#swingers social media
glittter-vamp · 5 months
Even if Deuxmoi is bullshit why hasn’t someone, anyone have come forward to deny the rumors? When she’s posted about a JB engagement or cheating in the past she’s always hedged with “sources” saying otherwise.
Okay, I’m going to respond to this and this only because I’ve gotten MULTIPLE asks over these weeks about this and I am quite over it. No matter how much I block anons, people on the tag what have you this topic haunts my blog constantly and I come on here to have fun and decompress not gossip about a relationship that is none of our concern.
It is simply NONE of our goddamn business what happens between Joe and Olivia.
If they’re dating, it’s NOT our business.
If they’re engaged, it’s NOT our business.
If they broke up, it’s NOT our business.
If they are friends with benefits, it’s NOT our business.
If they are married, it’s NOT our business.
If they are swingers, it’s NOT our business.
If they are having kids, It’s NOT our business.
If they are arch nemesis, it’s NOT our business.
If they are best friends, it’s NOT our business.
It’s also NONE of our business who Joe follows on instagram and if he likes their pictures because some people in his real life social circle alone are very questionable people but that’s never an issue, only a stupid follow and like on social media when it’s someone of the opposite sex has people foaming at the mouth in anger on behalf of a woman NONE OF US KNOW. If it bothers you, no one is holding you at gun point to care about Joe Burrow or to post about him. By all means move from him, enjoy your time on tumblr with people & stuff you actually like & support.
I will never understand the obsession people have about their relationship. We have YET to see Joe even throw a football as of now or know if he’s going to be back at his full potential but y’all are concerned with his romantic life that has nothing to do with any of us or his football career.
Leave what doesn’t concern you, alone. Stop bothering blogs with this and stop filling the tag with it.
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spurgie-cousin · 1 month
favorite mormon ridiculous moments
There are so many 😭 recently I've gone down that rabbit hole of all those mormon mom tiktok influencers who ended up being swingers w/ each other's husbands??? That's truly so funny to me for so many reasons, so there's one
Another one of my all-time favorite mormon-isms is how coffee is a no no, but soda is ok, so all these social media moms are crazy for these "artisinal" soda shops. And I'm not saying I wouldn't be down for some vanilla lavender soda, but I feel like soda is arguably worse for your health?? Or at least *as* bad compared to just your average drive thru iced coffee, and the whole point of avoiding it is bc Joseph Smith said to avoid hot coffee for health reasons, so like many things on the Mormon sphere it just feels contradictory to a silly degree.
Idk I know there's more specific ones but my brain isn't working atm, send me any funny mormon moments that you can think of
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hezuart · 7 months
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Silverstone, NapeLeaf, Scarmer & Jayde Redesign
Dedicated ancient lovers & Hiker open swingers
(Longer backstories below)
Silverstone the echidna is from an ancient tribe of echidna. Their bodies were built thicker, and the women were just as strong as the men. They were miners who dug out rock and tinkered with metals and gemstones. They decorated themselves with tattoos and markings. Their tails were like a dinosaur's, a wrecking ball end to fight off enemies or to smash rocks. The nature of this tribe is the weak are left behind. Silverstone retained a burn injury to her eye during a coal pit battle. In her tribe, it is scene as a brilliant battle scar. The mothers in the tribe strap children to their backs while they work in the caves. If the child doesn’t survive, then it is considered ill fit for the tribe. Silverstone is strong and considered worthy of a husband, but she doesn’t want one. While she takes pride in her strength, her tribe’s resilience, and her tribe's pursuit of evolving technology, her tribe is emotionally stunted, and unions aren’t romantic. It’s common for husbands to leave for stronger wives, it is normal. Silverstone is tired of being strong all the time and longs to be a little soft and sweet without being shunned. Nape Leaf is from a different tribe deep in the forest. They believe in mother-earth ideals. They worship nature, cover themselves in leaves, and scarcely eat meat. Leaf loves her tribe's belief in magic, in nature. She loves to sew, sing, heal, dance, cook. But that’s all she’s ever allowed to do. She is often treated like a child and is yelled at whenever she tries to do something reserved for the guys. The women in her tribe serve the men, only they are allowed to hunt, while the women stay in the camps cleaning and child-rearing. She doesn’t want to be married off to an echidna the elders will pick for her, probably several years older than her too. Devastated at her engagement, she flees her tribe. That’s where she meets Silverstone, an echidna her tribe is at war with.
Anyway, Juliet(Romeo) and Juliet flee their tribes and elope somewhere in distant woods where they can be soft or strong or whatever they want to be. They teach each other their tribe's traditions. When the echidnas are wiped from the face of the earth due to war or chaos extinction tragedy, they survive without even knowing the fate of their species. Even if they did, it wouldn’t change a thing. They wouldn’t search elsewhere to continue their bloodlines, they wouldn’t go out of their way to preserve their tribe's traditions. Historians in the future find their mixed cultural traditions and lose their minds. They’re often referred to as the “forbidden lovers of the east wood.” Their bodies were found in the same grave, and scientists years into the future may use their DNA to genetically clone them to revive the species! Their love may live yet again- across time!
Scarmer and Jayde the bat. Despite their wings, they actually love to hike and rock climb. They travel and camp around a lot of places. Open relationship. They stay connected to people through social media, sharing places they go to, and things they’ve seen. Nice, cool couple
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chaifootsteps · 10 months
Howdy this is the same anon that had many incorrect speculations about Hazbin Hotel.
Here's all the things I first thought of when watching Helluva Boss for the first time
- They would visit different versions of Earth for targets.
- The reason their former targets wouldn't come after them was because all of their weapons were made out of a mix of metal harvested in Purgatory and Hell's brimstone this results in the soul being trapped in a Hell of its own making.
- Blitz started the business to track down what happened to his sister (and he got fired from every job in the city. )
- Moxxie is a theater professor that took up the job to find his parents murderer.
- Millie was a former enforcer turned Hell's Olympian that is a thrill seeker, her whole goal is to find a way to demolish angels.
- Loona actually belonged to Barbie Wire she was once a normal Earth dog before getting killed. Barbie transformed into a Hellhound, it's hinted at she once belonged to a human that Barbie cared for immensely.
- Loona's phone is sentient that is her best friend. She's constantly looking up Hell's culture and social norms because she has no idea how to act like a Hellhound.
- Loona is the social media manger that advertises their services.
-Loona is practicing using the Grimoire to give her phone a new robot body.
- She also has a big cosmic horror wolf monster form, she uses the Internet to look up Hell culture.
- Moxxie is studying necromancy with the Grimoire.
