#surfs up! - multipara rp
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wxvebreaker · 5 months ago
STARTER FOR @lady-haborym
When Mualani first realized the dire situation her people actually was in, the young woman had sworn to never take her carefree lifestyle for granted ever again. Many amongst the tribe had noticed Mualani's enthusiasm developing a more determined undertone. What most did not probably notice, was Mualani's inner feeling of dread, a parasite ebbing at her gut. Thoughts that the home Mualani has grown up in and grown to that love could come crashing down kept the normally jolly guide awake.
Nonetheless, nowadays Mualani rarely had such thoughts, and though minute, Mualani had matured (to an extent). The despair of losing her home still plagued in the young adult, but she had now found gratitude and even further determination to live life to the fullest.
But that only lasted for so long.
When Kachina had almost been lost to the Night Kingdom, and It was said Natlan only had about a a year until ruin, despair haunted the Metzli. How could Mualani just WAIT when her home was at risk of being destroyed? The surfer and guide was restless, and it showed enough in her mannerisms, to say the least. Her usual cheer was more subdued these days. In less than a week, Mualani found herself restless, and even with the resignation she had to display at the feast, Mualani found herself back at Natlan’s stadium with a desire for answers and an underlying worry for her home.
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Mualani sat outside the stadium, legs dangling off a small cliff(if you could call it that, it was only a few feet high). Mualani was tempted to storm into the stadium and up to the Pyro Archon, demanding answers, but… Mualani had long since resigned to leaving it be, even if she did still have a burning rage of questions and desperation. Tapping her knees with her fingers gently, Mualani gazed longingly at the Stadium, wishing to confront the Pyro Archon..
Whipping her head around, Mualani came to face the figure of the Pyro Archon herself, standing behind her.
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wxvebreaker · 2 months ago
“Uhhhuhhh… Sorry, I just assumed since you said you wanted them to disappear,” she laughed, redirecting her gaze back onto Kinich’s new.. What’s the word? Bionic addition? No, that’s not quite right. … Whatever! That’s.. That’s not important! Man, Mualani should probably stop making assumptions so often…
Mualani’s eyes flitted back up to that of her friend’s, noticing his blank(yet to her, incredibly expressive) stare. Knowingly, Mualani nodded her head solemnly, retracting her hand slowly from Kinich’s wings, which her hand had unconsciously grown closer to.
“Huh! That’s pretty interesting! Like, so, near the end of the war? Iiiinteresting,” she mused, peering over the wings curiously. “This kinda thing seems like something the Saurian Relics Association would pester you nonstop for! I mean, well, because wings are like dragons, y’know. Predecessors of Saurians..” Mualani rambled before shaking her head quickly and waving her hand as to wave her thoughts away. “Not that I’m any sort of expert! Just saying,” she shrugged. 
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Mualani could really never be completely sure with Kinich, and to her, Kinich is the type of person who would rather not be pestered up and down about some odd reptilian bodypart that suddenly appeared like two days ago. So, if Kinich really wants, he can piece together what she’s indicating and take it to heart. Or not. Mualani’s just trying to be helpful.
“Oh, the water?” Mualani taps her chin, propping her other hand up on her hip. “Well, with the purification abilities of the Traveler, it's definitely easier to clean out the water. Abyssal corruption isn’t an easy thing to get rid of.. Or at least, it wasn’t until the Traveler showed up! They helped a ton with that. Didn’t want to give them too much to do, though, so the elders are working on it with our normal methods.”
“Sure, it has definitely set back the traction towards Toyac Springs, with having to close down all the hot springs and whatever for maintenance or whatever, but we’ll be back on track soon!” Mualani grinned, giving Kinich a thumbs up for extra emphasis.
Mualani looked towards Kinich’s wings again at the mention of having to adjust to the weight. Her eyes widened with sudden admiration. “Damn, Kinich! How heavy are those wings, anyway???”
She's staring, he knows where she is staring and honestly?, fair enough. Kinich is used to people looking at him, with or without wings.
Often these stares are on the unsavory side but such people cannot compete in the likes of Ajaw.
How to describe his situation, this new feature huh...
