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themculibrary · 7 months ago
Canon-Compliant Masterlist
And Maybe They'd Be Happy For A While (ao3) - sweetnuisance alexi/melina T, 143k
Summary: Natalia Romanova wanted only one thing, to become a Black Widow. Melina Vostokoff didn't know how to be anything else.
When the Red Room sends them on a deep cover mission to Ohio they find they can both be so much more.
and they will run you down 'til you fall (ao3) - an_insomaniac T, 4k
Summary: The first thing he felt was bright light, even through closed eyes, coloring the insides of his eyelids a reddish color.
The first thing he thought was, fuck, I overslept. Ma's gonna kill me.
Then he realized he wasn't at home in New York with his family. No, he was overseas in Europe, fighting a war. Except not anymore, because they all got captured. And now he was stuck here, strapped to a metal table, alone.
Or: Bucky has gotten hurt by Hydra countless times in his long, long life. But how, exactly, did it go the first time around? Bucky (and the Howling Commandos)'s time as prisoners of war in Azzano.
a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts (ao3) - ladybundle wanda/vision M, 7k
Summary: She wants to look just like Mary Tyler Moore when she grows up. Or maybe Lucille Ball. She loves red hair.
Wanda uses TV to cope and falls in love.
Don't Hold Your Breath, Kid (ao3) - Naddy T, 880
Summary: There are hundreds of thoughts racing through Peter's mind as he leaps out of the pod in the wreckage in Knowhere's exo-atmosphere, propelling himself towards Gamora, but only one of them stands out.
Don't hold your breath, kid.
Error 404 (ao3) - lazy_stitch wanda/vision T, 3k
Summary: It's wrong to hurt your friends, and it's even worse to make battle plans on how to beat and detain them. Vision knows this, even though he has no feelings (... right?).
Ghosts of Flesh and Soul (ao3) - DCAngst T, 5k
Summary: Why did Bucky Barnes decide to go back into cryo-genic suspension? This One-Shot focuses on the first couple of days after Bucky and Steve land in Wakanda. Bucky adjusts to daily life without his arm, haunted by phantoms of flesh and mind.
"With every glance Steve sent his way, Bucky felt exposed. Guilty. Like he was taking up space he had no right to occupy."
i imagine death so much, it feels more like a memory (ao3) - thewickedverkaiking alexi/melina M, 25k
Summary: before there was the iron maiden, before ohio, before the red guardian and natasha and yelena, melina vostokova was a little girl, a long long time ago.  
she is in class 7A. she sleeps in bed #2. she has dark hair and brown eyes. she was top of her class in academics last year. she knows ten different ways to kill a man with a knife. she will fire a gun for the first time when summer comes. her birthday is in november.
her name is melina.
she is seven years old.
melina, the red room, the iron maiden, ohio, and after.
in the doldrums (ao3) - befehlvonganzunten (blueprintofyourpast) T, 3k
Summary: When he catches a quick glimpse of the little Lego figure sitting atop his GED prep books his stomach drops only half as hard as it used to and he doesn’t spend a solid 5 minutes wondering if Ned ever takes a look at his Death Star set and struggles to remember when and how an essential piece of the set went missing. He’s done after 4 minutes and 36 seconds. It’s progress on his part, he assumes.
Or: A day in the life of Peter Parker, post-NWH.
it gets better (but i guess that was a lie) (ao3) - inkstainedrose, interlvnium T, 1k
Summary: Peter Parker is alone, and he is fine.
Peter Parker is alive, though that might not be such a blessing.
. . .
or: Peter Parker lives on, even if the entire world has forgotten.
i've seen the future (and it looks an awful lot like you) (ao3) - em_a steve/peggy T, 12k
Summary: In the 1940s, Peggy finds a way to move on.
In 2023, Steve makes his way back.
They meet somewhere in the middle. (And they finally get that dance.)
Memorial (ao3) - Cardinal_Flower G, 2k
Summary: A lot has happened over the past two - no, seven - years. It's time for Sam to visit the Arlington National Cemetery and catch up with his best friend.
Midnight Marauders (ao3) -KDtheGhostWriter G, 1k
Summary: Spider-Man has defeated The Vulture and saved the top secret Stark Industries shipment from being stolen. Peter wonders if Iron Man ever ended up like this after saving the day: face down with sand in places he didn't know existed.
