mickstart · 3 years
the manner red bull dropped jev in was a disgrace. he was dropped despite outperforming ricciardo, after a year where he had fainted and developed ed because of the pressure to lose weight they were putting on him. jules' accident was a whole other trauma with how close they were and how jev was IN the race when jules crashed. jev has talked extensively about the depression losing his friend caused him.
god knows he certainly wasnt helped by red bull dropping him in formula e with a loose promise that if he performs well he MIGHT be able to come back. I mean just LOOK at the photos of jev in 2015. red bull broke him down completely. they should have been investigated the MOMENT his passing out went public.
it was workplace abuse plain and simple. and im sure other teams have done things just as bad that we dont know about (coulthard has also mentioned his battle with bulimia and theres probably a good chunk of drivers with similar stories) but that doesnt mean we shouldnt call out red bull for causing such vicious and public mental distress to one of their drivers. we've gotta start somewhere and starting with the two teams under the red bull banner with a team principal who fucking punched one of their drivers years before what happened to JEV is probably a good fuckin start
the only good thing red bull did was put him in formula e and thats because, even if jev hated it at first, he was put in a situation where he was properly supported and could make genuine friendships with people.
God as always Liv you're so right and so correct!!! I hate seeing photos of jev from those years tbh he's so obviously hurting and it's painful.
I don't have much to add to this really except to say I truly think the way they dropped him was one of the most evil ways I've ever seen a driver be treated. Especially because he was outperforming Daniel and the promotion decision was basically made based on personality because one of them was Fun And Happy And Popular and the other was already moody and gradually developing depression from the environment. They were absolutely both good drivers and I don't dispute that Daniel deserved an rbr seat but rbr based their decisions on personality and age
It WAS workplace abuse, it was evil, and rbr shouldn't have been allowed to go on and do what they did to other drivers. jev was in such a state by the time he got to FE there should have been an inquiry or an external investigation or SOMETHING.
The only thing rbr ever did in this world was let jev go so he could thrive in FE.
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legbreaklunatic · 10 years
Absolutely jizz-worthy driving from both the red bull drivers!
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