wolfxbrother · 7 years
@svedauth​ replied to your post:
I’m trying to be reserved but a part of me is just constantly stuck in high-pitched screaming mode, hehehehehe.
@heliokrantor​ replied to your post:
// I feel like the chances of it happening are... the dice are not in our favour, but I must be dour. STILL - I would love to see more WoT in general, and of course more RPers... So let us hope..!
Yeah, honestly like... considering how long the show has been stuck in this pre-production loop, and the list of the names that are onboard --- like Red Eagle Entertainment, though apparently they won’t even take part and they’ll just have their name tacked on? --- I’m trying really hard not to keep my hopes up, but I can’t help but feel at least a little excited.
Honestly, the only thing I’m glad about all this is that Harriet will be involved, so hopefully that means we get to avoid what happened to ASOIAF/LotS and that the show is good. And actually gets made. And more roleplayers and fans crop up. Hopefullyyyyyy.
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dragmiire · 7 years
svedauth replied to your post: i am officially at kakariko village… or rather,...
tbh i ship link and paya no regrets
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shadowbred · 8 years
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          ❝ link....i wish for you to have this. ❞ she reached out and took his hand, turning it over to that she could place something cool in his hand. it looked to be a pocket watch, the metal a sparkling silver. however, if he were to open it he would not find a clock, but rather a mirror. ❝ so even when i am not present in your world you may still speak to me if you wish. ❞ she had given zelda a similar one but it had been a hand mirror rather than something more compact that she had just given link.
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wolfdreaded · 8 years
⌘ @svedauth​​ liked for a starter.
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          ❝Some things have lost their meaning.❞
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fuckthedivine-blog1 · 8 years
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            “I wanted to --- apologize, for the mess in the library.  I didn’t get a chance to, before.”  Her smile is sheepish ( though still faintly amused ) and the apology sincere.
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outsetian-blog · 8 years
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❛   — have ya’ seen any filthy, thievin’ rats around?!   ❜
starter call   |  @svedauth !
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thecuccoocorner · 7 years
this is the cutest masterlist i have ever seen just sayin -- but heyo tp link @ svedauth for the masterlist!
a twilight princess link, for all of your twilight princess needs!why not go & say hello?
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nxvigation · 7 years
TAGGED BY: @hclmaroc​ TAGGING: @hyaciiintho @aeiou-agent-dreid, @airxn @tenebriism @svedauth​ @avoiided​
3. DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU’RE CALLED THAT? “It’s the name my Father, the Great Deku Tree, gave me. I think it’s meant to mean “navigator” or something.”
5. WHAT ARE YOUR POWERS AND ABILITIES? “I can fly, which is pretty nifty. I also glow! That comes in handy in dark places. I also know basically everything there is to know about Hyrule. I’m like a walking encyclopedia! I like woodcarving, too, but that’s more of a hobby than an ability...”
7. HAVE YOU EVER DYED YOUR HAIR? “No, but I’ve had my hair color changed before. I didn’t like it much...”
8. DO YOU HAVE ANY FAMILY MEMBERS? “All the Kokiri and fairies of the forest are my family! Also Twila, who’s my sister. Not by blood, but it’s not like that matters.”
9. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? “A Boe, a cucco, and a Cow...somewhere. It kind of wandered off into the Lost Woods and... who knows what happened to it. It might be a Stalcow now.”
10. TELL ME ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DON’T LIKE. “Water. It makes my wings wilt and makes it so I can’t fly. I’m also not a great swimmer, so it seriously slows me down.”
11. DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES OR ACTIVITIES YOU DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME? “Woodcarving, like I mentioned before! ”
13. HAVE YOU EVER… KILLED ANYONE? “Not...people.”
14. WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU? “A fairy? That’s not an animal though!”
15. NAME YOUR WORST HABITS. “I..sometimes let the Kokiri stay up all night. I know it’s not good for them but I have such a hard time saying no!!”
16. DO YOU LOOK UP TO ANYONE? “I look up to Link. He did so much for everyone in Hyrule, and he didn’t even have to! He’s so kind and caring and so determined to do the right thing.”