Some Version of You (ao3) - abcd_em G, 3k
Summary: The only person that would notice how drastic of a difference it was is him.
That’s the kicker, isn’t it?
The boy in the room and the boy in the reflection are the only people left that know Peter Parker for who he is. Who he was.
stages of grief (ao3) - theredhoodie druig/makkari G, 1k
Summary: A quiet moment shared on the beach waiting for Phastos to fix the Domo so they can get off of this volcano.
Survivor Story (ao3) - the_truth_within_the_lie M, 25k
Summary: On December 28th, 1944, James Buchanan Barnes plummets four miles down into a snow-covered ravine in the Alps.
On February 2nd, 1945, a HYDRA-funded band of Soviet troops captures Barnes alive in a wooded area outside Switzerland.
He’s feverish and unconscious. He's lost his left arm. And he's thirty-six miles away from where he fell.
This is how James Buchanan Barnes dies -
- and how the Winter Soldier is born.
The Last Stand (ao3) - fantasiesdreaming layla/marc T, 78k
Summary: “Mind if I sit here?” asked a voice, its owner already settling into the space on the bench next to Marc.
“Layla,” he uttered without thinking, and shit. She had been shuffling through her bag at the edge of the table, but now she stiffened.
“Do I know you?”
The precanon Marc backstory we've all been waiting for. Featuring Marc struggling to deal with his past and mental health as he meets, falls in love with, marries, and eventually leaves Layla.
what is and what will be (is you and me) (ao3) - momentofmemory may/ben T, 20k
Summary: The precinct is wildly disorienting at first: the high exposure of the fluorescent lights, frantic cops milling about without apparent rhyme or reason, phones and pagers filling the air with their high-pitched screams. Stone-faced detectives with blood-spattered shoes.
It’s a frazzled secretary that gets to them first, but whatever she says is lost to May’s ears—because at that moment, all she sees is Peter.
(Or, 5 times May was there for Peter, +1 time he was there for her.)
Widowmaker (ao3) - mcsquared789 T, 38k
Summary: She leaned back, keeping her eye on the cupcake. Trying not to listen to the room next door, of people who were more ignorant, and yet clearly much happier. They sat around comfortable with better heating, better lighting, and the constant threat of death far behind them.
But there was nothing like that for Natasha. The next year would be the same as this one… and the year after that. And the year after that.
As long as I'm still here, she thought listlessly. It will always be like this. I'm only still here… because my skills are all I'm good for. Madame B made sure of that.
It would have been a mercy if they had just killed me.
Natasha Romanoff — trained assassin, spy, lackey of the Red Room. She, along with her other Widows, have been dragged down to Budapest to watch over their own leader, Anton Dreykov. But when another assassin comes with the intention to take him down, will she stand in the way? Or — will she finally discover her own chance to escape?
A short fic about a fateful meeting that will change everything. Fully completed.
you're the hero in my story (and the ghost) (ao3) - jesm T, 1k
Summary: Steve spends a lot of his childhood sick and stuck in bed; the only good part of it is Bucky's company.
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ao3feed-unapike · 1 year ago
Unfamiliar Constellations of Home
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/zCUWac1 by sweetnuisance As it came up in the comments on No One Can Keep You Small I decided to write a little 'What If...' , this is my head cannon for what would have happened if La'an had stayed little. Words: 4212, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 7 of Strange New Worlds Fandoms: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, Gen Characters: Christopher Pike, Number One | Una Chin-Riley (Star Trek), La'an Noonien-Singh Relationships: Number One | Una Chin-Riley/Christopher Pike, La'an Noonien-Singh & Christopher Pike, La'an Noonien-Singh & Number One | Una Chin-Riley Additional Tags: AU from No One Came Keep You Small, Una is family, Pike is family too, Crew of the Starship Enterprise as Family read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/zCUWac1
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justreckin · 1 year ago
Seriously go check out No One Can Keep You Small by sweetnuisance. It fills the need.
honestly can't stop thinking of babygirl *but like literal little girl* La'an needing to be looked after by Una (with a lot of help from Chris) and all the different shenanigans that would go on on the Enterprise with little La'an
The tantrums - Una's very no nonsense, but La'an is very stubborn, Chris often has to be the mediator.
