#sweetvee drabble
expectyaytions · 6 years
Continuation of Season Premiere but with SweetVee feelings aka a friendship Drabble
**uneditted for the time being. I’ll spruce it up before posting on AO3**
The air was stale with cigarettes and flat beer. The sound of pool balls clicking filled the background as Fangs shared his latest gossip about Moose and Kevin. Jughead was shaking his head when his phone buzzed on the table. His brows furrowed as he swiped to answer, “Alice?” Sweet Pea And Fangs went silent, their eyes on Jughead. He jumped up, panic filling his eyes, “where are you now?”
The three of them were in FP’s truck, Sweet Pea driving with his teeth clenched. Jughead was in the middle sandwiched between the other two; breathing heavily.
“Jug.” Fangs ventured. “Do you want us to call FP?” Jughead nodded a silent stream of tears dripping off his cheeks. Fangs made the call -finishing up as they pulled into the ER lot.
Sweet Pea had barely put the truck in park before the trio was hopping out of the car and into the hospital. Alice and Polly were there with two wailing babies. Four sets of eyes crying eyes greeting them. Alice popped the baby to her hip and yanked Jughead into her arms. She sloppily and tearfully explained what had happened.
“They think it’s a side effect of her adderall abuse.” Polly sniffled bouncing Dagwood in her arms. Her aggressive anxious bouncing was only upsetting the baby more.
“Can you two?” He motioned to the infants. Sweet Pea and Fangs hurried to the nearest baby and carefully wrapped them in their arms attempting to mimic the soothing bouncing. Sweet Pea pushed the pacifier hanging off a clip on the pink sweater gently between the babies lips. The doctor came out then and the three were gone. Sweet Pea and Fangs just made eyes at nervous eyes each other.
“Dude where’d you get the sucker thing?” Fangs loud whispered
“It’s attached.” Fangs pulled the crying baby away from him to examine. He found the pacifier and resumed attempted bouncing. The baby in Sweet Pea’s arms had resigned to sniffling and staring up at Sweet Pea. Her tiny fingers grabbing at his zipper and buttons of his jacket. His heart swelled a little and he shook his head. The clicking of high heels on concrete caused him to look up. Veronica Lodge was running in heels through the door.
“V!” Fangs called as she drew near. She looked at them oddly before Fangs spilled everything he knew. She nodded and sat in the chair between them. Her hands moving to the bottom of the babies tiny bare feet.
“Juni, your toes must be freezing.” Sweet Pea felt like an idiot for not noticing. He wrapped his free hand around the babies feet, massaging them gently to warm them up. She hurried to the gift shop on the other side of the waiting room and emerged 5 minutes later with two pairs of baby slipper-shoe things. She slipped a pair on each baby. She pressed a soft kiss to each babies head. Sweet Pea would be lying if he didnt take a slightly deeper inhale while she was leaning across him. She smelled amazing. “Well aren’t you two just naturals.” Sweet Pea tried to smirk, but instead smiled. It made him feel good to be decent at something that didn’t involve crime or mechanics. He smoothed the babies hair and grazed his finger on her cheek. She grabbed at it, holding his one finger between both of her hands. The pacifier fell out of her mouth as she babbled at him. She drew his finger to mouth and started sucking and biting. However her lack of teeth made it painless. She continued her baby babble while munching on his finger.
“You’re enjoying this too much Sweets.” Fangs teased. Sweet Pea just winked at him. Fangs was the only person who knew that someday Sweet Pea wanted kids. He wanted a wife and a family. To everyone else the tough exterior said otherwise.
“Hey V, can you take this one? FP’s calling.” Veronica took the baby and stood and started the bouncing thing.
“How do you that?” He asked. His forehead wrinkling.
“Do what?”
“The little bounce thing.”
“Oh I just use my knees. I guess.” Sweet Pea nodded still watching her movements. She had a bounce and a little turn. “Try it.”
“No, I think it’s a woman thing.”
“It’s not, try it.” She tugged at his sleeve. He sighed and stood up. He tried to do the bounce turn, but it was a little too much. Veronica guided him though, and after a half hour of instruction he was doing it. He was pleasantly surprised at his new found talent. Veronica high-fived him.
“You know what they say?” She asked him a small twinkle in her eye.
“Nothing’s sexier than a man holding a baby.”
“People say that?”
“Oh yeah. I mean look at you. Leather jacket, neck tattoo, gang patch and you’re all soft for a baby. Girls love it.”
“You hinting at something, V?” He winked. She smiled in return. What’s her name?” He asked.
“Juniper” He echoed. He down at her sucking on her pacifier.
“Don’t be getting any ideas Pea. I see that look in your eye. You’re too young.” FP called out as they headed to the information desk.
“Hard to do with just one person FP.” He wasn’t wrong though. He knew the look that was covering his face.
Polly emerged from the doors shortly after. She kissed the top of each babies forehead. “Do you mind watching them while I find Edgar? It’s urgent.” Sweet Pea nodded. The pair resumed their sitting. The babies were slowly falling asleep. Sweet Pea had shed his jacket and now sitting in a plain back T-shirt with Juniper’s head resting on his shoulder, her tiny finger clenched into a fist around the collar of his shirt.
Affer two hours, it was nearing midnight.
“Where did Polly go to find Edger? Guyana?” Sweet Pea muttered. Veronica was laying on the small couch. His jacket tucked under her head with Dagwood asleep on her chest.
“Probably. She’s definitely drinking the kool-aid.” FP and Alice entered the waiting room.
“Apparently Alice is too.” Sweet Pea muttered just loud enough for Veronica to hear.
“ Do you guys mind driving the kids to Alice’s house? We’re going to take the truck. I’m leaving my bike for Jug.”
“Sure.” Sweet Pea agreed looking to Veronica for confirmation. She nodded at him sitting up. The four of them gathered their belongings and headed to the parking lot. Alice handed Veronica the keys. “I can’t drive mrs.cooper. Sweet Pea will have to.” Alice handed him the keys.
“Those are my grand babies - drive carefully and under the speed limit.”
“Yes ma’am.” He and Veronica strapped the babies into their car seats. Sweet Pea trying to mimic Veronica’s actions across the seat. He managed to click everything into place and shut the door. He tossed his jacket at V once they got in. “You’re cold just take it.” She obliged.
“Thank you.”
They backed out going extra slow and headed to the Cooper house.
Veronica chuckled, “feels like we jumped into the future or something.”
“Yeah?” She smiled and nodded.
“Just heading home together with the kids.” Sweet Pea raised his eyebrows and smiled. He could see what she meant, the entire cliche. They were silent as Sweet Pea pulled into the driveway. FP and Alice were already there, the living room light on abc the truck parked on the street.
They took the babies from the teenagers arms. And it struck Sweet Pea as odd seeing FP carefully holding a baby, flawlessly doing the bounce and twist. FP handed him the truck keys out of his back pocket.
“I’ll call you if I need a lift.” Sweet Pea nodded and said good-bye to the two oldest and two youngest people in the house. He opened the truck door for Veronica before getting in himself.
“Can we go to Pops? Before you take me home.” He looked at her curiously. It was almost midnight. They didn’t have any obligation to be in each others presence. Why did she want to spend more time with him.
“I just don’t want to go home.” Her eyes cast down at her wringing hands.
“I understand. Two shakes and a basket fries sounds almost perfect right now.” She perked up glancing over and smiling at him.