- Moxxie also uses music based weapons and his main ability is to puppet people with his songs, he also can boost his allies (Bard)
- Millie would have a fondness for desert plants and bad comedy stories.
- For some reason I thought Octavia was Stolas's and Stella's niece they took in after her parents were killed.
- I also thought she was younger like 10-13.
- Blitz is saving money to own his own horse ranch one day.
- That Stolas and Stella were swingers.
- Octavia would constantly be sneaking out on her own adventures to different versions of Earth. She's got a million ocs, Loves MMORPGs, and loves adult cartoons she shouldn't be watching. She also still plays with her toys and would constantly change outfits.
- A running Gag would be any pest animals (spiders, bats, rats, other hell born animals) would have a incredibly fondness for Loona much to her annoyance.
- Moxxie and Blitz would get into frequent verb barbs.
- Millie would journal and make stone carvings as a hobby.
I want to study you.
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queer-in-a-cornfield · 11 months
Every year my city holds a huge fall festival for an entire week and it’s absolutely huge and I went for the first time in years yesterday evening, so:
Rides HDLW would like at Fall Festival:
Huey- Swinger. Likes the feeling of wind in his face but not going super fast or upside down.
Dewey- Ring of Fire. “It’s terrifying, what more could a duck want?”
Louie- Giant Wheel. “It’s not terrifying, what more could a duck want? (Also, the view is great for social media.)”
Webby- Supernova 360. Loves spinning rides and rides that go upside down. This does both simultaneously.
Food HDLW would like at Fall Festival:
Huey- Corn Dog. “It’s a carnival, you can’t just not get a corn dog. They’re carnival classics.”
Dewey- Donut Burger. Likes the weird foods, but not quite to Webby’s level.
Louie- Loaded Tater Tots. Prefers tamer food than Dewey and Webby, but not something you could just buy in a box from the grocery store either.
Webby- Brain Sandwich. “It’s gross, which means it’s cool.”
Desserts HDLW would like at Fall Festival:
Huey- Chocolate Covered Strawberries. Banned from the particularly sugary things so he doesn’t get a sugar rush in the middle of a crowded carnival.
Dewey- Deep Fried Cinnamon Rolls. “Literally how can you smell that and not want to eat it?”
Louie & Webby- They buy a funnel cake and an elephant ear, then split them both. “Because sugar.”
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bugsonthemind · 1 year
Since it's been a while, I thought I'd repost this old meme I made from reddit to tumblr. Because I think it's still funny. I also added a four new entries, just for the value add.
Annette x Danny - You used to be a swinger, but these days you’re totally devoted to your spouse, who can do no wrong in your eyes. You read Worm on a lark after accidentally finding it in a search for a place where you could buy garden worms. You really fell in love with it, and Danny became a point of fascination after you read the Word of God about his potential powers.
Taylor x Greg - You consider yourself a geek, generally speaking, and you enjoy writing but not sharing fanfiction. You always tell your friends that you’ve got a “gamer-fic” coming that will really “shake things up” on Spacebattles, but really it’s just a measly two paragraphs. You know a few words in a notable conlang, but you don’t have the dedication to learn a grammar other than that of English.
Taylor x Emma - You are a 20-something sapphic woman with many, many things unresolved from highschool.
Taylor x Sophia - You’ve never read Worm.
Taylor x Brian - You’re a strict canonist. You don’t buy Taylor in a sapphic ship and you never will, given the Word of God on the matter. You also really like Brian as a character, and feel more than a little disappointed that he got shafted in terms of character development.
Taylor x Lisa - You’re into astrology and you have a fairly active Instagram where you frequently post images of people who you’re attracted to - usually those that are taller and more physically capable, or somewhat frazzled and “natural” looking - with repeated heart emojis.
Taylor x Rachel - You’re an avid reader of lesbian fiction - your favorite classic is Stone Butch Blues by Feinberg - and you genuinely thought that this was the romantic direction that Worm was going when you were reading it back in 2013, just after it had finished. You are, if not a dog person, an animal person in general.
Taylor x Alec - You speak French and frequently brag about it, and you’re a little too open about your interest in BDSM, which reflects all the more poorly on your choice of ship. You still doubt that Bill Cosby actually did anything wrong.
Taylor x Dennis - You are an even stricter canonist. You eagerly await the PHO post every Sunday, and you love staying in character.
Taylor x Amy - You are either a thirty-year old straight single man or a teenaged single lesbian, with no outliers. Either way, both womanhood and cleanliness are alien to you. Clean your room. Take a shower. Make better choices next time.
Taylor x Theo - You're a bit of an off-the wall kind of person, preferring to take a third option whenever available. You think of it as being quirky. You're art school, and picked up Worm in 2016 on a recommendation from a friend on Discord.
Lisa x Faultline - You like women in positions of power, but have no interest in conventional power structures. This paradox was what initially led you to Worm, but you kinda only continued on momentum after Taylor became a Ward. You sometimes like to pretend to be a libertarian.
Rachel x Brian - You think that Taylor is a piece of shit, and that everyone in the Undersiders deserves better than her. You’re really into tomboys.
Rachel x Alec - You have a complex of sexual fetishes, mental illnesses and gender hang-ups previously only thought possible under the rare conditions found in the center of distant stars, the Large Hadron Collider or a person from Florida.
Rachel x Biter - You prefer relationships that are kept on the down-low. You don’t have any social media, really, and you think that’s for the better. You are an ardent believer that quiet is good for the soul and that you shouldn’t say anything if it won’t add anything.
Alec x Aisha - You don’t know what an age gap is, and you’ve never cared.
Sabah x Lily - You adore Sanrio - maybe a bit too much for your age. You have a thing for athletes and jocks, and you really enjoy the whole “cottagecore” trend, regardless of your orientation.
Lily x May - You like knives, and have a collection of them in your closet. Sometimes you think about paying a prostitute extra so that you get an occasion to use them outside of your kitchen. Whether it's you on them, or them on you, you don't really care; you just want to see the blood.
Aisha x Missy - You figure this must have happened at some point, right? Based off of the few lines we get about her love-life it has to be right, right? You really like Mitski, and you’re kind of disappointed in the directions that Ward went, so you’re grasping at straws for a good ship.
Lisa x Victoria - You live somewhere in the Northeast megalopolis. You hate gentrification, and you feel guilty every time you visit a Starbucks - and secretly you like DDs better anyways, but your friends always want to go to Starbucks. You’re not out as bisexual because you feel like you’d be taking up too much room in other people’s lives to jut come out to them.
Amy x Bianca - You’ve tasted so much of boot and cunt and yet you still can’t decide which you like better.
