#suze x jesse
pleasurebutton · 2 years
Alive Jesse >>>>>>>>>>>
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skyfall8600 · 2 years
Mediator Series FanFic Masterlist- Skyfall8600
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Hello to all of those who love the Mediator Series by Meg Cabot. Listed below are my planned and published fanfics for Suze x Jesse. 
When History Repeats (coming soon......) 
Summary: Suze had just learnt about the possibility of shifting, a dangerous game to play. But what happens if someone further down the line also posses this power, and shifts back in time to meet the only person that could understand her...... 
One shots: 
Saturday Night In (coming soon....) 
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ellieluvr420 · 7 months
Friends? Never. Pt.13 (Ellie Williams x reader)
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SYNOPSIS: You and Ellie had been bitter enemies for years now but before that you were best friends. You had always planned to be roommates one day but when that becomes a reality the situation isn't exactly how you both imagined it.
SMUT mdni! Fun fact the second part of this chapter is based on my life last night LOL! Also sorry this is kinda a shorter chapter!
You had been strolling round the market as Ellie slept in, a routine you had come to enjoy as when you returned she was always awake and you would make some breakfast together and sit outside together to eat it as you soak up the summer sun. Sundays were your favourite day because of this and because neither you or Ellie typically got put on patrol for Sundays you always spent the day together. Your day had been off to a good start, as it always was until you heard your name mentioned by someone from round the corner you were standing at, if you had been rational you would’ve just carried on walking and ignored it but you weren’t because the second you stopped to listen you also heard Ellie’s name. 
“Yeah apparently she went fucking insane and tried to strangle Ben when he was literally just trying to keep her safe.” 
“Well she’s a fucking psycho what do you expect, don’t you remember when she beat up her dad and they’re both still together apparently and flaunting it in front of everyone.” 
“Yeah I mean first, who wants to see that ugh and second, her dad seems so sad and she’s just parading around with the girl that beat him up, what a shitty daughter.” 
“No kidding, maybe they are meant for each other, both fucking weirdos.” It wasn’t even what they said about you that set the fire of your rage alight, it was what they had said about Ellie, they knew absolutely nothing about either of you and they were trashing the sweetest person in your life without a second thought, a switch flipped inside of you and you stormed round the corner to face the two girls that had been gossiping about you both. You sneer at their guilty faces and when Petra smiles and hits you with a ‘Hey girl, haven’t seen you in awhile, how you been?’ you just lost it. Your fist swung at her before you even had a chance to reconsider your actions. Petra falls to the floor and as Suze tries to run you grab at the collar of her shirt and yank her backwards causing her to fall almost on top of Petra. You kicked at both of them before kneeling over them and smiling at their cries and pleads for you to stop, they fell on deaf ears as you delivered swing after swing to their already mangled faces. 
You could’ve killed them if Jesse and Raphael hadn’t come running over to drag you off of them, even with their strength holding you back you still weren’t done. You thrashed and kicked at them before you body slammed Raphael sending him to the floor only to then elbow Jesse in the face. He was your friend and you felt bad but you didn’t care, all you cared about was caving those bitches faces in. You deliver a few more hard kicks before Jesse comes up behind you once again, this time wrapping his arms around you, trapping yours at your side as he drags you away from the unconscious girls. You screamed and grunted as you tried to break free but he had you tightly. You were barely in there and the sound of Maria’s angry voice was a muffled buzz in your head as you continued to thrash despite the ache in your body. 
“She won’t fucking calm down Maria.” 
“Put her in the jail, she’ll tire herself out.” 
“Seriously? The jail?” Jesse’s shock at Maria’s words caused him to loosen his grip around you just enough for you to squirm free and immediately go running at the girls again only to be body slammed backwards into Tommy’s strong grip by Raphael. You were shrieking and clawing at him but he wasn’t budging as he started to drag you away from the crowd that had gathered at your little show. 
