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pwoops and swarse mean the same thing but have completely different energies
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Swooping Into My Life Chapter 2
Me? Working on a long-term project? sounds fake but anyway. Here’s the new chapter of my Kent/Swoops fic
#taylor writes#my post#fic#kent parson#parse#swoops#parswoops#swarse#parse/swoops#i will probably never finish this story but here it is anyway
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I don’t understand like the obsession with the timothee dude like he looks 12 also swarse or whatever her name is in the suit? amazing
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@cosmere-shitpost is now a thing! I'm looking for mods and submissions
dude with the number of notes that crab person post has from non-cosmere people, it should be a thing to make vague cosmere posts and see how much they can get reblogged without context
it absolutely should be
#:D#impulsive mood#my projects#i need to work on swarse again jsndndn#the blog will probably be more active as i read oathbringer
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egyptian deities + fantasy monsters + units of heroes of might and magic 3 BUT including "r"
Aborny Acker Akelmord Aketzarbi Almer Andar Aneddird Angriera Antirgon Aptangers Archdowle Arennos Argoyle Arhoo Arkspird Arpelow Arricorps Arrin Arring Arrothku Aruffiri Arvef Astorpy Aurois Awers Azbaber Azernsin Azugglor Azurpete Baarajos Babir Baboatyr Babork Badard Bader Bainer Bantcra Bantetor Bapprior Barchuard Barlarewt Batertle Batrid Beater Beazer Bekheberf Blinviler Blizargon Blizark Bluer Bogriff Bolord Bonouratu Borng Borsnst Brabjuip Brids Brion Broggar Bucro Bugber Bukaurore Bulverd Capper Capprin Cater Cathrit Catonlors Cavelor Centaider Cergon Cervame Charkochr Chatragog Chfer Chirgon Chrendes Chwors Corcch Couarres Crager Cragon Cragoner Cralyin Crayfing Crockald Croidemor Crotyr Cryakele Crytes Cultrocie Culturus Datterf Deard Dearga Deragoyle Derelfon Derimligh Derselay Dersp Derytear Devergalf Devilber Devoker Diantord Dieser Dindrak Dinker Drabi Dracks Dracubus Draer Draerses Draglock Draglocks Draglod Dragon Dragonfan Drake Draker Drakher Drarg Drats Dravins Drawk Drayre Dredtal Dries Drion Dronsper Drutumbi Dwartlue Eadrag Earrogony Ebern Efirie Efrothung Eireat Elemedrus Eleprit Elprichay Emodawer Endarre Enereds Faertle Fineger Firedu Firemli Firer Firevon Flacur Flocorn Flord Frael Froider Garksp Garron Gephorcar Giamunder Gianger Giangrin Gianniger Gianprion Giantaur Giantfaer Gianticer Gianward Giarragon Giartlex Giries Gitfir Glerie Gletrids Gnollyter Goner Gonser Gostricon Graga Grait Grakelk Gravern Greblist Greellex Greiotger Grelemon Grelep Grergoll Grestega Grettight Gridoper Griel Griflawer Grion Gruidelex Gruidofth Hadarris Hadjweret Hedbragon Hegors Hekheker Hekhord Herchaf Hingmager Hoblebier Hormer Horpley Horriff Horrion Hosaur Hosrewt Huard Hurmor Huster Iandret Iarch Imhemard Irgons Isibrow Iskher Iummyr Iymra Iymrager Jacors Juggtur Juicerben Juider Keleter Kernmog Khedrovil Khord Kniefron Knightner Kobgors Koboard Korrog Kragolf Krain Krait Kravans Kresk Krugoner Krusaurm Maahdre Maalyterk Madarf Maerhooth Mafther Magare Magoter Mainder Mairgoy Mamer Manger Mantber Manther Margon Mashander Maspyr Mastercul Mastriff Meher Mehieris Mersnak Mesauroth Midodrin Miernet Mirewt Mograger Morks Mortu Motheker Muniera Mwards Nagorior Naker Nakerch Nappriff Necronson Nector Nedkren Nedward Neger Negrus Nejur Nergon Neter Nightyr Noter Oblorer Ockaletra Orgon Orpscir Orrapet Orriffin Pealddra Perasts Phitcrog Picer Pider Piree Pirich Piriff Pisoultur Ponfaer Prenern Prikreio Priks Pscorgon Psker Qetter Quarloch Quarra Quarts Ragon Rahustal Rakfors Ravera Raverys Rebehoend Rewrat Richund Ricorholf Rieskell Rogianhit Rokher Rokilver Rosaah Roths Rumbearen Sader Scard Scocer Scord Segragon Servams Sesterage Setret Shaggarpy Shber Shyer Sibrog Sirelmis Siret Spear Spere Spern Splizarks Sprele Sprid Starand Stdra Storn Strock Swarcer Sward Swardmath Swarerg Swarron Swars Swarse Swaréant Swoaker Sworm Sworset Tahursels