#swan squaks
swan-swanno · 1 year
would yall be mad at me for going on a constant ping pong interest switch because (holds these fucking robots) (HOLDS AUTO WITH FORCE) look at my little creatures im not okay
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Dessert Paradise: Bitter-Step and Sugar
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{After accompanying Pilot Cookie and Whipped Cream Cookie on their adventure to the fabled: Dessert Paradise. Along with the return of Sugar Swan Cookie, things seem well... Yet something is amiss.}
[CROB SLIGHT Various / Reader]
Relaxing beside Pilot Cookie, you smile a bit as the older cookie re-counts the trip the three of you had been on.
"-AND SO... The
Nudging Whipped Cream Cookie slightly, you whisper: "I'm a bit suprised you could could carry me back to the plane. You didn't need too." You say, watching the dancer smile fondly at the memory.
"Ah, yes. Well, I couldn't help myself, I didn't want to loose you." He said softly, petting Black Sugar Ducks head kindly. The little fluff-ball squaking at him unhappily, yet she still nuzzled into his arms.
"O-oh.. Hehe." You take a deep breath, hoping your dough wouldn't become hotter. "Thanks, bud'." You turn away, giving your attention back to Pilot Cookie.
The ballerino pauses his petting, slowly reaching a hand out to your shoulder...
"Hey!" Black Sugar Duck quacked at him.
"O-oh, sorry.." The ballet dancers touch soothed her dark feathers. Glancing at his longing expression at you. Envious of him that he got to be so close to you. Much less carry you! Unfair!
"Hmph! You're a coward!" She stated, head raised high as she looked at him. "If I was like you, I could carry them whenever they wish." The small duck huffs at him, feathers ruffling up.
"What's this now?" You turn your attention to Black Sugar Duck and Whipped Cream Cookie, confused.
"O-oh, um..." His pink frosted eyes locked with your own. Words trailing off, not sure what to say.
The duckling sighs, giving her pity to him.
Stomping her flippers, she calls to you. "(Y/N) Cookie, I wanna' carry you too!"
You blink, a small giggle slips out as you gaze down at the bird. "Uh-.. Well, how about I hold you in my lap instead?" You give a look to Whipped Cream Cookie, to see if he was fine with it. The male merely smiles, nodding.
"... I'll consider it." She relents. Waddling over to your lap as she shuffles and gets comfortable. You in turn, lean your head on Whipped Cream Cookies shoulder, still watching Pilot Cookie. "After everything. We made it. I mean- I know we would. B-because of my.. Intuition?"
You play off your blunder. Not sure how to explain you knew the next events in "Peril in Paradise" story arc. Frowning at the thought as you pet Black Suagr Duck.
"Me too.." Whipped Cream Cookie rests his head beside your frosted locks. Gazing at the delightful scene in front of him. "Truly, I couldn't agree more." He mumbles softly.
Knowing the events after, you sigh at the sight of the Paradise. The air becoming cold, jellies and fruit becoming rotten. It was much creepier in person- or in the dough? You ignore your thoughts. Hoping to find Wind Archer Cookie and the Cookiemals.
Clothes in a bit of disarray and mud, you head forward. Stumbling upon the once shimmering sugar castle. Now shrouded in dark colors a dim lights.
If (Y/N) Cookie had a costume based on the event. I think it would/n't be on Swan Lake.
I'd like to think It could just be a ballet outfit, but also. It wouldn't make too much sense since Black Suagr Swan and Whip already have one.
But maybe? Maybe based on Odette? Or One of the Swans in lake?
Or! Maybe, based on Paradise outfits, a guardian outfit would look cute!
Blue Slushy Cookie excitedly chirps as she flails around your form. You smile bashfully, adjusting the outfit. "Don't they look cool? Red Panna Cotta Cookie, Wind Archer Cookie!" The smaller guardian chirps.
"They.. Ahem, look decent." Red Panna Cotta coughs in his feathers, glancing away. Wind Archer nods to you, bowing. "It fits you."
Now for Black Sugar Swan and Whip... Different story.
"Hm! Now, even you, (Y/N) Cookie. Can bask in my brilliant's radience! Oho!" Black Sugar Swan coos sweetly, eyeing you from where you stood.
"Black Sugar Du-!"
She shrieks, "I.. I will not be reminded of such a feeble bird."
You outstretch your hand, "I.. I'm sorry, but please listen-"
Feeling a hand tug you back, your dough lands on someone else's chest. Blinking, you look at the new presence.
"Whipped Cream Cookie..."
[Thanks for reading, comments, art, reblogs or hearts are super welcomed! I've been wanting to post this since the update! I love Whips costume, the wholw prince vibe is amazing!]