“Have you ever tried dipping your fries in your shake?” She asked him.
“Um no, that sounds gross,”
“It sounds gross but I swear it’s so good.” He tossed her a disbelieving look as they drove the night streets with the windows down and Bruce Springsteen’s “I’m on fire” humming through the stereo.
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staliasjeronica · 3 years
the greatest thing about writing sweetvee is also being able to write jeronica besties… like the outline I wrote for the first chapter is just full of jeronica being besties and we love to see it 🥺🥺🥺
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62, 37 and 96 for Sweetvee please? I love your drabbles by the way!
Hello, @honey-bee-fangirl! Thank you so much! I’ve never read (let alone written) any fics with this pairing, so I hope you enjoy my first attempt at SweetVee!
62. “It’s okay to cry…”
37. “Do you thinkthey could have loved me?”
96. “Here, let me.”
If she was still crying in five minutes, he would go over. Sweet Pea wentback to his root beer float, prodding the dissolving lump of vanilla ice creamwith a straw. He snuck another look. Veronica was still standing there, in thedoorway to the kitchen with her hand gracefully concealing her eyes. As ifanybody who knew what pain looked like wouldn’t be able to tell she was weepingher heart out.
Ok, two minutes. In two minutes, if she was still crying, he would check onher. Not really check on her, just… check on her. No big deal. He was here, shewas here. The rest of the diner was empty because the new owner (also Veronica)had started playing with extended hours and now nobody knew which nights theplace was open late. Such a mess. Sweet Pea’s foot started bouncing restlessly.
Fine, thirty seconds, not because he gave a single, lonesome little fuck,but because it was distracting. She had turned away, but he could tell from herposture that she was unhappy. It was either console the girl or forge acomplaint someplace and get the whole business shut down. Nobody could eat likethis.
Goddammit, he thought, shoving outof the booth where he’d been sitting alone. Veronica was looking so beautifultonight, the sadness skewing her somehow, like a breathtaking painting hungcrooked. As if she were such a piece of art, Sweet Pea approached hercautiously so that it wouldn’t look like he was the one who’d fumbled themasterpiece.
He yanked a fistful of napkins from the carousel on the counter.
“Here,” he said, coming behind her and placing one hand on her shoulderwhile he lifted the clump of napkins to her face, “let me.”
Clearly startled, Veronica grabbed his wrist―grabbed it painfully in fact,but practice had taught Sweet Pea not wince at anything less damaging than abroken arm―and jerked her head around to look up at him. Boy, she wasn’t verytall up close; he’d never have guessed, from the way she marched through thehalls of his adoptive school.
“What’s this?” she asked sarcastically, dark eyes deepening with unreadability.“Chloroform?”
Sweet Pea rolled his eyes. What a bitch. Why was he bothering again? Ohyeah, so he could drink his root beer in peace.
“Nah, I left that in my other jacket,” he joked dryly, patting his Serpentskin one-handed as if he ever wore anything else.
“A simple smothering then?” She stared at the hand still on her shoulder.“Looks like one of those would do the job without napkins.”
The smile was harder to fight back than the wince had been. He shiftedcloser, still holding the napkins aloft.
“Listen, Lodge, if you start talking about the size of my body parts, it’sgonna be hard for me to keep focused on the reason I came over here.”
“Speaking of things that are hard for you,” Veronica immediately replied,tossing him a look from under long lashes, “is that a switchblade in yourpocket, or are you just happy to see me?”
“Find out for yourself,” Sweet Pea challenged, holding his hands up and awayto put himself in frisking stance as she turned towards him.
She crossed her arms, looking unimpressed, which was great actually, becauseit gave him another kick at the can that was Veronica Lodge’s secret and mosttragic feelings.
“Why were you crying?”
“I wasn’t,” she boldly asserted, stiffening her spine.
Sweet Pea groaned in frustration and swiped a napkin across the girl’s cheekbefore she could stop him, then flipped it to show her the proof of her tears.
“Don’t… tell anyone,” she requested in a rushed whisper, grabbing his wristagain. He raised an eyebrow. “I’m serious. I don’t want people to worry.”
“If people were worried, then people would be here with you rightnow,” he countered, leaning into his implication as heavily as he was leaninginto the door frame, his entire posture becoming about Veronica. She staredfiercely into his eyes, but it didn’t scare him. It was like looking in amirror. “It’s okay to cry…” he finally started, venturing tentatively into thecomforting thing.
Maybe it was an inclination Sweet Pea had more often than he showed, thisdesire to help people and make them feel better. Not a big selling point for aSerpent though. In private, he’d cried all night after Fangs had been shotbecause he hadn’t been able to prevent it.
Veronica’s face took on a sudden vulnerability, softening like the groundafter a rain.
“I need your shirt,” she demanded, gripping the fabric of his over-worn,over-washed Aerosmith T.
“Why?” His heart was thumping away with her hanging onto him like that.
“Because it looks softer than those napkins.”
And then she was drying her eyes against his chest while Sweet Pea wonderedif hugging her would make it weird. Right away, he realized it was alreadyweird, so he laid a hand between Veronica’s shoulder blades and just kind ofpressed her close without wrapping her up in his arms. She smelled nice in anexpensive way, like he’d always figured the cars he drooled over in actionmovies would smell, but better. More sweet. More intimate. More lady.
“It’s this business venture,” she stepped back and explained without himhaving to ask. “The speakeasy.” She pulled back and focused her eyes on thedamp patch Sweet Pea could feel against his skin. “I’ve done everythingcompletely wrong, come in totally impulsive and underprepared, underqualified,under-experienced, and I’m going to fuck it up, and he probably knew that―myfather,” she clarified with a quick look up to Sweet Pea’s face, “when we madethis deal. He knew I would fail, he’s always known, and he just waited to giveme the opportunity when it would least influence his life, when he could distance himself from me like I was one ofthe bad investments he slips free of at the last second, before it could do himany harm, before even a trace of it could touch him. Turns out, my mother’sexactly the same.”
Veronica let out a gasping, unruly sob, even as her finger flicked beneathher eye in a mechanically precise line.
“Do you think,” she hiccupped, sounding to Sweet Pea affronted, brave, and exposed all at once, “they could have loved me?”
“Yeah,” he said, rubbing her arm as his eyebrows scrunched together insympathy. “They just sucked at it.”
Veronica turned her head swiftly to the side to let out a laugh that was theleast inhibited noise he’d ever heard her make. She touched the napkin to hereyes, her nose.
“Um,” Veronica glanced down at her feet, maybe their feet, since he wasstill standing close, “what were you doing before I ruined your night?”
She looked up with a growing smile.
“Wasting the best opportunity I’ve had yet to talk to the girl I’ve had acrush on for ages,” Sweet Pea bluntly revealed. Saying it was the easy part.The challenge had been walking over here.
Her smile ebbed.
“Couldn’t make it tonight, I see.”
And they left it at that, Sweet Pea not forcing the issue, instead simplyoffering her a thoughtful shrug and sauntering back to his forlorn booth. Heconsidered it to be totally on Veronica when her heels came clicking after him.
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hotvillaindaddies · 5 years
Hey, where can i find your sweetvee fanfic? + do you still take requests?
Hiiiiiiii I’ve only written one SweetVee! I have like 3 work in progress fics for them but I’m SO BUSY. So it’s been hard to finish!
