#sustainable kitchen swaps
dreamlogic · 11 months
quietly getting more & more annoyed at my housemate & her bf as the evening goes on. thought they were at his house this weekend but they showed up unexpectedly to have loud sex here, left for a little bit, came back in the middle of a fight, and are now watching tv really loudly in between continuing to totally-not-fight-everything's-FINE.
#ctxt#shit chat#they're both rly nice people who genuinely love each other a lot & have been together like 7 years#but in the time i've known them they just keep playing out the same maladaptive patterns together and it's painful to watch#one of them will be irritable for some reason and snap at the other; other responds by airing a deep-seated grievance they've been sittin on#and instead of just. having a conflict about it to its conclusion to resolve the issue they just both fall over themselves apologizing#and spend several hours being really touchy & reactive to little things but overwhelmingly gentle/reassuring/affectionate#person A: *snaps* im sorry baby i didn't mean it i'm just stressed i love you so much can i do anything for you?#person B: no no my love you're fine i'm not mad i understand can i do anything for YOU you're so special i care about you so much#*make out in the kitchen about it a bit. swap roles rinse & repeat*#like i know turning towards a loved one after conflict instead of giving them the cold shoulder is a sign of emotional maturity#and is generally a healthy communication habit#but like. you gotta actually HAVE the conflict first instead of glossing over it the minute difficult emotions come up???#and when they get in these loops i really think they should just. agree on a mutual time out to do their own thing for a day#calm down sort themselves out and then come back together to mend things#instead of just reflexively drawing closer together immediately to try and smother discontent#which just results in them still being upset and now tripping over each other bumping elbows exacerbating things#while being obnoxiously saccharine to cover it up#i mean. 7 yrs is nothing to sneeze at but imo this is. not a sustainable way of relating & building a life together#and it sucks to watch it play out. reminds me of my parents who were blissfully incompatible in a similar way for like 30 years#before it finally blew up spectacularly with a lot of collateral damage earlier this year.
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bitchesgetriches · 1 year
21 Ideas for Sustainable Swaps That Aren’t Shitty, Expensive, Greenwashed Garbage
Keep reading.
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amnestria-the-elf · 2 months
I had a dream that my 77-year-old mother was isekai'ed into BG3, so of course I had to write a small little ditty about it.
To be clear, my mother would make a terrible Tav. She has no interest in fantasy or sci-fi and spends the majority of her time on Facebook. Being outside is her least favorite activity. Her favorite TV show is one of the Sunday morning news programs (I have no idea which, because I have not watched broadcast television since 2012, but she definitely tells me about the stories they have on that show all the time.) She is not a decisive person; she was raised in the toxic traditional gender role post-war Boomer era, and is perfectly fine to let others dictate how her life turns out.
Having said all of that, she'd make a decent Bard. For a sweet-looking older lady, she can come up with some surprisingly sick burns. Probably all of that repressed rage that she refuses to get therapy about. Anyway.
Linda was far too old for this shit.
Other women her age spent their time knitting, or going to their little exercise classes, or watching their soaps, or swapping stories about their grandchildren, or writing interesting Facebook posts. God, she missed writing Facebook posts.
But not Linda. Oh, no. Linda had somehow gotten pulled into a horrifying universe and had some kind of parasite inserted in her head, and now found herself surrounded by an unlikely band of misfits who shared the same affliction.
Perhaps she was having a psychotic break. Maybe she was really back home and her daughter had placed her in some kind of institution because she was entirely unresponsive. Honestly, she hoped that was true, but her back hurt like hell and every wound she sustained bled real blood, and that odd little Goth girl had to heal her every time, so she was reasonably certain that what was happening was real.
She was getting better at not getting wounded as often, at least. She learned that she was of better use to the group when she stayed in the back and just yelled insults at the enemies while everyone else did their thing. The angry alien lady seemed perfectly happy to take her rage out on anyone in her way and that disturbingly pale elf did well with his little bow and arrow. He really needed to get some color into his cheeks; he’d never find someone to be with looking like that. If only she could go to Walgreens and get him some bronzer. It would do him a world of good.
The magical bearded man did a surprisingly good job of cooking their meals. Linda tried to help but quickly realized she had no idea how to cook over an open fire. She longed to be back in her newly-remodeled kitchen, with the induction cooktop and smart fridge that automatically reordered her groceries for her. How did any of these people even function without wifi? They would never get to see the funny cat videos that she sent her daughter every day. Such a shame.
The most helpful companion was the heroic young man who had jumped down to fight the goblins in front of the Grove. What was his name? Will? No, Wyll with a “Y.” She remembered the odd little Goth girl teasing him about it. He had been so good with those little horned children after the fight. Her granddaughter would love playing with him.
Tears stung at her eyes as she thought about her granddaughter. Would she ever get to see her again? She sighed heavily as she stared down into her bowl of porridge.
“Are you alright?” a kind voice asked.
Linda looked up to see Wyll coming to sit down on the log next to her with his own bowl of porridge.
“Oh, yes, I’m fine. I was just thinking about my granddaughter,” she said.
“Oh, you have a granddaughter?” Wyll asked. “What is she like?”
“She’s about the same age as those kids you were training back in the Grove. I think she’d like you, actually. She’s very active. She tears around the house as fast as she can, slaying imaginary dragons or pretending to be a lion.”
Wyll laughed. “A courageous heart, no doubt. I hope I can meet her someday.”
Linda sighed wistfully again. “She lives… very far away from here.”
He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “You must miss her very much.”
“Yes,” she whispered as tears filled her eyes again.
“Istik, enough sniveling,” that angry alien lady interrupted. “We must find the creche today. Purification cannot wait.”
“Give her a break, Lae’zel,” Wyll said. “She misses her family.”
