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The Seojun/Suho link on Ao3 has five pages.
My goal to add atleast ONE more.
#LETS DO THIS#it requires so much research omg#true beauty#suhoxseojun#suseo#suho#seojun#han seojun#lee suho
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day 23/547 of hobi's military service
this selca was posted on 130715, with the caption:
130715 Gangnam Fansign Fan Account Euhehehe @_@ Today there was a fansign. I slept well and when I woke up in the morning, I yelled “Hope morning" and ate breakfast in a great condition @-@/ I spent my time reading the books ARMYs gave me and kind of felt like I became a city guy?? Hahahaha Also At around five?? I went to the [hair] salon and got myself ready euheh~^_^ Gogogogo to Suseo to meet our pretty fans Wow! So many fans came to our fansign today Ah!! And also!! Today was MC Hope!!! I MC-ed today Ater a strong ment, we started the fansign As usual, it was really fun having one-on-one talks with our pretty ARMYs oh yeah @-@! The fansign went by so fast ㅠㅠ We had a small event for our fans today also and also took a nice group photo It was good~~ㅎ,ㅎ I think today’s fansign was also really fun I think the best part is being able to have such direct conversations with fans Our ARMYs are the bestbest kekekeke Today was really fun~ Please look forward to our future fansigns kekeke Today I will specially..upload an aegyo..photo!!!! ㅎㅎ I’m embarrassed..ㅎㅎ Well everyone, Hope-night~@.@/
(trans cr: Christie @ bts-trans)
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분당수서 고속화도로-성남법원 Bundang Suseo Expressway - Seongnam Court #4K #분당수서고속화도록...
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Aksidente entre dos truck frontal (video)
Djabierne dia 24 nov 2024 tabata tin un aksidente entre dos truck riba kaminda Weg naar Westpunt mas o menos na altura di Landfill – Malpais, nos por bisa ku e shofur no a paga tinu na tempu ku e truck su dilanti a para pa un otro vehikulo i tambe por bisa ku nan tabata kore hopi pega riba otro. Pero kada ken tin nan pensamentu di e suseo. Ban ku kuwidou den trafiko tur ora i no solamente fin di…
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Aafop Aahil Aakil Aamup Aasur Aefop Aepil Aufek Auuik Eakem Easis Eaues Eeeen Eefet Eemef Eepaf Eetat Eihah Eomop Eonim Euior Euris Falas Falol Famui Fapor Faraa Fasah Fatir Fehur Fekin Fekut Felun Fenaf Fepak Ferau Fetis Fipip Fipot Fisan Fiseh Fiton Foaik Fokem Folas Folir Folof Folor Fomeh Fonik Fopet Foref Forer Foseu Fosih Fosik Fotoi Fufor Fuhas Fulem Fulol Fupik Fusak Fuuon Hakel Hamet Harus Hasam Hasos Hatek Hefan Heian Helem Helum Heman Henis Heroh Hifif Hihoi Himon Hinos Hipak Hipir Hipol Hipul Hiref Hoauf Hohir Hokah Holef Holus Hooep Hopak Hosal Hosef Hosit Hotah Hotol Hufup Huhel Hulel Humiu Huoir Hurom Ialep Iamim Iasil Ieail Iinot Iofut Iokil Iulet Iulun Iusah Kaheh Kamuf Karaa Karaf Katap Kehit Kekan Kekoe Kemof Kenun Kerer Kerue Ketih Ketim Kifut Kilaa Kimip Kipep Komam Kopof Koroi Korot Kosuk Kotar Kotih Kotos Kouis Kufor Kuhuh Kukel Kukul Kului Kuson Laair Lafam Lahop Lahul Lamit Lanok Lanut Latok Lelot Lemar Lemum Lepin Lesif Lifet Lihum Likaf Liken Lilam Lilep Lirir Liroh Litas Litem Litim Lofon Lofun Lomor Lonem Lorul Lufup Luiom Luion Lulet