#sure goro. whatever you say beautiful. are you busy after this?
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merge-conflict · 1 year ago
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Fervid comes from the Latin verb fervēre, meaning “to boil” or “to glow,” as well as, by extension, “to seethe” or “to be roused.”
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magioftheseas · 4 years ago
An Encounter Among Blossoms
Summary: Haru meets a young man who seems to have an affinity for her gardening neighbor. She's quite eager to scout him out before the two of them meet.
Rating: G
Warnings: Akechi sticks a rabbit in a bag, but the rabbit is fine.
Notes: It’s a Haru fic for Akechi’s birthday which is just a little strange but I really love the idea of her and Akechi as gardening neighbors. It’s super cute. Haru’s super cute. Shuake’s super cute. Cute!
***Alternate Ao3 Link***
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It hadn’t been a particularly bright or warm day. The diluted sunshine was still pleasant in its own way, comfortable like room temperature and unassuming. Another fine day, she would think as she headed down the usual path, humming a little tune as she did. The insignificance of the weather preceded the encounter which was anything but.
When Haru rounded around the corner to her garden, there was an unfamiliar young man standing by. It wasn’t unusual for people to pass by, nor was it unusual for them to stop with alarm once they heard the string of colorful curses and irate grumbles. This young man, however, was not frozen in place with alarm. He stared out into her gardening neighbor’s domain and even without seeing his face, Haru knew the young man was transfixed.
“Excuse me,” Haru called out politely, making the young man jump. She wondered what sort of face she expected under that head of messy black curls, but—perhaps she was surprised by how striking this stranger looked.
Yes, this young man had almost delicate features. A smooth jaw and soft lips parted in surprise before pulling into a more neutral line. His eyes were dark like iron—one that held other colors in its embrace rather than swallowed them whole.
“Staring is rude,” Haru said, then, aware that she was staring. “Is there something I can help you with?”
“No, I...” The young man steps back, ducking his head as if to hide that gaze behind his fringe. A shame, really, Haru almost wanted to comb them back to catch another glimpse.
...but if he had stopped to stare, then it was at...
“I just,” the young man continues, pinching a curl between his long fingers. Elegant if not for how the nails had been bitten short. “I was just...passing by.”
“That’s fine,” Haru said sunnily. “Would you mind helping me out, then?”
“Oh.” This person made a very familiar face. The kind where it’s clear the person finds it difficult to say no. “Is that...alright?”
“I could always use a helper bee,” Haru chirped and when she came close, she murmured to him, “And Goro does as well, even if he’s too stubborn to admit it.”
The young man is silent, but there’s the slightest twitch of a smile at his lips.
“I’m Haru,” she says, blushing now that she realized she hadn’t yet introduced herself.
“Amamiya...Ren.” He nodded politely in return. “It’s nice to meet you, Haru-san.”
“Just Haru is fine, Amamiya-kun.”
“Then just Ren is fine.”
Goodness...he doesn’t know the effect he has on people, does he?
She was almost glad to swoop in before Goro could see or notice.
She was especially glad when it turned out Ren was a dutiful helper. He would do anything asked without complaint. Admittedly, he’d be so docile it uncomfortably reminded her of her past self. At the very least, it was less that Ren was eager to please and more that it just—didn’t occur to him to perform half-heartedly.
As he meticulously pulled out weeds, she did notice his posture wasn’t dissimilar to Goro’s.
A hard worker, one who doesn’t complain. With natural charm.
“Ren, ren,” she says in a lilting voice, smiling when he looks up to her attentively. Her smile broadens and she hands him one freshly washed tomato. “They’re ripe today. What do you think?”
Ren does smile mildly before biting into the tomato. He’s quick to lick its juices off his fingers. He nods in approval but is too busy eating to give any verbal compliments.­
“Good enough for Goro?” she asks, watching to see if he chokes. He does not, but he’s quieter. There’s a softer pink on his cheeks. Haru can’t help but grin. “Gather some up when you’re done. We’re going to visit him.”
Ren didn’t work half-heartedly, but it was only now that he worked eagerly and enthusiastically. He diligently picked, and painstakingly washed each one until it was spotless. She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t envious.
Ren was a charming young man. Even if she already has a beautiful girlfriend, she wouldn’t mind dating him as well. Only if her girlfriend was into it as well, of course.
Alas, I don’t think he’s interested in me at all.
She’s not too bothered, not when Ren follows her like a puppy and carries the basket of tomatoes with great care. As if he’d do anything to avoid even the slightest bruise. As she crosses the border from her garden into her neighbor’s, it’s not long before she spots that neighbor. Specifically his sunhat and his ponytail. Kneeling down, staring at a squirming sack no doubt with a look of deep consternation.
“Goro, what are you doing?” she asks cheerfully. “Is there a rabbit in that bag?”
“This fucking pest,” he hisses, snapping to attention and spinning on his heel to face her. “Won’t leave my goddamn...ah.” His expression drops the second he sees that someone else is with her. His face scrunches up. “Amamiya? What the hell?”
“Oh!” Haru gasped, looking between them. “You two know each other?”
Ren simply stares at Goro intensely, and Goro’s mouth twitches into a forced smile.
“Goodness, what a surprise,” he says, slipping into a more pleasant front with the elegance of the stepsister shoving her foot into the glass slipper. “Amamiya-kun is the barista of the café I frequent. We’ve played chess a few times. We’re...acquaintances, you can say. I’m quite embarrassed you’ve seen me in such an...improper state.” He even tugs at his sunhat to hide his face. Specifically that cute splatter of freckles that Haru appreciated even if the general populace didn’t. “I apologize greatly.”
He gives a bow.
“Goro,” Haru reprimanded gently. “Enough of that. Ren-kun already saw you cursing out the grass earlier.”
“I sure did,” Ren agreed, and he hands Goro the basket. “Here you are, Akechi.”
“Happy birthday!” Haru exclaimed excitedly and shoved Ren forward for good measure. Ren did yelp, as did Goro, but no one managed to fall. Not yet anyway. “I know you said not to get you anything, but I had...a bootyful harvest! And to top it off, Ren-kun’s just your type!”
“Haru,” Goro hissed, red in the face.
“You look really nice in a ponytail,” Ren offered awkwardly. “But, uh, you’re not going to eat that rabbit, right? Like...the big bad wolf?”
“Goodness, no!” Haru exclaimed. “Goro just catches them and gives them to me to release elsewhere. Although I’m not sure...” She trails off when she sees just how covered in dirt Goro is. “Well. You can at least try not to frighten them so much.”
“For whatever reason this one avoided the usual traps,” Goro huffed, gesturing at the sack as if it were obscene. “I had to personally deal with it.”
“Is it really your birthday?” Ren asks. “I, uh...didn’t know. But if you want, I can treat you to curry and coffee on the house later this afternoon...”
“Doesn’t that sound lovely?” Haru asks, and she goes to gingerly pick up the sack. She does glance inside and yes, it’s quite the energetic black bunny. She wonders if she’d get away with taking it home instead. Probably not. “I’ll take care of this darling.”
“Haru,” Goro warned again. “I-It’s not...”
“Please enjoy your tomatoes and your birthday, Goro! Don’t feel the need to wait on me if you want to go somewhere!”
She’d leave with a skip in her step but she doesn’t want to jostle the rabbit too much. Either way, she ignores Goro calling after her in exasperation and unease. He quiets, and a quick glance back—she sees that Ren is patting Goro’s shoulder as he sullenly bites into a tomato.
“Here you are, darling!”
Strangely, the rabbit doesn’t dart away the second Haru releases it. It just sniffs around, grooming its ear, blinking up at her with beady eyes.
“Curious dear, aren’t you,” she cooed. “And mischievous. Should I give you a name? How about Loki?”
The rabbit turns away, seeming disinterested.
“Or Noir!” Haru exclaimed, and laughed. “Either way, caused quite a bit of trouble for Goro, didn’t you? But you must know that his bark is often worse than his bite. Despite that, the flowers he grows are quite beautiful, aren’t they? Do you think under those roses is where he buried our fathers?”
No answer of course, but when it glanced back, she couldn’t help but be reminded of Ren.
...they met already, huh...? Then...I think things will be very interesting from here on out.
She and Goro had been associates for quite some time now. She’d like to think she knew him quite well, and she thought she had scouted Ren out well enough to know that he was Goro’s type.
“He deserves to be happy,” she told the rabbit and left it at that.
When she returns, Ren and Goro are already deep in some strange debate. Goro even laughs, but he quickly scowls when Ren points out the juice on his cheek. Ren’s commenting, likely on Goro’s demeanor, and the conversation is serious now.
As curious as she is, it’s improper to eavesdrop. Haru crosses the border once more, returning to her garden. There’s still work to be done.
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silverhandy · 4 years ago
I saw the devil (in me) - chapter 7
ao3 I chapter 1 I chapter 2 I chapter 3 I chapter 4 I chapter 5 I chapter 6
To Takemura’s surprise, it didn’t take much convincing to get Viktor to come with him to see the netrunner. At first, the ripperdoc was hesitant, gently suggesting that Takemura should just wait for his hand to heal, there was no need to jump into netrunning and that he’s free to stay at the ripperdoc’s place for as long as he needs to, but something about the other man’s tone made him yield and here they were, a few days later, walking down the slippery stairs on the edges of Charter Hill. 
