#sve first slash clan
Nevertheless, I decided to write a little about my idea of Foxbloom honey, because this has stuck in my head. Thank you @reallyghostlypost for supporting my silly thoughts!
I apologize if there are errors here, I did not have the strength to check everything for errors.
"Hmm..." Julian closed the worn old book, put it back on the table, and stretched his arms up, flexing his muscles from sitting in the chair. He did not notice how an hour had passed since he again re-read the incredible stories about the legendary artifacts of the whole world. The forgotten treasures of the Crimson Baldlans caves, the magical crystal gardens of the Gotoro Empire, the Starfruits of Stardew Valley, and the legendary flower of Ridge Fall.
Having managed to solve the intricate puzzle in the ninja house, Julian still can't believe that he would have the honor of not only finding this rarest flower in the dangerous forests near Ridgeside Village, but also the opportunity to bring a flower and plant it on a farm. The young farmer and florist was afraid that the flower would not take root in the new environment, but the roots of the magical plant sprouted deep into the fertile earth.
As if the flower was especially happy here, like it's belong here. Julian is also happy about it.
Although at the same time he noticed something unusual... All the bees from his hives stopped collecting pollen from the same fairy rose that grew closest to the hives, and switched their attention to the beautiful foxbloom exuding an unusual aura. At the same time, honey production was also delayed, and Julian already thought that the bees were sick because of this flower. But it turned out by mid-autumn that they just made sweet syrup for a very long time and very carefully, longer than usual, but it was worth it: when harvesting, Julian tried a honeycomb filled with oh so sweet honey, and the taste was truly marvelous. Though Julian didn't realize the real potential of Foxbloom's sweet syrup, made by hard-working bees.
Remembering that he borrowed the same book from his wizard friend, Julian decided to visit Magnus' tower in the next morning and return the book. Julian stepped with one foot on the warp rune on his farm, and in the blink of an eye, the second foot touched the already stone slab in the basement of the tower. Climbing higher and heading towards the bookcase near the altar of illusion, Julian didn't expect to meet several other people besides Magnus. Witch of Castle Village Camilla, Guildmaster Jolyne and her second in command Lance, also two other members of the First Slash: Brianna and Drake. Drake was lying on Magnus' couch, writhing in pain and muttering something, as if in a fever, and on his arms, neck and face were barely visible, shimmering in dark shades of blue runes. Lance and Brianna were next to the couch and watched their friend's condition, while Brianna was almost trembling herself, and it was obvious in her eyes that she was making an inhuman effort not to cry. Jolyne and Camilla scowled at Magnus's back as the wizard searched the bookshelves for something.
"By the spirits, I'm pretty sure this book was here..." Magnus hurriedly sorted through the books, dropping some old papers and scrolls on the floor in the process. This is very unlike him, Julian thought, because Rasmodius was very careful with old books. Julian was a little taken aback by the strangeness of the situation, but nevertheless stepped even closer, entering the room.
"Guys?" Julian's voice was a little quieter than usual, but the senn attracted the attention of everyone (except Drake, who was still writhing in spasms). Magnus, the first to see Farmer, shouted "Aha!" without greeting, and with a snap of his fingers pulled the book from the hands of Julian, who gasped in surprise.
"This book, yes, this is what we need..." Magnus triumphantly opened the book right to the page he needed and continued to say, "...yes, yes, just one teaspoon and it should help. But... Even I don't know where to get it. I don't even know how to find this flower, the legends are either confusing or completely lie. It's not even a fact that... the flower actually exists." Magnus immediately dropped his gaze, for the first time not knowing what to say. All those present were also dejected, and the deathly silence was interrupted only by the sounds of the tormented Drake.
"We should at least try," Jolyne said firmly. "I'm not going to sit back while our friend dies right before our eyes." Her eyes were full of determination.
"I agree with Jolyne," Lance added, "For Drake."
Julian was still standing beside him, his uncomprehending gaze shifting to all the people present, and they did not seem to notice him at all Only Camilla noticed the confused Farmer and smiled guiltily.
"The First Slash went on an expedition to clear out the cave. It... didn't go as smoothly as I would have liked" Camilla whispered to Julian about the situation, "Drake was struck by a curse that, alas, even I can't remove"
Now the young Farmer was more or less aware of the situation, although Camilla did not add that Drake was getting weaker and weaker every minute, and that in a day or two, the poor fellow would completely stop breathing...
The thoughts of the young farmer were again interrupted
"Kraken up my ass! Even if we find that damn Foxbloom, we won't have that long to wait for the bees to do their job!" Brianna has already shifted more to screaming.
"Calm down, Brianna, we'll think of something." Jolyne's commanding voice managed to calm the violet-haired girl a little, but she knew it wouldn't be for long.
"Perhaps if we start looking here..." Magnus pointed at the map he had spread out on the table.
"Foxbloom? Guys, I just have..."
"Julian, not now!" Magnus barked so loudly that the odd-eyed youth was speechless, "Be so kind and leave my tower please, we don't have time to chat right now."
The farmer silently turned in the direction of the warp rune hall he had come from and walked off to the meeting.
"Razzy, I understand everything, but isn't it too rude" Camilla spoke softly
"I know," Magnus sighed guiltily, "I'll apologize to him later. For now we... we must to solve the problem."
As they all approached the map, listening to the Wizard's words, no one heard the sound of the warp being activated again. No one noticed as the figure walked past them and sat down next to the bed where Drake lay. Only Lance turned his head towards his sick friend and was surprised.
"Julian? What are you doing?" Lance's voice made everyone stop talking and turn around. Julian sat on the edge of the bed and brought the spoon to Drake's mouth. A drop of substance unknown to the magicians and adventurers present fell right into Drake's mouth. Julian only smiled softly at Lance's voice.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM?!" Brianna jumped up, jumped to the side of the bed and put her dagger to Julian's throat, "What. The fuck! Are you doing!?" Her voice was full of rage and the desire to kill someone.
"Brianna, I said calm down!" Jolyne also walked over to the bed, followed by everyone else around the map.
“Julian, I told you to-” Magnus didn't have time to finish his speech when all attention was turned to the young man lying in the bed. The runes were gone, he was no longer convulsing, and his breathing was calm.
Drake opened his eyes.
"Ugh, my head.... Where am I? What's going on? Oh, hi Julian." The farmer beamed at Drake. "Um, why are you all looking at us like that?" Drake addressed this question to his colleagues at work.
No one dared to break the silence, everyone stood in mute shock. Only Camilla smiled mysteriously.
"I'm sorry to bother you," Julian said slightly apologetically, "but you were looking for Foxbloom honey to help him. And I just had an extra jar." Julian twirled a liter jar of sweet syrup in his right hand, then stood up and handed it to Jolyne. "Here, I still have some at home. Honey is also very good for colds, so if someone gets sick again, you can add a spoonful of honey to your tea."
Jolyne, Magnus and Lance looked at the young Farmer with wide eyes, and Camilla's smile grew even wider. Brianna, meanwhile, was already hugging Drake like it was her lifeline.
"Sweetie, do you understand that you have a very unusual honey in your hands?" Camilla asked, still smiling.
Julian just shrugged it off. "Well, yeah, a little magical honey. But honey is honey still," He talked about it like it was the most mundane thing on the planet. "If it really helps that much, then I can give you a jar. True, it takes longer to make than usual, but if you wait.." Julian continued his speech.
Meanwhile, Magnus wants to hug his friend. He wants to thank him for the good he's done. Magnus wants to bombard the young Farmer with a bunch of questions about how they were able to not only find the legendary flower, but also get honey from it.
Magnus also wants to scream.
Life after this event will become much more interesting.
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mugiwarah · 7 months
Isaac: Relax, I think I see a scenario where we both get out of here with acceptable losses.