“Tch,” Lae’zel said with an eye roll, but walked away.
“We don’t have to listen to her, you know,” Wyll said when Lae’zel was out of earshot. “You can choose what we do today.”
“I don’t know what we should do,” she replied. “You decide.”
Wyll frowned. “Well, the area where the githyanki were spotted is not far from a little settlement, Waukeen’s rest. There might be a healer staying at the inn there. It’s a longshot, but…”
“That sounds fine,” Linda said. “Lead the way.”
The burning building put Linda over the edge. No way could she handle rushing into flames and smoke to save somebody. Let the young people kick in doors and risk life and limb. Wyll seemed very proud of himself as he rushed in, so Linda just sat down on the edge of the fountain with a soft groan. Minutes passed; she started to worry that perhaps they weren’t going to come back out when a group of sweaty, sooty people stumbled out, coughing. 
When it became clear that Wyll was actually the son of a Grand Duke, Linda’s mind was made up.
“That’s it, Wyll. From now on, you’re in charge,” she said.
“I’m… what?” he asked, bewildered.
“In charge. You make the decisions. I’m done,” she said.
“Um, you’re sure? I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes…”
“I’m sure. I don’t think any of the others can handle it. Magic man talks too much–”
“Magic man?” Wyll asked, the corners of his mouth twitching.
“I’m not good with names!” Linda snapped. “The pale one is too whiny and these two–” she gestured to Lae’zel and Shadowheart– “won’t quit fighting. That leaves you. Help me. Please.”
Lae’zel and Shadowheart both started to grumble, but Linda cut them off with a withering glare honed by years of experience taking care of children and a husband. Wyll eyed them, then nodded and took a deep breath. “All right. I’ll take charge. And make sure everyone gets what they need,” he said pointedly towards the others.
Good. Let Wyll do whatever needs to be done. From here on out, Linda was staying at camp.
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We're makin leaps and bounds with this whole sustainability thing since we moved from our apartment a few years ago. Whenever i feel like im not doin enough I lay out all the tiny swaps we've done on the table
we no longer by styrofoam cups and reuse the ones we have
We no longer use plastic plates, we either use glass or compostable ones (and throw the compostable ones in the compost)
Our building has solar panels for electricity
Our soaps are zero/low waste
My mother and I started our loc journey so its much easier to find all-natural, plastic free hair care
I use reusable pads
I don't buy new clothes often if at all, 4 shirts in the last 7 years
3/5 of us eat strictly plant-based bc we're vegan,
We have an indoor hydroponic system growing leafy greens, tomatoes, peppers and fruits, and we bought seeds in bulk. We're planning on swapping rockwool cubes with reusable and compostable hemp fiber cubes
Since the hydroponic system is so bright, and the led lights last for 5 years at a time, we use the living area lights much less, opting for natural sunlight if the hydroponic system is not enough or is off.
We have a bokashi indoor compost bin for food scraps, and an outdoor cold compost bin for the scraps that cant go in the bokashi bin to make our own soil
We started a kitchen garden, and a pollinator/tea garden, and as of 2023 we now have a plum tree, a grapevine, two blackberry bushes, 5 reusable grow bags, 4 big planters and 2 big raised garden beds, lookin forward to fruits and vegetables in the spring, summer, fall and winter. We're planning to buy one more steel raised bed to ensure that we are cycling through what we're growing each year to limit pest-control methods, even neem oil, and planning on purchasing a lot more perennials and native perennials/annuals.
This fall Im gonna purchase a mushroom growing chamber kit for more low waste vegan meat alternatives and to add some healthy mushroom soil to the compost cycle
Our laundry detergent is environmentally safe
Our washing machine is water-efficient
We have a fridge with a water filter for cooking and drinking water
We have reusable grocery store bags
Im gonna try to grow lufas next year to replace our kitchen sponges and steel wool scrubbing pads,
Our property is small, and our neighbors are not as social/gungho about bartering or Co-Op food gardening,
but I'm proud of wat we've done so far, and I can do a lot more, and I plan to do so, so any advice would be welcome
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mochibdsm · 2 months
on crafting a nighttime routine
I’m sure I don’t need to reiterate HOW IMPORTANT sleep is, and so creating routines and rituals that help you to relieve stress, unwind, and clear your mind for the night ahead is truly essential for making the most of your shut eye.
please note
My hope is that you do not feel overwhelmed by this routine, but rather that it is something that will inspire you to try and incorporate a few key habits into your evening for the chance to reconnect with yourself. Remember,
You by no means need to all or even any of these.
Life happens. It is very unlikely that every night will look like this (if yours does I’m jealous).
This disclaimer is something I want to include in all of my ‘ideal routine’ posts, because I feel like we truly live in an idealist society; with people presenting you hundreds of ideas of things you *should be doing, all of which can instead unfortunately cause feelings of inadequacy and subsequent inaction.
I recognized this pressure in myself at a recent appointment with my nutritionist when i noticed I was consistently being hard on myself about my routines. She gave me permission to let go of what I *should be doing* and instead focus on what I want to be doing and what serves me best. So, I want to pass along this permission to you.
Unwind by disconnecting from the demands of others. Around 9:30pm my phone goes on do not disturb and gets put on the charger in the kitchen.
We’ve been living by the rule that no phones are allowed in the bedroom for the past year or so and I have absolutely been loving it. It takes away so much of the temptation to be on my phone late at night or early in the morning when there are other tasks and rituals I have a lot more interest in intentionally taking part in. 
shower + skincare routine
Showering offers me a great chance for me to reset from the day, reduce stress, and come to bed feeling fresh and truly cleansed. Try an essential oil shower with soothing oils like lavender or roman chamomile for an added bonus.  