Lulif Lulik Lumap Lumit Lunit Lusip Lusir Mahih Maiik Mapes Mapon Mapui Masor Meear Melup Memit Meoip Meput Mesul Metes Miaam Mikir Milat Mimit Mipip Mipup Mirer Mirup Misaf Mises Misuk Misut Mitos Miuak Mofuh Moiai Molut Moses Mufik Mufon Muhos Mukun Mulit Mulur Mumei Mumet Mumus Mupak Mutaf Naeio Nafef Nakos Nalok Napeo Nefuh Nehan Nekun Nemim Nenit Nepen Nesus Nieal Nilae Niler Nimeo Nioep Nipos Nisat Nisuk Nofae Nokil Nokon Nolil Nomuf Nomuh Noret Notal Nufur Nuiom Nunok Nusif Nusuh Oakoa Oetee Oinok Oipos Oipuo Oofit Ousel Pafah Pafam Pahon Pahuk Pakom Pakuo Pamau Pamek Panef Papem Papum Papus Pario Parus Pasur Patan Pauek Pehak Pelap Peual Pileh Pimom Pirih Pisir Pitae Pofof Pohum Pohut Pomal Pomes Popit Poset Pufah Pukar Pulot Pumal Pumon Punan Punep Punik Pupaf Pupis Rahep Raief Raiur Rakoh Ranai Ranau Ranom Rapir Rasof Ratat Ratep Ratut Rehar Reiak Rekof Remur Renar Repus Rifif Rihah Riluh Rimuh Rinat Ripar Ripio Rituk Rofal Rokip Rolia Romam Romen Ronoa Rorut Roteo Rufim Ruhof Rukep Rulik Rumak Rumis Runef Rurar Saaef Safut Sanut Saoaf Satef Sehin Seium Sekek Sekun Seler Sesos Setuf Sihuk Sihur Sinah Sinil Sinum Sious Sises Sisim Sohok Sohul Sokut Soluk Somum Sonot Sopus Sorim Suaom Sufeh Suhuf Sukah Sukem Suloi Sulom Sulos Sumah Sunoh Sunol Suras Suseo Susim Sutah Sutep Suter Sutif Tafem Taiek Tefer Tefue Tefuk Tehim Tenip Tenuk Teret Tesip Tesok Tifur Tihih Timap Tiruf Tisoi Tisuk Titin Tofup Tohoh Tolam Tolih Tolos Tomul Tonam Tooue Topin Torif Toril Tosip Tosus Touip Tukie Tumaf Tumor Turim Turor Tusol Uakem Uapuf Uoror Uorue Uuhui Uuiae Uupan
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방과후 전쟁활동 다시 보기 7화~10화 [완결,전편]
방과후 전쟁활동 다시 보기 7화~10화 [완결,전편]
방과후 전쟁활동 다시 보기 7화~10화 [완결,전편]
방과후 전쟁활동 다시 보기 7화~10화 [완결,전편]
방과후 전쟁활동 다시 보기 7화~10화 [완결,전편]
방과후 전쟁활동 다시 보기 7화~10화 [완결,전편]
방과후 전쟁활동 다시 보기 7화~10화 [완결,전편]
Some criticize it severely for annihilating the Myocheong factions of Chingje Geonwon and Seogyeong transfer movement, and copying Suseo, a Chinese librarian, for the reason that there are few records of Goguryeo and Baekje other than Silla. First of all, Goryeo was a country under the imperial family, and internally called the emperor, so although the era name was not used publicly, it was a country that did it passively. In the case of the Seogyeong relocation movement, Jeong Ji-sang and Myocheong-deung insisted on recapturing the old territory of Goguryeo after moving the capital to Seogyeong. It was a powerful country that completely conquered the northern part of the Central Plains and Manchuria by continuously burning the Northern Song. Claiming a northern invasion against such a country was absurd at the time.[27] Even without going far, there was a case in which a 170,000 Goryeo expeditionary force struggled against the ancestors of the Jin Dynasty in 1108, 30 years before the Myocheong Rebellion. In addition, in the case of the movement to relocate the capital to Seogyeong, it was a movement actively led by figures from Seogyeong, including Jeong Ji-sang. On the surface, it was to become an emperor and regain the land of Goguryeo, but a closer look shows that it is more involved in the fight for political leadership to drive out political forces from Gaegyeong, including Kim Pu-shik. It was close.
