#sure jhasi
shabre-legacy · 10 months
list of oc names so I can refresh my own memory on who I've mentioned and talked about and need to make sure to keep up on.
Kathale Cresym - imperial agent, human, swtor
Leikael Shabre - smuggler, mirialan, swtor
Tyrenic Shabre - jedi knight, mirialan, swtor
Maida Tarkin - imperial officer/rebel spy, human, star wars AU
Shaialis Coro - Sith warrior, Mirialan/Sith Pureblood, swtor
Shelerik Coro - Jedi Knight, Mirialan/Sith Pureblood, swtor
Annilai Jhasis - jedi consular, cathar, swtor
Leita Naberrie - Rebel spy, human, star wars AU
elazari Kallig - sith inquisitor, mirialan, swtor
Nyaisa Shabre - republic trooper, mirialan swtor
Ciski'zut'sairma "Izutsa" - imperial agent, chiss, swtor
Ikhirr Jhasis - republic trooper, cathar, swtor
Agent Fifteen "Niaken" - imperial agent, mirialan, swtor
Nastao Rasu - sith warrior, Zabrak, swtor
Kyiari Lesana - jedi, twi'lek, swtcw/star wars AU
Zriq'ozak'luskomu "qozak" - imperial agent, chiss, swtor
Natamai Shabre Lok - bounty hunter, Mirialan, swtor
Leshlaa Phizaas - jedi consular, togruta, swtor
Savri Gedyc - bounty hunter, togruta, swtor
Tisna Cizm Lok - bounty hunter, mirialan, swtor
Kirjula Fesep - Jedi, Twi'lek, swtor au
Tama Riczu - Smuggler, Mirialan, swtor
Sadarie - smuggler, Mirialan, swtor
Kyhra Alithna - bounty hunter, togruta, swtor
Zohla Iyoriun - jedi knight, sith pureblood, swtor
Aacha Lesana - Rebel recruiter/jedi self training, twi'lek/human (clone), sw rebel era
Izalia Iyoriun - jedi consular, sith pureblood, swtor
Ireri Tvilan Kallig - sith inquisitor, mirialan, swtor
Vin'atan - dark side force user, force ghost stuck in Ireri's head, swtor
Marat - jedi padawan to tyrenic, mirialan, swtor
Riqr Arist- jedi, bio father to shabre siblings, mirialan, swtor
Jyshya Jhur - republic navy pilot, friend to nyaisa, gf to zohla, cathar, swtor
Jasuri Nil -freelance bounty hunter, sister to Natamai and Savri, wife to mako and akaavi, cathar, swtor
Orrishk - protege to tama, wookiee, swtor
Lucn Riczu - cousin to tama, mirialan, swtor
Nezva Wren Shabre - bio mom to shabre siblings, mirialan, swtor
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vvardenfellcat · 6 years
18. Has being a werebeast generally effected your moral system in any way?
“Not…really? I’ve been eating people long before I was bit, just…not so often and not nearly so much. I only scavenge off those that are already dead in a pinch, and usually I get my fill from bandits and what have you on the roads. With the war going on…it’s nearly impossible for m-…my wolf to go hungry.” He fiddled with the edges of his bandages.
“Other stuff…I don’t know. I’ve been a werewolf for so long, I’ve spent more of my life as one than…normal. I don’t go around starting fights without cause, and largely I stay out of trouble with the law. But I’ve always been like that. Eh…” J’hasi rubbed the back of his head.
“Well, I was more…vocal…back then. But at the time it felt necessary. I was a hotheaded kid who grew up in bad situations. Took me a while before I mellowed out.”
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vvardenfellcat · 6 years
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vvardenfellcat · 7 years
A courier gives a crate one final nudge towards J'hasi before taking a well-needed rest nearby. Said crate contains a sack labelled "Ghost" that's full of apples and carrots; a few salted pieces of prime meat preserved by ice wraith teeth; a set of newly-sewn college robes (and boots); a blank hardback journal that smells of fresh paper; a few scarves; a warm fur cloak, and a large pack with tubes sewn into pockets that one could place scrolls in. A note simply says "Happy Saturalia".
J’hasi was shocked at the amount of stuff crammed into the crate, and not even a name or anything on the note, not even the back. He gave the food a wary sniff, and no, not even the tiniest trace of poison. Ghost nickered, then bumped him between the shoulderblades, wanting her share of the gift. He sighed, plucking a carrot from the bag and gave it a careful sniff before offering it to her. The pale mare eagerly crunched it up, nickering in satisfaction while the Khajiit returned to cautiously poking around the box of goodies.
The scent of whoever gave him the gifts was long gone, instead reeking of the courier who had wandered off to the inn, presumably to get away from the College and the cold. J’hasi frowned, picking up the robes, and…wow they were thicker than the ones he had. He immediately took to the scarves, the texture was pleasant and the weight was just right. The Khajiit started pulling them from the crate, draping them over Ghost’s back to admire the colors, the mare finishing her carrot and before long and resumed pestering him for another. J’hasi touched her nose.