“Let me go! I’m gonna fucking kill them, fucking bitches I’ll kick their fucking faces in, you think we’re fucking crazy? Don’t talk about crazy people behind their fucking backs!” You’re yelling as if the girls can hear you in their state. Tommy is grunting and growling at your consistent fighting. You don’t stop thrashing until you’re shoved into one of the jail cells and the door is shut on you and locked by Tommy. You can barely make out what he’s saying but you think he’s saying something about once you’ve calmed down, you can come out, but you don’t care, all you can think about is those stupid fucking girls. Your breathing is heavy and laboured as you pace the small dimensions of the cell until your legs ache and you drop to the ground, laying on your back and trying to catch your breath. You still wanted to kill them but the blinding rage that had taken over you was wearing off and you’re now realising the situation you had got yourself in as you have no idea when Maria or anyone is going to come back to let you out. “Fuck.” 
You guessed it had been hours before anyone came into the jail but as the sound of the double doors creaking open hit your ears you jolted upright, ready to leave until you see Ellie creep through the door. “Oh god.” You whine as you see the shit-eating grin on her face as she comes and sits down in front of your cell. 
“Hey jailbird.” 
“Shut up.” 
“When I woke up and you weren’t home, I was not expecting to find you here.” 
“Ellie you’re not fucking funny.” She can’t contain her laughter at your predicament as you just glare at her, half out of embarrassment and half out of frustration that she was outside of the cell, and you were trapped inside. 
“How the fuck did you even manage to land yourself in here?” 
“I heard some girls chatting shit about us and I just lost it, I can barely even remember what happened.” 
“Well Jesse is in the infirmary with a broken nose so I assume you did that too.” 
“Shit yeah I think he tried to get me off of them and I was... not happy about that, is he mad?” 
“I dunno, I came straight here when Tommy told me where you were but knowing Jesse, I doubt it.” 
“Shit I need to apologise.” 
“Well come on then.” She says trying to hold back a chuckle at her own teasing. 
“You’re such a dick.” You cross your arms and huff as she pouts at you. 
“Can’t believe my girlfriends a jailbird.” 
“I am not!” 
“Sure, okay.” As she continues to laugh the door creaks open again, Ellie’s face changes from a smug expression to a panicked one as Maria walks in scowling at her, she jumps to her feet and smiles sheepishly at her. “Hey Maria.” 
“I need to speak with our inmate here and you’re not supposed to be here anyway so get moving Ellie.” She mouths a ‘good luck’ to you before speeding out of the door, the creak of it shutting again only mocking you. You stand as Maria grabs the key to the cell from her belt and puts it into the lock and your excitement jumps before she leaves the key in the door without unlocking it. You sigh and she raises an eyebrow at you, questioning your ability to still have attitude even now. 
“What the fuck were you thinking? It took three men to pry you off those girls. You’re lucky I don’t leave you in here overnight.” 
“I heard them saying some really shitty things about Ellie, Maria. They’re cunts.” 
“Oh and that makes it okay to beat the living shit out of them? AND break Jesse’s nose.” 
“Oh come on, you know I didn’t mean to do that.” 
“But you did, because you were out of control. This won’t happen again, do you understand me?” 
“Yes maria.” 
“If I let you out are you gonna cause me more grief?” 
“No.” You sigh out defeated, just desperate to be free. 
“Good, seriously, the party at the tipsy bison is happening tonight and if you are so much as involved in an unkind word with anyone, I will throw you in here for a week. You are better than this.” 
“Yeah, I got it.” She scoffs at your unwavering attitude before unlocking the door and stepping aside to let you out.  
“Don’t think I’m not being serious.” 
“Oh I know you are.” You roll your eyes before walking out of the door, the creak that accompanies it is music to your ears and as you breathe in the fresh air Ellie’s cruel laughter hits you once again. 
“She’s free! Everyone watch out, psycho on the loose.” 
“Shut the fuck up.” You grit at her despite the small grin creeping onto your face. 
“Oh come on, don’t be grumpy, you know I love you, crazy and all.” She wraps her arms around you and presses kisses all over your face until you’re laughing and trying to bat her ticklish attack away. Neither of you gave a second thought to the fact you were in public and it felt nice, it felt normal and you craved the feeling more than ever, normality, it was so comfortable and warm with her that everything else melted away. 
“Can we please go home?” 
“Of course my little jailbird, let’s go.” She smiles sweetly at you before dragging you towards your home before you can snip at her for the nickname again. 