Taures Tawyverat Terfrayet Terge Tersevis Theker Thesker Thetrions Throvis Thrus Tippriony Tragonega Tratha Traye Treebdus Triblian Tricer Trich Trimet Tring Trion Triorion Trociord Tropprice Trors Turklem Twakerel Twergor Twerind Twizard Underna Unighor Vamaer Vamereen Vanger Vercs Verend Vlarcer Warbra Warchic Wardward Warght Warhored Warkmat Warlin Warlopdu Warme Warmist Warrie Warrins Warseshar Warsnak Wartiff Warubis Weird Werchin Weret Wergen Wertlin Wharkle Whiesorn Wilver Wizar Woadwar Wolfder Wolprion Wormoth Wornmork Worrorgon Worut Wrawer Wyvere Wyvernmod Yerforny Yerpith Zizark Zomareet Zomber Zombior
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for the ship thing, swarse?
big spoon/little spoon: Jeff is the big spoon most of the time, but he secretly wants to be little spoon.
favorite non-sexual activity: Hiking or working out
who uses all the hot water: Kent
most trivial thing they fight over: Whether or not Kit is spoiled
who does most of the cleaning: They share it pretty well
what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue:Kent
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working:Jeff
who steals the blankets: Kent
who leaves their stuff around: They’re relatively tidy
who remembers to buy the milk:Neither of them, but Jeff will notice they’re out and go get it right away
who remembers anniversaries: Jeff
who cooks normally?: Neither of them, bless their hearts
how often do they fight?: Eh?
what do they do when they’re away from each other?:Kent sends a lot of Snapchats; Jeff sends one back per day to keep their streak going and answers all the snapchats via text message. Why does he do that. It’s infuriating Jeffrey just answer in the app!!
nicknames for each other:They’re just “babe” and “baby” pretty much.
who is more likely to pay for dinner?: Jeff
who steals the covers at night?: Kent
what would they get each other for gifts?:Jeff subscribes to the “buy stuff they wouldn’t buy for themselves but secretly want” philosophy, so Kent winds up with a lot of jewelry/watches/weird shit for the house. He also buys presents for Kit. Kent tends to chameleon this tendency, especially because Jeff doesn’t really...do many things. He’s primarily a homebody.
who kissed who first?:Honestly? Kent definitely kisses Jeff while drunk at some point and it ranges from Full Blown Disaster to laughed off.
who made the first move?: Jeff makes the first move with intent, but like I said, drunk kisses.
who remembers things?: I’d say about equally.
who started the relationship?: Jeff
who cusses more?:Kent
what would they do if the other was hurt?Jeff is even more prone to panic in a crisis than Kent, but they’re both good at being supportive during hurt/comfort. Jeff with actions, Kent with words.
Send me a ship!
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This Blog Is Abandoned
I deleted everything here. Everything about swarse, everything about Je////ff Tr////oy. I will not support someone who harasses his team mates with pranks that could cause bad flashbacks.
I’m @antiswarse now. This is behind me.
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It sucks having to start over from a new blog, but I had to leave @babyswarser after that shit with Ari////anna went down. Kent Parson follows you on twitter AND instagram and you won’t even confirm or deny an article, based in FACT, about how fucking problematic J//eff Tr///oy is??
Anyway, this is for me to start over! Yes, I know the url is gonna end up starting shit probably but I have to make it CLEAR what I don’t like.
Under A Jade Sky is abandoned and to anyone who knew me for the work, I’m sorry. You’re amazing for putting up with me through all that. I won’t delete it but I won’t finish it either.
Welcome to the new Collin!!
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update: I'm going with swarse for now!
url change?
I’m thinking about switching temporarily to a different url, just for fun. so far my options are:
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If the Check Please! fandom doesn't adopt Swarse as the Kent/Swoops ship name, I will be intensely disappointed.