Heres the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16259696
What’s your request? I might be able to post a little Drabble~
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onceuponamirror · 7 years
Drabble prompt: SweetVee - Canon au - post-high school - Veronica visits her mother's home town Riverdale for the first time and meets Sweet Pea. Perhaps she gets lost and stumbles into south side? Maybe she's hosting an event and he's working catering? Do thy meet via her newfound Riverdale friends?
a/n: i took some liberties. also, had way too much fun with it. also, what is this
summary: There are always things that bubble. Laughter, anger, attraction— champagne, most of all. In those golden, floating bubbles are the thoughts she should avoid, things she shouldn’t dwell on, tries not to, guilt to stamp out.
It never really works.
She has a headache. 
A headache that may be more accurately qualified as a migraine; more precisely a pre-hangover; more exactly as a tsunami of roughly a decade’s worth of pent up frustrations. 
This whole night is awful—a joke, if she’s being honest, all these preening people, money fluttering down from the heavens, playing with people’s lives as they always do. 
She just needs to get away, away from the glittering chandeliers and bubbling drinks, and stalks out of the ballroom in search of liquid salvation. Veronica crosses through the lobby and finds the hotel bar empty, just as she’d hoped. Daddy had practically rented out the whole venue for this fundraiser, which means she’ll be left undisturbed in any other part of the hotel.
Veronica slides onto a stool, allows herself a moment of eyes-wide-shut careful breathing, and then opens a look onto the bartender. “Martini. So dry it makes me think of climate change.”
“Think that would probably be the opposite. Rising waters mean more storms,” the guy behind the bar says, throwing her a skeptical look. He’s clearly wearing the hotel’s uniform, but pairs it with a ridiculous beanie that she’s quite sure would never fly anywhere else but this absurd place. 
He adjusts the cardboard box in his arms, which clinks with the movement. “But I’m not the bartender. You’ll have to wait.” 
Veronica inhales sharply. “Tell me. Does anything in this post-surrealist town run at normal speed?” 
He looks back at her, as if unsure if he appreciates the joke. “No,” he says flatly after a moment, and then disappears behind a kitchen door, which swings after him. She stares at it, her head gives a pound, and she decides she doesn’t care. 
She throws her legs off the stool and slides down, a decent drop to the floor for her, and cuts around the bar. She’s been drinking champagne already and all those bubbles tend to rise right to her amygdala, something her mother would sneer at as a dangerous combination. 
Of course, except having taken the bar exam, she’s never tended a bar itself. But she’s been mixing drinks since she was thirteen and filled with an impetuous desire to prove something—and she’s preferred mixing her own since sixteen, for reasons she doesn’t hold dear. 
Even in her heels, it’s a bit of a reach for the better gin, but she manages it, her bracelets jingling with the effort. She’s just begun shaking the ice when the kitchen door swings back open and a tall—quite tall—guy appears through it, blinking when he sees her behind the bar.
He’s wearing a similar hotel uniform as the beanie-clad scowler, and his neck arches as he takes her in, folding his arms at once. Like his predecessor, he seems to regard her with inherent suspicion, but there’s something different as he runs his eyes up and down her form, lingering on the sequins on her dress and pearls around her neck.
“I was told there was someone waiting for a drink. Guess they didn’t wait,” he says after a moment. Veronica rolls her eyes and finishes with the shaker. 
“Women get nowhere when they’re too patient,” she replies with a sarcastic flutter of her eyelashes, reaching for the gin and adding it to the mixture. 
The guy pushes off the wall, pulling the vermouth off its higher shelf with no difficulty. She supposes bartending is an apt position when one is as tall as the model skyscraper in the Time’s Square FAO Schwartz.
He hands it to her, and then his posture immediately returns to crossed, studying her carefully, as if watching and waiting to see if she actually knows what she’s doing. 
It’s only when she’s nearly prepared the martini and turns to him and says, “Olives?” in her most expectant voice that he breaks into an amused look. He reaches across her, picks out a toothpick from one container and stabs three olives at once, and offers her the skewer with a slightly mocking bow.
She carves an eyebrow his way, and accepts the offering, dropping it into her glass. Veronica then draws her clutch bag open, fishes out two tenners and snaps it shut, putting it back under her arm. 
Lips and eyes lifted, she reaches up and tucks the bills into his uniform breast pocket as she walks past on her way to the other side of the bar, sidling back onto her stool and sipping gently at her drink.
After a long moment, the bartender decides to move, putting away the bottles and passing her a small napkin for her drink. “You’re pretty dressed up,” he says, running a rag up and down the counter. “You’re here for that fundraiser in the ballroom, I guess.” 
Only Veronica herself has been known to spit the word fundraiser with such contempt—years of resentment over cancelled recitals and forgotten performances in lieu of some event her parents neglected to tell her they were attending—don’t waste your time pouting, mija, it’s unbecoming—and she rests an elbow on the bar, appraising him. 
“Unfortunately, indeed I am,” she agrees, sipping again at her drink. Not bad, she thinks, trying to remember when she last shook her own martini.
For the first time, the bartender smiles. It’s an appealing look, and then it shifts, clearly a darker thought taking hold. Veronica is surprised to hear herself think it does nothing to diminish his attractiveness. 
His uniform runs high along his neck, but there’s a dark spot peeking out along the brim of it, and she realizes it’s a snake tattoo.
Veronica stares at it, and wonders with gleefully morbid curiosity how furious Daddy would be if she brought home a bartender with a neck tattoo.
“It’s so fucking stupid,” he mutters under his breath. “They’re tearing down people’s homes for a fucking golf course.”
Veronica runs her tongue along her teeth, considering her words. He obviously doesn’t know who she is, or he wouldn’t be saying that to her. Or—perhaps not in such a confiding tone. 
“I take it you’re not in favor of progress,” she says, tilting her head at him. 
His smile runs thinner. “It’s nice that they keep coming up with new words for ugly bullshit. Progress,” he adds sharply, raising his eyebrows. “My grandma’s trailer makes way for progress.”
She pauses, sipping at her drink, perhaps to stave off a sizable pang of guilt. Truthfully, the past couple of years, Veronica has made an effort to not think too hard about her father’s business deals—she knows it puts a sour taste in her mouth, and she’s chosen her own profession, independent of his, for a reason. 
She’s just here to smile pretty for photos, not dirty her hands, even if that feels harder to justify in the face of the one across from her. 
It’s wrong, it’s wrong, it’s wrong. 
A thought she’s sat with for months, as long as she’s known about Daddy’s plans to demolish half of the town he grew up in—out of spite, she’s fairly certain—her lips pursed against voicing it, afraid of her father’s wrath for hearing it. 
Ever since she announced she wanted no part of Lodge Industries, that she would forge her own path, her father has treated her like an outsider, a stranger, a betrayal he took personally. 
And perhaps, in the angry, neglected heart of her, that’s how she meant it. 
“Listen, I agree with you. But from what I hear, development is already underway,” Veronica sighs, putting down her martini. The drink is as bitter as the truth. “I’m sorry. Really, I empathize. I just don’t think there’s anything left to be done about it.”
But the bartender just shakes his head at her, wearing a wan grin. “People like you always say that.”
“People like me?” Veronica repeats, offense tinged on every word. “You don’t know me.”
Though if you did, your argument would be stronger, she admits to herself, holding down a sigh as her finger traces the dew on her glass. 
“Look at you,” he scoffs, gesturing vaguely at her glitzy outfit and pearls. “This kind of town—these kinds of lives—must just look like something on a map to you.”
