#swinging addis
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running-in-the-dark · 9 months ago
there's one kind of crochet hook that I can use without pain in my hand/wrist. they're expensive but worth it for me.
except now they're different and they just suck. they changed the shape, material, and even the hook itself. I know they have and that this is really the new version because I messaged the manufacturer - that's how much this bothered me.
the new version is worse than the cheap ones I have from a set that costs less for 10 than one of these does...
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gloomysoup · 2 months ago
thank god for robin buckley
@steddiebingo christmas prompt: cock block
rating: explicit | word count: 2512 | tags: omegaverse, edging, fingering, fluff, platonic stobin | ao3
Steve was going to die. He was absolutely certain of it. He had not gotten laid in weeks, and he was so keyed up. He would even be satisfied with a quick fingering in the bathroom as if they were horny teenagers sneaking around again.
It was nearly impossible for any of that to occur with four small children that rely on them for everything.
Before, they learned how to be quiet. They could get in some quick alone time often enough to keep them both satisfied, most often at night when the pups were tucked into bed. Lately, however, this has not worked.
Let it be said that Steve loves his pups, more than anything in the world. He would never ever trade them for anything. But.
Lucy refuses to sleep in her crib. She absolutely must be attached to someone, usually Steve, in order to sleep. Plus, she's been teething so much that it's been nearly impossible to soothe her. Violet has been going through another sleep regression, which means unfortunately, Addie isn't sleeping either. So far, James is the only one still sleeping through the night, but Steve isn't holding his breath. At this rate, he figures it's only a matter of time before James joins his sisters in not sleeping. During the day, when the older girls are at school, Eddie is working.
Things have not worked out for Steve very well lately.
It's the weekend. Eddie is off work, and Steve is determined. He gets James to lay down for a nap, which he may or may not take. Addie and Violet are playing in their room, and Lucy is in her swing in the nursery. Steve knows they don't have much time before Lucy realizes she's alone and starts screaming again. Eddie is in the kitchen, humming to himself as he washes up the lunch dishes.
Steve grabs his hand and tugs him to the bedroom. Eddie watches with an amused smile on his face, willingly at Steve’s mercy. Their kisses get hot and heavy quick, Eddie’s hand already dipping below Steve’s waistband.
And then Violet is screaming bloody murder two rooms away, crying for Eddie like she's dying.
Eddie kisses him quickly, already moving away from Steve. “I'll be right back,” he promises.
Steve groans as Eddie leaves the bed and slips out the door. By the time he comes back from diffusing the situation, caused by a toy, Lucy is crying. The moment is gone. They've lost their chance.
All of the pups are finally asleep in their own beds. For the first time in months, Lucy stayed asleep when Steve put her in the crib. They finally get some alone time.
Eddie’s hands are gentle against his skin as they slip under his shirt; their kisses are soft, but filled with intent. They're pressed together until they are nearly one unit. Steve is finally going to get what he needs.
And then some asshole nearby sets off fireworks.
It takes no time for Lucy’s cries to come through the baby monitor, and then their door opens to Addie and Violet asking to sleep with them, tears in their eyes. Steve sighs as he throws the covers back and gets out of bed to get Lucy. He checks on James on his way back, who is still sleeping like a rock. He even has to stop to make sure he's still actually breathing, which he is.
When he gets back to the bedroom, Lucy in his arms, Eddie is already curled up with the girls. He looks at Steve over two heads of curly hair as he climbs back under the covers and gets comfortable. “James?”
Steve huffs a soft laugh. “Sleeping like a rock. I swear, that kid sleeps through anything.”
Eddie smiles and shuffles closer, squishing the girls tightly between them. Addie giggles quietly from where her face is in Eddie’s shirt, wiggling for a moment before getting comfortable and settling again. “I'm sorry we didn't get to finish what we started,” he said softly, eyes still on Steve despite the curls that are practically up his nose from the pup against him. “I know we’ve been trying to get some time to ourselves for a while, and it just doesn't work out.”
Steve sighed, tucking Lucy close to his chest and brushing his hand over the curls on Violet’s head. “It's okay. Our pups need us more.”
“Doesn't mean you can't be upset, baby.”
Steve shook his head quickly. “I'm not upset, though. Frustrated, maybe, but… we're parents.” He shrugged one shoulder. “Sometimes our own wants have to take a backseat, and that's okay. I wouldn't trade this life for anything.”
Eddie smiled again, reaching for Steve’s hand and giving it a squeeze. “I promise I'll find a way to make it up to you, though. Eventually.”
Steve smiled back, lacing their fingers together. “I know you will.”
The next time they finally get an opportunity to be alone, it's a bright Sunday morning. Lucy was down for her morning nap, and the three older kids are occupied by a movie in the living room. Steve and Eddie knew they had at least half an hour before one of them got bored. They knew it would have to be quick and quiet, which they had basically mastered by the time Violet was six months old. They certainly enjoyed taking their time more, but they didn't get many opportunities once their family really started growing.
The baby monitor was on the dresser, the kids were occupied, the door was locked. Everything was perfect. Eddie’s lips were on Steve’s neck, nipping gently as he breathed in his scent right from the source. They'd spent a good five minutes just making out like they were kids again, which is probably five minutes longer than they should've, but they just couldn't help themselves. Steve’s hair was fanned out on the bedspread, slightly messy from Eddie’s hands raking through it and the occasional tug. Eddie’s lips trailed to his chest, so careful where he knew Steve was most sensitive. His hand slipped under Steve’s shorts, teasing exactly where he knew Steve wanted him. He didn't tease for long, though. He knew they were short on time.
He slowly pressed his finger up inside, swallowing Steve’s shuddering gasp with a sharp kiss. He started slow; they hadn't done anything in a while. He didn't want to hurt him. He was just beginning to press a second finger, so slow and careful with his eyes on Steve for any sign of discomfort.
Then the front door opened.
“Poppy!” all three pups exclaimed from the living room. There was the sound of clambering pups and Wayne’s laughter.
Steve whined, high in his throat, as Eddie removed his hand. Eddie pressed kisses to his neck, mating gland, cheeks, and lips in quick succession.
“‘m sorry, baby,” he whispered with a very apologetic look before standing up and trying to straighten himself out. Steve didn't move for several moments. Not until he heard Wayne asking the pups where they were. Then he sighed, pulled himself from the bed, and tried to look presentable before they slipped down the hallway to the living room.
Wayne was bent down on one knee, James in his arms and Violet clambering up onto his back. The pair stepped into the room, really hoping it didn't look like they had been in the middle of something. They both knew Wayne had seen more than his fair share of the two of them in compromising positions.
When Wayne stood up and saw them, he took in their appearances and merely raised an eyebrow. Yeah… Steve should've seen that coming. Wayne always knows.
“You two busy?” he asked, still giving them head to toe looks.
Eddie cleared his throat and smiled. “Can always make time for you, old man.”
“Mhm.” Wayne gave them a very knowing, slightly judgy look.
“So, what're you doing in town for, Wayne?” Steve asked as nonchalantly as he could manage. “You didn't have to make the drive, y’know.”
Wayne shrugged, adjusting his hold on James. “Had a few vacation days needed usin’ up. Figured I'd come up and see the pups for a bit. I can go back, though. Get outta y'all's hair if ya got plans.”
“‘Course not, Uncle Wayne,” Eddie said. “We’d love to have you. Wouldn't we, sweetheart?”
Steve smiled. “Absolutely. You're always welcome here, Wayne.”
Part of Steve thought that maybe, just maybe, having Wayne over meant he and Eddie could get even a smidgen of alone time. That was not the case, however. Despite Wayne doing what he could to help out with the pups, Violet had been acting particularly clingy lately. She had always been a very clingy baby, always wanting to be with Steve or Eddie, and she did good with the separation stuff for a little while when James was born. It helped that she shared a room with Addie, and that had really been their intention with putting the two girls together anyway.
For some reason, though, it was back like a vengeance. She spent almost every night in their bed. And while Steve would never even dream of giving up this time with his pup while she still offered it, it had made spending any time with Eddie pretty much impossible.
Of course, it's Robin that finally comes to his rescue.
She's hanging out while Steve folds laundry on a Saturday morning. Addie and Violet were playing in their room, James was sitting on the living room floor playing with some cars, and Eddie had taken Lucy to the store with him to go grocery shopping. Robin watched with a raised brow as Steve folded clothes in what he thought was a perfectly normal way, but apparently not to Robin.
He huffed a little as he stuck the folded clothes into the basket, organized by room, and Robin pursed her lips.
“What?” Steve asked, voice maybe a little more tense than it needed to be.
“Just wondering what the fuck you're problem is,” Robin responded. “You're real tense, babe.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “I wouldn't be so tense if I could actually get laid.”
Robin’s eyebrows shot up. “You haven't gotten laid recently? Well, that explains the attitude. How long has it been?”
Steve huffed. “Like, almost three months, Rob.”
“You're joking.”
“Wish I was.” Steve groaned and rubbed his hands over his face. “No matter what I do, it just never happens. And trust me, we've tried. One time, we even got so far as his fingers inside of me, and then Wayne showed up. And of course, it's Wayne, so he immediately knew what was going on. I absolutely could not do anything while he was here, though, because, like, that's basically my dad, and he's put up with enough of our shit. Plus, you know how clingy Violet has been lately. Every single time we think we're finally gonna be able to have sex, something happens and the moment is gone. I am suffering, Robs, and Eddie has been so fucking sweet about it, because he knows I'm- I'm all pent up. He has done everything he can, but it never works out how we want it to.”
Robin shook her head. “Absolutely not. That is not gonna fly.” Robin was standing up and leaving the room before Steve even knew what was happening. “Come on, Jamie, let's go get dressed. Auntie Robin’s got some fun plans today,” he heard her say before moving down the hallway to the bedrooms. He heard James get up to follow her.
God bless Robin Buckley.
By the time Eddie got home, the rest of the pups were dressed and ready to go. Eddie frowned as Lucy was immediately scooped from his arms and taken back outside.
“Hurry up and unload the groceries so I can steal your children,” Robin said as she moved past him.
“No questions!”
Eddie shook his head and looked at Steve, who merely smiled and went outside to bring in the groceries. Once everything was inside, and all the pups were safely buckled up into the car, Robin was gone with nothing more than a, “Have fun getting railed!” yelled out the window.
Steve and Eddie were finally alone.
Despite how much he immediately wanted to pounce on Eddie, he knew they had to get the groceries put away first. As they moved around the kitchen, Eddie hummed softly.
“What's Robin’s deal?” he asked just as he was sliding the last box of cereal into the cabinet. “She just up and stole our children.”
“They'll be back later,” Steve said softly, reaching for Eddie’s hand and leading him out of the kitchen. “She just thought we could use some… alone time.”
Eddie smirked and raised an eyebrow. “Alone time, huh?” Steve nodded, dragging Eddie closer and closer to their bedroom. “And what're we gonna do with all this alone time?”
Steve smiled as they crossed the threshold into their bedroom, hand already sliding down to unbutton his own jeans. “I can think of a few things to fill the time.”
Steve and Eddie curled up in their bed, naked and sweaty, but happy. Steve’s head rested on Eddie’s chest, listening to his heartbeat and feeling the rise and fall with his breathing. Eddie’s fingers trailed up and down Steve’s back, his nose buried in his hair. They'd have to get up soon to shower and put on some clothes. Their pups would be home soon, and it would be back to business as usual for the Munson household.
But there was still a little bit of time.
“I love you,” Steve whispered, closing his eyes for a moment and letting himself take everything in.
“I love you more,” Eddie replied, just as quiet. “I'm sorry I haven't made more time for you lately.”
Steve shook his head. “It's okay. Our lives are busy. It happens, and it’s not your fault.”
“Still. You deserve better.”
Steve shifted a little in Eddie’s hold, tilting his head so he was buried in Eddie’s neck instead. “I have everything I could ever want and more, thanks to you. We've got four beautiful pups, and our friends, and our life. You work so hard to provide for us, Eddie, so that I can have the absolute privilege of staying home with our babies all day. You didn't have to do all that, but you did. Do I wish I could have sex with my amazing husband more often than we do? Absolutely. But it's not like I'm completely unsatisfied with our life. I love our life, Eddie, even if we do get a little too busy to have time to ourselves sometimes.”
He could feel Eddie’s smile as he kissed his forehead, tightening his arms around him for a moment. “You are truly amazing, my love,” he murmured. “Thank god for Robin Buckley, though.”
Steve chuckled, nuzzling into the side of Eddie’s throat to take in his scent.
“Thank god for Robin Buckley.”
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meguwumibear · 7 months ago
cant stop thinking about fake dating monoma....
"You're asking me out?" he laughs. Monoma laughs with his whole body. Mouth. Stomach. Hands. He uses them all as he insults you. "My how the mighty have fallen."
You roll your eyes with an exacerbated sigh. Motherfucker never did listen to much other than the sound of his own voice. Selective hearing. Shinsou tried to warn you. Monoma hears only what he wants to.
"I'm pretending to ask you out, dipshit," you clarify. "To boost our stats."
The plan seemed reasonable enough when you first hatched it. The public loves to stick their upturned noses into the private lives of heroes. The more a hero discloses, the higher their rank. Correlation and causation or whatever-the-fuck your PR team said. You need some press. You need to leak something juicy. Hence, fake dating Monoma. It's foolproof, isn't it? Now that you've actually pitched the thing to the smug bastard, you're not so sure.
"How's dating you gonna boost my stats exactly?" he asks.
"Well, for one I out rank you," you say, eager to throw that in his face. "Hanging around with someone in the top thirty is bound to increase your position. The top spots aren't determined solely by number of saves and take downs. It's a fucking popularity contest, and we're competing for a crown."
"Hmm, hmm, hmmmmm," Monoma hums as he theatrically taps his pointer finger against his chin in faux contemplation. God damn you picked the absolute worst person to fake date. Should've gone with the perverted grape guy instead. Little fucker probably would've jumped at the opportunity to call himself your boyfriend.
"I don't have all day, Monoma," you say. "You in or you out?"
He flashes you a disgustingly cheeky grin. The smile is all teeth and absent of any semblance of sincerity.
"Oh, I suppose I could be swayed," he relents. "If.......," a pregnant pause for dramatic effect. Typical, "the fake girlfriend package comes with real girlfriend privileges."
You raise an inquiring eyebrow at him. If the smarmy git wants sex he can ask for it like the grown ass man he is instead of alluding to it like some high school brat.
"I am of course referring to sexual intercourse," he oh-so helpfully clarifies. "Including, but not limited to-"
"Yeah, yeah," you say with a wave of your hand to shut him up. If you have to listen to the end of that sentence you might end up punting him off the roof. "Whatever you want."
Monoma's eyebrows disappear behind his poorly styled emo bangs that he never aged out of. "Whatever I want?" he parrots. "God, you're just as desperate as the rest of them without the numbers to back you up. Think the Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight would result to such petty tricks?"
"Yes or no, Monoma," you huff, pressing at your temples to stem an impending tidal wave of a headache. "If you're above this maybe I'll ask the Great Explosion Murder God himself."
Monoma's eyes darken at that, despite the fact that he only has himself to blame for putting the idea in your head.
To his credit, Monoma collects himself quickly and shoves his phone in your hands.
"Number and addy," he says. "I'm staying with Kendo so my place is OOTQ for R-rated content. I'll swing by yours after my patrol tonight for a trial run. I'm guessing you can afford to live alone. based on your rank, number thirty."
"What fucking trial run?" you ask as you add your contact to his phone. You throw in a red heart emoji too, before replacing it with a peach, tongue, and water emoji instead. The pretend relationship needs to look real and there's no way in hell Monoma's the romantic type.
He smirks as he snatches his phone back from you.
"Figure I'm entitled to a seven day free trial before I actually subscribe. It's just good costumer service. Even that prick Bezo's knows it. Don't tell me the aspiring number one hero has less ethics than that capitalistic pig?"