“Don’t eat all of them right away, you glutton.” he chided. She snorted in his face and bumped his shoulder in quiet demand. The Khajiit sighed, it would be a little less weight to carry back to the College. He plucked out another for her, the pleased crunching giving him enough peace to pick up the crate, clicking for Ghost to follow him to the bridge. Whoever had sent him the gift, they had to’ve met him, knowing Ghost’s name. He didn’t tell everyone her name after all. The thought settled J’hasi’s anxiety enough to accept the gift, more carefully picking through the crate’s contents once he was inside the relative warmth of his room.
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vvardenfellcat · 7 years
“walk away.>” the Khajiit hissed. It wasn’t even that bad of an injury, just a lucky slice on his leg from a panicking necromancer. Granted, it was deep, but he just had to clean it up and bind it and he’d be fine soon enough.
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shabre-legacy · 2 years
“My squads the best at what they do. No one is better and we only take the best.
Jorgan’s strategy is solid. Takes minutes to craft a strategy that reads like one reviewed and revised for perfection over months. And you won’t find a better sniper anywhere.
No one knows regs like Dorne. If we have to bend the rules, she’s the one who finds the loophole. And there’s not a better medic in the field or in the medbay.
Put her and Jorgan’s heads together and they’ll take our budget for supplies and make it stretch an unbelievable distance.
Forex is one of a kind in almost every way. His specs are too classified to go over here.
Jhasis is a search and destroy expert. Almost better then me. I can throw him the toughest mission and he’ll see it done.
If Delles went navy, she’d be commanding fleets like That! She’s that good. Even the clunkiest ship with dance like a fighter when she’s flying.
We still need a demo expert, a tech expert and someone who can fill in the gaps. Someone strong and adaptable, with good aim and a solid head on his shoulders. Someone who can step into any role and be what is needed for mission success. You’ve got the adaptablity, a good head and plenty of potential. Jorgan and Jhasis can make sure you get any lacking skills real quick. I get it’s a cut in rank, but you’ll use your skills, challenge yourself and actually see something get done once in a while. So if you want the position, it’s yours”
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vvardenfellcat · 7 years
Periwinkle - Would you consider yourself to be a good parent? what do you think a good parent should be?
The side of the Khajiit’s mouth stretched into a half-frown.
“I’ve never had a kid, and Hist forbid if I ever tried to be a parent to one. Afflictions aside, I live a very risky lifestyle, and that’s not likely to change anytime soon, unless the Thalmor decide to leave me alone. Which is unlikely.” He rubbed his face, pressing his fingertips into his closed eyes until he saw stars.
“A good parent protects their kids without smothering them, and prepares them for the world they’re going to face. A good parent also shows them love and care because gods know there isn’t a lot of that out there.” He peeked between his fingers with a slight scowl.
“Does that answer your question?”
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vvardenfellcat · 7 years
#yes im still playing the mod#first shani now julan#everyone wants to get into jhasis pants apparently#tho im diggin a lot of the extra stuff it adds to the morrowind MQ#like the smoochin is a v small part of the mod and im glad bc i fucking love some of julans comments on places#and hes less of an idiot now so i dont get mad at him so much anymore#tho its rapidly hitting ooc territory for jhasi bc there isnt jhasi like reactions anymore#hed be more like 'uh...okay...' when julan tells him he finds him attractive#which LMFAO SOMEONE FINDING JHASI ATTRACTIVE GIVES ME THE GIGGLES HES A FUCKING TWIG#and apparently a few years younger than julan in morrowind times lmao#but if i turn him down it knocks his disposition down so im just like 'uhhhhhhhhhh okay sure w/e'#but now julan wants to get into bed with jhasi and im like#R U SURE M8?#R U RLY FKIN SURE?#i fucking laughed tho bc he was like 'hey ur handsome' when we got to suran#im tryna figure out the routes to the telvanni towns bc its been a while x__x#and now apparently i gotta find a bed bc julan is too much of a wimp to sleep outside#or i could just leave him hangin around w half his armor on lmao#show up at his mums place like 'AYYY LMAO WHATS UP MASHTI?'#tho for real like why are there no inns in suran? youd think with the red lanturn district thered be at least one available rentable bed but#nooooooo we gotta hoof it or teleport to one#still debating on just leaving him bc like#i wanna get the fucking hortator quest done#i got the tribes#just need the telvanni#ooc#delete later#THO I TELL YA#JULANS GMA IS THE SHIT#ID GO ON A DATE W HER I LOVE HER
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shabre-legacy · 4 years
Nyaisa’s final Coruscant Scene
I technically should have written this scene after the rest of Nya’s Ord Mantell and Coruscant story, but it was in my head and wouldn’t leave so I could write anything else. So here it is. Takes place just before she leaves Coruscant for Taris. 