Lance: What exactly is your version of acceptable?
Isaac: Breaks and punctures, possible loss of a limb, no major organ damage.
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After several posts about Lance as a father, and also after a funny comment from @bored-farmer about The First Slash clan as a babysitters for Lance and the Farmer's child, I decided to write a small... fic? If you can call it.
In this story, I left the child and the Farmer neutral (like son or daughter, and Farmer pronounce what you want), so that it fits the other OCs in any way they want to come up with!
Also, the SVE Wiki doesn't have a similar pronunciation description for Guild members, so I made the classic Edmund, Drake and Gale - he/him, and for Brianna - she/her (simple because it's hard to translate others pronunciations in my language, but feel free to give in your own HC pronunciations that you want!)
Story under the cut! And feel free for feedbacks 😃 (and sorry for mistakes, English is still hard)
Warnings: language
Ah, Fable Reef...
Lonely, small, but still such a beautiful and lively island in the middle of a vast ocean, far from the mainland. Few people know that the headquarters of the famous Guild called The First Slash Clan is located here. For them, this is a very convenient post for protecting the ocean from any impending threat. And they chose a very good place - what a beautiful views from this island, truly admire! A breathtaking sunset, exotic palm trees with growing coconuts, crystal clear water with a huge school of fish around, colorful corals, local fauna in the form of small crabs, crustaceans, mollusks...
"Where is... Where is that brat!? Where? Fuck, fuck, fuck, fucking hell!"
Hmm, yes. These voices are, one might say, another representative of the "fauna" on this island. Namely - the brave members of the Guild mentioned earlier.
"Cursing and shouting won't help the cause, Brianna, - Edmund tried to remain calm and hide his worries in front of his friend and colleague, although in the current situation, it became much more difficult to do this every minute. - Moreover, the child can be nearby and hear all your scolding"
"Believe me, this little asshole still don’t understand shit no matter what am I saying", - Brianna snapped back at Edmund at his moralizing. She did not want to be rude to him, but her nerves began to slowly surrender.
To be honest, the situation was laughably absurd. Losing four-year-old child of Lance and his partner on a small island...
And how did it all start? And it started on Wednesday, everything bad always happened on Wednesday, Brianna thought. It seemed to be an ordinary day, nothing remarkable, nothing foreshadowed trouble. But then she, Drake, Edmund and Gale got an order from Jolyne to watch the Lance's baby for one day. Second-in-command and his spouse had to go to a very important meeting with Magnus and Camilla for almost the whole day, while Jolyne herself went to a meeting of the Guilds on the issue of a torpedo trout. The child was left in the care of four adventurers with Gale at the head, and it seem that it would not be so difficult to take care of the kid. If they only knew how this event will turned out...
For half a day everything was alright: the kid was not particularly capricious, was full, clean, sitting on a pillow in the main hall and drew something with crayons on paper, while the adults were in the same hall doing their usual things. And then bam - and the child disappeared after the magic cotton. Parents, of course, warned that the baby may have small manifestations of magic. The key word is "small".
At the age of four, to already manage, albeit not consciously, chaotically teleport - a talented little one, truly a child of Lance and Farmer. The distance of the teleporters was short, literally two meters from the old point. But before the adults had time to pick up the child, the fidget with a small cotton disappeared from the hall of the headquarters completely. Adults had no choice but to start searching for the "missing little magician".
Brianna couldn't understand why Lance can't just hire a nanny in their hometown. Why should they be the babysitters? Ah yeah, because it's a magical child, with the "gift". It is unlikely that the nanny would be able to keep track of the baby, who would cast mini fireballs or levitate throughout the house. But at least in this case it was possible to push the blame on the nanny, or the same parents. It's not good to think like that, but she's just so tired.
While she and Edmund were standing on the sandy shore and exchanging not too pleasant words, a worried Drake ran up to them:
"I've already searched everywhere, - he said, out of breath, - the main hall, our rooms, the rest room, the armory, the closet with elixirs, combed the entire coast - I can't find the little one!"
Poor Drake, it would seem, he is ready to burst into tears on the spot from the hopelessness of the situation and from the realization that he let his dear friend and idol down.
"Hush Drake, do not lose heart. The kid should be nearby, maybe they just accidentally became invisible. This happened to me as a child when I spilled a potion on myself" - Edmund, hearing the sad tone of the pink-haired Adventurer, began to calm him down.
"You were already a daredevil then, weren't you, Edmund?" - Brianna, of course, will not miss the opportunity to tease het friend, especially since this will somehow help dilute the directed situation. To her caustic comment in his address, Edmund decided to tactfully keep silent.
"Shall we recheck the main hall and rooms then? I feel that the child is somewhere nearby, but I cannot find it", - Drake suggested.
"Uugh.. - Brianna sighed wearily and rubbed her temples in hopes of easing her headache. - Ok, let's do it. But we also need Gale to help us too. Where the hell did he go?!"
"I saw him in the armory, he then teleported somewhere. Maybe he's looking for the shore again? Or..."
"Greetings, my dear friends" - A familiar voice came from behind.
The three adventurers gasped in surprise and abruptly turned their heads towards the source of the sound. Lance was already approaching them, a smile on his face, clearly pleased to see his friends. Behind him was his partner, beloved Farmer, who smiled as broadly and sincerely at their friends from the other Guild. Apparently, poor trio forgot that the parents always teleport silently to the island.
"We apologize for the delay. The meeting dragged on, mostly due to Camilla, who couldn't keep her ass still and interrupt and tease everyone" - The Farmer looked apologetically at the trio of people in blue raincoats.
Lance laughed softly at his soulmate's comment and said, "Careful, my love, or Camilla might hear you"
Then the gallant adventurer looked again at his three colleagues:
"I hope our little one hasn't given you much trouble?"
"I missed my baby so much! - The Farmer said impatiently. - So, where is our precious little treasure?"
Brianna looked at Lance and Farmer like she was seeing them for the first time. Edmund tried to find words that would not cause a sharp panic and the inclusion of the "a la crush-break" action. Drake, on the other hand, was standing, looking at Lance, and small, shiny water droplets appeared on the corners of his eyes. Another second - and the young adventurer is about to cry.
Edmund decided to break the silence: "Lance, the baby is now, uhm, is..."
All five turned towards the entrance to the Guild building. Calm Gale approached them, with a chirping and joyful missing child in his arms.
"I decided to show the kid my small collection of shells before leaving. The kid was very interested in them"
In confirmation of his words, the child waved his arms cheerfully, holding a beautiful small rainbow shell in left palm.
"I'm glad that you also had a good time, - Lance picked up the baby in his arms. - "Apologize again for such a sudden request."
"It's okay Lance. You two and the kid are always welcome. I think Jolyne would say the same"
Briana, Edmund and Drake were still silent until at the end of the conversation they said a short goodbye to Lance, Farmers and their child. Now their attention has been completely switched to Gale.
"Gale, what the fuck was that?" - Brianna, even after the shock, did not miss the opportunity to express her emotions rather vulgarly towards her colleague.
"Well, the shell version was much more plausible than the version that the child teleported into another dimension."
"Another dimension?!" - Edmund said too emotionally.
Brianna just sighed and headed towards the entrance to the Guild: "...I need drink, something strong. Edmund, where the hell is your whiskey bottle? I know for sure to have a supply"
"But we're on duty... What would Jolyne say", - Drake tried to protest weakly.
Gale put a hand on Drake's shoulder and smiled warmly.
“I think Jolyne would have had a drink in that situation too.
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Some random SVE headcanon:
Jolyne sometimes says that the First Slash clan changes the weather on the islands with magical totems. This is not news to the Farmer, they themselves regulate the weather in Stardew Valley thanks to rain totems. And Lance said he knows the recipe for the sun totem when we're on the Luau.
