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pcrplevenom · 3 months ago
☠ ― Send "🌷" and the MUSE will tell you whatever the hell they want.
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"You know what suckss about being partially reptilian? I know I brought thiss up, but the shedding iss a pain. I get terrible mod swingss, to the point I issolate mysself to avoid snapping. I'm better after a few dayss of recovery, on the upsside of thingss."
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mumphs · 8 months ago
🧽: showrty a lil baddy..... she my lil booo thing ♡
🦀: and shawddy got the fatty.... showddy be catching moood swingss............
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serpentine-rogue-inactive · 2 years ago
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“Ha, I can hold it in for longer. One of the stronger traits, is that I am capable of restraining certain mood swingss or small bursts of them.” Standing beside Finn, a thoughtful glance off and a quiet hiss. The funny feeling in her gut, was harder to ignore now. “I won’t actually implode, you goof. It’s just a metaphor, I’m getting ssomewhat better at thosse...I think.”
"Hey Soldan! Whatcha up to?" - Finn //knights-of-the-sky (hehehehehe)
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"Wah-!" Soldan nearly screamed out of panic, face turning light violet. "Finn, you sstartled me! As for what I'm doing? Nothing really, jusst trying to think of what to actually...do for killing time. Why?" confused, fixing her bangs nervously in place.
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chopper2277 · 5 years ago
im trying soo hard to not always feel so shit about myself but
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moomiiii · 2 years ago
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Ik mikes wearing a s2 sweater but sh
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loop-deloo · 2 years ago
i wanted another line at the end something like “what’s ___” and then some suggestive thing that harry found in the letter but i couldn’t come up with it so it’ll just have to end kinda cute
for prompt “admirer”  @wolfstarmicrofic
���What’s a see’ret admie…rer-er?” Comes the voice from Remus’ hip. Remus looks down to see Harry peering up at him, clutching a somewhat familiar looking piece of paper.
James and Lily were away on holiday for a week and Sirius had practically begged (it wasn’t practically, he did get down on his knees) them to let Remus and him watch the tiny one. Sirius was whipping up a mess—er… feast of pancakes and fruit and whatever else in the kitchen. Remus thought Harry was with him, but those adorable cheeks are peering up at him now, question in his eyes, mouth halfway towards a follow up. Remus leans down and swingss the kid onto his hip.
“What’s that, Haz? A secret admirer?”
“Uh huh, I found it when I was ‘splorin in the libarry.” Remus was half convinced that James didn’t ever correct Harry when he messed up words because he practically melted every time one Harry pushed one through his tiny, still-growing teeth. Remus couldn’t even be mad, it was really sweet.
“Exploring, huh?”
“Uh huh.”
“A secret admirer is someone who likes you but they don’t tell you who they are.” 
“Oh!” Harry looks appeased. It doesn’t last long, “But why wouldn’t they tell me? I would want to know!”
“For the mystery,” comes a familiar voice from the doorway. Remus knows the exact expression he’ll see when he turns around, but does it anyway. And there’s Sirius, mouth quirked in a nostalgic smile, eyes glinting with mischief and challenge. Remus chuckles.
“Yeah, mystery. I suppose.”
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fatsailormoon · 3 years ago
a datee where u take me oncthe swingss && i happy stim 🌸🐰💞
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laguzmage · 8 years ago
pendulum--swingss replied to your post “If y'all had told me Nier Automata had a bunch of well executed...”
The games is a masterpiece and so was 2Bs Ass
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ezra-blue · 7 years ago
green tea, bubble tea, mug
Green tea: Where do you feel most at peace?
Probably cozied up on my living room sofa, or in my sewing chair.
Bubble tea: What ride would you pick at an amusement park?
Ha, would you believe I love roller coasters? The bigger, the more loopy, the better! I also have a soft spot for the swingss.
Mug: When/where do you normally drink tea?
All day, every day, everywhere. I have two cups of black for breakfast, usually four cups of green and herbal after dinner, and if I need a pick-me-up during the day, I have some tea bags at the office.