Warnings for: Verbal abuse and minor violence towards a partner. Most of the language is below the cut. (doesn’t get away with the behavior)
The walkway between the senate and the nearest Coruscant spaceport was long. Had it always been this long? It hadn’t seemed so the last three times she’s made this trek, but still...Nyaisa couldn’t tell when it had gotten so kriffing long. She moved with purpose. They might not have to run this time, but that didn’t mean they had time to waste. 
Her squad followed a step behind. Jorgan on her right, sniper, experienced, good instincts, tough and uncompromising, but willing to give advice, very grumpy. Ikhirr Jhasis walked to her left. Same training as hers, a frontal assault and search and destroy specialist. also a sergeant, good friend from the academy, Cathar, efficient, good-natured, kind, tough, likes pranks, dislikes Jedi. 
Both these men answered to her; which she still found strange. Only a few days ago she’d been a sergeant and a new transfer. Now she was a lieutenant and CO of her own spec-force squad. One with a seemingly impossible reputation to uphold, as if she needed more challenges. She’d do it of course. This wasn’t a matter of can or can’t. It was a matter of duty. Even if she couldn’t, she would. 
As she crossed the interior of the hanger, she noticed a familiar face waiting for her. Nordan Allgard, an army lieutenant and her boyfriend of 3 years, currently on leave on Coruscant before shipping out to the outer rim in 4 days. 
She had prepped a message for him during her shuttle ride and sent it as soon as she set foot on the planet. Nya told him about her transfer and promotion, her new command and new CO, she’d even told him that she would be on Coruscant. Thank the stars for secure intra-military communication. She did make sure to note that while she was on planet, it was for debriefing and work and she wasn’t sure how long she’d be here or if she’d have time to see him. No point in getting either of their hopes up. 
He hadn’t responded. Days of running around Coruscant, rescuing the senator, making their way back, all the meetings she’d had to attend. Days he’d had her message and no response. He hadn’t ignored her like this in years. 
It was a bit odd and out of character for him to come to see her off on a mission at the spaceport. Nevermind how he found out she was headed here in the first place. That was secure spec-ops details. Not available to the regular army personnel
Part of the appeal for both of them was that they understood each other. They both had their own reasons for being soldiers and they both understood that for the other and for themselves, the job would always come first. It had been that way since their academy days. It made what time they were able to spend together all the more special.
Honestly Nyaisa knew how lucky she was to have found Nordan. As a soldier, she was fantastic, but as a person, well, she could acknowledge her faults, she was difficult. She was arrogant and cold and brusque. Her time in the refugee camp had given her abandonment issues, Mirial, a hero complex. Not knowing her father meant she had massive daddy issues. Add to that the fact that she was obnoxious, talked too much, had no sense of humor, an awful temper and an obsession with weapons and thus with death and frankly, she was surprised that Nordan had stayed as long as he had. She’d probably never find anyone else that would put up with her and her moods. 
He was standing in the doorway of the hanger between the lounge and her ship. Coruscant’s sunlight dripping through his auburn hair to shine like pure gold, and making his face tattoo fade. He looked every bit as handsome as he ever had. But there was something off with him. Something in the glint of his dark eyes she could barely see, something dark in the crumpled way his uniform sat, in the way he stood rock still, face hard set as they approached. She’d only seen this look on him a few times, he was furious. 
She didn’t have time for this! As much as she wanted to sit down with her lover and let him talk about what had gone wrong this time, and fix it, and comfort him. She couldn't. The mission was too urgent. 
She altered her path slightly. Moving just enough she’d be able to squeeze his shoulder as she passed. She knew Ikhirr enough to know he’d move. 
However, instead of letting her pass by when she approached without slowing. He stepped directly in front of her, stopping her in her tracks. “We need to talk now.” He said, his voice low and angry in a way that had never been directed at her before. His eyes scanned her face, pausing briefly at the new, still healing scars across her jaw and neck. Instead of concern, there seemed to be almost disgust. When had he become this angry at her? What had she done wrong this time?
“Sorry Allgard, no time, I’m on duty and shipping out.” She spoke sharply, but was careful to have no edge to her tone. No use in making this worse, but hoping to remind him she was working, and spec force, and in front of her squad and other soldiers littered around the hangar. 
“We’re talking NOW!” he growled at her. 
She narrowed her eyes. She put up with a lot from him because she knew he loved her, but this was crossing a line and delaying a General’s orders. 
She didn’t have time to waste on anything unnecessary. She barked quick orders over her shoulder. “Jhasis, get onboard, stow your gear and start running inventory in the galley and medbay. Jorgan, start those preflights. I want off the ground soon as control clears us. Start inventory on the armory soon as we lift off. I want full reports by the time we hit Carrick.” 
Her men, ever professionals, saluted quickly and stepped around heading towards the ship. As soon as they were a few steps away, Nyaisa lowered her voice and started to step away herself. “I don’t have time today, Nordan. Garza gave orders and they’re time sensitive. We can talk later, but right now I have to go.”
As she stepped past, he grabbed her arm, yanking hard. Nya was pulled to a halt and harshly spun around to face him. “You bitch.” He spat “Do you know what you’ve done? How much you’ve humiliated me?”