The temperature has risen just enough for the ice encasing the steps to melt, making the simple ordeal of walking down that much riskier, but eventually, they managed without slipping. Viktor had already closed the clinic for the night and just as Takemura had before, they’ve decided to just walk the distance between Misty’s shop and Akiko’s basement. Despite the foul weather, Takemura found the experience rather enjoyable, the way Viktor shared his anecdotes and took in Takemura’s comments. He had to admit, he never knew small talk could be this easy. Takemura would by no means call himself awkward, taking great pride in being able to navigate a wide array of social settings, but the point of such conversations often escaped him; instead, he preferred to get straight to the point, without wasting time on chatter devoid of any clear purpose. With Viktor, it was different, he’d go as far as to say that the meaningless exchange felt almost natural - nothing needed to be reviewed, decided, or discussed, leaving them with an opportunity to just enjoy each other’s presence.
Takemura pushed the heavy door open, leading the way as they both walked into the familiar, dark corridor. Leaving muddy footsteps on the concrete floor, they walked further into the building, and eventually, they reached the bigger room. Takemura noticed that Akiko was no longer busy tinkering with her hardware, but sitting in front of one of the many monitors, face furrowed in concentration as she typed away at the keyboard. She lifted her eyes and waved at Takemura, beckoning him to come in before she got up, typing in some last commands before she finally allowed her hands to get away from the keyboard and started walking up towards Takemura to properly greet her client. Suddenly, without an apparent reason, Akiko stopped halfway, her smile dropping almost immediately.
Perplexed, Takemura turned his head just in time to see Viktor freeze. The ripperdoc was staring at the woman as if he saw a ghost, throat jumping as he swallowed heavily.
“Viktor.” she spat out his name through gritted teeth like it was some kind of a curse, her brows furrowed in a clear expression of disgust.
“Akiko,” he echoed, still standing at the door, seemingly not daring to step inside the basement. Takemura couldn’t quite make out his eyes from behind the tinted shades, but the man’s voice told him he wasn’t trying to match the amount of venom Akiko managed to put in a single word. Quite the opposite, Viktor’s tone was almost apprehensive, gone was his usual steady confidence he carried himself with on their way here, The silence that fell on the netrunner’s workshop was almost palatable, so Takemura opened his mouth to say something, anything to break it, but Akiko was faster.
“You got some nerve, showin’ up here.”
“Listen, I-” before Viktor could finish, the woman turned her piercing gaze to Takemura.
“I tell you to bring in someone you trust and that’s who you go for?” Akiko scoffed. “Bold choice.”
Takemura had to admit, he was surprised by her reaction to the other man’s presence but didn’t let it reach his face. A sudden irritation swelled up in his chest upon hearing her words and he didn’t even think before words started escaping his mouth:
“Nevertheless, I stand by it.” Takemura replied, his tone colder than intended. “He saved my life, more than once. If that isn’t enough, you still owe me. I do not think there is much room for discussion here.”
“Goro, I don’t think this is necessary.” Viktor’s voice came from behind him.
“I happen to think it is.” the other man replied, eying the netrunner, his silver optics glistering. Akiko was still standing with her arms crossed over her chest, a stern expression on her face. She refused to break eye contact, not allowing herself to be beaten in this small, meaningless game of wills, but eventually, let out a sigh.
“Fine.” she finally said. “ but afterward, you’ll never bring him here again. Wear this,” she tossed a netrunning suit at him. “and get in the damn chair.”
“So what, you fry his brain? With no active cyberware, his output capacity for netrunning is-”
“Perfectly fine for a short dive like that.” she snarled, firing up one of the monitors.
“So you’ve done this before?” mockery rang in Viktor’s voice, a tone so unfitting to him it made Takemura cringe.
“There is always a risk of-” this time, Akiko was on the defensive, angrily smashing her fingers on the interface, not even looking away from the screen as she spoke.
“Then how about, for once, you actually-” Viktor started, but Takemura swiftly cut him off mid-sentence.
“Enough! Do not talk about me like I am not here. I do not know what it is between you two, but I would appreciate it if you could put it aside, just for a second.”
They both looked at him surprised, but dropped the banter, limiting themselves to exchanging glares and singular words as each set up their respective equipment. After a few more minutes, Akiko hopped onto the other chair, adjusting a few parameters on the screen above it before finally pushing it aside and plugging her personal link into the port.
“Let’s get this over with.” with that, her eyes rolled back into her skull, whites glistering. Takemura could see a soft glow that her eyelids didn’t manage to block and looked over to Viktor, netrunning cord in hand.
“I don’t think this is a good idea,” the ripper said, pushing up the glasses with his free hand.
“You were not this hesitant when I first asked.” Takemura pointed out.
“I know, but-” Viktor started, but just shook his hand. “anyway, you’ve made your decision, I don’t really have a say beyond giving you advice.”
“Is it medical advice or a friendly one?”
“Between you and me, a bit of both,” Viktor said, but seeing the other man’s expression, he just handed him the cord. Takemura plugged it in without a word and allowed himself to lay back, resting his head on the leather headboard.
For a brief second, his vision glitched. Takemura turned his head to look at Viktor once more, but before he could say anything else, the image started to blur and then bleed over, warping the room into an unrecognizable array of colors and shapes before that, too, was replaced by pitch darkness. Takemura felt as if the soft leather of the chair he was lying on had melted away, replaced by pure nothingness as he felt himself fall, gaining momentum with each passing millisecond. He tried moving his hands, just to see if he could, if not to stop the fall, but before he managed to force his limbs to move, it came to an abrupt stop. When he looked down, the floor he was standing on lighted up with soft, blue light with each step he took. Takemura turned his head to look around, the illuminated structures rising right in front of his eyes. He could see them shifting, thousands of lines of code wriggling like a can of worms, a perfect military unit, moving into position.
When it finally settled, he wasn’t sure he was seeing it right.
The stairs he had been standing on were bare, no handle or barrier to stop an eventual fall. Looking behind his shoulder in search of Akiko, Takemura started walking up, passing the rigid structures of scaffolding around the construction site until finally, he reached a rooftop. Before he had a chance to take in his surroundings, his eyes landed on a figure standing on the edge, the red strings of code of her silhouette contrasting sharply with the blues and blacks surrounding them. The woman had her arms crossed over her chest and she was casually leaning on the railing. Had they been in a different place, Takemura would say she was admiring the sunset, but since there was nothing of this sort to speak of in this bottomless pit of data, only darkness beneath them, it was only a brief thought. He walked in closer, his footsteps echoing on nothing. With every step he took, he felt his stomach sink further as the women’s silhouette materialized in more and more detail. Her short, frizzy hair stood out in every possible direction, strands moving slightly with the nonexistent wind.
“V?” his voice came out coarse, but the syllable carried through the empty space between them. The woman stirred but did not turn, eyes fixed on something far in the horizon, something only she could see. He took a few more steps forward, closing the distance between them, and stood next to her, putting his arms on the railing. The area beneath them was no longer empty, the second he laid his eyes on the digital landscape, data started pouring together to form shapes, an intricate composition of buildings. It was only a draft of the real thing, devoid of any real detail, but it was more than enough. They were looking at a shadow of Arasaka Industrial Park.
Takemura turned his head to V, or rather to whatever digital footprint of her remained. She was still not acknowledging his presence, but as she stared far into the complex beneath them or at the sunset which beauty he could not see, she was smiling.
“Takemura.” it came from somewhere behind him. He turned, startled, and saw Akiko approaching him from the other side of the platform. When he looked back to where V was standing, he saw she was no longer there. A fleeting memory.
“Why are we here?” he asked, voice echoing against the nonexistent walls.
“It highly depends on what is that ‘here’ you’re speaking of.” Akiko raised her eyebrows, though something in her expression told him she knew perfectly well what he had in mind.
“So it looks different to you?”
“Yeah. What you’re seeing is just your brain’s attempt to visualize the plethora of data going through it. It fishes for a familiar place to ease the neural strain. Now come on, let’s go get what we came here for, no need to linger.”
His vision still hadn't cleared by the time he and Viktor gathered up to leave, a slightly blurry notification popping up on his interface informing him of an incoming transaction. He accepted with a flicker of the eye and watched as his account balance quadrupled with the money he and Akiko recovered. It should be just enough to get him back on his feet, at least until he figures out what to do next, but first things first, he had to pay Viktor back.
“And Takemura?” Akiko shouted behind him right as they were about to leave. “We’re even.”
They walked back to Viktor’s apartment in complete silence, snow creaking beneath their boots as they turned each corner, both lost deep in their own thoughts. By the time they reached the megablock, it was well past midnight, but it didn’t mean the social hubs of the building were any more empty. They passed through them quickly and eventually found themselves back in Viktor’s place, shedding off their coats and throwing them over the desk’s chair almost in unison.
It was Viktor who finally broke the silence.
“Let me rewrap that for you.” Viktor gestured toward the other man’s arm. “Afterwards, we can sit down and talk, maybe crack a beer or two open. Reckon it’ll do both of us some good” Takemura nodded and watched the ripperdoc walk away from the table towards the bathroom. Takemura could hear the rattling of medical supplies as Viktor gathered everything he needed from a small cabinet above the sink. Still intrigued by whatever went down between Viktor and Akiko back in her lair, Takemura took a seat at the counter, quickly unbuttoning the cuffs and rolling the shirt’s sleeve up to reveal the bandaged arm. He didn’t have much time to ponder before Viktor finally emerged and put the supplies on the counter in front of them before hopping onto the chair himself.
There were more cuts than he remembered, places where Viktor went in with a scalpel to replace some of his ruined cyberware. The cuts were still angry red, but in much better condition than they had the right to be after such a short time, neat stitching pulling the broken skin together. Takemura knew they’re going to scar, but at the very least he still had an arm. He watched silently as Viktor worked, cleaning the wounds with an antiseptic before putting fresh gauze over them.
There was something about Viktor that made Takemura want to lean into the touch. He was used to doctors, having been injured countless times in the course of his service to the Arasakas, but there was a jarring difference between the way the ripperdoc was looking over the cuts, none of the impersonal, clinical touch that Takemura was accustomed to. He took a deep breath in, dismissing the thought and pushing it as far down his consciousness as it’d go. It was not the time for such indulgences.