Amy x Siberian - You've engaged with this as part of your general coquettecore, editing-images-of-Hello-Kitty-to-add-gore, hazy images of midwestern American homes and hotels with old decor or no furniture at all, traumacore, Nicole Dollanganger and Lingua Ignota styled online presence. How serious you are about all this is unclear, but you're really into the whole eating fingers thing.
Victoria x Bianca - You think you're really onto something with this. You're working in a new and innovative field of clone-fucking: fucking a woman who is your narrative foil and designed to resemble you in every fashion not by anything in universe but by the author.
Amy x Dean - You seriously thought this was how it was going to go down until Dean died, and that that was her secret. It’s been stuck in the back of your mind as ever since.
Amy x Lisa - You’re a strong believer in picking up a replacement goldfish whenever you exit a relationship.
Carol x Mark - You’re older than the average Worm fan, and severely depressed, but find solace in reading and perhaps a singular hobby. You’ve slowly been releasing a fic that you work on in your free time over the course of the last couple of years. It doesn’t get much attention but the little attention it does get feels all the sweeter.
Carol x Neil - You’ve had a pregnancy scare once or twice with your current partner, who is cheating on their spouse with you. You get why people don’t like cheaters, sure, but at the same time you find little space in your heart to blame them. That’s how you justify it.
Victoria x Dean - You wanted to marry your highschool prom date, and maybe you did. Your favorite show is Brooklyn 99.
Victoria x Ashley - You’re probably gay. You *used* to like Ward, and you were rooting for this ship for the entire run. You really didn’t like the ending but now you’re into Pale, which is a lot better for you, but still frustrating in many ways. You, also, hate Starbucks, and avoid them at all costs, instead opting for smaller, local coffee shops.
Victoria x Sveta - The line between friend and lover is tenuously thin for you, and you worry sometimes about that. In general, you are a very nervous person; when the world gets to be too much for you, you jump into learning a new skill or hobby instead of facing it head on. You’re currently trying to learn Swahili.
Victoria x Fragile One - You enjoy xenofiction and romance. You’re a stickler for canon, and enjoy having a solid knowledge of franchises so that you can help people when they ask for clarification on a part of a work. Secretly, you also enjoy writing smut.
Victoria x Etna - I know it’s you, Marco. Keep up the good work.
Victoria x Ethan - You’re interested in self-improvement. You listen to audiobooks on philosophy while exercising, then relisten once you’re less distracted. You always go down first.
Victoria x Moose - You pretend you're unironically into the whole "women/men who can beat the shit out of you" thing, but deep down you want somebody to bridal carry you. You just don't have the ability to be that vulnerable, so instead you pretend it's a manifestation of hyperviolent sexuality.
Sveta x Weld - You were really sad that they didn’t work out. You think Weld is kind of a pussy and should have stuck it through.
Byron x Missy - Whenever you see a couple in public, you get a little giddy feeling in your chest. You’re not even sure why you like it so much, or why you like this ship, besides the fact that it feels right. Your own love-life, on the other hand, is a mess worthy of its own story.
Byron x Moonsong - You’re homophobic, but you don’t want to be, and so you sympathize.
Byron x Furcate - You’re sweet. You really want the best for people and your goal in life is to do the best for people. You’re very vocal about trans rights, and you probably have at least one trans flag somewhere in your socials, even if you aren’t trans yourself.
Tristan x Venarum - You read Siken. You feel really, really tired of the way gay men are depicted in media, even with mainstream acceptance. You were really hoping this one would be different.
Tristan x Rain - You’re from down South. You’re a quiet type, too, and you keep to yourself when you can. Your favorite book is a well-worn copy of The Picture of Dorian Grey that one of your uncles sent you, before you even had it figured out. You got into Worm because of the powers, but by the end you were really in it for the characters.
Rain x Chastity - You listen to Cult of Dionysus by The Orion Experience on repeat, but when you’re working you prefer to listen to the soundtrack for Hotline Miami. You find a special joy in wordplay, puns and innuendo. You tried a lot of drugs in highschool, but they weren’t for you.
Kenzie x Candy - You never did get over that crush in middle school, did you?
Kenzie x Chris - You’re weird, and I don’t like you. Never go near children.
Darlene x Aiden - You’re an odd duck; you’re fascinated by how children develop senses of love and affection in imitation of adults. You may be a child psychologist, or a rather overbearing parent.
Dragon x Colin - You’re a straight white man from Central Canada who writes web serials for a living.
Assault x Battery - You really, really like enemies-to-lovers fics. You think that Worm should have had more romances like AxB and you’re absolutely wrong.
Miss Militia x Battery - You fantasize of seducing your neighbor away from her husband. She just seems so sad all the time.
Miss Milita x Chevalier - You’ve played through every Metal Gear Solid game, including Revengeance, and liked all of them, but your friends say you didn’t really understand them. You strongly believe in the case for Kurdish independence, but you also really like cops and you’re very pro-American interventionism.
Bakuda x Lung - When you’re not listening to true crime podcasts, you’re listening to Joe Rogan. You’ve experimented many times with a variety of uppers, downers, and hallucinogens. Weapons also fascinate you, so you regularly check in on Forgotten Weapons for a spell to admire their mechanics. Secretly, you think that the Unabomber was transgender, and the MKULTRA conditioning she was subjected to cheated her of a safe transition.
Leet x Uber: You've made some... less than appropriate fanfiction about lets players. Let's all be glad that you've found a new outlet.
Squealer x Skidmark - You consider yourself a party person, but the only reason you’re invited to parties is because you’re the hookup. You hate to admit you like web serials because you think it makes you look less tough.
Sidepiece x Disjoint - You've made small, voyeuristic and mean-spirited thrill-seeking into a full-time job; you regularly visit LiveLeak to get your kicks, and normal porn has started to bore you. Sometimes you make burner accounts online just to make inflammatory comments on your friend's social media. You think that it's a pretty funny prank.
Prancer x Moose x Velvet - You stand by the slogan “Be gay, do crimes,” perhaps a bit too much. You didn't like the Titan arc. You either live in the Pacific Northwest or want to.
Kaiser x Purity - You don’t get why people are so upset about the Proud Boys. They’re just keeping the suburbs safe. You regularly write E88-centric fics.
Night x Fog - You are, beneath everything, rotten - and it gratifies you to finally see someone so much like you on the page. It makes you feel normal.
Shamrock x Gregor - You're not so much a monsterfucker as a monsterlover. Your favorite show used to be Supernatural until you picked up Hannibal. You think Void from Berserk is actually kinda sexy.
Eden x Zion - You listen to Tool.
Eden x Abaddon - As above, but you also have a cuckolding fetish.
Apollyon x Eden x Zion - You’re into hard vore.
