#surprisingly good practice for drawing fabric
cosmicseapop · 1 month
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mysterious stranger sketches
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bokettochild · 3 months
random LU hcs before I go to church
Legend likes to draw, and while he uses it for practical purposes (he's compiling a bestiary of his own) he also likes to sketch random crap he finds while traveling
Hyrule weaves. Not fabric, since that's a bit legthly and requires materials he can't get or keep for long, but he's very good at making baskets and the like! When the rest go to his cave, it's just full of woven items, including his attempts at weaving a freaking chair. Hyrule is going to become Pier 1
Sky writes poetry but never shares it with anyone. Groose used to laugh at it when they were kids, and so he's very self-conscious about it (and not very good anyways). He does come up with some really, really good pieces though from time to time!
Warriors couldn't read before he enlisted. He had to learn, and did learn rather quickly once he had to, but he still did very much not grow up with books. He is, however, very fond of oral tradition and somehow keeps a library's worth of knowledge in his head, since he never knew how to write it down before.
Warriors loves folk tails and will use any excuse given in order to share them with the younger ones
Wind is a very proficient mapmaker. he's terrible at drawing figures or anything, but he's very good at charting things out and putting them down on paper
Wind has a great eye for photography though! He and Wild sometimes play a game where they have to find a particular item and take a pictograph of it and then they'll have one of the others judge which one is better. Wild's candids are usually better, but Wind has a talent from framing and using the light to his advantage that outshines Wild's.
Wind likes composing little tunes with the Windwaker when he's bored. he has accidentally discovered several magical songs and their effects in this manner. Sometimes Time debates if just teaching his the Song of Storms from the get go would have been better in the long run, since it would have saved them getting soaked so much
Four has a fascination with artistic metalwork. He can't do it himself, and often times can't understand how someone thought up the idea in the first place, but it gives him great delight to see various metal pieces/tools/items forged together into the oddest art pieces
Twilight claims he's no good art of any kind, usually blaming "these darn big paws o' mine", but the secret is that he's a talented embroiderer, he just doesn't consider it "art" in the same way the rest do. Most Ordon folks add stitch-work to things so he considers it standard practice, not exceptional.
Sky is also very good at stitch-work of all kinds
When Sky and Twilight discover their shared skill-set, they absolutely use it for evil (start adding little patterns and things on their brother's stuff). Is this competitive? They're Links, you tell me!
Time claims not to be very creative, but he's actually quite good at art himself! Just drawing, as his paintings have a very childish sort of color combinations and the like, but he's surprisingly very good with shading and proportions!
All the boys play music, but Twilight's a good hand on the fiddle/violin (but only for short periods) and Legend has a surprising preference for the piano/organ. They'd make an excellent duet if they actually managed to know any of the same songs
Wild cannot and should not play instruments, Hylia help your ears if he does. He's also not that great of an artist (look for JoJo's comic of him drawing a new tapestry, it's hilarious). He likes the art the others make, but in general, the best he can do it just making designs and patterns that always seem to resemble Korok puzzles.
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bitsbug · 1 year
good evening rainworld community. look at my ocs NOW
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YOU CAN ASK THEM QUESTIONS BTW. please do I’ve been marinating them for months. finely cured.
multiple paragraphs introducing each under the cut !
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Curtains Drawn Over Bone - he/him
The first of my iterators, and frankly the most developed. Curtains is incredibly young for an iterator, made at the tail end of the last generation, and was subject to some.. negligent planning during his construction. He was placed in an area of dubious rain quality and worse ground stability; the conditions were considered acceptable back then, but millions of cycles later that's no longer the case.
 Despite this glaring issue, he's been handling it better than you'd expect. Having recognized the long-term affects of his placement early on, Curtains took an interest in maintenance and optimization in order to survive, completely disregarding the Great Problem. He's broken some taboos in the process, and surprisingly didn't contract rot while doing it. His efforts have paid off with a suite of purposed organisms and a significantly more advanced, upgraded facility.
 Some things would be impossible to address, though. Despite his best efforts, erosion and earthquakes now threaten to topple his can; something he's scrambling to fix.
 Curtains is generally regarded as a finicky, flighty person by his group. He's a recluse and a workaholic, driven by some desperate ferver to avoid the worst. When he does appear in chatrooms, he seems constantly wound up, often vanishing as quickly as he arrives. He was like this long before his current situation. But do not mistake his nervousness for ineptitude, because Curtains is very meticulous and dedicated in his endeavors, backed by his thorough understanding of iterator anatomy and a genuine passion for his work.
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Twenty Taken in Vain - they/them
The only iterator in this damn group who isn't a social recluse. Built in the golden age of the Ancients, a time of prosperity and uneventfulness, TTiv found their place in the bustling global communities of their kin. They're of the belief that research is best done collaboratively, and constructed their workflow around this frame.
But, really, they never much cared for that work or their purpose. Devoting themself to tireless research for something likely impossible just wasn't a good use of time, nor did they find the process very interesting, so they sought to fulfill their life in less desolate ways. As much as a sentient, static building is able to, at least.
In particular, Twenty Taken in Vain pursues a variety of art forms! There's a critical lack of artwork made with iterators in mind (While interesting to discuss, most Ancient books can be read in less than a second for example), so they seek to fill that gap. Their main passion is literature, but they do dabble in many other subjects, such as digital painting, textile weaving, 'false memory' qualia fabrication, and DMing a tabletop roleplaying game for their local group.
Their social proclivities haven't served them well in recent years, because the global communications decay has left them more isolated than ever before. Losing contact with multiple close friends has drained them of motivation, and made them fearful of losing those they do have left. Imagine like, depression but on a supercomputer scale.
In personality, TTiv is as chatty as you'd expect of them, but without the energy associated with extroversion. Their charisma is carried in their nonchalance and humor, with an undertone of snarkiness - only occasionally with any bite to it. They're adaptable as well, without a fixation on one subject and a willingness to introspect. Since the comm failure, they've become a lot quieter and more irritable, stress they've barely kept under wraps.
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Anxiety Practice - it/xe
Polite and inoffensive, AP is an easily overlooked iterator. It appears frequently in chatrooms, but always in the shadow of its kin, and rarely draws attention to itself. Despite this demeanor, xe certainly aren't shy or nervous - that's already taken by Curtains - xe just prefer xer distance and privacy.
 As it currently stands, Anxiety is the only member of its group actively working on the Great Problem. It prefers exploring more unorthodox theories for ascension, with a fixation on Karma flowers and their properties. As part of its experiments, its created a few.. curious organisms hybridized with the flower. It also collaborates closely with Distant Humming for information on the grander Cycle and general advice. Thus far, it's made a few fascinating discoveries, but predictibly no breakthroughs on the Triple Affirmative. Oh also, sometimes xe put karma-affecting drug cocktails into xer water intake. normal iterator behavior i promise.
 Even at xer most comfortable and nonchalant, AP keeps an aloof, almost stoic nature. Chronically icy cool, xe seem incapable of expressing anything besides calm indifference. This isn't true, of course, xer composure is just nothing to scoff at. It even uses its reputation for comedy at times, usually through deadpan delivery or 'breaking character'.
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Distant Humming - she/Her
An anomaly in existence, the first iterator to almost reach ascension. Distant Humming became an echo by her own hand, using heavy adjustments to her retaining wall and filter pumps to essentially bathe her facility in void fluid, solving the issue of her kinds' distributed conscience by just addressing all of it. at once.
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 Her subsequent failed ascension left her systems broken and mutated in impossible ways, but she functions nonetheless in her ethereal, undying state. The warping irreparably affected her memory and personality though; she considers herself a different person from the Humming before.
 Despite her uncanny nature and haunting appearance, Distant Humming is a surprisingly amiable person, if vague or foreboding at times. Her detached state of existence allows her the breathing room to appreciate the world for what it is, and insight into the Cycle that'd be impossible to gain from within it. She's happy to share her observations with anyone who'd listen.
 About once a year, Humming's karmic cycle aligns with that of her local group, affording her a limited time to speak with them. She appears totally non-existent outside this period.
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domxmarvel · 10 months
Rook x Gender neutral!Savanaclaw!Reader 
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"You're staring again,Rook" It wasn't a secret Rook had a fascination with beastmen and any non-human students. Since you met him he always wanted to be close to you,constantly finding any excuse to talk to you or ask questions. He was fascinated by your ears and tail,although the thing that seemed to have his full undivided attention was your fangs. His eyes were practically glued to your mouth and if you yawned around him except him to try and get a picture. 
The last straw was when one morning you woke up with him in your face,his finger tracing one of your fangs. And he still had the audacity to smile at you and say.
"Good morning" in the most cheerful tone possible. 
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"I just wanted to say good morning before anyone else" 
"I think you want more than that,so why don't you just tell me because I'm about to make you regret being in my room"
"I want you to bite me" You had long suspected that,but you weren't just gonna bite him for no reason. 
"Fine" You pulled him closer to you,knocking off his hat before wrapping your fingers around his neck. You bit down on his neck,sinking your teeth into his surprisingly delicate skin tasting the metal of his blood. Pushing him against the wall,you felt him pull you in closer. He was full on moaning directly into your ear. 
"Harder" You bit down harder,drawing more blood. His hands gripped the fabric of your shirt,threatening to tear it off. Holding your still when you attempt to pull away. 
"R-Rook" You tried to say his name but your teeth were still in his skin,trying to pull away but he wasn't letting go. Despite all of this he was moaning like there was no tomorrow. You needed to get off of him but he wasn't letting go and you were starting to panic because of how much blood you could see. Surely a shock would throw him off long enough for you to pull away. Using your leg you hooked it behind his and pulled,making both of you fall and you could finally pull away. 
"Do that again" You were about to ask 'are you insane?' But you quickly remembered you were talking to the guy who broke into your room to trace your fangs while you were sleeping,clearing he didn't know fear. 
"No,you realize I could've killed you,right?" Rook didn't seem to hear anything,he had this look of euphoria on his face like he just had the best orgasm of his life. "Rook?" 
"I don't care,do that again" 
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wheredafandomat · 1 year
The Royal Ruse 👑
Prince! Loki x Asgardian reader
18+ | not sure of the warnings for this chap? I don’t think there are any new ones other than I wrote this half asleep at 3am so if it doesn’t make sense sorry, let me know
Chapter 6
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You grew merrier and merrier the further the night drew on. As well as accepting congratulations, you accepted plenty of mead as well as over half a dozen dances, none feeling like the one with Loki felt. Your gazes lingered on one another as you conversed with others, occasionally sharing a dance. You wondered if he was only looking at you in order to draw information about you out of your mind considering that you felt him rummaging through it, however there were times you caught one another’s eye without the feeling. Nonetheless, conversations began with Loki’s told me so much about you meaning you sold the fabrication.
By the time the ball had come to an end, you and Loki found one another’s sides again before you both headed back to his room. The journey was silent, comfortable, the two of your hands occasionally brushing against one another’s as you walked. When you finally reached, you were practically bursting at the seams to speak, knowing you no longer had to keep up a pretence.
“That was so fun.” You beamed, Loki closing the door behind you both.
“Indeed it was.” He agreed with a hint of a smile.
“And we looked so good, everyone said so.” You continued, turning to face him, only to see that his expression was vacant. “Loki?”
“Perhaps we should continue this night.” He answered, emotion returning to his face as if he was previously just lost in thought. Wordlessly, you nodded in agreement with a simper. “Care to join me for a spot of stargazing, I know the perfect place and it’s—” he began before you interrupted.
“Yes.” You gleamed.
“Right.” He grinned before opening the door again and prompting you to walk next to him.
The two of you walked through the royal gardens until you reached a clearing that had the perfect view of the stars. There was already a blanket laid out which made you think Loki had probably been here recently or that he was already planning to come here tonight with you which surprisingly made you even giddier. You both laid on it, a small space between you both as you looked up at the stars. The air was cool and still, only the distant sound of an owl hooting filling your ears. The sky was a never ending darkness only illuminated by the twinkling of stars. You both stayed like that for a while before you broke the silence.
“So, what will you do once you’re king?” You asked.
“Build a statue of myself I suppose.” Loki answered, an amused expression on his face.
“Naturally.” You laughed in agreement.
“And I want more theatre here” he continued “the midgardians have an optimistic appreciation of the arts that we here don’t share.”
“Really? I’ve never been.” You shrugged.
“Oh y/n, it’s truly wonderful there.” He spoke, glancing at you as you hummed contently. “What will you do with your riches?” He ventured.
“Perhaps visit midgard or save everything for my future children as you said.” You answered.
“Did I?”
“I believe your exact words were you’ve grown up impoverished, don’t let your children grow up the same.” You replied, mimicking his voice.
“No, they were think about your future children, they wouldn’t have to suffer like you have.” He corrected.
“So what I said then?” You laughed making Loki laugh too.
“Oh look, a shooting star.” He pointed out before you quickly turned your attention to it.
“Hurry, make a wish.” You rushed out, closing your eyes to make a wish before opening them again.
“What did you wish for?” Loki asked.
“I can’t tell you that” you insisted “or it won’t come true.”
“You don’t actually believe in all of that do you?” Loki teased.
“Why wouldn’t I?” You challenged, narrowing your gaze at him as you sat up, Loki doing the same.
“Because magic doesn’t exist in shooting stars, it exists down here, all around us” he began, picking up a leaf from the floor and covering it with his hand for a moment before unveiling a rose and handing it to you “magic exists in the palm of my hand” he continued, looking down at his palm and prompting you to do the same before fireworks began dancing in your irises.
“Wow.” You uttered.
“So tell me, y/n,” he requested, closing his palm and turning all of his attention to you “what did you wish for?”