''I don't consider this addition to be of a disadvantage in the future'', at most, he'll need to adjust his steps because of the extra weight those scaled wings offer, especially this stretched openly for the latter presence.
That said, he can nearly feel his focus collapse. ''Its probably a good time to stop touching as for when they came out, i would say a little bit by the end of what threatened our land, died down''.
But just speaking about the War's aftermath, the Saurian Hunter can't help but wonder how it is going for her tribe overall.
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''How is it?, the waters i mean. I would go have a look but your tribemens have been warned to stay away as best as possible by the dragons'', whomst were busy cleansing the very waters and phlogiston sources from Abyssal corruption.
People were not the only things that got affected.
''Taking my friends flying might have to wait for a long while though, i'll need to adjust myself to that extra weight before i even think about taking to the sky.''
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wxvebreaker · 4 months ago
starter for @malipo-kinich
The war was terrifying, to say the least.
Mualani had always been ready(or so she thought) for the horrible sight that would be upon the Nation of War. She knew it would be upon Natlan sooner or later and even more so when she was acknowledged by her Ancient Name. So, Mualani thought she’d be ready. She had known since that first attack when she was young, of course, and since then she had been combatting the attacks. This would just be the same but on a much larger scale, no? Yes, but also no. This was on a MUCH, much larger scale. 
Of course, her feelings of joy had probably overwhelmed her ability to break down into sobs, but she hadn’t been much of a crier to begin with. Probably. Maybe. But when everyone was regrouping at the Stadium of the Sacred Flame and she didn’t spy Kinich(being as he was one of the Scions of the Canopy messengers), Mualani grew to be a bit(HUGE understatement) worried. 
Sure, the Ode of Resurrection was working again, and Mualani had seen him right BEFORE it started working again(with the six heroes reuniting and all), and Mualani knew Kinich wasn’t one to die very easily.. But y’know, what if he’s somewhere, and like, hurt??? Not epic AT ALL. So, Mualani, after mentioning to Kachina that she was going to go look for Kinich, raced around the stadium, asking person after person if they had seen the Saurian hunter.
So when she heard from an injured person that they had fled for their life with Kinich alone holding off the monsters not too far from the Stadium? Mualani was terrified, to say the least. (Except for having practically gaslit herself into believing he’d be fine because of the Ode of Resurrection in action.. probably…) Mualani was a little shocked when she found Kinich in pretty bad shape, no Ajaw in sight. 
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wxvebreaker · 5 months ago
STARTER FOR @fontainesidol
Mualani did a lot of things in relation to water sports. For one thing, she participated in the sports herself, she sold things at the surf shop so other people could participate in water sports as well, but another thing that Mualani did was teach people how to play certain sports. whether or not it was for beach volleyball or surfing, if Mualani had time to spare or mora in her pocket, Mualani could be found teaching somebody a water sport.
What was the most peculiar thing, however, is that Mualani never thought she'd ever have the (ex..?)Hydro Archon on her doorstep asking her to teach the Natlanian guide to teach her how to surf. Or at least help her improve. The guide wasn't quite familiar with the situation in Fontaine, but maybe the whole thing could be a sore topic for the woman, so Mualani thought maybe she may refrain from asking about it.
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"So… You want to learn how to surf?" Mualani tilted her head, her hands on her hips as she looked the lady- Furina, up and down. Mualani would think she looked born to ride waves, but this was the (kinda not really) Hydro Archon, so Mualani wasn't sure how well that statement would hold up. "..Or, well, like, practice, or something, yeah?"
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wxvebreaker · 6 months ago
mualani wasn’t very familiar with the concept of Meka. That was more of Fontaine’s thing, yeah? A lot of people outside of Fontaine wasn’t familiar with the sort of thing, anyway. Nonetheless, with the bright reflective shine of the sun bouncing off a metallic surface and into Mualani’s eye, the guide was definitely curious. ‘What was that just now?!’
It didn’t take very long for Mualani to spot the source of the bright light, though. Which, was quite expected! Y’know, with the whole reflective thing. In the distance, a teenage looking girl was standing around! Mualani squinted, peering at the girl from a distance.
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Just what was she doing?