“I’m really sorry about your nose Jess”
“Eh don’t sweat it.” Your face burns as Ellie chuckles at your shameful apology to Jesse for breaking his nose, the sight of his black eyes and swollen face making her laugh more.
The Tipsy Bison was buzzing with the chatter and laughter of almost everyone in town, you were squished into a corner chatting with Dina, Jesse and Ellie while nursing a drink, you refrained from getting super drunk in case you saw the girls you had beat up that morning, you knew Maria was serious about locking you up for a week if anything happened and you knew if you saw them you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself. So when you saw them snickering and whispering to each other as they watched you and Ellie dance together, she had to tighten her grip around you to stop you from storming over to their bruised faces and caving them in. 
“Easy, you know Maria will have your head.” 
“I wanna kill them.” 
“It’s not worth it babe.” 
“Please distract me.” You whisper in her ear before pulling away to give a sly look. Her eyebrows raise as she understands what you’re saying before looking behind you at the toilet, her eyes focusing on her next destination. She takes your hand in hers and begins leading you to the bathroom as the girls disappear from your view. The uncomfortable rage that was causing your skin to boil dissipated to a warm hum as the excitement took over you. 
You both barrelled into a cubicle, Ellie slamming you up against the door as she locks it behind her, there was no one else in the bathroom when you entered but you didn’t care either way, you were both so desperate for each other that everything else faded away. Her lips move against yours so roughly it almost hurts and you know they’ll feel bruised and sore in the morning. Her hands gripped every curve of your body before they fumble with the zip and button on your jeans, you almost completely zoned out the second the rough pads of her fingers start drawing quick circles round your clit but the grinding of her clothed cunt against your thigh brings you back to reality as you attach your lips to her neck and reach to mirror her movements.  
When you both weren’t able to silence your moans you’d kiss to muffle the sound but as you desperately pulled away for air, a whine slipping from your lips, the door opens and a group of what you guessed is about 3 or 4 girls filter in. Your head goes to rest on her shoulder as you bite at your bottom lip desperately trying to hold in the symphony of sounds begging to be released from deep inside you. You hear a breathy giggle leave Ellie’s lips before a quiet but audible grunt escapes her. Your eyes go wide as the girls conversation drops away, your circles on Ellie’s clit only increasing in pace as she glares at you for making it harder for her to keep quiet. 
Your bodies trembled as they pressed together, desperate to get each other off and scratch the itch you felt was always reappearing around her. A choked squeak emerges from your lips as you release at the same time as Ellie, pressing your foreheads together and letting each other ride out your highs. Once you’ve both come down, she presses a quick kiss to your lips before doing up your trousers again and then hers. “Fuck that was good. You’re amazing.” She whispers before pressing a kiss to the skin on your neck, just below your ear and reaching for the lock as she nods at you to check you’re ready. 
You couldn’t hold in the half-scoff-half-laugh as you walk out and are faced with the two girls who you had savaged earlier as well as two of their friends all giving you looks that would have you six feet in the ground. You follow Ellie’s lead as you walk to their sinks where they were standing as the scatter like you’re poisonous just watching with horrified expressions as you both smirk and wash your hands. You’re about to walk out but Ellie pulls you into her once again and softly kisses your lips before saying loudly enough for them to hear. “You’re so good at that, I love you.” With a devious grin before grabbing your hand and dragging you out of the bathroom as you both collapse into laughter. 
As you walk back over to Dina and Jesse, they both give you knowing looks that you can only laugh at as you feel your cheeks heat under their gaze. Ellie wraps her arm around your waist, resting her head on yours and flashing an innocent smile at Dina and Jesse who simply roll their eyes in response. 
You spent the rest of the night enjoying yourself with your friends occasionally snipping at Ellie when she would reference your altercation that morning, but you couldn’t help but laugh at the childish joy that graced her features whenever she would make a joke about it that she laughed the hardest at. She had accidentally snorted while laughing multiple times and each time her cheeks would flush as she had to wipe tears from her eyes as she struggled to keep her composure. 
