#supreme tweeter
samueldays · 1 year
Journalism delenda est, continued
If Fox News really were the right-wing hate-machine that Democrats love to imagine, Fox could spin off a channel with a name like Blacks Behaving Badly, which would be simply continuous coverage of murders and rapes committed by blacks.
Blacks Behaving Badly could easily get 24-hour material of constantly new crimes by giving merely an hour to each black murder or black rape, because blacks commit those crimes about hourly in America. (Compare the way left-wing press is still bleating about Emmett Till.) The information on BBB would all be true, of course, and the channel would be dedicated to covering some matters and not others, which is inevitable because every TV channel has to make some decisions about what to include of the millions of events that happen every day.
It would still be a wicked, shit-stirring, hate-inciting, no good, very bad, racebait channel with a chronic shortage of redeeming features, whose selective coverage would be obviously malicious.
I bring up this hypothetical construct as a point of comparison for the wicked bit of shit-stirring racebait and so forth that recently came out of Reuters in real life: a special report on how U.S. leaders have slaveholding ancestors. Chronic shortage of redeeming features.
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Shoddy's line pretty much sums it up, but let's look at the special report a bit more.
In a special bit of adding insult to injury, it violates usability guidelines by hijacking scroll commands (mousewheel, arrow keys, etc) before we get to the main content. Here is the page as it looks when it first loads:
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And here is the page as it looks after I hit the Page Down key:
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These self-important theater kids made a fucking unskippable opening cutscene out of a fucking webpage. The Down arrow key does nothing here. The Page Down key pressed a second time merely advances the gradually revealing text by two lines, while changing the image's highlight. Page Down should skip me past the fucking image-video-hybrid-animation and move me down the page.
Then we get to the content. I shall excerpt and quote full paragraphs here.
More than 100 U.S. leaders – lawmakers, presidents, governors and justices – have slaveholding ancestors, a Reuters examination found. Few are willing to talk about their ties to America's “original sin”
Everyone Has Slaveholding Ancestors.
I can forgive the tweeter for being space-constrained and having to drop terms that can be inferred from context. The text in the full report (not headline), a page down, has no such excuse. Perhaps you say "it's obvious what they mean from context", but I assure you, it is not in fact obvious and the clarification further down is not the obvious one.
Many lawmakers need look no further than their own family histories to find a much more personal connection to slavery in America, a brutal system of oppression that resulted in the deadliest conflict in U.S. history.
Second deadliest, unless something very odd happened with WW2 since last time I checked. (Perhaps they're using a special metric like "deaths on American soil", I imagine.)
In researching the genealogies of America’s political elite, a Reuters examination found that a fifth of the nation’s congressmen, living presidents, Supreme Court justices and governors are direct descendants of ancestors who enslaved Black people.
And here's a clarification of "slaveholding ancestors", three fucking pages into the special report: ancestors who enslaved the Reverentially Capitalized Race. Doesn't count if they enslaved Persons of Pallor.
Except that paragraph is still wrong, descriptively and normatively. We'll see further down in the report that it's not counting the Africans who enslaved other Africans, such as Ayuba Suleiman Diallo. Or the extensive history of Islamic slavery, which via Andalusian intermarriage to the Spanish royal family and from there to the American colonies, results in a great many more descendants of people who enslaved persons-of-the-favored-race. Reuters put a great deal of work into studying a subject it frequently contradicts itself about the bounds of.
In addition, President Joe Biden and every living former U.S. president – except Donald Trump – are direct descendants of slaveholders: Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and – through his white mother’s side – Barack Obama. Trump’s ancestors came to America after slavery was abolished.
This is racebait, journalism delenda est, everyone who wrote this should be banned from public communication.
Two of the nine sitting U.S. Supreme Court justices – Amy Coney Barrett and Neil Gorsuch – also have direct ancestors who enslaved people.
Everyone has direct ancestors who enslaved people.
I am going to keep harping on this for as long as Reuters keeps playing fast and loose with words. This special report online does not have the space constraints of a physical newspaper, nor does it have the time constraints of having to report on urgent news with a deadline tomorrow. It is written by supposedly professional wordsmiths with alleged editors and so-called fact-checkers. It has the leisure to get things right. It's welcome to use shorthand after getting things right (and preferably noting the shorthand), but Reuters has not gotten it right yet and will continue to contradict itself.
South Carolina, where the Civil War began, illustrates the familial ties between the American political elite and the nation’s history of slavery. Every member of the state’s nine-person delegation to the last Congress has an ancestral link. The state’s two Black members of Congress – Senator and Republican presidential candidate Tim Scott and Representative James Clyburn, a powerful Democrat – have forebears who were enslaved. Each of the seven white lawmakers who served in the 117th Congress is a direct descendant of a slaveholder, Reuters found. So too is the state’s Republican governor, Henry McMaster.
I assure you that everyone involved here has forebears who were enslaved and is the direct descendant of a slaveholder. If you're going to contrast the two, get the specifics right.
This is racebait, journalism delenda est, everyone who wrote this should be banned from public communication and have a finger cut off as a continual reminder of their sins.
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There's a bunch of specific people and degree of relation listed. I'll skip past them to see where Reuters is fucking around again.
A Reuters/Ipsos poll for this report suggests that a politician’s links to slavery might sway some voters. In a national survey, almost a quarter of respondents – 23% – said knowing that a candidate’s ancestors enslaved people would make them less likely to vote for that candidate. That number rose to 31% among respondents who identified as Democrats, and 35% among Black respondents. What’s unclear is how significant the topic is compared to race relations more broadly or other hot-button issues such as abortion.
