#surgeon said i have some of the most unique knees he has ever seen
trashymouthgremlin · 2 years
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atiny-piratequeen · 5 years
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Character Analysis: Jeong Yunho, ‘Father Earth’
Name: Jeong Yunho
Languages: English, Korean, Gaeilge (Irish), Spanish, French, Dutch, Egyptian (Post Transformation), Arabic (Modern Day), Japanese (Modern Day), Mandarin (Modern Day)
Crew Position: Surgeon/Doctor
Powers: Terrakinesis/Earth (Inherited from Egyptian God, Geb)
Compass Position + Arrowpoint Stone: North Eastern Facing, located on his left hip, Green Zircon
Eye Color: Honey Brown (Natural)/ Ice Blue (Demonic Form)
Hair Color: Brunette (Natural)/ Blonde, Dark Roots (Demonic Form)
Tattoos: A Robin, Cerasee, the Rod of Asclepius, an Amaryllis Blossom, and a Cup of Tea, all across his upper back/shoulder area. 
Likes: Animals, Making Fruit Teas, Tending to Gardens, Reading, Capoeira, Cuddling 
Dislikes: Greedy Doctors, Bitter Food, Neglectful Authority Figures
*The above artist rendition of Geb used courtesy of the game, Smite
Jeong Yunho.
A kind child from a loving family of four guardians. The son of Lloyd, Robin, Valeria, and Mei, Yunho spent his childhood learning how to make tea, gardens, and medicinal salves from plants, all while learning about the human body and the illnesses that plague it. 
His smiling face is a treat for the people in town when he and his parents travel to gather supplies. His kind demeanor and the calm, earthy mixture of floral and fruit scents that cling to him often lead to him being inviting enough to all animals. He can befriend any animal effortlessly, something his mother Valeria often teases lightly about. 
Surgeon Jeong Yunho
Having sought out the man that helped save his loved one, Yunho has dedicated himself to both Captain Hongjoong and the entire Utopia crew. He provides emotional and medical support to everyone in their time of need and his office is often an escape from the hardships that come with being out at sea, all with his serpentine friend Atlas usually wrapped around his neck. 
Yunho may be one of the few men who are fully in touch with their…’other’ selves, and as such, he’s been looking into the true nature of their powers and where they come from. Perhaps the gentlemanly voice in his head can provide some answers…
Geb, also known as Seb or Keb, is the Egyptian God of the Earth. He is the son of Shu and Tefnut, and his wife is sister Nut, the Goddess of the Sky. Geb and Nut bore four children; Osiris, Isis, Set (Or Seth), and Nephthys. (Though some myths will credit Geb with being the father to the god Horus, as well)
Though his name apparently translates to “weak one”, Geb is highly respected and often seen as one of Egypt’s mightiest gods. A protector and a guide, Geb has had many instances in his lore where he is often the support to an allied god through their own journey. 
Despite being the God of the Earth, Geb also aided the deceased to the afterlife, and would provide them with food along to ease their long journey into the afterlife. Geb’s name is a powerful one, said to be spoken to heal the sick if their affliction was caused by a natural cause such as a cold or a poisonous sting from a scorpion. 
Geb’s laugh is also powerful, said that the sound of his laugh alone can cause earthquakes. The god can have his moments (as most others do), where he will seemingly cause strife for his followers, just because it is within his power to do so. From droughts without warning, to being the reason there is a huge, near uninhabitable desert isolating Egypt from the ancient world, Geb was no stranger to flexing his power and causing hardships. 
Despite this, he had his kinder moments, such as the fertile lands surrounding the Nile River. Just as he would cause a drought without warning, Geb would also bless followers with bountiful harvests, with a surplus to keep their livestock alive and healthy for day to day life. 
In ancient depictions of the two, Geb and his wife, Nut are depicted with him lying below her as she stands above him in the shape of an arc, covering him, but never touching him. Geb is reclining, often with his knee pulled upwards, as a show to represent the intimacy between the earth and sky. His limbs are often metaphors for the valleys, mountains, or hills. 
