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aakifmucek · 7 years ago
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Suriye’deki Emperyalist İşgali ve Cihatçı Çeteleri Meşrulaştırmak İçin Kullanılan “Özel İmalat”: The White Helmets
Suriye’deki savaşın başından beri ve özellikle Esat yönetimi lehine gelişmeye başladığından beri, manipülatif bir çok kampanya yapıldı. The White Helmets (Beyaz Kasklılar) denilen grubu ve faaliyetlerini meşrulaştırmak için uluslararası kampanyayla milyonlarca dolarlık PR çalışmaları yürütüldü.
The White Helmets (Beyas Kasklılar) olarak bilinen cihatçı çeteyle ilgili bir çok yazı ve yayın olmakla birlikte son günlerde yine gündeme gelen ve provokasyonlarını sürdürmekte ısrarlı bu çetenin yaptıklarını ve varlıklarını tekrar tekrar anımsamak gerekir.
Tüm çabalar cihatçı çetelerin “Suriye’de demokrasi isteyen muhalifler” oldukları iddialarını güçlendirmeye dönük oldu. Bu amaçla cihadist gürühun “Suriye topraklarında kendiliğinden oluşan, gönüllü arama-kurtarma çalışanları” olduklarına dair uluslararası medyada ardı arkası gelmez yayınlar yapıldı.
Bu çabaların oldukça etkili olduklarını söylemek gerekir. Bunun ilk meyvesi and the Oscar goes to…ok…The White Helmets! sözleriyle hafızalara kazındı. Örgütün lideri Raed Saleh ödül törenine “Suriye’de insanları kurtarmaya devam ettiği ve çatışmalardaki yoğunluk nedeniyle” gelememişti. Gerçekteyse Raed Saleh ödül töreni için gelmiş, fakat bizzat Amerikan polisi Wahington Dulles Havalanından giriş yapmasını engellemişti. Gerçi ortada filmin yönetmeni denilebilecek kimse de yoktu. Üretim Netflix’e aittti ve sonuçta belgesel ödülünü kazanmışlardı!
Yine geçtiğimiz yıl “alternatif nobel” ödülü Stockholm’de bu güruha verilmişti. Cumhuriyet gazetesi temsilcilerinin (Zeynep Oral) aynı ödülü almak üzere orada bulunduklarını eklemek bir zorunluluk. Gerçi Beyaz Kasklıların ödüle boğulmaları için gizli servislerin, medyanın entellektüellerin uluslararası kampanya yürüttükleri bir ortamda –Türkiye dahil- bu küçük bir ayrıntı olarak dahi ilgi görmedi
Swiss Press Club tarafından Cenevre’de yapılan bir sunumda “Suriye Sivil Savunması” olarak lanse edilen bu “tarafsız” ve “gönüllü arama grubunun” kendi pozisyonlarını, “insanların yaşamlarını kurtarmak ve halkın maneviyatını güçlendirmek” olarak tarif ettikleri vurgulanmıştı. Bu manipülatif söylem bir gerçeği gizlemek üzere yapılıyordu. Sunumu yapan gazeteci Vanessa Beeley, bu “tarafsız” sivil toplum örgütünü faaliyetlerini anlatırken, İngiltere ve cihatçı gruplar arasındaki bağlantıları ortaya koymuştu.
Gazeteci Beeley, Doğu Halep’te bulunduğu süre içerisinde bu “sivil toplum örgütünün” El Nusra ile birlikte çalıştıklarına tanıklık etmişti. Beyaz Kasklılar her semtte Nusra Cephesi karargahlarına yakın veya onlarla biraradaydılar.