“I wished for you to find happiness Loki, true happiness.” You answered honestly, Loki’s lips curling up into a small almost mirthless smile.
“My happiness resides on the throne, you needn't worry yourself wishing for it.” He assured dismissively.
“Well then, here’s to marrying for it.” You declared.
The two of you turned your attentions back to the diamonds glistening in the sky, your eyes eventually growing tired and closing.
“You’re snoring” Loki spoke before your eyes flew open “come on, let’s get you to bed.”
“You’ll stay?” You questioned tiredly as you stood.
“Will you wish on a shooting star if I say no?” He jested, gesturing for you to walk next to him.
The following morning, when you awoke, forgetting how you actually made it into bed, you glanced across the room at Loki who’s behind also looked good in the morning sun. Instead of turning your attentions away from his nudity, you ran your eyes across his body. His porcelain skin looked as though it was glowing, as if all the magic in Asgard resided on him, shrouding him and coating him in an ethereal shawl. You found yourself slowly running your hand against the material of his duvet, eyes focusing on his back as you imagined touching his skin. You wondered if it’d feel as soft as the duvet felt. Remembrance of the previous night flooded you as you recalled the feeling of his leg between yours. You turned your head to the side, your nose running across the pillow as you tried to inhale the scent of him, wanting the memories of last night to feel realer, more solid. Just as they began to solidify, the door knocked causing Loki to wake up as he sat up quickly. You averted your gaze just as quick, opting to just close your eyes and pretend you were asleep.
“Will you be coming to the hall to break fast or would you like food brought to you your majesty?” A chambermaid called from the other side of the door.
You gasped as you felt Loki’s hand on your shoulder as he violently shook you awake. You tried to slowly open your eyes to keep up the lie that you were asleep and waking for the first time but Loki’s naked body in front of you was making you reluctant to open them fully, suddenly shy.
“Will you be wanting breakfast here or in the dining room?” Loki asked you.
“Dining room.” You yawned, eyes half open, not wanting to shamelessly gaze at him.
“We’ll be down soon.” Loki answered the chambermaid before heading to the washroom allowing you to fully open your eyes.
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Nothing to do with the fic just why is this gif so vicious 😂😂 I love it
@lokiprompts @mischief2sarawr @lulubelle814 @lokisgoodgirl @mochie85 @eyesbluelikethetitanic @vickie5446 @mcufan72 @fictive-sl0th @peaches1958 @xorpsbane @sailorholly @anukulee @yukio369 @12-pm-510 @lovelysizzlingbluebird @bunny24sstuff @thenotoriouserg @newtomofgods @simping-for-marvel @a-daughter-of-poseidon @huntress-artemiss @thedistractedagglomeration @siriusly-gay @wolfsmom1 @evelyn-kingsley @tallseaweed @lokiedokiee @princess-ofthe-pages @kikster606 @gruftiela @nonsensicalobsessions
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lillianrennifer · 4 months
One Piece Law x Reader
Please click HERE to understand what the emojis mean.
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Taking a sip of his lukewarm water, Law leans against the weathered brick wall of the convenience store he had just left. “It's too damn hot." he mutters frustrated as he sheds his jacket, wrapping it around his slender waist. Above him, the faded store sign creaks in the breeze, grating his already thin nerves.
With a sigh, he pulls up the damp fabric of his black shirt, revealing a glimpse of his toned lower stomach. Pressing it to his brow he uses the shirt to wipe the sweat from his forehead, his eyes squinting in discomfort.
Feeling his phone buzz in his pocket, he retrieves it and begins to reply to Luffy's text, his thumbs moving with a practiced ease. When suddenly, he's startled into reality by a shout of, "Hey Law!"
Looking up, he sees a girl jogging toward him, her hair bouncing with each step, a bright smile spreading across her face as she waves enthusiastically. 
Skidding to a halt by his side, she grabs his hand and drags him along, her grip surprisingly strong. "Sorry for being late! You weren't waiting long, were you?" Her fingers intertwine with his as she holds his hand in a vice-like grip, pulling him down the sidewalk.
Thoroughly perplexed, Law is about to ask her, "What the hell is she doing?" when she tugs him down to whisper in his ear. Her warm breath tickling his skin, causes a shiver to run down his spine. "Please act like you know me!" The tight grip of her hand and her pleading eyes clearly implore him to play along.
A light flush rises to Law's cheeks, and his heart races as his flustered mind struggles to comprehend the situation, his thoughts whirling with questions.
What is she doing?
Why is she holding his hand?
And why does she seem familiar? 
Deciding to play along, Law responds as casually as he can, his voice laced with a hint of amusement: "No, I didn't wait long." He keeps pace beside her, his strides matching hers as they stroll down Water Seven Street.
The warm sunlight casts a golden glow on their conversation, and the sounds of the city—chatter, cars, and birds—create a lively backdrop for their exchange. The smell of freshly baked bread wafts from a nearby bakery.
As they walk, Law can't help but notice the girl's infectious energy. Her bright smile and sparkling eyes draw him in, and he finds himself smiling back at her. 
"That's a relief!" she chirps, her bright smile faltering for a moment as she checks her watch. "Work ran a little late, so I was afraid you had." Her voice is sweet and confident, with a hint of playfulness beneath the surface. 
Law raises an eyebrow, intrigued by her enigmatic behavior. "How was work?" he asks, trying to keep the conversation going, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he shows genuine interest. 
“It was good!” Peeking over her shoulder, her face pales as her eyes fall upon something that makes her heart drop. Abruptly lowering her voice, she whispers, “Oh my god, thank you so much for doing this! A creepy guy has been following me since I left work.” Her voice trembles slightly, and Law notices a faint quiver in her lip.
Glancing over her shoulder again, her eyes scan the crowded street with a hint of desperation.
Law follows her gaze and catches a glimpse of the man he thinks she is referring to - a tall figure lurking on the edge of the crowd. His cold silver eyes narrow as he takes in the man's large and intimidating physique, noting that he's close enough to keep them in his sights but far enough away that he can't quite hear their hushed conversation - a strategic distance that only adds to Law's growing unease.
The man's black mask, cap, and jacket make him almost invisible in the shadows, but Law's trained eyes pick up on the subtle details that set his instincts on high alert.
“Taller than I am, more muscular, wearing a black mask, cap, and jacket?” Law murmurs, his voice low and cautious, his eyes never leaving the man as he waits for her response.
She nods almost imperceptibly, her voice barely above a whisper. “That's him. I tried to lose him in the crowd, but he’s still there.” Her eyes lock onto Law’s, pleading for help. “Please, just keep pretending to know me until we can lose him.”
Law's instincts kick in, and he nods reassuringly, his grip on her hand tightening. “Don’t worry, I’ve got you.” He says, his voice firm and protective. 
"Seriously, thank you,” Glancing up at Law, she smiles gratefully, her eyes shining with relief. “I didn’t know what I was going to do. Luckily, I spotted you. I know we don’t really know each other,” she admits, her voice barely above a whisper. “I’ve seen you in class, and you seem nice enough. I figured it didn’t hurt to try." She grips her bag tightly, her knuckles white with tension. 
Typically, Law finds talkative individuals bothersome- Luffy- but there's something curiously appealing about her rambling.
As she continues to express her gratitude, Law can't help but be drawn in by her endearing mannerisms and the way her eyes light up when she smiles. Her enthusiasm is infectious, and he finds himself smiling back at her, his initial wariness melting away.
With each passing moment, he becomes more invested in their conversation, his initial reluctance giving way to a growing sense of interest in and concern for this stranger.
Despite the tense situation, Law is charmed by the girls warmth and vulnerability, and he can't help but want to help her. Suppressing a smile, Law's deep voice rumbles, "It's all good. I have a little sister, and I hope if she were ever in a situation like this, someone would be kind enough to help her."
Her gaze lingers on his face, her expression softening as she senses the sincerity behind his words. His kindness is palpable, enveloping her in a warm embrace filling her with a sense of safety and calm making her feel like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders.
She notices as he speaks, his eyes crease at the corners, causing his normally stoic face to soften which only puts her more at ease.
"I didn't know that you have a sister!" she exclaims, her eyes widening in surprise. "Though….” Rubbing the back of her head, she lets out an embarrassed laugh as her cheeks flush a deep shade of pink when she admits. "To be fair, I don't really know much about you in the first place."
He can't suppress it anymore; she's too cute, with her embarrassed expression and flushed cheeks.
Letting out an airy chuckle, a gentle smile appears on his face, crinkling the corners of his eyes. "Well, to be fair, you're doing better than I am," he says, his voice tinged with amusement and a hint of warmth. "You at least know my name. I'm afraid I don't know yours.” he admits. 
"Oh, I'm Y/N!" she exclaims, her eyes sparkling. "Nice to officially meet you!" she adds, her voice bright and cheerful, with a hint of playful enthusiasm.
“Y/N,” he thinks to himself, “That's a cute name.”
Law can't help but smile at the sweet sound of it and the way it suits her personality.
Once again she peeks over her shoulder and Law’s eyes follow her gaze, noting that the man is still lurking behind them. Law’s grip on her hand tightens instinctively, in a protective gesture.
"So, Y/N, what are we going to do about him?" he asks, his voice low and urgent, his eyes scanning their surroundings for a possible escape route. He tilts his head towards the man, his chin jutting out in a subtle nod. "We can't lead him to your place."
Letting out a dejected whine, her shoulders slump in defeat, her voice laced with exasperation. "I know!” She groans, her words tumbling out in a rush. “I don't know what to do! I don't want to have a confrontation."
Law's eyes soften as he witnesses her frustration boil over. He can feel her tension, her anxiety palpable as she recounts the trials of her day.
"Ugh, this has been the worst day! First, Professor Beckmann gives us homework that's hard as hell! Then I had a shit day at work, and now some creep is stalking me home!"
"The homework isn’t hard for me.” Law murmurs, earning a roll of her eyes and an exasperated laugh.
Chuckling he holds up his hands in defense as she playfully hits his arm, her tone teasing but laced with a hint of sarcasm.
"Well, of course, it's not hard for you! I may not know a lot about you, but I do know you're the smartest in our class. No need to brag though." Her words are a gentle jab, but Law knows she's right.
"I wasn't bragging.” he protests, his eyes locking onto hers as she raises an eyebrow, her expression skeptical.
The look she gives him is a clear "You're not fooling me.” and Law can't help but grin, his face warm with a mix of amusement and embarrassment. He knows he's caught, and her playful jab has hit its mark.
"Okay, maybe I was a little," he admits, a sly grin spreading across his face as he raises an eyebrow, his eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief. "That wasn't my original intention though." He pauses, his gaze drifting to her school bag. "I noticed you still have your school bag. Figured I'd ask if you'd like to come to my place so I can help you with the homework?"
"Really?!" She asks, her surprise evident in her tone, her voice rising in a delighted squeak.
She can't believe her luck - not only is he offering to help her with her homework, but he's also providing a safe haven from the creepy guy following them. The warm sunlight and sweet scent of blooming flowers in the nearby park add to the sense of serenity, making her feel even more at grateful.
"Yeah, might as well kill two birds with one stone," he says, his voice low and gentle. "You won't have to suffer through your assignments by yourself, and the creepy guy can't follow you home." He offers a reassuring smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
"You're the best!" She exclaims, her voice full of gratitude, as she wraps herself around his arm, feeling a sense of warmth and belonging.
This is when Law becomes very aware of the fact that they've been holding hands this entire time. His heart skips a beat as he realizes how much he's enjoying her company. The gentle pressure of her hand in his, the softness of her skin, and the sweet scent of her perfume all combine to create a sense of intimacy and connection.
Unbidden Law's face blooms into varying shades of red. Quickly he turns his face in an attempt to hide his blush by covering his face with his hand. "It's no problem.” he says, clearing his throat in an effort to urgently restore his composure.
His voice comes out a little gruffer than intended, but he hopes it will suffice. "As long as you're okay with my noisy ass roommates.” he adds, trying to sound casual despite his inner turmoil.
"I don't mind!" She chirps, her voice cheerful and enthusiastic.
"It's a date then." Law says, his heart racing with excitement.
He can't believe it - she's agreed to come to his place, to spend time with him in a setting that's far more intimate than a crowded classroom or sidewalk.
"A date!" She repeats, her voice rising in surprise. Quickly lowering her head, she tries to cover her face with her hand, her movements endearingly awkward.
Unfortunately for her, before she can, Law manages to catch a glimpse of her reddening cheeks, her embarrassment and delight plain on her face. He feels a surge of pleasure at the sight, his heart skipping a beat as he realizes she's just as excited about this as he is.
Taking pity on her, he rewords his statement, trying to put her at ease. "A study date," he clarifies, his voice gentle and reassuring.
"Right, a study date!" She exclaims, shooting her head up, her cheeks still covered in a blush. "I knew that's what you meant.” she adds, her voice laced with a bashful chuckle, the sound sending a warmth through Law's chest.
He smiles, feeling a sense of connection with her, and nods in agreement, his heart still racing from the excitement of their plans.
After a few moments of walking in slight awkward silence, Y/N suddenly asks, "Oh, do you mind if we stop real quick so I can pick up dinner?" Her voice is laced with a hint of hesitation, as if she's unsure if she's imposing.
"No need," Law replies, trying to sound casual despite his growing excitement about their plans.
"You cook?" she questions, raising a brow in surprise, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
Law chuckles sheepishly, feeling a warmth rise to his cheeks. "Absolutely not!" he admits, his voice laced with laughter.
Y/N giggles, the sound sending a thrill through Law's chest. "Well, then what am I supposed to do about food?" she asks, her voice playful.
Law shrugs, trying to appear nonchalant. "I may not cook, but my roommate does. He's actually in Culinary School," he explains, feeling a sense of pride in his roommate's skills.
