#sweet pea modboard
xserpentlife · 5 years
Forgotten - Part 2
Requested: @motionlessinblackbutler - sweets x reader where everyone forgets her birthday and she gets extremely upset and like disappears for a couple days to calm down. Sweets gets mad at everyone. She can be already dating sweet pea. And they aren't surprising her they all just get busy I guess and literally forget.
A/N: Wow this story turned into a two-parter. So here is the second part. Thankyou to @wayward-river for always being my beta. Check out her stories too.
Warnings: Cursing. I think that’s it.
Summary: Everyone forgets your birthday except sweet pea and he gets very angry at the friend group.
Word Count: 3414
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3 Months Later
For a few months now Toni and Fangs kept trying to apologize to Y/N. At first, it was flowers, then gifts, then buying food at Pops. They kept showering items but the thing was that was not what she wanted. All she wanted was for them to show her that they cared. She did not want the material items she just wanted to know that she meant something to them. Sweet Pea, on the other hand, was giving them the worst time. He barely talked to them other than when they had a job to do. He constantly gave them the cold shoulder. No matter how many times they apologized or tried to talk to him he wouldn’t budge he was still pissed. Fangs and Toni finally devised a plan that they thought could possibly work.
Sweet Pea’s POV
“Hey, Sweet Pea!”
“Yeah, Hogeye?”
“Can you grab a bottle of whiskey from the storeroom”
“Yeah, sure” I went down opening the door to the storeroom and looking for the Whiskey. Once I grabbed it off the shelf I turned around only to see dumb and dumber standing against the door.
“Move, Now”
“Sweet Pea please talk to us”
“I have nothing to say now fucking open the door”
“I have the key you can’t get out without it and it is in my underwear so unless you want to grab it out just listen, five minutes please”
“Look we are so sorry about we did and we are not just saying that. We feel like shit”
“Look Sweets I am so fucking sorry for what happened. I saw Y/N’s face that day and I can not get it out of my fucking head. She is our best friend, well I hope she is still. We fucked up I will admit that her birthday is so fucking important and we forgot it when we shouldn’t have”
“Toni Fangs you don’t get it you were more than friends to her you were family. She lost one family if you could even call them that and when she joined the serpents she gained us. You forgetting her birthday was a slap in the face. It was like she was forgotten all over again”
“I know”
“It was a shitty thing I get that, we’ve tried making it up to her we don’t know what else to do”
“Stop trying to get her things. Do something that actually means something to her”
“Do you forgive us?”
“I don’t need to forgive you, she does. Look I am still pissed at you and I will be for a while but it’s been months and she can say she is fine but she misses you guys and honestly even though I’m pissed I miss you guys too. But you have to stop with giving her things or buying things she's tired of it. I have an idea though, a way you can make it up to me and to her”
“What is it?”
“We’ll do anything”
“Do you know what’s coming up next month” I watched them look to each other scared like they forgot something else. It was kind of fun, to be honest. “I don’t expect you to know calm down. It’s Y/N and I’s five year anniversary”
“Holy shit”
“5 years!! I can’t believe it’s been that long already”
“Yeah, and she is the love of my life. I, I want to ask her to marry me. I want to make it special to her. I was thinking of doing it at the dock. I mean we spend so much time there it is like a special place for us. We ended up there on our first date, it’s where we always have the bonfires, it’s where I take her when she is sad or happy. I think it would be perfect, but to make it perfect I need some help. If you want to help then maybe, maybe I will forgive you”
“I want to make this right dude”
“We’ll help”
“You can help but I swear if you fucking forget on the day of I will kill both of you”
“We won’t forget”
“Fine now can you let me out of here so I can bring Hogeye this Whiskey he’s been waiting for”
“He doesn't need it”
“It was a ploy to get you down here he was in on it”
“Oh my fucking god, just let me out so I can go home please?” Finally, they unlocked the door and let me out.
1 Month Later - Sweet Pea’s POV
I have been working and planning nonstop this entire month. Our 5 year anniversary is tomorrow. I have Fangs and Toni setting up everything tomorrow while I keep Y/N distracted, but I was meeting them today to go over final plans with them. Y/N doesn’t seem suspicious at all so that is good, but I am a nervous wreck still. I drove to the river and saw all the decor that was on the ground and Fangs but no Toni. The dock would be perfect. Simple fairy lights strung around the wood and a blanket for the picnic.
“Hey Fangs”
“Ah Sweet Pea you're here finally, I wanna make sure you don’t want any other decorations or anything”
“No, I think the fairy lights are perfect, just simple but enough. What do you think?”
“Dude you know her the best, but yeah I think it’s simple enough but beautiful I really think she will love it”
“Where’s Toni?”
“She should be here soon, she got the call from the jeweler the ring was ready so she went to pick it up”
“Alright well let’s starting putting up these lights then” Fangs and I put the lights up for about an hour till Toni arrived. No one had seen the ring yet, and I told Toni not to open it until I was with her.