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trendingph · 4 years ago
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BIGBANG's T.O.P Once Doodled All Over Rapper Swings's Face — Here's What That Was About One day, out of the blue, BIGBANG‘s T.O.P shared an Instagram story… BIGBANG’s T.O.P | Radio Star … featuring a cropped picture of rapper Swings, with silly doodles all over his face. The original photo of Rapper Swings (left) with his ex-girlfri... https://trendingph.net/bigbangs-t-o-p-once-doodled-all-over-rapper-swingss-face-heres-what-that-was-about/?feed_id=13896&_unique_id=5fbad694cbaf4 #bigbangs #doodled #face #heres #philippinenews #philippinesnews #rapper #swingss #top #trendingph
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ba1aphoebeowen · 5 years ago
Child Psychology Research & References
Due to the nature of my essay question, I’m going to have to look at a variety of more scholarly sources that look into child psychology - a subject I don’t have much experience in. As I look at sources, I’m going to keep track of the proper Harvard referencing for them as well as the page numbers I will need to cite if I used certain quotes and theories in my essay.  Because of the complexity of this subject, I’m also going to have to be wary of the legitimacy of these sources, as I will also be gathering them online. I hope to determine that the ones I am using are reliable by cross-referencing pieces of information between them, and making sure that the information I am given is consistent. 
Child Trauma (Ebooks)
The Simple Guide to Child Trauma: What it is and How to Help
“form a brain that is almost always wired on hyper alert because the world seems to scary” (chapter 2) “If a traumatic experience happens repeatedly it would be normal for the child to live in a continual state of threat... makes it really difficult for the child to think, reason, negotiate or reflect” (chapter 2) “The threat response impacts a child’s behavior, their feelings and their relationships because they don’t feel safe but instead feel threatened, scared, confused and unstable” (chapter 2) “When a person has been hurt in a relationship, they can only be healed in a relationship” (chapter 2)
When a child is hurt by someone, either on purpose or accident, a child finds it hard to trust that person. They question if they can. Events and that make them feel scared will affect their trust and how well they can relate to other people (adults and children). This can further lead to “loneliness, isolation, bullying or - worse still - being exploited.”
Trauma is known to make children act negatively, and this is because they don’t have enough “internal space to hold all of the negative feelings they feel”. 
When a child ‘acts out’ in these ways, it’s a clear sign that they are in need of help. From this point they can go a few ways, such as becoming a perfectionist to prove that they are good, or progressively get naughtier and naughtier to suit the label given to them. 
“Children can often hide their vulnerability by acting angry or tough or like they don’t care. But they do care. It’s just a way of protecting themselves because they are so used to being rejected and mistreated.” (chapter 2)
Subconsciously traumatic experiences can be linked with senses or situations, leading to the child being able to become ‘triggered’ at certain things, causing emotional outbursts. They are often sensory related. 
“Anger is usually an expression of fear... usually a learnt behavior that has kept them alive in times of extreme fear”
Things that can help a child in recovering from trauma are empathy, kindness, patience and communicating with the child one on one when possible. 
Children in War (Ebooks)
Children and Disasters: A Practical Guide to Healing and Recovery
Children that have lost a loved one or caretaker are found to be more likely to develop “emotional or personality disturbances than children who have not”. (page 10)
The age of the child will change how they experience traumatic events - “younger children are more vulnerable to injury than other children”, “experiences that could be tolerated by a 12 year old child can literally destroy an infant (Perry, 1997)” (page 75) 
“Children have been identified as being among the most susceptible among the population to negative effects of trauma” (page 85)
How a child is affected by a traumatic event will depend on certain variables, such as the child’s developmental level, their coping strategies, amount of exposure to trauma and the reactions of the people around them. The results seem to be greater when they “experience loss or devastation, are directly exposed to the event, are separated from their parents or see their parents react in a panicked manner” (pages 85-85)
Reference to Harry Stack Sullivan - Interpersonal Theory https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/f6ce/64e590d18de7c4d1c4a832cc06c03d0ea7ab.pdf (pages 226 - 233)
Stages of development: 
Infancy: Tenderness, good / bad mother, good / bad me
Childhood: Protection, Security, Syntaxic Language, Ego skills
Juvenile Era: Living in a world of peers, competition, compromise, cooperation
Preadolescence: Intimacy, affection, respect
Early Adolescence: Intimacy, lust, balance of lust, security operations
Late Adolescence: Fusion of intimacy and lust, discovery of self and the world outside the self
Signs of dysfunction by ‘developmental stage’
Infancy: Avoidant or ambivalent, dysfunctional attachment (mother figure significant) Childhood: Avoiding social interactions, inability to show sadness or empathy, aggression, impulsive, self-doubt Juvenile: Fails socially, motor awkwardness, lacks persistence, poor sense of self-competency (cooperative play important) Preadolescence: Dependant, lacks academic achievement, relationship difficulty Early Adolescence - Late Adolescence: Antisocial behaviors, lacks healthy coping skills, poor peer relationships
“Young school aged children (6-9) often feel responsible for events, loss or death. They still possess magical thinking and may associate loss and death with witches, monsters, violence, mutilation or punishment. Older school-age children (10-12) realize that death is permanent and that everyone dies.”  (page 93) 
Lack of attachment (Website Resources)
Psychology Today:
The long-term impact neglectful parents
“If there was a lack of emotional attachment in childhood, this affects relationships later in life and can make it difficult to trust others. Fear is often expressed and felt without always understanding why.”