"Oh for fuck's sake," you spit. "Fine. What the hell. Not like I want to be stuck fucking you if your dick game's mid. Swing by tonight. Bring your tiny cock and that bratty attitude of yours. Might be nice to fuck it out of you."
Monoma's grin is borderline predatory. His mouth is open wide enough to expose the sharp tips of his teeth again, and they look like they're just itching to bite. He leans over the table to whisper his next few words in your ear.
"My dick's not tiny," he says, before excusing himself. Then, as he turns to leave, "And I won't be the one getting the brat fucked out of them tonight. See you soon, love."
He disappears around the corner with one last wave of his hand, and you can't help but wonder what the actual fuck you've just gotten yourself into.
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Abel Son of Adam and Lucifer
Back in the days of Eden when Lilith was convincing Eve to eat the Forbidden Fruit, Lucifer was making love to Adam. Even though Lilith lied and said that Adam was trying to control her, they were both happy to see each other. Adam told Lucifer that Eve was pregnant with his child and how he wanted to be pregnant with Lucifer’s child. Lucifer agreed to what Adam wanted and made love to him. He decided that he would stay in Eden with Adam and Lilith could go or stay if she desired. But Lilith was caught and told the angels that Lucifer convinced Eve to eat the Forbidden Fruit. Lucifer was banished with Lilith to Hell and Adam left Eden when they banished Eve from it saying that he would help her create humanity. Eve gave birth to Cain and Adam gave birth to Abel. Thousands of years later it was believed that Adam was killed in Hell, but he became a fallen angel. Lucifer was shocked to get a phone call from Rosie.
Lucifer: Hello.
Rosie: You may want to come to Cannibal Town right now.
Lucifer: Why?
Rosie: You know how many of my cannibals cleaned the battlefield? Well a certain angel was taken from the battlefield and woke up before his body was butchered.
Lucifer: Adam is alive?
Rosie: Yes and he is a fallen angel now.
Lucifer hung up his phone and sprouted his wings to fly to Cannibal Town. Susan was complaining outside of Rosie’s home saying that she wanted to eat Adam. Lucifer walked past her and walked it. Rosie was sitting with Adam who now had black and gold horns as well as greyish skin, shimmery black wings, fangs instead of teeth, black sclera in his eyes, and lamb like ears. He was picking at the cookies Rosie provided looking absolutely miserable. But when he looked up at Lucifer he looked hopeful.
Adam: I want to see our son.
Lucifer: Abel? Adam I..... I don't know if I can swing that.
Adam stood up: Why not?
Lucifer: The Extermination just ended, Heaven is more than a little pissed off at the moment they aren't going to do me a favor.
Adam looked down sadly, he needed to let their son know that he was alive and okay. Relatively speaking of course, he was stabbed in the back. He sniffed, Abel was probably worried about him when all the angels came back and he didn't.
Lucifer: Thank you Rosie for keeping Susan away from him.
Rosie: No problem your majesty, she's a stubborn old bitch but I can take her.
Lucifer put his arm around Adams waist: Come on Addie, let's go.
Adam nodded sadly going with Lucifer, he opened a portal to the Morningstar Manor where Adam collapsed on the couch and cried.
Lucifer handed him a cell phone: You can call him.
Adam sat up and took the phone: Yeah! I'll call him, he'll answer the phone for me.
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sugrhigh · 1 year ago
BACKSTAGE - ( m.s )
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summary- your best friend caught the eye of the bass player in a band local to boston, your hometown, so you’re invited to the second to last stop of their US tour. they can definitely put on a show, and all of them are very welcoming when you meet them backstage. then there’s the asshole grumpy drummer with the inflated ego, who can’t seem to stop staring.
warnings- cursing, smoking, drinking, ???
band au (triplets are in their mid 20s)
drummer!matt x fem!reader (this song ^^ inspired me and it’s good af so i’m including it)
a/n: this has been brewing for a while and i kinda forking love this concept, i hope i brought it to life well! hope u enjoy and as always my inbox is open for whateva #kisses ****part 2 to come
@fawnchives @55sturn @teapartyprincess4two @l9vesick @sturnlova @cupidsword @junnniiieee07 @mattnchrisworld @cherrypostsposts
“are you sure you want to do this?” you ask her as you two linger by the bar at the back of the venue.
people are clearing out, all happily chattering after an incredible concert. you have to admit that it was a great performance, and the sold out crowd helped.
they’re a pretty talented band. and the bass player really wants your best friend.
all it took to get him interested was a single comment on one of his recent posts. adelaide is undeniably gorgeous, and she’s also built a decent following through her recent modeling jobs.
she stands out in any comment section and in crowds like these, so it makes sense that he hit her up. that’s why you’re here anyways.
mister bass player had invited you guys to the first of two sold out shows in this place. it’s the last stop on the band’s US leg, in their hometown, which happens to be where you and adelaide live.
“yes dude, for the hundredth time, im sure. and he’s waiting on us, so stop stalling. i know you have more balls than that.” adelaide gives you a pointed look.
you can’t help but roll your eyes. “i promise you i don’t care enough about what these guys think to be scared.”
“now that sounds more like you.” she teases as she pulls her phone out of her back pocket.
the light from the screen illuminates her face, and you watch as she taps something out quickly.
“chris said someone is gonna come get us.”
“can’t wait.” you smile sarcastically as you respond.
addy doesn’t even get the chance to yell at you about your attitude before a big buff guy dressed in all black approaches the two of you, dark hair slicked against his skull. SECURITY is printed across his jacket in bold yellow letters.
“you ladies enjoy the show?” his voice is deep, which matches his huge stature perfectly.
“oh, it was amazing! i’m assuming you’re jason?” adelaide beams at him, pushing her dark curls out of her face.
he nods once. “that’s me. you guys ready to head backstage?”
“yup, just lead the way.”
the two of you follow jason back down toward the front of the stage, around the protective barricade to a door that almost blends right in with the venue’s dark walls.
he knocks on it three times. another tall man opens it for him and ushers the two of you inside before people start to pay too much attention.
“dressing rooms this way.” the new guy leads you through the backstage area, down a narrow hallway until he stops in front of one of the doors. there’s a little placard with their band name on it, which is cute.
this time nobody thinks to knock, because it’s already pretty loud. once the door swings open the sound is even more overwhelming.
you count seven people, all sitting around on the couches and vanity seats in the dim lighting. three of them are nearly identical, which surprises you. you thought there were only two brothers in the band.
several bottles of champagne crowd the coffee table already, and they’ve only been off the stage for ten minutes.
all of them are watching the two of you now, and it makes you want to crawl out of your skin.
“look who it is.” one of the twins (or apparently triplets) that’s sitting on the couch sets his glass down and gets up to greet you.
his brown hair is long, longer than the others, hidden slightly by a black boston hat. he’s dressed in a celtics jersey and baggy jeans, clearly happy to be representing his city tonight.
“good to see you, chris.” adelaide smiles into his chest as he pulls her into a tight embrace that lasts for a few seconds too long.
“i promise it’s better to see you.” he smirks as he finally pulls away, not even trying to hide his gaze as he admires the way her outfit hugs her body.
then he turns to you, and you suddenly feel like a spotlight is shining directly in your face.
“it’s nice to meet you too, y/n. addy tells me you’re even cooler than she is.” chris says, wrapping his arm around your friends shoulder lazily.
“can’t argue with that.” you shrug with a grin, impressed that he remembered your name without having to ask.
he looks around and clears his throat, and the others stop chatting. “everyone, this is adelaide and y/n. introduce yourselves.”
one of the clones that was sitting beside chris speaks up now. “shouldn’t they know who we are?”
he looks directly at you with an uninterested gaze that’s somehow still so intense you almost lose your breath. he’s in all black, fluffy hair styled a bit shorter than chris’s.
his harley davidson muscle tee is cut off right above his black pants, revealing just the smallest sliver of his stomach as he leans back against the cushions casually. so many tattoos, so many rings.
it’s annoying that you notice this, even despite how pissed off you are at his stupid question.
“i hate to burst your bubble, but i wouldn’t be able to guess your name even if someone put a gun to my head.” you bite back without thinking, and laughter erupts around you.
“that’s exactly what you deserve for a dickhead comment like that, matt.” another currently-unnamed guy says.
he’s on the other sofa with the last of the carbon-copy brothers, arm around the waist of the beautiful girl that’s perched on his lap. the couple smile at you and adelaide.
“feel free to ignore him. i’m nathan, lead guitar.” he introduces himself.
“i’m his girlfriend jen.” the dark-haired woman chimes in, offering you a friendly wave.
“im nick,” the triplet sitting next to them finally reveals his name, “i’m not in the band, i’m just their tour photographer. my brothers got the musical talent.”
“kids a genius with a camera though.” chris adds, still sidled up against adelaide.
“names sam. i’m the singer.” a blonde boy with hair cropped close to his skull says with a nod.
he’s sitting on one of the vanity chairs that’ve been set up in a half circle, tipping the rest of his champagne back after he speaks.
“and i’m just his older sister gabby.” the girl beside him sticks her hand out, and you take a step forward to shake it.
“dont say just. and i love your necklace.” you compliment the barbed wire chain around her throat, and she waves her free hand at you, flushing slightly.
“you’re sweet.”
“it’s nice to meet you all. the show was fantastic, we had a blast.” adelaide addresses everyone with that award-winning grin you know and love.
chris leads her over to the couch and they sit down, pressed against each other like they’re attached at the hip. you have to admit it’s a little cute. you take the open chair next to gabby, opting to avoid sitting next to matt just to be near your friend.
“are you both from boston too?” sam asks, reaching to refill his drink.
jen gets up from nate’s lap to grab two more glasses from one of the cabinets, which is a kind gesture that you weren’t really expecting.
“yeah. we met in college and ended up staying in the city together.” you answer as he moves to pour your champagne next.
“that makes you what, 22? i am about to serve you alcohol.”
you can’t help but laugh, so adelaide answers instead. “we’re 25, but i’ll take that as a compliment.”
he puts his hands up in apology as you grab your glass. “so not recent graduates then, my bad.”
you can still feel matt staring at you, and when you meet his gaze over the rim of your drink he doesn’t shy away. your own eyes narrow slightly, because you dont understand why he won’t fucking quit it.
“what do you do for work?” nathan questions, and you finally break out of your trance to look over.
“i was in publishing for a bit, but i mainly model now.” addy responds first.
chris’s hand goes to grip her thigh endearingly as she sips her champagne. “can’t you tell?”
“stop it.” she nudges him slightly, though you can see a faint blush appear beneath her bronzed skin.
nate rolls his eyes before looking your way. “and you?”
“i’m a media manager for a few different brands.”
“really? like who?”
it’s matt speaking, you know even before you turn your head to meet his cold eyes once more. he’s challenging you, inked arms crossed over his chest defensively as he waits for an answer.
“well for one, those pants you’re wearing? i work with that company.” you reply bluntly.
you’d recognize those cargos anywhere, the faded star patches are a dead giveaway. matt’s face drops in surprise, and nick snorts, giving you a nod of approval that doesn’t go unnoticed.
“i can’t believe you work for vamped. we all get like, half of our wardrobe from there.” he admits.
“raiding her closet is a real treat, trust me.” adelaide makes it sound like a joke, but she actually does love to come over and steal all your favorite pieces.
it would be annoying if you didn’t love her so much.
jen smiles, cuddled back up on her boyfriend’s knee as she looks between the two of you. “i like you girls already.”
“yeah, and i respect anyone who can humble matt that quickly.” sam nods along in agreement, and you recognize that he’s talking about you in particular.
“oh, so i take it he’s like this all the time then?” your question is directed at sam, but you’re looking at the subject himself as you ask it.
“pretty much.” chris nudges matt with a silly grin, and he scowls in return, though he’s still watching you.
you can’t decipher what he’s feeling, what he’s thinking, and you don’t like it one bit. to be fair, you don’t know him at all yet, but you know the type.
you’ve met enough high profile people through vamped to understand that this kid thinks he’s some kind of god, probably because his friends tell him so.
but you’re not his friend, and you don’t owe him any politeness if he can’t bother to reciprocate it. you keep your eyes on him as sam redirects the conversation away from the two of you, another challenge of your own, and he finally looks away a moment later.
you take it as a win.
a few rounds of drinks later you can feel the heat creeping up your cheeks, blissfully tipsy as you continue to swap stories about anything and everything with the rest of the group.
chris and adelaide are in their own little world, whispering shit back and forth to each other like school girls.
matt hasn’t said a single word to you since you name-dropped your highest paying client just to embarrass him. he watches the rest of you interact, though that burning gaze of his always seems to meet yours anyways.
its driving you crazy, and you’re itching for a quick pause from the socialization, as nice as (almost) everyone has been.
“i’m gonna go for a smoke.” you address the group, mainly adelaide, and you’re met with a couple nods.
“same.” matt replies gruffly, and your heart falters.
of fucking course.
he pushes himself to a standing position before you can protest, or say anything really. his shirt is even more cropped now that he’s stretched to his full height, and you’re staring straight at his exposed happy trail and v-line. you’re pretty sure you see the top of a small tattoo by his hip.
your mouth goes dry, and you busy yourself grabbing your little purse from the floor.
“hurry back, i wanna hear more about this PR box fiasco.” gabby points a finger at you as you get up next, and you smile even though you know it’s a weak attempt.
“i’ll be quick.” you promise her.
adelaide gives you a little wave goodbye, which doesn’t quell your nerves as you turn to follow matt, who doesn’t wait for you to catch up.
he just throws the dressing room door open carelessly, letting it swing back so you have to stop it with your hand before it hits you. you glare at the back of his head, though you follow him in silence because you don’t know the way outside.
another security guard stands in the hall, and matt greets him with a quick nod as he heads outside, once again neglecting to hold it for you.
you mutter a quick hello to the man before stepping onto the little back patio. it’s the end of summer, edging toward fall now, so there’s just a slight chill in the air.
he’s already leaned up against the brick wall, situated on one of the steps down to the gated parking lot. for the first time tonight, he’s actually not looking at you, and it’s somewhat of a relief.
you dig around in your bag to retrieve your crinkled carton of cigarettes, flipping the lid open to pull one out and stick it between your lips. you’re about to put them away when matt clears his throat.
“can i bum one?” he asks softly.
it’s the least aggressive he’s been all night, and it throws you so off guard you can’t find anything to say back so him. so you just nod slowly, grabbing another cigarette for him and passing it over.
“you got a light? couldn’t bring mine in.” you mutter, though your words slur because of the cig that’s between your teeth.
matt nods, ruffling his hair with one hand as the other slips into his back pocket. he pulls out a red disposable lighter and ignites it in one swift motion.
he holds it up to your mouth, burning the end of the thin roll of tobacco. he’s staring at your lips, thinking about how soft they look wrapped around that filter paper.
matt doesn’t want to be wondering what it would be like to feel them against his own, because you embarrassed him. he hates being embarrassed, especially by someone who walked right into his dressing room like she owned it.
you’re unlike any girl he’s ever met, and he’s fucking entranced.
you inhale, glancing to meet his blue eyes as the smoke fill your lungs, completely unaware of his thoughts. it’s familiar, and it calms you down a little bit.
you pull it from your mouth to exhale, watching as he lights his own before slipping the plastic device back into his pocket. he slumps back up against the wall, kicking one leg up to steady himself.
it’s silent again for a moment while you both enjoy the brief hits of nicotine, letting the clouds swirl up into the night. you both go to ash at the same time, and he breaks the tension first.
“so, what did you think of the show, sweetheart? your friend spoke for you, but i’m sure you have your own opinion.” he says, one side of his mouth tilted up.
you weigh up his statement, rewinding to an hour ago. you guys were in the upper wing, right by the stage in the front row. the view was great, and the energy was definitely there.
you remember matt, sweaty and focused as he banged on those fucking drums like his life depended on it. your eyes were drawn to him for a lot of the performance, to the intensity he brought to the stage.
that was before you knew about his superiority complex, though you should have been expecting it. he is, after all, a rising rock star.