In addition, the criticism of referring to Chinese records is the criticism of those who did not properly look into the Samguk Sagi. As will be described later, throughout the history of the Three Kingdoms, "It's a pity that there is no record." When Kim Bu-sik lived together, the records of Goguryeo and Baekje had already evaporated, and accordingly, Kim Bu-sik had no choice but to cite Chinese records.[28]
And if you look at 『Samguksagi』, there are quite a lot of difficult aspects to see Kim Pu-sik as a simple flunkeyist. Of course, it is true that 《Samguksagi》 is a bit conservative, but “Compared to the current estimation of the contents of the history books of the Goryeo Dynasty and the former Samguksa, which seems to have existed before 《Samguksagi》, 《Samguksagi》 is a conservative librarian. !" is a bit hasty. In the case of the former Samguksa, it is presumed to include even absurd records. 《Samguksagi》 is based on the principle of ignorance and sul-ibujak (述而不作). Because it was recorded only. If you admit this part, there are a lot of forces [29] to like, so I just don't mention it openly. It's not like there should be another librarian. What openly shows Kim Bu-sik's tendency in 《Samguksagi》 is the theory, not the main body itself. Just as Samacheon's words appear as Taesagongwal in 《Sagi》, Kim Bu-sik's intentions also appear as private arguments in 《Samguksagi》.
It is an unreasonable claim to point out that a view centered on Shilla appears. The importance of Silla's history in Samguk sagi is not excessively large, and there are traces of efforts to deal with it in a relatively balanced way.[30] In addition, some of the contents, such as Kim Yu-shin's records, frankly admit that Kim Bu-shik had to give up after searching for historical materials and write down the remaining Kim Yu-shin's records. This part is detailed in the Samguk sagi document.
Contrary to the general perception that he was a flunkeyist, Kim Pu-shik was a person who took great pride in China and other unique cultures of the Korean Peninsula. You can get a glimpse through Samguk Sagi, but let's find out a few things as follows.
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romanian, spanish and dutch surnames
Abalbor Ackoores Adira Agarte Agoza Alague Alano Alarriedo Aldecia Aldez Alealza Alescu Alies Alino Allatice Almons Aloya Alvan Amiquesio Amorronei Angont Anguerbor Anguin Apagui Apalda Apetal Aquara Aquez Aquinge Arbire Archeuw Aress Ariagueck Arieleora Arinag Arippinoa Arisucar Arras Arraz Arten Asiguipo Avela Avenders Avilga Ayorcoras Baella Baino Banas Bandy Barckma Barina Baris Barubia Barza Bastrea Bastres Bation Bauzuza Begaela Belado Belbarida Benovas Berayollo Berregano Berrizo Bobergui Bocke Bolieldo Bonte Boret Boroffz Buela Burre Caarte Cadrican Calciu Camace Camar Camarnis Camido Camíres Canda Cando Cantez Cardapo Carqui Carra Carteva Caybara Cedarda Cepink Cerbos Chaago Chaleo Checea Cheurbon Chovo Ciaauk Cieno Cipia Clond Collafac