k6u0 · 7 months
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utsuwa365 · 2 years
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. お礼とおしらせ . 現在開催中の石渡磨美陶展 @parque.tokyo 初日にお越しくださいました皆さま どうもありがとうございました! たくさんの皆さまにお越しいただき あたたかい初日となりましたこと 心から感謝いたします。 . こちらの展示会は22日までご覧いただけます。 また、会期中、私の大好きなおふたり SWEETCH 笠尾美絵さん @sweetch_kasao ties 遠藤千恵さん @ties.chie の 美味しいものたちもお求めいただけます。 是非ぜひ併せてお楽しみいただけましたら♡ . 今週末14日(土)、15日(日)は ワタクシメもお店に馳せ参じまして 皆さまをお迎えする予定です。 是非ぜひ遊びにいらしてくださいませ♡ . . . Repost from @parque.tokyo • Parque1階では石渡磨美さんの個展を開催���です。 ⁡ 初日は平日にも関わらず途切れることなくお客様にお越しいただき、器にまつわる温かいエピソードや、楽しいお悩みタイムをご一緒させて頂けてとても幸せでした。 ⁡ 週末には料理家の遠藤千恵さん(ties)とパティシエの笠尾美絵さん(SWEETCH)による 石渡さんの器を使ったお食事会が控えております。 (15日の12:30-15:00の回のみご予約枠がございますのでよろしければ!) @utsuwa365 @sweetch_kasao @sweetch_cake @ties.chie ⁡ 大注目のお食事会以外に、実は通常会期中にもお求めいただける美味しいものもございます👀 ⁡ from SWEETCH ⁡ ✨ゆずのブランデーケーキ  ✨ジンジャーと柑橘のスノーボウル ✨林檎と胡桃のシナモンクッキー  ✨塩チョコクッキー  ⁡ from ties ⁡ ✨プルーンキャラメルクリーム ✨ties グラノーラ / Spice&Honey ⁡ どれもスパイスやフルーツのアクセント、予想外食感にはっ😳とさせられるような、驚きの詰まったお菓子です。 オトナだからわかる感動ポイントが散りばめられ 石渡磨美さんの器にも共通するなぁ…なんて思っております。 いつも食べたい!んですがこの機会は特別。 ということでお見逃しなく頂けたら! ⁡ それにしても…パッケージを開けてから後味までずーっと美味しいって本当に素晴らしいですね。 ⁡ ※それぞれ、数に限りがございますので 売り切れの際はご容赦ください🙇 ⁡ ⁡ 2023.01.12 ⁡ ____________________________________________ ⁡ ⁡ 石渡 磨美 陶展 ⁡ 2023.01.11 wed. - 01.22 sun. <店休日 16 mon. 17tue.> 12:00 - 20:00 _____________________________________________ ⁡ {{会期中イベント}} ⁡ 石渡磨美陶展 特別企画 ties×SWEETCH 「dans les bois 〜深き森にて〜」 ⁡ 石渡磨美さんの器でお楽しみいただく オーダースウィーツ専門パティシエ/SWEETCH 笠尾美絵さんと ties主宰・料理家/遠藤千恵さんのコラボレーション・コース。 ⁡ 1/14(土)15(日)の2日間 Paruque2階を「屋根裏レストラン」としてお迎えいたします。各日2回の開催。 (完全事前予約制) →→→15日(日)12:30-15:00の回以外は満枠となりました🙏 ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ________________________________________ ⁡ 石渡磨美 Mami Ishiwata ⁡ /プロフィール ⁡ 大分県南海部郡(現 佐伯市)生まれ 1998 会社勤めの傍ら陶芸と出会う ⁡ 2008-2017 東京都武蔵野市の『陶芸教室むさしの』勤務 ⁡ 2011~ 受注生産にてオーダーメイドのうつわ制作を開始 ⁡ 全国各地のギャラリー/百貨店にて展示会参加多数 ⁡ 2019年末より、拠点を兵庫県神戸市に移し活動を続ける ⁡ ___________________________________________ ⁡ #石渡磨美 feat. #ties #SWEETCH ⁡ #Parque_exhbition2023 (Parque) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnTKgONvZkx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lyrics365 · 2 years
a u r o r a (Feat. sooon)
a u r o r a (Feat. sooon)
It’s alright You could stay 여기 있어도 괜찮아 See the colors of light from the dust 먼지 안으로부터 뿜어져 나오는 빛의 색들을 봐 Taking it slow 천천히 I wanna know the feels we share 우리가 나누는 감정들을 알고 싶어 It’s alright 괜찮아 Stay away from the darkness that fills up the sky 하늘을 채우는 어두움으로부터 떨어져 I just can’t help but show the love that warms my heart 내 마음을 데우는 사랑을 보여줄 수밖에 없어 And your colors in my eyes keep twinkling like aurora 내 눈에…
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blackcatanna · 1 year