“The only thing I’ve done is be exceptional at my job and get a promotion. If you’ve heard otherwise, someone’s lying to you. Let go of me!” She yanked her arm away and glared at him. What had gotten into him?
“Do you even understand what kind of shit I put up with from you.” The anger, the hate in his voice, he could be nasty sometimes, but he’d never spoken quite like this. She must have really screwed up somewhere. “I mean, I let you stay with the army training, I let you join ground troops instead of taking an administerial position where you belong, because it made me look good. My family, their friends, I could introduce my army girl and we were the very picture of republic loyalty. But this shit. This is too damn much.”
Was...was he seriously angry she got promoted? And Let her? She’d joined the army herself, she went where she was ordered and fought where she was ordered, what part of that was ‘let’? 
“What the..” 
“Shut up and listen!” He roughly cut her off before she could even reach the middle of her sentence
“I let you go around like you’re so good and so tough, when you’re really just a pathetic bitch who tries too hard and everyone knows it. And this is how you repay me? By running off and getting into the most famous squad of the republic?”
He was...He was actually angry about her transfer to Havoc! And where had all this venom and cruelty come from. She knew he liked to show her off, but she’d thought it was because he was proud of her. And these nasty comments. It wasn’t the first time he’d said such things, but never with such hate in his voice. He just wanted to help her become better. This was something else and it was starting to make her angry.
“Then to top that, you just couldn’t accept that I was the better soldier. You had to try and one up me, again. You just had to get yourself a promotion and a command. Do you even comprehend how humiliating that is?”
“You’re out of line, Nordan. If you have a problem with my success that’s your problem, not mine.”
He growled again and took a step closer to her, using his height to try and intimidate her. “I told you to shut up. I’m not done. Now, on top of everything else, which I might have been able to forgive eventually, you decided to go and disfigure yourself with those hideous things” he gestured roughly at her new scars. The ones she’d gotten surviving an imperial ambush while deep inside an imperial base, alone and betrayed. While yes, they were a little ugly, new scars always were, she wasn’t ashamed of them. Soldiers got scars, that's just what happened. And while the memory of the circumstances still stung, she was proud of them. They meant she’d survived something that should have killed her, and that was something she refused to let Nordan make her feel bad about. Why did he always try and make her feel bad about everything she did?
 “HEY!” He reached out and grabbed her jaw, shaking her head roughly. She knew her squad had stopped and started watching the moment he’d raised his voice and the other soldiers were staring too. “Pay attention when I speak to you.” He forced her head to look directly at him instead of off to the side, where she had been staring so she could think. “Here’s what’s going to happen. You are going to go back to the oh so special General Garza.” The disdain that dripped from his voice on her name was unnerving. “And you are going to resign your command effective immediately, you’re going to resign from the army completely. Then you are going to go to my room at the Cantina and we’ll see if I feel like forgiving you.” 
Nyaisa was done. Somehow, his attempts at giving her orders, pulling her from the job that was her life, forcing her to abandon everything else that meant anything at all to her, the things for which she’d dedicated her entire life, it broke something. She could see him for what he was now. A bully and a weak man who’d spent the last 3 years desperate to control her. “NO!”
“Excuse me!” the look in his eyes darkened more, if such a thing were possible. 
“I said No. I will not resign. This is your problem, not mine. I have a mission I’m going back to. We will talk about this later.” She’d have some strong words for him, but he needed to cool down first. A few hours and he’d realize how foolish and inconsiderate he was being. She was sure of it. Then they could talk about his behavior and his control issues. 
Her head snapped to the side as a stinging pain exploded across her face. He had slapped her! He had straight up backhanded her across the face! Not only did he dare to raise a hand against her, but he’d done it in public! In front of other soldiers! In front of her squad! The men who were supposed to take her orders! Fury like she’d rarely felt exploded across her chest and as he raised his hand to strike her again and likely yell at her, she acted. Grabbing his arm as he swung, she spun him around and jammed his arm into a lock with just enough force that she knew he’d feel it. He’d know he was a single movement away from broken bones. She leaned in close and spoke loudly enough for those on their feet starting to hear, for her squad that had rushed back towards her to hear. “You do not get to hit me. You do not give me orders. We are done. You come near me ever again for any reason other than a direct order from a superior and you will face a lot worse than an armlock. I am not your toy. Never have been, never will be.” She shoved him away from her, hard enough that he stumbled forward and fell as she turned and holding her head high started towards her ship. 
“You alien whore!” She could hear Nordan spit behind her. “How many people did you spread your legs for to get that promotion. Did you fuck Tavus that first night or did you at least wait a day.” 
Nyaisa could feel the tension around her as she passed Jorgan and Jhasis. She saw Jhasis’s fists clenched out of the corner of her eye. He was ready to beat the man. One more insult and the rules of military interactions, rank and his rather impressive self control would cease to matter. “Jhasis, Jorgan, fall in.” She strode to the ship and opened the door. Focusing only on getting inside and out of the gaze of these soldiers, away from Nordan. She could feel the tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. She thought he’d loved her. She just had to hold it together enough to get off the ground and make the jump to hyperspace. Then she could close the bridge. 