Shatterbird x Jack Slash - You’re an artist in a field that requires precision - portrait painting, weaving, diplomacy, or clinical psychology. You have a keen sense of smell, and enjoy fine dining when you can. You find Shatterbird’s hidden want for Jack cute - and you identify yourself with the latter, even if his murders are rather gauche.
Siberian x Jack Slash - You unironically find the words “mommy milkers” arousing and you regularly browse /r/guro.
Crawler x Siberian - You are a masochist because you believe yourself to be a monster. Nothing else can be read from this.
Contessa x Eidolon - You pay exorbitant sums to well-endowed Twitch streamers.
Contessa x Alexandria - You’re a well-put-together, organized person and you want someone in your life who matches that, something you live vicariously through this ship.
Accord x Citrine - You’ve like odd couples, especially those where one is a lot more odd than the other. Where you fall in that equation is 50/50. Your first celebrity crush was on Angelica Huston, 1991, in The Addams Family.
Number Man x Citrine - You’re a corporate climber who read Worm after reading Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, which you read because you thought getting into fanfiction would be a quaint, quirky idea. You frequently theorize about power synergies on Spacebattles during your allotted ten minute coffee break.
Contessa x Number Man - You’re just curious as to what mathematically perfect sex would look like. Would they use toys? Bondage? Could they just-
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ariesphysics · 1 year
0° Aquarius Risings
The people listed here are have A-AA Rodden rating.
The source, as always, my beloved Astrodatabank.
Press 'Keep Reading' to view. It has 30 people so I just kept it this way.
ALOJZY ADAMCZYK, Polish resistance fighter
North Node in 1st house (Pisces)
Ascendant square Saturn, 1°
Ascendant trine Chiron, 3°
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CONRAD AIKEN, American writer and poet
Ascendant sextile Moon, 2°
Ascendant opposite Mars, 1°
Ascendant quincunx Lilith, 0°
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ALEJANDRA BAIGORRIA, Peruvian businesswoman, TV personality, and racing driver
Ascendant opposite Venus, 1°
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IRELAND BALDWIN, American fashion model
Ascendant square Sun, 0°
Ascendant sextile Mars, 2º
Ascendant conjunct Uranus (12H), 3°
Ascendant sextile Pluto, 1��
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MARIO BAVA, Italian filmmaker, "Master of Italian Horror"
Uranus in 1st house
Jupiter in 1st house
North Node in 1st house (Pisces)
Ascendant opposite Neptune, 2°
Ascendant square Lilith, 3°
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BÉRÉNIC BEJO, French-Argentine actress
Ascendant sextile Moon, 2°
Ascendant square Uranus, 3°
Ascendant square Chiron, 2°
Ascendant square Lilith, 2°
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JAIMARIE BJORGE, American actress and stuntwoman
Moon in 1st house
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JUDY BLUMBERG, American ice skater
Ascendant sextile Saturn, 3°
Ascendant square Neptune, 2°
Ascendant sextile North Node, 2°
Ascendant conjunct Lilith, 1°
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BROOKS BOLLINGER, American football quarterback
Ascendant sextile Mercury, 3°
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BORIS III of Bulgaria, Tsar of Bulgaria 1918-1943
Sun conjunct Mercury in 1st house
Venus in 1st house (Pisces)
Ascendant sextile Moon, 3°
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ELMER BORLONGAN, Filipino contemporary figurative expressionism painter
Ascendant sextile Moon, 1°
Ascendant conjunct Venus, 0°
Ascendant opposite Jupiter, 1°
Ascendant sextile Lilith, 1°
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BRUNOZOR, Brazilian social media personality
Ascendant conjunct Uranus, 3°
Ascendant trine Mars, 1°
Ascendant sextile Saturn, 1°
Ascendant trine North Node, 3°
Ascendant square Chiron, 0°
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JÉRÔME HENRI CARREIN, second-to-last convicted criminal to be executed by guillotine in France
Ascendant opposite Venus, 0°
Ascendant sextile Mars, 0°
Ascendant trine Uranus, 2°
Ascendant opposite Pluto, 3°
Ascendant opposite Chiron, 1°
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LORD JAMES CLYDE, Scottish High Court Judge
Ascendant opposite Mars, 1°
Ascendant sextile Uranus, 1°
Ascendant sextile Chiron, 1°
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CAMERON CROWE, American filmmaker
Ascendant opposite Mercury, 3°
Ascendant square Neptune, 0°
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JOSETTE DAYDÉ, French jazz/swing swinger, chansonnière and actress
Venus in 1st house
Uranus in 1st house (Pisces)
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JEAN DEMANNEZ, Belgian politician
Mercury in 1st house
Venus in 1st house
Sun in 1st house
Mars in 1st house (Pisces)
Ascendant square North Node, 1°
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KIRK DOUGLAS, American actor and filmmaker
Uranus in 1st house
Ascendant opposite Saturn, 1°
Ascendant opposite Lilith, 3°
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HENRY EYRING, Mexican theoretical chemist
Venus in 1st house
Sun in 1st house (Pisces)
Ascendant sextile North Node, 3°
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MARGAUX FARRELL, American-born Olympic swimmer
North Node in 1st house
Ascendant trine Moon, 1°
Ascendant opposite Jupiter, 1°
Ascendant sextile Lilith, 3°
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Venus in 1st house (Pisces)
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VÁCLAV HAVEL, Last president of Czechoslovakia
Saturn in 1st house (Pisces)
Ascendant trine Mercury, 3°
Ascendant opposite Pluto, 2°
Ascendant square Lilith, 0°
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CHRISTOF INNERHOFER, Italian alpine ski racer
Venus in 1st house
Mars in 1st house
Ascendant square Pluto, 3°
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OVI KOBIR, American politician and former reality TV contestant
Ascendant sextile Mercury, 1°
Ascendant sextile Saturn, 0°
Ascendant conjunct Uranus, 0°
Ascendant sextile Pluto, 2°
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RUSH LIMBAUGH, American conversative political commentator
Venus in 1st house
Mars in 1st house
Jupiter in 1st house (Pisces)
Ascendant trine Saturn, 1°
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FLORENT MANAUDOU, French competitive swimmer
Ascendant conjunct North Node, 1°
Ascendant sextile Mercury, 1°
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MICHAL MILOWICZ, Polish singer and actor
North Node in 1st house (Pisces)
Ascendant sextile Neptune, 2°
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PAT NIXON, American First Lady
Ascendant conjunct Uranus, 2°
Moon conjunct Venus in 1st house
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STÉPHANE PLAZA, French television personality
North Node in 1st house (Pisces)
Ascendant sextile Neptune, 2°
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AMY POEHLER, American comedian
Mars conjunct North Node in 1st house
Ascendant trine Venus, 2°
Ascendant sextile Jupiter, 0°
Ascendant sextile Neptune, 0°
Ascendant trine Pluto, 1°
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haggishlyhagging · 8 months
It is an interesting but limited exercise to show that psychologists and psychiatrists embrace these sexist norms of our culture, that they do not see beyond the most superficial and stultifying media conceptions of female nature, and that their ideas of female nature serve industry and commerce so well. Just because it's good for business doesn't mean it's wrong. What I will show is that it is wrong; that there isn't the tiniest shred of evidence that these fantasies of servitude and childish dependence have anything to do with women's true potential; that the idea of the nature of human possibility which rests on the accidents of individual development of genitalia, on what is possible today because of what happened yesterday, on the fundamentalist myth of sex organ causality, has strangled and deflected psychology so that it is relatively useless in describing, explaining or predicting humans and their behavior. It then goes without saying that present psychology is less than worthless in contributing to a vision which could truly liberate—men as well as women.