But what happens when the Farmer desperately needs rain on Ginger Island to find that last fucking bird with a gem, and Lance's home guild needs sunny weather today? As a result, both the Farmer and the members of the First Slash used 4-5 totems each, while First slash is clearly perplexed about what the hell is happening. This continues until either Jolyne or Lance himself finds the source of the rain call on Ginger Island. If Lance gently explains that they need sunny weather for guild business, then Jolyne will just tweak Farmer's ears, because "stop messing with the totems".
The weather will be clear and sunny today. After all, arguing with the guild leader and the second-in-command is pointless. Whatever, Farmer didn’t really want your stupid rain anyway.
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omg hi im new here... so i saw your lance as a father hcs and i read the part where he and the farmer would leave the kid to the first slash clan if they're both busy and i can't help but find that so silly. would you write a little more about that? i love the first slash so much
Hey hey, welcome ���Thanks for the kind words ❤️
I really like The First Slash clan dynamic, and I really hope that in 1.6 or 2.0 more quests and events will be given to them. In the meantime, I'll write my silly HC!
Instead of a small fic, I decided to write a small headcanon on a scale, which of them would be the best nanny for a child, while Lance and the Farmer were called for some urgent business, and there was no time to hire other nannies. I think Jolyne will be happy to help them and look after the child, but how will the others react to the baby? Thanks for asking, enjoy! ☺️
That cool and badass aunt!
Jolyne will always find something to entertain the child, and at the same time she will not spoil them too much.
Quite responsibly refers to cooking and sleeping. With her, the child will get up in it like in the army.
One stern look from her will make them be obedient if the kid starts to act up.
But there may be isolated cases when Jolyne succumbs to puppy eyes. But only once.
Jolyne tells stories about her adventures so interestingly that the little one will sit down and listen for a long, long time. Stories will never be boring!
She always remains calm and knows what to do if magical abilities spontaneously appear in the baby.
10/10, best babysitter ever!
Drake is one of those people who love to play with children, but do not know how to take care of them.
Why are they crying? Are they hungry? Do they have a stomach ache? What medicines to give children? Can they take healing elixirs? Drake needs an adult!
"You are the adult, dumbass!"
The very first one to get along with the kid. After all, children are fun, especially since this is the child of their friend and member of the guild!
If it is his turn to cook dishes, then he will ask his guildmates a hundred times if they can give monster fruits.
The first to raise a panic if the child, due to their magical gifts, begins to levitate or randomly teleport.
But on the other hand, Drake can easily find something to do for the kid, so that others can do their own business of the Guild.
He will allow them sweets and go to bed late, for which he will receive scolding from the Jolyne and others.
As if Jolyne had volunteered to look after two children instead of one.
6/10, a good nanny, only if he can correct to prepare baby food and be responsible, then he would be generally golden nanny.
The calmest of all.
He takes care of the baby like he does it every day.
Gale is always watching where the child is.
Allows them to look at the collection of weapons and magic staves, but just don't touch anything!
On his patrol, Gale will take Lance's and Farmer's child with him. Show them how he fishes with magic, help them collect shells with them, etc.
If the child behaves well, he will even build a sand castle with them.
By behavior, Gale is like a noble dog: he will keep all the whims and questions from the little troublemaker. Of course, he won’t let the child go too far, but he won’t limit th to strict rules either.
9/10, what a chill dude.
Hey, little gnome.
What do you need?
She doesn't have time to look after the kids. Shoo...
Brianna has already come to terms with the child, who constantly asks her questions about everything.
And why does the child cling to her? What, there are no other people on the island?
Did they say she has beautiful hair color? And a cool coat?
Do you want her to show the fireball she recently learned?
Yoba, Edmund! Don't yell at her for being irresponsible! She will be careful, pinky promise.
He does not pay much attention to the child, but still does not let go of sight.
She cooks food for them only when others do not have the opportunity to do this.
5/10, not bad, but could do better.
A little nervous about the child's condition.
Are they full? Clean? Are there any wounds or abrasions? No? Phew...
Edmund will be the first to scold Drake for being irresponsible if his colleague starts spoiling the kid.
He will also be the first to yell at stupid colleagues who wanted to show the kid dangerous magic (Brianna, mostly). Do you have any brains left?
Until Jolyne or Gale calm him down. Take a breath, 'Momm'y (Edmund now hates this nickname).
He can be overprotective. After all, children are a big responsibility.
There is not much time to play with them, but at least he will find paper and pencils for them, or something else for leisure.
Still, quite a good nanny, 7/10, like a tired single mom.
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Hello there~! I dunno what happen, but I'm in a mood for some angsty stuff, so here we go.
Imagine if the Farmer and the SVE Adventurer were surrounded by monsters / ruffians / etc. Suddenly, a surprise attack aimed towards the SVE Adventurer. But, instead stricken by it, the Farmer shielded them. Now as the Farmer laid injured (probably even unconscious), what would they do? How would they react?
Thank you for giving me your time reading my question! ^^
Hey hey 👋
Sure thing! 😊 And have a good day! 💕
Depending on the situation itself and what kind of enemies have surrounded the two of them, Isaac's actions and reaction will be different. If Farmer is lightly wounded and the two of them are surrounded by simple milksuckers and weaklings (some young and stupid adventurers), Isaac will quickly break their noses and look at Farmer over his shoulder.
"Tsk..." Scratched, so what? They're an adventurer, so stop whining, Farmer. Ugh, so annoying... "Next time, don't play brave if you can't even stand up for yourself. I didn't ask for your help."
In a situation where the opponents are dangerous monsters in Crimson Badlands, Isaac immediately takes an olfactory stance, protecting the unconscious Farmer.
"Idiot! Found a time to make a hero out of yourself! Get up, you hear me!? Get up!"
The scarred adventurer is angry at Farmer, who has put themself and Isaac in a dangerous situation. Once both are safe and the Farmer comes to their senses, Isaac pours out not-the-most-flattering words on their head, calling them a stupid fool. Behind those words, however, was just as much Isaac's concern for them and their wellbeing. But Farmer doesn't need to know that.
Lance, of course, thanked the Farmer that they had shown such a willingness to protect him from a bunch of bullies, but Lance himself is no damsel in distress. After all, the gallant adventurer is a second-of-command of The First Slash Clan, and is accordingly a very skilled warrior not only of the sword, but also of magic. Therefore, the bunch of hooligans didn't stand a chance either. Lance have no time to find out why they decided to harass him and Farmer, as the losers cowardly ran away. Well be it, the important thing now was to see if Farmer was alright.
"Thank you for your help, my friend, but I must assure you that I could have handled it myself. I wouldn't want you to suffer because of people who had a problem with me personally."
However, when the battle with the monsters became so dangerous that even Lance found it hard to retreat (what to speak of defeating the monsters), here he was not so confident in his abilities anymore. Farmer who had protected him from the sudden blow from behind, was a shock to him, but Lance quickly recovered and teleported himself and Farmer out of the battle. Thankfully their wound wasn't fatal, but the pink-haired man was riddled with worry.
"I'm glad you're ok, my dear friend. But let's not do it again, agreed?". He certainly doesn't want his friends dying for him, especially if the situation is Lance's own fault. Please don't do this again, Farmer.
"Bravery and courage are the traits of a true adventurer, but you shouldn't get into a fight if you can't even stand up for yourself, let alone someone else." Alesia cares for her young charges, and she certainly had a few young warriors that were always getting into fights for their mates, but didn't know how to fight at all. How can you save a drowning man when you can't swim yourself? So the sniper took the responsibility to teach the youngsters how to fight, but also to remind them that they should not get into any fight if the dispute can be solved peacefully. That's what she wants to teach the Farmer as well, even if they aren't officially her student. Still, she is grateful for the bravery they have shown.