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mothalas · 2 years
I like birds a lot, especially pigeons. I went to the uk for a few weeks this summer and the time that i spent in London/ Edinbrurgh i noticed how nice the pigeons are??? Like in the states we have very aggressive pidgins. They are so mean and if you are eating food they will actively attempt to take your food while you are eating it. But the London pigeons will just wait around you like “coo coo hi when you leave im gonna eat whatever crumbs you left :D coo coo” while the new york there like “COO COO MF GIMME SUM OF THAT HOT WEINER OR IM TAKIN IT FROM U COO COO” and its such a noticeable difference!
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look at how mean these guys are. Im villianising the United States pigeons.
On another note, the uk has no sparrows!!! Or chickadees!!! And that makes me extremely sad!!! They just don’t live there :( !!! Since i am the most touristy tourist out there i was eating outside a bunch and always at these spots there are little sparrows hopping around on the ground eating little crumbs off of picnic tables or taking loose chips off the ground. But they don’t live in the uk?? Im not sure about the rest of Europe as I haven’t been but its very sad to me. The sparrows have been replaced with seagulls!! These giant, loud birds are the ones invading your picnics.
Here is what a sparrow looks like for all the people who have never had the pleasure of meeting one.
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The amount of seagulls in Edinbrurgh is absolutely insane. We rented a flat off of Air b&b for about a week and it was right off the royal mile, like we were on the intersection between the royal mile and St. Mary’s street. Whenever the sun was up, seagull’s would always be swooping up and down the streets, squaking like there life depended on it. Why are there so many seagulls? Portobello is kinda far away?? And why are they so loud!!! On the East cost of the usa, they squak a bit and they are extremely agro. I was on the beach eating a sandwich and one swooped down and stole the whole sandwich. And no, the seagulls of Edinburgh are not like that. But they are so loud??? For what???
This is the part where i would add and image of a seagull but it wont let me.
anyway here was my full rundown on the birds of the british isles.
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magical-misfit · 2 years
The production team playing Swan Lake ballet music as we learn more about Chirp and Squak is *chefs kiss*
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wonkasmissstarshine · 4 years
The Chocolate Prince and The Lovely Maiden {Willy Wonka x Rose Bucket AU}
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Chapter 3
When The Maiden meets The Hunter
Tagging: @holdmeicant @frozenhuntress67 @pastelmoonwitche @arinnasweetslove​
The rays of the rising sun were just beginning to peek through the cottage windows when that aggravating alarm bell woke up Rose and Charlie. That was Avonmora’s bell and it signalled for the Bucket children’s slave duties to begin.
“I hate that bell more than anything, Rosie” Charlie grumbled. He sat up in his bed and rubbed his eyes. They felt crusty from his slumber.
“I do too, Charlie” Rose agreed. She stretched her arms. “I promise, one day we’ll leave this place. But until that day comes, we’re stuck playing servants to our lovely step-mother”
“Where is my breakfast!?” Avonmora’s demand sounded through the tube that led to the basement where Rose and Charlie were forced to sleep. “Bring it to me now, girl! And boy, you better get to sweeping and finish before we leave for the market”
Honk! “Will someone shut that vile witch up, please?” Honkers got up from his pile of straw that was set up in the corner. “A goose needs his beauty sleep”
Rose giggled. She walked over to Honkers and picked him up. “I suppose all that sleeping you do is the reason you’re the most handsome goose in the entire kingdom” Honkers honked in approval and nuzzled into Rose’s neck. “We should find you a lovely swan one of these days”
“Honkers, look!” Charlie bursted into excitement. He pointed towards Honkers nest where a golden egg lay. “You’ve laid another one!”
“Well, whaddaya know?” Rose put Honkers down. He waddled over to the nest and admired the golden egg he’d lain. “If I keep laying them at this rate, you guys will be able to run off soon enough”
“How do you do that, anyway?” Charlie asked curiously.
“I don’t know” Honk! “Same reason I can talk, I suppose”
Rose pulled out a hidden box that contained all the other golden eggs that Honkers had laid. She picked up the new one and added it to the collection. She then put the box back in it’s hiding spot. 
“Breakfast!” Avonmora screeched. Her voice was so loud that it scared a few feathers out of Honkers.
Rose sighed and grabbed several ingredients out from the cupboards. “Charlie, you better start sweeping. And Honkers, you know to stay quiet when she’s near”
Honkers put his wing up to his forehead in a salute. “Yes, ma’m” Rose gave the goose a look. “Oh, I mean...Honk!...”
Rose smiled and nodded. “Good goose!”
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Rose had Avonmora’s breakfast on a tray and she brought it up to her lavish bedroom. When Nathaniel died, Avonmora brought it upon herself to do some renovating on the cottage. But, she had made it so big and added so many unnecessary rooms that it wasn’t the quaint little cottage that Rose loved anymore. It was more like a mansion out in the middle of the forest.