I remember being excited when Fire Emblem Awakening came out back in 2012 because, although I couldn't afford it and knew I wouldn't be able to for a while, I thought that the price would go down eventually and I had loved Radiant Dawn so much (after picking it up second hand at a game store) that I didn't mind waiting. FLASH FORWARD OVER TEN BLOODY YEARS AND THE PRICE STILL HASN'T DROPPED AND ALL THE OTHER GAMES ARE ALSO ABSURDLY EXPENSIVE (not that I even have a Switch, just my beloved 3DS). SIGH. At least I still have my Wii and copy of Radiant Dawn for when I need to get my Fire Emblem fix... I CERTAINLY CAN NEVER PLAY THE FIRST PART OF THE STORY (Path of Radiance) LEGITIMATELY THOUGH BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE NOW SELLING IT FOR £200 ON EBAY X_X Good for them, I guess XD Maybe it's time to finally try making an emulator work...
#complaining about the price of games these days#BACK IN MY DAY YOU COULD JUST GO TO A STORE AND RUMMAGE THROUGH A BARGAIN BIN TO PICK A GAME BASED ON HOW EDGY AND ANIME THE CHARACTERS LOO#this is why the last nintendo console I bought was my 3DS#I have wanted a Switch for ages but the games are so expensive X_X#and I still have other games calling out to me on other devices...#Fire Emblem hits differently though#Playing Baldur's Gate 3 made me want to play Radiant Dawn again#IT BREAKS MY HEART EVERY TIME SOMEONE DIES BECAUSE OF MY TACTICAL CHOICES AND I LOVE IT#IT HURTS SO GOOD#I play very conservatively XD#I appreciate what BG3 did so much but now after 200 hours of that I hunger for SQUAAAAAARES!#(and the threat of permadeath)#Maybe my friend will let me play Three Houses on her Sweetch (that's how I pronounce Switch because I think it's cuter)#But I play shit SLOWLY XD and obsessively so I'd feel bad going to someone's house to do it#WHEN I AM RICH I SHALL BUY A SWITCH AND PLAY MORE FE GAMES AND ALSO THE ONES ON 3DS#But for now I am very poor XD#Omg just looked on eBay and someone's selling Path of Radiance for £2000! Wtf XD#OMFG I FORGOT THEY MADE A FIRE EMBLEM WARRIORS GAME (as in DYNASTY WARRIORS STYLE) XD WHYYYYY?#HNNNNG MAYBE I WILL BUY AWAKENING FOR MY BIRTHDAY#I COULD BUY A DODGY LOOSE CARTRIDGE WITH GERMAN WRITING ON IT FROM EBAY FOR £10 BUT THEN I WILL SPEND THE WHOLE PLAYTHROUGH STRESSING#AND BLAMING MYSELF FOR BEING CHEAP IF ANYTHING IS BUGGY OR CORRUPTED#Gonna make sure my 3DS is still working properly first though...#It's been a while#I mostly only boot it up these days when I get a Samurai Warriors urge...#It's in my apartment somewhere (I haven't used it since I moved over a year ago)...#(my Wii is still at my Mum's house down South so I will have to wait until the end of October to play Radiant Dawn again#but my brother says he has no interest in our consoles except the PS4 so I will probably take it back to my lair after that 3:)#It can be reunited with the PS2 and my DS Lite and 3DS!#THIS HAS BEEN A GOOD 4AM RAMBLE#talking to myself and making IMPORTANT GAME DECISIONS
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muteddaydreams · 11 months
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suitov · 9 months
"Okayyy, okayyyy. Shuichi, what's so important that you had to interrupt my weekly G5 rant...?"