“I apologize,” Takemura finally said. “Perhaps I should not have acted this aggressively. I should not have intervened between you two to reach my own goal, since it was clearly a personal matter.”
“Nah, it’s fine. I’m glad you spoke up before we had a chance to jump to each others' throats,” the ripperdoc said, not lifting his gaze, still fixed on the other man’s arm. “I guess I owe you an explanation.”
“I have to admit I am curious,” Takemura said, this time choosing his words carefully. “but you do not owe me anything. If you prefer to keep this a private matter, it is fine. I would not hold that against you.”
“Don’t worry,” Viktor replied, pinning the fresh bandage in place. “I have to warn you, though. It’s a long one, so we might as well move to the couch. Let me grab some beer from the fridge.” and with that, he hopped off the chair. Takemura followed and settled on the sofa, Viktor soon joining him and handing him a bottle before sitting down.
“By the 60s, my boxing career was coming to an end. You see, cyberware in sports wasn't strictly regulated until not even a decade ago and more than a few lads took advantage. New guys came in, with implants padding their brains, and with how expensive those things used to be back then, there was no way I could afford even the smallest piece of cyberware. Soon enough, I found myself patching the guys on ringside more often than throwing punches and that’s when someone from Trauma noticed me. You have to understand that for a guy from Heywood, this was an opportunity of a lifetime. Most of the guys there are ex-military, so I was an odd one, but I didn’t allow myself to lag behind. Most of the time I didn’t feel like socializing, but I brought enough practical skills to the table that the others respected me.
A few months into the program, they added another guy to our unit. His name was Takeshi and he moved to Night City shortly before that, from the Kyoto branch of Trauma. Still had a few months of basic training to do, so they placed him with us. Takeshi was off to a rough start, dropped into our group a few months in, everyone already a part of their own little clique. Some of them didn’t take too kindly to a newcomer and I can’t blame them, considering the way Trauma medics are trained to work like one organism. It takes trust to build this level of coordination, so Takeshi had a lot to prove” Viktor paused, taking a sip from the bottle. “and let me tell you, he delivered.”
“That is him in the photo, yes?” Takemura asked, gesturing toward the small collection of pictures to their right. Viktor nodded.
“I never quite dropped boxing, it was an excellent way to stay in shape for a job like that, so I’d always stay behind in the gym to practice after the place emptied in the evenings. One night, Takeshi stayed behind too, watching me for a good while. I didn’t make anything of it, figuring he’ll eventually get bored and leave, but instead he asked me for a sparring.” Viktor chuckled at the memory. “my first thought was that he was joking. The guy was way smaller than me and the insinuation that he’d be able to take me on was laughable and that’s what I did. Presumptuous, I know.” he added, noticing Takemura’s expression. “but I didn’t know any better back then. I thought we’d be done in seconds.”
“And were you?” Takemura asked, taking a sip from his own bottle. The beer had a rich, somewhat spicy taste that lingered after. He could feel his lips smirking against the cold glass, already knowing where Viktor’s story was going.
“Oh, we were. With me sprawled on the ground.” the ripperdoc let out a short laugh. “As you see, I made the mistake of underappreciating him. After that, we’d often stay behind together practicing. Soon enough, we started to meet outside of it too, often spending weekends going from bar to bar. As it turned out, he wasn’t the quiet guy I took him for, turning out to be quite chatty. He’d tell me all about his life back in Kyoto, not to mention he was quite opinionated about Night City, especially the local food, just as you are.” Takemura opened his mouth to ask how Viktor could possibly know that, but then it hit him. V must’ve told him all about the time they spent together.
“Doing a gig for Trauma was the fastest way for him to get a medical license and stay in the US for good, but he was probably the least trigger happy person I’ve ever known. Would make a great hospital doctor, with his bedside manner, but bureaucracy made it impossible for him to just hop positions like that. Months went by and we graduated, by dumb luck ending up in the same unit. Two years down the line and he comes to me, the stupidest grin on his face, telling me he met a girl.”
“Yeah. She was starting at Arasaka back then, climbing her way up the information security department. She never really liked me, but they hit it right off, another two years pass and he invites me to their wedding, even asked me to be his best man. Best party I’ve ever been to. It all seemed to be working out for us, he was happily married and we both landed great jobs. That is, before corporate started rubbing their hands all over it.”
“Isn’t Trauma a private corporation in and on itself?
“It is, but bear with me. When you’re a regular armed medic, you don’t really feel all the pressure coming from above, but the higher up you go, the more entangled you get. I’m sure you know what I mean.
“You might say so.”
“Then I’m sure you know, most likely better than anyone else, that it’s just a matter of time before those things start to get complicated. But that’s a whole different story, a less happy one, but it explains why Akiko reacted the way she did when she saw me this evening.” Viktor said, leaning back on the sofa and taking another swing from the bottle. “but I guess neither of us has anywhere else to be right now.”
“I believe so,” Takemura replied, placing his beer on the small coffee table in front of them.
“Alright then. You know, I’m not superstitious, but that day, I knew something bad would happen. I just didn’t think it'd be like this.”
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mintchocolateleaves · 6 years ago
Emogust - 09.08: Stubbornness // @sup-poki - so the other day I rewatched that 1998 movie, ‘The Parent Trap’ and it gave me ideas for this-
“I think I can see what’s going on here,” Kaito says, leaning forward, practically halfway across the table. Aoko thinks he looks stupid when he does that, leaning on his elbows as if he’s preparing to climb over the diner table at any moment. “Wait – nope. What’s going on here?”
Aoko sighs, leans back in her chair.
Waving a hand towards the girl who’s sat beside her, Aoko offers a smile. She says, “this is Mouri Ran.”
“Yes,” Kaito says after a moment, “I kind of caught on after she introduced herself. Why do you two look identical?”
Ah, he’s always been quick. Aoko would give him a gold star if she had one. Although, actually, he’d probably like that, the weirdo.
“Well,” Aoko says, watching Ran from the corner of her eye. The girl tilts her head, offers a soft smile, reassuring. “That’s because we’re twins.”
His expression drops, and for a moment, Aoko isn’t sure what he’s thinking. A flash of fear, of concern? Something. Eventually, he settles on horror as he leans back against the cushioned booth.
“You mean to say there’s two of you?”
Ran frowns. Aoko lets out a dry laugh. “Very funny.”
“I know,” Kaito says, around a wink. “But like, I’m sorry – twins? Aoko, you’ve been an only child for sixteen years.”
“We’re identical!” She pauses, tries to smother the rising irritation that arises every time she talks with him. “And anyway, Ran-chan and I have proof.”
“Yes,” Rans says, quiet. She still seems like she’s in a state of shock, which Aoko supposes is understandable – they’ve only known about the others’ existence for a matter of days. “We found out very recently, but there’s overwhelming evidence, Kuroba-san.”
Aoko can see his eyes dull at the word evidence. She doesn’t call him out on it, simply reaches into her backpack and brings out the tiny memory box that belongs to her mother.
“That’s–” Kaito leans forward, eyebrows squinting. “You went into your mother’s room?”
She would find the concept of him knowing about the box suspicious, knowing his tendency to poke into things that aren’t his business, if they hadn’t been caught as children searching her mother’s bedroom as children.
“Uh-” Aoko hesitates, “well, yes, but only because I was looking for Goro. He was meowing like there’s no tomorrow. I thought he was hurt in there.”
Goro, their family cat. Aoko had wanted to name the blue Russian cat ‘Tsuki’ because his fur had reminded her of the moon, but her mother had insisted on the name.
And well, the cat had been named Goro from there on.
He’d never responded when Aoko had tried calling him Tsuki. Which – evil cat playing favourites. Maybe it was because her mother usually took him to the law firm with her?
Who knows.
“Anyway, I found this and I opened it. It doesn’t matter how.” Aoko opens the tin now, glances at things her mother has kept back over the years. There are a lot of photos of Aoko and her mother – some are taken with her mother at the Kisaki law firm, others with them on various trips out of town – and some with her and Kaito.
Some even have all three of them.
“Look at this,” Aoko says, moving the more recent pictures and taking the photograph at the very bottom of the tin out. It’s yellowing with age, crinkled ever so slightly. She passes it over to Kaito.
His eyes widen.
“Wow,” he says, hesitant, “that’s so weird. It’s almost hard to believe.”
Aoko nods. She glances at the photo again. It depicts Aoko’s mother in her hospital bed, presumably just after delivering them. She’s hugging a baby to her chest, a tired smile up at the camera. And beside her – the man Aoko has never known – her father.
He’s holding another baby. Aoko doesn’t know who’s holding her, but she likes to imagine she’s in her father’s arms here. That they had at least one photo together.
“I don’t get it,” Kaito says, “why would your parents not tell you about each other.”
Fiddling with her hair, Ran says, “my father didn’t tell me much about my mother growing up, but he always said that near the end of their relationship they had a lot of arguments. They couldn’t stand each other, so they split up.”
They receive a hum. And then, after another glance at the photograph, Kaito mumbles, “and here I thought the secrets my parents were keeping from me were big…”
Beneath the table, Aoko kicks him.
Ran doesn’t need to get involved in the whole KID business yet, thank you very much. She doesn’t want to explain to her newly found twin that the boy she’s been crushing on since they were kids is actually a master criminal.
“Ow,” he hisses and then, another glance at the photograph before he passes it back, “wait, isn’t this that famous sleeping detective, Mouri Kogoro?”