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wxvebreaker · 6 months ago
@glaciescustodia LIKED FOR A STARTER!
Mualani had an itch in her bones.
The reason for the itch? To go surfing, definitely. Mualani was a child of the Springs. Waves were in her veins! And who better to invite to go wave riding with than her good friend Kinich! Mualani had tried to get Kachina to try out surfing before, but Kachina had shied away from the idea… She’d get her to try it out one day…!!
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Rushing through the Scions of the Canopy, Mualani spotted the figure of her friend receiving an earful from Ajaw. He was easy enough to spot when Ajaw was screaming like that.. “Hey!!! Kinich!!! You busy??” she hollered. As Mualani closed in on the pair, Mualani could hear Ajaw really grilling him.. “..Woah, Kinich, what did you do this time to get Ajaw this mad!”
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wxvebreaker · 5 months ago
STARTER FOR @transcendant-flames
Mualani stayed at Nathan's capital for a while. after the whole ordeal with the pilgrimage, Sure, she had a lot of questions, still, but all the heroes had yet to be awakened, so all she could do was wait until the rest were… awakened. If that was what they were called. Mualani sorta forgot. So, anyway, there wasn't much left to do at this point except - well, go home, really. Besides, Mualari missed beach volleyball and surfing and—.. there are too many to list.
So, Mualani had a set plan. She'd go back to Toyac springs, maybe cool off (as in relax, the hot springs are HOT after all.) at the hot springs, and participate in some of her favorite water sports. Easy stuff. And help our at the surf shop and get on with her guide gig. Definitely hang out with Auntie Atea…
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A fiery streak of hair caught Mualani’s eye. It was the Archon! Looking quite troubled, may she add… Odd stuff, to say the least. Sure, Mualani reckoned she would worry, but… It's not like she could be busy doing anything, right?
Mualani really wanted to go surfing with her, that's what. … Well, she could go visit Auntie Area while she’s at it, right?
"Hey, Archon?" Mualani called, rushing up to the troubled looking woman. "Are you busy, or do you think you have time to show off your surfi - I mean visit Auntie Atea!!”
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wxvebreaker · 6 months ago
This ratty little guy stood out like a sore thumb. Okay, maybe that was a little blunt for Mualani’s liking, but he definitely was.. exotic? To say the least? Just with a glance anybody could tell he wasn’t from Natlan! Looking a little lost, may Mualani add. And hey! Mualani was a guide! So, doing the most sensible thing, Mualani walked over to the new face, propping her hands up on her hips.
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“Hey there!” Mualani offered a grin to the… teenager? Something of the sort. “I’m Mualani, nice to meet you! Guide, by the way, best one you’ll find in Natlan. But I just want to ask… Do you need any help navigating the place?” She prattled on. “Y’seem like you’re not from here, at least!”
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wxvebreaker · 5 months ago
STARTER FOR @eternalbxtterfly
❝ You’re more lost than you realize. ❞
The blue haired Metzli grinned, peering at the brunette from a few yards away, hollering at her. Her tone was lighthearted, nonetheless. Mualani was at quite the distance from the girl, and to be honest, she couldn’t quite help herself when she saw the girl standing aimlessly amidst the empty, unsettled parts of Toyac Springs. The only things amongst these parts were probably just Koholosaurs and bodies of water.
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Well, and the fact she was obviously Snezhnayan stood out like a sore thumb. Mualani had quite the sharp eyes, after all. Her features, to say the least, were exotic, and didn't resemble that of a person from Natlan.
The nation of Pyro and War was definitely isolated to an extent, but that didn't mean the people of Natlan were uninformed! The Nation, as a whole, just tended to stick itself and mind its own business.. But when Fatuus were around, especially with the development of one of the Harbingers dueling with the Archon, Mualani had grown quite familiar with what Snezhnayan people looked like.
But anyway, if it wasn't her different looks, it was her standing around aimlessly, looking from side to side.
"Hey," Mualani began, stepping forward to help close the distance a bit and make this a little less awkward. The Metzli propped her hands up on her hips. "My name's Mualani. What's yours?"
