.
He’s seen the shape through Aeon’s underwear on many occasions, seen him adjusting it. At first he thought it was just his bottom growth—something a ghoul certainly has to get used to—but he ruled that out soon enough. No, his little bug was hiding somewhere and the multi ghoul was keen on finding out what it was.
Now that he’s face to face with it, he wishes he hadn't been so curious. For the sake of his dick.
A piercing. Right there on the bottom of his mound, right above where his little cock is standing proudly from his folds.
Swiss is enamored.
“It’s so…fuck, your whole–” his voice cracks into a pathetic whine, “your pussy’s so pretty, bug.”
Aeon himself is beyond words due to the attention that the multi ghoul has been paying his pretty pussy for the last half an hour. He’s sweaty all over with his hair glued to his face, all but trashing under Swiss’ incessant touch. He doesn’t seem to be planning to pull away anytime soon.
The quintessence ghoul moans wantonly as Swiss leans in again, and flicks the very tip of his tongue against the little purple gem. It’s so close, but still not where Aeon wants him. He’s going insane.
“Please,” he cries out, the only word still present in his mind. Swiss looks up at him and flashes him his signature grin and that’s all Aeon needs to know he’s not getting out of there anytime soon.
The multi ghoul is cruel, but even he can find mercy in himself. Especially for his bug. He rolls his hips, digging his rock hard cock into the mattress below him, before opening his mouth and taking Aeon’s cock into it. He wails.
Swiss doesn’t do much more than just hold it on his tongue, though. He doesn’t lick, he doesn’t suck and the quintessence ghoul both thanks Lucifer and curses God for it.
He has time to calm down as Swiss cockwarms him and he should know better. The moment the multi ghoul feels him relaxing, he plunges his tongue as deep into his cunt as it will go. And it’s deep.
Aeon can’t stay still under the assault, but the hold Swiss has on him doesn’t let him move too much; definitely not away. He pulls away and grins with Aeon’s slick dripping down his chin and fangs before returning to the centerpiece of their evening.
Swiss licks at the piercing, from one ball to another, and hums, reveling in the feeling of Aeon’s rough, freshly shaved skin and light metal under his tongue.
“Wanna put a hoop in it, bug,” he sighs. “Tie it to a collar, maybe, let you pull on it yourself as I eat your soul out through your cunt.”
Aeon doesn’t have it in himself not to point to the jewelry box on his nightstand.
Swiss’ grin as he catches up is predatory and the other ghoul regrets not writing down his last will in advance.
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zvdvdlvr · 5 months
Where Were You? Where Were You?
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🩻 - Synopsis. Aaron realizes how badly he messed up, but doesn’t know if he has the strength to mend the wounds he gave himself and you.
🩻 - Warnings. Angst. No happy ending. Self isolating!Aaron. Boo hoo we’re all pitiful clowns here. Part one HERE! NOT EDITED!
🩻 - Author’s note. Part one got so much love!!! Thank you all for reading and commenting. I hop you enjoy the second part, but I’m bringing in the big guns for part three! :)
You stayed to get your psych evaluation. It took two tries. The first time around took a toll on you: reliving everything that happened, talking about it in explicit detail, and acting like everything was fine. But you knew you failed before it even began.
You took it again a couple weeks after. Even though you were officially benched from any cases, you didn’t complain.
All the time the team spent away gave you the opportunity to job surf. In reality, quitting the BAU was much harder than you initially imagined. Of course you would still be able to see them and talk to the team, it just… wouldn’t be the same. You would miss J.J.’s round of ‘good mornings’ as she swept by you all, eyes locked on the coffee pot a few feet away. You would miss Derek perched on Emily’s desk, teasing you, Spencer, and Emily like he was getting paid for it. You would miss Spencer looking over at you every couple of minutes to see of you were paying attention or not; making faces at you or mouthing words if you weren’t. You would also miss Emily spinning stories about her past, telling you the good and the bad, letting you closer into her heart. You would obviously miss Penelope’s hugs whenever she could tell if something was off, trying to cheer you up. And Rossi. Rossi buying the coffee at expensive places after begging him too, Rossi giving you advice during a case, Rossi being the father of the team he was meant to be. But… most of all you would miss Aaron.
Aaron speeding to his desk in the morning, desperate for something to wake him up. Aaron walking into casual Friday in a pair of tight-fitting jeans you didn’t know he had. Aaron stepping out of a hotel room in a quarter-zip, unaware of you ogling him. Aaron letting Jack go straight to you whenever the little guy swung by. Aaron’s smell when he hugged you. Aaron. Aaron, Aaron, Aaron.
No. You physically shook your head. Get rid of him, you thought, he’s just going to make it harder for you to leave. The computer screen was giving you a headache now. You finally decided to get up and stretch your legs.
As you moseyed over to Penelope’s cave, you noticed the time: 11:49.
“Hey Pen,” you greeted. “You eat anything? I’ll go grab lunch for us,” you offered.
“Hey mamas!” Derek greeted. You saw his face of the screen, smiling.
“Hey, you. How’s the case?” You asked, immediately happy to talk to the man.
Derek shrugged and looked at someone behind the camera. “Reid! C’mere. It’s y/n/n.”
You heard a couple gasps over the quiet chatter in the precinct and suddenly Emily and Spencer’s face showed up on the screen.
“Hi y/n!” Spencer greeted excitedly. You came to stand behind Penelope, poking her in the cheek as you greeted the both of them.
“Hey Spence! Hey Em!” You were happy to see the pair. Though you had seen them only four days ago, you missed them. A pang of guilt stabbed at your heart: how were you supposed to quit your job if you couldn’t stand four days away from them?
“-ffee shop you’d love. I got that mocha stuff you normally get to try, and it was alright. I guess I see why you like ‘em,” Emily shrugged.
“I’ve been telling you! Anyway, how’s the case?” You asked.
“Close. I can feel it,” the black haired woman said plainly.
Spencer nodded and started talking about the case. The unsub’s main slaughter technique consisted of an electrical wire- of all things- and a Swiss army knife, a different knife each kill. You nodded along, listening to what your friend said. Eventually, you heard “Reid!” and Spencer said a quick goodbye and he was out of frame.
“That’s our cue, baby girl,” Derek said. “I’ll talk to you two ladies later.”
You heard Emily’s ‘bye!’ and the screen turned black.
“Sweetness, I would love some food,” Penelope groaned. “I’ll eat anything you get, but I need a pink lemonade! I need it, y/n, or I may perish.”
You laughed. “Yes ma’am.” With that, you poked her other cheek gently and left.
— 🔥
Aaron heard your conversation. He heard your sweet laugh, how easily you fell into conversation with Derek, Spencer, and Emily. He thought of the few months before you were taken. You were excited about a stray kitten you had found, claiming that the little creature followed you from your apartment to the bookstore you swung by regularly. You hadn’t even realized the calico until you sat down and felt his little paws tugging on your pants, tiny mews trying for your attention.
You were overjoyed to have been- in your words- ‘decided worthy enough for the system to choose you’. Penelope had been buzzing about it too, especially after showing her numerous different pictures of the little fella.