The central argument of my paper, then, is this. Psychology has nothing to say about what women are really like, what they need and what they want, essentially because psychology does not know. I want to stress that this failure is not limited to women; rather, the kind of psychology which has addressed itself to how people act and who they are has failed to understand, in the first place, why people act the way they do, and certainly failed to understand what might make them act differently.
The kind of psychology which has addressed itself to these questions divides into two professional areas: academic personality research, and clinical psychology and psychiatry. The basic reason for failure is the same in both these areas: the central assumption for most psychologists of human personality has been that human behavior rests on an individual and inner dynamic, perhaps fixed in infancy, perhaps fixed by genitalia, perhaps simply arranged in a rather immovable cognitive network. But this assumption is rapidly losing ground as personality psychologists fail again and again to get consistency in the assumed personalities of their subjects (Block, 1968). Meanwhile, the evidence is collecting that what a person does and who she believes herself to be, will in general be a function of what people around her expect her to be, and what the overall situation in which she is acting implies that she is. Compared to the influence of the social context within which a person lives, his or her history and 'traits', as well as biological make-up, may simply be random variations, 'noise' superimposed on the true signal which can predict behavior.
Some academic personality psychologists are at least looking at the counter evidence and questioning their theories; no such corrective is occurring in clinical psychology and psychiatry: Freudians and neo-Freudians, Nudic-marathonists and Touchy-feelies, classicists and swingers, clinicians and psychiatrists, simply refuse to look at the evidence against their theory and practice. And they supply their theory and practice with stuff so transparently biased as to have absolutely no standing as empirical evidence.
To summarize: the first reason for psychology's failure to understand what people are and how they act is that psychology has looked for inner traits when it should have been looking for social context; the second reason for psychology's failure is that the theoreticians of personality have generally been clinicians and psychiatrists, and they have never considered it necessary to have evidence in support of their theories.
-Naomi Weisstein, ‘Psychology Constructs the Female’ in Radical Feminism, Koedt et al (eds.)
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votsalot · 3 months
i think the media/coastal usa concept that people in the midwest are like. innocent or chaste. is funny. it's rooted in all sorts of cultural biases both benign and malignant endemic within our larger social ills but is also funny from the perspective that all the contestants from minnesota on "ugliest houses in america" were clearly fuck palaces and swinger pads and key party venues
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theadventureofniel · 3 months
Generally, people are horny all the time. They might seem so kind, discreet, and subdued on their outward appearance but when they're alone, they go to porn sites, swingers groups, find casual sexual encounters online; men, women, bisexuals, gay or straight.
If you think you know the people around you, think again. Even the 18 year olds and below are having immoral encounters. On the other hand, people display their righteousness through comments and posts on social media but deep inside, they yearn for the carnal pleasures.
It's scary because there's an increasing number of people unashamed of doing sinful acts and displaying their immoralities. Keep your eyes open but keep your mouth shut. You know their deviances but you have to learn to navigate and not get entangled with their despicable unfaithfulness.
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bigtopveggie · 9 months
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1. who do you currently produce?
Takamine Midori! Otogari Adonis! And Morisawa Chiaki! Can't have too many bois to produce or else the gacha hell will be endless but I'm lucky I'm very picky in a way~!
2. who did you first produce?
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Midori of course! The first pick as the four stars and then my first banner boi as I happened to have started during the Hello Kitty event and Dollhouse banner!!
3. do you have a producersona?
I wish we could have one... I'm way more of a fan of gacha games where the player character is a supporting character in the background AND can be of any gender... I think I am too much of a canon stickler to have a producersona at the moment? ...... wait does Gatekeeper count he's not a producer but he owns the entire t—
4. what got you into enstars?
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✨✨F E L I C I TY ✨✨my bestie!!! I LOVE YOU MWAH MWAH!!! Follow them for the best brat content!!!
5. what’s your favorite headcanon about the character you produce?
That Midori at graduation becomes the tallest idol in ES.
6. how long have you been in the enstars fandom?
A bit more than one year now thank you for having me!!! I'm happy to see it is not dead on social media and the in-game community is so earnest and lovely!!
7. what is your favorite unit?
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RYUSEITAI! Immediately was drawn to them. I love the concept of Super Sentai, I found that having an idol unit of them was hilarious and their stories kept delivering! I love how amidst the other units they really are 5 very different people, I love how they keep bursting with personality and how healthy they are together! They make me all warm inside!
8. what is your favorite song?
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Forbidden Rain definitely topped it all. I love swinger and having a jazzy song really made me go AAAAA because damn Enstars really does not like getting out of pop does it now. I was so happy too and Koga and Adonis' vocal performance really KILLED IT I knew about Ono Yuki's talent but daaamn I'm really happy to discover Hatano Wataru his range is insaaane IT IS SO HARD to reach this high a note and have a deep voice!!! Adonis the best singer frfr!!!
9. which unit do you think is the most underrated?
RYUSEITAI ofc! I get it vibes go first and sex sells but if you open your mind you'll find all that degenerate stuff and more..!
10. which character do you think is the most underrated?
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ADONIS! Adonis is so slept on because he is not as. Ahem. Sexily aggressive as other characters. He does not bring the sexy fantasy angst which they did "somewhat" address it in Forbidden Rain, but then again the game criminally does not put his appeal at the forefront..!
11. do you have a least favorite character?