The most common depiction of Geb himself is that of a dark skinned man with a crown. Sometimes his skin is green. This is to represent the fertile soils of The Nile and growth of crops in the area. He is also often depicted with a goose on his head, as it is his sacred animal. He was also said to be able to transform into other birds, leading to the name “The Great Cackler” (which, given his earthquake laughs, watch out with that one-).
He is also associated with snakes, and less common depictions will have him as part man, part snake. In the Book of the Dead, Geb was credited with giving birth to the serpent Nehebkau.
-Power Applications/ Demon Transformation-
When Yunho unleashes his full power, his dark brunette hair will become mostly blonde. His eyes will go from their honey brown color, to an icy, nearly whitish blue color. A discolored triangle appears over his right eye and his smile is elongated, with earthy, root-like veins appearing around his lips and the edges of the triangular mark. He can see better out of his right eye, as his ‘Demon Self’ can see fully from it and assist during combat. 
With the uniqueness of still being able to communicate with his ‘other’ self, Yunho is attuned to the Earth and uses his full body for combat. He mixes Hapkido learned from mother Mei and Capoirea learned from his father Robin with his plant powers to attack with every part of himself, using his powers for extra attacks, or to keep himself steady as he goes on the offensive. 
Alongside his strong offensive capabilities, Yunho uses his powers for defense, raising thick trees and slabs of earth to block attacks or keep enemies at bay. He also can wrap vines around enemies to crush them, much like a constrictor would do to prey. 
When not in combat, Yunho’s plants have a number of other applications, with the most notable being the ability to grow medicinal and essential plants on the ship for his salves and other medical needs. He can also grow a number of flora for his teas or for Yeosang’s food. 
Plants also have a natural bioluminescence, and the kind doctor often uses his powers to  brighten the normally undetectable light to a degree where they can be used to illuminate his room without the need for lanterns. His plants also have a strong scent, and are used for aromatherapy, thus turning his quarters into a calm room for the crew to freely enter to destress at any time.
Ideally, Yunho fares the best with his powers in an area that is heavily wooded or has little to no man-made structures to keep the destruction levels low. If the area is too dry, on fire, or cold, he has difficulty summoning plants, as they will often be brittle or too weak for attacks, but he can use his more defensive stone-type fighting, or hand to hand to compensate for the potential loss. 
-Character Song Breakdown-
All of the main boys have a song assigned to them in the AtT playlist to go alongside their origin chapters. Yunho’s character song is Voices In My Head by San Holo. I will go over some spoiler things, but if you made it this far, you may know this already.
Unlike some of the other boys’ breakdowns, Yunho’s is rather simple. The song was picked as a hint to the fact that Yunho is the first of the boys to interact with his ‘demon’ self in a manner that wasn’t self-destructive. 
Impressed by his nature and lack of strong negativity within him, his demon self grants him full control of their powers and as a result of their mutual understanding, he’s actually stuck around instead of being ‘overcome’ by Yunho taking control. As a result, he is one of the only boys that has the ability to still hear the previous embodiment of his powers. Ever since he realized his transformation and relationship with his ‘demon’ self were different from the others, he’s been trying to dissect why exactly he was different from the others and provide aid to the other boys.  
He can hear the voice in his head. Get it? 
-I've got voices in my head
What to say when all is said?
I'm still try to understand
Sometimes words don't just make sense
-You've got voices in your head
What to say when all is said?
When you try to understand
But my words just don't make sense
-I say, "Don't make my heart ache
Don't make my heart ache now"
I say, "Don't make my heart ache
We'll find a way somehow"
-Character Blurb-
“I am, Yunho-”
“No. You’re not. Look at me.” 
Yeosang held his head and shook as Yunho lifted his chin, frowning at the tears running down the smaller pirate’s face. He was headed to the galley when he found him crying, curled up on the floor, in the middle of a panic attack. He wiped his cheeks and picked him up, barely flinching as Yeosang clung to his form, biting his lip hard. 
The walk to his room was quiet as Yeosang cried. Yunho set him down in his lap, thumbing away more of his tears before he looked him in the eyes. 
“Tell me what happened.”