The cuddles - nobody expected La'an to be a cuddly kid but she will not get out of Una's arms (or Chris' if Una isn't around)
Erica taking a picture of La'an sat on Chris' lap on the captain's chair and Chris literally treasuring that photo.
La'an kissing Chris good night in front of the rest of the crew and they all good naturally ribbing him for how much little La'an likes him
Sleepy La'an playing with Chris' hair
Chris making cookies with sous-chef La'an in his kitchen
La'an falling over and making Chris kiss her boo boo better
Una chastising Chris for letting her babygirl get hurt
Una going absolutely Mama Bear when she finds out La'an is still missing 3 hours after starting a game of hide and seek with some Ensigns. Uhura eventually finds her passed out in a Jeffries Tube.
La'an sleepily saying 'goodnight Mommy' as Una puts her to bed and Una finding herself in tears
Chris helping little La'an make Una a Mother's Day card and Chris getting Una a necklace with La'an's name on it for La'an to give her
La'an nonchalantly letting slip to Erica that Una and Chris slept with her in bed last night and fueling Enterprise wide gossip on the Captain's relationship with Number One. A red-faced Number One has to specify they were not a couple (Erica coughs loudly "yet")
Erica scheming with little La'an to get Chris and Una together
Christine babysitting La'an whilst Una and Chris go on a date "work" - lots of glitter is involved, leading to Number One banning any and all glitter from the entire ship.
Chris and Una talking about how they'd never wanted kids, but little La'an might have changed their stances on the matter. Both admit they're glad they got to do this (look after/co-parent La'an) together
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myswanqueenficlist · 4 years ago
Regina receives a delivery on Christmas Eve
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iantologyblr · 3 years ago
Tumblr media
PeekooD the BUKHLO. The new THUG in da house #cat #pet #kitten #play #energy #petlife #urchin #sweet #sweetnuisance #playfull https://www.instagram.com/p/CaIFBDkJdK-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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masquev2 · 7 years ago
‘Raise Your Glass’ Pink Legends of Tomorrow, Ensemble
Time to show our love for this ridiculously fantastic series, fan video style. (psst... there’s a fair bit of avalance!)
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justreckin · 1 year ago
Ooh boy. Thanks @emonydeborah *cracks knuckles* Alright, let’s see.
Last song: The Winner Takes it All off the Mamma Mia soundtrack (technically I didn't listen to this, someone on the plane was watching the movie and I happened to look up at this moment so the song has been stuck in my head)
Favorite color: orange
Last movie/tv show: movie was Jurassic Park, tv show The Librarians
Sweet/spicy/savory: sweet and savory? I like pastries.
Relationship status: friendship
Last thing I googled: if the local ice rink was part of the mall that used to be at it's location back when my parents were young. (The answer is yes, the mall closed and was torn down in 96, and there is now a strip mall at the same location)
Latest obsession: honestly I'm in between obsessions at the moment. Though the last one was definitely The Librarians.
Tagging: let's get @raddocwrites, @sweetnuisance, and, of course, @missposabule in on this.
Nine people I'd like to get to know better
Tagged by: @spocketboots and @peachvelvets - thank you friends!
Last song: The Power of Love by Huey Lewis and the News
Favorite color: Yellow!
Last movie/TV show: An episode of New Tricks
Sweet/spicy/savory?: Sweet! I have the biggest sweet tooth.
Relationship status: Single
Last thing I googled: 'Noddy Gobbo' (throwback to my childhood💀)
Current obsession: Well obviously Star Trek hehe, especially Enterprise and Voyager. I've been getting into Stargate (SG-1 & Atlantis) recently and I just started watching Gilmore Girls. Also my obsession for Sylvanian Families is coming back with a vengeance (5 year old Rosa would be so proud) !
Tag Nine People: @trippol-threat @pajamasecrets @spocks-husband @myenterpriseisparked @talshiargirlfriend @wrinkleintime @tpoltrip @themurdochmemesteries @lenara-kahn
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sophroxs · 13 years ago
Me Judy!
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