Her jokes never stopped, even as she was half asleep in bed next to you and her jokes started to make less and less sense as she grew more delirious, eventually you just began humming in agreement with her nonsense statements as she giggled to herself. You were half asleep yourself as she rolled onto you, snuggling into your side and reaching up and taking a handful of your boob and squeezing it while making a quiet ‘honk’ sound, when you look down ready to glare at her you see she’s actually asleep and you have to contain the eruption of belly-laughter inside of you as to not wake her up. You couldn’t wait to tell her about it in the morning, knowing she would be on the floor, she would find it so funny. 
tags: @emiliabby @readbydayana @radioheadfan699 @lil-elliesgf @isitadinosaur @amberputh
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iluvromance · 2 years
Hi! I got so excited seeing your blog, I honestly don’t know anyone who knows of the Mediator series. I’m considering writing some fanfiction (at @skyfall8600 ) for Jesse x Suze but it’s been so long since I’ve read the series.
Just wanted to say hi!
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eloarei · 7 years
Because I like shipping and statistics, I guess.
(Sort of prompted by this post. ...Or maybe it was this post.) So, here's me, looking at all my ships and deciding if they (and their canon relationship) count as the “emotional heart of the story”, OR if I were to reach in and rip them (primarily their relationship) out, would the story be torn apart? YES = they are necessary to the story! NO = the story would get on fine without their relationship UNCLEAR = their relationship has an uncertain importance to the plot Before you read the whole long list (and keep in mind, these are just my ships, and not even all of them, and just my opinions), have some statistics. TOTAL SHIPS = about 87 YES ships = 56 (m/m = 28, f/m = 28) NO ships = 15 (m/m = 9, f/m = 6) UNCLEAR ships = 16 (m/m = 8, f/m = 7, f/f = 1) and because the original intent of this post (as mentioned here) was to see if m/m ships tend to be the “emotional heart of the story” (aka do I mostly ship m/m and is that why?) : M/M ships = 45 (YES = 28, NO = 9, UNCLEAR = 8) F/M ships = 41 (YES = 28, NO = 6, UNCLEAR = 7) F/F ships = 1 ^^; (UNCLEAR = 1) And have one more set of stats, dealing with if these ships are canon or not. (“Mostly Canon” are ships whose canon status is debatable, like it was never explicitly stated, or it's an option, like in some games.) CANON = 27 (m/m = 5, f/m = 21, f/f = 1) Mostly CANON = 12 (m/m = 2, f/m = 10) Not Canon = 48 (m/m = 38, f/m = 10) So, I could probably stand to analyze these stats a little more, but the overall takeaways I'm getting are these: – My ships are fairly evenly SPLIT between m/m and f/m. – MOST of my ships are relevant to the overarching story of the series. --Most of my ships are NOT CANON, but not by a huge margin. --The “heart of the story” is SPLIT between m/m and f/m ships in my favorite series. Feel free to scroll through my 87 ships, if you want to see how I labeled them (“heart of the story”, versus not). Includes some reasoning, in most cases. Ships (or their series, in a few cases) listed under the cut: Killugon, Leopika, Oumugi, Cobymeppo, UsoNa, ZoLu, Hanna/Zombie, McHanzo, Reaper76, Roadrat, Promptis, Gladnis, DekuMight, Mammet, Genosai, Victuri, Destiel, Shakarian, Jaal/Ryder, Newmann, R/Julie, Kataang, Zukaang, Korrasami, Wuko, Gigolas, ZADR, Wolfstar, Fawkes/LW, Gob/LW, Nick/SS, Trying Human, Otasune, Bosselot, Torikoma, Noragami, Oremo, Gamako, JeanMarco, CLAMP, Taibani, Tiger/Bunny, Okabe/Kurisu, 93, 58, Otani/Koizumi, Doctor/Rose, Johnlock, Sterek, Hannigram, Rumbelle, Hopurai, Sorriku, Akuroku, Leo/Ezio, Haytham/Ziio, JakDax, Nate/Elena, Lutecest, GoldenHeart, Mitjo, Blackice, Felix/Calhoun, Om/Shanti, Grocket, Max/Furiosa, Capable/Nux, Seregil/Alec, Thom/Goran, Diana Wynne Jones, Robin McKinley, Jesse/Suze, Mabelmando, Muck, Vito/Wilhelm, Lewis/Vivi, Fry/Leela, Goliath/Elisa. Good lord I can't believe I typed those all out. Well, anyway. Now you don't have to bother clicking through just to satisfy your curiosity, if none of those piques your interest.