17. GAY, STRAIGHT, OR BISEXUAL? “I’m...not sure.”
18. DO YOU GO TO SCHOOL? “No. I received my formal education through the Great Deku Tree and other forest spirits.”
19. DO YOU EVER WANT TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS SOMEDAY? “That..would be amazing.”
20. DO YOU HAVE ANY FANS? “Why would I have fans?”
22. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY WEAR? “My usual outfit. A blue tunic, leggings and boots, and my leather gloves. ”
24. WHAT CLASS ARE YOU? “Class? as in, social class? I mean, I...live in a forest.”
25. HOW MANY FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE? “An entire forestful!.”
26. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON PIE? “It’s delicious and sweet! Cherry pie is my favorite.”
27. FAVORITE DRINK? “Red potion. It’s delicious!”
30. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SOMEONE? “Romantically? Didn’t I already answer that?”
31. WHAT’S YOUR DICK SIZE? “What an inappropriate question! Even if I had one, I wouldn’t answer.”
32. WOULD YOU RATHER SWIM IN THE LAKE OR THE OCEAN? “Neither. Water is awful.”
33. WHAT’S YOUR ‘TYPE’? “Tall, slender, I guess.”
34. ANY FETISHES? “Eehhh?”
35. TOP OR BOTTOM? DOMINANT OR SUBMISSIVE? “These questions are icky! Quit it!”
36. CAMPING, OR INDOORS? “I kind of perpetually camp, so when I’m indoors, it’s a real treat.”
37. ARE YOU WAITING FOR THIS INTERVIEW TO BE OVER? “It was fun for a while, but I wouldn’t mind getting back to the Kokiri.”
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branblessed-blog · 7 years
what’s good guys i’m in a terrible mood bc of the recent news re: the military, and i am majorly pissed bc my family has a long and proud history serving in the navy and the marine corps and i wanted to join that legacy and now i can’t. so. catch me on discord @ svedauth#1308 while my blood boils.
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forziaa-blog · 7 years
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                    WOWIE  WOW  so  in  a  few  days  it  will  be  my  THREE-YEAR-ANNIVERSARY.  over  the  course  of  several  urls,  many  archives  ( tunicisms,  exuvia,  healingmasks,  etc.  )  HERE  WE  ARE.  three  years  later.  and  i’m?? adsfadsl,  I  do  not  deserve  the  love  that  i  receive  from  you  guys.  honestly,  this  community  has  been  the  most  welcoming,  the  most  loving,  the  most  accepting.  and  i’d  like  to  take  a  little  time  to  talk  about  you  all  now.  
but  before  i  begin:  here’s  to  another  great  year!!  and  thank  you  for  sticking  around!!
    @finelendal   happy  wife  happy  life.  OKAY  SO  YOU  SEE  THIS  BLOG  HERE?  THIS  BLOG  IS  THE  REAL  MVP.  LIKE,  DON’T  STOP  MAKE  IT  POP  DJ  BLOW  MY  SPEAKERS  UP.  kick  her  off  tumblr.  she’s  a  menace.  TO  SOCIETY.  she  sends  me  things  like  ‘yee  meme’  or  ‘important  video  playlist’.  and  now  she  can  make  anybody  wanna  go  vegan.   honestly,  this  is  the   same  blog  that  started  THE  LASAGA  FIASCO  OF  2016.  
   @lcylines​ /  @sheikahminstrel:   this  is  cheru!!  one  of  the  first  people  i  ever  opened  up  to  on  this  website  and  i  learned  a  lot  from.  not  only  did  they  write  sheik  BEAUTIFULLY  and  with  poise,  but  they  soon  took  up  botw!zelda  and  blew  me  away  there,  too.  they’re  a  giant  inclusive  meme,  creating  the  best  shitposts  this  side  of  the  great  sea.  
    @fateburden.    once  an  ocarina  of  time  link  themselves,  liam  has  blessed  me  not  only  with  his  approval  of  my  portrayal,  but  with  his  friendship.  i  cannot  tell  you  how  much  it  means  to  me  to  count  you  among  my  friends,  or  how  much  late-night  rabbit  trips,  bad  memes  and  WE  ARE  NUMBER  ONE  keeps  my  spirits  high.  
     @fatesealed  /  @destinyproof.   LITERALLY  WE  MET  AND  YOU  WERE  LIKE  “WHY  AREN’T  WE  MARRIED”  listen  we  are  married.  we  will  always  be  married.  shhh.  fat  ganon  as  my  witness,  honestly.   you’re  a  great  friend  and  you  indulged  my  studio  ghibli  needs  like  the  amazing  friend  you  are.  