When Farmer will protect her again, but already on the battlefield with shadow people, the girl will not be so restrained in her emotions. She... had lost many comrades, and Farmer, the young adventurer she had grown attached to as well, could become another victim. The situation could have become very nasty, but luckily everything was handled. And after making sure that nothing threatened their lives, Alesia would scold them so badly that Farmer would still be sitting red as a tomato for a long time.
"What in the Yoba's were you thinking! Didn't I tell you that earlier?"
Farmer will have nothing to answer here, and Alesia will then think about the possibility of taking Farmer under unofficial tutoring. Or convincing Marlon to teach Farmer so they think rationally and don't throw themselves under the monster's claws the first chance they get.
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Hi! I was searching through some about SVE fanfics and didn't find much, I was starting to lose hope but then I found yours. Thank you for sharing your amazing ideas and stories. They made me really happy. Please keep writing more! ❤️☺️
I also have a fun idea for a headcanon/fic with these two guys Lance and Jio. In my world, I have two farmers and both are sisters, Lance married the first sister and Jio also married the second. Which makes Lance and Jio are brother-in-laws. Makes me wonder how those two get along while living together on the same roof with their wives. With their personalities are complete opposites with each other.
Hewwo :3 Thank you very much for your kind words, dear anon! 💕 It gives me great pleasure to write about this game and my favorite mods. I'm glad you're enjoying it too, and hope you enjoy the little headcanon about the interaction between these two (I love the opportunity to write about the Lance and Jio dynamic, so many possibilities for a funny scenario!).
The encounter was... awkward and a little tense, to say the least. Neither Lance nor Jio had caused each other any problems, not at all. But the lives of both had changed dramatically, for sure.
Firstly, Lance was struck by the fact that elves, a race that is thought to be extinct, is actually far from extinct. At least one living representative stands right in front of him. Jio's disguise won't fool Lance's violet eyes: he can see through the enchantment. Naturally, the curious adventurer will have a bunch of questions, which, naturally, the antisocial elf does not want to answer. This situation can be described as, "This is Jio, he likes his personal space. And this is Lance, he likes Jio's personal space." Lance isn't that intrusive, but let's be honest - a living elf who is now a brother-in-law.... Lance won't miss an opportunity to shower Jio with questions, and he's pretty stubborn. Although the elf is also stubborn as well. It's hard to say who would win.
Secondly, is the realisation and distinction of their unconventional professions. As far as we know, the Cult of the Lady with the Red Tail is not an official organisation, but is even a criminal clan engaged in assassination. At least, most people don't know the motive of the cult's followers and only listen to gossip about the next murder of someone unknown politic. Only Jio, his friends and his lover know that these people are no longer people, but soulless puppets of Gabriella, but still their cult deservedly has the status of "dangerous". Lance, on the other hand, is an adventurer and the right-hand man of The First Slash Clan. All of the Clans and the Ministry of Magic have an unspoken neutrality with the Cult, but each side always has a hand on the hilt of the sword if one side starts to get dangerous. Lance understands the situation perfectly well, so he approaches it rather cautiously. He truly understands the motive of Jio and the others, tho he's not too fond of the methods. But he also loves his spouse and will try to keep peace both within the family and among the Clan and Guilds. Lance is a good diplomat.
Despite their different personalities, the two have settled in quite peacefully. Lance occasionally teases the elf, and Jio can point his katana in Lance's direction (it doesn't come to fights, because they both don't want to upset and anger their sisters' wives), but they can become friends. Even if they don't socialise, just sit in complete silence.
If the sisters want to introduce their husbands to their friends and family..... Jio's and Lance's reactions might be different. Of course, Lance will present himself as an adventurer, while Jio will make up a story (for "assassin elf" doesn't sound like... much) for the friends and parents of the two farmers. If it's about friends who are also adventurers, or with Daia, Kiwi and other Cult members... This is where both men will try to delay the meeting a bit to figure out how not to create conflict. Belinda certainly won't be thrilled that one of her long-time friend's granddaughters having an adventurer as a spouse, and the Ministry of Magic will be tearing their hair out when Lance introduces his 'brother in law' to them. It's a delicate matter, so you have to be careful here. It'll take time, but everyone will get used to this chaotic family. Especially since the sister farmers have done more chaotic things before, and it all ended peacefully.
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hc for the sve bachelors with a farmer who works way too hard and gets annoyed when they scold them for it
(Maybe Isaac too?)👉👈
Sure thing :D
(I described them as Farmer's spouses, not as friends. Hope you don't mind, anon! ❤️)
SVE bachelors (+ Isaac as marriage candidate):
Oh Yoba, Farmer..... Have pity on your worried husband! Victor's heart always sinks when Farmer comes home late after an adventure, and now they are risking their health right in their own home, on their own farm! The fact that the Farmer often grumbles about Victor's experiences doesn't make things much better. As a result, he can sometimes raise his voice, which is not natural for him, and only then does the Farmer finally realise the seriousness of the situation. Both will apologise to each other and have a serious talk about it. Victor respects their hard work, but there has to be a boundary. Fortunately, Mr. Spaghetti Man will be able to find an alternative solution so that both parties are happy and love and understanding reigns in the family.
Ever heard of the phrase, "Beware the fury of a patient man?" Well, you can safely describe Lance with that phrase alone in this situation. The farmer is his love, his soulmate, and he will not allow his fiancé's life and health to be threatened by anything. It would not be out of the question even if the Farmer himself was the cause of it. Lance's reproachful look hides his deep concern as Farmer once again collapses from exhaustion. He is rather stern in this argument, but will find a solution to wean Farmer from his bad habit. Lance understands perfectly well that they are adults and make their own decisions, but the clan's deputy First Slash is cunning enough to encourage Farmer to remember to rest more often.
Magnus Rasmodius:
Magnus was patient. He put up with Farmer's antics when he found them unconscious on the farm again. All their eye-rolling and grumbling about Magnus treating Farmer like a child instead of a partner. He put up with it for a long time, and then he got tired of putting up with it. There was a conversation, there was a scandal (it even came down to a couple of broken things), but thankfully it ended in peace. Even though Farmer complains that his magical husband uses dirty tricks to get what he wants (if Farmer doesn't rest - Magnus won't let them hug him. Unheard of!), he still realises that Magnus wasn't so much mad at them as worried about them.
Isaac is constantly arguing with the Farmer, because they sometimes take idiotic risks with their lives and don't care about their own health. So monsters in Skull Cavern and Crimson Baldlans is not enough for them, now they want to die in the rain from hypothermia while unconscious?! Isaac is pissed, and he's getting damn tired of listening to the grumbling when he berates them once again. He'll grab Farmer's arm without question and force them to rest. And for all of Farmer's interruptions, Isaac responded with a growl and a threat to tie them to the bed. Alas, Farmer's stubbornness is inferior to Isaac's, so all they have to do is accept the situation. They had to admit, it's not so bad in Isaac's arms.
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How would the SVE adventurers and mages react to the fact that the Farmer gave peace to the shadow people by bringing the souls of their loved ones to them? We see Magnus and Marlon be very confused about why the shadow people are acting so weird (I.E not attacking anymore), so how would they and the others feel about getting the news that the Farmer just... casually brought peace between the shadow people and humans just because they could? (Also, sorry if I'm flooding your inbox too much I just really like your content-)
Please don't ever feel like you're flooding here. I'm always happy to see you and others in my askbox ☺️💕 Thanks so much for the question, hope you enjoy it!
Be warned - this post is so, so long....
Absolutely everyone has noticed a change in the behavior of the shadow people..... In the mines of the Stardew Valley, in the Highland caves, even in the Crimson Baldlans. Everywhere this civilization resided, great changes had taken place.