Taking care of your skin is so important! But it’s also very individual so while I’m not going to include specifics here, I will let you know that my skincare routine generally involves an oil for a makeup remover, a cleanser, hyaluronic acid, a spot treatment, and a moisturizer. Throughout the week I’ll also add an exfoliator, ice roller, and/or face mask into the mix.
brew tea
Sleepytime tea is a staple in my current routine. Brewing tea in itself is a super simple and relaxing ritual, and combinations of lavender, chamomile, valerian root, and passionflower help to relive stress and induce sleep.
This is a time for me to practice gratitude by reflecting on the blessings I have in my day + current life. I also use this time to journal anything else that’s on my mind so I can sleep peacefully, without millions of thoughts and to-dos running through my head.  
brush teeth
An essential part of any nighttime routine. This really signals to my body that the time for fasting + resting has begun. Make the swap to a bamboo toothbrush and low-waste toothpaste (the container is glass!) for a more sustainable option.
nighttime yoga, reading, or another wind down activity 
I like to give myself time in the evening to unwind, but how I unwind often varies. Here are a few options:
Rolling out my yoga mat and grounding myself. I’ve been loving my yoga routine lately. Yoga is such an incredible practice to incorporate into your day, and it’s currently a part of both my morning and night ideal routines. I love the opportunity to stretch, unwind, and really focus on just being rather than doing (*remember we are human beings not humans doing!!).
If I can, I also like to use 15-20 minutes before bed to indulge a book on my never-ending list of reads. I also always make sure I have a notebook beside me in case I want to turn the book more into a reading workshop (a process I outlined here).
Watching TV - though maybe not always ideal (hello blue light), sometimes I just want to put on a funny show and that’s okay too! I just make sure I have my blue light blocking glasses on.
diffuser + sleep spray(s)
After a long day I need a space that brings me back down to earth and helps me unwind.
turn on ocean sounds 
*Hey Google, play ocean sounds*. This is my way of drowning out the traffic outside, and pretending instead that I instead live in California by the ocean.
sleep mask + lights out  
Blocking out light is extremely important for achieving a deep slumber. Any light can interfere with our body’s natural signals and hormone release. Block out light with black-out blinds, and a silk eye mask for optimum comfort.
Relieve any last stress + melt into my sheets through a few rounds of breath. This is one of the best ways I know how to help me sleep. I focus on envisioning that I am breathing in feelings of warmth + peace (about 7 seconds), holding for about 4 seconds, and then breathing out all stress and worry (for about a count of 8 seconds).
And there it is, a comprehensive list of all the things I (ideally) include in my nighttime routine. I hope these rituals and routines inspire you to make the most of your wind-down time, giving you the opportunity to relax and go to bed care-free.
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kerryweaverlesbian · 1 year
Miracle Man
He walked out of the river,
My miracle man,
And changed my life in ways that only miracles can,
For as I sat and molded personality from clay,
I couldn't help but wonder, could I scuplt myself one day?
The things that he remembered:
"I'm a man and I am poor,"
As he stood with chilling feet upon the tiled kitchen floor,
And I couldn't help but wonder whether I would do the same,
Would I know myself a woman if I didn't know my name?
"Emmanuel", I called him,
God was with him all the time,
Though I found myself believing his a better God than mine,
For I couldn't help but wonder, when he healed me with a touch,
Why to him the Gates were open and to me the windows shut.
On a quiet night I told him,
(Sleeping in our separate beds),
"If I could then in a heartbeat I would swap our crying heads,
Yes, I cannot help but wonder whether I should change inside."
"I don't think I understand you," came the river rough reply:
"The only thing I know is,
That the world is always new,
From the water, to the wind, and yes, I think, to me and you,
You are patient, you are gentle, you are loving, you are kind,
Tell me, what is it you'd change if you were building a new mind?"
At the time I didn't answer,
Though the question clearly stuck,
There was lightening in the rainbow, and it seemed I had been struck,
And I couldn't help but wonder, when we walked the river path,
If the water would sustain me, should I choose to take a bath.
Oh baptise me, Holy River!
Make me cleaner than before,
Put your miracle upon me, now that finally I'm sure,
Though Emmanuel is gone, the man, I'll make him once again,
I will make myself a person, I will build him to the end.
A "Daphne" poem for the @spnpoetryrenaissance prompt transnatural. Inspired by the brain shaking fic meet my girlfriend by transgederism <3
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positivexcellence · 2 years
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Catching Up with Gen Padalecki
The run up to the holidays is packed with parties and festive events, gift buying, travel prepping and wrapping up all the loose ends of the year. Add to that running a business and a book club, acting, being a wife (to actor and entrepreneur Jared Padalecki) and mama of three (two boys and a girl), and things are busy for Genevieve Padalecki. We caught up with Gen, and talked about things from family and their new farm to two of her passions, books and towwn. Short for Take Only What You Need, towwn is a site she started with longtime friend Kelly Mickle to help people sustainably win the battle against burnout, both for themselves and the planet, with tips from eco-friendly kitchen swaps and sustainable sandals to self-care.
You’ve lived in Austin for more than 12 years, what advice would you give someone new to Austin? 
Embrace the weird, always say ‘hi’ to your neighbor, don’t judge opinions and views that might differ from yours, rather try to understand where others are coming from.  
What do you love about living in Austin? 
I love the eclectic collaborative community. I've always felt like I could be completely myself here.
What are you most looking forward to this holiday season? 
Family time.  
How are you and your family celebrating the holidays this year? 
We are doing things differently this year and giving our family an adventure.
What are some of your favorite holiday traditions? 
I love all the decorating, crafting, and meal making. I find it therapeutic and I love when my kids propose the activity.
Do you have a recipe you love to make around the holidays? 