“I had a dream about her and...and…” 
“Say no more. Come here.” He pulled Yeosang against his chest and hummed a low tune, rocking Yeosang as he shook. As he hummed, he raised a few plants to his bedside, the vines embracing the wood of his ceiling, drooping down to bathe the two in a gentle glow as the now-neon blooms let out a collection of scents that made Yeosang’s shoulders relax. 
The gentle scent soothed him and after another half an hour he smiled and wiped his eyes, kissing the underside of Yunho’s jaw. 
“Thanks, puppy.”
Yunho grinned and pulled him back against his chest, moving to lay down with Yeosang still by his side. 
“No worries. I’ll protect you, okay? Rest easy, she can’t hurt you.” 
Yunho wrapped his long limbs around the smaller pirate, nuzzling his soft hair as he exhaled gently, the earthy scent of the room relaxing both of them.
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centurionmaiacruz · 7 years
And the Flashback Starts || Leo & Maia
After one of Leo and Maia’s usual “modeling” sessions, an old painting comes to light, leading to a discussion about love lost, family tension, and what could have been.
Pulling her shirt back on over her head, Maia wandered around Leo’s studio, looking at some of his other artwork. Besides the obvious benefits of their arrangement, Maia was always very interested in his work. She didn’t have much artistic ability of her own, so it was nice to see other people succeed in something that was just so creative and freeform. Leo’s art was also an interesting way of seeing into who he was, what he was feeling, where his head was at. Which was something that she couldn’t always see. As she walked around the studio, a painting caught her eye. She was used to seeing paintings of other models, but there was something about this particular one that captured her attention. She was beautiful, of course she was, but there was something else underneath the beauty.
“I haven’t seen this one before. Is it new?” Maia asked, glancing over her shoulder to look at Leo. “Or did you just want to revisit it?”
Leo had been looking for a painting he had done months ago when he has stumbled upon the older painting of Bobbi. It had been a Valentine’s Day where Leo was alone, sad and wallowing a particularly deep hole of ‘what if’. Bobbi was easily Leo’s biggest what if. And so he had tried to pour all of the love he still felt for the girl into a canvas. The end result was Bobbi bathed in light pink light, her face looking down and forlorn. The undertones were blues, as usual of Leo, instead of using skin tones using brighter colors. She was beautiful, but slightly sad. She was quite easily one of his best moments paintings. He sat up to look up at Maia and his face morphed into a mix of soft sadness and adoration. “I did it a year ago. I was looking for a different painting and found it. It’s one of my favorites.”
Regarding the painting, Maia tilted her head as she took in the lighting, the colors. It was a soft melancholy, an emotion mirrored in Leo’s expression. There was something about the girl that meant more than the painting—she wasn’t just an image on canvas. “It’s beautiful.” She said quietly and nodded. “I can see why it’s your favorite.” She replied as she turned to look at him. There was something very quiet about him right now, something to do with the painting. “She means a lot to you, doesn’t she?” Maia commented, her use of the present tense very deliberate. There was something about this girl that still affected him, even now.
Leo was sure he would always love her. He wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to get over her. There were moments when he wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to love anyone else. He avoided romantic involvements specifically for that. “Valentine’s Day is a good day for inspiration.” He sighed, not upset or annoyed but almost tired. “Yes. She very easily changed my life and made me a different man. She was my first love. Bobbi Truman, future lead neurosurgeon of the nation.”
Maia resisted the urge to wince. Valentine’s Day. The day practically dedicated to her father and the chaos he caused among love stricken people. And, of course, those who were hearbroken. “I can imagine.” Maia nodded. Bobbi Truman. “A neurosurgeon?” Any kind of surgeon had to be absolutely brilliant, which honestly made a lot of sense for Leo. “Beautiful and brilliant. What happened to her..?” Maia asked cautiously, not wanting to pry too much. She didn’t want to drudge up the past if it hurt him.
Valentine’s Day was a hard day for Leo. Not only was it the day to represent all love, but It was Bobbi’s birthday. So, of course, he would text her to wish her a good day and often spend the rest of the day looking at that text. “Yep. That was how she introduced herself to me the first time we met. She’s the smartest person I’ve ever met.” His fingers drummed against his knee. “She went to New York. We were high school sweethearts, we even planned out our move there together. I backed out and stayed here. We broke up. I wasn’t going to make her feel tied down because of it.”