“How long did it take you to hit your knees for Garza, bitch? You…” As the door opened, Nordan cut off his sentence. She turned to see the two Cathar striding away from Nordan who was again lying on the ground, this time holding his nose and glaring as they walked up and as she stepped aside, they moved silently onto the ship. She stared for another moment as Nordan lay there on the ground holding his nose surrounded by the other soldiers staring at him in disgust. How had she ever thought of him as anything more than a pathetic worm with apparently massive issues? And as much as it hurt, she knew she’d be glad to be rid of him someday. She turned her back and left him in the hanger as she stepped inside, walking quickly past her boys. The tears pressed harder against her eyes. She moved around the corner and started to the bridge, quickly wiping at her eyes for the second she was ahead of them and out of sight. “Get to work, I want off the ground in five.” She’d handle this when she got a little privacy. How she was so stupid to fall for him, the aftermath and reports she’d have to file for what had happened, all of that could wait till they hit hyperspace and she’d left this disaster far behind. 
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shabre-legacy · 3 years
OC Interview for Nyaisa Rhona Shabre: 2, 4, 6, 8
*”Do I have to do interviews.. I do... fine. Questions”*
2. Who is your best friend?  Tell us about them!
My best friend... I don’t know why you’d want to know that, but it would be either Dorne, Jhasis, or Jaxo. Jhur seems to be angling for the position based on how much her and her squad hang around though. Not that I’m complaining. It’s nice to get some fresh faces around every now and then. Dorne and Jhasis are part of my squad. Loyal, focused, effective. They do their jobs and they do it well. Dorne is probably the most organized person I’ve ever met. She can come across a bit stiff, but she’s got this sense of self that is unmatched. There’s no doubts or hesitations with her. She knows exactly what she stands for and what she’s willing to put up with and lets no one compromise that for her. She’s worked hard to get where she is  and I’m proud of her. Jhasis is a bit of a joker. I’ve known him since the academy. He’s the person that the squad can turn to when they need a bit more emotional support. He’s always trying to make us laugh or... whatever else he thinks we need. He has the attitude of not taking much seriously, but he’s got a laser focus in the field. Jaxo, well, because of military related reasons I’m not going to say much about her. But the girl knows how to have fun, how to do this job without letting it break her spirit and she’s just amazing. Wonderful woman. 
4. What is your least favorite childhood memory?
Least favorite... Either the destruction of my hometown by slavers or the day I fully realized what Imperial Occuption of Mirial meant for us, for the average person of Mirial. They shaped me into who I am, but they were the worst days. But the latter was when I was in my mid-teens, so judge for youself if that counts as a childhood memory. 
6. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do? 
So far... It’s classified. But of the ones that I can tell you about... likely when I had to leave my family behind and run for safety myself. I was 6. There were slavers everywhere. I couldn’t do anything. But my mother was still there and my sisters had been grabbed and I wanted nothing more then to stay and save them, but being there put me in danger, it meant my mom couldn’t do anything to get them. My being there was one more civilian between the arriving troopers and the civilians. So when I was told to run, I had no choice. I ran. Almost nothing I’ve done since, no matter how hard it was to do, and much of it extremely difficult, none of it has been as hard as running away that day was. 
8. What do you think had the biggest impact on you growing up?
The year I spent outside Fort Garnik. I had to learn to take care of myself and to take care of others. Everything had changed and my mother wasn’t really available to help me deal with it. I had to try and make sure me and all my cousins survived. Made me grow up quick.
* “that’s it? I’m done?... For now... If I must” *
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shabre-legacy · 3 years
Is Vette bi?
Is Mako lesbian?
Is Temple dating someone?
Is Lana single?
Is your agent a girl?
Are your Jedi Knight and Council bottoms?
Is your Kira bi?
Have you had fun(sexual)with noc characters?
Is your trooper a girl? Did she hooked up with jaxo? Is she dummy thick? Is Elara her Lesbian GF?
Who is your thickest OC? Girl
Who is the most dominant?
Who is the sweetest princess?
Any tomboy?
If your SI is a lesbian who she dating?
Have any OC flirted with the girl from Imperial Makeb? Have they flirted with Acina?
Is anyone dating MILF senya?
ok, so that’s a lot of questions for one ask. I’m not complaining, but this is gonna be a long one.