I hold them out, wordlessly.
"Not my size."
"Uh... Mister Izuru said Mister Nagito gave them to him and he doesn't know what he's meant to do with them. I figured you could help, Kokichi."
"Aww! Issie-ru came to me for advice! I'm so proud."
"I'm not so sure he should be trusting you as much as he does..."
"Aw, don't be a baby, Shweetcheeks. I'm the best mentor EVURRR. C'mon through, Izzy. Sweetch, do me a favour and get the riceball and the egg drop over here in about ten minutes?"
I follow my friend into his secret lair of evil, much reassured.
"Let's get a looksie." He takes the boots from me. "Can't say Nagito doesn't have consistent taste. Quality leather. Looks like enough give in the ankles. Can you put 'em on for me?"
"Over my trousers?"
He gives a sigh and a dramatic eyeroll. "Thigh-highs over your suit pants? They make you in a nerd lab or something?"
"Yes," I say. I thought he already knew this.
When the boots are on me to his satisfaction, which involves a change in attire and my "chunky ankles" being poked at, the Supreme Leader tells me to walk around. Then he tells me to stop.
"Iz-ziiiieee, you're walking like a duuude."
"Like whom should I walk, then?"
"Obviously like a god. Here, watch..."
Ultimate Actor, the full gamut of Dancers and a few other talents are called upon for the ensuing instruction.
"They're here, Kokichi," calls my other friend, who does not have very detectivelike ears, because I had heard the car fifty-seven seconds earlier.
"Right. Now remember what I told ya."
("...just walked out without a word still holding them and I didn't know where he—I thought I'd offended him...")
"Izzie, focus! Don't make your fellow evil overlord look bad."
"If you say so, Kokichi," I reply. I am not nervous but I might like to leave via the other door and hide somewhere high up for no reason. Instead, I allow him to drag me out into the hall.
I have not taken more than a few steps before a problem makes itself apparent.
I lower my voice. "Perhaps I should take them off. The soles seem to be causing a malign resonant frequency with your floo—"
"No, Izuru, that's not why they're all on their knees."
I look at the three others with concern. There also appears to be some malfunction around the salivary glands.
"Dandy? Are you all right?"
"No," says my fluffy with suspicious speed. "I'm suffering cardiac arrest and can only be saved by chest compressions from your foot."
The other two make noises to suggest this condition is contagious.
They have misdiagnosed themselves—I can hear their hearts from here and they are beating merely fast, not irregularly—so I turn back. "Why are they all like that, Kokichi?"
He stretches up and pats my shoulder. "Because I'm one hell of a teacher."
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majorbaby · 9 months
ohhh so cozy... medicated, blankie on... coffee... a truly unnecessary number of baked goods within reach, am essentially a baked good myself... nintendo sweetch...
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almighty-narrator · 2 years
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Hello there! I've tried an experiment with the line as with the color palette. And I'm kind of satisfied with this one!
I present you here the powerful witch of sweets... the Sweetch! Her real name is Candy Beauregard, a french student at Freedom City University. She is a kind of super hero. She is able to generate and manipulate all sorts and forms of candy. She can create clones, weapon, etc. based on all imaginable sweets.
She was really fun to draw!
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imas-project-cloud9 · 2 years
Live Performance!
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Song: Sweet Witches' Night ~Rokuninme wa Daare~
Performing Unit: Piece o' Cake
Original Unit: Sweetches (Kanako Mimura, Airi Totoki, Noriko Shiina, Shizuku Oikawa, and Nono Morikubo)
Glamour Shots:
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Sylvester: [In reply to Penelope's comment about the marine life] If you think that's cool, wait'll you sthee me out there kicking butt! First, I'm goin' shark. [He starts snapping his jaws, mimicking a shark.]
Pepe: [Pressing the off switch controlling Sylvester's microphone]
Sylvester: [Now muffled] Hey! What just...is this thing on?! Hey, cut it out!
Pepe: [Turns it back on; Innocently] Sacre bleu, ah seem to have accidentally sweetched off Sylvester's microphone.
