#swanton bomb
maineventpapiuso · 8 months
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jazzy-tzw · 1 year
Rko being at 4 is absolutely criminal. And Edge’s spear should be no where near top 10
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salirophiliac · 7 months
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Jeff Hardy in the multiverse
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bootdork · 1 year
Very attractive dyke just expressed interest in going to watch wrestling with me........
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spkyscry-a · 2 years
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I just never have a single thought in my head ever at any point in time!
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reimensunsphere · 1 year
Some gifs I made. Please don't steal, or claim my art.
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slutouttanowhere · 5 months
Stressed Out
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Roman Reigns x black!oc
Genre: fluff
a/n: I posted a shorter version on Twitter, but I wanted to write more. Also this was inspired by a gif, and the fact that Roman blamed his gray hairs on the twins and Sami. Anywho hope y’all enjoyed this, reblogs are appreciated, leave a comment and follow me please. ❤️
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Roman had made it extra fucking clear you were to only spectate tonight. You had been out from injury the better half of a year from separate shoulder after an awkward fall. Ever since then Roman has been going out of his way to make sure it didn’t happen again. Subjecting you to sitting on the sideline, and watching him in the ring. He claimed it was to be his cheerleader, and help boost his energy, really it was so he could keep an eye on you. However, you got a little trigger happy and tried to climb up to the top rope to Swanton bomb onto Zelina Vega when she tried to interfere in Roman and Andrade’s match. You had only made it to the second turnbuckle when he caught you. “Aye! Nah uh, what are you doing?” He shouted, his forehead creased with stress lines, and his eyes went wide with horror. “So damn dramatic.” You mumbled to yourself on the way down, you turned to him, arms wide, “I was trying to help!” You yelled back at him, Andrade was still laid out at ring side causing Zelina to slip your grasp.
Roman was not trying to hear it, with one hand on his hip, he pointed towards the commentary desk on the opposite side of the ring. “Help your ass over there to a seat.” He scolded you, he kept his eyes on you till he was sure you weren’t gonna start trouble again. Only then did he look away, and continue the match, which resulted in a win for him after he put Andrade in the guillotine. 
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maineventpapiuso · 10 months
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jazzy-tzw · 2 years
Bray will forever have some wild shit going on and I can’t help but to love him for it
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adriswrld · 1 year
LA Knight x Fem! Wrestler Reader
plot: reader gets hurt during her Wargames match and her ex boyfriend, Shaun (irl name) immediately gets concerned for her and goes to check on her trope: exes to lovers with LA Knight/ Eli Drake/ Max Dupri whatever u wanna call him pairings: wrestler reader x LA Knight / reader x (platonic) Carmelo Hayes a.n: Y/N replaces Cora Jade in the match (2021 wargames)
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Y/N was standing on the top of the cage ready to perform the Swanton Bomb onto Jacy Jayne who laid on the table and let out a shaky breath. Y/N did insane and risky moves all the time but it still made her nervous because you never knew what could happen. "Wargames baby!" Y/N grinned, diving off the cage onto Jacy with a Swanton Bomb as Kay Lee Ray and Io Shirai held Jacy in place, breaking through the table. Y/N clenched her jaw and held in her scream as she felt her shoulder pop completely out of place. Y/N immediately cradled it and rolled off of Jacy as the crowd chanted 'HOLY SHIT!' for the move she just did.
Kay Lee had immediately kneeled down to Y/N, seeing her clutching her shoulder and it didn't look like selling. "What's wrong? You okay?" Kay Lee asked, helping Y/N lean into the corner as Io made her way over in concern. "It's dislocated. I gotta pop it back in place, then I can keep going," Y/N explained silently so the cameras and mics didn't pick up on it. "Alright, get on that, we'll improvise without you," Kay Lee said, walking to the other ring to continue to wrestle with Dakota Kai as they had to keep the match going.
Y/N had looked around hoping to find someway to pop it back in as it was now literally hanging off. "What the hell are you guys doing standing there?! Get out there! Get her out!" Shaun shouted at the medical team which made Shawn Michaels immediately go over to calm him down. Triple H got the medical team out there immediately as Shawn tried to calm down Knight. "Relax, she's gonna be fine," Shawn said. This didn't calm Knight down though as he paced back in forth, watching the monitors.
Y/N walked down to the door where medical attention was, gesturing her over so they could check on her. "I'm fine, it's alright. I can keep going," Y/N said, they didn't agree with this but they had no choice but to listen to her. She did have a lot of power backstage and if she refused help during a match then so be it. Y/N was known for always finishing a match no matter what happened. Y/N stood up and clenched her jaw, ramming her shoulder into the ring post as the crowd winced.
"Oh my god what the hell is wrong with her," Knight muttered. He hated how he still loved her despite how crazy stupid she was being. HBK managed to get him to calm down and head backstage so he could get dressed in his gear for later that night as he also had a Wargames match.