Bold mine, Reuters really cannot keep this straight, this does not match their previous special report statements, and it also doesn't match the wording that was actually used in the poll. The poll respondents weren't given this whole special report for implicit context when they were asked:
“Would knowing that a political candidate’s ancestors or family members owned slaves in America make you more or less likely to vote for them?”
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artcalledcinema · 2 months
Expectorant I watch WhiteZombie’s Blood, Milk and Sky I’m taken back to 1981’s Kill and Kill Again For I was born in 74’ Thee expectancy (You’re a joke in back rooms) After being not your Rally kissed Simple question ‘In the likes but don’t quote it’s been a 2 days’ you are prepared (paired) [here and now] to be your predecessor if the wholly Good-ish designed {as a replacement} have have I boggled You A man at such cognitive amplitude Should read through this designed test Provided by shoestrings To entangle You Don J Trump I’ve made you jump now answer Thee only Questioning In a Vice President If I die? Your heart and mind (loosely souled) Dodged a BASIC FIRST QUESTION Dear President turn (third world) Snatch up and disappear “Sir, he picked his Vice as a faithfully following weak link@LynchPin FearFactory in multitudes of following <he needs people behind him in cameras> Help soothes his ego All narcissism” Still with me Oh hoo rahh EXPECTORANT Or instructed enticed ;WordsbyMM; Reading into me Oh orange split into Open airwaves We all love a push up To digestion Who doesn’t in this damn Ecological weather The tornadoes Hurricanes Brush drag-ments A razor for real blood Or theatrics Halo Hi-lo Hello Expecting expectorant’s From the Young VOTING and not for(e) Trump Rump T, all on his ass he believes in only himself {as long as you back him} Still playing @He’s reading along@ I’m lying flat not laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could X, that formerly tweeter-ed Also stay along for Ad Vert ;)Isements;) From |wh| our locally introverts /here on thee island/ A I Wouldn’t In for Real Present Expectancy I Hope Not Trumped-Not I’m so O Positive In the Democrats Trump volunteer, I ask you Explain shift of parties after CivilWars times? I didn’t want to pressure you, Donald J Trump Ex (convicted) Former President A loud announcement $ y i u, we know with a good quality of pounds$$$, or gems$ (We) yo me and you can turn this thing around for you, i curb pock me up i can like cd changerflip it around all gore you or (sorry McC) was speaking make a difference for you just call me im social too i can Help, errko(aka) Waiting Sir Fore your calling into our phone line I only have one I can turn your election In your favor Please subscribe My results are sound I have behind the Moon The whole Universe at my disposal Or deposited into Supreme courts Heat wise, lowering standards (Behind closed doors, McCain said, fuck him & and talking of you) the doctor grabbed knowledge At the next rally Drop do twenty push ups Or show Video Swinging a golf club All children and adults They all know of palming pussy Palmed pussy In that Ex Former President Expectorant from me WordsbyMM MMybsDrow You clamming a wall with useless knowledge and paid by Campaign Fuck off Never wit ya Sucka I wouldn’t let you suck my (Dic|<) Remember Should I bring it back (Where was it seen thee Trump obscene) (Where was it seen thee Trump obscene) (Where was it seen thee Trump obscene) On national T V Trump Vance T V Trump Vance God’s in the TV Or On Probably simply easier To miss ***if you die, will the Country be less then or greater!***
That’s the Question????? ???? ????
To simple in broad minds!!
Tell U S man, Trump
Answer this Question?
0 notes
artcalledmusica · 2 months
Expectorant I watch WhiteZombie’s Blood, Milk and Sky I’m taken back to 1981’s Kill and Kill Again For I was born in 74’ Thee expectancy (You’re a joke in back rooms) After being not your Rally kissed Simple question ‘In the likes but don’t quote it’s been a 2 days’ you are prepared (paired) [here and now] to be your predecessor if the wholly Good-ish designed {as a replacement} have have I boggled You A man at such cognitive amplitude Should read through this designed test Provided by shoestrings To entangle You Don J Trump I’ve made you jump now answer Thee only Questioning In a Vice President If I die? Your heart and mind (loosely souled) Dodged a BASIC FIRST QUESTION Dear President turn (third world) Snatch up and disappear “Sir, he picked his Vice as a faithfully following weak link@LynchPin FearFactory in multitudes of following <he needs people behind him in cameras> Help soothes his ego All narcissism” Still with me Oh hoo rahh EXPECTORANT Or instructed enticed ;WordsbyMM; Reading into me Oh orange split into Open airwaves We all love a push up To digestion Who doesn’t in this damn Ecological weather The tornadoes Hurricanes Brush drag-ments A razor for real blood Or theatrics Halo Hi-lo Hello Expecting expectorant’s From the Young VOTING and not for(e) Trump Rump T, all on his ass he believes in only himself {as long as you back him} Still playing @He’s reading along@ I’m lying flat not laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could X, that formerly tweeter-ed Also stay along for Ad Vert ;)Isements;) From |wh| our locally introverts /here on thee island/ A I Wouldn’t In for Real Present Expectancy I Hope Not Trumped-Not I’m so O Positive In the Democrats Trump volunteer, I ask you Explain shift of parties after CivilWars times? I didn’t want to pressure you, Donald J Trump Ex (convicted) Former President A loud announcement $ y i u, we know with a good quality of pounds$$$, or gems$ (We) yo me and you can turn this thing around for you, i curb pock me up i can like cd changerflip it around all gore you or (sorry McC) was speaking make a difference for you just call me im social too i can Help, errko(aka) Waiting Sir Fore your calling into our phone line I only have one I can turn your election In your favor Please subscribe My results are sound I have behind the Moon The whole Universe at my disposal Or deposited into Supreme courts Heat wise, lowering standards (Behind closed doors, McCain said, fuck him & and talking of you) the doctor grabbed knowledge At the next rally Drop do twenty push ups Or show Video Swinging a golf club All children and adults They all know of palming pussy Palmed pussy In that Ex Former President Expectorant from me WordsbyMM MMybsDrow You clamming a wall with useless knowledge and paid by Campaign Fuck off Never wit ya Sucka I wouldn’t let you suck my (Dic|<) Remember Should I bring it back (Where was it seen thee Trump obscene) (Where was it seen thee Trump obscene) (Where was it seen thee Trump obscene) On national T V Trump Vance T V Trump Vance God’s in the TV Or On Probably simply easier To miss
But God forbid if !!!!!!