Spencer had asked what you did with him, knowing you didn’t have the time to take care lf a kitten when you were gone so much. You told the team that you had given it to a cousin’s daughter, who was immediately taken with the kitten.
The joy in your tone as you gushed about the kitten was palpable. Aaron loved- liked so many things about you, and how passionate you are was definitely one of those qualities. But he felt his own smile fade off of his face as his eyes fell back on crime scene photos: he had a job to do. And you were unimportant.
— 🔥
You picked up Chinese food, ordering inside the restaurant because the line wrapped around the whole building.
After ordering, you paid and gave the cashier a smile. You kept smiling until you turned away, still feeling her wandering gaze drag harshly down your cheek, eyebrows furrowing as she tore herself away from the scar as dipped below your shirt.
As you stood back and waited, you felt like everyone’s eyes were on you. What an idiot, you thought: a government agent who doesn’t even have the confidence to buy some food. Your jaw tightened and you kept your eyes down, waiting until your last name was called. You saw a little girl look at you as you walked out. She held her hand up to wave and you smiled at her, the chubby cheeks of her face lifting into a bright smile. You looked away when her mother pulled her forward, sharp eyes glaring at you.
The little girl’s toothy smile filled your head as you drove back to the office. The ice in Penelope’s pink lemonade clinked around in the plastic cup as you drove. You drove in silence, thinking of the mother pulling her daughter away. Were you… really that bad? Ugly? Your heart sank into your stomach: a feeling you were starting to get used to. You saw your vision blur, but refused to cry. Maybe that’s why Aaron doesn’t want to see your face anymore. Because you were a monster. MacMillian had done his job- successfully.
— 🔥
Aaron stared at the text on his phone.
From Penelope Garcia 🖥️😄: u need to talk to y/n. ASAP. i  don’t think she’s okay and i think it has to do with the macmillian case
It had been three weeks since the case and you still hadn’t spoken to Aaron since before you were kidnapped. Well, you had talked to him, but it was stiff and professional. He looked over at Rossi who was speaking with a few officers. Aaron felt like an idiot.
He wanted bothing more than to drag you into his office and sit you down to talk. Talk about what happened, what he did, how you felt, how you’re feeling now. Aaron just wanted to help you heal but he knew he can’t. He can’t jeapordize your relationship or his job. Aaron felt a lump grow in his throat. He didn’t even know what he wanted anymore- other than you.
To Penelope Garcia 🖥️😄: How is she? What happened?
From Penelope Garcia 🖥️😄: she went to get food for us and came back all upset. i think the poor girl was about to cry :(
From Penelope Garcia 🖥️😄: and i think there’s something else i need to tell you
From Penelope Garcia 🖥️😄: but it has to be in person.
Aaron leaned back in his chair. “Damn it.”
— 🔥 
A day later the team came home. There was an arrest and the case was closed. There was a lighthearted conversation on the way home, Reid and Rossi playing a card game as Derek, Emily, and J.J. bickered over something (Aaron doesn’t know anything when they get together and scheme). But Hotch was looking out the window and thinking of Penelope’s texts. What had happened to make you shut down? What news did Penelope have for him? How were you doing mentally? How are you at home?
Hotch knew you had nightmares. Hell, everyone could tell. You had growing purple splotches under your eyes, a larger coffee cup every morning, and you zones out consistently during the day. You wore turtlenecks- that Hotch personally thought you looked amazing in- even in 85 degree weather. Not to mention how jumpy you are whenever someone touches you.
Reid had nudged you one day to get your attention; you were staring at nothing and it was time to leave. Derek watched you, a frown on his face after saying your name thrice. Spencer nudged your shoulder with a knuckle and you flew backwards, stumbling out of your chair, a hand coming to your cheek (where The Scar ran down your face). You played it off quickly after seeing Derek, Emily, Rossi, and even Hotch’s looks. But the fear in your eyes… Spencer knew you thought he would hurt you.
After landing, Hotch gave the team the day. As they all cheered and left to get their stuff, Hotch walked into the bullpen where he knew you were still working.
God, Aaron missed you. Missed seeing you, being in the same room as you- hell, breathing the same air as you.
You looked up from your computer, eyes falling on an exhausted looking SSA Aaron Hotchner. “Sir?”
“You may have the rest of the day off.” Aaron swallowed, holding your eye contact. Your eyes were one of his weaknesses. After a second of silence, you nodded.
“Thank you, sir.” 
Hotch turned on his heel and made his way to see Penelope. He felt his head spin: your blank stare and emotionless eyes felt like a knife to the gut. Aaron really fucked up, hadn’t he? Fucked up so bad you called him ‘sir’ and acted like you hadn’t bonded over your love for Phil Collins and old action movies. And how to looked away from him like you hadn’t slept in Aaron’s house clad in a pair of his sweatpants and an old sweatshirt, Jack lying on top of you after falling asleep to a cartoon. And especially the way your voice was monotone, completely different from the way you held up a quiet conversation after being sent home because you had a concussion.
Penelope stood up the second she heard Hotch’s voice. Tears welled in her eyes, shining brightly against the different colored lights in her cave. “Sir, it’s about y/n. I- I didn’t mean to snoop, but she’s just been so distant lately and ever since that case, she hasn’t gone out with me, Emily, J.J., or even Spencer! I’m really sorry-“
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, Garcia. Slow down. What happened?” Aaron asked. He felt bile rise in his throat. He had a gut feeling that whatever the bubbly blonde woman had to say wouldn’t be good. He swallowed.
Penelope harshly wiped the tears off her face. She looked down and then back up, clearly distraught about the news. “Y/n applied to another job… and got accepted.”
🏷️: @zaddyhotch @jazzimac1967 @polireader @magical-spit @angelmather1 @pettydonuts @aremuslupinsimp
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𝔊𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔥 ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫𝔰
How would the Ghouls (AND Copia) react to seeing you surprise them with lingerie?
Prompt by the miraculous @endhisbloodlineinmyesophagus
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NSFW/Suggestive below the cut.
Blushes profusely
This man is so flustered he can barely form a word, let alone speak a sentence
That doesn’t stop him from acting, though
He puts his greedy gloved hands on your body the second his mind can catch up to what’s happening
He’s torn between a state of disbelief and a state of unholy fuck I need to put my hands on this woman right now or I’ll die
“You are ravishing, cara mia.”
“Grazie mille, Papa.”
“But those straps, are they digging into your skin? I’d be happy to take you out of them.” 
“It’s actually surprisingly comfortable.”
“Good, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t dying to have you while you wear that.”
Grins at you like a madman when you reveal yourself to him
He tries to hide it but he’s so into it
The fact that you put in all this effort to fasten straps, tie ribbons, and put yourself on such a perfect display has him weak
He has an intense urge to fall to the floor and worship at your feet, as he feels unworthy of such a goddess
“All of this effort, for me? I mean, I can’t say I’m surprised you’d do something like this.”
“Well, it’s not just for me.”
You produce a long silk ribbon that matches your lingerie, “This is for you. You can unwrap me and then I get to tie you up.”
He groans, “You’re fucking perfect.”