“Sweet Pea!”
“Toni why are you screaming I am right here”
“I am screaming because it took all of my fucking will to not open this damn box now can we please see the ring”
“Yes give it to me we can open it” I opened the box and it was absolutely perfect. I had it custom made for Y/N with an engraving and two snake heads wrapped around with a green stone in the center to represent the serpents. I was still somewhat nervous about whether she would like it or not.
“Holy shit Sweet Pea”
“Do you not like it, do you think she will like it I mean I could go tonight and get another one if you think it is bad. It was custom my design so I don’t know-”
“Sweet Pea that ring is gorgeous she is going to love it”
“Honestly I know Y/N and she will love it, why the snakes though and not something ‘Normal’ like most people would get”
“Well, she always told me she wanted something that was not really generic. I figured she loves the serpents to no end and that is one of the biggest parts of who she is so I thought getting two snakes could represent her and I and the green stone could represent the serpents as a whole. She also told me she never wanted a diamond cause it wasn’t her but I wanted a stone to be a representation of a diamond”
“I really think she will love it, it is so her and so you all at the same time”
“I can not wait for tomorrow, are you nervous?”
“Of course I am fucking nervous, but I am so ready. I can honestly say she is the love of my life and I know we’re young and we don’t need to get married right now, but who cares I love her and I want to marry her so I am nervous but ready”
“That was the cutest shit I ever heard”
“Okay well I need to go she is probably wondering where I am. For tomorrow I am going to spend the day with her, but around five I'm gonna tell her I have a job and I'm gonna have the note at the door with the dress for her and then I’ll meet you guys here, oh and keep the ring safe Toni”
“Why don’t you just take it?”
“Cause Y/N is a shit and she finds everything no matter where I hide it, also let’s be honest I will probably forget it”
“So fucking true”
“Alright I’ll see you guys tomorrow” With that, I left them to hopefully not fuck anything up, and hopefully I wouldn’t slip and tell Y/N everything.
Next Morning
I woke up to my arms wrapped around the love my life. Today was the day where hopefully everything would change with her. I got up going into the kitchen and started making breakfast for her. I was cooking for about 20 minutes before I heard her come into the kitchen. She smiled up at me as she sat on top of the counter behind me. It was nice always having her sit there while I cooked and we talked about all the random things in the world. Once the food was almost done I set it on low and turned back to her handing the flowers I had picked from the field. Yeah it may be cheesy but wildflowers were her favorite stores don't sell them they only sold roses and she hates roses so I have to pick her flowers when I give her them.
“Pea these are beautiful”
“I hope you like them, I picked them” I smiled to her she touched my cheek making the blush rise up
“I love them Pea, thank you”
“You know what today is?”
“No, what?” Did she really not remember? I stood there shocked she never forgot anything. “I am kidding Pea, of course, I know that today is five years”
“Mhm 5 years with my favorite person in the world, I love you princess”
“What do you want to do today?”
“Honestly can we just chill at home and watch some movies?”
“Yeah that is perfectly fine with me, here eat your breakfast”
“Wait! I have a present for you”
“Babygirl you didn’t have to get me anything. I didn’t get you anything” I did, I got her the ring but she couldn’t know that.
“I don’t need anything and I wanted to, open it” I opened up the box and inside was a dog tag with a snake. It was awesome.
“Thank you, baby, I love it”
“Wait that's not it flip it over” It was engraved Forever - Y/N. A tear fell down my cheek as I looked down at her.
“I figured it was a piece of me I didn’t want to get you one that was just my name because that would be like branding you haha. I figured the snake for the serpents and the engraving was a personal touch. I really hope you like it I know you usually only wear your dad and Grandpa’s tags but...”
“Baby I love it so much I am happy to wear this tag too”
“Really!” The smile that appeared on her face was like no other, just the pure happiness that she has always flooded into me.
“Really, now let's eat and watch those movies” It was nice spending the day with Y/N. We do it often but today it felt so different to me. Everything has been so crazy the past few months but she stuck with me through it all. Just being able to sit down and be with her meant so much. I wasn’t like most guys, I am not able to always give her the nicest things in like but she always told me it didn’t matter. I never felt like it truly didn’t matter until I met her. It was getting closer to when I had to leave so I had to start making it seem like I was going on a job. I told Fangs to text me and I changed his name to FP so it would look like FP was texting me for a job.
“FP texted you, here” I took the phone from her reading the message.
“What's wrong?”
“FP wants me to go on a job”
“But I thought you were off today since it’s our anniversary”
“Yeah, me too I'm trying to get him to call Fangs” *Phone rings* “I have to get up” I walked outside taking the phone call and talking to Fangs for a bit pretending he was FP. I walked back in and saw her sitting up on the couch watching for me through the door.
“Do you have to go Pea?” I shook my head yes while walking back to the bedroom and grabbing the duffel bag with the clothes I would be wearing. I walked back out and she looked so sad. I wanted to stay to make her happy but I knew I had to go.