Another bullet hits your mind, the question was is He fit?
To replace you!
Nothing to do with ego!
Answer Trump!
We are U S in waiting!
Please Sir?
You piss oh golden and shite in
My Ex Former President (Convicted)
Numerous walls looking over the Fence!
You and He
Trump Vance
X I’ve tweeted or X-ed
How’s it called I’m adding to this one
Now only on Tumblr
The so ones & on’s
We captured together (ahh the added)
0 notes
artcalledoddities · 2 months
Expectorant I watch WhiteZombie’s Blood, Milk and Sky I’m taken back to 1981’s Kill and Kill Again For I was born in 74’ Thee expectancy (You’re a joke in back rooms) After being not your Rally kissed Simple question ‘In the likes but don’t quote it’s been a 2 days’ you are prepared (paired) [here and now] to be your predecessor if the wholly Good-ish designed {as a replacement} have have I boggled You A man at such cognitive amplitude Should read through this designed test Provided by shoestrings To entangle You Don J Trump I’ve made you jump now answer Thee only Questioning In a Vice President If I die? Your heart and mind (loosely souled) Dodged a BASIC FIRST QUESTION Dear President turn (third world) Snatch up and disappear “Sir, he picked his Vice as a faithfully following weak link@LynchPin FearFactory in multitudes of following <he needs people behind him in cameras> Help soothes his ego All narcissism” Still with me Oh hoo rahh EXPECTORANT Or instructed enticed ;WordsbyMM; Reading into me Oh orange split into Open airwaves We all love a push up To digestion Who doesn’t in this damn Ecological weather The tornadoes Hurricanes Brush drag-ments A razor for real blood Or theatrics Halo Hi-lo Hello Expecting expectorant’s From the Young VOTING and not for(e) Trump Rump T, all on his ass he believes in only himself {as long as you back him} Still playing @He’s reading along@ I’m lying flat not laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could X, that formerly tweeter-ed Also stay along for Ad Vert ;)Isements;) From |wh| our locally introverts /here on thee island/ A I Wouldn’t In for Real Present Expectancy I Hope Not Trumped-Not I’m so O Positive In the Democrats Trump volunteer, I ask you Explain shift of parties after CivilWars times? I didn’t want to pressure you, Donald J Trump Ex (convicted) Former President A loud announcement $ y i u, we know with a good quality of pounds$$$, or gems$ (We) yo me and you can turn this thing around for you, i curb pock me up i can like cd changerflip it around all gore you or (sorry McC) was speaking make a difference for you just call me im social too i can Help, errko(aka) Waiting Sir Fore your calling into our phone line I only have one I can turn your election In your favor Please subscribe My results are sound I have behind the Moon The whole Universe at my disposal Or deposited into Supreme courts Heat wise, lowering standards (Behind closed doors, McCain said, fuck him & and talking of you) the doctor grabbed knowledge At the next rally Drop do twenty push ups Or show Video Swinging a golf club All children and adults They all know of palming pussy Palmed pussy In that Ex Former President Expectorant from me WordsbyMM MMybsDrow You clamming a wall with useless knowledge and paid by Campaign Fuck off Never wit ya Sucka I wouldn’t let you suck my (Dic|<) Remember Should I bring it back (Where was it seen thee Trump obscene) (Where was it seen thee Trump obscene) (Where was it seen thee Trump obscene) On national T V Trump Vance T V Trump Vance God’s in the TV Or On Probably simply easier To miss Sir air error!
0 notes
gemtvusa · 11 months
Sony X93L Mini LED 4K Ultra HD TV BRAVIA XR Smart Google TV XR65X93L- 2023 Model
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  Sony, a trailblazing entertainment powerhouse, boasts a diverse portfolio that spans electronics, music, films, mobile technology, gaming, and beyond. For over seven decades, our boundless imagination has been the cornerstone of our legacy. Whether it's changing the way people listen to music, engage in gameplay, or consume television, our inventive spirit has consistently introduced groundbreaking products that resonate and inspire. Reimagine your entertainment with the unmatched Mini LED contrast and brilliance, supercharged by the pioneering Cognitive Processor XR™. Witness a vibrant spectrum of colors and intricate shadows come alive, thanks to the meticulous orchestration of countless Mini LEDs via the XR Backlight Master Drive. And with integrated sound positioning speakers, immerse yourself in a sonic experience that aligns perfectly with the visuals. CRYSTAL CLEAR VISUALS - The Cognitive Processor XR, with its adept capabilities, crafts a visual experience that mirrors the complexities of the human eye, ensuring profound blacks, radiant colors, and striking brightness. PINNACLE OF CONTRAST & COLOR – Dive into unparalleled contrast and witness a spectrum of colors, all fine-tuned by the deft synchronization of Mini LEDs through the XR Backlight Master Drive and XR Triluminos Pro. SUPREME STREAMING – Navigate your favorite streaming platforms effortlessly with Google TV. With Google Assistant, command your entertainment using just your voice. Also, enjoy seamless integration with Apple AirPlay. CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE WITH BRAVIA CORE - Step into the world of cinema-grade, high-bitrate 4K UHD movies with the BRAVIA CORE app. Receive 5 movie credits and a year-long subscription to a vast selection of cinematic classics. GAMER'S PARADISE – Centralize all your gaming settings with the Game Menu. With HDMI 2.1 features like 4K/120, VRR, and ALLM, level up your gaming experience. And for PlayStation 5 aficionados, revel in unmatched clarity with Auto HDR Tone Mapping and Auto Genre Picture Mode. CINEMA AT HOME– Experience the filmmaker's vision with support for Dolby Vision, IMAX Enhanced, and Netflix Adaptive Calibrated Mode. SONIC BRILLIANCE – Elevate your auditory senses with Acoustic Multi-Audio, supported by Dolby Atmos. The sound positioning tweeters craft a panoramic sound that harmonizes with the visual spectacle. OPTIMAL VIEWING- Every angle is the best with wide-angle views that maintain true color fidelity and a screen crafted to minimize reflections and glare.
