#suzume daijin
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northeywawa · 2 years ago
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lets be honest this little brat had us in the first half
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rayix · 11 months ago
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Daijin 🐱⭐️
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spacehero-23 · 2 years ago
this stupid lovely cat made me go through every single emotion in less than 2 hours.
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aroacenezhaanddainsleif · 1 year ago
finally watched Suzume and my only criticism is that Daijin didn't get a happy ending. I KNOW that the whole point of the movie is about sacrifice and love and grief but. DAIJIN JUST WANTED TO BE LOVED. YEAH HE WAS BAD AT COMMUNICATING (partly because Souta chased him everywhere) BUT HE WAS A KITTY. HE WANTED LOVE. HE WANTED TO BE FREE.
don't want to subject anyone else to being a keystone but I also want Daijin (and Sadaijin) to be happy
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felyas-stuff · 3 months ago
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something simple to get me out of the art block
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matchhman · 1 year ago
My Child.
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I introduce you to..
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autistic-ben-tennyson · 7 months ago
Tamaki and Suzume: an underrated parent-child relationship
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Been thinking about my favorite movie again. Specifically an aspect of it that I think is a bit underrated. Many fell in love with Souta but I was more invested in Suzume’s relationship with her aunt and it makes me tear up a bit. It feels like a very realistic portrayal of a parent-child relationship and gives an important message about communication. I relate to both characters for different reasons which is why it hit so hard. It’s not idyllic or easy for Tamaki as she was forced into raising her niece after her sister died in the 2011 Earthquake. Soon her life became focused around raising her niece as her boyfriend drifted away and she was forced to start taking better care of herself. All very realistic for someone who has the role of parenthood thrust on them with zero warning which is relatable even for those who didn’t lose their siblings and have to be a surrogate parent to their kids.
Japanese viewers were given a booklet in theaters that revealed a bit more about Tamaki and her life before becoming a mother. She has a bit of an inferiority complex and wanted some time away from her sister who was much more sociable and loved by people. Now she has to raise her niece who is much like her mother. I can relate to that, being a lot more of a loner than my brother. Being depressed and a bit awkward while having to be around excitable and happy people can be grating and bring up feelings of jealousy and it can make you want to get away and start fresh.
Despite all that, Tamaki does her best to be a good mother, playing along with Suzume as a child when she clings to the chair her mother gave her and comforting her after having a meltdown at her birthday party. Suzume would end up comforting her aunt, both unprepared for things to end up like this, but by being emotionally vulnerable and letting their pent up emotions out, things got better. Life seemed normal with them having normal squabbles and bonding moments you��d expect for a family. This continues till the start of the movie when Tamaki is seen making a bento for her niece. Then the conflict starts when Suzume runs away with Souta.
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Tamaki doesn’t know why Suzume has run off and is understandably furious over her niece running away with little consideration for her responsibilities. To her, she’s acting like a child again when chasing after that chair she was given. On Suzume’s end, she feels smothered by her aunt demanding she come home and still treating her like a child. Tamaki wants to protect her niece but Suzume wanted to save Souta which she worries her aunt won’t understand.
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This is where Sadaijin and Daijin come in as they’re meant to be a parallel for Tamaki and Suzume. Tamaki and Sadaijin are not malicious but are just following what they have to do. Sadaijin has to make sure Daijin fulfills his duties even if that means smothering and reprimanding him. Tamaki has to work and maintain their house and isn’t happy with Suzume not caring about how hurt she was. Sadaijin uses Suzume’s argument with her aunt in the parking lot to lecture Daijin but he only amplifies Tamaki’s emotions that were already there. Both remind their charges that they have responsibilities they can’t ignore and that their actions are affecting others. Suzume ignored how hurt Tamaki was until she expressed it in a way that wasn’t like herself.
Just like the conversation when Suzume was a child, the argument at the gas station was a dark moment for them. But it also gave her and her aunt an opportunity to be emotionally vulnerable. Suzume suspected her aunt resented having to raise her and how it affected her life. Earlier, when talking to Chika, she admitted to feeling bad about Tamaki’s dating life and how she’s affected it despite her aunt being quite attractive. By admitting her negative feelings, Tamaki did hurt Suzume emotionally but was able to express what she had been bottling up. She is regretful of what she said which is why she breaks down to Serizawa, much to his ice cream’s misfortune.
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During the bike ride to the gate to rescue Souta, the two have an another opportunity to talk now that some time has passed. Suzume apologizes to her aunt for the stress she put her through. Tamaki admits that what she said the night before was true but she still loves her daughter and is proud to have raised her, much to Suzume’s relief before teasing her a bit about her crush on Souta. The end montage shows a healthier relationship between the two with Suzume introducing her to the people she met along her journey. This dynamic was always my favorite part of the movie over the romance stuff. I still like it and I do like Souta but the relationship between Suzume and Tamaki was what hit close for me. It fits the movie’s message about how joy can come from grief. The argument at the rest stop caused a lot of grief for both characters but ultimately led to a healthier relationship. It reminds me a bit of Luz and Camila’s dynamic in The Owl House and how communication and being open about their emotions led to a better understanding. I relate to Suzume’s anger at being smothered and feeling like your parents secretly resent you. I don’t have a good relationship with them and I don’t know if I want to keep it but I still feel relief at seeing Suzume and Tamaki resolve their issues. Someone should really write a fanfic about Suzume’s childhood as well as what happened between returning home and reuniting with Souta.
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welvstar · 11 months ago
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Silly cat and funny little chair man
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ryutaria · 2 years ago
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A hot summer day out...
Art credits:- _Tomboy
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kreyaneven · 2 years ago
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This is the continuation to the previous suzume art. Daijin has visited Nimbasa city but why? ʅ(°‎▾。)ʃ
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dasicality · 2 years ago
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oooh kitty
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prism-wanderer · 4 months ago
Y'all I finally watched Suzume. In 2024 ik crazy but yall why did none of yall tell me about Daijin omg. The cuteness aggression, but also the sibling aggression I felt??? Crazy I love him. Give me 50 he can be my cat
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ilderart · 1 year ago
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Daijin 😼✨️
Finally watched Suzume a couple of weeks ago. It was alright, definitely worth a watch. Do it for Daijin, he needs to be loved.
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rogueinkglitch · 4 months ago
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Go watch Suzume right now it’s so good
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void-tiger · 7 months ago
Unpopular opinion, but Daijin should’ve gotten to live, too. All the kitten wanted was the right to live, too. And judging by how physically wretched it looked as a keystone and when it felt unloved, did it even get a say about being a keystone?
The burden of being a keystone should fall onto the mature who choose that End content in the knowledge they’ve lived their lives and their sacrifice would protect millions for generations to come.
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zjxow · 9 months ago
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I saw Suzume yesterday and I LOVED it
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