"That's awesome! Must be nice having a roommate that cooks so well!" She exclaims, her eyes shining with enthusiasm.
Law nods in agreement, feeling grateful for his roommate's culinary talents.
"While I'd love to try his cooking, I don't want to make him cook so late at night," She says, wanting to be considerate.
Shrugging nonchalantly, he absentmindedly remarks, "He won't mind. You're a pretty girl. He'll gladly do it."
The words slip out before he can catch them, and he feels a flush rise to his cheeks as Y/N's face turns a delicate shade of pink.
Raising an eyebrow, a sly smirk spreading across her face. "Oh, you think I'm pretty?" she asks, her voice laced with playful teasing, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
Law's face grows hot as he stammers, "Well, I mean... in a conventional sort of way."
He can't believe what's happening to him tonight. He's usually so calm and collected, but this girl has him flustered, his words tumbling out in a awkward jumble. No other girl has ever made him act this way, it's both alarming and exhilarating.
Y/N's smugness is etched across her face as she replies, "Right…." Her voice dripping with satisfaction. As she raises an eyebrow, her sly smirk grows wider, and Law can't help but be captivated by her playful teasing.
Her eyes sparkle with amusement, as her voice dips low and slight seductive. 'So, Law…. what do you think makes me "pretty" in a "conventional sort of way"?” she asks, her words dripping with glee.
Poor Law's face grows even hotter as he tries to stammer out an answer, but Y/N just laughs, a throaty sound that sends shivers down his spine.
“Oh, Law,” she giggles, shaking her head. “You're so adorable when you're flustered.” As they stroll down the street, Law can't help but notice how Y/N's eyes sparkle in the light of the evening.
She's enjoying this, he realizes, and he can't blame her. He's never been so thoroughly flustered in his life.
Law clears his throat, trying to compose himself, but she just laughs and playfully nudges him with her elbow.
“Oh, come on, Law. I'm dying to know.” As they turn a corner, Law's apartment building comes into view.
“Well….” he starts, trying to sound suave, “it's your smile, your eyes... your whole demeanor, really.”
Y/N raises an eyebrow, her expression skeptical, but Law can see the hint of a smile playing on her lips. “Go on,” she says, her voice dripping with amusement.
As they approach the entrance to Law's apartment building, reality comes crashing back down on him like a cold shower. "As much as I'd love to continue this, Y/N, we still have to deal with him," Law says, his eyes flicking back over his shoulder to the man who's been following them.
Y/N's smile falters, and her face falls, the fear and anxiety she's been trying to shake off this whole time comes flooding back into her eyes. "What are we gonna do?" she asks, her voice trembling.
Law sighs and pulls his phone out of his pocket, the screen flickering to life as he thumbs through his contacts.
"Four of my roommates are quite intimidating," he says, his eyes locked on Y/N's worried face. "I'll ask them to meet us outside."
Finding Zoro’s number he clicks on it, the phone ringing as he puts it to his ear. After the third ring, a gruff voice answers, "What's up, Doc?"
Law's eyes never leave Y/N's face as he speaks, his voice calm and reassuring. "Hey, Zoro. I’ve got a situation here. Can you grab Kidd and the others and meet me outside the building? A friend and I’ve got a tail."
"Sure thing," Zoro agrees, already heading towards the door. "Just one problem though. Kidd isn't here. I'll grab the other two though."
Law's expression turns serious, his eyes narrowing as he processes the information. He presses his lips into a thin line before responding, "Thank you, Roronoa-ya. I'll call Eustass-ya to see if he's nearby."
Zoro's voice comes through the phone once more, "No problem, Doc.” before hanging up.
Law can't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. Kidd's absence is a significant blow to their plan. Out of his intimidating roommates, Kidd is the most formidable.
In fact, from what Law has seen of the man stalking Y/N, Kidd and he appear to be about the same height and build. Having the red-headed powerhouse by their side would be a significant advantage if things go south.
Law's thumb hovers over the screen as he searches for Kidd's number, his mind racing with possibilities.
He turns his attention back to Y/N, his voice reassuring, "Don't worry, help's on the way." He murmurs, forcing a calm smile onto his face. "Zoro and the others will be here soon. We'll get you out of this, okay?"
Y/N's eyes lock onto his, her gaze searching for any sign of uncertainty. Law keeps his expression steady, hiding his concerns behind a mask of confidence.
She softly nods her head, attempting to appear confident, but secretly, she's still gripped by fear. Law's phone call with Zoro had seemed reassuring, but she can't shake off the lingering feeling of unease.
Just then, the door to the apartment building opens, and Zoro, followed by two of Law's other roommates, Killer and Sanji, exit to stand on the stoop.
Law's eyes slightly widen in surprise as his gaze fixes on a fourth man standing beside Sanji - their fifth roommate, Luffy’s, elder brother Ace.
Zoro's eyes scan the sidewalk, and upon spotting Law and Y/N mere feet away, he points at Ace and calls out, "Ace is here too, so I asked him to tag along." Law's expression morphs into a mix of surprise and gratitude.
While Ace may not be Kidd, the added support of the fiery young man is a welcome surprise. Law's roommates are an formidable bunch, adding Ace's skills and experience, their chances of getting out of this situation unscathed have significantly improved.
Y/N recognizes the rowdy boys from school and feels a glimmer of hope flutter through her. Her heart still races with anticipation, but with Law and his roommates by her side, she feels a sense of security she hadn't felt moments before.
The group's combined strength and determination are palpable, and for the first time since this ordeal began, Y/N dares to think they might actually make it through this alive.
Still wishing Kidd was there, Law clicks on his contact and raises his cell to his ear.
"Come on, Eustass-ya," he mutters under his breath, his frustration growing with each passing moment. "Answer the damn phone."
Just as he's about to give up, Law freezes, his eyes widening in shock. From behind him, he hears the unmistakable ringtone of Kidd's phone, followed by the echo of his gruff voice when he finally answers the call. "What do you want, Doc?"
Law's eyes widen even further as he slowly turns his head to stare back at the man who had been following them this whole time - the man who happens to be his roommate, Eustass Kidd.
"Eustass-ya!" Law exclaims, his voice laced with anger and disbelief. "You're the one stalking Y/N?!"
Dropping his hand from his ear, Kidd lets his arm hang loosely beside him, his phone still clutched in his hand. His expression contorts in a mix of shock, confusion, and anger, his eyes widening in disbelief as he explodes, "What the fuck are you talking about, Doc? I'm stalking who?!" his voice rising in indignation, the words laced with a raw, emotional intensity.
Blinking owlishly, Law stammers, his eyes darting between Kidd and Y/N. "You mean you're not stalking Y/N?" he asks caustically, his voice laced with skepticism, as he points at the confused and afraid girl beside him.
Y/N's eyes are wide with fear, her face pale, and her gaze fixed on Kidd as she awaits an answer.
Lowering his mask to sit below his chin, Kidd's mouth turns down into a deep frown, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"Again, who?" he questions, his voice firm, but with a hint of defensiveness. "I ain't never seen this chick before in my life!" He cries, gesturing at Y/N with a dismissive hand, as if she's a stranger he's never laid eyes on.
Y/N takes a step forward, her voice trembling. "B-But...you've been following me since I left work.” she accuses, her eyes welling up with tears. Her words hang in the air like a challenge, her gaze fixed on Kidd, daring him to deny it.
On the stoop, the other guys silently watch the exchange, their faces a mix of shock, confusion, and disbelief.
Sanji, however, is flaming mad, his eyes blazing with fury, his fists clenched at his sides. Angrily he takes a step forward, his body tense, ready to pounce, but Ace quickly intervenes, grasping his arm and holding him back.
"Easy, Sanji," Ace warns, his voice low and calm, but firm. "Let's not jump to conclusions."
Sanji struggles against Ace's grip, his face red with rage. "That bastard's been stalking a girl? I'll kill him!" he growls, his voice low and menacing.
Killer and Zoro watch the scene unfolds, their faces a mask of calm, as their eyes fix on Kidd with a mixture of suspicion and curiosity. Arms crossed over their muscular chests they wait for an explanation. The tension is palpable, the air thick with unspoken questions.
"I wasn't following anyone!" Kidd reiterates, his voice rising in indignation, his eyes wide with protest. "I was walking home from work!”
Another question keeps rattling around in Law's head, his eyes narrowing in skepticism. "Well, why didn't you say something when she ran up to me shouting my name?" he asks, his voice laced with suspicion. "She was clearly loud enough for you to have heard."
Kidd's expression turns defensive, his hand reaching up, to pull out his AirPod. "I was listening to music this whole time," he explains, his voice firm. "It only paused when you called. I didn't hear a thing until then."
The AirPod dangles from his fingers, the tiny speaker visible, a testament to his claim.
Law's gaze lingers on it, his mind processing the information. The air between them is thick, with unspoken questions and doubts.
Sanji's anger seems to simmer down slightly, his face still red, but his fists no longer clenched. Ace's grip on his arm relaxes, his eyes fixed on Kidd with a mixture of curiosity and wariness. While Killer and Zoro continue to watch the exchange, their faces somber.
Y/N's eyes, however, remain fixed on Kidd, her gaze accusatory, her expression unyielding. "Were do you work?" she asks suspiciously.
"I work at the Victoria Punk auto shop," Kidd replies, his voice firm, his eyes meeting hers with a hint of frustration.
At the revelation of where Kidd works, Law notices Y/N's eyes begin to widen, her face pale, as if she's realizing something. Her eyebrows furrow, and her lips part slightly, in shock.
Hesitantly, Law asks, "Y/N, where do you work?"
Face scrunching up in embarrassment, she whimpers, "Grand Line Bakery and Coffee Shop."
A collective cry of "Oh!" rings out amongst the group, their voices filled with understanding.
"That's right across the street from the shop!" Kidd exclaims, his eyes wide with comprehension, but still flashing with irritation. His face is red as his hair, his large fists clenched by his side, as he processes the situation. "I go there every day after work to grab a bite to eat."
Pulling an empty paper bag out of his coat pocket, Kidd shows the group the bag, clearly showcasing the name of the bakery in bold letters.
"I've never seen you before, though," he huffs, his tone still slightly gruff. To be fair, even if he had, he wouldn't have noticed her. Kidd isn't the most observant person.
Y/N curls in on herself, her face red with shame and mortification. "I just started there.” She murmurs as she looks down at her feet, her shoulders slumping in defeat. “I'm so sorry for the confusion!" She cries, her voice trembling.
Law's expression softens, and he takes a step forward, his hand reaching out in a comforting gesture. His eyes are filled with kindness, his voice is gentle as he comforts her. "Hey, it's okay, Y/N. We've all been there. Misunderstanding’s happen."
The tension in the air slowly begins to dissipate, replaced by a sense of understanding as the group lets out a collective sigh of relief, which seems to signal a newfound camaraderie.
Kidd's still slightly tense posture and narrowed eyes hint that he's still a little annoyed, but willing to let it go. Sighing reluctantly, he murmurs, "It's all good," his voice is still a little gruff, but his eyes show a hint of compassion. "Sorry I accidentally scared you."
“Oh no, please don’t apologize!” Y/N begs, her hands fluttering in panic as she takes a step closer to Kidd. “This is absolutely my fault!” She exclaims, her voice laced with desperation. “Is there any way I can make it up to you?” She asks, her eyes wide with sincerity.
Pursing his lips, Kidd hums as he contemplates his reply, his eyes narrowing slightly as he thinks. Finally, a sly smirk spreads across his face. “You could buy me my after-work snack for a month,” He suggests, his voice tinged with amusement.
All too eager to smooth things over, Y/N begins to shake her head in agreement before she is cut off by a sharp growl of “Eustass-ya.”
Frowning at the redheaded man, Law warns him with a gaze that making her pay for a month is way too much.
Tisking, Kidd mumbles, “Ok fine.” Sighing, he changes his mind. “One week,” He says, his voice a little softer. Glancing at Law, he makes sure that is an okay amount of time.
Nodding his head lightly, Law agrees to the arrangement.
Smiling widely, Y/N shakes her head enthusiastically. “You’ve got a deal!” She exclaims, her face flushed with relief.
“Well…” Zoro hums, his voice dripping with boredom, “Now that that's over, I'm going back inside.” Turning on his heel he heads back into the building, his broad shoulders and back flexing slightly as he moves.“Oi, curly brow,” He calls over his shoulder in a languid tone. “What's for dinner?”
Before Sanji can grumble at him, the girl's eyes light up like a lantern. “That's right!” She exclaims, clapping her hands together excitedly.
Spinning around she faces the blonde man, smiling brightly. “Law said one of his roommates is a cook, is that you?” she asks, her voice full of excitement.
“Yes, that's right!” Sanji cries. His eyes transforming into heart, pulsing with excitement. Giddily he scurries up to the girl so fast his legs become a blur.
Dropping down on one knee, his eyes fixed adoringly on hers, his face beams with a charming smile as he takes her hand in his. “That I am!” he declares. “I am your humble servant, Sanji,” his voice dripping with gallantry. “Would you give me the honor of knowing your name, my lovely?” he asks.
The girl giggles, a light blush flushing her cheeks, and replies softly, “Y/N.”
Sanji's eyes widen in delight, and he exclaims, “Oh my! Such a beautiful name for a beautiful young lady!” Bringing her hand to his lips, he presses a gentle kiss to her knuckles.
From beside them, Sanji hears a low growl, “Cook-ya,” and glances up to see Law’s piercing gray eyes fixed on him, a hint of annoyance in their depths, his sharp jawline flexing slightly as he grits his teeth.
