#sussur tree my beloved
astralprisms · 2 months
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Adventures in the Underdark
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inkyrains · 2 months
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BALDUR'S GATE III ☾ locations [5/?] ⇢ Dread Hollow, the Underdark
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Giant sussur tree my beloved <3
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rottenbrainstuff · 11 months
Bg3 playthrough: exploring the underdark, Dhourn + friends
Wow this area is so dangerous, haha! I never thought I’d need to rest just from walking around. Dangerous but SO PRETTY! I took a million screenshots of my tav backlight by all the glowing mushrooms and the beautiful sussur tree. Plus now I’ve figured out how to not get blown up by the red mushrooms so I’m navigating much better.
I am playing the game on easy, but you know what, I am actually thinking I just may switch to medium. I’m actually finding the fights a bit TOO easy now. The underdark monsters are scary and tougher than the ones on the surface, but I feel like it’s not much fun if I can kill everyone in one round.
At least the spectator fight took a couple rounds longer. Holy smokes I didn’t know that fight was there at all, total surprise. Oh wow I have triggered a cut scene while I walk through an area full of… ominous drow statues… I’m sure that everything is fine….. Oh shit.
I was kind of expecting that fight to be a bit harder. TBF it WAS really hard in the beginning when I didn’t know how to approach the fight, and didn’t want to attack the un-petrified drow at all. In the end though I found dissonant whispers works quite handy on the spectator, and I realized hitting the drow exactly once will break their charm and they will fight with me. After knowing that, we smashed that spectator like a birthday pinata.
And what was my reward? A conversation with the most insufferable little dickhead I have seen in the game so far, lmao! Dhourn was absolutely hilarious. What a stupid little piece of shit. I love how he’s going on and on about all this bullshit that the player doesn’t even have a clue about, basically just having a conversation with himself while you watch. “What? You didn’t rescue me, I ALLOWED you to ASSIST me.” Little jerkoff. I absolutely LOVED how indignant he was that a rival brought a spectator to the negotiations, because it messed up the ambush that he had planned. Oh, drow. I wonder if my tav missed this kind of petty drama, lol. And no matter what you do**, in the end he fights you. Which is… I mean yes, this is all the thanks I get from this asshole, but also hilarious, like, my dude you have a quarter the HP that the WEAKEST member of my party does, plus that spectator took a chunk out of you, what did you think was going to happen here?
**there is only one single way (that I could see) to have Dhourn SURVIVE the spectator fight and NOT attack you when it’s done, and that one single way is to be / be disguised as a female drow. His dialogue won’t be too much different, he’ll still rattle on and even if you are a female drow he can barely keep his contempt contained, but you do get some extra dialogue options and the ability to convince him to back off. In the end though, it didn’t make much roleplay sense - why would my character have known before the fight to disguise himself as a female drow? and fuck that guy anyways, he’s insufferable, so we ended up fighting him and I don’t feel bad about it.
By the beautiful, beautiful sussur tree, we ran into one of the rivals he mentioned, Filro the Forgotten. He’s a sad little guy singing a sad little song in his camp that’s covered with hook horror shit, lmao. It was sad to beat him up, but I couldn’t figure out a way to talk to him, and online seemed to confirm that there isn’t. He’s probably just as insufferable as Dhourn though so I imagine no great loss there. Damn, poor little guy though. If you creep up close enough without aggoring him, you can hear him singing. He gets quite unhinged during the fight. If you speak to his corpse without disguising yourself, he will accuse you of killing his beloved. (which I don’t… THINK? was the hook horror I killed? He sings a song about a Melinda, his true love, who has gone missing / left him / died. I think the poor guy has just gone nuts. Internet suggests Melinda is the dead gnome at the camp but personally I don’t agree, his corpse will say the hook horrors brought him gnome meat to eat and I assumed the gnome was just… a snack. Internet people are saying the stupidest things about this game anyways so I don’t trust a single person on any forum that I see) Poor old guy.
Blurg and his uh, unusual associate were quite the surprise!
Then I found the kuo toa colony. Astarion gives a 5 approval if you kill their false god, which causes them to start worshiping you. I’m sure he thinks it’s fucking hilarious and he’s going to call my tav the great mahkloompah all the time now. Also spit take? Doni can write?? And has a dad somewhere??? PLEASE tell me I can find this poor kid’s dad and reunite them???? (please tell me when I meet Doni again I can write him a message?) God these tieflings make me so sad and I haven’t even got to the sad parts yet.
Fun things I have done so far with the spectator bottle:
Opened it in the druid grove right in front of my least favourite druid, very satisfying to watch those bastards fry.
Sicced it on that spectator by the temple.
Tried opening it at camp right beside Withers hoping to get a fun reaction out of him, but nope, nothing.
I’m having so much fun in the underdark. I’m really struggling though between the urge to go everywhere, see everything, do everything and rip through this game as fast as I can because everything is so cool and I want to see all the neat things that happen in act 2 and 3, and the urge to go slow, mill around, even reload and replay some scenes, take my time and slowly enjoy the shit out of it.
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