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wxvebreaker · 5 months ago
STARTER FOR @manganyeh
Mualani had seen Chasca only a few times. In fact, Mualani could count her encounters off on one hand. The 2 times they had met as children and fought over toys, and rescuing Kachina from the Night Kingdom. 4th time... was now. At the feast celebrating Kachina's safe return. Mualani was curious, to say the least, about how Chasca was faring, and how she'd been.
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Drink in hand, Mualani stepped away from the dance floor, walking over to the Peacemaker from the Flower Feather clan, flashing the taller woman a grin. "Hey, Chasca. It's been a while since we've last talked one on one like this, huh?"
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wxvebreaker · 5 months ago
Mualani’s eyes widened as the stone stumbled in Kachina’s grasp, the surfer nearly jerking forward to grab it. “Woah! Sorry, Kachina, I didn’t mean to make you drop your stuff… Sorry!!!” The surfer rambled, her expression apologetic.
Averting her eyes sheepishly, Mualani grinned with slight embarrassment, releasing her hands from Kachina’s shoulders to rub the back of her own neck. “I didn’t mean to surprise you THAT much… Sorry, Kachina..” the guide laughed, clearly apologetic.
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With the clearing of her throat, the smile on Mualani’s face returned to that of something more cheerful, Mualani propping her hands up on her hips. “I’ve been good! I’m just glad to know you’ve been doing fine, yeah?” Mualani’s fingers twitched, resisting the urge to ruffle Kachina’s hair a tad(even if most of it was covered by her hat).
The surfer’s expression softened slightly, her look inquisitive. “Nobody’s been giving you a hard time since the Pilgrimage, right?” Mualani asked, tilting her head at Kachina. “You know you can tell me if anybody starts putting you down. “
Do siblings ever get tired of seeing each other?
Mualani doesn’t know the question to that, she doesn’t have any siblings! …Buuuuut… if Mualani has anything CLOSE to a sibling, without a doubt, she could proudly proclaim Kachina as her younger sister. So, even though the two had seen each other quite recently with the Pilgrimage, Mualani felt the older-sisterly urge to see Kachina. Mualani knew that with Kachina having been stuck in the Night Kingdom must’ve been a lot for the young girl, so even though all was over, Mualani needed to take the girl out to have some fun, or something!
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“Kachina.. where is Kachina…” Mualani muttered under her breath, scanning the Children of the Echoes’ grounds. She stood out like a sore thumb, but that didn’t matter to Mualani, really. Spying the girl in a secluded corner holding up a shiny gem, Mualani grinned, running up behind the child and grabbing her shoulders.
“Surprise!” Mualani cheered, leaning down to peek over her shoulder. “Heeey, Kachina! Came to visit! How’ve you been?”
To be honest, Kachina's big ears had heard the surfer presence all along, but she was still surprised.
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The stone she was holding almost slips out of her hands, but she's fast enough to catch it back. Kachina blows on the gem and cleans it a bit as Mualani looks over her shoulder. She then puts the stone back in her backpack and smiles at the surfer.
"Hi Mualani!! ...Y-You scared me- B-But it's okay!! I'm really glad to see you!!"
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"I'm fine! And you?"
She says enthusiastically, turning to Mualani.
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wxvebreaker · 6 months ago
The people of Natlan typically kept to themselves, and the people of other nations typically kept to themselves as well. The difference was probably that tourism between nations was probably more popular with nations that WEREN’T Natlan. But although most of Natlan's inhabitants kept to their land as to not forsake the protection of the Pyro Archon, that didn't mean that they didn't know much about the surrounding lands.
In fact, Mualani would say she was pretty well versed with information of the other nations! it certainly came in handy, that's for sure. Most of what she knew, Mualani hadn't seen with her own eyes, but when a real life Eremite woman caught the young woman's eye, she wasted no time trying to strike up a conversation! Mualani had been wandering around Natlan's border, riding on her Sharky Surfboard, not daring to cross the actual body of water. she wouldn't dare forsake the protection of her Archon. Alas, while peering at the bay on Sumeru's line, trying to see if she could spot any trinkets she could maybe snag back for Kachina, Mualani spied the deep purple haired woman, a red fabric covering her eyes.