Hunter x Hunter: --Gon/ Killua : YES, Gon and Killua's relationship IS the heart of the story. Without their intense friendship, many of the plot points in the story would never have happened. While Gon may still have found his father, the whole story would be extremely different, perhaps to the point of unrecognizability. –Leorio/Kurapika : NO. Unfortunately, as much as I love them, their relationship is not strictly integral to the story. --Meruem/Komugi : (mostly canon) YES. While it's not the entire story, their relationship IS vital to the fate of both characters and that particular arc. One Piece: --Coby/Helmeppo : UNCLEAR. While Coby and Helmeppo are not main characters, Coby was a catalyst in the early part of the series, and will probably be important again towards the end. Also, while Coby could have gotten where he is without Helmeppo, Helmeppo would likely not be who he is now without Coby, making Coby integral to Helmeppo's story. --Usopp/Nami : NO. I love them a lot, and they're both important to the story in different ways, but their relationship is not strictly necessary. --Zoro/Luffy : UNCLEAR. Obviously, Luffy is the main character, and Zoro is also super important. The story probably could have gotten where it was going without Zoro's involvement, but there have definitely been several key points which would have been different without him. (Early one, especially, and the end of Thriller Bark.) This one might require more thought. Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name: Hanna/{Zombie} : YES. While the story may still have happened without {…} (Conrad still showing up that night), the entire story would have had a different tone, as {…} is the narrator, and certain key events would have played out differently. Overwatch: McCree/Hanzo : NO. Admittedly, they don't have a lot to do with each other in canon, no matter how much I like them. Soldier 76/Reaper : YES. Their story was vital to the formation of Overwatch as we know it. Roadhot/Junkrat : NO. Not exactly vital to the overall story, although they do seem fairly important to each other. Final Fantasy XV:   Noctis/Prompto and Gladio/Ignis : NO. I mean, I love the ships, but technically neither of these ships are really super important to the overall story. I would be willing to listen to arguments for this one though, since obviously the relationship between the four of them actually is super important. Boku no Hero Academia: Izuku/All Might : YES. Nothing would have happened in this series if it weren't for the relationship between these two. Not only would Izuku be lacking the power to succeed, he'd have been lacking the training and also possibly the inspiration. Likewise, All Might would likely have stagnated, instead of grown as a character. Back to the Future: Marty/Doc : YES. There would be literally no point to the entire series without either character or their relationship exactly as it is. One Punch Man: Saitama/Genos : YES. Although it may be debatable, I believe that Genos' involvement with Saitama is critical to the story. Is it, at very least, critical to Genos' growth. Yuri on Ice!!: Viktor/Yuuri : (canon) YES. Canon-gay main characters; kind of the point of the story. Supernatural: Dean/Castiel : YES. Though Dean and Sam's relationship is probably still more important, I would definitely argue that most of the plot from season 4 on could not have happened without Castiel's involvement with Dean. Mass Effect: Shepard/Garrus : (mostly canon) UNCLEAR. Garrus was fairly important to the story, especially early on, but even if he had never come around at all, the story would have been about the same. However, since you get to determine the story to some degree, you could say their relationship is about as important as you make it. Ryder/Jaal : (mostly canon) UNCLEAR. About the same as above. Their relationship was important, but not significantly moreso than other characters'. Pacific Rim: Newton/Hermann : YES. Without them working together, the plot would not have been resolved. (One could even argue their arguing was critical to the story.) Warm Bodies: R/Julie : (canon) YES. Like most of my other book ships, these two were written with each other in mind. Avatar/Legend of Korra: Katara/Aang : (canon) YES. Though the story could have got along without their romantic involvement, their general relationship was absolutely vital to the plot. Zuko/Aang : YES. Their relationship provided most of the conflict from the early half, and much of the character development from the later half. Korra/Asami : (canon) UNCLEAR. If they had been only acquaintances, the plot would likely have carried on mostly the same, however the ending would have been different, of