Intense brightness. Outstanding contrast.
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Intelligent and powerful TV processing
See how real your entertainment can be, with immersive depth and lifelike picture quality, powered by Sony’s intelligent Cognitive Processor XR. Hundreds of thousands of individual on-screen elements are processed and remastered boosting color, contrast, and clarity, bringing astounding realism.
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Incredible contrast with intense brightness
Experience unprecedented dynamic range with deep blacks and brightness you can feel. XR Backlight Master Drive utilizes an advanced local dimming algorithm to control thousands of Mini LEDs with absolute precision.
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Perfect for PlayStation 5
Take your gaming to the next level with exclusive features Auto HDR Tone Mapping and Auto Genre Picture Mode for optimized picture quality while gaming and streaming on your PS5 console. Read the full article
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annekihagisf · 1 year
It has nothing to do with my being black or a foreigner; it has to do with freeing ourselves so no one can assume they can treat us differently and get away with it. We must give Equal Application of Law a voice. Give a voice for the truth and what is right. Get ready to roll up those sleeves and join me in the fight against corruption in San Francisco Superior Court! Together, we can make a real difference and restore justice where it’s been lost. Who’s with me? Have you ever wondered what Judicial Corruption really means? 🤔 The California Supreme Court has described it, and I’m excited to share all the juicy details with you! Let’s uncover the truth together!
Thank you.
Contact: Annekihagica.com — Tweeter @Annekihagi1 [email protected]
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This day in history
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#20yrsago Indigineous prior-art database to fight bio-piracy https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/2858253.stm
#20yrsago Disney parks are no-fly zones https://www.cnn.com/2003/TRAVEL/03/18/airspace.restrictions/
#20yrsago MIT Press takes gutsy fair use stand https://web.archive.org/web/20030313230051/https://cyberlaw.stanford.edu/lessig/blog/archives/2003_03.shtml
#15yrsago Every issue of Elfquest free — oldest independent comic goes online https://web.archive.org/web/20080319195133/https://elfquest.com/gallery/OnlineComics3.html
#15yrsago How mortgage-derviatives tanked the economy https://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/19/business/19leonhardt.html
#10yrsago Heinlein on Kirtsaeng https://memex.craphound.com/2013/03/19/heinlein-on-kirtsaeng/
#10yrsago My talk on copyright, ebooks and libraries for the Library of Congress https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZFg-uq5zBA
#10yrsago Supreme Court to Wiley publishers: your bananas theory of copyright is wrong https://yro.slashdot.org/story/13/03/19/154223/supreme-court-upholds-first-sale-doctrine
#10yrsago More on the impact of UK press regulation on blogs, websites, tweeters, and social media https://www.theguardian.com/media/2013/mar/19/bloggers-libel-fines-press-regulation
#10yrsago Brian Krebs talks to hacker who may have SWATted him and attacked Wired’s Mat Honan https://krebsonsecurity.com/2013/03/the-obscurest-epoch-is-today/
#10yrsago In-depth explanation of EFF’s courtroom victory over the FBI’s “National Security Letters” https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2013/03/depth-judge-illstons-remarkable-order-striking-down-nsl-statute
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#5yrsago GPS routing increases city throughput by shifting traffic jams onto residential streets https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7795614
#5yrsago Machine learning has a reproducibility crisis https://petewarden.com/2018/03/19/the-machine-learning-reproducibility-crisis/
#5yrsago More than a decade’s worth of Facebook catastrophes https://techcrunch.com/2018/03/18/move-fast-and-fake-things/
#5yrsago For Goldman Sachs execs, momentarily working for the government means hundreds of millions in tax savings https://nypost.com/2018/03/18/why-goldman-sachs-alums-go-into-government/
#5yrsago Now that public companies must publish the CEO-median worker wage ratio, cities and states can tax the most unequal firms https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/mar/18/america-ceo-worker-pay-gap-new-data-what-can-we-do
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Acoustic Audio by Goldwood CSi63S Cinema Series 6.5" in-wall/in-ceiling surround sound 3-way speakers are ideal for any home, office or entertainment area because they are designed with supreme performance in mind. Each speaker handles 300 watts of power and includes: a 6.5" poly cone woofer for improved motion and higher bass response, a butyl rubber surround, a progressive spider for greater control and higher excursion capabilities, a poly mica midrange, a 13mm soft dome tweeter for detailed high frequencies and a 3-way passive crossover for greater fidelity. Spring loaded push terminals allow for easy connectivity and its low profile baffle Housing was designed for simple installation and an improved frequency response. The White grill will coordinate well with any interior, or can be painted to match individual decor. Included is a cutout template to aid in the installation process and full instructions. FULL RANGE 3-WAY SOUND - 6.5" High Rigidity Poly cone woofers with progressive spiders and butyl rubber surrounds, Poly Mica midranges and 13mm soft dome tweeters, 3-way passive crossovers for greater fidelity, frequency response is 45Hz-20 kHz with 93dB at 8ohm EASY TO INSTALL - Pressure lock mounting system clamps tight to drywall, fits round speaker hole size of 8.19" x 8.19" with a mounting depth of 3.46", overall size of 9.41" x 9.41" with spring loaded raw wire connections, durable ABS housings and grills can be painted to match your decor SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - Any home audio receiver or amp with raw speaker wire outputs, power from your amp should be no less than 10 and no more than 300 watts per channel, CL3 rated in wall certified raw speaker wire to connect your receiver to the speakers WHAT'S IN THE BOX - 2 Acoustic Audio by Goldwood CSi63S speakers, removeable grills, cut-out template, instruction manual. Use for home theater surround sound, whole house audio systems, business or retail installations [ad_2]