A topic that became a furor for all the inhabitants of the magical world. The young monster hunters in the recent reports that the shadow shamans, instead of their usual aggression towards them, had simply... retreated. Where? Why? Mages have been discussing for days now that they have stopped noticing shadow people at all in their raids.
All of this did not go unnoticed, and the Ministry of Magic along with the Order of Pythagoras became very worried because of such a drastic change in the monsters' behavior. The Guild heads and the First wizard and witches already called several secret meetings in a row to find out who or what caused this event.
Farmer's friends and acquaintances were also there, puzzling over whether this was a dark plan by a renegade mage to gather an army of shadow people to storm the Crimson Badlands, or an initiative by the shadow people themselves in retaliation to humanity for past wrongs?
Few people realized later that it was enough to ask a young and chaotic farmer to find out the truth about all this...
Aside from his complete willingness to protect people at the cost of his own life, Lance admits that all the fuss has sparked a genuine curiosity and desire to capture all the details in his book. He still considers the shadow people to be something more than a bunch of mindless and ruthless monsters and hopes that he won't have to spill anyone else's blood. If the pink-haired adventurer is lucky, maybe he can figure out what's going on with shadow people and finish his book.
Whatever the top wizards and adventurers accept, Alesia prepares for a fight. The battle sniper will start training the young warriors of Castle Village even harder, check all the positions of the main wall protecting the settlement, give orders to replenish the arsenal with all weapons, organize shelters in case of irreparable situation.... All hard work, for the sake of saving the people Alesia swore to defend to the last drop of blood.
If the adventurers under Alesia's command had a hard time with the increased training, then for those with Isaac as their boss, the following days became a living hell. No rest, no indulgences. "The monsters will not give you a second to rest or to be weak. Focus!" - was a phrase that had become imprinted on young minds during the training. But Isaac can be understood: he does everything he can to ensure that his charges can defend themselves and others. He doesn't spare himself either: training - sleep, training - sleep. That's his schedule for now.
Jolyne was serious about training her Guild members not only in the use of weapons, but also in battle magic. She has no doubts about Lance's ability to defend himself, but the wise woman worries for the safety of the younger members of The First Slash Clan. Especially if the source of the threat turns out to be the Gotoro Empire, it will be her Guild that will receive the first and most powerful blow from the enemy on the other side of the Gem Sea... So Jolyne can't afford to relax.
While everyone is making a fuss about the shadow people, Camilla has been using all her connections in the magical and non-magical worlds to find out what happened and where. Since the head witch doesn't want to cause any more panic (and also doesn't want the conservative old farts in the Ministry to get in her way), she has quietly begun her search for the cause of the monsters' behaviour. While her own search for the truth began, Camilla quietly poured herself some tea and snacked on sweets, smiling and pretending to take it lightly again so that she would be left alone.
Jadu will sit in the front rows of the meetings and listen to every word of the magicians of the highest rank. He is excited and intrigued - it has been a long time since such a large-scale event, covered with mystery, has taken place in history. And the young mage promised himself to be the first to solve this mystery! Naturally, people's safety is paramount, but Jadu, if possible, won't miss a chance to learn something new about monster behaviour or maybe even a new spell.
Magnus and Marlon were not as excited as the young Castle Village mage. Old and wise, they know for a fact that none of this can bode well. The one-eyed adventurer has sunk even further into depressed thoughts after the day he discovered in the mines that the behavior of the shadow people has changed drastically. Marlon is also worried about the young Guild member, lest they get into trouble because of all this. Magnus, on the other hand, is fully immersed in theories about what this could mean and who might be involved, but also supporting Marlon's concern for Farmer's safety. They're also worried about Krobus's safety, and wondering how to discreetly hide them from the Order when-
Krobus! Of course! And why didn't they immediately realize to ask their shadow friend?
Leaving the meeting unnoticed, Marlon and Magnus instantly teleported to the sewers beneath Pelican Town, accidentally scaring poor Krobus in the process. After apologising, the purple-haired wizard and the one-eyed adventurer began to ask about what had happened to the shadow people?
''Oh, didn't the Farmer tell you? We made peace. Can you believe this? Peace, finally... With the humans. I didn't think I'd ever see it, but my people are no longer fighting your people. We have a chance to become friends, all thanks to the kindness and endeavour of our friend Farmer. How happy I am!"
Except that it couldn't be said that after hearing this, the old men's faces directly shone with joy. Of course, they both breathed a sigh of relief at the realization that there was no secret conspiracy here, and peace in general after years of confrontation between humans and shadow people. But the fact that Farmer hadn't told anyone about it made them angry. Very angry.
Oh, here comes the culprit of the celebration and all this chaos! Farmer had deigned to come down to the sewers, wanted to treat Krobus to a pumpkin. Except that the young troublemaker didn't expect to see their mentors.... with furious expression. In a moment, Marlon had grabbed Farmer by the collar of their shirt, while Wizard with a snap of his fingers, had moved all three of them into his tower, leaving a confused Krobus with a pumpkin alone.
When Magnus teleported in the tower, he had time to call all the people he had decided to tell for the outcome of the incident. Marlon let go of the frightened Farmer, and barely suppressed the urge to lightly slap them upside the head. He was proud of his apprentice and fellow Guild member's achievement, but not to tell anyone about the peace while everyone else was pissing themselves from stress and training. Even though Farmer didn't know what was happening in Castle Village and elsewhere, it didn't negate the fact that it was their duty to report such important events.
Farmer's familiars teleported over to them in a little less than a minute: first Camilla, as always the first to learn about the news, followed later by Lance and Jolyne, and then Alesia, Isaac, and Jadu.
Magnus decided not to feel sorry for the Farmer this time:
"Well, young one. Is there anything you want to tell us?"
Everyone turned their eyes to Farmer, who craned their head into his shoulders from the scrutiny. Sighing tiredly, the Farmer began their story..... The only difference, though, was not to mention Krobus, so as not to expose their friend to danger, and Magnus and Marlon were grateful for that. But outwardly they didn't show it.
When Farmer finished their story, there was a heavy silence. With an indignant half-cry of "What?!" Isaac was the first to break the silence. It didn't take long for the profanity to be hurled in the direction of the careless adventurer who had taken their duties so lightly and failed to report for peace with the shadow people. Isaac was angry, furious. So many days of training to learn such truth? Sure, he wouldn't want unnecessary violence and blood, but what the fuck does the Farmer allow themself!
Alesia was more well mannered, but also spoke out with annoyance at Farmer's lack of seriousness about their duties. They should have immediately reported to the head of the Guild or other senior adventurers first. But they didn't think it was important. A serious lapse in discipline.
To be honest - Jadu wasn't as angry as he was intrigued at what the Farmer had done. Peace? With shadow people? That's so exciting! A whole historical event, and when the others are done with their scolding Farmer, Jadu is sure to ask Farmer so many questions about current event.
Lance breathed a sigh of relief as he realised that there was no dire danger. At least not yet. The only one of them to smile sympathetically at Farmer as they blushed under the onslaught of scolding. He, like Jadu, is very interested in asking Farmer questions about how they were able to accomplish what people in the past couldn't. Farmer is a true peacemaker, and Lance bows to the heroism and bravery of the young adventurer. But praise will come later, now it is scolding, for this could have ended in injury, or even death, for Farmer.
Jolyne, on the other hand, decided to cross her arms and watch Farmer blush with a predatory smile. Camilla joined the head of The First Slash and silently watched this funny situation. What was interesting was that both Jolyne and Camilla had guessed Farmer's involvement even before Magnus and Marlon left the meeting, back then. Camilla's connections pointed to Farmer having become suddenly involved in soul gathering at Crimson Baldlans more recently. While Jolyne had seen Farmer leaving the Mines the day the shadow people's behaviour changed. She had been visiting Marlon then, and hadn't paid much attention to Farmer. She should have. Well, all is well now, and she and Camilla are enjoying the comedic situation.