Boi. That entirely depends on the perspective of least favorite. I'm very much more of a meta media consumer personally rather than an immersed one! Meta wise in my general enjoyment... I think it's hard to pinpoint one least favorite? For the most part, I dislike the characters who make the reading not interesting or even grinding. Like they will drag the already dragging gacha game writing by... just being not interesting. Enstars send its characters on wild goose chases, they are just silly little guys, and if they are not silly well I'm falling asleep. So let's put Kohaku Oukawa, Yuuki Makoto and Isara Mao there at the top. You three are just white guys whose biggest personality trait is liking white bread. And then Sakuma Rei, Sakuma Ritsu, Himemiya Tori and Kagehira Mika because I Know What They Are Designed For And That Makes Me Uncomfortable, technically a whole other bunch do that but they are the worst at it. From an in-universe perspective, definitely Tenshouin Eichi, which I nod to all his fans who handshake me on his atrocities. He is the perfect encapsulation of extremely privileged martyr syndrome and the most cruel acts possible... on an animu high school scale, but an Emperor is still an Emperor. The same goes for those who applied it, I'm thinking Aoba Tsumugi and Hasumi Keito. Again, it depends entirely on how you want to consume Enstars. I like analyzing its world and charismatic characters. From my standpoint, it takes a lot of, to be polite, balls to see teenagers throw themselves off the school rooftop, see the first corpse be dragged off by the medics, and be like "Yes. The purge is working. Let's continue." until there are so many young deaths that there is an epitaph of them. Amongst many other policies. There is a certain level when in the benefit of the doubt or suspension of disbelief something just reach the threshold of ok this is not just the animu tragedy aesthetic (like idk Leo or Madara who have not done anything to entire communities their angst is self contained to their personal story) this is heavy shit. If someone sees this happen once and don't blink I just. Meta wise though? I'm a fan, great antagonists. The realism is what I believe make for this cast a really compelling drama. For Eichi I wish they leaned more into the side of him that is just absolutely discriminatory and cruel to people but then again the writing does not like to lean too hard on one side or the other for gacha projection sake sigh... if it wasn't the case I'd probably be writing him... Eichi is, at the moment, too crafted of a martyr for him to get to the "you meanie you annoy me" to "you are despicable I love you" threshold. Would love to RP someone who brings out this character's full potential! I had way too much to say on this segment, but that is how I enjoy media to just. Surgically break it down with all its flaws and love it for that.
12. what was your favorite event?
RYUSEITAI Climax, definitely. Unlike a. LOT of Enstars it had actually interesting and tangible character growth that kept echoing through the characters afterwards, very poignant moments and also every duo had their moments. The cast of the unit being this colorful and endearing made it a very enjoyable read where those clashing personalities actually challenge one another to become better people.
13. which server are you on?
Global English! I'm here for the characterization I don't think I could play a game I cannot read.
14. what card are you currently saving for?
For Yuruseitai and Adonis FS2 in two years... I wanna max those... so better start now... wish me luck.
15. what is your favorite ship?
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16. what is your favorite underrated ship?
Can't say Midochia again because it is the most popular ship in the East so...
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17. what non-problematic ships do you dislike?
What do you mean they are literally all problematic. Well... No. They are all problematic. I cannot think of a single ship in this game who is not problematic. Every single one of those characters are toxic little shits amped up to 11, that is why they are so fun to see frolicking around. Add intimate relationships and it explodes. Plus, they are also like. All colleagues. Being together is a big 🚩 that complicates so much of their life for no reason so even entertaining that thought in the idol world is oof. But ok let's imagine the question is about ships period. We're really talking here about me playing this game... in roleplay anything goes. Any ship with Kaoru that is not with a girl. There is way too much sausagefest in this leave one for the girlies. I do not care what y'all say anything Kaoru says is... like, anything all those characters say are so coworkery and talking about their idol sex appeal is also like saying to your coworker chef that they cooked the steak nice today. Ok. He's had the heaviest subtext about legitimately falling in love with the main character that I am like. Guys. Guys. Leave him there jfc why you hate girls that much. I also find most ships just wildly professionally inappropriate. I get the shipping as a fandom phenomenon, it's very fun. I mean in-universe. It's like. Putting your entire livelihood at stake for a coworker you find hot I'm kinda eeEeeehhH. Ships I like are usually ones where the intimate connection has been done outside of the industry (the easiest path being in the same school) and then those characters happen to end up in ES. Especially the Leader x Unitmate ones. Antis losing braincells on two years difference between teenagers and here I am losing braincells over work power dynamics I'm thinking way too hard on this—
18. what is your favorite shuffle unit?
AtoZ because I find Chiaki hot, Getto Spectacle for best song and Flambé for best aesthetic.
19. what are your favorite 5* and 4* cards?
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I put that sundae card twice I know just assume I REALLY like it... Limited myself to Music!! because jfc...
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Again the bunny twice... assume I am really into bunny bois...
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20. what are your favorite 3* cards?
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21. do you have a favorite story?
idkwhatthedifferenceisbetweeneventandstory? If we're talking about I wanna say the broader story narrative, Meteor Impact and Crossroads is definitely out there! If we're talking Main Story, Music!! first main story introducing ALKALOID and Crazy:B is nice and effective, I enjoyed the twists. SS gets points just because it introduced my best boi Gatekeeper.
22. do you have any enstars ocs?
Gatekeeper got OC-fied don't look at me.
23. do you interact with the enstars community often?
Outside the RPC no, I am on the reddit discord if I got questions (people touch grass and are nice for an occasional pop in) and I interact with the Midochia community on Twitter - everyone is really nice and supportive and we share a single braincell! I do send messages through the ingame chat, again people are mostly teenagers who are living their best life and just enjoying themselves and that is really the healthy type of players I like to be around so I'm sticking to it~!
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julie-su · 10 months
wait so are u asexual or not
Not; definitely not XD I have a sideblog which is 90% oggling at sexxeh photos of men. I've beeeeeeen feeling sexual attraction, if ya know what I'm sayin. Muahaha.
... It is a very sad state of the world that most people assume that I am asexual, just because I support asexuals so openly.
There was a period of time in 2013-ish when I thought that I was asexual, but I had some trauma around sex, that I had to work out. A lot of therapy later, and we've thoroughly unpacked that. But that did give me a lot of insight into the community; I mean, I was in it for at least two years; in chatrooms, forums, there used to be a social media site dedicated to the Triple A's; Ace, Aro, Agender. Whilst I wasn't asexual, I did get to speak to a lot of people and their experiences; from asexual swingers, all the way to sex-repulsed aces.
I am enraged at how everybody has been treating them -squint-
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aorticsims · 2 years
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Jessica spent Carlos Contender’s life insurance money on many material goods, such as a BBL, a sweet new bach in San Myshuno, a pricey lingerie set, lots of pink furniture... 
...aaaand she’s out of money.