0 notes
cheshirekatzan · 7 years
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@sillyroundkatie (instagram/twitter) / @cheshirekatzan (tumblr) Been trying to practice keeping the likeness of someone whilst also managing different expressions (particularly open mouths). Really excited for Counterpart to come out soon, Harry Lloyd's character seems a riot he does not want to be in the show 😂
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kontextmaschine · 3 years
Thinking about the media environment
30 years ago if the president nominated a Supreme Court Justice that week's Newsweek would have bits about her basically manufacturing consensus that this person and their history and perspective now mattered
15 years ago I would've been reading the Volokh Conspiracy as a group of professionals – with distinct bias and interests such that their writing became informationally denser with regular reading – had for months in advance mulled over who it could be, giving a foundational introduction to most of the possibilities
Today I see it mentioned in tweets that're mostly trying to advance some greater agenda I have to pay long-term attention to the tweeter or at least their milieu to grok while actually still leaving the first-order effects of that particular jurist fairly opaque
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grandhotelabyss · 2 years
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But between them, the development of journalism and of movies/TV made this particular function of the novel obsolete. If you want a chronicle of society, why not a transparent one? And if you want a social drama, somewhere between anthropology and gossip, it’s more fun with live actors. 
Moreover, the pop-to-high cycle of cultural forms is so far a perennial feature of modern arts. Opera isn’t the exception, but the rule. When’s the last time you went to dance to some jazz in a speakeasy? Rap, rock, and comic books are just about high art now. Political philosophy is currently written by bloggers—which is to say that the humble blog, about which there were moral panics in 2005, is now equal to the venerated treatise. And whatever trash moves the masses in the present—what the kids are doing on TikTok or wherever—will probably evolve into something that wends its way into the gallery and onto the syllabus too. Both sides of the transaction occasionally irritate me—on the one hand, I sometimes ask, must we put all this trash into the curriculum? on the other hand, I have been to known to observe that comic books, damn it, were more fun when they were trashy—but the alternative is stagnation, is it not? Another 1000 years of Madonna-and-Child?
And there are advantages as well as disadvantages to finding your favored art form on the high-unpopular end of the axis. I don’t discount the danger of losing touch with the vernacular, of becoming merely academic. Still, though you lose the mass audience, if your ambitions encompass an alteration in political and social conditions, the elite audience may in the end prove more powerful. (Pragmatically, I mean, whatever the democrat might prefer as a matter of ethics.) And it leaves a wider margin to experiment. “Popular art” suggests mass chaos, but it’s often enough controlled by the blunt order of an economic calculus as stultifying as anything in academe.
I’m wary of prescriptions and manifestoes, but I think the novel now is most useful not when it expands Balzac-style to cover the whole of society, but when it contracts and concretizes, offers dense rather than diffuse images of existential or ethical dilemmas, and, in our disembodied world, recalls us to the sensory, the sensuous. There are more reliable places to find social facts—that’s nonfiction—and easy entertainment—that’s “TV” in all its permutations. Let the novel, by contrast, be a passionate provocation to thought and intense feeling.      
Finally, these discussions always run aground on the particulars. Our Tweeter’s examples are all from the 19th century; the ship of the social novel as high art sailed with Henry James, however. Middlebrow remnants from Dreiser to Franzen remained, but, again, journalism and TV easily fulfills their function. Even in Balzac, not that I’ve read a ton of him, the exposition—the journalism—is sometimes livelier than the drama. Do you know what I remember most fondly from Lost Illusions? The little history of printing toward the beginning.
And at least two of Judah’s own examples of the social novel don’t even fit. Austen’s novels are “challengeless stories of modern interiority.” She understood them that way herself—“the little bit (two inches wide) of ivory on which I work with so fine a brush”—and critics have long complained about it, Edward Said most famously among recent writers. Her living heir—even when he writes about detectives, clones, dragons, and robots—is the supremely interior Kazuo Ishiguro, who is also, for whatever it’s worth, a very popular novelist. (The public doesn’t care about interiority?) And then there’s Dostoevsky, prophet of irrationalism in all its varieties, son of Poe and father of Kafka—or, in the Borgesian-Bloomian reversal of influence’s temporality, son of Kafka and father of Poe—who was not concerned with “society” but with everything it suppresses and represses. I admire all the names on Judah’s list, but only Dostoevsky and Austen look over my shoulder when I write a novel.