Y/N rammed her shoulder into it one more time, the crowd winced and Y/N let out a sigh of relief, the second time popping her shoulder back in place. Y/N leaned against the cage and nodded at Io and Kay Lee telling them that she could keep going. They still looked at her like she was crazy but she only smirked and gave them a wink. Y/N went on the finish and win the match for her team, pinning Jacy Jayne for the win. She had told them they needed to go after her shoulder to make it more realistic and so they did, it hurt like a bitch but it made the match more memorable and that's all Y/N cared about. Was that the fans had fun.
Immediately when they got backstage, the medical team rushed over to her but she brushed them off wanting to talk with Triple H and Shawn Michaels. "I'm alright, I can go a few minutes without medics," Y/N said, making them back off but follow her just incase she didn't faint or anything. Unfortunately for Y/N she was getting very drowsy. "Ay Y/N you good?" Carmelo asked, making his way over to her. Y/N and Carmelo were very close as Y/N helped train him in the PC. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine-" Y/N breathed just before going unconscious but Carmelo caught her and they had him carry her to the trainers room.
Carmelo pulled out his phone and shot a quick text to Knight.
Carmelo Hayes
Ay yo girl in the trainers room rn, she fainted. I think it's bc she took way too much hits on the shoulder, it's damaged real bad. Might wanna get her asap.
LA Knight
yeah on my way
Carmelo sat down in the corner as medics examined her bruised up shoulder. Knight rushed in and immediately walked over to Y/N's body laid down on the table. "Yo, you should probably wake her up." Carmelo said. Knight nodded and gently patted Y/N's face, causing her to slowly open her eyes with a groan as she felt the pain in her shoulder. "Oh god, you should've let me stay unconscious," Y/N muttered, looking at Knight with squinted eyes, not expecting to wake up and immediately see her ex boyfriend looking at her. "Ouch, Y/N. That hurt," Knight said sarcastically and Y/N glared at him.
"This is why I dumped you. You're such an a-" Y/N was cut off when Carmelo quickly cut her off before she could say anything she would regret. "All right, well before this turns into a rage room we should probably check to see if you're actually able to move your arm." Carmelo said, looking down at her brusied up shoulder that honestly looked so bad it's like it was broken or something. "Considering all the damage you took, even after popping it back in, it looks like you're gonna be out of action for quite sometime. In fact, I'm gonna say maybe two months to play it safe," the doctor said.
"No way, I can't take off two months. I have a championship match, that I'm supposed to win. I'm supposed to be champion. I can't let that go," Y/N said, shaking her head in disbelief. "I'm sorry but you have no choice. If you continue to wrestle then you can permanently damage your shoulder which is far worse," they said. Y/N licked her lips and sighed, "Can I be alone please?" She requested, they nodded and left the room immediately. Shaun and Melo immediately went to leave as well but Y/N reached out and grabbed Shaun's hand, "Melo, can you let Dakota and Kay Lee know I'm alright please?"
Melo gave her nod and walked out, shutting the door so the two could have some privacy. "Why are you here? Why do you care about me so much after how I treated you?" Y/N asked, letting his hand go to hold the ice up to her brusied shoulder, clenching her jaw slightly at the pain. "I would say the breakup was fifty-fifty," Shaun mumbled, leaning on the counter and Y/N rolled her eyes with a small chuckle. "I just can't seem to let you go, ya know? I seen you get hurt and I was just so worried about you. Like a million things ran through my mind about what could've went wrong. I don't know, I just know that I hate seeing you get hurt," he explained.
"I get it. I'm not exactly over you either. I never was, I just overreacted when you said you loved you. It was just, I was going through a lot with my sister so I didn't really believe you loved me which is why I pushed you away. Truth is, I do love you. Probably more than anyone I've ever been with in the past. I was just scared of admitting it." Y/N looked down, biting her lip and not making eye contact with him but he was already looking at her the entire time. "Y/N, look at me," He said, causing her to slowly look up at him, scared that he might be harsh after the way their breakup happened.
"I love you, Y/N." She smiled to herself and looked down but he used her hand to raise her chin and press their lips together softly. Pulling away for breath, Y/N smiled and sighed, "Do you wanna move in with me?" Y/N asked, knowing it was a risky question but she would understand he didn't say yes. Shaun grinned and Y/N's eyes widened, "Don't you dare do it!"
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weepingchoir · 4 months
As an adult fan of pro wrestling, you will from time to time be peppered with questions like: you know wrestling is fake, right? To which you have to be the adult and answer, no, Mae Young gave real birth to a malformed hand, live on Monday Night RAW.
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When the kids leave the room, you can have a grown-up discussion of the ways in which pro wrestling is really real (sorry, Lacan). The tables are tricked out, but you try a twelve foot swanton bomb onto karate mats, if you’re so goddamn tough.