“it was good.” you reply bluntly, shrugging as you bring your cigarette back to your lips.
he fully smiles now, though it’s not a warm one. then he follows your lead and takes another drag as well, his tattoos shifting as his muscles flex and relax due to the movement.
“don’t fucking humor me.” matt finally says seriously, and you narrow your eyes.
“i wasn’t, but it doesn’t matter either way. you think you’re the shit regardless.” you snap back.
matt softens a bit at your tone, but he’s also backed into a corner. you confuse him, because you’re impossible to read. that’s never happened to him before, and it’s annoyingly enticing.
“you don’t know a damn thing about me.”
“i know your type.” you argue sourly, sucking in another mouthful of smoke.
he turns his full attention to you now, shifting so he can look you right in the eyes. you wish it didn’t intimidate you so much, but the way he’s been leering at you all night makes you sweat.
“and what type would that be, hm?” matt goads.
you nudge at the concrete with the toe of your sneaker, pausing briefly to compose your answer.
“you’re arrogant, which either comes from the fame or the praise, or most likely both. in fact, you’re so cocky that you probably can’t be around anyone without patronizing them. i bet they all tell you how talented and badass you are, but you wanna know what i think?” you ask him, taking a hit of your cigarette for dramatic effect.
and it works. matt is hanging onto every word, waiting for you to deliver the final punch as you take a step closer, blowing the vapor toward him.
“i think that the whole time, they’re just waiting for you to shut the fuck up.”
for a second the world is still, and neither of you move an inch. he’s just studying you, eyes skipping across your face like he’s trying to commit it to memory.
“you want to know what i think?” he questions you quietly, and you can’t help but watch his lips as they move.
so pretty and pink, and you know he would taste like tobacco and sweat. you want to give in, but you won’t. one thing about you is that you’re stubborn, and you refuse to make the first move for this asshole.
“i think you like it.” matt finishes, so close to your lips now that he’s practically whispering his words against them.
just as you think he’s about to kiss you, to give you the power you crave, he tosses his cigarette to the ground and snuffs it out before stepping around you.
the only reminder that the moment was real is the door slamming shut behind him.
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ohodie · 11 months ago
spiderman!luke castellan x reader
part 1 || part 2
★ "i am sick of the chase but i'm hungry for blood, and theres nothing i can do"
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ABOUT - luke castellan is new york's very own 'friendly neighbourhood spider-man'- because of course he fuckin' is. to make matters even better, you're the only one at school who knows. lucky you.
WARNINGS - australian slang yet again (sorry guys, i cant help it. its in my blood!), swearing, first person?? idk i thought it'd be cool. sorry if it sucks. lol. mentions of adderall (she has ADHD) and vaping. reader is a rich girl and the leader of the sassy girl apocolypse.
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"are you okay, ma'am?"
"dont call me ma'am, luke."
"okay, what the fuck."
that's how i found out the nerd in my AP chemistry class was spider-boy. i mean, obviously i had caught on to his whole 'superhero thing' like, a week after the news articles started flooding in. it was so obvious.
luke is probably one of the only guys in the world dumb enough to put on a latex suit in order to help old ladies cross the street. sure, he's a good samaritan- and sure, he's saving small businesses from being mugged into bankruptcy and shit; but who cares?
every night, i see him swinging from building to building like a fucking weirdo. it gets old after the first 100 foot drop down from the hilton hotels building. like, we get it. you're spider-man. good for you.
sadly, my cynicism was brought to a halt as soon as he saved me from being brutally robbed on my way home. of course i got mugged on the one day i decided not to wear my doc martens. just my luck.
i used to cut through this sketchy alleyway to get to my bus stop because it took way too long walking around the block- that was my first mistake. DO NOT GO INTO SKETCHY ALLEYWAYS IN NEW YORK. NOTHING GOOD HAPPENS IN AN ALLEYWAY.
my second mistake was deciding against popping my second addy during 5th period, because if i had, then maybe i'd be alert enough to clock what was happening before this druggie had his glock pointed at my head. well, at least it wasn't his dick. praise the lord!
the druggie snuck behind me, before literally grabbing me by the neck and pushing me up against the wall of the dingy alleyway. then, he pulled out a WHOLE ASS GUN from his pocket and held it to my head, using the sleeve of his sweater to cover its form.
my breath hitched as the water bottle inside my backpack pressed against my spine. that was my third mistake. frank green water bottles hurt when they're pushing into your bones.
"you're gonna give me all the money you've got on you, kay?" he asked in a low, raspy voice. he definitely smoked 5 packs a day.
nevertheless, i nodded and reached into the side pocket of my backpack. i pulled out my cute little mimco purse and started taking out all the cash in it. it hurt my soul to get rid of it- that money was supposed to go towards my new vape. bummer.
my hands were shaking as they held the messy assortment of bills, waiting for him to take it from me and just leave me alone.
"good. thanks- dont be tellin' anyone about this, or else i'll find you,' he threatened, slowly pulling the gun away from my head.
"i wont, i swear!"
"you're taller than him, ma'am. why dont you just kick him to the curb?"
i furrowed my brows, my eyes scanning the alleyway for the origins of the voice. the origins of luke's voice.
his nasally tone was so distinct, i could recognise it with my head underwater.
"the fuck?" called out the short, ugly smoker with my money. he whipped his head around furiously, suddenly a lot more alarmed than when he was robbing me. suddenly, the nerdy loser in latex swung down and pushed him onto the cold ground.
spider-boy grabbed his wrists and held them behind his back, before webbing them together in some homemade handcuffs.
"are you fuckin' kidding me?" the guy grumbled, his voice muffled by the gravel pushing against his mouth as spider-dork held his head to the ground.
"nope, not kidding you," he sighed, using his webs to secure the man into his position on the ground. he dug into the mans pockets and pulled out my money.
yep, that was luke castellan all right.
spider-nerd leapt off the constrained druggie and walked over to me, handing me back my assortment of bills. "are you okay, ma'am?" he asked, looking downwards a bit to meet my gaze.
thats exactly how luke looks at me. he's gotta be luke- he HAS to be.
i had been watching luke for weeks. i had been analysing his every movement, every strange look and awkward gesture. i was 99.9% sure that spider-man was luke castellan.
but there was only one way to find out.
"dont call me ma'am, luke."
luke choked on air, taking a step forwards as he clumsily held onto the wall in shock. "okay, what the fuck?"
i laughed dryly, my eyes narrowed as i stared at him. the whole ‘spider-man’ thing really did suit him.
"you know?" he stuttered out. i nodded, before pointing over at the guy still squirming under his webs. "maybe you should get rid of him," i said calmly, crossing my arms over my chest after stuffing my money into the pocket of my jeans.
"oh. yeah, right."
before i knew it, luke had quite literally kicked the guy in the head to knock him out.
"are you allowed to do that?" i asked, my eyes wide in shock.
"nah, not really," luke shrugged, before looking down at his watch and pressing a few buttons.
"i thought you were supposed to be a friendly neighbourhood spider-boy," i retorted. luke scoffed, looking back up at me with what i could only assume to be a sly grin from under his mask. "its spider-man,” he corrected.
“and criminals who mess with pretty girls deserve to be curb stomped."
okay. yeah. he had a fair point. i am rather pretty.
then, out of nowhere, luke grabbed me by the waist and aimed his wrist towards the sky. before i knew it, he was swinging us towards the sky like a fucking lunatic.
“luke! what the fuck?!” i screamed, wrapping my arms around his neck and clinging to his body for dear life.
“what’s your addy?” he asked, his toned arm keeping me in place as it pressed against the small of my back.
‘what’s your addy?’ seriously? what a fuckin’ loser. i would’ve made fun of him for using snapchat lingo if it weren’t for how strong his arms were. jesus christ, they were so big and toned… no wonder he skips gym class every lesson; he doesn’t want to show off. what a humble king.
“uhh- greenhead avenue!” i cried out, digging my head into the nook of his neck. gods, he smelt good.
luke nodded, holding me tighter as he swung us through the air. “rodger that.”
“thanks for like… saving me, or whatever,”
i stood inside my bedroom, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear as i clung onto the window frame. luke took off his mask as he stood on the balcony, leaning against the railing. he shot me a meek smile, tilting his head to the side as a way to play down his cocky demeanour.
he’s never gonna let me live this down.
“don’t worry about it.”
he paused, letting his smile drop. “just- promise you won’t tell anyone?” luke asked, his voice low as he leaned forward.
of course i wasn’t going to tell anyone- i’m not a total cunt. i have morals… sometimes.
“i promise, luke.”
he smiled, pulling his mask back over his head before taking a step back. “great. see you on monday,” he called out, jumping off the railing and swinging away from my apartment building.
as soon as he left, i face planted against my bed.
luke castellan was spider-man. i fucking knew it.
that was fine. i knew that.
but what really got me was how hot it was when he held me by the waist, how good he smelt, how raspy his voice was- WHAT THE FUCK.
no. what the fuck. are you kidding me. god no. no no no no no no no. i’m going to jump off the balcony. this is it.
of course. just my luck.
that day i confirmed my suspicions of luke being spider-man.
i also realised why i cared about it much.
fuck my life.
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manygeese · 3 months ago
okay had a conversation with @puzzled-pegasus abt fankids (by this i mean we were heatedly debating middle names) but anyways here they are. Featuring percabeth, valgrace, pipeyna, and frazel.
Kids, Oldest to Youngest:
Matilda Charlotte Jackson: nerd with anxiety, not athletic at all but is gonna get into a good school bc of her grades (she is stressing about it nevertheless), freshman year, 15 years old
Daniel Morgan Jackson: AUTISM, loves dinosaurs, space, and trains, especially trains, 5th grade, 10 years okd
Atalanta Sally Jackson (AKA Addy): ADHD, literally always outside playing with the neighbor’s kids in the park, 2nd grade, 8 years old
Names/Parenting Hadcanons:
Annabeth takes Percy’s last name because she sees Sally, Paul, and Estelle more as her family than the Chases.
Matilda- it was both Percy and Annabeth’s favorite book growing up. Charlotte- after Charlotte Brontë the author of Jane Eyre because Annabeth is a nerd.
Daniel- idek. It was giving Daniel and I think Percy was stumped and at his birth he was like “uh. Uh. Daniel. He’s Daniel, yeah. He looks like a Daniel.” Morgan- means circling sea.
Atalanta- their godly parents wanted them to name at least one of their kids after a hero and Athena was like. Actually present when Addy was born. And she like immediately got attached and was like “such a fierce little warrior! Her name shall be Atalanta!” And Annabeth was too tired to protest. Sally- Percy’s a mama’s boy.
Annabeth loves studying with Matilda and doing volunteering stuff with her to build her resumé.
Percy watches kids shows with Daniel and Addy and becomes surprisingly invested. He wakes them up at like ten on weekends with breakfast so the family can have their Saturday morning cartoons.
Matilda calls her parents Mom and Dad because her friends told her she should (she used to call them Mommy and Daddy), Daniel calls them Mommy and Papa, Addy calls them Mommy and Pops because she saw somebody call their dad Pops on a show once
Hope Clio Piper Valdez: AuDHD, takes after her dad (Jason) in relation to athletics, freaking jock, 8th grade, 14
Names/Parenting Headcanons:
Jason took Leo’s last name because he doesn’t like the memories he has with his mom.
Hope- didn’t want to use the name Esperanza since names have power, but Esperanza means hope, so it indirectly honors Leo’s mom. Clio- muse of history and Jason is a nerd. Piper- their bestie.
Hope has two middle names because A) Leo likes the sound of it and B) Jason wants to cram the most happy meaning into her name as possible because he wants her to have a good life.
They only have one kid because Piper and Reyna live near them and their kids are Jason and Leo’s basically, and vice versa.
Hope babysits Piper and Reyna’s kids on weekends and after school and sometimes other kids. When they’re in New York, she watches Daniel and Addy so Matilda can go to the mall with her friends.
Leo and Hope fix cars together and he is simultaneously so proud and a lil disgruntled about the fact that she will probably be taller than him soon.
Jason gets so invested in Hope’s volleyball and basketball games and he is her biggest fan. Leo drives her and her friends to the high school football games on Fridays and sometimes he and Jason make it a date. Hope is mortified because all her friends can see her dads cuddling.
Hope calls Leo Pops (habit she picked up from Addy) and Jason Dad.
Calliope McLean-Ramírez-Arellano: AuDHD, books it to the swings as soon as recess starts, 1st grade, 6 years old
Timothy McLean-Ramírez-Arellano (AKA Tim): AuDHD, in the mud and drinking honey from the honeysuckles at recess, 1st grade, 6 years old
Names/Parenting Headcanons:
They adopted the twins when they were about one and a half- apparently they just turned up at Camp Jupiter one day and nobody knows who their mortal or godly parent is. Reyna wasn’t about to let them pull a Jason with the kids, so she and Piper took a road trip to go get them.
They each keep their own last names but decide to hyphenate for their kids’ last names.
Calliope- when Piper heard that Jason gave his kid a middle name from the muses, she was like, “omg we should match!” And Calliope is both a whimsical little instrument on a boat and the muse of epic poetry so it was meant to be.
Timothy- Reyna wanted to name him after somebody important to Piper, so Piper suggested Thomas after her grandpa, but then she vetoed that because “he wasn’t giving Thomas.” Reyna kept suggesting T names until Piper approved.
No middle names because Reyna doesn’t like them (isn’t that right, RARA?)
Absolutely LOVE Hope. When Tim is mad at one of his moms (they didn’t let him have ice cream for dinner), he starts calling Hope his mom which never fails to make her laugh.
Calliope loves to be pushed by Reyna on the swings because unlike Piper she’s never afraid to actually make her go higher when she orders it. However, Piper is better to play tag with because she looks funny when she runs.
Tim reads stories to his sister at bedtime: Corduroy, Goodnight Moon, Goodnight Gorilla, and the storybook version of Cinderella because they both love that movie.
Tim and Calliope call Piper Mommy and Reyna Mamá.
Kids, Oldest to Youngest:
Frank Zhang-Levesque, Jr. (AKA Frankie): anxiety, takes after his mom, ironically, but built like his dad, 8th grade, 13 years old
Harry Parker Zhang-Levesque: autism, takes after his mom still, followes his big brother around like a lost puppy, 6th grade, 11 years old
Names/Parenting Headcanons:
Frank and Hazel broke up in college but got back together in their thirties.
They hyphenate their last names for both themselves and their kids.
Frank Jr.- Frank didn’t want to name their kid after him, but Hazel was like “I want it to be a family name because I love you” and Frank is a weak man. Couldn’t think of a middle name and Frank didn’t have one so they figured they’d stay loyal to the source material.
Harry- originally wanted to name their kid after baby after Hazel, but it was a boy and Frank insisted that the name Hazel for the boy wouldn’t go over well with the other kids in his 6th grade class. They settled for Harry. Parker- wanted to have and homage to Percy, but Hazel admitted that she didn’t like the name Perseus (then apologized even though Percy wasn’t in the room), so they just went with a middle P initial instead.
Harry likes archery and Frank is SOOOO relieved because he was afraid he wouldn’t have many things to connect with his kids over. He does pottery with Frankie.
Hazel loves going to art classes, museums, etc. with Frankie and Harry. The whole family goes to the pumpkin patch and gets their own pumpkin to paint/carve in the fall. It inevitably becomes a contest because Frankie, Hazel and Frank can get competitive. They iris message Leo and Jason, Piper and Reyna, Nico and Will and Percy and Annabeth to get them to vote on who won. It’s usually Hazel.