Name: Jessica Contender née Peterson, previously DeBateau Pronouns: she/her Age: Adult Life State: Sim Career/Schooling: Retail Employee/3 Aspiration: Black Widow Personality: Fortune, with secondary Romance Traits: Hates Children, Outgoing, Materialistic Family: Daughter of Jeff and Melora Peterson, Widow of Carlos Contender, Ex-Wife of Armand DeBateau Zodiac: Libra Likes: Pink, Jazz Music, Pop Music, Polished Fashion, Contemporary Decor, Mid Century Decor, Media Production, Singing, Egotistical Sims, Hard-Working Sims, Ambitionless Sims, Romance Enthusiasts, Flirtation, Affection, Physical Intimacy, Gossip, Potty Humour Dislikes: New Age Music, Cooking, Family-Motivated Sims, Cerebral Sims Hobby: Fashion & Beauty Skills: Charisma/7, Fitness/4, Cooking/3  Social Standing: Bad reputation Clubs: Belladonna Swingers
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90363462 · 2 years
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5 Adults-Only Resorts Adding Some Heat To Our Summer Travel Plans
Let's see where the vacation takes us...
Kiarra Sylvester
Jun. 06, 2022 04:14PM EST
There are two constant questions in life: when/where is the next trip and how can our sex lives get even better? And, if you’re not asking these questions, we might have something else to unpack other than vacation clothes. Alas, summer is near and if you haven’t already, the time has come to start planning your holiday. Quickly. If you haven't started yet, here is your sign to do so now! There’s plenty of space and opportunity to heat things up in your sex life. In fact, for those of you who are asking the aforementioned deep, philosophical questions, allow me to make your day by presenting to you travel destinationswith a twist (because, modern times, of course).
Yes, I’m presenting you the opportunity to take a Hannah Montana-type of vacation, as in best of both worlds – not illicit drugs. But, perhaps illicit lovers. For the booked, beautiful, and ‘bout it we’re going to drop the pin on some erotic resorts that you can book your next trip–from nude beaches to swingers parties on-site, you’ll want to check out this list. While you may be wondering who you take to a resort such as this, I can assure you that you can swing this (no pun intended) in any way – baecation, solo dolo trip, or group trip. There’s something super enticing about the idea of taking a group of attractive (whether inside or out–don’t stone me) friends and seeing where a weekend like this leads you. 
But, hey, that’s just me! I’ll leave the rest of the details to you. After all, I'm already providing you with five relaxing adults-only resorts to stay at.
1. Hedonism II (Negril, Jamaica) 
There’s nothing like a vacation to lower inhibitions and try things outside your norm. And this is, by far, one of the more known resorts to date. This resort offers clothing-optional facilities, kinky parties, and lots of room for play, literally! All bets are off at this resort where just about anything goes (with permission, of course), whether you choose to enter their playroom (i.e. the romping shop) or not. After all the term "hedonistic" does mean to explore the pursuit of pleasure or sensual interest.
While this resort does offer a day pass, you are not permitted to go into the roaming room due to liabilities on the day pass so keep that in mind for those who are simply wanting to pass through.
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2. Couples Tower Isle Resort (Ocho Rios, Jamaica)
Another Jamaican resort, which tells us all we really need to know about the culture for those of you who have yet to see them in motion when dancehall music drops. Hell, now that I think about it, Stella Got Her Groove Back took place in Jamaica. Hmm. Yeah. Enough said! Moving along, now. While it may not be a free for all like Hedonism II, Couples Tower Isle Resort seems to still know how to have a good time as this all-inclusive resort has plenty of adult-only activities and amenities, one of which is a nightclub. 
3. Desire Pearl Resort (Cancún, Mexico)
Unlike the previous resorts, this resort is exclusive to couples. They do still, however, provide a clothing-optional environment and the space to explore sexually. Desire Pearl boasts that you can have the time of your life, may it be “mild or wild” during your stay with the liberating clothing-optional policies and their mysterious but “spicy” pool parties. Though they don’t advertise it on the website itself, if you wander off onto their social media, you quickly find that they too offer a playroom where you can join, watch, or be looked upon *insert grinning devil emoji*.
Note: If you’re looking to stay in the United States, these next two resorts on our list might be the happy medium for you. 
4. Monterey Stay and Play (Salinas, Cali) 
More than nudity itself, this erotic bed and breakfast speaks more to the overall interest in BDSM. They offer a BDSM room for couples equipped with some kinky gadgets to elevate your sexual experience. These gadgets range from ropes and leather cuffs to chastity devices and my fave, the Violet Wand (for those into erotic electrostimulation). Easy access to a dungeon is a top-tier selling point, but do keep in mind that unlike the others on our list, this is not an all-inclusive vibe. While you will be amongst like-minded people, you shouldn’t assume that this is a space where couples wish to join you – not even loosely. 
5. Caliente Club & Resorts (Land O' Lakes, Florida)
Though the site doesn’t look all that exquisite, they don’t mince any words or videos in regards to getting to the point–upon entering the site you can see that this is going to be an erotic time, if nothing else. Another thing that’s for certain is the endless list of events that the resort offers, which makes it that much easier to meet your match to take things a little further if you and your partner wish to do so. It should be noted that Caliente Club & Resorts gives more of a college spring break vibe (the atmosphere, that is) than luxury, so if luxe is something you’re looking for, do your due diligence.
This is only a short list, as I’m sure there are many more out there. If for some reason these don’t meet your needs, there is something for everybody. When looking, it may behoove you to reach out to a travel agent who can help you quickly narrow down your options.
But for now? Consider this to be your kinky starter pack.
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andyacolyte · 1 year
There has been so much going on and so much misinformation and lies going around.
I think it is time to recap with some verifiable facts.
I have known London Andrews and talked to her online for over 8 years.
The London Andrews Project was set up in 2019 with her permission, help and support. To help, support and promote her work online across social media platforms she no longer had time to deal with. Go back over the my past posts, there is a consistency in them, supporting and promoting her work etc.
Everything that was ever shared by me, until July of 2023, was shared with London’s direct permission.
Many times there were things she asked me *not* to share and I did as she wished.
In 2021, privately, she did something inexplicable !
She pretended to be another woman in an open, swinging relationship with London and her husband. She provided evidence for this. Photographic evidence for this.
I fell, hook, line and sinker, for this wonderfully beguiling sexual fantasy world….who wouldn’t?
This fake account of a fake relationship sucked me right in. And yes, *she* (the fake account) offered to bring London over to Britain on holiday : wouldn’t you have said ,“YES !”, to this ?
Too good to believe, yes. But, wouldn’t you want to believe it ?