Can’t. Think. Heart. Having. Palpitations.
His dark eyes go so wide as he sees you all dressed up
His jaw is on the floor too
He runs a slightly trembling hand through his thick locks and unashamedly checks you out (not trembling out of nervousness, from sheer excitement)
“Oh, fuck me.”
“That’s the idea.”
“Get over here you little minx, you’re mine, you hear me?” 
“Are you going to undress me?”
“You know I don’t have the patience; I’m fucking you in that now.”
His first thought is to mark you; he is overcome with the need to bite you and suck on your exposed skin immediately
Practically tears out of his own clothes at the sight of you presenting yourself for him
He needs you carnally
He’s fucking feral for you
“You wanted my attention, huh?”
“Well I’ll give you points for all of this. But I’ll have to punish you too.”
“For what?”
“For walking around wearing this, anyone could have seen you. No, no, I’m not going to be finished with you until you can’t walk, siren.”
Has to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from blurting out the first obscene thing that pops in his brain
You got him, you got him good
He doesn’t care for surprises but this one is a winner
His eyes can’t drink you in fast enough, flicking his gaze over your breasts, your thighs, and your ass as you turn for him
“That’s it?”
“I can’t say the other things I’m thinking, I’m pretty sure I’d get arrested.”
“I’ll take ‘wow’ then.”
“Oh you’ll be taking a lot more than that.”
Literally astonished when you show him what you’re wearing 
Utterly hypnotized by the curves of your body done up by lace
Hands start twitching like a crazed addict
He needs to touch you
“Get. Over. Here.”
“Right now?”
“Right fucking now. Either that or I come over there and pin you against that wall.”
“The wall it is.”
Goes from zero to one hundred in a snap
Can’t decide where she wants to look, placing you in front of a floor length mirror for her own pleasure
She is happy to stand back and watch you pose for her
Eventually she gets antsy, fingers tingling with need to touch you
“Need attention, do we?”
“I have some for you too, love.”
“You do?”
“Just for you.” You hand her a black tissue-wrapped package.
“Matching sets? What are we, in a band?”
Purses her lips in satisfaction
Tries to keep herself from smiling, she’s trained you well
Extra points for you sitting on the floor so submissively
Something inside her calls to put her mouth on you, mark you all over with her dark lipstick
“Stand and me a twirl.”
You oblige her.
“What a good girl. Shall I give you a treat?”
“Yes, please.”
She opens the top drawer of the dresser and starts laying out the treats she plans on using on you. You’ve been good indeed.
Squeals in delight upon seeing you
You’d think it was her birthday the way she reacted to you
That doesn’t stop a mischievous grin from spreading on her face though
She wants to see you put on other things she’s had tucked away for special occasions 
“This one is next!”
“Haven't you found your favorite yet?”
“My favorite is you wearing nothing at all, gorgeous, I just wanted to see how many different pairs I could get you to put on before you beg me to take them off you.”
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sentientgolfball · 1 month
I humbly request the I’ve been getting ready for forever bc I wanna look good for you prompt with Swiss and Phantom 🖤🖤
I love me some good Swisstom ough
Swiss sighs, checking the time on his watch again. He’s been waiting in the lobby of the hotel for what feels like ages. To his credit though, Phantom is almost fifteen minutes late. They had a day off before having to pile back onto the buses and to their next venue in the middle of some Midwestern state. Swiss wanted to do something nice with his little bug while they had the time. He knows how rough the first tour can be and he can see the fatigue starting to claw at them. They’ve got lines under their eyes that won’t disappear. They spend just as much time in the shower as a dehydrated water ghoul, using hotel hot water until Swiss knocks on the door for his turn. He notices every time they hiss in pain the day after a show, muscles obviously sore from the over the top performance they give every night. 
He figured exploring the cute little downtown area of where they’re at would be fun, the shops they passed on the way in the day before looked promising. He suggested they go out when they got back from the show, sleepy words exchanged while cuddled under the covers. Phantom had seemed excited, albeit exhausted. Though now Swiss worries they may have just been saving face. He checks his watch again. 
He tries to distract himself by idly scrolling on his phone, but he’s not paying attention. Every time the elevator dings his focus shifts, hoping this time he’ll see the glamoured face of Phantom. He taps in and out of their message thread a few times, debating whether or not he should text them. If they went back to bed he doesn’t want to disturb them, they deserve to rest. But what if they forgot? They can be a little spacey at times. What if he’s down here working himself up and they’re up in their room wondering where he’s at? They could’ve gotten tangled up with one of the others. He’d hate to disturb them if that’s the case. He has been keeping the little bug nearby every chance he gets. 
He doesn’t realize he’s bouncing his leg and picking at his nails until his phone vibrates in his hand. His stomach swoops before he refocuses and sees it’s a message from Aurora. 
They’ll be down soon >:) 
The corner of his mouth quirks up just a bit. It simultaneously makes him feel better and worse. He’s glad their little day is still on, but now he can’t help but wonder why they were with Rora for so long. He tries to shrug it off, Phantom is an affectionate little creature and those two are like glue. He feels silly for even worrying, he knows they adore him. Still, that little voice in the back of his mind makes his skin itch. 
He’s broken from his thoughts when the elevator doors slide open and a familiar face finally pops out. He stands to go over to them, but he pauses when he gets a good look at them. Their hair has been put up in a bun, the white streak hanging out to frame their face. Their undercut looks freshly buzzed. They have a thin layer of makeup on, nothing over the top but still enough to notice. They’re in a pair of earthy green cargo pants and a sleeveless black mock top. Swiss nearly loses it when he sees the freckles on their shoulders. He has no words. This is a drastic change from the ripped jeans and hoodie-jacket combo they usually go for. 
“Sorry I took so long,” they smile at him, words a little breathless, “Rain and Aurora said you’re supposed to dress up for dates and I wanted to look nice for you.” 
Swiss surges forward, capturing them in a deep yet chaste kiss. They make a surprised noise before closing their eyes and melting into it. A deep chuckle rumbles in Swiss’ chest when he feels them smile against his lips. 
“So that means you like it right?” Phantom asks when they part. 
“Buggy you look amazing,” Swiss grins, “you didn’t have to get all dolled up for me.” 
“Wanted to.” They shrug and blush, eyes looking anywhere but his face. 
Swiss presses another quick kiss to their lips. They stare at each other for a moment, grinning like giddy teenagers before he finally speaks. 
“We should get going. I saw a little ice cream shop nearby. I think we should hit it.” 
Their eyes light up at the mention of ice cream. They slip their hand into Swiss’ with a light squeeze, “lead the way.”
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smoke-and-silver · 7 months
Ghouls Being Just a Little Messed Up
Pervy AU where the ghouls cross some weird boundaries (but are still otherwise respectful because we're keeping it lighthearted).
NSFW. Ghoulette parts lean towards AFAB reader but the rest are neutral.
He's secretly adores your feet and wishes you would step on him. He gave you a boost one day to reach something and you were accidentally kind of rough stepping up on his shoulders. You apologized but he can't get it off his mind since then. Has occasionally sniffed your shoes and is deeply ashamed of it.