1. So I have 20 created and a total of 41 created or planned, not counting the background characters and that’s just the swtor toons. I have so many background characters and other ocs that I’m not going to go into them, except for my 5 girls, Kyiari, Maida, Kirjula, Leita and Sylvis, because I love them as much as my swtor toons. (I love my toons background characters too but there’s so many)
2. 6 of my girls are lesbians, 8 if you add the extra girls
Jyshya Jhur, Sersere Silvpre, Adelkele Hatha, Nasea Vrava, Zohla Iyoriun, Annilai Jhasis, also Leita Naberrie (non swtor but I love her) and Kirjula Fesep from my Jedi!Vaylin AU
3. So many bi girls, as a bi girl, I must create them. So I have 18 bi girls, 21 if you count my extra girls.
Leshlaa Phizaas, Izalia Iyoriun, Leikael Shabre, Tama Riczu, Sadarie, Shaialis Coro, Elazari Kallig, Tisna Cizm, Agent Fifteen (Niaken Amia), Nohyni Lho,  Tossa'caithi'sosto “Caithi”, Akiw’neli,  Hletth'ivaena'lenurn “Hivaena”,  Kathale Cresym,  Naatha Vynee Kallig,  Asihara Kallig,  Pyrha Aithne Ordo Lok,  Darsha Larniish Lok. Also Maida Tarkin, Sylvis Cadera and Kyiari Lesana
4. yes
5.  No, Mako is bi, and has a thing for bounty hunters (then again, have ya’ll seen Akaavi, I’d choose her too)
6. Yes, that girl is too sweet not to have a bunch of people hanging around waitin g for her attention. None of my current or planned characters romance her though, she needs someone nicer then them. 
7. Eh, depends on the universe. But if the commander isn’t romancing her then I’m sure she can find someone very easily.
8. Some of my agents are. 
9. Some of them, but not all. Should I let you guess which?
10. In Nasea ‘s ‘verse, yes, in the others, depends, but usually yes. As a character I would say that Kira is very Bi. 
11. there’s a few characters who hook up with every available option until they get in a relationship with their SO, and a couple who would probably have hookups with people along with their SO after they get together. 
12. I don’t have as many troopers as I’d like. I’m still trying to come up with more ideas. But some of my troopers are girls. Nohyni did hook up with Jaxo before her and Aric get together. She is not dummy thick, she is very toned though. She isn’t dating Elara. I need to make a female trooper who does though, because I love her and would trust Elara with my life and my schedule, also she probably has muscles and could lift me like I weighed nothing and I am weak for that shit. 
13. Savri or Azakee of all of them. Of the girls, probably Nesham or Neli.
14. Naatha or maybe Sadarie or Caithi (being in charge is hard, it’s harder when no one listens. Sometimes she needs to be in charge of someone who does what she tells them to without arguing or at least without high/galaxy-ending stakes) 
15. Kathale or Izalia or in certain situations, occasionally Denasha or Leshlaa (Felix loves getting the chance to just spoil her in every way he can. Scourge loves that there’s a soft side to his  fierce knight that no one else knows about and being able to be the one to treat her as special as she is) very secretly Jyshya. Leita
16. Most, eh all of my Mandos, and Tama I mean the girl wears a tank top, sleeveless vest and fingerless gloves. She’s worse then Leikael at the whole, not good at girly thing, and Leikael is already pretty bad. Sylvis
17. I haven’t made any lesbian SI’s yet, but little Asihara has a big preference for women and ends up with a woman, not sure who yet since all the LI’s in the story are way too old for her. (she’s like 15, when she gets off Korriban, so if anyone has ideas, feel free to let me know.)
18. ok so, embarrassing admittance here. I haven’t run any imperial characters through Makeb yet. Niaken is furthest along and she hasn’t gotten off Ilum yet. I just like the first 3 chapters of all the classes so much so I keep making new characters instead of running old ones through the expansions. So none of my characters have had the chance yet. 
19. No. I don’t think any of the ones I have would, but also haven’t introduced any to Senya yet. 
. I always like answering questions, so feel free to send as many as you want and I’ll try to answer them quickly
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vvardenfellcat · 7 years
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[He just really likes to run.]
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shabre-legacy · 4 years
Fuck, Marry, Kill - Zohla Iyoriun / Annilai Laenir Jhasis / Tama Riczu.... Then marry, cuddle, sleep with - Same trio
come on really, those three, noo
Ok Marry Zohla and Annilai, fuck Tama and kill no one because I love them all too much
Marry Zohla, she’s wife material for sure
cuddle Annilai because she’s soft and warm and also could probably use the cuddles herself
Sleep with Tama she’d be lots of fun, but things explode around her, usually because she shoots them and I can’t deal with that more then a few days
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shabre-legacy · 5 years
Annilai and Fifteen for the tag meme? :)
@rainofaugustsith thanks for the ask
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Full Name: Niaken Amia, That’s all she knows, there might have more at some point but not anymore
Gender and Sexuality: Bisexual
Ethnicity/Species: Mirialan
Birthplace and Birthdate: unknown 
Guilty Pleasures: Quiet moments alone with tea. (Tea is a luxury and she isn’t supposed to be alone as she is supposed to be the Eyes of the Sith inside intelligence. 
Phobias: Being summoned by Sith, especially Baras or Jadus. Being buried alive. 
What They Would Be Famous For:  She’d like to write holonovels someday. Let people know what life was like for her and the people around her through fiction. 