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Aber Ablayā Abled Abli Accola Actiony Adickz Adumadii Aeliired Aldoa Alons Als Alvel Alwel Aly Amord Ands Ang Angs Angween Aning Appy Aptimā Arbi Arcts Arearta Arferho Arlone Aserally Aserte Ashnt Ashtle Assarl Ataltage Atel Atesper Athyā Attescol Aughk Aundak Auquened Aurdwens Aurima Aval Aywor Baffs Bar Bargaree Bauring Beath Behmtai Ber Bert Bey Bidems Biding Billilet Blarorna Ble Bleg Blingles Blorus Brikind Casta Cathidnā Cayā Ceptives Ces Cevitā Chae Chair Chairung Clar Coing Com Con Coni Connin Const Cor Cresint Criirorl Croads Culdeib Damittō Danā Darrlis Daugs Dell Dence Dequer Ders Dhaik Dindus Dist Dite Dompĭ Dories Drans Dred Druils Drya Duil Durs Durzud Dusa Eall Ealy Ect Edaghten Edhrude Elab Elbessë Ell Elokwē Elple Embanor Eme Emerow Emith Enrathir Envishin Ercome Ered Eshionin Eter Etolays Etsmin Euthor Exinsus Ezdā Fal Famissa Fanq Farry Feh Fila Flai Flambar Flath Flatis Fliim Floru Folforok Foll Fored Forinty Frisinir Galban Galks Galō Garroten Gath Gathar Geover Gima Gimmays Git Glinrik Goder Goli Gothilth Gothner Grive Gui Guland Gule Guntagma Gweloss Gwenro Gwifhon Gwil Gwin Hade Halch Haning Hazz Hearthū Hela Heops Hie Homes Hooncity Hop Hukā Hur Híniyk Idjayars Ighty Ikon Iliruil Imes Initer Innal Int Int Ithae Ithumen Ize Izle Jabb Jaked Jivvick Jurlow Kee Kha Khaurden Khly Kial Kins Kius Knionath Knips Kosin Krru̯rā Labbind Labluil Lactitho Ladof Laerchin Lambid Lams Laneen Langick Laren Law Lay Leal Lew Llok Lls Locti Lolves Lon Lor Lottek Lourlis Lowarc Luterths Lórin Mabnen Mackz Madeuth Maitē Makikkeg Makk Malaved Manda Mang Manth Maust Meass Menthen Midemors Mol Moneree Mord Moring Moul Mual Mullath Muter Naidage Nathan Naunle Ndeleste Nede Neon Nexy Ngan Ning Ninieth Norde Nualkhin Nuk Nybonegē Nyin Oanin Obod Obt Omition Ontoods Ordwel Orm Orver Osind Oting Oved Patā Perow Peryn Phelsad Phles Plam Ple Plengurā Pood Pops Pos Priol Priols Prous Puilhest Pulmil Purnuor Qoss Queld Quess Rabne Racke Rae Rane Raseemes Reamest Ree Reens Refeen Reffe Rells Reng Rifecin Riffal Risg Roand Robjew Rookery Ruiruace Saldin Scaur Sclok Scon Scurah Sdfus Seconoth Seh Shene Shing Shir Shnes Shon Sib Sireded Sis Slalise Slarowl Sling Slublach Sludai Sming Sntoridn Soss Speb Sper Speright Spled Sposta Sral Sring Ssaa Sse Stelvan Stol Strallow Strasse Stuan Sturly Suazhai Sublarkā Sul Sundune Suu Swarse Szic Tallocks Talluts Tang Tarthaew Tass Tch Ted Telbā Temong Tendā Tge Thatused Thehing Ther Tic Ticke Tobollan Tom Toofain Toomell Torth Trandeth Tre Tsuned Turvene Uducun Ughuu Ukesse Ukkō Uld Ulmal Unan Uning Unn Unning Urrow Ussse Vago Veeth Verwing Vete Vid Viven Waixm Wart Waso Wernele Wervived Whi Wilf Woomroth Wora Worfanyl Wralit Wroffer Wyins Xuchatur Xuint Xuk Yeutch Ylthe Yurna Yusha Zar Zhall Zhath Zjus Zul Áya Ñgot Ñwan
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Jeff: I'll take care of you.
Kent: It's rotten work.
Jeff: Not to me. Not if it's you.
#kent parson#jeff troy#parswoops#swarse#1490#original#source: orestes#me? making 2 versions of the same dialogue for my 2 otps?#more likely than you think
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