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Mualani knew who she was at once. She was a Sumerian Eremite. In the flesh! Waving ecstatically from her position on the water, Mualani hollered from her far side. "HHHEEYYYY!!!! YOU THERE!!!! MISS!!!!" she yelled eagerly. "ARE YOU AN EREMITE???? I've never seen an Eremite before, really!! I hear your people tend to stay to Sumeru mostly!!" Mualani began to prattle on, her voice still quite loud.
Whether the girl on the other side of the bay could hear her is up for debate.
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wxvebreaker · 5 months ago
STARTER FOR @fallingflxwers
Mualani was a guide for tourists, but sometimes, the young woman could be a tourist herself, yeah? So, when Mualani heard from a little birdie(a tourist group)(so birdIES?) that there was a prrretty good street food stall at the Flower Feather Clan, Mualani knew she wanted to go and check it out.
Did she invite Kinich or Kachina to go check it out with her?
… Mualani had thought about it. Buuuut, she had been particularly bothering the two with having fun together or whatever, so Mualani thought she’d give the two a break of seeing her face every week. Well. She knew they both probably didn’t mind. If she did end up enjoying herself lots, though… She’d definitely drag Kinich and Kachina along to grab a bite.
So, finding the stall in question, Mualani walked up. Woah. This place was crrrrowded! People were standing around this small stand, munching on some pretty good smelling food… Luckily, Mualani had happened to come when the line was particularly empty, so she slid behind the last person into the line.
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It wasn’t very long before she reached the end, and so when Mualani saw a tall man with features reminiscent of Natlan and attire similar to what is usually associated with Sumeru, Mualani was a tad surprised. “Hey, chef!” Mualani chirped nonetheless, grinning at the taller man. Despite her earlier slight shock, the guide was a little excited to try out whatever dishes this guy had to offer.
”What’s the best tasting item on your menu? Genuine opinion… Actually, do you have any good seafood dishes?”
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wxvebreaker · 4 months ago
No matter how badly his wings wanted to flap, in order to drive away the hand touching them, Kinich kept still, taking all focus he could muster to keep those dragon wings from slapping her hand without warning.
"Just make sure to remove your hand if they so much as twitches", he said from over his shoulder.
Delicately reaching over with wide eyes, Mualani’s fingers twitched slightly. Her expression was that of utter awe, and seriously, how else would you react if your (basically) best friend showed up with a pair of epic large wings?!? ”Dude, you’ve been hiding this?” she gawked, staring at the wings. Mualani clenched her fist briefly before unclenching it to wiggle her fingers. If her fingers were twitching while she was allowed to reach out and touch Kinich’s wings.. That would probably further agitate him, no? From how Kinich describes them, they must be pretty sensitive, or something.
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Teetering on a foot to catch a glimpse of Kinich’s face, Mualani’s suspicions were confirmed. Sort of. Well, only if the slight narrowing of his eyes with focus were anything to go off of. Mualani was overwhelmed with curiosity to just reach over and touch his wings, though. Luckily for her he was letting her. ”How did this even happen again? Really, I could’ve sworn you didn’t have wings the other day!!” she huffed, still looking at the pair of wings with an impressed look in her eyes. 
The surfer girl finally after what probably must’ve felt like ages to Kinich(‘Sorry, Kinich, for keeping you waiting.. Sometimes the internal monologue is a lot!!!’ she thought apologetically.), she pressed her fingertips to one of the wings. It was kind of reptilian-feeling, actually. It was adorned with scales not quite so unlike the ones littered across Kinich’s body or the ones hidden beneath his headband. ”I know you said something about the blessing of Ancient dragons, but woah, this is cool.. And super unexpected!!”
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wxvebreaker · 4 months ago
Mualani had some pretty good hearing, if she could say so herself.
Sometimes, anyway. If it wasn't that she had good hearing, it was probably that Mualani had gotten far to used to hearing Ajaw's high pitched voice echoing through the air... A voice she would admit held nothing against the voice of nails against A chalkboard that was Paimon's own vocal cords. Not that Mualani had anything against her, of course.
