#suptober day 5
whichstiel · 2 years
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Yes, Castiel trying to talk to Dean in Lazarus Rising was a perfect disaster. No, I will not be taking further questions at this time.
For Suptober day 5: A perfect disaster
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ra3-1s-n0t-0kay · 2 years
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suptober day five: a perfect disaster
little baby arch angels because why not!
this one isn’t as in depth as the other days have been but here’s an extra because you KNOW chuck was not prepared for them.
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haus-seeblick · 2 years
Suptober Day 5: A Perfect Disaster ("Pie, Planets, and Porn")
Rating: Mature
Ship: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Friends to Lovers, Charlie Bradbury Ships Castiel/Dean Winchester, POV Castiel, Idiots in Love, Grand Gesture, accidental adult video viewing, First Kiss, Awkward Castiel, Hints at semi-public sex, Love Confessions, Roommates, Mutual Pining, Cowboy Kink
Summary: Graduation means moving out, and moving out means leaving the apartment that he and Dean have shared for the last six years. It means leaving Dean. 
In which: Charlie helps Castiel get his head out of his ass and confess his feelings for his best friend, just days before they graduate college. Will everything go as planned?
Start reading under the cut, or on ao3 here!
Castiel grimaces at the cap and gown hanging on the inside of his closet door as he reaches in to grab a hoodie. Graduation is a week away, and while for most college seniors that means excitement about the future, relief that finals are over, and frenzied dorm room packing, for him it’s just a looming black cloud. 
Graduation means moving out, and moving out means leaving the apartment that he and Dean have shared for the last six years, all through undergrad and grad school. 
It means leaving Dean. 
Castiel shuts the closet door with more force than necessary. He slips into his hoodie and heads out to the living room, where Charlie is waiting with coffees in hand. It’s Monday, which means they walk to class together, since the computer engineering building is right next door to the astrophysics cluster. Dean leaves much earlier in the morning so he can put in a shift at Singer Salvage before his classes.
“Hey, Doc!” Charlie sing-songs. “Five more days!”
“We’re getting our Masters’, not our PhDs,” Castiel grumbles. “And don’t remind me.”
“Still feeling blue?” Charlie waits while he tugs on his custom black high-top vans with the yellow bumblebee pattern — a gag gift from Dean that Castiel wears every day anyway. He slings his messenger bag over his shoulder, then takes the coffee from Charlie with a grateful smile.
“You know I can’t be excited,” he says, locking the door behind them. “More is ending than is beginning.”
Charlie rolls her eyes. “You’re so dramatic. Neither of you even know what you’re doing after graduation yet. You could just keep living together. Literally nothing is stopping you.”
“He’s given me no indication that he wants that.” The words hurt to say, but Castiel has to acknowledge the truth. 
Dean — brilliant, charismatic, handsome Dean — might not know right now what he wants to do with his Master’s in Education, but never once has he mentioned Castiel in any of his ideas. They quietly let their lease expire, Castiel began looking into research institutions on the coasts, and Dean talked about picking up some more shifts at the garage over the summer. So it goes, Castiel supposes. 
It’s a chilly, overcast June day, which Castiel finds fitting. He and Charlie start off in the direction of campus. 
“Well, have you ‘given him an indication?’” Charlie asks, imitating Castiel’s deeper voice. 
Castiel sips his coffee — a perfect honey latte. “There’s no point. He wouldn’t leave his family, and I wouldn’t ask.”
“Well, if you’re so sure , then what the hell do you have to lose by nutting up and telling him how you feel?”
“Other than my dignity?” Castiel huffs an exasperated sigh. “Listen, I appreciate you wanting to help. But it’s nearly graduation and Dean hasn’t asked me to stay. I have to assume that’s for a reason.”
Charlie frowns. “For an astrophysicist, you’re pretty short-sighted.” 
“Yes, well, the galaxy is infinitely less complicated than Dean Winchester.”
They arrive at the campus quad, lush green this time of year, and pause between their buildings. Charlie reaches out to adjust the shooting star pin on his bag — another gift from Dean. “You know I just want you two to be happy, right?”
“I know,” Castiel replies quietly. 