Frankie calls Frank Father and Hazel Mom, Harry calls Frank Dad and Hazel Mother.
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stiles-o-dylan24 · 10 months ago
It's Always Been You Bonus Scene 1 - Wolfsbane Hallucination
Author: @stiles-o-dylan24 Pairing: Stiles x Addy McCall Word Count: 3.1k Requested: Can you maybe write something about Addy telling Stiles what she saw during the hallucinations in season 2 at Lydia's party and having a Staddy fluffy moment? I don't remember but I think after that moment it never brought up again and kinda always wanted to see how Stiles would react, if it's okay for you of course! And obv if you want to write it take your time, don't rush it! 💕 A/N: Here you go sweets, it's been forever and a day but hopefully you're still around and you enjoy this! I'm putting this as taking place at the end of season 4 so you have an idea of the timeline of everything! Any other deleted/bonus scenes you guys want please don't hesitate to send them in bc I'm fully on my IABY bullshit while I edit the whole series to be ready for binding. Love you all!🩵 IABY PLAYLIST || <<PREV || MASTERLIST  ||  NEXT>>  ||
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Another day another Lydia birthday party is in full swing– which is already a better turnout than the impromptu lake house party a couple of months ago.
That night we found the deadpool list and now we’re back from Mexico and Lydia promised a gathering to make us celebrate the fact that we’re all alive.
Stiles and I are in the backyard and he’s leaning back against one of the beams attached to the overhead pergola while I lean my back against his chest. He’s got his arms wrapped around my shoulders and my hands are gently gripping onto his forearms. 
The party is more so taking place inside since it was raining earlier– which is how Stiles got me to come outside with him. I’ve got the smell of rain, the pergola fairy lights and best of all my Stiles… so I’m pretty happy right now. 
Stiles is silent though and I could think he was just enjoying the quiet with me while the thumping bass of the party sounds in the house behind us, if it weren’t for the noise he just made. The noise is one he makes when he’s thinking about something that’s bothering him and once that noise is followed by him kissing my temple and squeezing his arms around me a little more… I know it’s something about me.
I move my thumbs against his forearms a little, leaning my head back against his shoulder as I ask him “What are you thinking about?”
“Hmm? Oh, nothing” Stiles replies too quickly and I throw him a look “Come on, at least lie better than that”
“I can’t lie to you” Stiles chuckles softly and I nod once, turning in his arms to face him while I smile brightly at him “I know.” I set my hands on his chest and slowly slide them up to wrap my arms behind his neck, asking him “So then tell me what’s on your mind”
Stiles makes a noise and takes a deep breath, slowly releasing it as he sets his hands on my hips and pulls me a little closer “Do yo– do you remember Lydia’s birthday party?”
“This one?” I laugh softly and he throws me a look “Obviously you remember this one or we have bigger problems right now concerning your memory, cutie.”
I snort and smile at him “Alright so not this one– which leaves last year because we’ve only been to two of her parties”
“Right,” he clears his throat, nodding his head ever so slightly and connecting his eyes with mine “So last year when we were all kinda…” he trails off and I nod once, my stomach dropping as I stand up a little more “Oh… umm yeah, the night of the wolfsbane” I smile softly at him, instantly hit with what I saw and really hoping he doesn't ask me about it. 
“The hallucinations, yeah” Stiles clarifies and I nod slowly, trying to smile like it’s no big deal while also imploring “What’s making you think about that night?”
Stiles doesn’t answer right away, just moves his thumbs against my sides as he moves his eyes between mine. He licks his lips quickly and tilts his head a little to the side “Well I was just thinking back… and I– well you never said what you saw that night… when I asked you what you hallucinated, you told me it didn’t matter, remember?”
“Because it didn’t” I say gently, smiling to soften the blow of my deflection, however, he just narrows his eyes in thought at me “Right but it does matter. What we all saw was something that we were deep down afraid of actually happening or being true so I’m just curious I guess… why do you say it doesn’t matter?”
“Sty, come on” I breathe out, looking around the backyard for an escape plan. I feel him keep his hold on me so I don’t step away from him as he asks me in a soft whisper “Was it your dad? I mean from how he was when we were kids?”
I look back at him, breathing in deeply and slowly releasing it as I barely shake my head and answer him softly, “No, it wasn’t about him.”
“Ok then what was it?” he questions gently, looking at me with so much love in his eyes. I can tell how much this means to him but I can’t shake the nerves and embarrassment of actually telling him what happened in my mind. I mean he saw his dad blaming him for his mom’s death and Scott saw Jacksanima hooking up with Allison on the stairs and I what? Had a phenomenal kiss and then ultimate whiplash as he said it would never be right? No way I can share that with the person I’m now dating. 
“Why are you remembering that night in particular right now?” I ask and he shrugs, looking around the backyard “We were standing basically right here with Scott that night. You looked…” he trails off, shaking his head and breathing out a soft huff before he connects his eyes with mine “Fuck, Adds, you looked gorgeous in that maroon lace dress and your black leather jacket.”
“You remember what I was wearing?” I say softly, my heart doing that little flutter thing that only Stiles can make happen and he makes a noise “Uh yeah I remember with vivid clarity the moment I walked into your house and I saw you. You made me stop breathing and I’m pretty sure I passed out because I think Scott hit my shoulder and said something but I couldn’t hear him and next thing I knew I was driving us to the party.” 
I chuckle softly, knowing my eyes are sparkling as I look up at him and he continues “I mean you always look amazing, Adds– but something about you looking all sexy badass that night…” he trails off, breathing in deeply as his fingers dig into my sides a little more and he pulls me against him “Yeah, I almost blurted out that I was in love with you.”
“You did not” I chuckle softly and he makes a face like I could not be more wrong, “Uh yeah I did, ask Scott– the way he looked at me was the only thing that made me not because it wasn’t the right time. I also wasn’t aware he knew at the time but either way we were drinking and that wouldn’t have been the right time– right?”
“No it wouldn’t have been the right time” I agree with him, scrunching my nose up a little as I continue “Especially since you’re right we were drinking and I fully thought you were going to say Lydia’s name and I drank even more because I couldn’t handle hearing your declaration of love about her again at that moment.”
Stiles snorts and looks up to the covered lighted up pergola above us, breathing out “Of course you thought that” he shakes his head and looks at me again “So you were drinking because of me being a dumbass–” 
“No, I was drinking because Lydia was being mind controlled by Peter and was sweetly forcing us all to drink spiked wolfsbane punch” I interrupt and he narrows his eyes at me “That may be why you took the first drink but I was the reason you drank more” I make a noise to argue, however, he just grips onto me a little more and doesn’t let me say another word as he rushes out “Which means you hallucinated what you did because of me which means you should tell me what you saw that night.”
“Why is this so important to you right now?” I ask, trying not to be defensive but I can’t help it when I’m just flooded with the memories of that night. “I mean,” I clear my throat and soften my voice, because even through the embarrassment taking hold on me I do know he’s just being his amazingly sweet self, “Why is it all of a sudden bothering you enough to want to know now?”
“It’s always bothered me, Adds,” he answers without missing a beat, his eyes so sincere I melt against him a little more while he continues “I’ve always wanted to know– since it happened to you.” His thumbs brush against my sides again, succeeding in lifting up my shirt so he’s touching my skin “The look on your face that night when I found you again has been burned in my brain. All I wanted to do was hug you and comfort you but you wouldn’t let me– I mean, you wouldn’t even look at me. Then fucking Matt almost drowned and we figured out he was the– you know, then the night and following days got crazy but that didn’t change the fact that I wanted to be there for you. Now I feel like I'm allowed to be there for you and comfort you even when you tell me nothing is bothering you– I’m allowed to be there for you in ways I wasn’t before and dammit woman, I want you to just let me.”
I chuckle and kiss him softly, “Okay” I murmur against his lips and he repeats “Okay? Like okay okay?”
I nod and pull back just enough to narrow my eyes playfully at him “Yes– okay as in I’ll tell you but after I do you have to drop it because half the reason I didn’t want to say anything was because I was embarrassed”
“Embarrassed?” Stiles scrunches his face up adorably and I throw him a look “Yes… now promise.”
“I promise after you tell me I will drop it” he repeats and I nod once “Thank you.”
Stiles kisses me quickly and says “Now tell me what you saw and were embarrassed about” he smiles wide “Please”
“Jesus you’re persistent” I grumble and he winks, his hands gripping onto me a little more “It’s why you love me”
I playfully glare at him, murmuring quietly “Yeah, yeah, yeah” and he gets impatient “Come on, tell me already”
“Oh for fucks sake” I throw him a look, and he smiles even wider at me. I chew on the inside of my cheek for a few seconds, taking a deep breath to try to calm my nerves before I rip off the bandaid and rush out quickly “I hallucinated that you kissed me.”
Stiles’ brows raise instantly with my words “I kissed you–” he licks his lips quickly “You hallucinated that I kissed you?” he repeats, a bright cocky smile starting to come over his features and I grimace since I have to tell him the next part “Well that’s not all so don’t get too cocky.”
“Oh my god was it a bad kiss?” he draws his brows in on his own embarrassed grimace “It was wasn’t it? Is that why you waited so long to actually kiss me?”
“Nope– it was a good” I release a shaky breath “A really good kiss actually.”
“Oh really?” he says, cocky smile back on his face and I narrow my eyes at him “Stop it”
“Sorry” he murmurs, half smiling as pulls me more against his chest “Tell me how it played out then.”
I look up at him, seeing the sincerity in his eyes and I breathe out nervously, shaking my head as I look away and focus on his chest “Well I was walking through the living room and you stalked towards me through the crowd of people with these deliberate I’d burn the world down for you steps until you set your hands on my hips and backed me against the wall… then you kissed me” I breathe in deeply, not really wanting to keep going “But then you…” I trail off quietly and Stiles’ voice is softer, more gentle as he asks even more quietly “Then what happened?” 
I squeeze my eyes closed and grimace “Just as quickly as you kissed me you stopped and when I opened my eyes, you were looking at me but the look on your face… it was like you–” I clear my throat, my voice barely above a whisper as I tell him “It was like you just made the biggest mistake of your life”
“Adds–” he tries but I shake my head and look at him sadly before I drop my eyes again and look at my hands on his chest “Then you said ‘You’re not her and that this isn’t right’ you dropped your hands from my sides and you stepped back throwing in the next gut punch of ‘This will never be right’ before you walked into the crowd of people in front of us. I went to follow you but then it was like I was thrown back into this reality and the music was suddenly blaring again and everyone was dancing not even paying attention to me.”
It’s silent after I finish telling him what happened and I want to disappear with explaining everything that I still unfortunately remember. Stiles takes a few more silent seconds before he murmurs “Hey” and I make a little noise to acknowledge him and he chuckles softly “Come on baby, show me your blues”
The corners of my mouth lift a little as I silently curse him for somehow always getting me to listen to him and I slowly look up at him. When my eyes connect with his I don’t see anything but reassurance and love looking right back at me “You do realize that you never have to worry about what was said being true right? You have and will always be the only her in my mind– there will never be anyone else”
I smile softly with his words, nodding a little and he squeezes me to him a little more “You could have told me what happened that night”
Shaking my head I scoff lightheartedly “Sty, come on there’s absolutely no way I could have told you”
“Yes you could have!” He insists, chuckling a little “Then I could have told you that you were crazy–”
I snort and level him with a look “Yes brilliant idea to tell the girl who just hallucinated her first kiss with the guy she’s in love with that she’s crazy.”
“Okay we all were hallucinating that night” he tries to reassure me and I narrow my eyes thoughtfully at him “Somehow that doesn’t make me feel better”
Stiles laughs softly, clearing his face of any humor as he gets a little more serious “Adds, if you told me that night what happened I would have told you right then that I was in love with you and only you”
I make a noise and ramble lightly “Well I wouldn’t have ever explained what happened that night because I thought you were in love with Lydia, so that just screams awkward trying to have you comfort me and my feelings when you love someone else but don’t want to hurt me and those feelings that just got dumped on you.”
He just blinks a few times and groans frustratedly, resting his forehead against mine “I can’t believe I was so stupid as to ever say something in your vicinity that would ever make you think you weren’t the only girl for me.”
I chuckle and move my nose along his “Yes, well… even Sherlock has his off days” I say gently and he connects his eyes with mine, breathing out a soft little chuckle.
He moves his eyes between mine before he lifts his head off mine and smiles like he just got a great idea “C’mere” he mumbles, reaching up and grabbing one of my hands in his before he starts walking me across the patio “Where are we going?” I ask, quickly moving my feet to keep up with him.
“Just follow me, babe” he says over his shoulder, keeping his hand tightly around mine as we walk into the living room. I flinch back a little from the loud music and talking noise, staying right behind him as he guides us through the crowd. 
He walks past everyone that’s standing around talking and dancing on and near the staircase before he leads us over to Lydia’s dad’s old office. Figuring Lydia would have locked these doors I draw my brows together curiously as he opens one of the french doors and leads us inside.
I walk further into the office towards the bookcase on the far wall and I turn around to look at him as he closes and locks the door. I raise a brow and look from the lock and up to connect my gaze with his “What exactly are we doing in here?”
Stiles just keeps his gaze locked on mine as he murmurs simply “This” and recreates the I’d burn the world down for you steps I told him about and quickly stalks towards me. I make a little noise when he sets his hands on my hips and presses me back against the bookshelf, smiling in his adorably sexy way before he kisses me.
Yeah I may have thought the hallucination was a good kiss but I didn’t know any better because kissing the real thing is unlike anything I could have imagined. I set my hands on his sides, feeling him lift one hand to cradle the side of my face in his palm as he pulls me impossibly closer and moves his lips against mine. 
I can’t even help the whimper that I make as I kiss him back, my hands gripping his shirt at his sides. Stiles responds with his own soft moan at my response and uses his hand to gently tilt my head and deepen the kiss. 
He pulls back just enough to rest his forehead on mine, gazing into my eyes as he moves his thumb against my cheek “Nothing has or will ever feel as right as this does, Adds. You are it for me and I will spend the rest of my life showing you how true that is so you will never question it, okay?”
“Yup” I sigh dreamily, wrapping my arms around his middle and licking my lips quickly as I smile softly up at him “I understand you loud and clear.”
He chuckles, his eyes dropping to my lips as he licks his own and murmurs “Good” before he gives me another earth shattering kiss.
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A/N: Thanks so much for reading! Always love to hear your lovely people’s thoughts & if you’re not comfortable with that a like/reblog gives me just as much life! Please let know what you thought I'm so sorry to any and everyone who would not wished to be tagged anymore. Wasn't really sure how to tag this so just figured the last like I had for IABY and the IABY movie coming up would be ok. But please let me know if you would prefer to not be tagged in any IABY stuff in the future!
IABY Taglist:  @lettersofwrittencollective • @brien-odylan @softpeteparker • @biles-bilinski-24 • @thatsuperherosidekick • @tothestarsandreams • @puppershnupps • @stilessarcasmqueen • @fandom-princess-forevermore • @glittercoveredsouls • @hueycat2004 • @fortunatelydelicateearthquake • @thehall0wqueeen • @kateeee0817 • @anoddsightcomeoutatnight • @marauderskeeper • @shantayok • @peachyinparis • @emichelle • @humbledarkness • @24-stilinski • @all-will-be-well-love • @screamxqueenx94 • @genius2050 • @soccersarah07 • @vikshee • @slothcat67 • @stilinski-fucking-obrien • @lemmereaditall • @redsalv20 • @the-winchester-girl02 •​ @missdicaprio • @awkwarddoctor • @cutiepiemimi13 •​ @thejourneyneverendsx • @xceafh • @michellebarista •​ @wandascarlett • @musicxlover97 • @fan-girl-97 •​ @theholydestiny • @nalu-ismyjam •​ @piccasoe •​ @bilesxbilinskixlahey • @nikki1dxx​ • @screaminggoatsposts • @kiwihoee • @teen--marvel @hogwartsstar • @sheerfreesia007 • @kmc1989 •
Do not copy and paste my writing anywhere without my consent.  This work is property of @stiles-o-dylan24.   These characters, with the exception of Addy McCall(homegirl was all me), aren’t mine but this fanfiction is.   These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.   No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author/publisher.  