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shimmies · 3 years
2021 Fic Year in Review
Eeep thank you for the tag @goodiecornbread!!! 😍😍
Total number of completed works this year:
Schitt's Creek: 15 (Plus another 5 art-only crossposts to AO3)
Schitt's Creek RPF: 8
Total word count: 82068 (I added all this up myself before realizing there was a statistics page RIP)
Fandoms I’ve written in this year: Schitt's Creek & Schitt's Creek RPF
Did you write more/less fic than you thought you would this year, or about what you expected? Hmm, this was my first full year of writing so I guess I went at about the pace I expected? Although seeing it all at the end of the year now it seems like a LOT!
What’s your favorite story you wrote this year? Ooh! Definitely Lie With Me And Just Forget The World that I wrote for tropefest! I am such a sucker for Chasing Cars and high school AUs and I'm super proud of the ending.
Did you take any writing risks this year? To me and my low self esteem posting literally anything feels like a risk, but RPF especially. In the bigger SC (show) fandom it seems like you get the majority of kudos at the beginning and a few trickling in after the first few days, but with RPF (again, my perception) kudos kinda slowly accumulate over time (or does everyone there hate me???). So I'll check on an RPF story after a day and have like, 2 kudos and 100 hits. But you'll have to pry Dan/Noah from my cold, lifeless hands when I die.
Most popular story you wrote this year? Nobody asked for this level of detail but I'm giving it to you anyway:
SC with most kudos/hits/subscriptions: Canadian Roads
SC with most comment threads: 25 (which actually has the fewest kudos & hits 😕)
RPF with most hits/comments/subscriptions: at a curve in the road
RPF with most kudos: Love in London
Most fun fic to write: My silly epistolary/tweeters fics, Rail Me, Daddy and I'm With Stupid ➡
Biggest disappointment: So, "disappointment" seems a bit extreme but I was really hoping to get more hits on 25. I worked so, SO hard on all the code and connecting all the storylines together and I really thought it would be one of my standout works. I don't want to sound ungrateful or anything because I did get so many truly lovely comments and reblogs and bingo recs but I gotta say it was a little sad to see it at the very bottom of my stats page. But those who did read it were SO supportive and for you I am thankful! 😍💜
Biggest surprise: Probably you're everything that feels like home to me. I honestly thought this would get lost in the chaos of Passions & Pastimes, especially being a short G-rated story with a subject (photography) that I didn't expect much interest in. But it ended up being my third most popular fic this year!
ALSO! I got some cards through the holiday card exchange complimenting my artwork and writing! And holy shit is that the best feeling ever!!
Do You Have any fanfic/podfic goals for the new year? Umm, mostly to make friends? Haha. I am supremely terrible at not just meeting people but also maintaining friendships so we'll see how that goes. Will a friendly person adopt this socially anxious introvert?
I also have a WIP that I'm super excited about that's shaping up to be a pretty long multi-chapter fic, and I've written like, two of those in my lifetime.
If you haven't done this yet...I am tagging @treluna4 @hullomoon @sweatersinthesummer @neelyo67. And seriously, anyone who sees this who wants to participate, just go for it!
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whiterosebrian · 3 years
I oppose Folkism. I understand Folkism to represent a very ugly parody of the pre-Christian religions that neopagans have been working to revive. I understand neopagan paths to be open. When the old gods call Black or Asian followers, we should let those people answer the gods’ calls.
The reason why I made those statements up-front is that I’m about to delve into a topic whose discussion will require much nuance. I’ve made an effort to write this in such a way as to keep my intentions consistently clear. However, there could still be a possibility of taking many of the following statements out of context, whether by Folkists wanting validation, mainstream people who don’t know much about neopaganism, or Christian-Right propagandists. I’m about to discuss old spiritual heritages of people of European descent.
I may need to touch upon what Folkism is before going on with that discussion. Folkism, in the most basic sense, is the notion that certain old European practices and religions are the sole provinces of their associated cultural groups, whether Celtic or Slavic or, most notoriously, Germanic. It derives from the Volkisch movement which purported to revive Germanic traditions and the people’s connections to their lands. The Thule Society, in particular, laid the groundwork for Nazism. The Nazi regime retained the occultic influences—though I should note they weren’t the dominant strain and the party rose to power by appealing first and foremost to Christian culture (which is yet another historical fact that raises hard questions of what Christianity looks like in the real world).
Today’s adherents of Folkism exploit the discourse around cultural appropriation, though in a mendacious and vulgarized form. Sometimes well-meaning allies do unintentionally vulgarize said discourse as well. One part of appropriation is swiping elements of other people’s cultures willy-nilly—though there are two other key aspects that should be kept in mind. First is the fact that elements of cultures are often taken with little acknowledgement of or gratitude towards the originators. More importantly, there is a context of colonization, marginalization, and erasure.
Even if you haven’t followed me for a while or read my journal entries before, you may be aware of the elements of Asian, African, Native American, and even Jewish spiritualities within the New Age movement. It’s quite clear that a number of people, disenchanted with historic Christian culture for any number of reasons (including extremely serious ones), look elsewhere to find genuine spirituality. Actually, those trends were also present in Europe during the peak of modern imperialism in the nineteenth century, evidently influencing today’s New Age movement.
To my understanding, Buddhists and Hindus are very willing to share elements of their spiritualties—but too often those elements are half-understood, ripped out of context, and watered down anyway. Native Americans have seen their spiritual practices outlawed until fairly recently, which is why they resent those practices being commercialized or taught outside the proper contexts. The Jewish people have faced persecution for many centuries and similarly seen their mysticism suppressed—and they resent mangled or incomplete versions of Kabbalah floating around metaphysical circles.