Veronica frowns, running her eyes across his face, something about his words uncorking a long-buried thought in her chest. 
Eventually, he shrugs. “And there is still shit to be done about it. We’re protesting the groundbreaking tomorrow, me and a bunch of buddies. Everyone in the trailer park agreed not to move. So we’re not giving up, even if we have to shell out for some fancy lawyer.”
“That’s her,” a voice from across the room sounds, and it’s the beanie-wearing guy from before, pointing right at her. A blonde woman about Veronica’s age with a notepad offers him a far more thankful smile than necessary, her hand squeezing at the interloper’s arm—Veronica can practically see his blush from here—and then beelines straight for her, ponytail bouncing. 
“Miss Lodge, I’m Betty Cooper, with The Riverdale Register,” she says without preamble, shoving her hand out to shake, which Veronica does, shocked into habit. “I was wondering if I could talk to you for a few minutes regarding your family’s plans for demolishing Sunnyside trailer park in favor of needless gentrification. Do you realize you’ll be uprooting roughly thirty families with nowhere else to go?”
The bartender scoffs loudly, as if it’s an inadvertent sound, staring at Veronica in a completely new light. Certainly not one that happens to be flattering. His expression is practically florescent. “Unbelievable,” he says blankly. 
Veronica blinks at him before forcing her gaze back onto the reporter. “I’m—I’m not associated with the company business. I’m just a lawyer.”
“But you’re Veronica Lodge. You must have an opinion,” Betty insists, a type of intrepid concentration in her eyes Veronica recognizes and, truthfully, respects. 
The bartender is shaking his head at her, disgust on his face, and for some reason—Veronica can’t stand that. And he was right, of course, right about it all, about what Daddy is doing. It’s—it’s—
“It’s awful,” she says before she can think on it further, sitting up straighter in her stool. “My opinion is that it’s awful.”
Betty’s mouth falls open, pencil comically poised against the notepad, and then seems to snap out of it, a dangerously excited gleam in her eye. “Are you saying, on the record, that you stand with the local protestation of the demolishment and gentrification of Riverdale’s south side?”
What will Daddy think?
What will Daddy do?
And then—
Fuck him, she thinks. 
Veronica raises her neck and sits at her full height, recrossing her legs. 
“Yes,” she says clearly. “In fact, would there not be an obvious conflict of interest in personally representing the interest of Sunnyside trailer park, I would offer to do it. In lieu of that, I am more than happy to make the right calls so that this inevitable court battle gets handled by the best in the business. Pro bono,” she adds, throwing a sharp, pointed look at the incredibly stunned bartender. 
Betty’s eyes flick from him to the other guy, who has moved next to her, all trading expressions of shock. 
“That’s very kind of you,” she eventually manages to stammer out. “Would you be willing to set aside some time for a formal interview with The Register to discuss plans for fighting your father?”
Realizing the full weight of what she’s just done and feeling neither guilt nor shame about it, Veronica’s conscious feels clear for the first time in—well, perhaps, ever. 
It’s a feeling she didn’t know how badly she craved, a weight she had no idea was so heavy until it was gone, and she revels in it now, like she might float right out of her skin. 
“I would be happy to, Betty,” she says cheerily, and then twists in her seat to face the bartender, reaching back into her clutch bag for two of her business cards and offering one up to her. 
“We’ll set up a lunch.” Then she turns to the bartender. “You’ll need one as well,” she says, passing it to him, and he takes it with surprisingly nimble fingers. 
He lets out a breath, his expression wholly wide and wholly unreadable. 
Veronica slides off her stool, throwing back the rest of her drink and settling it firmly on the counter. “Call me tomorrow,” she says, and he nods, once. “I’ll need your name, to know who to expect.”
“Um, it’s…Sweet Pea, actually,” he says, after a moment. Veronica gapes, and then a laugh bubbles out of her. 
“Oh, god. That’s going to make Daddy even more furious,” she says on a sigh, grinning. “Well. Talk to you then, Sweet Pea. We have a lot of work to do.”
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youcancallmeelle · 6 years
what is your next update? sorry to be a pain
I’m currently working on C11 of Hype and it will be up next week hopefully but I think I’ll be releasing my newest SweetVee drabble before then 
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staliasjeronica · 6 years
The Smooching Booth - SweetVee
Many people knew that Veronica Lodge loved anything to do with fashion; she loved putting together outfits that made a person look and feel like a million bucks, she loved finding the right accessories to accentuate someone’s personality and flair, and she loved seeing how confident and exuberant they became after she was finished. However, what most people didn’t know was that Veronica Lodge was the actual owner of Sweetie’s Boutique, the store known for it’s glamorously affordable clothing and accessories.
The business did well, for the most part... until Hiram Lodge went to jail for the second time and took everything the Lodge name owned down the toilet with his reputation. People had found out who owned Sweetie’s Boutique, and suddenly, all Veronica apparently cared about was using the money from the store to front a more criminal business, just like her father. It wasn’t true, but Veronica couldn’t stop the citizens of Riverdale from thinking that way. Nothing she could really say or do would change that unless they actually decided to think for themselves and recognize the fact that she isn’t a bad person like they all agreed that she was.
To keep her business afloat, she needed more supplies and more money to advertise and promote her business, promote herself away from her father and his criminal ways. Of course, she couldn’t just go and ask for a donation because everyone believed that she took after her father. So, instead, she used another tactic, one that was expected of her. She used her sex appeal, opening up a kissing booth to rake in quick cash.
Veronica was actually excited to put the kissing booth together. Albeit, Betty thought it was absolutely stupid, but Veronica passed it off as her being bitter for it not involving her in any way. Now that Veronica had taken some time to think about her past, her relationships with other people, and generally the direction in which her life was going, it was made clear to her just how Betty treated her, and she was surprised that she had never noticed it before. She was always the one to apologize, even though she didn’t need to—but no more. She was Veronica Cecilia Lodge, goddammit, and she didn’t need toxic people in her life bringing her down anymore.
During her process of planning the kissing booth, even though she hadn’t even asked, the Serpents were eager to help. Fangs oversaw the social aspect of it  — hyping it up and making sure that everybody knew about it. Because he was social and inviting, yet dark and mysterious thanks to his role in the Serpents, many were eager to come. Veronica Lodge was an out bisexual woman, so everyone knew that she wouldn’t mind who came to the booth and had to kiss her as long as she was given the five dollars for a kiss.
Sweet Pea helped put the actual booth together, while also being overseen by Fangs and Veronica for the style and colors. It was his secret that he actually loved to draw, and he desperately wished they would have included him, but nobody knew about that side of him, so he couldn’t blame them for thinking that he wouldn’t care about decorating the kissing booth.
“Well, boys, thank you for helping me make sure that The Smooch Booth was done by homecoming. It really means a lot, you guys,” Veronica brought the two boys into a group hug, allowing herself a couple of moments before she realized how uncomfortable Sweet Pea felt showing affection in public. So, in respect, she let go and placed her hands on her hips as she faced the finished booth. The Smooch Booth, just to be a bit different, was her pride and joy — after Sweetie’s Boutique, of course. “I wonder if anyone will specifically ask for one of you two. You two are still a part of the booth, right?”
“Uh, definitely,” Sweet Pea nodded excitedly. “Why would we back out now?”