Pro wrestlers have one advantage, though: their faces get on TV. Stunt performers, the for-once sung heroes of The Fall Guy, don’t even get that. This is the opening thesis Colt (Ryan Gosling, but also stuntmen Logan Holladay, Justin Eaton, Ben Jenkin and Troy Brown) voice-overs in an intro where he also presents us with his love, director Jody (Emily Blunt).
It’s clumsy, but it’s effective. For the next two hours you cannot forget that there is a real body on the bad end of every swanton bomb. The star of Jodie’s upcoming Dune: Fury Road has gone missing, and Colt is hired to find him. Naturally this invokes very little serious detective work and a maximalist superabundance of fire, fights, firefights, sword fights, car fights, car rolls (a world record eight and half at the hands of Holladay), explosions and running into traffic without looking.
All these 150-foot falls conspired to make me do something movies rarely do, but wrestling often does: wince. Cinema hyperreality is not good at transmitting sheer pain. Narrative contextualizes surviving a drop through penthouse glass as badass, hilarious or tragic, but not painful. Real pain has a way of zapping you out of the story. So The Fall Guy is a little self-defeating as movies go. It’s unimmersive, a cardinal sin. But the story is just a vehicle for a loftier ambition: giving stunt performers the credit they deserve.
In this regard, The Fall Guy might just be a roaring success. Look, I’m listing the stunt performers alongside the actors. The Atlantic is running a scandalously titled piece on stunt credits.
Unfair to judge a movie on its ethical accomplishments? Not if we consider the failure of just about every production to uphold what The Fall Guy exposes as basic standard. In an era where most of the crew on a megaproduction can’t afford rent, this seems like the only good play from David Leitch, whose directorial efforts began at John Wick and only got more budgetful. For his next trick, I would like to see him produce a full-length on $1M. Just to see what happens.
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Hi babes!!! I have another Jeff request for you. You have free reign to go crazy.
Swanton bomb meet cute
Pairing: Jeff Hardy x Fem reader
Description: While in a tag team match against the Hardy boys and Lita, you get swanton bombed by Jeff and it leads to an interesting moment in and out of the ring
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You cheer on Christian who was in the ring with Matt during your tag team match with Edge and christian against Lita and The Hardy brothers. You get tagged in by a dazed and slightly injured edge, first putting up a big fight against lita before she tags Jeff in after knocking you down with the help of matt, you groan as you look up to see jeff on the ropes and diving on top of you as you try to move away folding in a ball as he sees your face out of the corner of his eye leaning towards you acting like he was going to pick you up or roll you over "You hurt or out of breath?" you cough roughly as you nod getting up with his help groaning in pain making him worried and guilty that he harmed you along with the concerned angry stares of christian and edge and the stunned looks on matt and lita until suddenly the most unexpected thing happens. While matt yells at him thinking he had seriously injured a woman you hold your aching side right before tangling your legs in his rolling down on the ground holding him tightly until the bell rings leaving him stunned on the mat while edge and christian hop in the ring yelling in joy as they lift you up being announced the winners while matt and lita stare in pure shock, luckily you only had a bad bruise and a momentary loss of air from your body, wincing and yelping when edge sticks an ice pack on the bruise as you lay on the couch exhausted from the match as the boys left going and talking to Jacqueline down the hall dozing on and out until you see someone walking to you before stopping and inch away, you move your hand looking to see jeff who sees the bruise on your side from the now barely cold ice pack slipped down near your hip crouching down and looking at it leaving you confused and a bit nervous by the action "Sorry about that I try to land on people with my torso" you laugh at the weird statement but smile sweetly noticing the southern accent in his voice. The two of you end up going into an hours long flow of conversations leading to an agreed plan of drinks and dinner later that week and a gentle forehead kiss leaving you a smiling rosy mess on the couch by the time edge and christian come back walking past jeff a few minutes earlier while matt and lita are left curious when jeff comes back to their shared locker room smiling and unknown by them at the time with your hairband for your bob length hair wrapped and holding his longer hair in a bun.
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dailyquests · 2 years
Perform a Swanton Bomb onto a Younger Sibling or Relative.
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unintentionaloracle · 7 months
Genuinely think Kevin has one of the best Swanton Bombs I'm always hype when he does it and get disappointed when someone blocks it.
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solarsonicsoda · 6 months
Wrestlemania Main Event Reviews - Wrestlemania XXXIX (Saturday)
Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn def. The Usos (Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso) (c) for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships in 24:17
Oh my god what a promo package. As a longtime Zayn & Owens fan now, this hit different. Simply electric. Now, Lil Uzi Vert is out first with his hair styled like Batman’s head in a rather impressive look, and he's singing a song. He does this to welcome the champions, The Usos. Now here comes KO, main eventing Night One for a second consecutive time. I never noticed his homages to PWG and Super Dragon on his trunks! Now here's Sami Zayn! The crowd sing along to Worlds Apart as the challengers walk their way to the ring. Cole makes a great point, while The Usos are part of a famous wrestling family, here in their showy white gear, Zayn & Owens are down to Earth, blue collar, and they walk to the ring in plain black zip-up hoodies. The titles are raised and we’re ready to go. 