You may recall the interest that I actually once had in Kabbalah. I did genuinely want to learn from the Jewish people. I had abandoned Catholicism and wanted to learn from its Jewish roots (though I probably underestimated how far Christianity deviated). I was actually ready to start delving more deeply into Kabbalah after reading introductory texts of admittedly varying degrees of quality. I was under the mistaken impression that Kabbalah was now being opened up (though in fact Kabbalah is still considered a closed practice, due mainly to requiring an intensive grounding in Jewish scripture and practice). However, some Jewish users on Tumblr and PillowFort convinced me to rethink my interest. I soon decided that Judaism in general wasn’t for me, much less Jewish mysticism. I didn’t think I could even devote myself to the religious law (however different movements within Judaism interpreted it).
I also had some interest in my own Northern European heritage. That is part of what led me to examine Heathenry in more detail. What finally led me to devote myself to the Heathen path was animism, or a relationship with nature as well as the spirits within and the very powers of life. Sometimes, spiritual practitioners of color heartily exhort white seekers to look into their own ethnic heritages to find their own gods, medicines, rites, and modalities. What ultimately prompted this essay is a video from a healer who goes by “heart of Hamsa” on Instagram; they (I’m using the apparent preferred pronoun) are of Vietnamese and French descent.
They speak of the need for greater respect towards and gratitude for Asian practices. They speak of how they delved into their own heritage. They touch upon the distinctions among cultures and peoples—most certainly not in any exclusionary or purist sense, but in the sense of deepened understanding and appreciation. They speak of a need to give back to the peoples who inspire us, especially in light of colonization, with Vietnam as a prominent example that they cite.
Hamsa goes on to speak of white people who are ashamed or fragile (often understandably, giving rise to the “white guilt” that neo-Nazis maliciously mock) and chase after what they view exotic and foreign, only to fail to do justice to reiki and ayahuasca and the like. They essentially ask people to restart by looking into their own ancestors and uncovering histories. They exhort viewers to set roots and share their own inheritances before looking outside, much less making smorgasbords. Basically, Hamsa asks people to remember who they are and be themselves first and foremost.
How does that apply to a man of Northern European descent born on a land that was stolen from indigenous people? Occasional tweeters will remark that white people have no culture except for banal capitalism and arrogant colonization. Irish, Italian, and German immigrants eventually assimilated into the hegemonic American culture after facing their share of prejudice (my father’s family actually used to be named Koch before becoming Cook during the First World War). The old Christendom may have initially been a union of different Christianized peoples, but at some point (I can’t say exactly when) it became a more-or-less homogenized bloc of Christian colonizers. If even the Irish faced domination at the hands of Englishmen, the Christian European powers were sure to dominate other peoples in worse ways.
Hamsa does speak of “blood” and “bloodline”, which admittedly can raise hackles for good reason. Folkish neopagans also speak of “blood” as in “blood and soil”. Obviously, as you can see from the above context, Hamsa is using “blood” in a subtly though crucially different way. Perhaps, then, Folkism is a distortion of a truth—that truth being a rootedness in personal bloodline and heritage. The kind of “meta-genetics” that people like Stephen McNallen and Stephen Flowers promote is indeed Nazi-leaning bunk—otherwise, learning about the pre-Christian past would not be so difficult or involve so much ambiguity and guesswork. I can accept that white supremacy has influenced the pagan revival to some extent, particularly in its early stages. Did the original Volkisch movement deal with the trauma of enforced Christianization (and the later rise of an increasingly ruthless capitalism) in a very unhealthy way? I don’t have enough historical education to really answer that.
In any case, I’m very pleased to see neopagans seriously work on disentangling that influence. Improved historical scholarship in recent times has been a blessing. Perhaps European-Americans who take the time to learn from such scholarship as well as experienced practitioners might find many boons. It’s possible that the old gods of Northern Europe called me back into their embrace. Indeed, as I began to seriously consider training myself to be a magician working with Odin and Freya, I began to get a sense of a homecoming. My Scandinavian, German blood, and Anglo-Saxon bloodlines ultimately aren’t major factors, but they still are factors in a homecoming. While figuring out a spiritual path, I increasingly wanted to work with divine power as a magician—it turned out that I wouldn’t do so through Kabbalah but through animistic Heathenry.
The question of what a settler is supposed to do among the many settler communities on a continent stolen from its original inhabitants remains. I most certainly have a responsibility to those who lack what privileges I have. I hope to find stronger opportunities to aid the indigenous communities, especially those within the Great Lakes, the region of Turtle Island where I live. For that matter, I hope to find stronger opportunities to aid other communities.
In general, I understand a need to participate in the work of decolonization in some manner. I understand a need to take part in breaking down what has become whiteness. Those who think that they are being broad-minded in taking from so many cultures (and I would have also thought so even a few years ago), it seems, unintentionally contribute to colonization and white privilege. Maybe I will start learning from other peoples after gaining a very firm grounding in a revived Germanic magic, though maybe they will tell me to keep up with that. There are indeed many different paths for people to take to the divine. Some of them are closed (or at least require formal initiation) for very good reasons. Kabbalists and Jewish mages deny that Judaism is for everyone—they might speak of other gods who call to their peoples while the presence of the supreme Godhead remains with the gentiles. People like Hamsa speak of honoring and reinvigorating diversity among the human shards of divinity within today’s world. Thus, demagogues who fearmonger over the One World Religion for the New World Order show themselves to be paranoid fools. There certainly isn’t a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world!