“Because i’m Veronica Lodge, daughter of a criminal who almost tore all of Riverdale apart by the seams even more than it already was,” Veronica shrugged. “You boys... if I didn’t have you, I don’t know where I would be right now. Probably going insane in some asylum in Greendale, or something.”
“Oh, mi carino,” Fangs gently swiped his thumb across the girl’s cheek, his lips twitching up in a sympathetic smile. “People are just afraid that they’ll have to go through what your father did to them again. You are loved, you just have to show them that you’re not daddy’s little girl anymore.”
“How can I do that when i’m either Hiram Lodge’s daughter, or a pathetic ex-socialite who’s using her sex appeal to get money since her and her mother don’t have enough money that isn’t accumulated from the blood and monstrous agendas he had?” Veronica sighed, looking between the two in hopes that, somehow, they had the miraculous answer to her problems.
“Simple: you become the boss ass bitch we all knew and loved before you closed yourself off after people started becoming Betty’s in front of your face,” Sweet Pea crossed his arms. “But, hey, if no one pitches in to take the one and only chance to kiss you, the Serpent’s got your back. We may be poor, but being able to sneak a smooch from the Veronica Lodge? Hell, that’s worth five bucks.”
“Don’t tell Josie, but I think Sweet Pea may have a tiny crush on you,” Fangs snickered, wiggling his eyebrows until Sweet Pea bumped his shoulder into his best friend’s arm. He hissed at the contact, yet somehow still had that silly smirk playing on his lips. He continued lowly, “oh, come on, like you haven’t gazed at Veronica longingly.”
“Okay, well, i’m going to go and get some rest. Now that it’s finally done, I feel like I can breathe a bit better again,” Veronica awkwardly sent the two a tight lipped smile before she backed away and exited the room, leaving them alone. She knew they would take her exit the wrong way, like she didn’t have some feelings for Sweet Pea, but now her mind was plagued with him.
The following weeks, he was on her mind. She barely was able to sleep with her mind constantly bringing him back up, little moments they had previous shared, things that he had said to her; she desperately wanted to get some sleep for once, to enjoy the peace and quiet, the darkness of her bedroom, but there he was, taking up every single thought in her mind like always.
When she had first befriended the Serpents, she knew that there had always been some weird connection between her and Sweet Pea — almost like an automatic sense of loyalty and trust, and whatever the bond was, exactly, it was intense and enticing. It wasn’t tangible, but definitely real, and potentially dangerous. Together, the two of them could be a force to be reckoned with. It was obvious to everybody... but them, of course.
Veronica squeezed her eyes shut, desperately hoping that her mind would focus on the uncomfortable irritating pain instead of Sweet Pea, but she couldn’t escape. All she saw was the six foot three giant, staring at her with his intense, dark pain-riddled eyes. His tousled locks was carefully styled, almost as if it were specifically for her. He was breathtaking, and it made her want him more than ever.
These feelings seemed to have come from nowhere, but deep down she knew that she had always felt something for the Serpent. It was in the way they respected one another, their opinions and feelings, it was in the way the two cared for each other, it was in the way they seemed to exist perfectly to balance each other out.
She knew she would never get any sleep if she didn’t get all of this unresolved feelings out. Even if he didn’t reciprocate, Sweet Pea had to know.
Rolling to the side with a soft groan, Veronica picked up her cell phone and glared at the brightness that flooded her eyes. She hastily turned it down before finding her way towards her contacts, hoping her phone call didn’t wake up and that she could simply leave a voicemail instead.
But after five rings, she internally cursed herself when it stopped, indicating that he had answered.
“Sweet Pea? I’m so sorry to bother you—”
“—Is there something wrong?” Sweet Pea interrupted, his voice alert, ready to spring to action. Veronica smiled at the realization that he would come to help her if she was in trouble, no questions asked as if she was one of the Serpents. It made her feel important and cared for, which she hadn’t felt in a long time.
“No, nothing’s... wrong,” Veronica gulped. “I kind of wished you didn’t answer so that I could simply leave a voice mail, but I can’t sleep and I know that I won’t be able to until I get this off of my chest.”
Sweet Pea was definitely confused, and incredibly concerned, but he urged her to continue, “okay...”
“Since we have met, I’ve always felt this weird connection with you. I’m not entirely sure what it is, but it’s so fucking powerful. I mean, if I had the money we used to have, I would give it to you, and to Fangs, and Toni, and the entire South Side if I could just so you wouldn’t have to hate life for giving you such a bad fucking hand,” Veronica took in a shaky breath, glancing up at her moon-illuminated ceiling, trying to keep her emotions in check. “And it’s obvious that you care for me as well. No one has ever shown me true friendship, loyalty, and trust like you have, and I appreciate you so much for that.”
Veronica paused for a couple of moments, gathering her thoughts.
“Look, i’ll cut to the chase because I know it’s late and I just woke you up and I feel incredibly bad, but I really fucking like you, Sweet Pea. I love that you’re loyal, and caring, and protective of everyone you care for and I’m so glad that I am one of those people. I love how you’ve slowly opened up to me and shown me your gentle, kind side. I love how will fuck anybody up with one wrong look. I... I don’t just like you. I fucking love you and that terrifies me so fucking much.”
Veronica ended the call, panicking like she never had before. She had never felt so scared, so nervous; when she was flirting with someone she was confident because she knew that they wanted her, but with Sweet Pea, she had no idea if he would like her.
Hearing her breath hitch in her throat, and her heart pound like a drum in her chest, she knew the feeling of fear would keep her from sleeping. She wanted to tell him all of this to allow herself the comfort to sleep, but she didn’t realize the effect Sweet Pea had on her was so strong. She wasn’t going to be able to sleep, and even though the opening of The Smooch Booth was tomorrow and desperately needed to not look like a dead zombie, she fled to one of the only places she felt safe: Pop’s Chock’Lit Shoppe.
Veronica entered Riverdale High, stretching out her fingers nervously as she flickered her gaze across everybody in the hallway. Sweet Pea wasn’t there — she wanted to do everything she could to ignore him. Of course, later when she was stuck at the booth, she had no choice, but at least she would have to be focused on collecting the money and kissing her classmates. There wouldn’t be much time to talk to Sweet Pea.
“Kevin!” Veronica smiled at her friend, greeting him with a big grin. He returned it, quickly giving her a small side hug before they began their waltz to their lockers. “I’m so nervous and excited to reveal The Smooch Booth.”
“Who isn’t? Ever since I got here, you’re all people have talked about,” Kevin explained. “Everyone is tweeting about your booth.”
“Seriously?” Veronica dropped her mouth in awe, honestly not expecting this kind of publicity. She expected more hate than love for her idea to raise money for Sweetie’s Boutique. “Wow... I thought everybody hated me.”
“Some do hold your father’s doing against you, but these past few weeks, doing all of this work yourself and being so determined, that many have come to give you another chance!” Kevin stated. “I’m so excited for tonight.”
“Me, too.”
Hearing what Kevin had informed her of, she felt relieved. Maybe now people would stop boycotting her store and allow her to have more of an income to survive. It’s all she ever wanted, it’s why she did this in the first place.
All throughout the day, people had expressed their excitement for her booth. Despite the fear she felt last night, she was currently content with her life for once and she looked forward to being able to get out of her rut.
The day seemed like an awkward mix between too short, or too long while she was ignoring Sweet Pea and Fangs as much as she could, all while hyping up her booth more than ever.
Finally, it was time to unveil.