“Yes,” Ran says, and she flushes, as if nervous to have family recognised. “He’s my – I mean, Aoko-chan and I’s – father. Aoko-chan told me that she recognised him from the news and wanted to meet him, so she looked up the address of our agency and brought the photograph with her.”
At the weight of Kaito’s stare, Aoko finds her own cheeks burning red. She can practically hear the thoughts as if he’s plucking them from his own head and transferring them over to her: Your father is a detective?
“I wanted to see if he could tell me about the photo,” Aoko says, trying to explain. “I’ve never had a father before, so I- Anyway. When I knocked, Ran-chan was the one who answered the door and here we are.”
“Here we are,” Kaito echoes back. He looks around the diner, to his hot chocolate on the table, and at the tea each girl is drinking. Aoko follows his gaze as it brushes past the waitresses, past the other tables and patrons enjoying their meals. “…In a diner?”
Aoko wants to kick him again. This time however, she restrains herself.
“Well, we had a plan we wanted to get you to help us with.”
The flash of his smirk shouldn’t piss her off as much as it does. Maybe because it’s accompanied by Kaito’s drawl of, “Oh, this is gonna be good.”
“Ran-chan and I want to get our parents back together,” Aoko says.
The way Kaito’s lips part into an ‘o’ shape shows Aoko that it’s not what he’d expected to hear.
“You want your parents,” Kaito says, slowly, “who, as far as you guys know haven’t seen each other in what? Sixteen years? To get back together?”
Ran, at least, has the courtesy to look embarrassed. Aoko, refuses to give in to him. She nods her head.
“That’s the plan.”
“They’ve been apart for over a decade and a half!”
Ran reaches up, scratches at her cheek. She says, “neither of our parents ever moved on to other people.”
“And I mean, mum’s cat is named after dad. She literally called him Goro!”
“You’re reaching.”
“My father has letters that he writes asking for my mother to come back,” Ran says quietly, “but they’re all unsent. I doubt his pride will ever let him send them.”
Kaito’s expression shifts now. He doesn’t say anything for a moment, micro-expressions disappearing, making him a less readable, harder to figure out. He sighs, “if they wanted to be together, wouldn’t they just get back together?”
“They’re our parents,” Aoko says.
“You don’t know if they even want to be together!” Kaito blinks, takes a moment to cool himself. Aoko hadn’t expected him to be so against it, to raise his voice.
“I want to know my father,” Aoko says finally, “and Ran wants to know our mother. If they get back together, we can be a family.”
And how long has Aoko dreamed of being a full family? How many father’s days had she missed out on? how many hugs could she have had…?
Kaito breathes, “you can know them without them being together.”
“We want them to be together,” Ran says, slowly, “and we want to try that, but honestly… if they meet again, and realise they’re in the same city, wouldn’t they arrange to introduce us to each other?”
Lifting his hand, Kaito strokes at his chin. He says, “what’s to say that they don’t know that the other is in the city. I doubt Kisaki-san doesn’t already know. She reads the news.”
Alright, so that fact kind of makes Aoko’s stomach turn a little bit. Knowing how recognisable Mouri Kogoro is in the newspapers at the moment, it’d be wrong to assume her mother didn’t know…
“Well,” Ran says, “my father has only been in the news for a few months now. It might be less a fact of our mother not knowing, and more, trying to figure out what to do now.”
“And your dad?”
“Well, when they first split up, Mum and I moved to Nagoya. We stayed there until I was around five.” Aoko tilts her head, considering. “It’s possible he thinks we’re still there.”
“You lived in Nagoya, Aoko-chan?” Ran claps her hands together. “It’s so beautiful. Dad, Conan-kun and I visited on a trip a while back.”
“Oh yes,” Ran says, “Conan-kun is like my… honorary little brother? He’s been staying with us for a while now, since his parents move around a lot, and it’d be cruel to not let him settle in one place.”
“Ah, I see.”
Actually, considering it, that name connecting to Mouri Kogoro does sound familiar. Are they referring to Edogawa Conan maybe? The famous KID-killer that Kaito finds himself playing games of wits with during his heists.
She glances at him from the corner of his eye, and is satisfied to see his eye twitch, ever so slightly, as he comes to the same conclusion.
“Oh, oh,” Aoko claps her hands together, “I’d love to meet him at some point. We could have him visit us at some point, Kaito is really good at babysitting too – aren’t you?”
She sends him a look.
It reads: Help us, or I stick the KID-killer on you and hope he figures out your identity.
“R-right,” Kaito says, leaning back to rub at the back of his neck. “Fine – whatever, I’ll help. But honestly, I don’t know what you want me to do.”
“I have a plan,” Aoko says, finally. She shares a smile with Ran and takes a sip of the tea she’s long since forgotten. It’s cold now, they’ll have to order fresh cups. “Let me explain–”
*Some notes on the twins AU because I’ve thought a bit about it and wanted to share:
In this AU, obviously Aoko isn’t Nakamori’s daughter. Instead, she’s Eri and Kogoro’s daughter, and Ran’s identical twin. When Eri left Kogoro, the twins were maybe 5-6 months old and they came to the agreement that they would each take one of the girls. She’s named Kisaki Aoko.
Eri takes Aoko, and they move away to Nagoya until Aoko was 5, then they moved in next door to the Kuroba’s in Ekoda.
Aoko doesn’t hate KID so much because her father isn’t chasing him down and as such, she doesn’t feel like she’s missing being able to see him. Kaito told her about how he is KID, but doesn’t mention much about all the danger he’s in.
When Kaito was about 11, years after his father’s death, Chikage started seeing dating Inspector-Nakamori. They’re currently engaged. Now, Kaito is essentially being hunted down by his step-father.
Chikage didn’t know about KID, or about Toichi being murdered. In this, she retired shortly after Toichi saved her and before he debuted at KID. She had suspicions but she never knew for certain.
Aoko’s plan for Kogoro and Eri to get back together involves having Kaito use his impersonation skills to get them both to come to the same hotel under the premise of work.
Conan and Kaito learn the truth about each other pretty early on, and try to navigate the truth without letting the twins and their parents in on it. 
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ask-the-phan-site · 4 years ago
A Neo Yokio New Year
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>Neo Yokio just after New Year (which explains why some of the Christmas decorations are still up for the time being). The city was slightly nerved by the announcement from the True Cross Order. Some are regarding it as a prank, others are taking it as a threat. Either way, Neo Yokio was not at peace... And not just by the threat from demons.
>We came to this city to investigate and see what can be done.
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So this is Neo Yokio? Doesn’t look that much different from New York.
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Other than the fact that 14th Street is underwater and people live in it. Not to mention that this city is under constant threat from demons...
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Actually, you’re right, it’s not all that different.
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I know I like shopping, but even this department store is too much. I wonder what’s up with it.
>Curious, Panther decides to take a look inside. The department store was a gaudy inside as it was out. In fact, not too long after she went inside, a salesclerk in a green suit jumps in front of her.
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Welcome home, shopper. I will be your salesclerk and personal shopper. The Holidays may be over and we are in danger of being shut down, but rest assured, Bergdorf Goodman Department Store will always be here for those with a shopping need for all things beautiful and luxurious. So, how can I help you today, young madam?
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I’m... not looking for anything today. I’m just looking. Sorry.
Salesclerk: Well that’s a shame. Maybe next time.
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Don’t worry. I’m sure if we need anything, we’ll let you know... (Like a last minute gift for Akane.)
Salesclerk: Excellent! If you need anything from here, just ask for me. My name is Herbert Sims. Or just Herbert. Happy Late New Years!
>With that, Herbert leaves to tend to other customers.
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Well, it’s good to see him so devoted to his work. It makes him happy.
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Too bad that happiness will be taken away if we don’t do something.
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And we will. Haru, are sure our contact is suppose to meet us here?
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Yes, she said she would be meeting us at the church not far from this store. It’s actually a True Cross Order safe house.
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I can hardly imagine a church being in a city like this, even if it is like New York. Sophia, are there any churches near here?
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I’ll do a search. (searches the net) Odd. The Internet in this city is different.
Wolf: Well, Neo Yokio exists on a different version of Earth, much like San Fransokyo and Sternbild City. So it might be a little difficult to look up things.
Sophie: But I did found the church. It’s just a couple blocks away.
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Then we better move on.
>With that, we leave the department store.
>A little later, we finally arrive at the church.
Sophie: This should be it. It doesn’t look like it’s not used much. No doubt because people usually rely on Magistocrats* to deal with many things.
*It turns out it was misspelled. There are only two As and an O.
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How could that? I may not know much about the importance of religion other than what I’ve learned from when me and Ren went to the church back home to help me out of my slump, but I can tell this was once a beautiful building. Such symmetry and craftmanship. I can’t believe they let this place fall from glory.
??????: You might be right. But I guess that’s to be expected.
>We were surprised to see a girl come out of the church.
Noir: (happy) Shiemi chan! It’s good to see you again.
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It’s good to see you again, too, Haru chan.
Oracle: I guess this is our contact.
Noir: That’s right. I met Shiemi chan during an exhibition by the Gardening Club at Todai last year.
Shiemi: It’s nice to meet you all. My name is Shiemi Moriyama, I’m an Exwire Exorcist from the True Cross.
Queen: A pleasure to meet you, Shiemi chan.
Shiemi: Thank you.
Sophie: Are you really an Exorcist?
Shiemi: I am. Are you really an AI?
>Suddenly, something in Shiemi’s pocket started shaking.
Shiemi: I think we should head inside.
>With that, we follow Shiemi inside the church. The first thing we noticed was many men in clack coat uniforms. At the end of the aisle were the alter is, there was a huge banner hanging.
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(This was forgotten on the announcement.)
>Then, the Exorcists notice us. They were a little confused an alarmed to see strangers here.