course. Mako/ Wu : NO. Their relationship made a couple of plot points in the last season, but the story would have got by okay without it. The Lord of the Rings: Gimli/Legolas : NO, although I'd be willing to hear arguments to this one. I don't recall that their relationship was particularly necessary to the plot's resolution. Invader Zim: Zim/Dib : YES. Literally the entirety of the story would be pointless without their relationship. Harry Potter: Sirius/Remus : YES. Primarily in the 3rd book/movie, but the story would have gone drastically differently if not for their past friendship. It would likely have had a huge butterfly effect. Fallout 3: Fawkes/Lone Wanderer : YES. Fawkes was key in helping get the GECK, and also having LW, y'know, not die in the DLC. If Fawkes didn't massively respect the LW, the LW would just be shit out of luck. And also dead. Gob/Lone Wanderer : NO. Poor Gob's just stuck slaving away as a bartender. Hell I don't think you even have to talk to him once to advance the story. =[ Fallout 4: Nick Valentine/Sole Survivor : YES. Nick is instrumental in helping SS find their son, and if it weren't for his respect for them, SS would have a very difficult time with several legs of the journey. And don't get me started on how their backstories are a mirror of each other! Trying Human: Rose/Hue, Longus/Don, Philena/EBE1, Quazky/Gracelis, FJ12/Pigment : (canon) YES. The charm of a good webcomic, eh? =D Metal Gear Solid: Snake/Otacon : YES. Moderately important in MGS1, Otacon and Snake's relationship becomes crucial in 2 and 4. Also, “Can love bloom on the battlefield?” Yes, Otacon. Yes it can. (I'd write a manifesto about these two if I had the energy.) Big Boss/Ocelot : YES. Quite a lot of the entire series would never have happened if it weren't for Ocelot's hero-worship crush on Big Boss. It's pretty important. Toriko: Toriko/Komatsu : YES. To be fair, I haven't read/watch this series in years, but the earlier parts of the series put a lot of focus on the budding partnership between these two characters. Ugh, talk to me about the part where they climb a giant beanstalk in order to eat a heart-shaped vegetable in tandem to commemorate their partnership. Geez. It's a little hard to say if their relationship was vital to the actual plot, because I'm still not sure what the plot was, but it was definitely vital to the story. Noragami: Yato/Hiyori : (mostly canon) YES. As the main characters, the story revolves mostly around them, and if they didn't care for each other, there would be no reason for half of the events to happen. Kazuma/Bishamon : (mostly canon) UNCLEAR. At least one key backstory event only occurred because of their relationship, but the story might have happened similarly without it. Kofuku/Daikoku : (mostly canon) NO. I love them, but the story could probably exist okay without them. Ore Monogatari: Takeo/Yamato : (canon) YES, but obviously, as it's a romantic comedy. The story is literally all about them. Kill la Kill: Gamagoori/Mako : NO. Although they featured together in a few important scenes, the story could have progressed without them ever being in the same frame. Attack on Titan: Jean/Marco : NO. The entire story would have probably been just fine without them, although Jean might be a different person without Marco's influence. CLAMP: (mostly canon) YES. I'm just gonna go ahead and say that all of my ships from CLAMP series are vital to both the story and the characters' growth. This might be an exaggeration, but only slightly. Tiger&Bunny: Kotetsu/Barnaby: YES. Because, obviously, what's Tiger&Bunny without Tiger and Bunny? The story would have gone nowhere without either of them, and the focus on their growing relationship was super important. Steins;Gate: Okabe/Kurisu : (mostly canon) YES. The plot forces the relationship between Okabe and Kurisu in an interesting way, so it is sort of super relevant. Saiyuki: Sanzo/Goku : YES. Gojyo/Hakkai : UNCLEAR. To be honest, I just haven't watched the series in a while, so I'm a little cloudy on the finer points of this ship. I'd say they're important, and from what I remember they are important to each other's story, but I don't recall how vital their relationship is to the overall plot. Lovely Complex: Otani/Koizumi : (canon) YES, because it's a romantic comedy and these are the two main characters. Doctor Who: Doctor/Rose : (canon) YES. In love with two different Doctors, and (as far as I know) the only one to end up with one permanently! Their relationship was so damn important that it came back even after Rose retired as a companion! Sherlock: Sherlock/John : YES. The series wouldn't even remotely exist without their relationship. Teen Wolf: Stiles/Derek : NO. The