Maia listened quietly as Leo talked. So this was who had broken Leo’s heart. And it made sense that he had fallen in love with her and had been devastated when they went their separate ways. Reaching out, Maia pulled Leo into a hug, holding him tightly. She didn’t know how to support him with words, but hopefully he would understand the gesture. “Do you think she’d ever come back?” She asked, the question a bit muffled as she spoke into his chest. “New Rome has a lot of opportunities for doctors.”
Leo held her tight. He hadn’t told anyone about the fact that he was going to move with her and it shook him to admit it out loud. He was the reason they broke up, he was the reason he was miserable. It was his fault. “I went to a mortal high school. She wouldn’t be allowed in.” From the beginning, he should have known it was a damned relationship. He had tried to put it off. Ignore the feelings, but they just grew and grew and grew. “I would have had to move to the mortal world. It wouldn’t have worked out. Love is kind of fucked up.”
Rubbing his back soothingly, Maia’s heart went out to Leo. Falling for a mortal… a tricky business. And she didn’t blame him for not wanting to leave New Rome. The mortal world was messy and hard. Besides, his family had expectations that she knew Leo had to meet. Even if he went about it in odd ways, he was still a Karavadra. “You don’t need to tell me that twice.” Maia laughed, a bit of a hollow sound. “Love has a way of getting us right where we hurt the most.”
Taking comfort in another woman’s touch… Leo wondered how Bobbi would think of it, then realized that she wouldn’t think it was her place to comment. It was a hollow comfort that she wouldn’t make a comment, even though there was no way for her to know about this. Leo wondered when he would stop taking comfort in a girl who lived across the country. “I was going to go to school at Parsons, I was even accepted, while she did her pre-med program. I’d paint and she’d bring home the real money. She was okay with that. She was happy with me and all my weird things.” He shook his head,“Love as a way of tattooing you. Each one leaves a mark.”
Each one leaves a mark. Maybe that was how it worked for other people, but Maia couldn’t entirely relate. Not unless the gaping hole that her father had left in the lives of her and her mother counted. “There’s still a chance? If she’s still out there, doing amazing things and saving lives...Maybe one day you could go looking for her.” She offered. It wouldn’t be easy, but if she wanted to be a fancy brain surgeon, there couldn’t be too many named Bobbi Truman. And Google was a powerful thing. “And if you felt-- feel as strongly as you do… I think she would too.” Maia said with a small shrug.
Leo had experienced quite a bit of love over his years; platonic love, romantic love, familial love, unrequited love. He had loved friends, he loved Bobbi, he loved his siblings and his cousins, and he had loved his father even when it wasn’t returned. “See, I still talk to her, weekly at least. We were friends before we were anything else, I couldn’t let that relationship go. She’s seeing this guy named Andrew.” He had never met Andrew and didn’t plan on it, but he was sure that he was a good guy if Bobbi had picked him. “She does, but I’m not willing to move. And I won’t ask her to for me.”
Another man… That definitely made the situation harder. Maia couldn’t fathom how much that must hurt, to know that woman you love is with someone else and still being in a position where he supports her? “At least you still have her around to talk to. Even if it can’t be anything more than that at this point in time. And, just because you’re not willing to move now doesn’t mean you won’t ever be.” Maia gestured around them. “All things come to an end. I don’t even know if I’m going to stay in New Rome beyond the Legion now and that’s something I never thought would happen. Things change, Leo. Maybe it’ll change for the better for you two.”
New Rome was his home, almost all of his memories were within New Rome’s boundaries. Leo couldn’t expect that he would be welcomed back with open arms if he left, especially for a mortal. Perhaps his siblings would understand, but everyone else he grew up with? It wouldn’t make sense to them. “Maybe. Moving across the country would be a lot. Especially considering all of my family is here and they probably won’t travel to the East Coast.” It was an old Roman thought that the East Coast would simply bring bad luck to anyone who traveled there. “She’s very happy with Andrew. He’s a pretty high powered lawyer, which is good for her. They’re both ambitious… Which can’t be said about me. I don’t know, as long as she’s happy, I’ll be happy for her.” Not happy himself, but happy for her.