Magnus and Marlon have the last word, as the official mentors of the most chaotic Farmer in the entire world. Farmer were the most unpleasant to listen to their chastisement, with a face the colour of a tomato.
But after the heavy scolding, both mentors thanked Farmer for their exploit, not forgetting to say how proud they were of them. This made the Farmer's mind go even further into a stupor. Even though Farmer had not intentionally created this chaos, and the fact that it could have ended badly for them, none of the people present dared to deny the fact that Farmer had once again done the impossible and that they were grateful for this peace. Everyone agreed with Marlon and Magnus's words, even the grumpy Isaac, and asked that in the future if anything happened, to let them know.
So much for the life and adventures of the disaster Farmer...
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Some random SVE headcanon:
Lance is known among his family, relatives, friends and teachers as a very well-mannered and diligent young man. And only some of his close friends from the First Slash clan know that the gallant adventurer in his youth, in addition to training, sometimes ran away with other peers to fool around a bit. What is most surprising is that Lance always cleverly hid his mischief, and his status as a goody-two-shoes helped him a lot. One of these pranks, by the way, was a bet where the loser had to get a tattoo. And, well, Lance had a pretty funny story about why he had a tattoo of a spear on his back.
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"What's that sound behind the thick door"
Anyway, another crappy SVE one-shot, but this time I'm back to Lance x My OC Farmer because I haven't written anything about Julian in a while. So, yeah...
⚠️ Warning: light NSFW, swearing
The full moon reflected silver on the surface of the sea water, creating a beautiful path that Drake was eager to walk along. The young First Slash Clan member had used up almost all of his mana today to learn how to stand on the water surface without getting wet, but it wasn't enough for him. He's finally figured out how to read the spell correctly, and so he wants to practice more and more until his leg muscles ache from the flow of mana circulating through his veins. But fainting from fatigue is not an option, as his and Brianna's patrolling the Fable Reef today.
So Drake stood on the sandy shore for another minute, enjoying the coolness of the summer night and the seascape, and then headed towards the Guild entrance.
He didn't have to look for his partner for long, as the grumbling of the violet-haired girl could be heard throughout the hall.
"Agh! Fucking hell, stupid- if I'd known this torpedo trout was going to be so stinky - I wouldn't have never touched this damn thing. Yuck! All the soap, and it's still not enough..."
To be honest, the strong smell of fish is quite usual for all members of the First Slash, as most of their diet is fish and seafood, and all thanks to the Gem Ocean, which is rich in marine fauna. However, because of the torpedo trout, created by "dumbass cowards wizards from Gotoro" (Brianna's words), not only ships and boats of the Ferngill Republic's inhabitants became endangered, but also local fish, some species of which were on the verge of extinction.
A member of another Guild, a good friend of Lance's, and the topic of discussion of almost the entire community of adventurers and mages, came to the rescue of the First Slash with fish - Julian needed only a week, a trusty rod and good bait to catch almost the entire shoal of this cursed trout that terrorised the ocean. And since this magical fish, when studied, remained an ordinary fish and, most importantly, safe to eat, the issue of the First Slash clan's expiring provisions was solved as well.
Only the smell from the fish was unbearable - even for regular fish - to the point where cutting and further study had to be moved to fresh air. Brianna, unfortunately, was a "victim" of that odour.
"It's not so bad, and you don't smell like a cut durian anymore." At Drake's not-too-successful attempt to cheer up her partner and lover, Brianna threw a 'stinky' glance in his direction.
'We'll see how you talk when we're both in the same bed after work. Friendly reminder: there are no windows in our room." Still, the girl's stern look softened as she looked at Drake's sympathetic face. "Okay, we'll be patrolling the shore soon. Jolyne and the others have probably gone to bed by now." Brianna's gaze travelled from Drake's face to the wooden door to the guest room that was behind him.
"And that guy with blue and green eyes... Does he sleep here too?"
"Hmm?" Drake turned back around, shifting his gaze to the door as well. "I don't remember Julian leaving the Guild. Though... I haven't seen him in like two hours either. Can't say for sure" He hesitated.
"Shall we check the guest room?" Briana suggested.
"Why? Maybe he's in there, and asleep already. Don't wanna bothering him."
"Him, or them?"
"Them?" Drake asked.
"With Lance."
Sigh, this again...
During the whole time Julian had been at Fable Reef, Brianna had noted to herself that Lance had begun to behave unusually in his presence. Everyone couldn't tell at first glance, but she was not dumb. The look that their second-in-command and that blonde weirdo gave each other... It was the same look she had given Drake when their feelings for each other had just begun to blossom.
That's when the rumours of their secret affair started. Edmund quickly joined in to listen to his friend's gossip, because life on the island was getting a little boring. Gale pretended not to be interested, but still listened to what the others were discussing. All the guild members decided not to let their commander Jolyne in on the details, or else she would have kicked everyone's ass for slacking off on patrol.
"What makes you think there's anything between these two?" Drake still didn't believe Brianna and her 'connected dots theory."
"Because," she said, "I was keeping watch, not exhausting myself in salt water trying to master a spell."
" Wha- Hey, I was practising, you know! While you sneaking around and-"
A muffled moan could be heard behind the thick wooden door of the guest room. The couple of blue cloaked adventurers instantly fell silent, exchanging surprised looks.
"Well, this farmer is definitely here...."
On tiptoe, Brianna and Drake moved closer to the door, trying to hear anything else. For half a minute there was complete silence, broken only by the sound of the sea from the window and the unpleasant buzzing of gnats near the hall lamps. Both of them were about to think that they had imagined it, when suddenly they heard the same muffled but more clear words:
"Gentle, La -ah! Lance... hah..."
Although the building itself was old, the soundproofing in the rooms was still great. So it had to be really loud to hear this
"Wow, they're definitely fucking." Violent-haired girl conclusion was final.
"Edmund owed me a bottle."
"I never thought... Well, I mean, Lance is within his rights to date whoever he wants, I just didn't expect that farmer to... Wait," Drake stopped, "what bottle?"
"Edmund said he didn't believe Lance and this Julian guy were in a secret relationship at all. We bet on a bottle of 'Bluemoon' wine from Stardew Valley. I won," She smiled victoriously at her partner.
"Why am I not surprised..." he signed. "Can we move away from the door, please? I feel uncomfortable, like we're intruding...."
"Aren't you curious?"
"No! Brianna, c'mon!"
She put her hands up. "All right, all right, let's go already," the girl looked into Drake's dark blue eyes again and prodded him. "And after work.... we can open a bottle, light some candles~"
"Heh, you think the smell of candles will block out your fish stench?" This time Drake got a little poke in the side with Brianna's elbow.
"You asshole...." But there was no irritation in the girl's voice. She spoke again, "Hopefully this wine will be good, because the last bottle from Edmund was so terrible..."
""Last bottle?", huh."
Jolyne's commanding voice immediately made the young adventurers stand up in a string.
"It's already midnight, why aren't you two on patrol?" The Guild Head crossed her arms over her chest and raised an eyebrow questioningly, humbling her subordinates with a single glance.
"Uh- uh... O- on our way, ma'am." A startled Drake quickly saluted Jolyne, and grabbing Brianna by the sleeve, pulled her towards the hallway exit. Jolyne gave them a glance, stood by that very door for half a minute, listening to the silence, before sighing tiredly and shaking her head, heading for her room.
"Ouch! Love, can you- ow! Can you please be careful..." For a Stardew Valley hero and stoic adventurer, Julian had been whimpering for about half an hour now from the simple massage his partner Lance had graciously provided.