Bu iddialara karşı, The Guardian’da Vanessa Beeley ve bu konuya ilgi duyan bir çok kişi “Rus propaganda kampanyasının araçları” olarak resmedildi. Haliyle bunlar tesadüf değildi. The White Helmets açıkça “batılı devletlerin” bir propaganda aracıydı ve “yıpratılmasına” izin verilemezdi! Uluslararası medyada cihatçı örgütü meşrulaştırmaya çalışan yayın organlarından biri “bağımsız” The Guardian’dı. The Guardian bu cihatçı örgütün deşifre edilmesine bir hayli üzülmüş olmalı ki, Suriye Beyaz Kasklılar Örgütü nasıl bir anda sosyal medya propaganda makinesinin kurbanı haline geldi? türü yayınlarla “embedded” işlevine devam etti.
The Guardian bu konuda yalnız olmadı. CNN, BBC News, Channel 4 ve daha bir dizi ana akım medya bunlara eşlik etti, ve başarılı bir PR çalışması gerçekleştirdiler.
Bir çok savaş deneyimi olan John Pilger, bu cihatçı örgütün “Suriye’de neye müdahale edeceğini, nasıl manipülasyon yapılacağını çok iyi bildiklerini” söylüyordu. Cihatçı çetelerin “insani” yüzlerini öne çıkarmak üzere oluşturulmuş bu güruh, için uluslararsı düzeyde lobi ve propaganda çalışmaları yapan, istihbarat örgütleri ve karanlık finansman odaklarını çıkardığımızda geriye manipülatif görüntü ve söylemlerden başka bir şey kalmadığı görülür.
Bu çok iyi faaliyetlerinden biri, “Ümran bebek” propagandasıydı. Bu fotoğrafın ve devamında anlatılan öykünün “fake” haber, ve propaganda olduğu daha sonra ortaya çıktı. Ancak dolaşıma girdiğinde büyük ilgi görmüştü. Bu etkinin izleri halen görülebiliyor ve bir çok insan bunun gerçek olduğuna inanıyor.
The White Helmets bilindiği üzere 2013 yılında eski bir İngiliz istihbarat subayı olan James Le Mesurier tarafından Türkiye’de kurulmuştu. Le Mesurier sözleşmeli olarak İngiliz ve Amerikan ordusuna çalışıyordu Bu kuruluş öyküsü bir spekülasyon değildi. Bizzat Le Mesurier, Lizbon’da (2015) bir toplantıda örgütün kuruluş öyküsünde payına düşeni şu sözlerle anlatmıştı:
"2013 yılında Halep’ten gelen dokuz yerel liderle görüşmeler yaptık. Halep’teki genel durum üzerine genel bir çerçeve çizdim. ABD ve İngiltere hükümetleri adına programlar oluşturmuştuk, bu sayede onlara iyi yönetişim, demokrasi ve başka şeyler üzerine eğitim teklifinde bulunduk. Bundan bir kaç gün sonra Türkiye’den doğal afetlerle ilgili gönüllü çalışmalar yapan bir grup insanla biraraya geldik. AKUT adına faaliyetlerde bulunuyorlardı. Depremlerde insanları kurtarabilenlerin, bombardıman sonucunda enkaz altında kalanları kurtarmaları mümkün olur muydu? Bu bir dizi fikrin gelişimine, tartışmalara yolaçtı. Suriye’den yanlarında bina enkazlarına dair numunelerle bir çok insan geldi. Depremlerde faaliyet gösteren AKUT, savaş bölgelerinde faaliyet göstermiş olan benim ekibim ve Suriye rejiminin taktiklerini bilen insanların birikimlerini bir araya getirdik."
James Le Mesurier ve ekibi bu sahte kurtarma ekibini Suriye’de çalışmaları bilinen ve gerçekte 1953 yılında kurulmuş olan Syria Civil Defence olarak ikame etmeye giriştiler ve onun ismini kullandılar.