“Ah, there you are” Avonmora sneered from her place in bed. She was sat up in against the headboard. Her pet raven, Draco, was perched upon her shoulder. “You are late with breakfast”
“I’m sorry, Avonmora” Rose apologized quietly. She set the breakfast tray on Avonmora’s bedside table. Draco squaked threateningly at her when she got to close. Rose flinched. She was absolutely terrified of the bird.
“You need to learn to shut the bird of yours up” Avonmora scowled. “It’s honking is becoming unbearable. Perhaps we turn him into a feast” Her lip curled into a smirk at the suggestion of such a lavish feast. Draco cawed in amusement, like he was laughing at the idea.
Rose clenched her jaw. She wanted to talk back to Avonmora but she knew better. “What do you want me to do today, Avonmora?”
“The usual” Avonmora grabbed her teacup and took a sip of the hot beverage. “After the boy is done sweeping, you are going to mop the floors. Then you’re going to wash the windows, dust all the furniture, nooks and crannies, do the dishes, do the laundry, weed my garden, and feed the animals”
“Yes, Avonmora” It was what Rose was programmed to say after receiving her duties from her step-mother. She was just about to walk out the door when Avonmora stopped her.
“Oh, and Rose,” Avonmora’s dark matched perfectly. “Don’t leave this house while the boy and I are out. You know what will happen if I find you gone”
Rose didn’t even look back at her. She just nodded and left the room.
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Avonmora and Charlie were gone at the market. Rose was outside in the chicken pen, sprinkling chicken feed all over the ground. The chickens around her clucked happily as they ate of the mix of seeds and corn. The apron on Rose’s dress was dirtied with dirt from the garden, as was her face. But that didn’t detract from her beauty.
At least the hunter that was watching from behind a tree didn’t think so. Harry was out for his morning hunt along with his best friend/sidekick/minion, Louis. Louis himself wasn’t much of a hunter. He basically just carried any game that Harry had managed to successfully kill. 
“Look at her, Louis” Harry said, his eyes never once coming off of Rose. The poor girl had no idea that she was being watched. “Isn’t she beautiful?”
“Who?” Louis’ nasally voice screeched. “That dirty girl over there?”
“She is not dirty!” Harry hissed defensively. “She is going to be my wife someday and I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t talk about her in such a manner”
Louis began to laugh. “Your wife!? Her!? Every girl in Sweetstown basically throw themselves at your feet! Why would you want some nobody who lives out in the forest?”
“Because, none of those girls have a beauty that compares to hers. It’s only fair that the most beautiful girl in Candania marries me, the most handsome man in Candania”
“Don’t forget smartest and strongest!” Louis always was a suck-up when it came to Harry.
Harry laughed triumphantly. “Yes, that too” He got off his horse and smoothed out his clothes. He also picked the closest flower he could find. He wanted to make a good impression on the girl. “I think it’s time that I introduce myself to the mother of my future children”
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Rose was humming a song, but she was interrupted when a voice spoke from behind her. “Hello, fair maiden” She jumped and turned around to see who it was. It was a man she had never seen before. He was tall and no doubt handsome, with his dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. But Rose could tell he radiated arrogance. 
“Hello” she greeted back softly.
“What’s a beautiful girl like you doing out here in the forest?” the man asked.
“I live here” Rose pointed at the cottage. “With my brother and my step-mother”
“I see” the man said. Rose gave him a small smile, and she thought he was just going to walk off and continue on his way. She wasn’t expecting him to step over the fence of the pen. “My name is Harry” 
Harry. That name sounded familiar to Rose. Priscilla was always talking about a Harry to Rose. Maybe this was the one she was talking about.
“I’m Rose”
“Rose” Harry repeated her name like a prayer. “Such a lovely name to go with such a beautiful face” He took her hand and brought it up to his lips. He gently kissed her knuckles. “You know, I’ve admired you for quite some time now”
Rose went wide eyed. “Y-you have?”
“Yes” Harry spoke so deeply, it came out as a growl. There was no denying the possessive intention behind it. He began walking towards Rose, like a predator hunting its prey. For every step forward Harry took, Rose took a step back. That is, until she was backed up against the wall. “It’s hard for a man not to be entranced by your beauty”
Rose swallowed nervously. “T-thank you”
“I brought this for you” Harry held up the flower that he had picked. Rose recognized the white, waxy flower as a gardenia. Sure, it was a pretty flower but it wasn’t Rose’s favorite. 