Sanji's eyes flash with annoyance at Law's interruption. "Can't you see I'm in the middle of a beautiful moment here?" he asks, his tone slightly irritated.
Law's jaw clenches in a subtle display of jealousy. "Just making sure you don't get too carried away with your flirtations, Cook. You're not exactly known for your subtlety."
Not wanting the roommates to fight over her, Y/N intervenes, her voice gentle but firm. "Hey, let's not ruin the evening with bickering, okay?" She smiles, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
Sanji huffs, rolling his eyes dramatically. "Fine," he says, his tone slightly sulky. "But I'm still going to win her heart with my culinary skills." His confidence unwavering. "And my charm, of course." He declares, sending her a wink.
Y/N laughs, her face lighting up with delight. "I think I can handle both of your egos." She teases, her voice light and playful. "But for now, let's focus on dinner. Sanji, what's on the menu tonight?"
Sanji's face radiates excitement. "Ah, my latest masterpiece!" He exclaims, launching into a passionate description of his latest culinary creations.
Y/N listens intently, her gaze fixed on Sanji, while Law tunes him out, his eyes fixed on her with a hint of affection.
Kidd silently follows the trio inside, observing the scene with disinterest, his eyes fixed onto his phone.
A warm smile spreads across Y/N face as, the group heads towards the kitchen , ready to indulge in Sanji's culinary delights.
As they begin cooking, Law feels grateful for the lighthearted moment and the savory aromas wafting through the air. Surrounded by the comfort and camaraderie of his roommates and the sweet scent of Y/N perfume, he can’t help but feel that the earlier misunderstanding was actually a blessing in disguise.
If you liked please leave a comment (they keep me motivated), like and re-post. Thank you all I hope you enjoyed it! Love ya! 😘
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tearsinthemist · 8 months
Want to learn something new
Want to learn something new in 2022??
Absolute beginner adult ballet series (fabulous beginning teacher)
40 piano lessons for beginners (some of the best explanations for piano I’ve ever seen)
Excellent basic crochet video series
Basic knitting (probably the best how to knit video out there)
Pre-Free Figure Skate Levels A-D guides and practice activities (each video builds up with exercises to the actual moves!)
How to draw character faces video (very funny, surprisingly instructive?)
Another drawing character faces video
Literally my favorite art pose hack
Tutorial of how to make a whole ass Stardew Valley esque farming game in Gamemaker Studios 2??
Introduction to flying small aircrafts
French/Dutch/Fishtail braiding
Playing the guitar for beginners (well paced and excellent instructor)
Playing the violin for beginners (really good practical tips mixed in)
Color theory in digital art (not of the children’s hospital variety)
Retake classes you hated but now there’s zero stakes:
Calculus 1 (full semester class)
Learn basic statistics (free textbook)
Introduction to college physics (free textbook)
Introduction to accounting (free textbook)
Learn a language:
Ancient Greek
Japanese (grammar guide) (for dummies)
Russian (pretty good cyrillic guide!)
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Jan 2, 2023
Want to learn something new in 2023??
Cooking with flavor bootcamp (used what I learned in this a LOT this year)
Beekeeping 101
Learn Interior Design from the British Academy of Interior Design (free to audit course - just choose the free option when you register)
Video on learning to read music that actually helped me??
How to use and sew with a sewing machine
How to ride a bike (listen. some of us never learned, and that's okay.)
How to cornrow-braid hair (I have it on good authority that this video is a godsend for doing your baby niece's black hair)
Making mead at home (I actually did this last summer and it was SO good)
How to garden
Basics of snowboarding (proceed with caution)
How to draw for people who (think they) suck at art (I know this website looks like a 2003 monstrosity, but the tutorials are excellent)
Pixel art for beginners so you can make the next great indie game
Go (back) to school
Introduction to Astronomy (high school course - free textbook w/ practice problems)
Principals of Economics (high school course - free textbook w/ practice problems)
Introduction to philosophy (free college course)
Computer science basics (full-semester Harvard course free online)
Learn a language
Japanese for Dummies (link fix from 2022)
Portuguese (Brazil)
American Sign Language (as somebody who works with Deaf people professionally, I also strongly advise you to read up on Deaf/HoH culture and history!)
Chinese (Mandarin, Simplified)
Quenya (LOTR fantasy elf language)
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Dec 26, 2023
Want to learn something new in 2024??
Beginner-oriented video on how to sail
This guy has so many videos on baking different types of bread. SO very many.
Coding in Python - one of the most flexible and adaptable high-level programming languages out there - explained through projects making video games
Learn to swim! (for adult learners. I don’t care if you live in Kansas or Mali or wherever. LEARN TO SWIM.)
Learn how quantum mechanics works. Then read some more about it
[Learn about quantum mechanics again, but in a more advanced engineering/mathematics class. Then read more about the math and physics of it]
Poetry Handbook, by Mary Oliver
Something I learned this year: how to sew a quilt (Here’s a very easy beginning pattern that looks amazing and can be done with pre-cut fabric!)
How to hit the ball in softball
Tutorial video on what is under the hood of most (gas) cars + weird engine sounds and what they mean
Full beginner mechanics technical training, if you want to go more in depth
Playlist on how car engine physics work if you want to go ultra in depth
Lecture series on architecture design through study of buildings
How (American income) taxes & tax law work (choose “audit course” at checkout for free class)
Pickleball for beginners (so you can finally join your neighbor/friend/distant cousin who is always insisting you join their team)
+ Para-Pickleball for beginners (for mobility aid users!)
School is so much more fun when there’s no tests:
American Law - Contracts
Shakespeare’s Life and Plays
Fairy Tales: Meanings, Messages, and Morals
Modern Poetry
World History [Part 1, Part 2]
Learn a language:
Arabic + Resource Guide compiled from Reddit (includes info on different dialects)
Chinese (Cantonese) (audio)
Urdu (frequently recommended course on Reddit) + Resource Guide
Yucatec Maya
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lil-fairy-of-twst · 2 years
Faye's Preparation Team
If there's one thing Showcase and Contest can share, it's preparation.
Nana (Leavanny)
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“Wow~! So pretty!"
Moves: String Shot, False Swipe, Safeguard, Light Screen
Ability: Swarm
Nana was actually Faye's dad's Pokémon until she was given to Faye around the age of 6. She was one of three Pokémon given to Faye by her dad.
Having been the one who sew the clothing
Faye's dad wore to modeling shoots, she does the same for Faye's costumes for both Contest and Showcase
She often frets over Faye a lot when she's out of her pokeball, whether that be for performances or daily life
Since she's one of the few older Pokémon Faye has, she is fairly protective of the young girl though not as much as Basile
Coffee (Minccino)
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“Ah! Coffee, you’re dirty again!”
Moves: Echoed Voice, Sing, Charm, Iron Tail
Ability: Technician
This one was a gift egg by Faye’s mama when Faye and her papa came back from Sinnoh when she was 8
Needless to say she was excited at the prospect of taking care of another egg and just manages to not let out a scream when it hatched. She did squeal loudly though
Coffee is avid on cleaning around much like any Minccino, which is good for when there fabric scraps and other such things around the place!
Though he seems to be so adamant on cleaning the area that he tends to gets dirty himself and doesn’t realize it until it shows on his tail
Tango (Spritzee)
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“Hmm? You doing a different hairstyle today, Tango?”
Moves: Sweet Scent, Disarming Voice, Aromatherapy, Flail
Ability: Aroma Veil
During the time 6 year old Faye was with her papa in Galar due to him having a modeling gig, he thought it would be a good time to introduce her to one of her mom’s sides of the family
There Faye met her cousins and the ranch they run, filled with Pokémon running about
While her papa was talking to her auntie, she went and wander around the ranch to play with some of the Pokémon
There she would meet one of the younger Spritzees there with him taking a real liking of messing and playing around with her hair and refusing to let anyone but the young child to take him out of her hair. Needless to say that the lil guy was very insistent on staying with the young girl no matter what (and the start of the many Pokémon Faye would get from her cousins’ ranch in Galar)
Pascal (Smergle)
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“Those designs look amazing! Oh, you have more?”
Moves: Sketch
Ability: Moody
Another one of her papa’s Pokémon that was given to her!
Pascal is practically the definition of an eccentric artist, easily taken away with his own work and making a mess of paint and paper
Fashion Design is what Pascal is really passionate about from his original owner to now Faye, drawing up many outfit concepts
Faye is practically a muse for him ever since she was born, and this sentiment has only grew since he became her Pokémon
Slash (Scyther)
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“Helping Nana out again I see.”
Moves: Quick Attack, Slash, Endure, Swords Dance
Ability: Steadfast
Slash is the third of the trio of Pokémon that was given to Faye by her papa!
She helps out with Nana with making clothes, cutting any fabrics needed while Nana is sewing pieces together
Slash actually is often with Nana whether that be helping out with task or just having a relaxing time to enjoy the quiet, they’re rarely seen apart
Despite her preferring to help making outfits, Slash is actually fairly strong and protective of Faye, she’s a close second to Basile in terms of protectiveness
Rascal (Zorua)
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“Here’s you’re treat, Rascal!”
Moves: Scatch, Scary Face, Thief, Foul Play
Ability: Illusion
A little prankster of a Pokémon who’s arrival was surprisingly a lot more quiet than expected, but a welcome one during a trip to Unova
Faye’s papa wanted to show her around Castelia City before his modeling gig takes up a majority of his time, and wanted to try the Casteliacones! This was more of a thing Faye’s papa wanted to try with 9 year old Faye not really minding it
What they didn’t know was that a hungry little Zorua was eyeing the two when they got their cones and followed them, though more specifically following Faye due to the girl not really eating her cone compared to her Papa. Faye did eventually notice the fox and handed over her Casteliacone to him
This lead to him following her and eventually going to Kalos, with him now helping out with showing off potential outfits for future performances. He still has cheeky moments though and will mess around but pull out a treat and he’ll be on his best behavior (for now)!
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k00282802 · 2 years
Painting: Tool Making (17/1/23)
On Tuesday, I attended @eoinmclsad tool making workshop, where we were tasked to go around the campus and find items that would help us create interesting tools for painting.
Around the campus I found multiple sticks and rocks that I thought could be turned into interesting tools. The first one I made was a stick with a piece of charcoal added to the top of it (image 1), similar to a tool that was presented to us at the beginning of the class. I recreated this tool cause I wanted to make something that would create an image with a similar technique of movement used during sword fighting, something I think that turned out well in practice (image 2).
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I then changed my idea slightly to fit my theme of combat a bit more; I wanted to use this class to create small, primitive weapons, then look at what kind of marks those tools created. The first one I did was a small knife/sharpened stick, which I made using a pocket knife and sand paper (image 3). I then dipped this makeshift "knife" into paint, and used it to create sharp, quick slashes of paint across the drawing I had previously made, which created great sharp line marks on the paper. (image 4)
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After the knifes success, I counited with my next tool, an axe/hammer. originally, I had tried to create a bigger version with a much thicker tree branch I found (image 5), but the rock I had used was too round, so I created a smaller version of the axe instead. this tool I made using a smaller branch ,and a flatter and smaller stone tied together with rope 9image 6). the axe made pointed, dotted marks onto the paper, with its only downside being that the stone spun with each hit. not as successful as the knife but still pretty good. (image 7)
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The final thing I created for this workshop was made out of the previous axe handle I had created, not wanting it to go to waste. I had found a piece of crumpled paper wrapped and tied with fabric(image 8), so I had the idea of making a mace with spikes, but that idea also didn't work do to the said spikes not sticking to the fabric. In the end I created a plush mallet type tool, to resemble the markings of a punching glove. This created bigger, more rough circler marks, with I was happy with in the end, despite the top of the mallet falling apart in use. (image 9 and 10)
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I enjoyed exploring this workshop because I gave me a few ideas on how I could make painting with non traditional tools, and also create images more literally connected to my projects theme of movement through combat. I also surprisingly really enjoyed the process of making the tools, especially the ones out of wood and stone materials. I would like to look further into art created by using martials such as weapons and tools usually used for combat and fighting, all the tools
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I have a few videos of myself and other using this tools to create marks, all of which I will post under the tool making tag.
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edenityy · 4 months
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( chapter nine ! )
"Aren't you quite popular these days, Earl.."
The sitting room of Ciel Phantomhive's townhouse is once again occupied by himself, Leah, and Lau, a faint sense of deja vu overcoming the trio. For as often as they find themselves in there, the encounters start to feel the same at some point. The only thing missing is the nonexistent silhouette of Madame Red in her seat.
Seated in a chair in front of a long bookcase, Lau holds the newspaper up for him to read, "To be honest those two have been ultra suspicious from the get-go."
"That is true though.." Ciel looks annoyed as he opens an invitation, "I just can't see why those two would cause trouble."
"They seem nice. As strange as they are," Leah comments, fiddling with the fabric of her navy blue dress.
Ciel huffs as he looks towards Lau, "If they are criminals why would they come and stay with me of all people?" he questions. "They are not really all that suspicious at all, right?"
"Well then.." Lau smiles. "It would be pretty neat if it were nighttime soon, don't ya think?"
— ౨ৎ —
Later that night, Ciel and Leah both watch as Soma and Agni prepare to leave the building.
"We're off then!" Soma announces, Agni bowing at the door behind him. "Go get some sleep you two."
Releasing a noise of irritation, the Phantomhive watches them leave while his fiancé beside him yawns. "Are we following them?" she asks.
Parading through the streets, Soma and Agni visit buildings and shops and show their drawing of Mina, looking for the missing woman. Not far behind them, Ciel, Leah, Lau, and Sebastian watch from a wall, observing their whereabouts.
"It really does seem like they are just looking for that person.." Lau speaks with knitted brows.