necessity of either character to the overall plot is debatable; they certainly didn't have to interact in order for the series to continue, even if those were some of the best scenes. Hannibal: Hannibal/Will : YES. Though I never caught up with the series, it was clear even from the very start of season 1 that the relationship between these two was the drive of the whole story. Once Upon a Time: Rumpelstiltskin/Belle : (canon) UNCLEAR. Though they're both important to each other and other characters at multiple points in the story, their relationship is probably not all that important to the other characters. (To be fair, this is based mostly off of seasons 1 and 2.) Final Fantasy XIII: Hope/Lightning : NO? It's been a while since I played the game, and while I love Hope, I seem to recall that he wasn't terribly important? (Was anybody important in that game? What even was the plot??) Kingdom Hearts: Sora/Riku : YES. I mean, Sora did spend pretty much forever searching for Riku, and Riku did spend basically the whole time being a pain. Axel/Roxas : UNCLEAR. Roxas' existence and story probably could have happened without Axel. But to be honest, it's Kingdom Hearts; I could never remember all the fine details. Assassin's Creed: Leonardo/Ezio : UNCLEAR. I mean, Ezio would have died or failed several times without Leo's inventions, but Leo himself wasn't strictly necessary. Haytham/Ziio : (canon) YES. Well, Conner wouldn't exists without them, so. Jak and Daxter: Jak/Daxter: YES. There would have been literally no point to the series if it weren't for their relationship. Uncharted: Nate/Elena : (canon) UNCLEAR. A rare female love interest, Elena was there from the very beginning and throughout the whole series, kicking ass and helping the plot along. Could the series have gone on without her and Nate's intricate relationship? Probably. But who would have wanted that? Bioshock Infinite: Robert/Rosalind : (mostly canon) YES. Only because of their fantastic weird obsession with science and themselves was the cross-dimensional travel that made the plot happen even possible. Nimona: Blackheart/Goldenloin : (mostly canon) YES. Their relationship is central to the backstory, and the later parts of the story. Long Exposure: Mitchel/Jonas : (canon) YES. Again, because it is a webcomic, and they're specifically written with each other in mind. Rise of the Guardians: Jack/Pitch : UNCLEAR. While both are critical to the story, it probably could have gone on fine without their interactions. However, Jack's personal arc wouldn't have had the same emotion without Pitch's involvement. Wreck-it Ralph: Felix/Calhoun : (canon) UNCLEAR. Their relationship was a key point in the story, but the overall plot could have probably happened without it. Om Shanti Om: Om/Shanti // Om/Sandy : (mostly canon) YES. Without Om's love for Shanti, the entire second half of the plot wouldn't have worked out. Sandy's love for Om was also critical. Guardians of the Galaxy: Rocket/Groot : YES. I think it's safe to say that the whole crew would have died if it weren't for Groot, and it's unlikely that he would have been there in such a capacity without his partnership with Rocket. Mad Max: Fury Road: Max/Furiosa : (canon) YES. Story couldn't go anywhere without them, and their relationship was important at certain points. Capable/Nux : (canon) YES. Though their relationship was not vital to the overall story, it played a huge part in the resolution. Nightrunner: Seregil/Alec : (canon) YES. Canon-gay main characters, obviously the story goes nowhere without them. HERO: Thom/Goran : (canon) UNCLEAR. Though the relationship between the characters is a key element in the story, it probably could have happened pretty similarly even if the two did not develop a romantic involvement. (Would've been a different story; still, Thom's other relationships are roughly as important.) Diana Wynne Jones' books: Howl/Sophie, Vierran/Mordian, Tom/Penny, etc : (canon) YES. All main characters, written with the intention of being involved with each other, they are vital to their stories. Robin McKinley's books: Narl/Rosie, Cecily/Little John, Beauty/Beast, etc : (canon) YES (mostly). Main characters written to revolve around each other, with the exception of Cecily and Little John, whose relationship was probably not strictly necessary for the overall story. The Mediator: Jesse/Suze: (canon) YES. Same deal with my other canon book ships: they were literally made for each other. Gravity Falls: Mabel/Mermando : (mostly canon) NO. Their relationship was only relevant for an episode, and had it not existed, most of the story would have been the same. Motorcity: Mike/Chuck : UNCLEAR. It probably ought to be a “no”, but the