“I have to go, I’m sorry baby I tried but Fangs is on a job and Toni is working at the Wyrm so I’m the only one left. I don’t wanna leave you but I have to.”
“It’s okay, really I’ll see you when you get back okay” I walked out the door and walked to Fangs' truck getting in and driving to the dock. This was it,  soon Y/N would be my fiance or so I hoped. Now was time to start the plan.
You watched as Pea left a small sadness rolling upon you. You wanted to spend the entire day with him but he had to go on a job. You were used to it and it was your life you had to go when you were called, you had gotten used to it after a while but you just wished today would've been different I mean it was your anniversary after all. Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. Your friends never knocked so who could it possibly be. You grabbed your knife and knuckles just in case and you opened the door to see a box with a bow sitting on the ground. You picked it up and read the letter that was attached to the top Hey Princess put this on and come to the Dock I have a surprise for you, I left the keys to the truck on the counter. Oh my god, so he didn’t have a job that little shit. You walked to the bedroom opening the box to reveal a black long sleeve dress and a white denim jacket. It was something different you did not often wear white but it was a good different. You got dressed did your hair and threw on some makeup. You grabbed the keys off the counter and started driving to the dock. From the road, you could see the faint shadow of Sweet Pea and fairy lights. You got out heading down towards him as he walked towards you.
“Pea what?”
“Okay” you often were not the quiet one, to be honest, you had a big mouth but something about him always made your breath halt. He looked incredible too you often only saw him in his torn up boots and a t-shirt. But he was in a light brown button-up and cuffed jeans with new boots. You loved the way Sweet Pea looked all the time but he looked incredible. “Wait, you look good, okay now I'll be quiet”
“You're a dork, You look incredible baby I love that denim jacket on you now come on” He grabbed your hand leading you towards the dock where you saw a folded blanket and pillows. It was beautiful the thought that he put into this meant so much to you. It was simple yet so perfect. He stopped the both of you and you hugged him.
“Turn around”
“I thought I told you to shh, just turn around” You did what you were told for once turning around. “Okay, now you can look at me” You turned around to see Sweet Pea down on one knee. “No” the tears were flowing down your face.
“Y/N Baby you make me the happiest guy in the entire world. No matter the ups and the downs that we have had you have always stuck by me. I want it to be me and you forever. I wanted to get you a promise. A promise that I want to be with you forever and I want you to be with me forever. It is a promise that I will never leave your side. Y/N you have always had my heart from the very first moment that I met you, and I know we are young and I know this is crazy but I couldn’t wait. I love you and I know I want to be with you forever so Y/N Y/L/N will you marry me?”
“Pea Yes, Yes I will marry you” He stood up grabbing your hand and slipping the ring onto your finger. You hugged him tight and he lifted you slightly the height difference taking hold. You pulled away from the hug slightly to kiss him, and when you pulled from the kiss you saw the tears rolling down his cheeks.
“Babe your crying”
“It’s a good cry Y/N, and hey you cried more than me”
“Is it a competition cause I got a lot more where this came from”
“Shut up and kiss me princess” You kissed again as he placed you on the ground.
“Do you like the ring” You took it off your finger examining it. It was beautiful. Two snakes coiled around each other one braided and one plain with a green stone. As you were spinning it to look at it you noticed an engraving on the inside Never Forget. But why?
“Pea it is absolutely incredible but why never forget?”
“Because I want you to never forget that I love you. Yeah, I could have written I love you but Never forget means so much more. Never forget the fact that you are my family and I am yours. Never forget that you are my entire world, and yeah I may fuck up sometimes but in the end, you mean everything to me. Never forget my love for you and never forget that I will always be here for you” As he finished you cried again. Sweet Pea though hard on the outside was one of the softest people on the inside. You loved every bit of him and now you were actually going to marry the man of your dreams. You were admiring the ring again.
“Pea this ring is incredible”
“I got it made custom I figured it represented me and you but I also chose the green stone to represent the serpents, I was going to do a diamond but you always liked things that were not the norm so I figured a diamond would be too cliche”
“It’s perfect” You put the ring back on your finger and kissed him again before you were interrupted by streamers, confetti and screams coming from behind you.
“Yes, my best friends are getting married!”
“Toni? Fangs? What are you doing here?”
“They helped me set everything up Y/N” 
“What? You finally forgave them?”
“Well, they kind of trapped me in a storeroom against my will to talk to me so I really had no choice. But they feel really bad princess and they’ve apologized so many times. But it doesn’t matter if I forgive them do you?”
“Y/N we are so sorry after what happened we felt like complete shit, please, please, please forgive us”
“Honestly we kept trying to make it up to you without even realizing everything we did wasn’t working because it didn’t matter, we wanted to do something meaningful for you, and when we trapped Pea and he told us he wanted to do this we wanted to help. I know we fucked up but you are our best friend all of us not hanging out has been killing me.”
“I forgive you”
“Really” Toni and Fangs both ran up to you screaming congratulations.
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