Posted 14 May 2024
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jerzwriter · 7 months ago
Mono~poly Chapter 5: Beautiful Days
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A Tobias x Casey AU - Information and Notes
AU Premise: What happens when something that was supposed to be just fun turns into something real? When true love enters the equation between two people who view the very concept of love in different ways, can it work? In this alternate universe, we'll follow Casey and Tobias (and some others along the way) on their journey, where a happy ending is what both desire, but (as in life) nothing is guaranteed.
Fandom: Open Heart, Choices** Pairing: Tobias Carrick x Casey MacTavish F!MC Characters: Ethan Ramsey, Jackie Varma and OCs: Vivian Carrick, Jordan Carrick, Rose D'Allesandro, Addie Larkin, David MacTavish, Peter MacTavish, Diana Ellington-Rourke Rating: Teen Words: 5,300
Chapter Summary: The chapter begins with friends and family gathering for Tobias and Casey's big day. There is much revelry to be had, but for some, emotions run high. Later, the couple has settled into a happily married life where the honeymoon never seems to end. But as they prepare to celebrate their third anniversary, Casey receives an offer that is hard to refuse. Will that change things?
A/N: Participating in @choicesaugustchallenge Day 30 - Summer Wedding. A huge thank you to @angelasscribbles for prereading this for me!
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The news spread like wildfire. It only took days for all of Boston to be abuzz over the engagement of Drs. Tobias Carrick and Casey MacTavish; it only took a few more before it was news in their hometowns, too. The announcement was met with a blend of joy and levity. While those who knew him had had a few years to get used to Tobias trading his swinging single life, and most were thrilled about his union with Casey, a dose of good-natured ribbing was bound to take place.
His mother, Vivian, was overjoyed and initiated her plans to deliver an August wedding that would leave people talking for years at once. With two confirmed bachelors as sons, she never thought she’d live to see this day, and she wasn't containing her excitement. When she stopped in to see Casey the morning of the wedding, she informed the young woman that she was erecting an altar for her daughter-in-law-to-be in her backyard, and Casey wasn't sure if she was joking.
In Casey’s corner of the world, her mother, Rose, was equally enthusiastic. Her reaction warmed Casey’s heart despite her fears over the inevitable conversations about how her father, David, would fit into the wedding plans. Those negotiations were fraught with tension and left Casey in tears - that’s the thing about the emotional baggage childhood delivers: it never fully goes away.
But Tobias was having none of it; he was totally serious about eloping if they failed to get their act together, and Casey was completely on board. That ultimatum was all Vivian needed to hear before she put the fear of God into both the D’Allesandro and MacTavish families. She promptly called a meeting, telling Tobias and Casey that she would take care of it all. Within an hour, Vivian emerged from the locked room with a satisfied grin and nary a hair out of place, assuring, “They will behave.”
Now, after months of planning and fuss... the day was finally here. It was time to celebrate the happy couple's love and commitment, and they were on top of the world.
After a chaotic morning, Casey was enjoying a quiet moment alone before the ceremony began. The soft hum of voices and laughter of guests who had gathered outside seeped through the venue’s walls as she adjusted the final touches of her wedding gown, its delicate lace and satin catching the light just so when Ethan entered the room.
His arrival went unnoticed. So, he leaned against the doorframe, allowing himself a few precious moments to take her in. A broad smile tugged at his lips, despite a hint of sadness lingering in his eyes. Clearing his throat to make his presence known, he moved toward her with the ease and familiarity of their long-standing bond.
“It’s not too late to run away,” he said with a playful grin. “Just say the word, and I’ll drive the getaway car.”
Casey turned toward him, her smile bright as her eyes met his. Ethan. Her dear friend, Ethan. While some might balk at a bride having her former lover as one of her bridal attendants, Tobias wholeheartedly supported her choice. He understood the depth of their friendship and was pleased that Casey would have him by her side on this special day. He wanted nothing more than for his bride to have everything her heart desired.
“Come on, Ethan," she teased. "You and Tobias buried the hatchet years ago. Do you really want to hurt him that bad?”
“Of course I don’t," he smiled. "And that would absolutely kill him.” He took a deep breath, his eyes still reflecting the bittersweet emotions in his heart. “You look absolutely stunning, Casey. You’re going to take Tobias’s breath away.”
“Thank you,” she blushed.
“He doesn’t deserve you – you know that, right?”
Casey winked playfully and adjusted the layers of her skirt. “I know!”
The tender moment burst when Jackie rushed into the room, her nervousness palpable. “Hate to bust this party up, but the photographer needs us in 15 minutes, and I have to finish getting the princess camera ready.”
Ethan’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Not ready? She's gorgeous! How can you improve on that?”
Casey chuckled softly. “See, I told you I needed him around to bolster my ego! But I do have some last minute touches to complete.” She shooed Ethan away. “Go - go join the other attendants and have fun. I’ll be down before you know it.”
Jackie clapped her hands the moment Ethan exited the room. “It’s almost showtime! You ready?”
Casey beamed with a joy that radiated from inside. “You better believe I am! I can’t believe it’s already time!”
Jackie looked at her friend in the mirror, her smile faltering just a bit. “I’m so happy for you,” she whispered. “But you do have the prenup in order, right?”
The smile fell from Casey's face. “Jackie! Is that any way to talk to me 30 minutes before my wedding?” She tried to keep the mood light, but there was an unmistakable trace of annoyance in her voice. But it would take more than that to deter Jackie.
“You didn’t answer?”
Casey’s heart sank as she turned to her friend. “His family’s attorneys sent one over last week, but Tobias lost his mind. He insisted he didn’t want one; we’re going to be together forever, so…”
Jackie rolled her eyes, and it didn't go unnoticed. “Jackie, really? You’re my maid of honor! Tell me you’re joking about this! These are supposed to be the happiest moments of my life.”
Jackie’s internal struggle had her light-headed. She loved Casey, and she loved Tobias, too. She couldn’t deny their relationship had proven even the greatest skeptics wrong; they’d be relationship goals personified if not for that one promise. She was the only one who knew Casey had made it three years before, and if Tobias ever called in the offer of dabbling in non-monogamy, she wasn’t confident her friend would be able to handle it; if that happened, she doubted their marriage would survive. Still, Casey was relying on her, so Jackie forced herself back to the present.
“You know I’m an asshole,” she grinned. “I’m joking, girl. I love you, and I love Tobias, too. Come on. Let’s get you ready to marry your man.”
Casey took a deep breath as Jackie delicately placed the veil on her head. She’d have to be a fool to pretend she couldn't read Jackie's thoughts. Yet, at this moment, her heart was overflowing with joy, leaving no room for doubts. She loved Tobias with all her heart, and his love for her ran just as deep. She couldn’t imagine being happier than she was today. Yes, Casey was confident... this was forever.
The ceremony went off without a hitch; a Hollywood director couldn’t have scripted it better. Tobias wiped away tears as Casey walked down the aisle. She had opted to walk alone, and at that moment, he silently promised she’d never be alone again. Casey had struggled to hold back her tears - her make-up was flawless, after all - but her husband’s heartfelt vows diminished her resolve. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house when the officiant pronounced them husband and wife; the joy was unmistakable.
Vivian had meticulously planned the reception to be an elegant affair, but with Tobias & Casey as the bridal couple, there was bound to be some debauchery. Still, the revelry was kept in check, and after a couple of hours of staying glued to each other’s side, they began making the rounds. Tobias was on the dance floor with his friend Addie, who Casey had finally managed to wrangle into a bridesmaid’s dress.
“And they said it couldn’t be done,” Addie grinned.
“Ehh, that was a long time ago. Tell me you haven’t expected this from the moment I met Casey?”
“The moment? No. Absolutely not,” Addie laughed. “A year in... mmmm... maybe. But all I know is I’ve never seen you smile like this. I’m really happy for you, T.”
Tobias’s beamed, his face a picture of pride, joy, and contentment. “Thank you. I’m happy for me, too.” As they continued to dance, Addie leaned in closer, and Tobias returned to the playful banter that marked their friendship.
“Hey, I just realized... you’re here alone tonight. You’re always whining that you only get plus ones on your invites. Casey and I give you a plus two, and who do you bring? No one!”
“Relax!” she chortled. “It wasn’t intentional. My boyfriend is traveling with his band, and my girlfriend was going to come, but her Mom got sick, and she had to fly back to Dallas yesterday.”
“That’s too bad. I was hoping to get to know them better; I swear you’re hiding them from me.”  
“That’s not true,” she insisted. “The three of us are just pretty independent. But on the upside, I’m here stag, so if I run into any cute guests...”
Tobias barked out a laugh, “They won’t have a chance against you!”
Just then, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to find his mother, resplendent in an emerald green satin gown. “Mind if I cut in?” she asked.
Addie raised her hands with a playful smile. “As if I’d argue with you, Vivian.” She gave Tobias a quick kiss on the cheek before hurrying off.
Tobias took his mother in his arms, his heart full of love and gratitude. “Have I mentioned how grateful I am for all you’ve done for us today?”
“A few times,” she nodded. “But please continue. I think I'm entitled to hear it multiple times since you made me wait so damn long for this day."
Tobias chuckled, and then his gaze landed on Casey. “I think it was worth the wait, don’t you?”
Vivian followed his line of sight and nodded with a smile. “Absolutely! Casey is a gem. I love her as if she is my own." She turned back to her son with a sigh. "You did good, Tobias. Now, don’t mess this up!”  
“I promise, Mom. See that smile on her face? I intend to make sure she looks that way every day for the rest of her life."
“That’s what I want to hear,” she smiled as they swayed to the music. “Is she enjoying the day?” taking a half-step back, she changed her tone. “Has her family been behaving?”
Tobias winced slightly, and Vivian knew he was grappling to decide if he should tell her the truth. “Overall, yes... but her Father and one of his relatives were overheard discussing how relieved they are that she ended up marrying a man.”
“Oh, for God’s sake!” Vivian spat. “Do I need to intervene?”
“No,” Tobias laughed. “We don't want bloodshed at the wedding, Ma. Besides, Casey shook it off, and her cousin, Peter, made it very clear that they needed to knock it off. Let’s just say I’m confident there won’t be any more incidents.”
“Well, as long as Casey is all right.”
“She is; she told me nothing is going to spoil today for her... for us.”
“I’m glad,” Vivian smiled. “Because this is a glorious day and if anyone messed it up... no promises on the bloodshed.”
The reception was winding down, but the sounds of laughter, clinking glasses, and soft music still filled the air. Casey was sitting at a table with friends, their spirits high as they recounted funny stories from the past and talked about the day’s events. Casey had her head tilted back in laughter when Tobias slipped up behind her and pulled her into a passionate kiss.
“All right, this has been the best day of my life, baby, but we have a honeymoon in Bali to get to... and honey... do I have plans for you.”
Sienna raised an eyebrow as she put down her drink. “So, what you’re saying is, in a couple of days, this will be demoted to the second or third best day of your life?”
Tobias’s brother Jordan chuckled from the other end of the table. “Well, their honeymoon is 14 days long, so this is going to be his 15th best day real soon.”
Casey rolled her eyes as the group burst into laughter, and then she looked at Jackie and Sienna’s way. “I should go get changed. Jackie, Sienna, mind helping me out of this dress?”
“Hey!” Tobias interjected with a teasing grin. “Isn’t that my job?”
“There will be plenty of time for that on the honeymoon,” Casey winked, giving him a gentle shove before she headed off, leaving Tobias and his friends behind. He ordered a bottle of the restaurant’s finest Scotch to continue the celebration. When it arrived, Ethan took it in hand, visibly approving the choice. He poured a glass for everyone as the toasting began.
“Here’s to Tobias!” Bryce started. “The man who swore he’d never do something as crazy as this, and look at him now... he’s totally whipped.”
“Seriously,” his brother, Jordan, chimed in. “I’m so happy, and not just because you took some family pressure to get hitched off of me! As the now sole confirmed bachelor of the Carrick family, I wish you the very best... Casey is precious - now, don’t screw this up!”
Ethan was the next to go. “To Tobias. You’ve married a wonderful woman. Casey’s very lucky but nowhere near as lucky as you. Remember to appreciate every moment.”
“Salut!”  the friends toasted as Ethan forced a smile. Seated at Tobias’s side, his friend Addie looped her arm in his and raised her glass.
“Hey, I’m not getting left out of this!” she insisted with a grin. “Cheers to my dear friend Tobias—the one person I thought was less likely to settle into monogamy than me. Just look at you proving us all wrong. But I get it... Casey is amazing, and I’m genuinely, truly happy for you.”
“Thank you," he winked. "So, you gonna join me over here on this monogamy train."
“Oh, no fucking chance!” Addie laughed.
There was only one person left, Casey’s cousin Peter. Both were only children, and they grew up closer than most siblings, and all eyes were on him when he raised his glass.
“Tobias, I’ve watched the love between you and Casey grow over the past three years. It’s hard to believe, but every time I see you, it appears to deepen and grow. I couldn't be happier for both of you. Here’s to a future filled with love, laughter, and everything your hearts desire. But remember... be good to her.”
“I wouldn’t dream of treating her any other way," Tobias insisted.
“Good,” Peter laughed, giving Ethan’s shoulder a playful slap on the shoulder. “Then you’ll save the two of us the trouble of having to dispose of your body.”
They all raised their glasses and drank. The warmth of the Scotch reflected the warm feeling in the room. Surrounded by love and well wishes, Tobias and Casey continued their journey. Neither could wait for the life they were about to build.
The fluorescent lights in the diagnostic team’s office created the illusion of midday, even as dusk approached outside. What had once been a sterile, impersonal space had transformed over the years, thanks to Casey’s loving touch. Shelves that were once filled solely with medical journals and textbooks now showcased lush plants and carefully chosen photos. Ethan had initially approved the more formal shots— the team at award dinners, conferences, and the like—but Casey had managed to slip in some candid moments, too. Memories that highlighted the friendship the members of the team shared. Now, photos of them at local festivals, picking pumpkins in the fall, turning green at amusement parks, and smiling on a sunset cruise dotted the room. She had argued that they spent more time at work than they did at home, so their space should reflect that. Eventually, Ethan relented—with Casey involved, no one was surprised.
That cozy spot was where Casey, Ethan, and Jackie found themselves today as their workdays wound down. The faint hum of hospital activity provided a soothing background noise as their conversations turned to weekend plans. Ethan was attending a philharmonic concert, Jackie wanted nothing more than to catch up on sleep, and Casey couldn’t have been more excited to celebrate her third wedding anniversary.
“Three years already? How is that possible?” Jackie marveled.
“You made it to three years!” Ethan joked. “How is that possible?”
“Meh,” Casey smirked. “We have oodles of kinky sex and great communication – we’re set for life!”  
“Ugh,” Jackie groaned. “Did you have to bring the conversation there, Ethan?”
“Me?!” He protested. “Casey’s the one who turned this conversation.”
“Don’t act all puritanical, Dr. Ramsey!” Casey laughed. “My third wedding anniversary should bring back good memories for you, too.”
“This again?” Ethan moaned. “When are you going to let it go?”
 “As soon as you call her! You convincing Addie to go home with you once after my wedding is not enough to satiate me! You should know that! You two would be so good together.”
“Wait! Is that how he told you it happened!” Jackie jumped in. “I was there, and Addie was the one doing the seducing. Ramsey didn’t stand a chance.”
Ethan took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose. “It was a one-time private thing. You all really have to move on.”
“Fine!” Casey sighed. “I’ll just go on representing the happily married contingent of the diagnostic team for the foreseeable future.”