She likes to get off with things you've touched. Humping your pillow. Using the handle of your hairbrush and then wiping it down and putting it back. She gets off on knowing that you keep using those things after she's gotten her juices all over them.
Holds the door for you when you're just a little too far away so you'll do that little jog to reach the door just so she can watch your tits bounce. Stares at your cleavage any time she can get away with it. Hugs you tight just to feel your breasts squish against her.
She's totally into your sweat and she's super embarrassed about it. She's all over you just after a workout or on a hot sweaty summer day. She casually leans in to sniff you when you're not paying attention. Offers a suspicious amount of hugs too. Has buried her face in your sweaty bra or shirt when you go to shower off.
The worst. He'll jerk it while you're sleeping next to him. He has candids and upskirts of you saved that he masturbates to on lonely nights. Any human creep gets caught taking pics of you though and he eats them alive. What a hypocrite.
A voyeur. He was working in the garden one day and happened to be near your window. He realized you were in there changing and he knew he should look away, but he couldn't. Now some evenings he likes to stay out late "working" just to watch you throught the window. The garden looks nicer than ever.
Another voyeur. It was an accident the first time--he was high in the rafters when you came in to change clothes and he didn't know what to do, so he stayed quiet. Now you have unnoticed company when you strip out of your work clothes and go to shower in the evening.
Conveniently places himself so that you'll bump or brush against his dick. Stands a little too close when you're bent over grabbing something so that you'll back into him. Really convincing at playing it off as whoopsy daisy every time. He's sat down in the same spot just as you're sitting so that you land in his lap.
Look me in the eyes and tell me he's not a panty sniffer. He loves when it's his turn to do laundry. He'll wait until you've left the room and then bury his face in your clothes. Sometimes when you're not home he'll slink into your room, grab a pair from your hamper, and wear them over his face while he jerks himself off.
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ratsummer · 2 months
Imagine Phantom and Aurora hearing Copia growl for the first time.
They're finally all together in a full rehearsal for the first time since the newbies were summoned. Phantom and Aurora have made remarkable progress, both as musicians and as new additions to the band ghoul pack. They've gotten enough technical skill down that they can actually loosen up and have fun in rehearsal!
Copia is up at the front of the room with Cirrus, having her run through her Mummy Dust solo. This leaves everyone to their own devices for a bit, and the energy in the room is bright and silly. Aurora is practically weeping on the floor, desperately trying to catch her breath from laughing so hard at Cumulus, who is quietly performing her background vocals to Rats in her best Minnie Mouse impression. Swiss is also goofing off, doing a silly, flailing dance around Mountain's drum kit, BADLY humming the Miasma sax solo. Mountain is only kind of dancing along in his seat, most of his energy devoted to watching Swiss' hips. Dew and Rain are offering feedback to Phantom, who's insisting on showing them the many poses he wants to try holding while playing guitar.
Once Copia and Cirrus are happy with the adjustments they've made, he claps his hands to call his ghoul pack back to attention. The energy is so good, everyone is buzzing with it, and he knows how to direct it.
"Alright, alright, my lovely ghouls," he practically crows, "Mummy Dust! Let's take it from the top! I'll join in this time. Phantom, Aurora, give it your all, yes? Let's run the whole thing for Cirrus, then we'll tighten up some of those cues. Mountain, Phantom, bring us in!"
And just like that, they're off. Almost immediately, Swiss is giggling at Phantom strutting around like a little rooster. He's bouncing along so much as he watches Phantom that he's messing up his own rhythm on guitar. Copia, determined to avoid being derailed so instantly, frantically waves Swiss' attention to him and then emphatically gestures to get him back on beat. As such, he misses his first lyric, but Aurora and Cumulus nail their timing. They harmonize beautifully, holding hands and swaying their hips as they lean into their performance.
Copia is thrilled. His heart is racing alongside Mountain's drumming, Rain's bass buzzing in his bones. He opens his mouth and absolutely throws himself into the first verse, only to be drowned out a few beats in by a horrific, metallic scratching sound.
He whirls around to find both of his newest summons in apparent distress. Aurora seems to have tripped and fallen on her ass, back pressed to Cumulus' legs. Phantom is frozen in place, wide eyes, clutching his guitar so tightly his claws are surely leaving impressions. Both of them are panting, tails lashing. Neither of them will look at Copia, staring steadfastly to the side, chins tipped up. The room is dead silent, save for a tiny, reedy whine coming from Aurora.
Suddenly, Swiss and Rain are cackling. Cumulus is also giggling as she gets down on her knees by Aurora, cooing to her and scratching at the base of her horns. Dew is grinning like an idiot as he gently pets the back of Phantom's neck, where all of his fur is standing up like an agitated dog.
"Eh, what is going on?" Papa asks, frozen in place. He's not sure what went wrong, and certainly not sure what to do.
"Oh, everything is alright, Papa," Cirrus says, drumming her claws along the top of her keyboard as she smiles at the new summons. "We just... Forgot to warn the newbies."
"Warn them?"
Cirrus hums. "Your growl. When you sing like that, you sound very dominant, Papa. It can be... intense, even when we know it's coming."
"Ah. Um." All of Copia's confusion and concern for his ghouls immediately and painfully transitions to embarrassment and... something fluttering, not yet nameable, beneath his ribs.
"That's our satanic pope," Rain sighs dreamily, "Always so eloquent." He yelps when Mountain pelts a drumstick at his back, nailing him directly between his shoulder blades.
"I apologize," Copia starts slowly, wringing his hands. He feels sweat prickling along his hairline, his clothes are suddenly far too warm. "I hadn't realized my performance would have this, ah, effect. I don't recall this happening before?"
Cirrus and Swiss are suddenly flashing brilliant, pointed smiles.
"Oh, don't worry about that, Papa," Swiss purrs, "When the rest of us were new, we all had the surprise spoiled for us."
"A tragedy, really," Cirrus agrees, though her smile doesn't budge. "I remember how I felt my first time, and I knew what was coming. We wanted to make sure Rory and The Bug got the full effect!"
"A little mean," Cumulus says, "But I think you'll find they aren't too upset about it." She presses a kiss between Aurora's horns, but the breathless little ghoulette barely seems to notice. Her gaze is locked on Copia.
"Yeah," Phantom rasps, "I'm okay, Papa." Copia manages to break eye contact with Rory, only to barely choke back a moan at the sight of Phantom. The little ghoul is slumped back on Dew, who's purring and massaging Phantom's scruff. There's a healthy blush glowing across his nose and cheeks, and his hips are twitching against his guitar.
Copia coughs and adjusts his jacket. "Well. Okie dokie." He's fumbling for something to say, anything, when blessedly, Mountain chimes in.
"Well, should we take it from the top?"
"Eh, are you sure that's a good-"
"They gotta get used to it, Papa!" Cirrus says sweetly, "Just like the rest of us."
"Hmm. Okay. Yes. Yessiree Bob, even." Copia hems and haws for a moment, clapping his hands a bit as he considers whether trying again when his new summons are clearly in a state is a good idea.
"Papa? I want to do it again."