So, trusting her amazing hearing, Mualani whipped her head around to see Ajaw(, in all his pixelated glory,) complaining(Archons knows what) in Kinich's ear.
Of course, not to disregard the merchant she was dealing with, but only to make a small glance back! So, shifting the crate in her arms to balance it on her knee and only one arm, Mualani used her now free arm to wave enthusiastically at the Saurian hunter.
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"Heeeeeeeyyy!!!! Kiniiiiiiiiich!!!" she hollered excitedly, her words elongated and cheerful. Quite the contrast to his own small wave. "Great to see you!!!!!! 're you here to help my friend here with delivery of his goods??" Mualani asked, her voice growing only a tad smaller as Kinich approached up until he was right in front of her and the merchant.
Ajaw had surprisingly grown silent, perhaps unwilling to try and level with her boisterous voice. "Nah, you're not interrupting anything. I'm just helping this merchant here with (like I said..) delivering his stuff! dunno if I'm gonna be able to carry all these crates over to the Stadium of the Sacred Flame on my own, though, so he was requesting for two people!"
Mualani gestured towards the merchant, who had lost interest (since they had practically finished business) and gone to count off all the crates of goods that needed transporting. "Who would've known it ended up being you! (Probably!) to help out!" Mualani turned to look at the crates again. "Hm.. They're not very heavy, and there's not much? Maybe? Maybe we can get a wagon or something."
Starter for @wxvebreaker !
The gentle breeze of the wind for the approaching new day enveloped the forest as the morning dew scattered within, so calm and gentle in their land that is rare tranquil and barely peaceful.
With each passing days, felt like their time is ticking like a speed of the lightning with aforementioned destruction that awaits them by their own Pyro Archon. What could be the possibilites they can make to ensure the survival of many?
Such oppressive thought was what lingered in the mind of the young man as he tighten his head scarf and head out from the forest that became his temporary shelter on a cold night.
'How long are you gonna do an idle chat with your thoughts, Kinich? Let's go now!' Ajaw demanded as he punch the air with his little fist, seemingly not please. Well, he has always been that way and Kinich had gotten used to his behavior and not to mention, his unsolicited insult every now and then. Even wishing for his demise so he could take over his body.
❛ Well, I just hope you were able to picked a reasonable and profitable job this time. ❜ Kinich took the list from Ajaw, some of them were assigned by the Adventurer's guild.
After carrying out perhaps most on their list, Kinich arrived on his last job, the People of the Springs tribe. He wondered if Mualani was the one who put this commission on list.
Given his reputation in Natlan, some of them were to immediately noticed his presence and he could hear some of them whispering to one another. He was trained to ignore unnecessary things since he have to deal with Ajaw's antic everyday so anyone could say, he is well-versed in that matter.
Not long, Kinich was able to spot Mualani near the Merchant.
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He greeted her with a small wave, ❛ I hope I'm not interrupting anything.❜ He said, eyeing the materials that the merchant was selling.
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wxvebreaker · 5 months ago
Chasca decided to visit the People of the Springs today, to check up on everyone after the Abyssal War. Well, more specifically Mualani, with them both finding their status as heros and giving Mavuika the power with it.
“Oh, Mualani. I was just looking for you.”
Chasca greeted with a small smile. Chasca hoped she wasn’t disturbing anything important, with all the reconstruction going on.
“How rebuilding going here? Hopefully well.”
Nearly dropping the crate of supplies in her arms, Mualano whipped her head around to see the Peacekeeper approaching. Mualani rushed over to Chasca, waving eagerly, her crate held up with one hand(somehow).
"Chasca! Great to see you!" the Metzli grinned, dropping her waving arm back to hold the crate as she stood now in front of Chasca. "How've you been?" she would chirp, being harshly reminded of a certain loss only after she asked the question.
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"Uh... Anyway!" Mualani brushed off her own question quickly, readjusting the crate in her arms. "Rebuilding's going pretty swell! Tourists are still coming in, so we still got our major source of income to help fund the rebuilding," she mused, tilting her head as she thought.
"What about your tribe? Holding up? Hopefully doing well? Rebuilding? Good? Yeah?" Mualani refocused her gaze back on Chasca, her smile unfaltering.
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