But the evidence that she sent to me was also one the reasons why we worked that this couple in a relationship with London and her husband was really London herself.
The account, the couple, the story was fake : And London Andrews was behind !
She had been playing a nasty, manipulative and hurtful game with us.
Obviously we fell out over this, because we were hurt by this. And I say *we*, because my wife was involved and effected by this.
This came to an end at the start of 2022. Look back at my posts ?
Did it make a difference to what I posted or how I posted it ? Did it change how I behaved, no.
But London would not leave it alone. She attacked me, accused me (without evidence) and lied about me. She and her friends started a trolling campaign.
Again, other than prove her accusations wrong, I left her alone. I continued to support and promote her, and publicly ignoring these private events. I just carried on as usual.
Later and unrelated to this, from October 2022 up to July of 2023, London was creating very little new work and posting less and less of any of her work. London’s modelling career was fading away.
Now, if she wishes to cease modelling and retire, that’s up to her, just be honest about it.
She had not updated her Patreon or OnlyFans sites for months.
So, in July I asked her in private was she retiring ?
I must have hit a raw nerve or a guilty conscience or both.
She publicly attacked me, misrepresented, abused and lied about me.
Suddenly I became a ‘stalker’.
She also actively encouraged another trolling campaign.
London made all kinds of accusations.
This time I reacted. I explained why I believed she was being so abusive and pointing out the inconsistencies in what she was saying.
I posted evidence, first listing how little work London had created since October 2022 (this was in July of 2023). I was attacked even more. Next I posted evidence to explain London’s massive over reaction. Evidence of what London had been up to back in 2021, with the manipulation and deception of the ‘swingers’ account. Along with proof that London had been behind the whole painful and manipulative thing.
And this was confirmed by others during the online arguments following my posts!!!
Suddenly I went from being a ‘stalker’ to being a ‘threat’.
Following this London’s attacks went into overdrive with accusation, lies and threats – basically blackmail – descending into Ad Hominem. Throughout this, she lied and I showed that had she lied and contradicted herself : with the evidence that she has lied etc. This has not made me popular.
Following this London has threatened never to post again if I do not remove my London Andrews Project FaceBook site.
This (obviously) incensed a lot of people who know nothing about what has happened.
Remember, I am now being blamed for London ending her modelling career.
She had hardly posted any modelling work since October 2022. Her work and career were ‘withering on the vine’.
I have been consistent throughout this, unlike others.
I have provided evidence throughout this, unlike others.
I am removing the London Andrews Project from Facebook, this is technically harder than you think.
I have done what I said I would do throughout this. I have kept my word throughout this. Others have not.
Andy A
#LondonAndrews #londonandrews #beauty #sexy #beautiful
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drogba-prospect · 2 years
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Shibuya Punk
Shibuya Punk is an aesthetic based on various media that surrounds Social Media Platform 4biddenluv, Cuisine Industry, Acid Streetwear Trade Shows, X Games, Drift Racing, Graffiti, Prison Gangs, or all of the following in an urban setting.
Graffiti, Prison Gangs, Underground Poker, X Games, Drift Racing, StockX Stores, Underground Hip-hop and Punk Music, Surround Sound System, Mouth Jewellery, Ecstasy Trafficking (Acid Streetwear Trade Shows & Raves), Strip Clubs, Happy Ending Massages, Swingers Club (only when single), In-car Prostitution, Culinary Real Estate & Food Court Holding Company, Restaurant Clientèle Based Grocery Store, Cuisine Investment Trust, Street Food Festival/Tour, Top Tier Rear-wheel Drive Car Tune Ups, Exploration of Commercial Areas and Cities
Individualism, anti-authority, anti-capitalism, freedom of expression
Choice Theory: The belief that individuals choose to commit a crime, looking at the opportunities before them, weighing the benefit versus the punishment, and deciding whether to proceed or not.
Classical Theory: Similar to the choice theory, this theory ascertains that people think before they proceed with criminal actions; that when one commits a crime, it is because the individual decided that it was advantageous to commit the crime.
Critical Theory: Critical theory upholds the belief that a small few, the elite of the society, decide laws and the definition of crime; those who commit crimes disagree with the laws that were created to keep control of them.
Labeling Theory: Those who follow the labeling theory of criminology ascribe to the fact that an individual will become what he is labeled or what others expect him to become; the danger comes from calling a crime a crime and a criminal a criminal.
Life Course Theory: The theory that a person’s “course” in life is determined by short (transitory) and long (trajectory) events in his life, and crime can result when a transitory event causes stress in a person’s life causing him to commit a crime against society.
Positivist Theory: The positivist rejects the idea that each individual makes a conscious, rational choice to commit a crime; rather, some individuals are abnormal in intelligence, social acceptance, or some other way, and that causes them to commit crime.
Rational Choice Theory: Reasons that an individual thinks through each action, deciding on whether it would be worth the risk of committing a crime to reap the benefits of that crime, whether the goal be financial, pleasure, or some other beneficial result.
Routine Activity Theory: Followers of the routine activity theory believe that crime is inevitable, and that if the target is attractive enough, crime will happen; effective measures must be in place to deter crime from happening.
Social Learning Theory: Social learning indicates that individuals learn from those around them; they base their morals and activities on what they see others in their social environment doing.
Strain Theory: The theory holds that individuals will turn to a life of crime when they are strained, or when they are unable to achieve the goals of the society, whether power, finance, or some other desirable goal.
Trait Theory: Those who follow the trait theory believe that individuals have certain traits that will contribute to whether or not they are capable of committing a crime when pushed in a certain direction, or when they are in duress.
Consensual or Victimless Crime: Consensual crime refers to crimes that do not directly harm other individuals or property. Rather, individuals choose to participate in risky behaviors that may be considered against the law. This includes indulging in drug use, prostitution, or obscenity.
Based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions
Precarious Balance
Precariously: If something is happening or positioned precariously, it's in danger. A glass could be precariously balanced on the edge of a table. If something is on the verge of danger, then the word precariously fits.
Semblance is generally used to suggest a contrast between outward appearance and inner reality.
Having a fantastic or deceptive appearance
adjective. having a fantastic or deceptive appearance, as something in a dream or created by the imagination. having the appearance of an optical illusion, especially one produced by a magic lantern.
Law of Polarity in Relationships
In any successful relationship that has an intimate connection and sexual attraction, there is polarity. What does this mean exactly? Polarity in relationships is the spark that occurs between two opposing energies: masculine and feminine. Gender does not affect whether you have masculine or feminine energy.
Second Reflection
Burden Aesthetics with Intentions
The Second Reflection lays hold of the Technical Procedures
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