#svorlen sommer
pleasefeedthebirds · 7 years
“Send Me a Headcanon and I’ll Tell What OC I Associate it With - Part 2″ NaNoWriMo Prep
Original post credited to @the-moon-dust-writings
And also thanks to my boy @boundtoanandroid​ for sending me this because I love bringing up the morally gray trash creatures I call my NaNoWriMo OCs.
Now let’s do some gotdamn headcanons.
Likes their music loud: The captain, Marcelle O’Bithel, without a doubt. As far as she’s concerned, she’s over the hill and thus ready to party as much as she can before dying. She’d stoke the fires of any tavern band any day, so long as no one truly respectable objected to it.
Would poison someone if given the chance: If Kaia sincerely saw Agnetha one day as a threat to Marcelle’s safety, she’d cunningly off the old crone with decisive action, but considerable sadness.
Always happy: As long as Gideon’s got a body to live in and the charm necessary to make friends on the go, he’s got a song in his heart, a skip in his step, and a silver lining to fall back on wherever he looks.
Afraid of spiders: Just as an elephant fears a mouse, Svorlen despises the little things as if they personally hanged his mother. However, Rostov is always the first to squash them out of their sense of duty, despite the masses of remorse they feel for doing so.
Would jump out of a plane: Svorlen would present the crew with the idea, to which the captain and in turn Mirabel would readily agree. Kaia would need some convincing, before shrugging it off and going down with the ship. Dune would thoroughly oppose it, but eventually cave, while Rostov and Gideon would stick to the sidelines out of their similar fear of heights and physical exertion.
Calls people ‘Dude’: Kaia and Svorlen are both guilty parties, though the former is significantly more so.
Wants to just lay down and not move: Rostov would love nothing more. Of course, the captain would allow them their wish to a reasonable extent if they only just asked, but Rostov is too loyal to their duties to willingly take it easy.
Has the perfect come backs: Kaia and Gideon generally have a mutual respect for each other’s abilities, though this is especially the case when it comes to tearing down catcallers in the local taverns.
Can punch someone and the person they punched would thank them: A punch from Kaia, or rather, the fabled “Papillon-Rouge,” would earn someone free drinks for a year in return for a glimpse of the scar.
Listens to everything but common sense: Marcelle’s always a willing ear, unless someone’s telling her anything that’s for her own good.
Gives nicknames to others: Mirabel’s woodcarving talents ensure that everyone’s bunks feature some of her abundant, occasionally nonsensical nicknames.
Likes to talk to code: Again, the winsome nature of Mirabel would find great joy in the concept of a code language.
Doesn’t open up to others very easily: It isn’t even Rostov’s lack of a tongue that makes them hardly inclined to talk about their self.
Is painfully obvious on who they like: Though Rostov tries to be an altruist in love and distance their self from the subject of their affections, the majority of the crew has them figured out in a split second.
Would get a tattoo on a whim: Svorlen would ink up in a heartbeat. Probably even faster if it were for the purpose of a dare.
Has a strong eyebrow game: Rostov’s bushier brows frankly suit them, even if they refuse to belief it could ever be so.
Would jump off a building: In a crime of passion, Captain Marcelle just might.
Likes to travel: Marcelle makes it clear that even a pirate captain can appreciate the scenery, though Mirabel is open to stow away on any promising adventure just as well.
Likes roses: Both the supple beauty of rose petals and the brutal sting of the thorns are well appreciated by Mirabel.
Talks in song lyrics: If it were for the purpose of entertaining Kaia, Marcelle would recite an entire musical ballad on the first of her whims.
Is tol: Svorlen, and he ensures that it’s hard to miss.
Is smol: Rostov is second in smolness only next to Marcelle, though the captain makes up for it and more in personality.
Would murder someone if given the opportunity: Mirabel is a sincerely deadly force when she acts upon her philosophy of judgement. If her “one bullet” rule did someone in, then she’d say so be it.
Had a sad childhood: Though Rostov, Gideon, and Svorlen all had it bad to varying degrees, Dune’s was the most severe.
Loves their parents: Rostov loved their mother as much as Mirabel loved her father, but it’s Kaia who still maintains the strongest relationship with her parents.
Hates fish: Svorlen can’t stand the taste, texture, sight, or smell of the things.
Questions everything: Rostov can never seem to keep their rampant thoughts from turning to contemplation.
Would keep up with celebrity gossip: He wouldn’t be proud to admit it, but Gideon would most likely be in the know on the juiciest, most slanderous filth. Marcelle could easily harbor a guilty pleasure for it, too.
Would make it rain in the club: Dune would absolutely kill the mood just by looking at the dance floor the wrong way.
Likes hugs: There are few things that Gideon loves more than the sheer comfort of a loving, expressly consensual hug.
Kisses their partner good night: Giving his wife a peck on the forehead is as crucial in Gideon’s routine as shedding his foppish attire in favor of bedclothes.
Likes to give piggybacks: Svorlen is a self-declared madman when it comes to piggyback rides, ready to take two, maybe even three willing victims onto his broad back at once. Dune secretly aspires to be half as good as him at it someday.
Likes to sing in the vehicle: Marcelle is quick to rouse a song, while Mirabel and Svorlen are always the first to join the round. So long as she’s alone, Kaia gives new meaning to her role in the crow’s nest by belting like a songbird.
Would join the circus: Svorlen would risk life and limb as an acrobat if it meant he could have an audience, though Dune would likely be the most qualified for a role.
Could be a stand up comedian: Rostov’s self-deprecating nature might just be able to make itself useful for once in the world of stand up if it weren’t for anxiety.
Has bad luck: If Dune ever got married, there would probably be a tornado on his wedding day.
Likes pretzels: If she ever heard the rumor that pretzels were stylized to look like children in prayer, Mirabel would revere them for everything they stood for
Loves the rain: If he could get away with it, Svorlen would strip naked and run barefoot through a field at every first sign of a storm.
Can knock out someone’s tooth in one punch: As a proud pugilist, Dune might not even be lying when he claims that he’s done it before.
Will kiss someone to steal their wallet: Kaia would do all that and spit at their feet if she thought it were well-deserved. 
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