Bir dizi sahte kurtarma operasyonları, sahte videolar, yalan röportajlar örgütün uluslararsı medyada bir “mit” haline gelmesi için seferber edilmişti. ABD, İngiltere ve suç ortaklarınıa harekete geçirmek ve olası bir operasyonu meşrulaştırmak amacıyla Suriye yönetiminin “klor gazı” kullandığı yolundaki iddiaları içeren haberi yine bunlardan çıkmıştı.
alta’da bir Norveç film şirketi tarafından üretilen Suriyeli erkek çocuğun kızkardeşini sniper ateşinden kurtarmaya çalıştığı” görüntüler bu cihatçı güruhun boyunu oldukça aşan işlerden biriydi.
Cihatçı çetelerin “insani” yüzlerini öne çıkarmak üzere oluşturulmuş bu güruh, için uluslararası düzeyde lobi ve propaganda çalışmaları yapan, istihbarat örgütleri ve karanlık finansman odaklarını çıkardığımızda geriye manipülatif görüntü ve söylemlerden başka bir şey kalmadığı görülür.
Nitekim bu konuda kalem oynatan ve COİN stratejisini bilen gazeteciler ve analistler, Beyaz Kasklıların Liderleri Batı Medyasıyla Nasıl Oynadılar?”, “Beyaz Kasklıların Sahtekarlığı!” gibi yazılarla kendi tahammül sınırlarının dahi zorlandığını ifade etmişlerdi.
The White Helmets’in daha önceki “gaz saldırısı” provokasyonlarıyla ilgili en ciddi uyarıyı SWEDHR (Swedish Professors & Doctors For Human Rights) yapmıştı. Gerçi bu uyarı İsveç’in yüksek tirajlı Dagens Nyheter’de yapılan SWEDHR’in “Rusya destekli Esad rejimini korumak üzere” yapıldığı şeklindeki manipülatif haberlerle itibarsızlaştırılmaya çalışıldı. Dagens Nyheter’in iddiasına göre SWEDHR, Rus devlet yetkilileriyle kısa bir kaç görüşme yapmış ve ardından alelacele rapor hazırlamışlardı. Hazırlanan rapor Suriye tarafından karşı-kanıt olarak BM Güvenlik Konseyi’nde kullanılmıştı. Böylece “Rusya destekli Suriye yönetimine koz” verilmişti!
SWEDHR buna karşın hazırladıkları rapor ve çalışmalara atıfta bulunarak, “savaş suçları, insan hakları ihlalleri, özel hayatın gizliliği ve kişisel özgürlüklere yönelik devlet saldırılarına” karşı mücadele ettikleri açıklamasıyla yetindi.
CNN, The Guardian, BBC, Dagens Nyheter vs. dezenformasyon kampanyası üretimine bizzat katkıda bulundukları The White Helmets’in “hayat kurtarma” “sivil savunma” kisvesiyle işledikleri savaş suçlarını “aklamak” konusunda tereddüt etmemişlerdi.
The White Helmets adını kullanan bu cihatçı örgüt son günlerde yine bir “klor gazı” operasyonuna dair haberlerle gündeme geldi. Beyaz Saray sözcülerinin “Suriye yönetiminin zehirli gaz kullanımına” dair iddiaları, Fransa Cumhurbaşkanı Macron’un “saldırırız” tehdidi ardından bu güruhun “tatbikatlar” yaptıklarının açıklanması savaşı kaybettiklerinin kesinleştiği bir süreçte yeni bir tezgah ve saldırı hazırlıkları yaptıklarını göstermektedir.
Ahmet Akif Mücek 2018-02-15
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dreowyn · 8 years ago
3 reasons why the latest Syrian chemical attack was a false flag
3 reasons why the latest Syrian chemical attack was a false flag
In the early morning hours of April 7, 2017, the Trump administration fired 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles from a U.S. destroyer in the Mediterranean Sea, at Shayrat Air Base in Syria which is alleged to be the location from where the Assad government, on April 4, had launched a chemical attack of sarin nerve gas which killed many civilians, including women and children, in the rebel-held town of…
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rodrigoslay · 6 years ago
¿Cómo las filtraciones de Anonymous afectarán las relaciones entre la UE y Rusia?