“ – Idealization of [his] parents was essential for [his] survival.”
4 ways traumatic childhood affects adult relationships
“When caregivers reject [us] or are unresponsive to [our] needs, we may develop an insecure – avoidant or dismissive – avoidant attachment style. Likely to avoid close relationships or keep partners at an emotional distance. You may hide your feelings, push people away, keep secrets, and shut down when others show emotion.” “insecure-avoidant people often strongly desire relationships and feel alone”
“If caretakers fluctuate between being responsive to our needs and dismissive or neglectful…” “insecure – ambivalent or anxious-preoccupied attachment. Ever watchful of changes in your relationships, sometimes to the point of paranoia. May feel like you’re more devoted to your partner than they are to you, have low self – esteem, and show a high level of emotional dysregulation (mood swingss).
Affects our partners. Hard time recognising your partner’s emotions or responding appropriately to his or her feelings.”
“Children who do not form secure attachments to caregivers risk developing anxiety or other internalizing problems.”
“- insecurely attached children also are more likely to have difficulties regulating emotions and interacting competently with peers.”
“-children form attachments to caregivers who provide protection and care (Bowlby J. Attachment and loss: Vol. 1: Attachment. 2nd ed 1982)
Harvard Referencing
De Thierry and Betsy (2016) The Simple Guide to Child Trauma: What it is and How to Help. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Zubenko,W and Capozzoli,J (2002) Children and Disasters: A practical guide to Healing and Recovery. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Mcbride, K.B. 2017. Psychology Today. [Online]. [27 October 2019]. Available from: https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/the-legacy-distorted-love/201708/the-long-term-impact-neglectful-parents
Brandt, A.B. 2017. Psychology Today. [Online]. [27 October 2019]. Available from: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mindful-anger/201708/4-ways-traumatic-childhood-affects-adult-relationships
Kerns, K.A. 2014. Ncbi. [Online]. [27 October 2019]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3960076/
Ramires, V. 2016. Fronteirsin. [Online]. [05 November 2019]. Available From: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01783/full
Feist, J and Feist, G. (2008) Theories of personality. 7th. New York:  McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages [chapter 8]
Vogler, C. (2007) The Writer’s Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers. 3rd. California: Michael Wiese Productions
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pcrplevenom · 2 months ago
"Partially correct, it'ss having more to do with unpredictable mood swingss. The fact my ssight goes a little blind, iss irritating." Soldan couldn't walk without bumping into anything at home, resorting to isolating in a small space to avoid being seen. "Try having a cloudy eye coating, I ain't a fan of it." "Afterwardss? Oh, I feel better! I take another day to let my new scaless heal, and not doing a lot to damage any."
"Ohohoho, I can't wait! I sstill go to my job, a couple hourss away and finding the quickesst was there iss easy." shadow travel was risky, but kept her body heat in without cold exposure until getting inside. Soldan chuckled, softly. "Heh, true. Ssave the broken boness for the next persson who getss on your nervess." "Ugh, yeah. The grouchiness iss true, gettin' itchy iss worse. Day one? abssolutely horrible!"
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tamarabeck · 5 years ago
at once
suddenly, unexpectedly, time
becomes anything but what
it once was, suddenly it is
illusive, fluid, unreliable,
it depends on a prism of
illusion, undependable as the
pendulum that swingss in the
air, sending time scurrying
this way and that, across a
wicked memory of how it
used to be once upon a time
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jamesovaluesmarter · 8 years ago
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5 Signs you are addicted to goal setting 1) Goals have to be done no matter the cost 2) You go from one fad to another but this one is different 3) Achieving this goal will allow you to fit in 4) People cool off to your mood swingss 5) The only people you know, share the same goals #goalsetting #jamso http://ift.tt/2t6bCHq
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steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeve · 10 years ago
julia's on the right :)
Okie dokie
Thank you!! :)
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smalltattooedlady · 10 years ago
It was too pretty outside to stay indoors. He's always picking on me. ☀️😂 #parkdayz #swingss #lovinyouisfun
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