We love cooking during the holidays and all the kiddos love to contribute. It can range from a great lasagna to a medium rare steak (cooked by our 10-year-old), to my husband's favorite, tomato soup with grilled cheese croutons.  The holidays are so fun and gathering with friends and family for a meal is the best part.
How long have you had your book club? 
I started my book club when we went into lockdown.  I wanted a way to connect with people and have an outlet.  I reached out asking for a “this or that” book pick for the month and Southern Book Clubs’ Guide to Slaying Vampires was a fan favorite.  Next thing I know Grady Hendrix and I are zooming and chatting about his book.  It’s been a wild couple of years and I am so inspired and feel so incredibly grateful for all the insightful, thoughtful and thought-provoking, stunning and beautiful writers I have been able to meet, converse and collaborate with because of it.
What are some you’d recommend for gifting this year?  
Pony, Red, White and Royal Blue, The Overstory, Tribe, Letters to a Young Athlete, Why We Sleep and Into Thin Air.
How do you consume books? Do you prefer real books, audiobooks, kindle? 
I prefer old-fashioned books I can hold in my hand. There’s something so wonderful about the sensory experience, the weight, the pages in between my fingers, turning a page, the smell of the binding. It just adds to the experience and for me is a delectable rush.  I also love a good audiobook, especially with all the driving I do, but it all depends on the narrator.
What’s new with towwn? 
towwn is growing so quickly and we’re incredibly proud of our community. We just launched our TikTok channel to help spread our anti-perfectionism message about the planet and ourselves to reach new audiences. We’re also building an informative and fun newsletter.
What do you hope to see in the evolution of TOWWN in 2023? 
Our main focus is reaching people who want to find solutions to burnout for themselves and the planet, regardless of background and politics. We’re looking at hosting more events where we can bring people together for these kinds of conversations, curating products to help people solve these challenges. You can learn more on our Instagram @towwn.
You and Jared recently bought a farm…
Yes, we love nature and I’m obsessed with soil health and regenerative farming. I’m hoping we slowly let the land speak to us and thoughtfully nurture biodiversity and tend to the soil as best we can. I’d like to have rotational cover crops as well as grazing animals to contribute to this beautiful symbiotic relationship. It’s also nice having a refuge for our family to get messy and breathe in and get lost in the woods so to speak.
What accomplishment are you most proud of in 2022?
I'm most proud of my family.  They are what I am so grateful for.
You went back to ‘Walker, Texas Ranger’ this season in flashbacks, any desire or plans on the horizon to return to more acting? 
Definitely, if it works for our family schedule.  
You and Jared have been married 12 years, any advice on having a marriage with longevity? 
Marriage is the best and most amazing adventure in the world. And like farming, there are some good seasons and not so great ones. Marriage takes a lot of love and nurturing. Throughout our lives we change and evolve into many different people. So, in a partnership, you’re both constantly growing and it’s impossible to always grow together, whether in parallel lines or intertwined at the same time. The best advice that’s been helpful for me is to take time and try and understand where your partner is coming from, and before reacting to anything that maybe feels a bit incendiary or frustrating, give it 24 hours.
What’s something one of your kids did lately that surprised you or made you laugh?  
Well, I'm currently watching my 8-year-old try and tell me U2 is the best band of all time I had no idea he knew U2!  My oldest sang a song in mandarin at a school talent show and my youngest gave her best ‘Hocus Pocus’ rendition dancing on our kitchen table - all in the last 24 hours! I don't know why I'm surprised by their theater bug, but clearly it's shining through.
Quick Fire Questions
Favorite book of 2022: Four Treasures of the Sky by Austin’s own Jenny Tinghui Zhang was outstanding - and it was her debut novel
Last show you binged: House of Dragons & The Bear with Jeremy Allen White
Favorite method of self-care:  Taking a time out for myself and remembering to be kind to myself and set that example.
Favorite restaurant to eat out: Emmer & Rye, Soto, WuChow
Favorite place to order in: Torchys
Go-to cocktail: Extra dirty martini or a good old fashioned beer is really my fav.
If you could have one superpower: To go back in time
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strawberrah · 7 months
Cult of the Lamb has been on my list of games to play for a good while now and since I'm finally just a few bosses away from finishing Hi-Fi Rush I figured I should get some input from a fan before starting a file. got any comments or things I should know before playing?
Oh yeah!
So I put off answering this for a little while because I was on vacation but also my first instinct was to warn you off of buying the switch version due to some performance issues. Once I hit about 20 followers (which is required at some points to progress the game!!) it started to lag terribly; dropped resources would fly all across the screen, follower dialogue was getting swapped, somehow, it would lag and sometimes crash entirely, etc., etc.
The game's since updated, and after a few trial runs it seems that these issues have markedly improved. Doing some preliminary research I almost think that this might be something of a pattern where the devs release an update and it's absolute havoc on the switch for a little while until they're able to fix it. I can't say for sure though. In any case the switch version is working fine now.
(Although I've seen some shader packs people have been using on pc that are really really pretty so yknow. pros and cons. really it's whichever you prefer)
Anyways, cotl is pretty straightforward. Besides decorations the most important "customization" is the doctrines, which are rules and rituals you can unlock and apply to your cult. You're given a choice between two and have to pick only one (the other can be unlocked postgame, which personally I think is kind of a bad move because it takes the point out of the game having multiple save files, the biggest draw for which is picking different doctrines but that's off-topic). Usually you can go either/or depending on your play style-basically how brutal you want to be-but I'd recommend:
Don't pick the Resurrection Ritual! It doesn't take a lot of resources and has almost no downsides. It takes the punch out of your followers dying when you can just zap em back to life anytime. It lowers the stakes, and a big part of the game's fun (especially the early part) is in the struggle to keep your followers happy, obedient, and healthy. It's better to unlock post-game.