¿Cómo las filtraciones de Anonymous afectarán las relaciones entre la UE y Rusia?
MOSCÚ (Sputnik) — El desenmascaramiento del proyecto británico Integrity Initiative puede mejorar las relaciones entre Rusia y los países de la Unión Europea, dice el presidente de la ONG Médicos Suecos por los Derechos Humanos (SWEDHR), el profesor Marcello Ferrada de Noli.
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#ExtraNews: https://www.slaymultimedios.com/como-las-filtraciones-de-anonymous-afectaran-las-relaciones-entre-la-ue-y-rusia/
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tdshay · 7 years ago
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SWEDHR Board of Directors ref. misattributed statements on White Helmets and alleged gas attacks in Syria Professor Emeritus, med. dr.  Marcello Ferrada de Noli, chairman; Professor Emeritus, med. dr. Anders Romelsjö, vice-chairman; Chief physician, med. dr. Alberto Gutiérrez Mardones; Chief physician … Source: SWEDHR Board of Directors ref. misattributed statements on White Helmets and alleged gas attacks in Syria
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nedsecondline · 7 years ago
Russia Used a Two-Year-Old Video and an ‘Alternative’ Swedish Group to Discredit Reports of Syria Gas Attack
Spreading doubt about the truth is nearly all one needs to do - Russians. ultra-left and ultra-right all practicing and feeding into no one trusting anyone.
Who are the Swedish doctors that Russian media is using to drum up support for war in Syria?
Katerina Patin
2 May 2017
A video that Moscow used as key piece of evidence that its ally President Bashar al-Assad had nothing to do with the chemical attack in Idlib which killed more than 80 people, including many children and women one month ago, was in fact released two years ago and first cited a month before the attack actually took place.
The video was pushed out across Russian state controlled airwaves and on social media shortly after President Donald J. Trump launched the first direct U.S. military strike on Syrian government forces.
It showed what looks like a makeshift emergency room: doctors working frantically around the small bodies of limp, half-naked children, their eyes rolling back and noses foaming. A girl in pink underwear lies on top of an elderly woman who seems to have already died. One bed over, a doctor injects a long needle deep into a small child’s chest.
The video is almost unwatchable, capturing the brutality of Syria’s six-year war that has decimated the country’s population. But the way the video has been spun shows how Russian disinformation can plant doubt, obscure facts, and manipulate mainstream debate on the Syrian war and its consequences.
Russian officials and state-media went into overdrive after the April 4 chemical attack in northern Syria and the U.S. military response, circulating contradictory theories about the attack, the most cited version being that the attack never happened and was staged. The video from the makeshift emergency room was used as key evidence that the attack was in fact fake news.
All of the Russian reports omitted a crucial fact: the video was two years old.
Russian media created a confused picture where only one message was clear: Russia had proof that rebels in Syria and the West were lying about the chemical attacks.
It was originally uploaded by a local division of the White Helmets, a volunteer emergency rescue worker group that operates in rebel-held Syria, after a chemical attack in the Idlib province that killed at least six people in March 2015. But now, Russian and Syrian officials said that an NGO called the “Swedish Professors and Doctors for Human Rights” (SWEDHR) have evidence that the White Helmets video was staged, discrediting both the authenticity of the gas attack and of the White Helmets. The omission of a time references by the Russian media and by government officials created the impression that the video showed the “staged” aftermath of the more recent chemical attack this April, rather than one that took place in 2015.
“Have you read the report by Swedish Doctors for Human Rights that showed the duplicity of the so-called White Helmets?” Syria’s representative to the UN asked during a charged Security Council meeting on April 12, 2017. By that time, many in Russia had. RT, Sputnik, Rossiskaya Gazeta, Pravda, Zvezda TV, Ren TV and dozens of other Kremlin-controlled media outlets republished SWEDHR’s conclusions in a storm of coverage after Trump’s retaliatory air strike on April 6. Searching “White Helmets” in Russian on Google brings up several pages that one after the other cite SWEDHR in the article title. Nearly all of them omit that SWEDHR’s findings apply to a video from 2015.