Veronica introduced, “hello, boys and girls! With the help of the Serpents, The Smooch Booth would never have been completed as quick as it was without them, so make sure to express your thanks to them. Prepare your lips, boys and girls... Veronica Lodge is open for smooching.”
She figured that it would be weird to kiss her classmates, but, honestly... it wasn’t that bad. Sometimes it was a bit awkward because they would try to deepen the kiss and go into a full on makeout session, but Fangs and Sweet Pea were both there to keep people from doing just that.
Kiss after kiss after kiss, she knew Sweet Pea’s eyes were on her. And seeing the line slowly dissipate made her worry about Sweet Pea having the time to corner her into talking about what she had revealed to him.
As Veronica twisted the cap of her water bottle to take a quick drink before the next customer, Fangs spoke to the small crowd around the booth, “sorry, everybody. Veronica is going on break, meaning that somebody else will be taking her spot. Come back in about five minutes!”
Veronica tensed, forcing herself into a harsh coughing fit as she tried to gain back her ability to breathe right. “Fangs, I still have thirty minutes!”
“One of us will have thirty extra minutes, then,” Sweet Pea muttered. “You hung up on me, and ignored me all day, so I haven’t been able to tell you that I fucking love you, too, Veronica.”
She froze in shock. “W-What?”
“Yeah. I fucking love you, too,” Sweet Pea laughed lightly. “And I would have told you that last night, but you chose to hang up on me, and then ignore me all day. So, i’m doing it here.”
Veronica’s cheeks were a bright pink, full of embarrassment.
“I love your confidence. It matches mine; you’re blunt, to the point, and unlike other girls who have giggled and twirled their hair, you’re a challenge and I like that I had to work to find out more about you,” Sweet Pea smirked down at her, placing his hands on her hips as he slowly brought her closer to him. “I love that you give off confidence, yet you are an incredibly vulnerable person who manages to hide your insecurities just about as tightly as I do. I just love everything about you, and how you make me fucking crazy.”
“Where’s Betty when you need her? This has to be on the front page of the Blue and Gold!” Kevin explained.
“She can add in how much healthier of a couple we are. Maybe we can give her and Jughead some tips,” Veronica teasingly cocked her eyebrow. “I can’t wait to see the look on Jughead’s face when I walk into Pop’s and kiss Sweet Pea. He’s going to hate it.”
Sweet Pea smirked. “Sounds like a fun idea... let’s do it.”
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elegantmoonchild · 7 years
🚨 Just to clear up any confusion!!! 🚨
I posted the SweetVee Bedtime Stories on here earlier, but it’s definitely an ongoing collection! There’s only one story in there now on AO3 and it’s from the prompt provided the other day that I already posted! I just wanted to make sure no one thought it was a new fic! I will update as I complete prompts or inspired one shots for SweetVee.
Again, it’s an ongoing collection! I just wanted to have one place to make it convenient and available to all interested readers! If you have a prompt, let me know and I’ll see what I can do. It’s gotta be SweetVee and smut-related to go in the collection, however.
Thank you! 😘
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staliasjeronica · 3 years
SweetVee fic/drabble inspiration
So, I thought of Jughead calling out Betty in the last episode and I was thinking of my oc doing the same because she’s a boss ass bitch and I miss her, and then I was like… well what about Veronica since they never allow her to call Betty out or anything. And thus I began to think about this little SweetVee drabble that would eventually transpire to Veronica letting loose on Betty and just...
To sum it up: Veronica comes to town and while Sweet Pea hates North Siders and shallow rich people, he is drawn to Veronica bc who wouldn’t, and so they meet somehow and go back and forth with banter and such, and end back up at his trailer "hate fucking” ig you could say (“I know you’re used to lavish suites and pampering but you won’t get that here, princess.” “oh, please, if I wanted to be treated like I’m a priceless piece of art, I wouldn’t be here in your trailer now, would I?”)
And thus grows their relationship which does evolve from “enemies” to genuine feelings and such, and of course Betty, who canonly hated/didn’t like the SS until they randomly changed her personality to make her fit with Jughead, she’s going to disapprove and point it out how he could hurt her and such and thus Veronica calls out her manipulative ways and that she should mind her own business considering she constantly cheats on Jughead (who only knew of one of the four times she cheated with Archie) and just… yeah sweetvee and Betty slander what could be better?
anyways I just started the doc and now I will be going to make an outline :) or maybe I’ll just change it to a long drabble idk yet
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staliasjeronica · 3 years
What are you writing at the moment and for what ships
Well I’m currently in a video game mood so I haven’t been writing but my top recent things I’ve opened on google docs is:
- A SweetVee fic based off of the gifs I made for them
- A PeterFlash (Marvel’s Spiderman movies) fic that takes place after the ending of Spiderman: Far From Home (just in case, I don’t wanna spoil it lol)
- A Beronica drabble I randomly created idk why but this is the overview of what I wrote to write it
“Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?”
“Can we stay like this forever?”
“you come to my room and wake me up at 4am, to cuddle?”
“I dreamed of you last night.”
Unexpected confession of love
Not sure which one I will do which is why there’s so many lol
- A Beronica sleepover drabble I created a long time ago but I might delete it lol
Edit: I’m so sorry I typed this out and forgot to post it 😭😭
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staliasjeronica · 3 years
What's your archive of our own
It’s mostly just Jeronica, some Choni, SweetVee, and my newest Jugpea drabbles, and a few fics for a ship from another sadly cancelled show, but hope you enjoy ☺️☺️
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Author spotlight: elegantmoonchild.
@elegantmoonchild on tumblr.
AO3 link.
Three Peas In A Pod. 6/9
Read here.
Pairing SweetVee.
Veronica Lodge had spent the last wild eight months in a hot and heavy tryst with known gang member and boyfriend Sweet Pea. Everything about his life screamed danger and thrill, the appeal of which drew Veronica in like a moth to a flame. That all changed, though, in the blink of an eye – the three minutes their circumstances shifted from whirlwind romance to unexpected pregnancy when the color of the test strip turned pink.
How will this new couple face the change that greets them and will their young love manage to survive the fear of impending parenthood? Find out as the clock counts down, month by month, in this nine part tale of romance, angst, and pregnancy hormones.
SweetVee Bedtime Stories. 4/?
Read here.
Pairing: SweetVee.
A collection of SweetVee smutty one shots and drabbles inspired by prompts or other random muses. Each chapter will be its own story, its own concept, its own theme surrounding the central ship of Sweet Pea x Veronica Lodge.
No Angel. 6/6.
Read here.
Pairing: SweetVee.
Her life was wrapped up in one brilliant white Tiffany bow – the money, the privilege, the opulence of her family’s legacy the perfect inscription on the dull boring epitaph that left Veronica Lodge feeling dead inside. To escape, she dances, grasping onto her freedom as she moves across the stage of the burlesque club, The Whyte Wyrm, owned by former sorority sister Cheryl Blossom. One night, though, her world is turned upside down when she locks eyes with biker and former Marine Sweet Pea, and the vitriol they soon spew at each other only adds fuel to the flame between them.
Both controlled by their own demons, both unwilling to relent to the way they feel, they stomp around their emotions, night after night, dance after dance. Sweet Pea has his sordid past, rife with memories of death and violence, but Veronica has her own skeletons, locked behind the walls of her heart, and freeing them will only prove that she’s no angel after all.