series didn't get that far, so I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt. XD; The Reward: Vito/Wilhelm: (??? canon?) YES. I mean, the story was 100% about their bromance. Mystery Skulls Animated: Lewis/Vivi : (canon) YES. Poor ghost man just misses his nerdy girlfriend. Futurama: Fry/Leela : (canon) UNCLEAR, since Futurama didn't really have an overarching plot for their relationship to be relevant to. But GOD did you see the last episode? I mean, they were definitely a central plot point of the story, even if they weren't strictly 'necessary' to it. Gargoyles: Goliath/Elisa : (canon) YES, hella yes. Their relationship (both platonic and romantic) was greatly important to the overall story, many times. Though the gargoyle characters could have existed without Elisa, the story would have lacked most of its emotional component. (And that’s just about that! I left off a bunch of old ships, because there’s just no way I have the time and energy to list stuff I haven’t been into in years. Also I probably forgot some, but oops?) 
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I always forget how much I love how Meg Cabot writes couples until I re-read one of her books
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chasecordelias · 11 years
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pleasurebutton · 3 years
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skyfall8600 · 2 years
Main Masterlist- under review
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About Me: Nikki, 23 female (she/her) from Australia. Love reading and have many obsessions (hence the fictional boyfriends listed below). I like to consider myself a queen at slow burns and sexual tension.
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Prompt list
Original Works Masterlist
Eddie Munson
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Eddie Munson Masterlist <3 
Steve Harrington
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Killer Queen Series
The Hunger Games
Coming soon….
Twilight Saga 
Children of Dawn (previously posted as Blood Moon when I was SaturnFire2000) 
Summary: Years after the final battle, the Cullen family face new challenges. Edward and Bella take on new roles in life; Renesmee struggles to understand her goals and purpose in a world where no one is like her. The Volturi kept a large secret that could destroy them all. 
Series Masterlist  (20 chapters out now)
Jesse De Silva & Suze Simons (Mediator series) - soon to be Netflix sensation
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Mediator Series Fanfiction Masterlist
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petrodobreva · 11 years
I just experienced a sudden rush of the love I have for Meg Cabot's Mediator series. 
Now, the question is, should I re-read the first book, which I found at the Salvation Army for $.40 and I haven't read since middle school, or should I start exploring the fanfiction?
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pleasurebutton · 4 years
hi :) what are your favourite moments from the mediator series?
Hello! There are so many! It remains one of my all time favorite series.
Jesse showing up in the backseat of Tad’s car
Jesse spilling nail polish in Gina’s suitcase because she insulted Spike
Jesse telling Suze on the roof that he likes it when it’s just the two of them
Every time Jesse calls Suze querida
Jesse fighting Paul during the house party and trying to drown him in the hot tub
(Can you tell I’m a little bit obessed with Jesse?)
Paul acting like a human for the only time in his life and helping get Jesse to the hospital
Suze gut punching Brad for making fun of her outfit
Father Dom being exasperated with Suze
When Suze gets flowers from Paul after she walked home and destroyed her feet and Jesse sees who it’s from and then CeeCee and Adam bust in on Suze and Jesse and start talking about him
But my absolute favorite moment, that gets me every time I read it, is when Suze is in the barn and sees Alive Jesse for the first time and she changes her mind and decides to save him despite how much she’ll miss him
Thanks for the ask. That was fun remembering those moments. What are your favorites?
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pleasurebutton · 4 years
Jesse was the first person I met when I moved to California, and he became my first real friend here. He has always been there when I needed him, which is way more than I can say for most of the living people I know. And if I had to choose one person to be marooned on a desert island with, I wouldn’t even have to think about it: Of course it would be Jesse.
- The Mediator #4 Darkest Hour, Meg Cabot
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