      @heirburden  /  @kingfaerie.   you  and  @itemseller  made  TIM  COME  TO  LIFE!!!  honestly  i  can’t  ever  think  of  someone  more  loving  than  birdie.  they  always  treat  me  with  such  kindness,  especially  when  it  comes  to  learning  things  or  asking  graphics  questions.  i’m  not  that  good  at  them,  but  they  take  the  time  to  ask  anyway  and  its  so!!  amazing!!  they  genuinely  make  me  feel  wanted  here.  and  they’re  such  a  sweet  person  and  an  amazingly  memey  writer.  
     @adventson.   listen  cas.  listen.  ok  so  not  only  are  cas’  headcanons  past  the  point  of  ‘ridiculously  good’,  but  their  salt  sustains  me.  their  memes  sustain  me.  they  are  the  actual   epitome  of  the  ‘adult with a life’  on  tumblr.  and  its  so  REFRESHING  to  see  them  on  my  dash.  their  writing  is  like  drinking  a  fresh  glass  of  ice  water  when  its  150  degrees.  after  chewing  mint  gum.  while  rubbing  velvet.  they’ve  been  my  friend  for  almost  a  year  and  a  half.  and  i’m  still  living  in  their  bathroom. 
      @vindvolva  /  @ofskies  /  @warmcngerer.   JAINAAA.  YOU’RE  SO  PERFECT!!!  listen  i  love  you  forever  okay??  we  met  in  the  warcraft  fandom  when  i  had  a  lor’themar  and  you  needed  to  meet  me  in  the  pit.  since  then  you’ve  become  very  open  with  several  people  from  the  fandom  and  its  been  such  a  pleasure  to  watch  you  grow  and  have  fun!!    
      @grishildr   has  been  here  since  the  dawn  of  time  and  has  always  been  a  source  of  inspiration.  her  writing  is  beautiful  and  their  devotion  to  zelda  is  beyond  inspirational.  look  no  further  for  a  great  blog  to  follow.  
       @svedauth   TP LINK.  GRANDSON.  honestly  a  light  in  my  life.  quiet,  like  me,  but  allowed  me  to  open  up  to  their  friendship  and  really  sink  my  teeth  into  the  community.  one  of  my  favorite  people  on  this  sight  without  a  doubt.  they  opened  their  arms  when  i  had  none.  or  something  like  that.  honestly  though  they  deserve  all  the  pizza  rolls  in  the  world. 
      @mayghenan   ZACH.  zach  buddy  we  go  way  back  and  u  keep  my  memes  alive  on  twitter.  even  if  u  are  a  YOI  nut.  i  still  love  u.  ur  a  very  good  dorf.
       OTHER  PEOPLE  who  have  become  prominent  members  of  the  meme-club  that  is  my  life  include  @voidnoh  @drakonics @puerdelumine  @vacillatus  @legcndaire  @vainstruck  and  @rotnichor   @dragmiire  @imperialmight  @deliverycat   @showstomper !!  meme  them  up  scotty!!
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dragmiire · 7 years
svedauth replied to your post: random question of the day: how many horses do you...
full stable, epona from the tp link amiibo, hylia the royal horse, ganondork the giant horse, courage a horse that resembles link’s mount from 100 years prior, and night. but i have had Many Horses and freed lots of them in the past to make room for new ones
i have too experienced the Many Horse feel (& i can’t even remember their names besides liligan, i am sorry other horsies), & frankly if nintendo told me i could pay fifty bucks to make my stables unlimited, i’d be the ultimate sucker. i have been trying to find a mount that looks like link’s from before, & i... will likely make the poor choice of buying some amiibos JUST to get the armor/horse/wolf link.
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svedauth · 8 years
yo whats good i'm PLAYING BREATH OF THE WILD TODAY AND I'M GONNA CRY and i will not post anything about it so that no one will be spoiled. if you would like to talk to me about botw, add me on discord at svedauth#1308 and tell me who you are!