Shiemi: It’s alright, they’re with me. They’re my friends. They’re from out world.
Exorcist 1: That seems a little vague.
Exorcist 2: Yeah, how do we know we can trust them?
Exorcist 3: Hold on, aren’t you Goro Akechi, the Detective Prince?
Crow: I take it you watch the news.
Exorcist 1: We do. But then again, a lot of people do. How do we now it’s really you?
Crow: I was abandoned by my father to preserve his image.
Exorcist 2: Everyone knows that. Actually, the blonde over there does look familiar.
????: He is familiar. Believe me, you can trust these guys.
????????: He’s right. Better let them pass.
>We were surprised to see who was also here.
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Gecko Neck san!? You’re here, too?
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Hey, guys, it’s been awhile.
Joker: Iwai, why are you here?
Exorcist 1: And I thought I heard Sir Pheles. But I don’t see him.
Exorcist 2: He probably called from the office. Well, if they say their alright, fine. Just make sure they behave themselves. We already have to deal with those morons that run this godless city.
Shiemi: Don’t worry, I’ll take responsibility.
Iwai: And so will I.
Exorcist 3: Okay. Anyway, back to work.
>With that they go back to whatever they were doing.
Joker: Still, why are you here?
Iwai: You’re going to find this hard to believe, but just after that announcement about this city was released, this dog showed up in my place.
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Wolf: (confused) Okay?
Shiemi: (giggling) You’d be surprised.
Iwai: Anyway, it had this note saying that the True Cross Order needed my help to check their guns. I’m not sure why. I deal with model guns. And these aren’t even ordinary guns. But they do look similar. Besides, they said they would compensate me and my son if I agreed to it. Though I gotta say, I don’t feel right about seeing guns or any kind of weapons in a church.
Shiemi: I can assure you that the Grigori themselves approved of it. But if you wish to do your inspecting and other business elsewhere, they’ll allow it. But you’ll have to find a place yourself.
Iwai: I’m a stranger in this city, I have no idea where to go.
White dog: (snickering)
Iwai: What’s up, pooch? You know somewhere?
>The dog nodded its head as if to agree. Then, it walks away.
Iwai: I’m not sure why I should follow it, but I’ll bit. So, I’ll see you guys later?
Joker: Okay.
>With that, Iwai follows the dog out of the church.
Panther: You think he’ll be alright?
?????: Ever since we made that announcement, no demonic threats have occurred. Guess we kind of scared them.
>A young woman with purple hair that was tied in twintails comes up to us.
Shiemi: Izumo, are you ready to go?
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Yeah, I had to prepare myself for the meeting. I’ve heard this Exorcist is really difficult to talk to.
Noir: Hello, Izumo chan.
Izumo: Haru? You’re here? I know Shiemi said you might be coming, I didn’t think you would be bring your friends.
Shiemi: Everyone, this another friend of ours.
Izumo: Hello. I’m Izumo Kamiki.
Joker: Hello.
Queen: You said you were going somewhere. I guess you’re referring to whom the Order considers that most corrupted Exorcist in Neo Yokio.
Izumo: Pretty much. I just hope that aunt of his isn’t there. I hear she’s a real terror.
Joker: His aunt? Wait, you don’t mean...
Izumo: Yes. They deemed him the most corrupted... because he’s Neo Yokio’s Second Most Eligible Bachelor... Kaz Kaan.
>We were shocked.
Izumo: You know him?
Skull: He performed at Dream FES two years ago.
Izumo: Yeah, I think I’ve heard about that.
Joker: Actually, we’d like to ask you something.
Izumo: What that?
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We would like to come with you to see him.
Izumo: I don’t know. I might get in trouble if I bring you with me.
Wolf: I’m a police officer, I’m sure they won’t mine and I would take responsibility.
Skull: And he might recognize us from Dream FES. It would make it easy if he was with familiar faces.
Izumo: Well, alright. But just you, the Idol, the officer, the detective, the hacker, and the model.
Panther: (a bit surprised) Me, too?
Izumo: We sense Fairy Magic on you and the Order and Fairies aren’t exactly buddy buddy.
Panther: I see.
Oracle: And me?
Izumo: I don’t know. Something off, I guess...
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Like something out of The Dunwich Horror?
Izumo: ... Let’s just go.
Shieme: I’d come, too, but...
>Shieme’s pocket starts moving again. She reaches inside and something pops out.
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Oh, what a cutie!
Izumo: (a bit surprised) Wait, you guys can... Actually, never mind. We’re wasting time.
Crow: Well, see you all later.
>With that, we leave the church.
>A little later, we were now going inside a penthouse. It was light-colored and very gaudy. I think my eyes are hurting. We saw Kaz Kaan with his mecha butler Charles and Kaz’s friends, Lexy and Gottlieb. It looked like Lexy and Gottlieb were frantic.
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Lexy: Yo, Kaz, we can’t let this happen!
Gottlieb: Yeah, man, the Caprese Bar means a lot to us. It maybe small, but we invested a lot in it.
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I know, I know. What do you want me to do? There’s just one of me and they’re like a whole army. Plus, they had years of learning to use their Exorcist powers and I’m described to only know the flashy stuff.
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Your Exorcist powers have always been fabulously flashy, sir.
Kaz: (a bit sarcastic) Thanks, Charles.
>Izumo clears her throat to make the other aware of her presence.
Charles: It appears we have guests, sir.
Izumo: Kaz Kaan I presume.
Kaz: Yes, that’s me.
Izumo: Izumo Kamiki, I’m from the True Cross Order. And these are my associates. They’re not from the Order, but I’ve invited them to come with me today.
Kaz: (a bit surprised) Wait, I know you guys. You were in Dream FES.
Joker: Hello. I’m Ren Amamiya.
Skull: Yo, I’m Ryuji Sakamoto.
Panther: Ann Takamaki.
Oracle: Futaba Sakura. Nice to meetcha.
Crow: Detective Goro Akechi. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Wolf: I wasn’t in that Dream Festival, but I’m still a friend. Officer Zenkichi Hasegawa.
Lexy: Nice to meet ya all.
Izumo: Now, I trust you know why I’m here.
Kaz: Because you think I’m the most corrupted because I’m second on the Bachelor Board.
Izumo: Pretty much. From this moment on until the 31, I’ll be monitoring everything about you. Every action you take, every move you make, every gathering you attend, and every exorcism you perform, I’m to report it all back to the Order. They also told me that if do anything that may not seem fitting by their standards, I have permission to intervene or alert the other Exorcists. Do you understand?
Kaz: (sounding a bit depressed) What’s the point? My life already tends to be very bleak.
Izumo: Yeah, I hear you tend to be melancholy. After getting being dumped twice already. Don’t tell me you’re still up on that? Your last girlfriend was like almost four years ago. Get over it already.
Kaz: Pains like that run deep. They take longer than four years to heal. Surly you’ve felt the familiar sting.
Wolf: Actually, I can. After what happened, I don’t think I’ll ever find another like Aoi. She was like my everything. But she lives on in my heart. And I see her everyday in our daughter.
Kaz: A kid, huh? Neither me, Cathy, or Helena never had anything like that.
Gottlieb: (a bit shocked) Seriously, Kaz!?
Kaz: No, it’s not like that. It’s just, none of us actually did anything that was us. Maybe if we did, at least one of them would have stayed. Now the only thing I have left of Helena is a giant Toblerone... which has pretty much melted by now.
Lexy: You not eating a Toblerone when it’s given to you? Now we know you’ve really hit low, dude.
Skull: (shocked) For real? A giant Toblerone?
Panther: It’s real alright. Mika got one from one of her admirers. She even took a picture and posted it on her Kingstagram. Look.
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Izumo: Your friend here sure curses a lot.
Panther: He’s just surprised to see that much chocolate in his life.
Izumo: I see. But, back to the point. You know that if Neo Yokio doesn’t repent for its ways, you will have to conform to the new laws that will be put into effect by the inquisition.
Kaz: Will they really take all of our stuff if we’re forced to join?
Izumo: Pretty much. They may not be approved by the Order and may be considered a distraction.
Kaz: Does... Does that include Charles.
>Izumo was silent for a moment, looking at Charles who stared back at her.
Izumo: Actually, I think they’ll let you keep Charles. How often do you come across a Tamer with a mecha familiar?
Crow: I take it, none.
Charles: I think it would an honor that Kaz will have someone familiar as a familiar.
Kaz: I don’t know if that’s a joke or not, but thanks, Charles. (whispers) And I’ll be sure to thank Sadie later.
Izumo: Still, I think you would understand.
Kaz: I do understand. I know I was the one who said, “Consumerism forever”, but after what happened at that race here four years ago, I’m starting to think that Neo Yokio’s not the the greatest city in our world.
Oracle: That’s a utopia for you. There’s always a catch.
Kaz: Don’t I know it. Makes me wish I could go back to simpler times when it was all about the just helping people and seeing the smiles on their faces when the work is done.
??????: But smiles does not pay the rent. Money does.
>Suddenly, a woman with light pink hair, shades, and a dress under a trench coat comes in.
Izumo: (sighing in disappointment) And here I thought this was going to be a quiet visit.
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Well, let me remind you, girlie, that this is my house, too.
Kaz: You don’t need to be rude, Aunt Agatha. They’re guests. Oh, everyone this is my aunt.
Agatha: Agatha Kaan.
Charles: Shall I prepare some coffee?
Agatha: (sounding ungrateful) Very well.
Izumo: I was just explaining to your nephew about the situation you, him, and every other Magistocrat are in.
Agatha: I know. And I think you’re just being a bunch of idiots. I don’t know how things in your world works, but in this one, we have to work to support our wretched lifestyles.
Izumo: (unimpressed) Wretched lifestyles?