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SWEDHR’s findings were first published in an article on the group’s online blog “The Indicter” on March 6, 2017 — nearly a month before the alleged chemical attack in Syria that prompted Trump’s strike. In it, the Swedish doctors questioned the authenticity of the two-year-old video, making several claims: the video shows “life-threatening” or “simply fake” medical procedures; the cause of the children’s death more likely could be from opiate drug overdose than from a chemical attack; the White Helmets made a propaganda video with already dead children; and that the injection given to the small boy was staged and likely “would have killed the child!”
Amnesty International in Sweden, Human Rights Watch in Sweden, the Swedish Society of Medicine and the Swedish Medical Association all say they never heard of SWEDHR, which describes itself as an “alternative NGO.”
But SWEDHR was noticed by Russia’s foreign ministry. On March 16, 2017 the ministry’s spokeswoman Maria Zakharova spoke at length about the White Helmets, a group celebrated in the West (especially after Netflix’ Oscar-winning documentary about the organization) but considered a terrorist organization in Russia. Without mentioning when the original White Helmets’ video was filmed, Zakharova cited the Swedish doctors’ findings which she said proved that the White Helmets are “talented directors and actors” and that the video even shows a child being “literally murdered under surgical lamps.”
And then after the April 4 chemical attack and the subsequent diplomatic fallout, Zakharova’s statement and the Swedish research proliferated on airwaves and social media in Russia. That SWEDHR’s key evidence was a two-year-old video was simply never mentioned. By omitting any time references, Russian media created a confused picture where only one message was clear: Russia had proof that rebels in Syria and the West were lying about the chemical attacks.
SWEDHR’s blog post claimed that a White Helmets video from March 2015 proved that the chemical attack in 2015 was staged.
The Swedish organization which enabled Russia’s efforts is made up of “Swedish professors, PhDs, medical doctors and university researchers,” according to its website. The head of SWEDHR is Professor Marcello Ferrada de Noli, a frequent contributor to the Kremlin’s RT network where he comments on the war in Ukraine and Syria. Professor Noli declined to comment for this article.
According to reports from Swedish Radio, Dr. Leif Elinder, an expert cited in SWEDHR’s findings alleging that the White Helmets video was staged, is a retired pediatrician who was fired from the Sweden’s Social Insurance Agency for making non-factual medical assessments.
Dr. Elinder explained that he joined SWEDHR two years ago because of his interest in human rights and because one of his life goals, he said, was to “prevent World War III.” He sounded surprised by the reach of his comments about the White Helmets video and said that Professor Noli asked him to comment specifically on a scene in the video where a Syrian boy is given an injection in the chest. “I saw the pictures. I commented on the pictures. And my assessment was that this was not done in a professional way and I explained why,” Elinder said.
The head of SWEDHR Professor Noli is a frequent contributor on RT, commenting on the war in Ukraine and Syria.
The White Helmets video was shown to five doctors by Coda, including a US-based pediatric specialist who has worked in Afghanistan, Sudan, Lebanon and Israel; a pediatric specialist and member of the UK’s Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health; an intensive care specialist at Royal Berkshire Hospital, a general practitioner based in London with experience working in developing countries; and a pediatrics specialist at NYU Langone medical center.
All of the specialists agreed that the individuals in the video did not appear to be carrying out a resuscitation attempt according to accepted guidelines and that the footage where the Syrian boy was given an injection was not a usual resuscitation method. All of them however, said it would be impossible to conclude from the brief video that the scene was staged.
“There is nothing to indicate this is clearly a ‘faked’ procedure, it seems to be more of a desperate or a poorly executed one,” said Dr. Melissa Hersh from NYU Langone.
“Especially after the Iraq War, if you’re not confident in the truth, no one wants to act. So even when the truth is obvious, Russia has a way of making it not obvious anymore,” Miller said. “That’s their whole strategy — as long as no one acts, they can do what they want. It’s working perfectly.”