Ciel shivers in his spot despite wearing his winter clothes, cold air releasing from his mouth. "In this country, the best place to look for news of that person would be in a club or a pub. It really seems like they aren't up to something."
"I told you. They are just a bit.. eccentric," Leah points out, shuffling closer to Ciel in the hopes of warming herself up. The fur of her winter coat slightly obscures her eyes, two little pom poms hanging from a string.
The group watches as Soma storms out of the pub, angrily stomping with Agni following him.
"It is now one am," Sebastian points out, checking his watch. "I predict they will return home soon. We should go home also."
— ౨ৎ —
Back at the townhouse, it is now two forty-five in the morning when Agni finally makes his move to leave. Lau seems surprisingly alert despite the time, however Leah and Ciel are practically falling asleep on each other, struggling to keep her eyes open.
Dropping lower on the roof, Sebastian hangs upside down and looks at the three through the window. "Young Master, he's making a move."
Ciel slowly blinks, trying to shake away the sleepiness. "Good, so—"
Standing in the doorway is none other than Prince Soma, "You! Let me come also." he asks. "I have been aware for some time that Agni goes out while I'm asleep. I want to know what he is up to."
A silence falls upon everyone before they seemingly agree, preparing to put on their winter clothes to venture out in the snow at the late hour.
"No one let Anna know I'm doing this. She will be displeased.." Leah complains, yawning as she wraps her coat around her thin body.
— ౨ৎ —
Venturing through the snowy streets, it takes some time before they stop by a large manor, two men stationed at the front of the large gate. Agni is seen walking through, briskly entering the building, and doesn't notice the group following after him.
"So.. he went inside this building?" Lau questions, looking up at a tree peeking over the gate.
"This looks like.." Sebastian trails off.
Pressing his mitten-covered hand to his chin, Ciel's brows knit together, "Maybe finally we can see what is going on."
Cocking her head back, Leah stands closely next to Ciel and keeps an arm intertwined with his, bouncing in her spot to try and combat the cold. "What are you talking about?" she questions. 'Good Lord, it feels like my hands are going to fall off..'
"What's that supposed to mean?" Soma's tone is harsh as he begins to question things. "Who lives here?"
Lau presses a hand to the prince's shoulder, "Settle down, Prince. No need ta' panic." An uncovered hand goes to his chest. "If you go in, you shall see the horrible truth.. you and I.. eh?"
"In saying that you mean you have no idea what's going on either?" Ciel deadpans, trying to ignore his fiancé occasionally poking a cold finger to his cheek.
Lau flashes one of his ridiculous smiles, "Yes. So who lives here?"
"This is the home of Harold West Jebb. He is involved in the import of various goods," Ciel explains. "I've only met him once while off duty. He is rather creepy, not to mention his criminal record."
Slipping a hand out of her mittens, the brunette giggles to herself before pressing a freezing finger to Ciel's cheek. Her fiancé isn't as amused as her, feeling the cold radiating off of her and swatting her uncovered hand with his covered ones, giving a quiet 'your hands are freezing..'.
"Imported goods, eh? Then me and him are in the same business," The Chinese man smirks, folding his arms together.
Pressing a hand to his chin in thought, Soma side-eyes Lau who's a little in front of him. "Why would Agni want to visit such a person?"
"He mostly imports Indian spices and teas," Ciel says. "He runs a general store named 'Harold Trading'. He also runs 'Harold's Hindustani Coffeehouse'." The young Earl's sentence finishes a little abruptly, once again swatting Leah's hands away with more purpose.
"Mina's name appeared on some of Lord West's papers," Sebastian moves himself around to stand in front of the group, wall to his back. "According to what I read, business mostly took place in the Bengal area. The hanging incident may have hurt the business, however.. It seems such damage was avoided due to Lord West being absent while the incidents took place."
Ciel cranes his neck to look at the top of the gate, "I guess we'd better go in then.."
"If it's your wish," Plucking Ciel and Leah from their spots, Sebastian places his master under his arm and holds Leah up above his head, jumping over the gate with ease.
"Hey, you!"
"I do believe it is much faster this way," Sebastian quips, placing the aristocrats down gently. "Do forgive me for handling you like that, My Lady." The butler bows as he kneels to fix their coats, Lau watching above while perched on the gate next to a struggling Soma.
Leah purses her lips in annoyance, not noticing the group of aggressive dogs approaching them. "It's alright."
Unlike the two on the ground, Soma does notice and tries to alert them, "Ciel! Leah!"
Finally glancing at the dogs that rapidly approach, baring their teeth, both Leah and Ciel stare in worry as the demon beside them radiates an odd energy. Discretely trying to place herself in front of her fiancé, Leah tries to use herself as a small shield to which Ciel holds a firm grip on her arm through his mittens, pushing her back to his side. But before their attempts to place each other in front of the other can be effective, the dogs seemingly walk away.
"Huh? The dogs are backing off?" Soma questions in surprise.
Sebastian smirks while Ciel beside him looks far from impressed, "Such cowardly dogs Lord West has raised."
"Yo, Earl!" Lau calls out, swinging a group of keys on a stick while an unconscious man lays behind him along with a door. "Look over here! Over here!"
Staring at the Chinese man in shock, everyone examines his calm demeanor.
"Aw come on now, I just put them to sleep it's not like they are dead!" A smile leaves Lau while he wags his finger.
"So what," Ciel releases a breath into his mitten, grabbing Leah with his free hand to make her follow. "Let's get a move on."
Escaping the cold, the group files into the building, Sebastian leading the way. As they enter, they notice a lack of guards but still try to be discreet, despite Leah's shoes making small click sounds against the floor.
"No guards inside?"
"I can hear two people," The demon butler hardly has to glance around before his eyes fall upon the stairs. "Let's go."
Venturing up the stairs and through the halls, they slowly get closer to the source of the voices.
"You did a good job."
Leah holds her breath to take her lightest steps, trying not to make noise with her heels or whine at the deer head mounted on the wall.
"Why give me that expressionless face?"
The group slowly peers into the open door, nearly stacked on top of each other to get a look. Leah and Ciel stay the lowest to the ground, their winter coats brushing against each other. Sebastian is slightly higher than them with Soma using him to lean against, Lau at the top but with the worst view inside the room, instead opting to listen the best he can.
"Take a cigar and loosen up a bit, alright?"
Inside the room are two plush lounge chairs, the longer one seating a disgruntled Agni as Harold waltzes around the room, a newspaper in hand.
"These are grade A Havana cigars. I got these babies from James Fox, he has a royal warrant," Harold seemingly flexes the lit cigar in his left hand, ignoring how Agni chooses to be unresponsive to his words.
"Oh well, it's your problem." Harold swivels on his feet, "Everything is going as planned. In one week it will all be decided." he leans down to take ahold of Agni's bandaged hand, "Only with this 'right hand of God' will I realize my dream."
The group stares at the display, Leah attempting to stay interested in the boring conversation.
Harold inhales another puff from his cigar, "I've been planning this for three years. So I'll definitely complete it."
"And if I accomplish this," Agni starts with a hesitant look. "Mina will—"
Everyone's looks heighten at the mention of Mina, only for it to be destroyed by Soma who bursts through the door. The Indian prince finds it hard to contain his anger as he sharply glares at Harold and Agni, who are more than surprised at his sudden intrusion.
"You said Mina?!" Soma shouts.
"You fool!" Yells Ciel, both shocked and frustrated that Soma would interrupt when they were just about to be able to hear potentially viral information.
Approaching from behind the teenage aristocrats, Sebastian places a hand over Ciel's mouth and an arm around Leah, slowly pulling them away from the door. "Shh.. He would recognize our faces. Let's just wait for now." he whispers.
"He wouldn't recognize my face, I don't believe my father speaks to this man.." Leah tilts her head, finding no recollection of ever seeing Harold before.
Ciel glances at Leah from the corner of his eye. "Your father is well known and you look a decent portion like him. Even if he doesn't immediately recognize you, it's still a risk." The young earl harshly whispers, earning an annoyed hum from his fiancé.
Shifting his attention back to the room, Soma currently holds a tight grip on Agni's shirt. "Agni! What's going on? You know where Mina is?!" Soma shouts.
"Ah, so this is your master? Agni?" Harold smirks.
"You.." Soma slowly turns his head to glare at Harold, "You were the one who kidnapped Mina?! Agni!" he lifts an arm to point at him. "Beat this guy!"
Behind his prince, Agni wears a conflicted expression with clenched teeth, balling his fists but making no move to obey Soma's orders.
"Agni! What are you waiting for?!" Soma yells, bringing his pointing hand down.
Lifting his arm, Harold nonchalantly points at Soma, cigar in hand. "Agni. Throw out this fussy prince."
"Huh?" Soma stares in shock. "Can't you hear me?" He tries to speak to Agni.
"It seems they are starting to argue.." Sebastian says monotonously, still peering into the room while Ciel, Leah, and Lau appear more disinterested.
"Well, back to what we were talking about before.. it seems Lord West is involved," Ciel shifts his eyes to watch Leah playing with one of the pom poms attached to her coat. "It also seems that this has something to do with the black market."
Lau smirks and rests his head on his hand, squatting on the floor, "So then this is in the Earl's jurisdiction. Since the black market is involved."
"Indeed," The Phantomhive glares in annoyance. "Reporting this to the yard could be problematic. Perhaps we should just go home now.. That would be nice but I have another idea. I want to watch West for a while longer. This time I will save that foolish prince."
"But won't he recognize you?" Sebastian tilts his head.
"Leave it to me. I have a good idea."
Discreetly moving from his spot beside the door, Sebastian takes the mounted deer's head from the wall and places it over his head. This behavior doesn't impress the aristocrats but they decide not to question it, placing trust in the butler as he stands on the sidelines and waits for a chance to intervene.
"Is this really what I'm losing sleep for? How boring.." Leah whines, pouting her lips.
A quirked brow appears on Ciel's face as he side-eyes his betrothed, "No one told you to come along. You invited yourself." he mumbles.
Turning her head to look at his deep blue eyes with her dull ones, the young Barrett glares. "Oh. So that's how it's going to be, Phantomhive?"
"Phantomhive? Going back to informal formalities? Is Daniel possessing you?" Ciel stares at Leah incredulously, noticing the shift in her tone.
"If that's how you want to be, then yes!" With a huff, Leah turns her kneeling body away from Ciel's.
Lau chuckles watching the exchange, marveling at the earl's unimpressed look. "Now, now.. Don't argue little ones. You'll give us away." The Chinese man lightly scolds the pair.
"Little ones?!" Leah turns herself back around to stare at Lau in exasperation at his word choice, mouth nearly gaping at his audacity.
Before Leah has a chance to throw a fit at Lau, Ciel promptly shushes his fiancé by placing a hand over her mouth. Small muffled words leave the girl as Ciel shifts her closer so they can watch what's going down in the room, realizing Sebastian had a chance to intervene amidst their arguing.
"Who the heck is that?!" Harold shouts in disbelief like anyone would to seeing a deer head on top of a body wearing a suit.
Sebastian turns his uncanny accessory to Harold before bowing entirely, "I am a deer sent to collect the prince."
"Using a stuffed deer.. Good one, Mr. Butler," Lau stares up at the empty spot on the wall that was previously occupied by the deer head.
"How is it good?" Comes from Ciel, who doesn't agree with Lau's praise.
"I can't believe he's being serious about this.. It reminds me of Thomas. And I hate when Thomas pulls shenanigans like this," Leah is also one to complain about Sebastian's methods.
Harold stands taken aback, "This is probably one of the Prince's spies! Agni!—"
"No, I am just a deer to the core," Sebastian cuts in.
"Destroy him!" Harold shouts, pointing a sharp finger in the butler's direction.
Agni hesitates, "Destroy him? I can't.."
"Shut up! Do you want me to take back my promise? I order you to do this! Do it now!" Demands Harold.
For the most part, Agni is silent as he falls to his knees, clenched hands, and a lowered head, "My God.. I only wanted to serve him. This right hand I use only for his sake.." The Indian man continues, begging for forgiveness while removing the bandages from his hand.
Watching from outside the door, Leah and Ciel both seem surprised at the turn of events happening before them. They are also unable to take it seriously with Sebastian standing behind Soma, deer head still intact.
Turning her head towards her fiancé, Leah lets the hood of her winter coat slightly obscure her eyes. "Would now be a bad time to ask if you'll be attending my birthday celebration?"
"Your birthday isn't for another few months, why are you asking now?" Ciel's brows knit together.
"My father was talking about it and I said I want to be like a princess and he took my words seriously so now he's planning in advance.. If you are going I would suggest preparing your best attire," Leah purses her lips, recalling Lucius ferociously making plans in his study.
The young earl fights back a groan, "Your father spoils you a bit much." Ciel treads lightly with his word choice, careful not to set the girl off.
"Are you saying you won't spoil me when we marry?" Leah pouts teasingly, knowing fully well that she is naturally spoiled due to her position in society.
A heavy flush makes its way over Ciel's cheeks, "That's not what I'm saying! It's just—"
Hardly having any time to finish his sentence, Ciel is cut off by Lau abruptly grabbing Leah and lifting her up to carry her, earning a small noise of surprise but no further complaints from the girl. It isn't until now that Ciel realizes the loud crashes in the room are becoming too frequent, along with yelling, but most come from Harold screaming over his items being destroyed.
"It seems things are getting a bit wild, we should leave Earl," Lau says, walking away as he holds Leah with ease while dragging Ciel with another arm.
"Wait! A commotion this big is going to attract attention! You need to bring him out also!" Shouts Ciel, making sure Sebastian can hear him as he's dragged off by Lau.