Wolf: (with a smirk) As Makoto’s sister would say, “I rest my case.”
Agatha: If you really think that we’re going to stand and let a bunch of self-righteous boys and old men in ugly black coats change things, you have another thing coming.
Oracle: Stubborn, are we?
Agatha: You bet.
Kaz: (trying to calm the situation) Now let’s not get too upped up. Charles will be here with the coffee soon.
Agatha: (getting impatient) Not now, Kaz. We’re talking.
Kaz: Sorry.
Wolf: Ms. Kaan, you don’t need to talk to him that way. He’s only a kid.
Agatha: He’s 22. Soon to be 23 this year.
Wolf: Umm... Congratulations?
Kaz: (thinking) Don’t encourage her.
Agatha: I heard that, Kaz. What did I just say?
Kaz: Sorry, Aunt Agatha.
Skull: (whisper) Yeesh, what a hag.
Agatha: (not happy) So, I’m a hag, am I?
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How the hell do you keep hearing us?
Agatha: When you get as old as I am, you learn a few things. Now, as I was saying, doing things for the greater good isn’t going to keep belly’s full. Even you Exorcist in your world need to eat.
Izumo: True. But we eat whatever we can. Trying to eat anything too fancy is just so unnecessary.
Agatha: I don’t see what wrong with fancy. It proves that Exorcists have individuality.
Izumo: We know they do. But you Magistocrats are taking it the wrong way. All you do is is endlessly indulging yourselves in wealth and charge people for something that can be hard not just for the victim, but for their loved ones as well.
Agatha: Don’t you think we know that? But we see no reason not to be rewarded for it. But not with something as ridiculous as a smile.
>I suddenly notice Kaz looking down.
Kaz: (whisper) Helena...
Joker: Helena? That’s your last girlfriend, right?
Kaz: (out loud) Helena St. Tessero, yes. She used to be a fashion blogger, but then she got possessed though a Chanel suit. (Coco Chanel, my her memory be blessed.) I exorcised it and her whole view on the world changed. Then, the old Bachelor Board got destroyed and everyone thought she did it to prove that Neo Yokio is not as great as it seemed. She ran away and now no one knows where she is.
Agatha: And her parents are worried and they blame you. They said your exorcism messed her up. I’m surprised you’re still at number two on the new board.
Kaz: I’m wondering that myself.
Agatha: The point is, we are not joining this Order unless we’re getting something out of it.
Izumo: We’re offering you sanctuary. That’s reward enough. We’re a non-profit organization. If we need to collect, it’s for a good cause and not us. What we do isn’t a job. It’s a duty.
Agatha: Well sorry, but that’s just how it is in this city. And just what are you going to do about it? About all of us?
Izumo: (starting to get a little impatient) Understand, Ms. Kaan, unlike you Magistocrats who have been at this job since those old days, but the True Cross Order has been doing this since the Middle Ages. That makes us more experienced and more powerful than all of you combined. You could do way better than what you are doing now if you just listen.
Agatha: Listen to what? The ramblings of a bunch of fools? I don’t think so. I don’t listen to the words of anyone. Especially children like you.
Crow: Now that’s just offensive. Some of us are already in college. Please, Ms. Kaan, I know this is upsetting you, but I think you’re going a little too far. We must ask you to watch what you say.
Agatha: (now losing her own patience) Then I invite you to make me, pretty boy. Must be a distant relative of the Corellis. Especially-
Kaz: Aunt Agatha, please!
>Kaz tries to calm her down, but she just knock his hand away with her hand which was pulsing with energy just as Charles comes in with the coffee.
Charles: The coffee is ready.
>Kaz suddenly starts glowing with energy which made blasts the trey Charles was carrying away.
Lexy: This could be bad.
>I quickly stand up and get between Kaz and Agatha.
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Kaz... Please, man...
>Seeing me unafraid (thanks to my current level of Guts), Kaz calms down.
Charles: (unfazed) I suppose I should start on another brew.
>Just then, the sound of a phone ringing comes. Agatha takes out a phone.
Agatha: Kaan Residence... Yes... Very well, I’ll see to it he still does his job... Thank you. (hangs up) Well, looks like we’re still back in business. Kaz, they want you to investigate a restaurant near Time Square for possible demonic activity. They are offering a lot, so you must go.
Izumo: That won’t be necessary. In case demonic activity were to happen before the appointed date, the Order is allowed to take care of it.
Agatha: True. But until that appointed date actually does come, Kaz is still obligated to work. Isn’t that right?
>Izumo was silent, but knew Agatha was right.
Agatha: Good. Now, Kaz, off you go.
Kaz: ...
Agatha: Or would you rather try again?
Kaz: ... I will go and investigate the demonic activity, Aunt Agatha. Let’s go, Charles.
Charles: I will help you on the way, sir.
Kaz: Thanks, Charles.
>With that, Kaz and Charles leave. Not wanting to upset Agatha any more than she already was, Lexy and Gottlieb also leave. I suddenly sense that out of all of us... Panther was just about run out of patients.
Wolf: Ms. Kaan, I know you’re stressed, but-
Agatha: Can you not, please. I swear, that boy. He just never learns. I’m just glad his parents-
>We were startled by the noise. Panther had slammed her fist on the table that some of the things on it fell off.
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What the hell is your problem, lady!? So Kaz has some trouble dealing with stuff. What he needs is support. But all you do is criticize him!
Agatha: I’m only doing what’s best for him. Making sure that doesn’t get too soft because in this world, Rat Catchers like us need to survive. They would never accept us.
Panther: And you think that’s all that matters? What others think of you isn’t important. It’s what you think of yourself. And how do you even know what his parents would think of their son? In my opinion, they would be proud to see just how hard their son is working just to make others happy and not just you.
Agatha: (scoffing) Please, I know his parents. Especially my stupid, obnoxiously happy brother, Kaz’s father. He’s becoming too much like him and that could be bad for us and business.
Panther: Yeah, right. It’s just the business you care about. I know you don’t really care about Kaz or your family.
Agatha: Why should I? I learned a long time ago that the only person you can truly count on is yourself. But I still need to make sure Kaz doesn’t wuss out when duty calls.
Panther: (in utter disbelief) “Doesn’t wuss out?” He’s your nephew, not a bird! And you’re suppose to be his aunt. His family. And this is how you treat him? He’s does everything for everyone and it’s clear to us that you’re ungrateful. It’s like he’s not even your family, just your slave. Or that you’re not his family. Because frankly speaking...
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I can’t believe for a second that Kaz would be related to some wrinkled-face, money-grubbing, bitch-ass, HARPY!
>We (except for Panther) suddenly feel dread as Agatha gets up and takes off her sunglasses. Looking at her eyes, she definitely had the dangerous look of a harpy.
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You know in all my years, only one person has ever had the balls to say “harpy” to my face. The only reason I can’t put her six feet under where she belongs is because our powers are equally matched. But what you you, girl? I sense magic in you, but what are you exactly? A fairy? A witch? You have neither in your blood, yet you have powers. So what does that make you? Some say you are special. But to me... You’re just a freak of nature. So I am asking you now... Are you challenging me, girl? Are you threatening me?
>Agatha was now giving an aura of energy.
Panther: (forming fire in her hands) And what if I am?
Izumo: Okay, that’s enough.
>We saw that Izumo had summoned her familiars.
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>Panther and Agatha both back off from each other.
Agatha: I need to drink this off. You better leave.
Izumo: You know I’ll be back tomorrow, right?
Agatha: ... Better make it a big one.
>Later on, we were outside back on the streets headed back to the church. We could tell that Panther was still angry.
Panther: That awful bitch! How could she treat her own nephew like this? I’m surprised he’s putting up with him. Does he even have any other family?
Izumo: According to Kaz’s file, he does. His uncle and cousin in the Hamptons and his aunt who is constantly traveling. Actually Ann, the aunt who is traveling, an Angelique Kaan, Agatha’s fraternal twin sister, that’s who called her a harpy.
Panther: Really? She did?
Izumo: Yes. Unlike Agatha, Angelique is what Kaz would call “The nice aunt”.
Oracle: I’m starting to see why.
Wolf: I agree with Ann, Agatha’s no good. She definitely needs... (quickly stops after remembering Izumo is with us) to be taught a lesson.
Izumo: The whole city does... Like a change of heart.
Wolf: (a bit scared) Like the kind the Phantom Thieves do? What makes you think that?
Izumo: Well... I’m a closet fan of the Phantom Thieves.
Wolf: (a bit relieved) I see. Actually, my daughter’s a fan of them, too. But why be in the closet? Does the Order not like the Phantom Thieves?
Izumo: Actually, we’re still trying to figure out where we stand with them. Though, the Grigori praise what they did with that God of Control. How dare he besmirch the reputation of the Lord. The Order actually almost lost most of its members because of what happened. Thank goodness they changed their minds. Though, the Phantom Thieves had to use a Demon Lord to save us. And Satanael at that. So we’re kind of at a crossroads with them. Are the Phantom Thieves our allies or our enemies? We’re still trying to decide... I’m hoping they are our allies.
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I’m sure they are.
>Later on, we made it back to church where an Exorcist was keeping guard. Guess he heard about the possible demonic activity.
Crow: Excuse us, did our friends come back?
Exorcist: Not yet. They’ve been gone awhile. I hope they didn’t get lost. This city maybe like New York, but there are a lot of differences. It would be fearful if they ended up in the Walled City. I know we’re trying to help them, but there are some scary characters there.
>Suddenly, I noticed something across the street.
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Or, they could be closer than we think. Look.
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Exorcist: (surprised) Where did that come from? It wasn’t here this morning.
Joker: It’s where ever it needs to be. Don’t think about it. Just go with it.