Just then, Tobias entered the room, his larger-than-life presence immediately commanding attention.
“Is that my beautiful wife talking? If so, you represent that contingency very well, baby.” With effortless charisma, he leaned over Casey’s chair and placed a lingering kiss on her lips.
“Great. Now we’re subjected to these two,” Ethan grumbled as Jackie groaned in agreement.
“What?” Tobias grinned as he poured a cup of coffee. “We’re at work! I know how to contain myself, you know.”
The room went silent as three sets of eyes stared at him incredulously. “All right, all right,” he smirked. “I know how to dial it down... to a degree. But you can’t blame me,” he added, sitting beside Casey. “The honeymoon never ends with this one.”
“Why are you here so early?” Casey asked, politely steering the conversation. “Your shift doesn’t begin for another hour.
“Correct, but yours ends in fifteen minutes. I thought we could grab dinner together in the cafeteria before you head out. You know,” he said, looking pointedly at Ethan. “Because my boss is an asshole who keeps scheduling us on opposite shifts.”
“That’s not true!” Ethan defended. “I go out of my to....”
“Relax! Relax!” Tobias laughed. After all these years, he still knew how to push Ethan’s buttons. “I’m teasing. Honestly, you do a great job making sure Casey and I get time together, and I appreciate it.”
Casey’s expression grew momentarily serious as her eyes met Ethan’s with a knowing look, but if Tobias noticed, he didn’t let on.
“So what do you say, baby? Dinner?” he asked.
Casey looked at her watch and nodded. “I do have errands to run after work. But if we go right now, I can squeeze you in.”
“Oh, honey, you can’t say squeeze me in and....”
“STOP IT!” Jackie yelled, holding her ears, and the happy couple laughed as they walked down the hall.
They settled into a quiet corner of the cafeteria, two chicken potpies—one of the better offerings—steamed between them. Casey smiled warmly at Tobias and reached across the table to gently squeeze his hand. She was so happy to see him, but she knew they had to tell him some news.
“Tobias,” she began, her voice tinged with apprehension. “You know the research Ethan and I have been doing on the inequities in diagnosing women’s health conditions?”
“Of course,” he replied, digging into his food. “You’ve been passionate about it. I really believe that if you keep at it, you could help bridge that gap and make a real difference.”
“Well,” she said, a mix of pride and nervousness in her eyes, “Apparently, you’re not the only one who thinks so. The National Institutes of Health agrees, and they’ve offered us an enormous grant to continue our studies. They want us to create a blueprint and train others nationwide.”
His eyes widened in disbelief as he grabbed her hand. “Honey! That’s incredible! This is huge! I’m so, so proud of you!”
“Thank you, baby,” she said softly. “But... I’m not sure I’m going to participate. I told Ethan I needed some time to think about it.”
He looked at her, both shocked and concerned. “You... you what?”
“Tobias, it’s difficult enough for us to make time to be together now. If I take this on, it’ll be in addition to my regular work. It means long hours and a lot of travel; I don't know if it's a good idea.”  
“Hon, we’ll figure it out,” he said firmly. “This is the opportunity of a lifetime. You can’t turn it down. I won’t let you.”
Casey’s face twisted, her eyes filling with tears. “But we were talking about possibly starting a family soon,” she whispered. “This would put that on hold indefinitely.”
“Possibly,” He replied gently. “We didn't even decide for sure if we wanted kids.”
“But we were leaning that way.”
“And we still can,” he reassured her. “I’m the old one here, you’re not. If we have to delay it, so be it. But baby, you can’t pass this up opportunity.”
“You really wouldn't mind?” she asked, her eyes searching his face for any sign of hesitation.
“Mind? Do you have any idea how much I'm going to brag about this?” he grinned. “I'm going to be incorrigible. What does your wife do? Oh, that’s cute. Let me tell you about my wife.” He slid his chair closer to hers and brushed a stray hair from her face before he gave her a playful kiss. “Not only is my wife gorgeous,” he kissed her again. “Not only is she hot as hell,” another kiss. “She’s brilliant, and she's going to change the world.” He pulled her closer, this time capturing her lips in a lingering kiss, deeper and more intense. “My wife,” he whispered, “is perfect in every way, and I’m so glad she’s mine.”
A lump formed in Casey’s throat as tears filled her eyes. “Have I ever told you how happy I am that I married you?”
“Yes,” he grinned. “But tell me again.”
“Have I told you how...” but Tobias silenced her by gently placing a finger over her lips.
“Not now,” he whispered. “Later, when I get home from work. In bed, naked... tell me then.”
“Hey, if that’s how you want me to tell you, I won’t just tell you... I’ll show you, too!”
“That’s the idea,” he smirked.
Casey hugged him, noticing the time on the clock over his shoulder. “Oh, shoot! I’m sorry, honey, but I have to go.”
“What's so important that you’re cutting our time short?” he asked, holding tight to her hand.
“I have anniversary plans to attend to,” she smiled as she cleared her place.
“But that’s not until Saturday?” He groaned. “Why do you have to go now?”
Casey gave him a knowing look. “I need to make sure my lingerie is in order,” she winked. "You wouldn't want to interfere with that."
“All right,” he sighed dramatically, making a show of dropping her hand. “Then go! Get out of here. Please, go!”
“Fine!” she giggled, picking up her tray.
“And remember,” he called after her, “the traditional gift for the third anniversary is leather. Feel free to add that to the mix.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively as she walked away.
Tobias chuckled to himself as a resident glanced over, looking a bit horrified. “What?” Tobias grinned, unbothered. "One more trip to HR won’t kill me.... and she's worth it."
Casey hustled out of Edenbrook and headed toward the South End neighborhood they called home, with a smile tugging at her lips. The whole “lingerie situation” was already under control —she’d taken care of that weeks ago. But she had another stop to make, the Beacon Gallery.
She’d commissioned a painting by an up-and-coming artist to give to Tobias as an anniversary gift, and he asked for her to stop by and see it before he finished the work. The piece was eclectic, blending hues of their favorite colors and incorporating elements and symbols representing key moments from their time together. The general viewer might not decipher its meaning, but Casey knew Tobias would take one look at it, and his heart would melt.
The way Casey spoke about Tobias and described the deep love they shared moved the artist to name the piece Eternal Love. Casey smiled at the sentiment, believing it perfectly captured their bond.
But the gallery's owner balked at the idea. “That’s tempting fate!” He insisted. “Why do anything to welcome bad luck.”
Casey brushed him off, replying with confidence. “We don't need luck. We make our own own.”
The evening was beautiful, so when she left the gallery, she decided to take the long way home, strolling through the familiar streets she knew and loved so well. She was headed toward their favorite bakery to pick up a few things for dinner, when something unexpected caught her eye—a new gallery, one she was certain they’d never visited before.
She tried to recall if Tobias ever mentioned a new gallery opening. She was certain he had taken her to every existing gallery in Boston and beyond, and she was confident this one was new.
With her curiosity piqued, she crossed the street and gazed into the window. The artwork displayed was stunning—vibrant colors, bold strokes, and intricate details that she knew Tobias would love. The gallery itself looked almost empty, as if it was still being set up, so she decided to step inside.
The scent of fresh paint and varnish greeted her, as did crisp white walls that made the few displayed pieces stand out even more. Several other pieces remained wrapped, leaned against each other and a few sculptures were scattered throughout.
An abstract painting in the back of the gallery caught her eye. Its swirling, contrasting shades of blues, pinks, ombre, white, and gold danced across the canvas, evoking images of the four seasons. There was something both calming and chaotic about it, and it resonated with her. She reached out, almost touching the canvas, when a voice broke the silence.
“Hello,” a woman’s voice echoed.
Casey turned to find a tall, slender woman headed her way. Her sea of dark curls streaked with golden highlights was piled on top of her head, with a few curls cascading down onto her flawless tawny skin. She was beautiful in a way that was almost surreal like a figure in a painting come to life. Her movements were fluid and graceful, and as her warm, dark eyes met Casey’s, she momentarily forgot how to speak.
“Oh!” Casey replied, taking a startled step backward. “I’m so sorry—I didn’t realize! I’ll come back when—”
“No, no, it’s fine,” the woman said with a melodic laugh. “I won’t make any friends in my new neighborhood if I shoo everyone away.” She wiped her hands on the paint-splattered apron tied around her waist and extended a hand. “I’m Diana. I'm an artist - and I own the gallery, too.”
Casey relaxed, taking the woman’s hand. “I’m Casey. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Is all this your work?”
Diana looked around the room with pride. “Most of it is, but not everything.” She nodded toward the painting Casey had been admiring. “Do you like that one? That is mine.”  
“I do,” Casey replied, eyes returning to the painting. “It’s beautiful and captivating. From one angle, it’s so calming, but from another, it feels chaotic. It’s like it symbolizes… life.”
Diana’s smile widened. “That’s exactly what I was going for. Not everyone sees it right away. Are you an artist yourself? Or a collector, perhaps?”
“Me?” Casey laughed, shaking her head. “Oh, no! When it comes to art appreciation, I’m a novice at best. My husband is the connoisseur in the family. He may be a doctor, but art is woven into his DNA. He’s spent the better part of the last six years trying to bring me up to speed, but I'm afraid I still feel like a fish out of water around it.”
“Well, you’ve got a great eye,” Diana smiled. “And I love that you’ve taken an interest in something so important to your husband. That’s very special.”
“Thank you,” Casey smiled. “Actually, I just came from the Beacon Gallery. Our anniversary is Saturday, and I commissioned a painting for him. But I’ve got to admit…” She glanced back at the abstract. “I think he’d like this one even more.”
“Well, I certainly won’t stop you from buying another piece,” Diana winked, and Casey couldn’t help but be charmed.
“So, you’re new to Boston?” Casey asked.
“Yes,” Diana replied. “I have other galleries; my largest is in LA, and I have a smaller one near my home in Colorado. But I’ve wanted to establish an East Coast presence for a long time now. I came to the SoWa Winter Festiva last year and fell in love. Do you know when you can just feel from that start that it's going to be a perfect fit?"
"I do," Casey grinned. "When will you be opening? I can’t wait to see the rest of your work.”
“I officially open in two weeks, but I’m hosting a grand opening party next Saturday. It’s by invitation only, but I’d love for you and your husband to join us.”
Casey’s eyes lit up. “Really? Oh my God, he’ll be thrilled! Our anniversary is this Saturday—that would make the perfect addition to my gift.”
“I love that,” Diana said, clapping her hands together. “How many years are you celebrating?”
“Ah, leather,” Diana playfully winked. “I assume you’ve already taken care of the traditional gift?"
Casey burst out laughing. “You knew that too quickly—you must be married yourself.”
“I am, and I have a crystal anniversary coming up. Fifteen years next month.”
“Fifteen?" Casey was stunned. "Wow, what did you do? Get married at ten?”
 “I knew I liked you the moment I laid eyes on you, Casey," Diana chuckled. “But now, you're my best friend! I’m so glad you stopped by—you’re officially my first friend in my new town.”
“I consider that an honor,” Casey said, genuinely touched. Her eyes landed on a stack of brochures on a nearby table. “Mind if I take a few of these? I work at Edenbrook Hospital, and I could hand them out to some of my peers.”
“I've got a beautiful new friend, and she's helping me spread the word? This really is my lucky day,” Diana said, handing her a stack of brochures and two elegant invitations. “I really hope to see you both at the grand opening.”
“I wouldn't miss it!” Casey smiled, tucking the brochures and invitations into her bag. “And don’t be surprised if I stop by before then. I wouldn't mind another sneak peek."
“Please do!” Diana enthused. “I’d love the company, and you can tell me all the good places to go in the neighborhood. If I don't find a good iced matcha latte soon, I might lose my mind."
“Ah! I know just the place! I'll be sure to stop in if I see you here!"
Casey walked home with a sense of contentment. Her day had started with a bright opportunity and now, she felt like she found something special in that gallery... and in Diana. She couldn’t wait to tell Tobias all about it.
When she arrived home, she set the brochures on the kitchen counter, and her fingers brushed over the invitations as she thought about how much Tobias would love this surprise. It really was the perfect addition to her anniversary gift: a new place they could explore together and a night where they could dress up to boot! She already had the perfect dress in mind.
She carefully hid the invitations in a box toward the back of her closet, not far from the lingerie and a few leather items that would be making an appearance on Saturday, as well. The thought made her smile; she couldn’t wait to celebrate! As she glanced at the clock, she realized Tobias would be home in a few hours. She had so much to look forward to. As she stepped into the shower, allowing the steam and warm water to envelop her, she felt a peace that soothed her to her core. It had been a wonderful day filled with new opportunities, new connections, and the promise of even more to come. She was so fortunate, and she couldn’t wait for all that was ahead.
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
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augustvandyne · 11 months ago
Addie x reader !
Addie meets readers parents for the first time and it doesn’t go well, Addie comforts reader after
if you’re lactose intolerant i’m sorry
ice cream
“You don’t have to come in,” You bit your lip nervously as you look out the passenger side window.
“I came with you,” Addison places her hand on your knee. “I’m coming in. I wouldn’t rather be doing this with anyone else.”
“Okay,” You smile softly, leaning in for a short kiss.
“Come on,” Addison pinches your chin between her thumb and side of her pointer finger as you lean in for another kiss.
“Just one more,” You beg.
Addison chuckles with a shake of her head, but reluctantly leans in for another.
“Okay. Now I’m ready,” You swipe your thumb under her lip to remove the smeared lipstick. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”
Addison comes around the car to open your door, because that’s just the kind of person she is. It’s part of the reason you fell for her in the first place - how kind and thoughtful of a person she was.
She holds her hand out for you to take, and she helps pull you out of the car.
Wrapping your arm around her waist, you timidly walk towards the entrance to your childhood home. You were nervous because your parents never really excepted your orientation, nor would they be proud of the gaping age gap between you and Addison. But you didn’t care - not really, anyhow - about what they had to say as long as you were happy.
And Addison made you happy. More than.
You lift your fist to knock on the door, and hesitate for a moment before rapping your fist against the door.
You remove your hand from Addison’s waist as the door swings open.
“Y/n,” Your mom, Ellen, says. She can’t even hold eye contact with you.
You clear your throat, trying to stop a lump from forming. The last thing you needed was to meltdown in front of your parents.
“Come in, your father is sitting at the table,” She makes a face at Addison, and you let her walk in first. Your hand still in hers as your mother shuts the door behind you.
The food is on the table when you make it towards the dining room, along with your father.
“Hey dad,” You lean down to hug him, and his hand pats your back in a hello.
Your parents sit on one side of the table, while you and Addison sit on the other. Addison’s hand lands on your thigh when your leg starts bouncing nervously.
A soft smile takes over your lips in a silent thank you, and you place your non-dominant hand on top of hers.
“I’m Richard,” Your father nods, not looking Addison in the eye at all as he moves food around his plate.
“Are you here to eat, or what?” Your mom gives you a look and you sit uncomfortably in your seat.
“Yes,” You inhale sharply, you and Addison both plating up some food out of the pans placed on the table.
You take a bite of the potatoes, and fight the urge to moan aloud at the taste.
Your foot begins to shake under the table at the awkward silence. You draw your bottom lip between your teeth nervously.
“Are you going to introduce us to your.. friend?” Your dad spits out.
“This is Addison,” You don’t look up from your plate.
“And what does Allison do?” Your mother asks, purposefully saying Addison’s name incorrectly as she did in the past.
“I’m a fetal and neonatal surgeon at the same hospital as Y/n - Seattle Grace,” Addison speaks for herself. “That’s actually how we met.”
Your mother hums, obviously as uninterested as she could get.
“Yeah..” Your smile at her. “I’m interested in peds and fetal, as you know. And Addison is teaching me.”
“That’s right,” Addison smiles politely at both of your parents, patting her hand on yours.