That unnamable feeling behind Papa's ribs shifts, stirring its wings at the breathiness in Aurora's voice. She at least appears to have collected herself a bit. She's clutching Cumulus' hand tightly, but she's back on her feet. Her tail is still flicking about behind her, but it's more intentional somehow, more focused. Her gaze is intense, locked on Copia. He takes a deep breath, nodding, though he can't help feeling a bit like a rat walking into an ambush.
"And you, Phantom? Shall we try once more, diavoletto?"
"Yes, Papa. I want to do it." Phantom, too, is looking a bit better. He's no longer tucked into Dew's shoulder. Instead, he's standing tall, shoulders square and grip on his guitar firm. Though his tail is wrapped tightly around Dew's thigh, he's staring at Copia with the same intensity as Aurora.
"But I think after we run it we should take a break," Phantom suggests.
"Yes!" Aurora almost shouts, "A break. A break immediately after. That's perfect. Maybe even a little walk. Papa, we should go for a walk on our break."
"A walk sounds great," Phantom agrees. "Can I come?"
Swiss cackles, air high-fiving Cirrus across the room. "Oh Bug, I think Copia and Rory will let you come. Again, and again, and ag-"
"Alright!" Copia cries, voice breaking a bit. "Alright, yes! From the top!"
He takes his place once more, front and center. He shakes and rolls his shoulders, letting the movement travel all the way down to his fingertips. He bounces on his toes, adjusts his jacket. Maybe his ghouls are fine to go again, but Copia is suddenly full of a strange, nervous tension. Or something. That feeling in his chest is ballooning, pressing hard on his lungs. The hair on the back of his neck is standing on end, his skin tingling. He's being watched, which is normal, of course, but he doesn't usually feel so... hunted. Is he getting sick? No, he's just being paranoid. Everything is fine. But... Maybe a break isn't such a bad idea after all.
"Mountain, Phantom, you know what to do," he says, hopping in place a bit to disperse the jitters.
"And then we'll take a break, of course."
Yeah, I don't know c: I threw a note about writing my thoughts on Phantom and Aurora hearing Copia growl for the first time and it was based on a post I saw and @anotherbananasong was involved but for the LIFE of me I cannot find it???
Well, anyway, this happened c: The ghouls like growly Copia, what more is there to say?
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
The course of Nature, part (2)
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First Part
Pairing: Negan x Fem!Reader
Warnings: mentions of Negan’s brutality, cursing, implied coercion and kidnapping, mentions of polygamy, (c’mon guys, everything related to Negan in the Sanctuary), talking of periods and pregnancy, thoughts about abortion, sensitive content regarding pro-choice… SMUT, a soft mommy kink, rather pregnancy kink, a little biting and a little blood, Negan being a horny jackass.
might miss some warnings. 
TWD Era: Alexandria, Negan Era, (season 7) 
Notes: Seeing Negan saying, “Oh my, look at this little Angel!” and grabbing Judith from her crib did something to me, and here it is 
“Why don’t you want to be my wife?” he asked her, amused 
“Negan, I know you are like a rabbit or a jackass… you are horny and you hump the first thing you see, but I’m like a cool Eagle, or a wolf… I mate for life” she answered simply. And it was so clever he wasn’t even mad, he chuckled darkly watching her intently, hoping to burn the shape of her body and her face in his mind forever
“You are acting like someday I’m going to get bored of you and just let you leave” he whispered in her ear. He felt her getting nervous, the small hairs on the back of her head standing to attention and goosebumps in her arms. But still she acted like he didn’t cause her incredible fear.
“You might” she whispered
“Believe me, I will not” he answered back 
You didn’t want to have anything to do with the other wives of Negan, really, you didn’t want to talk to anyone, you didn’t want to make friends, you just wanted to stay in your room and most importantly, stay fucking alive and not make it worse for your friends in Alexandria
When weeks passed and you didn't get your period. You were quickly losing your mind
It was hard to keep track of the calendar in the fucking zombie apocalypse. All the electronics went to shit… but you guessed that outside in some place of the sactuary, someone might have a fucking clue.
Your period was like a swiss watch, you were never late, it was like clockwork, so you had a sense of when it was coming, so now, you left your room looking frantically for a calendar, or something 
The wives seemed surprised to see you, but somehow relieved, since he took you, Negan never left your side, he didn’t spend the night with any of them, you thought they’d be angry, or jealous, but the looks on their faces told you they were grateful, and relieved.
Even though Negan was proud to say he had killed rapists and didn’t tolerate the awful act, he did use coercion to get what he wanted, he used it on you, and probably all of them as well. Yes he did give them a choice but… “Be my wife or I’ll bash yours or your boyfriend's brains” didn’t seem much of a choice to you.
“Hey, we have been wanting to meet you” only two of them approached you, a redhead, and a smaller girl, with dark hair and and bangs, “I’m Frankie, this is Tanya”
“(Y/N)” You answered, “Sorry I was hiding in my room” you explained 
“It’s understandable” she drew an apologetic smile. There was an awkward silence, in which they expected you to say something, and all the way around
“I was wondering…” you started, “if any of you had a calendar, or something… a way to tell what day it is?” you explained. They all looked at eachother. The one you knew her name was Frankie took your hand softly and led you to the wall where there was this old calendar
“It’s the 17th” she said softly. You just nodded, confirming your fears, you were late, two fucking weeks late. You drew a shaky breath, tears burning the back of your eyes.
“Shit” you whispered, debating internally if you should share your fears or not
“What’s going on?” she asked you, “you can tell us”
“Yeah” a blonde one that seemed a little out of it also came close to you, “we are so grateful to you” she whispered with a reassuring smile, “For… distracting him…”
“I’m late” you choked out. You heard them gasp loudly, “I don’t know… I’m two weeks late and I feel like shit, I’m probably…”
“pregnant” murmured the blonde one 
Frankie must have known how you felt. Maybe they all did. She placed her soft hand on your shoulder to comfort you, and it worked. You draw a shaky breath, wiping the tears with the back of your hand
“What is he going to do?” you asked, “Is he going to… push me down the stairs or something?”
“We don’t know” she whispered, “we are the ones that take care of it” she explained, “he had never express his want to… have kids”
“He is the one that makes sure we use contraceptives” the black haired woman said
“I’ll go with you to the doctor” Frankie said, and you just nodded, “It’s the only way to be sure”. grabbing the hand she offered you tightly, and under the sad eyes of all of Negan’s wives, you left the room.
“I’m terrified” you murmured, when you came face to face with a man you knew they called Fat Joey
“Hey joey” greeted Frankie, and he eyes you both suspiciously
“Negan wouldn’t want you to walk alone” he said, “specially if you are terrified” you wanted to swallow your own words
“We are fine, Fat Joey” Frankie muttered
“Let me escort you” you squeezed her hand, but he walked behind you silently in your journey to the doctor’s office 
You managed to shake him off of you in the consult, you closed the door on his face.