Izumo: If you’re thinking of going in, count me out. I have to report in and tell the Order what I’ve learned at the Kaans’. I’ll see you guys later.
Panther: Right, see you.
>With that, Izumo and the Exorcist go back inside the church and we go into the Stray Sheep.
>Inside the bar, we find Mona, Skull, Fox, Queen, Noir, and Violet talking with Roderick Lockhart.
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Seriously, man, I’m proud that you and your Unit finally made your first album debut. Just wish my song was included.
Skull: I know. I heard your song it was awesome. Maybe next time. Don’t worry.
Roderick: I hope.
Joker: Hey, we’re here.
Fox: Ren, we were just talking about how we might change the city’s cognition.
Joker: How so?
Mona: Well, it would be a waste of time just going after one individual at a time, so we’re going to do to Neo Yokio... the same thing we did to all of Tokyo that fateful Christmas Eve.
Joker: You mean...
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Mementos... Neo Yokio’s Mementos.
Crow: Can we really do that? We had to do some minor requests before entering a lower level of Mementos to get to the depths.
Queen: I don’t think we have to worry about that. Since no one in this city has hardly heard of the Phantom Thieves, there’s a good chance that there are no Shadow versions of people guarding the entrance of a level.
Violet: That’ll making getting to the depths a breeze.
Wolf: That should be good. We’re already on a tight deadline.
Joker: That’s right, the deadline is the end of this month, January 31. So we need to get to the depths and send the calling card no later than two days prior, the 29. This city needs to end its selfish ways before it becomes what our city almost became... For Kaz.
Mona: So we’re in agreement? That is a unanimous decision.
>We were all in agreement.
Joker: By the way, where’s Iwai?
>I was directed to where Aunt Rin usually has her piano, but it was replaced.
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>This booth was now occupying the space with model weapons. Some of them are familiar and some of them seem to be new. In the booth, Iwai was finishing up some stuff. I was also a bit surprised to see Lavenza with him.
Iwai: That should be it, right?
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Almost. We still need to do one final check. Also, the one who brought you here has something to add to your arms... With my assistance, of course.
Iwai: You mean the dog? He has something to add to my guns? Well, it has been weird for me for the past few days. So why not? The dog went into the bathroom. Not sure why, though. Wouldn’t a fire hydrant be suited?
???????: After seeing this poorly maintained bathroom, would have preferred that.
>We turned to the bathroom to find that someone had come out.
Iwai: (confused) Who the heck are you?
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Now that’s a shame. And you used to call me pooch.
Iwai: Pooch? Wait...
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No freaking way! You’re that dog!?
Flamboyant Demon: Yes. You are not the first to be overwhelmed by my true appearance. But where are my manners? Allow me to formally introduce myself. Sir Mephisto Pheles, Honorary Exorcist for the Order of the True Cross and Principal of True Cross Academy (known there as Johann Faust V), at your service. And I do mean “at your service” for you see, for the time being, I will also be working along side you... As your familiar.
Iwai: Umm... Hi?
Lavenza: Mephisto and I are inspecting your contractor’s equipment for any demonic energies or entities as per Neo Yoiko’s customs law.
Mephisto: Unfortunately, I fear that Mr. Iwai’s merchandise may not be approved by the city’s customs check because of what they are. So, we have to check them ourselves, just like we did with the Order’s equipment. Plus, me and Lady Lavenza have something special for you all.
Queen: Like what?
Lavenza: As you know, some of your weapons have certain effects on Shadows.
Panther: Oh yeah, like how my whip can sometime Burn them.
Mona: Or how my slingshot can put them to Sleep.
Lavenza: Well, these weapons that me, Mephisto, and the dealer are working on will have a certain effect on your Personas.
Joker: Really? How so?
Lavenza: Like the Skill Cards, this equipment will allow your Personas to use Skills they are normally unable to do.
Skull: So our Personas get an upgrade? That rocks!
Mephisto: But for now, the only Skills your Personas will get from them are Bless and Curse. The rest will take sometime and a lot of materials to do so.
Lavenza: Perhaps the Tricks and his comrades can help gather the materials. Especially when traversing the other world.
Joker: I think we can do that.
Mephisto: Wonderful. We will hope for such.
Violet: How does the weapons give our Personas those Skills? I don’t think it would be as simple as using a Skill Card.
Mephisto: You have the Order to thank for that. Take a look at them. They are modeled after the weapons used by our Exorcists. Mainly our Knights (Melee) and Dragoons (Ranged).
Fox: I guess that makes sense. They look pretty holy or powerful to me.
Sophie: I will also remember it.
The new weapons developed by Lavenza, Mephisto, and Iwai will grant your Personas and your friends’ Personas abilities and Skills.
For now, the only Skills provided for are Bless and Curse Skills. However, other weapons that can provide other Skills can be made from materials you find in the Metaverse after defeating Shadows.
Joker: I’m surprised Boss, the other Boss, agreed to this.
Roderick: It wasn’t easy trying to convince him. Good thing Mephisto and this fine young lady in blue backed me up. Of course, when he heard about where we were going, he said...
??????:  I can try their Caprese Martini. That’s how it went.
Roderick: Boss, you’re awake.
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Well, I was enjoying a pleasant nap when I was awoken by your chattering... And the smell of wet dog.
Mephisto: (a bit shocked) Now I’m just offended, Lord Dumu-
Mutton: Ah tut tut! What is my name in this form?
Mephisto: (with a small bow) Oh, do forgive me, Thomas Mutton.
Mutton: Good.
Queen: So you’re the Boss of the Stray Sheep.
Mutton: I am. How is the Boss of Leblanch doing?
Oracle: He’s fine. I think.
Mutton: How so?
Joker: Well, I got this book for my birthday awhile back. Sojiro’s actually taken a liking to it and barrows it frequently... A little too frequently, if you ask me.
Oracle: Yeah, he even sleeps with it.
Mutton: Really?
Joker: I’m glad that he’s reading more. Especially the classics. But, I don’t know...
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I just have this funny feeling.
Mutton: Have you told anyone about this?
Joker: I thought about talking about it to Chihaya, but due to the possibility of another surge, I can’t go to Shinjuku. And I’m not sure how to explain it over the phone or even in text. I can’t even video chat her because her computer is broken and it’ll take a while before it’s fixed. Why do you ask?
Roderick: I think we had a similar situation. Not that anyone was acting funny or anything... But there was that one guy...
Joker: What guy?
Mephisto: Boss and Roderick are not the only ones who arrived here with the bar. A certain reporter that you know came with them.
Joker: Ohya? She’s here, too?
Mutton: Yes... Along with her new intern.
Joker: She has an intern now?
Mutton: Well, something like that. He came from Luna, that’s a city on our moon just next door to Attilan. He worked as a reporter for a small newspaper in Paris some years back, but he moved to Luna for personal reasons. But now he’s transferring to the newspaper Miss Ohya works for as her intern. Mainly, he’ll just be taking pictures.
Mephisto: The Order has asked them to come and cover our stay here in Neo Yokio. They thought it would be the perfect chance to help him get reacquainted with the job. It has been many years.
Lavenza: They were just here in the bar before your friends arrived. We were doing a customs check. The reason why they did not arrive with the rest of the Order is because they needed Mephisto and Mr. Iwai to check their weapons and equipment and do not have the time to check the reporters’ things.
Joker: I see. Where are they now?
Mutton: I believe they’ve gone to the one they call “Neo Yokio’s Number One Most Eligible Bachelor”.
Queen: I believe it was Arcangelo Corelli. We also know him from the Dream Festival.
Oracle: Why would they be there. From what I’ve heard, he’s not a Magistocrat. He’s just from an old money family.
Mephisto: My dear Phantom Thieves, you forget, it’s not just the Magistocracy who is corrupt in this city.
Wolf: (surprised) You know we’re the Phantom Thieves?
Noir: Zenkichi, Mephisto Pheles is also the Demon King of Time. He knows many things. Or so Shiemi tells me.
Mephisto: Ah, you wound me, Madame. Anyway, just as we have Ms. Kamiki observing Kaz Kaan, we have a non-exorcist observing whom we have deemed the most corrupted person in the city.
Noir: A non-exorcist? Who?
Mephisto: Let’s just say... Woodcrest will have a break from his constant conspiracy theories, ineffective protests, and lousy lectures.
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Y- You don’t mean...
Mephisto: (smiling) Looks like Mr. Corelli is going to have his hands full.
>Meanwhile in Arcangelo Corelli’s penthouse...
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I trust the guest room’s to your liking. The sheets are real Italian silk. And the pillows are stuffed with the finest goose feathers.
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... The Wunclers’ guest rooms are more fancy than this.
Arcangelo: Oh please, those guys have no class.
Huey Freeman: Look, I’m not here for a social visit. I’m here because the True Cross Order asked me to watch the most corrupted person in Neo Yokio other than Kaz Kaan. I don’t like being here, but someone has to do this job... And Grandad was paid in advanced to make me do this. Anything you do that doesn’t seem right, I have to report back to the Order. So don’t start any of your shit with me right now.
Arcangelo: (unfazed) Oh, so scary.
>Huey Freeman’s stare gets more scarier than it already is.
Arcangelo: ... If anyone needs me, I’ll be hosting my podcast.
>Arcangelo is surprised by the flashing of a camera.
Arcangelo: Did you just take my picture now? ... Did you get my good side?
Huey Freeman: ... I’m not even going to. I need to report back, anyway.
>Huey Freeman goes to the guest room.
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He’s a ball of sunshine, isn’t he?
Arcangelo: I can tell he’s going to be a handful. Guess I’ll have to put up with it and hope for the best.
Ohya: Looks like it. Well, good luck with your podcast.
>Arcangelo gave a short nod and left.