What They Would Get Arrested For: In the beginning of her story, excessive force or ‘disobedience’ (sassing the wrong person even while she follows orders), after Corellia: possibly treason (going against the empire for Izutsa or Kaliyo)
OC You Ship Them With: Ambassador Toa (Izutsa’s older sister) they don’t really become a thing. But if she were to be around Toa more, they totally would be. 
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Savri, She doesn’t really believe in the concept of a warriors code and mocks those that claim to live by one. So while Darsha, Natamai and a few others might challenge her to a duel, Savri would just straight up shot her for insulting his friends and family. But Nat and Izutsa are able to keep the two in line on the rare instance they interact.
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: she likes the spy stories. They’re always terrible and her favorites come from the republic because of how inaccurate they are. They just make her laugh and she loves that
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Romances, She thinks they are boring and unrealistic
Talents and/or Powers: Poetry, fireworks (both as distractions and improvised weapons, tinkering.  
Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s ’loyal, focused and passionate, once she actually admits she cares about someone, she’s willing to burn the galaxy and everything she knows, even herself to take care of/protect them.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: She can be rude, arrogant and selfish, she’d burn the galaxy and everything and everyone, including herself for her friends
How They Change: She starts out overly aggressive in her duties and completely focused on her duty to the Sith, with time and the influence of her friends, she breaks free a bit and while still arrogant and sometimes violent, she becomes warmer and devoted to her friends and to Kaliyo and Izutsa especially. becoming less a puppet and more a person
Why You Love Them: she’s pretty and charmingly arrogant and just loves her friends so damn much, she suffers, but grows into someone who’ll destroy everything she’s ever known and face everything she fears for those few friends. 
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Full Name: Annalai Laenir Jhasis
Gender and Sexuality: Lesbian 
Ethnicity/Species: Cathar Birthplace and Birthdate: lower levels of Coruscant, 3667 bby
Guilty Pleasures: combat, taunting sith, perfumes from Naboo
Phobias: the black wing virus. (nobody’s heard of an outbreak in ages, so it’s kinda like someone being terrified of getting scurvy, even though they don’t live a lifestyle where they could get scurvy. She’s just terrified of it, and so any mentions of a mission that could involve facing sith alchemy)
What They Would Be Famous For: I’m not sure honestly
What They Would Get Arrested For: she doesn’t tend to break laws if she can avoid it, she’s a jedi
OC You Ship Them With: Caithi or Zeriu if they existed in the same universe. Her and Nyaisa would be good together but it wouldn’t work and they have their other love interests. 
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Sersere, she is trained to take down Jedi and wants to make sure no one can forget that fact. Naatha, Sonim or Shaialis (if she was allowed) She’s a Jedi, they are Sith and let no one forget that fact. 
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: She actually likes documentaries. She loves learning new things and thinks they’re really interesting. Also has a weakness for cathar cultural classics (because you will never make me believe that those don’t exist)
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: she isn’t a fan of action dramas. While she loves fighting a bit more than perhaps a jedi should, she doesn’t want to watch more violence and explosions when she’s trying to relax
Talents and/or Powers: The Force, shatterpoint, she’s also good at malacia (doesn’t use it much, thinks it feels to dark to use often)
Why Someone Might Love Them: She’s excitable, kind, and confident
Why Someone Might Hate Them: her confidence sometimes comes across as arrogance, she tends not to listen as well as she should. she can be a bit overly blunt about things and likes to show off her force abilities a bit more than might be polite.
How They Change: She starts out with a very firm us vs them ideas, kind of deciding based on imperial or republic whether someone is good or evil without a thought. By the end of their story, despite everything she goes through with leshlaa, she reaches more of an equilibrium, she’s a jedi by choice, she does good by choice, it’s not the side that decides good or evil, but the individuals choices determine if the individual is evil. So by the time she meets Lana she’s kind of decided that the dark side doesn’t inherently make someone evil, it’s more that the power that comes with it pushes a person in that direction and it’s their choice if they go that far or follow the dark side, but not be evil. (not a popular view and she doesn’t know if she firmly believes it to be correct, but it works for her)
Why You Love Them: She’s just fun and pretty 
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vvardenfellcat · 8 years
6 and 21
6. Did they feel rejection or affection as a child?
I could’ve sworn I’ve answered this one before, but I can’t find it in my asks, so…maybe I didn’t?? Anyways.
Mostly affection. J’hasi was a little weird in comparison to the other kids in the tribe, but kids are curious and accepting generally at that age, so no worries. Some of the adults were a little ehh with him, but Sees put a stop to that fairly early. The first incident of rejection I can think of is when J’hasi first met Shadows, but that’s…sort of a weird thing altogether. During his enslavement, the others in bondage with him were caring towards him and Shadows, and thus J’hasi didn’t have incidents with rejection again until his second master bit it and he was left to the streets to fend for himself.
21. What are your character’s manners like? What is their type of hero? Whom do they hate?
Answered! TL;DR he’s polite unless you’re rude to him, then fuck you, he likes Robin Hood/Grey Fox -esque heroes, and hates rich people that benefit off the backs of the poor.