“So please believe me, as someone who knows both of you very well , that you’re shooting yourself in the foot here.” She locks eyes with him, as if to ensure he’s listening. “Don’t make yourself live in regret forever.” And with that, she flashes a grin and a Vulcan salute, and marches off to class. 
Castiel drags himself through the day. He can’t get Charlie’s warning of regret out of his head. He sits on the couch that evening, watching Dean make dinner and sing along to one of his odd playlists of classic rock, Taylor Swift, and show tunes. Occasionally Dean will glance over and flash him a smile, or sing a line at him into the spatula, or point at him as he slides across the tile in his socks. Castiel laughs and claps for him, and at one point, as he watches Dean’s green eyes focus on the vegetables he’s chopping, something clicks.
He pulls out his phone and texts Charlie.
CAS: I don’t want to lose him. 
CHARLIE: :’) Finally
CAS: What do I do? I can’t just spring this on him over lasagna.
CHARLIE: Maybe plan an outing or sth? Set the scene? Grand gesture?
CAS: How do you ‘set the scene’ to announce something like that
CHARLIE: You know Dean better than anyone. Think about what he likes!
“Food’s ready,” Dean calls, carrying two steaming plates over to the coffee table. 
CAS: gotta go. But thank you, Charlie
CHARLIE: Get your man!! I believe in you!!!! <3 
Castiel hastily shoves his phone away as Dean plops down next to him. As they banter over dinner, he starts devising his plan. 
Keep reading on ao3 :)
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leydhawk · 2 years
Suptober 2022 day 5
A Perfect Disaster
AKA my Saileen engagement story in 5 + 1 form
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Day 5 - A Perfect Disaster
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SUPTOBER 22 Day 5: A Perfect Disaster
Wasn’t really inspired at first but then I had the idea of everybody living in the bunker like the biggest, most chaotic family you’d ever meet. It’s a fun one-shot.
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hawkland · 1 year
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"Life, death, chicken, egg - regardless, at the end, I'll reap Him too."
For Suptober Day 5: Portrait
Other works in this series: [Castiel] [Jack Kline] [Rowena] [Crowley] [Chuck Shurley] [Abaddon] [Lucifer] [Adam/Michael] [Mick Davies] [Gabriel] [Cain] [Mary Winchester] [Jody Mills] [Donna Hanscum] [Gadreel] [Kevin Tran] [Linda Tran] [Garth Fitzgerald IV]
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dragonbloodrai · 1 year
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Caught up with the fifth prompt for suptober 2023 i really love how it turned out!^^
Gabe is just such a silly lil dude so it is understandable that sam has a picture of his bf on his phone xD
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nothing-but-dreams · 2 years
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Suptober Day 5: A Perfect Disaster
Sam: "Dean's gonna fuckin' kill us." Cas: "Yeah. We're dead."
What would Supernatural be without my favorite BFF Disaster Duo of Sam and Cas. You leave them unsupervised, and they instantly try to kill each other, or they blow something up. I love them.
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melanieathene · 1 year
Suptober 2023 Day 5 - Portrait
Angels are not supposed to cry. Nor does their loyalty stray from service to God in thought or deed. But I've watched you through the years. I've seen your blind obedience to duty; I've seen you question it, and I've seen you choose free will. Now and then, I've even thought I might be the reason why.
But thinking and knowing are two very different things.
You stand before me today, tears pooled in your blue eyes, speaking words I never thought I'd hear – never deserve. Words that tremble from your lips and burn their way into my heart.
I am worthy.
I am loved.
You love me.
This is the legacy you leave behind. No holding back. No room to misunderstand. Not this time. Not ever.
You speak your truth to save me. You greet the Empty with a smile. Happy in the moment. Content that you have saved me. Content to love. Content to die.
I need no portrait painted by a master's hand. I need no photograph, no digital recording. I'll see your face whenever I close my eyes. I'll replay your words in dreams night after night. I'll grieve, I'll rage, I'll long for you each moment of every day.
Because I also have a truth, Cas. A truth I waited too long to speak.
I love you, too.