"You should have been more careful earlier, my soul." The pink-haired man pressed Julian's bare back with precise finger movements, forcing the muscles to relax. "Didn't I tell you about the importance of exercising periodically and not sitting in one position for long?"
"The torpedo trout nibble was insane, you saw the bubbles over the water yourself!" Lance wouldn't argue here: his lover had indeed had a very successful and exciting fishing trip. So exciting, in fact, that the blond-haired young man had sat on the sandy shore today with a fishing rod for almost seven hours straight. In one position.
Lance started rubbing Julian's back again. "Still, stretch your body more often, okay? Because if this pain caught you in a fight, it could end badly." Under Lance's hands, Julian almost melted like butter on a hot day. And how his partner knew which points to press.
"Mhm, m'kay. Thanks, love."
"You're welcome, Julian," he paused for a second. "How are you feeling?"
"Never feel better." mumbled Julian sleepily, to the chuckle of his pink-haired lover.
"I think we're done here. Come on, we should get ready for bed. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day for the two of us."
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That one recent question about Amethyne RSV gave me another one; how would the event be if Lance ever met with one of the Amethynes?
Let's just say the family had something to do with the adventurers. Maybe they tried to established a new Ferngill Republic department of defense, or a private security company that specializes with monsters (it's just a prompt that I randomly came up with, I'm sorry if it sounds dumb 🥲)
They need someone they can consult with, or even better, establish collaboration. For some reason, they managed to contact Lance (either they asked Farmer, or just knew him since from one of Victor's heart event, Lance seems to be the type of adventurer who is famous and approachable due to his friendly nature)
I can imagine, since from what I heard somewhere, Lance came from a noble family. So he knew pretty well high society etiquette, but never show them to anyone because of his humble personality. But when he met the Amethyne, he unconsciously let those etiquette lesson seep out (again, this might sound dumb, but I just love a situation where Lance unknowingly let others see his nobility side, especially to other noble that doesn't know his family and known him only as an adventurer)
Thank you for reading my super long rambling
Yes yes yes yes! Y E S !
Be aware, dear anon 😅 also super long rumbling:
I definitely remember discussing with someone the possibility of Lance meeting the Amethyne family (at least one of them, like Maive), as the Farmer's spouse, not on official business. But this event is entirely possible!
Because if you recall the events in SVE, civilians can hire adventurers as mercenaries and bodyguards, and it doesn't violate the rules of the Guilds themselves or the Order. How exactly this happens, and whether it is somehow documented (by contract) is unknown, and yet it is there. Gunther was able to hire a Farmer to accompany him to the Mines, so why can't other adventurers do such a thing if it means extra profit and glorification of the Guild's name?
The north of Ridgeside Village is teeming with monsters, and although ninja assassins stand guard, they don't officially show up anywhere. Also, people are realizing that monsters exist, which means that if the problem gets to be too big, it's time to call in the professionals. And since the Amethyne family are (officially or not - I can't say) patrons of Ridgeside Village, looking out for the very community, like Lenny, they will send urgent letters to verified Guilds, offering work in the "cleanup".
Maive would definitely push for an urgent meeting with the Guild heads or deputies, as she wouldn't allow a possible threat to Ridgeside Village, plus the area covered in monsters could be utilized. I came up with this "Maive want an expansion everywhere" theory, because I vividly remember meeting her at the resort on Ginger Island, and the first thing she said was about "expanding the resort and creating a tourist spot here", or something like that. That surprised me a little bit. I don't know why the hell our Madame thinks she can do whatever she wants, but apparently she has enough power and the means to do it, she feels so confident. So Maive can do the same with Ridge Forest.
Now the question: which Guilds will respond?
The famous Castle Village was the first choice, since it's all professional monster hunters (also the prices are sharp, as Morris confirms when he hired them for Spirit's Eve, but it's not a problem for wealthy noble family), but due to some personal factors, Camilla said no. Okay, whatever, Maive will complain, and starts looking for other options later. The Adventurer's Guild is the most logical option, as the headquarters is not far away, but Marlon is unlikely to agree to deal with this family of demanding aristocrats, even for a lot of money (his own nerves are more important). And The First Slash Clan comes to mind.
Jolyne could safely let Lance, as her second-in-command, negotiate such contracts if it meant a benefit to the First Slash itself. Given that our pink-haired adventurer is smart and well-mannered (we won't mention here the possibility that Lance can be a smug bitch), his charm, silver tongue and friendly nature, he will always make good deals, Jolyne trusts him to do so.
Maive will invite Lance to a meeting at her mansion for dinner because that's what the rules of hospitality in her house require (also headcanons, because idk how this things works). Madame was morally prepared for all the antics of the guest, considering adventurers rather rude in communication and ill-mannered. Anything to bargain for the work. And what was her surprise when Lance spoke to her according to all the rules, as a civilized man, knows table etiquette perfectly and in general a very pleasant and polite person. Maive's discerning eyes wouldn't miss it all. The conversation somehow touched on Lance's personal life, to which he would politely and modestly confirm his pedigree of noble adventurers.
So now the adventurer from First Slash will take care of the monster problem, because Maive is sure that at least one of their guild members can be dealt with properly.
She won't ask about Lance in more detail about his life, because with all due respect, these are rather personal matters and her upbringing doesn't allow her to go overboard. But it will be allowed if Lance also happens to be the husband of Farmer, best friend of all Amethyne members and grandchild of Maive's old friends. That's where she learns all the details.
I apologize if my rumbling got a little chaotic, but I've always been in favor of the idea of Lance interacting with the Amethyne family and what would come of it. Thank you again for your interesting thoughts, I really enjoyed rereading your ask! 😊💖
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So I've been having a lot of fun with both sve and rsv and npc adventures, and I was wondering... how would the adventurers in each mod react to each other's dangerous areas? Like, for example how would Lance react to Ridgeside Forest and the Spirit world, and how Daia and Jio would react to the Crimson Badlands. Bonus points if the farmer is their romantic partner and say they've been going to these places on their own before they became a couple!
This is actually very interesting topic. I remember thinking of writing a headcanon at least about Lance getting to know Ridge Forest and Jio.
Also, I decided to keep Isaac and Alesia neutral since they are not yet marriage candidates. Thank you for your question and enjoy 🫰
Though it's a beautiful forest full of various interesting flora and fauna, Lance keeps his hand on the hilt of his sword. His skin tingles slightly from the magic that wafts through the air. What's most tense is that the magic is dark, unnatural. The pink-haired adventurer had no idea that such powerful monsters and such a huge source of magic could be so close to the human settlement, Ridgeside Village. And the fact that his dearest Farmer had tread the ground of Ridge Forest more than once before genuinely amazed Lance. He knew that Farmer was a very talented person, but to single-handedly slay local monsters.... Lance marvelled. That being said, however, the second-in-command of The First Slash clan couldn't help but worry about Farmer's health even more. He's also very much interested in why the Ministry of Magic, or anyone else for that matter, has never been mentioned for this land. Still, learning something new will always intrigue Lance, and he's thrilled that his spouse will share those feelings with him.
This place... Jio had heard of this cursed desert many times, his Lady had once mentioned it when she was looking for the 'mysterious blue man'. Suspicions that this mysterious man might have something to do with the creation of this area made him tense up. That someone, or something, could create a truly hell on earth..... Or not create, but maintain the population of these monsters, the spawns of darkness... And most importantly, how and why? This questions, by the way, is the reason why the elf first appeared in Crimson Baldlans. Jio doesn't particularly want to meet with the local adventurers from Castle Village to find out the information he needs, but wouldn't mind the company of his beloved, the Farmer, and is grateful for their help as a guide through Crimson Baldlans. Taking some local sand for Daia, collecting some monster loot and local artefacts, and learning the behaviour of certain monsters so that it will be easier to fight them in the future - jio glad that the Farmer will be able to take care of themself if they comes back here again.