Hoisting Soma over his shoulder, Sebastian nods under the deer's head, "As you wish." With that, he goes out the window with a loud crash.
— ౨ৎ —
"It was incredible.." Lau marvels, thinking back to Agni's sheer power.
After the abrupt exit the group made, they are now safely back at the house and out of the cold, adorning more comfortable clothes. Leah in particular sits with her back to the fireplace, choosing not to acknowledge the deer head that now sits atop it.
"He was beyond human."
"It's called samadhi," Soma sits with crossed legs, an irritated look painting his face. "Anyone with it has that power."
Ciel looks up at Sebastian with confusion, an expectant expression. "Samadhi?"
"It's to do with their religion. It's like entering a type of trance, isn't it?" Sebastian starts. "Humans are strange creatures. Their blind belief that they call strong faith can call out enormous strength from within. The Vikings of the past called upon Odin. The holy knights and the crusaders fought in the name of Yahweh."
Sebastian hardly stops to take a breath, "For Agni, his belief in his one true god Soma allows him to use such a power. Something we could never obtain, bred from love and belief. The power of faith."
The young earl's expression is unimpressed while Sebastian smirks, choosing to look at his fiancé who also doesn't seem to care much for the current topic.
"Then tell me why did he betray me," Soma looks down before swiping his arms to clear the china off of the table in a fit of rage. "How did he leave me behind so easily?!"
Ciel stands from his seat to dodge the flying items thrown in his general direction, "You.."
"Why?! Why is it that everyone around me vanishes?! Why?!" Soma shouts.
"Well if you act like that—" Leah starts before being interrupted.
"Leah Barrett!" Anna appears in the doorway, ready to scold the young girl. "What are you doing up at such an hour?! I have been waiting for you to get you ready to retire."
In her seat, Leah's body tenses as she forces on a tight-lipped smile, staring at Ciel for help. "We just went for a little outing.." she tries to justify, "It's not like I have a bedtime, I'm not hurting anyone."
"Hurting anyone or not doesn't matter. Walk yourself to bed right now before I make sure Lord Barrett hears about this," Anna scolds, walking off to Leah's room to make sure everything is in order.
The young girl lets out a sigh, reluctant to listen to the maid but does so to not risk hearing any more of it from her father. Lifting herself from her chair, Leah moves around Lau's chair to lean down and hug Ciel tightly.
"I had fun!" She smiles, ignoring the heat radiating from her fiancé's face. "Goodnight everyone.."
A faint chorus of goodnight's streams as Leah retreats from the room, leaving an empty seat.
— ౨ৎ —
In the days that follow, Sebastian works hard to try and cultivate a curry that can rival Agni's. It's hard and tedious with Soma's judgment but the demon tries what he can, set on winning to obtain the royal warrant.
"How's it going?" Ciel leans on a cane as he enters the room, Leah attached to his arm with Lau walking behind them.
"Young Master, you shouldn't come down here right now.." Sebastian advises, watching Ciel, Leah, and a kneeling Finnian use their fingers to taste the curry.
Leah squints her eyes at the flavor, "I don't know how much more curry I can handle tasting.. Do find a good recipe soon."
"Three days until the contest," Ciel retracts his tongue. "It looks like you're researching very hard."
Both aristocrats seem finished, walking off towards the door, but not before Leah can give Finnian a kind smile goodbye.
"Oh by the way, for today's dessert I'd like to have gateau chocolat," Ciel says, letting Leah leave the room first. "Bring it to me later."
Walking out of the room with a smirk, Ciel and Leah both set down the hallway with Lau following their footsteps.
"You act as if you want your butler to lose," Lau lifts a hand to his chin.
"Impossible. But instead of getting the royal warrant, don't you think it would be more interesting to see that butler lose?" Turning his head around, Ciel continues to walk while flashing the Chinese man an amused smile.
Shrugging, Lau releases a breath. "The Earl is sparkling~ What a bully."
"Silence," Ciel tries to shush him.
"You love making Sebastian's life harder in the way I love making Thomas' life harder!" A bright smile comes from Leah, shining eyes as she sticks close to her fiancé.
Raising an eyebrow, Lau watches the pair in front of him as they walk.
"What a perfect pair you are."
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fromzion · 5 months
Where To Buy The Best Bamboo Apparel In Australia?
Australians are known for their love of the outdoors, active lifestyles, and embracing comfortable yet stylish clothing.  This is where bamboo apparel comes in!  Made from a sustainable and versatile fabric, bamboo clothing offers a unique blend of comfort, performance, and style. But with so many options available, where can you find the best bamboo clothes Australia has to offer?
This blog post will be your guide to navigating the world of bamboo apparel in Australia. We'll explore the benefits of bamboo clothing, highlight some key factors to consider when choosing a brand, and unveil some of the top places to find bamboo apparel Australia.
Why Choose Bamboo Clothing?
Bamboo clothes Australia are rapidly gaining popularity, and for good reason! Here are just a few reasons why you should consider incorporating bamboo apparel into your wardrobe:
Luxuriously Soft: Unlike cotton, which can feel rough and scratchy, bamboo fibers boast a naturally round and smooth structure. This translates to a cashmere-like feel against your skin, perfect for all-day comfort.
Temperature Regulation: Australian weather can be unpredictable. Bamboo fibers are natural temperature regulators, keeping you cool in the summer heat and providing a subtle insulating layer in cooler weather.
Moisture-Wicking Champion: No more sweat worries! Bamboo wicks away moisture, drawing sweat from your skin and keeping you dry and comfortable throughout the day. This is especially beneficial for active individuals or anyone living in a hot climate.
Naturally Odor-Resistant: Say goodbye to lingering smells! Bamboo fibers contain antimicrobial properties that inhibit the growth of odor-causing bacteria. This translates to fresher clothes for longer, reducing the need for frequent washing – a win for busy individuals and the environment.
Durable and Easy Care: Despite its luxurious feel, bamboo clothing Australia is surprisingly durable. They can withstand multiple washes without losing their shape or softness, making them a practical choice for your active lifestyle.
Sustainable Choice: Bamboo is a fast-growing and renewable resource requiring significantly less water compared to cotton. Additionally, bamboo fabric is biodegradable, minimizing waste and contributing to a cleaner planet.
Choosing the Right Brand for Bamboo Apparel Australia
Now that you're convinced about the benefits of bamboo clothing, let's explore some key factors to consider when choosing a brand:
Quality: Look for brands that prioritize high-quality bamboo materials. This ensures your clothes are not only soft and comfortable but also durable and long-lasting.
Sustainability: Choose brands that are committed to sustainable practices throughout their supply chain. This includes using ethically sourced bamboo and eco-friendly processing methods.
Style and Variety: Do they offer a variety of styles to suit your taste and needs? From activewear to loungewear and everyday essentials, a good brand will cater to a diverse range of preferences.
Transparency: Look for brands that are transparent about their manufacturing processes and materials used. This allows you to make informed choices that align with your values.
Top Places to Find the Best Bamboo Apparel Australia
Here are some of the top places to find bamboo clothes Australia that combine quality, sustainability, and style:
From Zion: Here at From Zion, we're passionate about offering high-quality, ethically sourced bamboo clothing designed for comfort, style, and sustainability. Explore our curated collection of bamboo apparel for men, women, and children, perfect for all your wardrobe needs.
Eco-conscious online retailers: Several Australian online retailers specialize in sustainable clothing brands. These platforms often offer a wider variety of brands to choose from, allowing you to compare options and find the perfect fit.
Ethical fashion boutiques: Support local businesses and explore ethical fashion boutiques in your area. Many stores carry a selection of sustainable clothing brands, including those offering bamboo apparel Australia.
Embrace Comfort, Style, and Sustainability with Bamboo Clothing
Bamboo clothes Australia offer a unique opportunity to elevate your wardrobe with comfort, style, and sustainability in mind. By considering the factors mentioned above and exploring the options available, you can find the perfect bamboo apparel to suit your needs and values.
Ready to experience the magic of bamboo clothing?  Explore From Zion's collection of high-quality, ethically sourced bamboo apparel for men, women, and children.  We offer a variety of styles and silhouettes to suit your taste and lifestyle, allowing you to embrace comfort, style, and sustainability with every wear.
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maxxmesii · 5 months
Crafting a solid game play for Curtain Cleaning
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Curtains cleaning could be difficult, though not tough, because of the dubious materials (like velour, silk, and cotton) that are of common use. The requirement of curtain cleaning is among the common dry cleaning services, and the difficulty of removing curtains from the line often necessitates professional involvement. For complete Curtains Dry Cleaning Bedfordshire, homeowners and building owners may find it quite easy to ask for help from an expert who works in most urban laundries. What The Need for Expert Treatment Concerning the Curtains Is In addition to framing our view, curtains also act as a barrier against airborne dust and other outside linings. Surprisingly, the dry cleaners' practice shows how it is a careful yet effective means to handle a multitude of fabrics for the curtains. This method proves to be good in terms of cleaning the stains and grime but helps the fabric keep its original structure; therefore it has no problems generated by the shrinking of the material or damage that can come from traditional washing methods. Harmony in Fabrics: The Crucial Element of Skill Curtains are also fashioned from quite a number of materials (some of the fabric might include the ones that draw different stains). Not only does a wine stain on plush velvet or the dust build-up on delicate sheers need a special approach; curtain cleaning needs a case-by-case strategy too. This approach involves the study of the process of wet washing curtains as well. ● Inspection: At the dry cleaning service, your curtains will be subjected to a close inspection that will identify possible stains, as well as damaged areas as any special care instructions. ● Pre-treatment: Strains are specially handled by removing them with specialized solutions that loosen and help them be removed during the cleaning task. ● Dry Cleaning: Next, the material is dumped into a very ordinary dry cleaning machine designed with solvent. The equipment mentioned relies on the action of the muting tumbler for the purpose of agitating the curtains thereby cleaning them completely without damage.
Finishing: After the curtains have been cleaned and dried, it becomes time to remove them from the machine. They will be printed or they will be steamed again for them to look how they did when they were newly made. ● Packaging: Last of all, curtains are carefully packed for shipping, and the arrangement is done in such a way that they don’t get soiled again or are not dislodged. Why Professionals Make the Best Curtain Cleaners? ● Expert Care for Various Curtain Fabrics: A&Z Dry Cleaners curtains cleaning services offer the most effective cleaning for each fabric despite the limits of your domestic washing machine, ● Advanced Technology: Having high-performance of washing machines and dryers, these services feature for various materials are available. ● Efficient Stain Removal: First of all, professional service performs vacuum cleaning and applies specific pre-spot and stain removal treatments so that a spotless surface can be achieved. ● Comprehensive Curtain Cleaning Service: At the heart of what we do, we pride ourselves in offering total home service solutions. Our highly skilled consultants will pick up curtains, pre-spot, wash, treat all stains, dry, and vacuum dust, and will deliver back to you clean and pristine. A&Z Dry Cleaners: Increasing Curtain Serviceability A&Z Dry Cleaners has established itself as a reliable destination for amazing Curtains cleaning HITCHIN with an option to pick up or drop off the service from the comfort of your home at a lower cost. A&Z Dry Cleaners have for a long time been providing curtains custodial services that are not only of the best quality but also convenient, With your curtains, they offer helpful and personalized curtain care, letting them look brand-new and stylish again. As with our specialists at Curtain Cleaning Luton by A&Z Dry Cleaners, they are both highly proficient and fully certified that they are only dedicated in providing uncompromising linen care and maintenance. Reflecting our main values, the only people employed by us are those who have a successful background in previous companies and have the expertise to ensure your satisfaction.
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the-lost-beast · 1 year
Trivia: drawing Bellam
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Here are the details.
So, the uncoloured drawing at the centre of the page was my first try at him. I was just trying to get the general vibe of him. Surprisingly enough, it turned out a lot better than I would've thought. I could immediately recognise the character as I'd imagined him, even though some things lacked.
Then I drew the close-up on the face (the "normal" one). I figured out which lines and features made his character recognisable and tried that again, but with a little more expression to his face ("surprised"). Drawing the same, recognisable character this properfly three times in a row is usually IMPOSSIBLE for me and yet. So I kept going and this time I really tried to bend his features into something really expressive. That's the happy/flustered face.
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Next up, I tried a full body drawing in front view (first picture). The drawing is a-okay but the colouring isn't what I wanted and I had trouble figuring out what his outfit should look like.
So I tried again in side view this time (took a lot of reference from the Creating a Champion's artbook). I wanted it to be clear that Bellam is a former warrior so I thought the warrior breast plate covered by something representing his status of leader was a good idea. I like the fabric falling over his back as well.
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I then did a colour study of his wings. Again, not exactly what I'd imagined but close enough. Bellam has very large wings compared to other Rito. You can see how they practically fall to the same level as his talons.
The drawing of his face right above the wing was just a test for the braids actually. He didn't have the braids until this drawing! At first I'd wanted to add only ribbons to his design but I didn't where to add them. Then I tried with a braid... And ended up adding the braids to all the previous drawings 👀
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Anyway! It's the first time EVER in my entire life that I can draw an OC this consistently while also drawing different emotions for them and still making them recognisable as themself. What the actual HECK, I wish I could draw like this every day 🫠 anyway i'm so so happy about how this turned out. Maybe listening to the HTTYD soundtrack while drawing this is what gave me wiNGS LOL--
I had so much fun drawing this boy. I already had a soft spot for him before but I think drawing him like this deepened that soft spot :')
Anyway chapters 1-2-3 are available on both A03 and Wattpad. Chapter 4 is coming very soon, meanwhile, feel free to say hello
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ultraburnbuy · 2 years
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hard work for you.