“Good morning ladies, what can I do for you?”, this doctor gave you the creeps, but he was the only one around so…
Frankie gave you a reassuring smile, nodding, so you turned to the doctor
“I think I’m late”, you whispered, he looked at you and nodded
“Very well, I have a pregnancy test you could take”
It was the most uncomfortable 5 minutes of your entire life, and you were living in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, go figure
It took less than 10 minutes for the two lines to appear, and you truly felt like you were going to lose it. Frankie didn’t say anything, neither did you, but she hugged you tightly and you hugged her back
“Everything is going to be alright, it’s still early”, she whispered sweetly in your ear, caressing your hair, you only nodded, it was true, it was only a couple of weeks… Frankie looked at the doctor
“Is there anything you could give her?”, she asked. The doctor looked at you and then at her. 
“That’s a lie”, she accused
“Yes”, he said simply
“You have to do something!” you demanded, “Give me something…”
“I’m sorry, I can’t do anything without Negan’s permission” 
“WHAT?” you argued, “It’s my body…”
“It’s Negan’s baby” he said seriously, “I can’t do anything or give you anything without him knowing” He perfectly could, but he had clear instructions from Negan, and he valued his own life more than yours. 
. . .
Negan knew something was wrong when he passed the lounge where his wives were and they all looked at him in terror.
Did someone die?
Did someone escape? or tried to?
He hadn't punished someone publicly this week, so he knew this wasn’t that. And if someone actually had died, betrayed him or escaped, he would have known by now, so, what was it? He looked directly at Frankie, she averted her gaze, but her eyes looked at the wall to the right. He just nodded, silently, and kept walking until he found himself at your door. He knocked twice, but you didn’t answer, so he just went in.
He found you with your back turned to the door, in a fetal position on the bed 
“Hey sunshine” he greeted carefully, and he saw you flinch. You turned, slowly, and he was surprised to see you crying. Did you find out about all the things he had done in Alexandria? No, impossible, “What is going on?” he asked, you were there, in front of him, so you didn’t tried to scape, and you didn’t kill anyone so he wondered what got you so fucking scared of him right now
“I’m sorry” you whispered, “Negan” you called, “I love you” oh how much he could have given to hear you say those words, but the way you say them, it was desperate, you sounded like Amber, you didn’t mean it, in fact, you wanted to calm him down
“What is going on?” he repeated the question, harder this time, making you flinch raising your shoulders and trying to hide between them 
“I’m pregnant” you whispered, you dropped the revelation and then you wanted to bend over your own body to protect yourself from him, and that is what kind of broke him. “I’m sorry”
Of all the reactions he may had that you played in your mind, him chuckling and smiling widely wasn’t one of them 
“You are not mad?” you asked back, and he shook his head
One of the most scary things about Negan is that he was totally unpredictable, you could never guess what’s coming 
In one scenario he grabbed you by the arm and threw you down the stairs, and then made sure to beat you up until there was nothing left inside of you. In another he’d let the doctor get his hands on you, but you never, ever, thought he’d be happy about it
“Aw honey, this is wonderful news!” you jumped when he yelled that, opening his arms in celebration, he never stopped looking at you, “An heir!” he continued, “A little savior, a little Negan or Lucille” you shook in your place when he called his deceased wife’s name
And suddenly, you were more scared.
“A little Lucille?” you muttered, he had told you everything about his late wife, and the thought he might be using you to relive some weird fantasy chilled your bones. Suddenly you felt your eyes wet with tears, and not being able to stop them, fat, bitter tears started running down your cheeks, “No…” you whined. His face dropped when he saw how you started to lose it, you started to hyperventilate 
“Hey, sweetheart, I need you to relax”
“You have to talk to the doctor, so he’ll give me something…” you tried to explain
“Why would I do that, baby?” he asked
“I can’t have your baby” you whined, wiping your tears
“Why the hell not?” he asked, this time his face became so serious so fast you shook in fear
“Negan…” you called, expecting him to understand, “please” he softened his gaze on you, with his gloved hand he caressed your cheek as he smiled sweetly at you, but that didn’t calm you, he was unpredictable and you’ll do well in remembering that. He leaned in and kissed you softly, gently, as he was scared of breaking you
“You are going to be an amazing mother sweety” he whispered against your lips and you only whined, “anything you want, everything is yours!” he announced, standing up, “I’ll tell all of them, to bring you anything you could need” 
“You are going to let me carry this baby?” you asked
“Of course”, he said simply
“Please Negan”, you whispered, “I can’t bring a child into this world”
“It will have hundreds of people that will take care of him”, he said, “we are in the sanctuary baby”
“Negan please”, you begged, he just say on the edge of the bed, cradling your face with his big hands
“This a good thing baby”, he whispered, leaning in and catching your lips with his
“Negan”, you whined against his lips
“You are going to be such a good mommy”, he purred, abandoning your lips and going down your throat with heated open kisses
And you snapped out of your hornyness, you grabbed his face and pushed him off of you
“Fuck off Negan!”, you grunted, but your heated face told him your resolution wouldn’t last long, you were as horny as he was. He smiled wickedly
He knew he had chosen well, you were going to protect that baby with your life, your lioness instincts already kicking in 
“C’mon mommy”, he purred, “come to daddy”
“I hate you”, you said, with no conviction in your voice
“No you don’t”
And perhaps that is what was so messed up about all of this
You were scared to death, yes, but you were also… excited
And Negan could see that
He approached you again and held you in his arms, he leaned in and again he kissed you. It was soft at first but then it turned heated, you grabbed him roughly, pulling on the hairs on the back of his neck making him grunt needily
“You like it rough, don’t you?”, he mocked, you didn’t want to talk, you just took his leather jacket and threw it on the floor caresly
Another day he would have make a big fuss about it, but today he knew better
“he leaned over you, wanting to pin you down to the bed, but you didn’t let him, instead you managed to pin him down, straddling him 
“Oh baby”, he purred, “or should I say… mommy?”
“Shut up”, you growled, leaning in and kissing him roughly. he immediately responded with teeth and licks of his own, but as you separated from him, you bit his lower lip until blood came up 
He whined under you, not pained but horny and almost pathetic, you grind your hips against his own, feeling his cock hardening between you, giving you goosebumps
“Hormones?”, he teased, but you shushed him up, you wanted him, you needed to feel him, you needed to distract yourself from everything that has happening
You almost ripped his pants off of him, making him chuckle, setting himself comfortably on the bed, you stood up to toss your own pants away from you, and then you crawled back over him. HIs greedy hands tossed your upper clothes, and finally he had you naked all to himself. You leaned in and kissed him roughly
“Yes mommy”, he teased, and you couldn’t help but slap him, not hard, and he only smiled wickedly, “I loved this side of you baby”, he purred, placing his hands on your hips
“You are so fucking mean Negan”, you accused, “you misogynistic prick!”, but you couldn't stay angry at him, you leaned in and kissed him before he could make some snarky remark. He responded at the kiss immediately, his greedy hands caressing you all over he could, your thighs, your sides, your hips. You rubbed your pussy against his hard cock, and you couldn’t help it anymore, you needed him.