Olé chants start things off as they take things in. Jey offers the tag and starts it off against Zayn. Lock up and Uso gains control. Lock up again and this time Zayn wins out from the rope rebound. Jimmy makes a secret tag and pulls the ropes to drop Zayn to the outside. A clothesline by Jimmy, a throw into the ringpost, then Jimmy tags Jey who hits a dive. Suplex and he takes it back in the ring. Attack in the ropes and Jimmy kicks Zayn as the referee is distracted. Tag again and Jimmy stomps Zayn. He strikes Owens and draws his ire. Tag again and a double team. Jey can't put Zayn away yet though, even if he's desperate for a tag. Zayn is able to fight back and drop both Usos to the outside and get the tag! From the top rope, cannonball! He takes both men out and hits Bullfrog Splashes on each Uso, Jimmy on the outside and Jey inside. No 3 though, and Jey is able to regain control with a neckbreaker. Owens put up top and Jimmy makes a tag but Owens fights back. Knees up by Jey from a Swanton though, then Himmy immediately follows with an Uso Splash for 2. Owens sodges the hip attack, two superkicks, then a Cannonball in the corner to Jimmy. He goes up top but Jey fights him. However, Zayn fights him off and hits a brainbuster on the apron! Swanton from Owens but no 3. Zayn is in and huts an Uso Splash but it's 2 again. Ole chants even louder now as Cole mentions El Generico on WWE TV! Graves says he’s glad that guy retired.
Jimmy fights back against a Blue Thunder Bomb and hits a superkick on Owens. Zayn is finally able to hit it but only after Jimmy tags Jey who immediately breaks the pin with a superkick. Some sort of flying superkick from Jey but Zayn kicks out. Superkick again from Jey and he tags Jimmy. They each hit one then a double superkick but Owens breaks up the pin. He gets his own superkick as the Usos tag again. They hound Sami and hit a double superkick to the back of the head of Zayn! He still won't stay down though. Tag again and double superkick again but Zayn kicks out. Tag again as they raise the ones and go for a 1D, but Owens pulls Jimmy from the ring. Jey kicks out of the roll up as Owens bounces Jimmy off of the announce table, He looks for a move through it but Jey runs in and helps his brother, as they drive him through an announce table. 1D on Zayn back in the ring, but kick out! Great reaction and the commentary sells it well. Jey begs Zayn to quit and beats him down in the corner. Zayn tries desperately to stand and Jey hits a Helluva Kick. Zayn falls into Jey as he mouths off again, but Exploder Suplex into the corner! Zayn tags Owens who hits pop-up powerbombs on both men. Owens screams “NOW” as Zayn hits a Helluva Kick on Jimmy, Owens hits a Stunner on Jey, but he kicks out at 2. Each team pull each other up on the mat and stare down as the crowd cheers. They start teeing off on each other. Superkick from Jimmy to Zayn, then one from Owens to Jimmy, then one to Jey. Pop-up powerbomb attempt but Jey vaults over after a secret tag by Jimmy. Superkicks each then a double superkick to Owens, and Zayn gets one on the apron too. Dragged over, tag, and Double Uso Splash. But Owens kicks out at two! Jey lifts up Owens in the corner, tags Jimmy, and double superkick in the corner. Tag again, and they put Owens up top. Jey has him superplex position but Zayn pulls out Jimmy and launches him over the announce table as Owens brings down Jey. Zayn runs to the corner and begs for the tag as the crowd goes wild. Jey is in the corner and Zayn hits the Helluva Kick! Jey falls into him, and after a moment he props him back up and hits another! But here comes Jimmy… but Owens is there with a Stunner. Zayn props Jey up once more, the crowd knows what's going to happen, and he hits one more Helluva Kick! 1, 2, 3! New champs as they quietly sit down and take it in. They embrace and get their titles, raising them as the fireworks go off. What a moment.
Pros: Emphatic victory, hot crowd, emotional moments, exciting action Cons: I can probably only wish I was more awake when I first saw it!
This is a pretty great match. Four awesome wrestlers, even if The Usos rely heavily on their superkicks throughout. Owens & Zayn getting this platform is absolutely awesome after all their years on the indies and work trying to get to this spot once in the WWE. It’s really less about the in-ring here and more about the moment, the energy, and the story. That's no knock on this match though, because it was all so good. A great pair of co-mains on this night for completely different reasons. But what a moment and the end of an always engaging match! 
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