Pick Return to the Earth, which unlocks the ability to turn your dead followers into fertilizer. It will get tedious to deal with the bodies. You'll run out of space to bury them and it costs loyalty to cut them up in front of your followers, meaning you'll have to wait until night (it's more annoying than anything).
Pick Tax Collector. Money isn't incredibly important in the game, but one issue I've constantly run into is food insecurity. Harvesting food doesn't always yield seeds, so your supplies aren't going to replenish themselves. You'll have to buy seeds fairly often. It's better to have someone running around collecting extra cash for you.
(^Note for this one, you can unlock a doctrine that removes the penalty for making your followers eat grass, which seems like it'll solve all your food problems, but grass isn't very filling and you do need it as building material too, so that isn't really sustainable in the long run. Also, feeding your followers better food increases loyalty)
These are just some thoughts that I notice are different from the guide I saw online. Moving on from that, some completely miscellaneous tips:
A big part of the game outside of cult-caretaking is going on crusades...which means leaving followers to their own devices. Unfortunately, your followers are useless and cannot do anything to take care of themselves unless you've unlocked enough buildings to make your cult semi-automated (kitchen, outhouse, etc.) Make sure before you leave your loyalty is full or close to it, the place is completely tidy, and no one's hungry.
They're going to dissent anyways. Build prisons asap.
I didn't realize this for the longest time, somehow, but you can gain extra blue hearts each time you perform a sermon. Stacking them up makes crusades a lost easier before you've unlocked all of your permanent red hearts + stronger weapons.
There's a rat follower form hidden behind Ratu's house and a starfish one hidden in Midas' Cave :]
Photosensitivity warning: Sometimes when unlocking things (usually new stages, I think) there'll be this irritating black-and-white colour-shift/flash. Luckily the game has a ton of accessibility settings that you can fiddle with if anything bothers you.
Recently there was a pretty major update (Sins of the Flesh) and it seems like the devs have the intention of continuing to add more free content to the game Stardew Valley-style which I'm really looking forward to! I definitely recommend it if you're thinking of buying.
God's a catboy. It doesn't get better than that.
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nazrul09834 · 5 months
The Definitive Guide to Effective Diet Plans for Optimal Health
Chapter 1: Understanding the Importance of a Diet Plan
Embarking on a journey towards weight loss or weight gain requires a comprehensive understanding of the role a diet plan plays in achieving your goals. A diet plan serves as the foundation upon which you build your nutritional habits, guiding your food choices and portion sizes to align with your objectives. For those aiming to shed excess pounds, a well-structured diet plan not only facilitates weight loss but also ensures that you do so healthily and sustainably. Similarly, individuals seeking to gain weight can utilize a diet plan to strategically increase calorie intake and promote muscle growth. Whether your goal is to slim down or bulk up, a carefully curated diet plan provides structure and guidance, empowering you to make informed decisions about your nutrition. By adhering to a personalized diet plan, you can optimize your nutrient intake, regulate your metabolism, and achieve lasting results.
Chapter 2: Diet Plan for Weight Loss
For many individuals, embarking on a weight loss journey can be daunting, but with a well-crafted diet plan, success becomes attainable. A diet plan for weight loss typically involves reducing calorie intake while ensuring adequate nutrient consumption to support overall health. This often entails incorporating more fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains into your meals, while limiting processed foods, sugary snacks, and high-calorie beverages. By creating a calorie deficit through diet and physical activity, you can effectively shed excess pounds and improve your body composition. Moreover, a sustainable weight loss diet plan emphasizes portion control, mindful eating, and behavioral changes to promote long-term success and prevent weight regain. With consistency and dedication, adhering to a tailored diet plan can lead to significant improvements in both physical health and overall well-being.
Chapter 3: Diet Plan for Weight Loss at Home
Achieving weight loss goals from the comfort of your own home is entirely feasible with the right approach. A diet plan for weight loss at home involves making mindful food choices, preparing meals with wholesome ingredients, and establishing a supportive environment conducive to healthy living. By stocking your kitchen with nutritious staples and planning meals ahead of time, you can avoid impulsive eating and stay on track with your dietary goals. Additionally, incorporating regular physical activity into your daily routine complements your diet plan, further enhancing weight loss outcomes. With the convenience of home-cooked meals and the flexibility to customize your environment, implementing a diet plan for weight loss at home offers both convenience and effectiveness.
Chapter 4: Beginner Diet Plan for Weight Loss for Female
Women embarking on their weight loss journey may benefit from a beginner-friendly diet plan tailored to their specific needs and preferences. A beginner diet plan for weight loss for females focuses on establishing healthy eating habits, gradually reducing calorie intake, and incorporating regular physical activity into daily routines. This may involve starting with simple meal swaps, such as replacing sugary beverages with water or opting for grilled chicken over fried alternatives. Additionally, incorporating nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins provides essential vitamins and minerals while promoting satiety. By starting with manageable changes and gradually progressing, beginner female weight loss enthusiasts can build confidence and momentum towards their goals, setting the stage for long-term success.
Chapter 5: Benefits of a Diet Plan
The benefits of implementing a diet plan extend far beyond weight management, encompassing various aspects of physical, mental, and emotional well-being. A well-structured diet plan promotes optimal nutrition, supplying the body with essential nutrients needed for energy production, immune function, and cellular repair. By prioritizing nutrient-rich foods and balanced meals, individuals can enhance their overall health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers. Moreover, a diet plan fosters mindfulness around eating habits, encouraging individuals to tune into hunger and fullness cues, thereby preventing overeating and promoting a healthy relationship with food. Additionally, for those aiming to achieve specific fitness or performance goals, a tailored diet plan provides the necessary fuel to support muscle growth, recovery, and athletic performance. Overall, the benefits of a diet plan extend beyond physical appearance, encompassing improved health, enhanced energy levels, and increased quality of life.