I will take my time in building relations with Freya and Odin, contemplating the runes, training myself to connect to Yggdrasil, and looking forward to meeting elves and various ancestors who have walked my path before. I hope to be of great service as a Germanic magician among the Great Lakes. I also wish to gradually build up stories of diverse people seeking truth, goodness, beauty, joy, and spirituality as a novelist (and possible comic artist). I struggle with lethargy and a troubled heart, but I do believe that I have a calling. You are all welcome to support me and, perhaps better, find your own mystic paths.
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annalegg · 4 years
5 Most popular computer speaker audio equipment reviews.
The computer is very versatile these days and gets compatible with whatever technologically advanced tools or equipment you want to use. One of the most commonly used is audio equipment. When you want to have the best online experience it is essential to have supreme quality audio equipment to enjoy playing games, streaming videos online, or just browse through the web. Thus, some of the options that may result to be the most outstanding ones from all the other option available in the market are:
Harman Kardon Soundsticks III 2.1 Channel Multimedia Speaker System with Subwoofer
This see-through design of the speaker allows you to hear the speaker while it is working. This speaker is compatible with other devices as well other than the computers. The buttons are touch ones such as that of mute and volume control ones. The bass performance is excellent with an amplifier output power of 10W RMS per channel. 
Logitech Z623 400 Watt Home Speaker System
These are reasonably proved the best for the price range it comes for. The volume won’t distort when the volume is kept high. It can be plugged into three devices. The two speakers and the subwoofer is priced at $120.
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 Audioengine HD3 Powered Bookshelf Speakers (Pair)
Audioengine HD3 has built-in power amplifiers that can be connected wirelessly. However, Bluetooth is not always reliable. It also has dual analog audio inputs. The price is set at $350, which is too much priced as compared to other lower-cost computer speakers. It has silk tweeters and custom woofers for better sound. 
Edifier Exclaim Bi-Amped 2.0 Speaker System
It is reasonably priced at around $100. The uniquely designed speakers are compatible and small enough to fit on any desk. The speaker set includes two 1” midrange tweeters, a 3” woofer, and a 3” passive bass radiator.
Edifier R1280T Powered Bookshelf Speakers
The Edifier R1280T Powered Bookshelf Speakers offers two auxiliary inputs with a remote to control the sound. The price range is around $100. This sleek wood finish design comes with a two-year warranty. 
JBL Professional 305P MkII Next-Generation 5-Inch 2-Way Powered Studio Monitor
These are priced at $130 per speaker. As per the audio equipment reviews, JBL Professional 305P MkII creates a solid sound, has an image control waveguide, has assured with the reliability tests, and has a deep pedigree. Even though the price is high but these don’t provide wireless connectivity. 
Various options are available in the market. Many brands and models are competing to find the best place in the list of the topmost selling ones. Thus, the secret to getting the best option from all the available varieties, you need to make a checklist that suits your personal experience list. Match the specifications of the speakers accordingly and then opt for purchasing it. Look for various audio equipment reviews to match the experts’ opinion with yours. 
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annekihagisf · 1 year
Anne kihagi-Truth about Judicial Corruption
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🔍 Have you ever wondered what Judicial Corruption really means? 🤔 The California Supreme Court has described it, and I’m excited to share all the juicy details with you! Let’s uncover the truth together!
Thank you.
Contact: Annekihagica.com — Tweeter @Annekihagi1
#JudicialCorruption #CaliforniaSupremeCourt #UncoverTheTruth #LegalIssues #JusticeIsImportant
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This is why you need to vote in the runoffs, Georgia. “Had Democrats seized the Senate, they could have faced this problem head-on. The most obvious solution was to expand the court, adding seats to dilute the conservative bloc’s dominance. Democrats could have also explored 18-year term limits for justices and jurisdiction-stripping to stop them from striking down progressive measures. Without the Senate, by contrast, the Biden administration and blue states will have to explore more perilous options if SCOTUS boxes them in at every turn. The president could deploy departmentalism, arguing he has independent authority to interpret the Constitution that no court can overrule. Blue states could revive interposition, purporting to nullify court orders with which they disagree. But these are dangerous theories that have, in the past, edged the United States toward disunion. There’s little chance Democrats would be daring enough to test them out, even if the judiciary continues its scorched-earth campaign against democracy. Which means McConnell was right: The jurisprudence of Trumpism will outlast Trump by decades. Because this catastrophe will unfold more slowly than the typical political disaster, it might be tempting to ignore. There is a natural, sane impulse to be relieved at the prospect of life not in thrall to an erratic, vicious tweeter in chief. There is a natural, sane impulse to believe that life in the Obama era, when Mitch McConnell proudly stymied every legislative endeavor, wasn’t that bad compared with the existential mayhem of the past four years. But the Obama era didn’t include a judicial branch hand-picked for its youth and its radicalism, for a decidedly nonjudicial “own the libs” vibe, for a willingness to press the machinery of the courts into service of the singular goal of humiliating, belittling, and diminishing a President Joe Biden. We’re about to learn what that kind of judiciary is prepared to do and say to ensure that Biden is, as McConnell once pledged of Barack Obama, a one-term president. And it will take far longer than one presidential term to undo the damage. This was why McConnell was willing to seat justices and judges up to the last minute, in lieu of legislating COVID relief. It’s why so many conservatives were in an oddly gleeful mood on Wednesday even as it became clear that Trump is losing. As soon as he takes the oath in January, Biden will face a new kind of gridlock, a cold war with the judiciary that will get hot fast. The GOP will challenge every move he makes, then accuse him of intransigence and partisan obstinance during the 2022 midterms, blaming the country’s woes on his inaction. Like so many Democrats before him, Biden will spend his presidency battling with Republicans. But his most powerful foes cannot be voted out of office.“
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