What is ketosis? In an ordinary eating regimen, the utilization of high fat would by and large prompt you putting on weight as the body draws its energy from
carbs. Notwithstanding, with high fat and zero carb diet, the body enters a condition of ketosis where the energy is drawn from the fat. This works on your
digestion and starts consuming the overabundance fat in the body in a proficient way.
What triggers ketosis? The great ketone supplement present in the pill.
Who is Ultra Burn maker? Fabricated by Ultra Keto, it is made under severe quality circumstances and in cutting edge offices. As it is only a dietary enhancement, it requires no FDA
endorsement or testing.
What are the Ultra Burn fixings and measurements? As indicated by my Ultra Burn survey, There are numerous Ultra Burn fixings that add to proficient weight the board for you. They are normally obtained and
leave no secondary effects or hurtful effects on your body. A portion of the key fixings are as referenced beneath:
Garcinia Cambogia-This fixing assists you with dealing with your hunger. This can assist you with controling eating low quality food and better deal with
your keto diet necessities. Lemon Concentrate A characteristic fixing that assists in diminishing with bodying mass and fat. Green tea extricate Siphons additional energy to your body and assists you with remaining more dynamic and caution over the course of the day. Hydroxycitric corrosive It is considered as a characteristic fat eliminator. Green Espresso beans-Perceived all around the globe for its regular fat consuming abilities according to our Ultra Burn audit. Beta-Hydroxybutyrate-The key trigger in putting your body in a condition of ketosis. Fundamental nutrients and minerals-Separated from the fixings referenced above, Ultra Burn s supplements additionally contain different minerals and
nutrients that assist you with remaining dynamic and lively. This additionally adds to generally speaking wellbeing and prosperity. How to consume the pill? All things considered, it is a basic and clear system. The suggested Ultra Burn measurements is two containers each day for a
grown-up. Polish off one just after you awaken and the other before you rest alongside a lot of water. On ordinary use and a spotless eating regimen, this
can assist you with accomplishing your weight-the board objectives quickly.
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What are the Advantages and disadvantages of Ultra Burn ? Experts
At the point when you go through the different Ultra Burn client surveys, it is obvious that you can partake in a ton of advantages and benefits, for
Sped up fat misfortune The best and normal method for getting more fit is by adhering to a keto diet. Begin with the pill utilization to come by quicker
results and accomplish your optimal body in a matter of seconds. Get liberated from all the weight related sicknesses Individuals who are large are at high-risk from various infections, for example, heart issues, kidney
issues, hypertension, and so on. By dealing with your weight effectively, you can get an extremely durable answer for every single such issue. Better energy-Ultra Consume Keto pills additionally assist you with remaining more enthusiastic and dynamic over the course of the day. By and large wellbeing The pills supply the body with fundamental nutrients and supplements that add to general prosperity. Certainty Weight reduction and a decent build can do miracles to your certainty and confidence. Cons
In any case, there are likewise a couple of cons that you should know about while utilizing the item like referenced underneath in the Ultra Burn survey:
Secondary effects Despite the fact that the item is regular, it is very strong and is profoundly focused. Upon use, you might encounter normal secondary
effects like discombobulation, wooziness, sickness, and so on. This can be overseen by drinking a lot of water and adhering to a functioning schedule
consistently. It's anything but an enchanted pill-However it is very viable in giving you your desired outcomes, the pill alone can't assist you with your objectives. You
actually need to proficiently deal with your eating routine and practice to come by the best outcomes. How to utilize Ultra Burn enhancements? By going through the Ultra Burn Surveys, obviously the weight reduction supplement is not difficult to utilize. The suggested measurement is two pills every
Typically, the BHB in the body is dropped through the pee. In any case, during ketosis, the BHB is utilized as a ketone that assists the body with drawing
energy from the put away fat. So what do you need to?
Alongside consuming the pills consistently, it means a lot to adhere to a spotless eating regimen and sound activity. Eating unhealthy food consistently and
expecting weight reduction is certainly not a reasonable objective. Adhering to a clean keto diet is extremely simple with the assistance of the pill as it
assists you with dealing with your hunger.
Besides, it is vital to press in proactive tasks or practice to come by the best outcomes. You don't be guaranteed to need to go through hours at the
exercise center. Indeed, even lively strolls or sports can assist you with come by the ideal outcomes. Little and ordinary activity can go about as an
impetus to the weight reduction process helping you get speedier and durable outcomes.
Where to purchase Ultra Burn Pills? On the off chance that you have an inquiry as to Ultra Burn where to purchase, this Ultra Burn survey will clear your questions. The item is just
accessible through the authority site of the producer. It isn't accessible in any actual drug stores or other normal retail locations. This is on the grounds
that the maker can have better command over the quality and appropriation and keep away from phony and copy items from flowing on the lookout.
So what amount does Ultra Burn expense? Indeed, it is very reasonable thinking about the colossal number of advantages that you can appreciate. The maker is
likewise running Ultra Burn free preliminary, that can assist you with examining the item without making a buy. There are many individuals who have
encountered stunning Ultra Burn outcomes. By going through their surveys and tributes, you can get a superior comprehension of how the item functions and
settle on a very much educated choice while making a buy.
End - Could I suggest Ultra Burn ? 100 percent! In addition to the fact that it assists you with getting thinner proficiently, however it likewise brings along numerous other medical
advantages and benefits. I would suggest the Ultra Burn audit assuming that you are hoping to securely shed pounds. Nonetheless, not a supernatural
occurrence pill gives you results from day 1. With steady utilization, great eating regimen and normal activity, this can be the item that you are searching
for to hit your weight-the executives objectives.
Inside the main week itself, I felt my body digestion changing and I got more energy during my exercises and everyday life. In only half a month of time, I
could see noticeable outcomes with the fat in my body gradually vanishing for good.
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tomatomediavn · 2 years
Top good Chinese names, bright and positive meanings
rules of Chinese Product Translation require to follow
Guidelines for those principles of Chinese Translation
Translating from your maintain mother language is often something to avoid when learning a international language. If friends fabricate sentences in your gain native language first, & next translate them into Chinese, the route is often behind and the result is non-idiomatic.
The target must be to beget sentences in Chinese without seeming to necessity to switch to by some means language first. Nonetheless, this matter predicament is not easily achieved, & beginners and intermediate students & lower outlook difficulties with the same Translate finished product prior they interpret favorite words & basic grammar.
Looking at IT from someway angle, Translation is an integral fragment of learning & using Chinese. No matter how modern your own Chinese is, you will always encounter things this we can also say in your native dialect, though cannot in Chinese. Translation, even if it's objective a formality often used for personal purposes, is also one of the numerous often mentioned reasons only for learning a language in the first area. Many university courses comprise Translation, although very rarely in standardized competence tests
specific Chinese Translation instructions
In this article, I will discuss the mindset of upcoming Translation from your gain native language into Chinese. Mostly essays are written for beginners & intermediate students and below. More developed students possibly don't necessity such a hassle, besides can do sentences directly in Chinese. If you conflict with that, the article under is only for friends.
for additional about Product Translation in general, seek my ≠ essay on the topic, which also includes 1 number exercises good only for modern students.
how to translate from your have mother tongue to Chinese
I have taught numerous pedagogy courses including Translation under some Ways. In my experience, the biggest predicament only for beginners is word order & grammar, which is the cornerstone of topic below. You are fair starting to learn building block plates from textbooks, though while asked to spend them only for Product Translation, they are too terminate to the original Vietnamese & forget remarkable of what they maintain literate about Chinese syntax.
As students become more developed, expression impose can calm be an issue, besides word usage & phrases can turn into more vital. Getting Information Technology accurate while translating is mostly a matter of being capable to inspect up words in a dictionary properly, which is surprisingly augean.
In abstract, my advance here is to avoid writing Vietnamese sentences with Chinese characters & instead succor you to first acquire down to the basic connotation of these sentence, and then express that meaning in words. Chinese dialect.
below is the particular description of the draw. To demonstrate this route, I will translate the sentence The apples I used to buy yesterday were savory. I will bring more VDs later and also donate friends 1 number sentences to practice. First, it's an overview of the steps:
whether possible, split the sentences
clarify a lot
Translate words based more context
combine ordain of translated words
fix up words according to Chinese grammar
whether necessary, summarize the parts and check the grammar
reference the translated sentence with the current
the perfect process looks like this, but don't be afraid if that looks confusing; I will disappear mid each step below!
1. Whether plausible, split the sentence
lengthy & tangled sentences are obviously challenging to translate more concise and typical sentences. Whether indispensable, convert the sentence you are approximately to translate into Multi easy sections above that can be translated independently. Please note that this problem is not limited to splitting a lengthy sentence into clauses; This is also plausible to isolate a complex component of a sentence and translate IT independently.
Example: The sentence The apples I bought yesterday were luscious consists of two clauses: The apples I bought yesterday (or it is possible this I bought apples yesterday) and x are appetizing. Figure out how to say each separately first because this is distinguished easier.
2. Simplify a lot
relinquish regardless of grammatical words, misleading happy and non-literal expressions. If there are 1 number indirect or non-literal expressions, replace these expressions with something this simply states what they be of value (for epitome, if the original contains the expression hit the). Sack , impartial had to write to bed because this problem has absolutely nobody to execute with sacks or hitting). The result should be a a lot sentence that means the same as the recent sentence, but expressed in the easiest way.
Example: The apples I used to buy last day that were appetizing are reduced to [the apples I used to buy yesterday] and [ separation was delicious]. These versions are also conceivable and are meant to be essentially the same as the modern, though very simple.
3. Translate words based on context
The next step is to translate these words individually, during times taking exhibit of the context. The problem is that most students halt here and say/write whatever results. Instead, reflect of the problem as not a sentence anymore; Your intent must be to believe a bunch of Chinese words this friends can use to write a modern sentence.
such as, [the apple I used to buy yesterday ] would change to [苹果 (蘋果) 、 我 、 买 (買) 、 昨天], & [ division was luscious ] would change to [X 、 是 、 非常 、 好吃].
4. Blend the ordain of translated words
though it is accurate that the expression order is basically the same in Chinese & Vietnamese (Subject-Verb-Object, SVO), anyone who has lettered somewhat of Mandarin knows this the general word ordain is nearly never the equivalent. Therefore simple now.
To avoid by mistake keeping the unique Vietnamese word structures, blend the order of these words you believe. This forces friends to evaluate the situation of each expression, by a long shot than fair keeping the ordain why this is how friends tell IT in English.
you can carry out this by writing them down more diminutive pieces of paper, writing them randomly more a list, or regardless of ≠ diagram you can consider of. To produce the route supplemental effective once you've mastered IT, you too of lofty also mix words instantly while translating them in the preceding step, to some extent combining the two steps.
such as, here I will unbiased list the words in random order: [买 (買) 、苹果 (蘋果) 、 我 、 昨天] & for those moment fragment [非常 、 x 、 好吃 、 是].
5. Ordain words according to Chinese grammar
The then step is to consume what you recognize about Chinese grammar and wed words to express the connotation of the new sentence.
when practicing this stage, attempt to mediate of the plan in which the current sentence is described, rather than the genuine words old. This is also the step where friends mend regardless of expression selection obstacles. For example, maybe a definite verb is worn in Vietnamese although not in Chinese (in Vietnamese, having lunch is an idiom, although in Chinese friends often utilize eat instead). Or you should to insert an extra expression. Somehow to make Information Technology work (like 了).
Example: friends have 2 matters you desire to portray & you have 2 sets of words to carry out this matter. In the first case, you desire to reveal the artificial intelligence that bought apples & when; in the moment fragment, friends desire to reveal that they are quite delicious. Here's one way to do it: 我 昨天 买 (買) 的 苹果 (蘋果) and division 非常 好吃. Please note this that is done simply by method rearranging the parts & by omitting 是, which is not normally dilapidated to put through adjectives & nouns; 非常 is sufficient.
6. If indispensable, summarize the parts & review the grammar
Step 1 is to waive the complexity, so today Information Technology needs to be joined together. That is simply the role of inserting one remnant of translated text into x in the ≠, or combining multiple paragraphs of text in some way.
pay extra notice to high-level grammar here, such as linking words between parts you've translated. Also, check for tenses or anything ≠ that friends eliminated in the simplified step. Chinese does not acquire such tenses, although of lofty there is the skill to express time while something happens.
for example, by method inserting 我 昨天 买 (買) 的 苹果 (蘋果) into x 非常 好吃 you get 我 昨天 买 (買) 的 苹果 (蘋果) 非常 . There aren't regardless of worrisome high-level grammars here, although whether friends increase incorrectly, it's a good space to reflect if that's really the best way to put through an since with the same 1 noun.
7. Compare the translated sentence with the same novel
this stage is relatively necessary, but often abandoned, be IT due to time constraints or laziness. Following you believe created a Chinese sentence, you need to see more & carefully reference IT with the fresh sentence. Of steep, the two versions will differ in vocabulary & expression impose, although they should add up to the alike object.
comparison with the same modern is extremely indispensable when taking the test with translated questions. Friends don't want to lose only objective why friends forgot to translate 1 number important sections of the novel sentence. Why translating sentences is challenging, you often by accident descend some sections of sentences during these processes. Practicing one final review will produce definite the connotation is as intact as possible!
Example: Compare! Chinese sentence: 我 昨天 买 (買) 的 苹果 (蘋果) 非常 好吃. Vietnamese original: The apples I bought last day were savory. Looks excellent to me; there are no lacking parts here!
implement creates you more perfect
In the following, I believe translated three supplemental sentences using supplemental modality. I would denote just reading midst the first VD as a way to reinforce the map, and then effort out the moment and/or 3rd example yours (the 3rd example is substantially further difficult).
exhibit this following splitting the sentences, I will translate the dissimilar parts bilingually, though you too and surely should execute IT one by one. The reason I place them whole together here is simply to avoid making the post unnecessarily lengthy. For better readability, I've points attached Simplified Chinese for the measures.