Can these two broken souls that feel such scorn for each other give in to the heat between them, learning to keep the flames ablaze despite their differences and hostility for each other, or will their fire only serve to combust and burn out in the dark of night?
Ouroboros. 6/6.
Read here.
Pairing: Bughead with a side of SweetVee.
After a harrowing act of gang violence claimed the life of her father, a young Betty Cooper found herself being whisked away with her mother and sister to the one place they could find shelter – the Southside part of the city under the watchful eye of the biker collective known as The Serpents. Betty and the Serpent Prince, Jughead, grew to become friends and eventual lovers before a traumatic event triggers Betty to flee for her sanity, leaving behind a distraught and heartbroken Jughead. Years have passed and the fragile life of her sister, Polly, and her involvement with the Serpents’ rival, the Ghoulies, has Betty returning to the den of snakes she once ran from.
However, the Serpent Prince may not be so forgiving and his welcome upon her arrival is purely cold-blooded. Like the revered Ouroboros, life is a continuous renewal of “what was” in anticipation of “what is,” and as clear as the tattoo on every Serpent’s skin, the motto at the Whyte Wyrm is “creation through destruction.” Betty may soon learn that snakes don’t shed their skins easily, especially when love can be sharp and venomous.
Snapshots. 17/?
Read here.
Pairing: Bughead.
What’s a story only half-told?
An afternoon of reading old diaries and manuscripts turns into a lifetime of memories played before Betty and Jughead as they dig through the past. What were the moments leading up to the romance of sophomore year that stood out to Betty in her diaries, Jughead in the manuscript he wrote about his story with the girl-next-door? How did their epic love story play out for the couple beyond the events of Jason Blossom’s murder that shook the bedrock of Riverdale?
Fade Into Me (I’ll Fade Into You.) 7/7.
Read here.
Pairing: Bughead.
It was the worst day of his life, the kind of day every parent fears. Jughead Jones could only watch in horror as his sister, Jellybean, wrestled with a sickness that he couldn’t control. While dealing with the prognosis, Jughead couldn’t ignore the ray of hope keeping him grounded through the sadness in the form of Pediatric Oncology nurse Betty Cooper. Can he learn to love while living in a nightmare? Can she learn to put aside her insecurities and conflicting feelings to fall for the father figure of her patient?
Finding Strength In You. 1/1.
Read here.
Pairing: Bughead.
A coda to “Fade Into Me (I’ll Fade Into You)” for those of you who were interested in an epilogue for Betty and Jughead. It’s fluffy and whipped in all the right places, and though not required I hope for those of you interested that you enjoy it. This is my thank you again for all of the treasured love and support that you gave to this fic. I’m here to serve and give the masses what they want!
The Two Of Us Are Just Young Gods. 1/1.
Read here.
Pairing: SweetVee.
As the bright lights of the Sunnyside Trailer Park shine through Sweet Pea's bedroom, he and Veronica find themselves giving in to the affectionate beat of both body and soul as Veronica loses her virginity to her high school sweetheart.
Or three am thoughts inspired by Halsey's "Young God"
Stupid Cupid: A SweetVee Valentine’s Day Story. 1/1.
Read here.
Pairing: SweetVee.
Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching, and no one is more unenthusiastic about it than Veronica Lodge. Freshly dumped and without a date, her best friend Betty Cooper sets her up on a blind encounter with one of her boyfriend’s closest pals, but the dinner doesn’t go as planned, and soon Veronica and Sweet Pea are lodging insults across the table like a verbal food fight.
The next day, the duo find themselves locked in yet another awkward partnership, assigned to research and enact a romantic couple throughout time at the Riverdale High Valentine’s Day Fair, and it’s not long before the two butt heads at historic new heights. Veronica is just about to give up on the idea of romance and chivalry before she begins receiving small tokens of affection in her locker, one for each day of the holiday week.
Will she discover the identity of her secret admirer before the bell tolls on the 14th or will she succumb to the hostile, yet magnetic chemistry between her and her opposing classmate? In “Stupid Cupid,” things may not be as rose-colored as they seem, and Veronica just might learn that love can be a major pain in the ass.
I strongly recommend this author, because she is amazing. If you’re looking for spicy smut, look no further.
Not only is @elegantmoonchild incredibly talented, but in her fic “Ouroboros” she gave this fandom a taste of the ship SweetVee, and we haven’t been able to get enough since.
Her fics are wonderful, and I suggest you go give them all a read right now!
<3 Peyton (@beaniesandcardigans)
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expectyaytions · 6 years
I’m new-ish to the SweetVee fandom. I’ve been reading a lot of fics, but I finally bit the bullet and created a side blog dedicated to these two.
So- please send me your fav fics and fav blogs so I can read & reblog and follow! More one-shots and Drabbles to come ...and maybe a full fic.
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expectyaytions · 6 years
Can you do #49 and #51 for SweetVee? Preferably in the same Drabble bc I think it’s funny contrast lol
Sorry, this is a few days late!
#49 - “Your voice is sexy.”
“Your ass is sexy”
#51 - “Seriously the chimney?”
“The squirrel can’t win.”
He woke up early, starting the coffee pot and unloading the dishwasher. He was still tired from baby proofing their apartment the night before. He hadn’t realized how many electrical outlets there were, or how hard it was to install a baby gate. He poured a bowl of cereal and added cream to his coffee. He could hear the shower turning on upstairs. Jughead and Betty would be by in less than an hour to drop off Ophelia. He headed upstairs, almost falling over the baby gate. He stepped out of his boxers and opened the door to their master bathroom. The sound of “Penny Lane” filled his ears. His wife’s nude body was blurred by the foggy glass. He opened the glass door and joined his wife under the warm spray. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head, “your voice is sexy.” He whispered into her ear. She turned smirking,” your ass is sexy.” She proved her point by grabbing it. He wrapped an arm round around her and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. His other arm held the wall for support. She moaned into him and he was a goner. They spent the remnants of their shower connected at the hip. Sweet Pea pulled on a pair of jeans and a black tea shirt while Veronica verbalized the pros and cons of wearing leggings, jeans, a skirt or dress. He made the bed while she pulled out options. When she was finally quiet he voiced his opinion.
“Well you know we’ll be keeping up with Ophelia all day, so I’d wear something comfy that you don’t mind getting dirty.” She nodded, hanging up the dress and skirt.
Betty and Jughead showed up at 8:00am on the dot. They were the punctual people around. Their eight month old was tucked into her car seat sucking on a pacifier. Veronica had just finished her yogurt and granola when the doorbell rang. Sweet Pea was pulling out the toys and baby swing they kept in the living room closet for whenever their friends visited. Betty and Jug let themselves in calling out, altering their arrival. They convened in the kitchen.
“Veronica, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in leggings before.” Jughead commented looking impressed and puzzled all at once. Betty rolled her eyes at her husband. She pulled out a sheet of paper detailing Ophelia’s usual feeding and sleep schedule. There were doctors numbers on the back along with FP and Alice’s cell numbers. Betty had also added the best way to warm up her breast milk and reviewed it as she piled it into the freezer and fridge.
“We’ll be back before dinner!”
“Take pics!”
“Duh, we’re going to need your input on which house is the best.” She gave Veronica a hug before squeezing Sweet Pea. “You guys are life savers. Thank you so much.” Jughead had put the car seat on the table. Both parents kissed her cheeks and smoothed her hair before being pushed out the door. Ophelia just stared at them sucking her pacifier and clutching her blankie.