All of the sudden, your father drops his silverware onto the plate, “I can’t do this. I’m sorry, sweetheart. I really tried, but.. I don’t accept this.”
“Dad—“ Your lips turn to a frown. “You haven’t even tried.”
“I have!”
“We’ve been here a few minutes,” The lump begins to form, faster and faster. “You’ve only met her once. You—“
“It’s okay,” Addison squeezes your thigh reassuringly, rubbing small circles on your inner thigh with her thumb. “They don’t have to like me.”
“No—“ You can’t hold the tears back. “Mom, please!”
“I’m sorry,” Your mom continues looking down. “He’s right. I think it’s best if Allison goes. You can stay, but she has to leave.”
You lean back in your chair, as if you were struck by lightning. Your chest felt heavy and you couldn’t breathe anymore. Your eyebrows furrow, and all your eyes hold is betrayal.
“How could you say something like that?” Tears silently fall down, your voice cracking.
Addison stays quiet, and you’re partly glad for that, because you didn’t need her making matters worse. But it also would’ve been nice if she tried standing up for you.
“We’ll be going,” Addison stands, putting her hand on your shoulder to snap you out of the betrayed trance you have set on your parents.
“Take a piece of pie,” Your father watches as you stand.
“Shove the pie up your—“
“Okay,” Addison shoves you towards the door. “Let’s go, darling. We don’t need to make this worse than it already is.”
“They— how—“
“I know,” Addison kisses your temple before turning towards your parents. “Thank you for having us. And it’s Addison. You have a wonderful daughter, and you shouldn’t throw that away because you can’t get over your beliefs.”
You smile sadly as your girlfriend tries to fight for you, even though it won’t work.
“Have a good night, now.”
You keep your head turned away from Addison because you don’t want her to see you so distraught. You’ve cried in front of her before, sure. But never quite in this capacity, or for this long of a period.
Addison starts the car, silently driving you towards your - the residents - shared house, you hope. All you want right now is to indulge in some ice cream, a movie, and to cry into your pillow.
You close your eyes, resting your head against the window.
“We’re here,” Addison says excitedly. Too excitedly for you to be at the house.
You open your eyes, and your lips come together in a small smile.
She knew.
She knew you were sad and that the only thing that helps you is ice cream.
“It’s a nice gesture,” You make no attempt to remove your seatbelt. “But I’m not exactly public ready. And I don’t even have any money.”
Addison chuckles at that.
“I’ll get you something. What do you want?” She begins to unbuckle her seatbelt.
“You don’t have to,” You shook your head, giving a fake smile. “I’m fine. Just take me home.”
“Look at me,” You could feel Addison’s gaze on your face, but you didn’t want to look at her, afraid you’d start crying again. She softly turns your head towards her. “I’m not taking you home.”
You lift your brow.
“You just had a terrible night,” Addison tilts her head, looking at you with nothing but love in her stare. “I’m getting you ice cream, maybe some food if you’re still hungry, and then we’re going to go back to my place. Where we will watch all your favorite movies and I will let you cry into my chest while I rub your back. So either tell me what you want, or I’ll order for you.”
“Order for me,” You lean into her touch.
“Okay,” Addison gives you a peck on the lips. “By the way, I’m not afraid of a little tears. I’m here for you through whatever.”
As the door shuts, you say to yourself, “I think I love you.”
She comes back with your favorite flavor, and you don’t even question how she knows that, because of course she knows, along with a burger for you and one for herself.
Addison spends the rest of the night cuddling you and rubbing your back, and she doesn’t even complain when you request to watch your favorite movie not once, not twice, but three times.
And Addison seemed to get through to your parents, because you wake up with messages from both your mother and your father.
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thefivecrowns · 1 month ago
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“Swiveling her ears, Adderstep’s goading was interrupted by the sound of Bramblestar’s booming voice atop the Maple Ridge, reminding SkyClan a tradition would take place soon; the Coldest Night. Did she want Foxsnare to be a part of that? They were Clanmates. ‘I think your tantrum has lasted long enough…’ She murmured a little softer, though her phrasing still prickly, ‘It’s an important day for SkyClan. Join me, we’ll fetch some nest material.’    Foxsnare's mind raced, already planning out the best places to gather the best moss and most downy feathers. It wasn’t a competition, but Foxsnare had always enjoyed winning. His attention refocused at Adderstep’s offer, a questioning look dawned on his face. He blinked curiously at her, before in a second, his expression shifted and he wore a guileful grin. ‘Another challenge or just a simple excursion between Clanmates? My heart leans towards the first option,’ he mused, standing to his paws as his eyes scanned the camp. ‘You said it yourself: ‘There’ll be plenty of time for rematches, Foxy.’’    Although tension still bubbled in Adderstep’s chest, she was glad to see a shimmer of mischief return in Foxsnare’s eyes. That irritated, standoffish demeanour he’d exuded before, vanished before her caramel gaze. She couldn’t hold back her chuckle at the abrupt switch, eyes glittering with reignited passion—who was she to pass up on a competition? It looked like their rivalry was back in full swing. ‘I think you’re biting off more than you can chew!’ The tan-black molly grinned cockily. ‘Don’t tell me you’ll cry if it doesn’t go your way again,’ she teased, whipping her tail over Foxsnare’s ears.   ‘You’ll eat those words Addy,’ Foxsnare mewed in a sing-song tone, words turning to fog in the air, though he was already scheming his road to victory. He stood to his paws quickly, only narrowly avoiding a cuff to his ears. In his own observations, Adderstep was blunt and very serious, the opposite of himself. But they did share one commonality: their competitiveness.”
Check out this snippet from a member interaction in SkyClan, one of the five Clans in the River Territory! They inhabit the Maple Forest northeast of the grand Gathering Island, and are led by Bramblestar, a dutiful yet childish leader.
SkyClan is the eldest of the River Territory Clans, and as such, is the most traditional, valuing and defending their history no matter how outdated their practices are. Though they no longer reside in them, they are devoted to the trees; dendrology is a significant part of apprentice training, and warriors incorporate the tall maples into every aspect of their lives, including using them as their primary hunting and fighting tool. They’ve honed the unique skill of cloudhopping, a method of transportation that requires warriors to hop from branch to branch in the treetops, through which they scout out their territory to compose maps and identify landmarks. SkyClan is proud of their tree-centric lifestyle, believing it also signifies their connection to StarClan.
After their leader Finchstar “betrayed” Hawkstar by letting ThunderClan stay in the River Territory, SkyClan was disbanded by DuskClan, with only a few felines able to flee the conflict. The rest became DuskClan warriors, forced to abide by Hawkstar’s rules and support his attacks against the opposing Clans; when it came to the final fight, though, most rallied against him and helped drive DuskClan out. Thanks to Bramblestar, SkyClan has been reinstated as the fifth River Territory Clan, and is currently undergoing restoration as its members settle back into the Maple Forest.
Interested in reading more about SkyClan? Learn more here! You can also read up on more of their history within the roleplay by viewing our Past Plots doc found in the Main Doc.
Character & Snippet Text Credits: Adderstep [left; @/Kiteru], Foxsnare [right; @faeriegrove]
Art Credit: Ranger [@ranger2304]
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nicohischierz · 10 months ago
stop addy and matt are so cute!
why do i see addy asking matt to teach her more about fighting just in case? and one game in the future she gets in a fight everyone is so shocked because she completely won and matt is so proud
“matty?” adelaide called.
“yes princess,” matt answered from the bathroom. he walked into the bedroom and looked at his girlfriend.
“well i was wondering. umm you know you have a physical game, well i thought maybe you could teach me,” she mumbled.
matt smiled at his girl. “you wanna know how to fight,” he said smugly. adelaide nodded and matt placed a kiss on her head.
they move the living room furniture and matt buys well a mat to make the ground softer and he does a step by step guide on how to fight.
like he shows her how to take a guy down and she’s pretty physical because of her brothers and playing in men’s division.
literally one day braden schneider walks in on addy successfully taking matt to the ground and he walks back out thinking he’s interrupted something.
now picture this scene.
msg it’s isles v rangers.
adelaide’s being pushed around and she swings at this guy. usually she doesn’t fight and someone else goes after the guy. but no she’s swinging and taking this guy down.
matt is on the ice by the rangers bench a little smile on his face as he watches his girl. he feels so proud and definitely shows her after the game
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ask-philgraves · 1 month ago
18:38 - Adelaide (Addie) Finch
Heya Phil, just wondering if you got your health check sorted? Where you were under the weather we need it on your record as evidence that you’re fit for field work again. Otherwise the board will… Be the board.
- @cod-hr-admin 💻
19:43 - Phillip (Phil) Graves
Hey Addie.
No I... I haven't gotten my health check sorted yet. I forgot who I was supposed to go to and besides, I'm fit for field work again. Otherwise I wouldn't be going to field ops under orders of brass.
I have time to swing by the office if need be, just let me know what I need to give.
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zaynmirrors · 1 year ago
Fire on Fire: Part 20
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A/N: Getting close to the end guys! Does anyone have any ideas for another series or blurbs? Open to suggestions.
Chapter 20
10k stayed in and out of consciousness, so much to the point I was starting to worry. Eventually, by luck, we met up with Warren and the others. 
“I’m sorry I dragged you into this” Warren spoke, glancing back at me in the rearview mirror. 
I shook my head, “All good” though I’m not sure it was. 
“How’s your little girl?” She smiled fondly at the memory of her. 
A small smile tugged on my lips, “She’s good, talking, being a menace” which earned a chuckle from Warren. 
“Where is your daughter now?” Hector, who I managed to learn they had beef with for a while but was now on our side. 
I winced, “it’s a long story, but she's with this couple that took us in. Very fortified place”
Hector nodded and mumbled something about that being nice as Doctor Sun Mei glanced back at 10k who slept, she said nothing but looked skeptical. 
“What can you tell us about Murphy town?” Warren asked. 
I shook my head. “Not much, there’s a lot of security, a zombie moat, and these people just listen to him”
“Now that’s odd” Warren grunted, I nodded. 
“That’s all I got before he knocked me out” I stated 
Hector raised an eyebrow “knocked you out?”
I nodded, “yeah, woke up in a psych ward, that’s how I met up with doc and 10k”
“Oh you’re gonna wanna hear this!” Doc piped up and went on to tell the whole story, I snorted, laughing at some of the funny parts. 
“Sounds like you guys have been up to quite a bit” Addy pipes up. I nod. The ride continued swapping stories of zombies, family before, and just what we wish the world was now. 
Warren pulled to a stop at a lookout that gave us a good view of Murphy's little village. If it came to a fight I don't know if I'd be able to go down swinging. I promised I'd make it back to Em. 
I sighed quietly, taking a look at 10k who was still passed out. Good, sleep it off. The more time I have to plan out this conversation the better. 
Warren decided to set up camp here, so we sat around a low-burning fire eating beans Maggie packed for me. I stood taking what was left of my bowl over to the opened trunk of the car where 10k lay. Though instead of asleep, his eyes were open staring at the roof of the car. His head turned my way. Fuck. 
“How long have you been here?” He asked, voice still groggy from sleep, or drugs, or Murphy, hell maybe a combo. 
I took a breath, “been here a while” he sat up, swinging his legs over the edge of the trunk. 
He looked at the bowl in my hand and then back up to my face. “Come to really put a knife in my chest?” He deadpanned. 
No emotion was shown in his eyes, I glanced over to see if anyone was listening, if they were they were doing a good job hiding it. 
“I came to apologize, and save your ass” I offered up the bowl of beans, he crossed his arms over his chest in rejection so I set it on the edge of the trunk beside him. 
He stayed silent, either not wanting to listen or telling me to continue. Regardless I continued. “I was selfish, I chose Emma over you and the mission and I’m sorry.”
He loosened the tightness of his arms but his face remained stoic so I just went on, “Every waking moment I think about you, about us. fuck you’re in my dreams too. I was stupid and you can hate me all you want, I deserve it.” 
He remained silent, as tears threatened to spill. Heat ran its way up from my cheeks to the tops of my ears. I could tell he was in contemplation, I knew him all too well. “I would’ve gone with you,” he said, firm and truthful. “You could’ve just said something, everything could’ve been okay. All you had to do was just fucking say something!” His fist hit the carpet inside but still made a loud enough noise that made me jump. 
He went on, “The little savior act isn’t going to fix things. I should’ve known you would’ve picked that thing over me. I was happier thinking you were dead” 
I couldn’t stop the tear that fell down my cheek but I wasn’t about to cry in earshot of everyone else. I simply nodded and walked away, noticing we had gathered an audience. 
My feet carried me past the group, ignoring Warren calling out for me. This is exactly how I figured it would go. I should’ve just stayed at the farm. Crawling into one of the tents we set up, I laid on the sleeping bag and sobbed, Not caring about anyone hearing me. 
I sobbed, knowing you fucked up was one guilt but hearing it was a whole other level. I almost hadn’t heard Addy enter the tent. “Y/N, you wanna talk?”
Shaking my head earned a sigh from her, then some rustling and a sudden warmth at my back. I didn’t stray from her touch when she wrapped around me.
Addy rested her nose on the top of my head. A hand in my hair, rubbing in soothing circles. “I don’t think he means what he said,” she said lowly. So they had heard. 
I shook my head but she just shushed me, “Give him time, it’s obvious he’s not in the right mind at the moment”. It didn’t matter to me, somewhere deep in his mind he meant that. She held me, soothing me as I cried. Even as I fell asleep. 
That morning I woke alone, not that it bothered me. I was becoming used to waking up alone. I didn’t want to leave the safety of the tent. Leaving meant facing the group. Facing 10k. I couldn’t do that, though there wasn’t much choice in that matter. I’d have to leave eventually. 
Before I could even think about getting up Warren made her way into the tent, biscuit in hand which she offered out to me. I took it with a small smile. 
“He ran off” was all she said, I knew though. I just nodded and so she continued “We’re gonna fight, it'll be messy. I know you got that little girl to take care of so if you wanted to leave” Did I want to leave? I felt indifferent about fighting.
“If you find yourselves out our way, stop by,” I said, she nodded. I’m sure she knew what my choice was going to be. I told her how to find us, “when 10K gets fixed-“
She smiled, “I’ll send him your way, give that little girl a hug for me” I nodded and smiled, turning on my heel to face the tent. 
I didn’t waste time gathering my stuff. When I was done, I went to say my goodbyes but saw Addie talking to Warren who held a sullen expression on her face. 
Doc grabbed my attention as he said “I hate to see you go again” I turned to look at him. 
“I know, I want to stay and make sure he’s okay but I can’t.” He held his hand up as if he understood, “If I would’ve just stayed-“
“Hey, don’t. None of us could’ve known that Murphy was going to do that.” He placed a hand on my shoulder. “Murphy set that whole thing up, he knew what he was doing, it wasn’t your fault”
It was like everything clicked together, he truly had planned it all out. Fucker. He deserves everything that’s coming. “You bring him home to me,” I said, pulling Doc into a tight hug.
“We’ll be right behind you kiddo,” he said into my hair, slowly loosening his hold on me. With that, I left. 
Chapter 21
@whenmypartysover @multifandomlesbianic @isimpfordanielpark
@ophelia-nightt @peezbabey @lizzardgreene @lizx13 @nohemi2500
@missricecrispy @nightowlgirl
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dee-writes-angst · 2 years ago
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FEATURING Mark Sloan x reader
SUMMARY Mark won’t get off your ass about a date, but you refuse to stoop so low until your best friends Derek and Addison change your mind
CONTENT WARNINGS descriptions of injuries, pain, mentions of infertility, mark being gross, and maybe language
AUTHORS NOTE I’ve been in a Grey’s anatomy mood, and tumblr is LACKING in my husband Sloan fics so I made whatever this is. As always, let me know if you want a second part.