Chapter 6: Weight Gain Diet Plan
While much attention is often focused on weight loss, a weight gain diet plan is equally important for individuals looking to build muscle mass, increase strength, or overcome undernutrition. A weight gain diet plan involves consuming a surplus of calories from nutrient-dense foods to promote muscle growth and support overall health. This typically entails increasing intake of protein-rich foods such as lean meats, dairy products, legumes, and nuts, which provide essential amino acids necessary for muscle repair and growth. Additionally, incorporating healthy fats and complex carbohydrates ensures sustained energy levels and supports metabolic functions. By combining a balanced diet with progressive resistance training, individuals can stimulate muscle hypertrophy and achieve their desired physique. Furthermore, a weight gain diet plan can be tailored to address specific dietary preferences, food allergies, or cultural considerations, ensuring a personalized approach to achieving weight-related goals. Whether aiming to lose weight or gain muscle, a well-designed diet plan serves as a fundamental tool for optimizing nutrition and achieving desired outcomes.
Portion control Mindful eating Balanced meals Calorie deficit Whole grains Lean proteins Meal prep Metabolic function
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haejjoon · 2 years
silly question!! but what's akira's flat like in the swap au. is it cluttered at all does he have a lot of skincare products in his bathroom is his kitchen cookable in or does he sustain on instant noodles?? sometimes im just taken with the mundane details of the teenage assassin life <3 love your work!! ty ty for sharing 🙇🙇🙇
FUNNY YOU ASK THAT. I JUST FINISHED A SHORT AKESHU COMIC where u can to see a lil bit of his flat ehe
he's well-equipped with... pretty much everything. dude likes to cook, he can still make banger coffee/curry/pretty much any meal when he puts his mind to it, and when you're a teenage supernatural assassin tv personality... you gotta take care of yourself any way you can you know hskjfks
but most of all its... boring. no knickknacks. no souvenirs from hanging out with people. not until he starts getting close to the phantom thieves, that is :')
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bitchesgetriches · 2 years
NEW POST! 21 Ideas for Sustainable Swaps That Aren’t Shitty, Expensive, Greenwashed Garbage
I’m always looking for great sustainable swaps, because I love finding ways to reduce my footprint. (In an ecological sense only—been holding steady at size 7.5 for years.) I try to recycle, compost, buy less, shop local, and choose more sustainable options. But I’m just one woman! I can’t test out everything. So I asked our endlessly wise Patreon community. And boy did Bitch Nation deliver!
My only caveat was that these sustainable swaps can’t suck. 
Paper straws that disintegrate into wet clumps in your mouth? Absolutely not!
Coffee pods sold to us as green because you’ll “waste less water”? Lies and pictures of also-lies!
Cloth napkins that cost—I’m sorry—$92 for a set of four?! WHAT! I’m not linking to the site because they claim to be handmade by artisans, and I’m sure those artisans are very nice people. BUT STILL!
Out of this list, ye devils! These sustainable swaps need to be as good—or gooder!—than the products they’re designed to replace. Nothing prohibitively expensive or complicated.
And definitely not shitty.
Keep reading...
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thedrarrylibrarian · 2 years
16, 17 & 18 for the fic reader questions, pls and thank youuuuu!! If you've done those or they do not spark joy, feel free to swap them out for anything you'd like!! xox
Hello Love! Thanks for popping into the library to celebrate my 2 year blog anniversary with me!
16. What's an underrated fic that deserves more love?
I love this fic. I feel like I rarely see it on rec lists and I really enjoyed it. I like that food is a way for Draco to communicate and ask forgiveness from those he's wronged. I love that he's so determined to get Harry to come to one of his dinners, but it's such a quiet and gentle determination, especially in contrast to Harry's righteous indignation over the whole thing. And it must be said that this fic reminds me of one of my favorite books - Kitchens of the Great Midwest by J. Ryan Stradal.
Let him lead me to the banquet by @harryromper (16,066 words, rated T)
The worst part is Harry’s got no idea why Malfoy keeps sending him invites. He’s never replied to a single one. And if the whole dinner is as exclusive and sought-after as the Prophet keeps breathlessly reporting, then presumably the only reason Malfoy wants him there is in his capacity as the Chosen One. So, really, he can fuck right off. Harry doesn’t care about Draco Malfoy’s redemption tour. And he’s certainly not going to help him with it.
17. What's a fic that brought you on board with a ship you were skeptical about?
I love Pansmione...for other people. It's just never been my thing. It's a fine ship. I know it's another enemies to lovers ship, like Drarry, but there's never been enough chemistry in canon for me. I also really like Ron and Hermione. I think they fit together well - Ron's heart the match for Hermione's head.
This fic made me open to the possibility of Pansmione. I adored this fic - I loved the fake relationship aspect of it and how it let them get to know one another better. I loved the political drama of it - Hermione working so hard to be a champion of the people. I loved that though it was mostly from Hermione's point of view, she was not perfect. She was still cut-throat in doing what she thought was best and it let Pansy be a little bit softer and sweeter in comparison. I could really see Hermione as a workaholic politician and Pansy as philanthropist. The dynamic really worked for them in this fic and I'll consider more Pansmione in the future because of it!
sometimes you amaze me by burstofpeony (54,289 words, rated T)
Hermione’s on track to become the youngest Minister of Magic in history. There’s just one issue-- the polls hate her. Well, the polls hate her gayness, specifically. When a solution is presented that could fix everything, who’s she to decline?