Ohya: And as for you, intern, I think you took a really good shot. I think you’ll fit right in with us.
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Well technically speaking, I am a veteran in this sort of thing.
>To be continued...
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ask-the-phan-site · 6 years ago
The Shady Imp of Gluttony
>It’s time.
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Off we go.
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Can’t wait to see what’s in store for us.
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Me, too. For the sake of everyone in Pontypandy.
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Okay, let’s carry out our plan. To Norman’s Palace we go!
>Mona becomes our van and we head out to steal Norman Price’s heart.
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>The Fire Station in Pontypandy. The firefighters there have asked Norman Price and his mother, Dilys, to stay because of the calling card we sent.
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Not to worry, Dilys. If anything, this is probably some kind of prank. The only way these Phantom Thieves would want to steal your Norman’s heart would be to keep him from cheating on his school test.
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True... Then again, I don’t mind if they do show up. I heard that Fox fellow is an artist and quite the gentleman.
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(whisper) I wonder if she knows that Fox is already in a relationship... With the leader.
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(also whispering) True. But let’s let Dilys dream a little.
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(just joining the conversation) I agree... What are we whispering about?
>They just laughed a little.
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This is no laughing matter! I got a calling card! The Phantom Thieves are going after me!
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The Phantom Thieves haven’t strike yet, Norman. We don’t even know how they do it.
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He’s right. You should relax. We’ll have this sorted out in no time.
>With that, the firefighters and Dilys leave Norman alone for a while... Or so they thought.
?????: I’m afraid time doesn’t work that way.
Norman: !
>A red wave passed over him. When it was over, the fire station was now some kind of warped demonic puppet theater.
???????: You always try to make yourself look like the hero, but you always put yourself before others.
???: You have ruined this town with your selfish nature and putting others in danger.
???: She’s right. I know a big ape who’s more of a hero than you.
>Then, on puppet strings, we slide down on to the stage to reveal ourselves.
Joker: Target: Norman Price.
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Me and Ape came in the place of the older members to help them deal with you.
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You give kids like us a bad name. But not for long.
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We’re not gonna let you continuin’ whatever you want and puttin’ others in danger.
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The beauty of this town as been soiled by your own dark intentions. It’s no wonder your poor mother suffers.
Panther: We know a false hero when we see one. You’re definitely a false hero.
Oracle: The time has come for you to make up for the deeds you have done. Big time.
Mona: That's right. We will take the Treasure and you will cease all the hardship you have caused.
Joker: We will take your heart!
Warrior: A little late for that. You pretty much just sold it to us.
Ape: Now it’s time to pay the price. You better be ready.
Panther: Now you will atone for what you did.
Norman: Never!
>Then, Norman’s eyes change to a golden color.
Shadow Norman: Sam is getting to old in his age. Time for him to step down and let a true hero do the work.
Mona: A true hero does his work because it makes others happy. You only became a hero for the fame and recognition.
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To me, that makes you more villain than hero.
Shadow Norman: You’ll regret saying that to Normanman!
>Then, Norman’s Shadow changes its shape to fight us.
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Oracle: Let’s see what we have here. Persona!
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>Necronomicon scans the Shadow.
Oracle: It looks like he’s weak to Bless skills. Crow isn’t here, so Warrior, you’re up.
Warrior: Alright. It’s been awhile. Persona!
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>Warrior summons her Persona, Lakshmibai.
>I change Personas.
Joker: Persona!
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Mona: Persona!
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Skull: Persona!
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>Nebiros uses Brain Shake on Warrior. Luckily, she dodged it. Then, Lakshmibai uses Kouga. It knocks him down.
Warrior: Now we can do it. Let’s go!
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>After the attack, Nebiros is still up. Unicorn also uses Kouga. It also knocks him down. We decide not to do an All-Out-Attack and I simply attacked him. Zorro uses Lucky Punch. And Captain Kidd uses Assault Dive.
Nebiros: You seem like quite the fighters. But it might be tougher than you think.
>Nebiros uses Maeigaon. It was a heavy hit on us, but we were okay. However, I was knocked down. Nebiros attacks me. Lakshmibai uses Kouga again, but this time, Nebiros dodged it. After I got back up, Unicorn does the same, but he also dodges it. Zorro uses Mediarama to heal us. And Captain Kidd uses Matarukaja to boost our attack. Nebiros uses Eigaon on me. But I dodged it. Lakshmibai uses Assault Dive. It took a lot of health from him. Then, Unicorn uses Kouga and it knocks him down.
Joker: Now, we strike!
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>After the attack, Nebiros is still up, but now weaker. Zorro uses Miracle Punch. It didn’t knock him down this time. Then, Captain Kidd uses Charge to prepare for the next attack. Nebiros uses Brain Shake on me. This time, it Brainwashes me. Luckily, Warrior learned Harisen Recovery and used it on me. Then, she has Lakshmibai use Kouga. Nebiros is knocked down again. We decide not to do an All-Out-Attack. Lakshmibai uses Myriad Slashes. With that, the Shadow was defeated. He resumes his human form as a light came out of him.
Mona: And there’s the Treasure. This was easier than I thought.
Skull: Well, he didn’t seem that strong in the real world. Guess we kinda overestimated him there ‘cus he was of high level.
>I take the Treasure. It was a Junior Cadet Firefighter’s Badge.
Norman: That was proof that I was a hero. Why didn’t others see me as a hero?
Joker: Because I true hero does his deeds because it’s the right thing to do. Not to be recognized. You were only thinking about yourself rather than others.
Ape: Just try to be more considerate of others before you leap into action... Even my buddy, Kong, knows that.
Norman: ... Okay. I’ll start thinking before I leap. If it make others, even my mom, happy, I’ll be happy. From now on, Norman Price will be more hero than famous.
>With that, the Shadow returns to his true self and we leave as well.
>The next day...
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This is Sarah Jones giving you the latest news around Pontypandy. Yesterday, Norman Price, our town... mischief maker, received a calling card from the notorious Phantom Thieves of Hearts. Later that evening, the Pontypandy Fire Department offered to protect Norman and his mother at their station... However, this was futile as this morning, it was discovered that Norman Price... Had a change of heart. He was found lying in his bed in tears about all the hardships he had caused the town over the years. Currently, Norman is checked in at Newtown Hospital for observation. More news as it unfolds. And now, the weather.
>We were watching on Futaba’s laptop in the van which was parked just some ways from Pontypandy.
Jo: Is this really this satisfying? I know I’ve changed some hearts before, but this...
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It’s your first successful heist with us. You’ll get used to it.
Danny: Can’t wait to tell the others.
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I just hope Kong doesn’t get too upset that you barely did anything. Like we just had you around for comic relief... That’s already Ryuji’s job.
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Hey! I resent that!
Danny: That’s okay. I had fun either way. But don’t worry, I’ll get my chance next time.
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I’m sure you will.
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I wonder how the others are doing with their mock exam.
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I’m sure they’re doing fine. They seem smart enough. Now come on, Jo’s parents said to bring her back to Falcon Gate soon.
Danny: And I said I would meet the others in London.
>With that, we leave.
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>Tokyo University. The mock exam that Makoto, Haru, and Akechi were taking was just finishing up.
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Okay, everyone, pens down! Please bring your exams up to my desk.
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That was difficult. I never thought archaeology would have a part to play in botany.
Seta: More like the other way around, Ms. Okumura. Botany has a part to play in archaeology. Many other things have a part to play in archaeology. It just depends on... Your cognition.
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That’s... Actually quite true.
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Guess physiology is one of those things as well.
Seta: It sure is... Probably why it’s a good thing I know it now. Akechi kun?
Akechi: Is something wrong, Seta sensei?
Seta: (looking down) ... Girls, why don’t you wait in the cafeteria? They’re giving free miso soup to anyone here for the mock exam. Tell them I sent you.
Haru: (a little worried) Okay.
>Makoto and Haru leave Akechi alone with Seta.
Akechi: What is it?
Seta: I don’t suppose you’ve seen the news lately, have you?
Akechi: I was too busy preparing for these exams. Why?
Seta: Well... Look.
>Seta takes out his smartphone and logs into a news sight... What was on it almost made Akechi drop.
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N- No!
Disgraced Diet Member Released
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On January 25 of this year, new evidence had come to light which had cleared former member of the National Diet, Masayoshi Shido, age 55, of all charges involving the mental shutdowns and psychotic breakdowns. However, this reporter can tell you that his political career is pretty much over. Shido was released on the 28. For the time being, Shido will be staying with former members of his United Future Party before returning to his family in Hokkaido. When asked about this, Shido said...
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I am well aware of my crimes. I have atone for them the best I could. All I ask now is to return home and put this matter behind me.
Shido currently has a son, Goro Akechi, the Detective Prince, living here in Tokyo. However, we have been asked by Diet Member, Toranosuke Yoshida, to leave him be.
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Seta: Akechi kun, I’m sorry.
Akechi: It’s alright, Seta sensei, it’s not your fault.
Seta: I know. But just so you know, if you need anything, me and Haruka are here for you. And you have your friends as well.
Akechi: I know. You know, I never got to thank you that time. You took me to that institution I’m staying in. You even paid for it.
Seta: We just thought we could just let you live alone on the streets... Actually, me and Haruka were thinking that, in case you want to leave there, we can always let you live with us. Well, I mostly live in my van, but I’m sure Haruka would let you stay with her.
Akechi: Thank you. But I’ll be fine. I’ve already earned enough money from solving various cases to afford a loft in the city to be more closer to campus.
Seta: I see. But just in case, we’re here for you... Remember that.
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Thank you, Seta sensei.
>With that, Akechi leaves the classroom... He takes out his phone.
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Everyone, we have a problem.
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