Comoders Conco Contoriu Corefama Cosseman Coste Costeran Crencha Crescu Criena Culna Damaniazo Datega Deces Decon Defan Dekeniva Deles Dellanez Dellenal Dellinis Dercuyn Derhoonar Derogoce Desuredo Deuves Dijastero Divalivos Drence Duacio Dujia Dumandez Durden Dykeijo Egalla Emake Erbalez Esmagorra Esperna Estana Euvarex Faburiu Figuno Floor Frandela Frantes Frinaster Fulas Funues Gabai Gajarria Galvarra Garaas Gaveel Gavine Ghenos Ginse Gorgo Gosta Grallo Grena Gronda Gueles Guena Guenabas Guenablo Gulsano Gumar Gurtia Hagamp Havillea Herontan Hietchoon Hiquingoz Hoanez Hoogelano Hotor Hourti Iblarido Illen Irago Iriesa Isnedaiz Jaraslos Jarduzo Jimen Jondo Jontiu Juarcowey Juela Juradarry Kande Katalhe Kerescu Kerme Klerde Koena Koeschea Konteongo Laacares Labas Lalunk Lalzones Lanes Larande Laren Lateguno Laterklin Leettel Lescon Lescu Letto Liconez Linez Liperal Litoras Litra Livelez Llagaft Llommen Louweeste Lubia Lucegazo Luerweeta Lunizo Luzaria Macanu Madangs Magueck Magui Malas Mandellas Mandez Mando Manercea Manjo Manney Manos Mareijla Marrissu Marver Marzo Mazcu Meendez Menalardo Mencarnio Menealaa Menteest Merci Miegres Mielas Mietanjos Mille Mitutte Mockerg Momos Mondarro Monester Monigil Monke Montin Morasculs Morave Mordi Mordoz Morfon Morierrez Motenu Mugadepos Munojino Murut Musas Nestrado Nigua Norquer Noscose Nozolingo Obaga Oguez Oguti Olguenies Ollanoros Ollorckx Orabettes Oresego Orilde Ornanda Orrajel Orriz Orroele Orten Orvanta Palbez Paldeno Palth Pande Panta Pantas Parda Parer Parrena Parta Paymo Pedellaff Pedodaro Penter Peroez Peterna Pickerbus Polla Pomona Pooff Poriaza Porti Pruylo Quinasela Radrato Ralla Ralver Ranalsmes Ranon Remardino Rennevo Renta Reras Revalesca Rickeense Ridal Rigart Rillarer Rimat Rivaugal Rives Ronclui Roscu Rujas Ruluon Ruzice Ryepeano Saber Sacomir Sadane Saldertas Salen Salla Sallas Salveino Sarcianen Sarcordo Sardek Sastalda Sauncaza Sautte Scana Scopari Sebui Seens Segue Selejo Senez Sesta Sever Sider Siermina Sillino Sluid Slumbi Smidez Sneguin Solez Steveru Streanos Strolout Suroguete Surquiri Susadujo Suseo Swagan Swagui Swala Terdiz Terra Tilla Torez Toyck Trathe Trillos Trunzo Turez Ubernes Ubuerbue Urawvez Urinon Vallegge Vanakerdt Vanchaan Vandano Vandritus Vanes Vanoragui Vanuer Vared Vartalos Vayos Vedrislo Vejentino Velamaria Venna Verbuz Vercoris Veromse Verres Verro Vidos Viedo Vilarro Vilea Villapaba Villarcio Villo Vivalo Vlers Vontiano Voogalk Vrillano Wiego Wielana Wierneas Wijales Winos Witan Wykhulal Xhuman Yenarter Yolca Yzquillo Zapado Zeeta Zeetil Zuayne Zubiro Zweydela
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[180303] Yujin & Elkie @ Suseo Fansign Event Visit Reddit for more: https://redd.it/11ic455
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Suseo Station.
…I missed the last train. FUCK ME. guess who’s gonna have to get a hotel. great. i’m not sitting at this station for five hours. and there’s barely taxis if any where I am. this sucks.