18. What's a fic that made you cry?
I sobbed at this fic. It didn't help that I read it for the first time right after my grandfather passed away, but it was gutting in the best way. Harry and Draco's love for each other is so realistic because it's so ingrained into their everyday life - mugs and socks and pieces of paper left behind after someone is gone, routines that you don't even realize - and I felt every bit of Harry's grief so deeply. Losing my partner is one of my worst fears and this fic made that unimaginable thing so tangible that it left me with heartache for days afterwards.
However, it's not terribly difficult to make me cry. The thing that sets this fic apart is that after the tears, it made me hope too. Hopeful for Harry as he finds his way through this and hopeful because the love that Draco leaves behind sustains him.
Stop All the Clocks (This Is the Last Time I’m Leaving Without You) by @firethesound (44,706 words, rated E)
Living with Draco was difficult; living without him is unbearable. But if there’s one thing Harry learned from the war, it’s that even when one life ends, the rest of the world goes right on living.
If you want to celebrate my two years of reccing in the library, feel free to pick an ask from this post!
❤ Lots of Love and Happy Reading! ❤
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fluffy-critter · 11 months
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letssgolesbians · 2 years
a collection of eco friendly lifestyle ideas + swaps from various sources around the web:
reusable makeup remover wipes/cotton rounds - i use these and they’re way softer on the skin and bigger so you can use multiple times before washing either in sink or with a laundry load.
cutting products open when they are almost finished - will acc save a lot of money and means that even if buying sustainably is inaccessible to you (valid!) you can make products last for longer
freeze your overripe fruits for smoothies - all tastes the same, means you can make ur own cute lil smoothie mixes and they are often thicker!!
wash dry and reuse plastic bags - they’re almost unavoidable, but you can reuse them easily (i do this for my lunch!)
buy slow fashion - to some this might be too pricey which is totally fine!! but for my uk ppl: run and fly, lucy and yak, and fat face all look rly good and have fun clothing.
eat plant based food - you don’t have to be a vegetarian, you can do meat free monday or just choose the mcplant over a normal burger at maccies! quorn has acc aamzing chicken nuggets and often supermarkets have vegetarian aisles!
support your local farmers market - they often do not wax their apples and you will actually be able to support local businesses instead of big corporations! they also are just fun to go to :)
use a bar dish soap and a bamboo brush
to wash your body, buy bar soap and a net type pouch for it to be able to save it and exfoliate, often less expensive and not packaged in plastic, more scents or you can even make your own!! i’ve heard black african soap is rly good!
use a recycled plastic toothbrush over a normal one - you can use bamboo, but for me bc of sensory issues i can’t, so this is a nice compromise!
use beeswax wraps for food instead of clingfilm - they are more sticky and thick so accessible for people with motor issues (maybe, correct me if i’m wrong but less delicate?) and they have fun patterns and are available from lots of small businesses
instead of liquid hand soap, either use a bar soap or my preference would be a glass pump bottle and tablets that you can dissolve as i find bar soap hard to handle, but bar soap you can keep in tins!
use a reusable water bottle - you can fill them with fizzy drinks or energy drinks, there’s no rules against this!! they keep your drink cold and are sturdier then plastic, and definitely cheaper!! you can also draw on some or stick stickers on to make them more ‘you’!
use cloth napkins and ‘unpaper’ towels instead of rolls of paper towels
buy in bulk
use an ice tray or machine instead of buying big bags from the store - less heavy definitely, and you can add fruits and make ice pops with trays!!
use a refillable or natural deodorant- i use wild (uk ppl!!) and it smells nice, the refills are easy and come in paper and i have a rly cute metal holder!!
you can get reusable cupcake papers - esp for my ppl who like the lick the bottom, they won’t fall apart XD!
use a kindle - reduces the amount of paper books you have to buy, easily transportable, can lend books out to ppl and cheaper books!
bring your own lunch - esp if ur a picky eater like me, i often bring a cheese sandwich and some crisps places so i’m not stuck not eating or choking down food i don’t like and leaving leftovers, also means you can use your own plastic tupperwares instead of store bought single use things lol
grow your own things - i used to grow strawberries as a child and it was surprisingly easily, some ideas are bottle tower gardens and a kitchen herb gardens, you can also grow cat grass and catnip for all my cat parents out there :)
collect rainwater for your plants - just keep a mason jar in your backyard if you have one, or journey out when it’s raining and fill a jar, will last you a bit!!
that’s all i have for now but feel free to add more!!
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How to Improve Indoor Air Quality in Sterling VA Properties
Indoor air excellent is an important aspect of sustaining a healthful and comfortable residing ecosystem. In Sterling, VA, in which the local weather may be hot and humid throughout the summer months months, it becomes more essential to make sure that your own home's air is clear and free from pollutants. Inadequate indoor air high quality may lead to different health issues, such as respiratory challenges, allergic reactions, and bronchial asthma. This article will supply you with important recommendations and knowledge on how to improve indoor air high-quality in Sterling VA households.
Tips for Efficient HVAC Use
One of the key elements in protecting fantastic indoor air good quality is https://www.tumblr.com/zealouscupcakeearthquake/757765264228106240/ac-repair-service-what-to-expect-for-the-duration guaranteeing that your HVAC procedure is Performing successfully. Here are some tricks for successful HVAC use:
Regular Maintenance: Timetable frequent upkeep to your HVAC method to make certain that it is actually performing optimally. Clear or swap filters on a regular basis, look for leaks or blockages, and hold the program very well-taken care of.
Proper Ventilation: Correctly ventilate your private home to permit fresh air to circulate. Open up Home windows and doors in the event the climate permits, and use exhaust fans in kitchens and bathrooms to get rid of odors and pollutants.