So this is the Highlands... Interesting. Daia can't wait to explore the area with her spouse, who has agreed to be her guide. She's sure there's plenty of wonderful rock, gems and interesting monsters to explore! Plus, it could be considered a date in the woods, couldn't it? And there's so many bushes for the two of them to go into- Hee hee! Okay, okay, she's just kidding. However, the Lady with the Red Tail cult member immediately brushes the jokes aside when they reach Highlights Cave. Daia doesn't doubt her and Farmer's fighting skills in the slightest, but she has a gut feeling that those who shadow people in the cave are outnumbered by dozens of times. The fight could be serious, so she'll need to be on her guard. Will also be very interested in the tower near the cove where they moored their boat, as well as the local inhabitant of this tower. The girl will have to show her eloquence to get to know the pink-haired adventurer without telling too much about herself and the Cult. Or ask her cutie Farmer!
Alesia couldn't remember ever travelling so far from her home, Castle Village, but Camilla had instructed her to meet the Farmer in Ridge, who would help her in exploring this new area that could hold a great source of magic (and maybe a threat to the people living nearby). She arrived at the agreed upon location, however the Farmer was already twenty minutes late. Out of boredom, the famous sniper decided to take a little walk through the forest, and her attention was attracted by the sound of a waterfall in the west. She had not expected to see such a beautiful place. The rushing water of the waterfall, the flowers and trees - Yoba humbles everyone by this beauty, untouched by human hand. The water is so clear that Alesia can see what is at the bottom. She is taken by surprise by the long fox ears that emerge from the water, and a moment later by Raeriyala herself in full height, standing on the surface of the crystal water. If the Farmer (Finally, they arrived!) had not explained to Alesia that it was a local forest spirit, the sniper would have believed for a moment that Yoba had appeared before her.
Spirit Realm... It's a strange place for Isaac, a man who is used to seeing a catch everywhere and being on guard. It's a very special place, and he doesn't need to be a wizard to feel the magic in the air and the presence of spirits. And the very fact that the Farmer showed him exactly how to get here - through the crystal teleporter - was unusual. Although Isaac can't understand why he agreed to visit this place and who Farmer wanted to introduce him to, but the decision has already been made, so the only thing left to do is to wait for them. And while Farmer is about to teleport to Spirit Realm, Isaac takes a moment to look around the place. It was... strange, quiet and peaceful. Green crystals, ancient columns, violet trees.... Well, the scarred adventurer has a little more time to relax and rest, enjoying the silence after all... For now.
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✨Some random SVE headcanon ✨
Last update: 28.03.2024
Isaac with plants | Camilla with board games | Guild's amulets | Talking to mermaid | A walk to the Highlands | Magic as 'spicy' activities | Voodoo dolls | Messages on the arrows | Adventurer's habit | Ticklish Isaac | Andy with pink slippers | Farmer accidentally teleports to Castle Village | Lance's empathy for Shadow people | Sushi for Sebastian's birthday | Awkward situation with iridium 'snake' milk | Pillow fight | Alesia's first lesson and mistakes | Marlon's cooking | Torpedo trout and Farmer's rescue | Camilla's permission | Young mage and confused Magnus | Previous resident of the Aurora Vineyard | Give Andy some appreciation | Methods for educating a young adventurer | Linus' protective squad | Papa Marlon | Rain totems on Ginger Island | Diet of the chaotic Farmer | New member of the Adventurer's Guild | Victor's strict look | Farmer's and Krobus' picnic | Pierre apologizes for taking Farmer's credit to himself | Singing Farmer in the forest | Monster fruit farming lessons for The First Slash Clan | Sebastian, Morgan and frogs | Thankless job | Kidnapping and the concept of 'stranger-danger' | Let us adopt Morgan | Pelican Town community | Farm tour for Penny and kids
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things have been a little bit dead around here, so random headcanons for sve characters?
I like to think that it's just a little pause, not that is "dead". 😄 So here are some random headcanons for different stardew valley expanded (and some vanilla sdv) characters! It turned out to be a little long post, I immediately write a small scenario for everyone, I can’t live without a scenario. Does this even count as headcanon? What are the rules when writing a headcanon, how to write anything at all, aaaaa
Morgan told us that Magnus could let them have a pet from Marnie's Ranch, but I personally think Morgan's choice would be frogs! They are jumpy, funny and very interesting animals. So Morgan, with the permission of Rasmodius, will get themself a small aquarium with two or three frogs. Vincent will definitely be jealous because "Mom doesn't let me have bugs and frogs in the house!".
Adventurer Drake will see the Farmer catching torpedo trout on the Fable Reef at the request of Jolyne. No one has ever been able to catch even one fish, so "ummm... can you catch one for me please? I'd love to study it!" And the Farmer gladly agree. Later, the rest of the adventurers (Brianna, Gale and Edmund) find out what the two of them are up to and also ask the Farmer to catch this trout for them too. As a result, Jolyne sees how four of her wards surrounded the young Farmer from all sides, like little children. The leader of the First Slash clan will laugh softly, and then bark authoritatively at all of you, because "someone has left the duties of patrolling the island!", and she tell the Farmer with a smile to "stop spoiling my wards."
Victor will fulfill his little dream and create a 'bridge building simulator' game with the help of Sebastian and his experience as a programmer. Of course, the game is only in the Beta version, and Victor was worried that no one would be interested in it. But those who have already downloaded it like the game. Someone creates different works of art, someone for fun constructs crazy bridges, like some sort of dead loop. In general, the game gets a lot of positive feedback and Victor is seriously thinking about improving the game, he asks Sebby if it's worth it. Sebastian doesn't mind.
The ice cream kiosk is open only in summer, and in other seasons it's empty. But Susan came up with a great idea - hot chocolate and coffee to go! Alex liked this idea the most ("now I can work again!"). And Susan will give Alex her recipe for the greatest hot chocolate you ever taste. She won't accept a share of Alex's hot drink sales, since Susan gave the recipe out of the goodness of her heart, and so no one gets cold in this weather. But she doesn't mind the sweets and delicious pastries that Alex gives her from Grandma Evelyn as thanks for the wonderful idea and hot chocolate recipe!
I know Andy isn't exactly the friendliest person, but I think he has a soft spot for kids (even a little weird ones like Morgan and Leo) and might even take them on a hike in the woods. He will show them the best places for picking berries, what mushrooms you cannot eat, show the nests of various animals, and explain how to treat the forest with respect. Deny all you want, Andy, we know that deep down you are very kind and caring person.
Lance collects seashells from the beach. Considering how often our gallant adventurer patrolled Ginger Island, I think he was attracted by some interesting specimens of shells of various colors and shapes, which he decided to keep. So don't be surprised if one day Lance, as Farmer's spouse, shows them his little collection of shells and tells stories about where he found them.
I had a lot of fun writing little headcanons about different characters, I like the freedom of writing. Maybe I'll write more similar scenario for other characters later, who knows. Hope you like it, and have a great day! ❤️
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Some random SVE headcanon: First Slash clan
After Lance 8 hearts event, for some reason I think that the leaders of the First Slash clan are so amazed by the results of monster crops that they will ask our farmer to give lessons on growing these crops (not in such large quantities as on the farm, of course), considering this useful practice for other adventurers. And the farmer will gladly agree!
The question is how the farmer will teach such lessons 🤔 Will they teach like kindergarten teachers (“the plant is healthy and strong, you are doing great sweetie🌺”) or will they be quite strict in the rules (“stop it! I said - no magic on monster crops!"). Or something in between?
And why do I think that in any case Jolyne will die of laughter in the background watching all this 😄
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