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true beauty | h.c. with fem!reader | part one
a/n: i’ve mentioned in a previous (now deleted) post that i enjoyed watching the drama (literally my comfort k-drama) but i didn’t like the love triangle bc i loved both suho and seojun so…why not make it a love square with a lot of angst but a happy ending for everyone right right…or not. idk. anyway this is a very self-indulgent all-over-the place h.c. series to make me feel better so don’t expect it to be any less cheesy or k-drama feely…
warning: same heavy themes from the true beauty drama (such as seyeon’s death, bullying, dysfunctional family, etc.)
before everything: you, seyeon, seojun, and suho became the bestest friends in school six years ago because of your similar love for music and, yes, you were the only girl, but you got along with them just fine.
almost everyone in your school knew all about that friendship - popular, you could call it - because each of you had an interesting personality and was known for many things. plus you guys were pretty much inseparable.
y’all loved each other very much like brothers and sister. got each other’s back like that. you ate lunch together, hung out at suho’s after school, wrote and played music together, even bought matching bracelets, etc.
all four of you were very talented. you and suho mostly songwrote and played the instruments, while seyeon and seojun did most of the singing especially as aspiring k-pop idols. each of you could do a bit of everything though.
you had a different dynamic with each of them, like, for example, you and seojun showed your love for each other through playfulness and constant bantering; you and seyeon though, were much different, because seyeon was the most sentimental and softest of all so, in general, you had a very sweet and wholesome friendship with him; you and suho almost had a similar friendship with seojun’s with the occasional bantering, but you could get serious the most with suho because your problems at home made you relate with each other and as the only girl, you found him seeking some type of motherly affection from you, while you found a lot of protective comfort from him every time shit went down at home.
and you could count on zero hands the amount of times you’d let other people see you cry, even with your best friends, but okay, in front of suho, at times, you allowed yourself to...
but these all lasted until that incident that broke your friendship seemingly beyond repair. everything had been going perfectly fine until the day before seyeon’s death, when you had fought with him for the very first time, said some hurtful words before the rumors broke out, and up to now, you still haven’t forgiven yourself for having your last memory with him be a bad one.
upon finding out the news, all three of you ran to meet each other but when you got there, seojun and suho had already been fighting - and that was the last of everything.
though you never blamed suho for seyeon’s death, he himself, along with seojun, did, hence he stopped hanging out with you and answering your calls, isolated himself from not just his friends, but from everyone else as well.
you and seojun remained friends though, but it took you awhile to restore the old friendship you had as it felt wrong at first. you witnessed as he started getting himself involved in very loud and often violent fights for no reason, and he’d also stopped pursuing his dream of becoming a singer.
you could say everything pretty much changed.
until jugyeong came.
you and suho still come to school very diligently and even get high grades, just not together anymore. seojun though, comes to school very rarely now and hangs out with chorong and the other kids during school hours instead. honestly, if you haven’t been stopping him from doing it, he would’ve already dropped out of school. you’ve already given up trying to get him to attend more regularly or even keep up with his grades though.
sometimes you answer his homeworks for him. not that he makes you do them, in fact, he’s against it because you really don’t have to since he doesn’t care about his grades at all. but you argue that if he doesn’t atleast get any score above zero on anything, he’d fail multiple classes and get kicked out.
you see each other after school almost everyday.
on the other hand, you also witness as suho slowly opens himself up to the new girl. sure, he’s still moody as heck, nobody can still truly understand him, but this is the first time in years you’ve seen him smile again, even letting himself eat with other people at lunch and what was that you heard? he had his own study group?
it warms your heart from afar, but deep down, you wish it was you with him instead because you miss him a lot.
like A LOT.
but there’s nobody else to tell, not even seojun - even though you’ve grown so much more comfortable with each other now. you can’t, because he still bears a lot of resentment for the other man that you try your best not to mention his name at all anymore, because it’ll only pain you to hear such harsh words from your best friend about someone you’d both once treated like family and still care for... so you have no choice but to bottle it up.
anyway, seojun comes to school one day and takes notice of suho’s friendship with the new girl, and it’s a curious sight. it doesn’t take him long to conclude that suho likes her.