Temperature Control: Established your thermostat at an ideal temperature to lower energy consumption and stop overworking your HVAC process. This may also assist manage a snug indoor environment.
Seal Leaks: Inspect your property for just about any air leaks all over windows, doorways, and vents. Seal these leaks with caulk or weatherstripping to prevent outside pollutants from getting into your own home.
Use Ceiling Fans: Use ceiling enthusiasts along side your HVAC system to boost airflow and circulation in the course of your property. This may assistance distribute amazing or warm air extra competently.
Signs You'll need HVAC Repair
It's critical to recognize the signals that suggest you might need HVAC repair service in an effort to deal with concerns immediately and forestall more destruction. Watch out for the next indicators:
Strange Noises: Should you see uncommon noises coming from a HVAC method, including grinding, rattling, or banging Seems, it may well show a mechanical concern that requires maintenance.
Inconsistent Temperatures: If some rooms in your house are drastically colder or warmer than Other people, it may be an indication of an HVAC system malfunction. This could be on account of ductwork concerns or problems with the thermostat.
Increased Vitality Bills: A sudden spike in your Vitality bills with no corresponding rise in utilization may be a sign that your HVAC process will not be functioning competently and may involve repair service.
Frequent Cycling: If the HVAC system commonly activates and off, it may be a sign of an fundamental situation. This consistent biking can set unwanted strain within the procedure and cause elevated Power consumption.
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Knoxville's Hidden Gems: Innovative Home Renovation Ideas To Elevate Your Property
Knoxville is a city bursting with charm and character, but have you ever considered how much potential your home holds? You've come to the right place if you're itching to elevate your space without breaking the bank or sacrificing style. Home renovations in Knoxville can transform not only the look of your property but also its value and functionality. From budget-friendly upgrades to unique design features, there are countless ways to make your home stand out. And let's remember about eco-friendly options that promote sustainable living while enhancing comfort. Home Renovations Knoxville
Ready to unlock those hidden gems within your walls? Let's dive into some innovative renovation ideas that will breathe new life into your property!
Budget-Friendly Renovation Ideas
Transforming your home doesn't have to cost a fortune. Simple updates can make a significant impact without straining your wallet. Start with paint; it's one of the easiest ways to refresh any room. A new color can breathe life into tired spaces.
Consider swapping out the hardware on cabinets and drawers, too. Unique knobs or pulls can add personality for just a few dollars each.
Remember to underestimate the power of lighting. Changing light fixtures or adding dimmers can create ambiance while updating an outdated look.
If you have outdoor space, simple landscaping changes like mulch or flower beds can enhance curb appeal significantly.
Embrace DIY projects when possible—from shelving units to artwork, creating something yourself saves money and adds personal flair!
Unique Design Features to Enhance Your Property
When renovating a home in Knoxville, unique design features can transform an ordinary space into something extraordinary. Consider incorporating reclaimed wood accents. This not only adds character but also tells a sustainability story.
Another great option is a statement wall with bold paint or eye-catching wallpaper. It draws the eye and is a perfect backdrop for your favorite artwork.
Think about integrating built-in shelves or nooks. These maximize space and provide functional storage while adding architectural interest.
Look into outdoor elements, too. A stylish pergola or vibrant garden path can enhance curb appeal significantly.
Unique lighting fixtures are game-changers, too. They create ambiance and highlight specific areas of your home beautifully.
Each feature contributes to a distinctive charm that enhances aesthetics and functionality, making your property stand out in the Knoxville real estate market.
Eco-Friendly Renovations for Sustainable Living
Eco-friendly renovations are becoming increasingly popular in Knoxville. Homeowners seek to reduce their environmental footprint while enhancing property value.
Using sustainable materials is a great start. Bamboo flooring, reclaimed wood, and recycled metal fixtures add charm and durability. These choices not only look good but also minimize waste.
Energy efficiency is another crucial aspect of eco-friendly renovations. Installing solar panels can significantly cut energy bills over time. Upgrading windows to double or triple panes helps maintain indoor temperatures without excessive heating or cooling.
Water conservation features like low-flow faucets and dual-flush toilets can also make a difference. These simple upgrades lead to substantial savings on water bills while promoting responsible usage.
Landscaping with native plants reduces the need for irrigation and chemical treatments, creating a vibrant outdoor space that thrives naturally in the local climate. This approach fosters biodiversity while complementing your home's aesthetic appeal.
Case Studies of Successful Home Renovations in Knoxville
One remarkable case is a quaint bungalow in South Knoxville. The owners transformed their outdated kitchen into an open-concept space, incorporating modern finishes and vintage charm. They kept the original hardwood floors but added sleek cabinetry that pops against soft pastel walls.
In West Knoxville, a family took on their basement renovation with creativity. They turned it into a cozy entertainment hub featuring soundproofing and custom-built shelving for books and games. This addition increased usable space and enhanced the home's value.
Another inspiring project involved an eco-conscious couple in North Knoxville who aimed to make their home more sustainable. By using reclaimed materials for their deck and installing energy-efficient windows, they created a beautiful outdoor oasis while keeping environmental impact low.
These renovations illustrate diverse approaches tailored to individual tastes, turning houses into personalized havens while boosting property appeal throughout the city.
When it comes to home renovations in Knoxville, the possibilities are endless. Whether you're working with a tight budget or looking to make an eco-friendly statement, innovative ideas can elevate your property. Unique design features can transform ordinary spaces into extraordinary ones, adding character and charm.
The success stories from Knoxville homeowners highlight how thoughtful renovations can breathe new life into a space. These transformations enhance aesthetics and increase property value.
Embracing these hidden gems of renovation will lead to a more functional and appealing home environment tailored just for you. So roll up your sleeves and dive into the world of creative remodeling—the potential awaits you!
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