You used your hand to pumped his thick cock a few times, before impaling yourself with it
“Fuck!”, you cursed at the same time, perhaps Negan was so attracted to you because you both sounded alike sometimes
You started riding him angrily, almost like you wanted to hurt him, but that turned him on even more. You started moving your hips back and forth. and the friction in your clit almost made you loss it
“FUCK THAT’S IT BABY”, he whined, and you gasped, feeling your orgasm build incredibly quickly
“I hate you”, you cried when you cummed
“I know”, he whispered, entertained, letting you fuck him for once, admiring the goddess riding him.
But you rode him until you cummed again, finally making him finish inside of you.
You let yourself fall on top of him, as you both recuperated, he just held you, caressing your naked back
“I mean it”, he gasped
“What?”, you asked back
“I will do anything to protect you”, he promised, “I leave Rick alone, I promise, you will be a great mother, I really believe that”, you smiled, not letting him see it, of course.
. . .
“Arat” the girl was on his side on a second, that determined look in her eyes that Negan liked so much, “If something happens to me… “ he started, and she frowned, like he just spoke treason, “If this world is fucked up and for reason I fucking die and Rick the prick is still alive I want you to do something for me, ok?”
“You want me to kill him Sir?” she asked, and he chuckled
“No, I want you to take (Y/N) to him” he whispered, “without me controlling everything she is in danger, I want you to make sure she comes back to her people”
Damn, being a father does change you and your priorities 
He thought with a smirk on his face and a swing of his bat
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TAGLIST @neganswoman @nijiru @imvomitting @aleemendoza2425-blog @0vecam @heavenhatesme
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chapel-of-rizztual · 1 year
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This has me thinking about Swiss going into heat on stage. He tried so hard to ignore it, tried so hard to act like he was fine and nothing was wrong. But about halfway through the set it hits him all at once making his knees buckle. 
He can smell Mountain. It makes it so much worse. The earth ghoul always worked up a sweat behind those drums but today it was particularly bad, the rich earthly scent flooding his senses and clouded his mind like thick fog. 
He looks back at Mountain, leaning against the mic stand for support, hoping to catch Mountain’s eyes from under both their masks. Mountain isn’t paying attention to him, too busy focusing on playing, which he should be too, but he’s distracted by Mountain, watching his strong arms come down on each drum, with strong hits.  He groans, unable to help himself, wondering what they’d feel like hitting somewhere else. 
He feels himself collapse with need, grinding against the mic stand as his knees hit the floor. Mountain’s looking at him, he can feel his eyes burning into the back of his head, can feel the disapproving stare from under the mask, but he can’t stop himself now. The pressure on his cock is too good, too much, and nothing in the world could get him to stop now. There’s slick soaking through his trousers, running down his thighs, he knows Mountain can see it, know he can smell it as he watched Mountain scent the air, sees him gritting his teeth with a growl, bringing his arms down on the drums even harder. 
He’s moaning under the mask, thankfully the loud music help cover it up, but he knows that Mountain is close enough to hear him. He can’t stop rocking on his feet, pushing his cock into the cold metal of the mic stand. 
There’s a tapping onto his mind connection, like someone is poking at his brain and if he was in the right state of mind he’d ignore it, focus on his work, but right now he’s lost the ability to think. He opens his mind and let’s the wavelength in. 
"if you're gunna act like a bitch in heat,  I'm gunna breed you like one.” 
Mountain’s deep voice booms in his brain, echoing around, even over the loud music
Swiss falls forward with a loud moan, he almost falls face first into the floor, but he doesn’t care about that. His brain is gone, turned to mush and leaking out his ears. His arches his back, pushing his ass out and high in the air, presenting himself for Mountain. If his tail was unglamoured it would be hitched up high over his hip, the perfect position to be mounted and bred. 
He can’t see Mountain from this position, and he’s glad for it. But he can still hear him, sneering at him in his mind. 
“You’d let me, wouldn’t you? You’d let me come over there, Mount you like the bitch you are.” He hears the drum miss a single beat before resuming it’s otherwise perfect playing. “You want that? Want to be mounted and fucked right in front of everyone? Show them all how well you take such a big cock, how well your greedy little hole just swallows it? How well you take a knot? Wanna show them what a good little breeding bitch you really are?” 
Swiss moansloud enough that Phantomlooks behind him with a looks of shock on his face. Swiss doesn’t care though, just arches his back even more for Mountain, feeling a rush of slick leaking out of him, and running down his thighs.
He feels Mountain in his head again, poking around, and it makes him whine before Mountain has even had the chance to say anything. 
“And once I was done using you, breeding you, I’ll turn you around and make you show the audience, show them your little hole all stretched out and full of me. Show them how I claim you, and every single one of them will know who you belong too.” 
Swiss blacks out a little as he cums, feeling his cock pulsating hotly in his jeans as he feels himself coat the inside of them and make them warm and wet and sticky.  He whines, long and low in his throat, before getting back up on very wobbly feet, trying to act like that didn’t just happen.he grimaces, his jeans sticking to him in an uncomfortable way, damp and sticky. 
He has to sing in a second, his part of the backing vocals coming up. He looks back at Mountain, only to find the earth ghoul looking directly back at him. He watches as Mountain runs his tongue along his fangs, palming at the very obvious erection in his jeans, all while never missing a beat. He feels his cock begin to kick and fatten back up at the wild look in Mountain’s eyes, and he knows right then and there that he’s in for a long night. 
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katz-rambles · 3 months
Omg... I actually wrote something good(?) for once? Just a little teaser for what I'm about to write hehe.
I'm thinking about doing Vamp reader and mountain later and diving more into gangbang now. I need opinions.. should I continue this or do Vamp Reader next??
1.3k words, baby.
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(nsfw, possessive mountain(?), public sex (kinda), thigh grinding, fem!sibling of sin!reader, hints of a gangbang at the end, a little hint of Sodo x reader and a smidge of Swiss x reader.)
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A shuffle in bed slowly wakes you from your slumber, and you open one eye to see what's going on. When your eye focuses, you immediately realize that you're not in your bed. You're not even in your room. Now awake and confused, you open both eyes and push yourself up to see where you are.
“Morning, Flower.” Mountain chirps happily. Already too energetic for this early in the morning. His mask is off along with his glamor, allowing you to see him and admire his features. His tall horns and his long tail that comfortably rests on your thighs. His hair that clearly hasn't been brushed yet. Although he's already in his uniform, you're convinced he sleeps with it at this point. All the things that you love about him.
You smile tiredly at him and sit up slightly to rest your head on his chest. The purrs that vibrate from deep in his chest are oddly comforting, they almost lull you back to sleep.
“Alright, come on sleepy head. Time to get up.” Mountain chuckles and lifts your head up to try and wake you a bit more, despite your adamant protests. The warmth that comes with him suddenly disappears and you finally manage to open your eyes. Mountains now standing at the side of the bed. He looks so much taller right now, it's terrifying.
“Ughh, fine.” You groan and sit up fully now. Stretching your whole body to get the sleep off you and your sleep shirts ride up just enough that the soft shape of your hips are visible, along with your shirt that pulls up with your arms, almost teasing Mountain with the curve of your breasts. And you can feel his gaze follow the exposed skin as you stretch, when you relax your body you swear you see him pout when the skin is covered once again.