Here are three whether you desire to study them earlier pilot my proposed solution:
I normally believe lunch in the section restaurant following my company's school.
My cat likes to cheat on the TV because it's torrid there.
I idea I would be able to arrive the airport at three o'clock, though there was an unexpected queries dilemma along the way so I abandoned my flight.
precise 1
original Vietnamese: I normally have lunch at the restaurant unhurried my company's school.
Split: [ I usually gain lunch at separation ] + [ the restaurant slack my school ]
S implies: [ I normally have lunch at separation ] + [ the restaurant behind my unit's school ]
Dịch: [I, often, acquire, lunch, at X] + [restaurant, behind, our, school]
Trộn lẫn: [have, often, at division, lunch, me] + [school, restaurant, our, behind]
Sắp xếp: [I often have lunch at X] + [the restaurant tedious our school]
phối hợp lại: I often have lunch in the section restaurant unhurried our school.
Comparison: I normally acquire lunch at the restaurant unhurried my unit's school.
VD 2
Vietnamese original: My cat prefers mendacity down to TV why it's cozy there.
Split: [ My cat likes division ] + [ lying more than TV ] + [ because it's cozy there ]
S implies: [ My cat likes x ] + [ lying on the TV ] + [ why it is erotic there ]
Dịch: [my, pussy, like] + [lay, more, TV] + [because, equatorial, there]
Kết hợp: [cat, mine, like] + [on, TV, lying] + [hot, why, there]
Sắp xếp: [My cat likes it] + [Lying more the TV] + [Because it's feverish there]
Ghép lại: My cat likes to lie on the TV because that is relatively sweltering there.
Comparison: My cat likes to cheat on the TV why it's passionate there.
precise 3
English original: I idea I would be competent to receive to the airport at three o'clock, but there was an unexpected traffic predicament more the way, so I missed my flight.
Split: [ I conception I would be able to receive to the airport at three o'clock ] + [ but there was an unexpected queries dilemma ] + [ so I missed my flight ]
S implies: [ I mediate I'm possibly to receive to the airport at three o'clock ] + [ more the way to a sudden traffic scrape ] + [ therefore I missed my flight ]
Dịch: [I, consider, I, can, near, airport, three o’clock] + [but, unexpectedly, queries jam, more the way] + [so, I, overlook, plane]
Trộn lẫn: [I, three points] idea, I, can, airport, to + [but, queries quandary, more the road, actually] + [I, therefore, plane, missed]
Sắp xếp: [I conception I'd be in the part airport at three o'clock] + [But there was a hits spot on the road] + [So I missed the plane]
Ghép lại: I conception I would approach in the paragraph airport at three o'clock, but there was a queries predicament more the track, so I missed the plane.
Comparison: I notion I would be capable to get to the airport at three o'clock, though there was a traffic predicament that was additional unexpected than the road, therefore I abandoned my flight.
I teach this matter draw of Translation why IT tends to design better results only for students. Of course, Information Technology will seize further time than impartial reading knowledge or relying heavily more the fresh sentence, though this is not excellent only for communication purposes or only for your Chinese practice.
if friends reflect the route supplemental thoroughly, you'll see this what I'm really doing there is recommending that students decrease to the basic meaning course, then job on constructing a sentence in expressive Chinese. This connotation, without needing to care. Noteworthy approximately the unusual constitution & wording. This Product Translation is mainly the same as speaking and writing ordinary Chinese, there is no source sentence to translate!
so, in addition to creating further total Translations, I also believe that this matter type of implementation has a remarkable greater impact more practical speaking and writing.
Collection of excellent Chinese names for girls
if friends are looking only for Chinese names to exalt Chinese relics in family or to celebrate your fancy of Chinese civilization, there are many options for you must consider. From dilapidated Chinese names to novel and interesting Chinese names, there is forever something. Suitable for all babies. China infant names can maintain numerous distinct meanings, from flowers & gems to virtues esteem courage, intelligence & calm. Therefore, my business acquire collected Our 70 accepted Chinese names and inspiration to help you on your way. But earlier we obtain to the list, let's take a study at how parents in China (and Chinese expats) resolve a brand for those newest member of their family.
How are Chinese babies named?
The conference in China is that a person's final name is written first, followed by the family brand. Usually, the family brand is a Chinese character and the given name is the then one or two characters. (So ​​the Chinese first brand is actually the second!) Parents often avoid naming their children after any older relatives, as this is considered disrespectful. Avoid copying the name of a well person or historical assume, as it can bring the child bad smooth. Instead, parents will look for a new name with characters that harmonize with the characteristics of the kid. Them, as well as think their hopes only for a delighted and prosperous tomorrow for the infant. Whether they already acquire a child, parents have the skill to name their recent infant to a certain degree this adds his/her name/ their sister. For example, whether the first child's name contains a character connotation "sun",
What is a current Chinese name?
many Chinese names are gender-neutral, though some are more commonly given to boys and girls or men, therefore whether needed we've labeled them: whether you're looking only for a tried and tested name only for your child, here are 10 current Chinese names this you need to consider: Fang - perfume, morality ️ ️
Jing - calm or calm ♀️ ️
Thunder - mound of rock, remarkable, thunder ♀️ ♂️
Li - splendid or handsome, health ️ ️
Min - fast ️ ️
Qiang - stronger, more perfect ️
Tao - enormous wave or peach ♀️ ️
Wei - unbelievable ️ ♂️
Yan - splendid, swallow ♀️ ️
Xiuying - intrepid and beautiful ♀️
What are 1 number Chinese lady names?
What is a girl's name in Chinese? You interrogate. Famous, lulu is a lot in the eye of the beholder, & there are some remarkable Chinese maiden names to select from. If friends want your child's brand to recall the scent of flowers, we can determine your believe. "Chu Hua" (chrysanthemum) or "Ju" (chrysanthemum). Or if you want to inspire her to grow into a amiable and secure person, you too determine "Shu" (warm) or “Ting” (enduring). Here are 15 other Chinese girl names: artificial intelligence - magnificent
Ah Lam - serene
Baozhai - infrequent hairpin
Chu Hua - chrysanthemum flower
Chyou - autumn
Daiyu - dim jade
Fen - scent
Ju - daisy
Orchid - orchid
Liling - the sound of clear jasmine
Mei - magnificent, plum
word - graceful
Shu - cozy
Ting - enduring
Zhan - important, absolute, blameless
What are 1 number Chinese male names?
The typical Chinese name only for boys offers plenty of choices in all nature lovers, from “Hu” (tiger) to “Shanyuan” (mountain source).& friends will also score many numerous names to encourage his hold man more long-term adventures, including “Jianyu” (universe building) & “Zixin” (confidence). Here are 15 ≠ Chinese men: Aiguo - patriotic
Bingwen - frolicsome & cultivated
Bolin - Rain's brother
Chaoxiang - look for fortune
Donghai - East sea
Phong - sharp blade, wind, peak
Genghis - moral, righteous
Tiger - tiger
Huizhong - sage and loyal
Jianyu - building the galaxy
Park - cypress tree
Qianfan - thousand sails
Shanyuan - mountain source
Xiaobo - little wrestler
Zixin - confidence
What approximately genderless Chinese infant names?
As we have seen above, many Chinese characters are aged in the names of the pair of boys and girls. Together, distinguished nature photos & admirable private qualities are many, from “Chun” ” (born in spring) to “Ming” (enlightenment). Here are 20 gender-neutral Chinese names to select from: An - serene.
Bao - treasures, gems
They - he appeared
Chen - day off
Chun - born in spring
renown - glory
Heng - longevity
Huan - joy
Hui - dapper
river - river
Liu - willow tree
Ming - Enlightenment
Ping - peace, stability
artificial intelligence - autumn
Shan - impartial true
Shi - honesty
Xiang - has a scent, or hovers in the air (like a bird)
Xiaosheng - born less
Xue - snow or look exhausting
Yanlin - Swallow jungle or Beijing forest
What are 1 number delightful Chinese names?
eventually, whether you're looking for Chinese infant names this increase delightful or quirky meanings, my business has 10 of my favorites to section with friends. Contact to mythical creatures? Attempt “Chonglin” (big brother unicorn) or “Jaw-Long” (like a dragon). Or what could be additional dazzling than a name this evokes the radiance of these sun? Illustration “Mingxia” (bright daybreak clouds) or “Shoi-Ming” (sunlight life). Here are 1 number recent Chinese infant names for your dinky wonderful. :Ah Kum - apt as gold ️
Chonglin - unicorn teammate ♂️
Fengge - phoenix booth ♂️
Pink - untamed swan ♂️
Jaw-Long - like a dragon ️
Lian - graceful willow ️
Mingxia - fresh dawn clouds ️
Nu Wa - mom goddess ♀️
Shoi-Ming - life of light ️
Suyin - sound without decoration ♀️
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comicaurora · 2 years
Hi Red, you mentioned a few days ago that you’ve honed your style to your own liking so I was wondering how you think your style has changed over time?
Re reading the comic the only thing I can concretely nail down as different from the very start with my limited knowledge of art is the lines seem a lot thinner in the early pages?
So anyway I thought I’d just ask you yourself how your art is different, did you change it consciously or did it just evolve as you got your eye in or something? Why did you change if it was deliberate etc
As a side note btw holy crap the newest pages are beautiful, it’s just struck me again how amazing every single one seems to be with magical effects and backgrounds and the rain over everything dude they’re so good
Good question! Tbh it's a good sign if the change isn't horrendously visible to anyone but me.
The lines are definitely thinner early on, and that's both a stylistic change and a result of the fact that I was less confident. Drawing several hundred pages will really get the muscle memory going, so now I'm less hesitant about the lineart stage, but early on I was thinking a lot harder about relatively simple parts of the visuals. Foreground poses, hair, fabric. It took me a lot more thought to get those looking good. The lines are thinner, less confident and a little more sketchy.
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Could've easily thrown some building silhouettes in the background, drawn actual figures instead of the black mass of vaguely head-shaped things, etc - but nope. I was too busy figuring out how to make Vash's hair look. The backgrounds were pretty darn unpolished. They do their job, but at the time I wasn't really sure how to shade natural environments in ways that implied texturing. Even the way I was shading the foreground figures was pretty basic and unpolished, and I occasionally screwed it up - I hadn't quite refined my order of operations, so sometimes I'd miss regions with the paint bucket and just. not notice because of all the everything else I was focusing on.
Relatively simple visual concepts were taking me a lot longer because I hadn't yet worked out how to do them, so I had to figure them out on the fly. Erin's lightning bubble took a whole workday just trying to figure out how to strike the right glow balance that communicated "dome shield" without fully obscuring him behind the light. It's always a lot harder to draw something for the first time, and this comic has so much stuff in it that I was dealing with a lot of firsts in those first few chapters.
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That also meant I had less time or focus to spend on cleanup, so sometimes shading would be a bit intermittent - like the barrel in this shot that hurts my soul.
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I did figure out some foliage-shading shortcuts during the sentinel fight - layering rough-edged cel-shading produced the illusion of sunlight on leaves without having to hand-draw the darn things - but the science of making forest backgrounds look like Not Ass was still difficult for me. I really didn't like hand-drawing fully-lined trees for the background of shots, but I wasn't yet sure what the alternatives were.
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When I did Falst's intro arc, however, I had a ton of forested backgrounds, and that gave me a lot of practice very fast at refining the forest background stuff and experimenting with the use of filtered sunlight and particle effects, and I finally found a shortcut I liked for drawing tree trunks.
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By this chapter I was starting to feel good about how it looked. The colors balanced better, light and shadow felt integrated into the scene, I was getting a feel for the use of soft-edged glow and particle effects, and I wasn't struggling to make the shots feel coherent. Even the sentinel fight, which I'm overall surprisingly happy with, feels a little overly bright to me in hindsight - I would've shaded under the trees a little more aggressively if I were coloring it now.
When we hit Zuurith I had to start drawing very complex urban environments, but I used some of the tricks I'd learned for drawing forests to make things easier - simple color-block silhouettes for background shapes coupled with more detailed foreground elements for things I couldn't justify making featureless color blobs. If they were in the same plane as the detailed foreground characters, they had to be just as detailed. It was a pain in the butt, but the rest of my style had gotten intuitive enough for me that I could afford to spend more time playing with that. If I were still struggling to draw every foreground character pose, I wouldn't have had the brain bandwidth to get creative with the backgrounds.
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It wasn't really an intentional thing. I started the comic doing as good a job as I could, because I really wanted this to work. I was familiar with the medium of digital illustration, I'd been doing large numbers of chibi illustrations for the channel for years, and I had some of the process down to a science. But parts of it were new and unfamiliar, and that meant I needed practice and a chance to refine what I was doing into a more efficient form. In the process, things got smoother and looked more consistent, because I was developing techniques to do certain effects that I could then rely on going forward.
When I had to draw the Paladin Archive as a background, I used a mix of techniques I'd had a chance to test and refine on previous pages. The glowing dust mote and sunbeam effects from Gleicann's forest made the archive feel dusty and helped add depth. The occasional painstakingly hand-drawn background shelf was an acceptable price to pay, because for most of the bookshelves I'd figured out a pretty quick and efficient brush trick to draw a large row of color-scattered rectangles, skew them, duplicate and blur them sideways, and use that to create a serviceable illusion of three-dimensional rows of books of various sizes.
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Anyway, yeah. If the change isn't super jarring that's good news for me, because the process of improving my style has been complicated but very rewarding, and my only frustration with the process has been retroactively seeing everything I'd be able to do better now.
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