His family. The Karavadras, with all their expectations and graces. Resting her forehead against his chest as she snuggled into his embrace, Maia spoke up, “Sometimes we need to take a chance. I did it when I came here. You never know how things will turn out, but if it’s a shot at something that would make you happy, at someone who’d make you happy…” Maia shrugged. “I’d say go for it.” The other man really did put a damper on things. Maia couldn’t help but be annoyed at this random Andrew guy for coming between Leo and Bobbi-- she didn’t really know the situation, but she knew Leo. And she wanted him to be happy. He was one of those people who deserved to be loved and in love. “Your ambitious, with your art. You do a lot of really unique stuff, you take risks with your artwork.” She said, choosing not to comment on the happiness part. That was a different battle to fight that she didn’t particularly want to get into.
Leo was a man who loved physical contact; cuddling, sex, you name it Leo enjoyed it. There was something so inherently comforting about physical contact to him. Holding Maia like this was nice and calming for him. “I can’t leave my siblings with my father.” He finally admitted, after long seconds of silence. “Without the family disappointment, his negative attentions will shift to them and they can’t risk it.” Both Jefferson and Andrew held Leo back from going to Bobbi. He couldn’t ask her to pick between him and Andrew. He couldn’t force Cat to become the sudden family disappointment because of his departure. “I suppose. Not many people feel that way about it. I think most see art as a rather lazy career.”
The concept of having a family like Leo’s was incredibly foreign to Maia, though she knew of Jefferson Karavadra by proxy. And, though she was never particularly close with Jax or Cat, she could understand why Leo would be concerned for their well-being. Callum was her brother and if he was ever placed in a position where their father… well, she’d do whatever she could to keep him safe from Cupid. “I see. And I can kinda understand where you’re coming from. But, you shouldn’t be the beast of burden all the time.” She said, with a sigh. “That’s because people think that being an artist is easy. I’ve seen enough of your paintings to know that’s not true.” She smiled.
Leo wasn’t willing to let his siblings be the focus of Jefferson’s attention. Even when he wanted to be his father’s favorite, he hadn’t been willing to let them take the blame for anything. Even when they got in trouble, Leo went out of his way to do something worse to make his father mad. It worked most of the time, at least until he was written off as the heir or anyone of real significance. “I’m the older brother, of course I have to.” He said with a laugh, though it wasn’t as genuine as usual. Cat and Jax have their own burdens. This is mine.” He smiles at that,”you’ve also been in enough of them.” Leo attempted to make his style unique, often combining colors in skin tones to portray emotions but still attempted to make the colors natural. Often he ended up with pastel colors. “And thank you. I try to make my stuff good enough for praise like that.”
Maia frowned at that, but, again, she had little frame of reference for understanding the inner workings of the Karavadra family. She supposed that, on some level, Callum might feel that way towards her. But, they were so close in age that it never really seemed like that. “Well, I’m sure that they understand what you’re doing and appreciate it.” She said as she reached up to smooth out stray lock of hair, mused from their earlier activities. “I guess I’m a bit biased.” Maia laughed and shrugged. “You’re very talented, Leo, honest. And you more than deserve praise for your work.”
There was a piece of Leo that wasn’t convinced that his siblings knew that he did anything like he did for them. He was sure they understood somethings, but his craft was one he had mastered over quite a bit of time, the finer details overlooked by most eyes. “They know we all have our place and job in the family. I think Jax is happy that I’m not heir, he’s probably going to be running the bank eventually.” Jax would be good at it, though he wondered if he’d be good at it without turning into their father. “Well, the reason I even have art shows anymore is so I can hear all the ‘ohs’ and ‘ahs’.”
“I see.” Maia said as she trailed her fingers up his chest. All this talk of family and bad blood and… ghosts of the past weren’t exactly what she wanted. Which was exactly why she wanted to change the subject back to something a bit more in the present. “Ohs and ahs, hm? I think we could do a bit more of that right here, hm?” She teased, standing up on her tiptoes to kiss at his neck. Maybe this would take his mind off the past and put him back in the here and now.
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