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sprinklehere · 3 months
BINBENDO SWEETCH??? 50% OFF???? 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
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(Context: they were shopping for clothes but fan and lightbulb got distracted. paintbrush is NOT having it)
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atomic-taco-muffin · 11 months
Myra x xeha arranged marriage true pacifist au:
Keigo: gotcha
Kana: *slowly backs away from the pervert* stay back..
Pervert: awe c'mon sweetch- !?
Luxord: *punches him away from her* you heard the lovely lady and besides she's taken
Hana: thanks babe
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utsuwa365 · 2 years
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. おしらせ . 本日1/11より東京西小山Parque にて 個展を開催いたします。 . 1/14、1/15の2日間はParque 2階が 屋根裏レストランに! 詳しくはリポスト元の投稿を 是非ご覧くださいませ♡ . こちらは予約制のお食事会ですが この2日間も1階は通常営業しておりますので ご予約なしに個展をご覧いただけます。 . 私も14、15の両日在店にて 皆さまをお迎えいたしますので 是非ぜひお立ち寄りいただけましたら♡ . 写真6枚目に本日の森の様子を。 久しぶりにピリッと冷えましたが 晴れて穏やかな木々たち。 動画にすると飛んでしまいましたが 本日はとても綺麗な青空で��。 👇👇👇 Repost from @parque.tokyo • 2023年1月11日 水曜日 ⁡ 今年、初営業日 石渡磨美さんの個展でスタート致します。 ⁡ Parqueでは3度目の個展 磨美さんが森のアトリエに移られてからは2度目。 ⁡ 作品の作る世界観が ぐっと深まったように感じられます。 自然の中の美しいモチーフも溢れています。 木の肌山の肌、冴えた空気や枝を抜ける風の音も聴こえてきそう。 ⁡ 深呼吸しに、いらして下さい。 ⁡ ⁡ 石渡 磨美 陶展 ⁡ 2023.01.11 wed. - 01.22 sun. <店休日 16 mon. 17tue.> 12:00 - 20:00 _____________________________________________ ⁡ {{会期中イベント}} ⁡ 石渡磨美陶展 特別企画 ties×SWEETCH 「dans les bois 〜深き森にて〜」 ⁡ 石渡磨美さんの器でお楽しみいただく オーダースウィーツ専門パティシエ/SWEETCH 笠尾美絵さんと ties主宰・料理家/遠藤千恵さんのコラボレーション・コース。 ⁡ 1/14(土)15(日)の���日間 Paruque2階を「屋根裏レストラン」としてお迎えいたします。各日2回の開催。 (完全事前予約制) →→→14日はご予約満枠 →→→15日は各回にご予約可能枠後少しございます。 ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ________________________________________ ⁡ 石渡磨美 Mami Ishiwata ⁡ /プロフィール ⁡ 大分県南海部郡(現 佐伯市)生まれ 1998 会社勤めの傍ら陶芸と出会う ⁡ 2008-2017 東京都武蔵野市の『陶芸教室むさしの』勤務 ⁡ 2011~ 受注生産にてオーダーメイドのうつわ制作を開始 ⁡ 全国各地のギャラリー/百貨店にて展示会参加多数 ⁡ 2019年末より、拠点を兵庫県神戸市に移し活動を続ける ⁡ ___________________________________________ ⁡ #石渡磨美 feat. #ties #SWEETCH ⁡ #Parque_exhbition2023 (Parque) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnQiXdMPpzZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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priyaakira · 1 year
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These pics kinda remind me Vannelope Von Sweetch (I hope I wrote that right lmao)
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terulog · 7 years
June-October 2017
Lots of DereSute music.
Chiisana Koi no Misshitsu Jiken / Shirasaka Koume Mouretsu★Yonaoshi Guilty! / Sexy Guilty Anzu no Uta / Futaba Anzu Marshmallow☆Kiss / Moroboshi Kirari Sweet Witches' Night / Sweetches Inochi Moyashite Koiseyo Otome / Yui Otome Märchen Debut! / Nana Abe Ankira!? Kyousoukyoku / Ankira
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king-casino · 1 year
i should NOT beealowed to interact with people while my med sweetch is going on...
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