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shabre-legacy · 5 years
my ocs
dragon age:
Avicia Cousland (that’s all I got, I don’t play as much as I should) (Human Noble)(Alistair) 
Shabre Legacy
name (romance) (species) (gender)
~jedi knight:                                                                                                               - 1. Tyrenic Shabre   (Theron) (Mirialan) (male)                                                      - 2.  Shelerik Coro (Kira/idk maybe kira when she gets back, not sure yet) (Mirialan/Red Sith) (male)
~jedi consular                                                                                                            -  3. Leshlaa Phizaas (Felix) (Togruta) (female)                                                       - 4.  Annilai Jhasis (Lana) (Cathar) (female)                 
~sith warrior                                                                                                               -  5. Shaialis Coro (Quinn, Pierce) (Mirialan/Red Sith) (female)                             -  6. Nastao Rasu (Vette) (Zabrak) (male)                                                                      
~sith inquisitor                                                                                                            - 7.  Elazari Taregs (Andronikos) (Mirialan) (female)
~trooper                                                                                                                     -  8. Nyaisa Shabre (Aric) (Mirialan) (female)                                                         -  9. Ikhirr Jhasis (Elara) (Cathar) (male)                                     
~bounty hunter                                                                                                            -  10. Natamai Shabre (Torian) (Mirialan) (female)                                                   - 11.  Savri Tesa (?, kinda want mako, but I really like the mako/akaavi relationship and don’t want to have a character screw that up, and also theron or koth might be fun with this character, none of my bounty hunters would be with lana, mostly because I love mandos so I always play a proud mando and lana doesn’t trust mandos so they’d never work as a relationship) (Togruta) (male)
~smuggler                                                                                                                 -  12. Leikael Shabre (Corso) (Mirialan)  (female)
~imperial agent                                                                                                         - 13. Ciski’zut’sairma ‘Izutsa’ (Vector) (Chiss) (female)                                           - 14.  Agent Fifteen ‘Niaken Amia’ (Lana) (Mirialan) (female)
Independent Characters:
name, class, species, romance, (detail), (gender)
1. Sadarie (old smuggler, test character), mirialan, koth, (female)
2. Tama Riczu, smuggler, mirialan, corso (basically Leikael, but slighty less nice and more criminal), (female)
3. Ibel’jekem, smuggler, twi’lek, risha (nice guy smuggler), (male)
4. Darsha Larniish, bounty hunter, togruta, torian (basically natamai, but Togruta), (female)
5. Vard’enasha’sianemo “Denasha”, jedi knight, chiss, scourge (mostly like tyrenic, but a bit more arrogant and falls for scourge rather than theron, and also female and chiss, with some of sheleriks ‘I hate myself because empire’ problems), (female)
6. Nasea Vrava, jedi knight, zabrak, kira, (female)
7. Tossa’caithi’sosto ‘Caithi’, jedi knight, chiss, lana, (female)
8. Azakee Rer, sith inquisitor, togruta, theron, (male)
9. Nesham Zyni, smuggler, togruta, ? (probably corso again because I’m a sucker for that farm boy) (nice guy smuggler, suoer pro republic, kinda my ‘what if the smuggler had a baby character’), (female)
10. Zeriu Jaktan, sith warrior, red sith, theron? quinn?, (female) 
11. Sonim Iclasvaesh, sith warrior, red sith, lana? (I can’t deal with the apprentice/padawan romances, except Kira and only because she becomes a knight fairly early on), (male)
12. Zriq’ ozak’luskomu “Qozak”, imperial agent, chiss, kaliyo, (male)
13. Raso Sargam, jedi consular, cathar, theron,  (basically annilai, but male), (male)
14. Nohyni Lho, trooper, cathar, aric, (basically nyaisa but cathar and with kids eventually), (female)
15. Nazr Duzas, trooper, mirialan, elara, (male)
16. Hletth’ivaena’lenurn “Hivaena”, imperial agent, chiss, vector (female) (basically izutsa but more alone)
17. Sersere Silvpre, imperial agent, human, lana, (female)
18. Tisna Cizm, bounty hunter, mirialan, Torian, (basically my ‘what if the bounty hunter had a kid’ character), (female)
19. Naatha Vynee, sith inquisitor, togruta, andronikos, (female)
20. Akiw’neli “Neli’, jedi consular, twi’lek, felix, (basically Leshlaa but more alone) (female)
(I play this game mostly for the romances. I still want to have a romance for Khem Val, Arcann, Nadia and Jaesa after they come back and more for my fave LI’s, i’m also thinking it might be fun to romance theron and/or lana with a smuggler and/or bounty hunter but idk also Idk how many is too many for one game I already have 34 either created or planned for this game)
 I only have the one dragon age character and none for the mass effect game I bought, or the assassins creed games that my dad gave me (idk how those games work I can’t use PlayStation controls well and so haven’t even given them a try yet
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