The accusation that the April 4, 2017 chemical attack was staged was just one version of events that the Kremlin floated. Copying a disinformation strategy that was used when Flight MH-17 was shot down by Russian-backed forces in Eastern Ukraine, different Russian ministries released contradictory accounts of events that day. The Russian defense ministry announced that an airstrike had been carried out by the Syrian Army on a rebel chemical weapons factory. The Russian foreign ministry said both that rebel groups were responsible for gassing Syrian civilians and that the attack was actually fake. Neither ministry mentioned what chemical weapons experts in the West were quick to point out: the nerve agent Sarin that was found in victims of the attack is not effective if immolated in an explosion, ruling out the plausibility of Russian defense ministry’s version that a Syrian air strike caused the gas to spread.
“Some people latch on to theory one. Some people latch on to theory two. And some people latch on to theory three. At the end of the day, there are enough people who say I don’t know what really happened. And so nothing gets done,” said James Miller, an expert on Russian and Middle Eastern affairs.
Much of Russian disinformation about real events and violence is built on reports and comments by obscure groups or fringe politicians that ultimately succeed in simply confusing what actually occurred.
“Especially after the Iraq War, if you’re not confident in the truth, no one wants to act. So even when the truth is obvious, Russia has a way of making it not obvious anymore,” Miller said. “That’s their whole strategy — as long as no one acts, they can do what they want. It’s working perfectly.”
SWEDHR’s research continues to be circulated by Russian media and government officials. In the United States, conspiracy theories spread across far-right and -left “alternative” news sites about the attack, some of them also citing the Swedish research. Within hours of the U.S. retaliatory strike on April 6, #SyriaHoax was the top trending twitter topic in the United States, according to Trends24, a company that tracks Twitter data.
More recently, the Swedish doctors published updated “evidence” confirming their findings. They even uploaded a video summary of their research to Youtube which, strangely enough, is set to a violin score called “From Russia with Love.”
Additional reporting by Mariam Kiparoidze and Giorgi Tskhakaia.
Image by Coda.
Katerina Patin is a reporter and an associate editor for Coda Story. @katia_patin
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joelhar · 8 years ago
Russian 'Evidence' Disputing Idlib Chemical Attack Is Pure Fabrication
Russian ‘Evidence’ Disputing Idlib Chemical Attack Is Pure Fabrication
Russian  ‘evidence’ is actually merely Russian propaganda. 
The video was two years old.  
A Swedish group, SWEDHR, has declared medical procedures shown in a video of emergency room treatment not authentic. 
Since there is no international court for the fabrications of evidence and lying via the media, and for the lack of ethics in journalism in general, this court – my blog – finds Russia…
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jackheadspace-blog · 8 years ago
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skygrupp · 8 years ago
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Правозащитники указали на фальсификацию свидетельств химатаки в Сирии Шведская организация «Врачи за права человека» (SWEDHR) обвинила организацию «Белые каски» в фальсификации свидетельств химической атаки, которая якобы была проведена правительством Башара Асада в Сирии. По мнению экспертов, главный мотив — создание предлога для введения бесполетной зоны.
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earthsfinalcountdown · 8 years ago
White Lies: Syria Civil Defense Caught Faking Rescues, Doctoring Dead Children
from Sputnik News: The Swedish NGO Doctors for Human Rights (SWEDHR) has accused the Syria Civil Defense, better known as the White Helmets, of falsifying information about its alleged work in Syria. According to the Swedish human rights activists, so-called “rescue” procedures captured in White
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syriaalyom · 8 years ago
WASHİNGTON – İsveç İnsan Hakları Doktorları Örgütü (İsveç İnsan Hakları Doktorları (Swedish Doctors for Human Rights SWEDHR) Organizasyonu; ‘Beyaz Miğferliler’ olarak adlandırılan
التدوينة Kimyasal Saldırı İddiasında Skandal ظهرت أولاً على سوريا اليوم | رؤية أشمل.