“This going to be easier than I thought.” Sweet Pea said.
“You probably just jinxed us.” She smacked his chest with the back of her hand before reaching in and unbuckling the baby. She rested her head on Veronica. “She smells so good.” Sweet Pea rolled his eyes but indulged his wife leaning down to smell the top of his god-daughter’s head.
“Do all babies smell like that, or is it just organic, all natural, earth is best stuff Betty uses?” Veronica shrugged. They walked to the living room and sat on the couch. Ophelia was a quiet baby, she always had been. Veronica put her on the blanket they’d laid on the floor they scattered toys around it for her to reach and explore. She was just starting to get an itch to crawl.
“Do you care if I go to the office and make a few calls? I want to make sure everything is in order for the upcoming week at the office. Sweet Pea nodded reached for his coffee beside him. Ophelia played and gurgled with her toys, he joined her on the floor making noise with the hard plastic rings and his fingers. She’d smile and giggle in delight. At 11:30 he picked Ophelia up and they headed into the kitchen for her first feeding. He followed all the instructions, checking the temp, before finally giving her the bottle. He headed to master bedroom and sat in their fancy chaise while she feed. She looked like Jughead, except for her hair and nose -those were all Betty’s. He’d been nervous about messing things up. He was worried he’d get everything wrong and she’d cry the entire time. But so far she was very calm. She started to drift off as the remaining milk dwindled. He lifted he’d and burped her based on what he’d seen Betty and Jughead do and the YouTube videos he’d watched last night while Veronica finished up at the store. He laid her on center of their bed surrounding her with pillows. He laid next to her, pulling his phone out to snap Betty and Jug more photos. He and Veronica had never really discussed having kids. There would be the occasional - I hope our kids don’t inherit your clumsiness, or I hope they have your nose, eyes etc. They had been married for almost two and half years. He felt himself dozing off.
Veronica completed her phone calls. She still needed to make a conference call with a designer in LA, but that wasn’t until 1pm. She walked into the living room expecting to see her husband and god-daughter, but found nothing. She searched the house before finding them both asleep on the bed. Sweets had his arm curled over Ophelia. She had both her hands above her head resting on his arm. She melted at the sight, and quickly pulled out her phone to snap pics. They looked so angelic. She sighed before deciding to get some more work done while the pair napped. She headed back to her office and pulled out some fabric swatches that had been sent to her from the Italian office.
He was awoken by a small whimper and as he opened his eyes a teeny body colliding with him. When he looked down Ophelia’s eyes were wide and her bottom lip trembling. He blinked a few times before pulling her pacifier out his pocket and into her mouth. He pushed himself off the bed and Ophelia was quick to lift her her arms up and grab for him.
He scooped her up and they headed downstairs for bottle number two and a diaper change. While the bottle was warming he laid out the changing pad and pulled out diapers, wipes, lotion and rash cream. He’d seen Jughead do it and he’d even done it a few times under the Jones’ guise of “practicing.” Now, he was happy he’d done it. After taping up the diaper and cleaning everything up, they returned to the kitchen. He talked to her in his baby voice and blew kisses on her tummy as she giggled at him. She eagerly reached for the bottle once it was in her sight. Her pacifier slipped from her mouth leaving a long line of drool. “Cute,” He muttered. He couldn’t he took a nap. He hadn’t done that since college. Eyeing the clock and noticing it was 2:15, he decided to make lunch for himself and V. He’d waited until Ophelia had finished her bottle, burped her and then went to find the vibrating chair this she liked. Once she was set up on the counter with her toys and chair, he got to work making turkey burgers. She gurgled to herself, and he sang the few disney songs he knew - most of which were from The Lion King. She laugh and drool at him as he sang into the spatula. He’d used his phone to actually play the songs. Veronica joined them, Just as he was dressing the burgers and adding chips.
“Look at you two, having all the fun without me.” She kissed Ophelia’s head before kissing him on the mouth. She joined him for the last bit of “Circle of Life” and he twirled her around. Ophelia squealed from her chair smiled at them. They settled in to eat at the countertop, turning Ophelia to face them. The chatted and made faces at Ophelia.
“Do you want kids, V?” She swallowed the chip in her mouth.
“I think so. I mean assuming you do too?” She smiled nervously.
“Yeah, I’d like to.” He kissed her. “Let’s talk details tonight?”
“Okay,” she smiled, “I’m finished with all my work, what should the three of us do for the next few hours?”
“I think Ophelia mentioned to watch the latest Disney film her godfather picked up.”
“Oh really? That sounds doable.” He picked up their plates and everything from lunch and put them in the sink, while Veronica took Ophelia out of her chair. Sweet Pea was lying to himself if seeing Veronica with a baby didn’t tug at his heart. He set up the dvd and they all snuggled onto the couch. Veronica laid with Ophelia on her chest and her feet on Sweet Pea’s lap. Ophelia rolled around before sitting and reaching for Sweet Pea. She snuggled her face into the crook of his neck and grasping his tshirt. “I guess what they is true.” Veronica piped up.
“What’s that?”
“There’s nothing sexier than a man with a baby.” He laughed and attempted a seductive wink. Ophelia stayed put while the couple watched the film.
“Seriously, the chimney?” Sweet Pea loud whispered, and shook his head.
“The squirrel can’t win.” Veronica laughed. “I’m getting a little too into this.”
“I think it’s cute.”
“I think I could get used to this. You, me, baby and animated children’s films.”
“It's not going to be this easy. Ophelia is rare.”
“I know, but still.” He beckoned her with his hand and puckered his lips. She sat up and kissed him and snuggled into his side. They stayed that way for the remainder of the film. They were watching the special features per Sweets request when Betty and Jughead called out. The couple found them in the living room.
“Well isn’t this a sight.” Betty gushed.
“She’s an absolute angel.” Veronica told her. “Did you guys find anything you liked?”
“Oh my god, let me show you these two we looked at that I loved!” Veronica stood up and together they headed towards the kitchen. Jughead sat beside him.
“How awful was it?” Sweet Pea asked. Jug just looked him. “That bad huh?
“It was so boring. Betty knows what she wants and such. I told her all I want is an office. She suddenly knows all these wood types, and colors, and types of houses like cape cod and ranch and colonial. And i’m standing there like wood is wood - how can tell if its oak or maple or cedar or whatever.” Sweet Pea laughed.
“I Tivo’d the latest Criminal Minds, you want to watch?”
“Fuck yes. I’m so sick of HGTV. Did you know there is an entire show dedicated to people buying tiny houses?”
“What’s a tiny house?
“You don’t want to know.” They settled in, Veronica bringing them each out a beer and a bag of chips before returning to Betty. “Have you seen the latest development on the golden gate killer case?” Sweets asked.
“Yeah! I can’t believe they finally caught the guy - a cop no less. You have to listen to this new true crime podcast I found - I think you’ll like it. I want to incorporate some of the banter they have into my next novel.”
“I’ll have to check it out. I liked the other you found - the Australian one.” Sweet Pea couldn’t but think maybe someday soon, there’d two babies hanging out with their dad’s watching crime tv.
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onceuponamirror · 7 years
will you post all your drabbles on ao3? i lose track of stuff posted here
sure! i’ve got a few more prompts, idk if i’ll get to them tonight, but i’ll post the rest of the drabbles there as well when i do. 
edit: here’s the sweetvee one up on ao3 [x]
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