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"Go away, Mark," you sigh, irritation seeping through as you clutch the stack of patient charts you'd been feverishly updating at the nurse's station. Your concentration had been perfect until his unmistakable presence loomed beside you.
"C’mon! I haven’t even said anything yet!" Mark protests, his voice carrying a note of offense as he trails you down the brightly lit hospital corridor.
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"You don’t have to say anything; you’re Mark," you grumble under your breath, your annoyance growing. Without slowing your pace, you swiftly turn a corner, effectively cutting him off. You push open the door to your patient's room, leaving him alone in the hallway, his puzzled expression fading as the door swings shut.
At that moment, Derek strides past, a smirk visible on his face as he observes the scene. "Don’t say I didn’t warn you," he chuckles, shaking his head slightly at Mark’s dejected stance. Mark lets out a defeated huff and reluctantly turns to follow Derek towards their next case.
"Man, that fish is hard to hook," Mark sighs to Derek as they walk together toward the pre-op section, his frustration evident. The comment floats back along the hospital corridor, mingling with the usual cacophony of beeping monitors and hurried footsteps.
"Well, maybe that 'fish' would be easier to catch if you stopped calling her a fish," Derek laughs, the sound rich and knowing. They pass a group of nurses, who glance curiously at the pair, wondering at their laughter amidst the usual hospital seriousness.
Mark considers hurling a sarcastic retort about his own tumultuous relationship with Meredith, thinking it might lighten the mood. But he glances at Derek's amused, expectant face and decides against it. Instead, Mark falls into a sullen silence, his mind replaying the morning's rebuffs as they prep for surgery. The rest of his day drags on, each hour marked by a growing sense of frustration and isolation that only deepens his sulk.
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"God, I swear Sloan doesn’t know when to quit!” you grumble, your frustration palpable as you maneuver the patient's hip back into place with precision, despite his howls of pain echoing in the trauma bay.
“He’s definitely persistent, I will give him that,” Addison acknowledges, her voice carrying a hint of exhaustion as she assists in restraining the patient.
“Enough about Mark, what brings you down to my trauma bay today?” you inquire, your attention shifting momentarily from the task at hand as you deftly adjust the patient's IV drip.
“I was hoping for some advice,” Addison begins tentatively, her gaze flickering between the patient and your focused movements.
“Hold that thought, Addie,” you interject, a sense of urgency in your tone. “Nurse, could you please page Dr. Stevens and Dr. Shepard for me?” Your request is met with a nod from the nurse, who promptly exits the room, leaving you and Addison alone.
“Okay, now that we've removed the potential for eavesdropping, and…” Your words trail off as you glance over at Mr. Howard, your car trauma patient, now sedated and stabilized, at least for the moment. “A stable patient. Hit me!”
“Do you remember when I left for LA a few days ago?” Addison's voice holds a note of vulnerability as she speaks.
“Well, yeah, you only got back like two days ago,” you reply with a sympathetic smile, recalling the recent upheaval in her schedule.
“Anyways,” Addison continues, her tone becoming more focused, “When I went, I was going to see Naomi, you remember her?”
“Yeah, from college, right? She was with you guys in New York too, the fertility specialist?”
“That’s her…” Addison trails off, a solitary tear slipping down her cheek, unnoticed in the bustle of the trauma bay.
“Oh, Addie,” you sigh softly, pulling her into a gentle embrace, your heart aching for her distress.
“My whole life I’ve waited for kids, but now that I’m ready to actually have them, I have barely any eggs and my FSH is too low,” Addison confesses, her voice trembling with emotion as she shares her deepest fears.
“Shh, it’s going to be okay,” you assure her, holding her close and offering what comfort you can amidst the chaos of the trauma bay. “You are Addison freaking Montgomery, do you hear me?” you declare, your voice firm with conviction as you meet her gaze. “You've faced adversity head-on, time and time again. You've weathered storms that would have broken lesser souls. And now, you will overcome this.” You wish you could convey the depth of your belief in her resilience, the unwavering strength that has always been her hallmark.
“Thank you,” Addison murmurs once she's calmed down, her eyes glistening with unshed tears as she pulls away slightly, her expression a mixture of gratitude and determination.
“Hey, none of that. You know I'm always here for you,” you reassure her, offering a reassuring smile as you gently wipe away her tears. “But if you really wanted to help me out, you'd get Mark off my back,” you add with a teasing grin, hoping to lighten the heavy atmosphere with a touch of humor. It earns a weak chuckle from Addison, a brief respite from the weight of her worries.
However, your shared moment of levity is short-lived as Derek enters the room, followed by Stevens and her interns, the bustle of activity resuming with renewed intensity. You nod at Addison as she gathers herself, her expression a mask of determination as she exits the trauma bay, passing by Derek without a word, her resolve unshakeable in the face of adversity.
"Dr. Shepard, I need a neuro consult, right pupil looks to be blown, I’m assuming a stroke or increased intracranial pressure of some kind, but you might want a resident to order a head CT,” I assert, my tone crisp and authoritative as I hand over the patient's chart to Derek, my eyes already scanning the bustling trauma bay for the resident I've paged.
Derek quickly scans the chart, his expression shifting to one of concern as he approaches the patient's bedside to conduct a preliminary examination. Meanwhile, I redirect my attention to Dr. Stevens, who has just entered the trauma bay in response to my page.
“As for you, Dr. Stevens, could you please give me a valid reason why I had to page you, my assigned resident for the day, to my trauma bay?” I question sharply, my gaze piercing as I wait for an explanation. Stevens shifts uncomfortably under my scrutiny, her eyes darting nervously around the room.
“I-I’m sorry, ma’am, I was just—I had a…” Stevens stammers, her voice trailing off as she struggles to come up with a coherent response. I raise an eyebrow, growing increasingly suspicious at her evasive demeanor.
“Well, if my specialty doesn’t seem too important to you, then please feel free to do scut with your interns until you find a good enough answer for me,” I retort, my tone laced with thinly veiled frustration as I dismiss her with a wave of my hand, leaving her to hastily exit the room with her intimidated interns in tow.
“Wow, I can see why they call you Satan,” Derek chuckles lightly, shaking his head in mild amusement as he completes his examination of the patient.
“I’m flattered,” I reply dryly, leaning against the counter with folded arms as I watch Derek work. “So, how is Christina?” I inquire, shifting the topic as Derek continues his assessment.
“I wouldn’t know,” Derek responds, his expression somber as he focuses on Howard’s injuries. “Meredith and I aren’t really on speaking terms yet.”
“Oh, you mean since she unofficially broke up with you in front of Christina and Preston’s entire wedding party?” I remark knowingly, my tone tinged with a hint of mischief as I recall the recent drama.
“Yes, since then,” Derek grumbles, meeting my gaze with a mix of resignation and frustration. “You are right about the CT, I would definitely like to get some films, but these burns on his neck look pretty bad, I would recommend a plastics consult too,” he adds, a wry grin tugging at the corner of his lips as he assesses the severity of the patient's injuries. I shoot him a sharp glare in response to his grin, though inwardly acknowledging his astuteness.
“In fact, I think I will ask a nurse to page Dr. Sloan along with my resident,” Derek continues, his grin widening at the subtle reaction he elicits from me. I can't help but cringe inwardly at the mention of Sloan's name, a feeling that Derek seems to relish.
“I think it will be smart to make myself scarce then,” I reply with a forced smile, gathering my belongings and exiting the room, Derek trailing behind me.
“He’s not all that bad, you know,” Derek remarks, attempting to lighten the tension as we walk down the corridor.
“You’re joking, right? You mean he’s not bad other than the fact that he is a literal man-whore who your ex-wife cheated on you with before she was your ex-wife?” I retort with a dry chuckle, unable to resist the opportunity to tease Derek about his complicated history with Sloan.
“He got what was coming to him the same as Addison, and I hold no more ill will against him,” Derek shrugs, his tone surprisingly nonchalant given the circumstances. “He was my best friend once upon a time, you know, it’s hard to just let that all go.”
“I know,” I sigh, my expression softening with understanding. “But I just don’t know if I can really trust him to stay… loyal,” I admit hesitantly, the weight of my concerns evident in my voice. “It’s not that he’s not hot, because I mean—”
“Yeah! Yeah, no! Ew. Stop,” Derek interjects, cringing in mock disgust at the direction of our conversation.
“What? He is!” I laugh, unable to resist teasing Derek a little more as we pause at the nurse's station.
“I know, but that doesn’t mean I enjoy hearing about it,” Derek replies with a shiver of mock horror. “Seriously, though. If you want to test his loyalty, give him hoops, make him jump through them, and if he is really invested then he will.”
“Thanks, Derek,” I say sincerely, a smile playing at the corners of my lips as I appreciate his advice.
“Don’t mention it,” Derek grins, turning to the nurses to issue his instructions, his demeanor more relaxed now as he leaves me with a wink and walks away, disappearing down the corridor.
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I am still caught up updating charts when Sloan and Karev make their way down to the nurses' station, the rhythmic clacking of keyboards and murmurs of medical jargon creating a background symphony in the bustling emergency department. I look up from the sea of paperwork, my eyes meeting Alex's expectant gaze, ready to assign him his next task, and notice Mark's lingering stare, undoubtedly brewing some inappropriate comment or another.
"Karev, your patient is in trauma room three, get him up to CT asap so I can free up the room," I instruct, my voice cutting through the din of activity as I hand him Howard’s chart from the stack I'm trying to plow through before the end of my shift. Alex nods in acknowledgment, swiftly snatching the chart from my grasp before hurrying off to attend to his duties.
"You paged?" Mark interjects, his voice carrying a seductive undertone that signals he's about to make yet another overly flirtatious comment. He leans against the counter with an air of casual confidence, his piercing gaze fixed on me as if daring me to engage in his game.
"Karev's got it covered," I reply tersely, my attention already drifting back to the daunting stack of charts demanding my attention.
"But you paged for me, right?" Mark presses, his tone laced with playful insinuation. "Is it because you missed me? Or maybe you finally have an answer for me about that drink," he adds with a wink, his smirk suggesting he's enjoying the banter far more than I am.
I resist the urge to roll my eyes, maintaining my focus on the task at hand as I continue sorting through the charts. "I only wish I could, Mark," I retort, my tone tinged with resignation as I finish the current chart.
"But you can’t avoid me forever," Mark teases, his grin widening at my subdued response. "So what do you say? Drink on me after shift?"
"I say no," I reply firmly, my answer unwavering despite his persistent advances.
“Why not?” Mark probes, though he already knows my response all too well.
“Because I said so,” I grumble, my frustration mounting as I move on to the next patient chart.
“That’s not good enough for me,” Mark insists, undeterred by my reluctance.
“Well, it is for me,” I huff, my irritation growing with each exchange.
“Just give me a chance here, I promise it will be worth your while,” Mark pleads, attempting to sway me once again.
“No, it won’t,” I counter, my resolve firm.
“Yes, it will,” Mark persists, his persistence bordering on exasperating.
“No,” I repeat, my patience wearing thin.
“Yes,” Mark insists, refusing to back down.
“Oh my god!” I finally snap, drawing the attention of everyone in the ER with my outburst. With an exasperated sigh, I grab Mark by the arm and lead him to the nearest on-call room, needing a moment of respite from his relentless pursuit.
“Alright,” Mark smirks, anticipating a different kind of encounter behind closed doors.
“Keep your shirt on, Mark. This isn’t a yes, it’s a condition,” I clarify, feeling a mix of frustration and resignation at the situation.
“What is it?” Mark asks eagerly, eager to negotiate the terms of our agreement.
“No sex with other women, no flirting with me or anyone, no goo-goo eyes, or date proposals for sixty days,” I stipulate, laying down the terms of our arrangement.
“Okay, what do I win if I make it?” Mark wonders, his excitement palpable as he eagerly awaits my response.
“If you make it, then I will go on a date with you,” I concede, reluctantly agreeing to the terms in hopes of securing some peace from his relentless pursuit.
“One night until I blow your socks off with my impressive penis and charming personality,” Mark quips, his cocky demeanor only adding to my exasperation.
“I’ve seen both already and neither are impressive enough to 'blow my socks off' or whatever you’re planning on trying to do,” I retort flatly, attempting to maintain some semblance of control over the situation.
“Ouch. You wound me,” Mark jokes, feigning mock hurt.
“Good. So, do we have a deal?” I ask, eager to bring an end to the negotiation.
“Yes,” Mark grins, extending his hand, and I reluctantly shake it, the touch sending a jolt of unexpected heat through me. As much as I'm looking forward to my two months of peace, I can't shake the feeling that Mark won't make it, and perhaps that's precisely what he needs to realize he doesn't want to be with me.
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verdemoun · 8 months ago
is there some info about your timewarp au that you really wanna talk about?? if so i am all ears
bless one of the core timewarp au scenes is really the moment they are all just settled and okay and don't really know when it happened but realizing yes this is good this is the life we were meant to have the gang together again
it was meant to be one of their usual family bbq gatherings but grimshaw couldn't get out of work and in no man left behind fashion they decided they would crash the bar. open mic night
sean and lenny meant to be singing a ballad to their respective wives but instead just staring at each other while karen and jenny are entirely amused/delighted over how in love they are with each other. most wholesome dynamic
jack being too young to buy drinks and grimshaw not willing to lose her liquor license for him. big bossy rule enforcing queen entirely undermined by isaac persistently buying himself double shots and slight of hand sliding them to jack until they are both plastered.
hosea just being old this is post 1911 gang warping so he is approaching 70 bessie is retired they are sitting in a comfortable booth enjoying pub meals and whiskey watching their massive family be happy but also just in their own loved up world where they are the only two people that exist
someone with a spray bottle trying to keep javier and kieran off each other for 10 minutes ffs there's children present
john thinking he is the best parent letting his daughter sip beer while abigail yells at him because she's only like 8. he argues they were both already drinking at that age. fighting like an old married couple but also can't stay mad at each other. abigail rolling her eyes but smiling as john kisses her. addie jr helped herself to a whole beer while they were fighting
arthur and charles both responsible adults still getting white girl silly drunk. tripping over each other cackling arthur trying to catch charles and instead completely faceplanting himself. drunk dancing together not realizing they are the center of attention
micah and bill leaning on the bar having the 'why are you gay' 'who says i'm gay' 'you are gay' but also micah in a trying to be a better person/must prove he is the best at everything giving bill dating tips despite being the worst straight man in history
dutch being allowed to come along (molly and her wife were busy being lesbians elsewhere. if molly is coming dutch is not invited (for His safety, not hers)) dutch having a few too many drinks and slipping into 'y'know maybe we could overthrow the government' and annabelle having to play babysitter 'No Dutch'. Hosea still likes listening to Dutch's tangents he may have his arms around his wife but he is just smiling affectionately listening to Dutch go off
no one realizing just how happy but also out of hand things are getting until jake adler pulls out the fiddle playing live music while his beautiful immaculate stunning spectacular bisexual wife sadie adler sings hell's coming with me. everyone just vibing until she switches the line to 'then colm o'driscoll was hanging by a rope'. hollering cheering screaming drinks being raised noise complaints being filed it is never too late to celebrate colm's execution
poor eliza pulling out the 'oh arthur' as she tries to get arthur, charles, isaac and jack home because they are all blind drunk. john having to help force them all into the car. jack and isaac are attached at the hip he is going home with them
also drunk jack going through absolute swings and roundabouts one second it's 'fuck you dad i'm gonna start my own gang with blackjack and hookers' isaac in the distance 'fuck yeah sex work is real work' only to be 'i'm sorry i let you down and i made mistakes and i keep making mistakes' as john carries him over his shoulder to the car. john very tentatively trying to assure him he didn't let him down and it's just further proof he is his son and that he's sorry jack inherited making the same dumb mistakes from him
uncle eating every single bowl of peanuts at the bar and falling asleep in a booth. grimshaw still closing and locking down the bar with him still inside to try and teach him a lesson
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