because he can’t stand it and thinks his ex-best friend doesn’t deserve to be the slightest bit happy at all, he decides to play with jugyeong in order to rob suho of that happiness.
so he starts coming to school more frequently now.
and you know what he’s up to because he had no shame telling you when he first came up with it, and you were, and still are, completely against it, so you’re always scolding him over his petty game every time a fight arises between him and suho because, secretly, you’re all for the concept of suho finally finding happiness again.
also because you keep finding yourself responsible of being the one to come in between, before their arguments can get too heated (like the first time when they almost beat each other up in the middle of the cafeteria) and it’s exhausting on your part.
but seojun is stubborn.
it pains you as you watch the last bits of hope of rekindling your friendship left disappear as the two grow hating each other more, competing for the girl’s attention in front of everyone. it was atleast better and a whole lot quieter when they remained ignoring each other.
and also as you watch seojun pay attention to you less... and, well, did i already mention you had feelings for the guy? oops.
for three years now.
i mean, you’d already found him attractive ever since, but that attraction unfortunately grew into something deeper. at first, you thought you were just in-friend-love with him, enjoying the friendship you had that was full of play fights and inside jokes, but you found yourself craving it every time he wasn’t there and it made sense to admit to yourself that they were real romantic feelings, and being in-friend-love was just something you made up.
you’ve been good at keeping it a secret from everyone else though. i mean, you’ve always been good at keeping everything in or holding yourself together, it’s scary sometimes.
anyway, not that you hang out less now, you still do it often it’s just, y’know, the girl’s name gets mentioned more often than anything now and, okay, maybe you do hang out less than you admit because his attention has become so divided now... though you know that he doesn’t really have feelings for her and that it’s all just a childish game he’ll eventually get tired of, it doesn’t make you feel better...
because... what’s the difference? he flirts with her like he actually likes her and everyone talks about them like they’re a couple, like, ouch...
plus you do sometimes feel out of place, especially when the boys are fighting in front of you and jugyeong’s in between and you’re just... that fourth person on the side that could walk away unnoticed.
you feel sorry for jugyeong though, so you’re always coming to her to apologize, like, poor girl did not sign up for this...
anyway, then comes the school outing…
part two
#true beauty#han seojun#lee suho#lim jugyeong#han seojun x reader#lee suho x reader#true beauty headcanons#cha eunwoo#hwang inyeop#moon gayoung#team suho#team seojun#suseo#tbhc
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That's HIS boyfriend and nobody's gonna take him away.
#kdrama#true beauty#tvn true beauty#han seo jun#han seojun#lee su ho#lee suho#hwang inyeop#hwang in yeop#cha eun woo#cha eunwoo#suseo#idk about you but hwang inyeop got my whole heart
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More Fic! Fandom: True Beauty (TV)
Title: Something Like Fluttering
Rating: M
Pairing: Lee Suho/Han Seo Jun
Summary: Ju Gyeong breaks up with Suho. Seo Jun gets to deal with the aftermath.
Read it here!
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#HANSEOJUN: sujin is my princess
sorry i just can’t get over the fact that he calls her princess in bring me to life it’s all i can think about
#seojun#han seojun#sujin#kang sujin#true beauty#seojun x sujin#suseo#junjin#PLEASE HE CALLS HER PRINCESS !!!!#bring me to life
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reimagining: true beauty as a bl drama
in which seojun taunts suho but suho isn’t listening and is looking at something else instead.
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suseo tag on ao3 looking really tempting rn ngl 🤭
#you thought im only obsessed abt junjin then what now#true beauty’s headcanons/edits/fanfics > true beauty in canon#ok but if they aren’t gay then explain to me why are they so focused on each other lol#my boy suho got himself a gf but once seojun is in the picture he starts to act kinda sus#seojun pestering poor jugyeong around just to make suho jealous? it sounds just like the old fine comphet to me. he wants suho instead#suseo
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