When you stand you still aren't quite awake so you wobble a bit. Mountains hands automatically grab your waist to help steady you, and you jump at the chance to tease him, just a bit. Your habit lays on the nightstand and when you reach over to grab it you carefully grind your ass into Mountain. Smirking to yourself when you hear him groan quietly.
“I'm going to get dressed. I'll meet you at the dining hall?” You tilt your head and use your best innocent voice, just to see the way his eyes narrow at you.
“Yeah. I'll see you then.” Mountain relaxes his gaze and kisses your forehead. Now let the real fun begin.
You've made sure to pull your habit up so it rests just below your mid thighs. Showing just enough skin to catch attention while also leaving more to the imagination. With the help of Cirrius you've been able to find a way to tighten it around your waist. Everything's set in place, you're going to have fun making this the worst day of Mountains life.
When you enter the dining hall you look for the table of Ghouls and Ghoulettes, sometimes they tend to wander to other tables but if you find one ghoul you'll usually find the others around. Your eyes set on Rain and Swiss who are sitting at an empty table?
“Morning you two.” You wave at the duo. Swiss gives you one of his iconic grins and Rain waves back at you. Even though you're not looking you can see Swiss take in your outfit today, and his eyes widen a bit before he smirks at you.
“Look at you today, darling. I could just eat you up.” Swiss’ smirk never leaves his face even as he talks, and when he's done he shamelessly checks you out. You even see Rain look you up and down a few times before he looks back up to meet your gaze for a split second.
“You like it?” You ask innocently, looking down at Rain just to watch him squirm under your gaze. He's just too adorable not to tease.
“Damn. So who's the lucky one who you've dolled yourself up for, sweetheart?” Sodo puts himself in the conversation, looking at you. If you weren't in public he might have just taken you right there. He walks over to you and rests his hands on your hips, his hands are comfortably warm, even through your clothes. He leans down and kisses your exposed neck, letting his lips linger over your pulse for a bit before he pulls back.
“You're so pretty. Such a pretty girl.” Sodo hums against your ear. His breath tickles your neck and sends shivers down your spine.
“Sodo. Back off. She's mine.” Mountain growls, sending a warning to Sodo. He glares down at him and with his height it just makes him that much more intimidating. You smirk as Sodo puts his hands up and walks back to the other side of the table to sit beside Swiss. Mountain looks at you, his gaze just as threatening, even as his eyes rake over your form. Taking in every last detail of you.
Your plan has been set in motion. Now you're off doing chores around the church, and one of those just happens to be helping the Ghouls clean up after their practice. You open the door to the soundproofed room and look around. Practice is almost over now and everyone looks tired. Copia seems to be pushing everyone to their limits these days.
“Sister. What a pleasure to see you here!” Copia exclaims and waves at you. For someone so powerful he's so sweet. He reminds you of an eager puppy. Somehow always so happy. You politely nod at Copia and saunter over to Mountain, swaying your hips as you do so.
“Hey big guy, how's practice going?” You wrap your arms around him and lay your head on his chest. When he reciprocates your embrace you grind up into him, subtly so his band mates don't suspect anything, hopefully. He growls lowly when you do so, and it spurs you to continue. You start to feel him harden under your motions and he tightens his grip on you.
“Be careful, Flower. I won't hesitate to take you right now.” He growls onto your ear and then smirks. “Or maybe that’s what you want?” He chuckles and sits back down by the drums, he pulls you onto his thigh and groans.
“You're going to grind that pretty pussy on me, Flower. And you won't stop until I say you can.” He smirks and starts to move your hips for you, setting a good pace that you can keep up with.
If the others noticed anything odd they haven't said anything, yet. Sodo starts out with his guitar and soon after Mountain joins in. With every bounce of his leg to the beat it allows you to get the perfect amount of friction on your clit.
“Good girl.. you're doing so well for me.” Mountain sighs and uses one hand to help you keep the pace. You rest your head on his shoulder and moan.
“Mountain.. please.” You beg as you grind your hips. Every now and then your knee rubs against the evident bulge through his jeans. Your whimpers and moan get a bit louder when his leg bounces a bit faster.
“Shit I'm close.” You moan into his shoulder as you move your hips a bit faster. Your knee is now rubbing against his bulge. You feel him buck his hips into your knee in an attempt to get some friction. In a moment you tense on his leg and cum, your arousal starts to leave a stain on his jeans and he groans at the feeling.
“Just a reminder for you, sweetheart. We can smell you.” Swiss taunts with a grin that spreads from ear to ear. Something tells you this isn't going to be over anytime soon.
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hypnoneghoul · 2 months
hypnone would you be willing to write for and fill my rain/phantom agenda. can be anything your mind desires
Rain knew from the very beginning that Phantom’s quintessence was way more powerful than he let on. Now when the water ghoul has no control over his own body whatsoever, he realizes he still underestimated him.
“You look so fucking stupid, you know that?” Phantom laughs as he Rain gurgles around the quintessence ghoul’s fingers in his mouth.
He can only imagine.
Rain is nothing but a toy right now, paralyzed with only his cock standing at attention so Phantom can bounce on it. The water ghoul loves this trick—usually.
Because usually Phantom doesn’t turn his entire sense of touch off, too.
Rain can feel nothing; he can only watch as the quintessence ghoul’s cunt drools around his dick and choke on his fingers in his mouth. He can’t really feel them either, it’s only his brain getting alarmed at the intrusion. There’s no way of knowing if Phantom is only petting his tongue or if he’s got his fingers so deep he can push the tips out through his gills.
“I like this,” Phantom moans; only the sweet noises falling from his lips give away just how affected he really is. “Should turn you off like that more often.”
Certainly, Rain thinks.
The quintessence ghoul raises on his knees and pops off of Rain’s dick with a sigh. He pulls his fingers out of his mouth and brings them to his cunt to run the digits through his creamy folds and pull the hood of his dick back so he can pet at the sensitive nub.
Rain wants to scream when Phantom sinks back down onto him and returns his hand to the water ghoul’s face. He can smell his slick but when Phantom pushes his fingers back into his mouth he can’t taste it. Depraved of yet another thing he so desperately craves.
“You know what I think you’d like?” Phantom asks, but doesn’t expect an answer, of course. “If I did this and left you in the common room. On the table maybe, just laying there and waiting until someone comes, dumps a load in or on you, and leaves. You’d love it, Rainy, I’m sure. Could go for days like that.”
If Rain’s eyes could roll into the back of his head right now they certainly would. Or maybe they do and he just doesn’t know that? No, they can’t because his line of vision is still the same as it has been for the last…half an hour at least.
Yeah, he would really fucking like that.
Phantom shuts up after that—thank Satan—as he gets closer to his orgasm. He gets a hand on his clit and rubs it as he grinds down on the water ghoul’s dick until he cums with a muffled shout.
Rain still can’t feel, but he can see the gush of slick around his cock and how the quintessence ghoul’s cunt squeezes him in the aftershocks. He falls forward and lays his head on Rain’s chest.
“Now that I think about it…” Phantom sighs, “I’m gonna get Swiss to move you to the commons now. He can get the first round, why waste an opportunity?”
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