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lakeknight-blog1 · 8 years
Hey, so I’ve been having a kinda shitty time? A lot of things are piling up, and I just don’t have time or energy to be here writing. Which kinda sucks. I have a lot of stuff I need to do, which takes up most of the day, and I’m only free in the evenings. To destress a little, I’ll be continuing to stream my Owlboy playthrough at 7:30 EST tomorrow, since that’s relaxing for me and will hopefully be entertaining for you all. If you need to reach me, feel free to message me, or add me on Discord at svedauth#1308 if we’re mutuals. Thanks for understanding.
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branblessed-blog · 7 years
so i'm binge-watching got rn because even though i don't like the direction the show went in, it is rolling into its end, so might as well enjoy the global phenomenon while it lasts. so if anyone wants to hear me be salty about show direction shit and lore shit add me on discord @ svedauth#1308 !! mutuals only please and lemme know who you are when you add me 😎
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dragmiire · 8 years
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‘ how little do i envy your fate, o golden hero, rendered into nothing more than a mere... beast. ‘ his upper lip curled in disdain, gaze settling upon the boy who had rose again and again, always wearing different skins, but with eyes the same piercing blue. it was one of the few marks that were telltale of that era’s reborn hero.
‘ tell me, what suffering have you endured, in this world trapped in between dark, and light? ‘
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mamaterasu · 8 years
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this has been a long time coming  —   so here we go!   i’ve been roleplaying on tumblr for about 5 + years & times have changed but my overall experience has been absolutely wonderful, i want everyone to know that. my time here wouldn’t nearly be as amazing without you all, this community that i’ve seen grow over time & has had the pleasure of being a part of. in fact, it would be very bland without you all!  writing as amaterasu has been an exciting journey & one that i hope i can continue on for years to come. the muse herself has been a light in my life & being able to meet all you amazing people through a character like her?  beyond words. thank you all for being so welcoming & open to a muse like this silly  doggo. 
i’ve made life-long friends through roleplaying & i hope to make many more in the future. no matter whether you are featured on here or not, every one of my followers & mutuals have been a part of this experience so i want to take time to appreciate you all. you are all so creative & talented, & i want you all to know that outside of tumblr, i hope all your endeavours & lives are filled with joy & happiness.
may today of all days bring you light & now as we slowly run-up to spring, i hope your horizons are splashed with colour. 
thank you & i love you all so much ♥
the flowers bloom so sweetly : those who i have known the longest & those who have made my time here so, so enjoyable. whether we write or talk together often or not, you have brightened up my day more than once!  @rapusodosu ; @divinalis ; @valiane / @aperturetrigger ; @grishildr ; @svedauth ; @starscourged ; @featherdicks ; @gooselullaby  ; @kaledvoul ; @arielshepard ; @shiverheart ;  @ruinblessed ; @shieldblessed  ; @lunariansage ; @adventson ; @millenniumpharaoh ;  @masochisticsadist ; @elusivos ; @thyellae ; @aestui ;  @godlyright  ; @petalscatter ;  @eleftheryiias ; @orokana-riko ; @smileblade ;  @mochimochirabbit ; @wonstrous 
they bloom everywhere : whether mutual or follower, know that you all fulfill my roleplaying experience here. your presences on the dash make my day. know that i am here if you need me - never be afraid to say hi!  @absoluteneed ; @achcser ;  @affectae  ; @ascendantly ; @arvious ; @aliferos ; @applesforanna ; @arsuledin ; @astersia ; @atrocitypact @alabastrined ; @bravesperias ; @bloumiddel ; @carnelianv ; @cosmichymns ;  @daemonslae ; @divinecannon ; @dragmiire ; @duciit ; @eyesofwater ; @estanima ; @eciled ; @finalhxaven  ; @fbihound ; @faeht ; @fullserviice ; @forzia ; @galactocentric ; @hermaes ; @hxghwind ;@hikyori ; @hiunmei ; @insarys ; @isstarlight ; @kiraahachi ; @kybercore ; @kxrei ; @lightdeath ; @lucislegend ; @legacie ; @lvnara ; @maeriiberii ; @mothersins ; @metelric ;  @osaelligr ; @ofdeath ;  @persuadedbyboko ; @patereius ; @pretendcr ; @praelior ;  @pulchrasol ; @papesse ; @revvolver ; @regalnight ;  @silvaer ; @soulfulauror;  @sangitiere ;  @tadmean ; @tactiquess ; @valkiriya ; @vacillatus ; @vaingore ; @woebringer ; @wolfdreaded ; @xstrange
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