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willibald66 · 8 years ago
Westliche Hilfsorganisation „Weißhelme“ tötet Kinder für Fake-Video über Giftgas-Attacke (18+)
Westliche Hilfsorganisation „Weißhelme“ tötet Kinder für Fake-Video über Giftgas-Attacke (18+)
Die schwedische Ärztevereinigung SWEDHR hat eine haarsträubende Lüge der in Syrien operierenden prowestlichen „Hilfsorganisation“ Weißhelme aufgedeckt: Diese soll syrische Kinder nicht gerettet, sondern im Gegensatz getötet haben – für realistische Bilder von einer Giftgas-Attacke, berichtet das US-Onlinemagazin „Veterans Today“. Quelle: Westliche Hilfsorganisation „Weißhelme“ tötet Kinder für…
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parmapress-blog · 8 years ago
«Белые каски» снова попались на фейке о своих «подвигах» в Сирии
- Организацию «Белые каски» вновь уличили в фейковом видео - некоммерческая общественная организация «Шведские врачи за права человека» (Swedish Doctors for Human Rights, SWEDHR) установила, что «каски» использовали в видео о «помощи» ребенку детский труп. В феврале Human Rights Watch перечислила... - - http://www.parmapress.ru/the-city-and-county/belye-kaski-snova-popalis-na-fejke-o-svoix-podvigax-v-sirii/
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nancibmoore · 8 years ago
Swedish Medical Associations Says White Helmets Murdered Kids for Fake Gas Attack Videos
Introduction by Gordon Duff Actor George Clooney knew that the organization Swedish Doctors for Human Rights had cited the “White Helmets” as child killers when he  produced the Oscar winning propaganda video that may well have led this to this latest outrage.  The organization, SWEDHR is very real, their work authoritative and their indictment of […]
The post Swedish Medical Associations Says White Helmets Murdered Kids for Fake Gas Attack Videos appeared first on Battlefield to Boardroom.
Swedish Medical Associations Says White Helmets Murdered Kids for Fake Gas Attack Videos
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yourdanielmartinho · 8 years ago
Sweden’s unethical – and unlawful ­­– arms deals with ‘ISIS-backing’ Saudis | The PROFESSORS' BLOG – Science, Culture & Human Rights For All
Sweden’s unethical – and unlawful ­­– arms deals with ‘ISIS-backing’ Saudis | The PROFESSORS’ BLOG – Science, Culture & Human Rights For All
By Prof Marcello Ferrada de Noli, Chair, Swedish Doctors for Human Rights – SWEDHR Prime Minister of Sweden Stefan Löfven, and with him the Swedish banker Marcus Wallenberg (CEO of Investor,…
Fonte: Sweden’s unethical – and unlawful ­­– arms deals with ‘ISIS-backing’ Saudis | The PROFESSORS’ BLOG – Science, Culture & Human Rights For All
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tdshay · 7 years ago
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Why Is Sweden Giving the “Alternative Nobel Prize” to Syria’s ‘White Helmets’? By Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli, Chairman, Swedish Doctors for Human Rights –SWEDHR. As the alliance with Hillary Clinton and her doctrine promoted by both Carl Bildt and… Source: Why Is Sweden Giving the “Alternative Nobel Prize” to Syria’s ‘White Helmets’?
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tdshay · 7 years ago
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White Helmets Video: Swedish Doctors for Human Rights Denounce Medical Malpractice and ‘Misuse’ of Children for Propaganda Aims – THE INDICTER By Prof Marcello Ferrada de Noli, chairman, Swedish Doctors for Human Rights – SWEDHR. An examination of a White Helmets video, conducted by Swedish medical doctors, specialists in various fields, … Source: White Helmets Video: Swedish Doctors for Human Rights Denounce Medical Malpractice and ‘Misuse’ of Children for Propaganda Aims – THE INDICTER
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