#suscessful strategies
worldchildlabourday · 22 days
112th International Labour Conference.
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The International Labour Organization will hold its 112th annual International Labour Conference in Geneva from 3–14 June 2024. Worker, employer and government delegates from the ILO's 187 Member States will tackle a wide range of issues, including: a standard-setting discussion on protection against biological hazards, a recurrent discussion on the strategic objective of fundamental principles and rights at work and a general discussion on decent work and the care economy. The Conference will also elect members of the Governing Body for the 2024-27 term of office
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worldchildlabourday · 1 month
RTMP- Roles of workers' organizations in implementing the commitments under the regional frameworks on forced labour and child labour.
This panel discussion will focus on how these organizations can effectively implement the commitments outlined in regional frameworks to protect vulnerable populations. Attendees will learn about successful strategies and practical measures that workers' organizations have adopted to enforce labour standards and advocate for ethical practices.
Watch RTMP- Roles of workers' organizations in implementing the commitments under the regional frameworks on forced labour and child labour!
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worldchildlabourday · 1 month
(Continued) Roles of workers' organizations in implementing the commitments under the regional frameworks on forced labour and child labour.
This panel discussion will focus on how these organizations can effectively implement the commitments outlined in regional frameworks to protect vulnerable populations. Attendees will learn about successful strategies and practical measures that workers' organizations have adopted to enforce labour standards and advocate for ethical practices.
Watch 2 Roles of workers' organizations in implementing the commitments under the regional frameworks on forced labour and child labour!
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