“Thank you, but I’m not a big admirer of gardenias”
“Oh” Harry’s face fell. He dropped the flower and stomped on it. Rose frowed. Sure, she wasn’t too fond of gardenias but that didn’t mean the flower didn’t deserve to be treated in such a way. “Well, what is your favorite flower? For when I come see you tomorrow?”
Rose blinked. “Tomorrow?”
“Of course” Harry grinned at her with a charming smile. “And the day after that, then the day after that, and so on, and so forth” He grabbed her hand. “So tell me, sweet maiden, what is your favorite flower?”
All Rose could do was smile. “I’ll let you figure that one out” She didn’t want to seem rude by telling him to get lost, and she didn’t want to reveal what her favorite flower actually was. 
“Turning this into a game, are we?” Harry suggested. “Alright, I’ll play your game. I’ll come and visit everyday, and I’ll bring you a different flower. When I do bring you your favorite flower, then you must join me for a romantic nightly stroll in the town”
“I suppose that seems fair...” 
“Until tomorrow then, my sweet” Harry kissed Rose’s hand yet again. When Harry finally left, Rose felt a sense of relief. 
What had she gotten herself into with this man? She’d have to ask Priscilla about him. 
“Rose, who was that?” It was Honkers who had asked. He came waddling into the chicken pen.
“I don’t know, Honkers, but I have a feeling I’ll be seeing more of him than I wish to” Rose sighed dreadfully. She could never see herself being with a man like that. She picked up her straw basket. “Come Honkers, let’s go see Fiona, Liona, and Briona. I’m in the mood for some cherry picking”
Honkers ruffled his feathers in excitement. “Lead the way, Rose!”
Rose and Honkers made their way to the sisters’ cottage. It was the only other cottage in the forest. Rose wasn’t sure what it was about their home, but she always felt safest there. It was like she had known Fiona, Liona, and Briona for her whole life, even though she met when she stumbled upon their marvelous cherry tree when she was just fifteen years of age.
Perhaps the three sisters could give Rose some advice about this man and his unwanted attention.
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an-ambivalent · 6 years
I read your swan prince story and now I can't help but imagine this grand, beautiful wedding being interrupted suddenly by a fugggin' swan breaking through a window and pecking the groom to death to everyones shock and horror.
oh my g o d thats genius and lowkey f ed bc imagine taehyung making love or something to the reader and his curse hasn’t broken yet and he started doing so quite late. In the middle of it he just turns into a swan and then ends up squaking in anger
is this bestiality? i didn’t think of that God and I thought I couldn’t have been more trashy :’)
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A Story that Basically sums up my life
So our setting takes place on a beautiful day in the town of Well. In the town of Well there is a castle where the some of the students of Emerson College stay for a semester. I am one of those students. I had some free time so I decided to explore the castle grounds which has a moat going around it. I decided to walk up to the moat to see if I could see the swans that are suppose to be there. While walking along the moatbank, I see an area that is sticking out into the water like a mini peninsula. I was like that a great aesthetical place to read or something. So I was like let’s check it out. Now getting to the mini peninsula looked a little difficult because it is at the bottom of a steep little hill. In the back of my brain I was like, “sweetie, do we really think this is a good idea?” My dumbass said yes. So I started to descend the steep little hill. Then I heard some sort of water bird squak. I turned to see if it was the swans and I slipped down the hill and my shoe flew off my foot and into the moat. Because of the steepness of the hill I was not able to savage it. I ended up alerting the moat matinance people know and so, at least to them I will forever be known as the girl who lost her shoe in the moat. Ohh, and those swans I lost my show over? They were ducks. I lost my shoe in a castle moat in the Netherlands because of stupid fucking ducks. If this doesn’t sum up who I am as a person than I don’t know what does. To conclude:
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swan-swanno · 2 years
girl i stay winning (consecutively loses in limbus company) (consecutively loses in pizza tower) (cons
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swan-swanno · 1 year
the unholy urge to redo my switchtopia cast/game.... .. . .
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swan-swanno · 1 year
do you think wall-e sings happy birthday to himself like the mars rover or am i making myself sad over robots again
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swan-swanno · 1 year
<- suddenly not normal over miitopia again <3
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swan-swanno · 1 year
my american literature prof @ me telling i played fallout 4: you dont strike to me as someone who plays fallout me, quietly: the gender ambiguity is working
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swan-swanno · 2 years
kinda bored! hit me w anon asks abt stuffs ig :]✌
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swan-swanno · 2 years
passes out
i cannot be in a mile radius of a game about handling documents without falling in love with the morally questionable old man with muddy glasses
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swan-swanno · 3 years
Something about one of the new battles Ingo offers you is called Path of Solitude makes me feel a thing. Loneliness...
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swan-swanno · 3 years
(taps mic) time-space hopper emmet trying to reach ingo and bring him home. ends up in different regions unfortunately.
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