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policyoftruth · 1 year
Currently debating whether or not i should try and do inktober this year
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rauko-creates · 2 years
Suptober Day 5 - Perfect Disaster
+ Inktober Day 5 - Flame
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Jack figured out how to fire bend and he's so excited to show the guys. Jack, baby, maybe let's wait until they're not carrying so many combustibles....
(super sketchy I know but I've had this and the rough sketch for day 6 for a week now and my brain REFUSES to finish them and now I'm about to leave town so I figured I might as well post what I got and go in peace🤷)
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A/N- i had/have no idea what to do for wicked and i really just wrote down my thoughts as they came to me without much preperation just as a general warning. But i know alot of people are doing my babe rowena for 'wicked' and i love her so here we go!
Have fun<3
A/N part 2- I have decided to combine suptober day 4 and 5 (wicked+perfect dissaster) because a) they would both involve rowena anyway and b) because i need to catch up and while i can do alot of writing in a day 4 stories is too much. However, i might do one of these in November or just later on in general when i have less to do... So keep your peepers peeled.
Suptober day 4+5: Wicked + perfect disaster.
Rowena POV
"Hello my darlin' how can i help you?" The ginger witch said, her red curls bouncing in her ponytail as she walked over.
"You know how you can help me." The blonde started, "and you know why im here." She said pushing her glasses up her nose.
"Well of course i do love but i still have my manners. What do you want?" Rowena said. Her polite bubbly facade dropping.
"You to stop." She put simply. "Stop with all these perfect dissasters." She said pulling a thick book out of seemingly nowhere.
"Im afraid in simply cannot. Its alot of planning and it takes alot of energy but once i am finished, well it benifits me immensely. And besides by the time you've killed them like they're meant to be ive already gotten what i need." She paused as the librarian looking woman opened the book pulling out a page marker as a single tassle fell on the floor. "You dropped something." Rowena smiled. She looked down at the string looking up at rowena almost outraged. There was a full conversation happening between them existing solely in their eye contact. Eventually fate crouched down to pick it up tucking it back between the pages neatly.
"You are besmirching the charecter of the fates by impersinating our technique." She said snobbily. Rowena rolled her eyes at the self-superiority displayed in the statment.
"Yes i did draw inspiration from you darlings." She said in her charming voice thick with the full flurry of charm accompanying her scottish heritage.
"You cant act like us. Youre too wicked. Its a defamation of the name of the fates." She stated over dramatically.
"Where are your sisters anyway atropos?" She asked neglecting her feigned smile and glaring accusingly at the fake blonde.
"That hardly matters. Th-" she said quickly, getting cut off promptly by rowena.
"No this hardly matters. Otherwise you, the littlest of the little sisters, wouldnt be here all alone. They dont care. You will not put me off when you are inly here due to boredom and petty jelousy." She snapped.
"I dont need my sisters, i have the same autority as them, the same power as them." She said defensively.
"No you don't." Rowena stated knowingly. "You know it, and i know it. You arent the sam rank and you arent the same power, besides even if they were with you, it wouldnt stop me, it wouldnt frighten me. Nothing can." She stated fiddling with a coil come loose of its place in her hair. The fate looked at her like a spoilt child being told 'no' for the first time before promptly vanishing.
"Its always a good day to put someone in their place. Especially somone with such a superiority complex." She mumbled before returning to her buisness. "Maybe I'll give dean a call." She shrugged.
"This whole strategic killing thing reallybhad been working out well for her. And while usually she stuck with wicked in a more playfully mischevious way, this whole morally misguided method really worked in her favour.
A/N: Sorry this one is short but i had honest to god no idea what to do for this really. I mean it would always be rowena for wicked and probably be her for perfect dissaster but i was really fresh outta ideas for this one folks. Anyway. Hope you had fun <3
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wigglebox · 1 year
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Suptober - Day 5 || Portrait [x]
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sjonni33 · 1 year
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portrait - suptober day 5
hehehheh took it literally and went with the family portraits!! dean and cas, bobby and crowley, rowena, sam and eileen, charlie and claire and jack :) i wanted to add sooooo many more sjsjsjsj but yeah
[prints & stickers] [give me a tip]
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angel-hole · 1 year
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SUPTOBER DAY 01 - liminal in the beginning
4 And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire.
5 Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance;
— Ezekiel 1:4—5
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